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How the ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater eat. Rules and Menu Diet Ballerin

The refinement and fragility of the figure of the ballerinas causes real admiration, delight. Many are confident that the dancers practically do not eat, because their body is just perfect. In fact, everything is different. Save the figure perfect throughout the life helps the ballerin diet, strict power control. Although it cannot be said that the diet of these girls consists exclusively from prohibitions.

Why do you need diet ballerinas?

Sleepiness and ease is not all that is important for these dancers. Every day they experience many hours of physical exertion, and forces needed. It is therefore very important that food food is delivered to the body in sufficient quantity necessary vitamins and trace elements, as well as other useful material. Therefore, a ballerin diet is primarily the right diet. In this case, you can immediately reset extra kilograms.

Basic Rules and Diet Principles

Ballerin has its secret. In order to always be in excellent physical form, they use multivitamin drugs - their doctor picks up individually for each dancer. The thing is that the low-calorie diet ballerin can not be in full all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as a dietary diet has been provided here.

Each ballet participants have their own power system. Methods for weight loss is quite a lot.

Basic rules diet

  1. It follows to eat when you want in small quantities, excluding prohibited products.
  2. Salt should not be added to delicacy. It is useful to eat porridge: buckwheat and oatmeal. When cooking does not need to add oil.
  3. There is no strictly ban on your favorite products. Diet ballerina allows you to use different things, because the body will not calm down until he gets his own. It is important that food does not harm the body. You should be able to limit yourself and not to overeat.
  4. Popular diet ballerin, reviews about which in most positive, allows and even welcomes delicacies from Chinese and Japanese cuisine. They possess the original taste and have favorably affect the body. Such dishes include algae and fresh vegetables. The list should add mushrooms, meat and seafood. All these components contain a lot of nutrients. In addition, there are no fats and preservatives.
  5. Soups can only eat as an independent dish without mixing with another food. Strict Diet Ballerin includes this delicacy, as the soup helps strengthen the metabolism and save the body from fat formations.
  6. Be sure to drink water, but within reasonable limits. This will help stimulate metabolism. It is important to use this liquid no later than 30 minutes before meals. Immediately after eating, water is also contraindicated - only in an hour.
  7. An effective diet for the ballerina welcomes a balanced and diverse nutrition. It is important to control the intake of fats and proteins, as well as carbohydrates. Every day the body requires vitamins and useful trace elements in sufficient quantities.
  8. Dairy products should also be present in the menu of the ballerina. It is important that they are with minimal fatness or, even better, generally low-fat.

Ballerina diet

If you presented in the form of a pyramid products that are present in the menu of these dancers, then you can see a certain order.

The base will be carbohydrates - it includes loaf, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, as well as vegetables and fruits. The work of girls is associated with high energy costs, so the body requires carbohydrates, which are a valuable source of energy.

Above the pyramid will be products with sufficient protein content. This is chicken meat or low-fat varieties of fish. Milk low-fat products should be added to the list. The protein is responsible for building strong muscles.

The next step is fats, they are less involved in the nutrition of the ballerin. The menu includes them in the diet due to the liability of fats for the elasticity of the ligaments. It is allowed to refuel salads with vegetable oil, eat fatty fish twice a week.

Prohibited products

There are certain products that should not be powered by ballerinas. The menu eliminates sugar and salt, sdob and various semi-finished products. You should add marinades and smoked meters to this list. To reduce salt use, the dancers include lemon juice and high-quality soy sauce. Taboo - alcoholic and carbonated drinks - they provide negative impact On the figure and general muscle tone.

There are some exceptions. So, before performing, the girls of this profession sometimes allow themselves to be a little bitter chocolate - it excellent assistant For charge energy.

Effective Diet Ballerin Foot

For 4 days, it is possible to reset 4 kg of excess weight, give the muscles of the tone of the tone needed for a good performance. Special nutritional ballerinas, whose menu is pretty strict, will help achieve success in a short time.

