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The meaning of the name Lyudmila (Luda). The meaning of the female name lyudmila

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Lyudmila.

What does the name Ludmila mean?

The name Lyudmila means - dear to people (glory.)

The meaning of the name Lyudmila - character and fate

A woman named Lyudmila is economic and homely. Since childhood, he loves to look after someone, takes care of the weaker, takes care of those in trouble. At the same time, she is proud, jealous, selfish, far from disinterested, keeps in dependence those to whom she has done some kind of favor. She does not tolerate people who manage to escape her fetters, exposes them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonorable. It is not easy to be friends with a woman named Lyudmila! But in a family that Lyudmila cherishes very much, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although she will never give up the role of leader to her husband. But the husband is mostly always satisfied with his wife Lyudmila. After the wedding, there is no special love between them, but complete agreement reigns. They are their own people - friends, comrades, partners in business and sex, and there is nothing to dream of a better hostess. In addition, Lyudmila is quite sexy, she can be passionate, but only if her husband allows her to rule. Meanwhile, one cannot yield to this woman in everything - her imperiousness has no limits, the desire to keep everyone in her hands can turn into unbridled, unceremonious. Children of different sexes are born to Lyudmila.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as necessary factor maintaining health. The feeling of superiority over a partner is an integral part of success in sexual relations. She is not afraid to take the initiative during sexual intercourse, she often manages it herself. A woman named Lyudmila prefers an environment conducive to long love fights, coziness and comfort. Too rapid excitation of a partner, his swift actions can dramatically change her mood. She is able, while remaining calm, to cool gracefully and tactfully overflowing emotions. If a man wants to keep interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and courteous, affectionate, gentle and physically strong.

The nature and fate of the name Lyudmila, taking into account the patronymic

Name Lyudmila and patronymic ....

Lyudmila Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna selfish, envious. He does not know how to teach himself profitably and is very angry that other women can easily do it. She is quite pretty, but tends to be overweight. A woman named Lyudmila does not know how to dress beautifully and fashionably. Ambitious, trying to look significant, which sometimes looks ridiculous in the eyes of others. If it doesn’t work out like that, he plays a “white crow” out of himself - not like everyone else, misunderstood and underestimated. Alas, there are people who, for the sake of ridicule, support her in this, and openly pity her behind her back or consider her a stupid woman. Despite all this, such Lyudmila still manages to get married quite successfully, although her husband does not always turn out to be from the layer of society that she would like to get into. She manages her husband, feels superior to him in every way. She is the first to give birth to a daughter, and her son, both externally and in character, completely copies his mother. Such Lyudmila usually happens in one marriage, does not risk changing her life.

Name Lyudmila and patronymic ....

Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna- A kind and generous woman. Usually gets along with everyone, but wants people to worship her and remember how she has done them good. Marries out after twenty-five years and not always successfully. After the divorce, she can be left alone with the children. A woman named Lyudmila has a first-born son. "Winter" Lyudmila with such middle names is an attentive wife, she loves to eat deliciously, and it is not difficult for her to cook lunch or dinner. "Spring" - stingy, saves on everything. Savings spends on all sorts of nonsense, without which you can easily do without. Husbands leave such Lyudmilas precisely because of stinginess.

Name Lyudmila and patronymic ....

Lyudmila Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna patient, good-natured, but proud and conceited. He always strives to be in the center of attention, does not miss a single event, is constantly aware of everything. Her desire to stand out, to be more interesting than others turns almost into megalomania. The weaker are suppressed by their authority. This woman does not tolerate weak men, they become the subject of her ridicule and bullying, especially if they try to win her over. A with strong men- irreconcilable, uncompromising. It's hard to please her. However, she may be intrigued by a man who has shown indifference to her - she will try to captivate, win such a feeling of contradiction. Such Lyudmila gets married only because it is accepted in society. A woman named Lyudmila feels great outside of marriage, has many friends and girlfriends, and is never alone. She has daughters.

Name Lyudmila and patronymic ....

Lyudmila Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna proud, artistic, a good storyteller, has a subtle sense of humor. But quick-tempered and vulnerable, sensitive to trouble. For a long time going through a break with loved ones. This woman is cunning, knows how to keep men in her hands, vigilant and jealous. It's hard to fool her. A woman named Lyudmila does not let her husband out of her sight, she always knows where he was and what he did. To do this, he establishes friendly relations with his colleagues, enters into the trust of his friends. He skillfully weaves intrigues, with the help of which he sweeps away all possible rivals from his path. The husband is always pleased with her and does not even suspect that all the breakdowns in his love affairs are due to the fault of his wife. Such Lyudmila knows how to earn money, does not expect funding from her husband, supports her husband in all his endeavors, gives him good advice. Her daughters are born.

