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Personal universal educational actions fgos. Universal learning activities. fgos requirements. Stages of formation of universal modes of action

Formation of universal educational activities.

In the conditions of new requirements, taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, life in constantly changing conditions is becoming a new norm, which requires a person to be able to solve constantly emerging new, non-standard tasks. A modern person needs to be prepared for the fact that he will have to repeatedly change the scope of employment and master new professions in his life, therefore such qualities as professional mobility and the ability to continue education acquire special significance. Increased requirements are also put forward for communicative interaction and cooperation, tolerance.
An important condition for the formation of such personality traits in a modern school isproductive education, which implies a shift in emphasis from the teaching activity of the teacher to the independent productive educational and extracurricular activities of the student, the transition from the school as a means of transferring knowledge to the school of self-determination and self-development of the student. It is within the framework of productive education that it is possible for schoolchildren to formhigh leveluniversal learning activitiesthat provide the ability to self-educate throughout life, to master new technologies and understand the possibilities of their use, to solve problems and make independent decisions, to adapt in the social and professional sphere, to work in a team.

In the Federal State Educational Standard, ideas about the educational result are significantly expanded. The purpose and meaning of education is the development of the personality of students, and the new educational result in this document is understood as both cognitive (educational) results and results relating to other aspects of the personality of schoolchildren formed in the process of education - civic position, the level of their socialization, the system of value relationships and orientations. The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of "universal learning activities" (ULA), which ensure not only the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines, but also the competence to "teach to learn", the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

As the student's personal actions are formed in the primary grades (meaning and self-determination, moral and ethical orientation), the functioning and development of UUD (communicative, cognitive and regulatory) in the main school undergo significant changes. The regulation of communication, cooperation and cooperation projects certain achievements and results of a teenager, which leads to a change in the nature of his communication and self-concept. Based on the fact that interpersonal communication becomes the leading activity in adolescence, communicative learning activities acquire priority in the development of UUD during this period. .

The task of the elementary school is “to teach the student to learn”, the task of the elementary school is “to teach the student to learn in communication”,"initiate educational cooperation".

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher not only transfers objective knowledge to students, but also contributes to the development of their initiative and independence, organizes the activities of students in such a way that everyone can realize their abilities and interests, that is, in fact, creates conditions in which it becomes possible for students to develop their intellectual and other abilities, experience in applying the acquired knowledge in various situations (cognitive, social), i.e. development of their competence.

One of the most effective ways to improve the effectiveness of educational activities in basic schools is to involve students in project research activities. Using various forms of this type of activity in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, the teacher has the opportunity to work on the formation of all types of universal educational activities of students. Organization of design and research activities is a priority direction of the school in the development of UUD.

Formation of UUD based on the use of design and research activities

General components of the structure of design and research activities

Formed types of UUD

(by priority)

Final results of participation in project and research activities


Individual work

Analysis of the relevance of the ongoing research (project).

Goal setting.

Task formulation.

Choice of means and methods.

Planning work, determining the timing and sequence of actions.

Carrying out design and research work.

Formulation of results.

Presentation of results

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Intellectual and personal development of schoolchildren.

Growth of their competence in the chosen topic.

Formation of the ability to cooperate in a group.

Formation of the ability to work independently.

Students' understanding of the essence of research and project activities.

When forming universal educational activities, along with traditional methods, it is advisable to widely use digital tools and the capabilities of the modern information and educational environment. Orientation of schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to competently use them (ICT-competence) are one of the important elements in the formation of universal educational activities of students.

ICT should be widely used in assessing the formation of universal educational activities. For their formation, it is of paramount importance to use the information and educational environment in which teachers and students plan and record their activities and results. Thus, information and communication technologies are a tool for universal educational activities.

The technology of formation of correct reading activity (productive reading technology) provides understanding of the text by mastering the methods of its development at the stages before reading, during reading and after reading. This technology is aimed at the formation of communicative universal learning activities, providing the ability to interpret what is read andto formulate one's position, to adequately understand the interlocutor (author),the ability to consciously read aloud and silently the texts of textbooks; cognitive universal learning activities, for example, skillsextract information from text.

The formation and development of UUD is based on a system-activity approach. In accordance with it, it is the activity of the student that is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education - knowledge is not transferred in finished form, but is obtained by the students themselves in the process of cognitive activity. Recognition of the active role of the student in learning leads to a change in ideas about the content of the student's interaction with the teacher and classmates. It takes on the character of cooperation. The sole leadership of the teacher in this collaboration is replaced by the active participation of students in the choice of teaching methods. All this makes the task of developing universal educational activities in the basic school particularly relevant.

The development of UUD in primary and secondary schools is expedient within the framework of using such opportunities of the modern information educational environment as:

. teaching aids that increase the efficiency and quality of training of schoolchildren, organizing operational consulting assistance in order to form a culture of educational activities in educational institutions;

. cognition tools responsible for the formation of research skills by modeling the work of scientific laboratories, organizing joint educational and research work of students and teachers, the possibility of prompt and independent processing of the results of experimental activities;

. means of telecommunications that form the skills and abilities of obtaining the necessary information from various sources;

. personal development tools that ensure the formation of communication culture skills;

. an effective tool for monitoring and correcting the results of educational activities.

The solution to the problem of developing universal learning activities occurs not only in the classroom in individual academic subjects, but also in the course of extracurricular activities, as well as within the framework of the over-subject programs of courses and disciplines (electives, circles, elective courses).

Formation of UUD taking into account the forms of organization of design and research activities

Forms of organization of design and research activities

Formed UUD (in priority)

During the lessons:

Lesson - study

Lesson - laboratory

Lesson - creative report

Lesson - a story about scientists

Lesson - defense of research projects

A Lesson in Open Thoughts

Educational experiment

Regulatory, cognitive, communicative, personal UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory, personal UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory, personal UUD

Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal UUD

In extracurricular activities:

Research practice

Educational expeditions (hiking, trips, excursions)

Personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive UUD

Personal, cognitive, communicative, regulatory UUD

Ensuring the introduction of a system-activity approach in the educational process is possible with the use of various modern pedagogical technologies. Among the wide variety, the priority in use are such technologies that will allow organizing the active cognitive activity of the student (both individual and in the form of various types of cooperation):

technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing;

technology of project activity of students;

research method;

ICT - technologies;

problem learning;

discussion technology;

collective way of learning;

case technology.

