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Natural therapeutic factors of France. Thermal resorts of France

A trip to the Medical Resort in France is not the most budget, but very pleasant and healthy look at the view. Many health resorts can boast a rich history- In the 19th century, the health (and nerves) of rich, celebrities and coronal people from around the world corrected here. Mineral waters, a favorable climate and the secrets of therapeutic procedures since those times did not become worse, and thanks to modern medical technologies, new opportunities have gained.

Place 200 km. north-west of Paris, on the shore of the strait of La Mans. - a small town in the province of Lower, and live here a little more than 4000residents, but this place is known throughout the world. Elite seaside resortwhere restingrich French, famous artists and athletes.In addition to traditional cultural entertainment, Doville offers its guests to passprocedures in the modern Thalassotherapy Center Algotherm, located on the shoreseas. The center has developed programs in the following areas:

  • slimming for men and women;
  • perinatal therapy;
  • treatment of venous insufficiency;
  • anti-stress;
  • healthy call;
  • confrontation.

In the salons Algootherm masters perform different kinds massages (from 55 euros), mud applications, Cosmetic Procedures for Face and Body with Cosmeticsthe basis of marine minerals (from 50 to 120 euros), thalassotherapy (from 46 to 67 euros).The cost of batch programs - from 290 euros.

This medieval city in the north has rich cultural traditions and keep ancient architecture samples. In coming year-round -the resort is known not only by the beaches, but also a large Thalasso-Center Thermes Marinsde Saint-Malo. The term Term was built in 1963 on the very seashore, at the very topthe restaurant is located with a panoramic view of the water surface. Elegantthe situation, muted light, pleasant music and sensual aromas - in suchthe restoration atmosphere enjoy wellness procedures. In the centerweekend programs and weekly courses are developed, you can also sign up forseparate events. The rich spa menu of the Thalao Center includes massages withapplication of Oriental Technician, Detox Procedures, Body Wrapped, Underwater Showerand drainage. The cost of individual procedures in Saint-Little - from 30 euros, weekly programs -from 800 euros.


Resort town in the south, which occupies a narrow peninsula with a length of 14 km and 4 km width. On the basis of the luxurious 5-star Sofitel hotel in Kibron, now more than 50the years has a thalassotherapy center and a dietology center. Healing in Ciberonan integral approach and attention to the individuality of each patient is distinguished. Forcustomers of the Dietology Center are developed a special diet and programtraining. Slimming programs Sofitel Quiberon Thalass are the best in France.Thalasso Center offers its guests peelings, massages, hydrotherapy and aestheticprocedures, here use cosmetics based on active natural components.In the interruptions between sessions, the Customers of the Center can spend time in a spacious zonerelaxing overlooking the coast: they can relax on the sun terrace, swim inpool C. sea water Or visit the sauna. Weekly intense set procedurea different profile in this center will cost from 2,000 euros.


Vichy - Resort in Central France, in the heart of Bourbon mountains, famous for its sources of mineral waters. Popular cosmetics brand Vichymade on the basis of natural hydrocarbonate sodium water.Vichy - perfect place For health recreation in the depths of French forests.Modern balneological treatment is held in the medical centerVishy Celestins Institute. The spa features a gym, dry and wetsaunas, pools and jacuzzi, cosmetic rooms. Treatment is carried out threedirections: Disorders of metabolism, physiotherapy and diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies.Wellness treatments include baths and souls with mineral waterAppliquesthermal mud, various manual techniques, intestinal washing and drinkingcourse. In the wellness center, you can sign up as separate procedures (from 50euro) or undergo treatment on a specialized program (from 1000 euros).


Another resort with world fame, located in the north of Aquitaine, where conductive anti-aging procedures with the use of healing propertiesgrapes (winerapy). Therapeutic center is located near the mineral source insurrounding vineyards Bordeaux. Healing properties enriched water minerals andgrapes are combined into local cosmetic preparations. During the proceduresmeans containing polyphenols of grapes are used: these substances strengthenthe walls of blood vessels and enhance the microcirculation. Antioxidantscontained in grapes contribute to the revival of natural beauty and giveenergy charge around the body. Grape seed oil rich in fatomega 6 acids and vitamin E, facilitating cell power and regeneration.Each facial and body procedure has a cost from 65 to 200 euros, there are batchprograms (from 380 euros).

