Repairs Design Furniture

Like souls at home. Fish cake with Montamy and fried potatoes. What should be the temperature for growing

Methods decorative decoration dacha independent production Pure herbal spicy plants that can be used to prepare dishes are increasingly interested in summer residents. We offer you a description of the popular spice - souls (motherboard, Lanes, Orego).
Oral - herbal perennialhaving a pleasant aroma that puts it in one row with rosemary, mint and melissa used everywhere.

Characteristic of culture

Before buying seeds, familiarize yourself with the main signs of Orego:

  • The height of the spice bush reaches 70 cm.
  • Creeping root, branchy.
  • Stems pubescent with a red base, have the ability to grow every year.
  • The leaves are dark green, oblong, 2-4 cm long.
  • Flowers are small, red (white, yellow) form a lush mess.
  • Fruits triangled, consist of 4 nuts (0.5 mm long).
  • Seeds are small, like poppy, red.

Please note that the plant is unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation and soil, cold-resistant, does not need shelter. Easily tolerates a hot climate, but in such conditions without watering grows small. Spicy the smell of culture attracts bees to the garden and distinguishes harmful insects.

Varietal variety of oregano

Choosing a sort of fragrant spice, pay attention to its purpose. Breeding scholars different varieties They made emphas on the decorative properties and the quality of the flavor, spicy qualities (the ability to use as a spice or for making tea), high yield. Varietal names are talking about themselves:

  • White oregano - white decorative, high yield.
  • Honey fragrance - a red yield variety, characterized by a strong aroma. Height up to 35 cm.
  • Caramel has excellent spicy properties.
  • Rainbow - has reinforced medicinal properties. Reaches a height of 60-70 cm.

Gardeners, for sure, want to try out the decorative varieties bred abroad:

  • Variety is a small, but scattered bush with white fragrant flowers and greenish gold foliage. Good flavor.
  • Beauty Kent - a grade designed to land in Kashpo, the decoration of the veranda. Flowers-tassels of plants have different color.
  • Herrenhausen - oregano, attracting clusters of purple inflorescences.

Notice, bushes different quantity. Great will be required when landing a larger area and a larger distance between the plants.

How to choose a landing space

Oral loves sunny places. It can grow both in the shade, but the sprout will stretch, the bloom will be slowed down, the aroma is weaker, the drug properties are lower. For planting plants, choose the most illuminated place on cottage plot or halftime.
Culture can grow on any soils. Grow big crop It is possible on the sandy, neutral acidity, well-drained soils. On acidic soils, the bushes are growing unsatisfactory.
The plot should not be too dry or too wet. Orezian loves moisturizing, but not excessive.

Methods of breeding culture

Oregano can be breeded in two ways - seeds and a vegetative way by dividing the bush.
The most optimal for the primary landing is seeding seeds. On large areas for sale, by the way, the cultivation of souls from seeds produce.
Traditionally, first sow a very small seed material on seedlings, as the shoots are too gentle, their weeds are easily clogged. Plant open sad Best of all fulfilled sprouts.

Features of seeding seeds

Seeds of plants in the seedlings you should plant in March. Before boarding, prepare the seating container. It may be plastic container, wooden drawer or ordinary pot.
Make a drainage container pebbles or broken bricks. Fill the container of loose ground by adding sand or agroperlit.
Follow these landing rules:

  1. Swipe the grooves depth to 1 cm or make the wells up to 1.5 cm deep.
  2. Moisten the Earth.
  3. Place the material.
  4. After sowing the seeds, suck the earth (approximately up to 1 cm).
  5. The method of small squeezing from the sprayer, the pulverizer re-moist the ground.
  6. Cover the container polyethylene film or glass, to create a greenhouse effect (if you want to speed up germination).
  7. Maintain seed germination 18-20 degrees.
  8. Moisten the Earth as the soil dries.

