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The use of dolomite flour on the garden. How to use Dolomite flour in the garden. Insertion

Dolomitic flour - This is a kind of powder fertilizer. Widely used in all agricultural industries, poultry farming and gardening. The task of this additive is to stabilize the acidity of the soil, enrich the fertile ball of the upper layers.

The composition of dolomite flour

Dolomite fertilizer Used from very ancient times. Our ancestors were noticed that the plants, where dolomite is present in rock, actively grew fruit.

And why? Mineral has such useful components as calcium and magnesium. These trace elements contributed to the active vegetation of plants and abundant harvest.

Dolomitic flour is a derivative of mineral dolomite, refers to the class of carbonates (Caco3 * Mgco3). The interrupting of the rock can be different: from large grain, to small flour, almost powder.

Directly dolomite is enriched with calcium and magnesium, falling into the ground, these materials contribute to the activation of beneficial microorganisms. In addition, fertilizer oppresses the growth of weeds.

By appearance Reminds Glass-like grains, has a metal glitter. Color can be the most diverse: white, grayish, pale red or brown.

Mainly dignity flour limestone dolomitic In the fact that it is absolutely produced by nature, and it is not necessary to complement. Fertilizer put in one level with efficiently environmental supplements on interaction with nature and man.

Moderate calcium and magnesium content in dolomite allow you to not accumulate in fertile soil. The carbonate form is perfectly dissolved and evenly distributed in all soil layers.

Properties of dolomite flour

Unique content in fertilizer CA and MG stabilizes acid level in the soil. This concept is called " discusing dolomite flour" More simple words It can be said that such conditions that are needed for improved vegetation of plants are established in the soil.

Dolomitic flour is endowed with the following advantages:

* Enriches and improves quality soil indicators;

* Creates special conditions in layers for the development of microorganisms (useful);

* Systematic application dolomite flour in the garden Promotes saturation and attracting in the surface ball of the soil of important elements: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen;

* During the addition of other perfection, activates their impact and efficiency;

* Improves the growth of cultivated plants, contributes to a significant crop;

* Protects and frees plants from free radicals;

* Indebly affects exclusively on harmful insects, destroying the chitin layer of their cover; For other living beings is absolutely safe. Calcium helps cultures to actively grow and fully develop. Magnesium helps cultures produce photosynthesis.

Application of dolomite flour

How to use dolomite flour? The scope of application is very diverse, this fertilizer is entered only once every 3-4 years. It is important to know that dolomite is not made in those soil, where pH is neutral.

Suitable for open soils, greenhouses, greenhouses. The best indicators of the neutralization of acidity with the help of dolomite shows the soils of sandy and sampling.

Approximate issues of making dolomite flour:

* For acidic soils (pH to 4.5) apply 500-600 g per square. m;

* For medium-sized soils (PH-4.5-5.2), 450-500 g a sq. m;

* For weakly acidic soils (pH - 5.2-5.6), 350-450 g per square meter. m.

The most convenient time of making fertilizers is autumn. During the period of winter and spring, Dolomite will be able to improve the acid soil level. It is important to straighten the flour along the entire surface.

Excellent results give the combination "Dolomitic flour + copper vitrios + boric acid". If you make this triad, then acidity will be normal for 8 years.

Making dolomite flour in spring Beneficious influences on vegetable crops (tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, bulgarian pepper). Perfectly belong to this mineral fertilizer legumes, cucumbers, patissons and greens.

Immediately after the collection of fruits, the dolomite powder should be made (approximately August / September). For fruit trees And bushes optimal fertilization time - September / October.

But these plants are disliked Dolomite flour: sorrel, cranberry, blueberries, gooseberry, they need too acidic soil. Some tips on the use of dolomite flour:

* Define accurate indices of soil acidity; If the pH level shows more estimates 6, the lime will not need;

* It is important to adhere to the exact dosage;

The structural composition of the soil plays a special role when making a dolomite powder. For example, for lightweight soils, it is added one and a half times less than the norm. For the illegal soils of clay or clay with the Earth, the indicator increases by 10-15% more than the norm.

Where to buy a dolomite flour? It can be purchased on a warehouse, in the thematic department of any market or in the Internet network. The packaging is different, depending on the target direction (bags, packages, for weight). Bagdolomite flour Enough for processing weave of land (ideally one).

It is worth noting that the feeding is not only appropriate to use, but it is completely inexpensive. It is not necessary to make every year, it is enough to easily easily once every 5-6 years. Price dolomite flour Weight 50 kg fluctuate in the range of 200 rubles.

There are no rigorous prohibitions in the time of payment of dolomite powder, the only thing to adhere to is a clear dosage. Know how much you need to enter in the garden, lawn, greenhouse, open soil.

