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Improving the system of career growth. Career in an industrial enterprise. Stages of working with an intern

Description of work

The purpose of the course work is to improve the career management system of employees of the organization.
Tasks set:
1. Consider the main provisions of the employee's labor career.
2. Analyze the system of career planning for employees in the organization.
3. Develop a career planning process.
4. Develop recommendations for improving the personnel management system in

Introduction - 3
1. Theoretical foundations of planning an employee's labor career. - five
1.1 Essence, types and stages of career planning. - five
1.2 Career planning activities. - 16
1.3 Formation of a working career. - 21
2. Planning the worker's career. - 29
2.1 General characteristics of Vertical LLC. - 29
2.2 Analysis of personnel potential and management of personnel development
OOO Vertical. - 35
2.3 Improving staff career planning. - 44
Conclusion - 57
List of used literature - 58

The work contains 1 file

GOU VPO "Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy"

Department of Public Administration and Finance

Course work

in the discipline "personnel management"

on the topic

Improvement (development) of the employee's career planning system


3rd year student

Faculty of Economics

Sirotkina Yu.O.

Checked by: Associate Professor

Departments of "GUiF"

Sergutina T.E.

Bryansk 2010

Introduction - 3

1. Theoretical foundations of planning an employee's labor career. - five

1.1 Essence, types and stages of career planning. - five

1.2 Career planning activities. - 16

1.3 Formation of a working career. - 21

2. Planning the worker's career. - 29

2.1 General characteristics of Vertical LLC. - 29

2.2 Analysis of personnel potential and management of personnel development

OOO Vertical. - 35

2.3 Improving staff career planning. - 44

Conclusion - 57

List of used literature - 58


Each person at some point begins to seriously think about his future, about his future career. Knowledge of what a career is, what types and models of careers exist, how to manage a career, as well as knowledge of their abilities, weaknesses and strengths, will help him choose a job in an organization that provides him with opportunities for professional growth and a better standard of living; get a higher degree of job satisfaction; more clearly represent personal professional prospects, plan other aspects of life; purposefully prepare for future professional activity; increase competitiveness in the labor market.

On the other hand, organizations in which a career is a managed process receive:

1. Motivated and loyal employees who associate their professional activities with this organization, which increases labor productivity and reduces staff turnover;

2. Ability to plan the professional development of employees, taking into account their personal interests;

3. Career development plans for individual employees as a source for determining training needs;

4. A group of interested in professional growth, trained, motivated employees for promotion to leadership positions.

This is the relevance of the course work.

The object of the course work is OOO Vertical.

The subject is the worker's career.

The purpose of the course work is to improve the career management system of employees of the organization.

Tasks set:

1. Consider the main provisions of the employee's labor career.

2. Analyze the system of career planning for employees in the organization.

3. Develop a career planning process.

When writing this term paper, the following sources were used: Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D., Belolipetsky V.G., Bukhalkov M.I., Kuksov A., Shchiborshch K.V., Godin A.M., Eliseeva I.I., Karpov A.V., Sokolova Ya.V., Fomin P.A., Pavlova L.N., Ovsiychuk M.F., Sidelnikov L.B., Naumov A.I., Vikhansky O.S. .

1. Theoretical foundations of planning an employee's labor career.

1.1 Essence, types and stages of career planning.

Career planning allows employees to see what position they can get if they acquire the appropriate positive experience under certain initial conditions. Career plans, unlike development plans, are not aimed at specific jobs, but reflect only professional activities in the enterprise. They must be developed on the basis of a thorough analysis of the work, as they have a strong motivating effect, which, under adverse conditions, can lead to serious disappointment.

Vocational training prepares an employee to perform various production functions traditionally associated with a particular position. During his professional life, a person, as a rule, occupies not one, but several positions. This sequence of positions is called a professional CAREER. For some people, a career is the result of a detailed long-term plan, for others it is a series of accidents. Obviously, the desires of an employee alone are not enough for a successful career development, even if they take the form of a well-thought-out plan. To move up the hierarchical ladder requires professional skills, knowledge, experience, perseverance and a certain element of luck.

Management specialists, considering the problem of a person's attitude to a career, emphasize that, no matter how a career develops, the determining factor is not its objective assessment from the outside, but the subjective assessment of the person making this career.

« Career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the field of labor activity, associated with official or professional growth.There are two types of career: professional and intraorganizational.

An intra-organizational career means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. The employee goes through these stages within the walls of one organization.

« A vertical career is the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case the promotion is most visible. This kind of career requires:knowledge of the job characteristics of tasks, duties, rights, responsibilities, criteria for evaluating activities, assessing knowledge at the intended exit from the position and the planned departure when changing positions, it is necessary to carry out pre-job training and advanced training.

The most vulnerable point is the mismatch of knowledge, skills and abilities.

A horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy, it can include the expansion or complication of tasks, the role of the head of a temporary or target group. A kind of professional-horizontal career is rotation:

  1. Ring - return to the starting position;

short - planned passage by the employee of the received positions;

  1. Irrevocable - promotion without returning to the starting position and without vertical growth.

A horizontal career involves the improvement of a specialist in his chosen professional field, and the organization is undoubtedly interested in such development of an employee. If an employee of the company wants to move to another division, then, most likely, he no longer really wants to work in his old place. If you prevent his movement, there is a risk that this employee will leave the company altogether.

The procedure for moving an employee within the company should be based on the following elements:

1. desire of the employee

2. consent of the head of the department where the employee is transferred

3. consent of the head of the department where the employee works

The most important here is, of course, the desire of the employee. This factor is often underestimated by managers who believe that they know exactly where the employee will work best and bring more value to the organization. However, not everyone can work in a new place without desire. An attempt to move an employee without his will often ends with his leaving the organization.

However, the desire of an employee is, of course, not enough. There must be a vacancy in the host unit and the consent of the head of this unit. This consent, in turn, is determined by how satisfied the head of the receiving unit is with the qualifications and behavioral characteristics of the employee.

Finally, the third component - the consent of the head of the department where the employee works - is most often the most difficult to achieve. Indeed, a leader who easily dismisses his employee always runs the risk of not getting a replacement for him. In addition, a negative opinion may form about the leader: after all, employees leave him. And yet, a reasonable leader will always come to the conclusion formulated at the beginning of this subsection that it is impossible to forcibly keep an employee in the unit.

Demotion. This technique in personnel management is rarely used. A typical situation, the resolution of which is possible with the help of demotion of an employee. At the first stage of his work in the company (which can last quite a long time), the employee develops and reaches a certain job level, at which his qualification meets the requirements for the position. However, then, for various external or internal reasons related to the development of the business itself or its environment, the requirements for the position increase, often unexpectedly for the employee and even his manager. Of course, by organizing employee training, you can try to eliminate the gap between his qualifications and the requirements for the position. However, this may not be possible due to the high cost of training or insufficient ability to retrain the employee himself (including, for example, related to his age). Demotion (moving to a lower level) is associated in our society with failure. An efficient person simply fails to understand how downgrading can be a viable alternative. However, if at least one of the following conditions is present, such a movement is not only a good, but simply a necessary, internally acceptable alternative:

"Thesis work Theme of work Improving the management of the business career of personnel in the organization UDC 005.996 Student Group Name ... "

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education


eLearning Institute

Specialty 080507 organization management

Department of Management


Theme of the work Improvement of personnel business career management in the organization UDC 005.996 Student Group Full name Signature Date Z-3301 Loskutnikova Yu.Yu.

Head Position Full name Academic degree, Signature Date title Senior Kuzmina N.G.



According to the section Social responsibility Position Full name Academic degree, Signature Date rank Senior Fedenkova A.S.

Lecturer Standard control Position Full name Academic degree, Signature Date title Senior Gromova T.V.



Head department Full name Academic degree, Signature Date title Management Chistyakova N.O. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Tomsk - 2016 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education




Head department ______________N.O. Chistyakova "___"_________________2016 TASK for the completion of the final qualifying work

In the shape of:



Group Full name Z-3301 Loskutnikova Yurgita Yurievna

Work theme:

Improving the management of the business career of personnel in the organization Approved by the order of the director (date, number)

Deadline for student submission of completed work:


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1.Theoretical foundations of business management Kuzmina N.G.

staff career in the organization

2. Analysis of economic activities of OOO GK Kuzmina N.G.


3. Development of measures for Kuzmina N.G.

improving the management of the business career of personnel in Megatorg LLC

–  –  –

The final qualifying work contains 114 pages, 19 figures, 23 tables, 33 references, 3 applications.

Key words: business career, career growth, qualification, management, efficiency.

The object of the study is the business career of personnel as an element of improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

The purpose of the work is to assess the management of the business career of personnel in the organization.

In the course of the study, analysis of theoretical sources on the topic, analysis of documents, questioning, synthesis of theoretical and empirical materials, design, statistical analysis were carried out.

As a result of the study, problems were identified and a project was developed to improve business career management.

Scope: improving the business career of personnel in Megatorg LLC

Economic efficiency: reduction of costs for the implementation of the recruitment function, as well as the overall economic effect for the company's activities.

Abstract……………………………………………………………………………. 4 Introduction

1. Theoretical foundations of managing the business career of personnel in an organization

1.2 Models, types and stages of the business career of personnel in the organization ............ 14

1.3 Managing the business career of personnel in the organization

2.2 Analysis of turnover

2.3 Analysis of the range and structure of products sold

2.5 Analysis of the use of labor and wages

2.6 Evaluation of the business career of the personnel of OOO GC Megatorg by the method of questionnaire survey

3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the implementation of the career development system for employees

4. Corporate social responsibility


List of sources used

Annex A Organizational structure of OOO GC Megatorg .............................. 113 Annex B Analysis of turnover depending on the assortment for 2013

Appendix B Analysis of turnover depending on the range for 2013


The relevance of the topic of the work is the important creation in modern conditions of an optimal mechanism for managing the business career of personnel in all spheres and sectors of the economy, which provides an integrated approach to solving problems of the effective use of the human factor in production. Today, the personnel is considered as an important resource of the organization, which largely determines the success of all its activities, and which must be able to competently manage, create the best conditions for its advancement through the “career ladder”, and invest the necessary funds in this.

Each person plans his future life, based on his socio-economic conditions and needs. Everyone wants to know the prospects for career growth and possible advanced training in the organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. If this is not the case, the motivation weakens, the person does not work at “full power”, he does not have the desire to improve his qualifications, he begins to consider the organization as a place to spend time and receive the necessary income, until a more promising job appears.

In personnel policy, the main decisions are the distribution of personnel in accordance with the capabilities of each and provide for the planning and development of the business career of each employee. HR managers must constantly pay attention to the development of the professional skills of employees, the professional promotion of employees and their retention in the appropriate jobs. The composition and quality of personnel changes in the process of changing the production activities of the enterprise and its organizational structure. Therefore, employees, and especially managers, must take care of their own career advancement, as they are more interested in achieving their goals in a business career, including ways that help achieve these goals. Career planning and promotion of personnel consists in the joint participation of employees and managers in organizing the process of development and promotion of personnel to higher positions.

Purpose of the study. Evaluation of the management of the business career of personnel in the organization.

Tasks such as:

1. consider the concept of a business career of personnel, its main goals and rules for building;

2. to study the stages of the business career of the employees of the organization;

3. work out the main directions for improving the business career of the organization's personnel;

4. present a general description of OOO GC Megatorg;

5. to analyze the effectiveness of the management of the business career of personnel on the example of the organization OOO GK Megatorg;

6. develop measures to improve the management of the business career of personnel in the organization under study and justify them economically.

The object of the study is the business career of the personnel as an element of increasing the efficiency of management in Megatorg LLC.

The subject of the study is the process of improving the efficiency of enterprise management based on improving the management of a business career in the organization under study.

The theoretical basis of the study was: V.I. Gerchikov, G.G.

Zaitsev, G.V. Cherkasskaya, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, N.P. Byalyatsky, as well as the literature of other domestic and foreign scientists in the field of personnel management, management, career psychology.

Research methods: analysis of theoretical sources on the topic, analysis of documents, questioning, synthesis of theoretical and empirical materials, design, statistical analysis.

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In market conditions in modern organizations, high requirements are formed for the level of staff qualifications, as well as for knowledge and professional skills. In such conditions, it becomes problematic to move up the career ladder.

Today, human resource management has begun to pay serious attention to the ways of promotion and the types of planning required to achieve the goals. The main key to solving this problem is the understanding that promotion is influenced not only by factors and a person, their external and internal interaction per se, but the ways of interaction of these many significant factors.

The importance of studying a career is justified by the fact that the career of personnel is one of the most important components of the effective functioning of an organization. The growth of personnel development on the career ladder has a good effect on the motivation of employees, has a direct impact on the financial performance of the organization, provides a favorable climate in the team and continuity in management.

Managers should know the principles of building a career for employees, filling vacancies, and forming a personnel reserve. Also, not a little attention should be paid to the peculiarities of career advancement of employees of all levels: managers, specialists, technical performers, problems of incomplete realization of labor potential.

In the specialist literature, questions that relate to career studies are treated as working (for hire) in an organization, usually a commercial or government one. Another career is also considered - in the household, in the family, in social regulation organizations (public, charitable), to compare it with the traditional career in employment, a relatively new phenomenon in life and science.

Each author has a different point of view on the definition of the essence of a career. According to D.M. Ivantsevich and A.A. Lobanov in one of the first publications on career issues in Russia that a career is an individually conscious sequence of changes in attitudes, behavior and positions associated with work experience and activities during a working life.

V.A. Dyatlov, A.Ya. Kibanov believe that a career is an employee's individually conscious own views about their future work.

Expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction, career advancement, development of abilities, skills, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities, obtaining more authority, higher status, prestige, power, more money.

By definition, A.P. Egorshina, an employee's career in an organization is the sum of two terms: the employee's desire to realize their own professional potential and the organization's interest in promoting this particular employee.

The definitions are different. The discrepancy in definitions arose due to the insufficient use of the principles of a systematic approach in the analysis of the essence of the category "career", the essence of this category and its relationship with other socio-economic processes taking place among employees are visible.

A career can be static, that is, carried out in one place and in one position through professional growth, dynamic, associated with a change of jobs. It can also be horizontal, occurring within the same level of management, but with a change in the type of occupation or profession, it can be vertical, which involves promotion through the hierarchical ladder. The combination of these two approaches gives the so-called step career.

A career can be administrative or professional. In many organizations whose activities are related to science, in order to retain highly qualified personnel and better use their creative potential, they put a system of scientific degrees and titles in line with the career ladder (“parallel career ladder”, the highest ranks on which correspond to the positions of vice presidents ). This prevents the intellectual elite from moving into administrative work. Therefore, we can talk about professional and qualification promotion, which is carried out as an official promotion and an increase in the qualifications of employees at the same time.

There is another kind of career - centripetal, its essence is a real result, which is to approach the "core"

organizations. This means that a person, without occupying any high positions, may be close to the leadership, admitted to a narrow circle of friends, included in the elite.

Therefore, here career success is considered from such points of view as: promotion within the organization from one position to another, higher one; the degree of assimilation by a certain profession, its constituent skills and knowledge; receiving special recognition from management.

The factors of a successful career may be the chance that gives a person a chance; a realistic approach to choosing a direction; good knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses; precise planning; opportunities created by the socio-economic status of the family (education, connections).

Career development happens at different paces. In Russian organizations, an increasing pace of promotion of employees prevails;

the same is happening in the US. There, in order to have the opportunity to take a leading position in the management of the company, you need to be the manager of a large department by the age of 39 - 44. Mostly these are those who have worked for about two years as an ordinary engineer in production or an employee in the department of sales, marketing, business analysis. For 2-4 years as the head of a group of engineers, for 3-6 years as the head of a division with several departments; it is desirable to participate in the management of emergency situations, the management of foreign branches. In Japan, a career begins after about ten years in an organization.

An internal assessment of a successful or unsuccessful career occurs by comparing the current state of affairs with the personal goals and requirements of a given person, and the external one is based on the opinions of others, status, influence, position. These assessments may not correspond to each other, and then an internal conflict occurs, which will not be the most favorable consequences.

Any career is done for something, and therefore, it has its own driving motives, which change over the years. Based on them, people increase their activity to achieve specific goals.

These motives include:

1. Autonomy. A person strives for independence, for the ability to do everything in his own way. Within the organization it is given by a high position, status, authority, merit, with which everyone is forced to reckon.

2. Functional competence. A person strives to be the best specialist in his field and be able to solve the most complex problems.

To do this, he mainly focuses on professional growth. Such people are mostly indifferent to the material side, but highly value external recognition from management and colleagues.

3. Safety and stability. Employees strive to maintain and strengthen their position in the organization, so their main task is to obtain a position that gives such guarantees.

4. Managerial competence. A person actively strives for power, leadership, success. Since they are associated with a high position, rank, title, status symbols, high wages, privileges, important and responsible work, recognition of management, rapid promotion.

5. Entrepreneurial creativity. This is the desire of people to create or organize something new, to be creative. Therefore, for them, the main goal of a career is to acquire the necessary power and freedom for this, which the corresponding position provides.

6. The need for superiority. Man always wants to be first.

7. Lifestyle. A person sets himself the task of uniting the needs of the individual and the family, for example, to get an interesting, fairly well-paid job that provides freedom of movement, disposal of one's time. If a person does not have a family, then the saturation of work, its fascination, and diversity may come first.

8. Material well-being. People are driven by the desire to get a position associated with high wages or other forms of remuneration.

9. Ensuring healthy conditions. A person is driven by the desire to achieve a position that involves the performance of official duties in favorable conditions.

Career goals and motivations often change with age and skill development.

1.2 Models, types and stages of the business career of personnel in the organization Business career - progressive advancement of the individual in any field of activity, change in skills, abilities, remuneration and qualification opportunities associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, fame, enrichment. For example, getting more powers, higher status, prestige, power, more money. There are several types of career (Figure 1.1).

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An intra-organizational career means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development:

A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially within the walls of one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

An interorganizational career means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development:

training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement.