Use of innovative pedagogical technologies

Pedagogical technologies

Priority types of formed UUD

Subjects (subject areas) on the priority use of pedagogical technologies

Project based learning technology

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD


Foreign (English) language

Natural science subjects

Physical culture and basics of life safety

Technology of problematic presentation of educational material

Cognitive UUD.

Mathematics and Computer Science

Natural science subjects


life safety fundamentals

Research Technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD

Natural science subjects


Mathematics and Computer Science

Communication and dialogue technologies

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD




Natural science subjects

Technology for the development of critical thinking

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

Natural science subjects


Mathematics and Computer Science

Modular learning technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD


Social science subjects

Case - technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Social science subjects

Educational game technology

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Physical Culture

The main principles of educational activities should be scientific, accessibility, strength, visibility, connection between theory and practice, consciousness and activity, focus on results, cooperation, consistency, continuity.

The formation and further development of various types of universal educational activities does not occur within the framework of individual academic subjects. Compliance with a certain system of conditions, as well as the organization of various types of students' activities to solve the same types of problems, will allow each subject teacher to work on the formation of all types of UUD.

The main ways, methods and technologies for the formation of the student's UUD


Methods and technologies for the formation of this UUD


Psychological trainings.

Business games.

Productive learning technology.

Case technology.

Design technologies.

Master class technology.

portfolio technology.

Enrichment Learning Technology


collaboration technology.

Performance of written works (reports and messages, analytical and reflective essays).

Business games.

Group work technologies.

Innovation laboratories.

Participation in competitions, olympiads and NPCs.

Technology of critical thinking.

Development of innovative projects.

Master Class.

Problem learning technology.

Developmental learning technology


Psychological games.

Solving communicative speech problems.

Work in pairs.


Skill trainings.

Problem learning.

Lectures with feedback.

Active listening technique.

Paraphrasing technique.


Project-group activity


The method of supporting notes V.F. Shatalova.

Psychological trainings.

Business games.

Distance learning technology.

Case technology.

TRIZ technology.

Problem learning technology.

Design technologies.

Technology of self-education.

Technology of collective creative work.

portfolio technology

Forms of educational activity as a condition for the formation of universal educational activities

Academic collaboration

The teacher perceives the child as an equal partner, an active, influential participant in the educational process, organizes communication, dialogue. Participants in the process are emotionally open and free in their statements. The child freely uses the help of a teacher or peers. With such cooperation, the teacher acts as an organizer who acts indirectly, and not direct instructions. Such communication is as close as possible to the child. Organization of work in pairs, groups, independent work using additional information sources. Educational cooperation allows to formcommunicative, regulatory, cognitive and personal universal learning activities.

Creative, design,

educational and research activities

Artistic, musical, theatrical creativity, design, conception and implementation of socially significant initiatives, etc.

Work onprojects harmoniously complements class-lesson activities in the educational process and allows you to work on obtaining personal and meta-subject results of education in more comfortable conditions for this, not limited by the time frame of individual lessons. The focus of projects on the original end result in a limited time creates the prerequisites and conditions for achievingregulatorymetasubject results. The joint creative activity of students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - the presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subjectcommunicativeskills.

Personalresults when working on projects can be obtained by choosing the subject of projects.

Control - evaluation and

reflective activity

Self-esteem is the core of a person's self-awareness, acting as a system of assessments and ideas about oneself, one's qualities and capabilities, one's place in the world and in relationships with other people.

The central function of self-assessment isregulatoryfunction.

The origin of self-esteem is associated with the communication and activities of the child.

The development of self-esteem is significantly influenced by a specially organized educational action of evaluation.

Conditions for the development of the action of evaluating educational activities:

* setting the task for the student to evaluate their activities (it is not the teacher who evaluates, the child is given the task of assessing the results of their activities);

* the subject of assessment is learning activities and their results;

* the subject of assessment is learning activities and their results; ways of interaction, own opportunities for carrying out activities;

* organization of objectification for the child of changes in educational activities based on a comparison of his previous and subsequent achievements;

* the formation of a student's attitude to improve the results of their activities (assessment helps to understand what and how can be improved);

* the formation of the student's ability to cooperate with the teacher and

independently develop and apply criteria for differentiated assessment in educational activities, including the ability to analyze the causes of failures and highlight the missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the educational task;

* organization of educational cooperation between a teacher and students, based on mutual respect, acceptance, trust, and recognition of the individuality of each child.

Labor activity

Self-service, participation in socially useful work, in socially significant labor actions. Systematic work develops the positive qualities of a person: organization, discipline, attentiveness, observation. The work of schoolchildren allows the teacher to get to know their individual characteristics better, to find out their creative possibilities, to develop certain abilities. Labor activity allows to formpersonal universallearning activities.

sports activities

Mastering the basics of physical culture, familiarity with various sports, the experience of participating in sports competitions will help to formvolitional personality traits, communicative actions, regulatory actions.

Forms of organization of the educational space that contributes to the formation of UUD.


problem situation;


mutual learning;

Free lesson;

A lesson in multi-age cooperation, etc.

Form of educational activity for setting and solving educational problems

training session

Place of various group and individual practices

Consultative session

The form for resolving the problems of a younger student at his request to the teacher

creative workshop

To organize the skills of creative collective activity

Conference, seminar

The form of summing up the results of creative activity

Lesson in a small academy

Aimed at developing the skills of project activities in subjects

Individual lesson

Form of organization of activities for the construction of individual educational routes

extracurricular forms

Place of implementation of personal tasks and interests of younger students.

The task of the teacher as an educator is to support good initiatives of children and provide opportunities for their implementation.

