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Solution M 50 proportion. Learning to knead the masonry solution - accurate composition, tool, tank for the knead. To obtain high-quality laying, it is important to carefully prepare the components of the solution

7045 09/18/2019 4 min.

To determine the quality of the building solution, it is necessary to comply with such parameters as strength, type of binding ingredient, proportion and purpose. Taking into account the density, cement and limestrine on heavy and lungs are divided. If it is necessary to obtain a heavy mixture, then the porous sands from the pumice, tuffs and slags are used as a placeholder. To prepare a light solution, you will need to apply foaming additives.

Masonry solution MARK M 50

This mixture is represented by the technical characteristics of the M-50 PC F50. M50 brand is a simple mixture, in which the strength class is in3.5. The composition of this product is water, astringent ingredients and aggregate.

M75 may have the following technical characteristics:

  • moisture resistance W6-W8,
  • frost resistance F50-F200,
  • pC1-PK4 mobility.

To improve all the qualitative characteristics of the product under consideration, add auxiliary ingredients and plasticizers. They are able to increase the plasticity and density of the concrete solution. In addition, it is possible to slow down the gripping process when delivering it over long distances.

For M100, the strength class B7.5 is characterized, and the strength is 100 kg / m3. All components included in the product are thoroughly mixed using special technological equipment, especially.

The strength indicators of the solution affect the temperature regime of the surrounding air. If the air temperature decreased, then the time of the composition was also decreased, which sharply reduces its strength. Increased temperature indicators are also undesirable, since in this case moisture from the upper layers evaporates, and the strength decreases.

If you need to give the necessary strength to the solution under consideration, it is worth adding 1/10 from the resulting cement volume.

For the presented solution, the time of frozen is characterized by no less than 2-1.5 days. If you want to get a composition with a short sinking time, then during the manufacture you need to add gypsum. Due to this ingredient, it is possible to achieve solidification of the solution for 6 minutes, and the complete rejection is observed after 30 minutes. But this solution is not always useful to use, special skills will be required here, however, the plaster will have high strength indicators.

You can prepare lime with the addition of clay. These ingredients are taken in the 1: 1 ratio. After that, be sure to add sand in the amount of 5 parts. The resulting mixture will be much stronger than just lime and clay.

What is the price of cement m 500 indicated

On video - cement lime mortar for plaster, proportions:

The limestrine for masonry brick has less strength indicators than cement. However, it is very warm and has a large plasticity. In addition, the solution of the solution of the solution is very light and quick-capable. For cooking it is necessary to use hawed lime, sand and water. All components mix well. Such a solution is very rarely used in the construction of single-storey houses, most often for masonry inside the house.

Lime-cement today is applied not only for masonry bricks, but also to plastering the surface. In compliance with all proportions and manufacturing techniques, it is possible to obtain a high-quality solution, which will guarantee a long service life in the influence of negative influences.

Cement is an artificial inorganic binding material that, when adding water, salt aqueous solutions, other liquids forms a plastic mass, which subsequently solidifies, turning into a stone-like body.

It is used for the production of concrete and building solutions. Now the most popular brand M (PC) 400 and M500.

Acquisition of high-quality binder

  1. Purchase is better to carry out in specialized construction stores and supermarkets, and not in the market.
  2. It is necessary to carefully examine the integrity of the packaging and all the inscriptions. It is very important that the shelf life does not exceed six months. The fresh, the better. And to avoid fake, it is necessary to check the quality certificate.
  3. It is unacceptable for the presence of lumps, and the People's Quality Inspection Method: Cement is gaining in a hassle and compress her palm in a fist. If he seeps through the fingers, then the material is good, if it is compacted in the hand, it should not be taken.
  4. It is not recommended to store it, it is advisable to use it immediately after purchase, and if a certain amount after the work performed remains, it is necessary to store strictly in the place protected from moisture, additionally placing in hermetic polyethylene bags, tightly knitting them.