Each individual employee goes through these stages sequentially in different organizations. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

A specialized career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support for individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially both in one and in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department of another organization. Such a transition is associated either with an increase in the size of remuneration, or with a change in content, or with the prospects for promotion. Another example, the head of the personnel department was appointed to the position of deputy. HR director of the organization where he works.

Non-specialized career - this type of career is well developed in Japan. The Japanese are of the opinion that the leader should be a specialist who can work in any part of the company, and not just in any particular function. Climbing the corporate ladder, a person should have the opportunity to look at the company from all sides, without staying in one position for more than three years. It is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the supply department. Many Japanese leaders worked in unions in the early stages of their careers. As a result of this policy, the Japanese leader has a much smaller amount of special knowledge (which will lose its value in 5 years anyway) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by the same personal experience. An employee can go through the stages of this career both in one and in different organizations.

Vertical career is the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is more often associated, since in this case the promotion is more visible.

A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).

Horizontal career - this type of career involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, playing the role of the head of a temporary target group, program, etc.) To the horizontal a career can also be attributed to the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous stage (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration). The concept of a horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.

A step career is a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of career. The promotion of an employee can be carried out by alternating vertical and horizontal growth. This type of career is quite common and can take both intraorganizational and interorganizational forms. Hidden career - the type of career that is the least obvious to others. This type of career is available to a limited circle of employees, usually with extensive business connections outside the organization. Hidden (centripetal) career refers to the movement to the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, and certain important assignments from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

In the process of implementing a career, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of all types of careers.

This interaction involves the following tasks:

achieve the interrelated goals of the organization and the individual employee;

explore the career potential of employees;

ensure that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs;

ensure the openness of the career management process;

eliminate "career dead ends" in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

to form visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

improve the quality of the career planning process;

provide a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

identify career paths that will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for staff at the right time and in the right place.

As practice shows, employees do not always know their prospects in the team. This means that the organization has an unsatisfactory attitude to work with personnel, there is no planning and control over a career. This results in an imperfect formulation of work with personnel, a lack of planning and career control in the organization.

The control and planning of a business career lies in the fact that from the moment the employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. The employee needs to explain his prospects for.

short term and long term. And also tell what indicators he must achieve in order to move up the career ladder.

The lifetime employment system is a form of career planning that is common in Japan. It arose after the Second World War, proved its effectiveness and viability. The essence of the system is that a person, having received an education, goes to work in an organization and works there until retirement. During this time, an employee can change several jobs, advance in the service, change the field of activity - and all this within the same organization. The advantage of lifetime employment is that each employee in his thoughts connects directly with the organization for which he works, understands that his personal prosperity depends on the prosperity of his organization. The system creates confidence in the future, the employee is almost guaranteed against dismissal. However, the system of lifetime employment has serious limitations: this system in Japan covers only 25-30% of employees in large organizations; in the event of a deterioration in the financial situation of the organization, they still carry out layoffs; employment security agreements are not written down in official documents.

Japan's lifetime employment system is a form of job security. In modern times, there is a growing interest in guarantees for the preservation of work in the world. There are other reasons for this, besides those mentioned above: because of the fear of being fired, a nervous atmosphere is created and labor productivity is reduced; the fear that the use of new equipment will lead to job cuts begins to slow down the technical development of production; high employee turnover is costly for the organization, especially when it comes to highly qualified personnel.

Ensuring employment security is one of the most difficult problems of managing work with personnel in organizations. Not all managers consider this problem, because they believe that in the conditions of the market, the entrepreneur himself decides who and when to fire. But if the leaders of the organization expect employees to be willing to increase productivity, quality and efficiency of labor, then they must provide them with certain guarantees of job retention.

Depending on the direction of the steps of an intra-organizational career (“decline”, “rise”), six types of it can be distinguished:

1. Target (linear) career. An employee once and for all chooses a professional space for his development, plans the appropriate stages of his progress towards a professional ideal and strives to achieve it.

2. Monotonous (stable) career. The employee plans once and for all the desired professional status and, upon achieving it, does not seek to move in the organizational hierarchy, even if there are opportunities for professional improvement and improvement of his social and professional status and financial situation.

3. Spiral career. The employee is motivated to change activities (with and without transitions between jobs of different social ranks) and as they master them, he moves up the steps of the organizational hierarchy.

4. Fleeting (short-term) career. Moving from one type of activity to another occurs spontaneously, without apparent purpose.

5. Stabilization (platform) career. An employee grows to a certain level and stays there for a long time - more than eight years.

6. Fading (decreasing) career. The employee grows to a certain level and remains with this status until the moment when the “fading” begins - a clear movement to a lower socio-professional status in the organization. More often this happens due to personal reasons, such as alcohol abuse, illness, etc. For real reasons, the employee becomes inappropriate for the requirements of the position held and gradually falls to the lowest level.

"snake", "crossroads".

Springboard model. It is mainly distributed among managers and specialists. The life path of an employee consists of a long climb up the career ladder, accompanied by a gradual increase in his potential, experience and knowledge. Accordingly, the positions held are changed to more complex and better paid ones. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long time. At the end of working life, there is a “ski jump” into retirement. The springboard career model for a line manager is shown in Figure 1.2. The "springboard" career is most typical for managers during the period of stagnation in the economy, when many positions in central bodies and enterprises were held by the same people for 20-25 years.

Also, this model is typical for specialists and employees who do not set themselves special life goals related to career advancement. Due to their own reasons: personal interests, a good work team, low workload, acquired qualifications, other vital interests, employees are satisfied with their position, and they are ready to remain in it until they retire. Thus, a "springboard" career may be quite suitable in a market economy for a large group of professionals and employees.

Figure 1.2 – Springboard career model

The “ladder” career model provides that each step of a service career represents a certain position that an employee occupies for a certain time, for example, no more than 5 years. This time is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With the growth of qualifications, creativity and production experience, the manager or specialist rises up the career ladder (Figure 1.3). Each new position the employee takes after advanced training. The employee will reach the top step of his career during the period of maximum potential, when a lot of experience has been accumulated and high qualifications, professional knowledge and skills, breadth of outlook have been acquired, and health has not yet been lost. Psychologically, this model is just as inconvenient for top managers because of their unwillingness to leave the "first roles" as the previous one. Therefore, it should be supported by a higher management body (board of directors) from a good position of maintaining the health and working capacity of the employee. After occupying the top position, there is a systematic descent down the career ladder with the performance of less intensive work that does not require making difficult decisions in extreme situations, leading a large team. Most often, a former manager and specialist can be involved as a consultant, advisor, etc.

Figure 1.3 - Ladder career model

The “snake” career model is suitable for a manager and a specialist. It provides for horizontal - vertical movement of an employee from one position to another, but each of them takes a short time (1-2 years). The snake career model for a line manager is shown in Figure 1.4. For example, after studying at the school of managers, the foreman works successively as a dispatcher, technologist and economist, and then is appointed to the position of shop manager. This gives the line manager the opportunity to study in more depth the specific management functions that will be useful to him in a higher position. Before becoming a director of an organization, the manager works as a deputy director for 6-9 years (for personnel, commerce, economics, etc.) and fully studies important areas of activity. The main advantage of this model is the ability to meet the human need for knowledge of the management functions of interest to him in a particular organization and the acquisition of relevant skills and knowledge, including knowledge of problem areas. Organizationally, this implies a constant movement of personnel in the management apparatus, the existence of a clear system of appointment and movement, and a detailed study of the socio-psychological climate in the team. The figure also shows the reverse movement (decrease).

If the rotation of personnel is not observed, the "snake" career loses its significance and can have negative consequences, since some of the workers with a predominance of melancholic and phlegmatic temperament are not disposed to change the team or position and will perceive it very painfully. Previously, such a system was used by many entrepreneurs as a form of training for successors (sons) to transfer the family business to them.

Figure 1.4 - Model career "snake"

The “crossroads” career model involves, after a certain fixed or variable period of work, the manager or specialist undergoes a comprehensive assessment (certification), based on the results of which a decision is made to promote, move or demote (Figure 1.5). This career can be offered to joint ventures and foreign firms applying an employment contract only in the form of a fixed-term contract. In its philosophy, this is an American career model focused on the individualism of a person and the initial limitation of his useful life in a particular organization.

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The preliminary stage includes school, secondary and higher education and lasts until the age of 25. During this time, a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that interests him, satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. In the case of such an activity, the process of self-affirmation of him as a person begins, he worries about a protected existence.

Then the formation stage begins, which lasts approximately five years from 25 to 30. During this period, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary abilities, his qualifications are formed, self-affirmation occurs and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to worry about the safety of existence, to be attentive to health. As a rule, at this age, families are formed and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.

The promotion stage lasts from 30 to 45 years. In this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, promotion. There is an accumulation of practical skills, abilities, a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person comes. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for security, the efforts of the employee are concentrated on increasing wages and on well-being.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts from 45 to 60 years. The peak of qualification improvement begins and its increase takes place as a result of intensive and special training, the employee is interested in passing on his knowledge to the younger generation. This period is characterized by creativity, there is the possibility of taking off to new service levels. A person is mined to the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have reached their position through conscientious work. Although almost all the needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is great attention to other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of other organizations, shares, bonds).

The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. Here a person begins to seriously prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for a vacant seat. Although this period is characterized by a decline in their careers and these people are less and less satisfied with their work and feel a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for themselves and other similar people reach their highest point during the entire career period. They are interested in maintaining the level of pay, but want to increase other sources of income that can replace the salary of this organization at retirement and would be a good addition to the pension.

At the last - retirement stage, a career in this organization is over. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in social organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and the same pensioners as they are stabilized. But the state of health and financial situation in these years affect the constant concern for other sources of income and health.

1.3 Managing the business career of personnel in the organization

Business career management is a combination of activities that are carried out by the personnel department of organizations to plan, organize, motivate and control the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as on the basis of goals, needs, opportunities and socially -economic conditions of the organization.

Each employee is engaged in the management of his business career.

Career management helps an organization increase commitment to its interests, increase productivity, reduce employee turnover and unlock the capabilities of its employees. Each person plans his future life based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. It is natural that a person wants to know the possibility of prospects for career growth and advanced training in a given organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. If this is not the case, the motivation for behavior may weaken, the person does not work at “full power”, he has neither interest nor desire to improve his qualifications, and he begins to consider the organization as a place to spend time and receive the necessary income, until a more promising job appears .

A person sets himself certain goals when applying for a job. And the organization, hiring him, sets his own specific goals. Therefore, a hired person needs to realistically assess his business qualities, and measure them with the requirements that the organization sets before him. The success of a person's career depends on this very much.

Getting a job, a person should know the labor market. If he does not know the labor market, he can get the first job that seems attractive. But this can lead to disappointment, as she did not exceed his expectations. And then the search for a new job begins. But probably a person has studied the labor market well, and is looking for more promising places to use his labor, but it turns out that with his knowledge and skills it is difficult to find a job, and the reason for this is that there are many who want to work in such places. As a result, strong competition is the result.

Having the opportunity for a person to make a self-assessment and know the labor market, he can choose industries and regions where he would like to live and work.

Proper self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has more serious content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have a specific job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions. Career goals change with age, as well as with the growth of qualifications, knowledge, and skills. Forming career goals is a regular process.

Some career goals are:

engage in a type of activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore delivers moral satisfaction;

get a job or position that meets self-esteem, in an area whose natural conditions favorably affect the state of health and allow you to organize a good rest;

to occupy a position that enhances opportunities and develops them;

have a job or position that is creative in nature;

work in a profession or hold a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;

have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;

have a job or position that simultaneously allows you to be involved in raising children or housework.

Management of an employee's business career is the organization of his promotion through the stages of official and qualification growth, helping him to develop and implement professional knowledge and skills in the interests of the organization.

In the activities of the personnel management service for managing the business career of employees, the most harmonious combination of the interests and goals of the organization (guaranteeing investments in the training of employees, ensuring their loyalty to the interests of the organization, reducing turnover, effective use) with the individual interests and goals of the employees themselves (satisfying the needs for self-esteem and recognition, independence). This allows you to form a useful and sustainable relationship between them. Therefore, career management work is based on an individual approach to opportunities for professional advancement and growth.

According to the hypothesis of the German scientist Ostwald (1853-1932) on personnel career management, which was put forward in 1909 in the book Great People

it is necessary to reveal not that; what character traits are best for high results, and what conditions are most conducive to achieving these results. The hypothesis is based on a study of the creative biographies of great scientists, Ostwald found that people with different and opposite types of character achieved high results. At the same time, some of them, according to the manifestations of their character, were perceived by others as ordinary people.

Today, Ostwald's hypothesis has received broad theoretical and practical confirmation.

For personnel management, the conclusion from it is as follows. In the context of the growth of creativity in labor, management should avoid unified ways of organizing and motivating labor and take more care of an individual approach to stimulating employees, thereby creating the most favorable conditions for each of them.

To a certain extent, career management of employees is considered a simple continuation and result of the entire work of the personnel management service.

This process begins already at the stage of recruitment, during which the candidate must be provided with absolute and sufficient information about the opportunities and prospects for working in the organization. A well-thought-out and organized training and development program for employees creates the realization of career plans: promotion, relocation, etc.

The organization of work on managing the career of employees includes:

familiarization of employees with the promotion opportunities available in the organization in the form of training programs and consultations on individual plans for professional development;

regular information and advice on training opportunities and vacancies opening up in the organization;

developing support and counseling programs to counter career declines;

The movement of employees occurs in three directions:

moving up the levels of qualification or career growth;

horizontal movement (rotation);


Consider the stages of managing the business career of staff.

The first stage is to begin the process of planning a business career from the moment he is hired. The employee needs to explain his prospects in the organization, the possibility of career growth.

The second stage is to draw up an individual career development plan for the employee. A list of positions that an employee can occupy in the process of career growth is compiled.

A career in an organization is not always about climbing. Career also implies horizontal movement from one structural unit to another.

At this stage, the employee's capabilities are compared with the requirements for positions. At the same time, we must not forget that each employee is an individual. When drawing up a career development plan, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each person. And here the most intensive intervention of the leader himself is required. It is he who can most objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of the applicant, his potential.

The next step in managing an employee's business career is the implementation of a career development plan. This plan includes job rotation, various internships and individual mentoring (coaching).

At this stage, a constant evaluation of the results of the work is expected.

The employee must acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as successfully apply them in their daily work. Based on this, we need tools such as control over this process.

The assessment is carried out both in parallel with the certification, and as a separate event. The results obtained show how successful the employee was over the past stage of time, what should be focused on when planning his future career. As a rule, the assessment is carried out by the personnel management service and the manager.

Periodic evaluation of the promoted employee helps to understand what additional skills and knowledge he needs. As a result, the most effective is the preparation of curricula. When developing training programs, it is important to clearly formulate its goals.

On the contrary, it is difficult to avoid unjustified expenditure of staff time and organization funds. There are many different ways and forms of learning.

The main selection criterion here is their ratio to the previously set goals.

Every process in an organization must be evaluated for its effectiveness, and career management is no exception. The last step in managing an employee's business career is evaluating the effectiveness of this process.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of an employee's business career management using the following indicators:

improving the efficiency of organization management;

productivity increase;

reduction in staff turnover;

the ratio of employees hired to key positions from the outside, with those who "grew" to such a position within the walls of the organization;

work on new projects as a factor in creating a new atmosphere in the organization.

Effective business career management has a positive effect on the performance of the organization: improving the quality of work and services, increasing the organization's income, increasing staff stability, as shown in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 - Scheme of the impact of improving the management of the business career of employees on the results of the organization's activities The following conclusions can be drawn.

The meaning of a business career means the promotion of employees through the ranks, as well as a change in the type of activity, both in the organization and in life, and how a person perceives these stages.

There are several types of careers:








There are also five career stages:






Management of an employee's career involves organizing his promotion through the levels of job and qualification growth, which helps him develop and implement professional knowledge skills in the interests of the organization.

2. Analysis of the economic activity of Megatorg LLC

2.1 Brief description of Megatorg LLC

Limited Liability Company Megatorg Group of Companies (GK Megatorg LLC). (Strezhevoy, 4 microdistrict, 445a, 2nd floor) is a dynamic modern retail enterprise, represented by many companies in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which combines various activities - from food production to the sale of jewelry, into one organizational structure with well-established information, warehouse, accounting and transport systems (see Appendix A).

Brief history of the company:

1993 - foundation of the company by two owners, opening in the city of

Strezhevoy (Tomsk region) of the Sosna store selling food products;

1998 - opening of the Sosna-1 store for the sale of household appliances in the city of Strezhevoy;

2003 - opening of a jewelry store in St.


2005 - opening of the pizzeria "Pizza Land" in the city of Strezhevoy;

2007 - opening of the Polaris store in Nizhnevartovsk (KhMAOYugra). The division presents computer and household appliances;

From 2001 to 2007 - active development of the Sosna retail grocery chain in Strezhevoy, transition from counter trading to a self-service format;

2009 - a crisis in the relations of owners, which ends with the fact that the company is divided into two parts. A part of the company acquires the name Megatorg Group of Companies, which retains 3 self-service stores in the city of Minsk.

Strezhevoy, who acquire the name Gastronomchik, as well as the Mir Electronics store (formerly Sosna-1), the Pizza Land pizzeria, Jeweler Studio (this name is given to the sale of jewelry).

In Nizhnevartovsk, Megatorg Group of Companies retains the Polaris store. In the same year, another Gastronomchik store was opened in the city of Strezhevoy;

2010 - opening of the pizzeria "New York Pizza" in Nizhnevartovsk

and coffee shops "Travelers Coffee";

2011 - the opening of the Gastronomchik Mir store, the opening of a coffee house in the city of Strezhevoy under its own brand Mon Cafe. Reformatting "Pizza Land" in Strezhevoy to "New York Pizza";

2012 – opening of two pizzerias "New York Pizza" in the cities of Surgut (Tyumen region) and Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk region), opening of the second coffee shop "Travelers Coffee" in Nizhnevartovsk;

2013 - the opening of the Italian restaurant "Perchini" and the pizzeria "New York Pizza" in Nizhnevartovsk.

