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How to live if there is no strength? Where to find the forces to live on? Where to take strength when life energy on zero

There are in life different situations: Loss of a loved one, failures at work and in personal life, alcoholism in the family ... All this negatively affects our state of health and emotional state. In such a situation, each person may drop hands. However, it should be understood here, no matter how hard we, no matter what difficulties and life obstacles have never arose before - never, you can never put up with the situation and go for her.

But what if the trouble happened? to live and move on?

Firstly, it is necessary to understand what happened. Is everything really bad, or else you can change something?

SecondlyBe sure to deal with yourself. If the trouble happened - it is not necessary to accomplish the reconcile rapid deeds. It is necessary to understand what happened as it affected you and your environment.
It is very hard to understand yourself. To help, you can recommend the psychological reception "day alone with you." This day is best to spend in the distance from familiar places - for example, in nature. All alone. You can not read books, watch TV, spend time on the Internet or communicate with friends - only peace and communication with yourself. On this day, it is recommended not to pronounce any words out loud.

After you spend a day alone with yourself - you will notice how your consciousness will clear. You will be easier. And at that moment better decision Consultation with a professional psychologist. Sign up for the reception, express and get a consultation of a specialist. Here the most important thing is to express, implancing in the words all that is gnawing you from the inside.

The door opens a low young woman in long beautiful dress. About such people say "lightweight". In my head flashes the word "happy", and it does not fit at all with the theme of the upcoming conversation. Due to the skirt, a little blond girl looks out of the skirt. Lada. It is surprising with her quickly, and she will be happy to jump on my knees under the rhythmic "Chuch-Chuh".

Mistress at home brewing green teawe are chinno searched for kitchen table. Getting ready for the beginning of the conversation. My first question Veronica is about how and when a loss occurred.

"It happened in 2013, although the story began much earlier - before that I had 6 years in infertility. There were several reasons: hormonal, physiological and, of course, psychological. My path to pregnancy was difficult, I survived the whole range of emotions and relationships to the situation: from denial before adoption. Children were long-awaited. My husband and I decided to do Eco, and in March 2013 I got pregnant in a triple: I sat down two babies, and one "came" himself - we did not protect themselves.

Veronica brings a small photo album and a snapshot of an ultrasound in a frame. In the album three names. My breathing is intercepted: the loss of one child is the bottomless abyss of grief, and then Troyna ... internally collect all his spiritual forces for conversation, and Veronica continues to talk quietly.

- Pregnancy proceeded perfectly, and for this I am very grateful: she left me a big resource for subsequent pregnancy. I was also observed in the feminine consultation, and in the hospital in which I was going to give birth. Everything went well. In early September, at the 28th week I officially reached the decree. And on the 29th week, the husband returned home slightly sick, and I picked up the virus. Ozchovob, temperature 40-41, ambulance, maternity hospital, infection of unknown genesis, threat of premature births. I did not want to put in the maternity hospital, intended to send to the infectious department of an ordinary hospital. Only my solid decision to go home by taxi affected the decision of the specialists.

I broke through all night, but in the morning I was going. I understood that I need to live: I had two sons

- At first I got into the observation, but very soon I was transferred to the usual separation. Immediately after that I had a waters. Then the doctors said that the waters were green, although I do not remember that. I made an emergency Cesarean. Children were born, saw, all corresponded to the term of gestation, and apgar (the system of rapid assessment of the state of the newborn. - Approx. Ed.) It was not bad: 7/7 in the first two and 7/6 of the third.

The day of childbirth, in general, was joyful for me: faith appeared that everything would be fine, especially after I was told that the weight of the boys 1330 g, girls - 1190 grams. The doctor smiled and said that the kids are good. Of course, this is a "accident", but there is chances.

And at night, I suddenly woke up from what I felt: someone goes to me. Two nurses brought me a large bank of Valerian (how I am grateful for it!) And they said that Martha's daughter died.

This event changed my life. I broke through all night, but in the morning I was going. I understood that I need to live: I had two sons. As a result, I reliably "seal" in myself the accommodation of this grief.

Little Lada plays on the floor in the molds and fun rulit. In Veronikin cheeks flow tears. I take her hand to support, but I understand that rather, I myself hold it for her to resist the wave of this terrible event.

- Everything is fine with me. Simply this process is not for one month, not for one year and even, probably, not for several years ...

The next day, when the doctors discovered this very infection of the unknown genesis, the sons sharply became worse. On the evening of the evening, another child died - Peresvet.

