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How to get a rich potato harvest. Potato yield and how to enhance it - advice of experienced gardens

Dear Roman Gordeev!
Thank you so much that they wrote this, in general, unfolded, letter. You hit the very point. Rostov region is good weather conditions, although there is You, - year By year, different. It is simply impossible to guess ... well, it's like everyone else ... Which edge does not take .... It is so to speak Achilles of the Fifth of Agriculture.
You prescribed almost an accounting plan, so to speak "boiler method." Everyone was dispersed in one "boiler". It is understandable ... 10 years is good experience. That's right. I, as a beginner, it will be not enough. From the business plan, I expect to see and technology and cash flows And related questions need to be solved (storage, machinery, salary, etc.) and the main flow of time spent! Understand correctly, I do not criticize you .... This can be said, I write "for myself" ...
At a large account, it is almost an arithmetic task in time .... Bought seed potatoes. With this begins technological process. You described how much and how much material is needed per ha. Well, and actually how to plant. Now, you can count how much you need to spend on "raw materials" .... To multiply, we obtain the necessary amount of financial resources for sowing. What to sow you too told ... .... Tractor drives, they need a salary ... I think where to ni-20-30 tr. per month.
These are all costs .... Earth must be prepared, plant, care, fertilizer, collect what will go up, soak and put on storage. Then sell and then repay the loan taken.
That's what you have forgotten .... So this is theft and natural losses ... ..
Yes, still a business plan to buy .... Looking in advance ...
Probably, this year I need to put the repository and to stick to the landing material for the next year. Probably buy 2 tractors (not Chinese .... Well, everyone is talking about it ...) I was here in Spain, I offered all sorts of glands Cultivators from the factory ...., Here is the link
But tacking them from Spain .... They all want to find a dealer in Russia. At the same time, they give discounts for the purchase, etc., but cannot be inserted into the development of the base in Russia (I offered it ....) Because of the crisis. Probably buy that thread in Russia ... Used.
I will put the hangar, there will be tractors and then, but already the next year, I will look at the beginning of the work ... .. I wonder, probably it will be necessary to miss the earth .... And then after all, the year they will overgrow ....
So ... take or not to take a loan .... Rogue or not ... I want to find an answer in the business plan. I can, first of the first year of the middle crop, discourage the technique and hangar .... Or you have to take the 2nd loan to pay the first ....? Yes, it turns out without a plan it is impossible.
On the next week It will be necessary to see it ....

Well, about hump. So this is life ..
If you want to do something ... without him.
As in Russian fairy tales.: And without difficulty and. Fish from.
Or. wait for your pike.
Or, if not stood next to Abramovich.

Dear Mixail_PL!
Thank you very much. But, selflessness is diumphing. Don't face this ailment! Be sure to write to you! You correctly said that such work should make an experienced person. Well, let's say Roman Gordeev. He can. Since a specialist. He lives it.
Well, I, too, of course I can ... Then ..., but the level of knowledge, in the absence of experience ... (life, of course there is. But it is not enough.) ...


The yield of potatoes depends on many factors and it is not only weather conditions. The plant and soil grade also affect the amount of collected vegetable from one weaving. If you want to grow record crops and get on one hundred square up to 1 ton of potatoes and more, it is necessary to pay attention to many factors: how to properly plant a vegetable, when you need to pour, loose and dip, how to effectively make the pests to not harm the plant , Do I need to withstand the crop and how to make it right. Learn Next!

The crop rotation of the potato - the first factor significantly affecting the yield

First of all, before planting potatoes, you need to pay attention to the predecessors who have grown there before. Ideally, if you have a story in 2-3 years. It is not recommended to land for the next year after sunflower, rapeseed, pumpkins, corn - these plants destructively affect the soil and after they need enrichment useful substances and organic fertilizers.

The perfect precursors for potatoes are bean (peas, beans) or perennial herbs, which practically do not affect the composition of the soil with growth, and their green mass and root system - Best fertilizer.

IN rural farms An ideal crop rotation was developed for potatoes: 1 year grain (mainly wheat or rye), 1 year of the dispensary (bonfire, sulfur, lynch), 1 year legumes (mostly peas) and then potatoes. Moreover, each culture should be grown with fertilizers who rely on the cultural passport.