Thus, today we can talk about the exit of OOO GK Megatorg

to the federal level. The company has a built-in logistics network of warehouses in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Strezhevoy. It has its own transport of five heavy trucks with refrigeration equipment and many trucks. The company has a catering system, including both a franchise system and its own brand. The company has developed a network of self-service stores "Gastronomchik" in Strezhevoy, which consists of five stores with a total area of ​​3300 m2.

Since the study is conducted on the basis of the city of Strezhevoy, we note that in the city of

Strezhevoy OOO GC "Megatrog" is represented by the following seven areas:

– catering establishments “Mon Cafe”, “New York Pizza”;

- shops of perfumery and cosmetic profile "World of Beauty";

– store of computer and home appliances “World of Electronics”;

- jewelry store "Jeweller-Studio";

- a network of grocery stores "Gastronomchik";

- workshop of own production of food and culinary products.

The technical and economic performance indicators of LLC GK Megatorg for the city of Strezhevoy for the last three years (2013–2015) are summarized in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of the activities of Megatorg Group LLC for 2013–2015

(thousand rubles) Indicators 2014 2015 Deviation year absolute, ± relative, %

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It can be seen from the data in the table that in 2015 compared to 2014, there was a decrease in marketable output by 244,618 thousand rubles, or by 15.8%.

The volume of sold products has a similar trend. The decrease in volumes is due to the presence of similar competitive enterprises.

The organization has a high degree of fixed assets of 41% and there is a decrease in capital productivity from 13 to 11 rubles / rub.

The number of employees for the study period decreased by 108 people, amounting to 703 people. The decrease in headcount is mainly explained by staff optimization and automation of key technological processes.

A positive aspect is the growth of wages in 2015 compared to 2014 by 4110 rubles.

In 2015, based on the results of economic activity, net profit was received in the amount of 188,761 thousand rubles, respectively, the return on sales was 13.3%, which is 3.2% higher than the previous year.

–  –  –

1,17 1,05 1,28 100% 8,19 9,31 15,62 80% 59,3 57,75 60% 53,57 40% 20% 31,35 31,88 29,53

–  –  –

Figure 2.2 - The structure of the turnover of Megatorg LLC for 2013

From the data in Table 2.3 it can be seen that small-scale wholesale trade and wholesale trade account for the bulk of the trade turnover:

so in 2013 small wholesale trade (59.3%), wholesale trade (31.35%);

in 2014 small wholesale trade (57.75%), wholesale trade (31.88%);

in 2015 small wholesale trade (53.57%), wholesale trade (29.53%).

Because the company receives the greatest profit from retail trade, this is not the best way reflected in the economic performance of the enterprise.

Retail trade is increasing every year, but at a low rate and over the years is:

2013 – 8.19%;

2014 - 9.31%, the increase is - 1.12% compared to 2013;

2015 - 15.62%, an increase of 6.31% compared to 2014.

Table 2.4 and Figure 2.3 show the dynamics and composition of production costs.

Table 2.4 - Dynamics and composition of production costs Indicators 2013 2014 2015 Deviation

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Figure 2.3 - Dynamics and composition of production costs The largest amount in the composition of production costs is occupied by rent, car services and reimbursement of costs for contractual services.

Table 2.5 and Figure 2.4 show the dynamics and composition of trade turnover by types of nomenclature.

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Figure 2.4 - Analysis of changes in the dynamics by types of nomenclature In 2015, the sale of purchased goods decreased by 234.5 million rubles.

(or by 17.7%), and own production increased by 0.17 million rubles.

2.3 Analysis of the range and structure of sold products Analysis of turnover depending on the range is presented in table 2.6 (see Appendix B, C) and in figure 2.5.

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0% Figure 2.5 - Analysis of turnover depending on the assortment for 2013-2015.

In real terms, there was a decrease in the sale of fresh-frozen fish by 1084 tons. The largest growth occurred in the production of own production (by 919 tons).

At the same time, for all groups (except for other products and fresh-frozen fish), there was an increase in sales in total terms.

In 2014, the sales structure of OOO GK Megatorg remained virtually unchanged compared to 2013. The main share in sales is occupied by fresh-frozen fish (about 32.4%) and ham (about 30%). The share of own production in total sales is 24.2%, the share of meat and poultry - 12% and other products - 0.8%.

In 2015, the sales structure of Megatorg Group LLC changed due to:

a sharp decline in the sale of poultry meat (chicken legs);

decrease in the sale of s/m fish.

2.4 Organization of personnel management in Megatorg LLC

The personnel department of Megatorg Group LLC has a clear organizational basis.

The documents of Megatorg Group LLC, which regulate the personnel management procedure, are summarized by us in Table. 2.6.

Table 2.6 - Documents of OOO GC Megatorg regulating the personnel management procedure

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The documented procedure "Personnel Management" describes the full cycle of work with the personnel of Megatorg Group LLC. In the aspect of personnel management, it is supplemented by the Internal Labor Regulations and a number of internal regulations and instructions.

Based on the analysis of documents, the personnel management cycle of Megatorg LLC can be divided into several stages.

1) Recruitment. We include this stage in the cycle under consideration, since the quality of the staff also depends on the quality of the selection, on which the success of the organization's activities depends to a large extent. Recruitment requirements are reflected in PL 05 "Personnel Recruitment".

Recruitment is carried out by employees of the HR service at the request of the heads of departments. Employees of the personnel service independently choose search channels depending on the complexity of the application.

Search channels:

– Company personnel;

- television (creeping line, announcement, video);

- newspapers and magazines;

– Internet (job sites);

– state employment center;

- recruitment agencies.

When selecting personnel, the personal and professional qualities of candidates are assessed, 1 to 3 interviews are conducted, tests are used, etc. The main goal of personnel selection is to search and hire candidates that best meet the needs of Megatorg Group LLC.

After posting information about a vacant position, HR officers select (screen out) and evaluate applicants.

Selection stages: primary selection - carried out by the personnel department;

final selection - carried out by the head of the unit.

Mandatory primary selection tools: study of the questionnaire (resume); study of the provided characteristics, documents on education, on labor activity; conducting an interview (interview);

making inquiries about the former place of work, study, residence.

Additional tools for primary selection: express diagnostics;

case solving; testing. The applicant's questionnaire is included in Appendix B.

Mandatory tools of the final selection: conducting an interview (interview); testing knowledge and practical skills in the workplace.

2) Hiring. Regulated by documents "Admission Standard"

and "Rules of internal labor regulations" (clause 4).

After successful selection, the Head of the subdivision (service) who made the decision to hire a candidate for work: gives the candidate an application for employment; signs the application completed by the candidate; gives the candidate a referral for employment at Megatorg Group LLC with a list of documents required for employment; sends the candidate to the Human Resources Service for employment.

The candidate independently collects and submits to the Human Resources Service the List of documents required for employment. In the Human Resources Service, within one working day, the candidate is employed and sent to the appropriate department, to the manager, to start working.

When concluding an employment contract, it may provide for a probationary condition. In order to check the compliance of the employee with the work assigned to him, a probationary period is established, which cannot exceed three months. When concluding an employment contract for a period of two to six months, the probation may not exceed two weeks. The probationary period is specified in the employment contract and the order for employment. The absence of a test clause in the employment contract means that the employee is hired without a test. During the probationary period, the employee is subject to all provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations containing labor law norms.

3) Acquaintance with the corporate culture. Regulated by the "Rules of internal labor regulations" (clause 11) and PR-14 "Rules of corporate culture".

Employees of Megatorg Group of Companies LLC must comply with the basic rules of conduct:

- create a positive emotional atmosphere around you.

Be polite, pleasant in communication and demanding of yourself;

- never say anything that can humiliate the dignity of a person, even in his absence. Criticize the actions and deeds of a specialist, and not his personality. Use constructive criticism;

- to admit own mistakes in work;

- ask for help from your immediate supervisor and always remember the laws of subordination.

Follow the rules of appearance:

– neat appearance – clothes should be clean and ironed;

– well-groomed hands, clean nails;

- hairstyle - a neat haircut. For men: clean-shaven face.

If there is a beard, mustache - well-groomed, trimmed;

- jewelry should not be too large and defiant.

Other corporate culture requirements are set out in PR-14 Corporate Culture Rules.

4) Adaptation. "Regulations on adaptation of personnel PL-06/01"

regulates in sufficient detail the types and terms of adaptation, the procedure for the adaptation of specialists who have been employed in the company for the first time and specialists transferred within the company to another job.

The distribution of responsibility in carrying out adaptation measures is carried out between the personnel manager, the direct head of the structural unit and the mentor appointed by the head. Each of them is responsible for a certain stage (procedure) within their competence.

5) Mentorship. In Megatorg Group LLC, mentoring is positioned as one of the most effective methods of training and adaptation, regulated by document IN-08/01 "Instructions for the work of a mentor".

A mentor (trainer) is a qualified specialist with sufficient experience in a company who:

- helps new employees to adapt to the organization;

– contributes to their professional development, career growth;

- Participates in the evaluation of the results of their activities.

The goal of a mentor (trainer) is to effectively prepare a new employee to the level accepted by the Company as a standard, and to create a stable professional team.

Steps to work with an intern:

Stage 1: the mentor tells and shows. The trainee watches and listens;

Stage 2: the trainee tells, the mentor performs;

Stage 3: the trainee does and tells, the mentor watches and listens, correcting mistakes;

Stage 4: the trainee does it on his own, the mentor controls and corrects, achieving the best result.

Rules for mentoring a new employee:

- friendly, positive attitude towards the new employee;

- rational distribution of working time: combining the functions of the main job with the functions of mentoring due to the correct planning of working time;

- consistent transfer of the necessary information, knowledge, experience to a new employee: from simple to complex, from well-known information to confidential;

- regular feedback, monitoring the development of knowledge in the course of mentoring;

– timely correction of incorrect actions in the work;

– taking care of a new employee: a detailed explanation of issues, instilling a company culture;

- timely reporting to the head of the department on the compliance / non-compliance of a new employee with this position, participation in the assessment of a new employee at intermediate control.

The mentor not only trains the trainee, but also studies his professional, personal qualities, draws conclusions. Before the expiration of the probationary period, the trainee must pass an assessment / attestation. The mentor and the head of the subdivision/direction evaluate the trainee and fill out the necessary documents in which they make a conclusion about the results of the internship. They decide whether the trainee is ready for independent work, determine the level of his professional training, whether he needs additional training or is absolutely not suitable for the company, and it is better to leave him.

6) Training and development. The requirements for training employees are set out in the "Regulations on training PL 09".

The goals of training and development of employees are set as:

improving the efficiency of personnel work;

ensuring the professional level of personnel required by the position;

ensuring the accumulation and transfer of knowledge within the company;

increasing employee loyalty to the company;

preparation of personnel reserve.

Types of activities aimed at training and development of employees of Megatorg Group LLC are used to ensure the professional growth of specialists, increase the efficiency of their work and optimize the Company's training costs.

When planning employee training, the following criteria are taken into account:

work experience in the company;

participation in new business processes;

the desire of the employee to be trained;

loyalty to the Company;

Training planning is carried out based on:

strategic goals;

needs of directions in the development of specialists.

In LLC GC "Megatorg" there are such forms of training as:


beginner training;


occupational health and safety training.

For a more satisfactory picture of staff development, such forms of training are used as:

External training is the training of the Company's employees with the help of an invited external trainer or the use of the services of business schools and training centers.

The choice of an educational institution is carried out on the basis of the following criteria:

compliance of the proposed training programs with the goals of the Company;

qualifications of teachers (availability of education and practical experience on this topic);

cost of education;

knowledge control.

Internal training is lectures, seminars, trainings, which are conducted by company specialists with relevant knowledge and unique skills.

Megatorg LLC has the following methods of internal training:


Project activity;


The choice of the training method depends on the purpose of the training and is determined by the HR development manager together with the Head of the direction.

The training of newcomers is mandatory for a greater prospect of professional development and interest to develop in this particular organization.


Self-education is an individual activity of a specialist for independent acquisition of knowledge and experience.


as part of the specialist development curriculum drawn up by the development manager;

on the own initiative of a specialist, to broaden horizons, improve and develop knowledge;

Occupational health and safety training is mandatory for all professionals and managers.

Training and instruction of labor protection specialists provides for theoretical and practical courses.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training is carried out by the immediate supervisor and the development manager.


organizing and conducting training;

received knowledge;

changes in professional behavior;

changes in performance.

Thus, the method of analysis of documents of OOO GK Megatorg

allowed us to conclude that advanced training and training in the company in question is of sufficient quality, well-defined procedures are clearly identified. The next question is whether they are effective in practice.

2.5 Analysis of the use of labor and wages

The main tasks of the analysis of labor indicators:

Changing the dynamics of labor indicators, establishing the causes 1.

changes in their level and determination of the degree of their influence on the volume of production.

Identification of reserves for the growth of labor productivity and its impact 2.

on the volume of production.

Development of solutions to improve labor management 3.


The composition of the number of employees is presented in Table 2.7 Table 2.7 - The composition of the number of employees

–  –  –

In 2014, compared to 2013, the number of personnel decreased by 57 people, mainly in the category of "trade and operational workers" - by 49 people. or 9.9%.

In 2015, compared to 2014, there is a decrease in employees by 51 people. As can be seen from this table, the largest decrease is observed in the category of trade and operational workers "by 35 people. or 7.8%.

The staff structure is optimal for the implementation of trading and operational activities.

The change in the number of employees of the enterprise for the reporting period is characterized by a system of absolute and relative indicators.

The level of intensity of movement of workers is shown by the turnover ratios for admission and disposal, the turnover rate.

We will calculate the indicators of personnel movement at the enterprise according to the balance of the number of employees (table 2.8).

Table 2.8 - Indicators of the movement of labor resources, people.

–  –  –

From the dynamics of the age structure of the staff, it can be seen that every year there are more young specialists, as managers are interested in them. So, in 2013, 32.2% of workers and specialists were aged 20-29, and in 2015 - already 41%.

–  –  –

Most of the employees have higher and secondary specialized education, but not according to the profile of work, as can be seen from Table 2.12, Figure 2.7, this is not always sufficient to perform job duties. When building the educational structure of the staff, we note that the largest percentage of employees have secondary specialized education - 45% of the total number of employees, have higher education - 33%, and secondary education - 22%. In general, the level of education is quite high.

–  –  –

Consider the structure of employees working in their specialty and in accordance with their qualifications (Table 2.13).

It can be seen from the table that the number of permanent employees increases mainly due to employees with secondary specialized education and relevant qualifications.

In 2013, 80.6% of the average headcount worked on a permanent basis, 41.9% with higher education, and 16.1% of the total headcount in their specialty.

Table 2.13 - Analysis of the structure of employees working in the specialty and in accordance with the qualifications,%

–  –  –

In 2014, 82% of the average headcount worked on a permanent basis, 35.9% with higher education, and 17.9% in their specialty.

In 2015, 81.6% of the average headcount worked on a permanent basis, 32.6% with higher education, 30.6% in their specialty.

This situation has a negative impact on the efficiency and dynamism of the workforce and on the competitiveness of the company in the market.

The organization also employs a number of employees who do not correspond to the position they hold according to their education (Table 2.14).

Table 2.14 - Analysis of the discrepancy between the position held and the available education Position Required education Education available

1. Director Higher, economic Higher technical

2. Accountant Higher, economic Secondary special

3. Technologist Higher specialized education Secondary specialized education

4. Workers Secondary special 10 classes of a comprehensive school The personnel management service at the enterprise is represented by a secretary-assistant who performs the functions of accounting for personnel and mediation with the administration.

The director of the company has a higher education, but not in the profile, but this is a necessary part for the effective and professional management of the company. The workforce is also not well qualified. In modern business, there are requirements associated not only with professional qualifications, but also with psychophysiological requirements, such as increased attention, operational thinking, speed of decision-making.

In the accounting department, which represents the financial service, the chief accountant has a specialized secondary education, but extensive practical experience. Since finance has a complex structure, and an integral part is financial analysis based on accounting data, there is a need to evaluate the future facts of the company's activities. To make informed and qualified decisions, you need to have the necessary knowledge and economic education. In this scenario, the role of the chief accountant can be changed to a financial analyst, manager or consultant.

The work of personnel must meet the goals of the organization and strictly comply with labor laws. The personnel utilization system should be designed so that employees have the greatest return in the workplace. The use of personnel should meet the goals of the organization, ensure strict compliance with labor laws in the process of this work.

Having made an analysis of the problem of mismatch of qualifications with the requirements of the workplace, the conclusion suggests itself that the solution to the problem is staff training. High results in the development of corporate culture can be obtained when the personnel of the enterprise will have the knowledge and skills necessary to increase efficiency and effectiveness. This requires training that will ensure the development of the required skills and abilities, which is important in achieving the strategic goals of the organization.

2.6 Evaluation of the business career of LLC GK Megatorg personnel

method of questionnaire survey Further research into the management of the business career of the personnel of Megatorg Group of Companies LLC was carried out by the method of a questionnaire survey to find out opinions on personnel policy in the field of personnel career management and factors affecting business career management at Megatorg Group of Companies LLC.

The survey involved 60 employees by random sampling.

Based on the answers to this questionnaire, the personnel department found out the weaknesses in the implementation of the personnel policy in the field of career development of the personnel of this enterprise.

The questionnaire survey showed that the reasons for dissatisfaction with the personnel policy are such reasons as: wages do not suit 40% of employees; 20% of employees are not satisfied with working conditions; 5% of employees have conflict relations with management; 25% of employees have no visibility of further career growth prospects; and 10% of employees that the organization does not develop a system of social benefits.

The results of the survey showed that employees are dissatisfied with the distribution of remuneration, which leads to a decrease in labor productivity, violation of discipline, and dismissal of employees.

There are employees who lack a sense of belonging. It is a very important feeling for a person to belong to something for his psychological satisfaction. For some, work is not only about earning an income, but about helping them realize themselves as individuals. When employees have a sense of involvement in the process, interest develops, this applies not only to organizational issues, but also to an emotional reaction. For those who work in a team, such a connection has long been part of their history. And for others, there are also significance, psychological reasons.

