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The best seeds of white cabbage. List of the most damned varieties of white cabbage. Example - for those who need to quickly

For the fleet and long-term storage until the spring is most suitable for winter (or late) Cabbage varieties. It is them that they prefer to grow dackets to prepare enough of this useful vegetable for the winter to power the whole family.

Late varieties were selected by many. They differ mainly by the duration of ripening. If the early grades to fully mature, enough from the shoots three months, the secondary varieties may need four months, then some varieties of late cabbage ripen completely only six months after the start of growth from seeds.

This long expectation is rewarded:

  • equally long storage;
  • high variety yields;
  • excellent transportability of kochanov;
  • readiness to maintain all valuables, taste and texture properties when singing, marinating and sauming.

By the way! A varieties intended for long-term storage improve over time their taste. In addition, in the cabbage, unlike the rest of vegetables and root, for time, until it is stored, nitrates do not accumulate.

The second difference between different types of ripening species of cabbage is an agrotechnology. In general, it is similar to all cabbage, but also for many cruciferous. But the dates of sowing, germination, disembarkation and some growth conditions differ in detail at the late cabbage from its middle-easier and early "relatives".

By the way! Some varieties of late cabbage can be destroyed by appropriate conditions to the new crop.

Features of cultivation

In different regions, depending on the climate, landing seeds of late cabbage varieties occurs in different times. But always, in all climatic zones, this is a seaside method of cultivation. For late varieties, seedlings are grown at home (as a last resort, in a heated greenhouse or greenhouse). In the southern regions it is possible to extinguish seeds on a special seaside bed to a film shelter.

Stimulation and disinfection of seeds

Before sowing seeds late cabbage, they need to be disinfected. For disinfection, it is enough soaking in hot water. Temperature must be no higher than + 45 ° C. Keep cabbage seeds in water need a quarter of an hour by placing them before in a rag bag.

How to hold the desired time in the capacitance?

  1. Place with water to put on the heating device (checking the temperature of its heating for half an hour).
  2. Capacity put into another container, pouring into it water, hot for ten degrees (a peculiar water bath, just not on fire).
  3. Disinfect seeds in a slow cooker on yogurt mode.

Important! The warming procedure will not only destroy the microbes that can be inside the seed, but will contribute to the speedy germination by activating the growth point of the embryo.

After disinfection with warming up, the seeds need to quickly cool down, lowered one minute under cold flow water.

Even more accelerate the germination and make shortcomings with homogeneous will help soaking seeds in the fertilizer solution. It can be any mineral complex. It is best to take the usual nitroposka. The proportions for the preparation of the solution - 5 g of granules on 500 ml of water. Water room temperature. Carefully dissolve. Seeds hold 12 hours.

Preparation of seed capacities and soil

Cabbage is well pepped, so it is possible to grow it initially in any convenient or existing containers. If there are pots, use pots. There are drawers, squeeze in boxes.

It is more convenient to plant a cabbage from individual pots with a greenhouse of a cabbage from individual pots with a diameter of about 8 cm. By the time of moving to the garden of seedlings should have four adult sheets.

Soil for sowing cabbage is needed not heavy. Traditionally used peat. If there is an opportunity, the part of the humus is mixed with a part of the turf, the sand can not be added. And peat, and a mixed substrate must be spoiled wood ash. The liter of the substrate is used near the tablespoon. The ash is sieved before that. Then it is thoroughly mixed with soil.


You can sow seeds late cabbage at the end of February. Before disembarking, seedlings in the garden can pass to 60 days. The latest deadlines for sowing later varieties - mid-March. Later, it is inappropriate to sow in the middle lane, the heads will not have time to grow.

Tip! If you are late with sowing late varieties, lay the middle-easier. Some secondary varieties, for example, a "gift", are stored for up to four months, have good data for canning and can be used in fresh form.

Passing in shallow grooves, about 2 cm deep. The distance between the crops in the box is 5 cm. When two full-fledged sheets appear, shoots will have to switches in such a way that a distance of at least 5 cm remains between seedlings. If you sew in the pot, decompose 3-4 seeds on the corners of the imaginary square, over the soil. Push up on top of a two-chamber peat layer. Sevings are poured and covered with film.

After germs that will appear on 5-7 days, the film is removed immediately and is no longer used.

Late varieties need a lot of sunlight, heat and moisture, so that the cochanists can fully increase. Only finally overwhelmed kocheans can be stored all winter until summer. Therefore, the landing place is selected open. Soil fertilizes organichea from autumn. Cabbage adores organic fertilizers - this is the best option of feeding for this plant. Especially in the fertilizer soil needed cabbage late. 1 m² is used to 7 kg of overworked organic matter. You can fertilize vegetable compost. But an organic animal in addition, in the form of a solution, should be used for preset feeding and for periodic, which are carried out at least three during the growing season.


At the end of April, wells are digging well in the number of seedlings. Seedling moves into wet soil, with a moistened room, not plundered. Watering is needed abundant. The first feeding is held for the twentieth day after disembarking.

The hole is maintained clean from weeds. Soil frills. After the start of the formation of the outer knockers, the plant must be emphasized.

Best Landsef Cabbage

Cabbage varieties, unlike other garden vegetables, is not so much withdrawn. Against the many hundreds of varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper - just a few dozen early, medium and late cabbage varieties. Some of them, besides, have been bred in the USSR from numerous hybrids, so they can not be called the best. The most popular, most often and successfully grown are the following late varieties.


Aggressor - Popular Hybrid Variety

Marking "F1" is a hybrid in the first generation. Growing is subject to any region. Its characteristic signs - slow motion in stage after planting seedlings; Unpretentiousness and ease of plant care.

By the way! This variety grows almost without care. In any case, so carefully, as you do not need to care for him. You can "forget" to pour, get down (withstands the lack of nitrogen and drought).

Color - greens with blue. There is a wax flare. The structure of the Kochan - high density. Solid, shot down fruit reaches five kilograms. Grown for four months. After 120 days from shoots reaches full ripeness. Cracking almost does not occur, it is possible to prolonged cleaning to almost the first frosts.

Sustainable grade to a black leg is not amazed by fusariasis, trips, not subject to phytoofluorosis. One of the best for chairs is stored in the Cochanic for five months.

Video - Cabbage "F1 Agressor"


One of the most popular varieties of the Belarusian selection. Vegetation time is long - up to 165 days. Heads of medium mass - 4 kg. But the taste is exceptional. It is used for the entire head, heads, stored with fresh about eight months, before the beginning of May. Differs in high yield.

White cabbage. Grade "Mara"

A bluish wax on thick outdoor leaves is pronounced. The grade is graft resistance to rot.


Cabbage Belococcal "Moskovskaya" late

This is a giant grade. Heads can reach ten kilograms. Ripens, nevertheless, in just 130 days. It is considered one of the most productive varieties. Surface color green-gray. The inside in the section is white with yellow. The taste is not just good - excellent. Many sugars, ascorbic acid, minerals.

By the way! It is capable of increasing temperatures to -6 ° C ... 8 ° C. Therefore, the timing of landing and cleaning can be shifted to an earlier (spring) and later (autumn) time.

With dense consistency is characterized by juit. Resistant to cracking and most diseases of cruciferous. The processing needs only from slugs and tweces.

Stored at a temperature of + 5 ° C 9 months or more.

The variety is ideal for the chairs and production of any billets. Heads are small - up to five kilograms. Increased density. Coloring green-sisaya with a bloom. Inside white. Sustainability is to root rot and mushroom infections.

By the way! This is a cold-resistant grade, but he does not tolerate heat and reacts negatively to drought. Therefore, it needs additional irrigation.

Vegetation varieties lasts 160 days. The term of storing average duration - up to six months. Therefore, this variety is better to use to create winter stocks of pickles. It is perfectly transported, not subject to damage, it does not crack, cleaning can be done mechanically.


Cabbage "Megaton F1"

The most rare among late hybrids, after the leader of the "aggressor". The growing period is laid within a four-month term. Kochan grows tight, weighing up to 5 kg. This is a Dutch hybrid, and breeders made as much as possible about the "brainchild", providing him with immunity not only to diseases, but also to insect damage.

