Repairs Design Furniture

Project Sewing factory for children of the senior group. Project activities in the senior group "Clothing and its appointment. Develop the attention of the child to the sound of words, learn to select words in rhyme

Odintsova Julia Aleksandrovna
Sitnova Olga Evgenievna

Educator, MBDOU Kindergarten №5 "Smile", Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Odintsova Yu.A., Sitnova O.E. Familiarization of preschoolers with a professional designer (project) // Sovice. 2018. N1 (11) .. 03.2020).

Order No. 58630.

Annotation. The project discloses experience in the formation of cognitive activity, the value artistic and aesthetic perception of the peace of preschool children through familiarization with the profession of clothing designer using a local history principle.

Keywords: artistic and aesthetic perception; Decorative and applied art; integration; Cognitive activity.

Project type Cognitive-creative

Children's age-6-7 years

Project participants. Children, teachers, parents.

The duration of the project Short-term (2 weeks)


The social medium at the present stage is developing very rapidly and therefore, in the pre-school education system, the need to familiarize children not only with traditional professions, but also modern, which are organically included in the educational process. Acquaintance of children of senior preschool age with adult professions is one of the important tasks of the socialization of the child. Acquaintance of preschoolers with professions helps to form interest in labor, to exercise value attitude towards labor results. The relevance of the formation of primary ideas about the labor of adults, his roles in society and the life of each person are justified by the Gos of Preschool Education: "Cognitive development involves the development of the interests of children, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; Development of imagination and creative activity ... ".

As practice shows, modern preschoolers have weak knowledge of modern professions and low vocabulary on this topic. To familiarize preschool children with creative professions, we decided to use a project method that will provide an integrative approach to working with children. Work on the project will help master knowledge about the profession of clothing designer, increase independent activity, develop creative thinking, the ability to independently find information about objects or phenomena. We educate the preschoolers artistic and aesthetic perception through nature observations, familiarization with works of art, and this project will help to see children beauty in clothes, reveal its role in the appearance of man and raise such personal qualities as: accuracy, thrift.

At the beginning of work, we determined goal-setting and formulated tasks.

Stage I. Goal.


- Formation of the ideas of children about creative professions, including the designer-designer of clothing, interest in collective, game, educational and research activities.


The development of the cognitive activity of children.

The development of aesthetic perception of the world, artistic art of adults and children by familiarization with the creative labor of adults;

Stimulate children to the manifestation of imagination, fantasies, courage in the presentation of their own intentions;

Expanding the ideas of children about the profession of fashion designer clothing;

Encourage children to search and research in familiarization with cloth and its properties;

Raise interest in children, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality;

Educate respect for the work of adults, careful attitude towards labor results.

Planned project results:

Formation of skills and skills of working with various materials (natural, thrust)

Expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the work of the fashion designer - designer of clothes;

Development of creative imagination, a feeling of color and style.


We started working with the creation of conditions for familiarization with the work of adults so that this process for preschoolers became fascinating activities. Creating conditions ensures the enrichment of children with knowledge of the environment: about objects, phenomena, events; On the relationship between people in the process of work. Properly created object-developing environment allowed:

Activate the cognitive activity of pupils;

Identify the interests and abilities of pupils;

The medium in the group was replenished with didactic games, attributes to plot-role-playing games, materials for visual and research activities. During the preparatory stage, the following work was done:

  1. Methodical literature is selected.
  2. Painted illustrative and vividly didactic material.
  3. Developed an abstracts of measures according to the project plan.
  4. A promising project implementation plan has been developed.

3 stage. Practical.

When conducting educational activities with pupils, we tried to use various means and forms of work, constantly changing the activities, thereby increasing the cognitive activity of pupils. The project used traditional and non-traditional forms of work. An important role in familiarizing preschoolers with professions is played by didactic, plot role-playing games. The most interesting form for familiarization with the work of adults are excursions. The observation of adults has a positive effect on their attitude towards people's labor, allows you to learn more about this or that profession. Modern information and communications technology allow preschoolers to make virtual excursions received by children's knowledge they are used in the organization of the plot-role-playing game.

The work on the project took place through five educational areas.

Speech development.

Guessing mysteries, reading poems about clothes and profession.

Reading fiction:

V.Momakovsky "Who to be?"; K. Ushinsky "As a shirt in the field has grown." Alexandrov "Sarafanchik". S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?". Brothers Grimm "Brave Tailor"; S. Marshak "This is what scattered"; N. Nosov "Live Hat", "Patch". V.D. Berestov "pictures in puddles."

Cognitive development.

Conversations : "Why do people change clothes in autumn?",

"Shoes and hats",

"What do clothing make?"

OOD Social Mir "Fashion designer - designer of modern clothes"

Oyod Victorina "All professions are needed, all professions are important."

View video "Profession fashion designer - designer clothes",

"Fashion shows"

cartoon"Who to be?"

presentations "From past clothes"

Experiments with a cloth: I know with the properties of the fabric: it does not break, wet, things.

"Determine the touch", "Properties of the skin and fabric."

Artistic and aesthetic development.

OOD in drawing "Khokhlomsk tunes"

OOD in drawing "Who do you want to be?"

Collective applique "We are designers"

Consider magazines with fashionable clothing,

Creating an album "Clothing from the past to this", "National Costumes of Peoples of the World",

Creating a collection of fabrics.

Creative task "Draw a dress for doll"; "Decorate the clothes with a khokhloma pattern."

Didactic games "Professions", "female and men's professions", "What is needed in order ..." game-lotto, "pick up clothes for the season"

Socially communicative development.

Excursion to the children of the preparatory group:

On the sewing factory

In clothing store

Excursion within the kindergarten "The work of Castelians"

Conducting the Day of Parent Professions

Scene-role game "Boutique of fashionable clothes" "Atelier" creative games "Going to the ball", "fashionable", "Fashion agency", "Photo session with the best models"

Board games "Awesome doll for the season", "Atelier", "I am designer", "professions", "clothes"

Physical development.

Fingering gymnastics "Clothing"

Fizkultminutki "Professions"

Dynamic pause with elements of visual gymnastics.

Parents of pupils are our active allies and assistants in the implementation of the tasks. For parents, consultations were held "how to acquaint children with difficulty adults", "an example of adults in the choice of profession", "acquaintance of children with difficulty adults in kindergarten." His fantasy, creativity, showed parents when making an exhibition of children's-parent works "Ya designer designer", "Who to be?".

4 stage. During the presentation of the project, which was held in the form of the entertainment "Fashionable Defile", children gave the riddles of professions, played games and showed different types of clothing (sports, business, festive) in accordance with the manner.

Range of activity.

1. Created a collection of fabrics.

2. Developed the abstracts of organized educational activities with children.

3. Made the didactic game "Atelier".

4. Included attributes for the plot-role-playing game "Fashion House".

5. Created a Lapbuk on the topic "House of Fashion".

Acquaintance of preschoolers with a professional clothing profession helped to form the artistic and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, contributed to the development of creative activity and interest in the visual activity. When creating their copyright models, children used often unconventional materials, decorated their products with khokhloma patterns, thereby showing their individuality.


  1. Alyabyeva E. Let's play in the profession. Kn. 1. Classes, games, conversations with children 5-7 years. M.: Sphere, 2014.
  2. Mribovskaya A.A. Collective creativity of preschoolers. M., 2004.
  3. Vostokhin Y. Art - Children: The first design lessons. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2013.
  4. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 2 combined species"

Project "Clothing"

Senior group TNR \u200b\u200b"Rainbow"



Golovanova T.V.

kamensk - Ural

VIEW Project: creative, informational, short-term, group.

Participants : Educators, children of the senior group, parents.

Terms of implementation : 2 weeks.

TARGET: Systematize, summarize and supplement the knowledge of children aboutclothes.


