Repairs Design Furniture

The removal of surface and groundwater. Engineering preparation of the construction site. Surface water removal wastewater treatment system

Lecture on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of settlements.
Part 11: Organization of flowing water.

Organization of flow of surface water

The organization of the flow of surface (storm and melting) waters is directly related to the vertical planning of the territory. The organization of surface runoff is carried out using a general-engineering drainage system, which is designed in such a way as to collect all the flow of surface water from the territory and take place to the place of possible discharge or on sewage treatment facilities, without allowing the floodings of the streets, low places and basements of buildings and structures.

Fig. 19. Surface flow charts depending on the relief of the territory.

The main parameters characterizing the rains are - intensity, duration and rainy repeatability.
When designing rain sewage, it takes rainwater, giving the greatest flow costs. So For calculations, the average rain intensity for periods of various durations take.
All calculations are carried out, according to recommendations:
Snip 23-01-99 * climatology and geophysics.
SNiP 2.04.03-85 sewage. External networks and facilities
The organization of surface drainage is carried out from all urban areas. For this purpose, an open and closed drainage system of the city is used, which remove the surface runoff for the city's territory or on sewage treatment facilities.

Rain Network Types (Closed, Open)
Open network - This is a system of trays and cuvettes included in the transverse street profile, supplemented by other drainage, artificial and natural elements.
Closed - Includes supplying elements (street trays), underground network of pipes (collectors), rain and viewing wells, as well as special purpose nodes (releases, water wells, drenched wells, etc.).
Mixed network has elements of an open and closed network.

Closed raindling network

Special facilities of a closed rain network include: stand-raid and observation wells, a storm collector, fast, water wells, etc.
Fake-raid wells are established to ensure complete interception of rainwater in the places of lowering the design relief, on the departures from the neighborhoods, before crossroads, from the side of the flow of water, necessarily outside the pedestrian movement (Fig. 20).
On the territory of the residential building, rainy wells are located at a distance of 150-300m from the Water-Build line.
On mainstreams, raid wells are placed depending on the longitudinal slopes (Table 4).

Fig. 20 scheme for the placement of rainy wells at intersections .

Fig. 21. The location of raid wells in terms of the highway.
1 - Collector, 2 - Drainage Branch, 3 - Caught Well, 4 - Looking Well.

Storm (rain) collector, located along the highway, is duplicated if the carrier of the road part of the highway exceeds 21 m or if the width of the line in red lines more than 50m (Fig. 21, B). In all other cases, the schemes shown in fig. 21, a, b.
For ease of operation, the length of the storm sewage branch is limited to 40 m. It can be located 2 stranded wells, on the junction of which the observation well is installed, however, in areas with a large volume of the drain, the number of rainy wells can be increased (up to 3 at one point). With the length of the branch to 15 m and the rate of wastewater movement at least 1 m / s, joining without an observation well. The diameter of the branches is taken within 200-300 mm. Recommended slope - 2-5%, but not less than 0.5%
If necessary, raid wells are made by combined: for taking water from the roadway and for taking water from drainage systems (DRET).
Viewing wells are located in places to change the direction of the route, diameter and slope of pipes, connections of pipelines and intersections with underground networks in the same level, in accordance with the conditions of relief (slopes), the flow rate and nature of the paved collectors of storm sewage, on the storm (sewer) network.
In direct areas of the route, the pitch of the placement of viewing wells depends on the diameter of the pipes of the drain. The larger the diameter, the distance between the wells more. When diameter 0.2 ÷ 0.45m, the distance between the wells should be no more than 50 m, and with a diameter of more than 2 m - the distance is 250 -300m.
Storm collector, as an element of storm sewage, is located on the built-in territory of the city, depending on the overall layout of the entire storm network.

Depth of the labeling collector Depends on the geological conditions of the soil and the depth of freezing. If in the construction area, the soil does not freeze, the minimum depth of the joystone is 0.7m. Determination of the depth of the embedding is made in accordance with the requirements of the NORM SNIP.
The usual drainage network is designed with a longitudinal bias 50/00, but in the conditions of flat relief, it is reduced to 40/00.
At the low-altar territories, they receive a minimum collector bias equal to 40/00. Such a bias makes it possible to ensure the continuity of the movement (permanence) of stormwater in the collector and prevents it.
The maximum bias of the collector takes such at which the speed of water movement is 7 m / s, and for metal collectors 10 m / s.
At large slopes, collectors may fail due to the occurrence of hydraulic impact.
Possible structures on the drain network include differential wells, suitable on areas with a large drop in the relief, to reduce the speed of water movement in the collector, exceeding the largest permissible norms. With significant limiting areas of the terrain on the collector's track, fast-moving, water wells are arranged or cast iron or steel pipes are used.
The releases of the drainage network for sanitary considerations are desirable to arrange outside the city building boundaries in the sewage treatment plants (sumps, filtering fields).

