Repairs Design Furniture

M cubic in tons. How to translate from cubic meters in tons. Quarts and gallons

Sand usually refuse cubic meters when selling in construction stores. But there are calculations of various mixtures that are based on the measurement in tons or kilograms. Make the recalculation in practice it turns out very difficult. As a result, it is necessary to hardly not weigh the control volume in the form of a bucket, and then make a correction to cubic meters. This approach gives a greater error, so it is best to find out how the density of sand depends on various factors. There are a lot of them, but it is all predictable if you have certain knowledge.

Sand varieties

Experts in this area have several dozen species, but in domestic use most often acts a generalized concept of "construction". For these purposes, the following types of this material are used:

  1. River sand. Contrary to the common myth, he is not taken from the shore, but from the bottom of the river bed itself. This material is extracted by drags, and then either ejected by the shore by an earthen projectile, or stored on the barges. Further, it successes, after which is used for its intended purpose. This is pure sand, but not requiring preprocessing. The quality is not inferior to the next variety, but it is cheaper at times.
  2. Washing sand. It is formed as a result of artificial rings of career sand with plenty of water under pressure on the sieve.
  3. Silicate sand. It has a dazzling white color. It can be used as a cheap drainage layer, but it has a limit in its application - it can focus the soil, as a result of which the growth of trees on the site will be impossible.
  4. Career sand. It is produced in specialized careers using excavators and no additional processing.
  5. Sea sand. It is absolutely not suitable for concrete mixes for two simple reasons. The first is sleeping, and to wash the whole salt, you will need to spend too much water. The second - it is calculated by the approach to the round shape of the sand, which then negatively affects the overall strength of concrete.

What affects the weight of one sand cube

There are several main factors that determine the mass of the sand:

  1. Humidity. This factor can be considered variables, but it is very relevant, when measuring sand weight, in view of the fact that most construction sand is stored in open areas. Even if he lies under the canopy, anyway. Because the sand absorbs very well and keeps moisture in itself, and this significantly increases the mass of 1m³ of sand.
  2. Density. Such a factor as density has a significant impact on the mass of sand, since it has properties to be compacted and break down when exposed to external factors. For example, during the loading and unloading of the sand, it breaks down and in turn its density becomes less and the weight of 1m³ is also reduced. When transporting sand, the opposite is condensed and the mass of 1m³ of sand will increase, and the volume to decrease.
  3. The presence of third-party inclusions. It can be clay, various roots, leaves, shells of mollusks. Also should not be excluded that these inclusions may be present as fragments, which also need to be considered when measuring the mass.
  4. Forming breed. Typically, sand is formed by quartz and quartzite rocks. But the presence of impurities of another breed at least in the amount of 10% of the total volume can significantly change the density and in turn mass of the sand.
  5. Size fraction. The size of the grains have an effect on the consumption of building material and its water consumption.

Translation of sand from cubic meters in tons

The most accurate calculation is the dependence of the bulk density from humidity, because the more sand is moistened, the more it depends on the amount of water. It is tightly stacked in the tank capacitance.

Table of the dependence of the density of sand from absolute humidity

An abnormally small cubic meter mass for a certain humidity is possible due to the competence and changes in the adhesive characteristics of the mixture. Small humidity indicators depend on the permeability of the material. Maximum sand moisturizing - 20%. With more water, it is considered unsuitable for sale.

In order to translate sand from cubic meters in tons.

  1. First you need to determine the bulk density of the material. Which, as they already know, is measured in kilograms per cubic meter. The value of the sand density can be determined by the physical director or use the above table. Ideally, the density of natural sand is 1300 kg / m 3, but it can increase with increasing humidity.
  2. Next, it is already possible to determine the mass of sand using the formula: M \u003d V * P (V - the volume (number of cubes), P is density).
  3. Then to translate the resulting result in tons from a kilogram, separating the obtained value to 1000.

For example, we have 15 cubic meters of wet sand (V), the density (P) of which is 1500 kg / m 3. In order to determine the mass (M) of Mi multiply the volume on the density and the result obtained divide on 1000:

m \u003d 15 m 3 * 1500 kg / m 3 \u003d 22500 kg

22500/1000 \u003d 22.5 tons.

As a result of the calculations, it turns out that 15 m 3 wet sand weigh 22.5 tons.

