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How to wash your hands in medicine: modern requirements for the hygiene of the hands of medical personnel. Hygienic processing of medical staff: methods, algorithm and preparations for hand washing technique hygienic

1. In order to prevent BBI, medical workers are subject to disinfect (hygienic treatment of hands, treatment of surgeons) and skin surfaces of patients (processing of operating and injection fields, elbow donor bends, sanitary treatment of skin).

Depending on the performed medical manipulation and the required level of reduction of microbial contamination of the skin, medical personnel carry out hygienic handling of hands or handling of surgeons. The administration organizes training and control of the fulfillment of hand hygiene requirements by medical personnel.

2. To achieve efficient washing and disinfection of hands, you must observe the following conditions: short trimmed nails, the absence of a varnish on the nails, the absence of artificial nails, the absence of rings, rings and other jewelry on the hands. Before processing the hands of surgeons, it is also necessary to remove the clock, bracelets, etc. To dry hands, clean fabric towels or paper napkins are used, when processing the hands of surgeons - only sterile tissue.

3. Medical staff should be provided in sufficient amounts effective means for washing and disinfection of hands, as well as tools for skin care (creams, lotions, balsams, etc.) to reduce the risk of contact dermatitis. When choosing skin antiseptics, detergents and means for skin care, individual portability should be taken into account.

Hygienic handling.

Hygienic handling should be carried out in the following cases:

Before direct contact with the patient;

After contact with the intact patient's skin (for example, when measuring the pulse or blood pressure);

After contact with secrets or excretions of the body, mucous membranes, bandages;

Before performing various patient care manipulations;

After contact with medical equipment and other objects in close proximity to the patient.

After the treatment of patients with purulent inflammatory processes, after each contact with contaminated surfaces and equipment;

Hygienic handling of hands is carried out in two ways:

Hygienic washing with soap and water to remove contamination and reduce the number of microorganisms;

Treatment of hand skin antiseptic to reduce the number of microorganisms to a safe level.

1. A liquid soap is used for washing the hand using a dispenser (dispenser). Wipe the hands with an individual towel (napkin), preferably disposable.

2. Hygienic handling of hands with alcohol-containing or other allowed to use the antiseptic (without their pre-washed) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount recommended by the instructions for use, paying particular attention to the processing of finger tips, leather around the nails, between fingers.

3. When using the dispenser, the new portion of the antiseptic (or soap) is poured into the dispenser after its disinfection, washing water and drying. Preference should be given to elbow dispensers and dispensers on photocells.

4. Skin antiseptics for hand processing should be easily accessible at all stages of therapeutic and diagnostic process. In units with high intensity of patient care and high load on personnel (intensive care and intensive care departments, etc.) Skin antiseptic dispensers must be placed in place-friendly places (at the entrance to the ward, in the bed of the patient and etc.). It should also provide for the possibility of providing medical workers with individual capacities (vials) of small volumes (up to 200 ml) with a skin antiseptic.

1. Remove rings, rings and other decorations, because They make it difficult to effectively remove microorganisms.

2. Under a moderate stream of comfortable warm water, hands should be vigorously laminated and rubbed each other for at least 10 seconds by the following procedure:

Rub the hand palm to the palm;

Right palm on top of the back side of the left palm and vice versa;

Palm to the palm, fingers are crossed;

Fold the fingers "in the castle", rub fingers on each other;

Friction by rotational movements of the thumb with the right hand, clamped in the left palm and vice versa;

Friction by rotational movements back and squeezed in a pinch of the right hand on the left palm and vice versa.

3. Rinse your hands under running water.

4. Dindle your hands with a paper towel, which then close the crane.

5. If a alcohol-containing antiseptic was applied to the hands, then instead of paragraph 3.4 wait for a complete drying of the antiseptics on his hands.

Changing workwear in the hospital.

Personnel is provided by means of individual protection in the required quantity and appropriate size (gloves, masks, shields, respirators, aprons, etc.), depending on the separation profile and the nature of the work being carried out.

Medical staff should be provided with sets of removable clothing: bathrobes, caps, shift shoes in accordance with the tableness of equipment, but at least 3 sets of overalls per working.