(200 km. From Bordeaux, on the Atlantic Coast of Aquitaine) is famous for wide sandy beaches And very popular with windsurfing lovers. Local covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 300 square meters. m. and offers servicehigh quality B. modern setting. In the building is a pool with seawater with panoramic ocean views, fitness center, sauna and cafeteria. In Thalala Centerthe procedures of beauty and rejuvenation are carried out, treatment of diseases of bones, the program "Motherand child ", programs for weight loss. In the fitness center you can visit grouptraining or classes with an instructor for an individual program.

Balneological resort on the shores of Lake Geneva, beautiful and hospitable. Healing properties mineral water Evian confirmed by the National MedicalThe Academy in 1878, since the development of the city as a popular healingresort. The effectiveness of thermal procedures (souls, baths, fanotherapy) are based ontherapeutic action of mineral water. Evian water contributes to the improvement of exchangethe processes of the body, restoration of power and removal nervous tension. Healingthis resort is held on the following profiles: urology, nephrology, illnessmetabolism, diseases of the digestive system, rheumatology,post-traumatic recovery. Thermal Center has developed programspostpartum recovery, weight loss, kinesiotherapy sessions are held anddrinking courses of mineral water. The cost of 6-day spa programs - from 480 euros (5procedures per day).


Ex-les-bin, beautiful city surrounded by affordable and democratic resort with moderate prices for hotels and spa resorttreatment. There are several thalassotherapy centers in the city (Chevalley,Marina d'Adelphia and Thalassa Domainede Marlioz) offering beauty treatments andcomfortable conditions for recreation. Massages for the skin of the face and body modelingprocedures, hydromassage baths, wraps, toning and relaxinghydrotherapy sessions - far from full list Balneocentra services. Here alsotreatment of rheumatic diseases and ENT organs is carried out. Entrance ticket,including the use of the pool, the gym and saunas, costs from 15 euros foradult Massage session has cost from 35 euros, gommage - from 30 euros, wrappingfor body - from 20 euros. Special 6-day programs - from 390 euros.

Thermal resorts Nowadays, they received quite a lot of distribution throughout Europe, even if they take into account only France, they will be released more than fifty. Thermal sources? These are places where water is relies or as proven, possesses therapeutic properties. Even since the Great Rome, we are known to us spa sources and so far this culture is very popular.

In France, there are three main zones of thermal sources: French Alps, Overnal and Pyrenees Region. But in addition to these zones, some resorts can be found in Aquitaine, as well as in the northeast of France.

Here is an example the best sources France.


Probably, this name sounds familiar even for those who have never been there. It is here on the border with Switzerland, sources were found popularly around the world of Mineral water Evian. Glaciers French Alpsah formed a natural filter, which made it possible to obtain the purent mineral water that has passed the fifteen-year-old path of filtration. This natural natural filter formed by several glacial periods is the unique treasure of our planet. Mud, a variety of thermal baths, underwater massage and much more will be offered in local balneological complexes. Local water in addition to favorable exposure to the skin, it helps in the treatment of digestive organs, with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Here you can rent kayaks, hiking along the shore of the lake, cycling rings.


Vichy is one of the most famous thermal spa resorts in the world. It is located in the Overnal region, the France Center. From the time of Napoleon, the healing of this water was assessed by the physicians of France. Every year, this resort visits more than 13 thousand tourists. And another 1000 people all over the world use Vichy cosmetics based on thermal water.


Resort DAX is an ideal place for diversity lovers. This resort includes 18 different spa. With all thermal centers there is a swimming pool and procedural offices. Thermal water of DAKS has an increased sulfur, iron, calcium and magnesium content. They are used for procedures and for drinking treatment. Dax? This is one of the largest manufacturers of therapeutic mud who deliver to beauty and health centers throughout Europe.