Excellent transportation abilities. Pretty high taste options. It is stored for a short time - five months. Used for calving. It needs rapid watering and an increased norm of mineral feeding.

"Snow White"

Cabbage "Snow White" (late)

Late variety is considered universal because it is suitable for storage for eight months and for all types of salting and canning, as well as for fresh use.

By the way! The high healing properties of this cabbage variety and its elevated food qualities are noted. It is considered useful for children, since it supplies many substances needed by a growing body.

Forks are completely mature reaches 4 kg. Vegetation deadlines - 160 days. Beautiful turquoise leaves, white dense inside. It is not damaged when the harvest and transportation is delayed.

Very popular ugorodnery medium strip grade. Domestic hybrid. Ripens long - up to 180 days. The weight characteristics of the Kochana do not exceed 4 kg. 8 months stored. But with all these "ordinary" qualities, Valentina is distinguished by the outstanding qualities of taste. It characterizes high sugar, crust performance, plug density. Use is possible in all cabbage "IPOSTS". But best, except for perfect storage, cabbage tolerates chairs.

Cabbage Belococcal "Valentine"

Also a popular hybrid with perfectly rounded five-kilogram cochanists that ripen for 150 days. Vividly expressed wax raid. Middle white. Very dense kochan. 7 months stored. Can be used for chance. This variety, with such "lan", one in one cochanists, is distinguished by high marketability, simultaneous maturation and ease of harvest. Does not require specific care. It is susceptible to sickness of cabbage and pests.

"Sugar head"

Cabbage grade "Sugar head"

The speaking name of this late grade indicates its high sugar. It is at all no bitterness, therefore it is used primarily in the latest form. Not only organic sugars are contained in large quantities, but also many mineral substances, and a number of vitamins, led by ascorbic acid.

Giant cabbage "Sugar head"

By the way! Resistance to fusarium, bacterial diseases, keel and eight-month-old storage period contributes to the popularity of the variety.

After 160 days from the beginning of the vegetation, the kochens are gaining a mass of 3.5 kg. This is quite a bit, given that some varieties grow three times harder. But nutritional value is taken into account when choosing a grade for cultivation, so the "sugar head" is not in the last place among the popular late varieties of cabbage garden white.

This hybrid, named eloquently by its properties (high blood pressure), nevertheless, very small weight, and respectively, sizes, kochanov. The maximum to which the forks grows - 3 kg. Ripens 155 days. It has taste quality above average immediately after collecting. Then, during the storage, they increase significantly. The variety can be stored until June, full nine months. Moreover, it is not even enough to preserve it immediately after the collection, but in the middle of the storage period. At this time, somewhere by February, the kochevy reaches the highest sugar.

Extremely late satuned hybrid, maturing 175 days. The mass of the Kochana does not exceed 4 kg. Recommended by summer houses for growing prolonged and good fierce. Storage is possible up to 8 months. All varieties of canning tolerates perfectly, keeping unchanged vitamin composition. High juice content. Above average coach density. Not subject to fusarious fading. The yield is strong.

This "pirate" variety is a middle-variable hybrid. It is preferred for a relatively short ripening time, which is 130 days. Casuals of a small weight - 3.5 kg. The fantasticity to late varieties does not reach the shelf life - no longer than 5 months. But canned but canned immediately after cleaning. Taste characteristics are equally high both in fresh and canned products.

Table. Terms and duration of the main stages of growing popular lateral cabbage varieties

VarietyThe duration of the seedier (in the days)Ripening time (in days)Shelf life (in months)
"Aggressor"50 120 5
"Mara"60 165 8
"Moscow"55 130 9
60 160 6
Megaton55 130 5
60 180 8
55 150 7
"Sugar head"60 160 8
60 155 9
60 175 8
50 130 5

Video - Late late cabbage

This useful vegetable culture is grown in their sites almost all dackets. The overwhelming majority of them prefer late cabbage varieties. Such a choice is easy to explain. It is the grade of winter cabbage that are ideal for long-term storage, quay, pickles.

These varieties combines one feature - resistance to first frosts in the fall. Moreover, some of them retain the commodity and taste, even with the snow dropped. Of course, the Cochanic is not stored for a long time in such conditions, so it is best not to conduct experiments on the fruits and collect harvest on time.

Late cabbage varieties are distinguished by excellent feedback and transportability. The plugs easily carry storage throughout the winter and even until the middle of the spring. Today, breeders brought such a variety of winter cabbage, which even before the new crop.


Grow late cabbage from seeds, which in the middle of March are seeded at seedlings. Naturally, it must be done in a greenhouse. But in April they can be seated in the ground (under the film shelter).

Preparation of seeds

Before planting dry seeds, cabbage must be prepared. Only in this case can be counting on a healthy and abundant harvest. Cabbage seeds must be placed in water (temperature +50 ° C), withstand 15 minutes. Then literally 1 minute the seeds are lowered in cold water. After that, they are immersed in a solution of trace elements (sold in all stores for gardeners) for 12 hours. After this time, the seeds are thoroughly rinsed under the running water stream and placed in the refrigerator for a day.

Landing seeds

So, the seeds are prepared, and it's time to search them into the soil mixture. As a rule, it consists of equal shares of peat, turf and sand. Humidiation in this case (as well as the old land from the bed) is not recommended, since the black leg virus can be maintained in such soil. It can easily reduce all your efforts, and you will not grow high-quality seedlings.

Before planting seeds, the soil mixture should be shed good. To do this, it is necessary to use the seating of the landing material with narrow rows - between the wells the distance should not exceed one centimeter, and between the furrows - about three centimeters. Sowing depth - 10 cm.

Beginner gardeners need to know that the seedlings of late cabbage needs feeding. The first extraordinary feeder is carried out after two real leaves appeared on the bush. To do this, tell the 0.5 teaspoon of trace elements with complex fertilizers in one liter of water and spray seedlings.

The second feeding is carried out before hardening the seedlings. In this case (a tablespoon) + urea in the same volume, in the same volume in ten liters of water. On one bush, it will take about a glass of composition.

Landing late cabbage

At the end of April, but better in the first days of May, it is necessary to begin to prepare seedlings to transplant into open ground. For twelve days before disembarking (usually the varieties of late cabbage are planted after May 10), the seedlings gradually teach to the Sun - the greenhouses open for several hours, they take off the shelter from the film.

If the air temperature is low at this time, it is not worth a hurry with the landing - in adverse conditions, the late cabbage can release an arrow with seeds, which means that the crop can be forgotten. The varieties of late cabbage are planted into the open ground when there are at least 5-6 leaves in the seedlings. Between the bushes there should be a distance of at least 70 cm, aiser - 60 cm. And another important rule: late cabbage should not land on the bed, where radishes grew up, beets, radish, tomato and other types of cruciferous. Favorable predecessors include grain, potatoes, carrots, legumes and cucumbers.


Late cabbage loves abundant watering. He is especially required to her in August, when Cochanic is beginning to form. After planted seedlings, it is watered every two days. The average water consumption is eight liters per square meter of soil.

Later, cabbage will be a weekly irrigation at the rate of thirteen liters per square meter. After each watering, the soil is needed (to a depth of 8 cm) under the bushes.


The first time this procedure is carried out twenty-one day after landing. In the same period, the plant fertilize a cowbank solution. Giveness should be repeated every ten days.

Experienced vegetables recommend during regular discharging of forks and soil under them wood ash. This is both excellent feeding, and will help scare pests: slugs, cruciferous flew, whitening, TRU and one square meter of soil uses at least a glass of ash.

Best varieties

And now we will imagine the best varieties of winter cabbage. The first in this list will be the brainchild of Belarusian breeders - Mara. The period of its vegetation is 170 days. During this period, the weight of Kochan reaches four kilograms. The fruits of a rounded shape, saturated dark green color, with a pronounced wax chain. This variety is well kept until the beginning of May.

In addition, it is resistance to damage and rot. Cabbage Mara is ideal for chairs.

Snow White

Late universal harvest, subject to the necessary conditions, is stored at least eight months. Experts, as well as many experienced daches, noting her healing properties, recommend growing this variety to those who have small children. It is extremely useful for a growing organism. Keeps useful properties and taste quality when stored indoors with a temperature of +8 degrees.