It is best to start a diet in such a way that the last day falls out on the weekend. On the first day it is allowed to eat exclusively rice in boiled form and drink freshly squeezed juice from tomatoes. For the next day, you can use low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. The next day's menu is the poultry meat in the boiled form, as well as unsweetened tea. On the last day, the diet is allowed to pamper themselves with a bottle of good red dry wine and delicious cheese.

Diet for 10 days

Before losing weight, the ballerina spend unloading Days.

In the first day for breakfast, it is necessary to drink 250 ml of tomato juice, at lunch - already half a liter, together with a small piece of black bread. You should have dinner just like breakfast. On the second day it is allowed to drink kefir 1% - on a glass for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the afternoon, you can eat some more bread, literally a piece.

After that, the diet of the ballerin is starting 10 days. 9 kg with the initial big weight, it is possible to reset during this time. Such a diet meets the basic nutrition principles in dancing.

  • the weight of each portion should be no more than 300 grams;
  • it is forbidden to drink food;
  • it is necessary to consume 2 l of distilled water per day.

Sample menu

For breakfast, you can drink skimmed milk with coffee and to spin the third part of a bundle of low-fat curd.

The second breakfast is coffee and 30 grams of bread dried in a toaster. From above can be smeared with honey.

The dinner should prepare soup - 150 ml of broth, 100 grams of boiled meat, two hours l. Rice, a little carrot, grated on the grater. Everything is brewed separately, cuts and poured with broth.

Snack - Apple or Orange.

For dinner - a glass of milk in warm form and half Art. l. Honey.

Before you sit on this or that diet, it is necessary in obligatory Consult with your doctor. Only he can decide whether you have contraindications in order to eat by weight loss methods for ballet dancers.

Sounded, slender ballerina cause envy in millions of women. How do they manage to stay in such a good form? This question is worried about many. Do they adhere to hard diets and how do they cope with the feeling of hunger, which appears after physical exertion? There is a so-called diet ballerin for weight loss, helping dancers to remain slim and tightened. We will reveal its nuances transmitted from generation to generation. They must be used to take advantage of women seeking to lose weight.

Features and regulations of the diet

Diet for weight loss differs from the rest. From the diet, all products contributing to weight gain are removed. Based on nutrition - carbohydrates. Girls eat fruits, vegetables, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, which give a sufficient amount of energy for heavy physical exertion. Under the strict ban on fast food, all salty, smoked, fried, sausages, beer, sweets, carbonated drinks. Other principles of diet ballerin:

  1. There are half of the usual portion. It is advisable to eat in small portions 5 times a day.
  2. Drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day).
  3. Adhere to the rules of separate nutrition.
  4. The daily diet should contain proteins for building strong muscles (dairy products, chicken breast) and fats (olive oil cooked for a couple of fish).
  5. Exclude or limit the use of salt. It will be replaced seasoning, spices, soy sauce.

Approximate menu and recipes diet ballerin for weight loss

There are no hard restrictions, so the probability of breakdown is very small. Ballerina allow themselves to eat the most high-calorie dishes for breakfast, because at this time the day goes accelerated exchange substances. Diet for ballerinas necessarily includes low-fat meat and dairy products. Thanks to the frequent nutrition, food is absorbed faster, there is no strong sense of hunger. In the described diet, there is no standard for other methods of principle - not after 18 hours. Preferably Fresh juices, non-carbonated mineral waterHerbal infusions.

For 4 days

The diet for 4 days includes contrasting unloading days. Basic principles are unchanged: it is necessary to eat in small portions, drink a large number of water. It is well tolerated and very effective - helps to lose up to 5 kg. If after the diet stick to the rules healthy nutritionOverweight does not return. Exemplary menu:

  1. Early breakfast: porridge prepared on water, 1/4 pack of low-fat curds with the addition of raisins, honey, fresh berries, a piece of cheese, 1 piece of black bread.
  2. Second breakfast: low-fat classic yogurt, apple, fresh juice.
  3. Lunch: rice or buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, 1 apple, black chocolate tile.
  4. Afternoon school: soup (vegetable, meat or fish).
  5. Dinner: Boiled (baked) fish, stew vegetables, vegetable salad.

