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Rating countries with a bad environment. The dirtiest cities in the world

This note will be slightly knocked out of the common background of articles on this site. I think it is fortunate - I just could not pass by and stay indifferent. Therefore, I will present you a selection of the most dirtiest places of the planet.

1. Dzerzhinsk, Russia

The environmental situation in Dzerzhinsk leaves much to be desired. Many productions are thrown into environment The entire table of Mendeleev. The content of phenol, places exceed 700 times the maximum permissible concentration. Phenol is very poisonous. It entails the deplorable consequences - when inhalation, this substance breaks down nervous system, Couples and dust of this substance corrosive the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, eye, and also cause chemical burns.

2. Norilsk, Russia

Since they went through the cities of Russia, it will touch Norilsk. I know about this city a little. Just the fact that my sisters live there from birth and to this day. In 2010, Norilsk was recognized as the most polluted city of Russia. Nickel, copper, zinc are thrown into the atmosphere of the city with whole tons, which cannot but affect the health of citizens, which constantly complain about marshy and breathing problems.

3. River Chemumum, Oh. Java, Indonesia.

The customer river is one of the main sources of drinking water for residents of Jakarta. Despite this thick circumstance, reader is considered the most dirtiest river in the world. The lead content in the river is a source of drinking for the population exceeds all imaginable and unthinkable norms, namely 1000 times. Manganese, aluminum, iron and other heavy elements of the Mendeleev table are also present in water in a crazy concentration.

According to the results of research conducted in the cabin in 2006, children are made here from lead. Of course in a figurative sense. And on the case: the content of lead in the blood in children exceeds all imaginable norms of 5-10 times. All this is due to plants for lead processing, which are discarded waste in large quantities.

Lead is not the only metal from which the cabin suffers. This city, in addition to the lead industry, succeeds also in gold mining. Only here the method of production of noble metal outdated - mercury. Annually 1000 tons of mercury enters the environment. All this very badly affects the health of citizens.

We all use leather products, whether it is a female handbag, a watch strap or leather jacket. Meanwhile, 95% of all skin is highlighted in the city of Khazaribagh. All production works "in the old manner" and for the release of the skin is used with a hexavalent chrome.

The main "attraction" of the city is the landfill on which 20 cubic meters of toxic waste is poured daily. Specialists recognize that meat, bird, vegetables, just not suitable for food. The population is constantly sick.

6. Agbogblosha, Ghana

I always for that my gadgets and computers work as long as possible. I never chased the fashion, gigarents and gigabytes. Nevertheless, my gadgets like most electronics came an end. I know perfectly well that the fees contain color and even precious metals. But all this is somehow at the level of "useless" information. But it should be somewhere to go broken by enemist? It is sprawling on special electronics dumps. At such landfills, specialists work who know everything about how to pull out metals from old motherboards. Welcome to Ghana.

Every year about two hundred! Thousand tons of broken electronics. Most of the United States and Europe. In order to extract copper from it, bonfires are needed, a lot of fires. At the landfills, young men are operating predominantly from 10 to 18 years, which, with a good scenario, earn 3-4 dollars here. With burning, almost any electronics highlights a poisonous smoke, which young people breathe. Many of these guys subsequently do not live up to thirty years. All sorts of diseases, all kinds of cancer. The worst thing is that it is considered one of best places Earn money in the country.

7. Fukushima, Japan

On March 11, 2011, it became another sad day in Japan's history. A powerful earthquake with amplitude in 9 points caused a huge wave - tsunami. Strong shocks broke the supply of electricity for the cooling systems of one of the largest nuclear objects of Japan - the atomic power plant "Fecusima-1". Tsunami launched backup generators who could cope with the supply of electrical energy of important stations cooling nodes. As a result of the element - nuclear fuel of reactors of the first, second and third, the beginning is melted. And due to the accumulation of hydrogen, several devastating explosions thundered in the premises.

This accident is recognized as the largest disaster since the Chernobyl NPP. Measures of radioactivity of water and food showed that the level of cesium-143 to 50 million times !!! exceeds the level that was before the accident.

