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Caloric fat per 100 grams. Learning to consider calories and lose weight with the mind! Bread, Cereals, Pasta and Bakery Products

The multiplicity of food reception is optimally three-four-time, full-fledged nutrition. Recommended by some nutritionists, five-six-fold receptions are admitted only with a rather "active" and effective digestive system, when the stomach has already been released to the next reception of the stomach and managed to rest and recover. Before accepting food and immediately after the meal - unhurriedly walks in the fresh air (mound), which is useful for digestion and teach not to compose. The average (by weight and growth) an adult is required about 1500-2000 kokalorius per day, plus energy costs for walking (200-300 kcal per hour, with an average speed of movement along the horizontal road) or run (500-700 kcal / h, level terrain). If you live on a diet, the injignment, trying to lose weight at a minimum of calories in food, respectively, the total caloric content of the eaten - will be less.

Calorie portions of products:

Portion of ice cream - 150-200 kilocalories
Borsch, 500g - 200
Slice of bread - 50-100
Boiled potato portion - 150
Meat lean / fat (100g) - 200/400
Fast cooking porridge (bag) - 140
A glass of solid milk, 3.2% (fatness percentage) - 120.
Chocolate Bar Mars - 160
Butterbrat with oil - 200-300
Portion of Macaroni (150g) - 250
Candy - 50.
Sugar (1 teaspoon) - 25.
Ham sandwich - 200
Boohrbrod with cheese - 150-200
Fish - 150-200.
Compote - 120.
A piece of cake - 300 (in bold varieties - calorieness more)
A cup of coffee with milk (without sugar) - 50.
Apple, medium size (approximately 150 grams), red / green - 80/40
// Green and yellow apples - mostly useful than red, they contain less calories
Banana - 80.
Glass of grape juice - 100 kilocalories

A diverse diet, balanced by the number and qualitative composition of products, taking into account the individual living conditions of a person, physical exertion - contributes to the natural normalization of the weight. The body requires a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

Food treatment proportions during the day: the caloric content of the breakfast should be 35% of the daily rate, by the number of calories, lunch - 40%, dinner - 25%.

After meals, you can take fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, as well as supplements containing potassium, sodium, iron.

Food grain bran (in the form of cereals, granules or flakes) rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements - should be included in the daily diet, with dietary nutrition, but it is necessary to take them in strictly limited quantity (it is "heavy for the stomach", hard-first food, which, moreover, increases in volume, due to swelling in water). In Bran there should not be a large husk. Contraindications for receiving bran: exacerbation of ulcerative diseases of the stomach, gastritis (a doctor's consultation is needed). Restrictions by quantity - two tablespoons in the reception of food, in the amount - up to 70 grams (6 tbsp. Spoors) during the day (depending on the percentage of fiber, that is, food fibers). Mul-aglevisible wheat bran - have a calorie content of about 170 kokalorius on 100 g. Dry weight.

Many food problems can be avoided if we reduce the amount of refined concentrate products eaten (sugar, bold cottage cheese), which "beat" in an estuary, causing overload in the form of sharp jumps of blood sugar and cholesterol in blood, etc. Enough, at least, remember the caries, pancreatitis and the extra weight of obesity, the development of which they contribute to refined carbohydrates and fatty foods, in order to appreciate their overall negative impact on the human body.

Sweet products in their natural form, thanks to the fiber, "give" sugar gradually, so after their use, the blood sugar level increases not as fast as after a glass of freshly prepared pineapple or grape juice, where the fiber is no longer. Therefore, even sick diabetes, you can moderately eat fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, if you go honey together with honeycombs, the jump of sugar will not happen, because the wave warns the rapid suction to the blood of fructose and glucose, although not as the fiber contained in vegetables and fruits.

Products that cause a quick blood sugar jump: chocolate, condensed milk, ice cream, marshmallow, caramel, marmalade, halva, waffles, sherbet, cakes, cakes, jam, jam, jam, fruit compotes, honey, sugar, sweet wines, Carbonated drinks with sugar syrup (in large quantities they contain easily-friendly, "fast" carbohydrates). It is relatively safe to the use of sugar in the volume of one teaspoon per reception (better - "in the bite" or in the form of 1 candy). Preferably - use in the diet of cane ("brown") unrefined Sahara. With compensated diabetes, natural sugar substitutes can be used (xylitol or sorbitol), but their use should be limited - no more than 30 grams per day.

Artificial sugar substitutes (aspartames, cyclamat, Sakharin, Acesulpha and other "chemistry") - in large doses are toxic. With strong heating, they become carcinogens. It is believed that their use at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day is safely, but there are still insufficient studies.

Modern dietology proposes to use a calorie calculation method for weight loss, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to spend energy more than consume. Model Slimming Table - a list of products or ready-made dishes with calculated calories for them per 100 grams. They are compiled for all sorts of food, ranging from apples and ending with baking.

What is a cashed table

Overweight is the Beach of Modern Women and Men, every year this problem is becoming more relevant. The caloric content table of thinning products is designed to prevent the problem, which indicates the energy value of products. This indicator is determined using the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZH), when the oxidation of which is distinguished by a certain number of energy. The data stores the table of calorieness of dishes, and they are used when counting the kilocalories of eaten food during a diet.

Counting calories for weight loss

Tables of calorie products and finished dishes will help to lose weight when the daily rate is known, the need for a person in energy. Determine the exact number of nutritionists offer different methods. For weight loss per 1 kilogram weight, you need to eat at 7700 kcal less than burn. Table Calories in products helps to make an optimal diet for weight loss.

