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General cleaning before the New Year: What do you do wrong? Pre-New Year cleaning without overwork General cleaning for the new year plan

Everyone is familiar to everyone, the feeling of something magical a week before the start of the main holiday in the year is New Year? As a child, we feel the approach of this wonderful family holiday and a hurry days so that at the time of the battle of the Kurats to make a cherished desire and start the New Year. It is impossible to compare this pre-New Year mood. However, the holiday is lush and brighter, the more worries during its preparation. Everyone knows this pre-New Year'scyclosure for almost a week: you need to buy gifts to all your relatives and acquaintances, beautifully pack, buy products, come up with a New Year's outfit, a place where the main holiday of the year and many other little things will be celebrated. But the most important stage that concerns each is cleaning the apartment. No one will be pleased to cope the new year in the apartment where the New Year's atmosphere is not removed or is not completely. And, as they say, as the New Year will meet, so they will spend it, so it is best to meet it in a clean apartment. Moreover, you need to remember that the pre-New Year cleaning is not just a general, but a global procedure, because you need not only to remove the house, but also decorate it. And so that nothing was forgotten, and cleaning did not become such a exhaustive occupation, we will try to help you and remind several points, without the execution of which the New Year will not be.

The first thing you need to take care is to determine the amount of time you are ready to spend on this procedure. From this initial stage, it will be literally all: starting from the beauty of the apartment and ending with your statement, because long and saturated cleaning is very tired. We advise you to go to you along the path of least resistance and stretch the usual three-day procedure for a week and a half. The less you hurry, the greater the likelihood that you will not forget to do anything and do not get tired.

  • Help

In such a case, do not do without helpers. If you have relatives or friends who are ready to help you with anything, moreover, if they live with you, ask them to help you with some homemade troubles. Together it is always more fun and faster together, and you will not only not get tired, but also charge the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions in the process.

  • Music

If it happened that you have to do everything alone, stock up your favorite music or those tracks, which is best to get out and on the road. So you are less to get tired, because the music will be not bad support and support.

  • Plan cleaning

To make sure nothing forget, you can make a small cleaning plan. So it will be easier to navigate, and the process will go much faster. It is best to distribute all the stages of the day. For example, today you wash the windows, and tomorrow will take place the storage room and the balcony. So cleaning will not take all day. If you have a bad plan with the plan or you worry that you can accidentally skip something, read the exemplary cleaning plan, which we will gladly provide you.

Plan two-week cleaning

We suggest stretching the whole process for two weeks. This is the most optimal amount of time that can be safely spent on cleaning and not to get tired, as from fast two-day cleaning.

First day: My windows

The very first stage should be washing windows, because it is an eye eye. If you are the first to wash the windows, then you do not have to mix the floor if you accidentally be stained with detergent. Moreover, if during the day you will rape the windows as possible, especially clean, it will be easier to see all dirty places in the apartment, and you definitely do not miss a single site.

To wash the windows, to start remove the curtains and send it. So they will not interfere with the wash process and will be clean, like clean windows. Washing windows includes several very important stages.

Stages of washing windows

  • Select the cleaning means for washing windows. If there was no such thing in the house, use the methods of our grandmothers and distribute the average intensity solution of soap and water.
  • Next, you should choose a rag, and better two, with the help of which the window washing procedure will be made. Specialists advise you to purchase products from the microfiber, because it is possible to avoid the appearance of annoying divorces and porcelines on the glass. Such rags are not so expensive, so one should not invent them alternatives. Moreover, they can also wipe the surfaces from dust.
  • Wash windows better in cloudy weather, so choose a cloud day for such a procedure or just wash the window when the sun is sitting down.
  • Now it's time to wash the frame. From her and begins washing windows. Speaching it from dust and pile, and then wipe with a cloth moistened in a soap solution, after that pass the second pure wet rag.
  • After that, take a means for washing the windows or the same soap solution and wipe the glass with a sponge. If the contamination is too strong, take a sponge of greater density and rigidity.
  • Next, wipe the glass with a cloth moistened in clean water. You can use the same microfiber rags.
  • If you want an ideal surface, take a newspaper or toilet paper after that and soda dry glass. This will give them more shine and guarantees the perfect surface without divorce.
  • At the very end, do cornices and ventilation: just wipe them from dust.

