Repairs Design Furniture

How to make lifting rotary garage doors. How to make your own hand-swivel gates for the garage? Stages of manufacturing, drawings and sizes. Preparing for the standard garage gates

Buying a car, every owner thinks about how and where to store it. The perfect place was always the garage. His convenience determines the quality of life, no worse than other rooms at home. The arrangement of the garage gate every day is becoming more convenient and practical due to the fact that the industry does not stand still. Classic swing gates depart into the background. The practical lifting gates for the garage are becoming increasingly popular. It is not independently created in the presence of minimal skills to perform such construction work. To find out how correctly, quickly and efficiently arrange them, check out this article.

To make homemade lifting gates for the garage, first define the appropriate design option.

According to this principle, the following types are distinguished:

Features of sectional structures

The most common version of the garage gate at the moment is the garage gate lifting section. They are made in the form of panels with a height of 40-60 cm.

Panels produce from several types of materials:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • wood.
    Important! Determine the selection of a specific type of material, to create the design of the lifting garage, the size of the car, the estimated number of machine location, as well as the features of the design idea of \u200b\u200bdesign, both the garage and the architectural ensemble on the site as a whole.

To maximize the quality of thermal insulation, such panels are filled with polyurethane, and the surface is protected by a special coating. Between themselves, individual elements fasten with hinged loops. All movable parts, such as clutches and rollers, are made of reinforced plastic in combination with steel components, and directing guides are made from materials that do not corrod.

The mechanism of operation of the garage sectional gates is quite simple - they are dragged into the clamps under the ceiling when opening and descended vertically down when closing.


The main advantages of such gates include features:


In addition to the merits, sectional gates of lifting type have a couple of flaws:

Distinctive characteristics of lifting and rotary solid mechanisms

Determining the features of such structures, one must note the following nuances:


Solid-panel type of garage gate plenty of advantages:


Important! The main difference between these two designs is that sectional garage doors must be mounted only by a set, while all the elements of the rotary gates can be prepared and mounted with their own hands.


Browse the video overview of the lifting-turning gates to more clearly imagine the principle of their functioning and device.

Mounting Tools Garage Gate

To mount the garage doors of any type, you will need the following tools:

Rules for mounting lifting section garage gates

To correctly install sectional lifting garage doors, follow these steps in the exact sequence:


It will help to quickly cope with the task of creating a lifting gate for a garage video proposed below. Read it carefully.

Mounting technology of lifting-rotary gates

Considering the fact that the design of this type of gate is fully to do on their own, select the main stages of work somewhat more expanded.

What to choose the type of rotary mechanism?

Homemade garage doors are the most economical option of filling out the garage opening without restrictions in the convenience, functionality and design solutions.

Before you start work, decide on the choice of a mechanism by which the gate is opened directly:

How to make a project?

For competent design of garage doors, do the following:

What materials to prepare?

As soon as you make up or pick up the sketch, purchase the following materials and tools for work:

Mounting order

Additional equipment

The gate canvas, if desired, increase attractiveness and reliability, equip such additions:

Additional amplification

If necessary, the design itself is to strengthen one of the appropriate ways:

How to save when installing a garage gate?

The only thing you can do to save money when choosing a lifting-section garage gate is the installation of such a mechanism with your own hands. All other items, when trying to save, will still demand to sacrifice certain advantages, although individual options are quite acceptable. It all depends on your personal vision of the design of the garage and the regularity of its operation.

Check out some of the most popular decisions to reduce the cost of the construction of the garage gate:


Garage lifting gates - a modern way to protect your garage from hacking with a comfortable and beautiful shield. Call you install and install specialists or make work yourself - to solve only you. The main requirement for further user-friendly operation is the right choice of the appropriate type of the garage device, the competent internal layout and compliance with all the conditions of the assembly instruction.

To date, a variety of diverse garage gates has been developed and successfully implemented. Among all the existing options, traditional lifting gates are distinguished by special convenience and ergonomics, spectacularly leaving the garage ceiling during opening. At the same time collect and install lifting garage doors can be independently.

There are 2 main varieties of lifting garage gates.

