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Valentin Rasputin: Money for Mary. The story V. G. Rasputin "Money for Mary", her humanist meaning. Opposition to the life principles of characters

Valentina Rasputin's story "Money for Mary" was first printed in 1967 on the pages of the journal Angara. Before the release of a turning point in the creative biography of Rasputin's work, the writer worked by a correspondent of various newspapers, wrote stories and essays, published three books and even became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. But, all this was preface to a large mature and talented work in the form of a story "Money for Mary". It was after the release of this work, literary critics noticed the emergence of a new gifted and deep writer. Rasputin himself also believes that it was from "Money for Mary" his work came to another level.

It was in this story that the unique "Rasputinsky" style was noticeable, which he will develop in his subsequent works. From this point on, the main themes in the work of the writer were the search for the causes of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, the confrontation of the spiritual principle in man growing materialism. Rasputin wanted to deeply look into the soul of man and find the light in it. The moral beginning of the entire subsequent creativity of the writer has already become indisputable.

The main heroine of the story is Maria, which works in the only store in the village. The auditor comes to her and reveals a shortage of money for a large amount of money - a thousand rubles. If Maria returns this money to the cashier within five days, the court will be able to avoid. In the family of the main character of such money was never found. Her husband, tractor driver Kuzma, makes a decision to take off the desired amount of fellow villagers, relatives, friends and acquaintances. He is bypassing the whole village, but the amount necessary for Marya Cuzma cannot collect. Although on the wisests of the writer, there are such money from local residents. But to take them by force or to steal the husband of Mary cannot, because it is an honest and decent person.

Reading the story "Money for Mary", the short content of which fits five days, it turns out that such a short time period can last a lifetime.

The guilt of the main character of the book in the shortage there is no. This woman in his inexperience and uneducation simply miscalculated, but to call her aft, no one from the fellow villagers will turn. In fact, all residents of the village happened in the happening. Behind the store itself has long walked bad glory. He was even called "damned." After the end of the war, the saleswoman Marusy was planted for five years, and her children were distributed at orphanages. Fedor one-handed with difficulty twisted after he was discovered in the checkout of surplus. Then there was a young girl Rosa, who, in the end, in prison for three years. Everyone in the village knew about it, but together asked Maria to go to work in a store, as otherwise even behind matches and salt had to go to the nearest village, located twenty versities from their village.

Rasputin asks readers the question: What happened to these strong, healthy, far from poor people who turned away from someone else's grief? Mary Gorky and insulting not only because of the very fact of the shortage, but also from the fact that in her soul settled the distrust of people and disbelief in good.

The whole story is written in such a way that her heroes we see the eyes of Mary Kuzma, whom he asks for help. Rasputin very accurately discharged the whole of the Plaria of human characters, which are often found in human society. And this is done talented and in all the finest details.

Comecisful people gave Kuzma all that they had before the last penny. A seventy-year-old grandfather of Gonde, who had never had a penny for the soul, asked her son 15 rubles, although Kuzma did not want to take them. Heavyly ill, lying aunt Natalia, who has been collected a certain amount on his funeral, gave her husband Mary, who had the feeling that he takes this money "from the next world." A large amount was able to collect the chairman of the collective farm, who gave his monthly salary and turned to the proposal to follow his example to local chiefs.

On the other hand, there were also those who had money, but they decided not to part with them. Stepanid, who always called Maria "Native" did not give a penny, although at home at the "black day" lay several hundred. The school principal gave 100 rubles, but Kuzma had to listen to a long-term lecture with morals. The husband of Mary had the feeling that this man does not help people, but wants everyone to find out about his "virtue."

Kuzma himself never refused to anyone in life in life and believed that the same good and responsive people live next to him. The attitude to the money in the family of Mary was simple: if they are - good, but no, and the features with them. They lived not rich, but not poor. Their children did not need anything, the food in the house was always, but about the reserves on the "black day" of Kuzma and did not think, because he did not expect his possible arrival.

