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Micrometer measure length. High density of polyethylene film. Read more about Length and Distance

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One of the main properties of polyethylene is its density. In solid polyethylene, it is approximately 940-960 g / m3. Such high is achieved by polymerization with system catalysts. Such material is called polyethylene high pressure. This is a hard thermoplastic, which is used in injection molding and blown molding.

The main properties of this class of polyethylene should include good chemical resistance, minimal water absorption, good extensibility, elasticity and resistance to temperature drops in the range from -70 to +100 degrees. The material is easily recycled and welded very well.

From high density polyethylene film make bags for non-food products, pipes for C / h work, packaging material. In particular, filling packages make stacking bags, bags with cutting handle, garbage bags, air-bubble film.

In everyday life, the product is used in the construction of greenhouses, summer cafes and soul (for such objects, a color opaque film is used). It is characteristic that when exposed to high pressure film, it is easily applied to various surfaces - Cardboard, paper, foil, etc. Surfaces on which PVD are applied, moisture resistant and waterproof are quite strong.

PND polyethylene films have good electrical insulating qualities (in some varieties of film, electrical density reaches 150kV / mm). With an increase in film density, such quality parameters as durability, rigidity, chemical stability increases. Thus, it can be concluded that high polyethylene film density Provides a number of useful qualities. If you need such a film, please contact Lentapak.

Low polyethylene density in the form of a film

Today, one of the most popular materials among customers - polyethylene low density. As is known, low is determined by the number of branches per 100 carbon atoms. The level of crystallinity of molecules is 50-70%.

The temperature softening of low density film is significantly less than the temperature of boiling water. Therefore, this type of film cannot be used in conjunction with hot water or steam. Low density polyethylene is distinguished by plasticity, mattness. Its density fluctuates in the range of 0.915 - 0.936 g / cm3. Films of this type are easy to weld heat welding, they form strong seams. It is possible to glue the film using tape and adhesives from half a bull. On the material after pre-training It is possible to apply print.

Film coatings with low pressure are quite well tolerated, resistant to loads on the gap and stretching. Different with resistance and temperature differences (from -50 to +10 degrees). Waterproof films, however, have a weak resistance to oxidation, so unsuitable for packaging of certain types of products. Good chemical resistance at low fat and oil resistance slightly limits the contact of this type of film with defined fluids.

Low density polyethylene is often used in the manufacture of packages, wrapping packaging, bags. In the manufacture of packages for the purchase is used, mainly film from 20 to 60 μm. A small density still does not mean that the film is continuing. The use of additives can significantly increase the strength of the products. For small capacity packages, a film is used to 10 microns thick. Thus, we see that polyethylene density in the form of a film It is one of the main parameters.

High density of polyethylene film kg M3 (PVD production)

High pressure film requires high pressure modern methods Her production. The manufacture of polyethylene film takes place in extruders. Necessary polyethylene film density (kg / m3) It is achieved by adding granular and in the form of high-pressure polyethylene powder. Next, the viscous mass is blowing out of the extruder on a special receiver. The film has a circular and flat cross section.

Highlights of production

Polyethylene granules fall into the receiving bunker. Special additives are used to increase the properties of the material. Next, the polymer falls on the surface of the auger. In the course of the rotation of the auger, the material begins to heat and melt. As soon as the alloy becomes homogeneous, it is extruded. After passing the head, the product is obtained by the desired form.

To get the sleeves, the blank must pass through a special slot and swell to of the desired size. The diameter and thickness of the sleeve can be adjusted by specifying the amount of air supplied. The canvas turns out of the sleeve - cutting it directly from both sides, half a bowl - with one. The resulting sleeve must be cooled and then go through the reception device, after which the film is wounded into rolls.

All stages are carefully controlled. In particular, you need to monitor temperature and pressure, as well as color (if color film is made). A high-quality film provides a uniform thickness throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas, the "correct" color, the absence of folds and chances, smooth and dense winding. Checked polyethylene film density (kg / m3) Derneter in different sections. If you need polyethylene filmPlease contact Lentapak.