If there are plans to make other mincorrements, then the dolomite flour must be made after them. For the beds under vegetables, dolomite spray a week before the seedling landing.

What happens in the soil? Destroy harmful insects, their larvae; the growth of weeds is oppressed; Diseases of the fungal segment do not apply.

In the role of min feeding Dolomitic flour especially needed in the greenhouses. In addition to improving acidity, it oppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria, prevents the development of fungal infections. Fertilizer is very relevant in the spring. Farmer should not worry for a full and healthy harvest.

Whatever safe fertilizer before buy Dolomite flourYou will need to familiarize yourself with the instructions. Often Dolomit attribute to the lime of soil.

Yes, fertilizers, carrier calcium, it is precisely that. But as for Dolomite flour, it is a bit wrong. Everything will depend on plants that are planned to grow.

Elemental compounds affect the culture in different ways. Outbupping Ca always has a detrimental effect, rather than its disadvantage. Calcium has the property to accumulate and imagine the plant.

Especially appreciated the dolomitic flower powder. Many houseplants Poor react to acidic soil. If you immediately buy a universal soil and put a plant, the pH will be stable.

Upon time, acidity will increase and it is necessary to normalize it. During this period, dolomite is added, the plant is almost transformed and is actively developing. Love the dolomite powder raw flowering indoor and greenhouse plants.

Dolomitic flour is an effective fertilizer in the form of a powder, which is obtained from the same-name carbonate mineral by grinding it to the smallest fractions. It has a chemical formula Caco3 MGCO3. The introduction of this substance in the soil not only normalizes its acidic composition, but also improves the fertile structure, enriching it with such useful elements as manganese, potassium and magnesium. Such flour also contributes to a decrease in the number of weeds on garden plot.

Dolomitic flour in gardening - Fertilizer characteristics

Lime flour is a substance natural originwhich is used as an independent feeding without additives. With it, it is activated by the functioning of beneficial microorganisms, including ringed worms, which leads to an improvement in the state of the soil and normalization of positive chemical processes.

Dolomite flour refer to high-essential products, fully safe for ambient and human activity. Calcium and magnesium - the main elements in the composition of this mineral fertilizer are in carbonate form, which does not allow them to be deposited in fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities. Low cost, availability and effective qualities make this complex indispensable in gardening for the most various plants and garden crops.

When introducing into the soil, the active substance improves its acidity and saturates the fertile layer necessary chemical elements, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. In addition, the limestone or dolomite flour has a number of advantages, among which they allocate:

  • the ability to form colonies from utility microorganisms;
  • increasing the active properties of other mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • cleansing the soil layer from harmful radionuclides;
  • destruction dangerous insects and pests by changing their chitinous cover.

You can use flour in gardening as in naturaland in complexes with other useful feeders, but before entering into the soil it is necessary to determine its acidity, otherwise the oversupply of chemicals will give reverse effect Definition of soil.

Determination of the acidic composition of the soil

With maximum accuracy, it is possible to determine the acidity of the soil using special devices that are called pH meters. They are foreign and domestic productioncharacterized by different power and degree of error. But buying expensive equipment is not always appropriate, therefore gardeners and gardeners are resorted to people's ways.

Weeds. Many of these plants are peculiar indicators of the acid factor. On the weakly acidic soils most often "settle" dandelions, drinking creeping, clover, chamomile or coltsfoot. In highly acidified soils, you can meet green overlooks, buttercups, loft, etc. for neutral more characteristic abundance of nettle, hops or swans.

Table vinegar. Another popular way to superficially determine the composition of the soil on the section for making dolomite flour is to use a solution. table vinegar. Several tablespoons of the essence are poured into the clean part of the soil and look at the reaction. If nothing happens, then the earth is practically not acidified, the foaming of the liquid or its planning indicates a neutral or acidic pH reaction.

The same goes and the grape juice. In a glass with fresh and natural grape nectar, the handful of earth is placed, and if the liquid changes its color, it means that the reaction occurs and the degree of these changes are concluded about the approximate acidity.

Application of dolomite flour on the garden plot

After determining required factor Soil acidity Depending on the indicators obtained, the norms of making this fertilizer determine. For highly acidic soils with a pH, a factor of 4.5 and higher, the area is sprinkled at the rate of 50 kg of flour per 1 weaving ground. For medium-sized or neutral soils, no more than 40 kg per weave, for weakly acids from 25 to 30 kg on the same measure area.

In addition to the acid factor, pay attention to the structure of the site. On light fields and vegetables, the amount of dolomite fertilizer is reduced by 1.5 times from the recommended norms. For heavier, sublibric or alumina, the composition can be increased by 10-15% if necessary.