The oldest spa Kurrort in France is approximately this source of 2000 years. It is located in the center of France, in the central array. Nowadays, these are quite popular baths that have completed numerous casinos, cortes and villas. Local healing water helps to get rid of guests from stress, spinal pain and nerve disorders.


This resort has long been famous for his thermal baths, but from recently it has become one of the most popular ski resorts of France. The thermal resort offers its guests a wide range of services: starting with aromatic oils and ending with volcanic stones massage. Tourists come here from all over the world to try medical properties thermal sources. There is a belief that local waters can save a person life.

Les Sources Des Caudalie

It is the luxurious thermal resort in a five-star hotel in the suburb of Bordeaux. Already on the basis of the name of the suburbs it becomes clear that in this resort, along with thermal treatments, wine procedures are practiced. These procedures include for example: Baths in red wine, bathing in barrel, wrapping with Merlot, scrub with Cabernet or Savignon massage. Also on the resort is two restaurants and a bar.


This place is not only inexpensive resort, but also carries many monuments of history. Here in addition to the thermal baths, mineral sources, hydromassage baths and saunas, low pricesYou will break into the atmosphere of medieval and romance architecture. An old abbey, built in the 7th century and destroyed in the 16th century, can be considered the main attraction of Ale-Le-Ben.


Beautiful spa Kotket, which is located just a few minutes to south from the city of Lourdes in Pyrenees. There you are waiting for therapeutic procedures with water, as well as active rest, like hiking in the mountains or skiing.


The second most popular is the thermal city of France. Here you can be except for mineral water treatment, it is proposed to see the amazing views of the Alpine Mont Blanca. Every year comes here a large number of Tourists for treatment. And also want to quit smoking, lose weight or simply relax. Guests be among other things in the city are waiting: a golf course, aquarium and a casino. From the attractions of the city do not forget to visit the Roman Pogrehal Arch.

Les Grands Bains du Monêtier

What can be spectacular than a hot thermal source surrounded by snow french alps. Water in the sources of Les Grands Bains du Monêtier allows you to swim in the open source pools even in winter season. You will enjoy the most magnificent panoramic views of the mountains. Local thermal baths were laid in the days of ancient Romans. The ski resort is located here.

Also deserving resorts.


From all sides the resort surround the mountains. At the resort you have the opportunity to go through the procedures with thermal water and take care of your skin at the local institution of beauty for a completely moderate fee. Balneological Center "Water Care"

If you are an active lifestyle, then this is a place for you. It has everything you need for a pleasant time: spacious and well-equipped equipment gym, a huge pool, a thermal jacuzzi, a Turkish bath, a sauna and other spa treatments, and there are a very good massage.

Bannier de Bigor

This is one of the oldest existing sources. Already in the first century, the Romans were used to our era in his health goals. Today, about 40 sources are open here. IN winter time Here you can give a widow to ski, since it is not nearby from here a large ski resort is located. In the summer you can see many attractions walking around the city and its surroundings.


Located in the Central District France, on Earth volcanoes and thermal sources. The thermal waters of these sources are rich in sulfates, bromine and fluorine. Local water is used both for hydromassage and for cosmetology procedures. Near the thermal sources is the cradle of the royal genus of Bourbon. The three towers, presentations and events reconstructed after the revolution will not let you get bored.

Hot fountain

One of the most famous provinces of France. Famous for its resorts, ports, castles, restaurants, vineyards and historical attractions. Dhaka is one of the oldest Balneological resorts of France. The symbol of Daks is considered to be a hot fountain or the source of the goddess not. In 1818, the thermal source was decorated in the form of a fountain of natural stone.

La burboule

Here is the source of mineral water, which is rich in bicarbonate, sodium chloride and other trace elements. In the local sanatoriums are engaged in the treatment of asthma and skin diseases. Sea Terms Saint-Little

Wraps in seaweed, wellness baths with sea water, hydromassage with essential oils and hydromassage sea water. This is only a small part of the services that you will be offered.