Table of mass 1 m 3 sand of various types

Sand view Number of tons in 1m³
Dry 1,21 - 1,75
River 1,5
River compacted 1,59
River coarse-grained 1,47 - 1,63
River Dry 1,4 - 1,65
River wet 1,77 - 1,86
Building 1,68
Construction dry loose 1,44
Construction dry compacted 1,68
Construction wet 1,92
Building wet compacted 2,54
Building, normal humidity according to GOST 1,54 - 1,7
Molding, normal humidity according to GOST 1,7
Career 1,5
Career fine-grained 1,72 - 1,8
Quartz usual 1,41 - 1,95
Quartz Dry 1,5
Quartz hammer 1,45
Quartz compacted 1,6 - 1,7
Nautical 1,62
Grave 1,7 - 1,9
Dusty 1,61 - 1,75
Slag 0,7 - 1,2
Ceramzite 0,4 - 1
PEMZOY 0,5 - 0,6
Mountain 1,5 - 1,6
Chamotnoe 1,4
Perlitic 0,074 - 0,4
Magnezite 2
Basaltic 1,8
Overhead 1,4
Washing 1,65
Titans Glindo-grade 1,7
Natural coarse 1,49 - 1,61
Natural Mediterranean 1,53 - 1,64
Middle size 1,5 - 1,7
Large 1,53 - 1,6
Small 1,7 - 1,8
Washed 1,3 - 1,6
Compacted 1,68
Wet 1,92
Wet 2,08
Watery 3 - 3,2
Soil sand 2,66
Sand and crushed stone 1,5 - 1,8
Sand and cement 1,1 - 1,7

These data can be considered generalized indicators. But with these knowledge to calculate the mass of the sand is much better to make calculations, not knowing real values. As practice shows, it is still better to measure bulk materials by cubic meters. Sand is rarely measured by mass because it varically depends on humidity, and exact hygrometers for measuring this indicator so far.

Organizations must process household waste. This company uses numeric measurements. Communal enterprises are calculated in the form of waste. Plants as measuring values \u200b\u200buse tons. To find a compromise of the organization comes to one general size, called TBW.

Calculations of TBBS

When calculating the density of one MBo, it is desirable to apply the procedure for transferring the number of cubic meters in a ton. A common amount on the entire earth's surface TWW is 200 kg / cube. m. Admissible and significant deviations of the number - it all depends on the activities of the enterprise. Everyone has its own way of calculating. For employees of the relevant authorities, it does not matter how you thought. Enterprises fill in a special magazine. With the final calculation of the density, the final calculation occurs, and then the entire density is translated into M3.

Important! In one cube, density density contains approximately 0.15 - 0.65 tons. One ton of garbage contains from 6.25 to 1.56 cubes.

The correctness of calculation is extremely important. To prevent errors, there are special online translators and calculators that exercise themselves (you only need to drive the data). If you are not sure about the accuracy of the value of Cube, take the recalculation of the norm.

Theoretically, the process is calculated by a simple formula

V \u003d m / p,


  • p - density
  • v - volume
  • m - Mass.

Translation of M3 per ton

Many wonder: how to translate cubic meters in tons of TNS? To translate and calculate information, scales and calculator will be useful. For the correct counting, the following example should be given: the organization manufactures 15 meters of cubic tires. Based on how much rubber density is, say, 1000 kg / m3 (this is an example, for accurate information, refer to the official data), you need to translate with the following way. Famous information is multiplied by each other. The procedure is simple. It is impossible to accurately calculate. This is due to the sorting of waste, since it is not everywhere that the waste collection method is applied. Any territorial education has the right to create a personal table of the volume of recycled materials.

Transportation and transportation of waste in containers require a responsible approach. The correct counting of cubic meters, the standards of solid magnitude will not only avoid miscalculations, but will also contribute to less pollution of the environment. It is advisable to contact official sources or to the relevant literature. Calculating the coefficient yourself, too easy to allow miscalculations. The company will lose on this substantial profit. By completion it is worth saying that the weight of the material in the volume is possible in the presence of the measuring value of the density. To do this, find the component of the body (from which material is made), find out the density of this substance. Later is made by the formula:

V \u003d P / (G * P).

Very often our customers are tormented by the question of how to translate cubic meters in tons and vice versa. On this page, we tried to review two ways to do it.

The coefficient of transfer of bulk materials from M3 per ton:these coifers are approximate because For accurate translation you need to know the moisture content of the material. To more accurately determine the transformation ratio, you can spend the simplest experiment. In 10 liter bucket (its volume is 0.01 m3) Put the material you need and make weighing. Moreover, you must preliminarily weigh the empty bucket. According to the formula PH \u003d (m2-m1) / vwhere PH- bulk density coefficient M2.- mass of the measuring vessel with the material, M1. - mass of an empty measuring vessel, V -the volume of the measuring vessel.

Table of M3 transfer coefficients in tons for bulk materials:

Name of material Volume Coefficient Weight
Sand River Light Module 1.6-1.8 mm 1 m3. 1,6 1.6 tn.
Sand career dry fraction O, 8-2 mm 1 m3. 1,5 1.5 tt.
Quartz sand (crushed) fraction 0.8-2 mm 1 m3. 1,4 1.4 tn.
Crushed stone granite fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3. 1,36 1.36 tt
Crumb Granite fraction 2-5 mm 1 m3. 1,4 1.4 tn.
Crushed stone gravel fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3. 1,34 1.34 tt.
Crushed stone limestone fraction 20-40 mm 1 m3. 1,25 1.25 tt
Cement PC 500 d0 1 m3. 1,3 1.3 tn.
Keramzit M 200. 1 m3. 0,2 0.2 tn.
Keramzit M300 1 m3. 0,3 0.3 tn.
Keramzit M400. 1 m3. 0,4 0.4 tn.
Salt technical type with grind number 3 1 m3. 1,2 1.2 tn
Sand-haired mix 70/30 1 m3. 1,48 1.48 tt.