Fossious means, as a rule, in bags or polyethylene packages of various capacities. Its cost is low and varies on trading platforms within 300-400 rubles per 50-kilogram bag. Before purchasing, it is necessary to take into account all the above-described garden factors and carry out calculations. In the standard plot in middle lane With a relatively neutral ground, a 200 kilogram of fertilizer is 6 acres to increase overall yields.

The deadline for making is no more frequent 1-2 times at a periodicity of 2-3 years. Effectively this fertilizer is used in complexes with high quality organic fertilizers, which allows you to speed up the process of the formation of beneficial microorganisms and treatment of the organic, which fed plants in the garden. It is well combined with such species like burglar liquid, boric acid or iron vigor, improving and complementing their basic properties.

Making fertilizers from dolomite for the seasons - we comply with the basic rules

Dolomite flour makes round yearsince it does not have any negative influences And it helps the soil to absorb all the necessary elements. But it is even better to pour this tool for 1-2 weeks to the main complex feeders, since not with all of them carbonates from flour can interact qualitatively.

In particular, this applies to areas for the cultivation of popular vegetables. The most effective action is fertilizer in the following cases:

  • when putting on landing or bed with tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, radish, potatoes and zucchini;
  • for normalization and acceleration of growth legume crops, soybean, barley, greenery and cucumbers;
  • when growing bone fruit trees and winter fruit (garlic, onions, etc.).

Right often, dolomite flour is used on areas for cultivation of such cultures as sorrel, celery, blueberries, as well as gooseberries and cranberries.

In the spring for 10-14 days before landing, seedlings or seeds scatter flour throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. After her assimction of the soil inside the reservoir, the risks of the occurrence of infectious and fungal diseases are strongly reduced, which are susceptible to all garden plants. In the greenhouses in the garden or in the country, the prior processing of the soil is also recommended by this mineral fertilizer, it can be poured in a complex with nitroposka and wood ash.

Potato fields are treated with dolomite fertilizers in obligatory. They not only sanitize and improve the properties of the soil, but also destroy harmful insects, such as colorado beetle Or Medveda, gradually "overlooking" chitinovy \u200b\u200bPanciri, which leads to their death.

In the fall, the flour is used mainly for feeding fruit trees (especially cherries and plums) and some berry shrubs.

Under the middle, the tree is made from 2 to 3 kilograms of the substance, scattering it along the rolling circle. On lush thickets spend a little less material (1-1.5 kg), sprinkling them around the perimeter and slightly blocking crystals in the ground (by 5-7 cm). Apple trees and pears fertilize the dolomites less often than other fertile cultures, approximately 1 time in 3-4 years.

Dolomite flour or ordinary lime?

For the deoxidation of the soil and improving its main indicators, it is often used and hated lime, chemical formula which sa (he). In the environment experienced Gorodnikov It is also called "Pushonka". Such a material is more often than lime flour is on sale, and its cost is a bit cheaper.

According to the commensurability of useful qualities, lime is slightly more efficient than dolomite flour. Calcium in its composition is in the form of hydroxide, and not carbonate, which enhances its impact on the total oxidation of the soil by almost 1.5 times. Experts believe that the extinguished lime acts much faster and better absorbed with a fertile layer.

However, this "speed" at certain conditions It also lack. It is that immediately after making the lime prevents the normal assimilation of vital elements for any plants, such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, after adding such a "Pushonki" for some time, nothing can be put in the ground until it should not "fall on."

It is for this reason that in this way the site is fertile or in the offseason, or in the process of preparing the beds by winter, or in early spring To ensure a better germination of seeds in enriched and stretched soil. Dolomite fertilizer is made all year round, and this is a certain advantage in which the choice of gardeners is increasingly falling towards this component.

Precautions when using and useful tips

Removing is a general term that is characterized by the normalization of acidic soil with various substances with a high calcium content, including dolomites and lime. But before starting this process on its garden plot, it is necessary to carefully study the peculiarities of a particular material and the degree of its impact on the soil and other species plants. The overaction of calcium in the ground with all its carbonate or hydroxide compounds is much worse than its temporary disadvantage.

Too frequent fertilizing area of \u200b\u200blimestone flour and its other derivatives or analogs is fraught with dangerous consequences, up to the loss of the entire seasonal harvest. Thus, before using this mineral, such factors necessarily take into account:

  • condition and nature of the soil;
  • dosage of the drug (especially before landing of young plants);
  • compatibility and feasibility of use with other fertilizer types.