Rasputin describes Mary's husband as a solid, honest and persistent person and gives hope to readers that Kuzma must cope with this misfortune and make everything to his wife.

Heroes are discharged by a writer with love and some mental poetry. And it is especially brightly noticeable in the image of Kuzma.

In the work of Rasputin there is a character Alexey - the brother of the chief hero who lives in the city, but in the plot of the book in it does not appear. Only the impressions of people who knew Alexei, about him, are described. Mostly they are negative. It turns out that after the death of the father, Kuzma's brother was not able to come to the commemoration and did not appear at all over seven years old. When Mary's husband understands that in the village he gathered everything he could, and all the same lack of money, Kuzma decides to go for help in the city to Brother. The writer instills in the reader the hope that Alexey can help his relatives who fell into trouble, but there is no accurate answer to this question, as the story ends at the moment when Kuzma comes to the door of the apartment of his brother and knocks him. Each reader may have its own version of the final.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book

What will happen if optimistic predictions do not justify and Brother Kuzma will not help his relative? Will Maria are put on how her husband will live on, what will happen to their children? The family will settle fear and disbelief in people for a long time. Kuzma can be completely disappointed in human kindness and mutual understanding, and this is worse.

Not easy testing of the main character
If you think about what I had to go through the chief hero for these ill-fated five days? He passed through humiliation and many other tests that had not previously worried about him. The soul of man was deprived, he began to seem to seem that he was one for the whole world.

In the house of Kuzma settled fear and sinister silence. The whole world around us would ask the question of what will happen next to the story heroes, but what happened to people who live next to them?

Subsequent works of Valentina Rasputin are written in the continuation of the main theme of the story "Money for Mary", which is the question "What is happening in the modern world with people? Where are their love, friendship, kindness, mutual execution? ". All these questions Rasputin put in their later ones and novels, but he never found the answer.

4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes

Valentina Rasputin's story "Money for Mary" was first printed in 1967 on the pages of the journal Angara. Before the release of a turning point in the creative biography of Rasputin's work, the writer worked by a correspondent of various newspapers, wrote stories and essays, published three books and even became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. But, all this was preface to a large mature and talented work in the form of a story "Money for Mary". It was after the release of this work, literary critics noticed the emergence of a new gifted and deep writer. Rasputin himself also believes that it was from "Money for Mary" his work came to another level.

It was in this story that the unique "Rasputinsky" style was noticeable, which he will develop in his subsequent works. From this point on, the main themes in the work of the writer were the search for the causes of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, the confrontation of the spiritual principle in man growing materialism. Rasputin wanted to deeply look into the soul of man and find the light in it. The moral beginning of the entire subsequent creativity of the writer has already become indisputable.

The main heroine of the story is Maria, which works in the only store in the village. The auditor comes to her and reveals a shortage of money for a large amount of money - a thousand rubles. If Maria returns this money to the cashier within five days, the court will be able to avoid. In the family of the main character of such money was never found. Her husband, tractor driver Kuzma, makes a decision to take off the desired amount of fellow villagers, relatives, friends and acquaintances. He is bypassing the whole village, but the amount necessary for Marya Cuzma cannot collect. Although on the wisests of the writer, there are such money from local residents. But to take them by force or to steal the husband of Mary cannot, because it is an honest and decent person.

Reading the story "Money for Mary", the short content of which fits five days, it turns out that such a short time period can last a lifetime.

The guilt of the main character of the book in the shortage there is no. This woman in his inexperience and uneducation simply miscalculated, but to call her aft, no one from the fellow villagers will turn. In fact, all residents of the village happened in the happening. Behind the store itself has long walked bad glory. He was even called "damned." After the end of the war, the saleswoman Marusy was planted for five years, and her children were distributed at orphanages. Fedor one-handed with difficulty twisted after he was discovered in the checkout of surplus. Then there was a young girl Rosa, who, in the end, in prison for three years. Everyone in the village knew about it, but together asked Maria to go to work in a store, as otherwise even behind matches and salt had to go to the nearest village, located twenty versities from their village.