Name Lyudmila and patronymic ....

Lyudmila Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna contradictory, emotional, unbridled in passions. Sometimes harsh, can offend. A woman named Lyudmila does not like weak-willed men. Marries only a man with strong character because only with him he feels like a person. In the family, she, like all Lyudmilas, is in the lead, but she is smart enough not to focus on this, respects the opinion of her husband, allows him to feel his importance. This woman is a bright personality, driving force in the career of a spouse, his inspirer, support and support in all matters. She is highly sexual, temperamental, but restrained in feelings, not intrusive. Sex for her is also a necessary factor for maintaining health. Lyudmila is a wonderful mother to her daughters, she knows how to do everything, she manages everything, she never waits for someone's help.

Many are interested in the meaning of their name, because sometimes it dictates our fate. This has been known since ancient times. They are studied by numerologists, astrologers and even psychologists with the help of various theories. If you want to know everything about the name Lyudmila, her character and compatibility with other names, read this article.

Meaning of the name

The name Lyudmila means "dear people". In addition to the Slavic root, you can also see in it:

  • Indo-European meaning "grow";
  • Latin meaning "freedom" and "to hinder".

The name itself reflects the meaning of objection and inspiration with something new, unknown.

The name Lyudmila has the following derivatives: Lyudmilka, Lyudasik, Luda, Lusya, Lyudochek, Lyulya, Milya, Mila and Milusha.


The nature of the name does not quite correspond to its meaning. After all, Lyudmila does not seem to be nice to everyone from childhood, but makes a lot of efforts for this. She has a fairly rational nature, modest behavior that suppresses the characteristic temperament. To be charming, to please everyone and to visit as often as possible - these are her main rules. The conqueror of hearts, who always knows what and why she wants - her innate features. Luda should always be in the center of attention and feel how everyone around her admires her. This can boost her self-esteem. A girl or woman with that name is a great hostess. This manifests itself even in childhood, for example, in games of mother-daughter. Later, she will attend needlework and home economics classes. She simply loves children, builds respectful relationships with everyone. In work, Luda does not tolerate any rules, loves to go beyond the boundaries, and will achieve success, even going over their heads.


The most common interpretation of the name Lyudmila says that its origin lies in its roots back in Old Slavic times. But also some explain it as a female form male name Lyudmil, meaning "nice to people." It was actively used in Bulgaria.


Lyudmila is an excellent hostess who always takes care of her home and loved ones. It is the secret of this name that prophesies that she will especially patronize children and watch them very carefully. The husband will sometimes be disappointed, which will lead to some quarrels and conflicts, but he will never be the first to break the marriage so that the children do not suffer. And if there is a divorce, it will be very stormy, which will be remembered by everyone for a long time. Lyudmila can achieve something important or, conversely, lose. An artist, a poetess, a leader, meaning the possibility of ruling, a journalist - these are the professions that are ideal for her. It is also impossible not to recall the work of a fashion designer or artist. It will be easy for her to conquer sports and the stage.

name day

The name day of the owner of this name is celebrated on September 29, when they remember the martyr Lyudmila, a Czech princess who spread Christianity in her lands.


Due to the fact that the name Luda has such a meaning, and the owner of it corresponds to the proper character, Lyudmila can lead an abnormal lifestyle, meaning the confusion of day and night, untimely sleep. Her blood circulates improperly, which leads to varicose veins.

According to Mendelev

Reliable, good, feminine name. It is perceived exactly as it should be lexical meaning- sweet people. The already mentioned, as well as other signs - "gentle", "beautiful", "round" manifest themselves even in diminutive forms and hardly change over time.

Lyudmila is always in the thick of life, she gets both joys in full measure, and, in particular, worries and sorrows. It would seem that having all the data for happy life, it should easily overcome obstacles and achieve its goals. But she is constantly pursued by evil fate: when the goal seems to be close, something unexpected happens, and everything goes to dust.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

Strong will, rich intuition, feminine charm help Lyudmila only up to a certain point. Then troubles begin - in love, family or at work - and again she has to strain her strength to get out of another hole. She enthusiastically undertakes to arrange the fate of those people who are dear to her, but these efforts often do not lead to the results that we would like to get. Or, having achieved with great difficulty some stable position in society, Lyudmila commits some small, insignificant act, after which, as if by a chain, its consequences line up, and she loses everything that she got with such great difficulty. The same is true in intimate relationships, a wedding can be upset at the very last moment, the person she relies on acts contrary to expectations ... Such accidents are not an exception for Lyudmila, but the rule.