Open raindrop network It is from street and intra-quarted. The network releases cuvettes and trays that remove water from low areas of the territory, bypass trays that remove water from low seats of the territory, and ditches, which take water from large pool areas. Sometimes the open network complements the beds of small rivers and canals.
The dimensions of the transverse sections of individual network elements are determined by the calculation. For small areas of the flow, the size of the cross sections of trays and cuvettes are not calculated, and they take on constructive considerations, taking into account the standard dimensions. In urban environments, drainage elements are strengthened throughout the bottom or around the perimeter. A steepness of the slopes of the cuvettes and the channels (the ratio of the height of the slope to its embezzlement) is set from 1: 0.25 to 1: 0.5.
Trays and cuvettes are designing along the streets. The routes of drainage channels are paired, as close as possible to the relief, if possible outside the buildings of the development.
The cross section of cuvettes and trays are designing rectangular, trapezoidal and parabolic, canvas - rectangular and trapezoidal. The greatest height of the cuvettes and canvas are limited in urban conditions. It is done no more than 1.2 m (1.0 m - the limit depth of the flow, 0.2m is the lowest exceeding the brow of the cuvette or ditch over the flow).
The smallest slopes of trays of the roadway, cuvettes and drainage canvas are taken depending on the type of coating. These slopes provide the smallest impedious rainwater speed (at least 0.4 - 0.6 m / s).
In areas of the territory, where the biases of the relief are more than those in which the maximum flow velocities arise, special structures are designing, fast, stepped differences.

Features of the design of the rainsess during reconstruction.

On the reconstructed territory, the designed rain network trail is tied to existing underground networks and facilities. This allows you to maximize the use of saved collectors and individual elements.
The network position in the plan and profile is determined by specific design conditions, as well as the high-altitude and planning solution of the territory.
If the existing collector does not cope with the calculated expenses, the drainage network is reconstructed. The design solution in this case is chosen, given the decrease in the catchment area and the calculated water consumption, due to the laying of new collectors. The gasket of additional pipelines is made on the same marks as the existing network or on deeper marks (with insufficiently showering the existing network). Insufficient pipe pipes are partially replaced with new, with a large cross section.
At the sections of the existing network with a small imposition, it includes the strengthening of the strength of the design of the drain and its individual elements, and if necessary, and heat shield.
Continued lectures on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of settlements.
Part 1:
Vertical layout of urban areas.
Part 2:

The removal of water from the house is the problem of almost every owner of the country house, which must be addressed immediately, without debugging "for later." During rains and shower, water can disrupt the stability of the house, destroying the foundation. Of course, this will not happen from one shower, but if such incidents will be constantly happening, then the house may just go under the ground, that is, "the doors" in it. The foundation of the building will be pushed by wastewater, the land under the foundation will be soft and under the weight of the house the foundation will fall down.

And, for example, if there is a basement in the house? This problem must be solved in this case immediately, it cannot be postponed even for a short time. After all, if the basement is constantly caught, then after a few years it will come to the unsatisfactory state and to use them for the appointment will not succeed. Why? Because due to the permanent dampness in the basement, the emergence of mold fungi, which, in turn, is extremely harmful to the health of people and animals.

Also for the site can be dangerous and groundwater. If your home is nearby from the river, lakes, or even the swamps, then you can be sure that there are those on the plot. The danger of groundwater is that they are locked in the depths of the Earth. If the water from the house during the shower and rain will come there, then the likelihood of the equilibrium and the stability of the house is high, which may later lead to its collapse. It is because of this reason that it is so important to correctly make a removal of rainwater from a residential building.

Water removal from the roof: Features

Water removal from the roof should be necessarily. For example, in winter, a huge amount of snow falls on the roof, which is strung on it and can simply break it down. There is also another weighty danger: during the daytime melting of snow in the evening I can form icicles. They, in turn, can fall to someone on the head. If you make drainage from the house of the outlined snow and rainwater, then the formation of icicles and the danger of their fall to someone can be forgotten to forget forever.

How to make a discharge system yourself, that's the question. You can immediately answer that it is not a complex process, you can cope with him personally. To do this, it is necessary to buy in a construction hypermarket or in the gutter market and drain pipes that will allow you to divert water from the roof. The gutter for removing the water from the roof is the less costly and easiest option. He is the most popular. Install the gutter to remove water from the house quite simple and with your own hands.

There are three types of grooves:

  • semicircular,
  • rectangular or square
  • trapezoidal.

How to decide which better suitable for your building? You can only rely on your taste, and also worth considering the structure of the structure. By functionality, these gutters are practically no different, we can say that they are the same in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, the choice completely falls on your shoulders.

You can help only with a choice of color: you should not buy light gutters, since in winter the snow will melt more slowly than if they were darker. This is due to the fact that the dark colors "attract" to themselves more solar energy. Bright colors on the contrary, reflect the energy of the Sun, so the snow on them will melt slower. Also, many experts are recommended to install storm gutters that have a larger size, therefore can withstand loads during severe rave precipitation.