Rasputin asks readers the question: What happened to these strong, healthy, far from poor people who turned away from someone else's grief? Mary Gorky and insulting not only because of the very fact of the shortage, but also from the fact that in her soul settled the distrust of people and disbelief in good.

The whole story is written in such a way that her heroes we see the eyes of Mary Kuzma, whom he asks for help. Rasputin very accurately discharged the whole of the Plaria of human characters, which are often found in human society. And this is done talented and in all the finest details.

Comecisful people gave Kuzma all that they had before the last penny. A seventy-year-old grandfather of Gonde, who had never had a penny for the soul, asked her son 15 rubles, although Kuzma did not want to take them. Heavyly ill, lying aunt Natalia, who has been collected a certain amount on his funeral, gave her husband Mary, who had the feeling that he takes this money "from the next world." A large amount was able to collect the chairman of the collective farm, who gave his monthly salary and turned to the proposal to follow his example to local chiefs.

On the other hand, there were also those who had money, but they decided not to part with them. Stepanid, who always called Maria "Native" did not give a penny, although at home at the "black day" lay several hundred. The school principal gave 100 rubles, but Kuzma had to listen to a long-term lecture with morals. The husband of Mary had the feeling that this man does not help people, but wants everyone to find out about his "virtue."

Kuzma himself never refused to anyone in life in life and believed that the same good and responsive people live next to him. The attitude to the money in the family of Mary was simple: if they are - good, but no, and the features with them. They lived not rich, but not poor. Their children did not need anything, the food in the house was always, but about the reserves on the "black day" of Kuzma and did not think, because he did not expect his possible arrival.

Rasputin describes Mary's husband as a solid, honest and persistent person and gives hope to readers that Kuzma must cope with this misfortune and make everything to his wife.

Heroes are discharged by a writer with love and some mental poetry. And it is especially brightly noticeable in the image of Kuzma.

In the work of Rasputin there is a character Alexey - the brother of the chief hero who lives in the city, but in the plot of the book in it does not appear. Only the impressions of people who knew Alexei, about him, are described. Mostly they are negative. It turns out that after the death of the father, Kuzma's brother was not able to come to the commemoration and did not appear at all over seven years old. When Mary's husband understands that in the village he gathered everything he could, and all the same lack of money, Kuzma decides to go for help in the city to Brother. The writer instills in the reader the hope that Alexey can help his relatives who fell into trouble, but there is no accurate answer to this question, as the story ends at the moment when Kuzma comes to the door of the apartment of his brother and knocks him. Each reader may have its own version of the final.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book

What will happen if optimistic predictions do not justify and Brother Kuzma will not help his relative? Will Maria are put on how her husband will live on, what will happen to their children? The family will settle fear and disbelief in people for a long time. Kuzma can be completely disappointed in human kindness and mutual understanding, and this is worse.

Not easy testing of the main character
If you think about what I had to go through the chief hero for these ill-fated five days? He passed through humiliation and many other tests that had not previously worried about him. The soul of man was deprived, he began to seem to seem that he was one for the whole world.

In the house of Kuzma settled fear and sinister silence. The whole world around us would ask the question of what will happen next to the story heroes, but what happened to people who live next to them?

Subsequent works of Valentina Rasputin are written in the continuation of the main theme of the story "Money for Mary", which is the question "What is happening in the modern world with people? Where are their love, friendship, kindness, mutual execution? ". All these questions Rasputin put in their later ones and novels, but he never found the answer.

4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes

In 1967, the story "Money for Mary" was written. The summary of this work we offer to your attention. The author of the story is Valentin Rasputin. Photo by the author is presented below.

His Peru owns such works as "Live and Remember", "Last Dead", "Farewell to Materia", "Fire", "French Lessons", as well as the story of interest to us "Money for Mary". A summary of it begins in the following events.