Table of calorie products

On the Internet, there is not one calorie table for weight loss, containing information about the energy value of vegetables, meat, fruit and other things. For a successful weight loss, lead a diary of the food diary, put everything eaten in it for the day, use a calorie content to this slimming. For the convenience of users, products are distributed in groups.

Corrosive table for croup, flour


oat flakes

flour of solid wheat varieties

flour of the highest grade

rye flour

makaroni from solid wheat varieties

pasta top grade


Milk products

milk 2.5%

milk 3,2

yogurt 1.5%

yogurt 3.2%

sour cream 10%

sour cream 20%

dutch cheese

cottage cheese

degreased cottage cheese

Fruit, Yagoda




Table of calorie content of finished dishes

When many products come into the recipe immediately, it may not be easy to calculate the energy value. Connecting ingredients, we add oils and sauces to them, which further complicates the task of calculations. To find out the amount of energy in a plate, the caloric calorie table for weight loss is used, in which the numbers are indicated for the finished recipe.

First meal

This table includes the most popular soups that are more often found on our table. Consider that the data may be inaccurate due to the features of cooking and used in the recipe of vegetables, meat and croup:

broth from chicken

vegetable broth

boulevard from beef.

pork broth

soup with beans

pickle on meat broth

pea soup

meat Solyanka

soup with meatballs

lean Borsch

borsch with beef.


Second dishes

Table of calorie content contains options for second dishes. With independent calculations, it should be considered an increase or decrease in the volume that occurs when cooking. The final energy value is calculated by multiplying the crown of the raw product on the reducing ratio (increase) of the portion. Here is a final indicator:

beef Glyash

steam chicken cutlets

fried chicken cutlets

steam fish cutlets

pork cutlets for a couple

chicken chop

pork chop

cabbages with rice and minced

stewed in sour cream liver

steam salmon

pilaf with pork

fried with mushrooms potatoes

dumplings with cottage cheese

homemade dumplings

meatballs with rice

The nutritional value of lettuce depends on the ingredients included in its composition. Before cooking, examine the content, carry out the "analysis" of the future treats. For weight loss, it is important that there are no calorie products in the list of lettuce components. Your figure will benefit such salads in the menu, which contain low-calorie ingredients, such as vegetables, eggs, low-fat meat and cheeses. To make it easier to calculate the calorie content of slimming products, use the caliograph of the table. Calculate complete calorie content is difficult, because the numbers depend on the type and quantity of refueling.

Porridge and headband

All information from the cashed table of finished dishes are relative. The content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats can be varied from the variety of the product, the features of its preparation, nuances of the recipe, technological processing methods. If you add 10 grams of butter into a portion of porridge, then its calorie will double:

Table of calorie drinks

Drinks are an integral part of the power, so it is important to take into account their energy value, which the cashed table for weight loss will show. Many do not attach the values \u200b\u200bof the amount of drinking juice or tea per day and completely in vain. In each cup or a cup, there may be a lot of energy that you do not turn on in your calorie counter. The only drink that has zero calorie is water, the remaining liquids have a certain energy value.

Table table for alcoholic beverages

Model table for non-alcoholic beverages

Video: How to calculate calories in food

Let's go right away to practice.

Libra It is best to choose electronic. So you will know the accurate weight. Before buying a scale, it is easy to check: take a small subject (or several items), whose weight is known to you, and put it several times on the scales. Restart the scales and check again. If the digit does not change - the scales do not lie. Many manufacturers admit an error of +/- 5 grams. Tables of measures and weights To determine the weight of the products here are not helpers: the dish after cooking will need to be weighted to calculate its common calorie content, and then one of your portion.

Scales best choose electronic

Collection of calorie tables You can find in any bookstore, and it will always be at your hand. Also the calorie content of the product is indicated on the package. In different tables, the numbers may differ slightly. Select one table for yourself and use it only.

All kitchen utensils It is advisable to weigh in advance so that it is easily able to make the weight of dishes or plates.

In cooking, it is important to remember: calorie water, salt - 0 (zero) kcal. But water gives weight and thanks to this changes the general calorie content of the dish.

The more you added water, the greater the weight and the fewer calories in 100 grams

The dish that you counted once, more no need to recalculateif its composition does not change. Just write to your notebook the number of desired ingredients.

And the most important thing - formula To calculate calorie in 100 grams of finished dishes:

How to understand the designations in this formula?

A (grams) - the total weight of the finished dishes in grams;

In (kkal) - the total caloric content of products in the finished dish.

How to use this formula?

Two digits diagonally multiply on each other and divide on that figure that is diagonally from x:

In × 100: a \u003d The number of calories per 100 g of the dish cooked.

Formula is not very clear? Let's look at the detailed examples how to apply it in practice.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and consider the calorie content of the usual rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contain 110 kcal

. Figure 300 g
. Water
. Salt

1. In 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge, we took 300 g of cereals: 330 kcal × 3 \u003d 990 kcal.
3. The entire amount of cooked rice porridge will have calorie 990 kcal: In addition to water and salt, in which, as we already know, there is no calorie, we have not added anything else.
4. About 900 g ready porridge is obtained from 300 g of dry rice.
5. We consider the caloric content of rice porridge in 100 grams:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X Kcal

990 × 100: 900 \u003d 110 kcal (990 multiply 100 and divide by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

For a similar scheme, we consider the calorie content of boiled macaroni, beans, lentils. Before preparation weighed dry pasta, we consider the calorie content of dry weight. I boil the pasta, drain the water and weigh ready-made pasta: the weight will be greater, as pasta has absorbed water. After that, we consider calorie content in 100 g. ((Widget-6490))

Sophisticated dishes: soup and apple sambo

The calorie content of a multicomponent dish is not much more complicated than the calorie of a simple porridge. Let's cook satisfy pumpkin soup.