The first shoots will appear in two weeks. When shoots appear, the coating should be removed. When the sprouts appear 2-3 leaves, dive them into separate containers (pots, cassettes).
If necessary, organize the fitolamp reading (or daylight lamps).
Rechazzle seedlings in open ground takes place in May. Sprouts that have reached the two-month age are planted.

Failure preparation for planting seedlings

The undemanding souls will grow on an inconed soil. And yet, to get a lush greenery under this multi-year spice, it is desirable to make organic fertilizers In quantity per square meter:

  • Humbering - 3 kg.
  • Complex mineral fertilizer - 2 tablespoons.
  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Rules landing sprouts in open ground

Landing seedlings in an open ground takes place in May month when the earth is warm. At the same time follow recommendations:

  • buckets plant with ribbons with a distance of 45-50 cm;
  • between the strings of the ribbon is left 20 cm;
  • in a row - 10-15 cm.

The distance will depend on the variety you select. For low and tall varieties, the numbers will be different.
Plants in the first year of planting do not bloom and slowly develop. Blossom begins on the 2nd year of life. Bushes become lush, spread, decorative.

Sowing seeds in open ground

When cropping seed material Immediately in open ground, it will be necessary to carefully prepare the soil, release it as much as possible from weeds. The landing in May is carried out. Earth warms up enough to start sowing. Small seeds, when sowing, keep in mind that you need to take 0.1 mg to 10 square meters. Perform work in this order:

  1. Earth prepared from the fall is unlucky, free from the roots of weeds, we brave well.
  2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm with aisle of 25-45 cm.
  3. Earth complies, moisten with small sprinkles.
  4. Make mulching to keep moisture longer.

Shoots will appear after 14-20 days.

Spice Care Technology

The spice care consists in watering, loosening, thinning, feeding, weeding. Pests fragrant bushes do not attract.

  • Watering is carried out as needed to dry weather. In general, moisturizing loves oregano.
  • Mulching is performed by reworked straw so far saving moisture.
  • To obtain lush greenery should be filing the soul. Make fertilizers in this composition per square meter:
    • ammonium Selitra -200, 300 g,
    • superphosphate - 150-200 g,
    • potash salt - 150-200 g

    The feeders make a comprehensive fertilizer 2-3 times per season. Flowering bushes bring 0.5 tablespoons of nitroammophos on 5 liters of water.

  • Decorative bushes can not be fed, as they excessively grow and deprive decorativeness.
  • Culture does not like weeds, the weeding should be carried out regularly until the plant reaches maturity.
  • Sluorrow perform 2 weeks after germination. Between the plants, the distance is 15-20 cm. The exhaust sprouts are used as seedlings.
  • If cutting flowers, foliage will be thick.

After the second year, the cultivation of the souls produced vegetative reproduction dividing bush. In one place, the plant cannot grow more than 5 years. therefore in early spring Perform the division of the bush. Replancing the rhizomes of the plant with several shoots to another place.


It is possible to start collecting the harvest of souls with ordinary after cultivation from seeds from the second year of the plant's development. In the first year you can cut everything before in winter.
Most varieties suggest a collection of two times per season. The first - before the start of flowering spices, the second time - at the time of flowering in July.
From an adult bush, with the first assembly, you can remove 3 twigs that have a length of up to 20cm.
In practice, the twigs are binding to beams and suspended in the shaded place (you can undergo), where the straight rays of the sun do not fall.
If we put the grass on paper, it will be necessary to turn it from time to time.

When the drying process is over, removed from the branches of the leaves and sends to storage in hermetically closed glass containers. Stems are removed.
The shelf life of the fragrant greens is 2 years old.
For drugs for drugs in dry sunny weather, blooming well-limiting stems are cut. The drying temperature should not rise above 40 degrees. Essential substances are evaporated at such a temperature.
If you are going to collect seeds from the bush, select a big bush and leave it for flowering.
Seed collection occurs in September. It is necessary to cut off the shoots with seeds, dry them and manually overcuriate boxes for receiving seeds. Separate outsiders. If necessary, seed material should be sued.
Store material in paper bags in a dry place.