Kuzma decided to go for help to his brother even at night. But in the depths of the soul, he doubted that he would help him: they became other people's people for a long time. Shaking on the bus, Kuzma recalls the events from which it all began.

Revision in the store

In their village 5 days ago, a man was one of 40 years old in order to spend a revision in the store. The only saleswoman of this shop Kuzma, Maria. For a whole year there was no audit. During this time, a shortage of 1000 rubles was formed. Maria could go to prison. However, the auditor promised to lean this business, pragged her childs. But for this it was necessary to make a shortage until he goes to check other stores. Mary had to find the amount that neither she nor Kuzma had never kept in his hands.

Kuzma decides to go to his brother

The whole village knew about her misfortune for another day. Entering Mary, the chairman promised to allocate a woman loan, but only at the end of the reporting year. This promise has somewhat supported Kuzma, but his wife could not recover from shock. Having calmed her a little, Kuzma began to pretend: they did not have cash savings, there was also nothing to sell. Consequently, it will be necessary to occupy. Kuzma remembered immediately about his wealthy brother and decided to go in a few days to him by train. There were no reserved seats, and he was forced to go in a soft car.

Visiting the School Director

Kuzma, waiting for the arrival of the train, recalls how he went home in the village, swank money, humiliated. He headed first of all to the most wealthy fellow villagers, Evgenia Nikolayevich, director of school. The summary of the story "Money for Mary" allows only in the main features to describe this visit. Evgenia Nikolayevich had its own economy, there was no big expenses, so the director and his wife was put on his salaries to the savings book. Having learned that Kuzma came first of all to him, Evgeny Nikolayevich promised to help, emphasizing several times that people are different, they may not give.

Conversation with fellow travelers

The wind walks on the platform, and Kuzma cannot throw the thought of what he blows is not in vain. He joins the train to other passengers of the soft coupe. Gennady Ivanovich, director of the radio station, his fellow traveler, refers to contempt and even with some envy to "collective farmers": rural residents are too many privileges and benefits compared to urban. Do not like this conversation. But he has to endure until the colonel, another fellow traveler, does not translate it to the preference. 4 players required for this Kuzma does not know how, so he is asked to change places with another passenger, traveling in a jewelry car. Kuzma is still, he just would get there, so he agrees.

Kuzma remembers how his wife began to work in the store

Kuzma recalls that the store in which his wife worked, "was like damned." Because of it, many people suffered. Almost every of those who worked here the sellers were launched. After the last saleswoman put, the store was closed for 3 months. In the end, Nadya Vorontsova, at that time, pregnant with a third child, after giving birth agreed to take it against himself. Mary offered to replace it for several months, before the child is born.

The family of Kuzma while tightly lived. The last born baby was weak, the wife often sick. Doctors did not advise Mary to do hard work. That is why she went to the saleswomen, and then stayed. Mary coped well, but because of kindness loared the goods, followed by not herself - sent others. She suffered because of this. At first, Maria believed that Kuzma will save her. However, having listened to kill her neighbors, stopped believing.

Son Kuzma

In the compartment, where Kuzma was now driving, was a hard guy and elderly couple. Those who survived the war of the old men relate to a big tenderness. Kuzma is immersed in a dream and sees that he collects money for Mary. This dream comes to him not for the first time. Kuzma, waking up, can no longer fall asleep and starts back into his memories. They continue the story "Money for Mary", the brief content of which we are interested. Below - photo of her author.

Doubt that brother will help

The director gave him 100 rubles. Kuzma in the evening went to Vasily, however he did not suggest money, although he knew about the misfortune that occurred in the family of Kuzma. Then he thought about his brother. Mary 3 years ago went to be treated in the city, but I stayed at Alexey. The spouse then decided that someone else would live better. Single villagers Kuzma also traveled to the city. He went to his brother, but he did not even invite him to the table. But the protagonist nevertheless made him believe that brother would help him. Maria believed that he would not give money, and Kuzma himself began to doubt.

