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How to answer when someone says: "I love you for the sake of Allah"? What does it mean "to love and hate for the sake of Allah"? What does it mean to love your husband for the sake of Allah

Love for people means that we should treat them the way we would like to be treated.

"None of you will have perfect faith until he desires for a brother by faith what he desires for himself."

A believer must love every person and wish him the same as he wishes for himself.

Truly none of you will believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.

Love in this context means the desire for another person good. Love for people means that we should treat them as we would like to be treated.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

“Whoever wants to move away from the fire of Hell and enter Paradise, let him meet his death hour, being in faith in Allah and the Day of Judgment. And let him treat people the way he wants them to treat him. "

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"Treat people the way you would like to be treated, however, do not hate them if they hate you."

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

“Love for your brother what you love for yourself and show hatred for what you don’t love for yourself.”

That is why a believer should wish good for any person, even a sinner, and show hatred for what he sins in. In other words, we must love the sinner, but hate his sin. This is "hatred for the sake of Allah."

People who love Allah look through the light of Allah and have compassion for those who disobey Allah. They show hatred towards their actions, but have mercy towards them, so that through their admonitions they will forsake sinfulness. A person will not acquire true faith as long as he is content for people with what he would not want for himself.

The Qur'an says: “But Allah instilled in you a love of faith, and presented it beautiful to your hearts, and made unbelief, impiety and disobedience hateful to you. Such are those who walk the right path ”(49: 7).

Hate because of Allah means to hate a person because of his unbelief and sinfulness. But a person should not focus on hating that person, but rather on the sins they commit. Allah made sinful deeds hateful to the believers, but did not prescribe hatred towards people.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever loves for the sake of Allah and hates for the sake of Allah, and gives for the sake of Allah, and refuses for the sake of Allah, has become his full iman."

Another hadith says: "Who gave for the sake of Allah, who forbade for the sake of Allah, who loved for the sake of Allah, and hated for the sake of Allah, and who married for the sake of Allah, then his faith became full."

It means love for His sake - for those creations and deeds with which He is pleased. He who loves Allah is obliged to love His angels and prophets, His laws and those deeds that bring a person closer to Him. And among the people around him, he is obliged to love those who also love Allah and His messengers and honor His Sharia. As stated in the noble hadith:

“There are three (qualities), thanks to which the one in whom they (will unite) will feel the sweetness of faith: Allah and His Messenger will be his favorite of everything else; if he loves (this or that) person, he will love him only for the sake of Allah; and he will hate to return to unbelief after Allah has saved him from this, just as he does not want to be cast into the Fire. "(al-Bukhari; Muslim).

Love for the sake of Allah comes from the heart and has nothing to do with lust; for example, a Muslim cannot love his unbelieving wives (Christians or Jews) and concubines that Allah has allowed him to do, although he has sexual intercourse with them. On the other hand, he is obliged to love for the sake of Allah all the faithful Muslims - women and men, children and old people, beautiful and not very beautiful, as well as those who have already passed away from this life. A Muslim's love for living fellow believers is manifested in the fact that he delights in meeting and communicating with them and helps them for the sake of Allah in righteous deeds, and love for dead Muslims is in his prayers for their departed souls.

The importance of love for the sake of Allah is said in many reliable hadiths:

"I swear by the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another ..."(Muslim);

"Indeed, Allah Almighty will say on the Day of Resurrection:" Where are those who love each other for the sake of My greatness? Today I will hide them in My shadow - on that Day when there is no (other) shadow but My shadow! "(Muslim);

"Almighty and Great Allah said:" For those who love each other for the sake of My greatness, minbars (elevations) from the light are prepared, and the prophets and martyrs will envy them (with white envy) "(al-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Malik. al-Hakim, al-Zahabi and al-Haysami confirmed the credibility. See al-Mustadrak, 6/153 and Majma 'u-z-zawaid, 10/279).

In the third hadith, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, meant those prophets and martyrs who were alone in their peoples. As Kady Iyad explained:

“When they (the prophets and martyrs) see those on the Day of Resurrection in such a position and observe their closeness to Allah and the honor (given) to them, they will wish to acquire these qualities of them, to combine in themselves two types of benefits (prophecy or shahadah and mutual love for the sake of Allah) and become doubly successful ”(Mirkatu-l-mafatih by Ali al-Qari, 7/3137).