Micrometer (designation M or M), a unit of length equal to one million meter, which was previously called microns. IN modern science The micrometer is often replaced with a nanometer (nm designation) equal to one thousand million meter 10 9. ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Greek; This. See before. Word). Device, instrument for measuring the smallest values \u200b\u200band angular intervals. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Micrometer Greek; These etymology, see micrometry. Screw with ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

micrometer - (incorrectly micrometer) ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

Dolo unit of length C 10 6 m; Designation: MKM ...

- (from micro ... and ... meter) tool in the form of a bracket with a micrometric (especially accurate) screw for measurements with a contact method of linear (internal and outer) sizes. Price division from 0.001 to 0.01 mm, measurement limit up to 2000 mm ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Micrometer, micrometer, husband. (from Greek. Mikros Small and Metron measure) (special). 1. Tool for accurate measurement of very small thicknesses. 2. The device in the form of a screw with shallow cutting, UPOTR. For movement of parts accurate instruments When you hover on ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

I micrometer m. Tool or device for measuring very small linear quantities. II microme ETR m. A unit of length equal to one million meter. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Micrometer, a, husband. (specialist.). Tool for accurate measurements linear sizes. | arr. Micrometric, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Husband, Greek, Fiz., Fitting, for measuring the smallest values \u200b\u200band angles: the finest moving threads (web) in front of a telescope glass, and a screw, with the smallest cutting, the number of turns of which and measure them are shown. Trichy, Chesky, to ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

- (Micrometer) measuring toolconsisting of a bracket, in one of the legs of which runs the screw with a small step. By clamping the measured screw, by divisions on its head, determine the measured size. The accuracy of micrometer measurements up to 0.01 mm. ... ... Sea dictionary

100 μm \u003d 0.0001 m \u003d 0.1 mm. ... equal to 1 * 10 per minus of the sixth degree of meter or 1 μm \u003d 0.001 ... how much ...

Translate units: Millimeter [mm] ...

1 millimeter [mm] \u003d 1000 microns [μm] ... The length of the bridge is 2.7 kilometers or 1.7 miles. General …

What is 1 micron? - ...

100 μm \u003d 0.0001 m \u003d 0.1 mm. In order ... The question is asked how much it is ...

Converter of values \u200b\u200b- 1 mm \u003d 0.01 dm ...

Converter values: 1 mm \u003d 0.01 dm; 1 mm \u003d 0.039370079 inch; 1 mm \u003d 1E-06 km; 1 mm \u003d 0.001 m; 1 mm \u003d 6.21e-07 miles; 1 mm ...\u003dmm&Value\u003d1

Micrometer - Wikipedia

Equal to one million meter (10 -6 meter or 10 -3 millimeter): 1 μm \u003d 0.001 mm \u003d 0.0001 ...

Converter of values \u200b\u200b- 1 μm \u003d 1E-05 ...

Converter values: 1 μm \u003d 1E-05 DM; 1 μm \u003d 3.937E-05 inches; 1 μm \u003d 1E-09 km; 1 μm \u003d 1E-06 m; 1 μm \u003d 1E-09 miles; one …\u003dMKM&VALUE\u003d1

How to determine the thickness of the film for the greenhouse

The main indicator when choosing a greenhouse film is a density calculated in microns (microns). What are them less, the point in thinner, respectively below and its value.

But sometimes the sellers are custody, setting next to the "greenhouse" tights with large numbers. So, the option is very common when the "thickness" 120 μm is sold at the price of "thickness" 150 μm.

Unfortunately, to the touch, the forgery does not reveal: the density of the greenhouse film is determined only with the help of a special device - micrometer. But there is a way out of the situation. It is necessary to relate weight with a honey.

1 mm contains how much μm

The traffic point meter of the film with a density of 80 microns should weigh 210 grams, a density of 100 μm - 260 grams, a density of 120 μm - 320 g, 150 μm - 400 g, 200 μm - 530 g. (Calculations are presented on a standard one-year-old width, sleeve .

Let's consider. If you, for example, buy ten ramp meters with a "declared" density of 150 μm, the total purchase weight should be equal to four kilograms (10x400 \u003d 4000g).


This term has other values, see micrometer (values).

The request "Micron" is redirected here; See also other values.