UUD is formed through lessons, extracurricular activities, trainings, consultations, debates, non-traditional forms of lessons, olympiads, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, circles, elective courses, group classes, seminars, scientific societies, student teams, projects, research, excursions.

At the level of basic general education, children are actively involved in joint classes, which allows organizing the learning process at this level in accordance with the main task of the main school "to teach the student to learn in communication." The use of various types of cooperation, taking into account the age characteristics of students, will allow organizing work to solve this problem.

Use of different types of cooperation for the formation of UUD

Form of cooperation

Main components of cooperation

Formed type of UUD

Academic collaboration

Distribution of initial actions and operations, given by the subject condition of joint work. Exchange of methods of action. Understanding. Communication.

Planning for general ways of working. Reflection.

Communicative UUD

Cooperative activity

Joint goal setting.

Shared definition of how to get the job done.

Reorganization of own activity taking into account the changing working conditions.

Understanding and taking into account the position of other participants in the performance of work.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Multi-age collaboration

Working from the teacher's position in relation to another.

Testing with subsequent analysis and generalization of means and methods of educational activities.


Project activity (as a form of cooperation)

Distribution of duties.

Evaluation of a friend's answer.

Follow the rules of the group.

Transition from the position of the learner to the teaching self.

Development of individual styles of cooperation


Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD


Forming your own point of view.

Coordination of the points of view of others with the subsequent formulation of the conclusion.

Formulation of one's own opinion with the appropriate design in oral or written speech.

Conducting a mental dialogue with the authors of scientific texts (in a situation of written discussion) with subsequent receipt of information about views on problems.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Educational proof (as a special way of organizing the assimilation of knowledge)

Proposing a thesis (statement).

Providing arguments.

The conclusion of inferences (reasoning, during which a new judgment is born).

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD


Statement of a new task as a task with missing data.

Analysis of the availability of ways and means to complete the task.

Assessing your readiness to solve a problem.

Independent search for missing information.

Independent invention of the missing mode of action.

All types of UUD

Universal learning activities can be formed only whenperformance by students of educational work of a certain typeon the basis of the use by teachers of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students. The selection and structuring of the content of education, the definition of forms and methods of learning activities - all this should take into account the goals of the formation of specific types of UUD.

Pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD

Universal learning activities

Pedagogical techniques

Results of UUD development


Array assignment.
Let yourself be helped.

Going beyond.

Delayed response.

Catch the error.

Ideal Job

Sense formation is the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.
Moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of digestible content. Self-determination.
Self-determination, meaning formation


"Protection Sheet".

We discuss homework.


Entrance to the lesson.

The perfect poll.


question for the text.

Delayed response.
catch the mistake

We repeat with control.

Get to know the criteria.

Organization of work in groups.

Entrance to the lesson.

Illustrative answer.

Traffic lights

Self-regulation as the ability to overcome obstacles.
Evaluation is the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Forecasting, control, correction, evaluation. Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces, to volitional effort.
Control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Planning, correction.
Goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what/what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown. Control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard to detect deviations and differences from the standard


Your examples.


Fantastic supplement. Topic intersection.
Let yourself be helped

We repeat with control.

"Yes" and "No" say.

Chain poll.
Training control work.

Search and selection of necessary information; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.
Independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.
General educational universal actions - search and selection of the necessary information, structuring of knowledge.
Logical universal actions: building a logical chain of reasoning; summing up the concept, derivation of consequences.
General educational universal actions (reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities)



Organization of work in groups.
"Yes" and "No" say.


Planning educational cooperation with peers, asking questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information, the ability to fully and accurately express one's thoughts. Planning educational cooperation with the teacher, proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information

Description of pedagogical techniques Array specification

1. The teacher can set any of the levels of homework in an array.
For example, the teacher gives ten tasks (or, say, verses), from which the student himself must choose and solve (learn) at least a predetermined minimum volume of the task.
For each lesson, the children learned new words from a Russian-German phrasebook. The number was not limited: ten words - excellent, from five to ten - good. An important detail: in the lesson you need to speak not individual words, but ready-made colloquial phrases. First in Russian, then in German. They came to the table at will.

2. A large array of tasks is set at once - within the framework of a large topic being studied or repeated.For example, out of 60 tasks, the student must solve at least 15, the rest are optional. And to stimulate this desire with relay control work, compiled from the tasks of this array. The more you solve, the more likely you are to meet a familiar problem and save time and effort. Such an array is set not for the next lesson, but for a longer period of time.

An important psychological effect: an independent choice of a task provides an additional opportunity for self-realization, because it is known how much this is not enough for students in our school, especially in adolescence. And the subject, in turn, becomes more interesting to them.

Delayed reaction

The teacher, after asking a question, is in no hurry to question the students. A certainpause . This allows those quick-witted children who, due to their personal qualities, react more slowly to the changed educational situation, to “pull themselves up”. In elementary school, the student is often in a hurry to expressown self : pulls his hand up, sometimes not even having a ready answer to the question posed by the teacher. At the same time, a phlegmatic student (outwardly - slow-witted), after thinking, can give us a brilliant answer.

Get the error!

1. Explaining the material, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes.

First, students are warned about this in advance. Sometimes, especially in the lower grades, they can even be told "dangerous places" by intonation or gesture. It is important to teach children to react quickly to mistakes.

2. The student receives a text with specially made mistakes - let him "work as a teacher." Texts can be prepared in advance by other students, including older ones.

Traffic lights

In many ways, the problem of increasing the efficiency of oral survey is solved by a technique that we will call: "Traffic light"

A traffic light is just a long strip of cardboard, red on one side and green on the other.

FORMULA: when questioning, students raise the “traffic light” with the red or green side towards the teacher, signaling their readiness for an answer.

How traffic lights are used depends on the type of survey.

Red signal means "I don't know!" This is an alarm. This student, as it were, gives himself a deuce - even if she does not go to the magazine.

Green signal - "I know!"