Having studied and analyzed the results of the questionnaire survey, the conclusions were as follows: the cause of dissatisfaction turned out to be an insufficiently responsible attitude towards work by employees. But the big fault in this is the lack of interest of managers in motivating staff to develop, train and promote personnel up the career ladder.

Based on the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of managing the business career of personnel, it can be concluded that Megatorg LLC has a number of problems:

lack of interest of managers in the development, training, promotion of personnel, motivation of personnel.

there is a discrepancy between the position held and the existing education;

the dynamics of staff turnover is unstable, due to imperfect personnel policy.

Based on this, the next part of this work will be devoted to the development of project activities aimed at solving the above problems.

3. Development of measures to improve the management of the business career of personnel in Megatorg LLC

3.1 Staff assessment of career development opportunities at Megatorg LLC

In order to assess the opportunities for professional and job development in Megatorg Group LLC, a survey of the company's personnel was conducted.

105 employees took part in it on a voluntary basis, the results showed the following:

Are you satisfied with the system of career development that has developed in Megatorg Group LLC?

–  –  –

It follows from the responses of the staff that the majority of employees who took part in the survey are not satisfied with the accepted system of career development.

Do you have good opportunities for career development?

On the possibility of professional development, the following answers were received: 68% of the survey participants did not agree that they have such opportunities, while the rest of the survey participants

– 32% answered yes to this question (figure 3.2).

–  –  –

From the answers presented in Figure 3.3, it follows that a third of employees (33%) do not associate their career growth with work at Megatorg Group LLC, the largest group of answers (41%) were those who associate their future with the company, and 26 % have not yet decided on their choice.

Considering the result obtained, it is clear that 33% of those who do not associate their career with the company they work for will leave it in search of a better place.

Do you feel a real opportunity for personal career growth in Megatorg LLC?

An illustration of the answers in Figure 3.4.

yes, I feel;

11% find it difficult to answer; 27%

–  –  –

Figure 3.5 - Answers of the staff about their desired career growth From those presented in Figure 3.

5 responses from employees, it follows that many would like to make a career in a new job at OOO GK Megatorg; the second most important was the answer about a career with horizontal movement within the company (27%), vertical career development was

–  –  –

As can be seen from the responses received (Figure 3.6), approximately two equal groups of people were identified who are interested in building a career and know what they need for this, among them 39% of those who would like to get into the personnel reserve and develop within it, but 36% of those who would like to receive qualified assistance in planning and implementing their career do not have such an opportunity.

A survey of staff about career opportunities confirmed the identified problems:

the majority of employees (67%) are not satisfied with the current system of professional development;

68% of survey participants did not agree that they have good opportunities for professional development;

41% of employees confidently answered that they connect their careers with work at OOO GK Megatorg;

the majority do not feel a real opportunity for career growth in Megatorg LLC (62%), and only 11% of employees really have a goal and know how to build their career in the company;

in order to improve career development, the staff believes that the staff needs the opportunity to participate and develop within the framework of the personnel reserve, as well as the staff needs assistance in planning an individual career.

Taking into account the results of the analysis, it is proposed to change the approach to the formation of a personnel reserve, using for this a competition, in which not only those who were recommended by the management, but everyone who feels the potential for career development will be able to take part. It is also proposed to develop an algorithm for the joint action of the personnel service and personnel to build an individual career for employees who wish to receive career development in Megatorg LLC.

3.2 Measures to improve the management of career development of personnel in Megatorg LLC

According to the studies conducted, in the work we can highlight the following shortcomings of the management mechanism for the service and professional advancement of employees.

The analysis of service and professional advancement in Megatorg Group LLC showed that there is no career development system as such. There is currently no staff member in Human Resources who is responsible for assisting employees in developing career goals and plans.

There is no wide coverage of emerging vacancies among employees, which in itself deprives them of the opportunity to apply for a vacancy.

In fact, service and professional promotion is possible within the framework of the personnel reserve, while the negative factor in the formation of the personnel reserve of Megatorg Group LLC is the formal selection to the personnel reserve. There is no competition for selection. Today, only those who are sympathetic to the immediate supervisor get into the personnel reserve, since the basis for selection into the reserve is, in addition to successfully passing the certification, a positive recommendation from the direct supervisor, which is a decisive factor in including employees in the personnel reserve. That is, even if the employee has outstanding abilities, but a quarrelsome character, the employee is practically deprived of the opportunity to be promoted.

Work with the personnel reserve also cannot be recognized as effective, since the results of participation in the personnel reserve are not summed up, in the absence of vacancies, no incentive measures are applied to its participants.

A survey conducted at the same time showed that the staff has a desire for career advancement, but at the same time, they do not feel a real opportunity for advancement. Many need help setting short and long term career goals.

Ambitious young people with a good level of education, extensive work experience and a healthy desire to grow in position simply leave Megatorg Group LLC if they do not see growth opportunities in search of a better place.

Summarizing the identified problems:

The business career management system has not been developed;

Inefficient system of selection to the personnel reserve;

Participants of the business career management system are not defined;

Functions to assist staff in 4.

building a business career.

In order to improve the management system for service professional promotion, Megatorg Group of Companies LLC proposes a set of measures:

Develop a concept for the career development of LLC GK 1 personnel.

"Megatorg" on the basis of partnership;

Propose a procedure for the competitive selection of employees for 2.

enrollment in the personnel reserve;

Develop an algorithm for interaction between an employee and specialists 3.

of the personnel department of LLC GK Megatorg for planning service and professional promotion.

Recently, most large organizations have singled out career development management as a separate area of ​​work with personnel, which is an essential element of personnel planning aimed at providing jobs with the necessary specialists in the short and medium term.

A set of measures for managing the career of employees is proposed, which consists of the following components:

1. Development of a general concept of career management in Megatorg LLC;

2. Development of a new selection procedure for the personnel reserve using a competitive procedure;

3. Development of an algorithm for interaction between an employee and a specialist in the personnel department for joint career planning for those who want to build their individual career.

The development and implementation of a program for managing the professional promotion of employees allows you to effectively combine the interests of the company and the employee. The career management program creates the prerequisites for achieving a situation where there is a highly qualified employee in every workplace, which will allow the company to get the most out of the professional activities of employees. For most workers, professional and job growth are the most important motive in their activities, as they allow, along with the growth of material remuneration, to receive moral satisfaction from the results of their work, to improve their social status.

The Career Management Program can be seen as part of soft workforce planning to ensure that the right skills are available in the coming years and beyond. The basis of the professional development management program is the desire to combine the needs of the company with the interests (professional and personal) of its employees.

For Megatorg Group LLC, the calculation consists in a higher level of labor productivity of employees interested in their service professional advancement, that is, in the ability to achieve a certain official position (vertical development - a manager's career) or a more meaningful, diverse one that better meets professional interests and inclinations work (development horizontally

- professional career).

The methodological basis of the service professional promotion management program is the model of partnership between OOO GK Megatorg and a planning and career development officer.

The career management program applies only to employees who have expressed a desire to participate in the activities provided for by the program. The implementation of the principle of voluntariness is a mandatory factor for the success of the program, since participation in this program will require additional efforts from the employee to prepare for testing and participate in training. However, the employee becomes interested in participating in the career management program, as after completing the training within the framework of this program, new prospects open before him.

The principle of voluntariness does not exclude the possibility that the initiative to include a specific employee in the program for managing professional career advancement can come from his immediate supervisor, since each manager is responsible for the development of a direct subordinate and planning his professional development. The manager must encourage subordinates to participate in the career management program. He also has the right to approve or reject the proposals of subordinates to develop their careers; introduce the necessary, in his opinion, adjustments to career plans.

Thus, almost all employees should take part in the career management program to one degree or another.

At the same time, the participation or non-participation of employees in the career management program should not affect the participation of employees in planned activities to improve the current qualifications of employees carried out as part of the group training program and improve the current qualifications of employees.

Career planning consultants play an important role in career development planning. The consultant is engaged in individual counseling, helps with advice in choosing the direction of development of abilities, in overcoming shortcomings.

One of the most important factors in the success of using a career management program is its cost-effectiveness. To increase the effectiveness of the career management program for employees, the program must be tightly linked to the needs for staffing and the problems of training a reserve of specialists and managers.

The most significant groups of specialists for the institute, whose departure may lead to disruption of the functioning technology or significant (direct and indirect) financial losses, are subject to reservation in the first place.

In addition, it makes sense, before starting work within the framework of a career management program, to conduct a preliminary selection of the most prepared and suitable employees in terms of their personal qualities from among those who have expressed to take part in the program. All employees who have passed this selection constitute a personnel reserve and take further part in the career development program.

In addition to the self-nomination of employees and the proposal of managers, the selection of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of the staffing table, the results of the competition for selection to the personnel reserve and data on the effectiveness of current activities.

After the list of persons included in the personnel reserve is formed, three types of reserve groups are formed:

senior managers - a personnel reserve for the positions of senior managers;

middle managers - personnel reserve for the positions of heads of structural divisions;

line managers - heads of groups and directions, deputy heads of structural divisions.

For these groups, specific requirements and eligibility criteria are developed, as well as their own basic training programs, on the basis of which individual employee training plans are drawn up.

After an employee is included in one of the reserve groups, an individual development plan is developed for him and its implementation is organized.

The individual plan includes the following activities:

1. Senior managers:

training on a 2-year MBA program, training on an individual program, internships in large specialized institutions, internships in specialized educational institutions, participation in trainings and business games, performance of independent work.

2. Middle managers:

training under additional professional training programs, training according to an individual program, internships in higher positions in other divisions, internships in higher positions in one's own division, participation in trainings and business games, independent development and implementation of projects.

3. Line managers:

training according to an individual program, internships in similar positions in other departments, studying the best experience in organizing work in similar positions in other companies, participation in trainings and business games, independent development and implementation of projects.

An obligatory element of the implementation of any organizational project is periodic monitoring of compliance with the planned deadlines and the quality of work. For the career management program, quarterly monitoring of the stages of the plan is expected.

The assessment is carried out according to the following indicators:

implementation of an individual development plan;

grades obtained during training in educational institutions, as well as during participation in trainings and business games;

objective performance indicators of work assignments;

assessments of the immediate supervisor and heads of structural units in which the internships were held.

After completing all the work provided for by the individual development plan, a final certification of the reservist is carried out, based on the results of which a decision is made on appointment to a position or inclusion on a waiting list or exclusion of an employee from the personnel reserve.

The formation of a personnel reserve is a way for Megatorg LLC to quickly respond to the needs for formation and functioning.

To form a personnel reserve, it is proposed to use a competitive procedure in which any employee can take part.

The competition requires a certain amount of time, organizational and material costs. A certain time always passes between the moment of formation of a vacancy in a position and the moment of its replacement. To some extent, this limits the ability of the company to exercise its powers. Filling positions from the personnel reserve does not require a recruitment and selection procedure, because the personnel reserve will already be formed on the basis of a competition.

LLC GK Megatorg offers inclusion in the personnel reserve only based on the results of the competition. Thus, filling a vacant position through the personnel reserve mechanism may be associated with the observance of additional conditions, which can be considered as a kind of guarantee that the composition of the personnel reserve complies with a high professional level and qualification requirements.

For employees, participation in the competition for participation in the personnel reserve will be an additional incentive for the development of professional skills.

The difference between the competition for selection to the personnel reserve will differ from the annual certification, since the certification determines the compliance of the employee with the position already held, and the competition is recognized to identify candidates capable of performing the duties of a higher position.

The skills and abilities of an applicant for a position may differ from the skills of current employees assessed for appraisal. Working in a new position requires a different approach to the work itself. To master a higher position, an employee must mobilize all his abilities.

The competition is proposed to be held once every 2 years.

The competition will be held among all those wishing to participate in the personnel reserve.

A competitive procedure is proposed in several stages:

Stage 1 - development of requirements for a candidate for a specific position;

Stage 2 - announcement of the competition and collection of applications for participation in the competition;

Stage 3 - holding a competition;

Stage 4 - summing up and announcing the results of the competition;

Stage 5 - development of individual development plans for those selected for the personnel reserve;

Stage 6 - summarizing the work with the personnel reserve.

The development of requirements for a candidate for a vacant position will be carried out by the personnel department together with the head of the unit occupying the position for which a promising personnel reserve is being prepared.

Requirements will include having the required education, work experience, managerial experience, communication skills, and others.

The deadlines for accepting applications and holding a competition are set, which is at least 1 month. To collect applications, the personnel department should widely inform all employees about the competition, about the requirements for specific positions.

To conduct the competition, it is proposed to create a competition commission, which should include leading specialists of the enterprise, a lawyer, employees of the personnel management service.

The evaluation of each candidate is offered on the basis of a score, from 5 to 1, where 5 is the highest parameter score (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 - Evaluation of the performance of each employee in points No. The main parameters of the employee's work activity Evaluation of each p / n parameter Results of work Quality of work Compliance with established deadlines Management Subordinate personnel Allocated finances Material resources Communications Oral communications Written communications Communications with colleagues Communications with external partners other Application of professional knowledge Availability of professional knowledge Application of existing professional knowledge

Management skills, including:

directiveness ability to work in a team and teamwork ability to work with a team Motivation to achieve success in professional activities, orientation to achieve success, striving for order and quality, initiative in work Ability to influence Persuasion abilities Building "connections"

Leadership Ability to find the right solutions (cognitive thinking), including:

the ability to use special (professional) knowledge the ability to collect information analytical thinking the ability to identify key or main problems in difficult situations Ability to work independently Self-control Self-confidence Loyalty to the company Adaptability - the ability to adapt to situations Strengths in the performance of job duties

Weaknesses in the performance of duties

5 - high efficiency, 4 - good efficiency; 3 - efficiency is quite satisfactory; 2 - need to improve efficiency; 1 - efficiency is low.

Tests can be used to evaluate specific parameters, solutions to specific business problems can be used, etc.

As a result, each contestant will receive a score for the same parameters. As a result of the competitive procedure, each candidate will score a certain number of points. The talent pool will include those candidates who score the most points and at the same time meet the maximum points established for this position.

After selecting personnel for the personnel reserve, the personnel department, based on the analysis of data on work experience and education, forms an individual training plan as part of the personnel reserve.

Based on the results of the assessment, an enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out, and individual development plans are drawn up for each reservist:

1. For a group of understudies - drawing up a career development plan and determining those skills that need to be additionally mastered for the position for which he was approved as an understudy.

2. For the “promising reserve” group, the plan should be aimed at improving the overall level of managerial qualifications, and include:

rotation, independent theoretical training, increased responsibility.

The training needs most common to all reservists should be summarized and included in the general training program (retraining, seminars).

The organization and control of the development of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve should be carried out by the personnel department. Periodic evaluation is used as a control over the results of the development of the personnel reserve.

An interim assessment is carried out to determine the dynamics of increasing the level of managerial knowledge and skills of the personnel reserve. The results of work in the current position are very important for assessing the progress of understudies, at the same time, for a promising reserve, they are considered only as additional information characterizing the reservist (evaluation of performance is more taken into account during certification).

The results of the progress assessment allow you to make changes to the employee's development plan or make a decision about the futility of his further preparation for a managerial position.

The system of work with young employees with leadership potential is an important factor in improving the efficiency of company management and should be consistent with the strategic goals of its development.

The following types of careers are possible in OOO GK Megatorg:

vertical career - job growth;

horizontal career - promotion within the organization, for example, work in different departments of the same level of hierarchy;

centripetal career - advancement to the core of the organization, the control center, ever deeper involvement in decision-making processes.

The first thing to do to implement career development is to assign the assistance function to a specialist in the human resources department.

Already at the stage of hiring personnel, a specialist working with personnel must take into account the career stage at which a new employee is.

Career planning will be effective if it allows you to combine the personal expectations of a particular employee in the field of his career with the opportunities that are available at Megatorg LLC. Career planning involves not only determining the stages and means to achieve the desired results, but informing career patterns as a means to achieve the goal.

The manager of the personnel department, when an employee contacts him for help in planning his individual career, should assist in designing the stages of a possible career, taking into account the individual characteristics of the candidate. For different employees, the same career line can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of their future work.

An integrated career planning management system should include related goals, technologies, functions, principles, structure and personnel for career management.

The goals of the career process management system of OOO GK Megatorg


development and effective use of the potential of each employee;

formation of continuity of experience and culture of LLC GC "Megatorg";

achieving mutual understanding between employees and a career planner;

creation of favorable conditions for career advancement of employees within the organizational space, etc.

The main functions of the career planning management system, in accordance with the goals set above, will be:

study of problems in the career planning system; forecast of career moves to senior positions;

planning for the professional development of personnel (training, rotation, internships, etc.), its assessment;

organization of personnel training (including career management), professional orientation, holding competitions for filling vacant positions;

creation of favorable conditions for the activation of career aspirations;

support and regulation of the process of career management and its development, prevention of deviations in career development;

monitoring career development, evaluating the effectiveness of career process management.

Both formal and informal consultations can be used by the HR career development officer to assist staff in planning their business career. The first method involves the involvement of specialists, or the formation of a specialized structural unit in Megatorg Group LLC. The second one is less expensive, although its possibilities are often less wide.

Table 3.2 - Algorithm of joint actions of an employee and a specialist of the personnel department of Megatorg Group LLC in achieving career goals Specialist, Specialist building personnel career services

–  –  –

Assistance to employees in career development should include the following items:

1) Give a wide range of information about vacancies and the qualifications that are needed to fill them;

2) Indicate the ways in which qualified employees may apply for these places;

3) Help employees set career goals;

Encourage meaningful dialogue between workers and their 4) supervisors about career goals.

According to the latest survey by the American Management Association, informal consulting by HR specialists and consulting by direct supervisors are the most widespread.

In the current situation, more realistic for Megatorg LLC

the use of an informal form of counseling employees about career development is presented. The duties of the Human Resources Department should include advising employees who wish to assess their potential opportunities for the purpose of career planning.

Consultation of the immediate supervisor should be part of the assessment of the performance of duties by the employee. Management must be prepared to provide subordinates with information about the needs and opportunities for career planning, not only within the unit, but also in the whole company.