If the landing area is small, then you can change the crop rotation and plant 1 time in 2 years in the same place, but you need to follow the diseases of the plant - as a rule, after several years, it starts to progress the rot, and a large amount of pest insects appears. You can fight with them, but it will require a lot of financial costs, especially for preventive methods of struggle.

Crowning can give + 50% harvest, so you should not neglect them. If you doubt whether it is necessary to change the culture on this plot of land, then a chemical analysis of the soil can be made. The cost of such an analysis now fluctuates around 400 to 600 rubles, depending on the complexity of the analysis itself and the rates of the company that implements it. But this money, as a rule, allows you to save a solid amount, especially if you think seriously to engage in potatoes and take them a large area.

Right landing of potatoes

The planting technique "South there, where there is a place" has long been outdated and modern technique implies 2 main ways to plant potatoes:

  • Chess. The most popular method for those who have very few bushes. It implies a manual disembarkation where 2 row is planting, after which there are still bushes, evenly separated from the nearest plants. There will be at least 70 centimeters in this case, the distance between bushes is at least 45 cm. The landing in this way will increase the harvest by 15-20% by adding bushes to places intended for the passage of special equipment or weeding. The only minus of such a method is very large difficulties in a weeding, dipping and loosening the soil, as the rifle, as such, will not have to manually process each bush.
  • Trench. One long trench of a depth of 15-20 centimeters is broken and potatoes are put on every 30-40 cm. Thus, you have one solid row through the whole garden. The distance between such a row should not be less than 50 centimeters, but not more than 70, since in this case you will lose the crop in the ratio to the unit area.

Both the first and the second way have their advantages, but one is only suitable for a small area in the country, and the other is used to land on large areas, where the main thing is convenience in leaving the plant and the possibility of mechanized processing of bushes. There are special markers for placing placement before landing - This is a simple "rake", the distance between the teeth of which are pointed for the plant. They can be estimated by 60 cm and place a garden or set 75-80 cm and place in the grid - for planting a chess method.

It is necessary to plant potatoes to a depth of at least 15 centimeters, it is possible and deeper if you count on hot summer, since tubers can "burn", becomes green or dark. It is useless to count on a good harvest in this case, since there is a cool moisture for the correct development and growth of tubers, a lot of moisture and shadow. Too deeply put the tubers are also not recommended - no more than 25 centimeters. Otherwise, the seedlings will break out too long, we will weaken, which will lead to the long-term development of the stem, losses in the exchange of organic substances and chlorophyll. As a result, the underdevelopment of tubers.

It is advisable to immediately throw out 200-300 grams of organic fertilizers under each bush, but such a work is very painstaking and difficult, so few people do. The most common method of fertilizer yam during landing is a frustration of organic fertilizers and nitrates in a trench. It will take not much time, and the effect will certainly please you - the quick start of potatoes and the big stems are provided, and then the case will already become only for watering, so that the organic agent declined and gives everything needed elements Plant.

Weeding, loosening, dip, watering - how it affects the yield of potatoes

After the landing is carried out, and the first stems of potatoes begin to "slander", it is necessary to think about proper processing Soil and caring for potatoes. From the first days they carry out periodic canopy. Since weeds ride much faster, at the time when potatoes are no more than 2-3 cm in height, they are already 10-15 cm and suck all useful macroelements and organic fertilizers from the soil.

Important!Never start spinning potatoes if it has not yet thought out of the ground - there is a risk of damaging the growth point on the seedlings, after which the bush can die.

Weeding Let you save the composition of the soil and maintain all the necessary substances necessary for the growth and development of the substance. It also looms the crust on Earth, which was formed during the landing. This will provide a large amount of air to roots, therefore - will speed up the development of the stem. Its correct growth plays a major role, since in the photosynthesis of leaves, chlorophyll is produced, which is sent to the tuber and turns there into starch, increasing the mass of the potato apple. If the stem is small, and the leaves are small, the number of apples under the bush will decrease, and their size will not please you.