There is nothing difficult in installing the grooves, you just need to follow the instructions from the applied instruction.

The system of removal of rain and melt water using the grooves is the following:

Water flows from the roof into the attached chute, on the groove it passes the path to the drain pipe, which flows down, to the ground. But the problem remains unresolved, the water continues to come directly under the foundation of the house. To bring the water removal system from home to mind to make an additional drainage system.

Drainage systems

What is a drainage system? What is it used for? What kinds of it happens? In what cases should it be used?

In fact, the drainage system is also a water removal system from the house, only it takes the water almost completely, which will turn well on the building and will prolong its life.

Drainage systems:

  • Ground Drainage (Surface)
  • Water dispatch lines
  • Drainage in certain places (spot)
  • Open drainage system
  • Closed drainage system
  • Trenches covered
  • Deep drainage

When there is an urgent need to establish a complex drainage system:

  • If there are natural water bodies next to the house.
  • The house is on lowline.
  • On clay soils, as water on such soils leaves enough slowly, especially after the showers.
  • Your area drops a large amount of precipitation throughout the calendar year.
  • Groundwater are close to the surface of the earth's crust.
  • The presence on the site of concrete or tiled tracks, as they do not let the water.
  • Low foundation at home, because the possibility of flooding is many times increase.

The system of the system that will ensure the removal of rainwater with your own hands, will help save money on the further repair of the building due to possible flooding.

Types of water removal systems

Surface drainage

Surface drainage will allow the removal of stormwater, it is also called the drain from the showers. It is very simple to equip such a type of waterproof waterproof water. Such a system will help to cope exclusively with the removal of rain and melting water, and with the recovery waters, such a system cannot cope. By itself, the superficial drainage is divided into another two types: on linear and point.

Linear water removal works as follows: Special trenches are broken throughout the site, which merge into one common tap well. Usually trenches are closed with lattices.

The point of water allows you to drain the input from different places of the site into a common well, while such a system is usually used simultaneously with linear. The point drainage is usually installed in those places where there is no need for a constant binding water. For example, in economic buildings or baths.

There is also a combined drainage, that is, both linear and point. Most often used on country houses and in country houses just such a kind of drainage systems.

Water disposal systems in private areas will not affect water supply, as usually water is taken from deeper wells or wells.

Drainage systems: open and closed type

Open systems are a totality of tranches, canals and gutters that allow you to take water from the house in a specially intended place, usually the well is the well.

Closed drainage systems also represent a combination of various drain and channels, but they have a more aesthetic appearance, as they are covered with decorative lattices. The diverse canal in the form of a pipe is often buried under the ground and is not visible from above.

All experts in construction converge in one general terms when organizing drainage systems in the private site: "To arrange a drainage system to your site in modern conditions is not so difficult. Before construction, it is advisable to take a plan plan and place all channels and trenches on it, as well as determine the best place for the well, in which water will be given. The next important step should be the counting of the necessary materials. It is necessary to do it in order not to spend your time on an unnecessary shopping ride. It is necessary to start work from the roof, and only then carry out surface discharge channels on Earth. "

Clean and dry courtyard after the rain, no puddle on the lawn and blurry beds, healthy plants and perfectly smooth tracks - the result of competent planning and installation of the surface drainage. It is difficult to achieve such a result independently without impressive costs, but really, if you make a storm drainage drainage for drying off the surface and withdrawal of rainwater. In the complex with a mountaineering (water removal system from the roof), the drainage network will reduce the amount of moisture penetrating into the depth layers of the soil - the load on the deep floor drainage network will decrease.

Plan the decomposition schemes of drainage networks and the landfill stands even before the construction start. The protection of the foundation in the form of a used system is easier to install, if not covered with the pit. While the construction is going on and on the site there is a technique, it is advisable to order digging trenches, so as not to dig in manually and do not deliver the dirt on the refined area. Protection against melt and rainwater is:

Livnevka and drainage around the perimeter of the house

  • Surface linear storm drainage - collection and removal of rainwater from the surface of the soil.
  • Storm sewage is a removal of water flowing through the drainage pipes.
  • Point drainage is a drainage of local areas with a problematic natural outflow.

Moisture removal scheme from the surface: drainage system

Storm sewer network

The storm sewer network is equipped with an outlook in the overall highway, if there is a collector or a tube of urban lavety nearby. In the case when the branches of the urban network are located at a high distance, the withdrawal of the local drainage system and storm sewage is organized in 2 ways: on the filtration field (covered with rubble plot for moisture removal in the soil), or in the receiving reservoir (drainage well, reservoir, roadside ditch) . Drain from private landing into a common household sewer system is prohibited.

Elements of the system:

  • Water chute, which are mounted along the edge of the roof rods.
  • Drainage pipes.
  • Watercraft containers.