For 7 days

The first 2 days are considered unloading - they are needed to achieve a better result. On the first day you need to drink only tomato juice: 200 g for breakfast and dinner, 400 g per lunch (a piece of black bread is additionally allowed). The second day is milk. On 200 g kefir or milk drink breakfast, lunch, dinner. A piece of bread is added to the lunch. Approximate diet menu from 3 to 7 days:

  1. Breakfast: either porridge on the water and a glass of kefir (milk), or a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, tea without sugar, loaf.
  2. Second breakfast: classic yogurt (100 g), 1 fruit, green tea or juice (150 g).
  3. Lunch: vegetable broth, salad with vegetables.
  4. Half date: loaf, cheese, 1 fruit, tea, black chocolate slicing.
  5. Dinner: kefir or warm milk (200 g), 1/2 h. Honey spoons.

For 10 days

Some and the same products are used throughout the entire time. Weight will decrease by reducing muscular mass About 5-10 kg. Apples and oranges are allowed for snacks between meals. The diet repeating for 10 days, looks like this:

  1. Breakfast: Degreased cottage cheese (1/3 packs), low-fat milk (1 cup).
  2. Lunch: "Collected" soup. It is necessary to separately cook carrots, a spoonful of rice, meat (50-100 g) and prepare from these ingredients soup.
  3. Dinner: Warm milk (1 cup).

Diet Maya Plisetskaya

The Great Russian Ballerina is the standard of grace, grace, female beauty. It holds a tight diet, with which you can remove up to 10 kg of excess weight. In order not to harm the stomach, it is recommended to repeat more than once in 60 days. Duration diet - 2 weeks. It is forbidden to eat meat, chocolate, dairy products, tomatoes, add to the food spices. The main components of the diet: Oats, lentils, barley. In unlimited quantities, vegetables, fruits, water and freshly squeezed juices are allowed. Exemplary menu:

  • breakfast - porridge from oat cereals;
  • lunch - soup and salad with vegetables;
  • dinner - boiled white fish and a portion of lentils (the latter is allowed to replace on boiled rice).

On the diet of Maya Plisetskoy, there are no products with a sugar content, so the sweet tooths will have to be not easy. The diet is meager, beginners recommend starting and finishing a diet with the replacement of a piece of dishes on salads. If it fails to "eat less" (as M. Plisetskaya said) and stick to such a long diet, it should be removed from your menu all the sweets, mayonnaise, eliminate snacks.

Older than one year

Power secrets Ballerin

1. Better less, yes more often!

2. Good morning!

3. Learning the enemy

4. Covenants Mendeleev

5. Steamer - our all!

Golden mean

Famous ballerina Ilze Liepa

poultry Meat (White) , as well as sea \u200b\u200bfish

Health is primarily

Mary Allas

Power supply system Located for a long period of time, because for the ballerina, compliance with the correct diet is, primarily a professional necessity.

Unusual plastic, grace, ease of movements and flexible camp of ballet artists are called the result of hard work on themselves. To repeat dance passe most of us, but to ask and apply information about the dietary secrets of the ballerina can everyone.

Power secrets Ballerin

The diet of the ballerina causes a genuine interest not in vain, because the weight of the ballerin is strictly fixed, usually does not exceed 50 kg.

How to choose menus in such a way as to remain slim and light, but at the same time get energy for many hours of physical exertion?

1. Better less, yes more often!

First Rule - Eat often, but small portions. Avoid a sharp feeling of hunger, eat every one and a half or two hours at least than 6 times a day.

2. Good morning!

Breakfast is necessarily! One option: a quarter of a bunch of low-calorie cottage cheese, dietary loaf, a slice of cheese and a cup of coffee (can be replaced with coffee tea). Sugar is excluded, the source of the necessary carbohydrates will be ... honey! Not many, the whole spoon on a glass of warm water.

3. Learning the enemy

Sweets, potatoes, baked baking and even bread mercilessly exclude from the diet. Only sometimes it is possible to allow a piece of bitter chocolate, as a pleasant exception.