Going beyond:

In the course of constructing a lesson, the teacher goes beyond the textbook, the subject, harmoniously weaving into the fabric of the lesson the latest events, examples from the surrounding reality, plots from popular cartoons (for example, when studying the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, one of the series of the cartoon “Smeshariki” is discussed) or children's series.

Ideal Job: Teacher asks students to do homework

Theatricalization. Playing scenes on a learning topic.

"Protection Sheet" Before each lesson, always in the same place, there is a “Protection Sheet”, where each student, without explaining the reasons, can enter his last name and be sure that he will not be asked today. But the teacher, filing these sheets, keeps the situation under control.

Discussing homework . The teacher, together with the students, discusses the question: what should be the homework in order for the new material to be qualitatively fixed? At the same time, of course, the studied material is reviewed once again. Reception with regular use significantly increases the consciousness of doing homework. The technique works especially well when the methods and types of homework that the teacher usually gives are quite diverse.

Summary : Pupils answer questions in writing reflecting their attitude to the lesson, subject, teacher

Entrance to the lesson The teacher starts the lesson with "settings".For example, let's look at the lesson plan. This is best done in a semi-joking manner. For example: first we will admire deep knowledge together - and for this we will conduct a small oral survey. Then we will try to answer the question: (the topic of the lesson in question form). Then we will train our brains - problem solving. And finally, we will pull out the most valuable thing from the recesses of memory (the theme of repetition). If there is a technical possibility, the lesson can be started with a short musical phrase. It can be major-exciting, like Khachaturian's Saber Dance or Ravel's Bolero. Or in a minor-soothing way, like Sviridov's romance... From the traditional analysis of homework. From the intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions for reflection. From a traditional oral or short written survey. A simple survey - because its main goal is to set the child up for work, and not to make him stress with a brainwash ... There may be other options for "entry" into the lesson.

Perfect Poll : The students themselves evaluate the degree of their preparation and inform the teacher about it.

Question for the text: when studying a scientific text, students are given the task of compiling a list of reproductive and expanding, developing questions for it. Then they are divided into groups: -questions that can be answered in the lesson;
Questions to which no one may yet know the answer.

Let yourself be helped : the teacher makes the most of situations in which students can help him. He invites students (on a voluntary basis!) to develop material that is applicable for further use in the classroom (this can be assignments for tests, a crossword puzzle for repetition).

Organization of work in groups , moreover, groups can receive both the same thing, and different ones, but working for a common task result.

"Yes and no". The game puts students in an active position. This game teaches:

connect disparate facts into a single picture;

organize existing information;

listen and hear the students.

The essence of the game: the teacher thinks of a number, an object, a literary or historical hero, etc. The students must find out what the teacher has thought of. To do this, they ask questions to which the teacher answers only with the words "yes", "no", "and yes", "and no".

Consult: the teacher consults with students, discussing, for example, problems
relations. He convinces the students that their opinion is important to him, but he warns: the teacher has the last word. It is important to thank the students for the joint discussion.

faces : Students signal their emotional state with picture cards that represent good, calm, or bad moods.

Blitz control : the teacher conducts a written survey at a fast pace for 7-10 minutes to identify the degree of mastering the learning skills necessary for further successful study. Works are handed over to the teacher, or self-examination is carried out (the teacher dictates or shows the correct answers). In this case, it is important to set assessment standards (for example, if six or seven tasks out of seven are completed correctly, then a mark of 5 is put, 5 tasks - 4, etc.).

Get to know the criteria : the teacher introduces students to the criteria by which marks are given for different types of work.

Writing (from English right - right): after completing the work, the student sets himself
mark. Then the teacher evaluates it. The fraction is written. For example: 4/5, where 4 is the student's mark, 5 is the teacher's mark. Reception is used to agree on the criteria for marking. After a while, the numerator and denominator increasingly coincide. Another goal of using this technique is to develop the ability to regularly evaluate your work.

The activity-type technologies used in the school provide for work in small groups, pairs and other forms of group work. This is due to its importance as a basis for the formationcommunicativeuniversal learning activities.Very effective is not only cooperation in the classroom, that is, among peers, but also cooperation of different ages. It contributes to the development of the ability to understand and take into account the intellectual and emotional position of another person.A significant role in the development of communicative activity of students is played by the naturecooperation with the teacher. The achievement of research and intellectual skills can be provided by a system of conditions, which include the following:

.creating conditions for the emergence of questions and problems among students (stimulating the thought process);

.reflection of the thought process, achieving a high level of understanding of the solution;

.ensuring the emotional well-being of children;

.satisfaction of cognitive needs;

.meeting the need for interpersonal communication;

.development of the ability to self-manage one's activities - reflexive self-regulation;

.differentiation and individualization of the content of education;

The Ministry of Education, in order to improve the educational process, constantly introduces some innovations into it, fills it with new terms and concepts. A simple layman, studying methodological literature or reading news about education, very often encounters an incomprehensible phrase UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard. How does this abbreviation stand for and what does it mean in simple words?


The concept of "UUD"

UUD is a universal learning activity. It includes:

  • The ability to learn and acquire new knowledge, the ability to learn;
  • A person's desire for self-improvement through the acquisition of new experience;
  • Understanding the need to acquire knowledge and a conscious approach to the educational process;
  • Understanding the essence of education itself and its constituent parts;
  • Purposeful actions of a person to search for opportunities for a broad orientation both in different subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself;
  • Understanding the target orientation of the educational process, its value-semantic and operational properties.

The development of UUD was carried out back in the 20th century in the Soviet Union. At that time, pedagogical science was undergoing active development and the foundation of its new trends was being laid. The concept of "universal learning activities" has become very popular at the present time, the scope of its application is quite wide and covers almost all possible levels and types of education. The development of UUD is based on the activity approach, which was developed by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov and other scientific schools.

Elkonin and Davydov are the founders of the theory of developmental learning, the key concept of which is UDD.

What is FGOS?

This is the federal state educational standard. It includes:

  • List of requirements for state educational institutions;
  • The Law "On Education" is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • The updated standard has been in effect in all schools since September 1, 2011 - the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (IEO).