Application of oregano

Use the leaves of the plant and blooming tops for the preparation of fragrant and peculiar teas, tinctures, beverages, culinary spices, for salting cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms.
Culture is popular not only as a spice, but has medicinal properties, due to the increased content of antioxidants, vitamin C, essential oil, tanning substances.
Apply fees to normalize the operation of digestion.
For the preparation of the infamous glass, the boiling water is poured 10 g of herbs, insist, apply 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
The spice is part of the fees for the treatment of angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis and diathesis.
Tea has a soothing and light sleeping bag, relieves headache.
For preservation of moths use bags with grass, hanging them between clothing in the cabinets.
Grow the fragrant soul on the cottage. How to use it - in cooking like medicine or in quality decorative element - the choice is yours.

Oilsman ordinary (or oregano) looks like garden sites Very modest. Her unwashed bushes are not amazed with magnificence and pomp, but it allows you to brew fragrant and healing tea at any time or add a sophisticated fragrance inherent in the dish of Mediterranean cuisine at any time, because of the souls from the south of Europe.

This spice is a relative of mint, sage, thyme and lavender, it is perfect for a garden in a country style. It is very easily multiplied vegetatively, and you can easily bring to the site from the familiar cuttings or part of the bustle. The oregano will do without any problems in a new place. But from seeds, this grass is also very easy to grow, if you know a few secrets.

Conditions for landing

Perennial oregano ordinary is very unpretentious. It resistantly transfers harsh frosts and summer heat, poor humus soil and high soil acidity.

If you want to get a full and healthy plant, then choose the place higher, as the spice does not tolerate the water stagnation. Comfortably, the bustard of the souls will be on the lungs of the soils with neutral acidity.

Like any spicy grass of Mediterranean origin, the oregano loves the sun, and the copies grown in the shade are less decorative and useful. The more heat and light will receive a plant, the brighter there will be its aroma and above - the concentration of essential oils, vitamins and trace elements.

How to grow souls from seeds

More than other ways, practicing spices from seeds. If you want to get blossom in the current season, grow soul through seedlings. But it is quite possible to get fragrant bushes, seeding seeds immediately to the garden. You can do this in the spring, already at the end of April.

  • Grocery is better to prepare in the fall, reapproaching ground with the introduction of organics (manure, humus or compost), as well as phosphoric and potash fertilizers (superphosphate, potash salt).
  • Low pH primers require lime. In this case, add the lime-flump, dolomite flour or wood ash.
  • Soul man does not like dense clay soils, so they need to be disappeared with sand and peat.
  • Seeds are sown to the prepared and moistened area, which are poured with a small peat layer (about 1 cm). For convenience, you can mix seeds with sand, as they are very small. Then there will be no need to additionally sprinkle them.
  • The landing should be regularly moistened, and then young sprouts will appear after 14 days. When shoots are somewhat fixed, they need to be switched and to fuse during the summer. In August, treens bushes need to move to a permanent place.

When growing souls with seedlings, act as follows:

  • Pick up the appropriate fit for landing. It must have holes for drainage. If you have taken a food plastic container, not a special pot, then the holes in the bottom will have to do it yourself.
  • At the bottom it is better to pour a small drainage layer of peat, clay, bark or other suitable for the properties of the material.
  • Then you need to fill the container with the substrate. You can take ready-made universal soil and slightly dilute it with sand. If you wish, prepare soil yourself from peat, sand, garden land and humus.
  • The soil should be abundantly moisturized and slightly shake. Then make a furrow at a depth of no more than 1 cm, to evenly place the seeds in them and pour a layer of sand or peat no more than 0.5 cm. For convenience (very small seeds), the landing material is better mixed with sand and scatter this mixture on wells.
  • Landing should be neatly sprinkled from the sprayer and cover with a film or a piece of observer material to create greenhouse conditions. You can use the glass for this.
  • Container Put in a warm place and do not forget to periodically moisten the substrate and air sowing.
  • Two weeks you can gladly please the first plants. Then it is necessary to remove the shelter, place the container on the light window sill and regularly water shoots.
  • When the first real leaflet is formed, pick up the seedlings into personal cups and continue to fight. In May, after the soil temperature is 12-15 ° C, seedlings can already be planted on a prepared bed with an interval of 30-50 cm, depending on the varietal characteristics.

