Repair Design Furniture

How chalk works on cockroaches. Objective characteristics of the chalk "Mashenka". Pros and cons of the tool

Pencil "Mashenka" is an insecticidal preparation of contact action - it acts on cockroaches after they come into contact with the treated surface. The tool is available in the form of a white pencil, packed in blue cellophane packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pencil

Chalk "Mashenka" has a lot of important advantages:

  • High efficiency;
  • Easy application;
  • Low toxicity - for the period of treatment you do not have to leave the apartment, as the product is safe for animals and people;
  • Multifunctionality - acts not only on cockroaches, but also on bedbugs, ants, fleas, wood lice and other insects;
  • Lack of smell;
  • Availability. Where to buy Masha's crayon? It is sold at any hardware or specialty store;
  • Low cost.
Important! Despite the safety, in a house with small children it is better not to use chalk.

As for the shortcomings, there will not be so many of them:

  • Limited exposure time - you need to regularly update the drawn lines;
  • The need for special storage conditions - low humidity, dark place, room temperature;
  • Local exposure - the cockroach becomes infected only by direct contact with the line.

A cockroach infected with insecticides, which are contained in the "Mashenka" chalk, brings the infection into the nest to relatives and they also die

Important! When outlining the right places, make sure that the line is continuous. Only in this way will you eliminate all possible loopholes!

How to use the chalk?

Pencil "Mashenka" can be used in several ways.

Method 1. Drawing

It involves the application of a chalk line on the surface to be treated. Perhaps this is the most convenient way that does not require special protective measures. The main thing is that the line remains continuous, otherwise the insects will easily cross it. Stripes are best applied along the entire perimeter of the apartment, carefully circling the baseboards and doorways. One chalk is enough for about 30 meters.

Method 2. Dusting

In this case, the surfaces are showered with crushed chalk powder. This method is justified in cases where you have no way to draw a continuous line (solid bumps or hard-to-reach areas). To disadvantages this method may be associated with an increased risk of poisoning. In addition, when dusting, the adhesion strength of the insecticide to the surface is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is justified only as an additional measure in hard-to-reach areas.

Important! Having settled on this method, take care of the means of protection. To avoid contact with poison, put on gloves on your hands, and protect your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.

Method 3. Aqueous solution

Chalk can also be used in liquid form. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to grind the crayon to a powdery state, and then dilute it in 5 liters of water (warm). The resulting liquid is used to wash floors and wipe other surfaces. This method allows you to significantly increase the cultivated area. But do not forget - the concentration of the poison will be an order of magnitude smaller, reducing the effectiveness of the remedy. A solution prepared from one pencil is enough for an average 2-room apartment.

Dissolve one crayon "Masha" in a bucket of water and you will get an excellent solution for processing walls and floors

Advice! After about a week, the action of the chalk begins to decline, so the procedure will need to be repeated. Before doing this, be sure to remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth. Carry out the treatment until the complete disappearance of insects.

Processing rules

  • Kitchen sink and washbasin;
  • Gas stove;
  • Fridge;
  • Entering pipes into the riser;
  • Bin;
  • Dinner table;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • The back sides of the table top and kitchen furniture;
  • Garbage chute;
  • Walls under windows;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Thresholds;
  • Food lockers.

In the summer, it is necessary to process the space behind the heating radiators or close to them. During the heating period, this remedy will not give any results, since the elevated temperature completely kills the insecticidal properties of the chalk. All surfaces must be pre-washed and wiped dry.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to inspect your home and try to find all cockroach nests.

You also need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not take the chalk with your bare hands - free it from the packaging only up to half the length and hold it by the packed end;
  • Apply a fairly wide line - 2-4 mm;
  • Finding cockroaches only in the kitchen, do not limit yourself to this territory. Walk with a pencil through other rooms, otherwise the insects will simply run there in search of shelter;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after disinfection;

  • If there was contact with the skin, immediately wipe it with an alcohol tincture;
  • If the powder gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, seek medical attention immediately.