Lyudmila's activity and sociability are usually higher than those of her friends, and her reactions are quick and impulsive. Any calculation is alien to her, and even if, after much thought, she decides to behave exactly as intended, it is very likely that in fact she will do something exactly the opposite. The mobile and unstable type of psyche pushes her to completely inexplicable acts that bring her only harm.

She is easily suggestible, often changes her views, and today she can passionately defend what she rejected yesterday. Her reactions to events are very fast and stormy, she spends herself all, and from time to time she may have periods of apathy and indifference to everything.

Mila is slower than Luda and Lucy, but kinder than them.

Lyudmila's colors are bluish, lilac.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Dear people", (Russian)

Energy and character named after Lyudmila

This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and circles diverging on the surface of the lake. So in the name Lyudmila, two heterogeneous beginnings are connected into a single whole. It can be easily seen that the first part of the word has sufficient hardness, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmilas deliberately use the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Luda or as Mila. Another name is similar to scales, trying to balance both softness and hardness of character at the same time.

Such a search for balance usually leads to the fact that Lyudmila from childhood begins to be distinguished by an analytical mindset, which largely masks her sensuality, at the same time preventing this sensuality from developing into passion. No matter what emotions overwhelm Luda, she still tries to choose the best of all behavior options, in her opinion. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but still nervous breakdowns Ludmilas are rarely too strong. She may make some noise, be offended, but, most likely, she will quickly pull herself together. At the same time, Luda is not without some coquetry, which is also a consequence of her logic and developed pride.

Often, from an early age, Luda knows what she needs to do, what not, as well as what can and cannot be done. At the same time, her rationally balanced sensuality is likely to lead to early thoughts of marriage. Sometimes, already from childhood, she begins to seriously prepare herself for family life, and it is not surprising if this leads to an early marriage, as soon as Luda receives independence from her parents. Here, however, it can very quickly become clear that not everything in life can be planned, especially if we are talking about human relationships. Often Lyudmila begins to use her mental abilities in order to fit the character of her husband to her ideas of what her man should be like. It is not surprising if this raises objections on the part of the husband up to an open conflict, and here it is useful to remember that happiness cannot be planned, since happiness is just a fullness of feelings and trust in Fate and close people. If this is not the case, then no matter how the husband behaves, she will still remain dissatisfied.

Often Lyudmila tries to realize herself in her career, and in this she can be well helped by such qualities as the ability to be persistent and diplomatic. Although, of course, sometimes it is much more appropriate to trust your feelings more than your reason.

Communication secrets: When communicating with Luda, it is worth considering that significant sensuality is usually hidden behind her reasonable mask. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it would still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

Famous people named Ludmila

Ludmila Zykina

Indeed, it is not easy to believe that one of the most popular performers of Russian folk songs, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize winner and People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina (born 1929) could have worked as a seamstress all her life and would hardly have received all of the above awards , if not for the case. And it all started with the fact that she, an eighteen-year-old girl with garment factory, suddenly noticed an announcement on Mayakovsky Square about a competitive recruitment to the Pyatnitsky choir, and unexpectedly decided for herself. Soon Zykina was already at the audition, and a few hours later she saw her name among those who had passed the competition.

With this, the stellar career of the singer began. Since then, her beautiful, deep, strong voice has been heard at concert venues in many countries of the world - she toured a lot, and since 1977 she became the artistic director of the Rossiya ensemble. “Now that many years have passed,” the singer sums up in her book “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” “I can say that singing must begin with participation in the choir. The choir is a school for learning the song and the secrets of its performance.” If this is true, then Lyudmila Zykina was lucky that everything in her life turned out that way, and not otherwise. However, it still seems that even if it were not for the choir, her talent and diligence would have led to the same results. But for those who do not have the necessary qualities, even the Pyatnitsky Choir will hardly help to learn the "secrets of performance".

1. Personality: those who measure and weigh

2. Color: purple

3. Main features. Susceptibility - sociability - activity - sexuality

4 Totem Plant: Mistletoe

5. Spirit animal: rooster

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

8. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

9. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be persuaded.

10. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? Either you will survive with it, or you will fly into the air ...

12. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where you can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They do not endure painstaking regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. With great strength striving for success!

13. Intuition. Extraordinarily developed, especially if they make a medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of the personality.

14. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mindset, but often drown in trifles and become unfair and biased. Inquisitive, with a well-developed memory.

15. Susceptibility. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

16. Morality. Somewhat unstable moral principles just add to their charm.

17. Health. Fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. They have impaired blood circulation, and this threatens with varicose veins.

18. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, possess and give?

19. Activity. They are professional players capable of making the most risky bluffs...

20. Sociability. Excessive sociability often leads to a disordered life.

21. Conclusion. If you aspire to a crazy but full of passion life, then marry a woman who bears this name and get what you want!