Second day: We disassemble the grooves in the storage room and on the balcony

This stage is one of the longest, since all this can delay not for one day. However, if you occasionally look into these places throughout the year, then cleaning in that part of the apartment can take a couple of hours. Remove all unnecessary trash, get rid of things that you have not remembered for several years. They are unlikely to be needed, because you and without them lived. Disassemble the balcony and try not to fill it during the year. Don't you want to, for example, go into sunny weather and sunbathe in the summer on the balcony?

Third day: time to get into the bedroom

Try here to make yourself disassemble all the trash on the shelves, throw out unnecessary. Remove the dust on the shelves, disassemble the cabinets from things that will never be worn. Prepare pure bed linen for the new year. It will be very good if it is with a festive ornament. Do not forget to prepare packages for unnecessary trash and things that were found in the closet. After that, share some friends if they need or simply throw out or pass into some commission store or shelter. Extra money for unnecessary things did not interfere with anyone.

Do not forget to remove under the bed. It will be best if you move it for a while. Perhaps, in such a business, you may need help friends or relatives who have been invited in advance.

Fourth day: Cleaning in the living room

Another equally responsible stage begins. Here you need to thoroughly approach this issue, because here you will most likely meet guests and cope the most important holiday in the year. Be sure to disassemble all the mess if it is available, get rid of dust, spend the carpet and so on. If you have a crystal chandelier, it needs to be peeling well and grazed to shine. If you have a crystal to whom you need to return the former shine, read several tips.

  • To begin with, you should dilute a crystal wash solution: take half the tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of vinegar and add a liter of water.
  • Clear crystal crystal with this solution. It will help remove turbidity and green flare in the corners of the products.
  • If the product has details with gilding, rinse it with warm water and wipe the vinegar solution in water: a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water.
  • If the crystal lounted very much, soak it in a soap solution for washing dishes for several hours, and then rinse in a solution of vinegar with water.
  • Crystal is badly polluted? Boil the potatoes and soak the product in the brand for several hours, and then rinse with a sponge with a dishwashing agent and rinse with water.
  • Your grandmother gave you an old crystal, which is very yellow? Stit his half of the raw potato, and then divert a weak sink solution and rinse the product in it.
  • Wine glasses from which you could not wash the stains of juice or wine, soak in the solution of food soda, and then rinse in vinegar solution.
  • You can also wash the crystal with a dry way: take a piece of velvet fabric and a little starch. Then wipe the product with a cloth.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER!In no case do not dry the crystal, as ordinary dishes, otherwise there will be divorces. Immediately after washing, wipe it with a dry cloth from the microfiber.

Fifth day: it's time to disassemble the nursery

Not everyone has children, but if you are still endowed with such a gift for fate, then help them remove their room. Disassemble the toys: those in good safeness and those that the child does not want to throw away, fold into the box for toys, and the rest are throwing out or distribute. Disassemble unnecessary clothes that your children will no longer wear. You can offer them to give all unnecessary items as a present for a new year to those who are really needed. Do not forget to capture with you a good mood, then the children will not be difficult to learn how to keep order.

A few days for cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning before the new year, oddly enough, can take very time in the kitchen. Place the harvesting process of such a small room for about four days.

First, start washing the tile and drawing. Then wash all the dirty dishes, get rid of unnecessary. Wipe the dust everywhere, clean some surfaces from fat and puffed mud. Wash the kitchen appliances: microwave, blender and other accessories, if contaminated. Remove the multi-layer nagwested fat everywhere if it is available. Do not forget to put the gas stove. Then make cleanliness in the refrigerator and do not forget to make a list of products necessary for the new year.

Tenth day: go to the bathroom and hallway

Rate climbing the entrance to your apartment. If guests come to you, try to free the space as much as possible so that they do not crowded at the entrance. Prepare slippers for guests. Put in order a hanger and a shelf for shoes. Things intended for another season, as well as shoes, it is best to remove into the closet. Fold the rug at the entrance.

Clean the toilet toilet, as well as start the bath and tile.

Eleventh Day: We destroy the main allergen

It's time to get rid of dust. Start cleaning it from the ceiling and ending with the floor. Check the apartment for spiders. Clean the walls from dust, and at the end we spend and put in order sofas. At the very end, do wet floor cleaning.