My infection also did not leave. The blood test showed inflammation, but besides the intestinal sticks, I did not find anything. I remained in the observation department under observation within two weeks after childbirth.

The last son was transferred for the fifth day to the resuscitation department of the Roadom number 8. It was possible to get only at certain hours. While I could not walk, my husband visited him, and after and me. Dobrynya was amended. I retained lactation to feed my son after discharge after discharge.

What is the horror of this story? After each loss I was going and filmed myself faith and hope. I thought it could not be worse. And then I realized that it could always be worse.

It was the 28th day. We were in the registry office, were going to register my son. My husband called from the hospital and asked to come. All the way to the maternity hospital, I traded with God that he was gracious to his son. But, as it turned out, it was already useless. Everything happened instantly: an oval window opened in the heart and irreversible hemorrhage in the brain. The heart of the kid worked only on Adrenaline, who is a wicillion. It was 26 October four years ago ...

Today I can say for sure: I know how to live on after the loss, and live in joy

In the eyes of Veronica, tears appear again, the voice trembles. I hug her, and again the idea that I now need it now. How did the transformation of this fragile woman occurred? She visited Triple Adu, survived and remained happy. She has loving husbandWith which they survived so much together, and little smiling Lada.

- I went all stages of accommodation. At first there was a prolonged stage of shock and denial - it was because of this that I did not say goodbye to Martha, did not look at her after death, we did not bite a single tripony.

At the stage of bargaining, I had a huge interest in the border between life and death, I even had a course of tanatotherapy. My unconscious desire for death brought my body to depression and a delineated state. It is good that Dad noticed in time, to what feature I reached, and helped me restore health.

The first question that was worried about when everything happened: can you live with this?

The second question: Is it possible for me? On both I answered positively and began to look for ways.

Today I can say for sure: I know how to live on after the loss, and live in joy. I created my coordinate system that allows me to live on, and live happily. It is this coordinate system that gave me Lada. The example always inspires, and I see my purpose in sharing my knowledge with others.

The question that has yet remained unresolved for me: is it possible to thank the universe for this loss from the soul? Now I am grateful by 99%. In me, there is still a trading echo: "Yes, I can understand when one, well, two, but three?!" I have not yet reached the level of complete transformation. And my intention is to reach this level of consciousness to recycle all the pain in experience and go to 100% thanks.

Veronica tells the parable of the guardian angel, which is one of the keys of processing grief in experience.

The man met with the guardian angel. Angel asked him if he wants to see his whole life. Man agreed. Angel raised him, and the man saw the shore of the sea and two pairs of traces in the sand.

- Who is it next to me?

- It's me. I accompany you all my life.

- Why sometimes there is only one pair of tracks?

- These are the most difficult periods in your life.

- And you left me in the most difficult moments? How could you! - a man was indignant.

"No," Angel answered quietly, "I carried you on my hands."

If someone from native or friends told me: "I'll be there," I would be able to bury the children

Veronica transformation range is impressive. This requires a resource, a lot of resources. In response to my request, Veronica lists everything that can be support for a woman in such a situation. Not all of the above was the Veronica itself.

- The strongest resource is the support of a loved one. If then someone from native or friends told me: "I'll be there," I would be able to bury the children. But at that moment, neither her husband nor the parents had forces. The Third Son, Dobryna, we managed to baptize, and his godfather organized a correspondence fizz, on which we were with her, with her husband and my sister. I am very grateful to her, it helped me partly to heal the pain of the loss of the Third Son.

Another important resource is support and careful attitude from doctors. I am still very grateful for the bank of Valerian. But, of course, there should be psychologists in the maternity hospital who can work with loss.

Another resource is the recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof experiences in accommodation. It is important to sue a child in your arms, say goodbye to him, take a picture of it. I did nothing of this, which I regret now. It's good that the Foundation "Light in Hands" appeared, which works with medical Personnel It is in this key that teaching not to devalue the experiences and not burn out at the same time.

- Very important support for the whole family and friends. My friends have not yet fully lived this loss. This year we have great progress: We first all celebrated the birthday of Tripi, sat at the table. Although they could talk about it so ... But I thanked my husband and parents that they were next to me.

For me, the strongest resource was the awareness of himself in two hypostasses: spiritual and bodily. I learned to perceive myself as a precious soul. The forgiveness went through the spiritual part: I could look at myself from my soul, I realized that here, on earth, I have bodily boundaries, restrictions. My bodily, the physical part did everything that could.

And I call for others - to take myself as a precious soul. Otherwise, the loss does not survive. If you are a soul, then your essence is love, including to yourself.