4. Covenants Mendeleev

In order to preserve the necessary elasticity of bundles and the weight of the ballerina remained unchanged, it is necessary to include in the menu vitamin Drinks, food additivesas well as soy products. Most elements of the Mendeleev table are necessarily present in the diet as special additives.

5. Steamer - our all!

A steamer and a blender need to be acquired by necessarily, if any are missing among the household kitchen appliances in your house. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared food: boiled, but better baked without butter or cooked pair.

6. Night Watch at the refrigerator

Even late dinner is not considered a crime. Fish on a pair or vegetable salad will help restore the strength after the event rich in the events.

Golden mean

Famous ballerina Ilze Liepa It is recommended to adhere to the norm in the consumption of carbohydrates. On 1 kg of weight recommended 2 g of carbohydrates per day. It is impossible to neglect the needs of the body, because the consequences are extremely unpleasant: the appearance of headaches, irritability, fast fatigue, decay of forces.

It is also recommended that the use of vegetable and animal fats. It is advisable to use unsaturated fats of animal origin. Their sources are poultry Meat (White) , as well as sea \u200b\u200bfish . Vegetable fats are high calorie. Seeds and nuts are very useful, but they should be used moderately, as well as products containing a large amount of glucose and fructose, due to their ability to cause swelling, delaying water.

For the same reason, unnecessary consumption of salt, various sharp sauces and vinegar should be avoided. Better replace harmful products Useful, for example, instead of vinegar use lemon juice.

Health is primarily

According to the deserved ballet artist Mary Allas, Her weight for a long time It remained unchanged - 50 kg, (height 170). After the birth of the kid, she quickly returned to the usual weight, even without adhering to a strict diet, allowing himself from time to fried or sweet. All thing in saturated labor graph. Do you want to know how ballerinas eat to keep weight?

Menu of a well-known ballerina: Breakfast consists of a cup of cottage cheese or porridge, a hot soup is required to dinner, and dinner can be diversified by fish with vegetables or cook meat. Throughout the day you can afford light snacks: an apple, yogurt, sometimes a handful of nuts or banana. Do you think it is to give up delicious food in favor of useful and low-calorie unbearably hard?

Useful food can be very tasty! Several recipes specifically designed for dietary ballerinas, low-calorie, useful and easy-to-cook, is worth noting by each host.

Carpaccio Ferkhad

  • 2 zucchini zucchini
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 10 g of parsley and basil
  • 5 g garlic

Tsukini slightly cut and fry on the grill without oil use. Tomatoes are baked in the oven, then remove the skin with them.

Cut the flesh and add finely rugged greens and chuckled garlic to it. A little spice and slightly olive oil (no more than a teaspoon) will give a special taste. It remains to lay out tomatoes on Zucchini and serve a dish to the table!

Cream-soup "Esmeralda"

  • 300 g pumpkins
  • 100 g of Luka.
  • 100 g almond flakes
  • 10 g pumpkin oil

Purified pumpkin (you should remove seeds and skin) leaning with onions, then put in a blender to the consistency of the cream, adding the desired amount of broth to vegetables. Pumpkin oil spoon and finishing touch - decoration by almond flakes.

Mushrooms "Sharerazada"

  • 200 g Veshinok
  • 100 g of celery
  • 100 g potatoes
  • 50 g Luka.

Purified mushrooms are slightly frying on the grill, and then bring to readiness in the oven. Spices to taste.

Purified from the depths of celery welded together with the bow until soft. The next stage is chopping in a blender. There should be a puree mass of medium density. Decorate a parsley dish and serve as a side dish to mushrooms!

6 useful products

  • Tomatoes Useful to high content of lycopene (it tones, quickly removes the fatigue of the muscles).
  • Mint And basil contribute to the speedy recovery after loads.
  • Artichoke Accelerates metabolic processes due to the high content of enzymes.
  • Parsley Helps fight swelling.
  • Tuna We are needed to strengthen ligaments and joints.
  • Spinach It has a high content of iron and vitamins required at elevated loads.