An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the functioning and stimulation of the career planning management system is the formation of an effective communication system. Megatorg Group LLC should use public regular information about existing and prospective vacancies.

When organizing a system for informing about promising and existing vacancies, the following conditions must be met:

employees should receive information not only about vacancies, but also about ongoing and upcoming movements and promotions;

the rules for selection and selection for vacant positions should be open, understandable and obligatory for everyone;

everyone should have the opportunity to try their hand at the competition;

employees who applied but did not receive vacancies must be notified in writing of the reasons for refusal.

Of course, the biggest role in achieving career interests is assigned to the applicant himself.

Thus, in the work, based on the analysis, measures are proposed for the development of a system of service and professional development of the personnel of OOO GK Megatorg.

The essence of the proposed activities is as follows:

the use of a competitive procedure for selecting personnel for the personnel reserve to fill vacant positions will allow everyone to try their hand and realistically assess their opportunities for career advancement in the Megatorg LLC system;

the use of consulting assistance to personnel from the personnel department will allow the personnel to feel the help, the interest of the company in their career development. The staff will be able to plan their actions in a timely manner to achieve intermediate career goals and be aware of possible movements in order to timely adjust their career development.

The proposed activities are capable of laying the foundation for a transparent career development management system at Megatorg LLC.

3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the implementation of the career development system for employees Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures can be carried out in two directions:

Assessment of cost reduction for the implementation of the selection of new personnel, 1.

especially managers and chief specialists through recruitment agencies.

Evaluation of the company's performance from proposal 2.

to the staff of new motivational components in the form of career opportunities that meet their expectations.

Let us calculate the expected cost reduction for the implementation of the recruitment function through recruitment agencies.

The calculation can be made using the following formula:

–  –  –

m is the number of expense items.

The costs of implementing the recruitment function through recruitment agencies consist of two items:

1. cost of remuneration to recruitment agencies

2. the cost of paying personnel to ensure the interaction of Megatorg Group LLC with recruitment agencies.

Over the past 3 years, the cost of recruiting through recruitment agencies is carried out for the vacancies of 15 managers and 40 chief specialists.

The remuneration of the recruitment agency is 20% of the annual income taken by the employee.

Thus, the costs of remuneration of recruitment agencies for the selection of managers are:

15 people * 117 thousand rubles. * 12 months * 0.2 = 4212 thousand rubles

–  –  –

RUB 4,212 thousand + 3,744 thousand rubles. = 7956 thousand rubles.

After the implementation of the career management program, it is expected that no more than 6 managers and 15 specialists will be selected through recruitment agencies.

Thus, the cost of remuneration of recruitment agencies for the selection of managers will be:

–  –  –

RUB 1,685 thousand + 1,404 thousand rubles. = 3089 thousand rubles.

Savings on remuneration to recruitment agencies will be:

RUB 7,956 thousand - 3.089 thousand rubles. = 4867 thousand rubles.

The costs for this item (for one employee) are calculated using the formula:

–  –  –

where Зг is the annual earnings of employees engaged in the performance of the function;

Кс - coefficient taking into account the size of the unified social tax;

Kd - coefficient taking into account additional wages;

Kz is a coefficient that takes into account the share of working time spent by an employee on the performance of this function.

In our case, interaction with recruitment agencies is currently engaged in 1 person with a salary of 57 thousand rubles per month. on a full-time basis.

In this way:

The annual salary of employees engaged in interaction with recruitment agencies is 12 * 57 = 684 thousand rubles.

–  –  –

After the implementation of the career management program, it is expected that the share of working time that this specialist will spend on interaction with recruitment agencies on recruitment issues will decrease from 100% to 20%.

Thus, the cost of paying the personnel providing the interaction of Megatorg Group LLC with recruitment agencies:

–  –  –

Savings on staff salaries for this function:

1231.2 thousand rubles –246.24 thousand rub. = 984.96 thousand rubles.

Thus, the expected cost reduction for the implementation of the recruitment function through recruitment agencies will be:

–  –  –

We calculate the profit of the enterprise under the specified conditions, while we consider that the level of gross income, wages and distribution costs will not change during the next year.

–  –  –

As a result, the decrease in staff turnover is expected to increase sales by 3%.

Calculate the effectiveness of the proposed project using the formula for calculating the effectiveness of the project:

Ke \u003d PE / Z, (3.3) where Ke is the project efficiency factor;

PE - net profit;

Z is the cost of the project.

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3.2 Improving the system of managing the business career of employees

Based on the analysis of the existing system for managing the motivation of labor of employees of the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district, which we studied in the previous chapter, identified its shortcomings, taking into account the theoretical foundations of personnel motivation management, considered in the first chapter of our thesis, in this chapter we will offer our proposals for improving and improving the efficiency of business career management as a motivation factor.

An analysis of the existing motivation management system showed that the organization does not carry out career planning for employees, despite the fact that many administration employees are convinced that they have a real opportunity for career growth. Based on this, we consider it necessary to use this significant potential to build a new motivation management system.

Note that there are two types of careers: professional and intraorganizational.

A professional career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his working life goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support for individual professional abilities and, finally, retirement. An employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

An intra-organizational career covers a sequential change in the stages of development of an employee in one organization. Intraorganizational career can be:

Vertical - rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;

Horizontal - moving to another functional area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, acting as the head of a temporary target group, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks within the occupied stage (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration);

Centripetal - movement towards the leadership of the organization, for example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously inaccessible to him, meetings of both a formal and informal nature; gaining access to informal sources of information; confidential appeals, execution of certain important assignments of the management.

An effective career management system should include three interrelated subsystems: performers (employees); works (jobs, positions); information support. We propose to organize similar subsystems in the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan. At the same time, the subsystem of performers should contain information about the abilities, interests and motives of employees, the subsystem of work - information about all kinds of tasks, projects, individual roles, the performance of which is necessary for the organization. The management information support subsystem combines information about performers, jobs and accepted practices for moving employees, assigning them to certain types of work and positions, and thereby contributes to achieving compliance with the requests of performers and job characteristics.

The subsystem of executors can be formed based on the results of the attestation and questioning of employees. To implement this function, there is no need for special programs, the formation of certain professional skills among personnel workers, etc. In this regard, the formation of a subsystem of performers seems to be not only necessary for the organization, but also more than possible.

Information on the personnel reserve can be used in the formation of a subsystem of work. In this case, the personnel service is required to constantly monitor positions and specific tasks that can be implemented using the subsystem of performers.

The information support subsystem depends primarily on the organizational support for business career management, which, in turn, is associated with the participation in this work of many functional services and performers: specialists from the labor and wages department, administration departments, and managers. Of great importance is the prompt communication of information about the availability of vacancies in the organization to all employees. In this case, it makes sense to refer to the subsystem in the ACS system "Personnel".

Before planning the career of an organization's employees, it is necessary to adapt to it a number of principles according to which an employee's career should develop. This allows you to highlight the main elements, stages and features of a career as a process and take them into account when working with a person. Mandatory for their consideration in the business career planning system are:

1. the interest of the organization and its employee in career development;

2. selectivity in career development planning in accordance with the requirements;

3. stimulation (moral and material) of the employee's work and his material support, accounting for the financing of the employee's career development in the financial and other plans of the enterprise;

4. professional growth of an employee, including advanced training, growth of professionalism (skill), etc.;

5. objectivity, which implies the exclusion of the influence of subjective factors on the part of managers who plan and control career development.

Taking into account the fact that most of the employees of the administration are specialists, it should be borne in mind that career planning for managers and specialists is an integral part of the personnel policy of the organization, which is organically included in the system of work with the personnel reserve. Career planning for a decision-maker and a specialist involved in their development and implementation is based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, tariff and qualification requirements, typical qualification characteristics for municipal employees and other documents. Accordingly, when planning a career, it is necessary to take into account legislative norms and the interests of employees.

We suggest filling positions in the management hierarchy on a competitive basis, starting with the positions of a leading specialist and heads of the relevant departments. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

1. qualification;

2. work experience;

3. certification results;

4. results of individual survey;

5. results of a collective survey.

When drawing up a career development plan for managers and specialists, we propose to implement the following actions:

1) consider the sequence of possible occupation of positions in linear structures or the management apparatus;

2) to determine the ways of developing abilities, training, retraining and advanced training of the manager and specialist at various stages of his activity;

3) provide for a systematic assessment and control of the results of labor, cultural, technical and professional growth, accumulation of experience, personal development;

4) evaluate fundamental knowledge, the desire for theoretical, strategic activities in the conditions of market relations, knowledge of management, marketing, personnel management, audit;

5) take into account that over time, when moving from one job category to another, with a change in areas of activity, the qualities of an employee change and the requirements for him, as a rule, increase.

It should be noted that the career plan of an employee can and should be adjusted in accordance with the passage of time and changes in the operating conditions of the organization as a whole and the individual employee in particular. Thus, the following may be subject to adjustment: the area of ​​career planning, the terms for occupying certain positions, the terms for advanced training, the movement of an employee within the administration, etc.

We consider it mandatory to form a career development plan for those employees who are characterized by:

High career motivation;

The high level of quality of the duties performed over the past few years;

Positive conclusion of the attestation commission;

Professional competence and erudition;

Psychological adaptability to the required activity.

Note that we note career planning in the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan as a motivational factor, i.e. the development of the business career of employees will be carried out in the event that all the principles and conditions of career development indicated by us are implemented.

We recommend career planning for employees to be carried out by the head of the department of organizational and personnel work in consultation with the head of administration and his deputy - head of the district administration apparatus. In this case, career planners must have the appropriate outlook, know the plans for the development of the administration and the city, have data on personnel planning and their needs, etc. All this ensures the preparation of a competent and accurate career plan for the employee that meets the needs of the administration and the interests of the employee himself.

Thus, we have determined what actions the management of the administration should take in order to fully implement the proposed areas for improving business career management.

However, all measures taken to optimize the system of labor motivation of employees of the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan may be completely unrealized or frustrated as a result of the fact that the socio-psychological climate in the team will be unsatisfactory. In order to avoid such a situation, we propose ways to improve it, which will be the focus of the next section of the thesis.

For business purposes. However, focusing on the economic methods of motivation often leads to a decrease in attention to the socio-psychological aspects of motivation that determine the internal motivation of the staff. The above classification scheme for motivation methods is classical. In modern management, other groupings of motivation methods are also used. Everything is condensed...

They can feel confident. With quality work, they have the prospect of promotion and significant cash rewards. In this case, the motivation of the branch staff is an effective factor in the company's work. Conclusion All the tasks set at the beginning of the course work have been solved. All material and non-material methods of motivation used on...

Faculty of Finance and Economics
Department of Management

Course work
Subject "Economic analysis"
On the topic: "Career development: problems and prospects"

Completed by: 4th year student
full-time education
"Organisation management"
Eliseev Andrey Alekseevich
Semerikova Larisa Anatolievna

Perm 2010


Career is a broader concept than just promotion through the ranks in the process of working at one enterprise. The modern career includes a series of different jobs carried out as a result of moving between different organizations. A career requires active management, otherwise the chances are high that you will not be particularly successful in it. In modern Russia, as in many other countries, an employee, by and large, is true only to himself, his skills and, in part, to his profession, but not to his temporary employer. Much of today's workforce is highly dynamic. 3


0.1 Systematic approach to career development 10

0.2 Key career development models 13


2.1. Analysis of the labor potential of the organization 20

2.2 Career development system in the enterprise 27




Career is a broader concept than just promotion through the ranks in the process of working at one enterprise. The modern career includes a series of different jobs carried out as a result of moving between different organizations. A career requires active management, otherwise the chances are high that you will not be particularly successful in it. In modern Russia, as in many other countries, an employee is by and large loyal only to himself, his skills and, in part, to his profession, but not to his temporary employer. Much of today's workforce is highly dynamic.

Each individual, in order to succeed in an ultra-competitive environment, needs to develop their own career development strategy. Having realized it, you can make the right decision.

Career planning has always been important, but today, it has taken on a special meaning. More and more people are now realizing that careers can span a wide range of jobs, organizations, industries, and professions.

Career in the broad sense of the word means successful advancement in the field of social, official, scientific, industrial activities, the achievement of fame, fame, etc.

Each person at some point begins to seriously think about his future, about his future career. Knowledge of what a career is, what types and models of career exist, how to manage a career, as well as knowledge of their abilities, weaknesses and strengths will help him choose a job in an organization that will give him the opportunity for professional growth and an increase in living standards, a high degree of satisfaction from work, more clearly present personal professional prospects, plan other aspects of life, purposefully prepare for future professional activities, increase competitiveness in the labor market.

On the other hand, organizations in which a career is a managed process receive:

1. Motivated employees, which increases productivity and reduces staff turnover.

2. The possibility of planning the professional development of employees, taking into account their personal interests.

3. Career development plans for individual employees as a source for determining training needs.

This is the relevance of the course work.

The purpose of this course work is to review the main aspects of career development.

In this regard, the following tasks were set:

    Explore the literature on the subject.

    Need for career development.

    Identify problems and prospects.

    Consider the process of career development for a particular organization (on the example of CJSC RES).

    Draw conclusions about the prospects for career development.


A career is a long process. It goes through a series of successive stages in which a person satisfies his needs. Shane suggests nine stages of career development, Super and Hall and Nugame list five. Consider the five stages proposed by Greenhouse and Callanan. 1 But this does not mean that everyone's career develops along this path. Consider this classification for a better understanding of the career structure.

Table 1.1.

Stages of a manager's career and needs

Career stages

Age, years

Goal Achievement Needs

moral needs

Physiological and material needs


Study, tests at different jobs

The beginning of self-assertion

Security of existence


Mastering work, developing skills, forming a qualified specialist or leader

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Security of existence, health, normal wages


Career advancement, acquisition of new skills and experience, qualification growth

The growth of self-assertion, the achievement of greater independence, the beginning of self-expression

Health, high wages


The peak of improving the qualifications of a specialist or leader. Improving your qualifications. Youth education

Stabilization of independence, growth of self-expression, beginning of respect

Increasing wages, interest in other sources of income


Preparing for retirement. Preparing for a shift and for a new type of activity in retirement

Stabilization of self-expression, growth of respect

Maintaining the level of wages and increasing interest in other sources of income


Taking on a new activity

Self-expression in a new field of activity, stabilization of respect

Pension, other sources of income, health

Stage 1. Choice of profession, preparation for work.

This stage continues until about 25 years of age. During this period, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves as an employee is created. A person compares his strengths and weaknesses, his values ​​and his desired lifestyle with the requirements and benefits of various professions. If there are difficulties with the choice, then you can resort to the help of various tests designed to identify the interests of a person. Also, a person may limit his choice due to social, cultural affiliation. Another problem that may arise in the selection process is obtaining reliable information about professions.

Stage 2. Recruitment to work in the organization.

It partially coincides with the first and occurs, as a rule, between the ages of 18 and 25, but then many return to it several times. A person finds a job that matches his idea of ​​​​his profession, and begins to work. It often turns out that expectations and reality do not match, as the employer exposes his organization only from the best sides, and the potential employee, as a rule, does not request the necessary information to check whether his ideas about this company and the job are correct.

Stage 3. Consolidation of positions and achievements.

This stage lasts approximately 25 to 40 years. The individual finds his place in the organization. It is important from the very beginning to give the newcomer a real job and assign responsible tasks. You also need feedback and support from your immediate supervisor. Achievements at this stage are a demonstration of competence and an increase in responsibilities and authorities. Access to career development opportunities is key here. An organization promotes on-the-job training and opportunities for advancement and expansion when it uses a structured approach to career development, including career ladders, development paths and matrices. Organizations are more willing to provide support to those tipped for leadership positions, and therefore their promotion is faster.

Stage 4. Mid-career.

This stage occurs between the ages of 40 and 55. During this period, promotion continues or the position remains stable. In any case, there is a reassessment of career and direction in life. Some experience a decline, others continue to develop and still need the support of the organization, and for some, career development stalls and they feel like failures. Greenhouse and Callanan suggest that support for the organization in this case should be expressed in the use of horizontal career paths, expanding the content of the work, the offer to become a mentor, in professional training in order to be up to date, in the use of a flexible remuneration system.

Stage 5. Completion of a career.

The task of the organization at this stage is to stimulate good work. Despite stereotypes of older workers as less capable of learning, Mayo argues that if an organization believes in the ability of these workers to perform well and treats them accordingly, then they will perform well. At this stage, it is important to have flexible labor organization systems, clear performance standards, professional training and lack of discrimination. At the same time, preparations are underway for retirement.

Shane believes 2 that career fundamentals are much broader than motivation; they include the following:

Perception of one's talents and abilities;

Understanding your motives and needs;

Awareness of your values.

Self-perception is formed on the basis of work experience, their successes, self-diagnosis and feedback. The conclusions we draw both help and hinder career development.

We need to identify and understand what is the foundation of our career in order to make sure we are doing everything right. But it is also important to understand that there are things we will continue to need even if we change careers.

Shane originally listed five career pillars, later adding four more: technical or functional competence; managerial competence; job security and stability; creation; autonomy and independence; recognition; service to people; power, influence and control; diversity.

Thus, there are many definitions of a career, but they all boil down to the fact that a career is a person's development and promotion throughout life. Any organization must contribute to this process, develop the careers of its employees, and then it will receive a return from them.

The need for career planning.

Personnel career planning in an organization leads, like, for example, financial planning, to the loss or acquisition of money. Those. lack of planning and inadequate planning leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire company. The career growth of each person should be correlated with the success of other members of the team. And accordingly, everyone should occupy their own niche in the company in order to avoid the intersection of the interests and goals of the employees themselves, which in the end inevitably leads to conflicts. The task of the manager is to direct the vector of goals of each individual employee in the direction of the overall goals of the company. The possible goals of the company will be discussed in more detail below.