Recovery Tank With Top

  • Exterior sewer pipes that are connected to the water intake tanks.

Capacities are mounted under the yield of the drain pipe, connect the nozzle with the sewer tube. Pipes are bought under the tilt to the plum site.

Drainage: Features of the Surface Storm System

The system for draining the surface of the site consists of point and linear branches connected into one network with an output to the water receiver. Storm drainage on the site is equipped in the form of open channels, proofled under the slope of the plum. The markup is performed only after studying the direction of natural outflow during heavy rain. Definite drainage lines:

Drainage network: spot water collectors and storm trenches

  • Around the perimeter of the plot.
  • On the slopes and on the venues in natural deepening.

Drainage branches on the slope

  • Around the tracks.

Storm drainage around the house is the trenches lines laid along the scene throughout the perimeter of buildings. To dry up the courtyard, lined with tiles, form channels at the entrance to the garage, near the porch, steps.

Point drainage taps are knocked in places where there is no need to lay drainage channels: under watering cranes, near the exit of the drain pipes (in areas where there is no storm sewage). Drain from point drainage wells will be removed into the overall tube with a common surface network.

Integration: Is it possible to combine landing with a drainage network

Two separate networks: Drainage and Livnevka

The optimal detection scheme of the site with a house is separate drainage and lavety networks around the house. Connect linear channels with sewage is undesirable: during a strong shower or fast snow melting, one pipe may not cope and overflow through the water reaches.

It is advisable to connect the lavety and drainage in one trench only in one case: if the trench rolls out under the removal from the point drainage and sewer, and not perforated pipes. Pipes are carried out in parallel along the bottom of the concerned trench. Stop the hermetic sewer pipe into the channel with drainage, it is impossible: the pipe diameter will reduce the useful amount of ditch, will create difficulties when cleaning the trench.

Complete Drainage and Livnevka in the filtration tunnel

Instead of trying to connect to the Livnevy and linear drainage in one pipe, it is better to make a general receiver, especially if you cannot make a knock in the city highway. Rainwater can be used for watering or filling artificial reservoirs. Plastic tanks are installed as a receiver, or wells are made without the bottom - to remove the incoming fluid into the ground.

How to make a storm drainage plot and around a country house

Storm drainage is a surface system that does not require volumetric earthworks and digging deep tranches, so you can make a simple layout with your own hands. Before starting work, the places of mandatory arrangement of lines and water collection points, plan the trajectory of the outlet. Detect all places where natural outflow is not enough, you can during abundant precipitation and after the start of the melting of snow. Also requires the installation of an extended linear storm drainage area with clay, oversaturated moisture, not absorbing water from the surface.

For preliminary calculations of the number of necessary materials, it is worth drawing the channel circuit on the plan of the site.

Standard Drainage Installation Plan

Materials: What will be needed for mounting a storm drainage network

List of materials that are needed for self-contained storm drainage drainage and mounting system around the perimeter of the house:

  • Trays (gutter) for installation around the foundation. Materials manufacturing - plastic, polymer mixture, concrete. Plastic channels are installed in areas where the lattice turns out to be minimal physical effects: along the edges of the lawn, in the flower beds. Concrete gutter - durable and durable. Such a tray withstands the load to 25 tons. Install in places of elevated loads: in the courtyards, where there is a constant traffic, on access roads. Protective lattices are also chosen: metal and cast-iron - for sections with intensive load, decorative plastic - for lawn, garden.

  • Connecting elements, struts, base. Auxiliary materials that manufacturer recommends using when assembling channels. Be sure to install struts inside plastic trays.
  • Sandowellands. Separately buy products for installation in a linear system and for mounting into rainmakers.

On the walls - preparation for taking pipe

  • Rain-seekers. Apply mainly ready-made plastic containers. The outer walls are equipped with preparation for connection with the tap. Plastic receivers are easily installed on each other - you can collect the container of any height.

Capacities with a basket and nozzles

  • Geotextile. The canvas for drainage falling channels that are not equipped with gutters.

Synthetic water permeable cloth

  1. Crushed stone, sand. The rubble fraction is medium and large.
  2. The solution for filling the base under gutter and water reservation.
  3. Drainage wells. Ready-made plastic or corrugated pipes of large diameter.

Factory PVC Drainage Wells

  • Pipes for outdoor sewage with fittings.
  • Construction tools. You will need a black boards for formwork in the canals, pegs and a line for marking, shovels, kirk, construction level.

Installation of point water testing

Point water reservoirs are elements of landfill and drainage, installed under the exit of the drainage. It is necessary to plan the installation so that the flow from the drain falls exactly in the center of the lattice.

The edge of the well must be on the same level with decorative coating

The sizes of the pits for the installation of the container are determined by the height of the receiver, adding up to 30 to 40 cm for subfolding and base. Around the perimeter should be a gap of up to 5 cm on each side. Dig out the recess, align the walls and the bottom. Be sure to check the horizontal bottom and angle so that the container does not shift during installation.