Preparation of construction solutions

Many people think that the M400 or M500 brand is an indication of which proportion must be followed for the preparation of the mixture. This is not true. The number indicates that cement can withstand a load of 400 or 500 kg / cm 2, respectively. How to dilute cement?

The tables in the preparation and use of building solutions CH 290-74 are specified strictly regulated proportions.

So solutions are divided into:

  1. Plaster solutions: M10, M25, M50 brands;
  2. Masonry solutions: M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M200 brand;
  3. For screed: M150, M200 brands.
  1. Mixed water with binders, get cement milk, into which sand is added.
  2. The second option is preferable: first mix the cement with sand, and then add water. This ensures the homogeneity of the obtained cement mass and the quality of construction work.

When preparing a cement-lime or cement-clay solution, first lime (clay) dough is bred by water to the consistency of milk and passed through a sieve with 10x10 mm cells. Then add it to an already mixed mixture of sand with a binder.

For plastering, clean river sand is used, career sand can be used for laying. Before use, sand is sieved through a sieve with cells of 10x10 mm. Often in individual construction use for these purposes an old shell mesh from the bed.

The amount of water is already determined in the production of the mixture, judging from the consistency of the mixture.

To interfere with manually solutions, apply a scooping shovel, a building mixer. But it is still better for large volumes of construction work to purchase electrical concrete mixer. To deliver the solution, use ordinary buckets, stretcher or a wheelbarrow. We should not forget about mittens and protective glasses.

In the provisions of GOST, the proportions of cement solutions used for various purposes are prescribed.

The proportions of the concrete mix are largely dependent on the brand applied by fillers and additives, as well as on the type of design and location of its location.

In the preparation of cement mortar for the installation of large-boring structures, masonry and other types of work, the ratio of components should be strictly observed.

Varieties of cement solutions:

  • masonry
  • plaster
  • facing.

For interlayers and seams, M150, M300 and M400 compositions are used, for coatings - M200, M300, it is best to take M150 and M200 for the screens.

From how much the cement solution will be cooked, the strength of the masonry and the fortress of the structure depends, as well as the durability of the task as a whole.

If necessary, the solution may contain additives or be without them, having a thick or liquid consistency.

Cement mortar from the following components:

  • cement,
  • water,
  • sand,
  • plasticizers and additives (depending on the requirements imposed on the composition).

Using additives, you can get a quick-breaking, sulfate-resistant, hydrophobic, plate, pozzolan, color, white and other types of cement mortar. In their production, cement of different brands - M100-M600 is used. However, this does not mean that in order to obtain a mixture of M400, it is necessary to use the cement of the same brand.

The production of concrete mixtures uses the mixing technology of the main material, as well as sand and water in certain proportions.

For example, from cement M400 by adding 4-buckets of sand in compliance with the proportion of 1: 4, we will get the M100 solution brand. To prepare a M100 solution from cement M500, instead of 4 sand buckets need to add 5 buckets.

Cement-lime solution Prediginal proportions

Consider how to prepare a mixture for the construction of ground objects provided that the relative humidity inside the house will not be more than 60% or for foundations raised on soils containing a small amount of moisture.

With a brand of the M10 concrete solution and cement M150, a proportion 1: 1.2: 9.5 will be applied (respectively - cement: lime: sand), for the M50 solution and cement M200 - proportions 1: 0.3: 4, subject to the use of cement M400 - 1: 0.9: 8. Preparation of the mixture M100 (M500) The ratio of components - 1: 0.5, 5.5, for M150 (from M400) of the proportion - 1: 0.2: 3 and for M200 solution (from cement M400) - proportions will be 1: 0 , 1: 2.5.

The solutions used in ground structures, where relative humidity exceeds 60%, as well as the construction of foundations on wet soils will be carried out with regard to the following proportions:

  • M10 cement M150 - 1: 1: 9, for mixture M50 (from M300), the ratio of components 1: 0.6: 6, for M 100 of M400 - proportions 1: 0.4: 4.5, the preparation of the M150 solution (from Cement M500) - 1: 0.3: 4 And for the M300 mixture (from M400), the proportions will be 1: 0.7: 1.8.

