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Pumpkin was a good harvest. Pumpkin: landing and care, cultivation of seeds in the open soil. Is it possible to grow a pumpkin at home

Over the years, pumpkin is a favorite vegetable not only in his homeland in Mexico, but also around the world.

This fruit is not less popular with Russian gardens. This is due not only by its value in terms of saturation with vitamins and microelements, but also ease of care.

To grow this delicious and useful vegetable, you need to know how the pumpkin is properly carried out.

When is it better to plant a pumpkin?

Pumpkin cultivation is possible reckless (By planting immediately into open seed soil) or a seaside in favorable home conditions.

In the first case, the optimal period of sowing - The middle-end of May, when the threat of sudden night frosts and the earth warms up to a stable temperature + 10-14 ° C. Otherwise, seeds will not sprout, but simply rot. Professional gardeners know that it is best to plant pumpkin seeds in Yuriev day early in the morning, but relying will have to be in the weather. Seedlings are planted at the age of about 30 days.

In regions with a softer climate (Ukraine, Belarus), pumpkin is permissible at the end of April. If you focus on the lunar calendar, then the landing period should fall on the growing moon, which will favorize the development of fruits.

Selection of place for landing

The fundamental condition for successful survival and further growth of the planting material is correctly selected

If the soil does not comply with key requirements for pumpkin landing, it should be corrected. At elevated acidity, limestone is made or chalk, a humid or deciduous compost is added to too clay. They are engaged in advance - in the fall. In extreme cases, squeeze the soil directly when landing by booking the fertilizer in the wells.

How to prepare the Earth:

  1. The place is purified from vegetable and other garbage
  2. They produce shallow loosening and after a couple of weeks the plot must be swapped. At the same time remove the weed roots
  3. In the spring, 1 day before the planned sowing, the land is reappeared with the introduction of nitrogenous fertilizers
  4. Then it put on rammill with robbles and form high beds. Universal range of ridges - 1.5 m (width) x25 cm (height). Make them half a meter

For fertilizer Earth it is better to take manure or humus (about one bucket per 1 sq. M. m). With heavy soil, the depth of the bookmark will be 12-15 m, in the case of a light substrate - just below. If there is no possibility of the advance bookmark, then when landing in each well is added 1.5 kg of a cowboy or humus. In addition, the superphosphate (30 g) and sulfate potassium (15 g) are placed.

Pumpkin grows well on a compost pile. Therefore, many dacms deliberately plant it in compost. In this way, it is possible to increase the harvest, as the plant is better developed due to good nutrition and the lack of weeds.

Direct landing

As already mentioned, pumpkin can be planted in two ways: Seeds and seedlings. In the cool regions, preference is given to the second option. It is worth considering every case separately.


The process of planting pumpkin seeds

Grow pumpkin with a reckless method, This means immediately disembarking seeds in open ground. In large areas for sowing, seeders are used for basic crops, but for standard vegetable garden, this method is not relevant - you have to resort to manual sowing.

Typically, the seeds are bred by early pumpkin varieties or nutmetic and solid peel. The rest of the varieties are better grown through seedlings.

Pre-seeds are lowered into the salt solution and those that pop up, throw away (they are not suitable due to hollowness). The remaining isaring, wash and dry. The shelf life of the planting material is from 1 to 4 years.

In order for the seeds together, before sowing, you should first prepare them correctly:

  1. Heat at a temperature of 60 ° C for 3 hours
  2. Then subjected to hardening at + 1-2 ° C for 2 days
  3. After that, treated with potassium kuman, eline or wood ash solution (50 g per 1 liter of water). In the latter case, the ashes of the day insist, filter and placed there on the day gauze bags with seeds. Then they are removed, washed with clean water and soaked for 10-12 hours in a weakly concentrated heat transfer solution
  4. Watch seeds in crude fabric for 2-3 days and so germinate

How to sow pumpkin:

  1. In the ground, the holes are made to a depth of up to 10 cm and at a distance of 80-120 cm (depending on the degree of variety's plentyness). If it is a bush pumpkin, then enough incidence of 50 centimeters
  2. Apply appropriate fertilizers and pour 2 liters of warm water into each hole
  3. They laid 2-3 seeds in the well. With successful germination, everyone leaves only one instance, deleting too much
  4. For the suspension cover seedlings with any observer material or polyethylene film to protect them from possible sudden night frosts.

To obtain the required density of sprouts, it is necessary to add about 20% to the desired weight of the sowing material. If the case applies to early plants, then over the norm add about 30%.

It is still possible to influence the amount of harvest in the future by reducing the landing area up to 3 square meters. m with raising the norm of disembodied seeds. It is only worth remembering that emergency thickens are permissible within reasonable limits, otherwise it is possible to reduce yield on the contrary.

When the vegetable is planted for sale, it is better to enlarge the area under the crop. Then the fruits grow larger and have the best transportation.


To grow seedlings, it is desirable to take peat pots or paper cups. This will further facilitate the seedlings of seedlings into the ground - without removal of the plant, plant along with the package and thereby do not damage the root system. But you can take conventional plastic containers.

The glass is covered with a ready-made soil mixture, where you can add a peat slightly. It can be done independently, mixing the humus with the turf of the ground in proportions 4: 1. The following fertilizers should be poured there: 5 g of ammonium nitrate, potash salt and superphosphate. Stir and moisturize.

Seeds will also need to pre-prepare, as in the case of sowing them immediately in open ground. It is desirable to soak them in a solution of wood ash at least 10 hours, then decompose the uniform layer on the wet fabric and cover with polyethylene. Leave in this state for 10 days. During this time, it is necessary to systematically transfer them to ventilating, otherwise they suffer.

Sowing at seedlings should be carried out not earlier than the end of April. After that, the seedlings will grow until the height of about 20 cm and two full-fledged sheet will appear on them.

Seed seeds with a recess by 2-3 cm and stretch the film to create a greenhouse effect. Seeders are placed in such a place where the temperature does not fall below the mark at 19-24 degrees (can be placed in a greenhouse or on the windowsill). After 5 days, the first sprouts will be sworn.

As soon as this happens remove the film defense and rearrange the seedlings in a cooler place. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the room. Otherwise, the seedlings will greatly stretch.

In frequent watering there is no need that promotes quenching. To feed seedlings for the first time begin 10 days after the appearance of sprouts. For this, fairly finished feeding, such as "Darina". Any mineral composition is introduced the second time (dissolved in 1 liter of water 5 grams of fertilizer and watered).

Seedling requires a transplant to a permanent place in the garden, when stable warm weather will be established. The wells dig up the same scheme as in the case of seeds. Make them more so that the seedlings can be placed there along with an earthen room or in the cassette. Each well is pre-abundantly moisturized.

After absorbing water, the bush is placed and the ground is sprinkled to the level of seven-coal leaves. Upon completion of the procedure again watered. If the landing is carried out on a compost pile, then the interval between the bushes is 70 cm.

Subsequent care

Care for pumpkin is simply because it is an unpretentious plant. The vegetable does not apply to particularly moisture representatives, despite the volumetric leaves, at the expense of which there is an intensive evaporation of moisture.