Moscow cabbage

The magnificent variety of late cabbage, ideal for long-term storage. Many subsidiaries note that the kochens of this variety reach weights up to ten kilograms. Kochan is very dense. It is a little fightened and has an oval shape. Does not require difficult care during the growing season. It is well kept - right up to the new crop.


The variety is very popular in the middle strip. Hybrid of Russian breeders. Ripens about 180 days. Cochan weight does not exceed four kilograms. Stored up to eight months. But with these, it would seem, not too high the indicators has excellent taste. The grade is distinguished by sugariness, a plug density, crustitude, but this cabbage is especially good.


Cabbage AMEGER is considered recognized leaders among late varieties, ideally suitable for chairs. Forks are large (up to 5 kg), juicy. These are excellent indicators among the analogues.

Cochanic differ in a rounded, but a bit flattened shape and high density. Their upper part is painted in a greenish tint, the inner cut is snow-white. This variety is perfectly stored in winter and is well transported. His main feature is resistance to fungal diseases and root rot. In the middle aversion period lasts about 160 days. Cabbage Amaager loves abundant watering and complex mineral fertilizers.

Megaton F1.

Of the variety of late Cabbage varieties, this Dutch hybrid is one of the most imperative. For complete formation of Kochan, 125-130 days is required. During this short period of time grows a dense fork weighing up to five kilograms. The variety is resistant to pests and fungal diseases. Perfectly transported over long distances. Stored for up to five months. During the formation of Kochan, the deadlines for the introduction of organic and irrigation should be observed. Mineral fertilizers are desirable to contribute at the very beginning and for the thirty-fifth day after the seedling landing.

Agressor F1.

The hybrid refers to late varieties. It can be grown in all regions. It develops slowly, it is distinguished by a dense structure and solid kochan. The peculiarity of this variety is undemanding in care. Suites sometimes joke that this cabbage is growing like a weed, almost in itself. In addition, it develops perfectly under the most adverse weather conditions and perfectly preserves the form, absolutely not cracking. The breeders worked perfectly and over the stability of this variety to many diseases (phytoofluorosis, black leg, fusariosis) and pests (Tl, caterpillars, cruciferous flew).


And in conclusion of our conversation about late Cabbage varieties, I would like to stop a little on the proper storage of culture. After all, a little known how to grow a good harvest. It's a shame if it will be ruined due to improper storage.

Late cabbage varieties are cleaned in autumn, in early October. Casuals intended for long-term storage should not be subject to freezing. The frozen forks are not stored for a long time and quite quickly begin to deteriorate.

Attention should be paid to the way of trimming in late varieties: Koch is cut off so that there is no less than three centimeters long, as well as two crumbling sheets. These plugs can be stored in a cool room down to the norage.

The perfect option is to keep cabbage in suspended form. In this case, the kochens are not cut, and pull out along with the root and narry. They are binding in pairs with twine and suspend in the cool room. It is necessary to follow the appearance of patients and fading leaves and get rid of them on time.

Cabbage has many varieties, I will try to describe the best varieties of cabbage with a photo and description to help you with a difficult choice. Today in the article you will see:

Early cabbage varieties; Cabbage for Soldering and Paving

Cabbage for storage - the best sort of cabbage varieties; Living cabbage - Best varieties

Sorted Cabbage Cabbage and Description - The most damned varieties

Early cabbage varieties

I really love cabbage salads, the early grade is best for this. They quickly form kochan, gentle and juicy. Early grade cabbage is necessarily present in my garden, a little - 10-15 roots. In the summer brisk, a salad with apples leaves until the middle-timed varieties.

Although it is usually an early cabbage a small cochanic, but it pays off rapid growth. Also, early grades are laid with cramped and poor soils, unlike their later fellow.

Rinda F1.

Cochanices are formed 76 days after complete germinals. This grade is suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also can be stored up to four months in a cool place. An excellent kochan, not loose, but not too tight - a good pleasant taste, without a mustard.

It grows well in different conditions - the harvest depends on the place. The main thing is not too sealing crops. You can grow re-summer sowing.

Cabbage Rinda

Cossack F1.

Very early hybrid - the ambassading ambassadors of Cochanic seedlings are sleeping in 40 days. And if you sow seeds, then the harvest is ready 60-70 days. Cabbage is beautiful - light green, inside the Kochan yellow-cream. Casuals of small size, medium density - weighing about 1.5 kg, without bitterness. Good grows under temporary shelter and in beds. Not damaged by fleas and rotches.

This hybrid matures 90-115 days after seedlings. Casuals of medium density, small - until 1300g weighing. Stable, yield variety - ripening friendly, Cochanists are not cracking, they have an excellent freight. Calmly tolerate cold, does not hurt. On fertile soils gives high yields.

Grade Kazak


Popular, widespread Early Cabbage Grade. Vintage can be collected 2 months after the seedlings landing. Casuals are light green, dense, you can often plant. In the spring, it can safely withstand short-term freezers.

If you do not leave a long time on horseback, then the cochanists do not crack, do not bloom. Cochan weight up to 2.5 kg. Good, delicate taste.

Cabbage grade June

Duma F1

You can collect ripe kochens 90 days after the first searches. Casuals are dense, rounded, green outside - inside the straw color with gentle delicious leaves. Weight usually up to 1.4 kg. It does not burst and is well preserved in distraction. It pleases with stable, high crops, it feels normally in thickened landings.

Duma variety

Tobia F1.

Large hybrid with cochanists up to 6 kg. Saturated green top leaves and light yellow inside, small niche. During the outstanding, it does not crack and does not lose taste. Very high taste quality Kochan. May not be kept short, resistant to diseases.

Tobiya grade

Cabbage for salting and saving varieties - how to choose the best grade

Typically, the middle-air and middle-plant varieties are taken for salting. Associated varieties are suitable for summer cooking.

Favorite and tested time - kale fame.

She was grown by my grandmother. Now there are a lot of new varieties and hybrids, but Glory holds the brand and is still often found in the country and garden.

Association and middleweight cabbage varieties

Glory 1305.

Well-known popular variety Spectacling 115-120 days after germination. Good in fresh and for salting. Summer cabbage is excellent taste. Kochan rounded up to 5 kg weighing up to 5 kg. With light green top leaves and white inside.

It grows well with a non-suck wet summer. Well stored in winter and transported. Medium resistance to disease.

Grade Glory

Atry F1.

Positioned grade, ripening by 137-147 day after full shoots. Dark-green leaves with strong waxing. The nurage inside is small, the cochanists are dense weighing up to 3.5 kg. A variety of high-yielding, excellent taste, resistant to cracking and diseases.

Sort of Atria


Medium-variety variety is perfect for chairs. Middle-dense rounded joke weighing up to nine kilograms. Juicy leaves, sweet white-cream color. The variety is resistant to many cabbage diseases and flea. It is stored up to five months after harvest.

Volodya cabbage


Medium-bed variety, maturation 120-135 days after sowing. Perfect for chairs - cabbage It turns out juicy, tasty, spicy. Cocheans are flattened about 4 kg weighing, the upper leaves are green with waxing. Internal - white or light green.

Casuals are not lightering in distraction, resistant to rotches and diseases. Well lies in winter and transfers carriage.

Cabbage grade gift

Mydo F1

Hybrid of the middle-variety of ripening period, period before cleaning 140-160 days. Leaves of bright green with light wrinkle with noticeable waxing. Kochan medium round, dense with white leaves inside. Kochier inside is small. Good taste. Good in vegetable salads and blanks for the winter.

Midor grade

Kraatman F1.

Mid-white hybrid with very dense crisp leaves, very small niche. Weight up to 4.5 kg. With a debt on the root, even with a rainy summer, the cochanists do not crack and do not rot. Stored after collecting up to 4 months while maintaining a wonderful taste. Perfectly for chairs - the taste is pleasant. Not amazed by diseases. The variety is resistant to keel.

Craatman variety

Megaton F1.

