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How many years to give a child in the section. How old is the child in the garden? - Tips of psychologists and experienced parents. What does not say the law

When a child grows up and begins to actively move, many parents have a natural desire to give it to the sports section.

In this matter, moms and dads are often guided by their personal preferences, or the degree of disposability of the section is relative to the house.

What do you need to pay attention to, choosing a sports section for a child?

First you need to carefully look at your crumb. Maybe he is already taking interest in some kind of sport type - ask him directly or show the broadcast on TV.

If the definition of the direction arose difficulties, take the child to the maximum number of sections and circles. Somewhere he will definitely "find their own."

At what age give a child to sports

Todders up to 3 years in sports sections are usually not taken. Therefore, before that age you can only teach the baby to sports yourself - equip at home sports corner, buy balls, engage in gymnastics.

From 3-4 years you can already go to classes under the supervision of the coach. This age is very good for the development of coordination and flexibility - offer the girl with aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, tennis, acrobatics. Boys can try football, tennis and hockey.

Early Development Development Features

In 3-4 years, it is worth starting classes for the development of flexibility - during this period the child's body is most fitful to stretching. It is also necessary to know that the bone skeleton at this age is not finally formed, so the compression load on the spine is better to avoid - jumping and sports gymnastics should be eliminated.

If you do not want the child to associate his life with professional sports, it is not worth it to be constantly in classes. In fact, up to 5 years for normal healthy development to a child sufficiently light sports loads and moving games.

Choose sport for kid

In order to better understand, in which sport, the child will almost certainly show excellent results, pay attention to its physique. For example, if a child has a height above average, it will suit basketball, while for gymnastics is the unwanted indicator.

Experts allocate several types of physique

Asthenoid type

It is characterized by thinness, legs and hands are usually long, the shoulders are narrow, muscles are weakly expressed. Such kids will suit those sports where focus on endurance and mobility is made - for example, sports swimming and rhythmic gymnastics.

Thoracic type

This is usually firmly shot down kids with nicely pronounced muscle mass, active and movable. A distinctive feature is equal width of the shoulders and chest. Of these, there are excellent football players and skaters.

Muscular type

Such children have a large skeleton and a well-pronounced muscle mass. They are suitable for all kinds of martial arts, football, hockey, water polo.

Digestive type

Such children are overweight (usually "tummy") and low growth. By nature, they are not very active, but they may be suitable gymnastics, martial arts and swimming.

No one will give an unequivocal answer to the question "?" The future kindergarten must be psychologically and physically prepared for collective life. Nature was not intended to have no children for 8-9 hours in an unfamiliar surrounding, they used to be brought up with nanny and governess, and this was considered the norm. Pre-school institutions are innovations of society.

Up to 3 years in children, a strong connection with the mother, for them a new environment is stress. Psychologists argue that up to 2.5 years of kids do not show desire to interact with peers: it is rather a source of conflicts than pleasure. Before strangers, preschoolers for 2-3 years have fear are one of the causes of difficult adaptation.

Appointment time adaptation:

  • In the manger - 6-10 days.
  • For three-year-old children - 2-3 weeks.
  • For older preschool children - 3-4 weeks.

What should be considered?

  • Communicability. Children who easily communicate with the "Sandbox neighbors", easier than shy or retained in speech development. The models additionally need to be determined to a psychologist and speech therapist, to learn to talk about their desires and needs.
  • The immune system. Painful children are early stay in the group contraindicated.
  • Independence. If the child can ask for a pot, he holds a bottle itself or eats a spoon - it will be easier to adapt to the system.
  • Emotionality - according to the observations of specialists, girls adapt to innovations faster, boys have a touch with his mother.

Adaptation phases:

  • Easy - lasts up to 15 days, Karapuz adequately behaves in nursery in kindergarten, does not hurt, does not lose weight, does not capricious.
  • Middle severity - there are signs of mental stress, it will possibly a malicious crying or a small weight loss (lasts up to 2 months).
  • Heavy - categorical failure, exhaustion, soreness, mood swings. Consultation of a specialist is required.

Statistics in different countries


Accepted in Sadik

Decree lasts 2 months, then you can give a baby in Nurserie

From 3 months

Maternity leave lasts half a year, then the child is given to the garden

Great Britain


From 9 month old

From 3 years, practiced home education

Up to 3 years, siblings remain with parents or relatives

Nursery in kindergarten

Age limit - from 1.5 years, but there are groups for pupils from 6 months. It is preferable to teach the baby to the team in advance: start with groups of short stay (2-3 hours), you can later leave for a whole day.