Form the presentation of children aboutclothes, its kinds, parts;

To form the ideas of children about the history of originclothes;

Develop the speech of children, expand the vocabulary;

Fasten the ability of children to work with schemes;

Teach children to generalize, classify, systematize;

Teach children to care for theirclothes;

Educate careful attitude toclothes;

Intensify the joint activities of parents and children to implementproject.

1. Preparatory STAGE:

Collection of information byclothes;

Story of teachers about the typesclothes;


Heading poems by Ob.clothes;

The article on the parental corner "dress on the weather";

Drawing up a literature of fiction on the topic;

Selection of games.

2. The main stage:


1. Development of speech : "Studio" , "Riddles, proverbs and sayings about clothes » ;

2. The surrounding world : "Sweatshirts and Kaftana" , « Russian suit » ;

3. Natural environment : « Clothes of animals » ;

4. Drawing : "Painted fabric" , "Draw clothes for doll » ;

5. Lepak : (Bas-relief)"Russian Sarafan" ;

6. Applique : "New dress for doll" .

Conversations, stories:

"Features of animal body cover" , "As appeared clothes » , « Clothing of the Future » , "Folk costumes" , "I have a new clothes » , « Clothing in the kitchen and nature » .

Album examination:

« clothing » , "Folk costumes" , "Tissues" , "Sportiv clothes » , « Salvation services clothing » .

Scene-role games : "Studio" , "Score clothes » , "In the fashion workshop" , "House model" .

Didactic games : "Find out the description" , "Name in one word" , "Who needs?" , "Who's doing what?" , "Good bad" , "Guess" , "Looks in the bag" , "Men's or Women clothes » , "Winter or Summer" , « Clothing or shoes » , "Find and name" , "Fashion history" , "Costumes of the peoples of the world" , "Professions" , "Etiquette for kids" .

Reading art literature:

1. Russian folk fairy tale"Golden spindle" ,

2. V. Oseev"Magic needle" ,

3. N. Nosov"Patch" ,

4. E. Blaginina"Scientific dressed and brother" ,

5. L. Charskaya"Big washing" ,

6. Kazakh fairy tale"Wonderful fairy tale" ,

7. K. Ushinsky"As a shirt in the field has grown" ,

8. Z. Voskresenskaya"At the tip of the thread" ,

9. E. Blaginina"Shinel" ,

10. Z. Alexandrov"Sarafanchik" ,

11. V. Orlov"Dressmaker" ,

12. A. Barto "One hundred deals,

13. V. Zaitsev"I can dress myself" ,

14. N. Sakonskaya"Snowball" ,

15. V. Livvitz"Valley Gloves" ,

16. "The fairy tale about how clothes offended » .

Interaction with parents:

Consultations:"How to wear a child at home and on the street" , « Clothes for walking » , Memo"Conformity clothes season » recommendations on the topic« clothing » .

3. Total stage:

Making a didactic game« Awesome doll on the season "(Felt clothes) ;

Preparation of album« clothing » ;

Drawing a plane doll andclothes to Ne.;

Entertainment"Autumn defiec" .

Estimated results:

Formed submission of children about the history of originclothes, its kinds, parts;

Parents involved in participation inproject activities;

Realized the needs of children in productive activities.

Drawing "Painted Fabrics"

Imprette "Russian Sarafan"

Applique "New Doll Dress"

Didactic game "Awesome doll for the season" (Fetra)

Origami "Shirt"

History of clothes

The first people who ran over mammoths did it preferentially in her nude, covering themselves only some parts of the body. Basically in hot weather clothes served large leaves of plants, ferns, wounded to the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks.

The top usually remained unspecified. But even such a skirt from flowers could be called the first analogue of clothing.

Thus, the first occurrence of clothing can be attributed to the appearance of the first person - approximately 35 thousand years ago.
The goal of clothes was the most different. In addition to aesthetic, it was necessary to close themselves from the heat or cold, to prevent their skin from the bites of insects, snakes and other animals. Finally, a considerable role was played by the appearance of clothes and in terms of decoration.

Long ago, people realized that the functions of the clothes could be the most different and used this accessory as one of the main ones. As for the clothes for the legs, its appearance was much later.

For a long time, a resident of the Earth decorated himself with clothes, but forgot about his feet. Having hunting behind the animals, the first-settlement, without having another opportunity, and, probably, without thinking, they fell on Earth, grass, stones are completely bare feet. From the earliest childhood, their skin at the feet got used to such an appeal, massage, as a result of which everything became rougher, as if by performing the role of shoes.

The occurrence of clothing can be associated with other views of the latter. For example, wanting to protect against insects and other malicious creatures, the ancient representatives were willingly smeared with clay, mud. Finding this certain sense, lubricants began to transform. Vegetable oils and fats of natural origin appeared. Thanks to such a find, the representative of Homosapiens began to decorate himself, paint the skin with different colors. Multiple patterns on face, back, chest, hands and legs were like modern tattoos and performed in addition to aesthetic function. Decaying himself in green, it is possible to start hunting in juicy thickets without fear. Having soaked yourself with mud, - to attack in the mountain arrays.

Soon the darishes of wildlife went to the decoration, namely, teeth buffaloes were used as suspensions, bracelets, bones. Then the skins of the killed animals besides the function of floor coverings begin to be used as clothes. Initially, the whole skins were attached to the shoulders, then pieces of the desired size were broken out of the canvases.

The strings were made from the stalks of plants, Lian, as well as hair that was woven among themselves, creating a durable material. With the help of a stitching instruments in the canvas, the holes were cultivated in which ribbons were attracted. This kind of clothes could easily hold on, not dumping while running or walking. Slim bones went into the move - the prototypes of needles and hair - thread. Different pieces of panels were stuck, forming more and more complex details of clothing.

Such signs were directly symbols of their era. Some tribes used their decorations, patterns, thereby denoting the difference in peoples. Due to the occurrence of this type of clothing, it was possible to judge the cultural traditions of the past.

Abstract classes

"Clothing. Footwear. Hats"

for children of the senior group.

Goals and objectives:

    Form a generalizing concept of "clothing", "hats", "shoes";

    w.take down the dictionary on the topic, expand and activate it, introduce the appointment of clothes, hats and shoes;

    rput up the ability to classify;

    teach to form and use the multiple nouns;

    to form a proper use of a single and multiple case;

    learn to coordinate and use the pronoun "mine", "mine", "mine", "mine" with nouns;

    learning to form relative adjectives from nouns;

    learn to use the pretextwithout;

    to form the ability to coordinate words in the proposal;

    develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking, motility;

    to form cognitive interest, the ability to establish causal relationships in human life and changes in nature, to educate conscious attitude to the use of clothes to preserve their health, form interest in developing poetic exercises.

Materials and equipment: subject pictures, with the imageclothes, hats, shoes, pictures with the image of four seasons,pictures depicting the clothes of shoes, which lacks any detail, markers for each child, ball, magnetic board.

Node move:

    Reading poems about clothes and shoes. Conversation.

Pedagogue reads children stamped texts asking questions on their content.


Jackets, pants, coats and pants,

Dresses, skirts are needed.

All we wear, clothes are called.

And the name will have to remember.

What is the clothes need for?

Shels from rain, wind she,

Warms in the frost, protects in the heat,

From cool, she will relieve in the morning.

Just to serve longer clothes,

Contain it needs neat and fresh.

Clean, iron, erase and dry,

Lonight, and then get carefully folded.

What is clothes?

What objects do you know yet?

Why does man need clothes?

How can you call clothes for sports?(for home, for work, for holidays). What is this clothes?

What clothes are men worn? (women, children)

How to care for clothes? For what?


If the sun shines brightly,

Do not walk without Panama.

If the snow is cleaned, wind,

Then wear the cap.

Girls go handkerchiefs

In fashion hatchets always,

And boys - pilots

And baseball caps are not good.


Pick no rush

So as not just warmed, but before.

Was to face and decorated.

In any season

In very long

Protects your head


What is a headdress? (Things that serve clothing for the head.)