In 100 g of pumpkin soup-puree contains 64 kcal for your convenience, all data are shown in the table.


Product weight

Calorie in 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)


Bulb onions

Creamy butter 82.5%


1630.5 Kcal

1. The total weight of the products that are needed for cooking puree soup - 2675 g.
2. Total Caloric Products - 1630.5 Kcal.
3. In a deeply saw, fry onions on the creamy oil, then add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pieces, pour milk, add salt. We bring to a boil and shop on a very slow heat of 30-40 minutes. After that, vegetables together with milk grinding a blender in a puree.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630,5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. According to the formula, we calculate the calorie content of the pumpkin soup at 100 g:

In 2562 soup \u003d 1630,5 kcal

In 100 grams soup \u003d x kcal

1630,5 × 100: 2562 \u003d 63.6 kcal (round up to 64 kcal)

In 100 g pumpkin soup-puree contains 64 kcal.

And do not forget about light dessert. Today we have in the menu air apple sambuk With stunning scent of cinnamon.


Product weight

Calorie in 100 grams

Recipe Product Weight Calorie

Apples (peeled from seeds and peel)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we need to prepare an apple dessert with cinnamon - 790 g.
2. Total calorie content of these products - 479.4 kcal.
3. Cook apple smbob.

Sambuk is a gelling dessert based on the whipped egg proteins apples cut on the quarter, we clean from the peel and seeds. We fold into the form, pour a pair of tablespoons of water to the bottom, cover with foil and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C of about 25-30 minutes (until soft). The finished apples are cooling, and in the meantime dissolve gelatin as indicated on the package, and heated to 40-50 ° C, after which it is also cooling. Apples with a blender grinding in a puree, add sugar and whipped by a wedge (nozzle) or a mixer about 1 minute. Then add egg proteins into apples, beat at least 5 minutes: the mass turns and increase in volume. After that, we pour gelatin and beat about 1 minute. We break over the cream and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before feeding to the table, sprinkle with cinnamon, decorated with apple slices and mint branches.
4. The weight of the finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Count the calorie content of the apple smbush in 100 g:

675 g dessert \u003d 479.4 kcal

100 g dessert \u003d x kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 \u003d 71 kcal

In 100 g of apple smbob contains 71 kcal.

Fry Cutlets, chops and meat in the batter

When calculating the calorie content of fried dishes, one key point should be taken into account: 20% The amounts of oil that you pour into the pan is absorbed into the product (chop cutlets). However, if you frift potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not miss the fact that these dishes absorb oil by almost 100%. This is especially true of zabachkov, eggplants, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil as a sponge and all the time require additional "feeding". When you extinguish vegetables with the addition of oil, then all the oil turns out to be in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all used in the preparation of fats.

Eggplants absorb oil like a sponge

I suggest suited to dine fried chicken fillet under sour cream sauce.


Product weight

Calorie in 100 grams

Recipe Product Weight Calorie

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20% *

Salt pepper


768 kcal

* 20% of the specified calorie content of oil, this is 180 kcal, which are absorbed into chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in a frying pan.

1. To prepare fried chicken fillets we will need 650 g Products.
2. The total caloric content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Getting ready for dinner. Chicken fillet are cut along two parts and beat slightly. Solim, Perchym, spray lemon juice and leave marinated for 20-30 minutes. After that, fry on vegetable oil from two sides to a golden crust. Prepare chicken fillet sauce. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, greens, salt. Garlic squeeze through the press, the greens are finely chop, connect with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or crushing all the ingredients of the submersible blender. The calorie content of the sour cream sauce will be equal to the calorie content of your sour cream: greens and garlic are products with very low calorie.
4. The weight of chicken fillet after preparation is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now we calculate the weight of the roasted chicken fillet in 100 g:

400 g Fried chicken \u003d 768 kcal

100 g roasted chicken \u003d x kcal

768 × 100: 400 \u003d 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet, we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of the sour cream sauce).

If you want to make meat in a grain, then the calorie content of the klyar (flour, milk, egg) should be added to caloric content of meat and vegetable oil.

And how many calories in broth and compote?

When cooking into broths from products, part of calories moves: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruits - 30%, dumplings, mantle and chinkly - 20%. These numbers can fluctuate: it all depends on the time of cooking products.

Calculate the calorie of fish broth from salmon. Take the salmon steak weighing 300 g and 1 liter of water. Caloriciness salmon in 100 g \u003d 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish \u003d 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% \u003d 63.9 kcal (round up to 64 kcal).

In 1 liter of salmon broth 64 kcal. In 100 ml of broth only 6.4 kcal!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have for dinner boiled beef, cup of kefir and salad. Kefir calorieness is written on the packaging, and the caloric content of meat and lettuce consider themselves. With a salad, everything is simple: to fold the calorie content of all its components. We consider meat.

When cooking meat, about 20% of its caloric content goes into broth

. Beef blades (meat without bone) - 1 kg
. Salt

1. In 100 g of beef, the blades contain 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of blades: 208 kcal × 10 \u003d 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking, boiled meat is about 700 g: boiled meat decreased in volume and weight.
4. When cooking meat, about 20% of its caloric content goes into broth, thus 2080 kcal - 20% \u003d 416 kcal, which is so much screwed into the broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and 1664 kcal left in meat itself.
5. We now consider the calorie content of boiled beef 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat \u003d 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat \u003d x kcal

1664 × 100: 700 \u003d 237,7 kcal

In 100 grams of boiled beef blades 237,7 kcal (round up to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion, I want to give you a useful advice: the caloric content of fruit compotes (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, greens, many dry spices are so small that you should not focus on this. You will not be able to drink such a number of broth per day to catastrophically overdone the norm of your calories. And, moreover, you are unlikely to master so much garlic. But if you are cooking with fats, then reduce the caloric content of the first or second dishes as possible: after cooking, remove the fatty film from the surface of the dish.