Horizontal control level

At the bottom form a tight ten centimeter layer of the rambling sand. The sand pillow lay a layer of rubble with a height of up to 25 cm. It is advisable to pour the bottom with concrete mortar. The flooded base is left for a few days until complete solidification, or fix the container in the fresh solution (if necessary fixation).

The concrete base is set to a rainmaker so that the capacitance cover is at the same level with the breakfast. If the installation is carried out before laying the decorative coating, then leave the free edge of the well above the ground to the height of the tile or stone.

Right installation of the receiver

Side gaps fall asleep with rubble or poured concrete. Before falling down to the outlet, the fitting is connected to remove the pipe. Installing internal parts: basket, partitions, fix the lid.

Arrangement of an open storm system around the foundation

Stormwater drainage along the perimeter of the building can be planned as a closed at the collection of rings, without revision wells. For cleaning there are collapsible sandplants. Linear system rules:

  • The indentation from the edge of the foundation should be from 50 cm. Optimally - plan the channels along the edge of the tracks or the scene.

Trays - on the edge of the scene with a margin of height for paving slabs

  • The depth of the channels is determined by the height of the tray with the decorative lid with the addition of the height of the bulk layer - up to 40 cm.
  • Width - up to 50 cm.

So that the installed gutters have not shifted and not deformed over time, you need to comply with several rules during earthworks. The bottom, the walls should be smooth and solid. At the bottom, they necessarily make a standard sand pillow and a crumbntage.

Plastic tray installed on the factory stand

To the tray (especially plastic) is not deformed, it is better to make a concrete base for installation. The thickness of the concrete layer is 5 cm.

Laying of the gutter

In the prepared trenches are installed a gutter. Constructions are combined with each other with special locks. The extreme points (at the beginning and at the end of the line) are closed with plastic or metal plugs. If plastic gutters are used, the factory struts are installed inside.

Sandwalker in the drainage line

The gaps between the trays and the trench walls fall asleep with rubble, or concrete. At long sites, sandplants are installed - in-depth trays with a mechanical filter. In places of installation, removing pipes are connected to sandclavers. Trenches for removing pipes are digging under the tilt.

Budget storm drainage plot: Build open channels

Take rainwater from garden tracks, flower beds and along the fence and economical open way. Instead of ready-made trays, flowing canals of the storm drainage are placed. According to the planned lines, testers dig. Depth - from 50 cm, width - from 50 - 60 cm.

Instead of gutters - bother trench

The branch is formed with a slope in the direction of the receiving tank. Walls - at an angle to the bottom to reduce the head of flowing water. At the bottom, filling in sand. Check the correctness of the slope. For one meter - up to 3 cm of the height difference.

Pipe in rubble backfilling

Geotextiles laid on the sandy layer. The edges are left free. Throughout the width of the trench, rubble layer up to 30 cm. A more durable system with a drain perforated tube inside a rubble backfill. Watch the edges of the blade of the mustard.

Dry Creek With Decorative Fasting - Beautiful Drain Line

From above, the drainage clip falls asleep with decorative material: river pebbles, multicolored crumb, stone. Dry streams are aesthetic and economical solution.

Drainage well and discharge

Drainage Well - connection connection point. With a moderate amount of water and good water-absorbing characteristics of the soil, the drainage tank is installed on a crushed pillow. Through the well without the bottom, water penetrates into the ground.

Drainage well with a falling bottom

If the device of the filter well is not possible, a liquid into a common rave highway is removed from the drainage tank or removed beyond the limits of the site - into natural reservoirs, ditch. A well removal can be supplied to a pond or a receiving Baku inserted on the plot.

Video: Montage of the lavety around the house

Livnevka and linear open drainage - only the surface part of the fundamental principle. On the perimeter of buildings at different depths, it is necessary to create 3 - 4 types of drainage systems. The choice of method of organization and technical parameters of networks depends on the composition of the soil, the depth of the foundation. Self make deep drainage networks - it is not worth it. Experts should be calculated, and the installation of trench branches is better carried out immediately after the foundation is filling. Even before the start of construction, plastic depth drainage is equipped. Not only the ability of the system is depends on the accuracy of the calculations in large quantities, but also the durability of the foundation.

2.187. In the projects of the earth canvas, it is necessary to include permanent and temporary (for the period of construction) device for removal of surface waters.

Surface drainage can not be provided when designing an earthen canvase in the propagation areas of sands in areas with a dry climate.

The removal of surface waters into lower relief places and to the waterfront facilities should be provided: from embankments and semi-rolls - ditch (Nagorn, longitudinal and transverse drainage) or reserves; From the slopes of the recesses and half-widespread - ditch (in highland and missing); From the main landfill of the earth canvas in the excavations and half-hectle - with the help of cuvettes or trays.