How to care for soul

Unpretentious spice does not require special tricks. Plants need timely loosening soil, removing weed grass, watering and feeding.

  • Watering is extremely important to preserve the aromatic properties of the plant. The correct moisture balance promotes the accumulation of essential oils, and excessive dryness or excess soil moisture leads to the fact that their concentration is reduced, and the plant itself is growing poorly.
  • The loosening and removal of weeds are usually required only by young plants. Adult bushes will grow older than three years and will not allow to develop weeds and competitors.
  • The correct feeding of the souls depends on the purposes for which the grass is grown. If it is planned to regularly harvest the fragrant raw materials for utilitarian purposes, then bushes need fertilizer after each trimming, that is, from two to four times during the season. As an organic feeding, it is better to choose infusion bird's face, And you can also cow. The organic can be replaced by complex mineral composition. When the soul is planted exclusively with a decorative purpose, it does not require feeding.
  • Perennial spice can grow in one place for a very long time, but it does not benefit its consumer and decorative qualities. The grass is very pulling, almost ceases to bloom and "bald", that is, the leafs on the branches becomes much less. To avoid this, experienced gardeners are recommended to disassemble plants to a new place every five years and at the same time update them by dividing bushes.
  • Do not let the old-year-old plant bloody. Tell all inflorescences before they dissolve, and then the bush is formed lush and strong.

For many fans of spices, the cultivation of the oregano brings real pleasure. After all, this plant does not require much care, but brings a tangible benefit to all family members. From time immemorial, the soul was used not only as a sophisticated spice, but also as a therapeutic agent. She has a beneficial effect on nervous system, removing the headache. Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increases appetite. Raars from the plant are used to treat bronchitis, stomatitis and female ailments. She cleans the body as a whole and is considered effective tool Fight against dermatitis and diathesis in young children. It is not surprising that the cultivation of the souls in the country area is of particular interest for novice gardens.

If the flower put in the closet, the mol will forget there the way forever.

Amazing plant with fragrant name

Oregano is a spicy grass with a specific smell. In common, it is called motherboard and incense. In the territory of Western countries, it is known as Oregano. The spice is actively used in cooking: add to, meat dishes are used when preserving vegetables and fruits. Beekeepers appreciate it for the original pollen, from which insects make fragrant liquid.

Before you understand how to grow souls in the country, we will try to find out the amazing plant closer. In nature, culture is found almost throughout Europe. The country of the Mediterranean is considered to be the country. In Russia, the motherboard does not take root in the Far North and the Far East. Most of the plant loves outdoor locality, where much sunlight:

  • spacious meadows;
  • slopes of pvov;
  • forest edges;
  • river valleys;
  • shrub thickets;
  • side of the steppe roads.

The perennial grows up with bushes with a height of 30 to 70 cm. Its strong root system allows you to withstand nature whims and independently grow in a natural environment. Ladanka has miniature flat plates of ovoid shape with pointed tips. It blooms a few months, starting with the summer to the middle of the autumn buds, assembled in lush buzzings. Most often they are painted in purple tintBut there are white, pink and reddish.

At the end of the flowering period, miniature nuts are formed on shoots, in which seeds of microscopic sizes are stored (slightly less poppies). There are more than two dozen species of this plant, so the cultivation of the oregano in the garden brings genuine pleasure. Consider the most popular types of this fragrant culture.

Oilsman ordinary

The plant is a herby perennial, growing up to 90 cm. Sheet plates have an oblong ovoid shape. The edges of the gear, the tip of the sheet is pointed. Top color - dark green. The back side has a grayish tint that gives them special decorativeness. Football shoots, slightly pubescent. At the base, the cookies are branched in different directions. Due to this, the plant has a rounded form.