Kuzma visits Stepanida

The main character was simply referred to money: if they are, well, if not, it is not necessary. The family is not starving him, but the means often lacked. Kuzma did not understand how to collect money. And now he had to do it.

Vasily came to him when hemnelted. Friends together went to Stepanide, which traded Motherogon. It was a buying woman. Everyone knew that she had a lot of money. Friends decided to subside her so that she became kinder. But this plan failed: Stepanida, Inexain, did not cease to be stupid.

Talk about marriage trees

The recently spaced fellow traveler Kuzma to women belongs cynical. He is sure that the old man changed his wife at least once. He asks Kuzma, whether he has changed his spouse. He admits that once it was when Kuzma met his first woman. Having learned about it, Maria wanted to leave. But the spouse persuaded her to return and no longer changed. Kuzma believes old men. He also has such monomers in the village. Meanwhile, the train approached the city.

Help chairman

A coastal grandfather's grandfather on the second day, in the morning, brought 15 rubles, chosen by him. Then Vasily took the main character to his mother, who was seriously ill. She gave him the money that collected "to death", but asked to return to the apartments, as death is not waiting. Wife Kuzma stopped crying. She walked around the house, as if non-fat. Even children looking at her, quiet. Nearby was at home, so Kuzma went to the chairman of the office. He remembered the events of 1947, when the chairman put in the suffer. Then there was no gasoline, bread crumbled. He bought stolen fuel from the barge. In 1954, the chairman was released after amnesty. Locals have achieved that he again appointed to their former post, but it happened only 5 years ago.

The Chairman, Vellev wait, gathered specialists from the collective farm and suggested them to abandon their salary in favor of Kuzma. They agreed, because no one wanted to seem like a storm. So approached the end of the second day.

We learned how Kuzma held him, the protagonist of interest to us. Get acquainted with the further events of the work "Money for Mary" summary. "Litra", "Briffles", our site and other resources are familiar with readers with plots of works, which, of course, is better in the originals. However, in the modern rhythm of life it is not always possible. And I want to meet them all the same. For this, you need brief content.

The fellow traveler talks about his fate

Kuzma among the nights in the train wakes the guy. He causes him to smoke and complains of his life. The guy envies the old man, he would like all women to be such as his spouse. The fellow traveler tells that he taking a daughter with him from him. Now the guy goes, it will return or not. He is angry when Kuzma says his spouse can find another.

Grandfather's idea Proud of the story "Money for Mary"

Offers it in the same way as this article) gives an idea only about the main events of the story. It continues the description of the third day of Kuzma after receiving the news of the lack of. On the third day, the main hero was issued money in the office. After that, experts began to come to him, as well as their wives and complain about the lack of livelihoods. Kuzma gave them money uncorruptly. Grandfather Gordea seated in the evening. He stated that no money Kuzma is needed. You just need to make a pregnant marriage, and they will not be placed. Only half the required amount gathered by this time. Kuzma began to think that the grandfather Gordes is right. So ends the third day. The next morning, the main character rides a brother.

The final

Sowing from the train, he sees the wind verse. Snow falls with lochmatic flakes. Kuzma thinks that it is good. The protagonist comes off the bus and, reaching the house of Brother, knocks on it. This ends the work of "Money for Mary", which has been described in this article.

For a more detailed dating with the story, you can also view the Movie-Plaque, shot on the work. He came out in 1985. Directors - Vladimir Temples and a brief content of the story "Money for Mary" was based on this film. Moscow Theater. Yermolova (in the photo below) put this performance.

This is completing our story. "Money for Mary" Briefly we described in this article. Best of all, of course, refer to the text of the work itself. Especially quite interesting to read the story "Money for Mary". A summary of chapters, unfortunately, does not convey its artistic value. Valentin Grigorievich is a great master word. It can be seen in its early works, to which the story is true. Rasputin "Money for Mary".