By Higiru

Slavic name - dear to people. Feminine form of the name Lyudmil.

Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the features of the keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create comfort, all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather”, and since the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands. But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. The brother is more tolerant. Differences in Lyudmila's relationship with her sister and brother, which are laid down from childhood, are also clearly visible in Lyudmila's adults.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

He loves the company of little girlfriends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila Domovity, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil's parents should pay attention to this. School and home duties are performed diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having matured, Lyudmilas become proud, jealous of their person. He spares neither money nor time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind, she will not regret good advice, do not stint on a gift.

Personal life and marriage named after Lyudmila

Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Ludmila's husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila is a wonderful hostess, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, enriching herself and acquiring an imprint of a peculiar and unique. The husband will not go broke on her outfits, moreover, Lyudmila herself can make good money with her ability to needlework. Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Luda's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband, he does not like Luda's excessive independence and her independent character. Collisions are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which in such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart, continues to persistently look for a life partner.

Lyudmil with patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Alexandrovna, Dmitrievna negative traits character are more pronounced.

Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry - will surely become good husbands Lyudmila. She should beware of marriage with Nikolai, Yegor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

Love compatibility of zodiac signs

The zodiac sign does not play a decisive role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs. Marriages between representatives of the signs of the same element can also be ...

This name is one of the most popular in our country. From this article, you will find out whether moms and dads are doing the right thing by naming their daughters Luda, and what to do for girls and women who already bear this name.

Many consider it our original - and rightly so, it is Slavic. It translates as "dear people."

It is interesting that at one time it long time was not popular. In Russian literature, one can only find the ballad "Lyudmila" by Zhukovsky, and of course, the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Pushkin. The name became truly famous in our country after the 40s of the last (that is, the 20th) century.

Friends and relatives affectionately call the bearer of the name so: Luda, Lyudochka, Lucy, Lyudok, Milka, Milka. And when they get angry, they exclaim: Lyudka!

In other countries, this name will sound like this: Lucia (Italy, the name is translated as “light”, “bright”), Lola (Czech Republic), Lucy (England, France).

What is the character of a typical Lucy?

Advantages: this girl is called Love for a reason - she is really filled with respect, compassion and love for friends, family and even strangers. A kind girl can have a calm, dreamy character. By nature, she is gifted with a lively mind, creative notes, as well as a penchant for analytics.

disadvantages A: A girl's morals can be a little fuzzy. Her soul is twofold: on the one hand, she is sweet, on the other, a rude, overly straightforward person. Cold and passion, laziness and diligence, helplessness and strength, sadness and joy easily coexist in it. This is a coquette who can be very hurt by an unfortunate statement about her.

The fate of Luda from childhood

  • Early years. As a child, this is a cute little "mommy" caring for baby dolls. The girl is very neat, but the owner does not like to share toys with other girls (even her own sister or best friend). Although, of course, she loves to play with other girls, and practically does not conflict in the game. If her brother is born, Lucy is tolerant of him.
  • Youth, the formation of character. This is a diligent student - if not an excellent student, then a solid good student. A girl from her youth shows a talent for music, and it will be great if her mother starts taking her to music or singing lessons. Lucy has dozens of friends, she is very deeply worried about their bitterness and joy, so among friends she is considered an ideal "vest".
  • mature period. As in childhood, this woman loves to communicate more with her brother than with her sister. This is a slightly “problematic” personality: proud, waiting for compliments from neighbors, not tolerating criticism. She may seem rude, but this is only the top part of her sensual soul. She likes to go to someone's help. This artistic personality could make a career in theater or television. She is very charming, and knows well how to put this character trait into practice.

Astrology and mysticism

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Libra (September 24 to October 23).
  • Name color: beige.
  • Ruler Planet: Venus.
  • The stone that will become the talisman: yellow sapphire.
  • A totem from the animal world: a cat, and always Persian.
  • Mascot plants: hazel and chrysanthemum.

name day: September 29 (for Catholics - the 16th). The patroness is the Holy Martyr Ludmila, Czech princess. Saint Methodius himself baptized her into Christianity. Killed by her pagan relative.