The most damned hybrid of Dutch selection. From the appearance of the first germs to harvesting takes 105 days. Cocheans are rounded to 15 kg weighing, good taste. Cabbage is aligned in size and does not crack with excessive moisture. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Great for chairs.

Casuals are dense comfortable for transportation and implementation, resistant to root rot and disease. The variety is resistant to keel.

Sort Megaton


Medium-bed variety. Green outside on a white cut. Mass of kochanov up to 2.8 kg. Good, excellent taste. Good in salting and sauming. Resistant to diseases can be stored for several months.

Storage Cabbage - Best Lice Sorts

For storage, the varieties of late ripening are chosen. They develop long, they have dense cochanists, often stored before the new crop. Late varieties are not afraid of spring and autumn frosts. Suitable for storage and salting, but cabbage is rougher, not so juicy and tasty, both from varieties of earlier ripening.

Best Late Cabbage

Agressor F1.

This is one of the best hybrids from late varieties. In all regions, it shows high yield, it can be stored until six months. Kochan rounded-flat, very dense weight up to 4.5 cm. Does not require careful care, it grows well. Puts a harvest in adverse conditions, resistant to cracking.

The variety aggressor is thawed in fresh and suitable for salting and quay. Resistant to damage to the cross-color flecking and disease of fusariasis.


Late Belarusian grade. The period from shoots to obtaining a yield of 155-167 days. Round chokes of dark green color with strong waxing. Weighing up to 4 kg. Resistant to cracking. Very dense cochanists are well stored. In the fresh form, the taste is good, and in sauached is excellent. Stored in the cellar until April. The grade is resistant to root rot.

Amaager 611.

Famous late grade, before harvesting is 150-160 days. SIZO-GREEN leaves with bright waxing. Flat dense cochanists are greenish-white inside weighing up to five kg. The yield grade matures together. Cochanists are not cracking, resistant to boot.

It moves well and is kept for a long time until six months. Well tolerates the spring cold, but does not like drought.

Snow White

Late variety (145-160 days). Kochan dense, flat-circular weight up to 4 kg with good care. Inside juicy white leaves with a good taste without bitterness. This variety can be used to prepare baby food. The collected crop is stored up to 7 months and does not rot. In the quasha, delicious. Resistant to diseases and pests, it is well tolerate transportation.

Valentine F1.

Lovely, suitable for long-term storage and cooking. Kochan is an average up to 3.8 kg, very dense, outside the leaves are green with a wave, on the cut white. Little knocker. Excellent taste, yield hybrid.

Kolobok F1.

Late hybrid sleeping for 150 days after sowing. Differs high flavors, juicy leaves, white without bitterness. Casuals weighing up to 5 kg. Rounded dense, suitable for salting, quay, fresh consumption. The knocker is short. Cabbage Kolobok is well stored almost until April. The hybrid is resistant to many diseases, so you can get large crops without the use of chemistry.

Many sorts of cabbage remained without attention, but the most popular and productive varieties of cabbage with a photo and description in this article are shown.

Sincerely, Sophia Guseva.

There is no such dachank, which would not grow in its plot the varieties of cabbage white-baked. Once upon a time there was only a few species of this culture. Now the variety is so wide that it is sometimes very difficult to choose.

To select white cabbage seeds, it is necessary to clearly know what time maturation and the method of applying the vegetable is preferable.

All varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  • Early.
  • Middle
  • Late.

Each category involves various ways of application. Early cabbage is practically not stored. The main area of \u200b\u200bits application is the preparation of fresh salads and eating directly after cutting.

Middle cabbage varieties are stored a little better, because longer mature. The versatility of their application depends on preferences in each family.

Late views are most suitable for storing in the winter. They lie very well and do not spoil for a long time. Most often used for swimming and salting for the winter.

Category "Early"

To select a variety for your site, it is necessary to study the description of the species. And put only those suitable for the needs of the family. Best grade of early cabbage:

  • Malachite. Salad variety of culture. One kochan weighs up to 2 kg. It tastes juicy, spreads its leaves wide. But despite this, the head is dense and firm. Frequent watering lead to the fact that the cabbage is growing rapidly.
  • Towus. Hybrid variety. Weight reaches 6 kg. But this is subject to all the requirements of agrotechnology. He has immunity to many diseases.
  • Zarya F weight plug reaches 2 kg. In the latest form, a wonderful taste is used in all salads. But it is not stored at all and is not used in conservation.
  • Duma F Cochanic does not crack. The taste is excellent. Eating is standard for varieties of this category, only in the latest form. Forks are perfectly tied even under thick planting.

  • Rinda F is suitable for the preparation of salads and consumption in the fresh form. It can be stored for 4 months, just need to be placed in a cool place. The density is average, the taste is excellent.
  • Cossack F weighs up to 1.5 kg. No bitter characteristic of plants. It does not crack and maintain a commodity look.
  • June. Weight of 2.5 kg. It is important to remove from the bed in time, otherwise the fork crack and bloom.

  • Cabbage bravo F1. Forks are dense and tasty, not cracking. Excellent transported.
  • Volodya. Juicy and sweet grade. With proper agrotechnology, the weight of one head is 8 kg. Middle Weight is about 5 kg. May be stored up to 5 months. Perfectly opposes diseases and pests.
  • Menza cabbage f The size of the Košankov cabbage of this variety reaches 9 kg. But some dackets claim that it is able to create a miracle for a record. Having pleased the patient gardener weighing 15 kg. It is important not to be lazy and on time to carry out feeding and other necessary agrotechnical techniques. There is no shortcomings.

  • Siberian. Excellent taste. Suitable for chairs and salting, is consumed in a fresh form. The Kochan weighs about 3 kg, but with the correct observance of all requirements, it is possible to increase the weights. Cabbage Siberian has excellent productivity, it is kept for a long time.
  • Present. Feeling spicy taste. From other varieties can be distinguished by the characteristic wax raid. Approximate weight of 4 kg. Very often, this grade of white cabbage is used for winter blanks. Saves excellent shape even during transportation for long distances.
  • Welder cabbage F1 Sort of white cabbage resistant to fusarium and fusarious fading. Mass heads range from 4 to 8 kg. Universal, but the shelf life is small

  • Kraatman F plugs weighing up to 4.5 kg. Resistant to cracking, does not affect this indicator neither rainy weather nor a long stay on the bed. It is capable of maintaining a trade form of 4 months, but provided that the storage is properly stored.
  • Cabbage Tobia. Weighs the forks of 5 kg. The species is great for machine cleaning. Universal in application. Stored several months.
  • Kupchikha. Weight up to 3 kg. The taste is excellent. Suitable for salting. Lies for several months without loss of product type.
  • Cabbage blizzard. I like gloomy by the fact that it is not lightering. Taste characteristics are excellent. Stored can up to 4 months. Not susceptible to common cultural diseases.

Category "Late"

Types of this discharge are planted with dackets to produce a crop that can be saved for the winter in a fresh form. At the same time, the most important characteristics are the shelf life of kochanov. The best varieties of late ripening time:

  • Geneva. Is a hybrid. The forks are dense, stored for a very long time. If you create favorable conditions, then calmly breaks up to a new harvest.
  • Amager. Most of all suitable for chairs and other types of winter blanks. High density, resistant to fungal infections. It does not crack, suitable for cleaning with a mechanized manner.

Cabbage amager, cold-resistant. But at the same time requires abundant irrigation, because it does not tolerate the rise in temperature.

  • Moscow late. The best, among your own. Cochanic reaches 10 kg. They are dense, transported easily, without damaging and maintaining a commodity look. Have immunity to many diseases. Very juicy. It is not afraid of lowering the temperature, freezes are transferred to -5 to -7 ⁰c without complications. If you store at a temperature of +5 ⁰С, there are more than 9 months.
  • F1 aggressor. High density. Approximate weight of about 5 kg. Virtually not cracking. This grade cabbage is resistant to some diseases. You can store 5 months, used for salting. The first is ready for cleaning, the timing of ripening is 120 days.
  • Mara. Cochanic reaches weight in 4 kg. Ripens for a very long time, but has a good taste. It is used for billets in the winter entirely. Storage time up to 8 months. Resistant to rot.

