Repairs Design Furniture

Fashionable trends in repair. Design trends: What entered and what came out of the interior fashion. Beautiful living room in beige tones

The fashionable trends of interior decisions are changed annually, but every year fully updated the appearance of an apartment or at home only to be in trend - meaningless. But if you decide to start repair, then you must know which interior is out of fashion. After all, if you allow mistakes in the interior of the apartment now, it will be possible to fix them in a few years, and all this time your home will have a tasteless interior! Well, let's see which design has become antitrand.

Antitrands in Interior Design 2018

You can rarely see an apartment or a house, all the premises of which are made in different style directions, so errors in the interior of a residential building can be allowed when choosing a style! In 2018, several style directions were dropped from the rating of trend interior solutions, so the antritranges in the interior design are styles:

  • industrial;
  • scandinavian minimalism;
  • baroque.

Brick walls, concrete ceilings, abundance of metal - all these outdated techniques in the interior of the apartment, which are unlikely to ever return to fashion. Yes, the design in the style of Industrial appeared not so long ago, and, yes, some of his elements will continue to enjoy popular, but not in the design of residential buildings.

Scandinavian minimalism "demanded" white furniture on the background of white walls and ceilings, and as a result, turned into a tasteless interior of Russian apartments. Modern design does not exclude fully minimalism, because it is easy to turn a small room into a spacious one with it, but to attach additional volume by white - outdated reception in the interior that should not be used in 2018.

The desire for the design of spacious premises led to the fact that the style of Baroque turned into a tasteless interior of the apartments. Showful luxury, columns, stained glass - all this in the context of modern interior design looks inappropriate, and the most tasteless interior is a combination of all elements of this style in the framework of a small apartment.

Interior design antitrands are not only whole styles, and some separate elements. Thus, the latest trends in the design of the interior of 2018 exclude the presence of multi-level ceilings. If you want to zonate the space of your home, then do not do individual indoors, but use decorative partitions.

Interior design: Antitrands of furniture and decoration

A tasteless interior design can affect only one room in the house, but ultimately he will spoil the view of the entire apartment. That is why, before proceeding to repair or design, you need to know which interior is out of fashion for bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens.

Not fashionable design interior bedroom 2018

The bedroom is a place to rest, the design of which is strictly individual. Everyone decides which there will be a sleeping set, and this choice, in most cases, the size of the space itself affects. And yet, errors in the interior of the bedroom can be allowed even if you choose the right furniture, and all because in 2018, standard headsets became antitrand! Interior designers advise not to be afraid of experiments and use furniture from different collections. Of course, the combination should be stylish, because if you decide to choose a bedroom from a tree array in combination with red plastic bedside tables and a yellow fabric closet it will look appropriate.

Antitrands Interior Design Living Room

The living room is a place in which we encounter guests, so we always strive to give him a little festive look. However, as we have already said, fashion trends in the design of the interior 2018 exclude a windowless luxury, so the Baroque style is to immediately exclude. In addition, to prevent errors in the interior of the living room, you should forget about:

  • provence style;
  • tropical topic;
  • headsets in one style.

If you carefully look at the style of Provence, it is not difficult to note that the furniture in this style, in its form, resembles the baroque, although there is no excess luxury in it, and the color palette is largely coincided with Scandinavian minimalism. Given that all this, separately, not in the trend, it is not difficult to guess that the Living rooms in the style of Provence also left fashion.

Colors There is always a place in the living room, but the tendency to decorate the walls with images of violent vegetation or to arrange the pots of pots with ferns and palm trees remained in the past.

Many believe that if you choose furniture for the living room from different collections, it will be a tasteless interior of the house, but it is not at all. The skillful combination of different items will turn the living room from the standard to Trend! In addition, thus it is easy to place accents in the interior, but again, all this should be done with taste and if you allocate something, then only one thing.