Web it is best to exercise 1 time per week. If there is no such possibility, then at least once every two weeks and alternate it with soil looser. When growing potatoes in the country often, earth bassings are used - special metal toolwhich resembles a pointed boat. It allows you to break the earth to a depth of up to 10 cm, which gives:

  1. Maximum oxygen access to the plant and accelerates its growth and development.
  2. Cleaning from "thread" - small weeds, the remains of the roots and seedlings that are in top layer Soil and suck nutrients from it.
  3. The ability to reduce the pressure of the soil on the tuber. When the Earth is lying for a long time (Especially if it is rarely watering), it forms a monolithic "slab" that exertes pressure on potato tubers. The breakdown of such a plate allows you to free the place for the growth of potatoes.

Watering - One of the main conditions during the cultivation of potatoes. By big accountNor about what yield there can be no speech if the earth will be 3-4 weeks without watering, since the tubers are immediately atrophy (they will become less in size) and stop growing. It is necessary to water at least 1 time a week, it is abundantly so that the earth is completely soaked with water and has become soft. It is at the moment that it is wet, potatoes begins to actively grow and push the soil around the tubers. With dry ground, the plant cannot destroy it and remains the same size.

Ideally establish drip irrigationBut its price will not afford many gardeners, and the profitability of such an installation begins on relatively large areas. Therefore, you can use conventional sprayers. Water only in the evening, at night or early in the morning. At air temperature in +20 0 s and above, the leaves can be burned in the sun during watering.

Fighting pests - is it possible to harvest without pesticides and treatments?

Unfortunately, growing potatoes without pesticides is very difficult, since in our area a large base of pests and diseases of this plant has already been formed. Some are simply by a soap solution and vitriol, and this is quite enough until the harvest is made, but others (and most) are actively spraying potatoes from insects and diseases. The following diseases and pests will be the main obstacles to good harvests:

  • Colorado beetle. It is difficult to find at least 1 farmer who has not come across invasion colorado beetle - The striped killer of potatoes scares every gardener. Single individuals are removed manually: a broom with a bush is knocked down in a bucket with diesel fuel or a solution of 15%. In the invasion of the beetle spray Bombardir, Phytooferm, Bi-58., Bicolom. Even if there is no beetle, you can treat preparations for prevention - protection for 2-3 weeks.
  • Aphid. It is particularly dangerous in the early stages of the growth of the plant, almost never lives on large bushes. Small insects gray or white color They accumulate at the height points of the stem and can damage them. Processed timing Bi-58. And his modern "heirs".
  • Medveda. A fairly widespread pest, which gnaws the potatoes and roots themselves. A solution of copper sulfate is poured into holes, a saline solution of 10% or poison against insects.
  • Scab. He damages tubers, infected plants dig up with soil and are burned to prevent distribution to the nearest bushes or on the plants of next year.
  • Phytoophluorosis. Fungal disease, developing in warm and wet weather. To destroy fungus you can use of different kind Fungicides. The greencraft solution (2%) is also very effective for neutralizing fungi.

There are many other diseases, but they are very rare and proper care Behind the potatoes almost never make themselves felt.

The average yield of potatoes and record indicators of some varieties in our climatic zone

Since that time, when Bolotov first began to study the potatoes seriously and received good yields of 100-200 kg / 1 hundred square, a lot of time passed. Modern varieties can give up to 400-800 centners from hectares, that is, almost a ton one hundred! Of course, for this it is necessary:

  • good potato grade;
  • suitable climatic zone;
  • proper care.

In the territory Russian Federation Several recordsmen varieties have been made to the lists, which were displayed at our breeding stations and adapted to the Russian Federation:

  1. Adretta Large-door. Resistant to diseases grade, potential yield - 800 c / ha, the most grown crop in the Caucasus - 750 centners / ha. Potatoes are large, possesses good taste and has an increased shelf life.
  2. Neva. Potatoes of Nevskaya selection, potential yield 750 c / ha. For 5 years, the variety gave from 500 to 700 c / ha (0.7 tons of potatoes from acres) standard scheme Soil fertilizers. The only minus is not suitable for long-term transportation and storage. Resistant to droughts and requires minimal watering.
  3. Knight. The grade of St. Petersburg selection of the 1990s, which still enjoys extraordinary demand, and is one of the best on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the countries of neighboring countries, including Belarus. Up to 800 c / ha Potential yield, in selection areas, it gives steadily up to 600 c / ha under the condition of good watering and fertilizer. Potatoes are characterized by good taste and suitable for long-term transportation - it is not damaged and stored for a long time.
  4. Goldika. Another good grade, the main advantage of which is excellent resistance to different diseases and droughts. Potential yield, of course, less - up to 500 c / ha, from which 400 can be obtained even in conditions of cultivation in the country area (up to 400-500 kg / 1 acres).