What other hats do you know?

Why do you need a hats?

What hats are men? (women)?


Often go to boots,

If snow and white

And the rain is all flooded.

We carry we wear sandals

To legs are not tired.

Holiday shoes in try

In them, on the matinee, walk.

And in sneakers deftly god

And chase a round ball.

We can't live without shoes,

In bad weather will help us

To be healthy ..

All shoes are important.

What is shoes? (The product that is worn on the legs.)

Why do you need footwear to man?

What shoes can you call?

How can you call footwear for sports? (for home, for work, for holidays). What is this shoes?

What footwear are men? (Women, children)?

How to care for shoes? Why? What washes, clean your shoes?

2. Classification. The exercise « My, my, mine, mine. "

Suggest children to decompose the substantive pictures with the image of clothes, shoes and headdiers on three columns "Clothing", "Shoes", "Headwear".

Consider with children's clothes on subject pictures and call it with the words "My", "mine", "mine", "mine".

3. The exercise "Pick up the word and repeat."

Vani has a shirt, the boys ..., and in the store a lot ...

Masher Machine, girls ..., and in the store a lot ...

Mom has a dress, in women ..., and in the store a lot ...

Pope coat, men ..., and in the store a lot ...

What shoes are a lot in a shoe store? (In a shoe store a lot of boots (boots, sneakers, etc.).)

4. Reading the fairy tale "History - Riddle"

The teacher reads the children a fairy tale and asks questions on the content.

In some kingdom

In a glorious state

I lived yes I did not know who

He ate and drank I do not know what.

Here I do not know who

Buy yourself a coat.

Tried everything, tried,

Nothing picked up.

And on the street frost,

He freezes to tears.

And I do not know who has bothered.

And he did not like to hurt.

Quickly ran into the pharmacy

And I bought myself a pill.

Two mustard bought,

Drops in the nose did not forget.

Drank and lies, sick,

From something all sweats.

T-shirt and socks changes

Scarf heats throat.

All week he was treated -

So seriously cold.

Finally you can get up

Somewhere, somehow take a walk.

And on the street Spring,

For winter she came.

Something all runs, rumbles

And somewhere all hurries.

Someone sings

And shouts: "Spring is coming!"

Something he warms

And the rays caress everyone.

I do not know who walks

And the sayrs believes.

Boyko splits on puddles -

By evening, sheard was cut.

Rubber, headache hurts

Someone is treated, lies.

Everything on the street is walking

Well, someone misses everything.

It was necessary to dress,

On the weather to shift

To walk on the street

And the day is not lying!

Who could live in some kingdom state?

Why did he get sick?

What did he bought himself in a pharmacy when he got sick?

What runs and rumbles in the spring?

Who starts singing in the spring?

What warms the rays of the earth?

Why I don't know who again caught up?

What does it mean to dress on the weather?

How does clothing help a person to keep health?

- Let's help the hero of the fairy tale I do not know who and teach it right to choose clothes, shoes and hats for the season (season time).

5. Didactic game "Open doll for the season"

The teacher offers children to wear a doll for a walk in accordance with the season marked in the picture and weather, choosing clothes and shoes from a variety of options proposed, call items and explain why this clothing and shoes are needed by a doll to feel good and not sick. Those children who have chosen clothing and shoes are wrong, should predict possible negative consequences from incorrectly selected clothing and shoes.

What is the name of the clothes worked in the summer? Winter? In autumn? Spring?

How to choose a headdress for the season? Weather?

Name winter hats? Summer? Autumn-Spring?

How to choose shoes for season? Weather? To different clothes?

6. Didactic exercise. "What if..."

The teacher offers children to consider situations and offer its answer options using the following sample: "If in the summer wearing a fur hat, then ...". The originality of the answers is encouraged.

    What will happen if in the summer wearing a fur hat?

    What will happen if in winter to walk in cowards and t-shirt?

    What will happen if in the rain go to slippers?

    What will happen if in the heat not to wear Panama?

    What will happen if in windy weather to walk without a hat?

    What will happen if in the frost to walk without a mobby? In autumn boots? In a cap?


We walked in winter - the fur coats were worn,

The fur coats were worn and played in the snowballs.

We walked in the spring - the raincoats were worn,

Children imitate the game in snowballs.

The raincoats were put on - the puddles thought.

In the summer we walked - the shorts were put on,

In the summer we walked - dresses put on.


In the meadow went - butterflies caught.

Imitate catching butterflies.

7. Didactic game "Atelier" and "Supozhny Workshop"

Rent pictures, depicting clothes and shoes without any details, and offer to repair clothes and shoes.

The exercise "Without which?".
Suggest children to consider pictures with the image of the clothes of shoes, which lacks any detail, and answer the questions:
-What is this shoe (boot, shoe)? (This shoe without soles. This shoe without heel., Etc.)

- What is it? Without which dress (shirt)? (Dress (shirt) without sleeves (collar, buttons, pockets, cuffs).)

The exercise "Capture shoes, repair clothes"

- Who sews clothes? (Sweet tailor clothes.)

- Where sew clothes? (In the studio, on the sewing factory.)
-Where do we repair shoes? (We will redeem shoes in a shoe workshop.)

- Who revenge shoes in a shoe workshop?

- How does the shoemaker rotate shoes? (The shoemaker nails heels. The shoemaker sticks the soles. The shoemaker sews lightning. The shoemaker sews straps and pumps.)
In order to children markers and suggest trying the missing details of clothing and shoes.

At the end of the work, ask the children what they did.(I sewed a sleeve to the dress (shirt). And etc.)

8. Didactic game with the ball "Call three subjects"

The teacher throws a child standing in a circle, the ball and calls the generic concept (clothing, shoes, hats), and children should call three species concepts related to the generic. The teacher then calls three species concepts, and the child must call one generic to which they relate. Next, the teacher can give tasks alternately.

The task can be complicated by including seasonal clothes and shoes.

Pedagogue praises and thanks children.

Proverbs and sayings about clothes

    Stretch legs along clothes.

    In the clothes they meet, the mind escape.

    One outfit both in the feast, and in the world, and in good people.

    Dressed as a hooker is peorless.

    Without a port, but in a hat.

    Worse than garden frightened.

    Salop on the fur, and the stitch in the fluff.

    One salopchika and that hesitated by the wind.

    The chicken will not feed, but the girl do not dress up.

    Two dinners do not eat and eat two dresses.

    Boots from one foot, and those without beams.

    Heavy boric hoops.

    Purchase, appropriate and there is something to look at.

    Get along stump on a clear day, so it is good.

    He has a doh on fishing fur.

    Nothing to cover the sinful body.

    Not clothes paints a man, but man clothes.

    Nor facets, no skin, yes in rich.

    Singing a fur coat ahead of yourself opens the door.

    Kohl went on the floor, and she went, and did not go - do not stretch.

    Not expensive dan, it does not hurt and sorry.

    As jammed, it has been ingenected.

    Not all outfits in the repellance, but others are not at all.

    Wearing - transferred and thrown.

    Dress new yes patchpacks old.

    Girl will push, the iron will smooth out.

    Shoemaker without boots, tailor without a port.

    Delivered from the vest of the sleeves.

    It is impossible, yes firmly sewn.

    Shorten - do not turn.

    Goal like falcon.

    Clothing is better new, and friend is old.

Poems about clothes

Pantalona, \u200b\u200bFrak, Vest -
There are no these words today.
And any clothes look
Called "prikid".

How to say tie - take care of it,
I do not kapai sndour anything.
And at least the color with the banner he is not one,
Versace is expensive for him.

He removed a decisive jacket made
Although passerby brutally fought, as it came out.
Long wanted a jacket good he,
And finally, he was lucky today.

Sew white dress when spring came,
And the shop where I sat, was painted.
Do not like a modest classic employees brigades
And give us a frantic spotted avant-garde.

Do not put in the pussy handles,
It is non-altenitiously.
You can slide the handles in the trousers,
But in others. Unnoticed.