In contact with

How to eat ballerinas or diet menu ballerin

Become a ballerina is the dream of many girls. After all, these ephemeral fragile creatures are rather similar to fabulous fairies than on people. They easily flute on stage, as if the butterflies, barely rigged down legs. In order to achieve such an effect, the ballerinas have to keep their body in good shape. Many are wondering - how do they manage it? After all, colossal physical exertion, for sure, cause an inhuman feeling of hunger. It may seem that the life of the ballerina is solid prohibitions. However, this is not at all. Diet ballerina is quite simple and not completely depleting.

Principles of diet ballerin

Usually women lose weight to become more beautiful and healthy. However, for the Ballerin of the Mariinsky or Bolshoi Theater, a slim figure is also a guarantee of success and a good career. Therefore, from generation to generation, they transmit simple, but compulsory nutrition principles that simultaneously allow to preserve health and beauty, saturate the body by all the necessary substances, and also make their body slim. Now these principles know far beyond theater and dance studios.

Diet ballerina never makes it give up important micro and macroelements. Fireless diets and low-fat products are now quite popular. But the ballerina perfectly understand that the body will work well only when it will get required substances - Fats, carbohydrates and proteins. And at the base of nutrition, the ballerinas lie precisely carbohydrates, which many women are so afraid. They eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, loaf, vegetables and fruits in large quantities. It is these products that give a large amount of energy needed for heavy physical exertion, so they are present in each meal. Ballerina protein products consume less, but also in sufficient quantities, because they are necessary for building muscle mass.

Each diet ballerin includes Non-fat meat - fish, white chicken meat or other birds, as well as dairy products, the fat content of which does not exceed 2.5%. Fats are also needed by a ballerina, because thanks to them, the bundles remain elastic. Therefore, food rich in fats is also needed daily. This does not mean that you need to eat with cream or oily meat. It is enough a couple of times a week to be in a fatty fish, and in a daily diet, add vegetable salads, fastened with vegetable oil.

There is a question - how do ballerina stay in a great form, if you eat almost everything? The answer is simple. Ballerina mercilessly get rid of all products that can add unnecessary kilograms. Consumption of a variety of products does not mean that you can eat everything. These women completely forget about sweets, baking, semi-finished products, smoked, salted products and marinades. To reduce the amount of salt in food, you can add lemon juice or soy sauce into dishes. Of course, any lemonade and beer are prohibited. They not only worsen digestion and cause fat deposition, but also weaken muscle tone.

Of course, not all ballerins adhere to a strict diet. Many allow themselves small weaknesses, because for every woman peace of mind It is in the first place. Sometimes, the ballerina's speech allow themselves some bitter chocolate to charge energy and positive emotions.

The advantages of diet ballerin

One of the most important advantages of the ballerin diet is its absolute safety.. Consuming all the necessary matter of substance, you will not harm your health. Therefore, everyone can use such a way of weight loss.

Also, this diet is quite effective, despite the fact that no one can say how many kilograms can be reset using it as a power system. First of all, it is a way of healthy nutrition, so the body of each person will get rid of excess weight in the pace, which is most optimal for him.

Since this diet does not imply hard restrictions, the probability of a breakdown will be extremely small. Over time, you can completely go to this diet using it as part of your healthy image Life. After all, the ballerina eat so constantly, while feeling excellent, experiencing constantly heavy physical and psychological loads.

Disadvantages of diet ballerin

Disadvantages of diet ballerin practically no. However, it is worth considering that such blurred recommendations may lead to the process of losing weight. If you overeat, the effect may not be at all.

Also worth paying attention to the fact that the ballerins are experiencing large physical exertion every day. If you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then you can not approach such a power system. After all, a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet is needed only to those who are engaged in active physical activity.

Menu diet ballerin

Ballerina perfectly disassembled in the peculiarities of the body. They know that the most active metabolism is happening in the morning and gradually slows down in the evening. That is, at this time, all substances that we get with food are split at the maximum speed. Therefore, the ballerina breakfasts pretty tightly, eating the most high-calorie products from their diet.