Tasteless interior kitchen

Antitrands cuisine touched almost all - and colors of the heads, and their shape, and materials. Thus, it became even easier to allow mistakes in the kitchen interior, for example, by choosing a unmarked color. On the other hand, if you listen to the advice of designers, you can not only avoid them, but also choose the design, which will be in the trend for a long time, so try the kitchen to avoid:

  • pastel tones;
  • plastic surfaces under wood and marble;
  • right forms.

Pastel tones gradually go into the past, and saturated paint and even bright colors come to replace them. It is clear that not everyone will venture to choose a kitchen set in UV trend 2018, but a noble burgundy or fresh orange color will be appropriate in any house.

Imitation of expensive materials is often used in interior design, but if earlier it was even fashionable, now it is a leading antitrand! If you really want you to surround you the surface of a tree or marble in the kitchen, then use natural materials, because tasteless interiors of apartments are found on plastic fakes.

Asymmetry got to the kitchens, so the correct forms are gradually turning into antitrand. Also, long countertops are no longer in fashion - they were replaced by more practical solutions that make it possible to have all the necessary things so that they are at hand.

  • Julia Zolotarev
  • 25.02.2018, 17:13

The trends in the design of the interior are not changing as fast as in clothing. Much, which was fashionable in 2017, does not lose relevance and this year. Geometry, concrete, loft and minimalism, natural materials are still popular. But there are some changes and amazing new items. For example, instead of the emerald central in the trendy interiors, the red color of the brick shade becomes.

Red color always dominates the rest of the shades and attracts the views of others. With competent use, it turns any room in a fun and cheerful room.

The motto of the year "Only the most needed". More and more attention is paid to the practicality of the room and the functionality of filling space.

In decorating windows, it is better to abandon multi-layer heavy curtains and choose traditional combinations of lungs and thin tulle

  • Abundance of light and spaciousness. In the interior, designers mainly pursue the goal to fill the room to the light and create the illusion of a larger space. This trend has been relevant for several seasons.
  • Cool color palette. This trend follows from the previous one and is not a dogma.
  • Geometric motifs. Now they are found not only in the patterns on the wallpaper, but also in the unusual form of furniture.
  • Eco-friendly materials. This trend also does not apply to new products. However, it is pleased that the materials safe in terms of toxicity are becoming more accessible for different layers of the population.
  • Built-in household appliances. Trend has already been relevant for several seasons and loved for practicality.
  • Textured surfaces. Because of the desire to practicality, the subject decoration is minimized. But unusual textures in the finish and furniture will not allow the apartment to look too strict and boring.
  • Ergonomic storage. In 2018, countertops with many offices are relevant.
  • Mix styles. This trend simplifies the process of selecting all parts for a whole composition on the one hand, and on the other, it allows you to brighter its individuality.

Due to through holes in concrete blocks, these partitions will be shown not boring monolith, and a brutal translucent design

Still in fashion velvet inhabitation of emerald shade, ultramarine or color of tart wine

Fashionable color trends

Color in interior design plays a huge role and sometimes becomes the key chord of the whole composition. Through the color, you can transfer the unique nature of the room, to emphasize the furniture and details of the decor. 2018 in this regard provides a wide choice, because in fashion, both minimalism and bold shades. Everyone can find a fashionable color solution for its apartment in accordance with temperament and lifestyle.

Bright colors are always in fashion, the interior definitely ceases to be neutral

The most fashionable colors of this year:

  1. Red, as already mentioned, becomes the main color in the interior of 2018. The color of the brownish shade is relevant. It is filled with trendy textiles, cabinet and upholstered furniture, accessories.

    Fashionable combination of red furniture with brown floor or even ceiling

  2. Turquoise color, can compete with brick. At the peak of popularity, turquoise-mint shade, according to psychologists, facilitating spiritual experiences. Curtains or upholstery of upholstered furniture such a shade will create a pacified atmosphere in the room.

    Calm cool color from nature itself is considered universal and perfect for interior decoration in classical and modern styles.

  3. Purple. According to some designers, it should be the championship. Psychologists say that it contributes to the removal of stress and increases concentration. Also, he has a property to suppress the feeling of hunger, which can please people who are not controlling appetite.