Single skirt,
Damn those in the spit.
Loop under the skirt
Invites everyone.

How comfortable Makintosh was good
That on holidays he put on shik.
He gave Zhore to hold his makintosh
And since then he no longer see.

Didactic games

Autumn clothes, shoes, hats.

The task. Recommended:

draw the child's attention to what time of yearstepped, what changes occurred in the weather, compareweather in summer and autumn;

explain why in different seasons people wear differentclothes, shoes, hats;

explain to the child the concepts of "seasonal clothes", "shoes","hats";

ask the child: "Why do you need to wear rezinovy \u200b\u200bboots, jacket, cap, and in summer - Panama, Bosbolegs, shorts? ";

together with the child carefully consider clothes,footwear, hats, which wears every member of the familyautumn, and the material from which they are made; reverseattention to its quality and drawing;

secure the titles of details of clothes (collar, pocketsetc.).

Task 4. Carefully consider top clothesandcall herdetails (collar, pocket, buttons, handwa ..).

Task 5. Didactic game"Whose, whose whose, whose?" (Using assigning pronouns).

Whose cap? - My.

Are it whose gloves? - My.

Whose scarf is? - My.

Is it whose coat? - My.

Task 6. Pick as many items as possible to pronounce : My - Cap ...;

my - scarf ...;

mine - boots ...

Task 7. Didactic game"Fix a bug" (by nimination of values \u200b\u200bof attache pronouns).

My boots, my hat, my gloves, my scarf ...

Task 8. Perform an indication and answer the question (understanding of complex instructions):

Having a scarf on the back of the chair, and put the cap on the chair.

What did you do first, what then?

Task 9. Didactic game"One - a lot" (use of multiple nouns): glove - ...; sock - .... scarf - scarves; cap - ...;

Task 10. Didactic game"Big small" (Word formation using diminishing Suffix Hat - cap; boots - ...; coat - ...; Jacket - ...; Cap - ....

Task 11. Didactic game"Pick a sign."

Sweatshirt (what?) - Red, warm, knitted, woolen, elegant ....

Boots (what?) - Brown, new, rubber, beautiful ....

Scarf (what?) - ....

Coat (what?) -.

Task 12. Didactic game"Name what" (Relative attachments):

rubber boots - Rubber boots;

wool hat - woolen;

leather gloves are leather ....

Task 13. . The game"What is anyone" (drafting complex proposals for two reference pictures)

The boy has a shirt, and the girl has a dress.

The boy's boys, and the girl's shoes.

Task 14. The game"Say the opposite" (assimilation of antonyms)

Big small,

Clean - dirty,

Children's - adult

Short - long,

Dry - wet.

Task 16. O. tweet to the question:"What can be considered couples? " (matching nouns with noutener ) : one pair boots, two pairs of boots ... five pairs boot(socks, stockings, boots, shoes, gloves).

Task 15. Recount items (Coordination of land vissible with numeral): one scarf, two scarf, three scarfs, four scarfs, five scarves; One hat, two caps... five hats; One coat, two coats ... five coats.

Task 17. Make a descriptive story On Autumnclothes, shoes, headdress (optional).

This is a jacket. This is warm clothes. Its worn in spring orautumn. This jacket is red. She has a hood. She is ne.washed. It can be worn in the rain. It is fastenedon the "zipper".

Task 13. N. again Autumn Clothes, Shoes, Headclicks. Talk about the procedure for putting on things when leavingfor a walk.

Task 14. Cut and incur into the album pictures withan image of autumn clothes, shoes and hats.

Riddles on the topic "Clothing, shoes"

Exercise 1. Read and learn poem.

Rain, rain - Cap-Cap-Cap, Wet tracks.

We can not go for a walk, we rush legs.

Task 2. Guesspuzzles and learn about choosing.

© I'm often called, expected, and come - they are hidden from me.


© From under the roof, the roof of the rain came out.


© Always stepping together, we are together, similar as brothers. We are at dinner under the table, and at night - under Crovatu.(Shoes)

© So not to freeze, five guys in the stove knitted sit (Gloves)

© If the rain, we are not tusk - Boyko Sleeping on lunas

Will shine a sun - we have a hanger to stand (Boots)

© I sit on top, I do not know on whom.

An acquaintance of the meeting - Skuschu, I will.


Fourth extra.

3 pictures depicting clothes, 1 - with shoes.

3 pictures with the image of shoes, 1 - clothes.

3 pictures with outerwear, 1 - with underwear.

3 pictures with underwear, 1 - with top clothes.

3 dresses with appliqué, 1 - without it.

3 smooth dresses, 1 - with embroidery.

3 dresses monochrome, 1 - in the cell.

3 Dresses of the elegant, 1 - without finishes.

3 skirts on the straps, 1 - without them.

3 long skirts, 1 - short.

3 skirts in a fold, 1 - straight.

3 apron with pockets, 1 - without pockets.

3 summer dresses, 1 - winter.

3 children's dresses, 1 - adult.

3 adult dresses, 1 - baby.

3 dresses without one detail (unfinished), 1 completely ready

3 winter coats, 1 - raincoat.

3 summer coat, 1 - fur coat.

Jacket, jacket, sweater and skirt.

3 details of clothes, 1 - dress.

Panama, hat, hat and handkerchief.

Boots, shoes, boots and slippers.

3 view of the shoes on the heel, 1 - without heel.

3 views of children's shoes, 1 - adults.

3 Wide Winter Shoes, 1 - Summer.

3rchy shoe, 1 - barefoot.

3Beys without shoes, 1 - obhr.

3Beys in headdresses, 1 - without a headdress.

3Beys in fur hats, 1 - in Panama.

Children's educational project "Why do people wear different clothes?" Project type: creative research. Duration - 2 weeks. Project participants: Kiryukhantseva Ksenia, Educator Fomicheva T.P. Education area. Familiarization with the surrounding, development of MBDOU MBDOU "Annunciation Kindergarten" Firefly "R.P. Annunciation of the Altai Territory

The relevance today is the problem of the formation of ideas from preschoolers on the "ecology of clothing", the ability to dress correctly and beautifully, their value attitude towards the objects of clothing. It is difficult to overestimate the role of clothing in the life and preservation of people's health. From early childhood and daily, every minute, a person enjoys clothes, which indicates its extraordinary significance for each of us. Waking up in the morning, we look out the window to learn the weather, we try to choose the most suitable for weather conditions, to various activities, aesthetic, beautiful, fashionable

Project tasks: - to explore guidelines and literature on the problem. - Enrich the presentation of children about the types of clothing. - Enrich the dictionary of children at the expense of new words. - Develop a coherent speech through a descriptive story about clothes. - to educate culture and manners dressing of different types of clothes

The main directions of project implementation are a conversation with children. - Classes "Clothing" - Conducting research and observations "Clothing on the weather", "Good - bad", "beautiful - ugly." - homework for parents and children and making decoration for hairstyles with their own hands "

Preliminary work - Search for work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Clothing" - "Fashion", "Old and New Clothing". - Development of folders moving. - Reading Russian folk fairy tales. - Reading the poem S.Ya. Marshak "This is what scattered." - viewing of the reproduction of V.M.vasnetsova "Three Bogatyr". - Reading the poem "Three Katyusha" A. Build. - Mimic exercises. - Puzzles.

The estimated result is to know the types of clothing. - own generalizing concepts. - Create a descriptive story about clothing using the reference scheme. - To know who manufactures clothes - professions. - Education in children is the right manner of behavior in clothing. - To be able to comply with safety techniques when wearing certain types of clothing (Czechs - Heel shoes).

"Why do people wear different clothes?" When we go with my mother to the store, I notice that Mom chooses clothes: a beautiful, convenient suitable for the time of year, practical. In winter, Mom puts me warm clothes, in the summer - light, on physical education we carry physical education (shorts, shirt, czech). Therefore, with the help of research, I decided to find out: why do people wear different clothes?

