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Pedagogical process. Pedagogical process as a holistic system

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3. Features of the pedagogical process with a personal-oriented pedagogical process


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Appeal to the origins of the appearance of the pedagogical profession shows that the spontaneously protected differentiation and integration led first to demarcation, and then to obvious opposition of training and education: the teacher teaches, and the teacher brings up. But by the mid-19th century, reasonable arguments in favor of the objective unity of training and education began to meet in the works of progressive teachers. The most clearly, this point of view was expressed in the pedagogical view of I.F. Herbart noted that training without moral education is funds without a goal, and moral education without learning is the target deprived of funds.

The deeper idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the pedagogical process was expressed by K. D. Ushinsky. He understood her as the unity of administrative, scientist and educational elements of school activities. The progressive ideas of the Ushinsky were reflected in the writings of his followers - N. F. Bunakova, P. F. Lesgafeta, V. P. Vakhterova, etc.

A great contribution to the development of ideas about the integrity of the pedagogical process in new socio-economic and political conditions was made by N. K. Krupskaya, S. Thotsky, P. P. Blonsky, M. M. Rubinstein, A. S. Makarenko. However, starting from the 30s. The main efforts of teachers were sent to in-depth study and education as relatively independent processes.

The scientific interest in the problem of the integrity of the pedagogical process caused by the needs of the school's practice has resumed in the mid-70s. There are various approaches to understanding the holistic pedagogical process. At the same time, the authors of modern concepts are united in the opinion that to disclose the essence of the pedagogical process and identify the conditions for the acquisition of the properties of integrity only on the basis of the system approach methodology.

1. Pedagogical process as a system

The pedagogical process is the interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given purpose and leading to a predetermined change in state, transformation of properties and qualities of educated. This is a process in which social experience is transformed into the quality of the person being generated. This process is not a mechanical connection of education processes, learning and development, but a new quality education. Integrity, generality and unity, are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process.

1.1 Pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon

In pedagogical science, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In a general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as an internal unity of the object, its independence from the environment; On the other hand, under the integrity, the unity of all components belonging to the pedagogical process understand. Integrity is an objective, but not constant property, may arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear on the other. The integrity of the pedagogical objects, the most significant and complex is the educational process, is designed targeted.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is ensured:


Reflection in the purpose and content of the education of the experience accumulated by mankind, i.e. The relationship of the following elements:

· Knowledge, including the methods of action;

· Skills and skills;

· Experience of creative activity;

· Experience of emotionally value and volitional attitude towards around the world

Unity of the process components:

· Mastering and constructing the content of education and material base;

· Business interaction of teachers and students to implement the content of education;

· Interactions of teachers and students at the level of personal relations;

· Development of students' content independently

1.2 Essence of the Pedagogical Process

The pedagogical process is a specially organized, targeted interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving developing and educational tasks.

Teachers and pupils as figures, subjects are the main components of the pedagogical process. The interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process (exchange of activities) with its ultimate goal has assigning the experience of experience accumulated by mankind in all its diversity. And the successful development of experience, as is well known, is carried out in specially organized conditions in the presence of a good material base, which includes a variety of pedagogical agents. The interaction of teachers and pupils on a substantive basis using a variety of means is the essential characteristics of the pedagogical process flowing in any pedagogical system.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical process is its goal, understood as a multi-level phenomenon. The pedagogical system is organized with the orientation on the purpose of education and for their implementation, it is entirely subordinate to the objectives of education.

1.3 Structure and components of the pedagogical process

pedagogical process oriented training

Pedagogical process (PP):

The targeted pedagogical activity of adults and its carrier - the teacher are system-forming components of PP;

The child is the main component of the pedagogical process;

Organizational and management complex - forms, methods of teaching and education;

Pedagogical diagnostics - objective fixation with the help of special methods for the success of individual directions of PP;

Criteria for the effectiveness of PP - evaluation (characteristic): learned by children of knowledge, skills, skills; graft beliefs; everyday behavior (main criterion);

Organization of interaction with the social and natural medium - an external spectrum of interaction, which is both targeted and natural nature;

2. Methodological approaches to the construction of a modern pedagogical process: systemic, personal-oriented, complex

The systematic approach allows you to develop a slender system of the theory of upbringing and theory of learning, characterize all its main elements (goal, content, means, methods). Essence: relatively independent components are considered as a set of interconnected components:

1) the goals of education;

2) the subjects of the pedagogical process; Subjects are all participants in the pedagogical process (students and teachers);

Personality approach - recognizes personality as a product of social and historical development and carrier of culture, does not allow personality information to nature (vital or physiological needs). Personality acts as a goal, as a result and main criterion for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. The uniqueness of the personality, moral, intellectual freedom is valued. The task of the educator from the point of view of this approach is to create conditions for self-development and the realization of its creative potential.

An integrated approach - orients the researchers for consideration by a group of phenomena in aggregate (for example, when studying the topic "Social education system in school", the researcher takes into account the objective and subjective conditions and factors affecting the effectiveness of the social education of children in the school, the relationship of civil, moral, labor, Economic, physical and other types of education, unity and coordination of the influences of the school, family, society to raise children).

3. Features of the pedagogical process with a personal-oriented pedagogical process

Personal-oriented training - training in which the objectives and content of learning, formulated in the state educational standard, training programs, are acquired for a student personality sense, develop motivation to learning. On the other hand, such training allows students in accordance with its individual abilities and communicative needs, to modify the objectives and results of training. A personal-oriented approach is based on the accounting of the individual characteristics of the trainees, which are considered as individuals who have their own characteristics, inclinations and interests.

The technique of a personal-oriented approach has existed for quite a long time. Such outstanding psychologists like A.N. Leontyev, I. S. Yakimanskaya, K. Rogers wrote about the influence of the school on the formation of the personality of students. For the first time, the term "personal-oriented approach" began to use K. Rogers. At the same time, he talked about such a learning method as a fundamentally new, allowing the student not just to learn, but to learn with pleasure and receive the material that develops the imagination. Rogers also emphasized that at the current tradition, the emphasis was focused only on intellectual development, and not to personal. He highlighted two main directions in education: authoritarian and human concentrated, free learning, in which students from the first days of their stay at school find themselves in a friendly atmosphere, with an open, caring teacher who helps to learn what you want and like.

Rogers have two words characterizing the educational process: training and teaching. Under teaching Rogers understands the process of influencing the teacher to students, and under the teachings - the process of the development of intellectual and personal characteristics of students as a result of their own activities. It allocates the following teacher installations when using a personal-oriented method: the openness of the teacher to interpersonal communication with students, the internal confidence of the teacher in each student, in its capabilities and abilities, the ability to see the world's eyes.