Twelfth day: put in order mirrors and lamps

Wipe wet all the remaining chandeliers and lamps. Take all the mirrors in the apartment to shine.

Thirteenth day: time to decorate an apartment

And after all the work done, you can start a different kind of decorations. Give freedom of fantasy and decorate the whole house, charge the festive mood, change the bedding in the bedroom to a new new year fashionable print. You can connect children to this case, they will only be for. And do not forget about the main culprit of the celebration - the Christmas tree. There is nothing better than to decorate with the New Year's Beauty with the family. Add sequins and radiance throughout the house using tinsel and garlands. Sewing the windows with a bruster and toothpaste: such patterns can then be flushed easily.

Fourteenth day: the final stage

So the last day came, the day of the new year. Try on this day to pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones, advise with the choice of the dress, put yourself in order, take a good break before the holiday, and then feel free to meet guests, make a desire and start the new year in a clean home!

For the next year to be favorable in material plane,

I advise you to spend before the New Year holidays, not a simple, but "monetary" cleaning.

1. Collect and throw away all old or unnecessary things that you do not use. But when you throw them away, mentally thank them for the service and tell me: "The old leaves, and the new one comes to my house" .

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you first need to get rid of energy stagnation in your home, so that the influx of new fresh energy can bring something new to your life. Let's start?

  • throw away trash and broken items, they absorb all new opportunities, and you all the time will be in place
    And it is easier to do it easier, see;
  • get rid of old clothes, it takes your strength;
  • we liberate the windowsills from everything, including the colors so that light and energy fluently penetrate your home;
  • we change the position of your things and furniture, move them from our places to launch the circulation of energy, the permutation is what you need, so positive energy in your home will become more;
  • throw away all the little things from the boxes that are waiting for their starry hour after year;
  • clean on the computer old files, unnecessary letters, numerous bookmarks;
  • and most importantly - let go of old insults and disappointments, everyone we can - we forgive who we cannot - forget. Negative thoughts replace on the positive: "So that no one is painful to" replace "I and my close absolutely healthy."

So you will cleanse bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

2. When you vacuuming or knock out carpets, say: " As a mud in my house there is no place, it is not in my home the place of laptop. May it be so".

3. Do accumulate exactly 27 coins (Five and fiftyachiopechnaya), pretty wash them, no matter how "Smoke" and unnecessary energy (the number of coins is not accidental).
Then type in pure water pelvis and put a coin there for 7 minutes. After that, remove the coins, dry and remove until the next time.
Drain the water in the floor washing bucket, add several drops of your favorite essential oil there. For example, Feng Shui experts believe that the fragrances of patchouli, pines, lavender, mint and grapefruit are capable of attracting money.
And when you wash the floor, pronounce: "My money water, I charge my floor, I attract money to the house."
At the same time, think only about positive things about what you would like to bring you a new year. By the way, such a monetary, charged water can still wipe the entrance door and other surfaces in the house.

Note! We spend wet cleaning 2-3 days before the holiday, but not the day before, because on Feng Shui it can lead to financial losses.

4. After that, on Feng Shui, you should put new chinese coins In the south-east of your apartment in the wealth sector, stick them to the phone, a computer, on folders with financial documents, put them in a wallet and in banks with croups.
Those who do not like Chinese symbols can decompose ordinary plates at all corners.

5. "Monetary" cleaning before the new year can be combined with the decoration of the house on Feng Shui, which will strengthen the magic actions. To do this, you need to hang the entrance door christmas wreath or chinese lantern- It will bring good luck, happiness and financial well-being.

6. For decoration, the hall is required by the compass. zone "Bagua"responsible for the implementation of its potential. It must be located in the northeast of the room. It is necessary to decorate it with silver rain, serpentine or tinsel, then luck will come to the house necessarily.

7. Put two candles in southwestern Room walls. This will bring well-being in family life.
And if it is required to absolutely change your personal life, then in the same part of the room you need to hang picture with cranes.

8. So that all households were healthy and full of energy, in the center of the room put a fruit basket.

The result will be required. And do not forget to give debts to the new year.

Good luck to everyone in the new year!

Cleaning before the New Year - large-scale, important and responsible business: you need not just bring the apartment in order, but also decorate it. In order for the preparation for the holiday to be a burden, use the recommendations of the company's specialists about, purely! ".