Gate of lifting-section type

The canvas of such a gate consists of a number of separate panels, each of which is about 50 cm. For the manufacture of panels, steel, wood and plastic can be used.

Hinged loops are used to connect panels. Rollers, couplings and other moving elements are made of steel either plastic, stainless materials are used for the manufacture of guides.

The inner part of the canvase is necessarily insulated (mainly polyurethane foam), which allows you to maintain additional heat inside the garage.

Among the main advantages of the lifting-section gates should be noted the following points:

  • use of use;
  • simplicity and the most convenience of operation;
  • not bad strength characteristics.

The main disadvantage This subspecies of the gate is almost the complete absence of the possibility of hacking and illegal penetration. In addition, you will not be able to make such a gate own - it is extremely difficult.

The only available option is to buy the factory set and mount the gate alone according to the instructions.

Gate of the lifting type

This design can be collected and installed on your own. When opening these gates, the whole sash rises. For the movement of the rolling part corresponds to the system of the hinge-lever type. The gate is characterized by excellent strength characteristics (the final indicator depends on the properties of the manufacturing material) and ensure reliable protection of the garage from the encroachment of intruders.

The design can be collected without using guides and rollers. Thanks to this cloth, it will move silently.

To build such a design, narrow technical knowledge is not needed. Large financial investments this event does not require.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all existing mechanisms, the lifting garage doors have a number of strong qualities and some drawbacks.


The main advantage of the systems under consideration is increased anti-svlotnoste b. The only option to get inside the garage is to cut the cloth. Frame to cut and get inside without attracting attention is almost impossible.

The second important advantage of the design is a long service life. However, in order for the gate to serve a truly long, a galvanized high-quality metal should be used for the manufacture of the canvas.

The gate does not occupy space before the garage, which makes entry and check out as comfortable as possible.


Among the main flaws of the lifting gate should be noted the following provisions:

  • big weight design. The lack of relative - other existing structures weigh no less. But that the exploitation of the lifting gate was safe, you need to pay special attention to the quality and reliability of the frame;
  • slightly increased consumption of source materials;
  • some inconvenience when arriving in the garage. For example, you will need to constantly leave the car, without reaching the garage about 1.5-2 m - without such a reserve, the gate will simply do not open.
  • in the open position, the gate takes about 20-30 cm of the height of the opening;
  • in case of significant damage to the web, it will have to completely dismantle.

However, despite all its small flaws, such a gate is an incredibly convenient and ergonomic solution.

Features of design design

Traditional lifting gates consist of a variety of elements. Check out the functions of each of them.

The frame performs the function of the base for the entire design. The frame should be as tough and reliably fixed in the garage wall.

The side profile is a guide element for which the main part of the design is moving.

Guides - without them, as already noted, you can do. But if possible, it is better not to exclude them from the structure of the construction.

Canvas. It is manufactured as a solid device. Usually running from the professional flooring. Sometimes wood is used for making paintings and wood is used, but it is better to refuse such a solution - the material is heavy and relatively short-lived.

Insulation. Located between the sheets of the canvas. The most convenient to use polyurethane foam.

Rollers, springs and levers. These elements are responsible for the movement of the barn sash. The sash rises along the guide element, closer to the ceiling occupies a horizontal position and in the completion parallel to the ceiling surface is fixed.

Provide lifting lifting of the web.

Electric or mechanical drive. Electronics is more convenient - to manage the gate just press the button on the portable remote. Mechanics in most cases are more reliable. If you decide to use an electrical drive, remember the important rule - the portable shield must have a somewhat lightweight design.

If desired, the finished canvas can be decorate with a variety of decorative elements. All of them are available on sale in specialized stores.

It is important to remember: any decorative element, especially if it is forging, contributes to an increase in the weight of the structure. Know the measure.

What to buy?

With the manufacture of most elements of the gate, you can cope with your own hands. However, there are such things that it is better to buy at the finished form and not waste time. Give preference to devices made of good quality metals. In general, you will need the following:

Gate do it yourself

The personnel and installation of the gate will allow you to save a significant amount of money on the purchase of the finished system and the services of third-party installers.