I know how important is to burn pain, pass through it - only then there will be a transformation of pain in experience

A big problem is to find a person who can be spoken. Most of us perceive themselves just like the body, and the conversation about the loss of children immediately turns a person at the physical level. One of the reasons why I went to a psychologist, "I really needed that someone listened to me. And the logic was simple: I cry money - the psychologist listens me. But in fact, the conversation about death is a conversation about life.

I often helped me the entrance to the female state "I-River". We have a small river in the country: every day, no matter what happens, she is quietly murmur, runs somewhere.

I also realized that it was not for all questions "why" can be answered - here in this life. I accepted as a fact that some answers I recognize later, beyond, and then I will immediately become everything. And in this life I will not try to search for answers to these endless "why" and "why". Large seemingly at a distance - maybe with time life will give answers. But I know for sure how important to live pain, pass through it - only then there will be a transformation of pain in experience. And when it happens, instead of feeling empty hands Joy will come, light will appear in the hands.

Of course, every case is individual: each of us decides for yourself, whether his cup of suffering filled or not. We were taught: in order to become happy, you need to suffer. "Happiness must be deserved." Now I know for sure that we, people who evolve into such a beautiful world in which it is possible not through pain, suffering, deficiency, shortage, not through the whip, but through a gingerbread. Now we have the opportunity to become happy through love.

For a farewell, Veronica tells another parable about suffering and happiness, which explains the very coordinate system in which it is possible to stay happy man Even after such shocks.

The man died, hit the trial and asks God:

Lord, what about my share? I deserved the kingdom of heaven? I suffered!

And since when, was God surprised, - suffering began to be deserved?

I wore Vlasanitsa and Nervie, "the man frowned. - bran bran and dry peas, did not drink anything other than the water, did not touch women. I exhausted my body with post and prayers ...

So what? God asked. - I understand that you suffered - but for what exactly did you suffer?

In the glory of yours! - not thinking, the man replied.

Pretty I get fame! - The Lord grinned sadly. - I, it means that the sea of \u200b\u200bpeople is hunger, forcing wearing a bunch and depriving joys of love?

Silence hung ... God still thoughtfully looked at a man.

So with my share? - reminded himself a man.

He suffered, you say, - God uttered quietly. - How do you explain to understand ... here, for example, a carpenter that was in front of you. He built all his life at home for people, in the heat and cold, and hungry sometimes, and often fell on his fingers, through this and suffered. But he still built at home. And then he received his honestly earned fee. And you, it turns out, all my life I only did that I darked myself with a hammer on my fingers.

God was silent for a moment ...

And where is the house? Where, I ask?!


The "Light in Hand" Charitable Foundation helps everyone who needs information, psychological, legal or any other support associated with the death of a child during pregnancy, childbirth or in an neonatal period. The Foundation is ready to provide free assistance not only to moms and dads, but also to other people who touched the death of a child: family members, friends, colleagues and health care services.

No one from people manage to live all his life, never lose his beloved person, someone who needs them, or something that they thought should have been laid forever. But it is these losses that in the end make us stronger, it is they who reveal the opportunity for us for the future personal growth, success and happiness.

Over the past five years, we and I were destined to survive a lot of sorrows, including the unexpected death of a relative, death best friend In the hospital ward, betrayal of a business partner, and even unexpected dismissal. Yes, all this was, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Each of these incidents for a while almost knocked us down. But when we stopped grieving, we continued to move forward - even stronger than before, and with much more understanding of life.

And that's what we managed to find out, having experienced all this:

  1. You are not your past. - No matter how chaotic your past, you are clean, fresh and outdoor Path. You are not your past habits. You are not your past mistakes. You are not how someone once treated to you. You are just you, here and now. You are your current actions.
  2. Focus on what you have, and not what you do not have. "You are the person who you are, and what you have right now." And, honestly, your position is not so bad - otherwise you would not read this article. What you really need is to find it some one positive thought that will inspire you and help you move forward. Hold on to it as hard as possible, and try to focus on it. Yes, it may seem to you that you have nothing, and if there is, then a little, but your mind may well inspire you. And this inspiration is the only thing that you really need to start moving forward again.
  3. Problems - an integral component of personal growth. - Yes, yes, our problems and their solution are part of life and personal growth. People lose their jobs, sick, and sometimes even die in accidents. When you are young and your business go very well, it is difficult for you to realize it to the fullest. But the smartest one, and sometimes the most difficult thing that we can do, getting into a similar situation - to take advantage of your reaction to it to harden your will and determination. You can want to scream as much as you like, throw it into the wall of the items and swear with Mat - but you are higher than this, right? Remember, the abundance of emotions, as a rule, does everything worse. And although the tragedy is really bad, they give us the opportunity to become stronger.
  4. Sometimes you can afford to reveal. - You are not obliged to constantly pretend to be strong and pretend that you are fine. And the fact that other people think about you in such a situation, you should not disturb you. If you want to cry - cry, it is even useful. The smile does not always mean that you are happy. Sometimes it just means that you are strong enough to meet your facial problems.
  5. Life is fragile, sudden, and sometimes shorter than it seems. - Remember, tomorrow maybe it may not be. For someone, it will not be right. Right now, someone builds plans for tomorrow, not yet knowing that he will die today. It is sad, but such is life. So spend your time with your mind, and stay from time to time to understand how beautiful life is. Every moment that you live is an invaluable gift. Do not waste time thinking about bad. Better sweep it on what helps you move in right direction.
  6. We all sometimes mistaken. "And the faster you take it, the faster you can become better and eventually make less mistakes." No, you will never become absolutely infallible, but if you instead of at least try to achieve this, you will sit, folded your hands, you will not succeed. It is better to do something and make a mistake than doing nothing at all. Well, so go ahead, for business! You or succeed, or digest an important lesson. But in any case, you will win!
  7. You are quite capable of making yourself happy. - Feelings change, people too, and time runs forward. And you have a choice. You can or infinitely caring the past and his mistakes, or try to make yourself happy. Smile - that's conscious choice, not some miracle. Do not make a mistake, do not wait for someone else or something happy. True happiness can come only from the depths of your soul.
  8. Try to emotionally remove your problems. - You are not your problems. You are much more. You are a living human being, much more complicated than all your problems taken together. And it means that you are stronger than them - you can change them, and how you treat them.
  9. Do not problem more than it deserves. - Do not let one dark tucker close your entire sky. Whatever gloomy your life is, somewhere will still shine the sun. Sometimes you just need to forget that you feel, remember what you deserve, and continue to move forward.
  10. From all this, you can extract the life lesson. - Of all. Those who you will meet, what happens to you, and so on. All this is part of one large lesson called "Life". And therefore - never refuse her to learn, especially when not everything goes as you want. If you did not get the job that you wanted, or you did not have a new relationship, it means that you are waiting for something even better. And the lesson you learned is the first step towards this.
  11. Consider any test as a chance to learn. - Ask yourself: "What can I learn in this situation"? Whatever the situation we do not get, each of them can teach us something new. How to become stronger. How to communicate with people. How to trust your instincts. How to express your love. How to forgive. How to know when to let go. How to strive for a new one.
  12. Everything changes, but the sun still gets up every morning. - I have bad news for you: nothing is forever. I also have for you good news: nothing is eternal.
  13. Lower the hands and move on - two different things. - In the life of each of us inevitably comes the moment when we get tired of attempts to catch up and fix everything, but this does not mean that we decided to surrender and lower your hands. This is not the end, this is a new beginning. You just start to understand that you do not need some people and that heat of unnecessary passions they bring to your life.
  14. Run away from negative people. "Every time you get rid of your life from something negative, you exempt the place in it for a positive." Life is too short to spend it with people who feed on your happiness, as if vampires - blood. Get rid of negative people, for they are the masters to destroy your sense of confidence and self-esteem. It is better to surround yourself by people who will help to show your best features.
  15. There are no ideal personal relationships. - perfect, perfect romantic relationship There is except in knightly novels. Want your relationship to be perfect? So learn how to cope with the roughness in them - this is exactly what makes them perfect.
  16. Do not forget to love yourself. "One of the most serious troubles that can happen to you in life is a chance to lose yourself, too love someone else, to forget that you are also a person, and also worthy of love. Tell me, when the last time someone said you, what loves you just like that, entirely, without rewriting? What is what you say and think for this person is very important? When was the last time someone said that you were fine with the affairs or just drove somewhere just because you are good there? And when did you have this "someone"?
  17. Do not let others make decisions for you. "Yes, you have to learn to live without taking care of what these people will think about you, shook their emotions and prove to themselves that you are better than they think."
  18. Having hoped anger, you first wander, and not others. - Try to always forgive people and go through life further, even if they never ask you for forgiveness. It is not necessary for them, but you. Having at someone's malice, you deprive happiness yourself. Get rid of yourself from this unnecessary stress - right now.
  19. You are not alone. And problems are all. - Do not sleep at night, worrying about each other. Trying to pick up the fragments of your soul after betrayal. Feel worse than everyone in the world because someone loves you not enough to stay with you. Being to try something new because you may not work. Nothing means that something is wrong with you, or that you go crazy. It just means that you are a person, and that you need a little time to come in order. You are not alone. Whatever miserable or embarrassed you did not feel because of the situation in which they pleased, a bunch of people fell into it to you, and many will fall after. And when you say ourselves "I am one such", you bravely lie.