Chief Council - Do not postpone the cleaning for the new year 2017 at the last moment. This is especially true if you work for holidays and you will not be able to highlight a lot of time to prepare for the celebration.

Start the general cleaning for 10-14 days before the new year and make a plan of events by distributing them by day. This optimizes the load and will significantly simplify the performance of hard work.

Cleaning plan before the new year

The cleaning plan before the new year guarantees the absence of a random fuss. Make a list of order in:

  • kitchen;
  • storage room;
  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • nursery;
  • corridor;
  • bathroom and toilet.

A thorough cleaning of one room will take 1-2 days. It all depends on the condition of the premises, the presence of free time, convenient tools (devices) and household chemicals.

In the process of cleaning each room, act according to the following plan.

  • Spread scattered items in places.
  • Wipe or remove the dust from the walls with a vacuum cleaner and remove the web from the ceiling.
  • Wash windows and other glass / mirror surfaces.
  • Clean furniture and household appliances.
  • Move the shelves and cabinets.
  • Clean carpets.
  • Swapping and wash the floors.
  • Hang new or widespread curtains.

To bring in order kitchen, a special care is required:

  • defrost and wash the refrigerator;
  • clean the stove and the rest of the equipment;
  • polish glass and metal dishes, festive service and cutlery.

Clearly following the plan, you will quickly handle the tasks. 1-2 days before the new year, prepare a place for a festive table and decorate the apartment to the celebration.

Feng Shui's doctrine and folk signs

Believe in the teachings of Feng Shui and folk signs? Listen to the following advice.

  • Cleaning before the new year on Feng Shui should go without irritation. To raise yourself a mood, imagine that you get rid of an apartment from negative (disappointments, offense, quarrels and stress).
  • Take up for work at a decreasing moon during the natural cycle of purification. Cleaning at this time will give the best result in the energy level.
  • More often, take a garbage (before sunset) and use the vacuum cleaner with aqua filter. Timely deliverance from negative information and careful removal of dust will bring comfort and harmony. The ventilation will bring fresh positive energy to the apartment.
  • Your assistant is music. Use it to raise the mood. After completing the cleaning of each room, the Space Space by Chinese bells. It neutralizes negative and activates positive energies.

After completing cleaning, fill the apartment with aromas of natural oils. Jasmine, eucalyptus and geranium - for relaxation; Basilica and lemon - for cheerfulness; Orange - for comfort.

Do not forget about the advice of our grandparents. Follow the signs, and cleaning before the new year will bring well-being in the house. Folk wisdom says:

  • "The old trash in the New Year to bear - will not add to the house of honor";
  • "Who meets the new year in purity, he does not know all year all year";
  • "Wash last year's litter so that there is no quarrel in the house."

A week before the holiday, get rid of old unnecessary things. After freeing the place, you will attach wealth.

New Year An unusual holiday is a fairy tale, the waiting for a miracle and children's faith in fulfillment of desires. But so that the fairy tale is able to prepare for the holiday in advance. And without guidance, it is not necessary. General cleaning before the New Year - how to do everything so as not to fall without effort before the fighting of the chimes?! Even if it seems that you can not do everything under the power, the main thing is not to panic the rule of time managers: "There is an elephant in pieces" works effectively and during pre-New Year hassle.

Constructive approach will help to have time

● First of all, make a list of cases that plan to fulfill for the holiday.

● Then divide the process to the steps and write the plan - when, where and what you will be removed.

● New Year family holiday, so attract home to the guidance of cleanliness. Children can also fulfill full work. Tell them beautifully to issue the plan of the New Year affairs, and the work done to celebrate checkmarks, check flags, snowflakes or other icons.

The common cause will strengthen the family, and you will save you from overloads. The main thing is a positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to make general cleaning before the new year

In order to do everything before the New Year holidays, dedicate the purity of the purity of 30-40 minutes of their evening time daily on weekdays.

Attract household to this lesson. In 30 minutes no one gets tired, and the list of cases will gradually decrease.

General cleaning - where to start

● Start from the most complex - from the cabinets.

With things you do not use for more than a year, it is better to part. Give them to those needing or throwing away. My friend, for example, gives old things on the bedding animals into shelters.