  • Flibuster F1. Little weight of Vilkov, 3.5 kg. Universality in application. Excellent flavoring characteristics of fresh and canned product.
  • Megaton F1. Dense heads reach weight 5 kg. Have immunity to diseases and damage to insects. It is often necessary to water and feed the cabbage. Stored 5 months. Excellent flavoring characteristics are good for billets.
  • Snow White. Description Indicates the versatility of the plant. It lies for a long time, maintaining a commodity view, her quagitizes and marinate, and also consumed in fresh salads. The weight of kochanov reaches 4 kg. Transfer transportation for long distances.
  • Valentine F has all the necessary qualities for a long time is stored, suitable for canning. Differs in flavoring qualities, very crispy and sweet. Weight 4 kg.

  • Sugar head. Dachnikov comments converge, many indicate the similarity of reality with the title. The taste is excellent, completely absent characteristic of the cabbage bitterness. Weighs one forks 3.5 kg.
  • Kolobok F mass plug 5 kg. It is capable of flying to late spring. The minus variety is its susceptibility to diseases and insect pest attacks.
  • Triumph f long ripen, is stored for 8 months. Perfect for any kind of winter blanks. Do not suffer with fusarious fading.
  • The flexible f hybrid, with the weight of the kochanov to 3 kg. Universal in application. In addition, the process of casting or pickles start not immediately after cleaning. And after a few months, when the cabbage reaches the greatest concentration of flavoring characteristics. Lies 9 months while maintaining a commodity look.

Rules and requirements for planting and culture care

In order to get an excellent harvest, you need to properly approach the process of cultivation. It should be started from the very beginning. The right seed of seeds of white cabbage. As well as further leaving plants.

  1. Correctly calculate the seeding time on seedlings, based on the characteristics of your region. It is necessary to plant it in the soil after 40 days of growth of seedlings.
  2. Start seedlings start from 2 weeks.
  3. Groats landing are prepared in advance. Organic fertilizers are introduced into the finished wells.
  4. After planning for a permanent place, careful care is recommended. Timely irrigation, making fertilizers, the struggle with weeds and pests.

The point of view of all daches converges in the fact that cabbage loves watering. This condition should be carried out strictly, because the volume of crop depends on it. Initially, it should be frequent and not abundant. Then the rupture increases, respectively increases the volume of water used for this action. Do not forget about organic and mineral feeding from time to time. Compliance with all requirements and patience will be accumulated during the harvest.

White cabbage in the photo

In the fresh bobbing cabbage contains as much vitamin C as in oranges or lemons, and in Brussels and color - 1.5-2 times more. Cabbage is characterized by a high content of vitamin P, the amount of which in it exceeds the content of this vitamin in any other vegetables (with the exception of parsley and spinach). The cabbage comes into the body a complex of mineral substances that contribute to maintaining normal acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body. The vitamin U contained in the cabbage juice is considered as an anti-sized factor.

Sorted cabbage varieties are divided into three main groups in harvest timing - early, secondary and late. The original taste is distinguished by a red and Beijing cabbage.

Seeds of white cabbage "Nosomy" F1 in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Nosomy" F1 in the photo

"Nosomy" F1 - Extraranium hybrid, ripens in 45-55 days after plant landing. Compact plants with a small sheet rosette. The kochens of this early variety of white-shaped cabbage, glossy, green, excellent taste, weighing from 1.0 to 1.8 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "June" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "June" in the photo

"June"- Ultra-space, already in July is ready to eat. Compact plant. Round, dense kochan, weighing 1.0-2.4 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Transfer" F1 in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Transfer" F1 in the photo

"Transfer" F1- Surprise hybrid. From shoots before the start of economic fitness 72-112 days. Compact socket. Kochan dense, rounded shape. Weight of 0.8-3.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo
White cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo

Copenhagen Market - High-yielding, cold-resistant early grade. From planting seedlings to ripening 60-65 days. The plant is small, compact. This is one of the best varieties of burglar cabbage with cochanists of a rounded shape, dense, weighing 2.0-2.5 kg, excellent quality. Freshly used.

Seeds of white cabbage "Brunswick" in the photo
Broenvik white cabbage in the photo

BroNSvik - Early grade. From planting seedlings to ripening 90-95 days. The plant is large, the rosette of the leaves is 90 cm. Cooks are large, 2.0-4.0 kg, flat, light green, middle-dens. Have a delicate, fine internal structure.

Seeds of white cabbage "Ditmarsher Fruier" in the photo
White Cabbage "Ditmarsher Fruier" in the photo

"Ditmarsher Fruier"- Early grade. From shoots before the start of ripeness 76-112 days. Kochan rounded shape with good density, weighing 0.8-1.1 kg. The high friendship of maturation is used in the fresh form.

Seeds of white cabbage "Cossack" F1 in the photo
White Cabbage "Cossack" F1 in the photo

"Cossack" F1- a hybrid. Dense, rounded Kochan weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Mushroom" 147 F1 in the photo
White Cabbage "Mushroom" 147 F1 in the photo

"Mushroom" 147 F1 - Early. From the emergence of shoots to maturity 79-110 days. With good density, Kochan has a rounded shape and weight of 0.9-2.9 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Solo" F1 in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Solo" F1 in the photo

"SOLO" F1- Early hybrid. From shoots to technical ripeness 85-94 days. Kochan rounded shape, with good density, weighing 1.2-2.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Polar to 206" F1 in the photo
White Polar Cabbage to 206 F1 in the photo

"Polar to 206" F1 - Early - from shoots to maturity 82-110 days. Kochan rounded shape, sufficiently dense, weighing 1.6-3.0 kg, yield.

These photos present grades of white ripening in early ripening cabbage:

Sort of white-coated cabbage early ripening photo "June"
Sort of white cabbage of early ripening photo "Transfer" F1

Top Mediterranean Cabbage Solders

Seeds of white cabbage "Sugar Queen" F1 in the photo
White Cabbage "Sugar Queen" F1 in the photo

"Sugar Queen" F1 - COLORS LED, round-flat, weighing 3-4 kg. The leaf is crisp, very juicy, the sweetest of all known.

Seeds of white cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo

"Avak" F1 - Heavy head (4-6 kg), rounded form, in a sectional of white with a tender internal structure. Cutting leaves cover the surface between the rows, which creates an obstacle to the growth of weeds.

Seeds of white cabbage "Golden hectare 1432" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Golden hectare 1432" in the photo

"Golden hectare 1432"- Medium widespread variety, from 102 to 120 days from shoots before harvesting. Kochan is rounded, light gray-green, medium-power, weighing up to 3 kg. Relatively resistant to cracking of kochanov.

Seeds of white cabbage "Hope" in the photo
White Cabbage "Hope" in the photo

"Hope" - High-yielding, with a high content of sugars. Cochan weight 2.4-3.4 kg. Cocheans are resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Belorussian 455" in the photo
Belorusskaya 455 white cabbage in the photo

"Belarusian 455" - matures 120-130 days after germination. Kochan rounded or flat-round shape, very dense, weighing 2.3-3.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Malachite" F1 in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Malachite" F1 in the photo

"Malachite" F1 - From the shoots to the crop grows 90-10 days. Kochan in white cabbage of this middle variety is rounded, good density, the middle mass of it is 1.3-1.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Glory 1305" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Glory 1305" in the photo

"Glory 1305"- from shoots to ripening 100-130 days. Kochan Round-flat shape, with good density, weighing 2.4-4.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Losinoostrovskaya 8" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Losinoostrovskaya 8" in the photo

"Losinoostrovskaya 8" - Mass of Kochana 2-4 kg. Cochanic is stored until January. Regarding steady grade to the disease rate. Used in sauer and fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Amaager 611" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "AMAGER 611" in the photo

"AMAGER 611"- Production, transportable, frost-resistant. Vintage 120-125 days after the seedlings landing. Kochan Round-flat shape, weighing 2-4 kg, high density, resistant to cracking, is stored until April.

Seeds of white cabbage "Wintering" 1447 in the photo
White cabbage "wintering" 1447 in the photo

"Zimovka" 1447 - with a mass of Kochana 2-2.5 kg. Resistant to cracking. 12 months stored. As the taste is stored, improves.