It is not easy to win the fight against cockroaches, because these insects are very tenacious and easily adapt to various adverse conditions. But in our time, it has become easier to solve the problem, since there are many different preparations for the destruction of these harmful insects on sale. A popular remedy is cockroach chalk, called affectionate by manufacturers. female name"Masha".

Cockroaches are the scourge of many homes; picky insects can also settle in country house, and in an ordinary city apartment, and in luxury apartments. Insecticides are successfully used to control insects, which are available in a variety of forms.

One of the easiest to use and cheapest preparations for cockroaches is the chalk (pencil) "Mashenka". At the same time, the tool allows you to get a good result, especially if there are few insects in the house.

Tool description

Chalk "Mashenka" is an insecticidal agent with a contact action, that is, in order for an insect to receive a portion of poison, it needs to come into contact with the surface treated with chalk.

The preparation contains effective insecticide- chlorpyrifos, but the main substance of the product is a cementing compound. When particles of the drug enter the insect's digestive system, the cement blocks its work, as a result of which the insect dies.

Advice! You can buy Mashenka chalk in almost all hardware stores. The tool is inexpensive, one pack is enough to process 20-30 meters of area.

Packaging and appearance

Outwardly, the product looks like ordinary school white chalk, which does not have a pronounced smell. Packed in paper or polymer packs, decorated in blue and blue tones. Instructions for use must be printed on the pack. The weight of one package is 20 grams.

Storage conditions

To prevent the crayon from losing its insecticidal agents, it is important to store it properly. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature;
  • lack of high humidity;
  • no direct sunlight.

Advice! Chlorpyrifos is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so the Mashenka pencil cannot be stored in places where direct sunlight falls.


The tool belongs to the IV (highest) class of safety, that is, for a person, the crayon is of low toxicity, of course, if you do not start using it inside in large quantities. However, you should not neglect elementary security methods:

  • chalk should be stored in its original packaging away from food;
  • when using, it is not recommended to hold the pencil with bare hands, it is better to use gloves. You can apply the product by holding it through the package.


Consider how you can use the Mashenka pencil to carry out pest control in an apartment.

three ways

There are three different ways disinfestation with a crayon:

  • Drawing lines. This is the most popular and convenient method of application. Chalk is used for its intended purpose, that is, they simply put lines on them in those places where cockroach paths pass, as well as near insect habitats.
  • Use in crushed form. If you crush the pencil to a powder state, then the product can be used as a dust, that is, scatter it near the places where cockroaches accumulate.
  • Solution. Dilute one crayon crushed into powder in five liters of water, use the prepared solution to wash surfaces - furniture, floors, plumbing, pipes, etc.

Carrying out processing by the classical method

Since, most often, a pencil is used to draw lines in the habitats of cockroaches, we will consider how to use this tool correctly so that the effect is maximum.

  • Holding the chalk by the free edge, you need to draw continuous (not dashed!) Lines. It should be remembered that this is a contact insecticide, so you should not give a chance to insects to pass through the line without getting dirty.
  • The following places need to be processed: thresholds, window sills, baseboards, ventilation grilles, places near sockets and switches located on walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. It is imperative to process the places where common house pipelines pass (sewer risers, heating system, plumbing).
  • It is useful to process furniture from the inside. It is worth processing the shelves and drawers in cabinets and cabinets. It will not be superfluous to circle the overall furniture along the contour - sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
  • Be sure to carry out processing in the bathroom, draw lines at the places where the pipes pass, process the space under the bathroom, make a line around the toilet.

The completed lines retain their properties for about a week, then the processing can be repeated.

Is this remedy effective?

With a strong infection, the agent should not be used, it will be necessary to select a more concentrated and effective insecticide and carry out a total treatment. As a prophylactic, the Mashenka pencil is very convenient. For example, if neighbors start poisoning cockroaches, then insects will actively crawl into adjacent apartments.