Soviet time. The beginning of the monetary reform. A large shortage is revealed during revision in one store. The saleswoman can enter into prison. Her husband appeals for help to fellow villagers.

Late at night, Kuzma goes to his brother, but does not believe that he can lend money. Relatives have long become strangers for each other. During the trip, a man recalls where it all started.

A few days ago a man arrived in the village to conduct an audit in the store, where Maria was the saleswoman. During the year, the audit was not carried out. Whatever the girl and the mother of four children from punishment, in the form of a criminal term, the auditor proposes to make any thousand rubles, while other shops are checked. Such a huge amount, pair needs to be found within five days.

Many people felt sorry for the family. The Chair promised to issue a loan, but only at the end of the year. This not much gave the hope of Mary. The girl remained upset, and her husband tried to support her every way. They did not have money and was not selling anything. Kuzma recalls his rich brother and buys a train ticket. Waiting for his train a man with grief remembers how humiliated and asked for money from people. First of all, he appealed to the wealthy director of the school, who kept his cash in the bank. He agreed to take no longer sum, saying that everyone should help each other.

The cold wind blows on the pyron. A man understands that everything is interconnected. A neighbor, during the trip, Kuzmina is Gennady Ivanovich-Director of the radio station. He relates to the residents of the village with contempt, believing that they have more privileges than urban people. The man does not want to listen to a similar conversation, but he wait with patience when the second neighbor will translate the topic to more decent. Men begin to play preference, but Kuzma does not know the rules of this game. It changes in places with a person from another car.

The ill-fated store was considered damned. Many workers had a shortage. The last saleswoman, and at all, planted. Maria began to replace a pregnant woman. The family lived tight. The last child was born very weak. The wife was constantly sick, she was forbidden to do hard work. Initially everything went well. The girl, because of his kind thing, gave products to loans, and the purchase of goods trusted someone else's people. This led it. She believed that his spouse would help her, but listening to the conversations of her neighbors, lost hope.

The new neighbors of Kuzma became an adult couple and a drunk young man. A man falls asleep, but even in a dream it sees, how he collects money for his wife.

The family was found in the family, but they were always lacking. Again began memories.

One day, at night, Kuzmin, with a comrade named Vasily, decided to go to the miser stepanide. She was an amateur to drink and the men decided to drink her in order to focus. Everything turned out to be meaningless. It remained the same harmful. Men friend has long been divorced. He biased the female sex and believed that his fellow traveled his wife. Kuzma admits that he made such a misconduct once, after which Mary wanted to leave him. He managed to dissuade her to stay. This no longer repeated.

The train approached the city. The whole village tried to help the unfortunate family. Many at the request of the chairman refused monthly salary. A sleepy man will be a guy. Going to the tambour, he complains of his life. He was thrown by a girl, taking a little child. Kuzma assumes that she found another that young man is angry.

The man is offered not to collect money, but just make their own woman again pregnant.

Finally, Kuzma comes. He comes off from the train and understands that the wind is verse, it means to be good. Finding a brother's house, a man taking a call.

Picture or drawing money for Mary

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Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is one of the notable representatives of the so-called rustic prose. His story "Money for Mary" appeared in 1967 first in the Almana "Angara", then in the "Siberian lights" and after a year a separate book. It was with this story that Rasputin began as a distinctive writer, she brought him wide fame. This is the beginning of a new stage in his work, here the main topics of its follow-up works are: a person among people, being and life. Rasputin considers moral categories: material and spiritual, cruelty and mercy, good and evil. In the story "Money for Mary" denotes the dominant of moral theme. Conflict Tale in the collision of moral values \u200b\u200band material world.