150 thousand people left the territory with a radius of 50 km. And the "exclusion zone" into which no one is not allowed to spread in a radius of 20 km. Located in 20 kilometer zone, it is impossible for several decades within a few decades.

8. LINFEN, China

35 years ago, it was a thriving city where there were many gardens, where fruit grew on the trees. The country's economic policy required more and more energy resources and soon the city began to choke in all senses of the word. Umbilted the city of Lynfen, the sky was gray, cloudy days.

Government, concerned about the problem of the city. Now money is allocated for the restoration of ecology, mines are closed, CHP stops. People learn costs without coal. There is hope that soon Linfen will again acquire the status of a blooming city.

India is an economically developing country. The number of productions is growing, the amount of waste is growing, the number of diseases caused by pollution of the environment grows. Of course, this is the case here is somewhat better than in China, but still the level of pollution is very high.

WAI in India stands out that water contains mercury 96 times more than any standard. And in the air, a mixture of heavy metals does not torment the local residents.

10. La Oroya, Peru

The history of pollution of this town begins at in 1922, when the local enterprise unexpectedly made toxic release into the atmosphere. There is no vegetation around the city. All Wine acid rains that are not uncommon here.

In the mouth of the residents permanent metal flavor. Still would! Indeed, in the air of the city in a large concentration, copper, zinc, lead, well, just in huge quantities.

Environmental pollution is one of the most common problems today. Emissions of harmful substances occur in almost every settlement, the question is only in where their number is at times exceeds the norm. In this article we will find out in what parts of the planet ecological situation is the least comforting, which countries are the dirtier in the world.

Sources of environmental problems

The activity of human intervention in nature is inevitably growing, reflected not the best way in the state of the environment. IN lately The disadvantage of our activity is felt even in remote, untouched regions of the planet.

Before talking about the most dirtiest countries in the world, let's figure it out that the contamination is caused. It is necessary to immediately say that a person is not the only cause of the pollution of the planet. Often it happens without our participation, for example, when forest fires or volcanic eruptions. However, even then the emissions of hazardous substances are not too large, compared to what we produce.

Nature pollutants are subject to substances that fall into an external environment in an amount exceeding the norm. These can be various microorganisms, physical emissions or chemical compounds. Most often they turn out to be in nature through transport, industrial enterprises, garbage dumps, agriculture, nuclear power engineering.

Even ordinary household items contribute their contribution. Thus, the working technique increases the noise level, computers and phones emit electromagnetic waves, lamps and heaters emit additional heat, some become a source of mercury.

Environmental Evaluation Criteria

The ratings of the most environmentally dirty countries of the world are very conditional. As a rule, with their preparation, only some factors affecting the environment are taken into account. A complete assessment of the ecological situation in the regions may include the level of soil pollution, air, water, the number of resources consumed and their preservation, the level of all kinds of radiation, etc.

In the number of countries with the most dirtiest air, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Bangladesh, Kuwait and Cameroon are leading lately. At the same time, among the states that throw away the greatest number Carbon dioxide, turned out to be China (10 357 million tons), USA (5414 million tons), India (2274 million tons), Russia (1617 million tons) and Japan (1237 million tons). The most dirty countries in the quality of drinking water were Afghanistan, Chad and Ethiopia. Next to them is usually Ghana, Bangladesh and Rwanda.

Top most dirtiest countries in the world

Problems with pollution environment are almost everywhere, where there is a person. Some states are successfully fighting with them, introducing effective technologies. Others only build up their "harmful potential", creating a danger not only for their own inhabitants, but also for the population of the entire planet. In 2017, one of the rankings of the 10 most dirtiest countries of the world looked like this:

  1. Kuwait.
  2. Bahrain.
  3. Qatar.
  4. United Arab Emirates.
  5. Oman.
  6. Turkmenistan.
  7. Libya.
  8. Kazakhstan.
  9. Trinidad and Tobago.
  • the amount of energy consumption;
  • renewable energy sources;
  • air pollution;
  • carbon dioxide emissions;
  • the number of deaths due to the contamination of atmospheric air.