    Everything is different to purple color in different ways, but he does not leave anyone indifferent

  4. Aquamarine. It is believed that he contributes to greater saturation of life with emotions.

    The combination of the color of the sea wave with white or beige makes the interior easier and fresh

  5. Earth tones are popular since last year. This is white, muted gray, sandy and brown.

    Light living room in gray shades with gentle pink accents

  6. Dark colors continue to be relevant. Gets spreading black color of kitchen facades.

    Stylish black color is capable of neutral dilute any interior

  7. Copper and gold color become more natural and strengthen their positions. More intensive shades come to replace pastels.

    It is advantageous for brilliant brass countertops, vases, lamps and frames of the mirrors

In 2018, in fashion, unexpected color combinations, such as the color of the sea wave with yellow, or blue with orange.

Yellow optionally paint the walls, it is enough to put a colorful sofa or table into the room. Yes, and not just yellow, but as in cartoons, juicy and positive

Styles and nuances in Decor

In the interior design it is recommended to use the minimum number of elements that create a homely atmosphere, ideally and they must carry out what practical benefits. This is not asceticism in its pure form, but minimalism with a luxury chance. When choosing a few decor items, it is worth navigating high quality.

Exclusive interior items made by hand or to order are popular.

Decor solutions:

  • Metal textures are at the peak of fashion. However, it is worth adding something more extraordinary than the handles or the countertop. The trendy option will be a round chandelier with gilding.
  • Chandeliers are also popular for the most unusual forms.
  • 3D - mosaic. Choose one item that makes the room decoration. For example, you can bind the volume mosaic apron.
  • The same apron can be made primed, pick up the pattern to the main design.
  • The walls decorated with a mirror mosaic are added to the place of light and look very interesting.
  • Open shelves - with glass facades or completely without them. Visually increase space.
  • Household appliances bright color. In case the built-in tarely, the technique can be made by the dignity of the room.
  • An unusual bright carpet can also be used as an accent.

It looks good metal in the form of rods or other very thin lines, literally strokes

You can completely close the wall with racks and they will not "crush" if you use a combination of closed and open shelves

The latest trends in the kitchen interior

In the design of the interior of the kitchen of functionality and practicality, a special place is given. And stylistic solutions can be quite unusual and violate the template finishes.

In the design of the kitchen, you do not need to be afraid of bright colors, you can safely use yellow, salad or solar orange

Trends in kitchen interior design:

  1. An association. To expand space, the kitchen is connected to other rooms. An excellent solution will be a studio kitchen, an exciting living room and dividing the zones. Designers often make the kitchen from modules, similar to ordinary furniture, combining it with another part of the apartment. The kitchen ceases to be a limited room, chopped cabinets and objects and is not perceived as a boring space exclusively for cooking.
  2. Matte coating. Brilliant lacquer facades in 2018 come out of fashion.
  3. Decoration from metal and stone. Such modern materials are actively used as: glass, wood, plastic and gypsum. I wonder the combinations of different materials.
  4. Thin countertops and wide work surfaces.
  5. Cabinets without pens. The absence of the top row is welcomed.

The kitchen interior should be spacious, with clear concise forms

In the kitchen should be live flowers or herbs

Modern kitchen is distinguished by comfortable furniture. Each item in the room performs any function and is located in a reserved place. No extra things that only occupy space. The dishes are preferred by a monophonic. The necessary tools are located at a distance of an elongated hand in the equipped countertops.

Household appliances are mainly built into furniture modules, but in some cases it is not allowed to hide it, but to make the dignity of the room. The main thing is that it is easy to use and contribute to the maximum optimization of cooking processes. Technological attributes great importance. In modern technique, Wi-Fi is embedded for remote management and receiving notifications about the cooking process.