Micrometer (russian designation: μm.International: μm; From Grech.μικρός "Small" + έέτρον "Measure, Measurement") - Dolumeted Measurement in the International Unit system (C). Equal to one million meter (10-6 meters or 10-3millimeters): 1 μm \u003d 0.001 mm \u003d 0.0001 cm \u003d 0.000001 m.

micron (MKM)

In 1879-1967, the name was officially used micron (MK, μ), which was then canceled by the decision of the XIII General Conference on Measures and Sighs (1967/68).

Prefix Micro, serving in SI for the formation of dollars, adopted by the XI General Conference on measures and weights in 1960 simultaneously with the adoption of SI as a whole.


The micrometer is a standard unit of measurement, which expresses deviations from the specified size ( according to GOST.) In engineering and almost any production, where exceptional size accuracy is required. In micrometers, the wavelength of infrared radiation is also measured.

For a better presentation of this unit of length, the following examples can be given:


  1. CHANGUB V. M., Smirnov V.

    G. Unit of quantities. Dictionary Directory. - M.: Publishing House Standards, 1990. - P. 78. - 240 p. - ISBN 5-7050-0118-5.

  2. Resolution 7 of the 13th Meeting of the CGPM (1967/68) (English) on the website of the International Bureau of Measures and Scales
  3. Resolution 12 Of the 11th Meeting of the CGPM (1960) (English) on the website of the International Bureau of Measures and Scales
  4. GOST 7601-78.

    Physical optics. Terms, letter notation and the definitions of the main value is magnitude of March 23, 2013.

  5. Functions and properties of erythrocytes (Rus.). Checked July 14, 2016.
  6. Hair Encyclopedia: All you need to know about the hair (Rus.). - "According to European standards, the hair is considered a diameter of 0.04 to 0.06 mm.

    The norm is considered to be hair with a diameter of 0.06-0.08 mm, and thick - from 0.08 to 0.1 mm. Asian hair in comparison with the hair of Europeans is thicker: the average thickness of the hair in Asia is from 0.08 to 0.12 mm. " Checked July 14, 2016.

Mixing Size Dust

CC ©

micrometer, or micron (Russian Mark. μm., International - ICM) - measurement of the length of the unit in the international system of units (SI).

The micrometer is one million meters or thousands of millimeters: 1 μm \u003d 10-6 m \u003d 10-3 mm.

The name "MicroMeter" comes from the Greek word μικρός - "Small" and έέτρον - "Measurement", "Measurement".

In the period from 1879 to 1967, the name "Micron" was officially used (μ, μ), and then it was revoked by the XIII General Conference on Websis and Measures.

Some facts:

  • a person can detect light waves from 0.38 to 0.78 microns;
  • the erythrocyte diameter is 7 microns;
  • The thickness of the human hair ranges from 80 to 110 microns.

For machine construction requiring exceptional size accuracy, the micrometer is a standard deviation for deviations from a certain size.

The micrometer is used to measure the wavelength of infrared radiation.

[edit] Notes

  1. Dengub V.

    Micrometer (MKM - metric), length

    M., Smirnov V. G. Unit of quantities. Glossary. - M.: Publishing standards, 1990. - P. 78. - 240 s. - ISBN 5-7050-0118-5.

Powder microns on the head

Word Micron.

The word micron in English letters (translite) - Mikron

The word Micron consists of 6 letters: and k m n o p

The values \u200b\u200bof the word micron. What is Micron?

Micron (from Greek.

0.1 μm (micrometer) is how many meters?

mikrón is small), a dolly unit of length 10-6m, or 10-3mm. Designations: MK, m. The name M. is canceled by the decision of the 13th General Conference on Measures and Sighs (1967), and this unit ...

Micron. (from Greek. Mikrov - Mikros - Small). The unit of length equal to one 1,000,000 meter. It is used to measure wavelengths. electromagnetic radiation In infrared and, sometimes, in the visible regions of his spectrum.

Astronomical Glossary "Astronet"

Micron (from Greek.

mikron - small) - outdated name of a unit of length equal to 10-6 m; designated MK, m. See micrometer.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Fad Micron.

FED-Micron is a Soviet scale semi-format camera, produced from 1968 to 1985 at the Kharkov Machine-Building Plant "FED".

The only Soviet automatic scale semi-format camera with charging standard cassettes.

FED micron-2

Fad Micron-2 is a Soviet rangefall camera.