It is narrated from the words of Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, that once, when there was one person near the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and another walked past him, the first one said:

"O Messenger of Allah, truly, I love this (person)." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him: "Did you tell him this?" He replied, "No." (The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him,) said: "So tell him!"- and this man caught up with him and said: "Truly, I love you for the sake of Allah!" (Abu Dawud, Ahmad. Al-Hakim and al-Zahabi called the hadith authentic. See al-Mustadrak, 6/155).

It also says:

“In their love, mercy and compassion for each other, believers are like one body. When one of its members strikes a disease, the rest of the body responds to this with insomnia and fever "(al-Bukhari, Muslim). Cm.

All other types of love and brotherhood that exist on earth - on ethnic, class, racial, political and other grounds - will sooner or later end in enmity and hatred, as Allah Almighty predicted:

"All loving friends that Day will become mutual enemies, except for the God-fearing"(Quran, 43:67);

“(On that Day the angels will be commanded :)“ Gather those who were unjust (to yourself), their companions and those whom they worshiped besides Allah, and lead them on the path to Hell, and stop them ”; and they will be asked: "Why are you not helping each other?" Yes, on that Day they will become obedient (to Allah) and turn to each other with questions. (Some) will say: "You approached us from the right side (deluding us)!" (Others) will answer: “No, you were not believers, and we did not have authority over you. You yourself were criminal people! " (Quran, 37: 22-30).

“You will not find people who believe in Allah and in the coming Day and love those who are at enmity with Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their relatives” (Quran, 58: 22).

As for the verse:

"Truly, you will not lead the one you love on the right path!"(Quran, 28:56),

sent down about the unbelieving uncle of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Abu Talib, here Allah calls "love" the natural feelings of attraction and respect for relatives (see also), which cannot outweigh hatred of their false faith (see).

On the other hand, we are obliged to harbor a certain love for the sake of Allah even for those Muslims who commit grave sins such as unlawful murder or fornication (not considering them permissible), as Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

“Our righteous ancestors, despite the fact that there were battles between them, loved each other because of religion. They did not show hatred for each other, like hatred for infidels. They accepted each other's testimonies, acquired knowledge from each other, inherited, bequeathed and had a relationship with each other, despite the fact that battles and enmity arose between them ”(“ Majmu'u-l-fatava ”, 3/285);

for the essence of faith is not in the complete absence of sins, but in repentance for them and the struggle against their repetition (see).

May Allah endow us with love for His sake and may bless His Prophet, his family and companions.

Each of us in this world is surrounded by different people with whom he is connected by kinship, old friendship, material interests. But there is a special category of people with whom we feel spiritual closeness. Communication with them is not burdensome, but brings relief and joy. For a sincere believer, such close ones are those who in word, deed, and even by their appearance remind him of Allah. A spiritual relationship is established between them, the basis of which is love for Allah Almighty.

From the first minutes of their acquaintance, it seems to believers that they have known each other for many years, and having got to know each other better, they begin to trust each other and become imbued with mutual love. This is love for the sake of Allah. Neither worldly profit nor selfish interests are mingled with it. They value in each other piety and truthfulness, devotion to Allah and adherence to the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When they meet, they remember Allah and talk about where and how you can earn His pleasure. And when they disperse, they pray for each other and ask Allah Almighty to unite their hearts on a straight path and make them neighbors in paradise.

Imam Ahmad in "Zukhda" and al-Bayhaki in "Shu'ab al-iman" quote the words of the glorious companion of Abu ad-Darda: this bad temper does not lead him into the fire, and a Muslim slave is forgiven his sins, even when he is sleeping. " His wife asked: "How is it, Abu ad-Darda?" He replied: "His brother gets up in the middle of the night, and prays, and cries out to Allah, and He answers him, and prays for his brother, and He answers him."

Love for the sake of Allah makes the believer turn to Allah Almighty with prayers for his brothers and sisters. It is love that leads a person on the path that leads to paradise, and shelters him in the shadow of the Great Throne on the day of resurrection. In the Saheeh of Muslim it is reported that on the day of Resurrection Allah will say: “Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My greatness? Today I will hide them in My shadow, and there will be no shadow on this day, except My shadow. " And in "Sunan" at-Tirmidhi it is reported that they will sit on minbars from the light, and even the prophets and martyrs will envy them. This does not mean that their position in paradise will be better than the position of the prophets and messengers, but on the day of resurrection they will be so close to Allah and delivered from fear that even the prophets come to be with them.