In modern cuisine, touch screens are increasingly found, and intuitively we understand that the gadgets will be the main trend in the future

The highlight of the kitchen interior can be partial or complete design of wall brick masonry

For the design of small kitchen walls, light tones of tiles or wallpaper are chosen. This will help visually increase the space. For a larger effect, the ceiling is also recommended to withstand in bright colors. Such an execution will correspond to a minimalist trend. If desired, you can arrange non-crumbling accents.

Pastel softness and metal nobility

If, despite the large selection of trendy colors, none of them seems suitable for the design of your apartment, there is a great solution. Designers recognize pastel tones relevant for the interior regardless of the fashion season. Recall that pastel tones are shades of any color diluted by white. Thanks to his pigment, any color becomes more calm and suitable for decoration of the dwelling.

Pastel colors are taken to attract light blue, cream, milk, transparent yellow, pale pink and many other few muffled and low-tech shades

You can choose any pastel shade from a huge palette, and to express the trendy spirit of the time to use the most trend finishing materials in the interior design. Spicy and fashionably a combination of pastels with metal will look. This material is now used not only as an additive, but also serves as the basis of whole kitchen surfaces.

Metal table top in the interior of fashionable kitchen

Metal facades beyond the spectaciness perform one small, but a pleasant function - you can mount magnets with task lists, leave your favorite note. Metal in facades is well combined with glass, wood, concrete and stone. With a low budget, it is permissible to use metal imitation.

Fashionable styles in the interior

Loft and minimalism are now dominated. Here are key points characterizing them:

Minimalism Loft
Chrome Steel, Glass, Stone or Wood Finish Finishing floor and walls under concrete
2 main colors, it is possible for the third as an accent Wall decoration by bleached or red brick
Massive windows for filling the room with light Open communications
Lack of partitions indoors Beams on the ceiling
Geometrism of figures Tables and benches from raw wood
Blinds instead of curtains Metal cabinets

Comfortable minimalism is ideal for small rooms - only the necessary set of items, but at the same time the situation should not be ascetic

Industrial design style, democratic and provocative simultaneously, consists of a displacement void and deliberately rough parts

If you have an avid fashionist or love cardinal changes, then the style can be changed according to the fashion. But remember that the style of more than other aspects reflects the nature of the tenant. If a long-term accommodation is planned in the apartment in which repairs is planned, it is recommended to select a style corresponding to temperament and lifestyle. Then the apartment will be as comfortable as possible for you, and you will harmoniously look in your home. There will always be fashionable trends that can be implemented within the framework of your chosen style.

Video about what hopelessly outdated in the interiors

Photo of trendy interiors

The interior is not only the creation of a comfortable space, but also the ability to realize their ideas and demonstrate style preferences. In 2017-2018, the stylish interior must be restrained and as close as possible to nature.

Simple forms, natural materials, restraint in the design - here are the fundamental tendency of the interior.

Important! In the fashion, natural stone or high-quality imitation. Noble breeds (onyx, marble, agate, granite) and pebbles with sandstone can be used. Budget alternative - good porcelain stoneware.

Still in fashion coarse brickwork and concrete surfaces. Wooden surfaces are better not once again, the varnish coating should emphasize the natural texture.

The cork tree, vine, bamboo is widely used - especially if the choice fell on the ethnic style.

The second most popular material is a metal. It can be used not only in furniture elements, but also as moldings, decorative inserts in the floor covering, for edging panels. You can give interior various notes. Nickel, chrome, steel will make the room more strict, they reflect light well and belong to cold shades. Copper, bronze and gilding create a feeling of heat and luxury.

What styles will be in fashion?

The most actual directions of the interior will be:

  • Eclectic, boho.
  • Scandinavian style.
  • High tech.
  • Contemporary.
  • Loft.
  • Minimalism.

Does not lose its position and vintage, but it is best to make an interesting combination. For example, combine vintage with a modern or art deco. The experiment promises to be interesting.

Trend colors 2018.

Researchers from the Pantone Institute have already presented the Trend colors of 2018. The most fashionable tint will be red-brown. It will also be appropriate for the background, and for furniture and accessories. Of course, the position of the gold and copper elements will strengthen - they are greatly harmonized with red flowers.