Thus, they remain satisfied to the lunch itself. And the fact that calories, eaten for breakfast, can influence the figure, can not be afraid.

During the day, the ballerina does not dine tightly, they break the meals several times. So food is quickly absorbed, and the sharp feeling of hunger never arises. The closer in the evening, the food should be less calorie.

Usually nutritionists are not recommended after 6 pm. However, the ballerina rarely follow this rule, because all performances and speeches are held in the evenings. At this time, the body spends a huge amount of calories. Therefore, if you do not eat after the speech, the body will go into saving mode and starts to postpone fat. That this does not happen, you need to eat even after late performances. However, dinner should be very easy. You can eat a light salad refilled by vegetable oil or a small piece of fish, cooked for a pair.

There is a more accurate slimming recipe from ballerinas. To quickly get rid of excess weight, you need to eat as follows.

First breakfast At 8 am, it will consist of a quarter to pack of low fatty cottage cheese, you can add a little fresh berries. Also need to eat the average portion of porridge on the water, loaf with a piece of cheese and drink a cup of savory tea or coffee.
Lunch It will be at 11 o'clock. It includes a glass of natural non-fat yogurt, a glass of fresh juice (orange or grapefruit) or green tea and an apple.
Lunch menu will be vegetable soup or 100 g of boiled rice or buckwheat. You also need to boil or bake the average portion of chicken meat and prepare fresh vegetable salad.
At 5 p.m You need to eat again. You need to eat an apple on the afternoon snack, and some cheese with bread, you can drink green tea with a piece of chocolate.
At 9 PM There will be the last meal. The menu will make a small piece of baked fish, fresh vegetable salad or portion of stewed vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, pepper, etc.)

Fragile, sophisticated, fluttering, as if butterflies on stage, ballerina simply cannot but cause admiration. How do they manage to keep such a form? Immediately remember the famous ballerina diet Maya Plisetskoy - "Do not eat!" In fact, the opinion that the dietary ballerinas consists of one only prohibitions - no more than delusion ...

Power Philosophy Ballerin

If for a conventional woman when choosing a particular menu "On the map", beauty and health are delivered, then for the approx of great and marinki, in addition, also a career, professional success. Therefore, several generations of ballerinas are formed. certain rules Nutrition that satisfy all the needs of the body, but it does not give a single chance to externally kilograms. Otherwise, as a philosophy, this dancer power regimen and won't call. He helps to lose weight, not starving, hold it and enjoy food. So why should we ordinary women, dreaming of elegant forms, do not reveal all the secrets of ballerinas and take advantage of their wisdom store?

Diet ballerina includes important trace elements

Despite the popularity of carbonity diets and skim products, ballerina and their diet take into account that the body will work on you (in all senses, including in the maintenance of weight), and not against, only if it is regularly secured by the whole complex of substances, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And if you present the products that ballerinas eat, in the form of a pyramid, then in its foundation there will be nothing but carbohydrates (in the form of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, bread, vegetables and fruits). It is they who are the main source of energy in the dietary dietary dancer with their sufficiently intensive physical activity, and therefore are present on the table with each meal reception. Next are protein products that are responsible for building strong muscles. In any diet for ballerin best sources Protein is considered non-fat varieties of fish, chicken white meat, dairy products with fatty no more than 2.5%. Fats that are responsible for the elasticity of bundles, albeit in small quantities, are also present in the battery power mode daily. Vegetable oils as gas stations for salads every day and a piece of oily sea fish, a couple of times a week are only welcome.

How to eat and lose ballerina

All that can contribute to the weight gain (no matter, by increasing the fat mass or simply water delay in the body), the ballerin diet is ruthlessly deletes from the menu. These are primarily dried, sugar, salty products (semi-finished products, smoked, all sorts of marinades). In addition, the amount of salt in dishes is reduced due to the addition of natural soy sauce and lemon juice in them. Also, all carbonated drinks and beer are also prohibited in nutrition. They adversely affect not only figure, but also on muscle tone.
However, from this rule diet ballerin there is an exception. So, before the speech, they can afford to eat a piece of bitter chocolate, which instantly charged energy.