The moisture reserves are in fleshy stems and cuttings, which allows the plant to safely worry dry periods. With abundant irrigation, the vegetative component begins to heat and is more susceptible to the fungus.

In drought and during the active growth of pumpkin watered every day in the evenings. During the ripening of fruits, watering is reduced so that the vegetable has not grown water. It is better to not be discolored than to pour is the basic rule.

Pumpkin is particularly predisposed to organic feeding. Therefore, they are recommended to make, both before planting and after. The following options are suitable:

  • fitted manure
  • chicken litter
  • vegetable compost
  • humus
  • humat potassium

From mineral compositions, preference is given to those in which potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are present. In the absence of such a potash salt, ammonia nitra and nitroposk. And can also be added to the soil of wood ash.

In early spring, you can put on a plot for planting pumpkins Siderats. Until the end of May, they will have time to grow rich green mass, which, when miserable, is slightly interpreted into the soil. This will continue to serve as an ideal pumpkin fertilizer.

When you appear on young shoots of full-fledged 2-3 leaves, it is necessary to break landings. The peculiarities of growing a large-scale pumpkin in the fact that only 1 sprout leave on the garden. When a nutmeg or hard is a variety, then leave 2 seedlings.

Pumpkin is required not only watering. Swimming, mulching, removal of weed herb, weeding is additional events. Such actions are carried out after tying the first fruits, but no later than the beginning of August.

It is necessary to loosen as weeds. The mulch is suitable sawdust or peat. For better formation of the apparent roots, plants of moisturized land are plunged.

Also, it should be pumped by side shoots and a central stem. Forming a bush in two ways:

  1. in one stem - It should be removed the extravagance, leaving only 3 on the bush, on which there are 3-4 sheets
  2. in two stems - It is necessary to cut the tops of the shoots so that 2 fetas remain on the centered, and on the side - one

In crude weather under the scalinks put the boards, So that they do not start rot.

Pests and diseases

Pumpkin is considered a rather resistant culture, but when unsuccessful care and it is characteristic of the various diseases, pests. Mildly dew is the greatest danger of diseases. The cause of its development is bad agricultural engineering, steadily raw and cool weather.

Signs of malievable dew - This is the appearance of a whitish plaque on the stems and surfaces of sheet plates. Gradually, these areas acquire brown color and dry out. The affected plant will slow down in growth and it is poorly tied fruits, which in the end grow deformed and not delicious.

What can be taken in this case:

  • remove and destroy outside the garden affected shoots and foliage
  • the remaining plant is treated with colloidal gray (diluted 25 g in 10 liters of water)
  • spray with phosphate sodium (10 g of water will be required)
  • three days insist Korovyat and they pollinate the bushes (1 l cowboat diluted in 3 l of water)

Other Pumpkin Diseases:

  • white Rot
  • bacteriosis
  • anthracnose
  • peronosporosis

In order to prevent these diseases, before planting the seeds, it is necessary to process with an ash solution, and the soil is a fungicide. In the fall, all the remaining vegetable debris is removed from the garden and burned.

Possible pests capable of attacking culture are slugs and a mudflow. In case of detection on pest vegetables, insecticidal drugs are used to combat them:

  • Citccor
  • Fufanon

Among the folk remedies, the following can be distinguished:

  • infusion of pharmacy chamomile
  • infusions from the tops from potatoes and tomatoes
  • wormworms from wormwood
  • wood and Lime Solution
  • tobacco powder

Liquid means spray a plant, and bulk - divert. The procedure is carried out three times with an interval of 7 days.

Ripening time of vegetable and its collection

The ripening period of pumpkin depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In latitudes with a temperate climate, this is about the first numbers of October, in the south - the beginning of September. The main benchmark for harvest is the drying fruit, acquiring a grayish color. The collection must be carried out in dry not cloudy weather.

In hardening varieties of garden pumpkin, with a full ripening of fruits, a drawing on the peel is changing. To test maturity, prescribe a finger on the crusts and if they are not aslertain, you can shoot. Also, when climbing, the ringing should be heard.

You can remove the large-scale fruits a little earlier than the time and place in the cool and well ventilated room, then they will divert in a couple of weeks. The main thing is that there is no damage on the surface.

If we talk about the time of maturation, then it happens 85-120 days after the appearance of the first sprouts. Mature vegetables should have a bright orange color and a matte fall, and the tops are yellowing at this point and dries.

In order not to damage the fruits, it follows the fruit of the fruit. When chipping and scratches are detected on the barrels, it is necessary to process with greenflaw and make defects with adhesive plaster so that the infection does not penetrate inside.

How to store a pumpkin?

Most of the pumpkin grades are safely stored at home, while maintaining their nutritional properties.. But late Land-timed views are preserved.

It is worth noting that pumpkins have a longer fierce, rather than watermelons, melons.

  • After cleaning in rainy weather, vegetables need to dry
  • It will be great if you store the crop in the basement, but for this purpose a warmed balcony (loggia) is suitable or cool storage room
  • The optimal conditions for long-term storage of pumpkin are the temperature regime in the range of 5-15 ᵒc and humidity not more than 70%
  • Ticking is laid in wooden boxes or on racks, wrapped in plastic bags, so that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the repository. At the same time, the fruits should be directed up
  • Cut pumpkin can be folded into the refrigerator or freezer, pre-packing in food containers or bags

Best varieties

A guarantee of long-term preservation of flavoring and commodity qualities of fresh pumpkin is a competent harvest

When choosing a type of pumpkin for landing, be focused on the climate of the landing region and the features of the pumpkin. In this regard, it is worth identifying the most popular varieties.

For the suburbs

The following types are suitable for this zone:

Cool-resistant culture from the category of dining pumpkins. It is an empty screens. The fruits grow large, weighing about 6-7 kg. They have a sweet and fragrant pulp, like melon. The plant is unassuming to the composition of the soil.

  • OrdinaryCucurbita Rero.

A hard form recognized as not capricious in terms of cultivation. Patchsons and zucchini are varieties of this species. It is not surprising that the ordinary pumpkin has many varieties. They are plenty and bush. Fruits are also different in shape. Their weight varies within 3-7 kg. Cork color - orange, yellow, white or green. In some of the ribbed surface, the stripes are visible.

Early grade with maturity of about 75 days. The vegetable is distinguished by a sweetly pulp with a vanilla flavor. Fruits weigh 3-4 kg and can be stored for about 4 months.

Estimated variety - from shoots to full ripening takes 2 months. After cooking, the pulp disintegrates on the fibers, due to which such a name occurred. They are usually added to salads or eat hot as spaghetti.

Well, what kind of garden without pumpkin! Crow-turn multicolored beauties look out from under powerful leaves, promising delicious porridge and healing juice throughout the long winter. Growing and caring for pumpkin in the open soil on the shoulder to any gardener, and its benefits will bring a lot of fruit.

Most often, pumpkins are grown in the gardens, a large and nutmetic pumpkin.

Hard pumpkin.

Does not give large fruits, but quickly hills and has the most delicious seeds.