All year round, he attracts tourists due to his perfect location. Here you can take mountain biking walks, walking along the paths in the mountains, engage in climbing or paraglogging. You can enjoy walks along an excellent lake, in breaks between wellness treatments. With the onset of winter, this place turns into a paradise for lovers to ride skiing.

Thalazur Thalassotherapy Center

Here you will be asked to pass wellness and anti-stress procedures, cosmetic sessions, several types of massage, hot tubs, a massage underwater shower, wrapping with seaweed and therapeutic mud.

France is not only a country known for its fashion trends, exquisite delicacies, luxurious vineyards and old castles. France is one of the best countries in the world for recreation with children. And the smallest travelers, and already grown upwards, they will not want to return to their homeland as soon as they will get closer to the locals, try on themselves interesting entertainment and appreciate the care and trembling with which the French belong to the younger generation.

So, you planned a trip to France and wish to grab your favorite crumbs with you. You should start with the thinking of a plan of the trip, booking of tickets, the hotel, the preparation of a fusion and cultural program. Do not forget about nutrition and other important aspects of rest with children.

Get to France with children is more convenient by the plane. Almost every day from Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, the direct flights deliver passengers of Aeroflot and Eyrfrans. It is most quick, comfortable, and for children there is a special system of discount discounts.

Reaching one of the French cities, we select the hotel, guided by the following: Do not choose a place of residence near pleasure institutions, clubs and cabaret, the area is worth preferred more prestigious, in order not to encounter strikes or turmoils in the area in the area in the area.

With food, things are not bad. Most supermarkets and shops are pleased to offer visitors. a good choice baby food, dry dairy mixes, juices, puree and all the goods you need, ranging from hygienic agents and ending with toys. Pay attention to the ingredients and the English translation of the components contained in the power supply. In the hotel, kids will be happy to feed croissants and fresh juice, and in restaurants you can choose dishes that meet the needs of a child (cheeses, fruits and vegetables, boiled meat, pasta and much more). And be sure: in France will never refuse to eliminate certain ingredients or to file a porridge to breakfast. In addition, discounts are distributed on the children's menu.

To move in France and inspect the attractions with the child more conveniently on the rented car. The baby will be comfortable in a children's chair, which is mandatory requirement. Fees per day of rental - from 30 euros.

Rest in France with children

If your siblings can already move on their own and demand entertainment, France is exactly the country where vacation with children will fly imperceptibly.

Disneyland in Paris

Paris Disneyland is located in Marnela Valla, the town that is located east of the capital of France only 32 km. The whole territory is divided into two large sectors, each of which tickets should be purchased separately. The first part of Disneyland is its heart. It concentrates attractions, entertainment and many scenery. This territory is divided into another five parts grouped around the main castle of sleeping beauty, each of the zones varies with its own style and adventures. In the second part of Disneyland - Walt Disney, visitors can feel like real characters from cartoons that have fallen into a fairy tale. In addition, there is a real lake in the park, which floats a huge steamer, and the ability to ride throughout Disneyland on a small train and look at the wonderful country specially created for children and their parents.

For travelers, shops with souvenir products, cafes, hotels, golf course, residential and business district. Entrance - from 45 to 51 euros.

Asterix Park

Throughout the year, young travelers have the opportunity to visit a huge amusement park dedicated to Asterix, is one of the largest and tempting places to relax with children. In the park you will meet the heroes of your favorite films, a surprisingly friendly and relaxed atmosphere, a variety of rides, rink, circus performances, cafe with hot chocolate and mulled wine, souvenir shops, from where every child will be able to leave the toy you like.