To protect yourself, it is worth drawing and regularly updating lines at places of common house communications - ventilation, pipelines, electrical wiring. You can use a pencil after a total treatment, as a prevention of re-infection.

So, a cockroach pencil with the romantic name "Mashenka" is enough effective remedy to prevent the entry of cockroaches into the house. Chalk can also be used with a low degree of contamination of the premises. But if there are a lot of insects in the house, it is worth choosing more “lethal” means.

The presence of insects such as cockroaches or bedbugs in the house is a serious problem that anyone can face. It is worth noting that cleanliness in the home is not a guarantee of the absence of these unpleasant cohabitants, since they often move into a house or apartment from sloppy neighbors. In addition, cockroaches and bedbugs can "travel" and come with you from business trips, hiding in suitcases and bags. Neighborhood with such insects is unpleasant and unsafe for health, so even if you find one cockroach or bed bug at home, you need to immediately address this problem.

What is crayon Masha

Chalk Mashenka is a remedy for fighting cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas, moths and even flies. It is an analogue of the Chinese pencil from harmful insects in the house, has a low cost and effectively fights household pests.

Chalk Mashenka was created on the basis of a similar Chinese insect pencil

The composition of the chalk includes:

The modern market offers the buyer huge selection all kinds of means to deal with unwanted neighbors in the house: sprays, gels, traps, and more. Despite the fact that the effectiveness of such products is often higher than that of the Mashenka chalk, the analogue of the Chinese pencil does not lose its popularity. This can be explained by the following factors:

  • effectiveness of use against house pests;
  • low cost of funds;
  • ease of use.

It is worth noting that Masha's chalk, unlike many other insecticides, does not quickly destroy insects. In order to get rid of cockroaches or bedbugs in the house, it may take from several days to several weeks. In cases where pests are present in very in large numbers, the use of chalk must be combined with the use of other, more effective drugs.

In especially advanced cases, it is worth using chalk in combination with other insect repellents in the house.

Video: cockroach control products

How to use

The main method of using Masha's chalk is to draw lines in places where cockroaches and bedbugs appear most often:

Chalk lines should be continuous and wide, at least 1.5 cm. Compliance with this condition gives the maximum effect, since when crossing the line, the insect manages to capture the amount of the drug sufficient for rapid death.

When drawing with chalk, draw continuous wide lines

One chalk Masha is enough to process an area of ​​​​about 30 square meters.

In addition, chalk can be used in other ways:

The intensity of the impact of chalk on insects lasts about a month. However, already 7-10 days after the application of the drug on the surface, the effect begins to weaken. After 2-3 weeks, the remnants of the product must be washed off with a soda-soap solution and, if necessary, again treat the room with a pencil.

Chalk Masha should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. In an open package, the drug begins to lose its properties already at a temperature of more than 25 degrees.

Security measures

The effectiveness of Masha's crayon is determined by the presence in its composition of harmful chemicals that can harm human health and pets. Therefore, when working with this drug, you should follow certain rules:

First aid

If safety precautions have been violated and external or internal contact with the drug has occurred, you should immediately contact medical institution for qualified help. Before the examination and consultation with the doctor:

  1. When particles of chalk get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. It is urgent to rinse them with running water or soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of water).
    If chalk particles get into your eyes, rinse them immediately clean water or saline solution
  2. When the pencil comes into contact with the skin. The insecticide should be washed off immediately with a stream of water.
    Running water from a tap will help remove Masha's pencil from the skin.
  3. When Mashenka enters the stomach. Need to drink a few glasses weak solution potassium permanganate and induce vomiting. To prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, dissolve 2-3 crystals of the substance in 1 liter of water. Remember that a more concentrated solution can cause serious disturbances in the body. To avoid getting particles of manganese on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent chemical burns, before use, the finished solution should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

    Gastric lavage with a solution of manganese is one of the available measures to cleanse the body during intoxication
  4. When the victim loses consciousness. Do not take any action - help is needed in this situation medical workers.
    Intoxication when working with an insecticide is a serious reason to turn to doctors

Insect crayons gained great popularity back in Soviet times. With their help, residents apartment buildings cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, moths and other unwanted animals were taken out in the premises. The chalk was easy to use - just like ordinary school chalk, and unlike most other household insecticides, it did not have a specific smell.