  1. Mushroom bush. Speakers in early terms, it grows up to 5 kg, the fruits are light orange with black stripes.
  2. Freckle. Early grade with small, up to 3 kg fruits of light green color covered with a light yellow pattern into a mesh. A distinctive feature of the variety is spotted leaves.
  3. Almond. It grows up to 5 kg, the color of the bark is a brown-orange with well-visible green stripes. The variety is sleeping in the average time and good for storage.

Large pumpkin.

It is clear from the name that the fruits are not small. They accumulate a lot of sugars, are simple in growing and unpretentious.


  1. Titanium. Perhaps the largest in the world. In theory can give the garden fruits to 500 kg! In practice, such pumpkins grow only from lovers of records. The variety is very tasty, the fruits are well stored.
  2. Medical. Early variety. The fruits of gray with a barely noticeable lighter meshe have a rounded-reducing shape and weight of 5 kg. Different with long storage.
  3. Elegant. Fruits have an unusual chalmid shape and pronounced segmentation. Their weight is up to 5 kg, the taste is good, and the yield is high.

Pumpkin nutmeg.

It differs from its relatives stretched, often pear-shaped form, later maturation dates, add to heat and excellent breaststroke.


  1. Honey princess. When sowing in April, spill in August. It gives fruit weighing up to 4 kg of orange color, tasty and sweet.
  2. Vitamin. It has an extended shape, a dark green color with lighter spots and a noticeable ribbon. Fruits weighing up to 6.5 kg contain many carotene.
  3. Muscat pearl. Lovely variety with pear-like light-orange fruits with small ribbed. The flesh is gentle, sweet with a large content of carotene.

Pumpkin - Growing Features

Right pumpkin from warm places and despite all the efforts of the breeders of love for warmth did not lose.

Even her seeds may not climb, if the soil temperature is lower than 20 degrees of heat.

According to the requirements for the soil fertility, the pumpkin overtakes only cucumbers. The soil should contain a large amount of moisture for it to supply a huge sheet apparatus and a considerable size of the Thavor. All the root fruits of this plant ripen only in the south. In the conditions of the middle strip, and even more north, its growth must be limited, and the number of strings to normalize.

The root system at the pumpkin rod and penetrates a greater depth, which allows the plant to eat and extract moisture from the lower layers of the soil. But this does not cancel regular feeding and irrigation. Power area for powerful copies should be large, so the minimum distance between the plenty plant is at least a meter, and between the bush - 0.5 m.


Such a huge plant is simply irrational in greenhouse. Therefore, the pumpkin is planted into the open ground when the air and soil warm up well. Some advanced gardeners have adapted to grow a garden lady in a greenhouse, placing the plants along the very edge, and the crown scourge directing to the street. So the pumpkin does not occupy a gem of the greenhouse, but uses all the advantages of warm greenhouse soil.

Seeds or seedlings?

The question is irresistible. Sowing seeds you can grow only early grades and then in the warm summer. Therefore, a seaside method of growing pumpkins justifies itself guaranteed and high harvest.

How and when to plant?

For a long time, pumpkin seedlings are not growing - severe plants quickly master the volume of any pot and begin to suffer from lack of food. The optimal age seedlings of pumpkin for landing in the ground is 30 days. If we consider that the soil by this time should have a temperature of 18 degrees, and the outer air is 20, then the resettlement of seedlings to a permanent place can be planned only at the beginning of June, and in the northern regions and later.

Therefore, sew seeds at the end of April or in early May.

As with the crop of any culture, the seeds must first be prepared.

  • Only large, fully made seeds choose, without pity, rebuilding all damaged and affected. The most damped plants are obtained from seeds, followed 2-3 years after collecting.
  • Heat seeds in hot water with a temperature of 50 degrees. Exposure time is 2 hours.
  • They germinate between wet cotton disks or simply in wet fabric before the appearance of the tips of the roots.
  • We hardened the exposure alternately on the top shelf of the refrigerator and in the room for 12 hours within 5 days.

Prepared seeds are sown in separate capacity of about 1 liters.

Pumpkin does not make damage to the roots during transplantation. It is grown, without diving, in individual cups.

The utensils for growing are selected with such a calculation so that during the transflection of the earthen comes did not damage. The soil must be loose and fertile, to pass the air and water well.

  • good lighting;
  • temperature daytime - 22 or 23 degrees, and night - no less than 18;
  • sufficient watering, but without excess and only warm water;
  • food consisting of 2 feeders using a solution of full mineral fertilizer;
  • mandatory hardening before landing during the week.

The tempered seedlings are planted into the prepared wells. Each you need to add:

  • near the bucket by humus;
  • a glass of ash;
  • pinch of complex mineral fertilizer;
  • shed two liters of warm water.

When disembarking, seedlings do not plunge.

If they sow pumpkin seeds immediately into open soil, they are also prepared as for sowing to seed out. Well prepared in the same way. In each need to be placed in 2-3 semen to a depth of about 5-10 cm, depending on the mechanical composition of the soil. The garden is closed with a film that is cleaned after the appearance of germs. So that the soil warms better, it can be left, doing cross-shaped cruciforms for plants. Extra sprouts pinch.

Requirement for soil, choice of place

Pumpkin loves to eat, so the ground for her needs to choose fertile, with a high content of humus.

  1. It will be perfectly growing and froning this plant on a compost pile or where there was a manure before.
  2. You can grow it on warm bed. To its facilities dig a ditch with a depth of 50 cm and width 40. The wood waste (crushed branches and sins) are placed on the bottom), cover them with grass, hay and a layer of manure. From above fall asleep fertile land. Heat that distinguishes overloading plant residues will help the plant to develop faster.
  3. For the cultivation of the pumpkin, the usual beds are suitable, which, from the fall, fill with humus, manure or compost in an amount of up to 8 kg per 1 kV. m. On the same area additionally contributes in 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulphate.

Wherever you plant a pumpkin, the place should be covered all day. Even in a small shadow, the growth power of the plant and the crop decrease sharply.

When choosing a place to grow pumpkins, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it does not tolerate high standing of groundwater - the roots are rotated. The best predecessors for it are root, onions and, especially, legumes.

After any plants from the pumpkin or grated family, the pumpkin cannot be planted.

The acidity of the soil is important - ideally, its reaction should be neutral.

Pumpkin - Care in Open Ground

To collect a weighty harvest, all the rules of the agrotechnology must be performed on time and in full.

Watering and subordinate

The large area of \u200b\u200bthe leaves evaporates a lot of water, so regular watering for this plant is obligatory. He is especially important for young, recently planted pumpkins.

  1. As soon as the plants began, watering for a couple of weeks stop, if it is not worth too hot weather. Such a measure will help pumpkins to grow the root system.
  2. With the appearance of female colors and obscenities, watering pumpkins should be rare, but abundant - up to 1.5 buckets on the plant.
  3. As soon as the Thaivina has grown up to the size corresponding to the variety, watering is reduced to allow plants to gain enough sugars.

If the gardening near the pumpkin was well refilled by the nutrients, 2-3 feeding will be enough for the vegetation season.