We recommend it in advance to come to the selected institution, to acquaint specialists with the features of the development and habits of the child, his interests and inclinations. Carefully change the usual way of life at one point is impossible.



  • Not all private gardens have a license.
  • High price.

How many years to give the child to the garden - Personal choice of everyone, but be careful, at such a gentle age is not rare psychological injuries.

When the child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to give it to the sports section. There is a necessary choice in front of them, in which they are often guided by either their taste preferences or the degree of detection of the section of the house. What should I pay attention to, choosing sports for your child?

In small children, an incredible amount of energy and it must be sent to a positive direction. It will make you calm, and the baby is cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sport. But here immediately arises the question of choosing a suitable sport.

First you need to carefully look at your chad. Sport must match its inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

How old is it better to give the child to the sport?

When is it worth sending a son or daughter to sports? - It is best to start teaching children to sports from preschool age, but it is not always possible - young children do not take into all sports sections.

If parents plan to subsequently make sports for a child a significant part of his life, teach children to sports yet with "Pelleok". How to do it? Equip at home a small sports corner with a Swedish wall, rope and other devices. Cocking from early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, mastering the available shells, will feel pleasure and joy from classes.

  • 2-3 years. The kids at this age are full of energy, active and moving. That is why at this time it is recommended to deal with gymnastics daily. The kids quickly get tired, so classes should not be long, it is enough to make a few simple exercises (cotton, mahi hands, slopes, jumps) for 5-10 minutes;
  • 4-5 years. This age is especially noteworthy in that the type of body of the baby has already been formed (as well as its character), and the talents are just beginning to manifest. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports mug for your Chad. This age is good for the development of coordination. Suggest the child to choose an acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumps or curly skating. From five years you can start classes in a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
  • 6-7 years old. A great time for the development of flexibility and plasticity. After a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can give a child to any kind of gymnastics, swimming, to start classes in oriental martial arts or football;
  • 8-11 years old. This age period is best suited for the development of the child speed, dexterity and skill. Excellent idea - give it on the rowing, fencing or cycling;
  • From 11 years old It is worth focusing on endurance. Children after 11 years are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and pull them out. Choose any sport with the ball, consider as an option easy athletic, boxing, shooting;
  • After 12-13 years old Age comes when the optimal decision will be training aimed at the development of force and endurance.

So from what age you can give a child in this or that sport? There is no unambiguous answer here, as each person is individual. There are children who in a three-year-old can ride skateboard or skiing. Others and nine years are not ready for most sports.

There are general recommendations to which it is worth listening to choosing a sports section. For example, classes for the development of flexibility are worth starting from an early age, since at this time the body of the child is more fitful for stretch marks. With age, flexibility is reduced. But as for endurance, it, in general, develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

If you have decided to give a three-year-old child into a sports circle, then take into account the bones and muscles of the child are finally formed only by five years. Excessive loads before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to scoliosis. The kids up to 5 years are actually enough easy loads and active games.

What sections take children at different ages?

  • 5-6 years old. Take on different types of gymnastics and figure skating;
  • 7 years. Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dancing, oriental martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
  • 8 years. At this age, children take badminton, football, basketball and golf. It is possible to study skiing;
  • 9 years. From that time, there is a chance to become a skater, master the sailing, rugby and biathlon, start studying easy athletics;
  • 10 years. Upon reaching 10 years, children are accepted on boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, judo. You can give children to classes with Gary, billiards and cycling;
  • From 11.years of children take in the section on various types of firing;
  • From 12. Years the child will take bobsley.

Gifted children can be recorded in the sports section for a year younger.

We choose the sport, taking into account the physique of the child

After making the decision to give his child to the sport, it is worth paying attention to its type of physique. This is important because various features of the body structure are taken into account in different sports. High growth is preferable for basketball, whereas this feature is not appreciated in gymnastics. If the child is inclined to complete, parents cost even more attention to the choice of directions in sports, because the results of training will depend on this, and therefore the level of children's self-esteem. Having an overweight, the child is unlikely to become a good attacker in football, but it will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