To date, there are already more than 800 varieties of potatoes around the world, since it is the basis of the diet of residents in many countries. It is also worth considering the extraordinary benefits of growing for sale - profitability up to 700% per year, which is practically impossible in the case of other cultures.


Garlic is one of the most popular vegetable crops around the world, which is why a business based on his cultivation should bring good income. In addition, such plants are distinguished by unpretentious to care and good stability before adverse weather conditions. These factors allow growing spicy heads in all regions of the country. In this review, let us talk in detail how to plant and when to remove the harvest of garlic, how much you need planting material And what kind of yield with 1 hectare.

Garlic is grown worldwide. This sharp vegetable is used as a supplement to many dishes. It is consumed in a fresh form, marina, cauded, extinguish and prepared in many other recipes. Before starting to grow this culture, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Gardeners divide garlic varieties into two main groups:

  1. Yarova - planted early in spring. Such varieties bring small, dense heads with spicy, but not very sharp cloth. The shelf life of such fruits can reach 12 months;
  2. Winter - planted in the middle of autumn. The resulting harvest is characterized by large sizes, smooth and beautiful teeth with saturated sharp taste. The main disadvantage of this type will be a small shelf life, equal to 3-4 months.

Yield to be enough high level. Depending on the grade and conditions of cultivation from one weaving, you can collect from 100 to 500 kilograms, respectively, from one hectare of 10 to 50 tons.

Is it possible to grow garlic for sale?

Growing garlic for sale is a rather advantageous occupation, because the price of this vegetable on the market always remains at height, and simplicity of agrotechnical work allows them to hold them even the gardener with a novice. Main difficulty there will be a sales of sales channels, Because the number of suggestions for the sale of these vegetables is extremely large.

For cultivation, it is not necessary to build greenhouses and other structures, all work is carried out in the open soil. This factor significantly reduces the initial budget. However, it is worth remembering that the crop of spicy heads can only be obtained once a year, so it is necessary to take care of the conditions for storing vegetables in advance.

Business based on the cultivation of garlic is particularly beneficial for people who have land plot. But even if this is not available, it is not necessary to get upset, the soil can always be rented, depending on the region, such a service will cost from 5 to 80 thousand rubles per hectare for one season.

Rental of land in the Moscow region and the Moscow region may cost much more expensive than in surrounding areas, so it is worth considering the location of the site in advance.

Garlic business can bring good income, with minimal initial costs. Many sources recommend starting cultivation on small areas and gradually increase the number of sowing areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of business built on growing garlic

Growing garlic for further sale is considered profitable business The idea, because it very often ends with success. This business has large quantity Advantages:

  1. Garlic is very popular vegetable culture, which is always in demand, therefore sales channels always find, let it have to try well for this;
  2. Life of this business can begin with usual garden plot 6 acres It will be enough to obtain a stable and decent income;
  3. Garlic business does not require big starting capital;
  4. Garlic is unpretentious culture which can be grown almost on any soil;
  5. Compliance with uncomplicated rules for growing plants will help get a rich harvest;
  6. Obtained heads are stored long enough Therefore, if you correctly organize sales channels and provide storage conditions, your profits can be obtained throughout the year.

But this business also has its drawbacks. Growing garlic on large areas will require the involvement of special equipment, the rental of which is quite expensive. We must not forget about natural factorsBecause the culture growing in the open soil can die under the influence of an unfavorable climate.

Another disadvantage will be the impossibility of growing garlic on the same land plot longer than 3 years in a row.

What should the garlic business be started?

Business built on the cultivation of garlic start with the selection of a suitable land plot. Given that this culture grows well in the open soil, the construction of greenhouses will be unnecessary work, which brings only additional costs.

In order to raise a rich harvest, it is enough to use a little country cottage area, the size of several acres. At the first stage of business development of such an area will be enough. When expanding the site, the profit and the complexity of processing will increase, requiring additional costs, so it should be first acquired by regular buyers, ready to purchase products And only after that it is increased sown areas.