In the operblock, doctors and other persons participating in the operation should work in sterile coats, gloves and masks. Replaceable shoes should be from nonwoven material.

Washing staff's clothing should be centrally and separately from the underwear of patients.

The change of clothing in the divisions of the surgical and obstetric profile is carried out daily and as dirty. In the institutions of the therapeutic profile - 2 times a week and as dirty. Replaceable shoes of staff working in the premises with aseptic mode should be from nonwoven material available for disinfection. Replaceable clothing and shoes should also be provided for medical personnel of other units providing advisory and other assistance, as well as for engineering and technical workers.

During the manipulation of the patient, the staff should not register, touch the handset and the like.

In the workplace is forbidden to eat.

Finding in medical clothing and shoes outside LPO is not allowed.

Surgical handling of hands.

Processing of the hands of surgeons is carried out by all participating in the conduct of operational interventions, childbirth, catheterization of the main vessels. Processing is carried out in two stages:

I stap - washing hands with soap and water for two minutes, and then drying with a sterile towel (napkin);

Stage II - handling antiseptic of hands, wrists and forearms.

The amount of antiseptic required for processing, multiplicity of processing and its duration is determined by the recommendations set out in the methodological instructions / instructions on the use of a particular means. An indispensable condition for effective disinfection of hands is maintaining them in a wet state during the recommended processing time.

Sterile gloves are put on immediately after complete drying antiseptics on the skin of the hands.

Classic Surgeon's Hand Treatment Methods:

The following antiseptic solutions are used to handle hands:

a) forever C-4 (2.4% or 4.8%)

Forestur is used during the day. Before use, 17.1 ml of 33% of hydrogen peroxide and 6.9 ml of 100% formic acid are mixed. The reagent is put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, alternately shaking. Before use, the mixture is poured into a pelvis with water to 10 liters. Mocked hands in a basin with a cooked solution for 1 minute. Hands dried and dress gloves.

b) Cerigel

4 ml of cerigel is applied on the hands. Crops 10-15 seconds. Film is formed in the hands.

c) chlorhexideabigluconate (hibitan) - 0.5% alcohol solution.

Hands are treated with two copiously moistened in Corgel with napkins for 2 minutes each.

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Hand hygiene is the main measure to reduce the prevalence of infections. There are three levels of hand treatment: social, hygienic (disinfection of hands) and surgical (the sterility is achieved by the hands of hands for a certain time).

Purpose: Remove the microflora from the surface of the hands with a mechanical method. Provide patient and personnel infectious safety.


· before and after meals, feeding the patient;

· after visiting the toilet;

· before and after care for the patient, if the hands are not contaminated with the patient's biological fluids.

Note: When contacting infectious patients in all of the above cases, hygienic handling of hands is recommended.

Prerequisite: Healthy Hand Leather, Briefly trimmed nails, without a coating varnish.

Purpose: Ensuring the decontamination of hands on the hygienic level.


· before putting on and after removing gloves;

· after contact with the biological fluids of the body and after possible microbial contamination;

· before and after the patient care with a weakened immunity

· when conducting surveys, or invasive procedures.

Mandatory condition: the absence of damage in the hands.

The method of hand processing: antiseptic, with their absence - 0.5% alcohol solution of chlorhexidine Bigluconata.

Purpose: achieve the sterility of the hands of medical personnel.


· the need to cover the sterile table.

· participation in operation, puncture.

· participation in childbirth.


· the presence in the hands and body of guns.

· cracked and injured skin.

· skin diseases.

Mandatory condition: Work is carried out in the strict regime zones in order to perform aseptic regime.


1) Liquid soap with dispenser, elbow dispenser, disposable napkins (individual towel, electric dryer);

2) Liquid soap, antiseptic, sterile - tweezers, cotton balls, napkins, container for disposal of class A medical waste;

3) Liquid soap, antiseptic or 0.5% alcohol chlorhexidine alcoholic solution 20-30 ml., Sterile tray with Corncang, sterile bix with styling for covering the sterile table.

3) Documenting

1) a visual manual for hand handling techniques;

2) results of observations of hand hygiene practice;

3) Hand hygiene indicators (number of trained, proper practice).


Social (normal) hand processing

Preparation for the procedure

· Remove jewelry, clock, check the integrity of the skin of the hands.