In the trendy palettes, orange-yellow color (in color as a cracking or quinam), olive, linen, gray, ink, green, are also mentioned.

Top 5 Trends of the Interior 2018

Stressed graphicity

Geometry again in fashion! Only now it is not present on furniture fabrics or accessories, but as the main background! The new collections present a ceramic tile, parquet, laminate, carpet with unusual textures. Multicolored polygons, circles, zigzags and other figures can not not attract attention! It is worth noting that the background of the walls must be made as calm as possible.

Watercolor motifs

The perfect option for the bedroom or children's. Calm pastel colors, light blurring boundaries, fuzzy forms and silhouettes. The drawn imitation of materials is also in demand. Watercolor perfectly harmonizes with wicker and wooden furniture.

Floral print and butterflies

Natural motifs are perfectly linked with the theme of naturalness. Indispensable for country style and contemporary. Well combined with matte and metal surfaces. Help visually adjust the room.


In 2018, you can safely use ampel plants and vertical landscaping for the decor of the premises. Palm trees, wallpaper with the image of the jungle, mosaic with tropical colors - a little exotic will not hurt. Green shade - Trend of next year. It can be combined not only with beige, yellow and brown, but also various shades of blue, gray, orange.

To create color accents, you can use multicolor decorative elements. Please note that the furniture should be as simple as possible and laconic. What should not save this on household appliances and accessories.

A variety of textures

Many prefer embedded furniture. This is a practical decision, but he needs to add a little color. Trend 2018 - Maximum variety. The sofa with velvet upholstery will look great next to the wicker chair, and the bedside table with the vensels - next to the bed with deliberately coarse headboard. Things from one headset look boring and monotonous, they need to mix!

Top 5 Antitrands 2018

1. Multi-tiered ceilings. At one time they were very fashionable, but now complex figures with a bunch of lamps are only an unnecessary clogging of space. You can decorate the ceiling by wooden planks, massive beams, metal elements, or simply content with a flat surface.

2. Elements of antiquity. Columns, stucco, bas-reliefs, statues temporarily leave fashionable podium. For them, you need a space and the corresponding setting. This can be said about stained glass windows. You rarely meet the apartment, where such a solution does not seem ridiculous. In trend Ekodisine and minimalism.

3. Sleep furniture. Sofa group, sleeping set should not look like on the picture of the furniture manufacturer catalog. They have nothing individual. Upholstery of different textures, the difference in forms and styles of objects will give the interior special charm.

4. Abundance of everything. Baldakhins, gorgeous furniture, crystal chandeliers of a huge magnitude once amazed imagination and were considered a deficit. Now they only clutter the space. In trend, matte textures. Gloss gives extra pathos. By the way, put the furniture is better than islets, and not along the walls.

5. Lack of accents. The minimalist interior should not be faceless. Inexperienced designers perform a room in one color and proudly magnitude the interior of "monochrome". Although in practice it turns out to be a faceless something. Acrossments should be! Bright or neuropric, but the look needed for something to cling. In 2018, these are geometric and floral prints, paint mixes and saturated wall surfaces. To help -

It is important not just follow the trends, but also listen to your own intuition. After all, you create an interior for your own comfort! And fashion trends can be applied selectively!

Bright and motley kitchen room interior


In the process of decoring the apartment, the question often arises about what the interior is now in fashion, because everyone wants to be in a trend and amazing guests with its refined and subtle taste. The interior season of this year foreshadows us to return fashionable bright colors and combinations, original and completely new ideas for storing and zoning space, as well as upholstered furniture in which it will be very pleasant even to drown.

In the new year, 2018 will increase the tendency to focus the interior through bright accessories: lamps, watches and other small utensils. We can observe a gradual transition from fashionable pastel colors in the past year to bright and saturated modern trends.