Counting calories may seem complex only at first glance. Already in the second or third time you will get better, and some time you will do it automatically.

Now Spring is the most beautiful season of the year when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to penetrate the fresh mood and cheerfully walk to the target target.

Sincerely, Natalie Lisi

What could be better than a beautiful taped body and good well-being? For a healthy lifestyle and slender figure, it is not necessary to reduce themselves with rigid diets, it is sufficient to correctly calculate the number of calories consumed, for this there are table caloric tables.

In this article, its calorie is written on each product, but it is not difficult to calculate the amount of calories in the finished dish. That would be in life like this: you come to the store, and there on every apple the landscape of calories. However, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of calories, but also the content in dish proteins, fats and. After all, proper nutrition and reasonable calculation on the caloric content table will help achieve good results in the desire for an ideal figure.

For example, for the girl you need to consume a day from 1500 to 2000 calories per day. At the same time, the relationship of juvenile: proteins 25%, 15% fats, carbohydrates 60%. To easily navigate in these figures, the caloric content table of products and ready-made dishes on the conditional 100 grams can be easily downloaded to the right mouse button right now.

Well, this is an example for a girl. Some medium blonde. But after all, all people are different and for everyone their own individual value of calories consumed, depending on the lifestyle, sports and other physical exertion. To find the desired figure you need to burn more calories than to use.

The basis of the right slimming, without harm to health, it is to spend 300 - 500 calories a day more than used. Or another option: increase physical exertion, taking into account the necessary burning of fats by 300 - 500 calories per day. The second option is preferable, because not only is overweight, but the figure in general is improved, acquiring the cherished outlines.

If you are a supporter of an active lifestyle, then your nutrition must be full and balanced. It is for this that the caloric content of products is calculated in the table per 100 grams in relation to finished dishes. Approximate figures, it all depends on the features of preparation. The caloric content table will tell not only about the calorie content in the dish, but also about the percentage ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

To completely eliminate any product group is not recommended, for a slim figure you need to increase the consumption of protein and reduce fats and carbohydrates.

It is worth remembering that a piece of oil in the caress increases its caloric content by twice. It is also necessary to avoid mayonnaise sauces, they make a rather calorie and heavy dish from light vegetable salad.

Do not miss an important thing about the pulse and cardion

To achieve a quick effect in the day mode, you must enable cardionarfoots and other exercise. Intense physical exertion, such as:, jumping, cycling rugs; They will help to lose weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system. During cardiovascular, it is important to monitor the frequency. For this, there are special fitness trackers that show the pulse frequency and calorie consumption in accordance with the weight ratio, and growth.

For each there are individual aerobic borders of the pulse. It is not worth exceeding the indicators and engage in the framework of their aerobic borders of the pulse, which are calculated by the formula: 220 minus age, multiply by 0.6 is the minimum border and 220 minus age, multiply by 0.8 is the maximum border. These are permissible norms, classes in this mode are quickly burned. And the caloric caloric table is useful for the selection of proper nutrition.

  • (220 - your age) * 0.8 is the upper limit of the pulse;
  • (220 - Your age) * 0.6 is the upper pulse limit.

Note! The maximum frequency of the pulse of any (living) person should not be more than 220 shots per minute. More important makes the heart work excessively and can lead to difficult consequences. Remember: To find out your own maximum, you need from 220 to take away your age.

For example, a person's pulse at the age of 40 years old should not exceed (220 minus 40) 180 beats per minute.

Go! Our calorie tables

In our, honestly taken from the Internet, supplemented with alcohol, caviar and eggs, and spent via a nutritionist, the table of calorie food is indicated by all the most important: calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams. Product.

Table of calorie sweets

Everyone knows that for weight loss should be excluded from the diet of sweets and confectionery. But it is not necessary to completely clean and with moderate consumption you can afford a little delicious. Correct the calorie table of sweets correctly will help correctly.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Jam 0,4 0,2 74,5 286
Wafli. 8,2 19,8 53,1 425
Hematogen 6,2 2,8 75,5 352
Fruit dragee 3,7 10,3 73,4 388
0,7 77,3 295
Iris 3,1 7,7 81,2 384
Caramel 0,2 77,3 291
Chocolate candies 3,9 39,7 54,6 576
Marmalades 0,2 77,1 289
Honey 0,6 80,5 312
cream 3,6 15,1 20,5 223
Cream ice cream 3,6 10 19,5 182
Eskimo ice cream 3,6 20 19,5 278
Paste 0,6 80,1 301
Oatmeal cookies 6,5 14,1 71,4 430
Two cookies 10,5 5,2 76 447
Puff pastry 5,7 38,3 46,8 543
Biscuit cake 4,9 9,1 84,1 338
Gingerbread 4,4 2,9 77,1 333
Sugar white 99,98 387
Brown sugar 97,33 377
Halva sunflower 11,4 29,3 54,6 519
Dark chocolate 5,2 35,6 52,4 546
Chocolate milk 6,7 35,6 52,4 552