Knead the cement-sandy solution with your own hands

With the construction of foundations and other structures below the level of groundwater or on the soils of saturated moisture, the cement solution is made in compliance with the following proportions:

  • the M100 solution brand from cement M400 and the construction sand will have a proportion - 1: 4.5, for a mixture M150 (M400) - 1: 3, for a mixture of M300 from M500 proportion - 1: 2.1.

In more detail, the ratio of elements of cement solutions is written in Tables of SP 82-101-98.

It is important to accurately follow the proportions. The lack of sand can lead to a rapid frozen mixture, and its excess - to sprinkle. Water also has a great effect on the characteristics and consistency of the mixture.

Depending on the water content in the cement mortar they are divided into:

  • fat - in the mixture a little water, so it quickly freezes and after drying it is cracking;
  • skinny - water too much. Such a mixture may not be captured;
  • normal - when mixing components, all proportions are met as precisely as possible. Such a mixture is frozen inappropriate and after solidification, the concrete is not cracking, and has the required strength and reliability.

It can be introduced into the mixture in small portions. It should be remembered that the difference between low-quality and good concrete mortar is all in 2% water.

Instead of plasticizers and mineral additives, many builders prefer the usual detergent. It provides a mixture of plasticity and makes it more convenient in operation.

However, too much detergent can lead to foaming, the solution will become similar to cotton and loses its properties. For one, 50-100 g.

How to prepare cement mortar

Mix the components can be manually either in the concrete mixer. The second option is much faster, more convenient and more efficient. If you plan to prepare concrete solutions in large quantities without a concrete mixer, do not do.

We pour clean water, add detergent and begin to fall asleep cement and sand (half of the required number). After the mixture became homogeneous add the remaining sand and stir 3-5 minutes. As a result, a cement solution without lumps and air bubbles should be obtained.

If the mixing of the components is manually mixed, then in a separate container, mix cement and sand in a dry form, then it creates a funnel in it and begin to pour water in small portions. We stir the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. A clear trail of shovels should be viewed on the surface of the finished solution.

The strength of the solution is determined by its brand, i.e. The ability to withstand a certain load on the compression, measured in kilograms per square centimeter. In order to obtain a solution of the same composition, all components included in it are measured by certain doses, applying various dishes or scales for this. Distinguish skinny, normal and fatty solutions. There is a lot of aggregate in the skinny, it is inconvenient in operation and is not distinguished by proper strength. The normal solution contains in the supply of the binder and the aggregate, in the oily - excess of the binder, so it cracks. Battime is determined mainly in clay and lime solutions with the help of an oar to which it is stirred. If the solution does not stick to the weft, but only a dirty, it is skinny; If it sticks with individual clots - normal; When the solution is strongly enveloping the paddle - it is greasy.

To the skinny solution is added binding substances, in the fatty - aggregate. All materials used to prepare the solution are pre-sifted on the sieve. When preparing a solution for plaster works, a sieve with cells 5x5 mm is used, for stone works - with cells 10x10 mm. From the clay of the limestone test, the solution is prepared at once, and from cement first prepare a dry mixture, and then a solution. Make up the mixture can be in the box; But it is better on a brisk - a wooden shield of 2x3 m. Any solution must be prepared carefully. The poorly mixed solution is heterogeneous, and where it is weaker, the destruction of structures can begin. Accurate dosing of materials must. Dry mixes, such as cement with sand, is best prepared so. Sand and cement in the form of beds are poured with layers, which are adjusted to the volume of 200-300 mm altitude. This bed is shoved by shovels several times to uniformity, and then the mixture is sieved through a frequent sieve with 3x3 mm cells, not less.

For the preparation of the solution, the mixture and water also measured doses and are thoroughly mixed to full uniformity. From excess water, it turns out a more liquid solution and after drying it is less durable than a thick solution of the same composition. From proper mixtures, homogeneous solutions are obtained. Lay them is much easier than inhomogeneous.