Luda in various aspects of life

  • Love. At the first meeting, Lucy tries to look modest, but in fact, a volcano of passions seethes in her. Since she can be called a typical female martyr, she can fall in love with the “wrong” man.
  • Relations. Lyuda can get married early, and it won't be the best successful marriage, since Luda does not accept "flexing" under her spouse. A husband can be jealous of her, and for good reason - a girl loves to please all men without exception, and from time to time she can step over the threshold of decency. Often Luda lives alone after a divorce (divorces), and it’s good if she manages to give birth to a child in marriage - in this case she will not be alone.
  • Family. In the house, she is the mistress and commander. Her wife and mother can be called simply excellent. The woman is a great cook. She loves to receive guests or go to someone, without communicating with friends she is bored. Luda will always find time to sit with a book.
  • Job. The ideal job for Luda is not boring and not monotonous. A compassionate woman will make an excellent doctor or nurse. She can also make a stellar career in film, theater, television journalism. The woman is very ambitious, and knows well that she is worthy of fame.
  • Health. The painful part of Luda's body can be called the lungs and bronchi. It is this woman who can suffer from asthma, catch tuberculosis. In childhood, infections constantly stick to it. In no case should they be “walked on their feet”, since the disease can take revenge with a complication on the ears, and a musical girl can even partially lose her hearing.

With what man will she be happy, and vice versa?

Namesakes, thanks to which mothers called their children Luda

  1. Lyudmila Kasatkina (1925-2012) - Soviet actress, star of the still popular films Big Break, Calling Fire on Ourselves, Circus Princess.
  2. Lyudmila Savelieva (1942) - Soviet actress. Known for her roles in the films Anna Karenina, War and Peace.
  3. Lyudmila Semenyaka (1952) - brilliant Soviet ballerina ( big theater), choreographer.
  4. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (1938) - Soviet writer, from whose pen many plays, fairy tales, short stories, novels, cartoon scripts ("The Stolen Sun" and others) came out.
  5. Lyudmila Ulitskaya (1943) - Soviet and Russian writer, author of the story "Sonechka" and other works. Many films have been made based on her novels.
  6. Lyudmila Tatyanicheva (1915-1980) - Soviet poetess, sang the working class.
  7. Lyudmila Zykina (1929-2009) - Soviet singer, most often performed folk songs.
  8. Lyudmila Gurchenko (1935-2011) - theater and film actress, singer. She became famous for her role in the musical film Carnival Night. But one of her most famous roles was the role of a mature homemaker in the film Love and Doves.
  9. Lyudmila Sokolova (1990) - Russian pop singer.

Well, in the end, we traditionally offer a “named” song for all Lyudmila. Yes, this is chanson, but how soulfully performed!

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Meaning and origin: dear to people (glor.)

Energy and Karma: This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and circles diverging on the surface of the lake. So is the name Ludmila two dissimilar beginnings are connected into a single whole. It can be easily seen that the first part of the word has sufficient hardness, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmilas deliberately use the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Luda or as Mila. Another name is similar to scales, trying to balance both softness and hardness of character at the same time.

Secrets of communication: in communication with Luda, it is not superfluous to take into account that significant sensuality is usually hidden behind her reasonable mask. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it would still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

  • Libra.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: light green, yellowish brown.
  • Talisman stone: jade.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 2

1. Personality. Those who measure and weigh.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 99%.

4. Vibration. 93,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Purple.

6. Main features. Susceptibility - sociability - activity - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Mistletoe.

8. Totem animal. Rooster.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

11. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

12. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be persuaded.

13. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? Either you will survive with it, or you will fly into the air ...

15. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where you can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They do not endure painstaking regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. Ludmila striving for success with great force!

16. Intuition. Extraordinarily developed, especially if they make a medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of the personality.

17. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mindset, but often drown in trifles and become unfair and biased. Inquisitive, with a well-developed memory.

18. Susceptibility. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

19. Morality. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

20. Health. Fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. They have impaired blood circulation, and this threatens with varicose veins.

21. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, possess and give?

22. Activity. They are professional players capable of making the most risky bluffs...

23. Sociability. Excessive sociability often leads to a disordered life.

Conclusion. If you aspire to a crazy but full of passion life, then marry a woman who bears this name Ludmila and get what you want!

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 3

Slavic name - dear to people. Feminine form of the name Lyudmil. Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the features of the keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create comfort, all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather”, and since the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands.

But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. The brother is more tolerant. Differences in Lyudmila's relationship with her sister and brother, which are laid down from childhood, are also clearly visible in Lyudmila's adults.

He loves the company of little girlfriends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila Domovity, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil's parents should pay attention to this. School and home duties are performed diligently, patiently and assiduously. Growing up

Lyudmilas become proud, jealous of their person. He spares neither money nor time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind, will not regret good advice, will not stint on a gift. Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Ludmila's husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Ludmila a wonderful hostess, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, enriching herself and acquiring an imprint of the original and unique. The husband will not go broke on her outfits, moreover, Ludmila she can make good money with her ability to needlework.

Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Luda's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband, he does not like Luda's excessive independence and her independent character. Collisions are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which in such women usually happens loudly and noisily. divorced Ludmila does not lose heart, continues to persistently look for a life partner.