Study 1 I decided to conduct a study: in the group put on a sweater, boots, a hat, a little played with the children - it was very hot. When it is hot, a lot of clothes are not required to not overheat. When we returned from a walk in kindergarten, I lost a mitten, ran out the divided, I got cold. In the cold season we need a lot of clothes - the cold air is delayed between its layers and does not miss the cold. Once I watched a neighbor boy, as he ran autumn on puddles in shoes. As a result, he fell ill - so it can not be done - you can catch cold.

Study 2 Tatyana Petrovna always says: change clothes on physical education. And I went to the lesson in a beautiful dress, in shoes on heels. When I climbed into the gymnastic wall, I almost broke the dress - so I concluded: for each lesson, special clothes are needed. People wear clothes that you can find out what kind of activity they are engaged. So the doctor carries a hospital-medical.

Observation 1 Once we went on an excursion to the park. There were many children there. One boy was in a jacket with torn buttons, without scarf, in dirty boots. Tatyana Petrovna said that he dressed ugly, slightly and all laughed. I thought that the clothes should always be clean, as it is pleasant to walk in it, you need to follow your appearance.

Observation 2 We often have holidays in the kindergarten, entertainment, for which we wear costumes that people wore earlier, we have such costumes in the corner of okay. My girls and I decided to like them all day in them - the boys laughed at us. I think: the clothes that once was popular often seems like funny people living now.

