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Passive investment in the Internet. The best idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income. Passive income: ideas, sources, types and investments

Worried many people. Explanation of this is very simple - everyone would like to be able to earn, without bothering any work. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income - to receive money without difficulty.

Especially the desire to start looking for such a "source of money" exacerbates during the periods when a person faces difficulties in his main work and understands that he does not want to engage in routine shut -lation of papers, but I would like to give more time to my family, rest and self-development.

In this article we will try to describe the most affordable business ideas of passive income. Perhaps those who read it will be inspired and will find their own source!


One of the most popular and most simple, perhaps is the income from renting property. Such an idea is elementary in terms of resources to organize such income, it is enough to find tenants to the object that you are in possession. On the other hand, difficulty is, firstly, receiving the property that you would like to pass; And secondly, the achievement of profitability. Explain more.

Excellent idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income - rental apartments in the city center. What difficulties can be here? First, not everyone has such an object of real estate. This is the main problem. Secondly, if you have such an apartment, you need to find a tenant. Thirdly, this person should offer such a rental rate that he could afford, and, in addition, which would be profitable for you. This also needs to include the cost of cleaning the apartment after the exit of tenants, as well as depreciation costs.

In the example of an apartment, everything looks quite simple - it is for this reason that today such a large number of people is engaged in such activities. And take, for example, the object is more complicated - some non-residential premises located on the outskirts of the city. You, as the owner, will not be easy to find a person interested in such an object.

However, in order to receive such passive income, you can hand over something in the sublease. This, for example, when you rent the apartment monthly, and rent it - daily. The benefit received is the difference between rent and money returned to the owner.


A good passive income can fill the creation of some kind of unique object protected for example, it can be a musical composition, a computer program, a film or an image. With the protection of the rights to music, of course, in our country everything is very bad - the right holders can earn except at concerts. Movies make a profit on cinema deductions and on what they are buying TV channels. But with the program or picture is all easier. In the first case you can, let's say, start selling copies of your development directly on the Internet, receiving money for each installation. In the second, placing the image on photo hosting, you will also generate a real passive income.

Ideas do not end in these objects - you can come up with some kind of patented it and live on royalties for its use.

Creating a business

Of course, another rather common way to organize passive income is its own business. This can be anything - shop, cafe, any service providing services, and so on. The advantages that such an idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income possesses are obvious: by creating one working business and hiring properly selected personnel, you can move a little from control over it and make a parallel development of other projects. Thus, we can talk about increasing the scale and grow your income.

The disadvantage of your own business is the high level of risk and the mass of the difficulties faced by novice entrepreneurs. You can also not forget about the starting capital, which varies depending on which you would like to do. However, this is the topic of another article.

Online project

The development of the Internet has led to the emergence of another major and global business sector. Now everyone can run their own business online. It is noteworthy that the cost of creating such a business may be much lower than investment in a real case. But at the same time it is not necessary to hope that it is easy to work on the Internet - competing here is no less than in real life. But running once a successful project, you can get guaranteed passive income.

The ideas of the fact that it may be for the resource (news blog, service, directory, store, and so on) are not limited.


Another obvious idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is an investment. The disadvantages here are somewhat - the high risk and the need to have money for investment. Evaluating the degree of risk, the contributor makes a decision on where he would like to make an investment, after which he begins to receive dividends. In the latter, the whole meaning of the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is.

The ideas of passive income in a small town are also relevant as and in the metropolis. Investing as a tool of passive earnings justifies itself everywhere and always, the main thing here is to correctly appreciate the likelihood of profit or loss of money. It already depends on the investment sector.


Of course, the best ideas of passive income always remain unknown to the absolute majority of people. And only those who have them appear, and who implements them, begin to apply them. This, on the one hand, is bad for those who do not know what to do to get such income. On the other hand, everyone has the opportunity to launch their source of passive earnings.

If there is money - it can be leased to an object or investment in anything. If there is no money, you can create based on an interesting idea, or to launch your own online project. In this case, you are waiting for a long-term hard work, which will certainly lead to success.

And the best idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is the one that works! Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Passive income is a dream of a huge number of people. Many are trying to come up with and implement schemes that would provide a stable profit without the participation of the Creator. And someone even succeeds.

In this article we will talk about how to learn how to get stable passive earnings on the Internet.

Is it possible to receive passive income on the Internet without investment?

Indeed, a large number of people achieved their dreams - learned to receive passive earnings. But when other people look at them, they see only the top of the iceberg. They see the Internet entrepreneurs or investors who do not work, travel and live in their pleasure, but at the same time they are missing from the species, what works they came to such a life.

I want to disappoint those who believe that there are reliable and highly profitable ways of passive earnings without investments, available for newcomers - there are no freebies on the Internet. In order to get money online you need:

  • To invest money.
  • Invest your own time.
  • Invest forces in self-education.

In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all these 3 points. Success will be directly dependent on your cigarette and purposefulness.

How to come to passive earnings on the Internet?

Yes, passive income online is quite real. But we found out that nothing will happen without investments. The more money you want to receive in the future, the very harder you need to work at the beginning.

Honestly, fully passive income is unlikely. But, at a minimum, you will be able to delegate all your duties to hoc officers, paying only a few hours a week only for the analysis of your earnings.

Below we consider the 7 best ways to receive passive income using the Internet.

1. Sale of advertising on the site.

One of the most common ways to passive earnings on the Internet is the creation and promotion of one or more information sites. This method has several advantages:

  • High probability of profit. If you do everything right, then getting the required number of visitors is easy to predict and achieve.
  • Stable results. If the site is promoted by "white" ways, it will attract visitors without the owner's participation within one or two years. And with minimal administration and update for many years.
  • Simplicity. It is not very difficult to achieve results in promoting the information site. There are proven step-by-step instructions that will make a result without professional skills in SEO.

How to make money on the sale of advertising from the site?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make money on the site is to accommodate on its pages of advertising blocks from Yandex and Google. You can see these blocks on most of the information sites that are presented on the Internet.

In these blocks will be shown advertising to site visitors, depending on which requests they have been injected into search engines and which sites visited before. It means that this advertisement will be relevant for visitors, which will ensure the high probability of clicking on the announcement.

As soon as the visitor clicked on the ad, with an advertiser's account, a certain amount is written off, which is divided into half between the advertising network and the owner of the site.

Earnings with contextual advertising highly depends on the subject of the site and on the number and location of the advertising blocks on the page. On average, with a resource with attendance, 1,000 people on the day of the webmaster can earn about 3,000 rubles per month.

  • Sale of links.

Search engines are actively struggling with buying and selling links. The result of this struggle was the fact that the market of rental reference was almost destroyed.

But the eternal links are still one of the most effective tools for website promotion. Therefore, a huge number of SEO specialists are ready to line up in a queue to buy a link from a high-quality site.

In order to sell a link, you need to register in one of the exchange of eternal references, for example: and, or sell them directly by placing information about this on your website.

Market Exchange Miralinks.

  • Direct sale banners.

2. Earnings on affiliate programs.

Another high-speed making on the Internet are affiliate programs. The essence of the partner is simple - attracting potential customers on referral links.

Many companies create multi-level affiliate programs. This means that if the referral attracted you will attract its referrals, then you will receive money from the company. Under such conditions, you can count on passive income, because the more partners you will attract, the more money you get with their partners.

Where to find referrals?

3. Investing.

It can be said that earnings with the help of investment is the most passive. After all, the concept of investment is that your money is working while you rest.

For those who want to try to attach their money and receive stable income from them, I collected all the best investment methods in one article and compared them with each other:

In fact, in order to become a successful investor need knowledge and experience. Therefore, for the beginner it is recommended to choose the least income and least risky ways to invest money.

4. Passive income on social networks.

As in the case of its own site, you can receive income on affiliate programs with the help of advertising, if you have a promoted group or account on social networks.

With today's competition, it is unlikely to do this, because social networks introduce a limit on the number of free additions to friends or invitations to the group.

How to recruit participants in a group in social networks?

5. Passive income on YouTube.

You can earn on YouTube, receiving money for watching, selling advertising on your channel or by placing referral links.

The first way of filling the channel content is an independent shooting of videos. For this you will not need professional technique. You can make high-quality video using a conventional smartphone.

The video recording method depends on your subject. You can simply make an entry from the screen. At the same time, you can shoot your face on the webcam and output it in the corner of the video.

Also, you can make your video in the form of a presentation. Put the voice separately and place it on the slides using the standard program for presentations or video editor.

6. Internet business.

Another way to passive earnings on the Internet is the creation and automation of business. The Internet makes it easy to automate business processes, which makes it easier to receive passive income.

Of course, at the first stage you will have to actively participate in the promotion and creating your online business. But gradually, you can give him less and less time, while getting a stable income.

What types of Internet business exist?

  • Online store.

In order to create an online store, you do not have to remove the warehouse and clog it with a commodity. You can use dropshipping and sell goods that have another online store.

To do this, you need to create an online store. After that, negotiate with another online store that you will regularly buy goods from them and agree on a discount for what you will buy constantly.

After that, fill your site with goods that are posted in an affiliate online store. Put the same prices and start attracting visitors.

To attract visitors, you can use SEO-optimization, contextual advertising, social networks, etc. After the client orders the goods from you, you buy it in a partner online store and resell a customer, earning a discount.

You can arrange delivery yourself or agree that the partner online store will send the parcel from your name.