Table of calorie vegetables

Indispensable with slimming fresh vegetables. Light salads will help to tighten the feeling of hunger and raise the body with the necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to fill the salads by mayonnaise and plenty of oil, it is possible to sprinkle with olive oil slightly slightly, and it is better to use lemon or unsweetened yogurt. Table of calorie vegetables will help eating correctly.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Eggplant 0,6 0,1 7,5 22
Boby 6,1 0,1 8,1 59
Swede 1,2 0,1 8,4 38
Green peas 5,4 0,2 13,6 75
Zucchini 0,8 0,3 5,9 30
White cabbage 1,9 5,7 31
Cabbage redcakes 1,9 6,3 34
Cauliflower 2,7 5,2 30
Potato boiled 2 0,3 16,5 80
Fried potato 2,6 9,7 23,5 198
Potato young 2,2 0,3 12,5 57
Onion green (feather) 1,4 4,2 21
Leek 3,2 7,1 38
Bulb onions 1,6 9,3 41
Carrot 1,3 0,1 6,3 29
Ground cucumbers 0,7 3,1 15
Greenhouse cucumbers 0,7 1,6 9
Olives 0,6 10,2 6,7 111
Pepper green sweet 1,2 4,8 24
Red sweet pepper 1,2 5,5 26
Petrushka (greens) 3,8 8 45
Parsley (root) 1,6 11,2 48
Radish 1,5 4,2 22
Radish 1,7 7,1 33
Turnip 1,6 5,8 27
Salad 1,6 2,1 15
Beet 1,7 10,5 46
Tomatoes (primer) 0,7 4,1 19
Tomatoes (greenhouse) 0,7 2,6 12
Beans. 4,4 4,4 36
Horseradish 2,6 16,1 70
Garlic 6,6 21,1 103
Spinach 2,5 2,6 22
Sorrel 1,6 5,5 29

Fruit and berry calorie table

For balanced nutrition, fruits must be included in the diet. But due to the fact that fruits and berries contain sugar and excite appetite better there is in the morning or replace one meal. Calculate its norm will help the caloric table of fruits and berries.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Apricots 0,7 10,1 44
Avocado 1,6-2,1 25-30 g 160
Quince 0,6 8,7 37
Alycha 0,3 7,6 35
A pineapple 0,3 11,9 49
Orange 0,8 8,6 38
Bananas 1,7 22,1 87
Lamberry 0,6 8,8 42
Grapes 0,5 17,8 73
Cherry 0,9 11,1 46
Garnet 0,9 11,9 53
Grapefruit 0,8 7,5 37
0,5 10,6 41
Blueberry 1,1 7,4 35
Melon 0,8 0,3 7,3 34
Blackberry 1,9 5,1 31
Strawberry 1,9 7,1 40
Fig 0,9 13,7 57
Kiwi 1 0,7 9,7 46
Dogwood 1,1 9,4 42
Strawberry 0,6 0,4 7 30
Cranberry 0,7 4,9 27
Gooseberry 0,8 9,7 43
Lemon 0,9 3,3 30
Raspberries 0,7 9,2 43
Mandarin 0,9 8,8 39
Mango 0,6 0,4 11,8 69
Cloudberry 0,9 6,9 33
Sea buckthorn 0,8 5,6 31
Peach 0,9 10,1 42
Pelo! 0,6 0,1 6,1 29
Rowan 1,6 12,2 57
Plum 0,8 9,7 41
White currant 0,4 8,5 37
Red currants 0,6 8,7 39
Black currant 1,0 8,0 38
Persimmon 0,7 15,7 61
Sweet cherry 1,3 12,5 54
Blueberry 1,2 8,8 41
Mulberry 0,6 12,5 50
Rosehip fresh 1,5 24,2 106
Rosehip dried 4,5 60,1 259
0,5 11,4 48

Table calorie table and not very porridge

For full nutritionally, it is impossible to exclude from the diet of porridge, but all the cereals contain many carbohydrates and in order not to harm the figure you need to eat for breakfast. Prepare a barrier is better on milk or water, without oil. Table of calorie porridge, will allow you to choose a suitable breakfast.

Table of calories of flour products

For weight loss, you need to reduce the consumption of flour products. But not all bakery products are harmful. Table of calorie content of flour products shows that you need to leave a little in the diet.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Baranca 16,4 1,1 69,7 342
Baton cutting 9,4 2,7 50,7 261
Bagels 16,4 1,1 69,7 342
Bun 7,4 1,8 43,7 218
Lavash Armenian 7,7 1,1 47,8 239
Wheat flour of top grade 10,4 0,8 74,5 324
Wheat flour I varieties 10,6 1,4 73,6 329
Wheat II Flour II 11,6 1,9 70,7 328
Rye flour 6,8 1,2 76,8 321
Dryshi 11,1 1 73,2 335
Wheat crumbs 11,6 1,8 72,1 327
Rye bread 4,7 0,6 49,5 210
Wheat bread from flour I grade 7,4 2,2 53 246