I now know the conclusion: - We need to dress on the weather to be always a healthy person. - Sportswear is lightweight, it is convenient to move. - On physical education, you need to wear Czechs to not slide on the floor and not to turn the leg. - To be clean: follow your appearance. - The manner of people to dress varies depending on the time in which they live.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten №47" Green light of the "compensating species", Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. Project "Clothing" project participants: Pupils and parents of the senior group of compensating species Author - Educator Vyatkina Ekaterina Valentinovna G. Severodvinsk 2014 Year Contents Introduction Project Passport: 1. Project Treatment 2. Objective 3. Task 4. Project Stages 5. Project Stages List References Appendix: 1. Performing a project on educational areas 2. Abstract Node on the topic "Young fashion designers" 3. Didactic games. Introduction At the present stage of the development of Russian society, there is an increase in children with ABS, these are children with disabilities, or other children who are not recognized in the prescribed manner with disabled children, but having temporary or constant deviations in physical and (or) mental development and in need of creating special Conditions of training and education, i.e. Having special educational needs. Like all children, a child with disabilities in their development aims to develop the world around the world, inclusion in society. However, the path that he must pass for this is significantly different from the generally accepted in pedagogy: physical and mental disadvantages are aggravated by the development process, and every violation changes in its own way a growing person. Work on the correction of children having an OOP includes: tactile stimulation, vision stimulation, hearing stimulation, stimulation of shallow motility and brush function, stimulation of articulation organs and lip stimulation. The first and main feature of the development of this category of children is that it is impossible to hold a parallel between the physical and real age of the child. The second - the skill obtained on the Node must be constantly fixed, otherwise it fuses. The third - in the development of these children, both progress and regress are observed. And these processes constantly replace each other. Our group is visited by children with cerebral palsy, SRRR, ONR, impaired violation, organic brain damage, so we are building our work, taking into account the educational needs of children with disabilities. Since, it is characterized by fast fatigue, a large distraction in the perception of the proposed material, a low concentration of attention, the depletion of the nervous system, the attractiveness of this process is an important condition for learning. It is very important to take effectively learning tools in working with such children. Since the important task of all generations is the acquisition of children to the surrounding reality, the subjects of the nearest environment, the choice of the topic of clothing and its appointment has become no accident. At first, the topic seemed very boring. I started thinking how to make the process of familiarizing with clothes was fascinating and as much as possible? Then the decision came, to carry out all the work in the form of a relaxed informational - cognitive, adult gaming activity with children. An adult is an equal partner, taking into account the interests and capabilities of children. Project Passport: Project Type: Dominating Activities: Informative In Content: Pedagogical. According to the composition of the participants: group. By duration: 2 weeks. Venue: MBDOU "Kindergarten №47" Green light of the "compensating species" Project participants: Children of the elder group with ABS, their parents, teachers. Project idea: inventing and creating your clothing model, various activities, will become an interesting means of systematization and enrichment of knowledge about clothing and its purpose. Problem Statement: Once, Winter Day, we were going for a walk. We decided to take a doll with you. But she did not have warm clothes. There was a question. Is it possible to do without it, and can you wear one and the tighter at different times of the year? Why do you need clothes? What fabrics use for sewing a variety of clothes? So everyone together decided, get more knowledge about clothes. To turn out for some time "fashion designers", come up with your clothing models. Relevance: Expansion of the horizons of children, a wide range facilitates the process of knowledge, activates mental processes, cognitive activity, creative abilities, and also develop a kind, caring attitude to the world. Purpose: Systematization of knowledge about clothing and its purpose. Tasks: 1. To form in children a distinct differentiated idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of clothing. 2. To acquaint with tissues (their purpose and application). 3. To acquaint with professions (weaver, tailor, seamstress, fashion designer). 4. Intensify and enrich children's dictionary on this topic, to form grammatically correct speech. 5. Develop creativity and fantasy, teach creating your clothing model, invent a pattern for fabric. 6. Develop artistically - creative perception and artistic - aesthetic taste. 7. Develop Communicative Communication and Social Skills. 8. Develop a small motorcy and overall coordination of movements. 9. Develop the articulation apparatus. Integration with other educational areas: Socialization Cognition Communication Artistic Creativity Safety Fiction Physical Culture Stages of the project: Organizational Stage 1. Bring to the project participants the relevance of this topic. 2. Choose a methodological, scientifically popular, fiction, illustrated and gaming material on this topic. 3. Develop a promising plan. The productive stage for project implementation uses a variety of forms, methods and techniques. The group organizes a developing cognitive objective environment: * In the book corner, the exhibition of magazines "Fashion", pictures with the image of clothing items, plot pictures depicting children in different appointed types of clothing. * In the game corner - attributes for the story "Atelier", "Clothing store", "fabric". D / and "Naison for a walk", "Whose clothes?", "Third extra", etc. * In the isa glass -Akladnaya paint, thin brushes, PVA glue, white sofa glue, scissors, colored paper. Homework: Suggest to make a cardboard doll together with children and 2-3 objects of paper for it. Directly educational activities. Educational activities in regime. Independent activities of children. Consider images and photos with clothing, mod magazine. Scene-role games: - "Atelier" - "Fabric Store", "Clothing store" Summarizing stage. 1. Final exercise "Young fashion designers" to identify knowledge about tissues, clothing, professions: weaver, tailor, seamstress, fashion designer. 2. Exhibition of children's work "Napkin" 3. The fashion magazine "Children's Fashion" final stage of the project was the final exhibition of all children's work performed in the framework of the project. Every child was able to talk about his activities. And so, our hypothesis was confirmed. Children inventing and creating their own model of clothing, a fascinating means of knowledge, systematized knowledge about clothing and its purpose. Conclusion: Upon completion of the project, the children were expanded on the topic of clothing and its purpose. Thanks to a variety of activities, the tasks of enriching the dictionary, the formation of the grammatical system of speech, the development of a coherent speech. Children increased interest in the learning process. Children saw the results of their activities. Implementation of the project Educational domains-Educational Activities of Educational Activities in the regime mismatching development "Where did the shirt grew up?"; To acquaint children with the difficulty of the clothing industry. To form a presentation of children about the history of clothes. "The button lost" is to fix the sequence and quantitative account, comparing sets. View photos, magazines "Fashion", illustrations with the image of the clothes. Didactic game "Put on a walk", "pick up buttons" - fix the properties of geometric shapes (color, shape, size), speech developmental "What fabrics", acquaint children with fabric properties. Drawing up descriptive clothing stories. Teaching descriptive stories. Tissue examination. Didactic game "Whose clothes?" - To form grammatically correct speech. Reading the artistic literature N.NOSov "Patch", RNS "Golden spindle", V. Zhushinsky "K. Zushinsky", "like a shirt in the field", in Oseev "Magic needle", folk tale "The fairy tale about how clothes offended. " Artistically - the aesthetic development of "Miss Fashion" - a man's modeling in different clothes, "Magazine" Children's Fashion "Applique," Dress Masha and Pasha "- Drawing Clothing, Fabric Store - Drawing with seals, foam rubber, Fabrics. From paper (origami), designing from paper "Napkin" (band interlacing), manufacture of cardboard dolls and clothes for them. Plyask R.N.P. "Matryoshki" Dance "Washing" play "Turkish Bazaar" Socio-Communicative Development of the ideas about Professions: seamstress, tailor, fashion designer, weaver. Garad "Atelier", "Clothing store", "Fabric store". The game-situation "every thing is your place". Consider illustrations on this topic. Joint actions: "Cleaning in a closet with clothes ", The game" Open a doll for a walk ". Physical development management of mobile games: where we were, we will not say ...", "Colored Furnits". Abstract Node on the topic "Young fashion designers". Purpose: expand vocabulary, develop creative fantasy. Software content: * consolidate the knowledge of children about the properties of the fabric, teaching to pick up a cloth for clothes of different types. * Fasten the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives. * Fix the presentation of children about the properties of geometric figures (color, shape, size). * Fix the vowels "A", "O". * Teach children draw with paints and plow glue. Fasten the ability to create your own pattern, develop accuracy, sense of measure and taste. Equipment: Two paper dolls - Pasha and Dasha; Loskutka fabric (Drap, Sitz, Silk, Costume, Chiffon, Denim); Cards with slots in the form of various sewing products (coat, costume, blouse, dress, sundress, skirt, pants, bathrobe, pajamas, shirt), cards with letters A, O; buttons of different sizes, colors and shapes; Watercolor paints, protein brushes №3; cotton wands, seats. Node's move. I. Educator: - When I was small, like you, there were no so many toys in stores. Many toys we did ourselves. I have my girlfriends, and even my mother in childhood there were such paper dolls. Meet it - Dasha and Pasha. My favorite dolls. I drew clothes with them, even sewed out of the tank. He herself came up with the styles, chose the color. It was a real puppet designer. Educator: - Guys, who is such a fashion designer? Children: - One who comes up with clothes, decorates her; Invents drawings for fabric. Educator: - Dasha and Pasha, I was able to save, and their clothes were lost. Sorry! And I have an idea! Let's play in the fashion designers. We will pick up cloth. II. Educator: - Take yourself along the flaps of the fabric. Educator: - Who has a cloth for sewing a coat? What is she? Children: - Thick, warm, dense, soft. Educator: - What is it called? Children: - Drap. Educator: - Raise the cloth for sewing light dresses, bathrobes, pajamas, shirts. What is she? Children: - Easy, thin, soft. Educator: - What is the name? Children: - sitts. Educator: - And for elegant clothes, what fabric will choose? Children: - silk, chiffon. Educator: - What is she? Children: - smooth, silky, transparent, thin, light, beautiful, gentle. III. Educator: - Now choose to your flaps - clothes. Just look carefully, do not confuse. D / and "pick up cloth fabric." Educator: - Nastya, if you have a silk dress, then how do we call him? What is it? Child: - Silk dress. Educator: - Katya, what is your skirt? Child: - Denim skirt. Educator: - Cyril, what is your coat? Child: - Drap coat. Educator: - Nikita, what is your pajamas? Child: - Sentse pajamas. IV. Educator: - Well, what fashionors, continue to work!? Chose the model, picked to her fabric. Now you need to choose buttons. Take your product and sear for tables. Educator: - Put big, round buttons on clothes. Educator: - How many Camilla, did you put buttons? And you Angelina? Educator: - Now replace buttons for such that they are the same form, but another color. Educator: - Well done! Beautiful got clothes! Pasha and Dasha are very satisfied. V. Fizkultminutka. Vi. Educator: - Oh guys, and I remembered, Dasha always liked clothes in the title of which there is a vowel sound "A". Name it. But attention, clothes should be for the girl Children: - dress, jacket, skirt, sundress, cloak, blouse, pajamas, fur coat, jacket. Educator: - And - Pasha has always liked clothes, in the title of which there is a vowel sound "O". Name it. Do not forget, the clothes should be for the boy. Children: - T-shirt, Turtleneck, Shorts, Coats. VII. Educator: - Paste and Masha need new clothes. There are stamps, but there is a beautiful fabric. That's just white. Guys, I had a wonderful idea. Let us draw patterns on it. What patterns can be drawn? Children: - Points, stripes, flowers. Educator: - Disassemble the flaps, searched. Attention. Draw on the fabric it is necessary to adjust. Look all on the board. We type on the brush (cotton wand, sequence) paint, and gently apply the pile of brushes to the fabric. Tip of tassel looks up. Get started. VIII. What a beautiful, bright, color turned out to have a fabric. Let's pick up and her clothes. Carry here. (Children substitute the fabric to cards with slots in the form of various sewing products). Educator: - Angelina, for example his Dasha dress. Educator: - Dima, Example Pasha shirt. Educator: - It turned out cool! Fashionable! And the main thing my dolls appeared new, beautiful clothes. Thank you. Final exhibition Magazine "Children's Fashion" Designing from paper "Napkin" Used Literature, Internet resources: 1. Alyabyeva E.A. Final days on lexical topics: planning and abstracts. Kn. 3. 2nd ed. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. 2. Bogotea Z.A. Appliques in kindergarten: a book for kindergarten educators. M.: Education, 1988 3. Verasx N.E., Komoreova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. Program "from birth to school" m.; Mosaic synthesis, 2011. 4. Log of fashion clothes "Bonprix" 2013. 5. Colddia D.N. Lrack with children 5-6 years. Abstract classes. M.; Mosaic synthesis, 2011g 6. Komarova TS Fine activities in kindergarten: KN. For educators children. Garden. -3-e ed., M.: Enlightenment, 1991. 7. Metnina L. S. Mathematics in kindergarten. M.: "Enlightenment", 1984 8. http://festival 9. 10. 11. http: // Pedmir. RU / 12. Photo by Vyatikina E. V. Children's fiction 1. N.Nosov "Patch" 2. Folk tale "The fairy tale about how clothes were offended" 3. Orlov V. "Culture" 4. Oseva V. "Magic needle "5. RNS" Golden spindle "6. Ushshinsky K." As a shirt in the field has grown " Portal" On Childhood "IV All-Russian remote conference" Project activities in an educational institution "

Classes for preschoolers. Clothes in games, speech exercises, verses and pictures for children.

Dear readers of "native path"! In this article you will find materials for classes and games with a child on the topic "Clothes in games, speech exercises, verses and pictures for children":

  • What is clothes?
  • What happens?
  • Tasks and games for the development of a feeling of rhyme, creative speech abilities, thinking, motility,
  • Training Children to compile a description according to plan.
  • Presentation "Clothing" for classes with preschool children.

I wish you success in developing the speech of kids and familiarize them with the world around!

Clothing. Part 1. Tasks and games for children from 3-4 years

Task 1. Learn to compare, observe, describe items

Look at the pictures. This is a brother and sister. Their name is Tanya and Vanya. See how they smile in the picture. They are glad to meet you!

Yesterday Mom with dad bought for Tanya and Vanya new winter clothes. After all, it will be soon winter, it will become quite cold, and you can walk on the street only in warm clothes. Look at the picture - here's the clothes that taana bought. What is it?

What is the difference shuba and coat ? (Fur coat is stitched from fur, she is fur, and a coat is sewn from the fabric). What are they like? (They are warm; we wear a fur coat and coat in the winter; they have sleeves, buttons, pockets, collar).