Materials and solutions for foundations and basements

These parts of the buildings are asgraded from durable materials that can serve for a long time, not destroying. Tables 6 and 7 provide materials and solutions for foundations and basements located in various operating conditions.

Table 6. Solutions for laying foundations and basements below the waterproofing layer:

Brand cement Type of soil
malval wet saturated water
cement-limestrine brand "10" (cement, limestone dough, sand) cement-clay solution of brand "10" (cement, clay dough, sand) cement-lime and cement-clay solution of brand "25" (cement, lime or clay, sand) cement mortar of the brand "50" (cement, sand)
50 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,1:2,5 - -
100 1:0,5:5 1:0,5:5 1:0,1:2 -
150 1:1,2:9 1:1:7 1:0,3:3,5 -
200 1:1,7:12 1:1:8 1:0,5:5 1:2,5
250 1:1,7:12 1:1:9 1:0,7:5 1:3
300 1:2,5:15 1:1:11 1:0,7:8 1:4,5
400 1:2,1:15 1:1:11 1:0,7:8 1:6

Note: The compositions of solutions are given in bulk units.

Table 7. Materials for the underground part of the house and base located below the waterproofing layer:

Materials Material brand, kgf / cm 2
allevable wet saturated water
at groundwater level at a depth of earth, m
3 or more from 1 to 3 1
Natural stone, weighing more than 1600 kg / m 3 (limestone, dense sandstone, granite, diorit, basalt) 100 150 200
Natural stone weighing less than 1600 kg / m 3 50 75 You can not apply
Concrete heavy weight over 1800 kg / m 3 and products from it, except concrete on the fuel slag 75 75 100
Brick clay plastic pressing 100 125 150
Cement solution Application is not justified 25 50
Cement-lime solution 10 25 You can not apply
Cement-clay solution 10 25 Also

Most often used for the device foundations booton. The aggregate is usually served stone from quarries, large gravel, crushed stone, brick-half-one, brick fight, etc. The aggregate is placed by layers with a thickness of 20-25 cm Mospos along the walls. Each layer is watered with a solution of the desired brand and tightly trambet.

The cement-limestone is prepared from cement, limestone test and sand. Lime dough is diluted with water to milk thickness and focus on clean sieve. From cement and sand prepare a dry mixture, put it on lime milk and stirred thoroughly. Adding lime milk increases the plasticity of the solution. Instead of limestone test, it is possible to use clay, which is taken in the same quantity. The compositions (in bulk parts) and the brand of cement-lime and cement-clay solutions are given tables 8, 9, 10. And those and other solutions are used both for masonry of overhead walls and foundations in dry soils. If the underground laying is carried out in a low-voltage soil, then at least 75 kg of cement, in cement-clay - 100 kg, are taken at 1 m 3 of sand in cement-lime solutions; In very wet and saturated soils - 100 and 125 kg.

Table 8. The composition and brand of cement-limestone and cement-clay solutions:

Brand cement Mark solution, kgf / cm 2
100 50 25 10 4
The ratio of the parts of the solution
400 1:0,2:3,5 1:0,7:6,5 1:1,9:12,5 - -
300 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,4:5 1:1,3:10 - -
200 - 1:0,2:3,5 1:0,7:6,5 1:2:16 -
150 - - 1:0,3:4,5 1:0,8:7 -
100 - - 1:0,1:3 1:1,5:10,5 1:1,8:13
50 - - - 1:0,2:3,5 1:1:9

Note: Figures 1: 0.7: 6.5 Denote that they take 1 part of the cement, 0.7 pieces of lime or clay test and 6.5 parts of the sand.