2.188. The system of structures for collecting and removing surface water from the earth canvases at the sites of industrial enterprises should be developed in conjunction with the project of vertical planning of the site, taking into account the sanitary conditions, the requirements of protection of water bodies from pollution by wastewater and improvement of the territory of the enterprise, as well as taking into account technical and economic indicators.

For collecting and removing surface waters, open (cuvettes, trays, drainage ditch), closed (stingray sewer with a network of shallow and deep downhill, or a mixed drainage system.

2.189. The structure of the design of drainage devices includes: determining the volume of flow to drainage devices of the waterborne basin; selection of the species, size and location of the drainage device, allowing to apply earthmoving machines for its structure, as well as for cleaning during operation; The purpose of the longitudinal slope and the flow rate of water, excluding the possibility of granting or blurring the bed with the type of strengthening of slopes and the bottom.

2.190. The minimum sizes and other parameters of drainage devices should be prescribed on the basis of hydraulic calculations, but no less values \u200b\u200bshown in Table. twenty.

Cuvettes should be designed, as a rule, the trapezoidal transverse profile, and with the corresponding justification - semi-curvous; The depth of cuvettes in special cases is allowed to set 0.4 m.

The largest longitudinal slope of the bottom of the drainage devices should be prescribed, taking into account the type of soil, such as strengthening the slopes and the bottom of the ditch, as well as the allowed water flow rates according to ad. 9 and 10 of this manual.

If the largest permissible longitudinal slope of the drainage device under the specified calculated parameters will be less than the natural slope of the area or the longitudinal slope of the earth cannol when the water flows are more than 1 m 3 / s, it is necessary to provide a device of fast and differentials projected individually.

Table 20.

Crudyness of the slope during the soil


Decoration device

Width of the bottom after strengthening, m

Depth, M.

clay, sandy, large-chip

dusty, clay and sandy

pefes and beamped

Longitudinal slope,% of

brows over the estimated water level, m

Nagorn and drainage ditch


Divals on the swamps:

* By area of \u200b\u200bterrain, the bias is allowed to reduce up to 3% of .

** In exceptional cases, the slope can be reduced to 1% 0.

*** In areas with a harsh climate and excess moisturizes, the slope is made at least 3% 0.

2.191. The cross-section of drainage devices should be checked for passing the calculated water consumption using automated hydraulic calculations in accordance with the ad. 9 of this manual. In this case, the probability of exceeding the calculated costs should be taken,%:

for pressure dwines and water supply ............................................... .five

longitudinal and transverse drainage channels and trays ........ 10

Nagorn and water-supply ditches for railway tracks in the territories of industrial enterprises should be designed for expenses with the probability of exceeding 10%.

2.192. On the watershed of two adjacent pools, it is necessary to provide a device for a separation dam with an upper base of at least 2 m with the hitch of slopes not cooler 1: 2, with an exceeding height of at least 0.25 m above the estimated water level.

2.193. On the intra-propelled ways, the open drainage system is allowed only with the appropriate specification of the customer. When pumping water with cuvettes for emerging, swelling, as well as bubbling soils, it is necessary in the project to provide measures against the infiltration of water from cuvettes in an earthen canvas by corresponding to their strengthening.

If it is necessary to pass the water through the path, including for the crossing of water from the cuvette, interpreter trays are used, while testing the sufficiency of their depth for passing water with the available checks of the bottom of the cuvettes.

2.194. It is not allowed to design the release of atmospheric water from cuvettes and ditch to:

watercourses flowing within the settlement and having a flow rate of less than 5 cm / s and consumption less than 1 m / day;

continuing ponds;

reservoirs in places specifically reserved under the beaches;

fish ponds (without special permission);

closed hollows and shorthiping lowers;

blurred ravine without a special strengthening of their beds and shores;

wetlands of rivers.

2.195. When contamination of rain and tales, industrial waste of chemical enterprises should include sellers.

The drainage devices should be placed in the outlet strip. The distance from the outer clod of the deposit of the drainage device to the boundary of the outlet strip must be at least 1 m.

In places of output of watercourses on the slopes of ravines and lowland drainage devices, it is necessary to lay aside from the earthen canvase and provide for their strengthening.

2.196. In areas with groundwater presence, Nagorn ditches, as well as drainage devices within the surroundings, should be developed in a complex with urban waters. When the horizon of groundwater at a depth of 2 m from the surface of the Nagorno ditch can serve, with its corresponding strengthening, to remove water from the earth canvas, and with a deeper groundwater occurrence, the deepening of the Nagorn ditch below the aquifer is prohibited. In this case, other measures are provided for the protection of the earthen canvas from the impact of groundwater.

2.197. With a closed system, the water removal from the site of the enterprise is made with the help of storm sewage. In this case, from drainage trays, dwarves and drainage pipes of longitudinal drainage, water discharge is provided for at raid wells with lattices. Wells in this case should have sumps, and lattices are not more than 50 mm.