  20. You have something to thank fate. - Yes, this world is full of sorrows, but he is full of people who overcome them. Sometimes you should forget what you left your life to appreciate what is left and expect what will happen next. Henry David Toro once said: "Wealth is the ability to completely perceive life." And even when things seemingly rubbish, it is useful to look at your life on the other hand. You did not go to bed hungry. You did not have to sleep on the street. You have a choice to wear. Yes, and at work you work not at 20 o'clock for the benchmark. You have access to clean drinking water. If you get sick, you can go to the doctor. You do not have to shake in fear. You have access to the Internet. In the end, you know how to read. Many people would consider you an exorbitant rich - so appreciate what you have.
  21. Constantly Feed His internal Hope. "Loss, anxiety, a disease, a melted dream - no matter how bad you would have, as far as your ambitions did not seem to you, try to put your hands once a day to your heart and spell loudly:" Hope is inhabited. "
  22. Unpleasant truth much better sweet lies. "You have to see things as they are, and not so whatever you want them to be." It is better to be a bitter medicine than sweetened refive.
  23. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how close you come to success. "We always move forward a point behind the point, and only looking back, we see how the line folds. Often, success is much closer than it seems, and waits us when we are already waiting for this.
  24. Sometimes we are most lucky when we do not get the desired. "That's the way, because it makes us overestimate our priorities, opens the way to new opportunities and in general makes it all the fresh, nothing with a shy look.
  25. Laughter - the best cure for stress. - Laugh over my own, and more often. Try to find funny in any situation. Optimism attracts happiness. If you are positive, you do not have to look for good things and good people. They will find you.
  26. Errors only benefit. - We all make mistakes. We allow people to use us and deal with us as we do not deserve. But if you think about it well, our unsuccessful elections have taught us a lot, and although we will not be returned to us anymore, and apologies from some people will not wait, the next time you will no longer repeat the same mistakes. And now we have more power over our future. Remember, not one who falls, but the one who does not get up, even when he has such an opportunity. So stand up! Often, good things disappear from our life only in order for something better in their place.
  27. Worry - only in vain spending energy. - Anxiety does not save you from trouble tomorrow. It will save you from energy today.
  28. If you are hard to go ahead, make small steps. - It is always necessary to force yourself to go ahead, especially in difficult times. You can not lose inertia! While you are moving forward - even with the speed of the snail - you will certainly get to the finish line. So rejoice in each step you made, it doesn't matter how big it is. After all, every step takes us away from the past where we want to be tomorrow. And no matter where you are striving - to best Life Or a cherished dream - you will reach it by making many steps in the same distance, one at a time.
  29. There is always someone who you do not like. "You just won't be able to please all around." Whatever you do, there will always be someone who you do not like. So do not pay attention to it, and do what the heart prompts you. What is said and thinking about you are not so important. It is much more important that you yourself think about yourself.
  30. You will be much better without some people who, as you thought you are needed. - The bitter truth is that some people will be with you only as long as you have what they need. Well, when the need for you will disappear - only they have seen. And the good news is that sooner or later all these tempors will disappear from your life, leaving only those reliable friends in it, where you can rely.
  31. The only one rival - you yourself. - When you catch yourself as you compare yourself with a colleague, a neighbor, a friend or celebrity, stop! Understand that you have nothing to do with them. You have other weaknesses and strengths - Parties that other people are simply not. Highlight a minute and try to understand what these are your strengths, and be grateful for what you have.
  32. Not all that happens to you, it is subject to you.- But in your power, how to react to it. In any life there is both positive and negative aspects, and then you are happy or not, it depends on what you will be concentrated. For example, if you are catching up, rejoice that it is temporary, it will pass, and that this disease does not threaten your life. Lost the game in basketball? But you spent time with friends for a healthy and cheerful occupation. The course of your shares fell? Nothing terrible, still raises. And in general, you are lucky that you have savings when many bare ends with ends. Well, you understood.
  33. Life will never be simple and easy.- If you expect it from it, you are waiting for only disappointment. Nothing worthy of us is given to us, and free things are worth the fact that we paid for them. And because every morning, be prepared to run on and faster than yesterday - but in the right direction! It will not be easy, but in the end - it is worth it!
  34. Your future flawless. - No matter how dirty is your past, your future is still flawless. And do not dare try to glue the morning of a new day from the remains of yesterday's days. Do not look back if there is nothing to watch. Every day is a new start, a new beginning. And every new day is the first day of the remainder of your life. One of best ways Leave all the alarms of the past behind - to do something like that, for which you would tell yourself today thanks.
  35. You did not go to the dead end, you just need to understand something. - I sometimes seem to us that we went to a dead end. We doubt our ability to make decisions capable of changing our entire lives, open new chapter In the book of our life, or just join an independent life. But know: if a bird with healthy wings long to keep in a cage - how can she know what she can fly? Your wings are with you, and if it seems to you that you are in a dead end, break the wings. A little effort - and you just turn over the wall.
  36. Each coin has another side. - That is why we cannot experience pleasure, not disintegrating pain. We do not recognize joy without dispersion. I will not be sure, without having been confused, and there is no calm without anxiety. And maybe there may be hope in the world without despair? And you do not find coins with one side, for which you can buy a happy, cloudless life.
  37. You always have a choice. - In whatever situation you find yourself, you always have at least two choices. And if you can't change something physically, you can change the way you think about it. You can just sit in the dark, or you can find inner light in yourself, and looking at own soul, Kept there what you did not suspect. And then the crisis will turn into an opportunity to learn something new, and the destruction of your world is to build a new one on his fragments.
  38. If you plunged into darkness - let in it and others. - No, they will not necessarily be able to pull you out of it, but of the light that they bring with them, it may be enough for you to understand what side the way out.
  39. Specifying negative questions, you will get negative answers. "Questions" Why am I? "," Why not me? "," What, if? " And they simply can not be positive answers. So would you allow someone else to ask those questions that you ask yourself? Unlikely. So is it not better to ask yourself questions that can push you in the right direction? For example, "What can this situation teach me?", "What is now in my life under my control?", "How can I move forward?".
  40. Each end is a new beginning.. - Tell yourself: "Expensive past, thank you for everything I have learned from you. Expensive future - wait for me, I'm already going! " Often, the beginning of something great happens just that moment when you think that this is the end of everything.