· Wrap the robe sleeves to the elbow.

· Open a crane, adjust the water temperature (35-40C).


· Wash your hands and wash the water tap with soap (the elbow crane is not rummaged).

· Wash hands with soap flowing water up to 2/3 of the forearm for 30 seconds, paying attention to the phalanges and interfallated spaces of hands, then wash the rear and palm of each brush and rotational movements - the base of the thumbs (according to the scheme).

Note: Hold your hands with your fingers up so that water flows into the sink from the elbows. Foreigns of fingers should remain the cleanest.

Repeat washing in the same sequence.

End of procedure

· Close the crane using the napkin (elbow crane close the elbow).

· Dry the hands with a dry clean individual towel or dryer.

Hygienic hand processing

Preparation for the procedure:

· Remove rings with fingers hands.

· Wrap the robe sleeves up to 2/3 of the forearm, take off the clock.


· Wash hands with soap running water up to 2/3 of the forearm, paying special attention to the phalanges and the interfallated space of hands for 10 seconds.

· Rinse your hands with running water to remove soap foam.

· Repeat the washing of each hand to 5-6 times.

· Drain your hands with a napkin and reset the napkin into a container for the disposal of medical waste of class A.

· Treat hands with antiseptic.

Hand treatment on the surgical level

The procedure is achieved with the help of an assistant supplying sterile material from the Bix in compliance with the aseptic rules.

Preparation for the procedure

Assistant (nurse) pre-conducts the following:

· Wash your hands in the usual way.

· Put a sterile bix with linen, strengthen it, check the label.

· Open bixs using pedals.

· Extract sterility indicators, assess their condition.

· Take from the bicca with the help of Corncanga sterile golk (cap), then a mask, put on them.

· Put the Corncang in the tray.

Medpersonal / Brigade members before surgery:

· Wash hands with soap flowing water to elbow fold for 1 minute, paying attention to phalanges and interdigital spaces of hands with hands according to the scheme.

· Rinse your hands with running water to remove soap foam from the nail phalanx to the elbow bend.

· Dry hands with a sterile towel.

· Treat every hand with small sterile napkins, an antiseptic or 0.5% alcoholic chlorhexidine alcoholic solution from the nail phalanx to the elbow bending twice for 3 minutes.

· Wear sterile clothes, gloves.

Standardized hand treatment technique

1. Out of the dispenser one portion of the alcohol-containing disinfectant (3 ml. Per palm)

2. Clean one palm about another.

3. Hand wrists.

4. Sutitate the palm of the right hand the surface of the left hand; And soda palm left hand the surface of the right hand.

5. Watch your palms about each other and between your fingers.

6. Sattail the right hand with the palm of the left hand; Sat the right hand palm with the left hand.

It is necessary that the alcohol is in hand to at least
30 seconds

7. Sutitate the palm of the right hand around the thumb left; Sattail the palm of the left hand around the thumb of the right hand. Do not forget about the tip of the finger.

8. Sattail the tips of the fingertips of the right hand about the palm of the left hand; Sattail the fingertips of the left hand about the palm of the right hand.

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Date Amendment


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GOU SPO "Tula Regional Medical College"

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Medical Hand Processing Rules, Hygienic Hand Treatment

Professional retraining cycle in the specialty "Nursing case"

Performed: Plugs Sergey Vladimirovich


1. Historical information

2. Microflora Skin Hands

3. Resident Microflora

4. Transient microflora



Hands are one of the main factors of the transfer of pathogens of the WBI. Through the hands of staff, transient pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora, microbes-opportunists are transmitted. Possible contamination of the operating room and representatives of the residency microflora

1. Historical information

For the first time treatment with a solution of carbolic acid (phenol) for the prevention of the wound infection was applied by the English surgeon by Joseph Lister in 1867. D. Listera method (1827 - 1912) became a triumph of the XIX century medicine.

Robert Koh (1843 - 1910) - German microbiologist, one of the founders of modern bacteriology and epidemiology

In their publications, Koh developed the principles of "obtaining evidence that one or another microorganism causes certain diseases." These principles still underlie medical microbiology.