The closest attention should be paid to the recruitment of personnel and the withdrawal of personnel from the organization, because a person inappropriate for the position held hinders the effective operation of the entire team. Also, a person who has exhausted his potential in his position due to age or for any other reason should not interfere with the production process. In the West, a policy called placemaking is widely used, the essence of which is the preparation of a place, usually with a low load for an employee who has worked in a key position and has reached his ceiling, while there are worthy candidates for his position. Often this relocation is very beneficial for the company, despite the fact that usually you have to pay higher salaries to everyone involved in this process. This is due to the fact that the experience, knowledge, connections accumulated by a person who held a high position are not lost to the company, which would happen if he retired. On the other hand, a worthy candidate for a vacant position will be able to make a significant contribution to the company.

So, each step of the personnel manager leads to an increase or decrease in the efficiency of the entire company. Long-term planning of the professional life of each person and the interaction of people within the organization contributes to the successful functioning of this organization in a competitive environment.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

1. When meeting with a new employee, the HR manager must take into account the career stage that he is currently going through. This can help clarify the goals of professional activity, the degree of dynamism and, most importantly, the specifics of individual motivation.

2. It is important to separate the career stage (time period of personality development) and the professional development phases (periods of mastering activities).

3. The stages and boundaries of labor activity, creative manifestations are very mobile and in each case are determined by the specifics of the profession and the special, unique conditions of a person’s life, his individuality.

0.1 A systematic approach to career development

Historically, the concept of a career is associated with the promotion of an employee up the corporate ladder of the organization within the framework of the type of activity that was chosen by him at the beginning of his working life. However, increased competition, the desire to reduce production costs more, information technology and a special attention to the consumer have led to a decrease in such classic phenomena as "correct arrangement" and "hierarchical structure". Organizations have removed the traditional "rungs of the career ladder" and focused on making the best use of their own "human resources". 3

The meaning of "career" is changing. As a rule, people opted for a profession and tried to find an organization in which they could apply their labor to the fullest. The organization in response to them was to provide an opportunity for career growth. A career was seen as a "ladder" or "path". The first involves growth, subsequent promotion to leadership positions; the second is the possibility of career planning as a path that has already been passed by some employee before. The structure of the organization implied the possibility of moving an employee up a multi-level hierarchical ladder. Managers and professionals sometimes achieved high positions, which were generally seen not as positions for further advancement, but as a measure of achieving a certain level of comfort. This type of career structure is based on the organization's internal labor market. Organizations recruited and trained young employees as they progressed through various levels of the organizational structure, with each level corresponding to a certain age of the employee. Thus, some employees from a lower position occupied higher levels when they reached a certain age or some length of service.

Today the situation has changed. A summary of the changes that have taken place is presented in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2.

Old and new career conditions


Full long-term employment

Temporary contracts, part-time

Guaranteed Employment

Job insecurity

Narrow career path

Recurring career changes

One job for life

Several areas of activity

One company for life

Several companies or your own business

Regular promotions

Maintaining continued ability to secure employment

Multilevel organizational hierarchy

Fuzzy level boundaries

Predictable labor movements

Unpredictability of labor movements

Internal labor market

External labor market

The employee's career is managed by the company

The employee manages his own career

The organization contributes to the development of people


Career in one state

International career

Today, organizations with one- and two-tier structures predominate. Consequently, the difference between the first and second levels has increased dramatically; now, for promotion, an employee needs not so much a quantitative, but a qualitative leap in development. Promotion within an organization occurs from one department to another.

Instead of predictable progress, modern workers are faced with the unpredictability of their official position. They no longer have the confidence that they will work in the same specialty for which they were prepared; cannot be sure of maintaining their place in the organization.

Today, there are several fundamental trajectories of a person's movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types of careers.

1. Professional career - growth of knowledge, skills and abilities. A professional career can go along the line of specialization (deepening in one line of movement chosen at the beginning of the professional path) or transprofessionalization (mastery of other areas of human experience, rather associated with the expansion of tools and areas of activity).

2. Intraorganizational career associated with the trajectory of the movement of a person in an organization. She can go along the line:

Vertical career - job growth;

Horizontal career - advancement within the organization (work in different departments of the same level of the hierarchy);

Centripetal career - advancement to the core of the organization, the control center, ever deeper involvement in decision-making processes.

Thus, modern researchers tend to consider career growth in the context of changes affecting both the employee of the company, the company itself, and the environment in which the company operates.

0.2 Main career development models

Egorshin 4 notes that practical studies of the service career of many current managers show that all the varieties of career types are obtained through a combination of its four main models: "springboard"; "ladder"; "snake"; "crossroads".

The springboard career is widespread among managers and professionals. The life path of an employee consists of a long climb up the career ladder with a gradual increase in his potential, knowledge, experience and qualifications. Accordingly, the positions held are changed to more complex and better paid ones. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long time. And then "ski jumping" due to retirement. This model of career development is most typical for managers during the period of stagnation in the economy, when many positions in central bodies and enterprises were occupied by the same people for 20-25 years. On the other hand, it is typical for professionals and employees who do not set goals for promotion. For a number of reasons: personal interests, low workload, good workforce, acquired qualifications, employees are quite satisfied with their position and are ready to remain in it until they retire. Thus, a "springboard" career may be quite acceptable in a market economy for a large group of specialists and employees.

The “ladder” career model provides that each step of a service career represents a specific position that an employee occupies for a fixed time of no more than 5 years. This period is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With the growth of qualifications, creativity and production experience, a manager or a specialist rises up the career ladder. Each new position the employee takes after advanced training.

The employee will reach the upper stage of his career during the period of maximum potential, when a lot of experience has been accumulated and high qualifications, breadth of outlook, professional knowledge and skills have been acquired. Psychologically, this model is very inconvenient for the first managers because of their unwillingness to leave the "first roles". Therefore, it must be supported by a higher management body (board of directors, board) from the humane standpoint of maintaining the health and working capacity of the employee.

After occupying the top position, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins with less intensive work that does not require making difficult decisions in extreme situations, leading a large team. However, the contribution of the manager and specialist as a consultant is valuable for the enterprise.

The “snake” career model is suitable for a manager and a specialist. It provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment with each occupation for a short time (1-2 years). For example, after studying at the school of managers, the foreman works successively as a dispatcher, technologist and economist, and then is appointed to the position of shop manager. This gives the line manager the opportunity to learn more deeply about the specific management functions that will be useful to him in a higher position. Before becoming a director of an enterprise, the manager works as a deputy director for personnel, commerce and economics for 6-9 years and comprehensively studies important areas of activity.

The main advantage of this model lies in the possibility of satisfying a person's need for knowledge of the management functions of interest to him. This implies a constant movement of personnel in the management apparatus, a clear system of appointment and movement, and a detailed study of the socio-psychological climate in the team. This model has received the greatest distribution in Japan on large firms. Professor W. Ouchi says about the staffing: “Perhaps most important is the fact that every employee knows that throughout his career he will move from one part of the company. In addition, in many Japanese firms, lifelong rotation applies to all employees. An electrical engineer from circuit design can be sent to production or assembly, technicians can be transferred every year to new machines or to other departments, managers can be moved to all branches of business ... When people work all the time in one specialty, they tend to to the formation of local goals related only to this specialty, and not to the future of the entire company” 5 .

If the rotation of personnel is not observed, the “snake” career loses its significance and can have negative consequences. This is due to the fact that some workers with a predominance of melancholic and phlegmatic temperaments do not imply a change in team or position and will perceive it very painfully.

Career model "Crossroads". This model assumes that after a certain period of work, the manager or specialist undergoes certification, based on the results of which a decision is made to promote, move or demote. This is an American career model focused on the individualism of a person.

For example, consider the application of this model for a line manager. After a certain period of 5 years of work as a shop manager, he undergoes retraining at the school of managers with a full range of necessary studies. If his professional knowledge, abilities, skills, potential and qualifications, health and performance are high, and the relationship in the workforce is conflict-free, then he is recommended to occupy a higher position through appointment or election.

If the leader's potential is average, but he has professional knowledge and skills sufficient for his position, has good health and is psychologically stable, then he is recommended to be moved to another position. For example, the head of another department.

In the case when the rating of the manager is low, and the professional training does not correspond to the position held, there are conflicts in the labor collective, then the issue of demotion or dismissal for violating the philosophy of the enterprise is decided.

Let's consider one more classification of E. Komarov's career development models. 6

    Situational career. The peculiarity of this type is that the turns in the fate of a particular person are controlled by the Chance, in which it is not necessary to take into account any “career planning factors” in advance, they “will come” in due time and will force them to make decisions on personnel movements and appointments.

    Career from the boss. In fact, this is a modification of the previous version, with the only difference being that here the focus is on the decision maker on whom the career depends. Those who are interested in it involuntarily form a system of work "under the boss", a system of influence on assessments and decisions that are pleasing to themselves and negative for rivals.

    Career "from the development of the object." There are conditions and situations when an employee's career is, as it were, in his own hands. Heading a small subdivision, its leader seeks to develop it or turn it into a larger one, and then into an even larger one with a corresponding change in the title of the position held. In this case, the employee's ability to develop the facility and support from management played a leading role. He kind of made his own career.

    "Handmade Career". The author of this classification writes that he had to meet people who do not expect "career grace", but literally push "leading minds" to make the necessary "career decisions". Some people work so professionally that this professionalism in itself “paves” its way into the “official jungle”. This pressure of professionalism is almost impossible to resist if key leaders value it in this system. Further, any successful attempt by a headhunter who has enticed a specialist or manager is a kind of “do-it-yourself” method of making a career. For the management of a given enterprise or organization, such care, if approached in a businesslike manner, should be considered as a “call” about an unfavorable state in the system of personnel motivation and career management.

    Career in the head. Here the leading role belongs to the careerist in a sharply negative sense of the word. Career interests so prevail in his life that he stops at nothing in the desire to go the shortest way to the desired position. He uses various methods and techniques to eliminate those who interfere with his path. It should be noted that domestic science, in particular management psychology, has not yet conducted research on the “career man” in both the positive and negative meanings of this term. What are his needs and interests? What is his professional appearance? How do career and non-career aspirations affect human behavior and psychology? What is the career motivation? Without appropriate scientific support, it is quite difficult in practice to deal with career problems.

    system career. This type is considered the most important feature of the modern level of personnel management. Its main ideas are: to interconnect the various components of a career into a single whole; create an organizational foundation for career planning; do not succumb to the influence of random factors, opposing them with a systematic approach and systemic means; to train personnel officers for the qualified development of a systematic career, the use of modern forms and methods of career management, "career technologies". A systematic career requires better information, organizational, social, socio-psychological and psychological technologies.

Thus, we can conclude that the current career models show that it can be dynamic, associated with changing jobs, and static, carried out in one place and in one position through professional growth. It can develop as a vertical one, involving official promotion along the steps of the hierarchical ladder, or it can be horizontal, occurring within the same level of management.

In summarizing this chapter, the context of career development is changing and many organizations no longer offer careers in the traditional sense. An individual should lead their own career development and strive to develop their skills and knowledge, and an organization can help them do this by creating realistic career paths, providing honest feedback and opportunities to find and plan career paths. Management must provide its employees with a choice of career paths.

Chapter 2

2.1. Analysis of the labor potential of the organization

Closed Joint Stock Company "Regional Electric Networks" was established on October 1, 2006, in accordance with the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, by reforming JSC "Novosibirskenergo".

The society is a commercial organization. The main activity of CJSC RES is the transmission and distribution of electric energy through electric networks. CJSC "RES" occupies a dominant position in the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy. The Company is included in the register of subjects of natural monopolies as a subject of natural monopolies in the fuel and energy complex.

The period of existence of the Company is 4 years 6 months (the period of existence is not limited).

The priority task of Closed Joint-Stock Company "Regional Electric Networks", one of the largest subsidiaries of OJSC "Novosibirskenergo", is the uninterrupted transmission of electrical energy at the lowest cost and loss throughout the Novosibirsk region.

For the effective implementation of its task, the Company established eight branches located on the territory of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region:

1. "Eastern Electric Networks".

2. "Novosibirsk city electrical networks"

3. "Priobsky electric networks"

4. "Western electrical networks"

5. "Karasuk electrical networks"

6. "Tatar electric networks"

7. "Cherepanov electrical networks"

8. "Chulym electrical networks"

Table 2.1

The volume of manufactured products of CJSC "ITS" in 2006-2008

Thus, the amount of output per 1 PPP employee at the enterprise increases by 17.3% (2007) and 13.7% (2008).

These characteristics indicate that CJSC RES is developing according to a profitability strategy, therefore, employees of the enterprise will be characterized by intra-professional career development, that is, improving professional skills within their profession, mastering advanced work methods, etc.

CJSC RES distinguishes the following categories of positions:

    Production personnel:

Managers, specialists and employees - craftsmen, site managers, engineers, electricians, etc.

Main production workers - technicians, etc.

Auxiliary production workers are absent.

    Administrative and managerial personnel:

Managers, specialists and employees - the general director, the economist, etc.

Support staff - couriers, referents, etc.

Consider the number and structure of personnel in dynamics, starting from 2005.

Table 2.2

Dynamics of the average headcount for 2005-2008

I half of 2008






Total workers




Total Personnel


a) basic workers under 17 years old

b) students (17-18 years old)

All staff with teenagers

Table 2 shows that the average headcount varies unevenly. A large decrease in numbers (by 40%) is observed in 2007. In 2007, the largest reduction in the number of workers is observed, which is associated with the merger of enterprises. The smallest fluctuations in the number are observed among the leaders. Already in the first half of 2008 the number increased by 14%. The largest increase in the number is observed among the main workers (33%). This indicates a positive trend, the emergence of new jobs, opportunities for the movement of workers.

The number of women is also noticeably decreasing due to harmful working conditions.

Table 2.3

Educational structure of personnel

From table 3 we see that the enterprise is dominated by workers with a secondary specialized education of 54.5%, these are all the main and auxiliary workers and one specialist. The remaining 12% have higher education. This suggests that the full transition of the enterprise to a higher level requires retraining of part of the workers, retraining. This event can be carried out on the job at a lower cost. It is also necessary to involve young people who come to practice. But this requires an effective system of motivation, not only material. Young people today go to work for an enterprise where there is an opportunity for career growth, so management should pay attention to the career development system, which is practically non-existent today. As can be seen from Table 6, the staff is "aging". Today, young specialists and workers are needed to continue the activity.

Table 2.4

Age structure of personnel (as of the second half of 2007)

Thus, CJSC RES employs people who are currently at the stage of "formation" of their career (production personnel), which is characterized by the development of work skills and the formation of specialists or managers; or "promotion" (administrative and managerial personnel), these employees know what they want from their career and also know how to achieve their career development goals.

Table 2.5

Length of service structure of CJSC ITS employees in 2008


Work experience in CJSC "ITS"

Up to 1 year, %

More than 5 years, %

Production personnel


2. Workers of the main production

Administrative and management personnel.


1. Managers, specialists and employees

2. Support staff

Thus, the percentage of people working for more than 2 years in CJSC RES is quite high. This suggests that employees are generally loyal to their organization and are not in a hurry to look for a better job. The main reason is satisfaction with the level of remuneration, as well as existing working conditions. Long work experience enables employees to plan their own professional development in advance in this organization.

Table 2.6

Indicators of the movement of employees of CJSC RES in 2006-2008.


Average headcount, pers.

Accepted, total people

Dismissed, total people


at the initiative of the employee

Due to misconduct

For another reason

Table 2.7

Personnel turnover rates in 2006-2008

The average recruitment turnover rate will be 7.5%, the average exit rate will be 2.6%, and the average staff turnover rate will be 2.3%. The company has a general increase in the number, which is explained by the overall development of the enterprise.

The staff turnover rate is very low, which is due to the fact that the company strives to retain qualified personnel, offering its employees a wage level sufficient for life and the opportunity to develop within their profession (mastering all technical innovations related to the activities of CJSC RES, training and qualifications at the expense of the enterprise, etc.).

At their own request, in most cases, employees who have a short work experience in CJSC RES, up to 1 year, and who have low wages in comparison with other employees, are dismissed. The main reason for such layoffs is the search for a higher level of pay, as well as the search for alternative career paths.

Table 2.8

Dynamics of the average monthly salary of employees of CJSC RES in 2006-2008.


Average salary for CJSC ITS

including administrative staff

including production staff

Subsistence level in the Novosibirsk region

Comparing the level of wages with the level of the subsistence minimum, we can say that wages are quite high and the level of wages rises annually and, therefore, employees retain incentive and motivation for further work and career development at this enterprise. Wage growth is faster for production personnel than for administrative and managerial personnel. This allows employees to remain loyal to the organization and not encourage them to look for a new job.

The following conclusions can be drawn about the labor potential of CJSC RES:

    The level of wages and the possibility of career development, albeit highly specialized, motivate employees to consolidate in this organization and develop loyalty in them.

    Based on the age and educational structure, we can say that employees have a high potential and motivation for career growth and professional development, which will not require high material costs from the organization.

    1. Career development system at the enterprise

An employee's career in an organization is made up of the desire of the employee himself to realize his own professional potential and the company's interest in promoting this particular employee. Vocational and qualification advancement of workers in CJSC RES is a set of forms, methods and means of organizing systematic, consistent, pre-designed training and movement of workers from simple to complex, meaningful work, from low to higher levels of professional skill, taking into account the interests of the employee and the needs of production.

Table 2.9 presents data on the development of employees of CJSC RES.

Table 2.9

Dynamics of development of employees of CJSC RES for 2006-2008, pers.


Completed advanced training courses

Increased the degree of higher education (master's degree)

Appointed to a higher position after advanced training, retraining, training

Moved to a position requiring higher qualifications, responsibility after training, advanced training

Moved to a lower position for various reasons

Thus, the development of employees of CJSC RES depends on the level of their qualifications. The appointment to a new position is mainly based on the results of his work. If an employee shows himself to be proactive, ready for training and development, he is sent to advanced training courses. Basically, the development of employees takes place within the narrow framework of a profession or specialty, and appointment to a higher position does not occur very often.

It is safe to say that in CJSC RES management of an employee's business career is an active interaction of three parties: an employee, management and the personnel management service.