There are several types of body structure, according to the scheme of Shtefko and Ostrovsky used in medical practice. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Asthenoid type- This type of physique is characterized by severe thinness, legs are usually long and thin, and the chest and shoulders are narrow. Muscles are poorly developed. Often in people with an asthenoid type of body addition, there is a slope along with protruding blades. Such children are inclined to feel embarrassed. Given these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be comfortable in a psychological plan. It is important here not only the direction in sports, but also a suitable team. Such children are easy to engage in gymnastics, basketball, as well as any sports, where speed for speed, strength and endurance, skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
  2. Thoracic type The addition of the body is characterized by an equal width of the shoulder belt and hollow, the chest is often wide. Muscular mass development rate. These children show high activity, they are suitable for sports associated with speed and developmental endurance. Movable children are suitable for various races, motor sports, skis, of which will turn out excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and skaters. You can give a child with this type of physique on the ballet, capoeira, jumping, captivate their keding.
  3. Muscular type Additions are characteristic of children with a massive skeleton and developed muscular mass. They are hardy and strong, and therefore it is worth choosing a sport aimed at the development of strength and speed. Such children can show themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, to do water polo and hockey, as well as achieve good results in heavy athletics and Vorkuta.
  4. Digestive type - The type of physique is digestly characterized by low growth, wide breasts, the presence of a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys do not differ mobility, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill an interest in classes, choose heavy athletics, shooting, hockey, athletic gymnastics, consider as an option Types of martial arts or motor consumption, throwing and workout.

How to choose a sport, taking into account the children's temperament?

Character also matters when choosing sports. It depends on what the child's success will be able to achieve. For example, children with a high degree of activity are unlikely to be able to show themselves in sports, where workouts are an endless series of recurring exercises, where the ability to concentrate attention is required. They need to choose classes where the child will be able to throw out an excess of energy, the best thing is that it was a team sport.

  1. Sports for Sanguines. Children with such a type of temperament leader in nature, they are not inclined to succumb to fear, they like Estraim, they will fit the sport, where they will be able to show all these qualities, show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in enjoyment of fencing, mountaineering, karate. Sanguinics will have to taste deltaplanenism, skiing, descent on kayaks.
  2. Choleric - Emotional people, but they are able to divide with someone victory, so it is better to find children with this temperament in team sports. Fighting or boxing is a good option for them.
  3. Phlegmatic children Tell to seek good results in everything, including in sports, because their natural qualities are persistence and calm. Offer a child with such temperament to make chess, figure skating, go gymnastics or become an athlete.
  4. Melancholic - Very vulnerable children, there may be an overnight severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports or to give dance. An excellent option is equestrian, it is suitable for everyone, and it is also worth considering shooting or sailing.

Which section to give children, given the state of their health?

If you chose a direction in sports for your children, all the factors took into account their preferences, the type of physique, in nature, now it is worth paying attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult with a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the body of the child. The doctor will tell you what types of sports are contraindicated in each particular case, and which will benefit. The pediatrician will determine which level of load will suit your children. Consider recommendations regarding the choice of sports in various diseases.

  • Volleyball, basketball and football Contraindicated to minor children, as well as those who suffer asthma or flatfoot. But these sports will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics Elepping the child from flatfoot and helps strengthen the back muscles, shapes a beautiful posture;
  • Swimming - Suitable for all children without exception. Classes in the basin have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the entire body, including the backs, strengthen the nervous system;
  • Hockey contraindicated, if the child has chronic diseases, but it develops well the respiratory system;
  • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, skiing and figure skating Showing with a weakly developed vestibular apparatus;
  • At a weak nervous system, classes are suitable childish yoga, swimming and equestrian sport;
  • Tennis It is worthwhile for the development of shallow motility and attention, but this sport is not suitable for short children and those who suffer from the stomach ulcer;
  • Horse riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
  • Strengthen the heart and the respiratory system can be engaged speed \u200b\u200bsports, light athletics or water jumps;
  • Figure skating contraindicated with strong myopia and diseases of the pleura.

Wanting to attach children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, there will be no failures. However, never write off the failures of the child in sports for different circumstances, because they are the result of the efforts. Reaching success with their efforts, children will again strive for victories, facing failure, will make more efforts.

Any sport is useful and important, because it produces strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child does with them with pleasure!

At what age should you give a child to play sports and what kind of sport choose for a child?

How to help your child choose sport

If we are talking about sports or rhythmic gymnastics, then the question from how many years you can give a child to classes are quite logical - this is a very early sport. If sports masters become 14 years old, respectively, the path to this rank cannot begin late.