Such a transition can be explained by one of two reasons, or are relevant immediately:

  • This design fully expresses such a bright and rich rhythm of the life of people today;
  • Designers simply nostalgic on the bold and bright times of the eighties.

So, in order to understand what is now in fashion in 2018, you should know about the most trendies today colors:

  • Bright and explosive yellow color always turns out to be in the first positions of any chart. However, it is worth noting that it is popular not classic yellow, and the most saturated as minions in the cartoon! This interior novelty does not force you to fully change the color of your walls, floors or ceilings, it is enough just to improve the interior of the militant sofa, saturated with poster or an unusual coffee table. Such elements will make you smile at only one look at them. It is also allowed to use other shades of yellow, for example, mustard, lemon or canary;
  • The constant green color has not been out of fashion for several seasons. However, this year, dark green shades are not inferior to a more natural, natural: avocado colors, celery, sage - excellent options for the design of a stylish living room or kitchen! In order to make the interior as trendy, consider the variants of the combination of green with cherry, matte-blue, white, yellow, berry-violet. Similar color scheme expresses the wonderful health of the owners, which is relevant to any year and at any time;
  • Black is also in fashion this year, in order to add your interior a little drama. In no case are not painting the walls in black, it can only serve as an accent component. Great to watch there will be a massive black chandelier in the living room, or black floors in your snow-white bathroom. Play on contrasts, do not be afraid to experiment, but remember that the abundance of black color visually grows space;
  • Blue shades also do not leave the pedestal, and from 2017 smoothly go to the trends of 2018. One shade of blue is especially popular - a mixture with green and gray. He looks unusual, and at the same time very amazing. Tint is universal. They can paint the walls of the kitchen, creating a natural background with a white kitchen headset from a wooded log cabin, as well as a dining table with a glossy surface. It will be great to look at not only a white tree, but also natural natural color of wood. Creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Also, this shade can be used to be perfectly used in the dining room, expanding it with white ceiling and plinths. In addition to internal design, this shade of blue can be used to finish the facade of the house. In combination with wooden board and black forged lanterns, an incredible picture will be released;
  • The combination of blue and orange is very often used in decoration of the living room, office, relaxation rooms. They superbly complement each other, since cold blue compensates for warm orange. Too bright shades should not be used to finish the walls, and they are plucking them for the placement of accents. An excellent choice will be the acquisition of bright upholstered furniture - puffs, sofa, chairs, chairs;
  • Pink shades are also becoming more and more popular, while losing all gender bindings. It will no longer be associated with the girl's rooms and ladies, today it is quite a serious and rigorous shade. The walls of the living room can be painted in a slightly powdered pink, while supplementing the interior with seats of the same shade, as well as a bright color sofa. The bright tabletop from marble will be perfectly combined with a pink podstol, if they gently form the golden border. True luxury;
  • All shades of gold are also gaining popularity. Especially stunning will be brass shade in combination with a satin surface. Similarly, you can make all the accessories in the room, furniture, or even the walls - it will look unrivaled.

If you were lucky enough to buy a spacious apartment without any fences, then imagine that you are clean to the cloth! You can show all your design abilities and skills, giving a flight of fantasy and desires.

Kitchen-dining room in restrained colors

It doesn't matter what interior style is now in fashion, it is important to how to properly use the decorative elements popular today. So, what of the existing options for the fences of the rooms can be allocated? Consider further.

Preferred colors and color combinations for design soft is also green, yellow and blue! The form involves a deep back and an incredibly comfortable seat on the springs. Sit on such a sofa is just a paradise.

Upholstered furniture in the interior of the living room

To date, the trend is massive, but the air blowing objects of upholstered furniture. Well, if all transitions are sloping, that is, the back, which smoothly turns into the seat, which in turn smoothly goes into the armrests is a very stylish element.

Real options for unusual, extraordinary, but stylish furniture can be found, fighting in history. In 2018, all past trends will come into fashion with their brightness, prison and incredible combinations!

Fashion trends, like the heart of beauties, prone to treason! In order not to bring the interior designer to a heart attack, read the material about what style directions are not in fashion.