According to K. Rogers - training must bear personal growth and development. And the teacher, adhered to such installations, can positively affect the development of the personality of students. Also, a prerequisite is the use of general methodological techniques. These techniques include: the use of reading resources and the creation of special conditions facilitating the use of these resources, creating various feedbacks between the teacher and students, the conclusion of individual and group contracts with students, i.e., the fixation of the clear ratio of academic work, its quality and quality Estimates on the basis of joint discussion, the organization of the learning process in various-age student groups, the distribution of students into two groups: prone to traditional learning and humanistic education, organization of groups of free communication in order to increase the level of psychological culture of interpersonal communication.


Personality is located in the center of training, education. Accordingly, all education is centered on the learner, on his personality, becomes anthropocentric by the goal, on the content and forms of the organization.

Modern education is the unity of training and education, which implements the basic principles of the change of its paradigm with the information reporting on the developing independent cognitive activity of the student. Directions of training in the educational process reflect the search for psychological and pedagogical science of how to optimize this process, which is designed to provide a personality approach. Psychological service is an organic component of a modern education system, providing timely identification and maximum full use in training and education of children, their intellectual and personal potential, which have a child of deposits, abilities, interests and inconsistencies. The pedagogical service is also intended to ensure the timely identification of the reserves of the pedagogical development of children, their implementation in training and education. If we are talking about children who are lagging behind in its development from most other children, then the task of a practical teacher comes down to reveal and eliminate the possible causes of delays in development. If it comes to gifted children, the similar task is associated with the acceleration of the child's pedagogical development, transformed into the problem: ensuring the early detection of the deposit and their transformation into highly developed abilities. Another difficult task in the psychological service in the education system is constantly, throughout the childhood to keep control of the processes of training and education of children under the control in order to improve the quality of education and upbringing. This refers to the need to build these pedagogical processes in strict accordance with the natural and social laws of the mental development of children, with the main provisions of the psychological theory of learning and education. The practical goal of the teacher's work here comes down to assess the content and methods of teaching and educating children used in various children's institutions from the position of this science, to make recommendations for their improvement, taking into account scientific data on the development of children of different ages. Thus, education as an union of training and education is a means of developing the personality and the formation of its basic culture at different age levels.

Bibliographic list

1. Winter I.A. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Logos, 2002. - 264 p.

2. Saladinn V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I. Pedagogy. - M.: School-Press, 1997. - 512 p.

3. Talyzina N.F. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998. -139 p.

4. Talyzina N.F. Theoretical problems of programmed learning. - M.: Enlightenment, 1969. - 265 p.

5. Yakimanskaya I.S. Personal-oriented training in modern school. - M.: Logos, 1996. - 321 p.

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Pedagogical process- One of the most important, fundamental categories of pedagogical science. Under pedagogical processit is understood as specially organized, targeted interaction of teachers and students (pupils) aimed at solving educational and educational tasks. The pedagogical process is designed to ensure the implementation of the social order of society for education, the implementation of the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the right to education, as well as the current legislation on education.

The pedagogical process is a system, and as any system it has a specific structure. Structure - This is the location of the elements (components) in the system, as well as the relationship between them. Understanding the relationship is very important because, knowing what and as related to the pedagogical process, you can solve the task of improving the organization, management and quality of this process. Components the pedagogical process is:

goal and tasks;

organization and management of them;

methods of implementation;


Pedagogical process is labor processand, as in other labor processes, in pedagogical, objects, means and products of labor are distinguished. An objectthe employment of the teacher is a developing personality, a team of pupils. Funds(or tools) labor in the pedagogical process is very specific; These include not only educational and methodological manuals, demonstration materials, etc., but also knowledge of the teacher, his experience, his spiritual and mental opportunities. To create productpedagogical work Actually, the pedagogical process is directed - it is knowledge, skills and skills obtained by students, the level of their educational, culture, i.e. the level of their development.

Regularities of the pedagogical process- These are objective, substantial, repetitive links. In such a complex, large and dynamic system, as a pedagogical process, a large number of diverse bonds and dependencies appear. Most general regularities of the pedagogical processnext:

| The dynamics of the pedagogical process assumes that all subsequent changes depend on changes in previous stages, therefore the pedagogical process is multiparted - the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result;

| The pace and the level of personality development in the pedagogical process depends on heredity, environment, means and methods of pedagogical impact;

| The effectiveness of pedagogical exposure depends on the management of the pedagogical process;

~ | The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on the action of internal incentives (motifs) of pedagogical activities, on the intensity and nature of external (social, moral, material) incentives;

| The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on the one hand, on the quality of pedagogical activities, on the other hand - on the quality of their own learning activities of students;

| The pedagogical process is due to the needs of the individual and society, the material and technical, economic and other possibilities of society, the moral and psychological, sanitary and aesthetic and other circumstances under which it is carried out.

The patterns of the pedagogical process are a concrete expression in the main provisions that determine its overall organization, content, forms and methods, i.e. in principles.

Principles in modern science, these are the main, initial provisions of any theory, leading ideas, basic rules of behavior, actions. The didactic examines the principles as recommendations that guide pedagogical activities and the educational process - they cover all its parties and give it a purposeful, logically sequential start. For the first time, the basic principles of didactics formulated Ya. A. Komensky in the "Great Didactics": consciousness, clarity, graduality, sequence, strength, assistance.

In this way, principles of the pedagogical process- These are the basic requirements for the organization of pedagogical activities, indicating its direction and forming a pedagogical process.

The task of understanding and regulating such such an extensive and multifaceted activity as pedagogical, requires the development of a sufficiently wide range of norms of different focus. As well as common goodsAgological principles(for example, the principles of communication with life and practice, combining training and education with labor activity, the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process, etc.) allocate other groups of principles:

| Principles of Education- reviewed in the section on dedicated upbringing;

| Principles of the organization of the pedagogical process- Principles of learning and education of the personality in the team, continuity, etc.;

| Principles of managing pedagogical activities- Principles of combining management in the pedagogical process with the development of the initiative and independence of students, combinations of demandingness to students with respect for their personality, use as a support of the positive qualities of a person, strengths of his personality, etc.;

| Principles of learning- Principles of scientific and accuracy of learning, systematic and sequence of learning, consciousness and creative activity of students, clarity of training, strength of learning results, etc.