As for the last item, the specialists do not recommend simultaneous introduction or frequent mixing with most nitrogen fertilizers, namely ammonia Selievera, superphosphate or urea. But the combination with ammonium sulphate and its varieties is quite acceptable and justified.

The correct and timely use of dolomite flour will allow gradually (within 2-3 years from the moment of the first contribution), increase the fertility of the soil, and together with it and the total yield is 10-15% of the previous indicators.

Dolomite torment is called chopped dolomite - rock, the chemical formula of which looks like CAMG (CO2). This is an effective means to reduce the level of acidity of the soil, to which the main advantages of which are primarily related affordable price and environmental friendliness. It is precisely because of this fertilizer described in the article and enjoys great popularity among country land owners.

The use of dolomite flour is a convenient way to reduce the level of acidity of the soil. The substance is a crystalline mineral with a bright color (gray or white, less often - reddish) and a characteristic gloss.

A feature that favorably distinguishes a dolomite crumb from other means of similar action is not only lower cost, but much less consumption. Moreover, the harated lime, for example, contains a hydroxoy group and calcium ion, reduces the soil acidity too sharply, as a result of which plants are unable to get used to such conditions, they begin to extremely slowly absorb phosphorus. That is why lime is made exclusively in the fall after assembling the harvest - in this case, the soil will still have enough time to gain a chemical equilibrium to the new garden season.

Another powerful tool lowering acidity is wood ash. The concentration of calcium salts - the main active substance - fluctuates in the range of 30-60%, but the difficulty is that to determine accurate composition does not seem possible. The concentration of calcium salts depends, first of all, from the rock from which the ash was produced, on which parts of the plants were used (branches, trunk, etc.), as well as on the peculiarities of the soil and climate conditions in the region, where these trees have grown. Alone, without resorting to chemical analysis, it is impossible to accurately determine the required amount of ash, and therefore people act at random. By the way, the ash is usually used for seedlings and vases, since it contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium.

Note! The volume of ash or lime should be approximately two more than dolomite flour, provided that the same area.

How dolomite affects the soil

The described fertilizer, as already noted above, a large calcium percentage. If the soil is long used under fruit plantsOver time, its chemical characteristics will deteriorate over time, and therefore, the lost elements must somehow fill. The use of dolomite flour makes it possible to artificially maintain the desired concentration of hydrogen and calcium ions.

Penetrating into the soil, this fertilizer not only normalizes its acidity, but also enriches by microelements necessary for plants. But when and how do you need to make fertilizer? One of the differences of the mineral is its versatility: it is not enough that it is possible to fertilize the plot almost yearly, so flour also increases the yield of all cultures: vegetable, fruit and grain. Finally, fertilizer efficiency is equally high on the garden, in a greenhouse and even in the house (if it is about room plants).

But especially the means is effective on:

  • supply soil;
  • ground with a slight magnesium concentration.

As for the soil with a neutral level of pH, it is better not to use flour here, since this may cause a violation of a natural chemical balance.

The fertilizer made to the soil provides the following actions:

  • improves its biological characteristics;
  • improves photosynthesis of plants;
  • increases the concentration of various minerals and microelements that are necessary for plants;
  • helps to output environmentally friendly products;
  • increases the efficiency of other means introduced into the soil;
  • improves yield;
  • improves the quality of food cultures;
  • finally, due to the presence of calcium in its composition, the flour activates the development and ground, and underground parts (root).

Note! In addition, the dolomitic flour is an excellent remedy for harmful insects, which is absolutely non-toxic. Small particles of the means play the role of an annoying abrasive, which destroys the chitine insect shells.

Video - Dissakening Soil With Dolomite Flour

Methods for determining acidity

In order to determine the desired amount of fertilizer, you need to figure out exactly what mechanical composition Soils (for example, clay it or sandy) and its acidity level. Usually, disposable tests or other special devices are used for this (for example, the KS-300B soil analyzer), which are sold in all horticultural stores.

Acidness is expressed in the pH, it is denoted by numbers from 0 to 14 and may be:

  • weak (more than 7);
  • neutral (pH equals 7);
  • high (less than 7).

By the way, it is possible to determine the acidity of the soil with the help of subwoofers.

Determination of soil acidity by prudent means

Method number 1. On the hand of the Earth, it is necessary to pour a small amount of table vinegar.

If the result began stormy reaction With the formation of foam, the land is either neutral, or a non-micro.

Lack of reaction (vinegar simply has absorbed into the soil) indicates that acidity is increased.

Method number 2. In a glass with grape juice, it is necessary to lower the lump of the earth.

If the color of the content changes, and bubbles are formed on the surface, then the ground is either neutral or a weakness.