Video - Installation of sectional gates

First step. Select the appropriate type of door opening mechanism.

Hinged mechanisms are most popular. This design is durable and extremely simple. However, its installation requires an increased accuracy from the installer at the stage of placement of the guides and setting the level of springs. Guides must be installed extremely vertically and in parallel.

The second option is a mechanism made using counterweights. The cable is attached to the corners of the support frame in its lower part, passes along the block in the direction of the pulley, and some counterweights are already on its (cable). The harder and more canvas, the harder must be used by the counterweight. Preferring this mechanism is recommended solely in the event of a massive and very heavy lifting gate.

Video - lifting gates View from the inside

The second step. Make a gate project. Pre-measure the existing opening and prepare a sketch (or select the finished version from open sources).

Third step. Prepare gate assembly fixtures. You will need the following:

  • high-strength wooden bars;
  • metal pins of good quality;
  • corners;
  • brackets;
  • rigid springs;
  • metal rods;
  • decorative elements.

Fourth step. Collect the box of future gates from the transverse and pair of vertical bars. To connect bars, use the coal, the plates are also suitable.

Fifth step. Blind the bottom of the box in the concrete tie of the garage floor by about 20 mm and secure the product in the opening with metal pins.

Sixth step. Collect the frame and cover it with the selected material.

Seventh step. Make a support. Use the corner as source material. Make a drill in the shelf hole for fixing to racks. In the second shelf, prepare 3 holes for installing the bracket. For the manufacture of spring support, use a chamber bracket.

Eighth step. Prepare the steel strip plate. Connect the bracket and suitable in the parameters of the spring with the steel plate. The extreme coordinates of the attached springs are arched like a hook. Bottom Connect the tension controller made of metal bar.

Ninth step. Make a lower hinge corner. You need to drill a hole in the corner of about 8.5 mm in diameter and weld the product to the reference frame of the structure, retreating from the bottom to the center of the prepared hole. The gap will allow you to place the lifting lever in the desired place of the hinge.

Tenth step. Attach the plate to the end of the lifting lever. To reliably fix items, use welding.

Eleventh step. Make rails for the movement of the door of the gate. As a source material, use a couple of corners. Make them up and weld at one edge. The distance between the inner vertices of the steel corners should be 50 mm.

Twelfth step. Attach the finished rail to the previously prepared plate. Use welding for fastening. At the same time, leave an 8-centimeter indent between the axis of the guide part and the rebier of the transverse product at the bottom. To the second end of the rails, attach a piece of chapelle with welding with welding, while retreating about 15 cm. Then screw the channel to the ceiling bruster bolt.

Video - guides for lifting garage doors, part 1

Video - guides for lifting garage doors, part 2

Thirteenth Step. Mount into the cloth several translucent inserts. This is an optional point. Translucent inserts use if necessary to improve natural light inside the garage.

Video - Lifting Gate Frame, Part 3

Video - Wheels for lifting gates, part 4

Fourteenth Step. Stick sealing edging from rubber. It will not hurt to stick off compensating overlays. In the complex, these elements will increase the stability of homemade lifting gates.

Fifteenth Step. Fix the cloth in the box.

Thus, in an independent assembly of lifting garage doors, there are no ultra-sided tasks, but to perform this work you need to approach with the maximum responsibility and knowledge of the case. Follow the instructions, do everything as accurate as possible, and the gate of your garage will become its reliable and durable protection.

Good job!

Video - Garage Gate Lifting DIY

In the article, we consider how to make a garage lifting gate with your own hands, the main plus of such a gate is that when the garage opens, there is a movement of the ceiling in the garage, and this is much more convenient than in the case of swing gates.

So, you decided to equip the lifting gate in your garage, and to do it on your own. The simplest design of the lifting gate is the one that was installed on the "shell" garage garages. However, these gates have a technological gap from the door of the gate to the day. Naturally, it is unacceptable, since in our conditions the garage should be insulated, and the presence of even a small gap is completely inappropriate.

It is required that the fitting of the closed gate to the runner is implemented as long as possible, in addition, it should be provided in the gate the presence of gate, in order to do not catch cold air in the garage structure during the full opening of the gate.