This Muslim state occupies 80% of the Arabian Peninsula and is located in the 13th place in the world in the area. Most of the Saudi Arabia are deserts, semi-deserts and mountains. There are no forests and permanent rivers, a lot of sun and heat, and fresh water is present only in underground sources.

The main resource of the state - oil and natural gas, production and processing of which contributes to emissions of a huge amount of CO 2. Because of the extensive deserts, the main population is located on the coasts. Human activity products are often thrown into the ocean, which destroys valuable coral reefs. The growth of cities also leads to emissions of exhaust gas from transport and increases water consumption, which is used in large volumes to irrigation of fields.

In general, the most dirty country of the world Saudi Arabia made excessive use of petroleum products, high urbanization, unreasonable maintenance agricultureAs well as the lack of programs for the introduction of alternative energy sources. However, with the last problem of the country's authority, they promise to figure out soon.


Kuwait is the second most environmentally friendly country of the world. It is located on the shore of the Persian Gulf, right next door to Saudi Arabia. Unlike his neighbor, she does not possess big sizes (on the territory - only at the 152nd place in the world), but it has almost the same for problems with the environment.

Kuwait, by the way, like Qatar, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, has very scarce natural resources. They all built an economy on oil. Kuwait has about 10% of the total global stock of this fuel. Every year, the country mined about 165 million tons of black gold, which creates a threat to air purity.

The environmental danger is not only the process of resource production, but also a way to store it. From wells, oil usually does not immediately enter the market, and while it is waiting for its o'clock, periodically lights up. Then the air ejects CO 2, harmful ashes and other pollutants. Kuwait's big damage was caused in 1990, when Iraq rose about 1000 of its wells.


In the list of the most dirtiest countries of the world, only Libya is in Africa. It is located in the northern part of the continent, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the country covers the sugar desert, so the climate here is predominantly dry and hot. It is only favorable on the coast and in oases.

For Libya, many environmental problems are characterized, for example, a small supply of drinking water, desertification of territories, water and air pollution. As in the countries of the Middle East, it did not cost without fuel resources. This African state exports oil and natural gas in various european countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain), exposing risk from its own territories.

The situation created by the human activity is aggravated and natural factors. In the spring and autumn in Libya are formed strong winds Sirocco or died. They bring hot air to 50 degrees, dry fogs and dust clouds. The wind blows about five days, leading to problems with the respiratory and nervous system.


Kazakhstan is the world's largest state in an area that has no way out to the sea. Unlike its "neighbors" in the ranking, among the most dirtiest countries, it turned out to be not only due to oil and products based on it. Kazakhstan is the largest economy in all Central Asia, possessing a huge amount various productions.

Ore colored and ferrous metals, coal, oil, natural gas, bauxite and other minerals are mined and processed. Oil refinery, lead-zinc, chromium, phosphoric plants are most harmful. Due to them, heavy metals, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, soot and other substances fall into the air. Consumers complicate the main sources of aldehydes, nitrogen oxide, benzpyrine, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located in the Caribbean, near Venezuela. It covers two large and hundreds of small islands. Hot tropical climate, evergreen forests and savanna, sandy beaches and unique animals ... It would seem, in such a place there can be no problems with the environment. The country even began to develop environmental tourism.

However, everything is not so smooth here. The main industries of the Trinidad and Tobago economy - oil processing, gas, heavy industry, as well as the production of asphalt and fertilizer. All this led to the erosion of soil, a decrease in forest area, water pollution and coastal stripes. In the ranking of The Eco Experts, the emphasis was focused mainly on the air, with whom the country is also not all right. Metallurgy and oil refinery contribute to the atmosphere of a plurality of poisoning substances that gradually turn the paradise into an impossible place for living.

Technological progress is inextricably linked with mining and use of minerals. Intensive mastering of the subsoil of the earth, heavy industry and production waste - all this is extremely negatively affected by the environmental situation of the planet.