Bulk density of bulk building material - This is its density in an infertable condition. It takes into account not only the volume of the particles of the material (gravel gravel or individual stones themselves), but also the space between them, so the bulk density is less than the density is normal. When the bulk material is sealing, its density becomes more and ceases to be bulk. Cement in a bag, dug rubble, or six sand cubes in the body of a truck - all of them are in an infertable state and have their own bulk density. It is necessary to know it in order to bind the volume and mass of such materials, because the prices for their supply can be in rubles, both in tons and for the cubic meter. Similarly, the number of these materials, for example, their proportions for the preparation of concrete, may be needed in tons, and in cubic meters.

Sand density, hollowness and humidity - These are interrelated sand characteristics that are important when selecting concrete materials. Sand density It happens: true is the density of dried sand and bulk - the density of the supplied sand. Such an indicator as a bulk density varies depending on the humidity of the sand. With a decrease in density - void growth increases, which leads to increased consumption of binders, and in effect to increase costs.
The density of sand, with the growth of moisture to about 10%, is very sharply reduced, which is explained by the fact that moisture, enveloping each sand, makes them stick together in lumps and it leads to an increase in total. After the humidity reaches ten percent, its further growth leads, on the contrary, to an increase in density, since water begins to fill the space between the grains of sand, ousting the air. Thus, if the dosage of the components of concrete in volume is carried out - this factor should be considered mandatory. The sand moisture can be determined by measuring the difference in the mass of sand before and after drying and separating the result obtained on the initial weight of the sand sample (usually 1 kg.) Sand dried on a metal counter to complete drying (when the sample mass stops).
In order to determine what the supply of sand is on the place of acceptance, it is determined by its bulk density, which will allow the supply of supply to cubic meters.
Calculate the bulk density of sand as follows: sand, without any pretreatment (drying, seal), poured a scoop to a measuring cylinder, with a capacity of 10 liters (bucket), from a height of 10 centimeters, until the cylinder is filled with a slide. This "slide" is cut into the clove with the edge of the measuring cylinder, trying, again, do not seal the sand. After that, the sand sample is weighing. The density of sand will be frequent from dividing the mass of sand to the volume, in our case 10 liters, i.e. 0.01 sand cubes. Naturally, the sand mass is measured without taking into account the mass of the vessel. Measurements are carried out twice, and the final value will be the amount of measurements divided by 2.

How to transfer weight in Cuba and Fog -there are two ways. The first to take advantage of the conventional transfer coefficients. But in this case, you must understand that the result obtained will thus be exemplary. The second way to perform measurements using a 10 liter bucket of the name of that material that you currently use is a much troublesome event, but it will bring you a more accurate result.

When choosing bulk building materials, you can face the problem of translating the mass into the volume - from tons in cubic meters. To calculate the volume, it is necessary to know the density of the specified material and its mass (the density of the bulk material takes into account not only the volume of the particles themselves, but also the space between them).

You can translate tons into cubic meters in two ways: theoretical and practical. The result of theoretical calculations will be exemplary, and practical - more accurate.

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Theoretical calculations

In order to calculate the approximate volume of material using theoretical calculations, you need:

  • Find a table with the density coefficient of the corresponding material;
  • Applying the formula: V \u003d M / k, where "V" is the desired volume, "M" - a known mass, "k" - the density coefficient of a given material.

It must be remembered that the values \u200b\u200bof the table coefficients are valid under standard conditions: average air temperature (20 ° C for solid, bulk and liquid substances, 0 ° C for gases, booster temperature for liquefied gases) and normal atmospheric pressure. The mass of hygroscopic materials affects the humidity of the air.

Practical method

In order to translate the mass into the volume of practical way, it is necessary:

  • Take a 10 liter bucket;
  • Weigh the empty bucket;
  • Pour the measured material in the bucket, without tamping the contents;
  • Weigh the filled container;
  • Make a mass of an empty bucket from the mass filled;
  • Relate a lot of material with its volume - on the scale of the bucket it will be kilograms by 0.01m 3 (10l);
  • Translate kilograms in tons (1t \u003d 1000kg) and multiply by 100 to obtain the amount of tons per cubic meter (bulk density coefficient);
  • Make the measurement twice to obtain an average result.

In the 10-liter bucket at the first dimension, 16 kg of gravel was placed - the mass ratio to the volume is 16kg / 0.01m 3 \u003d 1600kg / m3 \u003d 1.6 T / m3. In the second dimension, 15.5 kg was placed, and the bulk density coefficient was 1.55T / m 3. The average value of the coefficient is 1.575. The volume of seven tons of gravel with the resulting density coefficient will be approximately 4.44m 3.