Garage lifting gates

For the manufacture of a garage gate frame, you can use an aluminum profile, and for the arrangement of the frame under the gate, you can use wooden bars. From the outside, a professional owl is mounted on a garl frame, or any other light finishing material.

After performing these actions, we get the gate in which the wicket opens to the side of the street. The wicket must open so that when lifting the gate, it has not been opened in itself (this is fraught with injuries).

The size of the gate is performed in large than the length of the opening (about 10 cm), this is done in order to ensure the absence of a gap between the gate and the wall of the structure (5 cm from the inner side).

The lower part of the canvas from the sides need to be provided with wheels, I used wheels from ordinary roller skates. And so that they easily move around the wall of the garage, I installed vertical guides: I bought a bought a profile for mounting drywall (metal thickness 0.6 mm) in the construction store (metal thickness 0.6 mm), and used as guides. From the beginning I thought it would blow up, but practice showed that the side of the profile does not have a very big load and it fully withstands.

The doors are suspended with chains (then replaced on the metal stripes 25x4mm) on the front wall of the garage structure so that the location of the center of gravity of the canvas was lower than their mount, and the location of the upper part was close to the opening.

In the closed state, the position of the lower edge of the canvas should be in a special recess, it is necessary that the gate is not moved away from the construction. The canvas must be pressed against the reverse effect under the action of its weight. In the extreme lower position, the gate must be blocked, for which the special valve is attached from the inside.

How it all looks in fact:

Another simple and inexpensive version of the lifting mechanism of the gate

To facilitate the rise of the carrier sash and simplify its maintenance in the extreme upper position need to be equipped with a counterweight, the selection of which is made according to the weight of the canvas. The axis of the rollers are supplied with cables that should be skipped through blocks and load using a counterweight.

At the bottom of the goal, the installation of a conventional door handle should be installed, which helps when closing and opening the gate, since it is convenient to use it.

This is about all the production technology. Using these instructions, you can easily build a lifting gate in my garage.

A few more options for garage lifting gates --Video

Garage owners decide to install the lifting gate made by their own hands. You can buy a ready-made option - this is the cheapest pleasure, but everyone may assemble the design. You only need to get acquainted with the drawings and the principle of the mechanism. Photos and video will help you understand how the lifting gates are arranged for the garage and construct them on their own.

Lifting gate for garage step by step according to drawings and schemes

Make a garage door with a lifting mechanism with your own hands is quite simple if you have a simple drawing and photo of the assembled mechanism in your hands. Standard design contains such basic elements:

  1. Frame to which all the elements of the gate are attached. It should be strong enough and securely attached to the walls of the building.
  2. Rails vertical and horizontal, on which the design is moving.
  3. Bracket for fastening the return springs of the lifting mechanism.
  4. Rollers and levers, on which the garage doors are fixed to the rails.
  5. Automatic shifting drive.

Install the lifting gate made by your own hands - the dream of many garage owners

The frame is manufactured taking into account the size of the doorway in the garage. A steel sheet is used as the basis, which from the outside are shed with plastic panels. The inner part is insulating. It is recommended to use basalt wool or other fire-resistant insulation. To bring the mechanism in motion, the articulated lever is most often used.

Garage lifting gates have a number of advantages

Collecting the design with your own hands, we recommend using drawings and step by step to adhere to such a sequence of work. These include:

  1. Assembling the frame and its installation in the garage opening with horizontal and vertical. To the walls, all design details are attached with anchors.
  2. Installation of ceiling guides - an important stage. At the same time, you need to check the reliability of the attachment.
  3. Fastening the hinges on the door sash and setting the gate on the rails.
  4. Installation of springs for smooth opening of the gate. Next, the springs are adjustable and configured to open the garage without much physical effort.

Garage gate scheme with lifting mechanism

We offer to watch a video about the rules for installing the garage gate equipped with a lifting mechanism:

Advantages and disadvantages of lifting gates

Lifting gates for the garage have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of experts include the following aspects:

  • high degree of protection, security;
  • durability and reliability of the design;
  • good tightness;
  • small-size;
  • the presence of a system from hacking.