Real threat

The soil, soil and external water are polluted, the atmosphere within a radius of tens of kilometers from the place of mining of mineral or technogenic object. In the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of poisoning, and inherent and fatally hazardous substances fall and settlements. The most environmentally dirty cities of the world are carrying a real threat not only to the health of the population, but also the lives of people. Cancer diseases, gene mutations, high child mortality, a significant reduction in the average life expectancy of the adult population is not the entire list of terrible consequences of a thoughtless attitude to the environment.

Criteria when choosing contaminated places

The analytical organization of the Merserhuman (USA) took care of learning the situation and revealed the most dirtiest cities in the world. For this, the environmental criteria for which a number of environmental indicators of the settlement were evaluated:

  • remoteness of the settlement from the source of pollution;
  • population size;
  • impact adverse factors to the children's body;
  • level of content in the soil, water and air of heavy metals and other pollutants; Especially dangerous recognized: lead, mercury, copper, zinc, sulfur dioxide, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, zarin, phosgene, and sinyl acid and some others;
  • radiation level;
  • the decay period of harmful substances.

In order to make a list of the most dirtiest cities in the world, on each item to the test points were assigned points. The total indicator was estimated at a specially developed scale. According to the results of the study by the comparison method and amounted to this list, consisting of 35 cities located in different parts of our planet.

Top 10 most dirtiest cities in the world

If you simply list the cities that are most polluted, the list will look like this:

  1. Linfen, China.
  2. Tianin, China.
  3. Sukinda, India.
  4. Whap, India.
  5. La Oroya, Peru.
  6. Dzerzhinsk, Russia.
  7. Norilsk, Russia.
  8. Chernobyl, Ukraine.
  9. Sumgait, Azerbaijan.
  10. Kabwe, Zambia.

Full list

These 10 most dirtiest cities in the world should be supplemented with the following settlements, the level of environmental tension in which is extremely high:

  • Bayos de Heina, Dominican Republic.
  • Mileu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Ranipet, India.
  • Ore pier, Russia.
  • Dalnegorsk, Russia.
  • Volgograd, Russia.
  • Magnitogorsk, Russia.
  • Karachai, Russia.

The full top of the most dirty cities in the world consists of 35 seats. Of these, 8 belong to Russia, 6 - India, after the Filippines, the United States, China, Romania and other countries are coming.

For the possibility of analyzing the situation, these cities should consider in detail.

Linfen, China

This is the dirtiest city in the world. Moreover, the conclusion made by the American organization Merserhuman was confirmed by the results of the study of the Institute of Blacksmith and other organizations concerned about the state of ecology on Earth.

Linfen - Center of the Chinese Corrugation Industry. His population exceeds 200 thousand people. Black fuel deposits are removed from the depths of the earth not only by public mines, but also illegally, without complying with safety standards. Because of this, coal dust completely wobbled the most dirty city in the world. She is on clothes, and on the skin, and at home, died windows and roofs. Residents of the city do not even hang onto the street to dry bedding, because through time it becomes black ...

In addition, everything is saturated with carbon, lead and organic chemicals. Such an unfavorable setting led to the progressive growth of bronchopulmonary diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia, astm, lung cancer.

Cleaning in the city is not conducted, although the situation has long become critical.

Tianin, China

The rating of the most dirtiest cities in the world continues the largest metallurgical center of China. In the vicinity of Tianin, large-scale leads for lead mining are deployed. SIZY smoke, enveloped the city, prevents anything at a distance of ten meters! The lead is saturated all around - soil, water and air. In wheat, grown on the fields near the city, the content of this heavy metal is 24 times the maximum permissible level. There are a lot of weak children born here.

Work on cleaning the territory from lead is not conducted.

Sukinda, India

Not far from the Indian city of Sukinda, an open mine is designed for chromium extraction. This metal is widely used in various manufacturing industries. At the same time, it is the strongest carcinogen and poisoning the body, provoking oncological diseases, Gene mutations.

The total infection of chromium is very bad to affect the health of the Sukanda population. But the state does not take any measures to reduce the level of content chemical element in water and soil.