GEF requirements relate to:

  • Structures of the educational process. Every year it is necessary to draw up and approve a work plan aimed at the optimal promotion of students to acquire new knowledge, guided by this plan, periodically improve the educational and methodological complex (TMC) of disciplines.
  • Implementation of the educational program. If the structure of the educational process lies in the area of ​​responsibility of the administration and methodological departments, then the teaching staff of schools is directly responsible for the implementation of the plan;
  • Education outcomes. Student achievement is a clear demonstration and evidence of the success of the developed structure and education program, compliance with all requirements. The average performance score for the entire school is taken into account.

Basic groups UUD?

The requirements for UUD depend on the grades at which level - elementary, middle or senior - students study. Compliance with the put forward requirements for the age of children must be met. For all of them, the requirements for the use of computer technology and information technology in educational activities have recently increased.

There are the following basic groups of universal learning activities:

  • Personal - aimed at finding opportunities to know oneself and comprehend one's own personality. Their goal is to form in students the correct, adequate moral and ethical assessment of themselves;
  • Cognitive - refer to the possibilities of forming the basic skills and abilities of perception of information, its processing and analysis, on the basis of which certain conclusions and conclusions are drawn. The group of cognitive actions includes a system of general and logical learning actions, the process of posing and solving a problem;
  • Communicative - contribute to the socialization of students, the formation of skills for effective interaction with others - classmates, teachers, friends and other people. At school, every child goes through the most important stage of social development. If the problems arising in the process of communication are not resolved in time, then they can pass into adulthood and will remind of themselves for many years to come, even after graduation;
  • Regulatory - aimed at developing the ability to draw up a plan of one's actions and change it under the influence of various environmental factors. This useful skill, acquired within the walls of the school, will be useful in later life.

Pupils master UUD in the process of studying various academic subjects. The result of successful mastering is the formation of initiative, the desire of students to independently acquire knowledge and acquire competence. Students should be able to independently organize the learning process without the help of adults.

Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling

Homeschooling is an alternative to school education. When the reason for this choice of parents is medical reasons (diseases of a physical or mental nature), home schooling is the best option. But in the event that parents are guided by other motives - fears of the socialization of the child, unwillingness to send children to school because they will not be able to independently solve school problems without a mother or father - all this leads to the most unpredictable negative consequences.

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.



Attacks, mockery from classmates are excluded, the child will not become the object of bullying

Students lack motivation, in the classroom, students observe each other, compete, reach out for each other, strive for a better result, have richer material for analysis

Greater flexibility in the study schedule compared to school education, the ability to independently plan the number of lessons per day

There is no opportunity to learn how to interact with each other within the team, the world of building social relationships remains closed

Learning material in less time as student and teacher work together one-on-one

They do not learn to make new acquaintances, defend their point of view, do not contact with anyone except family and close friends

There is more free time that can be spent on visiting circles and sports sections

At the time of learning at home, the child is in a comfort zone, and as soon as he is left alone with himself, he becomes completely defenseless and does not know how to behave in a given situation

The possibility of individual study with the child of all the difficulties and weak points that arise during the development of the curriculum

Home schooling excludes the possibility for a child to develop effective ways to counter the infringement of their rights

The impact of UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard on schoolchildren is contradictory, since each child is a unique personality, individuality, each has different abilities and talents. UUD contributes to the assimilation of moral norms and principles developed by society, which leads to the formation of a holistic personality. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standard limits the child to rigid limits, does not allow them to show initiative and love of freedom.

Important! UUD according to GEF is a set of requirements for the educational process. The development of standards is based on the desire to provide each child with the opportunity to receive and learn all the knowledge that will be useful to him in the future. The task of the school is to form such skills that will not only be useful in further education, but also ensure the normal life of every person in society.

Due to the fact that the Ministry of Education has switched to a new standard for teaching children in kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities, the teacher immediately has several tasks. One of them is to raise an active, successful and talented student.

Our task is to explain to teachers what personal ULDs are in elementary school and how they are formed. But for this it is necessary to understand the structure of universal actions. So, first things first.

What are UUD (educational universal actions)

According to the new educational standard, it is customary to distinguish 4 types:

  • Personal.
  • Cognitive.
  • Communicative.
  • Regulatory.

What is the essence of personal actions

Already by the name it becomes clear that personal UUD in elementary school should be directed by students to themselves. In other words, personal universal actions are needed in order for children to be able to correlate their actions and incidents with accepted cultural and ethical principles. In addition, they provide knowledge and assimilation of moral norms, as well as the orientation of the child in social roles and relations in society.

The teacher should understand that personal UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard will never be formed if the child takes 40 minutes to outline a paragraph of the textbook in the classroom.

Action types

If actions are applied to the learning process in the lesson, then today they should be divided into three types:

  • Self-determination - through this action, students seek their place in the world and society.
  • Meaning formation - students establish a connection between the educational process and the motive. In other words, the child in the lesson should ask himself the question: “What is the significance of this teaching for me?” In addition, he must also find the answer to this question.
  • A moral and ethical guideline is necessary so that children can make personal and relying on social values.

Groups of personal UUD

Teachers and methodologists jointly developed 2 groups of personal universal learning activities:

1. Personal UUD are important because they reflect the child's attitude to social values ​​in society.

The junior student must:

  • Establish a connection and belonging not only to your people, but also to the state.
  • Understand and respect the values ​​and cultures of other nationalities.
  • Be interested in the culture of the people and the country in which he was born and lives.
  • To be able to distinguish between the main moral and ethical norms and concepts.
  • Identify actions and actions with moral standards; feel how he acted - “good” or “bad”.
  • Understand and feel the emotional state of others, and with this in mind, build a constructive dialogue with them.
  • Analyze situations and events from the point of view of morality and ethics.
  • Explain your actions, show in situations such feelings as goodwill, attentiveness, trust, and so on.