Seeds of white cabbage "Crymon" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Crymon" F1 in the photo

"Crymon" F1- matures 165-170 days after germination. The shape of the Kochana of this variety of the white-cooked cabbage of the late term of ripening is round or rounded, a mass of 1.9-2.1 kg, resistant to cracking. Stored for up to 7 months.

Seeds of white cabbage "Moscow Late" in the photo
Belococcal cabbage "Moscow Late" in the photo

"Moscow Late"- Kochan up to 15 kg, rounded shape, white, dense.

White Cabbage Seeds "Gift" in the photo
White Cabbage "Gift" in the photo

"Present" - from shoots to ripening 114-130 days. Casuals are flat-round, dense, weighing up to 4.5 kg, in winter it is well stored for a long time.

Seeds of white cabbage "Langeker Late" in the photo
White-coated cabbage "Lantier Late" in the photo

"Lantyker Late" - This is one of the best varieties of white cabbage for the middle strip, as it is suitable for long-term storage and resistant to diseases. Kochan Oval shape, weight up to 4 kg, dark gray-green.

Belococcal cabbage "Albatross" F1 in the photo

Albatross F1 - Hybrid, from shoots to maturity 140-155 days, Kochan is very dense, rounded shape, weighing 2.5 kg. High burning, at the end of May - 92% of preserved kochanov.

Red cabbage in the photo

This cabbage is different from white intense red-purple coloring leaves. This is a cold-resistant culture with dense, having a high fierce of kochenth. Contains important substances important for the human body.

In flavoring and dietary qualities, all varieties of red cabbage are superior to white-cooked. It contains sugars to 5%, crude protein (1.5-2%), sodium salts, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine. Compared to the white-born twice, less fiber, but more vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and PP.

Seeds of red cabbage "Mars" in the photo
Cabbage "Mars" in the photo

"Mars" - Mid-line variety. From planting seedlings before the start of cleaning 105-110 days. Casuals are rounded, dark purple, medium density, weighing 1-2 kg.

Seeds of the Red Cabbage "Late Beauty" in the photo
Red Cabbage "Late Beauty" in the photo

"Late Beauty" - forms a medium-sized leaf outlet, 90-100 cm. Casuals purple, oval shape, dense, large, weighing 2-3 kg. It is one of the best varieties of red cabbage, distinguished by high yield, besides, it is very well stored. Used in fresh form and for salads.

Red Cabbage "Early Beauty" in the photo

"Early Beauty" - The variety is very rare. The rosette of the leaves is small, up to 40 cm. Casuals of reddish-purple color, rounded-oval, medium-pluled, weighing 1-2 kg.

The agricultural machinery of the cultivation of a red cabbage is similar to the agricultural engineering white, but it is less than white-born, damaged diseases and pests. It is usually grown by a seaside way. Used to prepare colored salads, extinguishing, marinades.

Check out photos of varieties of red cabbage different maturation terms:

Seeds of red cabbage "Early Beauty" in the photo
Cabbage grade "Late Beauty" in the photo

Beijing cabbage in the photo

The lower leaves at the Beijing cabbage are assembled into a thick rosette with a diameter of 30-50 cm. All varieties of Beijing cabbage are rich in potassium salts, calcium and iron. The leaves contain a large number of vitamins. Completed both jams and semi-courses. Grown from seeds and seedlings.

Check out the description of the best varieties of Beijing cabbage and their photos.

Seeds of Beijing Cabbage "Cha-Cha" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Cha-cha" F1 in the photo

"Cha-cha" F1-screen hybrid. Matures in 50-55 days. Casuals of medium sizes, round-glassworm, weighing 2.5-2.8 kg.

Seeds of Beijing Cabbage Nick F1 in the photo
Beijing Cabbage Nick F1 in the photo

Nick F1.- A rapidly growing plant forming dense tocheans elongated, cylindrical shapes from delicate, crispy leaves of light or pale green. The diameter of the "Kochan" 35-45 cm, the weight of about 900 g. Taste quality is high.

Seeds of Beijing Cabbage "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo

"Orange Mandarin" F1 - exterior, light green leaves of Kochan hide a beautiful, tangerine-orange heart. The mid-air hybrid for summer sowing, ripening for 60-70 days.

Kochan variety "Orange Mandarin" extended, weighing about 1.7 kg
The outlet of the leaves of the grade "Orange Mandarin" has a diameter of about 45 cm

As can be seen in the photo, this variety of the Beijing cabbage the rosette of the leaves has a diameter of about 45 cm, the coach is elongated, weighing about 1.7 kg.

Seeds of Beijing Cabbage "Northern Beauty" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Northern Beauty" F1 in the photo

"Northern Beauty" F1- Very early, yield, resistant to the skellation of the hybrid. Kochens up to 2.8 kg.

Seeds of Beijing cabbage "Russian Size" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Russian Size" F1 in the photo

"Russian Size" F1 - Large cochanic weighing up to 4 kg! A wonderful late-leather hybrid that matures for 80-90 days is resistant to stacking and low temperatures.

Sowing all the varieties of Beijing cabbage in the middle lane produced in mid-May. In order to avoid the shorting, do not plan the seeds very early.

Cauliflower in the photo

Nowadays, cauliflower has lost its exoticism, however, it is divorced if you compare with a coastal, in a scale of immeasurably smaller. All varieties of cauliflower, as cultural comparatively new, are grown mainly in areas of large cities.

In nutability and taste quality, cauliflower occupies one of the first places among vegetables. From other representatives of cabbage, it is characterized by a high content of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. Cauliflower - light-loving culture, demanding of moisture and soil fertility. Care is a weeding, watering, dipping, soil looser and feeding. The best varieties of cauliflower are recommended for consumption in fresh form, freezing and canning.

Check out the names of cauliflower varieties for open soil under middle strip.

Cauliflower seeds "Patriotic" in the photo
Color cabbage "Patriotic" in the photo

"Patriotic" - Medium grade. From shoots to economic fitness 100-120 days. White head, dense, medium sized, weighing 700-900 g.

Cauliflower seeds "Movir 74" in the photo
Cash Cabbage "Movir 74" in the photo

"Movir 74" - rare, cold-resistant. Heads rounded-flat, dense, weighing 500-1300 g, high taste.

Seeds of cauliflower "Autumn giant" in the photo
Color cabbage "Autumn giant" in the photo

"Autumn giant" - Lovely, to the household ripeness is 220-250 days. Forms a very large dense head of the extract.

Cauliflower seeds "Alpha Early" in the photo
Color cabbage "Alpha Early" in the photo

"Alpha Early" - Very rapid grade. The period from shoots to the economic ripeness is 85-118 days. It has a round-flat head of pure-white color with a buggy surface.

Seeds of cauliflower "Snowubol A" in the photo
Cauliflower "Snowubol A" in the photo

"Snowubol A" - Middle grade in maturation, white head with a yellowish tint, weighing 0.4-0.7 kg.

Seeds of cauliflower "Four Seasons" in the photo
Cauliflower "Four Seasons" in the photo

"Four Seasons" - This is one of the best varieties of cauliflower for outdoor soil with large milky white dense heads. Sowing is possible in early spring, summer and autumn to the greenhouses.

Erfurtskaya cauliflower seeds in the photo
Cauliflower "Erfurt" in the photo

Erfurtskaya - average ripening time. Head mass 0.4-0.8 kg, white with yellow.

Cauliflower "Adler Spring" in the photo

"Adler Spring" - Heads rounded-flat, medium and large, from 0.3 to 1.2 kg, white-cream. The density is good.

At the "Adler Spring" head round-flat (photo)
The "Adler Spring" head head is coarse-grained (photo)

Look at the photo - this variety of cauliflower is coarse surface coarse.

Cauliflower seeds "Russian Size" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Russian Size" F1 in the photo

"Russian Size" F1 - Big, white-snow, weighing up to 4 kg, grows in 120 days on your bed!

Cauliflower seeds "Snow Queen" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Snow Queen" F1 in the photo

"Snow Queen" F1- with small neat heads that reach the mass of 300 g. Ripens before all varieties and hybrids.