At the moment, there is no single approach in the pedagogy in determining the composition and system of the principles of the pedagogical process. For example, S. A. Amonashvili formulated the following principles of the pedagogical process:

"one. Cognition and assimilation by the child in the pedagogical process of true human. 2. Cognition by the child in the pedagogical process itself as a person. 3. Coincidence of the interests of a child with universal interests. 4. Inadmissibility of use in the pedagogical process of means capable of provoking the child to antisocial manifestations. 5. Providing a child in the pedagogical process of public spaces for the best manifestation of their individuality. 6. Persecution of circumstances in the pedagogical process. 7. Definitions of the qualities of the child's emerging personality, its education and development from the qualities of the Pedagogical Process itself. "

When highlighting systems of the principles of training in high schoolshould be considered features of the educational processof this group of educational institutions:

- In the Higher School, not the foundations of science are studied, but themselves in development;

- independent work of students are close to the research work of teachers;

- Characterized by the unity of scientific and educational processes in the activities of teachers;

- Teaching of sciences is peculiar to professionalization. Based on this, S. I. Zinoviev, the author of one of the first monographs dedicated to the educational process in the Higher School, principles of Didactite Higher Schoolconsidered:

Scientific relationship;

Connection of theory with practice, practical experience with science;

Systemity and sequence in the training of specialists;

Consciousness, activity and independence of students in studies;

Connection of individual search for knowledge with academic work in the team;

The combination of thinking abstractness with visibility in teaching;

Availability of scientific knowledge;

The strength of the learning of knowledge.


Determination of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

Component components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

Methods, forms, means of pedagogical process




Pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high importance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and social value of the process of cultivation of man.

In this regard, it is extremely important to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know which tools are necessary for the most efficient flow.

A lot of domestic teachers and anthropologists are engaged in researching this issue. Among them should be highlighted by A.A. Rean, V.A. Slastinina, I.P. Podlavnoye and bp Barhaeva. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process in terms of its integrity and systemics are most fully consecrated.

The purpose of this work is to determine the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process. To implement the target, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

analysis of the components of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;

characteristics of traditional methods, forms and means of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the basic functions of the pedagogical process.

1. Definition of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

Before discussing the specific features of the pedagogical process, we present some definitions of this phenomenon.

According to I.P. The podagogological process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a predetermined change in the state, transformation of properties and qualities of educated".

According to V.A. Salazhenin, pedagogical process - "This is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving educational and educational tasks."

B.P. Barhaev sees the pedagogical process as "specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education using educational and education to solve the tasks of education aimed at meeting the needs of society and the person in its development and self-development."

Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, the following characteristics of the pedagogical process can be distinguished:

the main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are the teacher, and the student;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student: "Ensuring the unity of learning, education and development on the basis of integrity and generality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

the goal is achieved through the use of special funds during the pedagogical process;

the purpose of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement is due to the historical, public and cultural value of the pedagogical process, education as such;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed in the form of tasks;

the essence of the pedagogical process is traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

All this and other characteristics of the pedagogical process will be considered by us in the future.

According to I.P. Pedagogical process is built on target, substantial, activity and efficient components.

The target component of the process includes all the diversity of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities: from the general purpose - the comprehensive and harmonic development of the person to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The meaningful component reflects the meaning invested both in the common goal and in each specific task, and the activity is the interaction of teachers and educated, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. The resulting component of the process reflects the effectiveness of its flow, characterizes the achieved shifts in accordance with the goal.

The formulation of goals in education is a fairly specific and complex process. After all, the teacher meets with living children, and goals, as well reflected on paper, can diverge with the real state of affairs in an educational group, class, audience. Meanwhile, the teacher is obliged to know the common goals of the pedagogical process and follow them. In understanding the objectives of great importance, I have the principles of activity. They allow you to expand dry formulations of goals and adapt these goals to each teacher at yourself. In this regard, the work of B.P. Barhaeva, in which he is trying to make the basic principles in the construction of a holistic pedagogical process. We give these principles:

In relation to the choice of target formations, the principles act:

humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

links with life and production practice;

connections of training and education with difficulty in general benefit.

The development of means of representing the content of training and education is sent by the principles:

scientific relationship;

availability and accuracy of learning and education of schoolchildren;

connection of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

the aesthetization of all childhood life, primarily training and education.

When choosing the forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the principles:

learning and raising children in the team;

continuity, sequence, systematic;

consistency of the requirements of the school, family and the public.

The activities of the teacher are regulated by the principles:

combinations of pedagogical management with the development of the initiative and independence of pupils;

supports on a positive in man, on the strengths of his personality;

respect for the identity of the child in combination with reasonable demanding to it.

The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is sent by the principles of consciousness and the activity of schoolchildren in a holistic pedagogical process.

The choice of methods of pedagogical impact in the process of teaching and educational work is directed by the principles:

combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

accounting for age and individual characteristics of pupils.

The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by the following principles:

focus on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

the strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

2. Composite components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

As noted above, among the purposes of the pedagogical process, as a holistic phenomenon, the processes of education, development, formation and development are distinguished. Let's try to figure out the specifics of these concepts.

According to N.N. Nikitina These processes can be defined as follows:

"Formation - 1) The process of development and formation of a person under the influence of external and internal factors - education, training, social and natural environment, selfish personality; 2) The method and result of the internal organization of the personality as a system of personal properties.

Training is the joint activity of the training and training, aimed at the formation of an individual through the organization of the process of mastering the knowledge system, ways of activity, experience creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world. "

At the same time, the teacher:

) Teaches - purposefully conveys knowledge, life experience, ways of activity, the basis of culture and scientific knowledge;

) manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

) Creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

In turn, the student:

) learns - seizes the transmitted information and performs learning tasks with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

) Trying to observe yourself, compare, think;

) Clears the initiative in finding new knowledge, additional sources of information (directory, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Teaching is a teacher's activities:

organization of educational and educational activities of students;

assistance in difficulty in the process of teaching;

stimulating the interest, independence and creativity of students;

assessment of students' learning achievements.

"Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes inherited and acquired properties of a person.

Education is a targeted process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils aimed at the formation of valuable relations among schoolchildren to the world and oneself. "

In modern science, under the "education", as a public phenomenon, they understand the transfer of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation. At the same time, the teacher:

) transfers the experience gained by mankind;

) introduces culture into the world;

) stimulates to self-education;

) Helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

In turn, the pupil:

) mastering the experience of human relations and the foundations of culture;

) works on himself;

) learned how to communicate and manner behavior.

As a result, the pupil changes its understanding of the world and attitude towards people and oneself.

Concretioning for themselves these definitions can be understood as follows. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value installations, training - with categories of knowledge, skills and skills. Formation and development also have two key and basic ways to include these factors into the student's interaction system and teacher. Thus, this interaction "is filled" by the content and meaning.