2. Personal UUD reflect the child's attitude to the educational process.

The junior student must:

  • Understand the speech of the teacher and classmates.
  • Strive for the process of cognition, that is, the child should be surprised and interested, show attention and want to learn as much as possible.
  • Evaluate your actions.
  • Learn to collaborate with classmates. In other words, to accept the opinion of the opponent during a dispute or discussion, to be patient and friendly, to show confidence in the participant or interlocutor of a common cause, and also to reckon with the point of view of another person.

How personal UUDs are formed in elementary school

It should be noted that this process is lengthy. The teacher needs to be patient. But what needs to be done for this?

First, the actions of the teacher must be meaningful.

Secondly, the teacher, like the child, needs to develop internal motivation in himself, that is, to move up.

Thirdly, the task set by the teacher for the student should be understandable, but also internally pleasing to the baby, which means that this matter will become significant for him.

Fourth, an atmosphere of success should reign in the classroom.

Fifthly, not only the teacher, but also the classmate should help the child.

Sixthly, the teacher should not skimp on praise and encouragement, because a competent teacher must have an assessment system that children should know.

Seventhly, the teacher himself needs to learn how to be a creator, so that his every step becomes a discovery for the child.

And now let's look at practical advice for teachers on the formation of personal UUD in the classroom.

Literary reading

The class should work with literary works. And children need to trace the fate of the main characters in the course of the text. In parallel with reading, students should compare the image of "I" with the heroes of the works they read. But that's not all. Interested readers should identify themselves with the characters in the tale or story. Children need to actively correlate and compare their positions, views and opinions. The teacher should be helped to identify the moral content and moral significance of the characters' actions. The educational component in the lessons of literary reading should acquaint children with the heroic past of the people and the country in which they live. Such familiarity should not be represented by watching a "dry" presentation. The presentation should be carried out in the classroom in such a way that children experience feelings of emotion and pride in the citizens of the country. Thus, the development of universal actions will proceed smoothly.

For example: when studying the works of Boris Zakhoder, students in the lesson compare the image of "I" with the heroes of the works, and also identify themselves with them in order to discuss different opinions and positions.

If in the calendar-thematic planning there is a lesson devoted to fairy tales, then after studying them, you can give the children a task: come up with a character and compose a fairy tale. At this stage of the lesson, the development of personal UUD takes place. It consists in revealing the moral meaning and morality in the actions of the character. As a result of this task, a collage called "Characters of new fairy tales" can be created. The main task of the teacher is to ensure that at the lesson the students are not afraid to do not “as it should be” at the creative stage, but as they see fit in accordance with the norms of morality.

The world

This lesson is loved by many guys, as they consider it one of the most interesting. It's hard to argue with that. Personal UUD in elementary school at the lesson of the surrounding world are formed by the formation of the worldview, as well as the life self-determination of the child. In addition, in this lesson, children form the basics about the near and distant past. But that's not all. At the lesson of the surrounding world, elementary school students develop competent and nature-like behavior. All this will become a reality, thanks to design work, for example: "The Life of Birds".

A few words about diagnostics

It has already been established that every year children should undergo a diagnosis of personal UUD. In some schools, prospective first-graders are tested upon admission. It is necessary to do this in order to understand how ready the child is for school, is oriented in social roles, and also how he interacts with others.

Remember that the diagnosis of personal UUD takes place both at the beginning of the school year and at the end. Collections for determining the level of formation of UUD have already been developed for each educational program. It is enough for the teacher to contact the nearest bookstore.


It should be understood that the types of universal learning activities, in particular personal ones, will be formed more effectively if the teacher uses the following methods in his work:

  • Problem learning.
  • Group and paired forms of work in the classroom.
  • Methods that are directed to the independent activity of students.
  • Methods of self-assessment and reflection.
  • And others.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process. The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal and moral choice.

IN. Punsky gives the following definition of the ability to learn: "Assimilated methods of educational cognitive activity become skills (they also include automated skills - skills), which constitute the synthesized concept of the ability to learn."

In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as the skills of educational work associated with them) that ensure his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of the student, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal learning activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

Such a student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the independent organization of the assimilation process, that is, the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure the educational activity itself, including the awareness by students of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of "the ability to learn" involves the full development of all components of educational activity, which include: 1) cognitive and learning motives, 2) learning goal, 3) learning task, 4) learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and grade) . “The ability to learn” is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, skills and the formation of competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

The student, relying on universal, over-subject skills, is capable of independent implementation of activities due to the reliance on his individual experience. At the same time, the teacher is open to interaction, focused on the personality of the student, implements a democratic, encouraging leadership style. The student is active, proactive and open to interaction with the teacher and the group.

Functions of universal learning activities:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

“Teaching activities means making learning motivated, teaching a child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it (that is, optimally organize their activities), help the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem » .

In accordance with the Federal State Standard of the second generation, the program presents 4 types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Personal universal educational actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished:

personal, professional, life self-determination;

meaning formation, that is, the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself: what is the meaning, and what meaning does the teaching have for me? - and be able to answer it. Within the framework of the system-activity approach, personal meaning characterizes the reflection in the mind of the individual of the motive for the goal of the action and acts as a “meaning for me”. The subjective perception of an objective value by a person generates not only knowledge about the phenomena of reality, but also an attitude towards them, reflecting not only the phenomena themselves, but also their significance for the reflecting subject. A.G. Asmolov put forward the concept of a semantic personal attitude, which is actualized by the motive of activity and is a form of expression of personal meaning in the form of readiness to perform a certain directed activity.

moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of the content being assimilated (based on social and personal values), which ensures a personal moral choice. Values ​​are both motivational and cognitive formations and serve as criteria for evaluating reality for the individual (Andreeva G.M., 2000). Leontiev D.A. highlights such aspects of semantic formations as emotional anticipation and emotional correction (1996). The worldview and belief as a "unit" of the worldview is formed in the process of establishing a hierarchy of activities and is the basis, criterion and standard in the performance of the act of value choice (Zalessky G.E., 1994). Educational subjects of the humanitarian cycle and, first of all, literature are the most adequate for the formation of a universal action of moral and ethical assessment. The forms of joint activity and educational cooperation of students, which open up the zone of proximal development of moral consciousness, are of significant importance.