Thanks to a well-thought-out system, regulating queue, it is not necessary to spend a large amount of time to wait for the ability to ride any attraction in one of the five thematic parts of the park. In the Gallic Village of Travelers, there are endless holidays, a circus, a large cinema, a sea of \u200b\u200bsnack bars and attractions. In the "Ancient Greece", the attractions are built very extreme, calculated on the most bold, for example, the similarity of the American slide "Journey to Zeus". Besides, in " Ancient Greece"Works Dolphinarium" Poseidon Theater ". The next area of \u200b\u200bthe park is dedicated to Vikings. Here visitors awaiting a journey to the giant gallery. And in the "medieval France" you can ride on the swings and carousels, and then relax near the fountain.

The pleasure of visiting Asterix Park is 29-39 euros.

Aquapark "Akvabulvar"

What could be better than dayconducted with children among pools and slides (both slow and extremely high-speed), saunas (traditional baths, hamamov, biosoun) and jacuzzi, waterfalls and geysers, spa and hot baths. Tired and hungry visitors are waiting for rooms for relaxation, several restaurants and eateries. And adults, and children will like to play bowling, tennis or squash. For those who follow their health and attractiveness, work solarium, fitness club, gym, aquaaerobics class. In addition, in "Aquabulvar" for the whole family, not one, but as many as fourteen cinemas.

Town of science and industry

In the eastern part of the capital of France, it is impossible not to notice a huge mirror ball, which reflects the clouds. This is a cinema building with a giant size screen located in the town of Science and Technology La Wist. The town of Science and Industry will be interested in the whole family.


If your child is interested in the starry sky, and you yourself do not mind to be in a fairly romantic atmosphere, go to the 3D planetarium in the north of the country (Pa de Calais). Here you will watch the stars, sitting on a special chair and putting stereochki. Visitors will demonstrate launch missiles and paintings by our universe, views from space, stars, comets and meteorites. Images are so clear that everyone will feel like a cosmonaut.

Also in the planetarium two museums work: one is devoted to space research, the second military period in France.

Zoo in the Vienna Forest

Watching animals interesting even to the smallest tourists. Beasts live in natural conditions, in aviaries, decorated under the real environment of their habitat. Total about 1,200 individuals. The entrance ticket costs from 5 to 8 euros, depending on the age of the visitor.

Mechanical zoo

The miracle of engineering thoughts stepped forward allowed to create and demonstrate the world of huge mechanical animals. Artists, designing and collecting new huge animal robots, tirelessly work in a mechanical zoo. Only elephant weighs 48 tons. Leisurely moving, he plunges those surrounding in shock. Robots animals are not only a giant toys, but also the real works of art, admire which can be completely free, and even for a small cost even ride.

Farm George Vilya

The farm is located in Vansenne, it was built back in 1860 as an experimental site. Visitors of any age will be interested to see how oil and linen threads produce, how agricultural crops grow, look at real pigs, cows, goats, rabbits and geese. Those who wish will even trust to make a cow.

The farm works on the school holidays, on holidays and weekends. Visit is only 1-2 euros.

Museum of Doll

It is impossible to come to France with children and not to find time visiting the Museum of Dolls. Large and very tiny porcelain pupars were thoroughly selected by collectors themselves and his father Guido since 1860. The museum browsing all periods of transformation of toys, their clothes, damn face. You can look at the collection of dolls for 3-6 euros.

Big Gallery of the Evolution of the Museum of Natural History

To walk and see a real mammoth, take a picture (of course, without an outbreak) with him and other exhibits of ancient history, it is interesting to everyone. Children will see the stages of evolution on the exposition, open back in 1994. The ticket costs from 5 to 7 euros.

France in miniature

And in one day, inspect all France with its unique architecture, river, giant sand dune, see coastal resorts and towering over all this Eiffel Tower will be offered in the France Park in Miniature. The journey passes along the tracks, among the signs, bridges and villages, castles and monuments, cathedrals and museums.

What else to do in France with children? In winter - visit ski resorts, go shopping in search of interesting souvenirs, and in the summer, to be attended by Cote d'Azur And bring a beautiful tan from there and photos of your happy family.