  • After the appearance of the fifth sheet, the pumpkin is fed by a complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of 10 g per plant.
  • With the beginning of the formation of weaves, the second feeding is carried out by the same fertilizer, but it is increased by 5 g on the plant.

In the rainy weather, feeding is made in a dry form, closeing the fertilizers in the soil when loosening. In the heat they are dissolved in water and combine feeding with watering. Pumpkin speaks well to feeding by organica or herbal teas.

Swimming and thinning

Pumpkin loosening is carried out the next day after watering, combining it with a weeding. In phase, 4 leaves of the plant plunge to stimulate the formation of the apparent roots. Dipping is carried out only with damp soil. After the formation of a row of interstilizes is poured with soil.

Sluorrow is carried out at the stage of shoots, leaving in the well one strongest plant. The rest are plucking.

Formation of pumpkin braid

So that the fruits are completely ripe, their quantity needs to be normalized. On the main stem, you can leave from 2 to 3 fruits, after which it is to count 5 sheets and pinch the scourge. On lateral weaves, no longer leave more than one of the Thavor, and they pinch them in the same way. All non-pronomous shoots are removed.

Diseases and pests of pumpkin

Most often, pumpkin harm the diseases caused by fungi:

  • puffy dew;
  • anthracnose;
  • white and root rot;
  • bacteriosis.

The strongest of all they are manifested in crude and cold weather. We can provoke the disease and watering cold water. Mushrooms live on weeds, therefore weeding and removal of weed grass from the plot - the necessary event.

Fung with fungal diseases help copper-containing fungicides. They are used in the heat when the appearance of illness, and in crude weather it will be necessary prophylactic spraying.

Yellow mosaic is a viral disease that manifests itself with the appearance of pale spots and wrinkles on the leaves. Treatment from this disease does not exist. With its first signs, all sick plants are removed so that they do not infect healthy.

From pests, the pumpkin annivers the web tick, against which the insectoacaricides are effective, and the mesh fault - it is struggling with it with a 10% carbofos solution.

  • The color of the Thavor became bright, and the pattern, if it is more noticeable.
  • When tapping a pumpkin makes a ringing sound.
  • Cork solid and does not spring.
  • If all signs are evident - the harvest is time to collect. It is necessary to do it before frosts, since the frozen pumpkins will not be stored. Collect the harvest, without damaging the fruits.

    The first two weeks of the pumpkin passes the stage of ripening at a temperature of 14 degrees and above. In the future, the optimal conditions for storing the vegetable: temperature from 3 to 8 degrees of heat and air humidity about 70%.

    Pumpkin is one of the most "noncainting" vegetables on our gods. It does not require greenhouse conditions or some special tricks when leaving. Growing pumpkin in the open ground - the occupation is not only fascinating, but also profitable: pumpkin seeds are always in price. But that the pumpkins grow up the magnitude of the wheel from the cart, you need to know a few secrets of its cultivation.

    Pumpkin is an annual plant with a powerful root system and a long flexible stem that grows up to 7 m and even more. The central root in search of moisture and the beneficial substances will "boight" the ground to a depth of up to 7 m, and its side branches grow up to 4 m.

    Wide five-plated leaves and large yellow or yellow-orange pumpkin flowers on the garden are visible from afar. After 10-12 sheets on the main stem, fruits are tied.

    The magnitude, taste and the gravity of pumpkin depends on the variety. Most varieties, storage period does not exceed 3-4 months, but there are record holders. For example, the fruits of pumpkin varieties are large-scale can be stored for up to 9 months, and the grade is nutmeg - up to 2 years, without losing their taste and useful qualities.

    Pumpkin loves warmth and does not tolerate cold. At a temperature of 30 ° and sufficient moisture reserves in the soil, pumpkin seeds germinate in 2-3 days. At the soil temperature below 20 °, they germinate for a very long time, and at a soil temperature of 10 ° and below the "brave" and do not germinate at all.

    The optimal temperature for the growth and development of pumpkin - 25 ° heat. In such conditions, it and leaf mass increases quickly (and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the leaves in one pumpkin can reach up to 40 m²), and the fruits forms large and juicy.

    Pumpkin - the plant is not only a thermal-loving, but also moisture. It is especially important that pumpkins have a sufficient amount of moisture during the beginning of its flowering. During this period, the root system in plants is not yet sufficiently developed, and the lack of moisture may result in falling off the wound.

    In addition to heat and moisture, there is a lot of sunlight for the growth of pumpkin. Therefore, it is better to grow it on the outdoor sun and protected from cold winds.

    Preparation of the growing area

    For pumpkin, loose fertile soils are best suited. On heavy clay soils, and even with a high level of brewing water, good yield of pumpkin you will not wait. Does not tolerate plant and acidic soils.

    It is better to plant a pumpkin if possible in such a way that the site will be protected by a wall of the house, shopping and at least a fence. In this case, it will be at least partially protected from the cold northern winds, and the stalks of plants can be directed to the wall or fence - the higher to the sun, the better the reptiles will grow.

    Plot for growing pumpkins need to be prepared from autumn. Under the plowing on zyab, it is necessary to make organic fertilizers at the rate of: 5 kg of humus or 7 kg of manure to 1 m². Also, it is necessary to enrich the soil on the plot and mineral fertilizers: 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride on m².

    Some enthusiasts so that the soil remains more loose, the plot under the pumpkin is preferred not to plow, but manually pull. There is no particular sense in such a heavy work: it is better to ensure the soils of the soil on the site along with fertilizers under the plowing to make peat or coarse sand.

    Wood ashs made simultaneously with them, especially if there is a weakness of the soil soil reaction.

    How and when is it better to grow pumpkin?

    Pumpkin can be grown by both planting seeds in open ground and seedlings. Preferably, if the climatic conditions of your area allow, seed seeds immediately into open ground, since the pumpkin does not tolerate the transplant.

    If climatic conditions allow us to grow it only across seedlings, it is better to do it in special peat pots - in this case, you just land the plant along with a pot on the garden without damaging during transplanting its root system.

    Timing seeds depend on climatic conditions. In most regions, where it is possible to grow pumpkin in the open ground directly from the seeds, sowed it after May 15, when the soil will warm up to 12-15 cm at the depth of landing, where at this time there are already practically no threat of night frosts, no additional Cleansing for this is not required.

    In more northern latitudes, where night frosts are possible after May 20, it is better to build improvised guy on the site of landing. For this, I use 3 or 5 liter plastic bottles: cutting off from them the bottom and install over planted seeds, blocking their walls into the ground by 1.5-2 cm.

    For a half dozen years of using such shelters, pumpkin shoots never died, although there were years, when the temperature of the air for a day or two lowered to 7-8 ° frost.

    When growing pumpkin across seedlings, simple calculations need to be carried out. Seedlings are planted aged 22-23 days. Consequently, when it landed into open ground, for example, on May 25, it is necessary to plant seed seeds on May 2-3. Under the term of landing in the soil on June 5, seeds on seedlings are planted on 14-15 May, etc.