  • Services.

You can choose any service, even if you do not know how. You can deal with design, legal services, repair, etc.

To do this, you need to create a selling site or a group or account on social networks. After that, find a specialist in the area in which you decided to create a business. You can hire it for salary like a worker, or take as a partner.

After that you are divided: you will engage the site or group promotion and generate customer stream. The specialist will perform work, providing services to customers.

If you can not find such a specialist, you can come or call any company and offer to attract them additional customers, getting a reward for it.

  • Service.

To do this, you need to be a specialist in the area in which you plan to build such a business. It may be access to a closed database or a useful service that solves the problem of users.

  • Infobusiness.

Sale of information via the Internet is one of the most profitable types of earnings. The fact is that the cash costs for the creation of info products are minimal, and it is possible to sell them an infinite number of times.

The most common type of information is training courses. In our overloaded information, the time is becoming more difficult to sell information. But with the right approach, this type of earnings is still very profitable.

7. Newsletter.

Many businessmen note that E-mail newsletter is the most efficient and profitable way to make money online. But it's not about spam, but about the case when users voluntarily leave their email address.

You can collect the database of subscribers using the subscription form on the site, advertising the capture page using the paid advertising methods, changing the e-mail to some useful information, etc. And mailing is carried out using special services, such as,,,

In order for the subscribers willingly read your newsletter and have not unsubscribed from it, you need 70-90% of letters to send them useful information. And only 10-30% need to send letters with an advertisement or call.

Glad to welcome readers of our portal! Oleg Zolotarev with you. Today we will talk about the popular currently phrase "passive income." Many dream about him, because it is very cool, you see, do nothing and get money for it. But is it really? What is passive income, what activity can be attributed to it, as well as what temporary, material and physical costs are standing behind him in today's article.

Passive income: general concept!

Each of us roughly understands the meaning of the category of "passive income", because already in the phrase, a hint lies in the very phrase. Passivity means inaction. So, the income obtained in this way does not imply an active labor process from a person. In this way:

Passive income is to obtain remuneration with some periodicity without the need for daily labor.

It is safe to say that building a reliable base that will ensure its owner a good passive income is the highest level of financial independence. This is the plank to which everyone needs to strive for everyone, because it is then that a person can feel complete freedom, enjoy life, have enough time and money to implement his plans and incarnation into the reality of his desires.

Unfortunately, not all types of passive income can provide such freedom. Most often, available sources, such as bank deposits or a real estate rent, bring the owner a stable increase to the main income. However, it is not necessary to talk about luxuriously to live exclusively for these monetary arrivals.

Of course, here also have its exceptions. Among my friends there are people who at one time acquired a dozen apartments in Moscow and now safely pass them for rent and receive their considerable passive income. However, there are not many such people. The same applies to the situation with bank deposits. Given the low percentage of profitability (about 10% per annum), what amount of funds should be posted to exist only to interest? In this case, it is advisable to invest free money in more revenue projects. Affordable alternatives I have already described in the article where to invest in 2016 in order not to lose? Expert Tips and Personal Recommendations!

In addition to the specified sources of passive income, you can also allocate:

securities, patents for certain inventions, software products or objects of creativity, trust management of own assets in business or in financial markets, passive income on the Internet in the form of your own portal, affiliate programs.

Passive income requires initial investments! Where to take them?

Whatever the source of passive income, there is one common feature for each of them - this is the presence of an initial capital. Without initial investments, it is impossible to achieve full financial independence. To get interest on the contribution you need to have this very contribution. To buy a valuable paper, you need money. To build your business, and later simply control its activities - you need big money. To write a book, make a film or invent the invention, and subsequently acquire copyright - also financial resources are also necessary.

However, what to do a person who does not have the necessary monetary layer, to forget about his dream to have a passive income? Of course not! Now you can just look at the screenshot of my screen and see the money marked in the corner:

I can freely dispose of these money: I can spend, and I can make them a source of passive income. However, friends, such a figure appeared not from scratch. This is the result of my long-term work in financial markets with the help of a modern investment method - binary options. Right now I suggest to see a small video about them:

Binary options I have trading for several years. This way of income turned gradually from an interesting hobby to the main source of earnings. Skeptics will now ask his negative. Our portal exists only because it needs other people. No one forces anyone now to start trading binary options. It is simply shown by an alternative, which, with the right approach, will help a person with a minimal starting amount and a great desire to earn decent money, which can later serve as a platitive income.

Actually my interest in this source of income appeared when I met the PAMM portal - Trade. While I learned to trade, so to speak, I was improved professionally, along with me and changed the portal himself. Now there is simply a huge amount of information on the trading of binary options and forex. I started with pretty simple trading strategies and deposit at $ 250.

What helped me to succeed and achieve a multiple increase in your investments? First, I am in my nature a person who loves to bring everything to the end. I do not stop because of the minor failures. On the contrary, they spur me even more move forward. Secondly, before starting something, I thoroughly study information. I am absolutely sure that knowledge is the weapon that, sooner or later, will allow you to make a long-awaited shot in the top ten. So it was with me. And largely here the merit of the PAMM portal - Trade and its founder Viktor Samoilova.

Most of the theoretical preparation I received on this portal. Now the beginners are much easier. Every day, more and more detailed manuals appear in which each step of the novice trader is painted. The most detailed work on the Internet, after reading which about binary options you will know everything - is definitely

No less informative, but more compact source in which steps in trading are clearly and consistently painted - this is an article. Actually, it was from her that I would advise you to get acquainted with the functioning of this modern investment tool. And to understand all the nuances and subtleties, refer to the first specified source. There you will definitely find answers to all the questions that have arisen.

You can rent housing in any condition: with repair, without repair, for a long time or daily - differences will be only in the amount of future passive income. But the fact that the demand for rental housing is always 100%. Now it is not even necessary to take care of looking for tenants. The agencies and private realtors were so flooded as the market that they would gladly and completely take the guests for the search for you. In most cases, the Commission for services pays the tenant.

Of course, the better the apartment is the higher the passive income you can receive. Also plays a role location and proximity to transport junction. Rental prices Apartments in the city center and periphery with identical conditions may differ 1.5-2 times. Rental housing in the resort town may generally be the only and sufficient source of income.

Regarding, renting accommodation for a long time or daily, then it is necessary to take into account one nuance: how much do you have free time in order to engage in daily rent? Naturally, earnings with this type of lease will be significantly higher, but also risks, and personal time spent. And it is not even a question that the landlord independently has been searching for customers, their placement and other organizational issues. In the daily accommodation it will be necessary to invest more often to invest and time: something to change something, to repair something, perhaps even listen to the complaints of neighbors. There will be a lot of questions and they will often be, because the audience for such a lease can be the most diverse, 50% of tenants will be, to put it mildly, dishonest people.

Relatively long-term lease, then here passive income is provided in its pure form. I remember when I rented an apartment, then communications with the owner were minimal. For 5 years of stay, I saw him only a couple of times, transferred a monthly payment to a bank card, if something came into disrepair - I immediately revealed and included the price of the future lease. If you try to find decent agents for a long time, with which it will not subsequently, there will be no problems for paying or damageing property, then for many years it will be a good allowance for the main income upon your minimal participation. And if there are several such real estate objects, then, of course, you can easily live only on this passive income.

Option number 2: Passive income from business!

This type of passive income is also possible, but the most important problem with which it will have to face is the selection of the governing lineup. After all, it is from him that the work of your business will depend on it, and therefore - and the size of your dividends.

Now the speech will not go to build your business from scratch and give it to trust management. If someone does not know what the essence of this term is described in detail in the article. " I am 100% sure and repeatedly saw the owners belong to business, which built themselves. This relationship cannot be called otherwise as to his brain. And what parent will give his child to another family? Therefore, businessmen who started from scratch and putting a lot of time and effort to the company that successfully functions on the market will never give it voluntarily in the hands of another owner. Only forced life situations may encourage it.

Another thing, if you decide to purchase a ready-made business, and there is no desire or time. In this case, you, as an owner, will receive your passive income in the form of dividends and occasionally control the state of affairs. However, it is necessary to be aware of: if you are weakly understand the specifics of activity, then you will not make any difficulty to deceive you. Even if the planted person enjoys great confidence, is a relative or friend, he sooner or later can succumb to ordinary human vices - greed and thirst for power. In this delegation of management authority there is a huge risk that you will be deceived and planted. This will have to either come to terms or devote more time to control, or take the brazers of the board to their hands. The latter option, of course, has nothing to do with the concept of "passive income".

Option number 3: Copyright and passive earnings!

Write a bestseller, create a musical hit, come up with a useful invention - all this can be a source for passive income. However, is there many people capable of it? But the fact remains a fact: this method exists, which means I was obliged to mention it in my list.

As they say, and stick shoots once a year. Joan Rowling, famous to the world writer thanks to his fantastic novel "Harry Potter", working as secretary - a translator and for some time living on one manual, he also could not assume that for five years after the release of her book, it will turn into a multimillioner.

In fact, such examples can be given a lot. Do you know that Margaret Mitchell, the author of bestseller of world literature "worn by the wind" wrote only this only novel for his whole life, which later brought her family a big fee? The sale of the book was carried out by millions of editions, and the first filmography of the work added another 50 thousand dollars to the piggy bank. After the death of the writer itself, the copyrights of the work were distributed among its nephews.