In Lyudmil with patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Alexandrovna, Dmitrievna, negative character traits are more pronounced. Alexander, Andrei, Eugene, Cyril, Ilya, Dmitry - will surely become good husbands to Lyudmila. She should beware of marriage with Nikolai, Yegor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 4

Ludmila- "people are sweet" (glor.)

It is difficult to approach her, she puts up a barrier until she is convinced of the sincerity of her partner's feelings. This is a choleric who does not pay attention to the spoken words, but a person with a huge heart.

She has a love for her neighbor. She is caring and forgiving. She is a natural educator. Ludmila- zealot of morality. sane. Able to correctly assess their capabilities. Slightly sly. Immaculate hostess. As a rule, she is always surrounded by friends. As far as she is devoted to her beloved, she is so jealous. But a huge desire to please everyone and be unsurpassed often harms her. Her will is not as strong as it seems at first. If you overcome its aggressiveness, then you can have a beneficial effect on it. Lyudmila's quick excitability sometimes prevails over all other character traits: she gives the impression of a tangle of nerves. The reaction to undesirable situations is instantaneous and unbridled. It is usually impossible to predict exactly when an explosion of emotions will occur.

Labor activity is a battlefield for Lyudmila, where actions often go beyond what is permitted. She does not tolerate regulated work. And everywhere he strives for success with all his might. This is a leader who hardly gets used to a secondary role. An unusually developed intuition helps her find a solution quickly and correctly. Her abilities are well manifested in medicine, where you need to accurately diagnose or make a psychological assessment of the individual. Having an analytical mindset, unfortunately, she often dissolves into trifles, becomes unfair and biased. She has a well-developed auditory memory and a sense of curiosity. She, like a sponge, in addition to her desire, absorbs all the information. Has the qualities of a professional player. Able to take risks, bluff. But in everything she is guided by will, an indestructible desire to achieve her goal.

Ludmila every second strives for love, in everything should be the first. But he dreams of mastering not only the body of his beloved, but also his condition. Somewhat unstable moral principles only give her charm. She has a heightened sexuality and is noble in her desires. Wants to be loved and love, take and give. She likes everything beautiful and chic. Excessive sociability leads to disorder of being.

If a man strives for a crazy, but full of passion life, then he should marry Lyudmila, he will have all this.

Initially has iron health. Unusually hardy. Confuses day with night, sleeps when possible. But she may well have a violation of blood circulation, which will lead to varicose veins. Lyudmila should be protected nervous system, stomach, bronchi.

"Winter" Ludmila- despot. Demanding of himself, does not give indulgence to others. Proud, brave. Rich in soul, has great loving heart where there is room for everyone. She will make an excellent manager, but employees fear and respect her more than they love.

"Autumn" - perfectly owns a pen and a word. Can become an excellent journalist, poetess. Independent, independent. Loving, extremely sexy. The name is suitable for patronymics: Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Ruslanovna, Evgenievna, Adamovna.

"Summer" - has an increased sense of attraction to the opposite sex. Easier to find mutual language with men than with women. Smart, good. Resourceful. He has an excellent memory, an extraordinary imagination. He will succeed in the theater or cinema, in rhythmic gymnastics, in the circus arena, in choreography.

"Spring" - with increased sensitivity to someone's grief, to their own, even minor, failures. Painfully endures quarrels with friends, sentimental. Can be an artist, fashion designer, model, educator, teacher, writer. The name is suitable for patronymics: Yurievna, Yanovna, Tarasovna, Egorovna, Vadimovna, Efimovna, Lvovna.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 5

I'm not nice, though nice, and you, though Ludmila. But you are not nice to people, and you will not become nice to them.

Perhaps this is said and somewhat pointed, like any characteristic squeezed into too small a place. But nonetheless, this is true characterization, a correct observation of the polarization of names that is not uncommon in onomatology.