● Spend a revision of kitchen cabinets, antlesole and storage rooms. Remove the unnecessary, wash the shelves, and check the cabinets.

● The next stage of the general cleaning will be cleansing from dust, odets and invisible web for ceilings and high cabinets. Attract her husband and older children to this occupation.

● Spouse and children will help remove tulle for washing, cut out the curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean carpets and upholstered furniture

● Then make the luminaires. All family members can also participate in this matter.

● After the most difficult and time-consuming work will be completed, things will be promoted much faster. Paying every day 30-40 minutes to guide purity in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet, you will have time to remake all the things before the New Year holidays, and on December 30 there will be only wet cleaning.


In order not to do this case on December 31, when every minute in the account, be sure to:

▪ Prepare the dishes in advance for the festive table;

▪ Wash and wipe dry dishes, vases, wine glasses and wine glasses, clean the darkened silver devices;

▪ The whole family make up a festive menu (it is better to buy products in advance until prices soared up);

▪ Think out how you decorate and serve a New Year's table, a lot of useful recommendations can be found on the Internet (children and husband can engage, they will show you the proposed options and together you choose the best).

Now you know how to have time to make general cleaning before the new year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

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Irina: | December 28th, 2019 | 2:12 PP.

Dasha, do not cease to admire you. You are extraordinary! You are smart! So all intelligent, thoughtful. Thank you very much for your work, for our inspiration!

Sultan: | December 27th, 2018 | 9:35 pp.

I am not a celebrating New Year, but your advice helps me in organizing events at home. I read and take a note. I got the whole list. I will use)))

Julia: | December 27th, 2018 | 12:16 pp.

I have a breast child, so cleaning decided to pass into the hands of a cleaning company. Professionals will cope with this better) and during this time we better go to visit or walk))

Asel: | December 26th, 2018 | 2:59 PP.

Just today, general cleaning at home according to plan

Oksana: | December 26th, 2018 | 12:00 PP.

Good day! Thanks for the reminders !!! I try to fulfill everything in time!

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:38 DP.

And I have to move to a new apartment, in which only cabinets and windows are washed, and from December 27, everything has been to the placement of bubbles in the bath, bedroom in the room, the supplies in the kitchen, and all things (())) with the little child together))
Answer: Svetlana, congratulations on the new apartment!

Inna: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:27 DP.

How good that I all redested this in the process of racking) only the usual cleaning that will do on the weekend

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:23 DP.

In one day, all rooms are not realized. Maximum 1-2.

Elena: | December 26th, 2018 | 8:54 DP.

And I can only look at the apartment with tears) partial repair. + Today they will bring and put a new wardrobe instead of two old and all things on bags and boxes around)) I don't know where to start)
Answer:Elena, there are in the life of circumstances, here you just do nothing. Reprove a new closet and that when the repair is over, there will be beauty))))

Larisa: | December 26th, 2018 | 7:56 DP.

Cleaning began to do with her daughter yesterday, today I will clean the harness at your plan. Thank you!

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:53 PP.

I removed only one room, because Lack of time.

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:41 pp.

Plans to the tail under the tail, the whole family with Rotovirus are lying (will have to catch after recovery (

Tatyana: | December 26th, 2016 | 11:53 DP.

took the lists of cases, started with the kitchen.

Natalia: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:22 PP.

We have a repair ((New Year with wallpaper and boxes

Elena: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:16 pp.

Hi comment and give you Dasha. Well done !!! The third year fails your marathon. Today, Sunday, I read letters for the week. The matinee in kindergarten, the day after tomorrow at school - from work to ask. And there will remain three days. And probably, as always, everything is 31. And the tree, and cleaning and the table. The main thing is not to fall asleep to twelve. But the mood is still positive. Break through !!!

Julia: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:56 PP.

Cleaning began with past weekends. The assistants took her husband. I'm not trying to "eat an elephant" for one sitting. Wrote a list of cases, signed up to about about approximately. Among the week I am doing on trifles (wash the kettle, a jug-filter for water, microwave, glass cabinet doors, a refrigerator slowly in two days, etc.). In weekends, the husband did more serious and costly and the time of business (plastic ceilings and a tile in the bathroom and kitchen, furniture in the kitchen in the vertices). Lists of dishes for different reasons I have in duty notepad. Therefore, there are no problems with the menu on the festive table, I do not occur by opening it and choose that I want to cook at the moment, and I immediately write list lists, and what you need to buy. And I paint the day that and when you can defrost, prepare and cook that the holiday remains as much free time. And of course, to help you connect your husband (clean, cut, open, wash, etc.). In general, today on cleaning it remains to wash the door of the cabinet in the room. And finish.)