In the event that a novice businessman does not have a land plot in the property, it can be leased. Its price will depend on the chosen region, the quality of the soil, etc.

Landing and care

After the land plot is chosen, you should take care of the purchase of planting material. For growing garlic use its teeth or one-townobtained during the cultivation of the bulbs from garlic arrows. Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to production varieties, zoned for the cultivation region.

It is also worth deciding on exactly what garlic will be grown winter or spring. In the first case, the harvest will turn out to be larger and beautiful, and in the second one is more lying.

Necessary equipment and workers

When growing a given culture on a small land plot, it is possible to carry out its landing and harvest manually, while for processing 1 hectare of soil, you will need a special technique. It belongs to the tractor with hinged technologies suitable for sowing or motoblock.

Rent a tractor together with the worker will cost at least 50-70 thousand rublesAt the same time pay for such a service every year. Most economical option It will be the acquisition of your own motor-block. Its price will depend on the configuration, manufacturer, engine type and many other characteristics. This indicator varies within 20-80 thousand rubles.

You will also have to purchase a garden inventory to which shovels, watering can, rakes, forks, hoes, etc.

In cultivation in large territoriesin industrial scale It will be very hard to do without workers. It is best to hire them for seasonal work.

Landing in spring and autumn in open ground

The timing of garlic landing will depend on the selected type:

  • winter varieties fall out in the fall - in late September-mid-October, 3-4 weeks before the first frosts;
  • yarova -sow in open sad In April, when the soil warms up to 5-7 degrees.

Growing garlic is very important to correctly pick up a landing space:

  1. The plot should be open and sunny;
  2. Not allowed by the use of land on which melt water and precipitation accumulates. It is also worth taking care of groundwater were at a deep level;
  3. It is not recommended to plant garlic where onion, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes grew to him. The desired predecessors will be Cabbage, bean, pumpkin, zucchini or greens.

For getting good harvest It should be borne in mind that garlic prefers neutral loams. Regardless of landing time, in early September, the soil is drunk, purified from weed grass and garbage, after that, the following fertilizers contribute:

  • 1 bucket humus;
  • 50-60 grams of superphosphate;
  • 50-60 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Winter garlic is located in the furrows located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. The distance between the teeth will be 12-15 centimeters. The planting material is plugged by 15-20 centimeters, it is necessary so that the cloves do not froze during winter. Immediately after the work of the landing, the 7th centimeter peat layer or sawdust is mounted. If winter in the regions of frosty, but low-speed, it is recommended to additionally use a spruce yard or agrofiber.

Regardless of the selected species, the teeth should deepen strictly vertically.

Skivar garlic is far more densely, the distance between the furrows will be 15-20 centimeters, and between individual plants 7-10 centimeters. The teeth are plugged at 6-8 centimeters.

Landing care

To obtain a rich harvest that mono will easily sell, it is necessary to properly care for landings and adhere to several basic rules:

  1. Garlic beds need regularly purify from weed and loose;
  2. Watering is moderate, During the vegetation period and the formation of soil bulbs should always be moistened. Watering landings should be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting;
  3. After each irrigation recommended mulch soil;
  4. To form the heads more large size necessary put off the arrows more than 15-20 centimeters;
  5. Also plants need feeding. In the spring, after the first leaflets appear, garlic ferture nitrogen fertilizersFor example, urea. After 15-20 days, comprehensive mineral fertilizers. When 5-6 sheets appear on garlic, it is fed by phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

Growing garlic is quite lightweight, but at the same time a painstaking and laborious process. Adhering to all the rules for planting and leaving plants, obtaining a rich crop will be guaranteed.


The collection of spicy heads of garlic is most often produced manually, for this they are digging with a pitch or pull out for the above-ground part. The harvest timing will depend on climate. Usually both in Russia and in Ukraine winter garlic Collected in early August, and Yarova in early September. It is possible to determine the ripeness of the harvest to the shooters, which begin to shut up and fall on the ground.

  1. Initially, the heads are cleaned from the ground and leave to dry in 20 days at a temperature of 25-30 degrees;
  2. Then necessary cut roots and leavesThe neck is shortened to a length of 2-5 centimeters.