In addition, the chalk itself was perceived somehow positively and with a small amount of humor.

Maybe it was the quality of the composition or the convenient form of the product, but Masha's chalk from bedbugs turned out to be no less effective than from cockroaches, and saved more than one family from these harmful and annoying insects. Now it can also be found on store shelves and market layouts next to other, more modern means.

I must say that the crayon Mashenka still enjoys stable popularity. This is not surprising, because it is very easy to use, non-toxic to humans and animals. You can use it not only to kill insects, but also to prevent their appearance: for example, if bedbugs have started up with neighbors and can get over from them.

The composition of the product

Chalk Mashenka consists of only four components, two of which are auxiliary (chalk and gypsum). The active ingredients of the remedy are:

Of all the substances of the pyrethroid group, it is Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin that are the most effective blockers of nerve transmission in insects. It is thanks to them that Masha has such high efficiency.

Due to the consistency of the chalk, the applied substances are clearly fixed on the surface and are not erased from it. Upon contact of the bug with the treated surface, the poison enters its paws, and then through the proboscis into the digestive system. Already absorbed in the body into the blood, it begins to work.

If an infected bug touches another individual before it dies, it will also be poisoned. Thanks to this, Mashenka works according to the “viral” principle.

Feedback on the use of Masha's chalk:

When bedbugs were noticed at the dacha, they decided to act in the old fashioned way and smeared all the rooms with Masha's pencil a week before the vacation. The crayon helped again: for two weeks not a single bug has bitten us. Only mosquitoes tormented ...

Alexandra, Samara

The toxic substances of Masha's chalk have an active effect within 4-6 weeks after application.

On a note:

Unlike most other insecticides, Masha's components are quite resistant to weathering and moisture. Therefore, the crayon, being smeared on the surface, retains its activity. long time. But these same properties require the protection of small children in the house.

See also our bed bug experiments:

We catch bedbugs and test for them different means- See the results...

Rules for using the crayon Masha

It is imperative to store an unused or started product in a dark place, since its active substances tend to decompose under the influence of sunlight.

Depending on the preferences and type of room, you can use one of three methods:

  • directly "drawing" with chalk;
  • dusting with crushed chalk (this method is the most toxic because of the risk of inhaling dust);
  • wet processing - lubrication of the room with chalk dissolved in water.

There are no fundamental differences in efficiency depending on the method of using the chalk. The easiest and fastest way, of course, is to treat the room with a stick of chalk. In the fight against bed bugs, one pencil is enough for a room of 30 square meters.

It is advisable to work with protective gloves, especially if you plan to use several crayons at a time. After finishing the treatment, hands and face must be washed with soap and water. If the dust from the product gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water.

When dealing with bed bugs, it is advisable to move the furniture away from the walls in advance, check the baseboards for cracks and detachments. This is where bed bugs can live. It is necessary to take pictures from the walls, as they will also be processed. If it is possible to disassemble the sofa or bed to the base (solid base), this should also be done.

Another review:

"When we entered new apartment, then they were horrified! Bedbugs were everywhere - both in the wallpaper and in the sofa. They bit us and a small child (3 years old). They thought to run away from there sooner, but the parents advised Masha's pencil from bedbugs. It is cheap and sold everywhere. The husband sent us to my mother, and he himself pushed all the furniture and missed it everywhere. Do not believe it, but after 2-3 days the whole misfortune ended. Although, just in case, I keep the crayon and periodically smear it for prevention.