Climate in France

The climate in France is noticeably different in each region due to the influence of the seas and the ocean, as well as mountainous arrays, but in general it can be called moderate: there will be no suffocating heat in summer and harsh frosts in winter, which undoubtedly affects the popularity of France among tourists from around the world.


Snow-white liners going to the Mediterranean cruises and Africa, fishing boats, every morning starting in search of the next, and it is necessary to notice a considerable catch, excellent beaches offering not only the standard set of services with resting, but also the opportunity to ride on kayak or go under Sail, - So meets the guests of the second most important and magnitude of the city of France - Marseille. Many in this city of Arab delicacies and other exotics - no wonder he is considered a gateway to Africa.


The city with a rich history and original architecture, one of the brightest and romantic cities of France, Toulouse amazes the mixture of traditions and styles. Roman ruins, ancient cathedrals and churches with delicious stained glass windows, elegant mansions of soft blue and red brick houses - the city is striking by its unique color. And each of his squares and streets permeated with history: here the Duke of Henri de Monmodia was executed here - the loudest execution in the country; In the old monastery - the Museum of Augustines - the canvas of the most famous French artists are stored.

France is rich thermal sources - There are about 1,200 sources recognized by the Academy of Medicine France Medical. Near sources built thermal pools and numerous wellness thermal centers. France's mineral waters are used for the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases - from respiratory to cardiovascular.

Each thermal resort of France has its own specialization. Treatment on thermal resorts is carried out in accordance with individual health programs developed by the doctor. All thermal resorts of the country offer highest level Services and are designed for the most demanding customers.

One of the most popular thermal resorts of France is Evian, located in the foothills of the Alps, on the shores of the Lake Geneva, on the border with Switzerland. Evian attracts holidaymakers not only by healing sources, but also a unique microclimate.

The healing power of the thermal water of the resort was discovered in the XVIII century. Today, vacationers come here from all over Europe. The resort specializes in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive tract, musculoskeletal and endocrine system.

Evian Royal Resort has a large balneological center that provides a wide range of services. Half popularity with tourists is enjoyed by the Medic and Wellness Center Evian Royal SPA. Individual medical and wellness programs include Balneotherapy courses (baths, souls, gymnastics in the pool, underwater therapy), various massages (including stone massages), mud and clay appliques, psychotherapy, Ayurveda, Yoga, etc. and the restoration of tone, various cosmetic programs.

One of the most popular and most beautiful resorts of the world is the French resort of Vichy. The resort has several sources with carbon dioxide, radon, sodium and hydrocarbonate water; Some of them are drinking water.

The resort is famous not only to the rich traditions of treatment with the use of local healing waters, but also a rich cultural heritage. Even in the Middle Ages, aristocrats for rehabilitation came here, but it became a special popularity during Napoleon III. And today in Vichy, more than 13,000 vacationers come annually.

Indications for staying at the resort: Diseases gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neurological diseases. For Vichy, they also come to overcome post-stress states, chronic fatigueTo improve the physical form and to obtain highly efficient facial and body care procedures.

The resort has 3 thermal hospitals: Les Thermes Callou, Center Thermal and Des Domes Les Celestins (where the famous Balneotherapy Institute is located). In addition to drinking courses, healing baths, intestinal washing, hydromassage, aerosols, lymphatic drainage, algae are prescribed as procedures.

The capital of French thermal therapy is called the resort Dax, located 65 km from Biarritz, on the Adur River, next to the place of signing it to the Biscay Bay. Therapeutic resort factors: Soft marine climate, sulphide mud and thermal radon waters (55-65 degrees), which are used for drinking courses and baths.

The resort specializes mainly on the treatment of diseases of the urinary system (chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthritis), endocrinological, vascular, gynecological diseases, sexual dysfunctions in men. The resort has 18 thermal centers, 16 of them - during hotels.

Specialists of the centers have developed highly efficient treatment and recovery programs, calculated for different time frames, depending on customer capabilities. Programs include drinking courses of mineral water, bathing in thermal pools, medicinal baths, shower Charco, aquagimnascular, mud, wrapping, physiotherapy, massages, etc.