Of course, to create something similar, a big talent is required. It rarely happens that one product will be the only source of income to many generations. It is more likely that authorship implies a constant subsequent work. They wrote a book, published, and then it is necessary to advertise it. When the public interest fits, you need to come up with something new. Only in this case the income will be maintained at the proper level. Not every musical group becomes at the level of "Beatles" and not every literary work becomes a bestseller.

Regarding legislation in Russia concerning copyright, it acts during the life of the author himself and the next 50 years after his death.

Option number 4: Passive income from software!

In fact, this is the same authorship, only in the field of IT technologies and programming. If you have any innovative ideas in this area, the passive income for a while you are secured. The next Bill Gates can hardly be able to become, although ... For example, you can program under iOS and created some kind of needed application for such a popular iPhone today or invented another interesting game for the VKontakte social network. Who knows, maybe your development will become another hit. Could the developer of Twitter assume that this simple software solution will get so enormous popularity?

Or another option without authorship - buy server and provide payment hosting services. But then you need to take care of technical support. If you want to do it yourself, it will not be possible to lie on the sofa, you will have to respond to numerous calls from users.

You can try to become an Internet provider. However, it only seems that it costs to buy the necessary equipment once, connect it, and subsequently for many years to receive passive income. In fact, difficulties are even not even at the purchase of expensive equipment (about 3 million rubles will need), as in numerous organizational moments, for example, registration of a legal entity, obtaining licenses, the passage of expertise. All this is also additional costs. Subsequently, the same technical support is needed, workers for installation and connection, personnel control, etc. In general, lying on the chaise lounge by the ocean with mojito is unlikely to succeed.

Option number 5: Passive income from the blog!

Thematic blogs have now become very popular. The most popular topics from readers are finance, business, health, sports and so on. The meaning of the blog is to provide useful and interesting information to visitors, and in return to receive income from contecte advertising or affiliate programs. Of course, in this area there are many pitfalls. Site creation is the most simple task of all the upcoming paths. Further it will be necessary to constantly fill high quality and unique content. Doing it yourself, of course, it is possible, but time this classes will take a lot. It is still easier to use the services of professional copywriters.

The advantage of article promotion to advertising paid in search engines is that the article will not disappear without a trace. You will pay for it, place on your blog, and it will be your durable asset, which will later lead a lot of traffic. In addition, it will be necessary to actively engage in advance. No one needs a blog that hangs at a hundredth position in search engines. In addition to optimized SEO content, it will be necessary to deal with the purchase of links, the placement of articles on third-party resources, work in social networks, etc. That is, work is difficult and painstaking. Especially if the portal is created from scratch, in the first half of the year about the top positions it is unlikely to dream.

However, as soon as you succeed, you will move a huge car, it will begin to move on the inertia, you will need to just slightly push it. When your blog has sufficient number of visitors (preferably at least 1000 per day), you can connect the contecte advertising and earn on each click. Subsequently, you will be engaged in the site, you will not be so actively as at first. But I would not dare to call this income absolutely passive. Maintain attendance will have to constantly: write new articles, improve usability, attract the attention of visitors. Without this, your portal is very fast in the ranks of more active competitors.

Option number 6: Passive earnings with the help of mutual investment funds.

A mutual investment fund (FIF) is an association of individual investors (shareholders), which are managed by professional portfolio managers, investing them into securities (mainly promotion and bonds), precious metals, real estate and other assets.

Simply put, you trust your money management company so that they work effectively. Not every person has the knowledge of the functioning of financial markets or time to get them. However, there are people who own such knowledge, they become organizers of such funds, collect money from a group of people, invest them in various assets and eventually earn it. You, as a member of the Foundation, also get your profits.

In Russia, the activities of the mutios are strictly regulated by law, which is a significant plus for investors.

In world practice, such funds appeared very long ago, in the 70s of the 20th century. However, in Russia for the first time, mutual impacts were formed in 1996, but at that time they were not gained great popularity. The Russians began to actively trust their money with these funds since 2003.

The share of the shareholder is this difference between the initial cost of investment and the amount that he will receive after the sale of the entire shade or part of it. It is not necessary to forget that the Fund is managed by professionals - portfolio managers, which, by diversifying assets, reduce the risks of losses to a minimum.

They often think that shareholders also receive dividends, but it is not.

There are no percentages, dividends and other payments. Each participant receives his income only when selling its share (share).

Passive income from mutual effects: benefits.

What gives the Depositor of Pyp:
1. The ability to go to the investment market even with a small amount of money due to the fact that the fund accumulates from private capital contributions.
2. Do not participate independently in the money management, and entrust it with professional managers who understand not only what assets should or should not be included in the portfolio, and can also quickly respond to changing market conditions and to change portfolio assets.
3. A small risk of financial losses by diversifying assets and timely response to the market situation by investors.
4. The possibility of any time to buy PAI, sell them, transfer them to inherit or make securing.
5. The highest yield compared to deposits in the bank (it can reach up to 100% per annum and higher).
6. Smaller expenses for the commission's remuneration of the brokerage company compared to those if a person had spoke independently as an investor.
7. Confidence that the Foundation will not disappear just as many investment projects. The state regulates the activities of PIFs at the legislative level. To prevent abuse of depositors, money is separated from the management company. They are stored in a special depositary, which also performs control functions. Just to write off the money from the account can not. The depositary at any time can block money if any fraudulent actions suspect. In addition, there are also the highest controlling bodies - this is the Federal Service for Financial Markets and the State Tax Service.

Disadvantages of investing in mutual effects!

Of course, there are some disadvantages of mutual diseases:
1. The risk of loss of invested funds. If the portfolio yield drops, the shareholder is not guaranteed to return even an initially embedded amount, not to mention the profit.
2. Unknown profitability investment. If you know exactly how much money on the expiration date, in this case, the FIF does not have the right to declare possible returns.
3. Income from the sale of a share is subject to income tax at a rate of 13% for residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents.

Option number 7: Classic passive income - Bank deposit!

Bank deposit is the placement of temporarily free funds of the depositor at a savings account in the bank to preserve and increase funds to demand or for a certain period specified in the contract.

If investments in mutual impact or binary options are more innovative capital management methods, the deposit in the bank is the most famous and common way to receive passive income. Everyone knows about him, and most people use this particular way, despite its small yield, which is sometimes capable of overlapping only an existing level of inflation.

Bank deposit in money or precious metals can not be called an effective investment method, it is rather a method of preserving its money. Passive income from such investments will be insignificant.

Option number 8: Trust management in financial markets!

You can trust your money in the management of professionals not only with the help of mutual investment funds, but also traders on stock exchanges. Moreover, it can be both an over-the-counter market, and quite real transactions, for example, in the American stock market or in the Moscow stock exchange. The fact is that if in the case of PIFIs you do not risk being deceived, because its activities are regulated at the state level, in all other cases you will not give you any guarantees.

Now any Broker Binary Options or Forex will offer you a trust management service, but will not go through the month as your money will fly into the pipe. This is natural, because the broker is not interested in its own ruin. However, in the case of real trade, for example, shares or indexes, trust management may well become mutually beneficial cooperation between the investor and the trader, because often profit and losses they divide in half, respectively, in obtaining a profit each.

But the complexity of accessing the same New York stock exchange is that here you do not limit the initial amount of $ 200-300. In order for the trader to be effectively working with stock assets, a minimum of $ 25,000 is required. And of course, a stable passive income at the same time no one can guarantee you, because speculation in financial markets is, first of all, high risks. Even super professionals can not be reduced to zero.

Option number 9: Participate participation and passive income from this!

Affiliate program implies your participation in increasing conversions (selling services or products, registration, click, filling out a questionnaire or other action), for which you will receive the appropriate reward in the form of a percentage.

Affiliate programs have a similarity with network marketing, but if the MLM business involves both your permanent activity, then in the case of its partner it may not be.

I will give a simple example: Once upon a time I worked on the copywriting exchange and became a member of the affiliate program. I had my own referral link, according to which the system determined all my attracted people: it does not matter whether by the author or customer. When his account was replenished, a certain amount of money came to my account - the percentage of client replenishment. At the same time, I have already stopped working on the stock exchange for a long time, and all drip out money.

These programs are now common on the Internet everywhere. They are single and multi-level. Naturally, the second option is more interesting, because then you get passive income from the whole chain of attracted people.

It is believed that the largest partnership reward (up to 25%) is offered on various information products - courses, online training, master classes, etc. The hosting partner can be obtained from 10 to 20%.

It is very good if you have our own website, then make money on an affiliate program easier. However, without the presence of such in many ways, in many ways to distribute partnerships, such as social networks, forums, postal newsletters.


Friends today we reviewed various ways as you can get passive income in our time. Which result can be made from all that is said? In a classical understanding, he is rarely present. Almost everywhere you will need to participate and some activities. Of course, passive income is not a myth. But in order to be able to do anything, do not get some kind of pennies in the form of interest on the savings deposit, but decent income, you need to very try. It is necessary to have either good initial capital, or a profitable acting business, or an advanced Internet resource.

Trading binary options for several years, I managed to lend a good capital, but in the near future I do not plan to make passive income from it, I used to continue to act and actively invest, and the most important thing is to get a big kayf from this activity! After all, as you know, the movement is life. And in my deep conviction, only the dynamic rhythm is the only true of all existing!