    Selection and preparation of seeds

    Regardless of the process of cultivation, the selection and preparation for planting the seed material of the pumpkin is carried out equally. Only large full seeds are selected for planting.

    Seeds at pumpkin are large, so their selection does not take much time and strength. If the pumpkin seed has not liked something (too thin, not enough filled, has mechanical damage), it must be searched.

    To quickly appear shoots, pumpkin seeds germinate. To do this, they are lowered in warm water and withstand there for 3-4 hours. All this time, the water temperature needs to be maintained in the range of 40-50 ° - it is impossible to lower or lift above.

    Then the swollen seeds wrap in a wet cloth, put into a shallow tank and leave it at room temperature until the slide, periodically moistened with a cloth to prevent its drying.

    After sliding the seeds, it is better not to land at once, and for 3-5 days to withstand in the same moisturized cloth, but already in the refrigerator at a temperature of B + 3-4 °. Such a preset hardening is much improving the cold resistance of the pumpkin.

    Growing seedlings

    Picture of seedlings:

    The cultivation of pumpkin through seedlings makes it possible to grow it even in the northern regions where the planting of pumpkin seeds into open soil is impossible.

    For growing seedlings, it is better to use peat cups, but if necessary, you can do it in plastic. The only condition - the cups should be large enough, at least 10x10 cm. We need to take into account the fact that the seedlings of pumpkins can be a bit - for the landing area in 2 weaves you will need only 5-6 pieces. seedlings.

    Therefore, the perfect option is to plant it on the windowsill of your own home or apartment. It is possible to do it in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, but it is economically not quite substantiated: for the sake of a small amount of seedlings to build a greenhouse or a greenhouse unprofitable, and the garden crops are quite difficult at the requirement for the temperature regime.

    The land plot for pumpkins is needed light, with good water and air permeability. It is best for its cultivation a subtraction from mixed in equal proportions of the rigoric peat and sand is suitable.

    Peat pots are filled with a land-trained ground and crumpled seeds are planted into it. Since the seeds are already switched out, they are planted as follows: Initially, the plumb is pumped by 2-3 cm below the top edge of the pot.

    Then the flooded subracture is moistened, gently put on it sprouted seeds, supered the subracture on top, again it is moistened to be moistened and leave to germinate in such a place, where in the first 3 days a temperature of 25-30 ° is maintained.

    If the seeds are clearly shown, then you can land one seed in the pot, but it is better to plant pairwise to the safety netting: it will certainly grow out of two. If both are germinate, then the second will need to be removed, rebuilding the sprout at the surface of the soil.

    Usually in such conditions, seeds will germinate in 3-4 days. In the first week after the appearance of germs, the temperature is maintained at 18-25 °, and then lowered to 15-18 °. If you do not observe this temperature regime, the seedlings will quickly stretch and is likely to disappear.

    To grow well-developed, strong seedlings of pumpkins, plants need to spread regularly. But it is important to observe the measure: for the rapid roots of seedlings are detaining both the lack of moisture and its excess.

    The only feeding of the seedlings of pumpkins spend 2 weeks after the appearance of germs. It is better to do with divorced water in a proportion of 1:10 with a cowboy, or a nitroposka dissolved in water.

    3 weeks after planting seeds, with proper care, seedlings can already be planted in open ground. On the readiness of seedlings to the transplant testify 3 well-developed real leaves of a saturated green color.

    Landing seeds and seedling seedlings in open ground

    Externally and planting seeds, and planting pumpkin seedlings in open soil look almost the same. But still there are certain differences between them. And seeds, and the seedlings are better to plant at a high bed of 70 cm wide. The length of the garden is determined by the size of the site.

    But high beds are not a prerequisite for the cultivation of pumpkins - they simply make it easier to care for plants. If the cultivation of pumpkins is carried out in the usual way, they are usually planted with rows. The distance between adjacent rows is left in 2-2.5 m.

    Plant pumpkin in the wells. To do this, there are a number of 40 widths of a width 40 and a depth of 30 cm. On the bottom of these holes are poured across the tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

    Then, the wells for a third are filled with humus or overworked by a compost, then another to a third of the grounding subractor: mixed in an equal proportion to peat and turf with the addition of wood ash. The remaining third of the wells fill out ordinary earth and water 2 liters of indoor temperature.

    This algorithm is the same for sowing seeds, and for planting seedlings. The differences are that 2-3 seeds are placed in each such hole, sprinkling them from above 2-5 cm, and for seedlings they make a shallow hole for seedlings so that the container with the seedle is fully entered.

    How to care for the landkin planted?

    Pumpkin topics and good that does not need torture care. The main agrotechnical event is regular watering. Due to the extensive sheet mass, the pumpkin quickly "pumps" from the ground almost all moisture, so without its replenishment there will be no good crop.

    Especially important is the presence of sufficient moisture during the flowering period and the tie of fruits. At this time, it is necessary to water the plants only with warm - not lower than 20 ° - water, otherwise the pumpkin can "reset" the marine.

    After watering and heavy rains at the base of the roots gently loosen the soil. Also, while the pumpkin does not grow up and will not cover its foliage the whole area, we need to regularly remove weeds.

    It is also important to correctly organize the feeding system. The first is carried out when forming 5 of the present sheet, the second - at the beginning of weaving, follow-up - every 2 weeks. It is fed by nitroammophos, starting with 10 g of fertilizer on a bucket of water, and then with each new feeder increase this dose by 5 gr. When forming and in the future, in the development of fruits, it is additionally added to the nitroamophosk, another glass of wood ash on 10 liters of water is added.

    The feature of the pumpkin is that as it grows it forms a lot of lateral shoots. They should be segged back at the beginning of development: the fruits are tied with small and tasteless, and they take a lot of moisture and beneficial substances.

    The cultivation of pumpkins on his garden does not take you a lot of time and strength. And the benefit from such cultivation is huge: doing everything right, you will not only get a big tasty and useful pumpkin fruits as a reward, but also clean your site from an undesirable "Neighborhood".

    The thick wide foliage of pumpkin is better than any herbicides destroying bouranians without giving them access to warmth and sunlight, so most of them are simply dying.

    As a rule, pumpkin, like cucumbers, immediately plant in the ground. However, if you want to get an earlier harvest and / or decided to be reinsured, because We live in a rather cool region with a short summer, you can initially sow seeds to seedlings.

    About when and how to put a pumpkin to seedlings and grow in the home conditions - read further in the article.

    Choosing pumpkin seeds, you should not pay attention to the picture on the package. Orange and smooth in kind of fruit is not the best and necessarily sweet.

    Tip! Do not choose the largest varieties.

    This is explained by the fact that at once the whole fruit is difficult to use somewhere, and after you can raise it, the problem of software will arise. In addition, pumpkin varieties of small sizes are better stored and possess, as a rule, a sweetering taste.

    In general, pumpkins exist in the following types and varieties:

    The most delicious are nutmeg varieties, but they are the warmest and relaxed and late.

    Also, high solid varieties have excellent taste. They have the earliest time of maturation.

    Large varieties are also very sweet and cold-resistant.

    Dates of planting pumpkins: when to plant seeds on seedlings and in open ground

    Plant pumpkins at seedlings should be 20-30 days before the expected date of landing in open ground.