Table 9. The compositions of the solution for overhead masonry of buildings with humidity of rooms up to 60% and for masonry foundations in alignmentary soils:

Brand cement Mark solution
100 75 50 25
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:1:8 -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 1:1,7:1,2
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:1,2:9
Cement-clay solutions
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:1:3 -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 1:1:11
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:1:9

Table 10. Compositions of solutions for overhead masonry with humidity of premises More than 60% and masonry foundations below groundwater level:

Mark. Mark solution
100 75 50 25
Cement-lime solutions
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:8 -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 -
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:5 1:0,7:9
Cement-clay solutions
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:7,5 -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 1:0,7:8,5
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:5 -
Cement solutions
600 1:4,5 1:6 - -
500 1:4 1:5 - -
400 1:3 1:4 1:6 -
300 - 1:3 1:4,5 -

Cement solutions are prepared in such a sequence. From cement and sand, a dry mixture is pre-prepared, and on 1 part of the cement, you can take from 2.5 to 6 parts of the sand (depending on the cement brand). The dry mixture is embedded with water, stirred and used in a case for 1-1.5 hours. Cement solutions are most often used to masonry foundations and other structures that are below groundwater levels. On the same solutions you can put the walls. They are pretty durable, but very cold. Depending on the brand of binding material and the amount of aggregate taken in bulk parts, a cement solution of one or another brand is obtained (Table 11). The need of cement is determined depending on its brand and the brand of the prepared solution (Table 12).

Table 11. Mark solution depending on the cement brand and the amount of aggregate:

Brand cement Mark solution, kgf / cm 2
100 50 25 10 4
The ratio of the parts of the solution
400 1:3,5 1:6 - - -
300 1:2,5 1:5 - - -
200 - 1:3,5 1:6 - -
150 - 1:2,5 1:4 1:6 -

Table 12. Consumption of cement by 1 m 3 sand for the preparation of the solution of the desired brand:

Brand cement Mark solution, kgf / cm 2
100 50 25 10 4
Cement consumption, kg
400 340 185 90 - -
300 435 240 120 - -
200 - 350 185 75 -
150 - - 230 95 -

In the production of construction work, various solutions are used everywhere: for masonry of stone walls and structures, for the production of plastering works ,.

The composition of the solution usually includes only a few components, so the preparation of it seems to be a simple and not requiring preparation. But it's not at all. For each type of work, a suitable solution is needed, with carefully verified proportions of components. It is also necessary to knead the solution correctly, otherwise its quality may suffer greatly.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of masonry solutions, since they depend on them the strength and reliability of wall and other supporting structures, critical for normal operation of the building depends.

The solutions used for laying various structures can be classified according to various features.

The solution is prepared from several components:

  • binder;
  • aggregate;
  • waste water.

A binding masonry solution can serve such materials as:

  • lime;
  • clay;
  • cement.

Moreover, only one kind of astringent is not necessarily used to prepare the solution, and two may be. It is from the type of binder material that depends the strength of the compression solution.

Therefore, she will be the first sign of classification:

  • A solution of i-binding solutions is lime. Requirements for compressive strength to such solutions are not presented, poet, they can be used to masonry buildings with a height of no more than two floors. In this case, the wall thickness can not be less than 24 cm.
  • Mass solutions II and IIA. The binders here are lime and cement. These solutions can be used to masonry internal and external normally loaded walls, since solutions of these groups have normal compressive strength.
  • Mortar groups III and IIIA. The binders of these solutions is exclusively cement. The ratio of components in both groups is the same, but the aggregator that meets the highest requirements is used for the group IIIA. The strength of these solutions is high, so they can be used to masonry specially loaded supports, pylons and walls.

Also, the type of binding solutions are divided into:

  • lime;
  • cement-lime;
  • cement-sand;
  • cement-clay;
  • clay.

Adding to the solution of lime or clay makes it more plastic.

Also widely used classification of solutions for brands:

  • grade 0 and 2 - weak solutions, so rarely used;
  • marks 4, 10, 25,50, 75 are the most popular;
  • the brands 100, 150 and 200 are used in the production of specific works and the masonry of particularly responsible structures.

Sometimes the mobility of the solution is of great importance. It is determined by immersion of a special standard cone in a fresh solution.