Popular species of ordinary soul men - Pink Fairy has medicinal properties and gentle fragrance. Grows up to 65 cm. Light green foliage contains a number of useful substances:

  • essential oils;
  • trace elements (selenium, iron, molybdenum);
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C.

Inflorescences are presented in the form of an empty pancake with a multitude of pinkish or purple shade. They are revealed in July and delight the glands until the beginning of the autumn. After successful pollination on the stems, dark brown fruits resembling nuts are formed. They contain many microscopic seeds of the soul men, which gardeners are used to reproduce the flower in the garden.

Oilsman Amethyst Falls

You can decorate the country area with an amazing look of Laneanka. It blooms with gentle pink-purple buds from August to October. The height of the bushes is up to 20 cm, and the width of about 30. Oilsman Amethyst Fallos features a light green rounded foliage and gentle shoots. Each of them is crowned with fragrant inflorescences of a cascade form. The plant fits wonderfully in landscape design country house And without problems grows in the garden.

Fans indoor plants Can grow a round-hearted soul in containers or pots of large sizes.

Oilsman Amanskaya

Lovers of low-speed plants like the motherboard of this variety. It will grow only up to 20 cm in height, so it grows for decoration:

  • borders;
  • balconies;
  • terraces;
  • gardens;
  • vegetables.

The Buds of the Oils of the Amanese are assembled in Cole-shaped blizzes. They are elegantly hidden under green or pink bracts. From the side of the plant has the original decorative View.

The flower of this variety usually grows up to 40 cm in height, which makes it possible to use it as decorative plant. The main feature of the souls is honey fragrance - a rich smell of fresh, which attracts many insects. During the flowering period, large buds of purple color decorate. They are located along an elastic escape in the form of a Kuchukhuy metelka.

To grow such a kind of oregano in the garden, you do not need to go to the plague. It is enough to find it in the store, buy and sow on the garden. The flower grows up to 60 cm in the form of a branched bush with a variety of elegant shoots. Each of them is covered with small egg-shaped leaves with pointed tips. The oregano Northern Lights is distinguished by blurred inflorescences with many miniature purple-pink boutons. Truly, beautiful sight.

The flower is grassy perennial About 50 cm height. Ophid shape leaf plates are painted in matte green. Microscopic hairs are visible on the surface, which shine on the sunlight. Mila souls have elegant inflorescences consisting of small purple-colored boutons. They bloom from July to the beginning of autumn.

Oregano leaves are widely used in cooking. They are added to meat and vegetable dishes. Dried raw materials are used to prepare fragrant drinks.

The perennial is characterized by decorative sheet plates, which are decorated with a border of a cream shade. When the plant blooms, pink buds appear on it. They are collected in loose bunches with bright pink bracts. They are located on the reprehensive shoots of the flower. Teddy's soul launcher exudes a nice rich fragrance that attracts many insects, including bees. Prefers drained soils and feels perfectly on open areaswhere the abundance of sunlight.

Cultivation of souls from seeds

Despite the fact that oregano is pretty unpretentious plant And perfectly transfers the Russian climate, there are several requirements for its cultivation. First of all, it is important to choose a suitable place where a lot of sunlight. The plant does not tolerate even a small shadow.
The second factor is soil. The soul is successfully developing on any soil, the main thing is that there is no water stagnation. The third rule is timely feeding in autumn period And in spring. For this, humid, manure is added to the ground and, after carefully blasting the upper layer of the soil.

There are several ways to plant souls in the country area. Traditionally, the plant is breeding by dividing rhizomes, tanks, cuttings and with seeds. Each of the options has its own characteristics, we will consider in detail how to grow oregano from seeds.