Manufactured by the Kharkov Production Machine-Building Association "FED" from 1978 to 1986. A total of about 35 thousand pieces were released.

Nime and Micron

OJSC "NIAME and MICON" is a Russian company, one of the largest manufacturers of integrated circuits in Eastern Europe. Founded on March 9, 1964 as the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics (NIAME), at which the plant "Micron" was created on February 1, 1967.

NIAME and MICON (Company)

Molecular Electronics Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and Plant "Micron" (OJSC "NIAME and MICON") - Russian company, one of the largest manufacturers of integrated circuits in Eastern Europe.

Russian language


Morphemno-spelling dictionary.

Examples of the use of the word microns

Such a high density is achieved through the manufacture of sails from a polyimide film called Kapton thickness of only 5 microns.

Potap is trying to wash money earned by crime and through the films to take the "Micron" plant to his hands, pre-across it.

The model provides the accuracy of printing up to 25 microns, so it is not required to use the workforce for printing and bringing the printed object to mind.


Nowadays, unscrupulous manufacturers can artificially overstate the density of garbage bags, but they are quite easy to remove clean water. For this you need simple tools And our table for calculating the proper weight of the bag with its declared density seller.

Let's figure out what microns is and why it is so important.

What is micronism in packages

You have repeated ever why packages for garbage of one manufacturer proceed and rush, while the other is withstanding heavy loads and tension, but remain as durable and integers. All this is due to a different density bag: how much the manufacturer will spend the material as far as the polyethylene will stretch - such strength at the package will. But what does this density measured? In Milmeters? In grams per billime? In what degree?

So, to determine the thickness there is a parameter - microns (MKM).

What is Micron?

Micron (MK, μ, μm, μm) is a measurement unit adopted for 10 -6 meters (1 μm \u003d 0.001 mm \u003d 0.0001 cm \u003d 0.000001 m).

Why do you need to know the micronism of the package?

The microns (thickness) of the PND packages and the PVD will make it possible to accurately determine which load is able to withstand the package, its carrying capacity.

What's wrong with garbage bags

Today they produce garbage bags by microns from 4 microns and above. Some manufacturers indicate the density indicator on the labels of their products, but it rarely reflects the real thickness of the package. In order to accurately determine the thickness of the goods, we offer an accurate standard definition of micronism of garbage bags from PND and PVD, which is calculated based on four parameters:

  • Weight.
  • Density.
  • Square (length, width).
  • Cefficient for the type of raw material.

The micronism indicator is important when we exactly want to find out which load packages are calculated. The lower the indicator, the smaller the load package can endure, and, on the contrary, the higher the microns, the higher its carrying capacity.

How to independently determine the density of the bag

You will need the following things:

  • Rubbish bag.
  • Kitchen scales.
  • Line.

Measure the width and height of the bag, write it down in our formula. Specify the density of the salar bag - the density is measured in micrometers (microns). Submire the resulting values \u200b\u200bin our calculation table and check the resulting weight.

Now compactly fold the bag and weigh it on domestic scales. If the seller is a good, then the resulting value in the formula will not differ from the value on the scales.

You can use our formula to determine the weight:

PND Bag Density Calculator Calculator

PVD bag density calculator calculator

Formally, the abolished metric unit is equal to 10 -6 (one million) meter. Designation μ. The name and designation were adopted in 1879 by the International Committee of Measures and Scales (CIPM) and re-approved by resolution 7 at the 9th General Conference on Measures and Weighs (CGPM) in 1948. In 1967, the 13th CGPM conference abolished the unit "Micron" (resolution 7) and recommended the use of the term "micrometer" instead. For this unit of length in the system, the term "micrometer" (μm, μm designation) is adopted. Nevertheless, the term "micron" continues to be widely used in some areas, including in the production of semiconductors. This term is often used to describe the particle size delayed by air and water filters, wavelength ranges to which optical instruments react, as well as in mechanical processing. One of the applications where the use of this unit is currently legalized state standards, This is a description of the quality of wool and other textile goods (see

Micron is often found in the composition of the word Millimikron \u003d 10 -9 meter or 1/1000 share of the micron. Designation Mμ. Like Micron, Millimikron is an outdated unit. Modern unit System systems having the same value is a nanometer (NM, NM designation).