    The optimal age seedlings of pumpkin for landing in the ground - 20-25 days from the moment of seedlings (5-10 days - the stock for germination of seeds).

    Accordingly, the optimal duration of the sowing of pumpkin on seedlings is the mid-end of April or even the beginning of May, depending on the region of residence and its climatic zone.

    Naturally, in the middle lane (Moscow region), this can be done earlier than in the Urals or in Siberia, as well as in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).

    In the south of Russia, they usually plant immediately into the ground, but if you decide to grow seedlings first, it is possible to sow at the end of March.

    On the lunar calendar in 2020

    If you are accustomed to plant in accordance with the Phase of the Moon, then, in the lunar calendar, in 2020 favorable days For sowing pumpkins to seedlings are:

    • in March - 2-6, 12-14, 26-29;
    • in April - 1, 2, 24, 25, 27-30;
    • in May - 2-4, 6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
    • in June - 2-4, 11-14.

    Unfavorable dates (days of full moon and new moon, as well as the period when the moon in aquarius, because it is a preventive and dry sign - allocated in italics), in which exactly you should not put a pumpkin (and any other cultures) to seedlings in 2020, are:

    • in March - 9, 19-21 , 24;
    • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
    • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
    • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

    According to the lunar calendar, from the "1000 Soviets of the Soviet".

    Preparation of pumpkin seeds for landing

    "From a bad seed, do not expect a good tribe."

    Before planting, pumpkin seeds should be thoroughly selected (spend calibration), throwing all damaged and cuttings, leaving only the most large and plump.

    Further, the seeds should be checked for their suitability for sowing (vitality): pour out in a capacity with water for 3-4 hours. Seeds that drown, can be planted, and those that will remain swimming on the surface, it is better to throw out (they are light and empty).

    Video: Verification of pumpkin seeds on fitness to landing

    Pumpkin seed preparation and processing can be carried out in different ways:

    • Soak in a damp cloth in ordinary hot water (50-55 degrees) within 1-2 hours.

    And even better in one of the growth stimulants of the epin or zircon type. In them, you can also germinate.

    • Disinfection, holding about 20-30 minutes in a dark pink solution of manganese (1%, i.e. 1 mg per 1 liter of water), and even better in solution. At the end of time, rinse under clear water and dried to the emergence of the necessary flowability.

    Tip! In addition to soaking, you can also conduct an ordering procedure. To do this, you need to wrap the seeds into wet marla and remove in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Then get and put in heat for 10-12 hours. So repeat for 3-4 times (3-4 days), in other words, to undergo seeds with temperature drops (stress), and then germinate.

    • Simply greater! To do this, it is pre-edged, then wrap in a wet cloth (or put between cotton disks, napkins), put in a plastic bag (create a greenhouse effect) and remove to germs to a warm place where the temperature is + 24..28 degrees. As a rule, after 2-4 days, the seedlings will proceed.

    Another way to germinate the pumpkin seeds is their expanding in sawdust. To do this, you need to pour fishing into a jar, pour them with boiling water and cover with a lid. Then wait a bit (so that the temperature fell to room) and add seeds to the jar with sawdust. After that, put this jar into a plastic bag and remove into a warm and dark place before germination.

    Video: Pumpkin Seed Growing, Watermelon and Melon

    In order to awaken old pumpkin seeds, You can apply the temperature rich method. For this, the seeds should be tied in the marry and alternately lower it in hot water (degrees 40-50), then in the cold (right from under the tap, although it is better to use Tluu if you still have snow). So you need to do 4-5 times, withstanding in water for 5-6 seconds. After the procedure, add and immediately sow on seedlings or in open soil.

    Many daches successfully plant a pumpkin and dry seedsBut in this case the landing time should be shifted by 5-7 days, in other words, it is necessary to plant before.

    Important! If you have acquired draised (treated) seedsNeither in any pre-sowing preparation they do not need them, they should be sowed dry.

    How to plant a pumpkin on seedlings

    So, you decided on time, prepared and treated seeds. Well, it's time to plant a pumpkin on seedlings! However, it is necessary to choose suitable planting containers, the ground to fill them and actually fall on the desired depth.

    Landing containers and soil

    Pumpkin planting and growing Pumpkin seedlings should be individual: pumpkin do not tolerate dive, therefore special peat cups are perfectly suitable, ordinary disposable plastic (0.5 liter volume), plastic pots or any other convenient containers from which will be Easy to get seedlings when disembarking in bed. In this case, their diameter should be at least 8-10 cm.

    Alternative opinion! Many gardeners grow perfectly grow pumpkin seedlings and in small, 0.2 liter cups. Naturally, planting it is recommended earlier when the seedlings only formed the 1st, and the 2nd real sheet will begin to appear.

    Pumpkin loves nutritious land. Soil mixture can be prepared independently or buy ready-made soil for pumpkin crops (cucumbers, melons, watermelons).

    If you decide to make it with your own hands, you can mix peat, humid and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 or take in equal shares peat, humid and overworked wood sawdust.

    Immediate landing for seedlings

    Phased instruction in sowing Pumpkin seeds to seedlings:

    Video: Pumpkin planting on seedlings for seeds

    Video: Sowing dry seeds on seedlings

    How to care for seeding pumpkins at home

    When the first shoots appear (after 3-7 days), the shelter needs to be quickly removed.

    And before that, at least 1 time a day, open the tank capacity for 10-15 minutes and at the same time check them for shoots.

    After serving, the landing contains it would be nice to put in a cooler place (where the temperature is 2-5 degrees below, i.e. about + 15-18 during the day and + 13-15 at night), and then (in 5-7 days) Return in former temperature conditions (+ 20-25 during the day, not lower than +15 at night).

    Such a procedure (decrease in temperature) will help not stretch out young seedlings.


    Pumpkin seedlings for normal growth must necessarily need good lighting, so it is necessary to set the container on a brightly lit window sill, ideal - on the southern (southeast or south-west).

    Full of 12-hour day - Your reliable protection against drawing seedlings.

    Tip!If suddenly seedlings start pulling out, then be sure to plug a little ground into the glasses.

    Watering and subordinate

    Pumpkin loves moisture, so she needs regular watering. However, it should be performed in moderate quantities, not overflowing the plant. At the same time, excessive drying of the soil is also impossible.

    Water should be warm (at least room temperature), estimated or filtered.

    After 1-1.5 weeks, how shoots will appear, pumpkin seedlings can be contacted for better growth (however, if you initially used fertile soil, then no feeding is needed). Alternatively, you can use nitrogen fertilizer (for example, a korlard or similar), and even better complete complex type of nitroamophoski or some special for pumpkin (same agricul).

    Video: Pumpkin seedlings per week

    When and how to plant pumpkin seedlings in open ground

    Signal to planting pumpkin seedlings into open ground - the appearance of it is quite developed 2-3 of these leaves and the achievement of seedlings in 15-20 centimeters.

    As for the landing terms, at this point the land should suffer enough (up to + 8-12 degrees), and the weather is steadily warm (above +10 degrees).