Whap, India

The place of WAI in India with a population of 71 thousand people confidently continues the list of "the dirtiest cities in the world." It is located near the industrial zone, where many chemical factories and metallurgical plants are constructed. Production facilities Through the clock emitted tons of harmful chemicals into the external environment. This led to the fact that the indicator of mercury content in the soil and water is 100 times higher than the norm! This literally kills local residents, the average life expectancy of which is very low - only 35-40 years.

La Oroya, Peru

A small town with a population of 35 thousand people since 1922 suffers from periodic toxic emissions of the local plant. Emissions contain concentrated doses of lead, zinc, copper and sulfur dioxide. This area is dry and lifeless, because all vegetation died due to acid rain. In the blood of local residents, the lead content is much higher than the critical level, which leads to severe diseases.

La Oroja, as well as other dirtiest cities in the world, does not concern the authorities of the country who do not pay any attention to either the environment or the health of local residents.

Dzerzhinsk, Russia

According to many specialists, Dzerzhinsk with a population of 300 thousand people should lead a list called "The most dirtiest cities in the world." It was here in the period from 1938 to 1998. 300 thousand tons of deadly chemicals were buried, it turned out 1 ton for each inhabitant. The level of dioxides and phenol in groundwater and soil exceeds the upper limit of the norm of 17 million (!) Once! In Dzerzhinsk, record high mortality: 10 newborn accounts for 10 newborns. The city would have been extincted for a long time if it were not replenished by visitors, whose high salaries are seduced in harmful production.

In 2003, Dzerzhinsk fell into the Guinness Book of Records with the title of the most dirty city in the world.

Cleaning work at the planning stage.

Norilsk, Russia

It is called the branch of ecological hell. For many decades, a giant metallurgical plant has been working here, one of the largest on the planet. Every year it throws 4 million tons of harmful chemicals consisting of zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, selenium, lead and arsenic into the atmosphere. Here the vegetation was destroyed, there are practically no insects, and in the winter the black snow drops. The city with a population of 180 thousand people is closed for foreigners.

Purifies are underway for the last 10 years. During this period, it was possible to somewhat improved the ecological situation, but the reduced concentrations of harmful substances still largely exceed safe levels.

Chernobyl, Ukraine

The city of NPP power units exploded. This tragedy happened on April 26, 1986. The nuclear accident is recognized as the most terrible in the history of the planet. The radioactive cloud of plutonium, uranium, strontium, iodine and heavy metals wolfed the territory with a length of more than 150 thousand square meters. km. All residents of the city were evacuated. Until now, Chernobyl is empty. In the zone of alienation, the radiation level is deadly. The most common disease of people irradiated due to nuclear explosion- thyroid cancer.

Sumgait, Azerbaijan

In Soviet times, Sumgait was the center chemical industry. Over the entire period of operation in the external environment, more than 120 thousand tons of toxic waste were discarded, mainly mercury, oil refining products. As a result, the 285-thousand city turned into a postpocalyptic wasteland.

Today, most factories and factories are closed, but no one spends serious disinfecting work, providing nature to engage in self-cleaning. Sumgait is still one of the most unsuitable places on the planet.

Kabwe, Zambia.

Near the African city of the cabin with a population of 250 thousand people more than 100 years ago, lead deposits were found. Since then, its prey is continuous here. Numerous lead mines are sent to the air, soil and water harmful waste. High concentration of lead in the blood of Aboriginal leads to a huge number of heavy poisoning.

Cleaning work at the development stage.

Bayos de Heina, Dominican Republic

In this town with a 85-thousand population, a large plant for the production of batteries for cars was built. His activity caused severe pollution by the lead of the environment. Indicators above the norm of four thousand times! It is incompatible with life.

Mental disorders, congenital deformities are universally common among the locals.

Cleaning work is not conducted.

Mileu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan

Here from 1948 to 1968, uranium mining was carried out. Despite the cessation of mines, the situation in the city and its surroundings is critical. Majilantes, which are destroyed by landslides, earthquakes and villages. Scientists warned that it was impossible to carry out the burial of radioactive substances in the seismically active zone. Radiation background in areas of destruction exceeds the allowable rate almost 10 times!