Guess the riddle: "Fluffy, not snow. Heats, not a stove. " What is it? (Fur coat). Why do you say that? (Fluffy fur coat, she heats, she is very warm).

Guess my riddle. What did I guess - a fur coat or coat? "This is a winter clothes - winter. She is very warm. She has a big hood, long sleeves. There are no pockets on it. It is made of fur. What is it?" (Fur coat). Well done! And now you will make a riddle. "This clothing ... she has ... and ... she is made of ... What is it?" (Help the baby to describe a fur coat or coat, giving him the beginning of phrases, suggesting individual words). Be sure to praise the child: "What a wonderful riddle you got", write down the riddle and make her dad, grandmother, child friends.

And for Vanya Mom and Dad bought up other winter clothes. Show the child a picture with Vani's updates. What is it? (Jacket and jumpsuit). What are they like? (They are warm, winter; they have sleeves, there are buttons on the fastener, there are pockets, a hood with fur). What is the difference? (The jacket is short, and the overalls are long. Jumpsuit is put on his feet and has a row, and there is no jacket. They are different colors. Black jacket, and jumpsuit blue and brown)

Guess what I liked the best - a jacket or jumpsuit - "This is winter clothes. She has a hood with a fur, fasteners on the buttons, a lot of pockets. It is black. She is short. What is it?"

Task 2. What is clothes? We find out the generalizing word "clothes"

Look at the picture. These are the things that love to wear Tanya. What is it? (dress skirt).

And what loves to wear Vanya you will see in the following picture. What is it? (Shorts, pants, shirt)

What are all these things like? (Tell me the baby question - "Why do we need a dress, pants, shorts, shirt, skirt? Yes, we wear them, wear it. So, they look like they wear them on themselves") things that we wear, put on yourself called clothing. Why do we need clothes? Wragge along with the baby.

  • Clothes protect us from cold. We would froze in the winter without a fur coat or coat.
  • And in the summer, clothes protect us from the heat and from the sun.
  • More clothes protect us from mosquitoes and midges so that they do not bite. They will sit on clothes, and you cannot bite us.
  • More clothes are needed for beauty. Beautiful clothing gives us a good mood.

Ask the baby, what clothes he has. Does he have a favorite clothing? What clothes do mom have? And dad? At the brother or sister? Consider the clothes that are at home and name the details of the clothes - cuffs, pockets, buttons, lightning, collar, sleeves, buttons. For example: "What is it? Cuffs. And what else do you have cuffs? And on mittens there are cuffs? And on the jacket? "

Task 3. Speech exercise "What is clothes?"

Tell your baby that clothes we wear outside are called "outerwear".Why? (Sewing the assumptions of the baby). Yes, because it is put on top of another clothing. She is on top, top, so it is "top". What is the outerwear in a child, moms, dads?

And how do you call clothes for holidays? ( Festive). What do you call clothes for work? (Working) And clothes for men? ( male). Clothes for women - ? ( Women's). And clothes for children? ( Children's). Clothes for dolls -? ( Puppet)

Listen to any children answers with attention and encourage them! Temperature, i.e. Inventing the baby's new words (man's male, instead of a male, or holiday instead of a festive, etc.) - this is a manifestation that the child is trying to experiment with words, to find independently how to educate new words. It is very important and very necessary for the full intellectual development of the child! Therefore, praise it for the wordness. In no case will not laugh at the baby error and do not repeat them. Just say: "Such a word could be in Russian. But people agreed to speak differently. They call such clothes "festive"

Task 4. Relive out where the error in this poem about clothes.

In summer, in hot clock -
Only shirt and panties.
And in winter we need:
Sweater, warm pants,
Scarf, Coat, Sandals,
Cap and so on.
Cap ..., sweater ...
However, I ...
I'm confused, friends!
A. Shibayev

Read the child is a poem and ask to find a mistake. What clothes are we needed in summer? And what kind of winter? - "And in the winter we need a sweater, warm pants, a scarf, coat, sandals, hat and so on." What is the error here? What is not clothes here? (Sandals - Summer shoes, not winter clothes)

Task 5. Guess the riddles on clothes. Learning to invent riddles according to plan

And now I suggest to make riddles about my clothes or baby clothes. This is a very interesting and very useful game! And the dictionary enriches, and describe items according to the plan teaches, and always like children - after all, it is interesting to guess everything!

Describe, we make it in a certain sequence - according to plan, for example:

  1. color,
  2. the size,
  3. material (thick, thin, fluffy, smooth, etc.),
  4. details.

At first - at 3 years old - the kid just listens to your riddles and guess them. By 4-5 years, he will already have the experience of guessing the riddles and will be able to make a mystery in the pictures in the pictures, that is, describe the subject.

Spread 4-5 clothing items on the table, chair or sofa and describe one thing without calling it. An example of a riddle that you can guess the child: "This thing is long, it is bright, it is from a beautiful thick fabric. This thing has a belt, white round buttons, collar and cuffs. What is it?" Help the child can guess, suggesting questions: "Do you think that trousers? Yes, long trousers. But in the riddle it was said - "there is a collar and cuffs." Is there a collar and cuff trousers? And white round buttons have trousers? So I did not pushing the pants. What? "

Then you can play this game in a more complex version - Many things that hang in the closet or in the hallway. And there, after all, a lot of things - try guess! You need to listen carefully, remember signs, watch, search, think.

When the baby is growing up - by five years - he will start to make such riddles, but as long as he "absorbs" the samples that we give to him. Therefore, it is very important that our "adults" samples of the descriptions of the descriptions were built logical so that they are clearly called the details, color, form.

And one more important point. In order for the kids to be interested in this game, it is better not to play with pictures, but with "lively" real things that you can touch, stroke fabric or buttons, unbuck or fasten your pockets - in a word, to use all the senses.

Task 6. Noby

Develop the attention of the child to the sound of words, learn to select words in rhyme

Let's play the game "Tell the Lream". Guess what word you need to dress up to get a song-outbill.

Went beasts for bazaar
View new product.
Cob pig
And the dog is in ... (skirt).
Cat in jacket
Mouse in ... (take).
Kitty in earrings,
Cow in ... (boots).
Lambs in kaftan,
Goat in ... (Sarafan).

If the baby is not guessing, what word to rhyme is suitable here, start with it try to add different words from the picture: "The piglet in the fur coat, and the dog ...? In beret. So will it turn out? Not. Let's try in a different way. What is it? That's right, skirt. What do we get with this word? The pig in the fur coat, and the dog - ... (the child adds "in the skirt") folded! In rhyme! " At the end of the exercise, again, read your "Essay - Nonby" entirely with all selected rhymes.

Find on the picture clothes (skirt, sundress).

Explain the baby that things that we wear on the head are called not "clothes", but "hats", because we put them on your head, and not on the torso. And those things we put on legs are called "shoes". Shoes and hats do not belong to clothing.

Task 7. We learn to speak without errors - the words "wear" and "wear". Play and remember!

A frequent speech error of children is the wrong use of the words "dress" and "wear". The rule here is: "wear" we say if we dress someone (we dress your son for a walk, we dress a doll. Bear, baby, patient). We wear always in something - in a coat, in a raincoat. And "to wear" says when we "on - we reveal" on yourself - on your hands, on your feet. Therefore, it will be right to say "put on the pants (on yourself)," but "dressed a walk for a walk."

It is not necessary to memorize this rule. You just need to play with a child in speech games, and he himself easily and play him remember and will no longer be mistaken. And of course, in domestic communication, you need to follow the right use of these words (an example for comparison: "Have you already put a sweater? Well done!" "Have you already dressed a bear? Great! Then a bear can go to walk with us")

Let's start playing!

Read the baby fragment from Elena Blaginina poem.

Mom song sangs,
Dressed daughter.
Dressed - Noneva
White shirt.
White shirt,
Thin lines ...