Where the name is very clear and indisputable in its etymology, where its etymological meaning is imposed on consciousness and, moreover, has a character that is not symbolic, but too obviously identical, - there the personality structure often turns out to be in direct conflict with the etymological meaning of the name. It is not that between the name and the person, more precisely, between the etymological meaning of the name and its energetic meaning, it was impossible to catch the connection at all. On the contrary, careful penetration into the name and into the person who bears it allows one to discover the threads stretching from the name to the person, allows one to understand the original fabric that was reborn into the given person, and this fabric is clearly determined by the name in question. And when this is revealed, then the symbolic reflection of the name by this person becomes clear, the etymological meaning of his name not only contradicts on the surface, but also affirms this meaning with his deeper layers. Here it is possible to see and understand not only that this person blatantly violates the etymological meaning of his name, but also that it is no accident that she wears it, that the energy of her name really acts in her, although it causes an unexpected action, but still it is the activity of that name and not of any other. Personality, like any concreteness in general, embodying an intelligent essence, manifests it in itself and by itself symbolically, as artistic image. When an intelligent essence is clearly far from the possibility of rationalistic unification and simplification on one basis, then its artistic embodiment in a person does not give a gap between the symbol and the prototype - the name. When this archetype (although even here it is incapable of being rationalistically flattened) is closer to the rational plane and more easily allows violence against itself, which turns it from an idea into a concept, then the personality embodying given name, can easily, because of the noisily imposed abstract sign of the name, precisely because of it, not obey the name and in response to its obsessive demand - to have some specific sign, to be a walking personification of this sign, it shows the exact opposite. Perhaps here she is impelled to this rebellion against her name by deep chastity, which does not allow her to walk around with a sign on her forehead, announcing in all letters what abstract sign this person should be the personification of in the opinion of the crowd. But, dressing herself with an opposite sign, in the depths of her personality she is nevertheless illuminated by this sign, which is denied on the surface, and its light shines indistinctly through her own more superficial negation.

It seems to us cloying and fictitious ancient works, where people with names act, the meaning of which too clearly indicates virtues and vices. What is unpleasant here is not only, or rather, not so much the extremeness of their virtue or vice, as a formal statement about both of them by the names themselves: according to experience stored up and deposited in us for centuries, but undeniably inherent in us by the direct instinct of names, no matter how this instinct may explained, we do not believe this straightforward coincidence of an abstract-logical signboard with the psychological and moral, and even more so with the bodily content of the individual, and the presented image in its integrity with the name is assessed by us as impossible and therefore artistically false.

… Everyone knows from life experience that people with overly pious surnames are rarely pious. Exactly the same or even more Ludmila- and in relation to his name: ... although Ludmila,

But you are not nice to people, And you will not become nice to them. Yes, what is especially to filter out: Ludmila- a rude woman and such not by any chance. She has strong impulses, but rough, rough - in the bass key, somewhat hoarse. Knocks down everyone in the path of her impulse. But the impulse with the calculation is not for her; it is rude to the very calculation, it seeks stormy collisions with life and in them does not spare itself. But this is not a temperament, not a fire in the blood and in the soul, which flows like a molten stream into the desired direction determined by it.

Ludmila does not want anything definite, does not achieve this, and in general does not know what she wants ... she does not need a certain content, this or that, but a form of violent collisions, rude manifestations. "Searchs for storms, as if there is peace in storms." Quiet speech is painful for her, but cries are needed. Warmth, comfort, contentment are not only not sought for by her, but, on the contrary, are rejected with indignation, discarded, thrown away as something contemptible and vile. Her appearance, in her own imagination, attracting her image of herself, is a shock, a shock with a banner, a flag, maybe a cross, in general a shock with something, it is rather indifferent what exactly. The storm is raging, the drums are marching and the rough copper pipes, bullets whistle, around - the tension of suffering and horror. And she shakes with something, leads somewhere, saves some crowds and leads to something. This is how she imagines herself in her prime, at the top of her achievements.

But for her it remains unclear and more or less indifferent who she leads, where she leads: the rise itself is important, the Beethovenian spirit of pointless rebellion, the onslaught of the elements, sweeping away everything quiet and comfortable, although sometimes it does not have any goal that internally justifies these impulses. .

This is the exact opposite of the epic, this is the roaring sea of ​​the sound of Beethoven's Egmont, captivating and uplifting if you madly surrender to it, and empty boiling in a cauldron of water, if you remember that political passions, very doubtful in their rightness, serve as a weak motivation for all this noise. and in addition, they have long since ceased to make noise and gone into the realm of the epic, albeit a rather small one. This is exactly how Lyudmila would like to sail on a raft of barrels and logs along the heaping waves of the ocean, with a flash of lightning and in the role of captain of the unfortunate dying of cold and hunger - certainly unfortunate travelers.

But this image, like others like it, for Lyudmila is not a theatrical effect, not vanity and a desire to surprise and surprise oneself, but a genuine shock. "It's me," yearns to say Ludmila, but at the same time she wants a genuine shock, a genuine upsurge, a genuine feat, and she is by no means satisfied with the effect, the mere effect, the spectacular role.

Ludmila wants an effect, but not an affectation. This is an honest nature, exaggerated in its honesty, emphasized in it, rude in honesty. Both internally and externally honest, “so honest, so truthful that I’ll punch anyone in the face, in honesty and truthfulness I won’t lose a millimeter.” Everything seems to her flabby, sluggish, false. She recognizes only heroes and is inclined to see in this or that the ideal image of a hero from time to time. But as soon as the slightest weakness, gentleness, and indirectness of a recognized hero is revealed, he instantly kicks off the pedestal and is poured with contempt - he is a deceiver, flabby and cowardly, a scoundrel, not better than anything else than the despicable herd of little men, mean and mercenary.