Table of Calorie Milk and Derivatives

Do not forget about dairy products - this is an indispensable product for building muscles. Choose your norm without harm to the figure, the table of calorie content of dairy products will help.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Yogurt 1.5% 4,3 1,5 8,4 65
Yogurt 3.2% 5 3,2 8,9 87
Kefir 0% 2,8 3,8 29
Kefir 1% 2,8 1 4,0 37
Kefir 2.5% 3 2,5 4,0 51
Kefir 3.2% 3,2 3,2 4,1 57
Milk 0% 2,8 4,6 34
Milk 1% 2,8 1 4,6 43
Milk 2.5% 2,8 2,5 4,6 53
Milk 3.2% 2,8 3,2 4,6 58
Milk goat raw 3,1 4,2 4,7 71
Milk cow raw 3,2 3,6 4,7 63
Milk defatted 2,1 0,1 4,5 30
Milk dry whole 25,2 25 39,6 477
Condensed milk 7,3 7,7 9,7 139
Prostokvash 3.2% 2,9 3,2 4,0 57
Ryazhenka 2.5% 2,9 2,5 4,1 53
Ryazhenka 4.0% 2,9 4 4,1 68
Cream 10% 2,8 10 4,1 121
Cream 20% 2,8 20 3,9 209
Sour cream 10% 3 10 2,9 118
Sour cream 15% 3 15 2,9 163
Sour cream 20% 3 20 2,9 208
Cheese Curd Cheese 7,3 23 27,6 344
Dutch cheese 26,4 26,5 352
Cheese Poshekhonsky 26,4 26,3 348
Russian cheese 24,1 29,8 0,4 366
Sulguni cheese 20 24,2 293
Cottage cheese 14 18 1,9 236
Cottage cheese non-human 18,2 0,6 1,8 89
Cottage cheese bold 16,5 9 1,9 156

Table of calorie content of oil, margarine, fats

Fat food is harmful to the figure and the use of dishes with butter must be limited and there is only the first half of the day. Table of calorie content of oil, fats and margarine.

Table of calorie nuts and dried fruit

Nuts and dried fruits will satisfy the need for sweet and become excellent snack. Contain a lot of calories, so the measure is important. Table of calorie nuts and dried fruits.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Peanut 26,2 45,3 9,9 555
Walnut 13,5 61,5 10,6 662
Raisins with a bone 1,7 70,7 273
Raisin Kishamis 2,5 71,4 285
Cashew 25,8 54,3 13,3 647
Dried apricots 5,7 65,3 270
Almond 18,3 57,9 13,4 643
Sunflower seed 20,9 52,5 5,4 582
Dried apricots 5,3 67,9 279
2,5 0,4 69,6 277
Pistachii 20 50,5 7,3 555
Hazelnut 16,3 66,7 9,8 701
Prunes 2,7 65,3 262
Dried apples 3,1 68,3 275

Table of calorie mushrooms

For losing weight, the perfect option to quench the hunger will be mushrooms. Regardless of the method of making harm, the figure will not be, but better in the boiled form. Table of calorie mushrooms.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
White fresh 3,3 1,5 2,4 32
White dried 23,8 6,8 30,2 277
Fresh oyslands 2,5 0,5 6,2 34
Fresh foxes 1,5 1 2,4 22
Dried foxes 22 7,2 25,4 268
Oil fresh 2,5 0,7 1,5 12
Oyah fresh 2,4 1 2,5 25
Fresh brewer 2,1 1,2 3,4 30
Dried boomes 23,3 9,5 14,4 231
Bostoisika fresh 3,3 0,4 3,5 31
Dried boomies 35,2 5,4 33 325
Ryzhikov fresh 1,9 0,7 2,3 16
Fresh cheese 1,6 0,8 1,7 15
Fresh champignons 4,3 0,9 1,4 29

Table of calorie vehicles, including ostrich

Slimming Eggs are a very important product, contain the necessary vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that are fully stored during cooking. Egg calorie table will help balance the power.

Table of calorie fish, mussels, crab sticks and even octopus

In and seafood contains a large number of vitamins, while the body gives saturation and improves health. Table of calorie and seafood calorie.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Bulls 12,7 8,2 5,1 147
Pink salmon 21,2 7,1 151
Squid 18,2 0,2 77
Flounder 16 2,5 86
Karas. 17,5 1,6 84
Carp 16 3,5 95
Keta 22,1 5,8 138
Sprat 14,3 9,2 142
Smelt 15,3 3,3 93
Crab meat 16 0,9 67
Crab sticks 17,9 2,1 73
Krasnoperka 18,5 3,1 106
Shrimp 18 0,9 85
Icy 15,6 1,3 76
Bream 17,2 4,2 109
Salmon 19,2 13,8 200
Mackerel 20,2 3,6 111
Mussels are boiled 9,7 1,6 53
Mintay 15,7 0,6 67
Moya 13,1 11,7 159
Navaga 16,71 1,3 78
Burbot 18,6 0,8 85
Okun marine 17,4 5,5 123
Perch river 18,3 0,7 80
Sturgeon 16,5 10,5 161
Octopus 18,5 74
Halibut 18,5 3,2 106
Roach 18,5 0,4 108
Crazy boiled 20,3 1,2 1,1 96
Carp 18,1 5,2 119
Sair. 18,3 20,5 257
Salaka 17,1 5,8 124
Herring 17,3 19,9 248
Salmon 20,9 15,3 222
Whitefish 19 7,3 141
Mackerel 18 9,5 158
Som. 16,7 8,4 141
Horse mackerel 18 5,3 119
Sterlet 17,3 6,3 126
Zander 19 0,7 81
Cod 17,7 0,5 76
Tuna 21,7 1,3 95
Coal Fish 13,3 11,4 153
Eel marine 14,2 30,7 331
Oysters 14,4 0,3 6,2 91
Trout 19,6 2,1 99
Hake 16,4 2,3 84
Pike 18,2 0,8 83
Marine 10,3 5,3 89