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of my blog about finance. Today we will talk about what types of passive income in Russia really work, consider the original, let's look at the question: in the conditions of a rapidly changing Russian market. Relying on experience, I will say that the options for additional earnings are a great set. About what passive income is in a separate thematic article. My goal is to help make a choice in favor of a suitable. you are Method for receiving passive earnings. I will not walk around and around and go right away.

Methods for obtaining passive income

First and the simplest solution to the issue with passive income is obtaining state payments. If you refer yourself to the number of socially disoriented citizens and do not have enough livelihood, contact a specialized regional service and write the appropriate statement. Disabled families, large families, pensioners, the state provides material assistance under the article of one-time or permanent compensation payments. What not? For the possibility of obtaining compensation payments, many people do not recognize. Meanwhile, the person has the right to count on obtaining preferential conditions when buying an apartment, pension or disability payments.

Second Method of earnings bringing good additional money in addition to the wage of the usual clerk - bank deposit. Storage of funds on the depositary account is the safest way to increase existing savings, which does not require any knowledge, experience, skills from the owner. In one of the previous articles, I have already spoken about what a unpealing lot of banks work now in the territory of the Russian Federation and everyone puts forward interesting offers to the consumer.

Benefits of the Depository Deposit:

  • a simple and understandable procedure for opening an account;
  • attractive conditions in the form of percent with capitalization;
  • obtaining the expiration of the guaranteed amount of money.

The question arises: how much can you really earn on the deposit? As it seems strange and amazing, but practically no idea. Deposit is attractive in that preserves and does not multiply Funds posted on the bank account. Economists understand perfectly what I mean. Inflation - Here is the reverse side of the contribution, which is a good, but far from the best kind of passive income. A deposit, as a passive income for a person in pensions - a soft airbag and a source of money for unforeseen expenses, but not for a businessman who wants to rise to the upper step of the pyramid of life and stop depending on the money.


Continuing to describe the types and sources of income, I will go to your favorite version of my friend-realtor friends - passive earnings on rental of real estate. After renting even the most simple one-room apartment for rent, my former classmates have a pretty decent increase to the salary. Not everyone knows that you can rent not only accommodation, but everything that has material value: car, construction, industrial equipment, retail space and even things. In practice, investing in housing and commercial real estate in Russia brings less income than buying and renting industrial equipment.

In our country, there are activities, engaged in which entrepreneurs buy construction techniques and earn it by rent. You will be surprised, but rental of a professional building perforator, the value of which is 30 000 rubles, costs tenants in 1000 rubles per day.
A simple mathematical calculation will help you understand how much you can get from the equipment, just passing it to rent. The advantage of this activity is fast recoupmentAs a rule, not exceeding thirty calendar days. It is not difficult to earn money on rental for rent, but this type of business requires a high return of the temporary and moral plan.

Currency market

PAMM-account - this is trading in the foreign exchange market committed by the trader; The investor invests his money in his trading account and receives% of profit on average 50/50 ratio: 50% Profit investor, 50% trader. If drawdown happens, the loss will be distributed in the same ratio.

Pros Pammam - The average yield of 40% / year, 4 times more deposit in the bank. Minuses:with such a profitability, losses in the amount of 15% / year may be losses. FROM Pifami., which is approximately the same, only ratio of 2 times less: 25% - income and 10% are an opportunity loss. Nobody will not give accurate guaranteed figures in income indicators and loss. It is necessary to understand the topic to choose decent accounts or funds and do not burn in this matter.

I, as an investor, is difficult to attribute this type of activity to passive earnings. Investing in this tool your money, you get a speculative income, at the same time exposing yourself to risk. PAMM account provides for the transfer of money to the management of a qualified specialist, which gives good profits, but with a sufficiently high level of risk.

Along with PAMM-accounts, there are other forms of passive earnings associated with trust management of money: less risky, medium-selling, more reliable. If you do not attract this type of earnings or you are only planning to start as a novice businessman, get acquainted with the ranking of brokers and companies specializing in trust management, putting forward sentences up to 20% per year. In my opinion, this is the best option for newcomers, manifesting interest in stable safe earnings.

Another option is fast, but risky passive income - own trade in assets on the currency or stock exchange. Learn in detail about the speculative activity of the trader in the Forex market. As an experienced investor, I will note that this type of earnings have pros and cons who voiced by me in one of the past articles. I do not work on the currency exchange, preferring stock market as a highly profitable type of investment activity.

Network Marketing and MLM

This type of business is characterized by a minimum list of requirements for who starts it. To enter the market where MLM is working in Russia, it is enough to have one hundred dollars and a lot of free time. An important requirement for those who plan to engage the distribution of products on the principle of network marketing is the presence of organizational abilities. If you have experience with people, know how to negotiate, your sales skills and people's beliefs in what you need, are at a good level and in addition to this you have a lot of free time, network business - what you need.

My acquaintances, - owners of rare talent for finding a common language with people unfamiliar to them, - have an increase in salary in the amount five hundred dollars. The main thing in the search and selection of the network entrepreneurship vector is not to get on the bait of fraudsters-creators of the financial pyramid, carefully listed under the enterprise engaged in network sales. I will still be sure about this in one of the following articles. Next, I propose a brief excursion to the topic investing in business, covered by a fairly wide range of directions of passive entrepreneurial activity with a good level of earnings.

Business courses and narrow-profile knowledge

Not bad view of passive earnings - creating a Business Course on the topic in which you understand better friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Especially attractive are courses on business subjects in which you are not just an expert, but also have impressive practical experience with the confirmation of the results. How to understand where you are an expert, but where not? Very simple. Analyze, find out and make up the main sources of income of your family. For money from which earnings do you buy in family products, household appliances, essential items? You yourself will not notice how the finished business will be in front of your eyes on a sowing with a blue car.

Are you dealing in architectural design or art? Wonderful! Create your own course for those who do not want to corpe over fat institute textbooks. Write step-by-step instructions, remove, mounted a video with a learning course. Do you know about the secrets of the profession? Share them on your Yotube channel. Sell \u200b\u200byourself, your experience, information that is perfect. Fortunately, for this you have all the means. The only difficulty in solving this issue is the distribution of training materials, but here it is not for me to teach you.

Internet business

Excellent option passive income - creating your site or blog. Perhaps it will seem amazing for you, but millions of dollars are spinning in the global web. You need only some money for starting, preferably and responsible attitude to work. On the options for earning a blog I will briefly remind about them.

The most promising types of income on the Internet

  • accommodation On the site contextual advertising, banners;
  • participation in various affiliate programs, search and attract clients;
  • conducting advertising projects with income from increasing the number of units;
  • sale of own media products, video courses, audiobooks, textbooks.

The establishment, promotion and maintenance of own business projects is always profitable because you work for yourself. Open the company, agency or large enterprise today is not difficult. Legislation is built so that you can become an entrepreneur almost anyone. Earnings, as I said, great many. For example, you can take the purchase / sale of individual units of goods, the provision of services in a certain area, the distribution of products on the principle of network marketing. On your site, you can advertise the product promoting you, thereby killing two hares with one shot.

Passive income without investments: myth or reality

Everyone with whom I talked on a side earnings, the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting a business without the initial contribution seemed to be crazy. Meanwhile, having small its own financial sources for investment, you can start a business from a zero point. In order not to confuse you with excess phrases and just dispel the myth, I will give an example of an outstanding American entrepreneur John Stitwho created the most popular and purchased drink in the world " Coca Cola.».
Few people know, but the guy started ten cents in pocketFor which I bought a recipe for an unknown drink consisting of twelve herbs. Today, the product called "Cola" does not need advertising and representation. You can start earning without investments. The main thing is to have a desire, some enterprise and a little more money.

Where to take money to develop a source of passive income?

This question today concerns every novice businessman and an investor, especially from among those who do not believe in a fairy tale about business from scratch. If you are solidar with these people and think that business from scratch is fairy tales, listen to the following recommendations.

There are two options for solving the question:

  • enlarge income;
  • reduce costs.

How to increase income?

The conversation is not about finding a second job or part-time, which is also not bad, but about creating passive income with help, it would seem completely not suitable for this tool. Make general cleaning, put on sale all unnecessaryFor example, a long-stayed coffee table or an old fan that air conditioning has displaced the balcony. Believe me, you will be surprised when you learn how much cash is scattered in your apartment and just dust, taking an extra place.

How to reduce costs?

"Savings should be economical," said one wise man. There are such a reasonable set for saving options that if I take it to list them, a whole thematic article will be required. It is easier to reduce costs than to increase revenues, I talk about this with confidence, supported by personal experience.

Participation in the sale, the use of discount coupons, wholesale purchase of food, replacement of all bulbs with energy-saving analogues is not a complete list. Love beer, and do not want to refuse it? Reduce the number of bottles discarded on the output day. With smoking the same. Banal analysis of the income and expenses system - real savings and transition to a new level of business.

Instead of imprisonment

Well, that's all, dear friends. At the end, relying on experience, I want to recommend you a complete refusal, although it is difficult, from bad habits: smoking, alcohol, gambling, slot machines. Sell \u200b\u200bunnecessary trash accumulated in the apartment. Having reducing the costs and increasing the income, you will go on the entrepreneurship stairs faster than expected and do not notice how you find yourself at the peak of financial freedom. Good luck!

Do not forget to subscribe a blog. Wait for new articles, reviews, reviews. Leave questions if something happened.