    Like all pumpkin, pumpkin does not tolerate frosts, but the short tolerant can be transferred (unlike the rest of the Bakhchyev).

    Depending on climatic conditions, as a rule, a favorable period occurs in the second half of April in the southern regions, in mid-May - in the middle lane (Moscow region), at the end of May - in the Urals and Siberia.

    Tip! It will be very prudent if 5-7 days before the seedling seedlings on the garden you will handle your plants, namely, you begin to endure them on the balcony (or loggia) or to a greenhouse, gradually increasing the stay from 1-2 hours before the whole day.

    Optimally landing pumpkin on the garden in the evening or day, in cloudy weather, when the sun went out or hid behind the clouds.

    The planting of pumpkin seedlings are produced according to a specific scheme, as a rule, it is indicated on the packing of seeds (most often at a distance from 80 to 150 cm from each other).

    The place for growing pumpkin should be the solar.

    The transplant to the soil should be done carefully, slowly getting seedlings along with a room, and in no case damaging the root system of the plant. The well is better to do quite large enough: to bottom to pour a mixture of humus and ash, shed warm water, put a seedling, and then flood garden earth. As soon as the landing is carried out, the landing can be closed by humus.

    Video: Plant seedlings pumpkins in open ground

    Thus, growing the seedlings of pumpkins in the home conditions can even be a gardener-novice. The main thing is to initially choose a good grade, decide on the timing, prepare seeds and put them correctly.

    In contact with

    Among the Bakhchy cultures there are real recordsmen, the yield of which is superior to the most bold expectations, often puzzling the gardener as a question, what to do with rich wealth. Make sure that pumpkin growing will help. Along with the high fertility of her bushes of gardeners attracts simplicity of care. But show everything that is capable of, numerous varieties of culture can only be compliance with the rules of agrotechnology.

    Requirements for the site

    Pumpkin Nekaprinnaya, but she loves heat and light and poorly transfers the overjoyment. Therefore, bedding with it is better to position on a dry and well-warmed by the sun, where the land is not cool even at night. The perfect option for pumpkin is landing on a compost pile. Here, its bushes will be warm and "satisfying", especially if you put superphosphate and wood ash in every well (in small quantities). For early and abundant fruiting light day, the plant is needed short - less than 12 hours.

    Suitable for pumpkin sites, in which last season grew up a garden with the following cultures:

    • onions;
    • cabbage;
    • carrots;
    • beckless;
    • soy
    • beans;
    • beans;
    • pea;
    • peanut;
    • lentil.

    On the cucumbers, cabins, patissons, sunflower and fringe cultures, the soil of the bushes will be less comfortable. At the same place, pumpkin can be planted only after 5 years.

    The quality of the soil determines the magnitude and taste properties of the future harvest. Grow and fruit pumpkin is capable even in poor earth, but it will not work sweet and large in such conditions. To form vegetables an impressive size, its bushes will need a lot of nutrients. Properly plant plants in loose soil with a neutral reaction, well-fastened by fertilizers.

    To the preparation of the site for pumpkins is embarked in autumn. A compost or manure (3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m²) contributes to it in front of the empty ground soil. If the land in the country is severe, ash is added (200-300 g). It is possible to replace it with lime, without changing the dosage of the substance. Also treated with acidic soil. Mandatory procedure - refueling the soil with phosphorus-potassium compositions. The deeper the soil to move, the better the pumpkin will develop in it.

    In the spring, the plot is harrow. Make it early when snow is just getting out of it. It is important to comply with the recommended time frame, otherwise the Earth can dry. In the future, they carry light loosening of the soil, choosing from it the roots of weeds. Before placing seeds or pumpkin seedlings, it is rejected again, deepening by 12-18 cm.

    If in the fall, the plot was not equipped, the nutritional compositions - humid (compost), superphosphate, wood ash - introduce when landing, adding them to each well and thoroughly mixing with soil.

    Premodest treatment

    So that the seeds of the pumpkin quickly and together gave shoots, before landing they are treated. This is especially important if they were collected for a long time. Such seeds correctly check for germination. To do this, you will need a solution of the cooking salt (at a concentration of 25-30%). Sowing the sowing material in it, watch him. High-quality heavy seeds, they will drown. Empty and unseen - will remain on the surface.

    There are several effective ways of pre-sowing pumpkin seed preparation. The easiest - to soak them and leave for germination in a wet environment: sawdust, piece of fabric or moss, marla. They will need a little time for punishment - only 3 days. You can warm up or bubbling pumpkin seeds. To reduce the risk of plants damage by pests and diseases, the planting material is treated for 30 minutes in a strong solution of manganese.

    Another option is to put pumpkin seeds into a nutrient solution made of ash or liquid fertilizer from a series of humate. You can use the preparation-stimulant growth. Then you need to germinate. Having wrapped the pumpkin seeds into a wet fabric, they are given 1-2 days in a room where the air is heated to 22-23˚C. Cocoon does not allow to rear, regularly sprinkling it with water.

    Obtaining seedlings

    Practice 2 methods of growing pumpkin:

    1. through seedlings;
    2. sowing seeds immediately on the bed.

    Which one to choose, depends on the variety of culture and characteristics of the climate of the area. The reckless way to pumpkin is planting mainly in the south. In the middle strip and in the regions where summer is even shorter and cold (in the Leningrad region, in the Urals, in Siberia), when sowing the open ground, its fruits often do not have time to increase.

    A special approach requires a grocery variety of pumpkin. If spring is cold and rainy, its seeds on the beds are drunk and not allowed. Through the seedlings, a nutmeg pumpkin, who loved the summer houses for their sweet taste and the impressive dimensions of the fruit are grown. Especially popular with their varieties pearl nutmess and muscat de Provence.

    In separate containers: plastic cups, peat pots. They must be wide - 10-15 cm in diameter. The bottom of the container is poured a fertile mixture of three components:

    • humus;
    • ferrous land;
    • peat.

    Take them in proportion 2: 1: 1. The container is filled only by half. The processed pumpkin seed is put on top, sprinkling it with the same substrate, but a shedron solution of a cowber (5%) and supplemented wood ash (10-15 g). Well moisturizing soil, the container is covered with film. This landing pumpkin is held in April-May. The exact time is determined by the planned date of placing plants on the beds: seed seed in containers 20-25 days before it.

    Care for seedlings and landing in the ground

    For germination, pumpkin seeds need two conditions:

    • a lot of light (excluding the straight rays of the sun);
    • heat (air temperature in a room with a sediment should be within 25-27˚C).

    When shoots appear, it is reduced to 15-20˚C during the daytime and up to 12-13˚C at night. Otherwise, the seedlings of pumpkins will stretch. But with this you can fight. When their age will be 7-10 days, the section of the stem, which is under seedlings, twisted into the ring, and the wet soil poured on top. If you do everything right, the seedman will be underground to the seedy leaves.

    Pumpkin seedlings need moderate watering. To allow soil moistening in containers is impossible. Fit young pumpkins before disembarking on the bed twice. The nutritional composition is prepared on the basis of a cowboat, ammonium sulfate and phosphorus-potassium drugs.