Hand hygiene is a priority measure that has proved high efficiency in preventing the WBI and the spread of antimicrobial resistance of pathogenic microorganisms. However, even today, the problem of treating the hands of medical personnel cannot be considered solved to the end. WHO studies have shown that insufficient compliance with hand hygiene rules with medical workers is observed both in developed and developing countries.

According to modern ideas, the transfer of pathogens of VBI occurs in various ways, but the most common transmission factor is the contaminated hands of medical workers. At the same time, infection through the hands of personnel occurs in the presence of a number of the following conditions:

1) the presence of microorganisms on the peat cover of the patient or the subjects of its closest environment;

2) contamination of the hands of medical workers by pathogens with direct contact with the patient's skin or its surrounding items;

3) the ability of microorganisms to survive on the hands of medical personnel at least a few minutes;

4) incorrect implementation of the procedure for processing hands or ignore this procedure after contact with the patient or items of its nearest environment;

5) direct contact of the contaminated hands of a medical worker with another patient or subject, which will come into direct contact with this patient.

2. Microflora Skin Hands

I. Resident (normal) microflora are microorganisms that are constantly living and breeding on the skin.

II. The microflora transient is a non-policing microflora acquired by medical personnel in the process of working as a result of contact with infected environmental objects.

1. The pathogenic microflora is a microflora that causes a clinically pronounced disease in healthy people.

2. A conditioned pathogenic microflora is a microflora that causes the disease only in the presence of a specific predisposing factor.

3. Microbes - opportunists are a microflora, which causes a generalized disease only in patients with a pronounced decrease in immunity.

3. Resident Microflora

The resident microflorastimulates the formation of an antibody and prevents the skin settlement with gram-negative microorganisms. The skin layer lives in the horny follicles, coarse, sweat glands, in the field of nail rollers, under the nails, between the fingers.

It is predominantly represented by Cockkops: epidermal and other types of staphylococci, dipteroids, propionibacteriums.

It is impossible to completely remove with the usual washing of hands and processing with antiseptics.

4. Transient microflora

Presented mainly by microorganisms that are in the external environment of the institution, dangerous in epidemiological terms:

pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella, Shigella, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A viruses, etc.);

conditional pathogenic microorganisms:

Gram-positive (staphylococci gold and epidermal);

Gram-negative (intestinal wand, chlebseyella, pseudomonada);

Mushrooms (Candids, Aspirgilla).

It is saved on hands no more than 24 hours and can be removed by conventional washing of hands and processing with antiseptics.

The most polluted areas of the skin of the hands are:

Subnamed space;

Ocolone rollers;

Pillows of fingers.

The most difficult plots are considered:

Subnamed space;

Interfallated intervals;

Large finger.

Hand disinfection is one of the most effective measures to prevent VBI and to protect patients and medical personnel from infection. The basis of the prevention of VBI - hygienic culture and preparedness in the epidemiological plan at all stages of work.

5. Hand processing rules for medical personnel

To achieve effective washing and disinfection of hands, the following conditions must be observed:

1. Clean, short trimmed nails, no varnish on nails, no artificial nails; Well-groomed (without cracks and sowing) hands, curved (European) manicure;

2. The absence on the hands of rings, rings and other jewelry; Before treating the hands of surgeons, it is also necessary to remove hours, bracelets, etc.;

3. The use of liquid soap using the dispenser;

4. Application for drying the hands of pure fabric individual towels or paper napkins of one-time, when processing the hands of surgeons - only sterile tissue.

6. Hygienic hand treatment

Hygienic handling of the hands of the skin antiseptic should be carried out in the following cases:

Before direct contact with the patient;

Before putting on sterile gloves and after removing gloves when setting the central intravascular catheter;

Before and after the setting of central intravascular, peripheral vascular and urinary catheters or other invasive devices, if these manipulations do not require surgical intervention;

After contact with the intact patient's skin (for example, when measuring the pulse or blood pressure, the patient shifting, etc.);

After contact with secrets or excretions of the body, mucous membranes, bandages;

When performing various patient care manipulations after contact with contaminated microorganisms of the body;

After contact with medical equipment and other objects in close proximity to the patient.

Hygienic handling of hands is carried out in two ways:

Hygienic washing with soap and water to remove contamination and reduce the number of microorganisms;

Treatment of hand skin antiseptic to reduce the number of microorganisms to a safe level.