The manager formulates the needs of the company in the development of an employee, often acts as a mentor (or chooses a specific person) in the process of managing his career. The employee himself bears the main responsibility for the successful development of his own career. After all, he is the one who puts his plan into action every day. And the personnel management service coordinates the entire process of career management.

In CJSC RES, the most common are linear-functional and intra-professional promotion of workers. The issue of further promotion and development of each individual employee depends on the results of the certification, which determines the suitability of the position held, as well as the length of service in CJSC RES.

Today, when organizing the professional and qualification advancement of workers, management relies on standard solutions and pays less and less attention to planning an individual career.

At this enterprise there is a "Regulation on the training of employees." According to this provision, an enterprise can grant an employee the right to receive higher professional education, postgraduate education, the right to undergo specialized and targeted advanced training courses. The decision to provide the opportunity to receive higher or postgraduate education is made by the General Director. Referral to courses is carried out by the Deputy General Director for Personnel in accordance with the training plan approved by the Company. Thematic training courses for personnel on the basics of a market economy, management of a joint-stock company are also held and are constantly held on the basis of CJSC RES by its specialists or attracted teachers from educational institutions and scientific institutions.

The procedure for career growth at the enterprise CJSC RES can be represented using the scheme:

A phased system for the development of employees can be presented in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10

Career development of employees of CJSC RES.

Employee Development Goal

  1. Getting a quality workforce

    Development of employee loyalty

    Reducing the cost of adaptation of new employees in the performance of job duties.

Development object

Employees of CJSC RES

Subject of development

    Mentors from the employees of this enterprise.

  1. Education at the university.

Criteria for determining the need for development

    Search for employees for open vacancies from among the employees of CJSC RES.

    Raising the qualifications of employees.

    Job related training

Development period

From 2 weeks to 3.5 years, depending on the complexity of the training.

Development Methods

    Moving to a higher position or position requiring high responsibility.

    Advanced training, training courses

    Distance learning at the university.

The effectiveness of an employee's career development can be defined as:

    Reducing the time spent on work after training, advanced training.

    Reducing the cost of adaptation of a new employee in the team.

    Increase productivity with new ways of working.

    An employee who has taken a new stage of career development is already familiar with the specifics of the organization's activities and will quickly enter the normal rhythm of work.

It is possible to develop the following stages of career development for an engineer (economist) in the organization and regulation of labor of the first category:

    Work experience as an engineer for 4 years without violations.

    Successful use of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities within 1 year.

    Moved to the position of Lead Engineer.

    Work as a lead engineer for 2 - 3 years.

    Appointment to the position of head of the department of remuneration and wages.

    Adaptation in position 1.5 - 2 months.

    Worked as a department head for 5 years.

    Obtaining a second higher education at a university at the expense of CJSC RES 3.5 years.

    Work as the head of the remuneration department with partial performance of the functions of deputy general director during business trips.

This example describes the "springboard" model, career development is a chain of career moves. This example of career development can be characterized as a horizontal movement of an employee, turning into a vertical path of development, which is the most typical for ZAO RES.

Career management begins when you are hired. When applying for a job, questions are asked that set out the requirements of the employing organization. You should also ask questions that meet your goals, shape your requirements.

Examples of questions asked by an incoming employer include:

    What is the organization's philosophy regarding young professionals?

    how many days a year do you travel?

    what are the prospects for the development of the organization?

    Is there a discount when employees buy products manufactured by the organization (in this case, payment for 50% of electricity)?

    Does the organization practice overtime work?

    What are the remuneration systems in the organization?

    Does the organization have its own children's, health-improving institutions?

    What are the chances of getting a higher position?

    will conditions be created for training, advanced training or retraining?

    Is it possible to reduce the position and in connection with what?

    in the event of a layoff, is it possible to count on the organization's assistance in finding employment?

    what are the principles of formation of the pension fund, the possible size of the pension?

When managing a career in the process of work, each employee of CJSC RES must remember the following rules: do not waste time working with a non-initiative, unpromising boss, become necessary for an initiative, operational manager; expand your knowledge, acquire new skills; prepare yourself to take a higher paying position that will become vacant; think of the organization as a labor market, but do not forget about the external labor market; do not neglect the help of the organization in finding a job, but in search of a new job, rely primarily on yourself.

Career development at ZAO RES today is more dependent on the case, that is, on the availability of a vacant position that can be promoted. This option takes place mainly for specialists, and workers can count on some kind of development and promotion less and less. Of course, management alone cannot be blamed for not caring about their employees. I think it is necessary to review the activities of individual units, to carry out a partial reconstruction. After all, the appearance of the enterprise, its income, prestige are very important for potential employees. All efforts must be invested in development.


Career planning is one of the areas of personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy and stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, the strategy and plans for its development, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

The planning and development of a career in an organization should be handled by a human resources manager or head of human resources. The HR manager, already when accepting a candidate, must design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate based on individual characteristics and the specifics of motivation. The same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

It is necessary to create a comprehensive career management system that includes interrelated goals, functions, principles, structure and career development personnel.

The goals of the management and career development system in ZAO RES should include:

    formation, development and use of the professional potential of each employee and the organization as a whole;

    ensuring the continuity of professional experience and culture of the organization;

    achieving mutual understanding between the organization and the employee on the issues of its development and promotion;

    creation of favorable conditions for the development and promotion of personnel, etc.

The main functions will be:

Study of problems associated with identifying needs for personnel, with their development and promotion; forecasting movements in key management positions;

Planning of professional development (study, internships, etc.), procedures for assessment and promotion (promotion) of managers and specialists;

Organization of training, assessment, adaptation and professional orientation processes;

Activation of career aspirations of managers and specialists, creation of favorable conditions for career management;

Monitoring the performance of functions, evaluating the effectiveness of career process management based on a specific system of indicators.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the functions of the career development system can be achieved through their integration, combination in various technologies, among which, along with such universal personnel technologies as management by goals, training, adaptation management and career guidance, specific career ones should be used: work with a reserve for promotion, individual psychological counseling on career issues, modeling of careerograms. The achievement of goals, the implementation of the functions and technologies of career management and its development should be based on certain principles:

Collegiality in making career decisions;

Combining the goals of the organization and the individual interests of the employee;

Continuity of development and advancement;

Transparency of assessment procedures and technologies, the mechanism of job transfers (informing staff about vacancies, conditions for their replacement, selection criteria);

Efficiency of development, selection and promotion (for example, learning by doing, “new knowledge for a new position”). Education is very important today. It is necessary to retrain, first of all, the workers who carry out the laying of wires.

The solution to the problem of the structure and personnel of career management should include two main points. Firstly, the subjects of management should be the career figures themselves - managers (immediate supervisors, curators, mentors). Thus, each of them is simultaneously the subject of management of both his own career and the career of his subordinates. Secondly, the career management structure should be an integral part of the personnel management system in the form of its subsystem for the development and promotion of personnel, and the functions within this subsystem should be performed by specialists in the field of career management and development.

The mechanism of career development at the enterprise should include a set of organizational-administrative, socio-psychological, economic and moral means and methods of influencing the promotion of an employee. Within the framework of this mechanism, methods such as fixing the conditions, requirements for development and promotion in job descriptions, the charter of the enterprise should be applied in a complex; creating a corporate culture that encourages the pursuit of a career as self-expression within the organization and condemns careerism as an orientation towards promotion for the sake of obtaining additional benefits at any cost; material and monetary incentives for career movement.

Career development as a strategy, as a specific approach to human resource management, cannot but affect all other elements of the personnel management system. In particular, recruitment, selection and hiring can take place according to the principle called in modern management theory the “pyramid principle”, according to which only the base of the pyramid of the organizational structure is formed due to external sources of labor (that is, positions that do not require high qualifications and deep knowledge are filled). features of the organization), and at the expense of the internal labor market, on the basis of the formation of a system of systematic development and promotion of personnel in the organizational space, vacancies are filled in the upper part of the organizational pyramid (key, managerial positions that require high qualifications). That it is precisely according to this “pyramid principle” that the personnel structure at the ZAO RES enterprise should be built.

At the initial stage, an enterprise's offering of career development opportunities to employees can be formed from simple programs in the form of training and more detailed consulting services to improve future career plans. These programs, with a rational approach, do not require large expenditures, although they can have a significant motivating effect.

I would suggest the following career development scheme to a young economist at ZAO RES

Head of OOTiZ

Head of reporting sector

Head of planning sector

Engineer for the organization and regulation of labor

The created program for promotion opportunities in the enterprise should include the following services:

1) give a wide range of information about vacancies and the qualifications that are needed to fill them;

2) indicate the system under which qualified employees may apply for these places;

3) help employees set career goals.

Career development programs to provide a systematic motivational impact should: be regularly offered; be open to all employees; be modified if their assessment indicates that changes are needed.

The overall goal of career development programs is to match the needs and goals of the employee with current or future advancement opportunities available in the enterprise.

Both formal and informal consultations can be used to provide consulting services to employees of career development enterprises. The first method involves the involvement of specialists, or the formation of a specialized structural unit at the enterprise. The second one is less expensive, although its possibilities are often less wide. For CJSC RES, the use of an informal form of counseling employees about career development is most suitable. To do this, it is necessary to include consulting services for employees wishing to assess their capabilities and interests in the duties of the management staff. The counseling process can involve personal interests, and rightly so, as they are important factors in determining career expectations. Supervisory advice should be part of the performance appraisal of the employee. A characteristic feature of effective performance appraisal is that it contains information that allows the employee not only to understand how well he performs, but also what he can achieve in the future - thus awakening interest in promotion planning. Managers must be ready to give their subordinates information about the needs and opportunities in the firm, not only within a particular area of ​​work, but also throughout the organization.

In CJSC RES, public systematic information about vacancies can be used. When organizing information about vacancies, the following conditions must be met:

Employees are informed not only about vacancies, but also about actual movements and promotions taking place;

Information must be provided at least five to six weeks before the announcement of external recruitment;

The election rules are open and binding on all;

Selection standards and instructions are formulated clearly and precisely;

Everyone has the opportunity to try their hand;

Employees who applied but did not receive a job are notified in writing of the reasons for refusal.

In conclusion of the chapter, I would like to say that the proposed activities can lay the foundation for the functioning of the management system and career development in CJSC RES. In the future, based on the study of the needs and interests of employees, it is necessary to further develop the career system of the enterprise.

You can also offer a professional career support program. There are two groups of programs: socio-psychological and economic-organizational. The programs of the first group provide for the verbalization of career programs with the professional help of the immediate supervisor, colleagues, and psychologists. The implementation of these programs allows:

1) to understand the essence of the problem of professional career;

2) identify a constructive way to solve them.

Three approaches are distinguished here: individual counseling, various forms of self-assessment and a group session (that is, a combination of individual counseling with the results of a group assessment of an employee).

Economic and organizational programs are developed for young workers and for experienced employees. The youth program includes:

1) realistic preliminary information about the work;

2) proactive appointment, that is, it is necessary to encourage the appointment of young workers to the most difficult areas;

3) “flavored” appointment, that is, if the work does not require special initiative, then the employee should be given greater autonomy, responsibility, give him the opportunity to interact with customers, allow him to independently implement his ideas;

4) "demanding boss": the manager shows the employees that high results are expected of them, and they are always ready to help;

5) own task plan.

Economic and organizational program for experienced workers:

1) movement at one hierarchical level from one sector to another;

2) moving to a lower level, that is, demotion;

3) in order to reduce the risk that is possible during horizontal movement or lowering, movement to the same place is used;

4) early dismissal from the organization.

Thus, formulated efforts to develop a career management system in an enterprise can help employees identify their own promotional needs, provide information about suitable career opportunities within the enterprise, and match the needs and goals of the employee with the goals of the organization. The formation of such a system can reduce the obsolescence of human resources, which are so costly to the enterprise.


Effective personnel management has emerged as a factor in economic success. It is designed to provide a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, personal abilities develop, people receive satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements. Organizations create special methods and systems for managing professional development - management of professional training, training of a reserve of leaders, career development. All these processes are inextricably linked.

In today's rapidly obsolete environment, the ability of an organization to continuously improve the skills of its employees and develop their potential is one of the most important success factors.

Career planning of an employee is the organization of his promotion through the stages of official and qualification growth, helping him to develop and implement professional knowledge and skills in the interests of the company. When entering a job, a person sets certain goals for himself. But the organization, hiring him, also pursues its own goals. Therefore, the hired person needs to realistically assess his business qualities, correlate them with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of a person's entire career depends on this.

The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions.

Timely staffing of all key departments of the enterprise is impossible without a clear planning, development and implementation of personnel policy.

Management needs to know how to solve problems, how to skillfully use appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management. And if skillfulness implies the practical mastery of relevant skills, then relevance is understood as the adequacy of the method used in the situation in the organization.

Employers should seek to involve employees in planning and developing their own careers. Career choice is based on an employee's understanding of their abilities, values, and needs. A person must lead the development of his own career and try to develop his skills and knowledge in order to be able to survive in case of failure.

Thus, managing the business career of employees is one of the priority areas in working with personnel. And if Western companies work in this area constantly and for quite a long time, then for Russian business this concept is still quite new.

Employee career management is an activity that requires certain material costs on the part of the company. But these costs are more than compensated by the competitive advantages that the company receives in return. People are perhaps the most important type of resource available to any organization. Consequently, the costs of its development are nothing more than an investment in a stable and successful "tomorrow" of the company.

Career and its planning Abstract >> Management

... : - providing connection with the present and future problems; - production efficiency; - senior management support... be interested in development career. This implies perspectives development production, motivation development career and a number of others...

  • Problems And perspectives personnel planning in the organization

    Coursework >> Management

    Relevance of the chosen topic - Problems And perspectives personnel planning in an organization... and consumption determine perspectives development enterprises. Except your own... features related to the beginning career and willingness to master modern...

  • Problems And perspectives the current demographic situation in Russia, problems and perspectives development cultural tourism in Russia B... in achieving their goals, career; the involvement of working women in tourism... in achieving their goals, career; involvement in tourism of employees ...

  • Introduction 3

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of a business career

    1.1. Concept and types of business career 5

    1.2. Stages of career planning and development 7

    1.3. Business career management mechanisms 10

    Chapter 2. Features of planning and developing a business career

    on the example of OJSC Rostelecom

    2.1. Brief description and history of OJSC Rostelecom 15

    2.2. The system of professional qualification development of personnel in OJSC Rostelecom ................................................................................... 17

    2.3. Analysis of the structure and movement of personnel in the organization 24

    2.4. Measures to Improve Business Career Management at OJSC Rostelecom………….............................................. ..………………………….. .26

    Conclusion……………………………………………………………………… 23

    References 26

    Apps 30


    The formation and development of personnel is a long and complex process. The efforts of the parties in this direction will only be effective in the modern world when they have a scientific basis. Leaders of leading firms understand the situation and manage personnel work themselves. But this state of affairs cannot be sustainable. In any organization, planning and models for the development of personnel careers and personnel work in general must be present and implemented. Organizations create special methods and systems for managing professional development, career development, and the training of a reserve of leaders. In large corporations, there are special departments of professional development, headed by specialists in this field who have extensive experience in developing human resources.

    Business career management as a subject of study is of particular interest to managers, because planning and controlling a business career is one of the most important tasks of personnel management. Career is the subject of interest of any employee who hopes for the practical help of their leaders in resolving this issue. Managers at all levels should pay particular attention to predicting future staffing and plan ahead for training to ensure timely submission of candidates for vacancies.

    The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need to improve the process of managing a business career in an organization, which is due to the situation in the industry, the current state of the personnel issue, the problem of rational use of human resources, and hence the new requirements that organizations put forward to their employees and which must be met.

    The purpose of this course work is to explore the management of a business career at OJSC Rostelecom.

    In accordance with the goal, the following main tasks are defined:

    1. To reveal the concept and essence of a business career, to determine its types, stages and management mechanisms;

    2. Give a general description of OJSC Rostelecom;

    3. To analyze the personnel and activities of the personnel management service of the Kirov branch of OJSC Rostelecom;

    4. Consider the main features of the business career management system of the Kirov branch of OJSC Rostelecom;

    The object of the study is the business career of the personnel as an element of increasing the efficiency of managing the enterprise of OJSC Rostelecom. The subject of the study is the process of increasing the efficiency of enterprise management based on improving the management of business careers in OJSC Rostelecom.

    In the process of writing the work, the following research methods were used: analysis, induction, deduction, generalization method.

    Sources for writing term papers are: articles from economic journals, statistical data, Internet resources on the research topic.

    1. Theoretical aspects of a business career

    1. 1 Concept and types of business career

    Shkatulla V.I. gives the following definition of a business career: “A business career is the promotion of an employee up the steps of the service hierarchy or a consistent change of occupation, both within a separate organization and throughout life, as well as the person’s perception of these stages.”

    From an organizational point of view, a career is considered as a set of interrelated decisions of a person about the choice of one or another variant of the upcoming activity. This choice proceeds from the opportunities that open before him to overcome the discrepancy between the actual and the desired job position. Since such decisions are made in conditions of lack of information, subjective assessment of oneself and circumstances, lack of time or emotional instability, they are far from always consistent, rational, purposeful, and generally justified.

    A business career begins with the formation of the employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his labor future, the expected way of self-expression and job satisfaction. In other words, a career is an individually conscious position and behavior of an individual associated with work experience and activities throughout a person’s working life.

    Kartashova L.V. identifies the following types of business career:

    1) Centripetal career (hidden)- the type of business career, the least obvious to others. It is available to a limited circle of employees, as a rule, who have established personal contacts with the highest echelon of management and extensive business connections outside the organization. Centripetal career refers to the movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, and certain important assignments from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization and have a high social status. As a rule, the level of remuneration of his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

    2) Career horizontal- a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, acting as the head of a temporary working group, program, etc.). A horizontal business career can be attributed to the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration).

    3) career vertical- the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case the promotion is most visible. A vertical business career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).

    4) Career intraorganizational- a type of career, meaning that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement successively within the walls of one organization. It can be specialized and non-specialized.

    5) Interorganizational career- a type of business career, meaning that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of professional abilities, retirement successively, working in various positions in different organizations. This career can also be specialized or non-specialized.