MARC Chernoff.
Translation of the article

1. "Unloved work." The work that you do not like (this can relate both to the hired work and to work at home) takes a lot of our forces, because we carry it out, guided by the word "need" or "should". Unlike the favorite work we do, because we want. The word "want" refers to our inner child, and the word "must" to the parent. Which of them more energy and strength? Of course, a child. Therefore, when we love our work, we have a lot of energy, and when you do not like, we feel exhaustion.

2. "Toxic relationships." This is a relationship in which you feel shame, guilt, offense, fear. A conversation with a "toxic" man usually consists of criticism (most often non-constructive), which hurts you personally, categorical judgments, dispute which is not possible, manipulations, the purpose of which is to cause you the above feelings. These are relationships that do not support you, but depreciate. Usually communication with "toxic" people are accompanied by headache, fatigue, despair. And the closer to you this person, the higher the energy flow.

3. "Emotional garbage" - insult, feeling of guilt, unspoken feelings. Accumulating in us, they begin to "Fong", taking part of our energy to determine the "prohibited" feelings.

4. "Accommodation of someone else's life." This refers here: the desire to make another person happy or instruct it on the "True path" (for example, their own parents or husband), attempts to save another person (from alcoholism, boring and monotonous life, making mistakes, from marriage, etc.), give the debt to parents, change anything in your past. These tasks are not included in our competence. Continuing to invest in them, we will fail, the more weissing ourselves.

5. "TV". News programs, talk shows, political debates, TV shows "rock" our emotions from one pole to another, creating an illusion of a saturated life and causing emotional exhaustion.

Conscious departure from energy "black holes" allow us to save our forces, remove the "sharp" emotions, learn to "recruit energy".
But what to do if there is no strength, and "black holes" is not always possible to close?
Then you need to find your "Power Places". What are the "Power Places"?

1. Rest. Here not only the familiar dream or vacation or "felting" on the sofa with a book, there is also a rest from communication, from conversations, from large number People in their lives. Disable the phone, do not communicate in social networks, Stay a little with you, take a break from others.

2. New experience. Try something new: food, clothing style, hairstyle, route to work, day mode. Do something that you have long dreamed of, but constantly postponed.

3. New knowledge. Make it possible to take a fresh look at yourself and others, to evaluate differently the world And their capabilities in it. If you can embody new knowledge new experience, that is good source For your strength.