Marina, Moscow

Before use, it is necessary to free the crayon from the packaging, leaving its lower part. It should be taken precisely for this half protected by polyethylene. Then the necessary surfaces are smeared with chalk. The strips are carried out boldly, they should be 2-4 cm wide. First of all, the following areas are processed from domestic bugs:

  • The whole room around the perimeter, the surface of the floor and baseboard, Bottom part walls. If the skirting boards are damaged, then all cracks are processed additionally. By the way, it is for such hard-to-reach or narrow areas that you can use an aqueous solution of chalk, picking it up with a brush for drawing. Dissolve the crayon in a small amount of water to obtain a slurry, it should be sufficiently concentrated.
  • The back surface of carpets or carpeting.
  • The back surface of the furniture, special attention is paid to its lower part.
  • Bed frame, if possible the bottom of the mattress or cushions.
  • The back surface of the paintings.
  • If there are lagging old wallpapers on the walls, places where the walls are “exposed” where the wallpaper is lagging behind them (bugs and their larvae like to hide there).

The main part of the insects should disappear literally 2-3 days after treatment. Even if all individuals do not disappear immediately, this will happen within a week or two.

Igor Alekseevich, Tver

After 4-6 weeks, traces of the drug on visible and large surfaces are washed off with a soap and soda solution.

Pencil Mashenka and protection of the apartment from the appearance of bedbugs

It is convenient to work with chalk and to prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment.

Prevention is carried out when bed bugs have already appeared in the room before, or if it became known that one of the neighbors has them. Mashenka is perfect for such cases, since it will be possible to use the room immediately after it has been processed.

The algorithm for preventive treatment is almost the same as for the destruction of insects. The only difference is that it is not necessary to coat the treated areas so thickly, a strip 1 cm wide is enough.

In order to prevent the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment from neighbors, it is necessary to process the areas under and around the windows, as well as the box and the threshold front door. If there is a vestibule near the apartment, it is advisable to carry out preventive treatment there as well.

After the expiration of the insecticide (4-6 weeks), it will also need to be washed off with a soap and soda solution.

Chalk Masha allows small forces and without serious financial costs. The price of one pencil today is 6-10 rubles, and it will take about 3-4 pencils to process an apartment. Therefore, if it is very expensive to call a pest control team, but you need a really working method, you can use Masha's chalk.

An interesting video: an experiment on the effects of Hector powder on bedbugs

With which it is difficult to compete with obsolete and pencils. But not all products created decades ago are ready to lose ground. Chalk from cockroaches Masha confidently stands on the same shelves with the latest developments in this direction, in no way inferior to them in popularity. You can buy it not only in Moscow, but also in any city in the country.

Active substance

The remedy for cockroaches Masha, despite its many years of existence on the market, is a modern drug: the manufacturer regularly makes changes to the composition, adding new, improved insecticides.

Chalk, which can be purchased today, has the following substances in its composition:

  • Deltamethrin. Poison of intestinal and contact action. Has an impact on nervous system in case of contact with the body, paws or in the stomach. It quickly leads to paralysis and death.
  • Zeta is cypermethrin. It differs from the previous component in the structure and composition of the molecules. Synthetic substance from the group of pyrethroids.
  • Chalk filler, which includes poison.

Cockroach chalk contains two different insecticides. This is done so that insects do not develop resistance to the agent.


With proper handling, the chance of developing resistance to a single insecticide is extremely low. To two at the same time - tends to zero.

The Mashenka cockroach pencil works in this way: the insect passes along the drawn strip, touching it with its paws, antennae, and abdomen. In contact with the smallest particles of water, the active components penetrate through the cover of the insect and begin their destructive action.

The main damage is caused by particles of a substance that enter the digestive system of an insect when it tries to clean the parts of the body soiled in chalk with its jaws. After a few minutes, the cockroach begins to behave unusually, after which it is paralyzed and death occurs. In order for cockroach chalk to fulfill its purpose, you just need to apply it correctly.