Method number 3. Web plants will not grind on the ground, not suitable for the level of acidity. That is why they can be used as a kind of indicators indicating the level of the pH.

On the basis with weak acidity, coltsfoot, clover and drinking are growing.

On the soil with neutral acidity - nettle, swan.

If the acidity is high, the plantain and mocarin will grow on the plot.

Note! Fertilizer efficiency will noticeably increase if boric acid is made with it in combination with copper vigorous.

Yezho one useful video capable of helping to determine the properties of the soil before the deoxidation procedure.

Video - Folk ways to determine the level of pH

Dolomitic flour How to use in the garden

Specific proportions of the mineral depend on the level of acidity. Thus, in the acidic soil, approximately 0.6 kg / m² should be added if it is weakly acidic, then not more than 0.35 kg / m², and if neutral, then a maximum of 0.5 kg / m². If the ground is sandy, the amount of flour needs to be reduced one and a half times, and if clay - increase by about 15%.

Note! It is possible to increase the efficiency of fertilizer by the most uniform distribution. If the flour is scattered correctly, then the benefits of it will be enough for eight or ten years.

Do not forget that the plants react differently to the application. In this regard, cultures can be divided into several groups.

Table. Group of Sensitivity Sensitivity

GroupShort description
Such plants include espartce, beets, alfalfa and cabbage. All these plants are comfortable with a neutral or weak level of acidity. It is possible to increase the yield by making a product into a non-chosen soil.
On the acidic soils can grow onion, barley, wheat, clover, beans, soy, cucumbers and corn. Ideally, such cultures should be planted on the basis with weak or neutral acidity.
This group includes Timofeevka, Carrots, Redishka, Tomatoes, millet, buckwheat, and rye. All these plants equally well grow on soils with a pH level from 4 to 7.5.
This includes potatoes and flax. For example, if growing potatoes in acidic soil, it will sooner or later get infected with a pair, which is why the level of starch in the tubers will noticeably decrease. Flax in such conditions is infected with calcium chlorosis, which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the fibers.

When to fertilize?

As noted above, the described fertilizer can be used regardless of the time of year, since it does not affect neither the composition of the soil or the intensity of the absorption of other beneficial substances. But in most cases, flour is scattered before using other fertilizers, because it is not organically interacting with all of them.

If vegetables are grown on the site, the dolomitic flour is scattered in the spring, in two or three weeks before landing. This tool not only feeds, but also sanides the soil, which is especially relevant, for example, for potatoes, subject to various diseases, whose development dolomite can stop. In addition, for potatoes it is important that fertilizer is struggling with pests. As for the feeding of cultures closed typeThe introduction of mineral in the greenhouse will prevent the spread of fungi.

At the autumn time it is recommended to fertilize the soil under fruit bushes and trees. Here, for each tree, it is necessary to make about 2 kg of fertilizer (on the edge, with a small bave), and for shrubs - from 0.5 kg to 1 kg (it all depends on the size) by a similar scheme.

  1. It is impossible to mix dolomite with superphosphate, urea or ammonium nitrate, otherwise a dangerous reaction may begin.
  2. The clay soil follows it annually.
  3. With the help of flour, it is impossible to fertilize the gooseberry or sorrel.

  4. It is necessary to distribute the fertilizer as much as possible, thoroughly mixing with the soil and buried about 15 cm (except are shrubs and trees).
  5. In the spring, vegetables can be periodically poured by dolomite "milk" (mineral divorced water).
  6. Manure is also useful for the soil, but it is prohibited to mix it with flour. At first, you need to scatter fertilizer, then - manure, and only after that the site can be thrown out.

  7. The crop turnips and cabbage will improve, if the flour is made directly during the landing.
  8. Plums with cherries need to fertilize each year after harvesting fruits (the dosage is described above). So the fruits will be large and juicy.

  9. When growing black currant, flour must be scattered once every two years (0.5-1 kg under the bush, depending on the size).

As a result, we note that the dolomite flour acts gradually, therefore it is not worth waiting for an instant positive effect. The greatest benefit It is observed in two or three years after the fertilizer is made - yield rises by 10-15%.

It is manufactured by the variety of dolomite stone. This mineral is very common in our country. The volumes of its production today quite grabs to fully meet the needs of the state. This product is used in many areas of the national economy - in construction, animal husbandry, road construction, in glass and paint industry. He found wide use in agriculture. How to properly use a dolomite flour in the country area, and let's talk later.

Use of dolomite flour for soil neutralization

Use these funds primarily to improve the soils. That it is impossible to get on such land good harvest Virtually no culture, it is probably known to all dackets. The fact is that the roots of plants in acidic soil absorb nutrients very poorly. Even making fertilizers and increasing the "fat content" of the Earth does not change the situation. One of the most effective toolsused to neutralize sour soil, is precisely the dolomite flour. The use of autumn under the poppill of this means is a great way to increase crop yields for the next year. Limestone flour on certain doses, depending on the degree of acidic acid.