Keep the harvest of garlic in a dry and cool room, air humidity in which should be within 60-80 percent.

How to implement products

The sale of garlic is a very responsible step, because it is from him that the success of the work has begun. There are several options for the sales of the resulting harvest:

  1. Sale retail at your own point. This option is the most expensive, but at the same time the most expensive, because you have to rent a trading point and hire an employee;
  2. Wholesale for various bases, large network stores, on various production etc.;
  3. Also garlic can be sell \u200b\u200bin restaurants and other institutions Catering.

The sale of garlic is quite complex, because the market is saturated with such proposals, but if you find a permanent buyer and produce high-quality products, you can not worry about this issue.

What business profitability from 1 weaving and 1 hectare

Calculation of profitability (income and expenses received) It will be done depending on the size of the sowing areas, the income received in the same way.

Depending on the selected variety from one hectare, you can receive 10 to 50 tons of crop, given that 1 kilogram can be sold for 110 rubles, then the minimum income will be 1.1 million rubles. With the best outcome, this amount may increase 5 times.

Based on all the calculations presented above, it can be concluded that business can fully recoup himself for 1 year of existence.

Business plan

Before starting garlic business, it is necessary to compile a competent business plan in which all important details will be indicated:

  1. First of all it is necessary describe the grown variety, his taste qualities, yield and other characteristics;
  2. Second an important point will be description of sowing areas;
  3. The business plan must necessarily include the production plan in which will be included. description of the process of landing and technology for care behind plants;
  4. You must also specify guaranteed sales channels, with which the contract has already been concluded;
  5. Last and self the main part Business plan will be calculation of expenses and alleged income.

Growing garlic for sale is a painstaking, but very interesting and profitable process. For proper choice varieties and receiving a beautiful and tasty harvest, business can pay off and bring net revenues in the first year. After landing.

Each self-respecting gardener seeks to increase the expected harvest by all means - it is precisely for such a result that all our care efforts will be sent. This statement is fully true for such an agricultural culture, as a friendly potatoes, without which it is difficult to submit a lunch of every Russian family. As a rule, the average yield of potatoes with 1 hectare rarely exceeds 25 tons, but this is not completely insufficient! With proper care, complying with the appropriate conditions, you can see the indicators in 45 or more tons! Let's deal with how much you can collect tubers that you need to do.

The volume of potato assembled per 1 hectare will depend on the whole set of conditions and factors:

Of course, you should also not forget about the frequency of landings: do not plan the potatoes in one site from year to year - the alternation of stuff is mandatory conditionThe observance of which is able to delay the degeneration of culture.

Video "How to get a good harvest"

From the video you will learn how to get a great harvest of the root.

How to increase yield

To get closer to the desired volume of harvest by 1 hectare, a number of conditions should be followed. It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of a variety: it must be suitable for the conditions of your region, be checked for yield. Even the most high-yielding, but not resistant to dry conditions, the variety will not give the expected results, put it in the southern steppe regions of our country.
Another important point is not to plant potatoes in the same place for several years in a row: so you can very quickly subjected to degeneration. Either change the landing site, or change the planting material.

As you know, potatoes loves loose soilFreely transmitting air and water, respectively, putting it on the clay plot, you should not expect any worthy return. Supply soils are suitable for culture, sustained organic fertilizers, and providing good oxygen circulation.

But the most important moment about which it was possible and not to say, this is, of course, high-quality soil fertilizer.
Feeding can be carried out as organic ( bird litter, humus or compost) and mineral fertilizers.