The United States is engaged in this problem. The work is financed by the World Bank and the Bank of the International Development Association.

General conclusions

The dirtiest cities of the world, the photos of which indicate a very complex environmental situation, carry potential danger for the whole world. Circulation of water in nature, soil migration, air cyclones carry hazardous substances For long distances in all directions, infectious and other areas.

According to experts, more than a billion people on the planet are subject to the destructive influence of hazardous chemicals. This raises the problem to the global level and requires its operational solution.

Technical progress medal has its own reverse side. It allows people to use things and opportunities unheard to last centuries, but at the same time to meet ever increasing demand, humanity is forced to constantly increase the mining of raw materials and industrial production. At the same time, everyone is striving to make this production as cheaper as possible, so there is often care for ecology, and dirty production is destroyed literally everything is alive around. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the most dirtiest cities are now in the world-made centers - China and India.

15. Agbogblosh (Ghana)

This African city is so dirty that it is just dangerous to live in it. Although this picture was not always observed: for the following years, the ecology of this major Gansk city was demonstrable after in his wetched semi-desert district, a dump of electronics waste was a second largest in West Africa. It is known that in the electronics, in addition to lead, there is hardly the entire Table of Mendeleev, and not at all in the form of vitamins. Developed "civilized" countries of the world will be happy to send millions of tons of poisonous waste here, turning the lives of the inhabitants of Agbogblosha in a daytime hell.

14. Rud Pier (Russia)

This city is probably the most dirty in Russia, it is no coincidence that its 90,000 people are considered potentially poisoned. Everything in the district is contaminated with lead joints, cadmium and mercury, they penetrated the soil and groundwater, infected the flora and fauna. Therefore, residents of the city are nowhere to take clean water For drinking and growing vegetables, because any harvest is capable only to poison. In the blood of local children, the presence of toxic substances was the presence of toxic substances, much higher than permissible concentration. It is sad that this situation is only exacerbated every year.

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13. Ranipet (India)

In this area there is a large leather production associated with the colorful and tanning of the skin. Such production uses chromium compounds and other poisonous substances, which, instead of the proposed disposal, are simply reset in the district, polluting groundwater. As a result, the Earth and the water here become unsuitable. Locals not only get sick from all this, but also massively dying. And the local peasants, despite this, continue to process the poisoned Earth, watering it with poisoned water and spreading the poison more and more.

12. Meilau-Suu (Kyrgyzstan)

Not far from this Kyrgyz town is a large burial of radioactive waste, so the level of radiation everywhere in these places is shrinking. The place for the radioactive landfill was chosen criminal irresponsible - here there are frequent phenomena there are landslides caused by earthquakes, and the shower cause floods and sat down. All this removes radionuclides to the surface and will quickly spread through the surrounding area. As a result, local residents are massively suffering from cancer.

11. Hayna (Dominican Republic)

In this city, the production of car batteries, the waste from which is toxic lead joints. In the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe area, the amount of lead exceeds the norm thousands of times. From here and specific diseases among the local population: eye disease, mental disorders, congenital deformities.

10. Kabwe (Zambia)

The cable is the second in Zambia in magnitude and located 150 kilometers from her capital Lusaka. About a hundred years ago, the lead deposits were discovered here, and since then it is continuously developing them, and waste calmly etched local land, water and air. As a result, within a radius of 10 km from the spears, it is dangerous not only to drink local water, but also to breathe. And each resident of the districts "Naspiganov" 10-fold dose of lead.

Every year the population of major cities, and, it means, their territory continues to grow steadily. Therefore, it is possible to compare cities not only ...

9. Sumgait (Azerbaijan)

In Soviet times, this almost 300 thousand Azerbaijani city was a very large industrial center: many chemical industries related to refining and fertilizer release worked here. However, after the union collapse and the departure of Russian specialists, almost all enterprises turned out to be abandoned, no one began to engage in the reclamation of land and purification from dirt of water bodies.