What other useful qualities has flour

Among other things, the dolomitic flour contributes to the bursting of the soil and enriches it with useful minerals. For example, it contains a lot of calcium. This substance has an unusually beneficial effect on root system Plants, increasing its efficiency. Garden and garden crops are starting faster and easier to absorb different forms Such substances as nitrogen, phosphorus, molybdenum, potassium. Also in the dolomite flour contains magnesium. It is able to stimulate photosynthesis. This substance has a beneficial effect and the vital activity of different microorganisms for plants.

The ability to prevent the reduction in yield as a result of damage to cultures with certain types of insects is also one of the useful qualities of such fertilizer, like a dolomitic flour. Application in the fall of this substance will lead to the destruction of the chitine cover of the zhukov and worms in the soil. In particular, this white dust affects the solid covers of insects in the places of their articulation.

Another interesting property of Dolomite flour is that it can bind radionuclides. Therefore, after making it in the ground, you can get a much more environmentally friendly crop of garden and garden crops. He will be stored much better.

How much should dolomite flour

In the event that the soil has a sour reaction on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site, in the fall it is worth falling asleep with its dolomite flour completely. At the same time it is important to correctly calculate its quantity. Dosage depends mostly from the soil composition. So,

If the soil on the area is loose and light, the dose must be reduced by 1.5 times. On heavy tight soils, on the contrary, increase (10-15%). Distribute flour through the garden area should be as close as possible. Leveling produce rakes. Then the soil is drunk on the bayonet shovel. The re-processing of the site will need to be carried out in about 8 years.

Limestone flour

Next, let's figure it out when it can be included in the soil Dolomitic flour. Application in the fall of this fertilizer, as you already understood, most appropriate. You can make it in the soil in the spring when landing or even in the summer. However, it is a way to improve soil with its use under the winter is considered the most effective. Usually on the light soils, the dolomite flour is made in the ground once every 2 years, on heavy - once a year. Improve the soil is best in August-October, after collecting the harvest of this particular culture. Of course, it is important to comply with the correct dosage. For example, in surveillance Circles Flour currants are usually made in the amount of 500 g per bush. Under the cherry and plum it is also used in autumn in the amount of 1-2 kg under one plant. If necessary, use this tool twice a year - both in spring and autumn.

What plants are best reacting to limestone flour

We'll figure out further with what kind of plants should be made a limestone flour. Dolomitic flour, the use of which in the fall - the procedure is very effective, it can be used to increase yields almost any garden culture. Of the fruit trees, the bone tacities are best discounted on this substance. Also when it is used, vegetables yield significantly increases. Efficiently, this method of improving the soil acts on cabbage. Also, this tool is often used to increase the yield of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and potatoes. It is worth making flour and under bean, salads, barley and cucumbers.

In the autumn, the dolomite flour must be added under all this can be garlic, winter onions, decorative garden plants, etc. According to the results of studies conducted by scientists, the use of limestone flour can contribute to an increase in yield by 4-12%. The most notable effect of its use is manifested in about a year or two after putting into the soil.

Of course, there are plants that are not too well reacting to such a substance as the dolomite flour. Application in the fall or at any other time of this agent under the gooseberry or sorrel is not recommended. Do not use it under cultural plants And in the event that the soil on the site has a neutral or alkaline reaction.

Compatibility of dolomite flour with other fertilizers

Combine Dolomite flour with other fertilizers also need correctly. In order to strengthen the effect produced by it, you can use it simultaneously with boric acid either with other substances containing them in their composition. It is impossible to mix limestone flour with urea and ammonium nither. It is not very well combined with manure. Since the latter for fertilizer of plants is used very often, simultaneously with the dolomite flour it is still used. However, one should observe one important recommendation. In the fall scattered in the garden dolomite and only then manure. Next, everyone is drunk.

Which dolomite flour is worth using in autumn

As already mentioned, most often the limestone flour is used in autumn. When purchasing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality. It is determined by tonina grinding. In addition, it depends on the raw materials from which flour was produced. Depending on these two factors, limestone flour is divided into classes and groups. In agriculture, it is usually used enough (with particles to 1 mm) Dolomitic flour. How the fertilizer can also be used and an exhausted version. Before ordinary, such flour has the advantage that magnesium plants are absorbed better.