Technological ways to increase yields

Only observing an integrated approach and adhering to all the obligatory stages of culture care - weeding, dips, regular watering and pest control - one can count on a rich and high-quality harvest. But there are several tricks capable of pretty to increase the return of rootes:

  • gulich method: lies in conditional division pricework On equal squares with a rib one meter. For each such site, it is necessary to make a humus, as well as place one large potato tuber. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the bush center need to pour land (so that the shoots grow at an angle). The procedure will be repeated until several tiers are formed. When providing sufficient irrigation, about 15 kg of root plants can be collected from one such plant;
  • Mitlaider's method - this technology suggests a fallout of tubers in the ranks of 0.5 m, with a bent of about 1 m. At the same time, an earth shaft is formed around the beds, which contributes to the preservation of moisture. In this way, potatoes do not need a dip, only in regular watering and feeding. So you can increase the yield of culture up to 50 tons with hectares, while the area reserved under potatoes is significantly reduced. In addition, such beds do not require special care: as already mentioned, the potatoes are not needed;
  • popular and fairly effective dutch technology: The first one of the methods that makes it possible to increase the volume of tubers collected from one bush to two kilograms. It consists in careful calibration of the planting material - selected potatoes should be about 5 cm in diameter, moreover, they must be treated with special drugs. The planting prepared in this way is carried out in bulk rows (about 0.25m high), leaving no less than 65 cm on the aisle. For one season, the garden must be pouring (at least 3 times), as well as ensure regular soil looser To help the air get to the roots. Approximately 10 days before the planned cleaning of potatoes, be sure to cut all the tops - it will help tubers achieve maximum size, After all, the vitality of the plant will no longer be spent on maintaining and developing green mass.

There is one more, the most simple, even "Dedovsky" method, thanks to which the average yield is absolutely any potato with 1 ha significantly increase: everything you need to do is just walk through potato beds, and remove all the flowers during the formation of buds.
Due to this, of course, plants will be more vitality Would spend on the development of the root system, and not for flowering.

It turns out that ways to increase the harvest with potato beds is not so little. Be sure to try each of the proposed options, and you will definitely find the only method that is suitable for you.

And another vegetable, and potatoes are no exception, it is very sensitive not only to the correctness of agrotechnical manipulations, but also to the mood of the farmer itself. Potatoes - grateful and generous vegetable, full of rewarding gardener with an abundant harvest. Go to the garden with soul and care, and then your crop will be above all silence!

Video "Secrets of Good Harvest"

From the video you will learn how to improve your crop.

When choosing seed tubers from autumn harvest or, when they are purchased, it is important to determine in advance how much the planting material is required. This value depends on many factors: varieties of potatoes, tuber size, soil fertility, climate in the region, growth paths.

The traditional method of growing potatoes is landing with rows. The width of the rows is 70-90 cm, the distance between the plants in the row is 25-45 cm.

Opinion expert

Filatov Ivan Yuryevich, private farmer over 30 years

For example, on one weaving (section of 10 × 10 m), with a distance between rows 70 cm, approximately 14 series is located (taking into account the fact that the extreme rows on the site are located with an indentation from the border). If the distance between the plants is 40 cm, then in a row you can plant 25 tubers. Consequently, 350 potatoes are required for landing on 1 hectare. When weighing seed tubers 70-80 g, the total mass of the planting material will be 27-28 kg.

Of course, in practice, seed tubers are calibrated with high accuracy Only in specialized stores. Therefore, if the planting material is taken from its own crop, then it is necessary to take into account the error (as well as the possible damage of seeds in the repository) and leave the seeds about 28-29 kg per hundred square meters,

When marking the same plantation scheme, the hectare size will be 142 furrows, in each - 250 bushes. It will take 35500 seminal tubers with a total mass of about 2.84 tons (in practice 2.8-2.9 tons).

Potato consumption when landing on 1 hectare

As an example, we calculate the sowing rate of potatoes on 1 hecto parada or a hundred square meters:

  1. the size of the rectangular section: 12.5 m in length and 8 m wide, the beds are located in the south direction to the north, the section contains 10 rows; The distance between the rows is 80 cm;
  2. the length of each layer is 125 m, the distance between the tubers is 10 cm from each other, each tuber must weigh an average of 200-300 g and contain at least 5 eyes;
  3. the length of the row (125 cm), multiplied by 10 rows of the series, will be obtained 1250 pieces. It is necessary to divide by 5, as a result we get 250 tubers.

Conclusion: For one weekee, the land is the amount of 250 tubers. Similarly, calculations are carried out for the sowing of potatoes on large areas. To calculate the planned harvest, the number of sowing tubers planted on an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectares is multiplied by medium weight Potatoes.

Example: The middle weight of the cloth for planting is about 60 g or 0.06 kg. Slow 65,000 tubers with 1 hectare. The planned income of 1 hectare will be: 65,000 x 0.06 \u003d 3.9 tons with hectares.