The goal is always associated with the results of activities. While not stopping on the content of this activity, we are going to expectations from the implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. What is the image of the results of the pedagogical process? Based on the formulation of goals, you can describe the results with the words "lupileness", "Training".

As criteria for assessing a person's pupils accept:

"Good" as a behavior for the benefit of another person (groups, team, society as a whole);

"Truth" as a guideline in assessing actions and actions;

"Beauty" in all forms of its manifestation and creation.

The learningability is "acquired by students (under the influence of training and education) internal readiness for various psychological restructuring and transformations in accordance with new programs and future learning goals. That is, the overall ability to absorb knowledge. The most important indicator of the trainee is the number of dosage assistance, which is necessary for a student to achieve a given result. Training is a thesaurus, or the stock of the learned concepts and ways of activity. That is, the system of knowledge, skills and skills corresponding to the norm (specified in the educational standard expected result) ".

This is not the only wording. It is important to understand not the essence of the words themselves, but the nature of their occurrence. The results of the pedagogical process are associated with a variety of expectations of the effectiveness of this process. From whom these expectations come from? In general, you can talk about cultural expectations related to the educated, developed and trained person in the culture. In a more specific way, public expectations can be discussed. They are not so common as cultural expectations and are tied to a concrete understanding, ordering subjects of public life (civil society, church, business, etc.). These understandings are currently formulated in the form of an educated, moral, aesthetically despicable, physically developed, healthy, professional and hardworking person.

An important in the modern world is seen by the expectations formulated by the state. They are specified in the form of educational standards: "Under the standard of education is a system of basic parameters taken as the state norm of education, reflecting the public ideal and takes into account the possibility of a real personality and education system to achieve this ideal."

It is accepted to share federal, national-regional and school educational standards.

The federal component determines those standards that ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains standards in the field of native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They relate to the competence of regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and orientation of a separate educational institution.

The federal and national-regional components of the Education Standard include:

requirements for the minimum necessary such preparation of students within the framework of the specified amount of content;

the maximum allowable scope of schoolchildren by year of study.

The essence of the general secondary education standard is revealed through its functions that are diverse and closely related to each other. Among them should be the functions of social regulation, humanization, management, management, improvement of the quality of education.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from the unitary school to the manifold of educational systems. Its implementation involves such a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of unity of education.

The function of humanization of education is associated with approval using the standards of its personal-developing entity.

The control function is associated with the ability to reorganize the existing system of control and evaluation of the quality of learning outcomes.

Governmental educational standards allow you to carry out the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum need for the content of education and set the lower permissible border of the level of education.

pedagogical process pupil training

3. Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process

The method in education is "the ordered activities of the teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal"].

Verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is performed primarily with the help of oral and printed words. This is explained by the fact that the Word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational and educational activities. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, explanation, conversation, lecture, training discussions, disputes, work with a book, the example method.

The story is a "consistent presentation of the mainly actual material carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

The story is of great importance in organizing the value-indicative activities of students. Impacting the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and behaviors prisoners in it.

The conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of issues gradually undermining students for obtaining new knowledge."

With all the variety of their thematic content of the conversation, they have their main appointment to attract students themselves to the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

Teaching discussions are also related to verbal methods. The situations of the cognitive dispute with their skillful organization attract the attention of schoolchildren to the conflict of the world around them, to the problem of the cognition of the world and the truth of the results of this knowledge. Therefore, for the organization of discussion, it is necessary to put forward a real contradiction before students. This will allow students to activate their creative activity and will put them before the moral problem of choice.

The method of working with a book also includes verbal methods of pedagogical exposure.

The ultimate goal of the method is the admission of a schoolboy to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Practical methods in the holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enrichment of schoolchildren experienced public relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods occupy exercises, i.e. Systematic organized activities to repeat any actions in the interests of their consolidation in the personal experience of the student.

A relatively independent group of practical methods make up laboratory work - a method of a peculiar combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire the skills and skills of handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

Cognitive games are "specially created situations that model reality, of which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process. "

Visual methods. The demonstration lies in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form. This method is mainly used to disclose the dynamics of studied phenomena, but is widely used and for familiarization with the appearance of the subject, its internal device or location in a number of homogeneous items.

The illustration involves showing and perceiving objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using schemes, posters, cards, etc.

Video meter. The learning and raising functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of video music provides the opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about studied phenomena and processes, liberate teachers from a part of technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, to establish effective feedback.

The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original items or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; Audial (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments, etc., and audiovisual (visual hearing) - sound cinema, television, partially automating training process Programmed textbooks, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also accepted to divide training tools for the teacher and for students. The first are subjects used by the teacher to more effectively implement education goals. The second is the individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, written accessories, etc. The number of didactic means include those related to both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

Training and education is always carried out in the framework of this or that form of the organization.

All sorts of ways to organize the interaction of teachers and trainees found their consolidation in the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and upbringing; 2) Cool-grateful system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

Traditional is the class-grade form of the organization of the pedagogical process.

The lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which the "teacher for exactly the set time leads the collective cognitive and other activities of the permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using types, means and methods of work, creating favorable conditions for So that all students seize their knowledge, skills and skills, as well as for the upbringing and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual forces of schoolchildren. "

Features of the school lesson:

the lesson provides for the implementation of learning functions in a complex (educational, educational and raising);

the didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

a certain organizational principle and setting the tasks of the lesson;

actualization of the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

explanation of the new material;

fixing or repetition studied in class;

control and evaluation of students' learning achievements during the lesson;

summing up the lesson;

home task;

each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

the lesson corresponds to the basic principles of training; In it, the teacher applies a certain system of methods and learning tools to achieve the lesson purposes;

the basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, training tools, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of working with students and accounting for their individual psychological features.

I highlight the following types of lessons:

lesson familiarization of students with new material or communication (study) of new knowledge;

lesson consolidation of knowledge;

lessons for developing and securing skills and skills;

summarizing lessons.

The lesson structure consists of three parts:

Organization of work (1-3 min), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. Summing up and job task (2- 3 min.).

The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. In the framework of the URAL system (excursion, consultation, homework, training conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminarian system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, standings, exams).


In this paper, it was possible to analyze the main scientific teaching studies, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were allocated. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components that have fun functions, meaning for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

The analysis showed high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture as a whole. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention from society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for the projected teachers, ideal human images.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and systemity. They manifest themselves in understanding the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of education, development and training can be called the uniform property of the pedagogical process, its components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process - the raising, training and educational.


1. Barhaev B.P. Pedagogy. - M., 2001.

Bordovskaya N.N., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - M., 2000.

Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 224 p.

Sub-clause I.P. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 450 s.

Slostin V.A. and others. Pedagogy studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. institutions / V. A. Salayenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Salazhenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.


Determination of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

Component components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

Methods, forms, means of pedagogical process




Pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high importance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and social value of the process of cultivation of man.

In this regard, it is extremely important to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know which tools are necessary for the most efficient flow.

A lot of domestic teachers and anthropologists are engaged in researching this issue. Among them should be highlighted by A.A. Rean, V.A. Slastinina, I.P. Podlavnoye and bp Barhaeva. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process in terms of its integrity and systemics are most fully consecrated.

The purpose of this work is to determine the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process. To implement the target, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

analysis of the components of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;

characteristics of traditional methods, forms and means of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the basic functions of the pedagogical process.

1. Definition of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

Before discussing the specific features of the pedagogical process, we present some definitions of this phenomenon.

According to I.P. The podagogological process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a predetermined change in the state, transformation of properties and qualities of educated".

According to V.A. Salazhenin, pedagogical process - "This is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving educational and educational tasks."

B.P. Barhaev sees the pedagogical process as "specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education using educational and education to solve the tasks of education aimed at meeting the needs of society and the person in its development and self-development."

Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, the following characteristics of the pedagogical process can be distinguished:

the main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are the teacher, and the student;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student: "Ensuring the unity of learning, education and development on the basis of integrity and generality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

the goal is achieved through the use of special funds during the pedagogical process;

the purpose of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement is due to the historical, public and cultural value of the pedagogical process, education as such;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed in the form of tasks;

the essence of the pedagogical process is traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

All this and other characteristics of the pedagogical process will be considered by us in the future.

According to I.P. Pedagogical process is built on target, substantial, activity and efficient components.

The target component of the process includes all the diversity of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities: from the general purpose - the comprehensive and harmonic development of the person to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The meaningful component reflects the meaning invested both in the common goal and in each specific task, and the activity is the interaction of teachers and educated, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. The resulting component of the process reflects the effectiveness of its flow, characterizes the achieved shifts in accordance with the goal.

The formulation of goals in education is a fairly specific and complex process. After all, the teacher meets with living children, and goals, as well reflected on paper, can diverge with the real state of affairs in an educational group, class, audience. Meanwhile, the teacher is obliged to know the common goals of the pedagogical process and follow them. In understanding the objectives of great importance, I have the principles of activity. They allow you to expand dry formulations of goals and adapt these goals to each teacher at yourself. In this regard, the work of B.P. Barhaeva, in which he is trying to make the basic principles in the construction of a holistic pedagogical process. We give these principles:

In relation to the choice of target formations, the principles act:

humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

links with life and production practice;

connections of training and education with difficulty in general benefit.

The development of means of representing the content of training and education is sent by the principles:

scientific relationship;

availability and accuracy of learning and education of schoolchildren;

connection of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

the aesthetization of all childhood life, primarily training and education.

When choosing the forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the principles:

learning and raising children in the team;

continuity, sequence, systematic;

consistency of the requirements of the school, family and the public.

The activities of the teacher are regulated by the principles:

combinations of pedagogical management with the development of the initiative and independence of pupils;

supports on a positive in man, on the strengths of his personality;

respect for the identity of the child in combination with reasonable demanding to it.

The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is sent by the principles of consciousness and the activity of schoolchildren in a holistic pedagogical process.

The choice of methods of pedagogical impact in the process of teaching and educational work is directed by the principles:

combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

accounting for age and individual characteristics of pupils.

The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by the following principles:

focus on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

the strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

2. Composite components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

As noted above, among the purposes of the pedagogical process, as a holistic phenomenon, the processes of education, development, formation and development are distinguished. Let's try to figure out the specifics of these concepts.

According to N.N. Nikitina These processes can be defined as follows:

"Formation - 1) The process of development and formation of a person under the influence of external and internal factors - education, training, social and natural environment, selfish personality; 2) The method and result of the internal organization of the personality as a system of personal properties.

Training is the joint activity of the training and training, aimed at the formation of an individual through the organization of the process of mastering the knowledge system, ways of activity, experience creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world. "

At the same time, the teacher:

) Teaches - purposefully conveys knowledge, life experience, ways of activity, the basis of culture and scientific knowledge;

) manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

) Creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

In turn, the student:

) learns - seizes the transmitted information and performs learning tasks with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

) Trying to observe yourself, compare, think;

) Clears the initiative in finding new knowledge, additional sources of information (directory, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Teaching is a teacher's activities:

information transfer;

organization of educational and educational activities of students;

assistance in difficulty in the process of teaching;

stimulating the interest, independence and creativity of students;

assessment of students' learning achievements.

"Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes inherited and acquired properties of a person.

Education is a targeted process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils aimed at the formation of valuable relations among schoolchildren to the world and oneself. "

In modern science, under the "education", as a public phenomenon, they understand the transfer of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation. At the same time, the teacher:

) transfers the experience gained by mankind;

) introduces culture into the world;

) stimulates to self-education;

) Helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

In turn, the pupil:

) mastering the experience of human relations and the foundations of culture;

) works on himself;

) learned how to communicate and manner behavior.

As a result, the pupil changes its understanding of the world and attitude towards people and oneself.

Concretioning for themselves these definitions can be understood as follows. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value installations, training - with categories of knowledge, skills and skills. Formation and development also have two key and basic ways to include these factors into the student's interaction system and teacher. Thus, this interaction "is filled" by the content and meaning.

The goal is always associated with the results of activities. While not stopping on the content of this activity, we are going to expectations from the implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. What is the image of the results of the pedagogical process? Based on the formulation of goals, you can describe the results with the words "lupileness", "Training".

As criteria for assessing a person's pupils accept:

"Good" as a behavior for the benefit of another person (groups, team, society as a whole);

"Truth" as a guideline in assessing actions and actions;

"Beauty" in all forms of its manifestation and creation.

The learningability is "acquired by students (under the influence of training and education) internal readiness for various psychological restructuring and transformations in accordance with new programs and future learning goals. That is, the overall ability to absorb knowledge. The most important indicator of the trainee is the number of dosage assistance, which is necessary for a student to achieve a given result. Training is a thesaurus, or the stock of the learned concepts and ways of activity. That is, the system of knowledge, skills and skills corresponding to the norm (specified in the educational standard expected result) ".