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Hello, dear readers. In this article, I will try to reveal the subject of passive earnings as much as possible.

More recently, the person's interest in money and ways to increase their capital were considered unless shameful, then exactly not deserved approval. In society, it was the opinion that it was possible only at work, and all other income sources were a very wary attitude.

Of course, then there were good reason to consider this way: many people "burned" on, it would seem guaranteed and rapid methods to get rich. However, fortunately, today there are other times: there are a lot of opportunities, using which, although it is not, but seriously improving material well-being.

What is the first to come a man to mind when he has a desire (or need) to have more money? Right - Additional work. This decision has its advantages (earnings will definitely increase, plus there will not be the very censure by society). However, the disadvantages that this method have abundant (lack of time, strength, qualifications, experience and a lot more) often put a cross on finding additional work.

What remains to do in such a situation? Fortunately, the modern world provides an opportunity, in the literal sense, not doing anything for it. The name of such an excellent way (or, more precisely, a whole group of methods) is a passive income.

What is it? Under the "passive income" means such earnings that a person has, it can be said definitely - he does not need to work or carry out some actions to get it, he is in itself.

Today, the passive income is one way or another, there are many people in our country, and they themselves are often not aware of this. The amounts may differ: someone has only a few hundred rubles per month, and whose passive income is calculated by hundreds of thousands. The amount of cash revenues is influenced by many factors, which will be discussed further in the article.

Opportunities that provide passive earnings are accepted to underestimate. Even those who are heard about this method of generating income, believe that at least a significant amount will not work - and therefore, there is no reason to strain. In fact, it is, of course, not: as I said above, some get hundreds of thousands of rubles monthly, almost nothing.

Who can actually help the ideas of passive income?

Look at the list below: If you consider at least one of these categories of people, then earnings, for which you do not need to continue to work, you definitely does not hurt.

  1. You do not want to constantly work on the state or "another uncle", but you wish to realize our own ideas in practice.
  2. You want to retire and go to open the world, but you understand that there is definitely not enough existing pension provision for this.
  3. You consider the future welfare of your family with one of the main landmarks in life and are ready to take real steps in this direction now.

Of course, it is good to talk about passive income well, but how to start it? What should I do and in what direction to work? We will talk about it today and talk.

1. What is the difference between poor and rich people?

Before you start your overview of popular methods for generating passive income, I want to ask you a question: what do you think the difference between the poor and?

Could manage? Remember your answer and leave with you - it is not necessary to announce it at all, but it will be useful in the future.

My opinion is entirely the same and completely coincides with the views of Robert Kiyosaki - a famous American businessman and a specialist in the field of investment. So, Kiyosaki believes that rich and poor are different from each other primarily in their respective money. What is he? Let's deal with more.

Imagine two friends. One works in a good place and is an excellent specialist in his area, which allows him to receive a very good wage. The second does not have a brilliant education, because of which it is quite difficult for him to get to the good work, and it is not much paid for now - almost 2 times less than a friend.

Which of them is richer? It would seem that the answer is obvious - but do not rush with the conclusions ...

Now let's see what spent have both friends.

The first (excellent high earnings specialist) is regularly powered in not the worst restaurants - the lack of time, too lazy to cook and other reasons do not allow him to do it yourself. In addition, it almost always gets from work to the house on a taxi - no car is not (because it did not bother to get right), and on public transport does not allow the "status" on public transport.

Also, the first friend is regularly (sometimes several times a month) goes shopping clothing, and far from the cheapest. Why is it for him? The fact is that a person does not know however (and does not want) to restore the items of the wardrobe - even if a very small spot appeared, which is not overwhelmed in the washing machine (but it is perfectly excreted in dry cleaning), he throws a thing in the trash bin and goes to buy a new one.

Well, what is the second friend who earns much less? Hiking to restaurants for it are luxury: he visits such establishments once a few months (and it is never eating, but takes quite a bit), but to work and back rides the bus. As for things, he not only carry them into a dry cleaning, but as far as possible is trying to restore - stroke holes (and completely imperceptibly), repaint, give clothes a new purpose (for example, turn old jeans into shorts).

But why am I? What does food, transport, clothing and other expenses are related to wealth? Probably, many of you the answer will now seem wrong, but it is very simple - the most immediate.

Why is it so? Note: even though the first friend and has a very big salary, but she constantly leaves him on restaurants, taxis and clothing - if you use it regularly, and not on holidays, maybe not even a very thick wallet (which happens with the first friend, Forced sometimes even take in debt among the second).

On the contrary, a friend who drawn with his money is very careful (spends them only when there is a real necessity), never experiences material needs - the difference between its income and expenses is always positive.

That is why the first friend has no savings, and his comrade, earning almost 2 times less, regularly (from each salary) postpones some money on his deposit. For several years there was a decent amount, which can be spent, for example, on a car, several trips to other countries or training.

I hope after such a visual example, the point of view of Robert Kiyosaki is fully understood (and mine too) - first of all, those people who spend less than earn money are rich.Such people can limit themselves in unnecessary expenses, realizing that the strategic benefit is much more important than momentary satisfaction.

Finally, let's designate the main items in which the difference between the poor and rich people is most obvious.

  1. Attitude towards wealth and money.If for the "poor" (first of all, it is not for sufficiency, but in the image of thinking) people are the target, then for the "rich" - to the means (make it possible to meet the need for secured future, knowledge, skills).
  2. Investments.Earned means "poor" and "rich" dispose of differently: if the first spend them very quickly and almost do not make investments, then the second will definitely save money and invest them in sources that will start to make a profit eventually.

What is different from each other "rich" and "poor" people, we figured out - I think that many after reading this section there is something to think about. Well, we go to consideration of sources and types of passive earnings.

2. How can I earn passively?

To start generating income, which will always be - regardless of whether you work or not - you need to know what kinds there are and which of them are most acceptable.

Sources of passive income can be four species, and each of them is worthy of a separate story.

View 1. Intellectual property

We will begin, perhaps, from objects that are created as a result of intellectual labor - literary sources, musical works, programs for conducting various events and similar things. In addition, here you can attribute inventive ideas - they can be patented and have income from sales.

How is passive income for intellectual property generated? The creator of any object from the above-described acquires ownership and authorship on it. If the right of authorship is inalienable, the first right can be sold and receive income from this.

The implementation of property rights, as a rule, does not occur immediately, but for some time intervals. This allows the authors of ideas receive passive income not one or twice, but constantly - after all, we strive for this

Despite the fact that the author's fees today can be very large, such a way of earning is available very few - primarily because inventing and promoting something unique and original today arhistent. Nevertheless, we will remember this method and let us turn to the consideration of others.

View 2. Investments

Investments - investment in order to subsequently get more than the amount of investment, profits.

In the consciousness of most people, investments are presented with something very remote, accessible only for very rich people. In fact, investment is available to everyone who has at least some free money - they are also capable of making a profit.

Where can I invest money? There are many places:

  • bonds and shares of companies, states
  • PIFES (mutual investment funds)
  • PAMM-account
  • real estate objects
  • bank deposits
  • business.

All these opportunities have different yield and different risks, so before the choice you need to decide what is more important - the amount of profit or the guarantee of the preservation of capital.

View 3. Marketing

Marketing - Promotion to the markets of a certain product and receiving profits from such activities.

Previously, production companies around the world stood before the question: how to make it up to start producing more and better? Today, such a question, for some exceptions, is not worth it, and another problem came to the fore - where and how to sell goods? In such a difficult case, marketing is very helpful, and this can be done well.

Each person today is available network marketing. To start earning in this way, you need quite a bit: a small starting capital (in some cases you can do without it) and the ability to sell the goods. The essence is as follows: you take (or buy) products from the company and sell it to consumers. The difference in purchasing and ultimate prices is your profits.

"Good," you ask, "but what is the passive income?". Indeed, at first glance it seems that in network marketing constantly you need to walk and offer goods to acquire it. However, in reality you can do without it.

For example, Internet sites help very much in network marketing. If you put in the creation and promotion of your own web Reuris, which will advertise the goods, then in the near future you will not have to do anything to sell products - customers will come to you themselves.

View 4. Arrivals from the state

Some people, having far from the greatest wages and many expenses, however, they live quite well. How do they succeed? Perhaps the case in legal literacy.

The laws of our state make it possible to receive a variety of payments from the budget. Of course, for this you need to meet certain conditions, however, they are not so complex, as it seems, and the possibilities themselves are much more.

We will list only the basic methods for obtaining funding from the state that may be available to everyone:

  • pensions
  • subsidies to pay "Communals"
  • subsidies for business development (especially related to small enterprises)
  • "Maternal capital"
  • subsidies to improve living conditions ("expansion", certificates for land, houses, apartments).

Summing up the section, I want to say that it is not worth limited to one type of sources. Methods of passive earningsvery diverse, and you can always simultaneously work in several directions - so the income will be much more.

3. Top 7 ideas for creating passive income

The main directions in which you need to work to make passive income, we have considered.

Time to go to specific ideas suitable for implementation - thousands of people have already taken advantage of them and today have stable cash flows practically without their participation.

Idea number 1. Own site

The Internet is an inexhaustible source of all: information, customers, sales, goods ... just do not list. The coverage of the World Wide Web is so global that despite the truly huge amount of web resources, space for new sites is still plentiful. That is why the list of methods for generating passive income Internet sites are in the first roles.