4. Communication with people who support you or inspire. "Good" relationships fill you with new ideas, instill faith in you in yourself and your strength help to implement your dreams and goals.

5. Nature. Walk through the autumn forest in its energy utility is comparable to several hours of sleep. No clear geometric shapes, "Incontinacy" of the outlines of branches and leaves, the irregularities of the forest road make our brain work in another mode, make it possible to relax our rational, analytical thinking.

6. Liberation of the physical space. Throw out or distribute old things, spend a revision in the cabinets and drawers written table, Get rid of small garbage, stop the furniture.

7. Farewell and forgiveness. It helps free your emotional space.
Thank and let go of your past, forgive those who are offended. Free place fill with love and adoption. First yourself, and then others.

8. Countain Practices. Yoga, dancing, swimming, jogging, ordinary morning gymnastics. All this allows us to be in contact with your body, at least for some moment you stop "use" to use it, but to feel it. And the body will definitely respond - a feeling of fullness and strength.

9. Creativity. The hobby, which you once abrasted, new directions in the "manual" work, painting - everything is suitable here. Dreamed of once able to draw - embody your dream into life. Intuitive drawing, Chinese Painting U-Sin, Griezail absolutely do not require the talent of the artist, only the desire to draw and listen to themselves. A new experience and new knowledge and recreation are connected here.

10. Serving. Each of us has a special, unique task with which we came to this world. For this task, we are allocated enough forces and energy. Failure to fulfill its task (deviation from the tasks of one's own growth) entails unpleasant consequences: Diseases, problems with relationships, financial difficulties, difficulties with work, and after this and energy costs. Thus, the world seems to be trying to return us to the place of our ministry, where our strength and energy is needed, where our uniqueness and uniqueness come in handy. The one who found the place of his ministry in this world does not have a shortage of forces.

Avoid "black" holes, look for places own power And you will always be filled with energy.

In the modern world, a person is subjected to daily psychological and emotional loads. Problems at work, traffic jams, bad ecologyThe unfavorable intramearial situation make the life of a person sometimes simply unbearable. As a result, chronic fatigue comes and a complete lack of interest in life. The question of how to find the strength to live on, sooner or later many members of society are asked, and unfortunately, they do not always find the answer.

What to do

No desire to live on, many people occur. Usually such thoughts occur after the tragedy or accident occurred. Even the most focused optimists sometimes sometimes have a pessimistic mood. But, often, people incorrectly interpret their condition: they want to live, but not in this way as on this moment . A person does not suit the established life situation, he wants to change something, but there is no strength. Troubles and troubles make us stronger and more experienced. There are often cases when a strong shake makes it throw away all depressive thoughts away and makes moving only forward. Do not wait for help from others, you need to find the strength to get out of this state. Tips of psychologists will help to understand themselves, separating important from the secondary and gain peace of mind.

Analyze the current situation

First of all, you need to place priorities, separate the real difficulties from the fictional, and then the circle real problems significantly narrows. It is not necessary to exaggerate the importance of the current situation - this is just another life stage, which sooner or later end.

It is impossible to inactivate

Find the strength to search for output. It is inspiring himself that there is no strength to live on, you will build an insurmountable wall of negative, break through which it will be too difficult. You can not find a straight path, go roundabouts, but do not stand in place.

Obtaining life experience

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but a reasonable person is able to draw conclusions from any situation, and the harder it will be, the more value acquired experience.

Think positive

Depression is afraid of energetic and active people. Find the strength to do something interesting, inspiring. A new occupation will give the meaning of life, and will make a desire to go further.

Appreciate Life

Our life Path Too short, and we do not know at what point he will interrupt. Do not even spend a few precious minutes for despondency, sadness and despair. Foolishly spend priceless time For depression when it can be spent on new acquaintances, travel, communication with loved ones.

Slop down negative outwards

Do not get closed in yourself and restrain emotions. I want to cry - pay, after that a noticeable relief will come. Just do not need to bring yourself to hysterics, it will not lead to anything good. It is impossible to be in constant nervous tension, It is necessary to periodically give will feelings.

What is not done, this is for the better

How to find the forces to live on if you were fired from work? Or maybe this is a sign? The fate signal that you are worthy of the best, and the change of work will only bring positive changes to your life. From you left close person? Perhaps he was only a transitional period in the life path, and real feelings are only ahead? What we accept as the strongest tragedy is in fact the impetus to a new happy stage of life.