2.198. The mixed wastewater system on the built-up territory is applied in cases: when the requirements of the landscaping of the territory and construction of storm sewage sewage are only part of the part of the site, and in the rest of its part there are an open drainage when wastewater treatment is required.

With a mixed drainage system, you should comply with the requirements for the device of open and closed drainage.

2.199. The distance from the rain sewage pipes to the axis of the extreme railway route with 1520 mm should be less than 4 m.

The distance between the rainy wells is allowed to be taken in Table. 21.

Prevent damage caused by thawed waters and abundant sediments, it is possible through the arrangement of the surface drainage. This system serves to collect and remove excess atmospheric precipitation, which often adopt the adjacent plot, and with it fruit trees (and other plantations), foundations and basements. The article we will talk about the surface drainage system.

Advantages of surface drainage

The system of the system does not require serious financial investments, by reducing earthworks. As a result, the likelihood of violation of the structural strength of the soil is reduced, that is, drawdowns.

  • Due to the organization of the outer drainage of linear type, the coverage of the territory for the catchment is significantly expanded, while this value is reduced as the length of the sewage industry.

  • The system can be carried out without a violation of the entire integrity of the existing road surface. Here is the insertion according to the width of the grooves.
  • The system is suitable for mounting on stony or unstable soils. And also in those places where there is no way to make deep work (architectural monuments, underground communications).

Types of drainage

The drains are part of the storm sewers, which are used in the improvement of both public and private territories. There are 2 types of systems: linear and point.

  • Linear system It consists of gutters, sand-trap, sometimes rain-seeker. Such a design is perfectly coping with its task in large territories. With its organization, earthworks are minimized. Its installation is necessary in areas with clay soil, or a slope of which is more than 3º.

  • Point system It is locally spaced rains, combined under the ground by pipelines. The system is optimal for collecting water coming from roofing drains. Also, its installation is appropriate in areas with modest squares or when there are any restrictions for the arrangement of linear drainage.

Each system is characterized by effective work, but their combination is an optimal option for organizing drainage.

Drainage for drainage

To organize a linear or point drainage, various elements and devices are used, where each component performs its purpose. Competently, their association leads to effective work.


The drainage trays are an integral part of the linear system, serve to collect precipitation and melt water. After that, send an excessive moisture into the sewage or, at least, get away from the plot. Channels are made of concrete, polymer concrete and plastic.

  • Plastic products They are distinguished by light weight and simple installation. Especially for this, plugs, adapters, fasteners and other elements facilitating the process of assembling and installing the system were developed. Despite the high technical characteristics (strength and frost resistance) of the material used, they are limited to the load - up to 25 tons. Such gutters are installed on country areas, pedestrian zones, bicycle paths, where high mechanical exposures are not provided.

  • Trays from concrete - Undoubtedly, durable, durable and affordable. They are able to withstand a very solid load. Their installation is advisable in locations of transport, for example, on access roads or near garages. From above, steel or cast iron grilles are installed. A reliable mounting system does not allow you to change the position during operation.
  • Polymer Channels Combine the best plastic and concrete indicators. With a small weight, the product takes a significant load and are characterized by higher physico-technical properties. Accordingly, they have a decent cost. Thanks to the smooth surface of the gutters, the sand, rare foliage, branches and other street trash pass without difficulty. Competent installation and periodic cleaning guarantee long-term drainage service.


  • This element of the system is responsible for filtering water from sand, land and other suspended particles. The sand tractor is equipped with a basket, in which the extraneous trash is assembled. The equipment installed in the immediate vicinity of the drain into the sewage will ensure the most efficient operation.
  • Sandochildren, as well as trays, must match the type of load. Since this element is in one bundle with other components of the drainage system, it must be from the same material as the rest of the chain links.

  • Its upper part is the same form as the gutter. It is also closed with a drainage lattice, so externally sand-receiving is immeasured. It is possible to reduce its level of location (below the depth of the soil) by installing these items to each other.
  • The design of the sand tractor provides for the presence of lateral taps to connect to pipes underground storm sewage. The output taps of standard diameters are located significantly higher than the bottom, so small particles, settling, remain there.
  • Pesb reception can also be made of concrete, polymer concrete and synthetic polymers. The package includes steel, cast-iron, plastic lattices. Its selection is carried out depending on the estimated volume of water assigned and the level of load in the zone of its installation.


  • Tales and rain water collected by drain pipes with the roof of the building falls on the breakfast. In these zones, rain-seekers are installed, which are a container of a square form. Their installation is advisable in those places where it is not possible to equip the surface drainage of linear type.