How many potato seeds on 1 hectare

The main goal of growing seed potatoes is the maximum harvest with the smallest size tubers. This is important because small seed potatoes are more expensive than large. High yield with a small number of tubers is achieved only at the expense large number These tubers. This is achieved due to the greater landing density. For example, in the Netherlands the optimal density is 25 - 45 basic stems on square meter.

The optimal density of the bushes is selected depending on the diversity, the soil type, the length of the growing season (class), the prices of seed potatoes as a whole and seed material specified. Ask your trading partner (or who you buy seeds) choose the best density of the selected variety, considering all local conditions. If the bush does not completely cover the leaves with the soil, then in hot periods there is a risk of secondary growth. As a result of this germination, secondary tubers are formed with a very low content of dry matter, and primary tubers are deformed.

Having determined how many seeds need to plant on the hectare to achieve the necessary density of the plantation, the distance between the bushes in the row is easily pink. Suppose you want to have 35 thousand plants with hectares. This means that the area of \u200b\u200bone plant will be 10,000 m2 / 35,000 \u003d 0.286 m2. If the distance between the rows is 75 cm, the distance between the sleeves in the row will be 2.860 cm2 / 75 cm - 38 cm.

How many potatoes can be collected from 1 hectare on average

So, what is the average potato yield with 1 hectare? The size of the seed potato significantly affects the development of the plant. However, with the same number of stems per square meter, ultimately, it will lead to an increase in yield. As for kilograms of tubers, relatively less tubers develop relatively more stems than large ones. In some embodiments, this difference is up to 40 percent. Therefore, for example, in the Netherlands seed tubers in size 28-35 mm more than a tuber size of 35-45 mm.

The size of seminal tubers significantly affects the development of plants. Because larger potatoes contains more nutrients.

Determine how many tubers are contained in 1 kg to calculate the total weight of the potato seeds that you need. Thus, you will learn how much seed potatoes are necessary to maintain the selected landing density.

The yield of potatoes depends on many factors. We estimate the harvest not by the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, but by the number of landing material. From one to five. If the dacket planted one bucket and dug five buckets - it's good.

How many potatoes can be collected from 1 acmition

You can get more than 200 kg (say, 4 bags) if you buy elite seeds, more often watch each bush, feed it. The yield of potatoes largely depends on the state of the soil, its fertility. In well-fertilized, unnecessary land, without a wire worm and a bear with 1 potatoes you can dig up from 3 to 5 huge potatoes. For example, potatoes Zhukovsky early gives from 100 square meters from 200 to 450 kilograms. Potato varieties Red cat gives with 1 hectare, that is, 100 square m from 450 to 600 kilograms.

But, nevertheless, no variety will survive and every year the crop will be less if the earth will not rest and will not be fertilized.

The answer to this question depends on many circumstances and specific factors:

  • First, from the Earth on which this potato will grow.
  • Secondly, from the type of planted potato.
  • Thirdly, from those weather conditions and characteristics of this area, even from height above sea level.

Specific indicator - in the Tambov region, in chernozem, bluebeck, favorable conditions, gives about two bags, i.e. about 70-80 kilograms.

How many kg from 1 weave you collect?

More than 100 kgLess than 100 kg

How to increase potatoes yield

To come close to the desired volume of harvesting from hectare, a number of conditions must be observed.

  1. It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of a variety: it must be suitable for the conditions of your region, check for yield. Even the highest gone, but not resistant to dry conditions, varieties, will not give the expected results, you will plant them in the southern steppe areas of our country.
  2. Another important point is that for several years do not grow potatoes in the same place: in this way you can degrade degeneration very quickly. Either we change the seating pad or change the planting material.
  3. As you know, potatoes love loose soils, freely transmitting air and water, respectively, having planted it on the clay area, you should not expect any decent return. Sandy soil mixes, abundantly fertilized by organic fertilizers and providing good circulation of oxygen, will work well for harvest.
  4. But the most important point is, of course, high-quality soil fertilizer. The feeding can be carried out both by organic (bird litter, humus or compost) and mineral fertilizers.


In this video you will give advice from practice, how to grow rich potato harvest.