    Thus, we examined the concept and types of business career. Career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth. A person builds a career, the trajectory of his movement himself, in accordance with the characteristics of intra-organizational and non-organizational reality, and most importantly, with his own goals, desires and attitudes.

    1.2 Stages of career planning and development

    The traditional approach to describing the professional development of an employee in an organization involves the allocation of career stages according to age, but the stage of professional growth is not always associated with age. It is important to separate the time period of personal development and the phases of professional development. The modern approach to characterizing the stages of a career allows us to distinguish the following periods, which can be considered as phases of the formation of a professional:

    1. Research. People are preparing to enter the ranks of employees and emphasize acquiring the skills required for this.

    2. Joining the organization. The individual is ready to choose a job from the available offers. When making a decision, you need to take into account your skills and interests.

    3. Consolidation of the position. It occurs when individuals determine their preferred occupation and acquire additional skills in order to be able to advance further in the service.

    4. Maintenance. At this stage, there is a reassessment of goals in the middle of a career. Individuals analyze their talents and determine the need to learn new skills in order to continue to be of interest to the market.

    5. Parting. At this stage, the emphasis is on preparing for leaving the organization or retirement.

    There are several stages in a business career.

    The first - preparatory (18-22 years old) - is associated with obtaining higher or secondary vocational education, within this framework the foundations of a future specialist and leader are laid. There is no career in the true sense of the word here yet, because it begins from the moment the graduate is enrolled in the staff of the organization.

    The second - the adaptation stage (23-30 years old) - falls on the entry of a young specialist into the world of work, mastering a new profession, finding his place in the team. The middle of this stage may coincide with the beginning of a managerial career, for which the former position of a narrow specialist creates all the necessary prerequisites.

    The third - stabilization stage (30-40 years) - means the final division of employees into promising and unpromising. For the former, unlimited opportunities for career advancement open up; the second, having reached their "ceiling", forever remain in the positions of junior managers or specialists. But by this time everyone becomes professionals.

    The fourth is the stage of consolidation (40-50 years). Persons who are willing and able to continue their managerial career move up the career ladder at intervals of several years. The one who has a more decisive character continues the career of line managers, and those who are less decisive, but thoughtful - staff.

    The lack of advancement prospects, coupled with psychological problems associated with the natural restructuring of the body, leads most people to a “mid-life crisis”, when they begin to take stock of what they have done and, realizing that further promotion is impossible, look for ways to adapt to a new situation. The way out is the development of new areas of activity and the transition to a “horizontal career”.

    The fifth - the stage of maturity (50-60 years) - suggests that people focus on transferring their knowledge and experience to young people.

    The sixth - the final stage (after 60 years) - means preparation for retirement.

    This question is purely individual. For some people, it is desirable to retire as early as possible, from the moment they become legally entitled to it; for others, full of physical and spiritual strength, as late as possible. For example, in Japan it is considered the norm when senior leaders are approaching the age of 80 years.

    Most employees, studies show, tend to be passive about their careers, preferring to let their supervisors deal with these issues. Therefore, in the West today, a business career is an object of management.

    It comes down to a set of activities carried out by personnel services (and consulting firms) that allow employees to discover their abilities and apply them in the most beneficial way for themselves and the organization.

    Career advancement in an organization can be carried out in accordance with such principles as performance, competence and potential, diligence, the ability to organize the formal side of things, please management, seniority, general abilities.

    Thus, an integral part of such management is business career planning (in many companies it is mandatory), which involves taking into account and linking the needs of the goals of the organization and employees, studying and assessing the potential for their career growth; familiarizing people with real prospects and conditions for promotion; definition of criteria and ways of moving to avoid career dead ends.

    1.3 Business career management mechanisms

    Rumyantseva Z.P. gives the following definition of business career management: “Business career management is a set of activities carried out by the personnel department of an organization to plan, organize, motivate and control the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals , needs, opportunities and socio-economic conditions of the organization. Such management allows to achieve the devotion of the employee to the interests of the organization, increase labor productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully reveal the abilities of a person.

    Any person plans his future, based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he wants to know the prospects for career development and opportunities for professional development in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation of behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not seek to improve his qualifications and considers the organization as a place where you can wait for some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.

    When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, hiring him, also pursues its own goals, the hired person needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this. Proper self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

    The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions. Here are some career goals as an example:

    Engage in a type of activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore delivers moral satisfaction;

    Get a job or a position that meets self-esteem, in an area whose natural conditions favorably affect the state of health and allow you to organize a good rest;

    To occupy a position that enhances opportunities and develops them;

    Have a job or position that is creative in nature;

    To work in a profession or hold a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

    Have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;

    Have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;

    Have a job or position that simultaneously allows you to take care of raising children or housework.

    Career goals change with age, as well as as the person changes, with the growth of his qualifications, etc. Forming career goals is an ongoing process. Career management should begin when you apply for a job.

    Partnership involves the cooperation of three parties - the employee, his manager and the human resources department. The employee is responsible for planning and developing his own career or, in the language of modern management, is the owner of this process. The manager acts as a mentor or sponsor of the employee. His support is necessary for successful career development, as he manages resources, manages the distribution of working hours, and so on. The Human Resources Department plays the role of a professional consultant and at the same time performs the function of overall management of the career development process in the organization.

    Human resource specialists train employees of the organization in the basics of career planning and development, explain the principles of partnership, the responsibilities and opportunities of the parties involved in it. Training has two main objectives:

    1) to form the interest of employees in career development;

    2) provide them with the tools to start managing their own careers.

    The next step is to develop a career development plan. The employee must determine his own professional interests and methods for their implementation, that is, the position (positions) that he would like to occupy. After that, he needs to compare his own capabilities with the requirements for the positions of interest to him and determine whether this career development plan is realistic and, if so, think about what he needs to implement this plan.

    At this stage, the employee needs qualified assistance from the human resources department, primarily to determine their own capabilities and shortcomings, as well as development methods, and their own leader. Many organizations conduct special testing to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, the results of which provide significant assistance in career planning. The participation of the manager in the career planning process allows not only to conduct a certain check on the compliance with the reality of the employee's career expectations, but also to involve the manager in the process of developing the career of this employee from the very beginning, and thereby enlist his support.

    The implementation of a career development plan depends, first of all, on the employee himself. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the entire set of tools that ensure the successful implementation of the plan:

    Successful work in the current position. Successful performance of official duties is the most important prerequisite for promotion;

    Professional and individual development. The employee must not only use all available means of professional development, but also demonstrate newly acquired skills, knowledge and maturity;

    Effective partnership with the leader. The implementation of a career development plan to a large extent depends on the manager, who formally and informally evaluates the work of the employee in his position and his potential, is the most important channel of communication between the employee and the management of the organization that makes decisions about promotion, has the resources necessary for the development of the employee;

    Prominent position in the organization. For successful promotion in the organization, it is necessary that the organization is aware of the existence of the employee, his achievements and opportunities. Of exceptional importance in this case is a successful partnership with the human resources department, whose positive opinion about the potential of the employee is a necessary condition for successful career development.

    An essential part of the career development process is the assessment of progress. All three parties are involved in this process - the employee, the manager and the human resources department. Evaluation of the employee's performance is carried out, first of all, with the help of certification. It is on its basis that conclusions are drawn about the expediency, timing, directions for the promotion of an employee, or about the inappropriateness of the latter. In addition to resolving the issue of promoting an employee or retaining him in his previous position, the purpose of certification may be to reveal reserves for improving the efficiency of individual work, determining the amount of remuneration, resolving the issue of the volume, ways and forms of advanced training, and so on. In this regard, the direct objects of certification are: the results of the employee's work, attitude to the performance of their duties, creativity.

    In practice, there are two main approaches to certification. In accordance with one of its meaning is to control the activities of the employee and its evaluation, resulting in encouragement, punishment, promotion. Another approach focuses on finding ways to improve the work and self-realization of the employee.

    Based on the results of the certification, an action plan is developed, and in accordance with the recommendations of the commission, the head can carry out personnel changes.

    Thus, the main point of personnel career management is that everything valuable that a person in an organization possesses or can possess, namely his ability for professional activity, be effectively used to achieve the goals of the enterprise and satisfy the interests of the individual.

    2. Features of planning and developing a business career on the example of OJSC Rostelecom

    2.1 Brief description and history of OJSC Rostelecom

    Pre-revolutionary Vyatka is a deep province of tsarist Russia, therefore it is natural that modern types of telecommunications appeared in our country 10-20 years late compared to Europe and large Russian cities. The telegraph appeared in the region in 1862, the first telephone switches in Vyatka - in 1885. In the first half of the last century, radio and telephone communication developed rapidly, Vyatka was included in the country's long-distance network. In the post-war years, the rapid development of communications continued: manual telephone exchanges were replaced by modern automatic coordinate stations.

    In the market economy of the 1990s, communications of the region entered with a mass of unresolved problems, primarily in the field of telecommunications: low density of telephony, incomplete automation of the network and switching systems, a significant lag in the possibilities for providing services to demand. Established in 1999, OJSC Kirovelectrosvyaz managed to fully realize the advantages of a market economy, mobilize financial resources and the enthusiasm of telecom operators for the technical re-equipment and development of communications. For 10 years, the installed capacity of automatic telephone exchanges has increased several times. The density of telephones per 100 inhabitants has approached the European level, the provision of data transmission services over the Internet has begun. The development of new services was positively influenced by joining the interregional company VolgaTelecom in 2002.

    On April 1, 2011, the creation of the national telecommunications company OJSC Rostelecom was completed as a result of the merger of OJSC CenterTelecom, OJSC Sibirtelecom, OJSC Dalsvyaz, OJSC Uralsvyazinform, OJSC VolgaTelecom, OJSC North-West Telecom, OJSC Southern Telecommunications Company and OJSC Dagsvyazinform. The reorganization will provide all the merged companies with access to a higher technological level, will increase the scale of activities and the volume of services provided, and increase the efficiency of work due to synergy.

    Today, the Kirov branch of JSC Rostelecom provides residents of the region with all types of modern telecommunications services: high-quality digital telephony; access to the Internet, e-mail, electronic data transmission and intelligent communication networks, participates in the implementation of such projects as "Universal Communication Service", "Education", "Pedagogical Council", "Electronic Russia". The constant construction of new fiber-optic communication lines throughout the region allows us to provide high-quality and comprehensive services. Traditionally high quality and constantly expanding range of services inspire confidence of both ordinary subscribers and large corporations and government agencies.

    Rostelecom is the sole contractor for the design, creation and operation of the e-government infrastructure in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The company's unique infrastructure - secure communication channels and data processing centers - as well as experience in the implementation of large national projects allow it to successfully solve this problem, both at the federal and regional levels.

    As part of the public-private partnership to create "electronic government", Rostelecom acts as a long-term investor.

    The high quality and reliability of Rostelecom's services are confirmed by certificates of conformity of the Svyaz-Quality System (System of Voluntary Certification of Communication Services, Communication Facilities and Quality Management Systems of Communication Organizations) and the Quality System of INTERECOMS.

    The Company seeks to actively expand cooperation with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to organize the transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form. Today, more than 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have begun work on creating a regional infrastructure for "electronic government" together with Rostelecom.

    As the leading telecommunications operator of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom is a permanent member of the Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), is a member of the Council of Telecommunication Operators of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC), participates in a number of other international organizations, including the Pacific Telecommunications Council (RTS) and the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC).

    The main shareholder of OJSC Rostelecom is the state, which, through OJSC Svyazinvest, the Deposit Insurance Agency and Vnesheconombank, controls 53.2% of the company's ordinary shares.

    Rostelecom's securities are traded on the largest Russian stock exchanges RTS and MICEX (RTKM, RTKMP), as well as on the OTCQX electronic over-the-counter trading system (ticker: ROSYY) in the USA. The company has an international credit rating from Standard & Poor's at 'BB+' with a 'Stable' outlook.

    Rostelecom has the status of the sole contractor for a number of activities of the Federal Target Program "Information Society (2011-2020)", including the sole contractor for the operation of the "electronic government" infrastructure - the single national operator of the "electronic government" infrastructure.

    The main document on the basis of which the Company operates is the Charter of Open Joint Stock Company Rostelecom (Appendix). As well as regulatory documents: rules for the provision of services to local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone communications; instructions on the procedure for repairing damage and accounting for applications received by the repair bureau on local telephone networks, which was approved on April 1, 1994; code of corporate conduct.

    The purpose of the adoption by the Company of this Code is the formation and implementation in daily activities of the principles and rules of corporate conduct that contribute to the successful development of the company, expressed primarily in the long-term prospects for the development of the Company, the growth of its value, the observance of the legitimate interests and rights of all shareholders and the formation of a positive image of the company among shareholders, employees, clients of the Company and other interested parties.

    The principles and rules contained in this Code are in accordance

    international standards of best practice of corporate conduct and represent a higher level of functioning of management and control bodies, business culture and compliance with high ethical standards compared to the current legislation.

    Regulations on the procedure for holding a general meeting of shareholders.

    Regulations on the Board of Directors

    Regulations on the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors

    Regulations on the Audit Commission

    Regulations on the internal control system

    Regulations on the settlement of corporate conflicts

    The Company makes efforts to identify conflicts as fully and as soon as possible if they have arisen or may arise in the Company, and ensures clear coordination of the actions of all the Company's bodies to resolve them. The Company strives to ensure that corporate conflicts are identified at the earliest stages of their development and that the Company, its officials and employees pay close attention to their resolution.

    Code of Conduct

    The Code was created with the aim of uniting the efforts of employees in achieving a high quality of professional activity and fulfilling the Company's Mission by employees. The Code establishes ethical norms for the behavior of employees both within the Company and in the external environment.

    OAO Rostelecom-Volga has not only trunk communication networks, but also a local fixed telephone network with a capacity of 5.2 million telephone numbers, of which 4.9 million are used. The number of users of broadband Internet access services exceeds 1,300 thousand, the number subscribers of cable and terrestrial-cable television - 280 thousand households. .

    Thus, JSC Rostelecom-Volga today is: the largest telecommunications network in terms of geographical coverage in 12 regions of the Volga region; the largest Internet provider in the region; the most modern telecommunication technologies; effective solutions developed in the interests of each client.

    2.2. The system of professional and qualification development of personnel in OJSC Rostelecom

    The Kirov branch of OJSC Rostelecom actively works with personnel in the following areas:

    1. Personnel assessment.

    A competency model is used to assess personnel. The enterprise has prescribed requirements for knowledge, skills, and personal and business qualities that employees must possess in the performance of their functional duties: readiness for change, result orientation, effective communication, loyalty and professionalism.

    For each position, requirements for the position have been developed, on the basis of which an annual assessment of the personnel is carried out. Based on the results of the assessment for each employee, a decision is made on training, further development, recommendations can be made on enrolling employees in the personnel reserve, or promotion. The assessment gives the employee an idea of ​​the level of current development of the level of competencies, and also makes it possible to plan his development within the company.

    2. Personnel training.

    The Branch has a personnel training and development system based on planning and subsequent targeted training and development of personnel competencies. Based on the results of personnel assessment, as well as on the basis of strategic goals and operational needs, a personnel training plan is drawn up annually.

    Types of training adopted by OJSC Rostelecom:

    one). Corporate training is an event for the training and development of personnel of OJSC Rostelecom, initiated and organized by OJSC Svyazinvest. It involves the training of managers and key specialists under uniform programs for all interregional companies.

    2). Centralized training - training centralized at the level of OJSC Rostelecom, initiated and organized by the General Directorate. It involves the training of managers and employees according to programs that meet the urgent tasks of society as a whole.

    3). Regional training of employees of the administrative apparatus and structural divisions, organized at the branch level.

    One of the main forms of personnel training is regional training. Within the framework of regional training, advanced training courses for employees, seminars, trainings, business and role-playing games are held. Training is carried out on-the-job and on-the-job. For training, specially equipped classrooms, training workshops are used, there is a computer class and a class of labor protection. Some programs use a distance learning system.

    3. Formation and development of the Personnel reserve.

    Consideration of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve takes place on the basis of the recommendations of the higher management and the personal desire of the candidate, as well as on the basis of self-nomination of the employee. The personnel reserve is formed and reviewed annually for targeted positions. In the process of forming a personnel reserve, the personal, business and professional qualities of candidates are assessed. According to the results of the assessment, candidates are enrolled in the personnel reserve. Individual development plans are drawn up for reservists. The choice of approach in the process of developing a reservist depends on the level of the target position. The personnel reserve provides an opportunity to plan the career growth of branch employees. For more information, please contact Human Resources and Development.

    In the Kirov branch of OJSC Rostelecom, one of the most effective ways to transfer professional experience is mentoring, the competent organization of which eliminates many problems that arise at the stage of adaptation of new employees. This method allows you to quickly bridge the gap between staff training and the application of the acquired skills in real work at the enterprise.

    Thus, in achieving an objective assessment, development and training of personnel, everyone, both managers and employees, should be interested in order to avoid conflicts and contradictions and achieve results.

    2.3 Analysis of the structure and movement of personnel in the organization

    OJSC Rostelecom is the largest telephone communication organization. The personnel management system at the enterprise is based on the organizational structure of the Company itself. The organizational structure of the Kirov branch is linear - functional [Appendix 1].

    Commercial management implements the marketing strategy of the enterprise, concludes and maintains contracts with suppliers, forms and maintains a regulatory framework for labor. The Engineering Department is responsible for the operation of the warranty and post-warranty service stations. The financial and economic department is engaged in financial reporting and reporting to the relevant organizations, and also controls the financial flows of the company, and distributes them in accordance with the strategic plan of the enterprise. The Project Management Department is responsible for the scientific validity of the chosen management strategy and economic development of the enterprise. The technical management at the enterprise assumes the functions of technical control. The accounting department controls the execution of documents and the legality of transactions, the correct and economical use of funds, calculates and pays wages to workers and employees, stores accounting documents, cost estimates, and other documents, as well as submitting them to the archive in the prescribed manner. The Human Resources Department is responsible for providing the enterprise with