Mom spent a song,
Mom girl dressed.
Red dress in peas
Shoes are new on the legs.
Here's how my mother got -
To May daughter dressed up.
That's what mom is
Golden straight!

Whom mom dressed? How did she wear her daughter?

The game with the word "dress".

Offer the child to play. You will seem to wear a bear or a hare for a walk (to show these actions to gestures), and the baby will need to guess on your gestures, what you dress the toy. For example, show that you seem to wear a sweater (no sweaters, just showing gestures) and ask: "What do I wear a bear?". Or show that you wear a bear in the trousers and ask "And now what I wondered?" You can show a gesture, as you dried up a bear in a shirty, buttons on the sleeves. Then let the kid give up such riddles to you. In this game will always be used the word "dress", and the more often the better! "What did I wear a bear?" - "Did you wear a bear in a jacket?". "No, I didn't wear it in a jacket." I dressed him into something else, but a look like a jacket. Well, how do you guess? " - "You dressed him in a coat?" etc. The multiple natural repetition of the word in the game will be remembered by the baby, and he will not be mistaken.

It is better to remember the use of the word "dress" will help and this small rhyme for kids.

Game with the word "wear".

When the kid in the first game will always be correctly called an action ("dress" a doll, a bear, a bunny - what? Dress in a fur coat, in a coat, in a dress, shorts), you can go to the second game - with the word "wear".

Show how you put on something on yourself, and the baby guess that you have shown for action - "Mom, you put on a coat?" - "No, not coat. But what ... (mysterious voice and repeat the gesture). " - "Are you a fur coat? - "No, not a fur coat. I did not wear a fur coat. I put on a completely different clothes on myself (I repeat the gesture again) ", etc. Then change the roles - the child shows that he put on his clothes for his clothes (his mystery comes down). And we guess.

Some children want not to show gesture, but really start to wear clothes in this game. Let it wear! It does not hurt this! And even makes intrigue. Stand your back to the child, close your eyes (you can tie your eyes with a handkerchief) and start guessing that at that moment your baby puts on: "Do you wear tights? Not? Then do you wear shorts? Also no. Mmmmm. Maybe you wear a jumpsuit? " etc. The natural saturation of this game the word "wear", interest in the child's game leads to the fact that this word and the situation of its proper use is remembered very simple and quickly. And in the future, no problems with the correct use of the words "dress" and "wear" the child will not be! And they do not need boring repetition of these words in the exercises, because in life everything is remembered naturally, easy and simple!

Task 8. Meet the verbs to "sew", "embroider", "knit", select words, learn the expression "Golden Hands"

Listen to the poem about Tanya. Tanya has a favorite doll - baby. She makes clothes for this doll to this doll - sews, knits, embroiders. That's how.

Skillful fingers

Sila Tanya Malyshu
New dressing:
Fur coat, pants and coat,
Checking jacket.

Our Tanya Malyshu
Mittens knitted.
They are their patterns
Long decorated.

Thread fun runs
Tanya embroiders.
At her baby looks,
Head nods.

Sewing Tanyusha baby
And does not know boredom.
All about Tanya say:
"Skillful fingers". (

Tannins are a lot of different work in working, and make it very good, beautiful. Therefore, about Tanya and say that she has skillful fingers. And what can your mother do, grandmother? (Oven pies, cook soup, fry the cutlets, grow flowers, embroider ...). Is it possible to say that your moms and grandmothers are golden hands?

Find a picture on which a girl sew. What does she need to work? (Needle, thread, thirty, scissors, sewing machine). Show the baby his clothes, which was sewed from the fabric, show different flavors of the fabric. A great impression on children produce tissue rolls in the store - they are always wondering what different fabrics are, especially if there is an opportunity to touch them. Even the boys are always intrigued by the fact that their clothes came from, what she was made, because it did not "grew up."

And on what picture a girl embroiders? What does she need to work? (Falls, needle, threads for embroidery, scissors) Look, she keeps the heads in his hands with a cloth, and embroiders with a needle with a thread. What does she embroider? (Flowers, patterns). What else can you embroider? (Different patterns, beautiful pictures). Show the baby embroidery that you have at home (paintings, embroidery on mittens, on dresses or shorts)

Show pictures on which is painted like a girl knit.She has the knitting needles in her hands. Thread fun runs from the tangler. Spins are sharp. And what else is sharp? (Needle, scissors, knife, barb, hedgehog). What can you connect? (Scarf, socks, cap, blouse, sweater). Show the baby knitted clothes that he has (scarf, mittens, socks. Bluff)

Task 9. Let's play! Fingering gymnastics

Offer the child to portray, like mom (or grandmother) sews (folded three fingers into a pinch, as if they hold a needle with a thread and go to hand up - down) and read it the words of the song.

Needle, needle,
You are Ostra and Rock.
I'm not my finger,
Shea Sarafanchik (rus. Nar. Song)

Repeat the words of this folk song with the baby, depicting sewing. First, repeat the song slowly (the needle slowly sews), then faster, then very quickly (the pace of the hand is also dimumed), again slowly. So we learn the child to consciously change the tempo of speech.

Task 10. Smile together!

And at the end, I want to smile with you and I propose to read a cheerful story in which clothes plays a leading role.

Show the baby picture. "Does this boy know how to dress himself? Why? What did he do wrong? And what can happen to a boy or a girl who do not know how to dress themselves? Listen to the story about the boy who did not know how to dress himself. "

"Story History." M. Zoshchenko.

Petya was not such a little boy. He was four years old. But Mom considered him a completely tiny child. She fed him from the spoon, to walk drove behind the handle and dressed him in the morning.

Once Petya woke up in his bed. And my mother began to wear it. So she wore him and put on the legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was Shalit, and again put it on the legs. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and for the third time put it near the bed. But the baby fell again.

Mom was frightened and called the dad to the service.
She told Dad:
- Come home home. Something with our boy happened - he can't stand on the legs.
Here dad comes and says:
- Nonsense. Our boy walks well and runs, and it can not be that he fell from us.
And he instantly puts the boy on the carpet. The boy wants to go to his toys, but again, for the fourth time, falls. Dad says:
- You need to quickly call the doctor. Probably our boy snorted.
Probably, he was smashed yesterday with candy.
Called the doctor. Doctor comes in glasses and with a tube. Doctor says Petya:
- What is the news! Why do you fall?
Petya says:
"I don't know why, but I fall a little."
Doctor says Mom:
- Well, the tendent of this child, I will examine him now.
Mom partition Petya, and the doctor began to listen to him. The doctor listened to him through the handset and says:
- Baby is completely healthy. And it is amazing why he falls for you. And well, put it again and put on the legs.
Here mom quickly dresses the boy and puts on the floor.
And the doctor dressing glasses on the nose to get better to see how the boy falls. Only the boy put on the legs - and suddenly he fell again.
The doctor was surprised and says:
- Call professor. Maybe the professor guess why this child falls.
Dad went to call the professor, and at that moment a little boy Kolya comes to the guests. Kohl looked at Petya, laughed and says:
- And I know why your petya falls.
Doctor says:
"Look at what a scientist karapuz found," he knows better than me why children fall. "
Kolya says:
- See how Petya is dressed. He has one panta dangles, and both legs are folded into another. That is why he falls.
Then everyone jackets and bought.
Petya says:
- This is my mother dressed.
Doctor says:
- No need to call the professor. Now we understand why the child falls.
Mom says:
- In the morning I was very in a hurry to cook porridge, and now I was very worried, and therefore I was so wrong with his pants put on.
Kolya says:
- And I always dress myself, and I have no such nonsense with my feet. Adults are always letting something.
Petya says:
- Now I will also dress myself.
Everyone laughed. And the doctor laughed. He said goodbye to everyone, and he also said goodbye. And left for his affairs. Dad went to the service.
Mom went to the kitchen. And Kohl with Peter remained in the room. And began to play toys.
And on the other day, Petya himself put on the panties, and no stupid stories have no longer happened to him.