Seeds of cauliflower "White Perfection" F1 NK in the photo
Cauliflower "White Perfection" F1 NK in the photo

"White Perfection" F1 NK,

Seeds of cauliflower "Amethyst" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Amethyst" F1 in the photo

"Amethyst" F1 - From the saturated purple coloring heads.

"Collage" F1 - 4 Cauliflower hybrid of various colors, perfectly complementing each other (white, yellow, salad and purple).

Cauliflower seeds "Shannon" in the photo
Cash Cabbage "Shannon" in the photo

Shannon - With the head of the original shape, beautiful bright green, weighing 0.8-1.2 kg.

To obtain several yields, 4-5 crops of sowing and planting seedlings with intervals of 10-15 days are possible. When forming the heads, they are shaded, overwhelming 1-2 top sheets.

Kabbrah Kohlrabi differs from other types of cabbage in appearance. It looks more like a trouser or turnip. The food is used to the thickened stem, which contains leaves with long cutters. The ridiculous stalk to taste resembles the cacrees of cabbage, but it is tastier, juicy and sweeter.

Cabbage Kohlrabi in the photo

The steblople of the round or oval shape, according to the content of vitamin C is not inferior to the lemon, contains other vitamins, as well as mineral compounds of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine.

Kohlrabi is eaten in fresh and boiled form.

All the varieties of this type of cabbage are characterized by a short vegetation period, so the harvest of Kohlrabi can be collected 2-3 times per season.

The crop is assembled when the diameter of the stem reaches 6-8 cm, not allowing pegs. Perezvishov become rude, fibrous, unsuitable in food.

Cabbage seeds Kohlrabi "Delicious white" in the photo
Cabbage Kohlrabi Grade "Delicious White" in the photo

"Delicious white" - Middle-varietary grade, for growing in the open ground. The fruit is very juicy, spherical shape, with a diameter of 8-12 cm. Vitamin, with a large number of sugars. Clean this sort of cabbage Kohlrabi, not letting grow out.

Cabbage seeds Kohlrabi "Violetta" in the photo
Cabbage Kohlrabi Grade "Violetta" in the photo

" Violet" - variety of medium-beds. Stem is large, purple, located high above the ground and long remains gentle, does not become rustic. This is one of the best collabi varieties, as the plants do not go into the arrow, do not develop and frost resistant. Put freezing to -8 ° C.

Cabbage seeds Kohlrabi "Vienna White" in the photo
Kabesta Kohlrabi grade "Vienna White" in the photo

"Vienna White" - Early grade, from shoots to ripeness 65-80 days.

The "Vienna White" paint pale green (photo)
The "Vienna White" flesh is white, gentle, juicy (photo)

Pay attention to the photo - this variety Kollarbi the diameter of the stem reaches approximately 7-9 cm, the painting is pale green, the flesh is white, tender, juicy, the mass of plants is 1.0-2.5 kg.

Zharo- and drought-resistant grade.

Cabbage seeds Kohlrabi "Vienna Blue" in the photo
Cabbage Kohlrabi Grade "Vienna Blue" in the photo

"Vienna Blue" - Mid-line variety, stem, original coloring. The flesh is tender, white, the mass of plants is 1-2.5 kg. Morious.

Cabbage seeds Kohlrabi "Giant" in the photo
Cabbage Kollarby Grade Giant in the photo

"Giant" - Late variety, from shoots to technical ripeness - 112-136 days, stebleptode is large, from 15 to 20 cm in diameter, light green, flesh gentle, juicy, mass of plants 2.5-3.0 kg. Lice, heat and drought-resistant.

Cabbage Kohlrabi Sort "Optimus Blue" in the photo

"Optimus blue" - socket fine and medium size with asymmetrically located leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green, with a wax, vessels and petioles purple.

Cabbage Kohlrabi varieties "Optimus Blue" purple coloring (photo)
Cabbage Kohlrabi varieties "Optimus blue" stovelode flat-circular shape (photo)

In these photos, it can be seen that the kale of Kohlbai variety "Optimus Blue" stovelodes of flat-circular shape, purple coloring.

Cabbage Seeds Kohlrabi "Russian Size" F1 in the photo
Cabbage Kollarby Grade "Russian Size" F1 in the photo

"Russian Size" F1 - when creating optimal conditions, up to 5 kg grows. In the fresh form, the flesh is invariably juicy and appetizing crispy.

Broccoli cabbage in the photo

Zelennogol broccoli (also called asparagus cabbage) - One of the forms of color. The food consumes the fleshy heads with a stem in fresh and canned form. They are pleasant to the taste, and the content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins are superior to cauliflower.

The advantages of all varieties of broccoli cabbage include the boom and cold resistance. It can carry freezes to -5 ...- 7 ° C and less than cauliflower, demanding of cultivation conditions.

The crop is cleaned several times. At first, the top head with unsolved buds is cut, when it reaches 10-25 cm diameter and as the stuffing shoots and the formation of heads on them are raised, fees are repeated.

The best varieties of broccoli cabbage include:

Broccoli seeds Broccoli "Tonus" in the photo
Broccoli cabbage grade "Tonus" in the photo

"Tone" - Very raven grade, the growing season - 60-90 days from the appearance of germs. It is distinguished by the friendly ripening of the crop. The middle density head, dark green, weighing 160-200 g, long does not lose product qualities. After the cutting of the central head are formed lateral. The variety is distinguished by high taste.

Cabbage Broccoli "Arkady" F1 in the photo

"Arkady" F1 - Medieval hybrid. From sowing to ripening 110 days. The plant is powerful, high. The head is large, a clear domed shape, dark gray-green color, very compact. After trimming the top booton, the plant continues to give the side heads of good size. Use both in fresh form and for processing. Especially good during cold seasons and gives a high harvest even during thickened accommodation.

"Cologra's" - Radial variety, period from germination to technical ripeness 85-100 days. Green-blue head. This broccoli cabbage variety is one of the best for the middle strip, it can be grown almost throughout Russia.

"Vitamin" - Running variety. Middle height plant. The socket is semi-vertical, with a diameter of 40-58 cm. The head is turned-wide-ethiptic, medium size, uncoated, medium-power, green. Head weight from the main escape 200-300 is recommended for use in fresh form and processing.

Cabbage seeds Broccoli "Russian Size" F1 in the photo
Broccoli cabbage grade "Russian Size" F1 in the photo

"Russian Size" F1 - The largest broccoli cabbage (up to 3 kg), maturing in the average time. It can remain in the field without losing consumer qualities.

Broccoli seeds Broccoli "Linda" in the photo
Broccoli cabbage "Linda" in the photo

"Linda" - Mid-line variety, the period from full shoots before the onset of technical ripeness is 80-85 days. Forms a large head of a dark green color of an elliptical shape. Head weight 300-400 g

These photos are presented broccoli cabbage varieties, most popular in the middle lane:

Popular sort of broccoli cabbage "Tonus" in the middle lane (photo)
Popular grade of Broccoli Kale Linda in the middle lane (photo)

Savoy cabbage in the photo

A distinctive morphological feature of the Savoy cabbage is the bubble structure of thin leaves. Kochanne above light green, inside light yellow, loose. All Savoy cabbage varieties contain carotene, a variety of vitamins, mineral salts, protein and fiber, like other types of cabbage.

The best varieties of Savoy cabbage are:

Seeds of the Savoy Cabbage "Vertu 1340" in the photo
Savoy cabbage grade "Vertu 1340" in the photo

"VERTE 1340"- Late variety for winter consumption. From shoots to ripening 130-155 days. Kochan flat, good density, weighing 1.2-2.7 kg. The fabric sheet is a finely power, the edge of the wavy, gray-green color, with a wax.

Seeds of Savoy Cabbage "Vertu" in the photo
Savoy cabbage Vertuya grade in the photo

"Vetech" - Middle grade, from the seedling landing until 90-100 days ripening. The kochens of this variety of the Savoy cabbage suitable for the middle strip, grayish-green, half-plane shape, weighing 1.5-2.0 kg.