We use Mashenka not only from cockroaches, but also from, and sometimes even helps. In general, we have not used anything other than chalk for many years. Cockroaches, as they brought out many years ago, are no more. For prevention, they drew patterns from them in secluded places in the kitchen, and that's it. Although the neighbors have crowds. I was even ready to buy these crayons for them myself - but where is it, they consider themselves smarter.

Yadviga, Kazan

What is good Masha

Pencil Mashenka from cockroaches has a number of advantages, thanks to which millions of buyers choose this tool:

  1. Chalk Mashenka from cockroaches, reviews of which can be ambiguous, effectively destroys cockroaches.
  2. The low price of the pencil makes it affordable for all groups of the population. Even the cheapest means of a different type will cost more than Masha's chalk.
  3. This tool does not dust, does not smell, does not emit toxins - it is safe to use. This is especially important for families with children or owners of furry pets.
  4. It is very easy to wash off the strips from the pencil, unlike other cockroach preparations.
  5. Mashenka is well remembered from childhood. In those days when other means were not available or they did not exist at all, it was Mashenka who helped get rid of cockroaches.

These reasons explain the fact that in many apartments today you can find chalk stripes around the sinks, behind the refrigerator, on the inside of the doors of kitchen cabinets. Often, close to the drawn line lie the corpses of those who underestimated the chalk from cockroaches.

I remember from childhood that we always had these dashes and stripes behind the refrigerator, around the sink and the trash can, around the kitchen furniture, in the toilet. Therefore, when I myself needed to remove the cockroaches in the house, I immediately ran to the store for Mashenka. I thought it would not work today, because cockroaches mutate, adapt. But no, Masha did not disappoint, like many years ago.

Olesya, Novosibirsk


No matter how good the drug is, it has some disadvantages:

  • short validity period - the strips must be regularly updated so that they do not lose effectiveness;
  • an insufficient effect is possible with a strong infection of the apartment;
  • If insecticide particles are inhaled by animals, poisoning is possible.

When applying the chalk, you should wear a medical mask or respirator, gloves. Wash hands thoroughly with soap after work.

How to use correctly

There is nothing complicated in using Mashenka to fight cockroaches. It is necessary to apply stripes in those places that are especially frequented by cockroaches: behind the refrigerator, around heating pipes or appliances, at the sink, near the trash can. All the necessary places are indicated on the packaging of the crayon.

Application rules:

  • Draw lines on the baseboards and back panels of the furniture. This should be done especially carefully on kitchen furniture. If possible, the entire perimeter of the rear panel should be marked.
  • Enclose the trash can in a chalk-drawn ring. Make sure the bucket is always inside the circle.
  • Make markings around the entire perimeter of the sink. Mostly, it is from this source that cockroaches quench their thirst.
  • Outline the perimeters of all ventilation ducts.
  • Surround the legs of the tables with a chalk pattern so that the insect, crawling onto the table, is forced to walk over the chalk.

The stripes should be thick so that the cockroaches cannot step over them, but pass with all their feet. The price of chalk is low, so savings are inappropriate here.

The number of Prussians destroyed by small depends on the timing of its use: the longer you do not touch the "drawings", the longer they will destroy arthropods. Strips should not be removed until the complete disappearance of cockroaches. Processing should be repeated until the cockroaches disappear. Only there you can be sure that man and the means have defeated the most ancient creatures on earth.

I still remember how my mother regularly bought a Chinese pencil from cockroaches in the market. Dead almost instantly. Now, when such a problem touched me, I did not think that I would find a piece of crayon. didn't help. I was preparing to buy expensive sprays, gels, although I don’t really believe in their effectiveness. And suddenly in the store I see a Mashenka pencil, similar to what I remember! I was glad to see him like an old friend. Bought a year's stock. True, I used it very generously, so my stock was significantly reduced. She smeared everything that was possible, tried not in the most noticeable places. And I've been living quietly for a month now. And there are no old cockroaches left, and I am no longer afraid of new ones.