Girls on the gymnastics gave early. The reasons are two - first, children have flexibility and stretching that they received from nature. Secondly, the gymnastics is a very complex sport and in classroom needed a strict discipline. Acqualing to perform tasks to the mode, defined rules better from an early age.

Officially sports schools take girls from the five-year-old age. Apparently they have certain sanitary standards on it - by five years the child is formed psychologically as a child, and not as a kid. With such children it is easier to work in a group, you do not need to spend the forces on an individual approach.

But still in gymnave the most important thing is the physical development of the child. If the girl is physically developed - can be given in four years. Physical development determines the coach in the process of simple testing - gives the girl to pull up, make a corner on the gymnastic staircase, checks the stretch. But still the power of muscles has more determining value than stretching, because at an early age stretching there is almost all children, it is still saved from birth.

Olympic champion Lilia Castopeeva began to study in 5 years

The second that checks the coach is psychological sane, that is, the ability to fulfill the requirements of the teacher in the lesson. All children at an early age are more or less disobedient, because they want to play, they cannot fully focus on something one. But in the plan of education, children are plastic, the coach will definitely be able to cope with the child if the parents understand that the head coach will be at the lesson, and they will suggest a child. Parents should not unflatterly express about the coach in the presence of a child, then the teacher will have authority in the eyes of the child.

Sometimes the child is given to gymnastics in three years. As a rule, if the parents know the coach well, then the mutual agreement can be given a kid on training so that it is used to the atmosphere of the sports hall and learned the simplest elements. Of course, at a three years of age, any regularity of speech can not go, but it is quite possible to start doing gymnastics at this age.

How old to do girls

Parents should know that the gymnastics disciplines the child well, makes it strong. First, classes have choreographic orientation. Children stretch, teach dance elements, perform exercises to the podachka. The first competitions in gymnastics are also aimed at these elements - pull-up on the crossbar, fold, twine. This is the third youthful discharge. The second youthful discharge includes free exercises, but physical training competitions also have.

The first youth is carried out without inspection of the physical training of gymnasts, there are all the basic elements of adult discharges - a deck, timber, free exercise, supporting jump. But all the elements are pretty simple, there should be no injury.

The third adult girl discharge receives aged about eight years. This discharge is already making parents to think - the adult means complicated. Elements are complicated and injured is already difficult to avoid. The second adult category is the nine -one-ten years, it includes so complex elements that the organism of many children begins not to withstand and can begin with health, for example osteochondropathy of the joints of the knees and heaters.

The first adult category is as complicated as the degree of candidate in the master of sports and the master of sports. Exercises are not just complicated, but extreme, injuries are almost inevitable, the body also works for wear. It is necessary to have good genetic data, a good muscle mass to continue to do for full force. Therefore, those who do not want to play sports professionally, it is better to stop classes and switch the child to other sports or choreography - light athletics, dancing and the like.

Gymnastics gives such advocacy preparing that the child finds a place for himself in any children's circle, becoming leaders. For example, it can be said that one girl on the degree of candidate in the master of sports was engaged in sports rowing and after two years he received a silver medal in the youth of the Olympic Games.

Of course, there are parents who understand that the girl cannot continue to progress in sports, but they say that the child was engaged in gymnastics for many years and he needs to receive a workshop of his crust (a diploma master of sports). Again with the coach that the child will deal with the plenty and will pass the minimum requirements to stay in sports. But you need to think if there is no meaning in this, because the load and injuries still will not go anywhere, and perhaps a child can not just prove himself, but also find his way in the new field of activity.


How many years to give to training boys? Sports schools are gaining from six years. Practice at which the boy is engaged in four years is practically absent, but from five years old the child may well go to engage if it allows the level of his psychological and physical development. The guys have this sport more "long", the discharges are more "stretched" than girls, although there are its age limitations. Certain discharges must be taken at a certain age.

If we are talking about boys, we mean only sports gymnastics. Artistic gymnastics in guys there is, it is born and even claims to Olympic status. But it looks pretty funny and ridiculous, so it's not about it.

Exercises in boys are complex, but they still are more oriented for strength, and are not so extreme as girls. Although injuries are also present and to the first adult discharge you need to think seriously, whether you need to continue further. The fact is that the gymnastics adds health and strength to a certain stage. And then - as the body will allow, too strong loads can lead to the fact that health will "take".