Nasty: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:28 PP.

Cleaning on Sunday? ... well, no. Yes, and all at home. I can't, I need me alone. I'll start tomorrow.

Irina: | December 25th, 2016 | 2:47 PP.

i looked at the photo above and realized that I had not yet burdak))))))))))))))))))

Gulmir: | December 28th, 2015 | 4:42 DP.

all zones in the house are put in order, on the latter there was a bath with a restroom, usually rolling out the day before the holiday

Love: | December 26th, 2015 | 6:55 PP.

1. Today I graduated from all zones in the dining room, I began to disassemble the guest bedroom (in the gentle of the complete chaos with children's toys). Tomorrow I will continue. Installed the Christmas tree - looked at the boxes with toys (thrown out everything too much). Disposted, of course, from the plan of racking. But with benefit.
2. Cleaning plan is drawn up. Thanks for the reminder of the cleansing of the kettle - all the time I forget about him for some reason

Olga C: | December 26th, 2015 | 3:31 PP.

On weekdays, I am easier to get out than on the weekend, because I am on maternity leave and day at home with my daughter, and at the weekend you still have a son who still will not give to calmly. Especially on Sunday, I have a planned event outside the house. So cleaning will be in Mon, W and Wed.

Olga: | December 12th, 2014 | 9:14 DP.

1. "Wake up" the second zone of your home.

today is a kitchen!

2. If they were treated for thoughts that it is better to postpone cleaning for later, use one of the methods of self-motive, which learned today.

thank you) knew about them before. Mostly the opposite, hurry with cleaning)

3. Continue to restore order in all zones according to plan.

Zhenya: | December 11th, 2014 | 9:38 PP.

In the interruptions between cases outside the house - disassemble the zones according to the plan, next week also the manufacture of suits will add ...

Tanya: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:35 pp

Thanks to Marina Eliseeva and its management and marathon remained there only to support purity

Alena: | December 11th, 2014 | 5:49 pp.

Today and last night I was putting order in the nursery, there we had the hottest point :), the garbage package gathered, all washed and cleaned, now the eye rejoices! I adapted to include movies on the phone and move with him around the apartment, iron, download the dishwasher, disassemble the wardrobe - all boring things are now not boring at all :)

Nura: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:44 DP.

And I began great cleaning at home in the reverse order, that is, from the hallway. Yesterday I made two bags of rubbish, disassembled the inconcepting clothes, shoes and a famous package with packages. Now you go home and the positive is so immediately! And I want to do the tidy further. In my rooms, it was still no horse in the rooms, but the feeling that was already quite a bit left, in the hallway.

Elenab: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:24 DP.

i have a dishwasher, such a beauty!

Julita: | December 11th, 2014 | 8:11 DP.

Today I will continue to engage in the rashness that I did not have time yesterday in the kitchen and seizing the bathroom and the hallway. I used to catch a few minutes between watching the movie Online - the Internet Weak and the film should be loaded, I still wait - so I will wash the dishes for a few minutes or with a vacuum cleaner runs through the room or washing a wash. Anyway, I look at the movie - so I am ironing underwear or disassembled the cabinet, the room is still one - everything can be seen and audible.

Julia: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:28 DP.

I really liked the flue system. It turns out that I have already used it from it. For example, for many years I have been trying to free the weekend from home affairs, making on a little bit after work, a family calendar - so as not to forget anything. Unable to free up time for the hobby. I read about the time accounting system, now I will learn this.
My motivation for cleaning: "I am a princess, my apartment is my palace, in my palace should be pure and cozy." When I start home deals, I imagine how well it will be fresh, it's nice when I do everything, it helps.

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:34 DP.

Even imagine could not be that such methods of selfior can be applied to the reluctance. I even think that you need to print and hang such a picture with a horror of the door to the storage room or on the balcony, where it is always reluctant to get out)))

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:20 DP.

today I am all day in the run, but for tomorrow I have a plan already!