Moral standards are absolute imperatives and are based on the requirement to ensure the well-being and basic rights of the individual. Continuing the thought of L.S. Vygotsky about the emergence of “internal ethical instances” in preschool age, D.B. Elkonin notes that the development of the moral-volitional sphere is associated with the emergence of the ability to subordinate one's behavior to a given pattern under the influence of an adult's assessment - "the emergence of primary ethical ideas is the process of mastering patterns of behavior associated with their assessment by adults." An effective form of mastering patterns of behavior in relationships between people is a role-playing game. The patterns of behavior themselves are taken from the surrounding reality. The carrier of the sample can be an adult, a peer, a collective image, a literary character.

Regulatory universal learning activities provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include:

goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result; making changes to the result of their activities, based on the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, comrades;

assessment - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;

self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles. Regulation by the subject of his activity presupposes arbitrariness and will. Arbitrariness - the ability to act according to the model and obedience to the rules (D.B. Elkonin, 1989) involves the construction of an image of the situation and the mode of action, the selection or design of a means or rule and the retention of this rule in the process of the child’s activity, the transformation of the rule into an internal rule as the basis of purposeful action . Will is considered as the highest form of voluntary behavior, namely, voluntary action in the conditions of overcoming obstacles. Volitional action is distinguished by the fact that it is the subject's own, initiative and at the same time conscious and meaningful action. Will in action manifests itself as meaningful initiative and arbitrariness - conscious, deliberate, mediated regulation of action in accordance with the changing conditions of the situation.

Cognitive universal learning activities include: general educational, logical learning activities, as well as problem posing and solving.

General educational universal actions:

independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

structuring knowledge;

conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature. In a number of studies, reflection is defined as the central phenomenon of “human subjectivity” (T. de Chardin, 1966, Slobodchikov V.I., 1994), a specific human ability that allows you to make your thoughts, emotional states, actions, relationships, “I” an object special consideration and practical transformation. The development of reflexivity is manifested in the student's ability to analyze his own actions, see himself from the outside and admit the existence of other points of view.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

modeling - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences;

establishing cause-and-effect relationships, representing chains of objects and phenomena;

construction of a logical chain of reasoning, analysis of the truth of statements;


hypotheses and their justification.

Logical classification is one of the few fundamental operations of thinking that, due to its generalization, form a kind of “core” of mental development, however, this operation is formed for a long time and gradually. Logical universal actions are a means of generalizing and systematizing knowledge, and also form the basis for deriving new knowledge from existing ones.

Statement and solution of the problem:

problem formulation;

independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative universal learning activities provide social competence and take into account the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults. In accordance with the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky defines communicative activity as “the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to build relationships and achieve a common result” (M.I. Lisina, 1986).

Communication activities include:

planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;

management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, modern means of communication. An important milestone in the development of communicative activity is the formation in children of "the ability for concerted action, taking into account the position of the other", which is considered as the main neoplasm of preschool age in the field of cooperation (Zuckerman, 1993).

The development of a system of universal educational activities as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative activities that determine the development of the psychological abilities of an individual is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal educational activities (their level of development corresponding to the "high norm") and their properties.

Universal educational activities represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development. So:

from communication and co-regulation develops the child's ability to regulate their activities;

from the assessments of others and, first of all, the assessments of a loved one and an adult, an idea of ​​​​oneself and one's capabilities is formed, self-acceptance and self-respect appear, that is, self-esteem and self-concept as a result of self-determination;

from situational-cognitive and extra-situational-cognitive communication, cognitive actions of the child are formed.

Thus, in our opinion, the formation of universal learning activities among students enables children to grow up as people who are able to understand and evaluate information, make decisions, and control their activities in accordance with their goals. And these are exactly the qualities that a person needs in modern conditions.

Practical work No. 3

Made by Platonov D.A. IN-15.

1. UUD: definition, functions, types.

The concept of "universal learning activities"

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

The student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities as generalized actions open up students the possibility of broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn involves the full development of all components of learning activity by students, which include: cognitive and learning motives, learning goal, learning task, learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal learning activities:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:

self-determination - personal, professional, life self-determination;

sense formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question of “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it;

· moral and ethical orientation - the action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being assimilated, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

Regulatory UUD provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include the following:

goal-setting - as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation; its temporal characteristics;

control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations from it;

correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the expected result of the action and its real product;

assessment - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, assessing the quality and level of assimilation;

self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy; the ability to make an effort of will - to make a choice in a situation of a motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive UUD includes general educational, logical actions, as well as the actions of setting and solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

structuring of knowledge;

conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

· formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:


transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

· analysis;


comparison, classification of objects according to selected features;

summing up the concept, deducing consequences;

Establishing causal relationships;

building a logical chain of reasoning;

· proof;

Hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD provide social competence and taking into account the position of other people, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults. The types of communicative actions are:

planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determination of goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

Asking questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;

management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions;

the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

2. Stages of UUD formation in the educational process.

It is known that the formation of any personal neoplasms - skills, abilities, personal qualities - is possible only in activity (L.S. Vygotsky). At the same time, the formation of any skills, including universal learning activities (UUD), goes through the following stages:

1. Primary experience of performing UUD and motivation.

2. Mastering how this UUD should be performed.

3. Training, self-control and correction.

4. Control.

This is how schoolchildren learn to write and count, solve problems and examples, use a geographical map and a musical instrument, sing and draw. They must go through the same path when forming UUD, but the algorithms of actions being studied will no longer be narrowly subjective, but oversubjective: mastering the norms of goal setting and design, self-control and correction of their own actions, information search and work with texts, communicative interaction, etc.

Therefore, in order to form any UUD in the educational system for students, the following path is proposed that each student goes through:

1) at first, when studying various academic subjects, the student forms the primary experience of performing UUD and the motivation for its independent implementation;

2) based on the existing experience, the student acquires knowledge about the general way of performing this UUD;

4) in the end, the control of the level of formation of this UUD and its systematic practical use in educational practice, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, is organized.