Such a great reward cannot be promised for something simple and insignificant. Therefore, to love sincerely for the sake of Allah is given only to those who have perfected their faith through clear knowledge and firm adherence to the path of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Love for the sake of Allah is born from the love of both believers for Allah himself and His religion. Therefore, it increases when the one you love begins to worship Allah better and do more good deeds, and decreases when he disobeys Allah and disregards His laws. It does not depend on whether this person helps you or not, and does not disappear if he suddenly acted not in the best way towards you. Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari (1/86) even quotes the words of the famous ascetic Yahya ibn Mu-qi'az: “True love for the sake of Allah does not increase due to a kind attitude and does not decrease due to indifference."

This means that if you love your believing brother for the sake of Allah Almighty, then your attitude towards him should not change depending on whether he pays attention to you or not, because you love him for the sake of Allah, and not for the benefit that you can receive. From him. Knowledgeable people attached great importance to this nuance, because the desire to earn the pleasure of Allah should not be spoiled by the expectation of benefits or even gratitude in response to your good attitude.

Sheikhulislam Ibn Taymiyyah writes: “If one person loves another for giving him gifts, then he only loves gifts, and if he says that he loves that person for the sake of Allah, then he is lying. This is impossible, and there is no truth in his words. Likewise, the one who loves another for helping him loves the help, not the one who helps. Indulging passions, such a person wants to benefit and protect himself from harm and loves this benefit and deliverance from evil. This is not love for the sake of Allah, or even love for that person, and it is this kind of love that usually binds people. They will not receive a reward for it in the Hereafter, and it will not benefit them. Moreover, it can lead to hypocrisy and ingratiation, and then loving friends in the future life will become enemies. Love will only benefit the God-fearing, who loved each other solely for the sake of Allah. If a person hopes to benefit from another, and then says that he loves him for the sake of Allah, then these are the tricks of hearts and crafty speeches. "

At the same time, to love for the sake of Allah does not mean to refuse to help a loved one and turn away from him. On the contrary, the one whom you loved for the sake of Allah deserves your special attention and good attitude, and therefore the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, taught his companions how they can earn each other's love. An authentic hadith says: “I swear by Him in whose hand my soul is, you will not enter heaven until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Can you point out an action that will help you love one another? Greet one another with peace ”(Muslim).

And in the collection "al-Adab al-mufrad" of Imam al-Bukhari there is a hadith: "Make gifts to each other and you will love each other." And it is quite obvious that our messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sought to cultivate in his followers not servility and ingratiation, but a real brotherhood based on love for the sake of Allah, mercy and mutual assistance.

Love for the sake of Allah It is difficult to love another person for the sake of Allah. We don't even think about it. Happy holidays, we go to congratulate influential figures, not thinking that your neighbor is sitting at home alone at this time and no one remembers him. We select a groom for a girl from among those who have a house, a car, a job, a position in society, are handsome in appearance, without thinking that the one who was refused could be much more God-fearing, more respectful, even if he rents an apartment. The husband immediately rushes to divorce his wife, if he did not like some little thing, he does not show patience and due respect, if his feelings for his wife suddenly "died out". And his wife does not lag behind him in this regard ... To love someone - a soul mate, family members, friends - for the sake of the Creator means doing everything necessary for this person so that the Almighty is pleased with him. To ask the Merciful for him, to warn against wrong actions. Example: a husband loves his wife, repeats at every step about feelings, but over time, his dressing gown does not suit him, he is overweight, his actions and everyday life are boring. And he will reproach her for this, express his dissatisfaction. Where has love gone? A similar attitude is voiced on the part of the girl to her husband; inappropriate attention, insufficient earnings ... What can I say, our intention is too dusty, we do not see and do not want to see that in any business there should be love only for the sake of Him alone, who has no companions - Allah Almighty. Instead of seeking and finding peace in a loved one, we have only reproaches and complaints. If you sincerely love someone in the name of the Creator, then the lover should try to be pleased with him, by means of which he can achieve the Highest gratification for a loved one, make dua and ask God for guidance that is faithful to him. A good friend of mine, say, a sister in faith, says: “What is love? Just a word, invented to have something to compose songs from. Here is my husband, if I need something, my family, or go somewhere, he will help me and take me, even if he does not have time. Or coming home and seeing my tired look, he will not even ask for dinner, but say - go to sleep, realizing that the children are small, and the chores are big ... And I, in turn, try to earn his satisfaction, realizing that, having achieved the pacification of my husband, I deserve the pleasure of Allah. I ask Him to multiply his benefits. This is love for the sake of Allah. And all the reproaches about flowers, resorts, gifts - just cluttering your mind with useless thoughts. All this, of course, is pleasant and encouraged to the extent possible and desire. But the prayer and contentment of a loved one is much more pleasant ... ”. In the house, the concept of "I want" should not be higher than family needs. If we want attention, wealth, relaxation, beauty, then it is better to quietly ask the Almighty about it. And maybe desires will come true, depending on how much we want something and how much it is in the will of the All-Hearing. The most important thing is to try to stay calm in the family. Al-Bazar narrated from Abdullah Ibn Amr that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever loved a person for the sake of Allah and said:" Truly I love you for the sake of Allah, "then they both will be in paradise, and the one who loved more, will be a degree higher than another ”(“ Hadith Hasan ”). It is reported that Muaz (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:“ Almighty and Great Allah uttered: “For those who love each other for the sake of My greatness, minbar from the light are intended, and they will envy them prophets and fallen for the faith! "" (Tirmidhi). It is narrated from the words of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Indeed, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah Almighty will say:“ Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My greatness? Today, on that Day, when there will be no (other) shadow but My shadow, I will hide them in My shadow! " (Muslim).