    By the time of the placement in the open soil, seedlings should issue at least 3 real sheets. Before planting a pumpkin on the beds, it is hardened for 5-10 days. By placing containers with plants on the balcony or veranda, open the window. First, the ventilation is made for short (1-1.5 hours), but every day it increases. At the end of the hardening, the window holds open constantly.

    Seedlings plant along the same scheme as pumpkin seeds, but increase the depths of the well. The root plant of plants must be fully inserted into it and be 8-10 cm below the soil level. The lines in the hole is 1.5-2 liters of hot water, waiting until it is absorbed, and then pass the seedman, without breaking the soil coma. Empties fall asleep with soil and well condensed it. The surface of the bed is mounted. You can use even dry ground for this. Her task is to prevent the formation of soil crust and keep moisture.

    Sowing a garden

    Pumpkin planting to open ground will be possible when the earth warms up to 12-13˚C to a depth of 7-8 cm. This is usually happening in mid-May. Having done a wide (70 cm) groochka (70 cm), planned onto her wells. That's right, if they are at a distance of 1 m. Their diameter is made equal to 30 cm, and the width of the rod - 2 m.

    It will be more convenient to care for landings if you place the wells in a chess order.

    Abundant moisturizing each well hot (about 50˚C) with water and waiting for her complete absorption, lay out 2-3 pumpkin seeds, leaving more free space between them. The landing depth determines the structure of the soil. On medium loads, the pumpkin seeds fall asleep with a fertile substrate by 5-6 cm. If the ground is light, the thickness of its layer is increased to 8-10 cm.

    After climbing the wells with a humus or peat, they are covered with film. To fix it, the land is poured around the edges. So the shootings of pumpkins will appear faster. Waiting for them will have about a week. When sprouts are shown from the soil, the shelter is removed.

    At stage 2 of these leaves, the breakdown of seedlings, leaving a maximum of 2 of them, if the pumpkin is nutmeg or hard. Choosing for breeding in the site, large-scale varieties of culture (dawn, smile, sweetie) will have to be limited to one plant on the well. Hard the extra seedlings are not recommended - high risk is injured by the root system of surviving in bed. It is better to cut them down with soil. When preserving the threat of frosts, shoots are placed under the film, stretching it on a wire frame or arc.

    Alternative cultivation

    If the size of the site does not allow to highlight the plantation for spreader pumpkin weaves, this is not a reason to abandon growing culture. You can plant seedlings in barrel. For these purposes, old tanks are perfect without the bottom. In the new barrels you will need to make holes on the sides and from the bottom to avoid moisture stagnation. Pumpkin whirlpools under the severity of the crop can be injured about sharp edges and even break. Savings them from this ordinary rubber hose. It is cut in half and put on the edge of the barrels.

    The walls of the tank outside are painted in a dark color. So they will heat up harder and do not rust. By installing a barrel on a sunny place, it is filled with biomass, creating a kind of warm bed. The bottom is put fine branches, paper, weeds with powerful roots, thick herbal stems - any organic, which overwhelms slowly. Top places what quickly turns into compost: leaves, grass, trees of vegetable crops. So the barrel for planting pumpkins is prepared in autumn.

    If this is done in the spring, it is half a rewinding organoda from a compost pile, humid, derm or fresh grass in it. All this is carefully tamped. When the places in the barrel no longer remain, its contents are abundantly watered with water, and then a solution of a special preparation, which contains effective microorganisms. Within a month, they will lay out organic residues on nutrients, alleviating the pumpkin their assimilation. This explains the timing of the procedure - the end of April and the first numbers of May. While bacteria will work, the pumpkin seedlings will shoot up to the desired size.

    Instead of barrel, you can use automotive tires by setting them on each other.

    Basics of agrotechniki

    Pumpkin seedlings needed on the beds need frequent watering. Perform it every day until they finally come down in a new place. After that, watering is reduced to a minimum. In the rainy summer you can do absolutely without it.

    When the ovary in size becomes reminiscent of the fist, pumpkin bushes will need a lot of moisture again. Water planting during this period once a week, spending 1 bucket of water on the bush. Especially important is abundant moisture for pumpkin on hot days. Before harvesting, watering the landing stops. If you neglect this recommendation, the fruits will be worse. Their taste will suffer: they will become less sweet.

    Pumpkin speaks well on soil loosenings. It is advisable to spend them after each moisture, at the same time removing weeds. Begin to loosen the soil from the moment of the appearance of germs, deepening in it under the bushes by 6-8 cm. The ground in the aisles are processed more intensively - by 12-18 cm. It is better to do it to moisturizing, then water will go to the roots of plants faster. When loosening, it is recommended a little bit of pumpkin bushes. This technique will make them more stable.

    Feed the landing often - with a frequency of 1-1.5 weeks. The nutritional composition is prepared from a cow (1 l) and nitroposki (2 art. L). They are stirred in 10 liters of water. Under adult bush poured 1.5 buckets of the solution. The first feeding is proceeded when the seedlings will take place from the time of the premises of the seedlings. If the pumpkin seeds sat immediately into the ground, you need to count down from the date of procedure for 3 weeks. During this period, the plant is better to pour away with diluted with water 4 times with dung or chicken litter. Another fertilizer option is wood ash (1 glass of substance on 10 liters of water).

    Before the first feeding around the pumpkin seedlings make a shallow (6-8 cm) grooves, retreating from plants 10-12 cm. In them and pour nutritious composition. In the future, the depth of the grooves increase by 4 cm, digging them at a distance of 40 cm from the bushes. Putting fertilizers, the grooves are sprinkled.

    Formation of bush

    The most important thing in the care of pumpkin is to correctly form a bush. When the length of its main stem will be 1.3-1.5 m, it will need to be discredited. From numerous lateral shoots, only 2 leave 2, removing extra. In length, they must reach 60-70 cm. In order for the pumpkin to ripen the large, the wounds are normalized: one for each escape.

    Fruits will pour faster if you press the scourge to the ground. Do it with a small wooden rhotane or wire. Top on the escape pour the soil. The optimal thickness of its layer is 6-7 cm. Additional roots are formed under the earth on shoots. So that the greeted pumpkins do not get in the ground and did not hit the rot, the glass or a piece of plywood are under the fruit.

    If the pumpkin is decorative, it will be needed to be religious. Quickly growled, they easily disguise on the site old buildings, pillars, sheds, fences, will take a gazebo or a sleeper by creating a secluded green corner. But the scourge of such plants are heavy, so the support is necessary for them to choose reliable. Organic compositions are more suitable for their feeding. Otherwise, the decorative variety of culture is grown in the same way as usual.

    Pumpkin, landing and care for which they will require minimal skills from the dacket, is a very grateful plant. In terms of competent agricultural engineering, it is capable of feeding not one family with its delicious and healthy fruits. Despite the thermal lobility of culture, they grow almost everywhere. Even in the low-flowing pumpkin, the conditions of Siberia and the Leningrad region, her bushes will be able to bring a crop. It is only necessary to equip warm beds and prepare high-quality seedlings.