A liquid soap is used for washing hands using a dispenser (dispenser). Wipe the hands with an individual towel (napkin), preferably disposable.

Hygienic handling of hands with alcohol-containing or other, allowed to use the antiseptic (without their pre-washed) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount, recommended by the application for use, paying special attention to the processing of finger tips, leather around the nails, between fingers. An indispensable condition for effective disinfection of hands is maintaining them in a wet state during the recommended processing time.

When using the dispenser, the new portion of the antiseptic (or soap) is poured into the dispenser after its disinfection, washing water and drying. Preference should be given to elbow dispensers and dispensers on photocells.

Skin antiseptics for hand processing should be easily accessible at all stages of the medical diagnostic process. In units with high intensity of patient care and high load on personnel (intensive care and intensive care departments, etc.) Skin antiseptic dispensers must be placed in place-friendly places (at the entrance to the ward, in the bed of the patient and etc.). It should also provide for the possibility of providing medical workers with individual capacities (vials) of small volumes (up to 200 ml) with a skin antiseptic.

7. Hand processing techniques with alcohol-containing skin antiseptic

Rub an antiseptic for hygienic hand treatment! Wash your hands only in the case of the presence of visible contaminants!

8. Hand washing machinery soap and water

Duration of processing - 2-3 minutes, special attention is paid to nails and subnodes.

The movements of each stage are repeated five times, constantly following the hand to remain wet during the entire hand. If necessary, use a new portion of the disinfectant solution. Currently, an alcoholic solution of 0.5% chlorhexidine of Bigluconata in 70% ethyl alcohol, octatenters, octeniman, octenisept, well-axis, AHD 2000 special, decopate plus, 60% isopropanol, 70% ethyl alcohol with mitigating skin additives and DR .

Recently, studies have appeared that prove that wristwrites, fountain pen and mobile phones of medical professionals are also a seedler of microbes

Thus, human hygiene is an integral part of the system of measures for the prevention of nosocomial infection in a medical organization.

infection Hand Antiseptic


Athenogenov G.E., Athenogenova A.G. Modern approaches to medical personnel hygiene // Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy. 2004. T. 6. No. 1.

Opimakh I.V. The history of antiseptics is the struggle of ideas, ambition, ambitions ... // Medical technologies. Evaluation and selection.

WHO management Hand hygiene in Healthcare: Summary, 2013.

Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activities."

Posted on


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The purpose of the household hand processing is a mechanical removal from the skin most of the transient microflora (antiseptics are not applied).

Similar hand treatment is carried out:

  • after visiting the toilet;
  • before meals or before work with food;
  • before and after physical contact with the patient;
  • with any contamination of hands.

Required equipment:

  1. Liquid dosage neutral soap or individual disposable soap in pieces. It is desirable that soap does not have a sharp smell. Open liquid or bars reusable non-indisimed soap is rapidly infected with microbes.
  2. 15x15 cm napkins are disposable, clean for rolling hands. The use of a towel (even individual) is not desirable, since it does not have time to dry and, moreover, it is easily immaculated by microbes.

Hand processing rules:

Remove all decorations, hours, because they make it difficult to remove microorganisms. Hands are naked, then rinsed with warm running water and everything is repeated first. It is believed that when first washing and rinsing warm water, the microbes are washed off from the skin of the hands. Under the influence of warm water and self-massage of the pores of the skin, they are revealed, so the microbes from the discontinued pores are poured when re-embossed and rinsing.

Warm water contributes to a more efficient effect of antiseptics or soap, while hot water removes a protective fatty-layer from the surface. In this regard, it should be avoided by the use of too hot water for washing hands.

Hand processing - the required sequence of movements

1. Terret one palm about another palm with recurrent movements.

  1. Right palm to rub the rear surface of the left brush, change hands.
  2. Connect the fingers of one hand in the interfallated intervals of the other, rub the inner surfaces of the fingers up and down.
  3. Connect your fingers into the "lock", the back of the bent fingers to rub the palm of the other hand.
  4. Chopping the basis of the thumb on the left hand between large and index fingers of the right hand, rotational friction. Repeat on the wrist. Change hands.
  5. Circular motion to rub the palm of the left brush with the tips of the fingers of the right hand, change hands.