What do you need to become a webmaster (website owner) and start receiving money? You need:

  • knowledge of marketing (not at the level of a graduate of the institute, sufficiently basic provisions, principles and skills)
  • pC possession (will need some special programs)
  • free time
  • focus on results.

If you have everything from this list, congratulations: Passive income on the Internet is an opportunity for you.

In our age of typical standardized things, any unique products that have different properties distinguish between other goods acquires success - its inventor rapidly popularizes its name, and copies diverge very large circulations. If you have an inventive or creative vein, you can try to write a book, create a web or a different work of art, develop breakthrough technology.

The use of such ideas by others, as I said above, can bring long-term profits. It will come from licensing deductions for the use of goods, developing on its basis new solutions and many other things. The use of your intelligence to invent something new sometimes allows you to create a source of passive income from scratch: having only paper and pen (in modern conditions - computer), the writer can create a masterpiece that the entire planet will be read.

And what to do if it is impossible to invent breakthrough technology or write a picture that will be appreciated by critics? Is it really in this way to form passive earnings will not work?

Fortunately, not everything is so bad. Today, even seemingly ordinary things, but filed in a new way, often have a mad success. A vivid example is traditional handicrafts: masters of knitting, sewing, pottery, weaving, decorations earn not only on products, but also on what they teach others.

Lovers of modern technologies, active users of the computer, I can advise you to pay your online eye. Even, telling about the life of a person, with the correct submission to "blow up" the network and become megapopular. In addition, you can write computer software - games, programs and useful utilities, helping to make modern technology it is more useful, more affordable and more affordable for excellent users.

Create a creative product is easier than you think. Examine your abilities, talents and skills - surely find something unique that you can apply and pay for money. If you are engaged in your business with a soul and be able to establish a dialogue with people, do not doubt - the creative product will be successful.

Idea number 3. Property for rent.

Surely you have a property that seems to be necessary, but at the same time it is not very often used (or not used at all). If there is no desire to sell it, then it can be leased and receive income from this.

What exactly is popular in the rental markets? You can pass anything:

  • apartments
  • cars
  • equipment for repair, construction
  • clothes
  • furniture
  • decoration
  • much.

The obvious opportunity for the majority is only an apartment - they usually give up to everyone who possesses two (or more) apartments or has, for example, at the same time home and apartment. The rest of the objects are usually hanging in the "dead cargo", cluttering the space and not giving any profit.

For example, after repair, you left the equipment that was bought for it: a jigsaw, a perforator or something else. Throw such things, of course, it is a pity, to use them there is no need, but to buy if they agree, then much cheaper than the price in the store. In this case, rent is the perfect option: as a rule, such equipment is only needed at the time of repair, and people are not ready to buy it, but take on time - another thing. For 2-3 leases, you can get as much for how many other enterprising people offered to buy a tool.

Make a service popular in this case is quite simple: it is enough to advertise on some regional site for repair. If there is no desire to spend money, you can leave messages on thematic forums: they come completely representatives of the target audience, which means that the conversion will be very high.

Of course, this kind of earnings will not be fully passive: you need to communicate with customers, check the performance of objects surrendered to the rent. However, it is this idea that it is impossible to meet the needs of those who are looking for passive earnings on the Internet without investments. Judge yourself: it is not necessary to buy equipment (it is already there), you can make advertising completely free (links to forums or the same Avito), you can meet with customers or in any other convenient place.

Idea number 4. State payments

Speaking about the ideas of passive earnings, I mentioned that very many residents of the Russian Federation have the right to receive money from the state, but do not use it. In this section, I want to tell about this opportunity in more detail and bring specific examples.

Who can claim budget payments? The main categories here are several:

  • pensioners
  • disabled
  • families in a difficult life situation
  • families with lots of children
  • entrepreneurs who have opened their business.

In fact, it is possible to receive payments and then when you do not belong to any of the categories listed above (though, it will be very difficult, even if you meet the conditions specified in the Civil Code).

Let us turn to the review of specific types of state support.

Method 1. Baby Boy Benefy

The state is actively stimulating fertility, and today families in which there are small children can receive several payments at once:

  • "Maternal capital" is large enough in size (453 thousand rubles in 2017, while regional authorities may pay extra), but it is issued only when children in the family at least two, and you can spend it with a limited number of ways
  • baby manuals (Mothers pay all the time she is on maternity leave).

Of course, the size of those "children's", which is today, can not please anyone, but for the lack of more remains can be content with what is. Even small money coming regularly and without any effort can help improve financial condition.

Method 2. Subsidies to business development

The state is interested in developing - it gives new jobs, tax revenues, and in the future, the stabilization of the situation in the country is also stabilized. To this end, the powerful bodies are financially helping entrepreneurs who have a business idea and a clear understanding of how to organize its implementation.

Subsidy on business development is issued free and free - unlike loan, it does not need to be returned. Another plus is absolutely any entrepreneur to claim such financing.

Of course, the state is interested in issuing money to implement only actually promising ideas. Because of this, potential businessmen to get money (and without the help of the state, sometimes open their work unreal), provide many documents describing in detail the project, profit and payback periods. Paper is considered by authorized structures, after which the solution is made (it can be both positive and negative).

Having received money, the businessman should immediately put them in the case, and then report on the cost before the money issued by the money. By this time, it is worth considering most seriously as possible: if the report does not satisfy the inspections, they will require money back.

State payments are an excellent opportunity to receive passive income, practically without applying efforts. Of course, he will not be in the full sense of the word permanent (with rare exceptions), but it is not necessary to ignore this possibility.

Idea number 5. Financial investments

Let us turn to study, probably the most serious method of generating passive cash receipts - financial investments.

Why do I say so? Any investor going to play in the financial market must have at least the following:

  • exposure, patience, desire to improve and recognize new
  • initial capital.

If with the first problems, as a rule, does not occur, then with initial capital often there are difficulties. Nevertheless, to refuse such a way, if there is no significant amount of money, it is not worth it: small capital will simply bring smaller profits.

Where to invest to start receiving passive income? There are several strategies of investment of funds that differ from each other in costs, payback periods and risks. But first things first.

Method 1. Acquisition of real estate objects

If you have a rather large amount (several million rubles), you can invest in real estate: apartment, house, production area.

Income This method of investing may begin to bring immediately: when delivering real estate, tenants will flow to pay a certain amount. If the cost of the object has increased compared to the initial, and buyers also appeared, then it is possible to sell real estate: in this case, you will have not only money paid for rent, but also the difference between the cost of buying and selling.

This way of investing those who have significant capital and at the same time is completely inclined to financial risk. Real estate will always remain in price, and the price fluctuations for it are not so significant as on more "small" objects.

Nevertheless, I want to pay attention to that the real estate will require costs and after its acquisition: the apartment (house, production area) must be kept, paying utility payments and so on. If you do not have a clear understanding that the object will be leased, and the prospects for increasing its value are very foggy, it is better not to use investment in this way.

Methodification 2. Using financial instruments

Securities, Forex markets and other opportunities to make money on changes in quotations - an excellent way to earn.

What advantages has such a method?

First of all, there is a lack of need for a large starting capital. Having in his pocket (or) several thousand rubles, you can safely register on Forex and start investing. In addition, here you can very quickly increase the capital in several times - stories about people, literally in a week we have increased their savings 3-4 times, not a fantasy.

Of course, such advantages cannot do without minuses. In principle, the lack of just one, but essential enough: very high risks. Of course, their size depends on the investment strategy (you can not risk at all - do not use financial instruments, but in such an case you can not count. If you want, as those people from success stories, to grow weekly several times, then I have a rush to disappoint - Success, even if it is, is guaranteed to run out almost immediately.

That is why an investor on Forex and other financial markets, for example, must correctly choose a balance between yield and risks. To do this, risks should be able to calculate, will also need the ability to keep themselves in their hands and be calm in any situation.

Idea number 6. Network marketing

I have already spoken about network marketing above, but now I want to stay on this idea for passive earnings in more detail.

Sales of goods of famous brands - the process is truly global: today they are engaged in people who have nothing to do with the company itself. It happens both due to the oversaturation of the market and due to increasing the number of initiative, purposeful, active people who know how to sell the goods even to the most disadvantageous client.

Each can start making money on network marketing - and you including. To do this, you need to meet all the conditions that I spoke above, and also to understand the range of products of the manufacturer and be ready to always go towards the buyer.

Now - about what you need to know about network marketing and what methods of earnings are there.

The top of the dreams of many people - to create such a business so that it brings a steady and big income, and without the slightest intervention.

This is, of course, a commendable desire, but it must be remembered that a successful businessman can only be if he can understand whether the selected direction is promising, convincing investors (if there is no savings) in future profit and implement the project as it is It was intended.

Often the potentially very profitable idea "stalls" is only due to the fact that there is no money for its implementation for its implementation, and investors are not inclined to give their funds. In this case, the business can be able to help - it requires substantially smaller investments, and the results give in perspective almost the same.