  • Since the rain-seekers perform the function of sand-trap, they are complemented by a garbage collector, which is regularly cleaned with a siphon that saves fragile substances coming from sewage. They are also equipped with nozzles for connecting to underground drainage pipes.
  • Most often they are made of cast iron or durable plastic. The upper part has a grid that perceives the load that prevents large garbage from entering and performing a decorative function. The grille can be plastic, steel or cast iron.

Drainage lattices

  • The grille is part of the surface drainage. It takes on mechanical loads. This is a visible element, so the product is given a decorative appearance.
  • The drainage grille is classified in accordance with the operational loads. So for the household, the country area will fit the class A products or C. For these purposes, plastic, copper or steel grilles are used.

  • Cast iron products are famous for their strength. Such lattices are used in the arrangement of territories with high transport load (up to 90 tons). Although the cast iron is subject to corrosion and requires regular staining, there is simply no alternative to it.
  • As for the period of operation of drainage lattices, the cast iron products will serve at least a quarter of a century, steel - about 10 years, plastic lattices will have to change after 5 seasons.

Designing drainage

The calculation of the system on large areas is performed according to the hydropropraject, which takes into account the slightest nuances: the intensity of precipitation, the design of the landscape and much more. On its basis, the length and number of elements of the drainage system is determined.

  • For suburban or country sites, it is enough to draw a plan of the territory where the location of the drainage is placed. Here is calculated, the number of gutters, connecting elements and other components is calculated.

  • The width of the channels is selected depending on the bandwidth. The optimal width of trays for private construction is considered 100 mm. In places with increased drainage can be used and a width of up to 300 mm.
  • ATTENTION should be paid to the diameter of the taps. The standard sewage pipe cross-section is 110 mm. Therefore, if the outlet has a different diameter - you need to use an adapter.

The rapid outflow of the water through the channel will provide a surface with a slope. You can organize a tilt in the following ways:

  • use of a natural slope;
  • by carrying out earthworks to create a slope of the surface (with minimal differences);
  • choose trays with different heights, applicable only on small areas;
  • purchase channels in which the inner surface is made under the slope. As a rule, such products are made of concrete.

Stages of a linear drainage device

  • Through the stretched twine, the boundaries of the drainage are placed. If the system passes along the concrete platform, the markup is carried out by sand or chalk.
  • Next, the ground is made. At the asphalt plot used a jackhammer.
  • The width of the trench should be more than 20 cm tray (10 cm on each side). The depth of a gutter from lightweight materials is calculated taking into account the sandy pillow (10-15 cm). Under concrete trays, first layer of rubble is laid first, and then the sand is 10-15 cm each. It is worth noting that the drainage grill after installation should be located below 3-4 mm surface level. The bottom of the trench can be pouring with skinny concrete, but such actions are performed if there is no passage of vehicles.

  • The drainage system is going. Trays are placed in the trench and through the fasteners of spike-grooves are fixed with each other. Often products are marked with an arrow indicating the direction of water movement. If the connection is necessary, the compound is sealed with polymer components.
  • Next mounted sand-tractor. The drainage highway through the shaped parts is connected to the sand-receiving and sewer pipes.
  • The empty space between the chutes and the walls of the trench will fall asleep with rubble or land dugged earlier and thoroughly tamper. It is also possible to fill with sandy-gravel mortar.
  • The installed channels are closed by protective and decorative lattices. It is worth noting that if plastic trays are used when arranging drainage, the grille is installed and the pouring of the space concrete mixture.

Stages of the arrangement of point drainage

  • In zones with the greatest accumulation of moisture, the pittant is broken. The width of the pit should be equal to the size of the strand container. It is necessary to take into account that the lattice should also be slightly lower than the surface of the Earth.

  • Also, the ground is made and in the laying places of the highway for linear removal or pipes. It is important to observe the slope of about 1 cm for each linear surface meter.
  • The bottom of the pit trambed and places a sand pillow, a layer of 10-15 cm. On top of it, a concrete mixture is poured with a thickness of about 20 cm.
  • Next is the rain-seeker, to which drainage trays or sewer pipes are connected.
  • At the end, the siphon is mounted, the garbage basket is inserted and the grille is installed.
  • The design of the rainmaker allows you to set several containers to each other. This makes it possible to bulk the output pipe below the primer of the soil.

Small-seeming canals

Stony soils make it difficult to install standinal sizes. In this regard, some manufacturers offer products from a small depth of attachment, where the channel height is 95 mm.

  • Typically, trays are made of plastic with high physico-technical indicators. The package includes drainage lattices from galvanized steel resistant to abrasion by polymer coating.
  • Such channels are widely used in zones with a small amount of wastewater. With their help, it will be possible to organize effective surface drainage with minimal earthworks.

A timely installed and qualitatively organized drainage will save the foundation and green plantation from seasonal sleeve, give the landscape to a well-groomed appearance. The cost of arrangement will be accumulated quickly. The system will extend the service life of the structure, will reduce the cost of repair and additional service. The time-consuming and costly struggle against mold in the basement due to high humidity will bypass.