The lifting mechanism of the garage gate in the assembled form has a big weight

However, the lifting mechanism in the assembled form has drawbacks. Among the main it is worth mentioning a large weight of the design. Given this feature, you need to pay due attention to the strength of the frame and reliability of fasteners. If the quality suffers, then when vibrations, it is possible to drop, breakage of the mechanism and guides. For the owners of the overall car, a significant disadvantage will be a loss of about 30 cm in the height of the opening. Some garage owners during breakdown and damage to the repair for repair are forced to completely dismantle the mechanism., Which takes a lot of time and labor.

Drawing of garage gates with lifting mechanism

The video about how to collect the gate for the garage with the lifting mechanism:

If you decide to independently make a lifting gate for a garage with your own hands, drawings, video and recommendations in the article guaranteed to help cope with this accomplishment task even to people without experience and skills in construction, repair. Undoubtedly, the lifting gates are reliable, high-quality and aesthetic structures that each owner of the country house should be.

And sealing of different (including garage) premises. Such structures consist of a spring absorbing the oscillation of the canvas, other accessories and guides. The canvas itself is equipped with special mechanisms intended for remote opening / closing through a remote control.

Sectional doors are predominantly in the premises where free space is limited. When opening, the canvas rises upwards that the free space saves substantially.

Attention! The gorgeous panels that are performed in any color are covered with a special polymer spraying that protects the design from corrosion and providing a long operational period.

If you wish in the canvas, you can embed a solid acrylic window in order to illuminate the garage, and thanks to the warming sandwich panels, the design is capable of working in a fairly wide temperature range (from -50 ° C to + 70 ° C).

It is also worth highlight the safety of such a design, because the closing provides a special shut-off system that makes it possible to automatically block the panel immediately after lifting. With competent operation and clear consequence of the manufacturer's instructions, the design will last about ten years without repair and replace individual elements. Now find out how to collect do it yourself.

Design species

Modern sectional gates are suitable for the premises of all types.

Attention! Garages, built earlier, often does not meet the current building standards, as a result of which the gate is produced in various modifications.

Vertical lifting designs

Designed for garages with high lifting height. Sold exclusively in construction hypermarkets and are distinguished by the fact that they occupy the minimum space during installation.

High rise designs

Such gates are more expensive and used where a small height does not allow you to perform a vertical lift of the web. The high price is explained by the use of suspended brackets, special guides and a large number of consumables.

Find out the master class from the subscriber, from our new article.

Standard lifting designs

Used in rooms that are fully prepared for installation, with a minimum height of PRIV, at least 18 cm. All items are made of stainless steel. The easiest and most convenient option is the most popular.

Low rise designs

Low-lining gates are expedient in conditions of a limited height of the opening (s). Control elements and torsion springs are fastened to the ceiling, and if it is low, the entire device is fixed on the back of the guides. If we talk more specifically, then such a device consists of:

  • torsion shaft;
  • winding pulleys;
  • balancing springs.

After selecting a suitable design, you can proceed to preparatory work.

Prices for sectional doors

Stage 1. Equipment preparation

Before getting to work, all the necessary tools should be prepared.

  1. It is especially necessary if the width of the gate will exceed 5 m. The fact is that conventional water levels give a certain error (from 1.5 cm to 3 cm), which is unacceptable when installing section gates.
  2. Electrode for fastening individual elements at height.
  3. 1.5 kW perforator with a capacity of holes in concrete.
  4. Other tools: screwdriver, nippers, pliers.

Attention! The above list of tools is incomplete, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the gate and the quality of the preparation of the opening.

Various fasteners will also need, regardless of whether walls or loose sandstone are made of concrete.

Stage 2. Measures

Before ordering a sectional structure, careful measurements of the opening and the room as a whole should be carried out.

Step 1. Initially, the value of H is the height of the opening. This indicates not a specific height, but the place to enter the car. Suppose, the height is 200 cm. In this case, in the order, you must specify 30 cm more, since after installation, the net pass will be 180 cm.

Step 3. The width of the opening (B) is determined. The resulting indicator increases by 2 cm on each side, taking into account the future design.