3. Technologies for the formation and development of UUD in teaching computer science. Formation of regulatory, communicative, personal and cognitive UUD based on the didactic system of the activity method of teaching in computer science lessons

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the content section of the main educational program determines the general content of education and includes educational programs focused on achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results that are achieved in the process of forming universal learning activities (UUD) aimed at developing the ability of the subject of education to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal educational activities) is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard as one of the most important tasks of education.

In the process of forming UUD, schoolchildren learn to independently pose educational problems, find ways to solve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities, which ensures the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies in any subject area and thereby creates an opportunity for the successful implementation of students in their future professional activities.

Consider all types of universal educational activities and their development in informatics lessons.

Communicative UUD provide social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Computer science as a subject has a number of distinctive features from other academic disciplines, as well as conditions that allow you to successfully form communicative UUD:

1) the availability of special technical means, primarily a personal computer for each student, as well as office equipment and multimedia devices involved in the educational process;

2) the computer class in which the lessons are held is organized in a special way: each student has not only an individual workplace, but also access to shared resources; answers at the blackboard are practiced much less frequently than in other lessons;

3) it is in computer science lessons that active independent activity, the creation of one's own, personally significant product, can be naturally organized by the teacher;

4) the subject of computer science is distinguished by the initial high motivation of students.

The development of communicative UUD occurs in the process of performing practical tasks involving work in pairs, as well as laboratory work performed by a group.

For the diagnosis and formation of communicative universal educational actions, the following types of tasks can be offered: compiling tasks for a partner; feedback on the work of a friend; group work on the development of presentations; group work on drawing in graphic editors, various games and quizzes.

Regulatory UUD provide the ability to manage cognitive and learning activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one's actions and assessing the success of assimilation. The ability to set personal goals, to understand and realize the meaning of one's activity, while correlating it with the requirements of the outside world, determines to a large extent the success of the individual in general and success in the educational sphere in particular. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

So, in the activity form, the essence of regulatory actions can be represented as follows:

The ability to formulate own learning goals - the goals of studying this subject in general, when studying a topic, when creating a project, when choosing a topic for a report, etc.

Ability to make decisions, take responsibility, for example, be the leader of a group project; make a decision in case of a non-standard situation, let's say a failure in the system.

Implement an individual educational trajectory.

It is very important that each student is involved in an active cognitive process, putting into practice the acquired knowledge and clearly realizing where, how and for what purposes this knowledge can be applied to them. This contributes to the development of personal UUD in students, forms and maintains interest in educational material, encourages the child to ask questions, which ultimately contributes to the development of a sustainable interest in the world around him, the formation of a positive attitude towards himself and others. Ultimately, all this forms in students the desire to perform learning activities.

Personal UUD - provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished:

The action of meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

The action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being digested, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice.

The personal development of a student implies, first of all, the formation of a person as an autonomous carrier of universal human experience, forms of behavior and activity, which:

Understands the system of socially accepted signs and symbols that exist in modern culture (sign-symbol universal learning activities);

Owns the techniques of volitional self-regulation, goal-setting and planning (regulatory UUD);

Able to cooperate, influence the behavior of a partner or group (communicative UUD).

Personal actions make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future. When teaching computer science, in our opinion, the formed personal UUD will look like this:

Cognitive UUD - cognitive actions include the actions of research, search and selection of the necessary information, its structuring; modeling of the studied content, logical actions and operations, ways of solving problems. Based on this definition, we can conclude that these are the main actions formed in the lessons of informatics, the main purpose of which is to teach how to effectively select and process information from different sources.

In accordance with this description of universal educational activities and the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the best teaching methods is the project method, which involves students receiving some new product in the course of independent learning activities. In computer science lessons, the project method turns out to be convenient for use, as it allows teaching the use of some specific information and communication technologies in solving practical problems. On the one hand, students independently acquire knowledge on one of the topics of the course "Computer Science and ICT", and on the other hand, they master new technologies for working with software products. At the same time, additional motivation is not required to study the software necessary for the work. Let's consider one of these projects in more detail.

Reception "Brainstorm"

When working, I pay attention to the hierarchy of questions that accompany each stage of the Brainstorm:

topic "Number systems", 6th grade.

I level

- What number systems are most common in life?

II level

What number system does a computer use and why?

III level

- What actions can be performed in different number systems?

For the formation of regulatory UUD I use various sheets of self-assessment, mutual assessment.

At the end of the learning project, the student receives three equivalent grades: self-assessment, teacher's assessment, and class average.

It is implemented like this. First, the author speaks with an analysis of his work, then the “defender”, “critic” speak: identifying the shortcomings and merits of the work. All students participate in the discussion. The last to analyze the work is the teacher. At the end of the performance, all participants put marks in the "evaluation sheets".

Regulatory actions provide the ability to control cognitive and learning activities. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

In the block of universal actions of a cognitive orientation, I pay special attention to the development of the ability to compose texts of various genres, the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems, and the ability to structure knowledge.

Essay Writing Reception

"Internet. Friend or foe?

The answer to this difficult question is endless. And argue until hoarseness, who is right. Of course, for me, the Internet is still a friend. He acts like a friend. If I don't understand something, he will always explain. If I have a question, he will answer, and almost without hesitation. I want to go to the cinema, theater - please, he is right there. Order tickets, choose a cinema or a movie.

An example of a task for universal logical actions.

Five athletes participated in the running competition. Victor failed to take first place. Gregory was overtaken not only by Dmitry, but by another athlete who lagged behind Dmitry. Andrei reached the finish line not the first, but not the last either. Boris finished right behind Viktor.

Who ranked in the competition?

The technology of project activity contributes to the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate in the information space.

For the implementation of the educational project, I consider the use of graphic methods to be a good solution: a mental map, a Fishbone scheme, a denotative graph.

Computer science lessons and subject courses provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, perform joint activities in a coordinated manner, conduct a discussion, dialogue, seek solutions, support each other, thus communicative actions are carried out.