Ludmila- a heroic nature, perhaps not so much even heroic as wanting to be one. She understands heroism in a very elementary way, as well as nobility, which she denies for almost the whole world and which in superlatives claims for himself. It will not even enter her head to doubt whether her nobility is really so indisputable and gives her the right to despise everyone around her. When Beethoven stood on the path to force the Duke of Weimar, Goethe and his retinue to go around him on the lawn, then, probably, Beethoven was struck by that very happy thought of his independence and his nobility, unlike Goethe's, which usually inspires Ludmila. She hates contentment, but where there is misfortune and grief, she is in her place; there she forgets about the harsh condemnation of people and is ready for any sacrifice, impulsive and without looking back. Here she becomes resourceful, enterprising, she can lead, infuse energy, master the situation and - in fact, bring it out. Sister of mercy, paramedic, candidate, revolutionary activist - she is here in her place. Not distinguished by a deep mind at all, alien to contemplation, she often finds herself here thanks to her impulse, which knows no looking back, its rudeness, which does not linger on details and shades, is smarter than smart ones. She cuts with an axe, grabs an ax according to her main attraction to rough actions, when others, more experienced, would begin to use thin, despised tools, and in a moment of danger she can turn out to be more right in her rudeness than others in their subtlety and prudence. .

Here she leads, now dear to people, yes, to people, and not to a person. She, in heroic moments, is sweet to the crowd. She is not nice to a person, and does not want to be nice, and therefore she is rude to him, to a person: too small, too soft, too little, in her opinion, to be nice to individual people.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 6

Kind, caring, accommodating. They love to create comfort - real classic keepers of the family hearth. Delicious cooking. But they are not lucky in marriages - their marriages are short-lived.

Often they have two lovers: one - beloved, the other - who can be taken care of. These women are complaisant, like a father, excellent friends. Unfortunately, unlucky.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 7

Ludmila- from old, Russian. sweet people.

derivatives: Dudmilka

Folk omens.

On Lyudmilin's day, geese fly away - they drag a winter on their tail.


Ludmila"looks for storms, as if there is peace in storms." She does not accept any "quiet backwater" or even quiet speech. Ludmila natural leader. At the same time, it doesn’t really matter to her who she leads and even what she leads to; the onslaught of the elements is important, sweeping away everything quiet and comfortable on the way. This nature is honest, even orthodox in its honesty. Ludmila does not like dullness, mediocrity, recognizes only heroes and sometimes tends to idealize people, raising them to a high pedestal. She is the organizing force and center of her family, an excellent hostess, mother and wife. In moments of misfortune and grief Ludmila feels especially in demand, showing resourcefulness, enterprise, vigorous energy. Not distinguished by a deep mind at all, alien to contemplation, in critical situations Ludmila turns out to be smarter than smart, in fact, very necessary and nice to people.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 8

LYUDMILA - dear to people (staroslav).

Name day: September 29 - Holy Martyr Ludmila, Princess of Czech, spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic; was killed by a pagan in 927.

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - beige.
  • Auspicious tree - hazel.
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum.
  • The patron of the name is a Persian cat.
  • Talisman stone - yellow sapphire.


Ludmila- a very temperamental woman who, out of a sense of innate balance (she strives for it all her life), tries to seem modest. Ludmila loves society, knows how to win people, however, her charm always has a completely conscious purpose, because Ludmila seldom gives herself to the impulses of her feminine heart. Her rational nature is constantly hungry for living food: Ludmila reads a lot, needs constant communication, likes to visit and receive guests. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval, good luck in everything. She hates obstacles and withers from criticism. That's why Ludmila- the organizing force, the center of her family, a magnificent hostess, mother and wife - here is her kingdom, her element, here is the stage on which she always plays the main role. She has excellent taste, refined habits.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila option 9

Ludmila has a complex character, unpredictable. She is stubborn and at the same time very patient. At least once in a lifetime Ludmila abruptly breaks his seemingly already arranged fate. And always unexpectedly even for the closest. She does not plan such responsible steps and does not strive for them. Just one day, a combination of random circumstances leads her to this decision. Dissuade

Lyudmila is useless from anything. New life, though not the best, in any case, it suits her more. Such changes mobilize all her forces to solve her problems.

Married over the years Ludmila disappointed, but tries not to break anything because of the children, adapts to the situation. With children, she has complete mutual understanding, often Ludmila dedicates his life entirely to them.