The first thing to be done is to prepare a plot from autumn. For this, it is cleaned of dry grass, leaves and branches. Then carefully hammers so that the Earth gets enough moisture in winter and oxygen. At the beginning of the spring, preparing feeding from humus, superphosphate and mineral fertilizers, which are made in the soil. After that, it is redeparding it again, align so that there are no lumps, since the planting material of microscopic size.

SEE seeds of Obinitsa

The cultivation of souls from seed is in such actions:

  • on the site make wells at a distance of 25 cm from each other;
  • the bottom of the holes slightly moisturize;
  • gently sowed planting material;
  • covered its ground by 1 cm;
  • grocery compacted;
  • cover mulch.

After 2 or 3 weeks, the first sprouts will appear, which are advisable to regularly pour from weeds. Landing oregano and care includes the thinning of young shoots with an interval of 15-20 cm between plants. Discarded specimens are used to reproduce the plant at the free places of the site.

Another way to reproduction of the Ochinitsa is the cultivation of seedlings. For this, the seeds are sown in pots or containers with purchased universal soil. When there is no such possibility, you can add a little sand into the usual garden soil to make it easier.

Place your motherboard in March, it will bloom for the first year after landing. If you do it in May, the flowers will appear only for the second year.

Next in the soil make small wells. They put seeds in them and cover the ground no more than 1 cm. The top ball of the earth is moisturized and covered with a food film or package. This method contributes to the rapid growth of the planting material. Periodically, crops are ventilated and watered with a sprayer. In a few weeks, the first sprouts will appear, which over time thinning so that they grow.

Landing the souls in open ground and plant care implies the execution of simple rules. Sprouts land in the ground when she warms out enough. It is better to do this in May. Bustards are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other so that they successfully develop. And timely watering, feeding and soil looser remain unchanged procedures for fragrant spices in the garden.

The cultivation of the seedlings of the Ochinitsa - video

Oilice, as the owner of a valuable and exquisite fragrance is a real leader among cultivated herbs. It has become popular in the first place because of the taste and since ancient times is used as seasoning to a variety of dishes. In the countries of the Mediterranean Orego (so-called souls) add almost every dish. In Germany, it is called "sausage grass".

Growing zone

The soul is a very unpretentious plant, but chooses solar places or a small half. In Russia, it is growing almost everywhere, except for the regions of the Far North. Prefers fine forests: birch, aspen, Olkhovy. Narrow leafles of trees do not close the soul from the solar color. In such places, it can grow, covering large areas.

Outliers in the open area grows on the hills, meadows, but avoids a barn area. She does not like a lot of water.

Oilitz landing and care

Souls collect not only in wild form. Many sit down on their plot. It is a decoration of the garden, as it blooms red pink flowers And exudes a fragrant fragrance (oregano translates as "mountain decoration").

Strong smell embarrassing a large number of Bee. Beekeepers often export their hives into the glades covered with thickets of fragrant grass. It is mainly grown for further use in cooking. In Europe, the oregano is cultivated in production scale.

It's easy to grow a soul:

  • there will be no special knowledge and skills for this;
  • it turns out an environmentally friendly product, because chemical fertilizers for better growth not required;
  • the soil for planting is suitable practically any;
  • the plant is not afraid of frosts, it is not necessary to cover it for the winter.

Important! To land, it is better to choose a sunny plot, since growing conditions affect the further quality of the plant.


The soul is multiplied by three ways:

  • seeds (they are suitable for landing for 8 years, germination of more than 70%);
  • sedale;
  • cuttings and rhizome.

Oilice landing and care at home

In March, to obtain seedlings, the seeds of the souls are planted into the boxes. Suitable both plastic and wooden containers. It is desirable to pour drenage to the ground. Earth is better to buy in the store, it is already enriched with minerals. Add a bit of sand for bursting.

Important! The soil is watered, seed recesses are not made, but simply pressed into the soil. But you can slightly sprinkle the seeds of the earth.

To create a greenhouse effect, the boxes are covered with a film. It gives heat and moisture and provide best germination. Keep seedlings at home with room temperature. In such conditions, the sprouts appear quickly. After their appearance, the film is cleaned and as the soil drops from the pulverizer.