This is not the only wording. It is important to understand not the essence of the words themselves, but the nature of their occurrence. The results of the pedagogical process are associated with a variety of expectations of the effectiveness of this process. From whom these expectations come from? In general, you can talk about cultural expectations related to the educated, developed and trained person in the culture. In a more specific way, public expectations can be discussed. They are not so common as cultural expectations and are tied to a concrete understanding, ordering subjects of public life (civil society, church, business, etc.). These understandings are currently formulated in the form of an educated, moral, aesthetically despicable, physically developed, healthy, professional and hardworking person.

An important in the modern world is seen by the expectations formulated by the state. They are specified in the form of educational standards: "Under the standard of education is a system of basic parameters taken as the state norm of education, reflecting the public ideal and takes into account the possibility of a real personality and education system to achieve this ideal."

It is accepted to share federal, national-regional and school educational standards.

The federal component determines those standards that ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains standards in the field of native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They relate to the competence of regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and orientation of a separate educational institution.

The federal and national-regional components of the Education Standard include:

requirements for the minimum necessary such preparation of students within the framework of the specified amount of content;

the maximum allowable scope of schoolchildren by year of study.

The essence of the general secondary education standard is revealed through its functions that are diverse and closely related to each other. Among them should be the functions of social regulation, humanization, management, management, improvement of the quality of education.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from the unitary school to the manifold of educational systems. Its implementation involves such a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of unity of education.

The function of humanization of education is associated with approval using the standards of its personal-developing entity.

The control function is associated with the ability to reorganize the existing system of control and evaluation of the quality of learning outcomes.

Governmental educational standards allow you to carry out the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum need for the content of education and set the lower permissible border of the level of education.

pedagogical process pupil training

3. Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process

The method in education is "the ordered activities of the teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal"].

Verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is performed primarily with the help of oral and printed words. This is explained by the fact that the Word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational and educational activities. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, explanation, conversation, lecture, training discussions, disputes, work with a book, the example method.

The story is a "consistent presentation of the mainly actual material carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

The story is of great importance in organizing the value-indicative activities of students. Impacting the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and behaviors prisoners in it.

The conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of issues gradually undermining students for obtaining new knowledge."

With all the variety of their thematic content of the conversation, they have their main appointment to attract students themselves to the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

Teaching discussions are also related to verbal methods. The situations of the cognitive dispute with their skillful organization attract the attention of schoolchildren to the conflict of the world around them, to the problem of the cognition of the world and the truth of the results of this knowledge. Therefore, for the organization of discussion, it is necessary to put forward a real contradiction before students. This will allow students to activate their creative activity and will put them before the moral problem of choice.

The method of working with a book also includes verbal methods of pedagogical exposure.

The ultimate goal of the method is the admission of a schoolboy to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Practical methods in the holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enrichment of schoolchildren experienced public relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods occupy exercises, i.e. Systematic organized activities to repeat any actions in the interests of their consolidation in the personal experience of the student.

A relatively independent group of practical methods make up laboratory work - a method of a peculiar combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire the skills and skills of handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

Cognitive games are "specially created situations that model reality, of which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process. "

Visual methods. The demonstration lies in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form. This method is mainly used to disclose the dynamics of studied phenomena, but is widely used and for familiarization with the appearance of the subject, its internal device or location in a number of homogeneous items.

The illustration involves showing and perceiving objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using schemes, posters, cards, etc.

Video meter. The learning and raising functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of video music provides the opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about studied phenomena and processes, liberate teachers from a part of technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, to establish effective feedback.

The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original items or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; Audial (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments, etc., and audiovisual (visual hearing) - sound cinema, television, partially automating training process Programmed textbooks, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also accepted to divide training tools for the teacher and for students. The first are subjects used by the teacher to more effectively implement education goals. The second is the individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, written accessories, etc. The number of didactic means include those related to both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

Training and education is always carried out in the framework of this or that form of the organization.

All sorts of ways to organize the interaction of teachers and trainees found their consolidation in the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and upbringing; 2) Cool-grateful system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

Traditional is the class-grade form of the organization of the pedagogical process.

The lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which the "teacher for exactly the set time leads the collective cognitive and other activities of the permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using types, means and methods of work, creating favorable conditions for So that all students seize their knowledge, skills and skills, as well as for the upbringing and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual forces of schoolchildren. "

Features of the school lesson:

the lesson provides for the implementation of learning functions in a complex (educational, educational and raising);

the didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

a certain organizational principle and setting the tasks of the lesson;

actualization of the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

explanation of the new material;

fixing or repetition studied in class;

control and evaluation of students' learning achievements during the lesson;

summing up the lesson;

home task;

each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

the lesson corresponds to the basic principles of training; In it, the teacher applies a certain system of methods and learning tools to achieve the lesson purposes;

the basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, training tools, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of working with students and accounting for their individual psychological features.

I highlight the following types of lessons:

lesson familiarization of students with new material or communication (study) of new knowledge;

lesson consolidation of knowledge;

lessons for developing and securing skills and skills;

summarizing lessons.

The lesson structure consists of three parts:

Organization of work (1-3 min), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. Summing up and job task (2- 3 min.).

The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. In the framework of the URAL system (excursion, consultation, homework, training conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminarian system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, standings, exams).


In this paper, it was possible to analyze the main scientific teaching studies, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were allocated. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components that have fun functions, meaning for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

The analysis showed high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture as a whole. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention from society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for the projected teachers, ideal human images.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and systemity. They manifest themselves in understanding the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of education, development and training can be called the uniform property of the pedagogical process, its components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process - the raising, training and educational.


1. Barhaev B.P. Pedagogy. - M., 2001.

Bordovskaya N.N., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - M., 2000.

Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 224 p.

Sub-clause I.P. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 450 s.

Slostin V.A. and others. Pedagogy studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. institutions / V. A. Salayenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Salazhenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.


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Pedagogical process and its characteristics

Lecture Plan:

1. The concept of a holistic pedagogical process.

Pedagogical process- a holistic educational process in the unity and relationship of education and training, which is characterized by joint activities, cooperation and the creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

Pedagogical process– the purposeful, meaningful and organizational cooperation of the pedagogical activity of adults and self-implanting the child as a result of active livelihoods with the leading and guiding role of educators.

The main integrative quality (property) of the pedagogical process is itsintegrity. Teachers believe that a holistic, harmoniously developing personality can only be formed in a holistic pedagogical process. Integrity is understood as the relationship and interdependence of all processes and phenomena, in it arising and occurring both in education and training, in the relationship between the subjects of the pedagogical process, and in its relations with the external environment. In a holistic pedagogical process, movement continuously, overcoming contradictions, rearrangement of interacting forces, the formation of a new quality.