What opportunities for business on the Internet exist? There are many of them:

  1. . Even if you do not have anything that could be sold, it is not trouble - the goods can be purchased and sell at a higher price. The Internet makes it possible not to spend money on promotion and rental area: the promotion on the network can be almost free, and you can produce the goods right at home.
  2. Provision of services. Strictly speaking, here is referred to the promotion of services that are not online: legal, medical and other consultations, as well as other types of services. If you have appropriate education and experience, but you are experiencing problems with Promotion, then the Internet is your best friend and helper: With it, you can convey to the consumer information about the service, to organize a record and collect feedback.
  3. Information business. Knowledge - Capital, which will always be in price. If you have unique information about something interesting and important and want to tell the people about this, you can create your own website (or give advertising on forums, other resources) and look for customers through it.
  4. Mailing information. To make money in such a way, first of all, you need to create a popular (with a large number of subscribers) page or site. As soon as it is done, you can contact the owners of large companies, the scope of the activity of which corresponds to the topic of the page or the resource. It is possible, they will agree to send information about themselves through your projects, and you will have income from this.

As you can see, it can be carried out in a variety of directions, and most importantly - choose exactly the vector that most matches your ideals, values, aspirations and opportunities.

4. We earn passively via the Internet: working methods

You can earn on the Internet and need. Types of passive income are extensive and diverse, and at least one of them, probably, can everyone who has a connection to the World Wide Web.

Before you start generating income via the Internet, I recommend to answer the question yourself: what do you want to get? Would you like quickly and without much strain to earn a small amount or are you ready to invest time, strength and money to ensure a stable cash flow?

If you have chosen the first option, I can recommend, for example, earnings on social networks or. You can do it in any social network, the work is completely easy, the truth is, it is impossible to call it passive earnings - "scribble" will have every day.

If you have chosen a second option, then ways to make money via the Internet, which will be brought (over time) income without your participation, much more. In this article, I will consider 7 basic methods, but in fact there are other possibilities. So, let's go.

Method 1. Implementation of advertising on its website

Every year thousands of new companies appear, which are facing the need to sell their products and services. In order for them to recognize them, they need to "unwind" - to advertise in all possible ways. One of the most effective places to promote the Internet: the audience is multi-million dollar, and costs often turn out to be less than when advertising more traditional ways.

What is me for? And to the fact that each webmaster (the creator and the owner of the Internet resource) may have income from advertisers. This method will be the first in this section.

№1. Contextual

Contextual advertising - showing the user of the information that either corresponds to the topic of the page, or what he was looking for the Internet earlier. This is a great way to receive income even when the site is at the initial stage of its development. Using this method of monetization, the webmaster must be made to minimize things:

  • think over where the blocks of the contextual advertising will be placed (if there are errors, it is always possible to change the location)
  • register in contextual advertising programs (Google Adsense, Yandex.Direct).

Everything else (customer search, advertising) Services will make for you.

How is such advertising monetized? Yandex.Direct, Google Adsense and other similar services in a certain periodicity (as a rule, once a month) list Webmaster for a special account of its income, folding from the total number of "clicks" on the announcement. The more transitions on the link made, the longer the amount will have the owner of the website.

№2. Sale of links

The owners of other projects in the network are in dire need of visitors - than them are more, the site is more successful. They can also be prompted by special resources engaged in "trade" links.

What are the essence of such projects? They perform intermediaries between those who want to "buy" a link (pay the link to the desired site on a well-known and popular resource), and between those who have the desire to "sell" the link (place it in the article on its website) .

If your project is well promoted (he has at least 5 thousand visitors daily, although each reference exchange presents its requirements), you can try to "sell" links. To do this, you need to make an account on the stock exchange and place your proposal to potential buyers.

  • "Eternal" - sold immediately for the entire life of the site
  • rent - posted for a period, while paying "drip" with a certain frequency.

Income from such a way of earnings is unpredictable - it can vary greatly depending on the subject of the site, its age, attendance and even the time of year. At the stage of becoming a project, it is not necessary to resort to it: the danger of "ban" from search engines is great, and then the site can be closed. It is necessary to wait at least half a year, and then then register on projects to implement references.

Number 3. Sale banners

How it works? The principle of operation is similar to contextual advertising: the webmaster also needs to be provided for a place for the advertising unit (it should be in sight, while not to impede the perception of information) and place ads from employers on it.

What is the difference? There is no mediator in the form of Google Adsense or Yandex.Direct - Contact is directly between the advertiser and the webmaster. Due to this, the profit of the site owner increases, but the number of clients is usually reduced - most of them immediately appeals to Google or Yandex, without working directly with project owners.

In order to sell banner advertising, the site should be exhaustive information about the conditions of cooperation - the period of placement, cost, other provisions. It is best to allocate a separate page for this to the resource so that all the information is in one place.

Summing up, I can give webmasters going to receive income from advertising, a couple of tips:

  • you need to have good knowledge in SEO-optimization of resources and learn to interact with advertisers (it will come with experience)
  • the site should be made primarily for people, and not for monetization - uninteresting web projects are never considered by advertisers, and Google Adsense and Yandex.Direct is better "learn" to ignore such resources.

Method 2. Partnership programs

What ? This is a way to attract customers by sellers. It is as follows: a company that has a product attracts other people to its spread, promising any income from each sales.

Today, partnership programs have almost all major sellers of goods and services - in this way they save not only time, but also money, and other people get the opportunity to work well.

Find easier than it seems - there are many ways to do it:

  • place a banner on your own website (if it is)
  • create a group on a social network, distribute references among its members
  • buying an article in which "built-in" reference, on third partnership
  • placing a video on the Internet with a referral link (you can show it in the video itself and place in the description).

By participating in the "partner", it is necessary to know how reliable the organizer is. Many cases are known when promising and promising projects in fact turned out to be the usual "divorce". It is worth paying attention to both feedback from friends and acquaintances (if they have previously participated in the program) and the opinions on the specialized resources of the Internet.

Method 3. Investing

To get a good profit, sooner or later you will need money - if the starting capital is not at all, then you do not have to count on large sums.

As soon as you get at least a few tens of thousands of rubles, free for investment, you can start investing. This method of forming passive income, as I said above is the potential most profitable, but also the most risky.

What to do to reduce the risks of the loss of funds to the minimum value? Excellent way - diversification of the investment portfolio. The word is quite complex, but in practice everything is simple enough: it means the distribution of funds between different tools.

For example, a portfolio is quite popular in the investment environment as follows: 40% of all funds are sent to bank deposits (minimum risks, low profits), 40% - in PAMM accounts (risks are more significant, but also profit more), 20% - to other Projects.

In addition, within each tool, the tool can also be distributed (for example, not one, but several bank deposits, to start several instead of the only one).

The portfolio described above is the optimal combination of risks and profitability: it provides a practically 100% guarantee of the safety of funds (if not all, then at least their parts), while gives significant profits.

PAMM-account, mutually ... Surely the unprepared reader has a question: "What is it at all?" About what investment tools are and what features they possess, we will talk now.

Method 4. Bank deposits

A deposit in the bank (or the contribution) is a clear and practically a risk-free way to form passive income. It is implemented as follows: you open a contribution to the bank, make a certain amount to a special account, and after a predetermined time segment, an income equal to a certain percentage of the amount is charged at the expense.

How many can you earn with the help of a bank deposit? No - today rates in large and well-known banks (and open deposits in others, perhaps, and not worth it) are at the mark of 7-8% per annum - that is, about the same level as inflation. And therefore, today the contributions are helped rather not to increase savings, but to preserve them.

However, where less income, there is less risks. Of course, cases of bankruptcy banks are not so rare today, but almost all financial institutions are parties to the CER (deposit insurance systems). If the bank does not have means for paying depositors, then this will make another financial institution assigned to the ASV (deposit insurance agency). It is worth noting that only savings in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles come under the program.

Do you need a bank deposit in the investment portfolio or can we get around it? Despite the very small profit, the answer is unequivocal - necessary. The deposit acts as a financial "airbag" - even if all other funds are lost, the money placed in the bank will be able to not go bankrupt.

Method 5. PIFES.

(or FIF) - a complex in which there are two types of participants: shareholders (people who invest money) and managers (people who manage money for profit; often come in one organization).

In a simplified form, the process of functioning of the FIF can be described as follows: the investor buys a certain amount of paws (securities) and becomes a member of the Foundation. Those money that was listed in the account of the purchase of Paews are used by managers in financial transactions to profit. If the income was obtained, it is distributed between the shareholders according to the principle of "the more securities, the greater the profit."

10-12 years ago Pynes were a very popular method of investment - the ratio of profitability / risk was quite high. Today, the situation has changed quite sharply, and many fraudulent structures have arisen, and therefore the impacts today are not considered advanced investors, as a rule, are not considered.

Method 6. PAMM-account

PAMM account - a similar to the FIF method of investment.

The mechanism of functioning is as follows: A group of investors who do not want to trade on Forex independently, but have capital. Further, the players create a total account and the search for a successful specialist who will be able to manage this invoice. As soon as the agreement between trader and investors is achieved, the specialist begins to trade on Forex in order to make a profit.

How much can you earn on PAMM accounts? It depends on the type of trader (you can work with people who adhere to completely different strategies) and from its remuneration (as a rule, 20-30% of the profits, but it happens more).

For a person, ready to invest money and get income from this, PAMM-accounts are interesting as follows:

  • "Log in" you can even with a small capital (from 10 dollars)
  • you can choose a trader yourself, having complete information about the strategy of its actions and successes in previous periods
  • transactions with money (enrollment on account, payments from the account) are carried out quickly (within 1-2 business days).

Of course, there are PAMM accounts and cons. The first (and the most important) is the real possibility of losing all means. Often even very successful traders in separate time segments show an unsatisfactory result, and for many investors it turns out to be enough to stay without money.