The story of the story is: Mary, inexperienced seller of a village shop, a shortage was found. A thousand sum is huge for her family, which has not yet paid to the end to build a home loan at seven hundred rubles. Many have already suffered because of the store. Not one saleswoman was condemned for the shortage. Maria, the mother of four children, can also go to prison. But the auditor gives her a chance: you can make money to the cashier while he checks shops. Money must be reached within five days. The chairman of the collective farm promises Mary's husband, Tractorist Kuzma, after the reporting year, that is, after two or three months, give a loan. You can distribute debts from it. But who has to take? The thought of money becomes grazing, the heavy Duma Kuzma. The news about the lack is rapidly spreading around the village, but no one is in a hurry to offer assistance. Kuzma does not know how to ask, and he does not know who. He thinks that it is enough to go to anyone that everyone understands why he came, and he will immediately give money. Although thirty-fifty rubles, but will give. But in fact, everything is wrong: everyone knows why Kuzma came, but they say that they have no money. Maria in despair, she does not believe that she will help her. The author emphasizes Mary's conscientiousness. She herself helped the villagers, in due time agreeing to work in the store, opening it for those who came and in dinner, selling himself.

No one would like to be at the place of Mary, but most indifferently, as she was released from such a situation. Kuzma not only is obliged to get a big amount within five days, he must calm down and instill confidence in his wife and children. Collects Kuzma with the world on a thread. The first to whom he took the money, became Evgeny Nikolaevich, the director of the school. For Kuzma, the director took a hundred rubles from the book, saying that he gives him money so that people would not talk, that he regretted, did not give. The grandfather Gordea wonders: why did the villagers helped each other before, and now for everything you need to give money? He asks the Son for fifteen rubles and gives them to Kuzma. Chizhov returned the debt to the store four rubles eighty kopecks. Vasily, with whom Kuzma used to work before, can not give anything, but he is trying together with Kuzma to raise money from the greedy old old man Stepanida, and after the failure, the mother of Vasily, lying the sick, gives Mary's "funeral" money, more than one hundred rubles. The Chairman decides to give Kuzma all the salary of specialists for the month, including herself, six hundred and forty rubles. About Stepanida, who just cut money from a collective farm for a cow, he says: "Do you think you will bring money home? Loose! You wanted Won with Stepanida on conscience, well, and how, a lot of her gave you? .. I'm squeezed as nice to understand. She has money so, without benefit, will lie, but no, will not give. And after all, it is impossible to take a position! And the money like their own, and you will not go nor the cholera on them. People will see, will understand what they deceived. So it will be for the ruble to carry. He who herself came up with himself and people came out of confidence. It was much cheaper to give you this money. No, greed was born before her. " The chairman himself served seven years for the fence only because he bought a fuel for a collective farm with a barja. For Kuzma, this unexpected news is overshadowed by the fact that the accountant does not give him his salary, and the wife of the veterinarian came and took the money back. The result is a little more than half of the amount.

All night, Kuzma sees a dream, how the car is lucky and stops where the money will be given exactly. The latter hope to ask the missing money from the brother. He did not see him for a long time, but he knows that he lives well. Kuzma sits on the train and goes to the city.

In the train, he meets the same different people who live in his village. Someone is arrogant at the "village", someone applies otherwise. Kuzma dreams that all rustic enough to give him five rubles to cover the shortage, but everyone believes that they need more Mary's money and take the money collected already back. The story ends on how Kuzma comes to his brother's house and knocks on the door. So the reader remains waiting for a miracle, which can save Maria from prison, not knowing how to take Kuzma at Brother.

Rasputin asks the question: how does the other trouble touches? Is someone able to refuse a person in trouble or leave him to die because of money? How, after the refusal, these people will be able to stay in Lada with themselves? Critic Igor Dedkov wrote: "Valentin Rasputin, everyone who wrote, convinces us that there is a light in man and pay it difficult, which would not have happened, although it is possible." From the indifference of people, yesterday there were still kind familiar, Maria, maybe more than from the discovered shortage. Her faith in people goes out. But the carrier of this bright beam of faith remains Kuzma. Exactly, Kuzma believes in Brother Alexey, we hope for a happy finale.