Also, the mandatory characteristic and condition of the pedagogical process is pedagogical interaction.Pedagogical interaction - This is a deliberate contact (long or temporary) teacher and pupils, which consequences are mutual changes in their behavior, activity and relationships. The most common levels of pedagogical interaction that have their own characteristics are the "teacher - student", "Teacher - Group - Student", "Teacher - Collective - Pupil." However, the initial determining results of the pedagogical process is the ratio of the "student (pupil) - an object of assimilation", which indicates the direction of the pedagogical process to change the acting subject (child), mastering certain knowledge, experience and relationships.

Driving forces of the pedagogical process There are contradictions of an objective and subjective nature. The most common internal contradiction of an objective nature is the inconsistency of the real possibilities of the child and the requirements imposed on them with teachers, parents, school. The subjective contradictions of the pedagogical process include the following: between the integrity of the person and one-sided approaches to its formation and development, between the increasing volume of information and the possibilities of the educational process, between the need to develop a creative person and the reproductive, "knowledge" character of the organization of the pedagogical process, etc.

The structure of a holistic pedagogical process includes the goal, content, interconnected activities of the teacher and the activities of the student (pupil), as well as the results of their joint activities. The teacher and the student (pupil) are considered to be the subjects of the pedagogical process, on the active participation of which the overall performance and quality of this process depends on general.

Teaching activities - This is specially organized activities, which is determined by the objectives and objectives of modern education arising from the social order of society and the state. The teacher organizes interaction with learning (pupils) through a system of methods, forms, means of a pedagogical process, taking into account specific conditions and features and features of the students themselves. Forms, methods and means used by the teacher must be pedagogically appropriate, ethical and humane, as well as adequate specific interaction situations.

Activities of the study (pupil) Or the whole children's team is determined, the first and insecificent and unconscious motives and goals that are not always combined with the goals of the entire team, and even more so the objectives of the teacher (ie, the goals of training and education). Its activity, in accordance with the objectives of training and education, should lead to its development, the formation of a system of knowledge and skills, experience and relationships to himself and the world around him. However, the student uses those methods and means that correspond to his knowledge and experience, which occurred from him as a result of socialization, training and upbringing. But the smaller this experience, the less appropriate, is diverse and adequate to its action. Therefore, the main responsibility is the one who is older, competent and wiser, the one who organizes training and education of the emerging personality. And the child is responsible for his actions only to the extent that it allows it to make his age, individual and gender differences, the level of training and educationalness, the awareness of itself in this world.

The integrity and procedural nature of the pedagogical process is also considered throughthe unity of its structural components, such as emotional-motivational, meaningful target, organizational and activity and assessment.

The emotional-value component of the pedagogical process is characterized by the level of emotional relations between its subjects, educators and students, as well as the motives of their joint activities. From the point of view of subject-subject and personal-oriented approaches, it is the motives of students who must underlie the organization of their joint activities. The formation and development of socially valuable and personally significant motives of students are one of the main tasks of teachers. In addition, the nature of the interaction between teachers and parents, learning among themselves, management styles in this educational institution is important.

Contact target component The pedagogical process is a combination of interrelated common, individual and private purposes of education and education, on the one hand, and educational work - on the other hand. The content is specified both in relation to a separate personality and groups of students, and should always be aimed at achieving the goals of education and education.

Organizational and activity component The pedagogical process involves the management of teachers by the educational process using expedient and pedagogically acquitted forms, methods and means of training and educate training.

Evaluation Component The pedagogical process includes monitoring and evaluating teachers of activity and behavior of students' educationals). Relations between children and adults are always saturated with estimates. The child's participation is important in assessing itself and their achievements (self-esteem), the assessment of other students (climax) and teachers. Relations between the teacher and students are largely dependent on the results of the assessment of the latter. An integral part of this component is also self-control and self-assessment by the teacher of their labor, its activities aimed at identifying pedagogical successes and errors, analyzing the effectiveness and quality of the learning process and education, the need for corrective actions.

2. Functions of the pedagogical process.

Functions of the pedagogical process.

The main functions of the pedagogical process are educational (or training), educational and developing. Under the functions of the pedagogical process, the specific properties of the pedagogical process are understood, the knowledge of which enriches our understanding of it and allows it to make it more efficient.

Educational function associated with the formation of knowledge, skills and skills, experience of reproductive and productive creative activity. At the same time stand outgeneral knowledge and skillsnecessary to each person and formed on each educational subject, andspecial depending on the specifics of individual sciences, training items.

Such common knowledge and skills, in modern conditions related to the conceptcompetence - as an integral characteristic of the quality of the person, determining its ability (willingness) to perform certain types of activity, are:

  1. ostress and written speech;
  2. knowledge of information technology in a broad sense as skills and skills to work with information, and not just with a computer;
  3. ability to self-education and self-development;
  4. skills of cooperation, life in a multicultural society;
  5. the ability to choose and make decisions and others.

Developing function Indicates that in the process of learning, learning knowledge, the formation of experience is the development of a studying. Of psychology, it is known that the development of the personality occurs only in the process of activity, in pedagogy - only in the process of personality-oriented activities. This development is expressed in qualitative changes (neoplasms) of human mental activities, the formation of new qualities and skills.

The development of the personality occurs in different directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor sphere of personality, emotional-volitional and urgent motivational areas.

In most theoretical learning items, attention is mainly paid.development of mental activity studying, such elements as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, analogies, classification, isolating the main and secondary, the ability to set goals, draw conclusions, evaluate the results, etc. This does not mean that other aspects of development are less important, just a traditional learning system pays significantly less attention, but there are separate pedagogical technologies (Valdorf Pedagogy R.Stteiner, "Dialogue of Cultures" V.S.Bibler, etc.) and training items ( Drawing, physical education, technology), which develop more other personality spheres.

Important is alsodevelopment of a motivational sphere. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  1. the development of the internal motivation of the person, to which, in contrast to external incentives and motives, is satisfied with the behavior itself, the activity, an independent solution of the problem, its own promotion in knowledge, its creativity;
  2. the development of higher needs - needs in achieving, in knowledge, in self-realization, aesthetic needs, etc.;
  3. development of social and educational motives operating in the learning system.

Educational function It is that in the pedagogical process, moral (ethical) and aesthetic presentations of the individual, its worldview, values, norms and rules of behavior, personality quality are formed.

In modern education, it is said, first of all, about:

  1. mental education;
  2. physical education;
  3. labor education;
  4. aesthetic upbringing;
  5. environmental education;
  6. economic education;
  7. civil legal education, etc.