Which of all this follows

As you can see, the limestone flour is a fertilizer useful and no side-negative impacts on the plants. Of course, only under the condition proper use. The effectiveness of the application of dolomite flour is directly dependent on the correct dosage. Before you make this fertilizer, it is necessary to conduct research on the level of soil acidity. At pH, more than 6 are too unnecessary. It is not necessary to use flour and in a complex with incompatible fertilizers.

Important rules and nuances of using dolomite flour in the garden Most of the crops grown in gardening areas are sensitive to the quality of the soil. It is possible to regularly receive abundant yields, only if the soil is neutral or weakly alkaline. The acidic soil for agriculture is bad, so acidity is neutralized. Suitable tool For this, the dolomite flour is, but in the use of fertilizer there are nuances. What is a dolomite flour? Dolomitic flour is the chopped to the powder state of Mineral Dolomite. Since it is found very often in Russia, there are no problems with raw materials. The finished powder is slightly glittering, its color varies from white to grayish, sometimes it can even be reddish or beige depending on the initial raw material. Dolomite in high concentration contains calcium and magnesium carbonates, efficiently neutralizing soil acidity, which causes its benefits for agriculture. These same substances are present in the dolomite flour not in pure form, but in the form of salts, which prevents the deposition of trace elements in grown vegetables, berries and fruits in excessive concentration. Dolomitic flour can be used as fertilizer. In the process of purely mechanical processing, chemical additives are not made, the agent is used in kind. Therefore, such fertilizer is completely safe and for ecology, and for human health. The thinner of the grinding, the higher the quality of the fertilizer. It is for this that you need to focus when it is purchased. It is best for the vegetable heat tool, the granules of which do not exceed 1 mm in diameter (similar to the sea sand). Please note that the dolomite may be non-indentible and burned. The advantage of the second option is that the landing will receive more magnesium. Photo Gallery: Source Raw Machine and Mechanical Processing Product

Packaging with dolomite flour sold in stores

Mineral after grinding

Useful properties for the garden and garden Dolomitic flour - excellent fertilizer that helps consistently get harvest, regardless of the quality of the soil. But the benefits of this fund is not limited to the deoxidation of the soil. In addition to the fact that due to the increase in the concentration of calcium and magnesium, fertility increases in an easily-friendly form and the soil structure is improved, the use of fertilizer has other positive effects: on gardens The number of weed plants is reduced. Inhabable microorganisms useful for plants, bacteria and insects get a promotion incentive. The effect of other fertilizer-contributed fertilizers (chemical or natural) becomes more noticeable. Sharply decreases the number of pests. Powder particles play the role of abrasive, damaging chitinous cover of beetles and soft slick tissues. By the way, the flour can not only be buried in the soil, but also sprinkle the trunks, branches, stems and leaves. For people and pets tools absolutely safely. Fruits receiving less damage to pests are much better stored. The landing is good forgive, since the roots in the presence of calcium are growing faster and become stronger. The plant better opposes various infections (especially rot) and gets more nutrients from soil. Environmental purity of grown vegetables, berries and fruits. Dolomitic flour has a unique feature Neutralize salt-departed salts of heavy metals, even radionuclides. Magnesium coming into the fertilizer is needed to form chlorophyll, without which photosynthesis is impossible. When to make? Dolomite flour can be made to the soil at any time, as quality improvement and additional soil rehanging will never be superfluous. Table: Recommendations for making dolomite flour Depending on the time of year, the term of making the recommendation of spring (15-20 days before landing in a certain culture) - April-May Dolomite flour is scattered in a garden or a plot designed for specific landings, most often - under vegetable crops . Fertilizer use not only for open soil, but also for greenhouses. Such a procedure helps to prevent the spread of mold, rot and other plant diseases caused by fungi. Autumn (after harvest) - from the end of August to the end of October, the flour scatter around the fruit trees, a mentally delineating circle of about 2 m in diameter, and intensively loosen the earth. For one tree, 1.5-2 kg is enough. When fertilizing shrubs and norm, and the deposit area is doubled. Winter - February-March flour can be scattered in the snow in winter so that in the spring when he is melting, the fertilizer has absorbed into the ground. But this procedure is effective only on a certain area. It must be relatively smooth (let's say a bias of 5-7º) and covered with loose snow. If the thickness of the snow cover exceeds 25-30 cm, the benefit from dolomite flour will not be. Similarly, if a strong wind is marked on the site. Fertilizer just blows up to spring. The tool must be completely dry, otherwise it will quickly grow out. Summer over the entire season of vegetation Dolomitic flour is good feeding and means to combat pests. Observing the rate of application, it is possible to process landing times in 4-6 weeks. Combined option. If a large pashnya area is processed, 2/3 of the flavors are made to the ground when it is planned in the fall, and the remaining third is in the spring when re-spindle. Nuances of making and applying fertilizer Dolomitic flour will be useful to you only if the soil on the site is really acidic. In order not to spend in vain my own time, strength and money, first find out if you need such a fertilizer at all. Therefore, there are special devices and a lactum paper. But in the garden plot provided by them high accuracy Measurements are not needed. Understand whether the soil can be understood using time proven folk remedies - acetic essence and grape juice. Immediately it should be noted that with the uncontrolled scattering of Dolomite flour on the site of high yields should not be expected. Treatment of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site and open soil If the entire area is processed, the procedure must be carried out once every 6-9 years, depending on the level of the soil acidity indicator, the number of mineral fertilizers made and the intensity of precipitation. Flour is scattered over the site, roll up with rakes, and then dripped the ground to the depth of at least one bayonet shovel. Dropping is necessary that fertilizer began to act faster. Otherwise you have to wait for rains that, absorbing in the soil, will deliver useful material by the address. By the way, it rains all the fertilizers from the soil, including dolomite flour.