When the first leaves appear, each plant is preserved in a separate container. In order for seedlings to strengthened, and hardened before disembarking into open ground, it is carried in place where conditions are approximated to street.

Important! When transplanting seedlings (dive) do not damage root systemwhich is just starting to form.

Garden landing and care

There are several ways to plant and breeding the plant: seeds, seedlings, cuttings and root. Let's consider each in more detail.

Landing seeds

Most often, the seed method is used for growing grass as a raw material for drugs and the production of essential oils in large volumes, and in large areas.

When landing into an open soil in the garden, for seeds make minor recesses, no more centimeter. The soil is needed to align large stones split. After 2 weeks, shoots begin to appear.

Soul seeds are very small. With this method, it is difficult to calculate how much seeds are needed and at what distance to sow them. Therefore, after germination, when young pigstream will grow slightly, it is thinned or planted if necessary. When sowing seeds, the soul is blooms for the second year.

Landing sediate

This method gives more chances that it will begin to bloom in the first year.

Seedlings are planted in May, when the soil is already warmed enough. Saplings are planted into the holes, the distance between which is observed about 20 cm. It is better to plant seedlings with a lump of that ground with which it is getting out of a greenhouse / box / cup. This will help the plant better start in a new place.

Important! The wells are watered and sprinkled on top of dry earth. So longer the moisture is preserved.

Landing with cuttings and rhizome

When planting a rhizable bush digging, and separated the root into several parts. Then they are cheered in selected places. Watering is necessary as the soil drying. The first leaflets that appeared are a signal that the plant began. Cnewed transplant is carried out in spring or autumn.

Important! The roots of the souls grow in width, when digging, you need to try not to damage their shovel.

Decorative scenic varieties are breeding. The principle is preserved the same as for other plants. There are no features characteristic of the souls when landing.


When sowing seeds, appearing sprouts are very small, so it is very difficult to process from weeds.

As required, the plants are watered and loosening the soil. Frequent irrigation It is not required, he can bring harm and interfere with development. The abrasion of moisture leads to a reduction in essential oils in the grass.

In the first year, there are still unacceptable inflorescences. Subsequently, this will give the plant a large business and a dense. Perennial. Running, she will demand a smaller care. Thick bushes will score weeds.

The soul is growing enough. It can grow in one place for more than twenty years, but gardeners recommend to make a transplant every three years. What is it for? When the plant grows for a long time in one place, the stalks become very long, it is treated and the leaves becomes less, flowering disappears. The transplant is made by the division of rhizomes.

Important! Making a transplant every three years.

  1. If the plant is planted for beauty, then fertilizers should not be made to avoid the brown growth up.
  1. Planted for useful use The plant fertilizes or complex mineral fertilizers or organic (diluted chicken litter or a coward).
  1. Essential oils contained in the plant, scare many pests. Therefore, insects do not deliver problems when careing souls.

When to collect and how to dry

The crop is collected during the flowering period (July-August). Cut the stalks at a distance of about 20 cm from the ground. Over the summer season, plant flowers are cut several times.

The grass is dried by collecting in bundles and hanging or unwinding a thin layer. Drying can not be carried out under the scorching sun. Under the action of high temperature, essential oils evaporate. For this, dark, well ventilated premises are suitable.

When the oregano dries out, separate leaflets and small twigs, which are later used as intended.

Important! The dried grass should not be darkened. This speaks of its low quality.

Store dry souls in tightly closed banks. She saves up to three years. Compliance with non-good rules when landing and leaving will give a guaranteed crop.

Oregano - spicy seasoning that has medical properties. There are several varieties of culture, each of which is able to decorate the garden. beautiful flowers and leaves. The conditions of landing and content of oregano, as well as the peculiarities of care for it are quite simple. Thanks to this, the oregano gained the glory of a modest plant, unpretentious to growing on the expanses of open soil.