Depending on what focus is on knowledge and skills, on the development of the motivational or intellectual sphere of personality, on the education of high moral qualities of the individual - there is a more intensive development of one of the functions.

According to the famous domestic psychologist Rubinstein S.L.: "The child is developing, raising and learning, and does not develop, and is brought up, and learns. This means that education and training are included in the process of developing a child, and not extending over it. "

3. Principles of the pedagogical process.

Principles of the pedagogical process - These are the main provisions, regulatory requirements, guidelines that determine the features of the design and implementation of the pedagogical process (learning process).

Also under Pedagogical principlesit is understood by the instrumental, given in the categories of activity, the expression of the pedagogical concept (V.I. Pozamansky).

Previously, the principles of the pedagogical process were displayed from the practice of training and education (for example, "Repetition is the mother of teachings"). Now these are the conclusions from theoretical laws and patterns on the essence, content and structure of the pedagogical process, expressed in the form of legal norms, landmarks for the design of pedagogical practice.

Zagognaminsky V.I. States thatthe essence of the principle The fact that this is a recommendation on how to regulate the relations of opposite parties, the tendencies of the educational process, on how to resolve contradictions, about achieving measures and harmony, allowing to successfully solve educational and educational tasks.

The totality of principles organizes a certain conceptual system that has a certain methodological or ideological basis. Different pedagogical systems may differ in the system of views on education and education and the system of principles implementing them in practice.

In modern pedagogical systems, the following most general principles of learning and education of students (pupils) are allocated:

1. The principle of humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process.

2. The principle of democratization of education.

3. The principle of nature appearance.

4. The principle of visibility.

5. Principle of clarity.

6. The principle of consciousness and activity of students (pupils).

7. The principle of affordability and spending learning and education.

8. The principle of communication of theory with practice, training and education with life.

9. The principle of strength and awareness of the results of upbringing, training and development.

10. The principle of systematic and sequence.

Consider some of them.

The principle of humanistic orientation The pedagogical process is one of the leading principles of education, expressing the need to combine the motives and goals of society and personality. Humanistic ideas originated in antiquity. The essence of humanization is the priority of interpersonal relationships of students between themselves and with teachers, interaction on the basis of universal values, establishing an emotional atmosphere favorable for the development of the personality. The rules for the implementation of this principle include: the full recognition of the rights of the pupil and respect for it in combination with reasonable demands; Support for positive qualities of the pupil; creating a success situation; Creating conditions for raising independence.

The principle of democratization of education It is to provide all participants in the pedagogical process of certain freedoms for self-development, self-regulation, self-determination and self-education. To do this, you must implement the following rules:

  1. creating conditions for obtaining education by all categories of citizens (the availability of education);
  2. mutual respect and tolerance in the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process;
  3. organization of the pedagogical process, taking into account the national characteristics of students;
  4. individual approach to each learning;
  5. the introduction of students' self-government in the process of organizing their lives;
  6. creating an open educational environment with the possibility of participating in the organization and control by all interested participants in the pedagogical process.

Such interested parties to the pedagogical process can be like students and their parents and teachers, as well as public organizations, government agencies, commercial organizations, individuals.

Principle of nature photos Also known with deep antiquity. His essence is to choose the path of the natural development of the child in accordance with not only its age and individual capabilities (its nature), but also the specifics of the environment in which this child lives, study and develops this child. The main and determining factors in organizing the pedagogical process in this case are the nature of the pupil, its health, physical, physiological, mental and social development. At the same time, the following rules for the implementation of the principle of naturalness are allocated:

  1. maintain and strengthen the health of students;
  2. organize a pedagogical process taking into account age and individual characteristics of students;
  3. be aimed at self-education, self-education, self-study;
  4. repeat on the nearest development zone, which defines the capabilities of students.

Principle of clarity - One of the most famous and intelligent principles of the pedagogical process. The meaning of the principle of visibility, which Ya.A. spoke about Komensky is the need for the appropriate attraction of senses to perception and processing of educational material.

The identified physiological patterns say that human vision of a person "misses" in the brain almost 5 times more information than hearing organs, and almost 13 times more than tactile bodies. At the same time, the information entering the brain from the organs of vision (on the optical channel) does not require significant transcoding and imprinted in the memory of the person quite easily, quickly and firmly.

We list the basic rules revealing the application of the principle of visibility when organizing a pedagogical process:

  1. application of clarity is necessary either to revitalize the interest of students by incorporating the senses, or to study those processes and phenomena, which is difficult to explain or submit (for example, a model of economic circulation, the interaction of supply and demand in the market, etc.);
  2. do not forget that abstract concepts and theories are easier understood and are recognized by students if they are supported by concrete facts, examples, images, data;
  3. never during training is not limited to one clarity. Visuality is not a goal, but only a means of learning. Before you demonstrate the student, it is necessary to give an oral explanation and a task to the alleged observation;
  4. visuality is always on the review of students less effective in the learning process than that that applies to a specific scheduled point in time.

The principle of communication of theory with practice (learning with life).

Theoretical training prevailing in modern school requires its practical embodiment in real life. But to teach children for the future life, the creation of knowledge of the knowledge is impressed. Therefore, the principle of communication of the theory with practice appeared, implied, first of all, the use of studied theoretical knowledge for the formation of practical skills and skills, solving practical problems, etc.

Practice There is a continuation of the theory, but this approach entrenched in traditional training (first the theory, and then its use in practice) is not the only true. Pragmatic pedagogy D.Dewie, project training, newly used in modern school, methods and forms of education, such as business and role-playing games, laboratory and research works, discussions and others, in which the main thing is the practical experience that stimulates the knowledge of theoretical laws and phenomena.

The main rules for the implementation of the principle of communication of theory with practice are considered:

  1. training for schoolchildren is life, so it is not necessary to separate scientific (theoretical) knowledge and practical (vital) phenomena and facts
  2. apply in the educational process of tasks and tasks based on real events, model the specific situations of the situation in the course of the educational process (especially during business and role-playing games, solving any learning tasks and problems).
  3. recommend to personal learning experiences - this is the basis of theoretical knowledge.
  4. talk to schoolchildren of meaningful activities, use the reflection and self-assessment of the study achievements in the educational process. It happens that more importantly, no results reached the student, and how he analyzes and evaluates its activities.
  5. teach students to independent research work, knowledge acquisition activities during the search, analysis, selection, processing (processing) and evaluation of information.


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2. Kodjaspirova G.M. Pedagogy: tutorial. - M., 2004.

3. Sloshenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: studies. pos. - M., 1999.

4. Zagognaminsky V.I. Training Theory: Modern Interpretation: Tutorial. - M., 2001.