A very touching real story about two friends who loved each other for the sake of the Almighty.

Among the people [believers and noble deeds, deeds] are those who do not belong to the prophets, and are also not those who gave their lives for the faith and the Fatherland, but on the Day of Judgment, they will be envied with white envy by both the former and the latter due to their privilege before God and His special relationship to them. " The Prophet was asked: “We ask you to let us know who they are and what are their characteristics (their deeds, actions), we [at least] love them[let's treat them respectfully, be friends with them]! " “They are building good, good relations with others only on love for God, while in this communication they are not connected in any way [by the duty of] family ties and there is no material background. By Allah (Lord of the Worlds)! Their faces are light, and they are like in light (surrounded by it). When others are afraid, they are not afraid [fear does not take root in their souls and consciousness, it will pass them without stopping], when others are sad[sullen, are already dropping their hands from fatigue, hardships of life, long absence of the expected result], they are not sad[everyone also goes forward, despite the emotional distress] ", - explained the messenger of the Almighty, after citing the 62nd ayah of the 10th sura.*

hadith from Muaz,

St. hadith at-Tirmidhi

[See, for example: Zaglul M. Mawsumania atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 3.S. 437; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkat al-masabih: In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. T. 8. P. 3138, hadith No. 5012; Az-Zuhaili V. At-tafsir al-Munir. T. 6. P. 227]

It is difficult to fall in love with another person for the sake of the Lord of the worlds.

We don’t even think about it ...

Happy holidays we go to congratulate influential figures, not thinking that your neighbor is sitting at home alone at this time and no one remembers him. We select a groom for a girl from among those who have a house, a car, a job, a position in society, are handsome outwardly, without thinking that the one who was refused could be much more God-fearing, more respectful, even if he rents an apartment. We try to arrange a good, prestigious job for our son, while collecting the last kopecks to pay for this place, not assuming that this is pure haraam and all his salary received in this way is also not clean.

Our intention is too dusty, we do not see and do not want to see that in any business there should be love only for the sake of Him, the only one who has no partner - Allah Almighty.

But who is the object of true love?

And how can there be love in one of our hearts in relation to several objects at once? Indeed, besides the true Giver of Blessings - Allah, Who Created us out of nothing, and His final messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we love many others.

How can we love someone along with Allah?

What should we do in this case, because love does not depend on our will ?! In addition to the Creator and His Messenger, we also love other prophets (peace be upon them), we love the righteous (awliya), great scientists (may Allah be pleased with them). We love father and mother, and our children. We love our spouse. We love our friends. We love our life and youth. Finally, we love everything beautiful and this whole world ...

How can we not love all this? How to combine this with love for Allah alone?

Yes, this is a very exciting question. Know that you must not give up love for everything else, but must love it all for the sake of the Almighty and in the name of love for Him. The believer should love only Allah, although he sees the manifestation of Divine qualities in his fellow believers and in the creations of the world.

In short, you need to love everything through love for Allah, through the prism of love for Him. For example, to love delicious food and wonderful fruits, remembering that this is the gift and mercy of Allah Almighty, it means to love His names - the Most Merciful, the Giver of good. In this form, this love will not be love for the sake of your passions, your nafs, but, rather, this love will be a manifestation of gratitude to the Merciful Lord and sincere love for Him.

A person whose intention is pure, who even breathes for the sake of Allah and for the sake of love for Him, rises before the Creator of the worlds. A Muslim, step by step approaching Him in this way, will certainly earn His pleasure and love.

May the Almighty help us to love for His sake, sincerely striving for His mercy, contentment and love!

* With comments by Sh. Alyautdinov

The article was prepared on the basis of materials from open sources