What is eating ballerina for breakfast

Ballerinas know the laws of physiology well, and therefore their day is always starting with a full breakfast. After all, it is in the morning "metabolism reaches its peak and gradually decreases throughout the day, so the ballerina adjusts their power supply under this feature of the body. For breakfast, the ballerina eat the most high-calorie dishes from the daily menu and the feeling of satiety does not leave them until the middle of the day. With such a diet for the ballerina there is no danger that they will "fall" on the sides.

What do ballerina eat for lunch

To maintain a slim figure, the ballerins eat small portions, but often. On average a day should be at least five glands. So food and absorbs faster, and the likelihood of a sharp feeling of hunger, which can lead to overeating, is reduced to zero.

Food Mode Ballerin after 18:00

The generally accepted rule of the diet "is not after 18.00" does not apply to the ballerin. The fact is that almost all performances go in the evening and not eat after them - a crime against their own figure. Without receiving proper remuneration for the work, the body will go into saving mode - the metabolism will slow down, and the accumulation of fat will begin, and not vice versa. But naturally, we are talking about a light dinner, for example, a vegetable salad and a piece of baked or cooked fish.

Power secrets Ballerin

Ballerina should always be full of strength and energy, without these conditions, its professional activity has little chance of success. But to get the whole complex of the necessary vitamins and mineral substances from dietary food ballerina is quite difficult. Therefore, they are focused with the help of multivitamin complexes, which individually picks up the doctor.

Dietary menu of ballerina

8.00 - breakfast
Quarter bundle Lustful cottage cheese with fresh berries, portion of porridge on the water, loaf with a sliced \u200b\u200bof cheese and a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
11.00 - Second breakfast
A cup of natural yogurt yogurt, an apple, a glass of fresh orange (grapefruit) juice or green tea.
14.00 - Lunch
Portion Light vegetable soup or 100 g rice, or buckwheat with a piece of boiled or baked chicken white meat, fresh vegetable salad for season.
17.00 - afternoon school
An apple, loaf with a sliced \u200b\u200bof cheese, a piece of chocolate, a cup of green tea.
21.00 - Dzhin.
Slice of baked fish, fresh vegetable salad or 100.g stew vegetables (Zucchini, eggplants, cabbage, etc.)

Diet ballerina Ilse Liepa

"I have a high growth, because of this, keep weight in the ballet norm a little more complicated than the rest. Therefore, periodically I increase control over my weight. First, in addition to performances and rehearsals in the theater, additionally do at home. It is enough 15 minutes of physical exertion every day. Secondly, I put small changes in your menu, but rather, not with the "minus" sign, but "plus". That is, add products to help reduce weight. Be sure to drink on an empty stomach of green tea with a spoon of honey. Impleently launching on freshly frozen raspberries - a natural oil engine. And I am also preparing a Ayurvedic drink, accelerating the metabolism. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of. Fully chopped ginger, 2 st aphouses of dry leaves of mint and cardamom on the tip of a teaspoon pour a liter of boiling water. I insist for an hour, then sticking out. I drink two times a day before meals in a glass, adding freshly squeezed juice of half lemon. The base can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 48 hours.

Nutrition Ballerina Svetlana Zakharova

"In the Bolshoi Theater from hunger, no one falls into fainting. We have a dining room with a very diverse menu. There you can take not only salad and fruit, but also pies and buns. And, of course, no one stands over us. I think the main thing is the goal that we set themselves. If a woman really wants to feel better, getting satisfaction from his own kind, and not just bother with this desire, then her attitude towards food will change. For example, I know that if you get better, it will be elementary to dance elementary. Therefore, the menu is appropriate. No, for example, roasted potato On Sale, Pies and Drafts. I easily replenish your needs in the taste sensations with the help of another tasty, but at the same time useful food. There is always an alternative, and what the hand will dare, only depends on you. "