Blowing to the land of dolomite flour will give a greater effect than the fertilizer left on the surface be prepared for the fact that the positive effect will not appear immediately. The composition of the soil will be the best in 2-3 years. Then the action of dolomite flour gradually will begin to go to no. Due to energy and high expellation Fertilizers This method of deoxidation of the soil is used quite rarely. How to use dolomite flour in greenhouses? There are no obstacles to the use of dolomite flour in greenhouses, greenhouses and oranges. On average, 1 m² you need about 100 g. But in contrast to open soil, scattering fertilizer throughout the garden area, the land is not drunk. Flour creates a thin film on the surface of the soil, which holds inside moisture, not allowing it to evaporate. In this way, upper layer Earth does not dry up. Instructions for use for individual beds in the country. Another option is to process specific beds, where it is planned to plant the culture of the soil of culture, or the roasting zone of trees and shrubs. Dolomitic flour is introduced into the wells when landing, in beds when leaving or crumbles at the roots (then the soil must be well inserted). But arises actual question: How many dolomite flour takes? If the soil on the beds are heavy (peat, ironsist, clay, sublinous, alumina), the corresponding norm increases by about 15%. It is recommended to annually contribute to dolomite flour. For light sandy and sampling soils in beds, the norm is reduced by about a third. Enough one procedure with an interval in 3-4 years. In this case, considerably less fertilizer and acid-alkaline balance is maintained at the same level due to the regular receipt of new portions of the desired substances.

The amount of dolomite flour directly depends on the type of soil. Making dolomite flour into neutral and alkaline soil is urgently not recommended. You can disrupt the natural acid-alkaline balance. Excess calcium - a much more serious problem than the lack of this trace element. Table: The rate of making dolomite flour, depending on the soil of the soil, recommendations for making a dolomite flour with an acidic 50 kg of dolomite flour per 100 m² or 500 g per 1 m². Middle-scale 40-45 kg per 100 m². Weakly acidic 30-35 kg per 100 m². What agricultural crops do Dolomitic flour need? Different plants react to acidic soil in different ways. Some of them, increased acidity rates are very suitable. Therefore, before scattering Dolomite flour in beds, find out whether such a fertilizer needs this culture. Table: Soil type and different agricultural cultures Soil type What is best grows by acid sorrel, gooseberry, cranberries, blueberries. Moderately sour radish, radish, dykon, luna, cereals (millet, rye), buckwheat. Weakly acidic clover, alfalfa, cucumbers, corn, spinach, all varieties of leaf lettuce, carrots, soybean, cereals (wheat, barley), potatoes, bell and sharp peppers, eggplants, tomatoes. Neutral all types of cabbage, turnip, swallow, any legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils), Espartce, onions, garlic, strawberries. Alkaline Black currant, bone trees (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches). And a few more comments: cultures that prefer moderately acidic and weakly acidic soils will respond on making dolomite flour by an increase in harvest. Under plants preferring alkaline soils, the means is entered into the root zone every fall, the recommended dose increases by 10-15% compared with the number of fertilizer when landing. If you try a new tree or bush, make a fertilizer in the well. About 0.1 kg, seedling of seeds (pears, apple) - 0.3 kg, bone seedlock - 0.5 kg. If the flour is needed by vegetable and berry cultures, it is put in the wells or furrows for seeds and immediately put the landing. This is especially concerned with winds and cabbage. Exception - tomatoes, potatoes and strawberries (fertilizer must be made in the soil in advance, in the fall or early spring). Dolomitic flour increases the yield of any winter crops, such as onions and garlic. You need this tool is also perennial colors and decorative plants.