The lower the cone is immersed, the higher the mobility of the solution:

  • the solution with mobility 7 - 8 is used to masonry hollow;
  • 9 - 10 - for full-time;
  • 12 - 14 - if necessary, lead work in hot weather.

Depending on the volume of sand, the mixture is shared as follows:

  • fatty - solutions with an abrasiveness of the binder, their use can lead to climbing masonry;
  • normal - prepared exactly by recipe;
  • skinny - there are too many sand in them, so they are loose and cannot give sufficient strength.

The saturation of the mixture can be defined on the eye: if the solution freely "moves" from the shovel, then the mixture is skinny; If he sticks to her small pieces - normal; If the surface of the shovel is completely enveloping the surface.

The proportions of the masonry solution

In order to choose the right ratio of the components of the masonry mixture, it is necessary to know the solution of which brand is needed for masonry of a particular design.

The most popular brands are M25, M50 and M75. The ratio of the components of the solution depends on the brand of cement used to prepare it. Typically, cements of grades 300, 400 and 500 are used to prepare a masonry mixture.

For cement-sand solutions, the ratio of components is approximately as follows:

Brand cement Mark solution Cement and Sand Relation
300 25 1:9,5
50 1:5,8
75 1:4,2
100 1:3,4
150 1:2,6
400 50 1:7,4
75 1:5,4
100 1:4,3
150 1:3,25
500 75 1:6,7
100 1:5,3
150 1:3,9

If it is simplified, the mixture brand is approximately equal to the private from dividing the cement brand to the number of volume parts of the sand.

For the preparation of solutions, only the bulk parts of the components are always used. It is impossible to navigate on the weight. The volume of water in the masonry mixture may vary in the range of 0.6 - 0.8 from the volume of cement. It is most often determined by the eye, based on the quality of the solution.

If you need to lay out a solid design, a cement-sandy solution is used. But you need to remember that it is grasped quickly, so the time of its use does not exceed 2 - 2.5 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of the prepared mixture to have time to work out over this period of time.

If you need to lengthen the life of the masonry mixture, it is added to it. This allows twice to increase the suitability of the solution.

To obtain high-quality masonry, it is important to carefully prepare the components of the solution:

  • Cement is best acquired immediately before starting. Do not use "old stocks", such a material has already lost strength.
  • Sand is better to acquire river. It should be pure, free from garbage. Good river sand has a gray color, the clay particles, which are completely undesirable in this case. For masonry, the sand of the middle fraction is used - not less than 2 mm.
  • It should be cold and clean (ideally - 15 - 20 degrees). Invalid the presence of acidic and oil impurities in it.

In order to make the solution properly, you will need:

  • large capacity is a solution of a mixer or badge (if the mixture is assumed to be mixed manually);
  • 10 - 12 l buckets;
  • shovel.

If the scope of work is small, then you can measure the components with a shovel, if you need a lot of work and a solution you need a lot, it is better to use buckets.

  • At first, the containers are poured alternately layers of sand and cement in measured quantities.
  • Then the dry mass is thoroughly stirred and sifted through a sieve.
  • Next, we need to gradually fill the water and constantly mix the mixture. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that it does not add too much water - this adversely affects the quality of the masonry solution.

Often, you can meet the recommendation before starting the preparation of the solution to moisten all the containers with water - this reduces the amount of waste when mixing. The mixing of the mixture is made within 3 - 5 minutes, and then you need to give it a little to stand for gaining the right consistency.

During masonry work, the mixture must be constantly interfered because it tends to bundle.

If you need to obtain a plastic solution, you will have to add lime to the mixture.

It can be used in two ways:

  • in the form of dry hammer hated lime;
  • in the form of a prepared lime milk.

Lime milk is obtained as follows: the haired lime is bred by water to the consistency of thick milk and filter through the sieve. Then the solution is embedded with this silence.

Observing the technology and the ratio of components, it is easy to obtain a high-quality masonry mixture.