The second is the inability to control the actions of the manager. The specialist works in its rules, and so that it does not invest in a particular asset (which can be unprofitable) is almost always impossible.

PAMM account, despite its drawbacks - a good way to seriously increase your capital. Highlighting a large percentage of savings on it is not worth it, but it is definitely incorporated into the investment portfolio.

Method 7. Venture Investments

Venture investments - (or, as they are also called today, "Startups"). Such undertakes differ from other things that necessarily carry some kind of novelty.

As a rule, the fountaining person's ideas have no money to fully bring to mind at least one of them. Because of this, he has to cooperate with people who are ready to give money to the development of undertaking. Of course, not for just like this: if the implementation is a successful, investor who has invested his money will receive a certain percentage of income.

In such a person you can become and you. It's easy enough to do it: there are many start-up exchanges on the network, which you can freely log in, register and explore the proposed projects. It is possible to communicate with the authors - information from the first mouth will help make the right choice.

What should I remember, committing venture investment? There are two main points:

  1. Ideas are a lot, and to invest in everything is impossible. However, not to invest in one "startup" too. The optimal option is "Golden Mid": it is worth choosing a few project (3-4) and distribute funds between them depending on the alleged development of each.
  2. Control, as the project goes, will have to be independently - no managers. In supervision, it is necessary to compare the pace of development of the selected "startups" among themselves and, if necessary, redistribute capital.

Method 8. Precious metals, currency

Choosing a way of investing, anyone does not, no, will look at popular and well-known methods - currency and precious metals. Well, let's talk about them too.

Precious metals, quoted on a variety of stock exchanges - gold, silver, platinum and palladium. They have long been advocated a means of storing savings (and in the earliest stages of human history and replaced money at all).

Despite the widespread opinion that it is advantageous to invest in precious metals, such savings do not bring such savings. Moreover, they are unprofitable: at the beginning of 2016, the gold gram cost more than 3000 rubles, and today it can barely reach 2400 rubles to the mark. With a platinum, the situation is the same: if at the beginning of 2015 it cost 2700-2800 rubles per gram, then today is a thousand cheaper.

As for the currencies, today to consider them as a savings tool prevents too much volatility: the course "jumps" there and here, and to predict where it will move in the near future and how much will change, it is almost impossible. In the situation with the ruble, oil has a great influence: where the "black gold" is sent, and the Russian currency is also sent.

To get some income from savings in precious metals or currency, you need to constantly track changes and sell / buy assets. Such activities sooner or later turns into trading, and we are talking about passive income.

The same situation consists of bonds, promotions and futures that can be purchased via the Internet. The yield is far from the highest, and the risks are great, so I recommend to look at other ways to invest.

Method 9. Internet projects

Finally, the last type of investing over the Internet is an investment in projects in the network.

Under this name, as it is easy to guess, the most common sites are understood. About that, at the expense of what they make a profit, I already told in this article, so I will not repeat.

What is necessary to say so this is about the payback periods of investments. Depending on the subject of the resource, its attendance and prices requested by the webmaster, the return of funds leaves from the year to two years. The term, of course, is rather big, but also the return is significant: after this period, the project will bring substantial income, which will almost completely be pure profit.

Of course, if you do not have absolutely no knowledge of sites and how to administer them, use this method is not recommended - the project should not stand still, and in the absence of some changes in it sooner or later everything will stall. However, even if the information is minimum, everything will come with experience, because the main thing is that the desire does not stand still and improve in a new sphere.

Method 10. Passive income through social networks, YouTube

In search of a response to the question " how to create passive income? " Many come to social networks and video hosting. This step, in general, is absolutely helpful - you can really earn here.

Where to take them? To increase the number of follovers, you can use the following ways:

  • give advertising in other thematic publicumes - people find out that you have a page, and start reading it
  • conduct competitions - investments in prizes (often - literally several hundred rubles) pay off in repeated size ("freebie", even if they love everything)
  • "Hook" subscribers (there are specialized services, for a moderate fee, significantly improving the number of subscribers).
  • to agree with the owners of other publishers - it is quite possible, they will agree on the exchange of advertising (you will place information about the partner page, which, in turn, will give your subscribers about your project).

The "cheating" method of subscribers, however, do not plan to abuse - often the page "Fakes", and potential advertisers (those who will carry you money) they do not interest.

YouTube and - promising directions for the formation of passive income, because the number of users only increases from the year. If it turns out to create a product that is interesting to other people (and here not only information is important - its feeding, speed, importance and similar things), then profit (mostly passive) will not wait long.

Method 11. Sending information

If you are already well "promoted" and are in finding additional sources of money, you can draw a look towards the distribution of information.

A good project always has enough readers and subscribers who do not want to skip no update (an interesting photo, an article, news or something else). Sin does not give them such an opportunity, carrying out a newsletter with interesting new materials, such as email or an account on a social network.

How is income formed here? In addition to the information, an interesting reader, an interesting reader, you can add advertising, referral links, and everything is ready to pay advertisers. Since messages are almost always read, additional information will not remain unnoticed, and therefore such advertising will cost expensive.

5. Financial independence - what is it and how to achieve it?

In conclusion, I want to tell about one question, which may not quite correspond to the topic of the article, but it does not become less important. It will be about financial independence.

What is this - financial independence? Personally, I understand this complete material freedom - a person does not depend on work, he has such a passive income that makes it possible to live and without "active" earnings.

Is it really or not? Opinions are very different: someone believes that material independence is quite achievable, and is trying to work in this direction. Someone thinks that such a concept for the definition of utopian, and therefore should not even try to do something.

Who is right? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question. However, this does not mean that passive income is an unrealized dream: as you already, probably, made sure to achieve it, if you try, it is quite possible.

Remember, at the very beginning of the article we discussed, what differ from each other "rich" and "poor" people? This section is a kind of logical continuation of this topic. I want to give you some tips, following which may not lead to financial independence in the full sense of the word, but accurately will help find the right path.

It sounds, maybe pathetic, but it is so - a person who has no goals, never will never achieve anything. On the contrary, one, who has a goal, sooner or later will come to the result.

Objectives should be concrete and real - otherwise it is not clear what to achieve, and it is also unrealistic to achieve. In addition, the goal should be really important: otherwise it will not be motivated to achieve it.

Once the goal is reached, you need to put new landmarks. Life is a movement, and one success (even grand) without development will never have any great value. It is better to move small steps, but constantly than once to achieve a lot and then stop completely.

Material values, this, of course, is good, but what can they give subsequently? Unlike them, attachments to self-development will definitely pay off - maybe not materially, but some other.

Today, useful information to get quite easily: the Internet opens in this area truly limitless features. You can, without leaving the house, listen to the lectures of the most famous motivators, businessmen, investors and to gain knowledge of themselves "on the Us".

Refuse this, motivating a lack of time, or something else, not worth it. Time, if there is a desire, you can always highlight, and the Russian people once brilliantly said: "We study the eyelids."

The fundamental principle of "rich" person - incomes more than expenses.

Often, people completely do not understand where they spend their own, it would seem, large salary and savings. Meanwhile, put this case under control is easier than simple: everything that will need is a pen and notebook, where all income and expenses will be recorded. If you are an active user of modern technology, then you can use the office applications (Excel or something like that).

Such a simple step will quickly determine, from what costs you can definitely refuse and what money as a result of this will remain with you. Excel tables (if you keep accounting on a computer) will also allow the forecast how much money you will have if you live in the right savings mode for several months or a few years.

If the costs are still larger than income, it is worth working in a different direction - it is possible to find a new (or additional work), as well as search other sources of active earnings. Without them, in the first stages, the passive income without active (first) is impossible, since it is almost everywhere the starting capital is required.

About where you can do attachments, I told - now it remains to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

If you have not enough capital, while his loss will be fatal, I recommend to start only from bank deposits. Risks are minimal here, and during the time the deposit period will expire, you will score more money and you can go to other types of investment portfolio.

As capital increases, the portfolio needs to diversify - start using as much tools as much as possible. At the same time, it is not necessary to do this NamAum: before choosing one way or another, it follows to study it in detail and then decide whether to use it or better look something else.

The ideal investment portfolio will bring significant income even when the state of the largest financial markets is extremely unstable. There are a lot of tools in it, which means that even the complete loss of one source is practically not affected by well-being.

6. Conclusion and conclusions + thematic video

Passive income is a real opportunity to secure a decent life right now, without experiencing dependencies from relatives, state or someone else.

There are many ideas by taking into armaments that, you can start forming your own passive earnings. Not all of them are original, however, the potential is not used until the end: each idea described in the article will bring income with proper implementation.

One of the best places to generate income that will appear without any labor costs - the Internet. If you have some money, knowledge and desire to develop, then be sure: at least one of the ways of passive earnings on the network for you is a reality.

However, so that the earnings without any effort become a reality, it is not enough to implement one idea, it is necessary to change its mind. It is necessary to refer to money as to the means of self-development, they will keep their detailed accounting and spending no more than earned. Only in this case you will become really financially independent.

At this, I complete my review of ideas, methods and advice for passive earnings. If you have some questions about the topic of the article, be sure to ask them through comments. If there is something to supplement the article, also write to us - real experience is always in price and interesting to users. Well, I say goodbye to you up to the next interesting and useful articles!