Recently, environmental studies have been conducted in the city for its recovery.

8. Chernobyl (Ukraine)

Many remember the explosion of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl NPP, which occurred on the eve of May Day holidays in 1986. Then the radiation cloud covered a huge territory, and even the adjacent lands of Belarus and Russia fell. Around the reactor had to create a large zone of alienation, removing from there all the inhabitants. For a few days, Chernobyl turned into a ghost city, in which no one has lived since then. Externally now it is a corner of wild untouched nature, with clean airwhich does not pollute no production. In addition to one invisible enemy - radiation. After all, it is worth a long time to stay here, it will inevitably get a radioactive infection and an oncological disease.

7. Norilsk (Russia)

And so the difficult position of Norilsk for the polar circle was aggravated for its 180,000 inhabitants, and a heavy ecological situation. Once there were camps, concluded which built the world's largest metallurgical plant. Every year from its numerous pipes, he began to throw millions of tons of diverse chemistry (lead, copper, cadmium, arsenic, selenium and nickel). In the district of Norilsk, there is no one for a long time for a long time, there is no black snow, here, as in hell, always smells of gray, also much higher than the norm in the zinc and copper atmosphere. It is not surprising that Norilsk residents are several times die of respiratory diseases than residents of other cities of the country. For fifty, there is no living tree from the factory oven.

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6. Dzerzhinsk (Russia)

This city with a 300-pull population became the brainchild of the "Cold War", so each of his residents received a ton of poisonous waste, buried near Dzerzhinsk in the period from 1938 to 1998. In the groundwater here, the concentration of dioxins and phenol is 17 million times higher than the norm. In 2003, this city even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most dirtiest in the world, in which mortality is much higher than the birth rate.

5. La Oroy (Peru)

Peruvian town of La Oroy, who is in the foothills of the Andes, the American industrialists at the beginning of the last century turned into a metallurgical center, where lead, zinc, copper and other metals began to be paid in large quantities. To reduce the cost of production, the issues of ecology were just forgotten. As a result, all the wooded in the past surrounding tops of baldes, earth, air, water turned out to be poisoned by lead, like the residents themselves, practically suffering from certain specific diseases. All of them, including children, in the blood of lead almost as much as in the battery. But the most terrible thing was then: when the Americans themselves were horrified by the fact that they were doing here, and suggested a plan for the improvement of the production and reclamation of land, which suggests the temporary closure of all enterprises, the local residents themselves opposed it, fearing to remain without work and livelihood.

4. WAI (India)

India competes with China in terms of economic growth, therefore such "little things", as the protection of nature and ecology, are very often not perceived here. The 70,000 city of WAI came to the southern part of the giant industrial zone, stretching at 400 km, generously issuing various exhaust and waste from countless chemical and metallurgical industries. In local groundwater, mercury is contained almost 100 times more than the norm, and local residents have to breathe air, generously flavored hard metals.

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3. Sukinda (India)

When smelting of stainless steel One of the most important additives is chrome, it is also used when the skin is washed. But this metal is a strong carcinogen in the body with air or water. Near the Indian city of Sukinda is being developed large deposit chromium, so in more than half of the sources soil water There is a double dose of hexavalent chromium. His destructive impact on the health of local residents has already noted Indian doctors.

2. Tianin (China)

In the North-East of China, Tianin is located one of the largest metallurgical centers in the country, mining about half of the entire Chinese lead. The city is constantly enveloped by Siza haze, and even the day visibility here remains very weak. But it is terrible that in pursuit of the speed of metal obtaining, the Chinese sponsors reacted to nature. As a result, the land and water here are saturated with lead, because of which local children are born by freaks or weakly. Bread from the local wheat, probably, will seem heavy, because it will be 24 times more of this heavy metal than the liberal Chinese legislation resolves.

1. Linfen (China)

The most dirty city can be called Linfhen - China's coal mining center. His residents wake up and go to bed like real mines - with coal on face, clothes and bed linen. Lingerie and wash it useless - after drying on the street it becomes the same black. In addition to carbon, the air here is rich in lead and other toxins. Therefore, locals here massively suffer from heavy ailments and die in large quantities.