Naturally, adapt to fashion trends every year and each time I completely update the appearance of the apartment is stupid. However, if you start repair and design, then you will definitely need to know which interior is now considered tasteless. If you suddenly allow a number of errors in the interior, it will be possible to fix it only in a couple of years, and all this time you will have tasteless design, writes So-so idea ...

Old trends left, and simplicity and laconicity came to replace them. To date, in the design, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and furniture, a complete stylish design, where every making plays an important role. The era of glossy ceilings and furniture headsets have long been on the fly, we think about it already knows everything, so they will not be speaking about them now.

Loft style

It will surprise this one or not, but for a long time all the liberated brutal style Loft is no longer considered a trend. Moreover, he is no longer in demand. The fact is that this industrial-urban style was so much that he just tired people. It is worth paying tribute to this style - he lived brightly and was everywhere: in small apartments and large houses, in various cafes and restaurants, in beauty salons and studios. The gaze needs something new, non-comic!

"Clean" styles

The popularity is reduced to the "clean" style. And all because it is already gray and sad. Create an interior, adhering to a hard framework, be it neoclassic, minimalism or a Scandinavian style, this is considered not modern. Many leading designers recommend mixing - add, for example, the Scandinavian interiors larger than the colors or other stylistics at all. It is now interesting more interior with character - I want livelihood and contrasting stylistic solutions.

As well as antitrand, such style directions as Industrial and Barochko are also considered.


Many metal, concrete ceilings, brick walls, as well as abundant stucco on the ceiling and walls, waves in all manifestations, arches, colons - all this safe is sent to the field of antitrange 2018! All this outdated techniques in the interior of the apartment. Some characteristic elements of the Industrial style continue to be at the peak of popularity, but it is not used in the design of residential buildings.

Primitive High Tech

If in the 90s, this style looked very profitable against the backdrop of boring Soviet interiors, now he looks no less tasteless than they. This applies to classic high-tech (simple geometric shapes, more often angular). And all because housing with rigid furniture forms has become too boring and uncomfortable. To date, mitigating bizarre forms come to replace them, and the furniture should be transformed. However, while everything should be the most practical and convenient!

Screaming colors, chrome elements in combination with budget furniture made of artificial leather, conventional geometric shapes in furniture and space is everything considered to be antitrange 2018.

Pastel tones, pale colors and simple bright colors

Down with pallor and transparent plastic furniture! In the design of the apartment, many pastel designers and bright shades were determined in antitrand. It remains to please the eye saturated or muffled complex shades. Trends in the interior design go from light gray and beige, and brass and gold, lavender, velvet come to replace them.

Luxury in all its manifestations or vintage "Boudoire Queen"

Luxury carved chairs, bedside tables, curtains with lambrequin - all this is considered a movement and nothing to do with fashion trends.

Use of many colors

One of the most important parts in the interior is a combination of colors! Sometimes you choose a lot of shades of non-compatible with each other. And this is a mistake. It is important to remember that the color is able to influence the state of the soul, the mood and the course of thoughts! Choose your favorite colors, advise with designers and come to this question with caution. For example: white color in the interior can fill you with energy and keep in a tone. However, the oversupply of it threatens irritability and fast fatigue. Yellow in the interior provokes brain activity and contributes to creativity. Pink - calm and security.

Interior elements worth forget

Several elements that are able to ruin design

Transparent plastic furniture;
Sliding wardrobes with drawings on the glass;
Bright and inappropriate photo wallpapers, prints on the walls;
Tile with the same pattern (stamping). It is not only a tile with flower and patterns, and a tile under marble, under concrete, with a repeated pattern;
Neon backlight and multi-level ceilings;
Bulky kitchen headsets;
Wallpaper with a glitter spraying (taking such a roll in hand, put it back, cross, and go further);
Cosmetics and souvenirs scattered around the house (various jars, cosmetics, gift sets, toys, letters on walls, dishes and souvenirs).