Seeds of Savoy Cabbage "Vertus" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertus" in the photo

"Vertus" - Medium impact, the growing season from the appearance of germs before the onset of technical ripeness is 110-130 days. This is one of the best sowing cabbage varieties for medium strip with gray-green coloring leaves. The shape of the Kochana is flat, the mass of Kochan is 1.5-2.0 kg.

They grow and remove the Savoy cabbage as well as corresponding to the rapidness of the grade of white cabbage.

This cabbage is not only frost, but also drought-resistant, relatively resistant to cracking of the kochanov. Savoy cabbage is consumed in fresh and recycled. She is unsuitable for storage and canning.

Look at the photo of the Savoy Cabbage varieties of the best, popular among Russian gardens:

Savoy Cabbage Savior Cabbage "Verit 1340" Popular from Russian gardeners (photo)
Savoy Savoy Cabbage "Vertu" Popular from Russian gardeners (photo)

Growing technology of cabbage of different types in open soil

Cabbage of all kinds - a plant is light-chapter. To the greatest extent, she needs light in the seedling and socket phase. From the lack of light plants, they are very pulled, have small leaves and small loose kochens.

All kinds of cabbage are cold-resistant. Seeds germinate at +3 ... + 5 ° C, the optimal temperature for growth is +15 ... + 18 C, however, the development of plants can continue with +5 ... + 10 ° C, especially in the autumn months. Plants without damage carry freezes to -5 ...- 7 ° C.

There are two technologies for growing cabbage in the open soil: seedlings and reckless ways. It is very demanding of the fertility of the soil. If under the previous culture, the manure was not made, with the autumn pumping in the soil, they add compost or well-overwhelmed humid.

During the cultivation of seedlings, the cabbage of different types is carried out three feeders: 1st 10 days after a dive (if without it, then in the phase of the 2nd real sheet) - 20 g of ammonia nitrate and superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt on 10 liters of water ); 2nd - 12-15 days after the first - infusion of a cow in a concentration of 1:20; The third is 4-5 days before disembarking - organic fertilizers (Korovyak 1:15, bird litter 1:20) with the addition of a solution to one bucket of 20 g of superphosphate and a potash salt. The consumption of the handy solution is 5 liters per 1 m2. After holding the plant, the plants are necessarily watered with clean water.

Well grown seedlings should have 4-5 leaves. Plants planted as deeply (up to 1st sheet), but not falling asleep the top kidney. The land around the plant is condensed and abundantly watered. 10 days after falling down, the cabbage is again feeding. Start with ammonia nitrate - 20 g on 10 liters of water one liter on the plant. Then - as needed by the Organic (infusion of the Kovyakka 1:10 or a bird's litter 1:20).

The best seedling age is 45-55 days. Observing the correct agricultural machinery of the cultivation of cabbage in the open ground, the seeds close at a depth of 3-4 cm. The optimal duration of the sowing during a reckless way is April 10-20. Sow rows at a distance of 60-70 cm. In phase 4-5 of the present leaves, the plants are thinned at a distance of 40-50 cm. Soil all summer contains clean from weeds.

Located cabbage in open areas. The best predecessors of her - legumes, grated, pumpkin cultures and onions. To prevent the development of diseases and pests, it is impossible to return cabbage to the previous place earlier than 3-4 years. Grow cabbage through seedlings and direct sowing seeds into the ground for a permanent place. Shoots appear on the 7-12th day. When storing, the seeds retain the germination of 4 years.

With a reckless method of plants, a more powerful root system is developing, deeply penetrating into the soil, which provides them with the best water regime. The growing season is reduced by 14-16 days. The depth of seed seed 3-4 cm, the width of the rod 70 cm, in the row - 50-60 cm.

Given all the peculiarities of growing cabbage, do not forget that this culture is very moisture. Without regular irrigation, it is impossible to get a harvest. In order to grew by a nochanger with a mass of 2 kg, the plant will need about 200 liters of water.

Clean the harvest depending on the species and variety in terms, without overturning on the garden. Late cabbage is removed before the onset of frosts, as Kochane ripen, when the upper crumbling leaves are still green, and the lower begins turn yellow.

Casuals without light are preserved better, at a temperature of 0 ... + 1 ° C, air humidity 90-95%.

Brussels Cabbage in the photo

Brussels Cabbage - a plant bilayer. In the first year, it forms a 35-70 cm stalk with long-term leaves, in the sinuses of which small (2.5-5 cm in diameter) are formed rounded or oval kochannels up to 40-60 pcs. On the plant with a total weight of up to 700 g. The plates of leaves from flat to spoon-shaped curved, green, less often purple, with a weak wax. Leaves on the top of shoots form a socket. The surface of the leaf is bubble.

For the second year from the top kidney and from the kidneys on lateral shortened shoots, floral shoots are developing, on which pods with seeds are formed.

They grow this cabbage with repentance and reckless ways, i.e., direct sowing seed into the ground. Seeds sprout already at +2 ... + 3 ° C, but at +18 ... + 20 ° C seedlings appear much faster, on the 3-4th day. The best temperature for the growth of plants is +15 ... + 18 ° C. High temperatures (above + 25 ° C) delay the formation of kochanchikov. But low temperatures and freezes up to minus -7 ...- 8 ° C Brussels cabbage withstands without damage. It is more cold-resistant than the most late varieties of white cabbage.

Observing the technology of cultivation of Brussels Cabbage, plants need to be provided with fertile soil and regular irrigation, especially during the formation of Kochanchikov. Care is to loosen the soil with a slight dip, weeding, feeding. One of the peculiarities of the cultivation of Brussels cabbage is to make feeding during the growth of the rosette of the leaves. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are given at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. With repeated feeding to nitrogen add 30-40 g of phosphate and potash. The main amount of organic fertilizers (compost or manure) - 5-6 buckets of 10 m2 - brought in autumn under the poppop.

Good predecessors for Brussels Cabbage are cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, beets. Return cabbage to the previous place should not be previously followed than in 3-4 years.

A month before cleaning, the tops of the plants are removed. This technique speeds up the ripening of kochenchikov, increases their harvest.

By adhering to the right agricultural machinery of the cultivation of Brussels cabbage, harvesting is carried out in the latest dates, making caraccan cuts as they are ripening or in one reception. For use in the winter, the plants are digging along with the root and placed in the sand (on the depth of the roots) into the greenhouses, basements, vegetable stores. Kochannels on the stem are preserved up to two months at a temperature of 0 ...- 1 ° C and air humidity 90-95%.

The food and taste of Brussels cabbage are due to the high content of protein, which, according to the presence and ratio of amino acids, is not inferior to the meat and milk protein. According to the content of vitamins, Minerals, Brussels Cabbage significantly exceeds other sowing of cabbage. Among the cabbage it is a record holder in terms of the number of useful potassium salts, magnesium and iron. It contains valuable organic compounds - carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, fiber, carotene and various vitamins. It is three times more easily expensive protein and ascorbic acid by the body than in a white cabbage.

Kochenians as a very valuable dietary vegetable, especially useful people with cardiovascular diseases and suffered surgical operations, as they are able to stimulate the wound healing process. Juice of this cabbage is useful in diabetes and pancreas diseases.

Koraches are boiled and used as an independent dish with oil, dairy or sour cream sauce or as a side dish. They are put in soups, dried, canned, marinate (like cauliflower) and freeze.

Among the varieties of Brussels cabbage there are earlyness with the growing season from the appearance of germs to the mass maturation of Kochanchors - 130-150 days.

Seeds of Brussels Cabbage "Hercules 1342" in the photo
Brussels Cabbage grade "Hercules 1342" in the photo

Wide famous grade "Hercules 1342" It has a season of vegetation 110-120 days.

Foreign high-yielding hybrids: "Explorer","Alpasar", "Acropolis", "Kronos", "Porter", "Troyan"

Seeds of Brussels Cabbage "Rudnerf" in the photo
Brussels Cabbage Grade "Rudnerf" in the photo

- Mid-and Late, as well as early high-yielding grade "Rudnerf" Brussels Cabbage Grade "Isabella" in the photo

From the new varieties of interest is "Isabella" with a purple-green colorful kochenchikov who have a more spicy taste than standard green.