China is still the leader in terms of air pollution, and its cities are literally choking from smog.

Air pollution in Beijing has reached such a high level that the Chinese authorities decided to reduce local coal to 30% in 2017.

Meanwhile, the United States occupies an eighth place in the ranking of countries with the lowest level of air pollution. However, as experts noted, the situation in the country may begin to change in the opposite direction.

The fact is that President Donald Trump said that he intends to fulfill his election promises and revive the coal industry in the country, despite criticism from ecologists and the growth of renewable energy in the country.

In the meantime, the situation has not changed, the World Economic Forum amounted to a rating of countries that demonstrates how things are in the United States, China and other countries in the field of air pollution.

The map below shows countries with the highest and lowest levels of air pollution.

There are many ways to change the level of air pollution, but the key indicator is called "PM 2.5" - one of the most dangerous species Air pollutants.

This pollutant is one of the most dangerous because it enters into the lungs and can lead to serious health problems, such as asthma and chronic diseases lungs.

When the PM 2.5 level exceeds 35 micrograms on cubic meter Air, it can lead to serious health problems.

The level of pollutant in Chinese cities reached more than 500 micrograms on a cubic meter.

However, if we talk about the average values, then in Saudi Arabia, in this indicator the air is the most toxic in the world.

However, one thing is air pollution, and completely different is the level of mortality associated with air pollution.

For example, this is China. This country has not entered the top 10 countries in the average level of air pollution, in particular by the PM 2.5 indicator.

It is noted that Saudi Arabia ranked first in this indicator thanks to the oil industry.

Countries with the lowest mortality rate associated with air pollution Countries with most high levels Mortality related to air pollution The number of deaths per 100 thousand people
Sweden 0,2 Turkmenistan 108
Australia 0,2 Tajikistan 89
Brunei Darussalam 0,3 Uzbekistan 85
New Zealand 0,3 Egypt 77
Finland 3 China 70
Cameroon 3 Mongolia 70
Iceland 4 Kazakhstan 69
Norway 6 India 68
USA 7 Iraq 68
Spain 7 Saudi Arabia 67

Nevertheless, China ranks fifth in terms of mortality associated with air pollution, per capita. Partly this is due to high density population in the country.

The following is shown by a map where countries are marked with the highest and lowest levels of mortality associated with air pollution.

Currently, in the United States one of the lowest levels of mortality associated with air pollution.

At the same time, experts note that decades of research confirm that global warming and climate change is real, and in addition, the rate of changes is growing, as the level of emissions into the atmosphere is growing.

If you look at the level of carbon dioxide emissions per capita, then the United States takes the eighth place in the world.

And less developed countries where there is no developed infrastructure and is not developed industry, found themselves at the end of the rating.

Countries with the lowest emissions of CO2 CO2 tons per capita Countries with the highest CO2 emissions CO2 tons per capita
0,06 Qatar 35,73
Ethiopia 0,09 Kuwait 22,94
Niger 0,1 Bahrain 21,80
Eritrea 0,11 UAE 19,31
Mozambique 0,14 Trinidad and Tobago 17,15
Tanzania 0,2 Luxembourg 16,57
Zambia 0,2 Saudi Arabia 16,4
Nepal 0,21 USA 16,22
Togo 0,24 Brunei Darussalam 16,06
Haiti 0,26 Australia 15,81

The main reason why the United States demonstrated such a result is that the level of electricity consumption per capita in the country is very high.

Countries with the lowest consumption of electricity consumption kw / h per capita Countries with the highest consumption of electricity consumption kw / h per capita
Haiti 39 Iceland 53,896
Niger 52 Norway 23,001
Eritrea 63 Bahrain 19,224
Ethiopia 70 Qatar 16,736
Benin 97 Canada 15,544
Tanzania 100 Kuwait 15,333
Democratic Republic of Congo 107 Finland 15,246
Nepal 140 Luxembourg 13,873
Nigeria 144 Sweden 13,840
Togo 155 USA 12,962