Energy vampires exist not only in books on psychology. There are many people in our life who are not satisfied with their exception, and feed on the energy of positive and happy people. Drink away the envious, whiskers, hypocrites from their surroundings, they are not there. Communicating with them, you will gradually begin to live their problems that you have anything. Together with self-sufficient and positive personalities, following them, you will also improve yourself.

Really evaluate reality

Beautiful knights and magnificent ladies live only in fairy tales. Real relationships are much more difficult than in novels, and the earlier you will remove pink glassesThe less disappointment will experience.

Do not sacrifice yourself

In any way, self-dedication is important, but it is not worth a sacrificent relationship in deprivation of relationships. If the subject of adoration is not worthless of you, find the strength to admit to this and retreat. Perhaps ahead of you awaits a big and bright feeling.

Get rid of the internal oppression - resentment on others

A strong resentment does not allow us to live peacefully, she rushes a heavy blowing into depression. Learn to mentally forgive your offender, and then you obviously feel relief.

Check thanks

Thank people for the good acts in relation to you. You may, so you acquire new friends who can help in a difficult moment.

Appreciate what you have

Look at yourself from the side. Maybe you have something else? We are talking Not necessarily about material benefits, you need to appreciate good friends, excellent health, lively loved ones, family well-being. Not all of this have, but do not complain about fate, but go on.

Let go of the past

Each new day is a blank sheet on which you can re-start writing your life path. All the insults and tragedies remained in the past, you need to be able to let go of unpleasant memories, while emphasizing our useful experience.

Methods of fighting apatine to life

In psychology, there is a clear definition of the lack of vital energy - apathy. If there is no strength to live on, try to use the advice of specialists.

Write on paper all that causes you apathy for life and burn a sheet. If such an undone seems a little stupid you, you can use the old proven way - tell about your problems unfamiliar man. He listens to you and maybe give an objective advice, how to live and what to do. After such actions, you will feel the actual sincere relief.

Return from others. It is best to do this in the forest where you can relax from the city bustle. Fresh airThe singing of birds will help emotionally recover.

Doctors argue that the more emotions you hold in yourself, the more difficult it is to get out of the depressive state. I want to scream - shout, cry, after that it will be more easier for you.

If you understand that you cannot cope with the problem yourself, consult a doctor. An experienced psychologist It will help to find the true cause of bad spiritual health and will help find a way out of the current situation.

Lack of interest in life can torment a person at any time of the day, you can wake up in the morning and feel terribly tired. Where to find forces for a new day? Doctors recommend the following ways to "charge" their own body:

  • Review your diet. It is possible that there is an excessive amount of sweet, fatty and salty, which has a significant burden on the body. The more you will use useful productsThe more energy you get.
  • Invigorating flavors. It has long been proven that citrus increases performance. More often use oranges, tangerines, and they will definitely be charged you for the whole day.
  • Fitness. This is not about the exhausting physical exertion, but about light charge or run in the morning. Uncomplicated exercises will allow faster to awaken in the morning and feel the vigor of the Spirit.

If you perform these simple actions, the Kandra will gradually retreat. Try in every day to look for something good, positive, put new goals in front of you.

What is the loss of interest in life

Before you begin to treat apathy, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Most often, interest in life disappears for the following reasons:

  • Constantly experienced stressful situations. The person is in chronic depression, and can no longer leave it. In this case, it is necessary to seek specialized help.
  • Avitaminosis. Usually in the offseason, the person begins to experience the acute shortage of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced. As a result, anemia is coming, and the body works only half of its strength.
  • Diet. Bottling diets make the body weakened, sluggish. A slimming person limits himself in Sahara, as a result of which glucose ceases to feed cells in the required quantity.
  • Physical overload. Wasing workouts or hard work exhausts the body, as a result of which apathy and weakness occurs.
  • Mental stresses. Bright example Students serve, who during the session are experiencing great mental loads. After passing the exams, they often fall into depression.
  • Reception of some drugs can also be negatively affected by spiritual health.

The lack of desire to live on, depression - all these concepts are only the temporary condition of the body with which you can and should be struggling. If you do not pay due attention to the depressive state, over time it can grow into a real tragedy. About 3% of the total number of patients with depressive disorder are trying to complete the life of suicide. These are very scary numbers, because in this, it would seem, our friends and relatives may be a small percentage. Do not close in your shell, look for a way out of the current situation, do not lower your hands. If you are wondering how to continue to live, if there are no strength and do not find an answer for him, feel free to seek help to a psychologist. It will recommend drugs, which in a complex with psychological classes will quickly return the mental balance and meaning of life.