Step 4. The technical gap (B1, B2) is determined, at least 8 cm on each side. This will provide free access to fastening items during service.

Step 5. In the end, the depth of the garage (L) is measured. A feature of the sectional gate is that the canvas rises to the ceiling, so the depth should be greater than height.

Stage 3. Preparation of the opening

After measurements and the preparation of the tools ordered themselves. Usually it takes about two weeks. During this time, you can prepare the opening.

Step 1. First of all, walls and ceiling are plastered (if it was not done earlier). This is explained simply: after installing portal guides, access to unprepared sites will be inaccessible.

Step 2. The plane of each wall in relation to neighboring is checked.

Attention! If the opening is not in the same line with the walls, then install the gate will not work.

Such structures have the right horizontal form, so even the slightest errors in the construction of the garage are unacceptable. Of course, the gate can be put on the surface curves (will have to work), but in this case the strength of fasteners and aesthetics will be questionable. Yes, and in winter it will be snowing snow and cold air, which will lead to the freezing of the room.

Step 3. Priests and perts are frozen by a metal corner.

Attention! In the absence of experience, it is better to entrust the preparation of the garage to professionals, and already at the end of the work, check the results using a level. If specifications are not met, the owner will have to often repair and replace components, and the operational period, respectively, will be reduced.

Stage 4. Installation of sectional gates

Attention ! Self Connection of cloth is an extremely complex process, only experienced masters will be cope with. Therefore, it is better to order a ready-made gate and establish them in the frame.

Step 1. Initially, all fragile coating is removed or strengthened. The horizontal of the floor is checked (the permissible error in this case is only 1 mm). If everything is in order, you can start preparing panels to the installation. It should be remembered that such a gate is quite expensive, so with the web should be treated with the maximum accuracy in order to accidentally damage.

Step 2. The markup is further applied for fastening the guides. The first vertical profiles are fixed - they are attached on the wall through mounting screws (such are characterized by a long leg). Then, focusing on vertical profiles, horizontal guides are recorded. It is important that the "rails" lay strictly at right angles in relation to each other, otherwise the canvas will not be able to rise.

Step 3. Next, the panels are collected (if the finished gates were not purchased). At the same time, it is necessary to thoroughly measure everything, since the sectional doors, as mentioned above, do not tolerate the distortions. If those are still formed, then it is impossible to use a plate of different size or mounting foam, otherwise the design dimensions will be broken in the future.

Instead, it is better to use iron gaskets of different thickness.

Step 4. Then the controls and the lifting mechanism are attached. The accuracy of all measurements is checked.

Before starting installation work, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions. Many firms (such as "Alutech", "Horman" or "Dorhan) step by step describe the installation of the structure. The features of installation works may differ depending on the manufacturer, but in general it is an easy procedure.

Step 5. At the end of the installation of the panels, additional elements (lock, loops and handles) are recorded. The castle should pay special attention - it must be qualitative, since it is designed to protect property.

Step 6. Springs are installed that are responsible for opening / clinging the gate. At the final stage of the work, the limiters needed to limit the movement of the canvas are recorded.

Attention! If the model of the gate C is installed, then it will be necessary to install another electrical drive. For proper installation and connection, you should also get acquainted with the instructions for the device.

With proper approach and correct calculations, the set of the gate takes a maximum of one day.

Stage 5. Check

The main indicator of the installation is the presence or absence of a lumen with the lowered canvas. In this case, the seals will regularly perform their functions on the sealing and protection of the garage from atmospheric precipitation. It is worth noting that the seals should be unnoticed outside. If they can be seen, then the measurements were incorrect.

Next is inspected by the bottom panel. The sealer fixed from the bottom should most closely fit into the floor. If a clearance is detected, the design is checked by level. To eliminate the defect, the position of the guides is not regulated.

The latter is checked balancing (balancing springs). They can be located on the sides of the profiles or on the torsion beam - it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. If you raise the gate by 1.5 meters, then the springs should be in place, not dropping and not lifting.

Video - Installation of sectional gates

Sectional Gate Setting Schemes

Torsion mechanism and springs

Read our new article, as well as learn the process of installing the door with electric drive with your own hands.