Calorie Caloric Table Fish Smoked, Salt, Drier

When processing fish, it retains useful substances. Therefore, you can eat salted fish, smoked and dried, and the norm will tell the calorie table.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Vobla is dried 46,4 5,5 235
Gorbow hot smoked 23,2 7,6 161
Dried squid 62 2 5 286
Hot smoked spray 21,3 8,5 162
Spicy spicy springs 14,8 10,5 154
Crab sticks 6,2-7 0,38-0,7 10-16,2 70-95
Salmon salty 21 20,5 269
Bream dried 42 5,9 221
Bream of hot smoked 32,8 4,5 172
Bream of cold smoked 29,7 4,6 160
Oil fish smoked 18 12 180
Moya smoked 18 22 270
Okrug of sea hot smoked 23,5 9 175
Salaka smoked 25,4 5,6 152
Herring hot smoked 21,8 14,3 215
Salted herring 19,8 15,4 217
Smoked salmon 22,5 12,5 202
Hot smoked mackerel 22,1 23,8 4,1 317
Trout smoked 26 3,1 0,5 132
Trout weakly salns 20,6 10,1 186
Forewing trout fat 23 15 227
Hams Salenya 21,2 9 166

Table of calorie content of fish and seafood canned

To reduce weight, you can use canned food, while avoiding products in oil. The table of calorie content of canned food and seafood will help you choose the diet.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Bulls in tomato sauce 17,5 2 88
Squid 15-15,5 1-1,4 1,7-3,1 76-92
Spin in tomato sauce 14 12 4,5 182
Crabs 18,7 1,1 0,1 85
Salmon 20,6 6,3 144
Mussels 17,5 2 88
Sea cabbage 0,8 5,1 49
Mixed liver 6 50 474
Cod liver 4,2 67,5 1,2 613
Sair Blanched in Oil 18,3 23,3 283
Sardines with the addition of oil 19 18 238
Sardines in oils 24,1 13,9 221
Sardines in tomato sauce 17 9,9 1,4 162
Herring 17,5 2 88
Herring in vegetable oil 16,4 26,5 301
Mackerel in oil 13,1 25,1 278
Studum in oil 15,6 27,4 309
Studum in tomato sauce 14,8 2,3 73 110
Tuna in its own juice 20,2 0,4 88
Tuna in oils 27,1 9 190
Sprats 17,4 32,4 0,4 363
Sampling plower 12 14 5,3 195

Table of calorie caviar

Fish caviar contains many necessary trace elements, to reduce weight, you can eat a couple of tea spoons with vegetables per day. The caloric calorie table will tell you how to balance the power.

Table of Calorie Beef, Pork, Lamb, Birds and Other Meat

Be sure to leave meat and poultry in the diet, this is a source of energy. Prepare better in the oven, multicooker or cook. Table of calorie meat and birds.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Mutton 16,2 15,3 201
Baranje kidneys 13,4 2,6 78
Baranya liver 18,9 2,8 102
Baranie Heart 13,6 2,7 85
Beef 18,7 12,6 191
Beef brains 9,3 9,6 126
Beef liver 17,6 3,2 100
Beef kidneys 12,4 1,9 67
Beef donkey 12,1 13,8 176
Beef heart 15,2 3,1 89
Beef Language 13,4 12,1 160
horsemeat 20,3 7,1 149
Rabbit 20,6 12,8 197
Pork non-fat 16,3 27,9 318
Pork oily 11,6 49,1 484
Pork kidney 13,2 3,2 84
Pork liver 18,6 3,5 105
Pork Heart 15,2 3,1 87
Pork Language 14,4 16,5 203
Veal 19,9 1,1 91
Geese 16,4 33,1 359
Turkey 20 12,3 0,6 192
Carcass chicken 1st category not less than 17. no more than 20. 250
Carcass chicks with skin of the 2nd category not less than 19. not more than 11. 175
Nutritional value of chicken spare parts.
Broilers chickens 1st grade at least 16. not more than 14. 190
Broilers chickens of the 2nd grade not less than 18. not more than 7. 135
Duck 16,4 61,3 348

Calorie Table Sausages, Sausages and Sardel

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Sausage boiled doctoral 13,4 22,9 257
Sausage boiled amateur 12,5 28,3 311
Sausage boiled dairy 11,1 22,5 243
Sausage half-stayed amateur 17,6 39,1 428
Sausage half-stayed Moscow 19,1 36,1 402
Sausage half-stayed Servelet 16,1 40,2 423
Sausage chearable amateur 20,6 47,8 511
Sausage chearakophenaya Moscow 24,3 41,6 476
Sausage chearase servelat 24,1 40,2 453
Sausages hunting 27,1 24,6 325
Blooding 10,6 17,8 14,5 261
Salami 21,3 53,6 1,1 576
Saladelki Beef. 11,1 18,2 1,6 215
Swine sausages 10,1 31,8 1,7 330
Sausages beef 10,3 20,3 0,9 229
Chicken sausages 10,6 22,1 3,3 242
Amateur sausages 9,8 30,1 0,4 318
Dairy sausages 11,3 23,9 1,1 260
Swine sausages 9,2 23,2 4,5 284

Alcohol Calorie Table (Wine, Vodka, Beer and Other)

From alcohol products it is better to refrain because it contains a lot of sugar and is absorbed very quickly. If you wish, you can afford a glass of high quality product. Table of calorie content of alcoholic beverages.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Brandy 1 225
Vermouth 15,9 155
Wine dry 66
Wine semi-dry 0,3 2,5 78
Wine dessert 0,5 20 175
Wine semi-sweet 0,2 5 88
Wine table 0,2 0,2 67
Whiskey 222
Vodka 0,1 234
Gin 223
Cognac 0,1 240
Liquor 53 344
Beer 3.0% 0,6 3,5 37
Beer 4.5% 0,8 4,5 45
Dark beer 0,2 4 39
Port wine 13,8 167
Rum 217
Champagne 0,3 5,2 88

Calorie Table Juices, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa and Other Drinks

Drinks are not less than the food carry a danger to the figure, the calorie content of each drinking glass should be taken into account. The table of calorie content of non-alcoholic beverages will help with calculations.