If the child's classes are intense, and he began serious problems with joints, the ridge, you need to take a break first and give the opportunity to recover. If, with further loads, the problems do not disappear, and the state of health is aggravated, you need to switch to other sports, guys have many power sports directions, I will not delve into this question. It will not be possible to engage in rampant - does not allow the program of this extreme and spectacular sport. But guys can do to the thirty-year-old age, so if there is a desire, you can stretch your workouts for many years.

Gymnastics can do everything, and from an early age, from 4 to 5 years. But this is a complex sport requiring many resources of the body. Therefore, about 11 to 12 years it is necessary to decide whether to do on or continue to train in other sports. Now you know, how many years have given your child in this sport, and in what mode it is to do - you can decide, athletes can be all, and professionals - units. But the gymnastics is the only sport, where children can be professionals, and in this its advantage.

Our expert - oleg Kovalyk, instructor for hand-to-hand combat.

In 5 or in 12?

In Japan, in the homeland karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido and Judo, babies are given to the school of martial arts after 5 years. In China, the birthplace of the legendary wush, they begin to put combat techniques and before - already at 4 years old. But in Korea, at the Motherland, Tekhvondo, it is believed that the student should strengthen, and it is time for him to 7-8 years. The Afrobrazlian dance and martial art of Capoeira will feel good on the soul either in a very young age - in 5-6 years, or in adolescence - after 12. The struggle, boxing, Russian hand-to-hand fight, as well as combat sambo it is recommended to study no earlier than 7-8 years old, Since the bone and muscle system of the child must grow.

Boxing or sambo?

Which of the species of martial arts will suit your child, it largely depends on its temperament.

Slow - such a child needs to develop the speed of the reaction, courage, pressure, vestibular machine. And at the same time, we need a course that fails to go to the goal, without a rush. The baby must be aware of what he learns what. So start from boxing, fighting, then he can choose his direction.

A gentleplay risks growing spoiled and familiar, therefore martial arts for him in some way salvation. However, it should not be started with hard workouts. Start with those species where respiratory gymnastics is recommended, meditation ... This is Wushu, Aikido.

Stubborn will be only with an explicit personal desire. However, if in the course of study it will begin to disappear, the child should re-motivate to bring the work started to the end. The child, the leading quality of the identity of whose persistence, is recommended Karate and, the entire philosophy of which is aimed at achieving heights through the reasonable motivation of the force of the will.

Aggressive often causes parents and teachers to think that it will be completely without being able to expect their aggression into the appropriate combat form. Error opinion! Eastern philosophy, on the basis of which the spiritual component of martial arts is built, just teaches to humble pride and cope with such passions, like anger, rage, thirst for revenge ... Wushu, Jiu-Jitsu - these directions, provided that the proper start - with meditation, respiratory and muscular Gymnastics, the right spiritual attitude - for several years will be made from the hysterical aggressor of a weathered and responsible little fighter.

Trimming often happens quite strong to purely physically let me fight offexts, but it is afraid, "no matter how they choke and did not punish." The timidity of such a child is manifested in everything. And for him, freedom of movements is needed, which will very soon give him and freedom inner. Sambo, hand-to-hand fight, boxing will teach the boy to show and correctly apply his physical strength, rejoice at her.

Cheerful often is a good student and suitable, in general, for any kind of martial arts. His nature can attract aesthetics of the battle, so it is good for him spectacular directions - kickboxing, karate, aikido.

The small philosopher is already at the intuitive level knows that other guys will just start learning in the school of martial arts. The spiritual side of the battle for him can be clear. He should develop speed and agility in such directions of martial art, like Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, Tekhvondo.

Before you record a child in any sports section, you need:

\u003e\u003e Seriously approach the choice of school or sports club, where your child will do. Visit a few halls where children are engaged in martial arts, watch how classes are held. Drain on the spot: how comfortable, light and heat, whether the room is well ventilated, whether it is enough for all necessary protective agents; Evaluate the degree of wear and the hygienic state of the sports equipment ...

Do not put the closeness of the school to your home and low cost of classes at the head of the corner. This is not the most important thing.

\u003e\u003e Consult a pediatrician and get permission. If necessary, go through a full inspection by one or more specialists and pass the recommended tests.

\u003e\u003e In a relaxed atmosphere, talk to the coach. Ask yourself more than once and not two: can you entrust this person to your child? Are you confident that classes will be safe? And only if every time the answer turns out to be positive, you can safely behave in classes.

\u003e\u003e And finally, remember that the main thing is the sincere desire of your child to engage in martial arts!

"No one will warrior against the will! - Tibetan monks said. "And the teacher comes only when the student is ready."