Soul Description: varieties and varieties. Combination with other plants in the garden

In the people, fragrant culture is also known under other names - motherboard, slyness, ladies, and in Western countries, she gained distribution as oregano. In the open soil, fragrant bushes reach a height of 0.3-0.7 m. Perennials have enough strong roots, thanks to which self-reproduction and the spread of the souls along the garden occurs. Leafs in the form of oval, with pointed edges. Flowers, depending on the variety, can have a different color, bloom from summer to autumn.

Domestic breeders are derived such varieties of motherboard:

  • Caramel - has excellent taste;


  • Honey fragrance - the grade is distinguished by purple flowers and a strongly expressed smell;
  • Fairy - has a saturated green foliage, very crop;
  • White oregano - releases white flowers, compact.

White Owin

Foreign scientists also brought a number of varieties spicy PlantsPlanting and growing in the open soil or in vases:

  • Gold Tip - a bush with a height of 10-15 cm with pink flowers and golden leaves;
  • Herrenhausen - flowers with lilac clusters;

  • Beauty Kent - in the photo and living looks like a masterpiece, because its unusual corps of inflorescences simultaneously combines white and purple shades.

Artificially derived varieties are more fragrant than wild. They adapt well to different conditions Growing, and also undemanding for landing and care, like an ordinary soul man. At the site, blooming varieties successfully look in rocaria, mountaineering, peeling, mixboro. You do not lose, making a bet on a combination of motherboard with other fragrant cultures: thyme, lavender, etc.

Growing seedlings and planting plants in the garden

For planting spiced crops, it will not be necessary to specifically allocate the place. The reproduction of the souls on the site is possible in the sun and in a shady corner. The soil can be any, but it is desirable to still prepare it in the fall. For this, the land is drunk and fertilized - 3/4 buckets of overwhelmed manure in combination with 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate. Such a quantity is enough for 1 square meters. m future landing of motherboard.

Council. Avoid too dry or excessively wet areas.

Usually for growing oregano use a seed basis. Seeds are sown in the pot at the beginning of spring:

  • drainage is laid on the bottom of the tank;
  • on top puffed loose ground with sand;
  • make grooves depth 1 cm;
  • produce watering from the spray;
  • put into the grooves of seeds;
  • the soil layer is poured from above and the soil is re-moisturized.

Shoots of oregano

Rules for sowing are very simple: provision sufficient number Lights, maintenance of temperature at + 20 ... + 22 ° C, watering as needed. The first sprouts will be processed in 10-14 days. To speed up the process, you can cover the film or glass container. When seedlings are strengthened and releases 2-3 leafs, it should be divened, and at the end of spring, at the age of 2 months, land in an open ground. The distance between bushes depends on the variety and is indicated by seed manufacturers on packages equipped with photos and diagrams.

Council. You can also practice landing seeds directly into the soil. Make it in a way that looks on a party, but immediately in open ground. Sprouts appear in 2-3 weeks.

Vegetative methods of breeding the plant on the site

Oregano is characterized by good survival. Therefore, in addition to the seed method, there are such cultural reproduction options:

Council. Modify the motherboard with vegetative methods is best in spring or early autumn.

Oregano care bases: Fertilizer and feeding, Fighting diseases and pests

Oilice is contraindicated drought, so watering is one of the main care requirements. Keep track of soil drying, frustrate the ground, remove weeds. From early spring and before collecting the fragrant harvest, make fertilizers that will be needed only from the second year. It can be a nitrate or a korody, diluted with water. Similar feeders can be added in summer.

Attention! If you grow your motherboard just like decorative cultureThe fertilizer is contraindicated, otherwise the flower will lose attractiveness over time.

Despite careful care, over the first season, the soul is poorly developing. Therefore, it is recommended to remove unprofitable buds in annual bushes. This will provide abundant blossom And a significant increase in motherboard from the second year of the life of bushes. Every 5-6 years replane the perennial, and in the spring, we have parts of last year's processes.

Pests rarely attack soul