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates kkal
Apricot juice 0,9 0,2 9,2 39
Pineapple juice 0,2 0,2 11,4 48
Orange juice 0,9 0,1 8,4 36
Grape juice 0,3 14,5 56
Cherry juice 0,5 10,6 49
Pomegranate juice 0,2 14 58
Cocoa on milk 24 17 33,1 377
Kvass Bread 0,2 5 26
Cola 10 40
Coffee with milk 0,8 1 11 56
Lemonade 6,1 24
Lemon juice 1 0,1 3,2 18
Carrot juice 1 0,1 6,5 31
Peach juice 0,8 0,1 9,1 37
Non-alcoholic beer 4,1 22
Green tea
Black tea without sugar
Black tea with lemon and sugar (2 h.) 0,8 0,7 8,3 41
Black tea with condensed milk (2 h.) 2,4 2,9 19,1 112
Energy drink 11,4 47
Apple juice 0,5 0,4 9,7 42

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Nature is arranged so that a person does not gain extra kilograms, even if eats more permitted. With a constant overeating, the data of the foundations are crumbling, which leads to obesity. A person cannot continue to control his appetite and becomes fat with time. It is possible to prevent such transfiguration through the use of a table of energy value of food and ready-made dishes.

What is calories?

Calories is the amount of energy obtained by a person during food intake. To maintain the body mass, it is necessary to dispose of the energy obtained during meals. In disruption of the balance of energy "income" and "expense", extra kilograms appear, which negatively affect not only the appearance of a person, but also on his health.

Today, the amount of calories in food products is determined using a special technique, which implies the use of such an instrument as a calorimeter. With it, it is measured by the caloric content of products and already cooked dishes, by burning in an isolated chamber. The data obtained combines the spreadsheet of the energy value of dishes and individual products. After the experiments carried out, the obtained data fully corresponds to the procedure that occurs in a human digestive tract after meals. The energy obtained after eating is spent on physical activity, heat generation and metabolic processes in the body.

Calculation of energy value on the example of Hercules oatmeal

For better presentation of calories, consider the energy value of Hercules oatmeal. To calculate calorie, you should know how much the nutrient elements are included in the food. All food contains a different amount of mineral and vitamin substances, so food, having a balanced composition should be included in its diet.

Every day, a person needs to fill the needs of the body in such substances as nutrients. The lowest and elusive and useful product are oat flakes "Hercules".

Vitamin composition of the cereal "Hercules", (mg):

  • PP - 4.6.
  • E - 3.2.
  • Tiamine - 0.45.
  • Pyridoxine - 0.24.
  • Folic acid - 0.23.
  • Riboflavin - 0.1.

Mineral composition of the cereal "Hercules", (mg):

  • Potassium - 330.
  • Phosphorus - 328.
  • Magnesium - 129.
  • Sulfur - 88.
  • Chlorine - 73.
  • Calcium - 52.
  • Sodium - 20.
  • Iron - 3.6.
  • Zinc - 3.1.

The nutritional value of the Hercules flakes per 100 grams of the product:

  • Calorie - 352 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 61, 8 grams.
  • Starch - 60.1 grams.
  • Proteins - 12.3 grams.
  • Fat - 6.2 grams.
  • Food fibers - 6 grams.
  • The ash is 1.7 grams.
  • Fatty acids - 1.4 grams.
  • Disaccharides, Monosaccharides - 1.2 gr.

In 250 ml of oatmeal "Hercules" contains 316.8 kcal, 200 ml - 246, 4 kcal. The tablespoon of cereals "Hercules" contains 42, 2 kcal, and a teaspoon - 10.6 kcal. Thus, on the example of the cereal "Hercules" it is clear how the energy value of food is calculated.

Caloric Tables Food Calorie

Using the caloric table, each person can calculate the amount of energy obtained with food. Such power principles make it possible to prevent obesity and associated diseases. Calories do not absorb 100%. Experts argue that proteins are absorbed by 85%, and fats by 94%. The best carbohydrate absorption is 96%. The highest caloric content in fats. In 100 grams of fats there is approximately 90 kilocalories. When splitting out of this number of fats, 40 calories are distinguished.

Energy value of dairy products

Energy value of the crop

Energy value of berries and fruits

Energy value of vegetables and mushrooms

Energy value of meat and sub-products

Energy value of seafood and fish

Calculation calculation by 100 gr. Products
Shrimp 85
Crab 69
Squid 78
Trepang 41
Sea cabbage 5
Bulls 160
Pink salmon 153
Carp 100
Smelt 72
Bream 99
Lamprey 156
Salmon 219
Moya 157
Mintay 70
Perch 89
Halibut 98
Herring 242
Salaka 92
Som. 139
Mackerel 158
Horse mackerel 122
Acne 333
Tuna 98
Hake 86
Pike 76

Energy value of sweets

Energy value of bakery products

Calorie Table of Finished Products

Calculate the calorie content of food can not only be prepared, but after. With culinary processing, the energy value of products varies significantly. When cooking calories, they go to jushia, and some of them are evaporated at all when boiling. During the preparation of fried dishes, an increase in the energy value of products is observed.

To count the energy value of ready-made dishes, it is necessary to know the initial amount of food before cooking. Next, you should multiply the product calorie for this amount, after which it is summed by all indicators among themselves. Water does not have calories, so this indicator is not taken into account. As a result, the result obtained should be divided into number of servings.