Each movement is repeated at least 5 times. Hand treatment is carried out within 30 seconds - 1 minute.

It is very important to comply with the described hand washing techniques, since special studies have shown that during routine hand washing, certain areas of the skin (fingertips and their internal surfaces) remain contaminated.

After the last rinsing of the hand, dry wipes with a napkin (15x15 cm). Water taps closed the same napkin. The napkin is reset into the container with a disinfecting solution for disposal.

In the absence of disposable napkins, it is possible to use pieces of clean fabric, which, after each use, are reset into special containers and after disinfection are sent to the laundry. Replacing disposable napkins on electric dryers is not an idea, because With them, it does not grow skin, and therefore it does not remove the remnants of the detergent substance and the lunch of the epithelium.

Hygiene of the hands of medical workers - doctors, nurses and the rest of the hospital personnel refers to a mandatory procedure.

During it, special funds approved by the Russian pharmacology committee are used.

Hands are always treated in front of physical contact with the patient and after it.

Cleansing the skin is aimed at preventing in-hospital infections, eliminating microbes and other decay products. It ensures the protection of the patient and the physicians themselves from infections.

Hygiene of the hands of Medpersonal It was introduced in the 19th century by Dr. Lister Joseph.
It was a breakthrough in medicine and the prevention of infectious diseases. Since then, the widespread disinfection of the hands of medical personnel has been gradually introduced.

Hygiene of the hands of medical personnel aims to ensure patient safety
After all, during the examination of the patient or with a different physical contact, the microbes can get on the patient.

His immunity has already been weakened by the disease, infection with another disease is extremely negatively affecting well-being, delayed recovery.

Regular disinfection and compliance with medical personnel hygiene requirements Protects doctors themselves and nurses from infectious diseases.

Hygiene of the hands of ordinary people involves washing under running water with liquid or lump soap. Then the hands wipe the tissue towel, in rare cases by disposable paper napkins. In domestic conditions, such events will protect against infections.

Doctors and medical workers regularly work with dozens of patients. They are carried out not only inspections, but also in contact with open wounds, carry out operations, take birth.

It is necessary to exclude any possibility of infection to the skin of the patient (especially in blood). Therefore, physician hygiene includes not only mechanical cleansing, but also antiseptic processing even when working in sterile gloves.

It is worth noting!Many people neglect the hygiene hands in everyday life. In medical practice, such violations are fraught with serious consequences.

Requirements for the purity of the hands of doctors

Any medical worker is familiar with hygiene algorithm and situations when processing is needed. Requirements installed SanPin. They are specified how to wash your hands in medicine, cleaning and disinfection of brushes, fingers and forearms.

To get acquainted with the document "WHO Hand Hand Guide for Medical Workers" you can.

In addition to observing the purity of the hands of doctors and the rest of the medical staff should not paint the nails with varnish. When contacting it can cause dermatitis in the patient. Dark and cracked lacquer is most dangerous, it does not allow to assess the degree of purity of nails.

During the manicure procedure, you can easily get cuts and microtraums, which is associated with the possibility of infection. Also, doctors can not wear decorations.

What are hand hygiene levels

Hygiene and antiseptics of medical staff It is divided into three main types:

  1. Mechanical or household - It implies the cleansing of the hands, eliminating transient microflora. This is an elemental method of purification at which the antiseptic means are not used.
  2. Hygienic - Disinfection of hands with special preparations (antiseptics). It is applied after mechanical cleansing. If there is no contact with the patient, and the hands are not contaminated, then you can skip household handling and immediately apply a disinfectant to the skin.
  3. Surgical - Complete removal of any microflora from the hands of medical staff. The method allows you to save sterility in the operating room. Surgical disinfection will ensure patient safety, if a doctor or nurses suddenly break the gloves.

Mechanical washing hands

This processing is considered the main necessary to cleanse the hands of medical personnel. Its applied in the following situations:

  • before the physical contact of the doctor and the patient and immediately after it;
  • medic must wash his hands after visited the toilet;
  • hands are thoroughly clean before meals;
  • with different contaminants.

As cleansing neutral soap should be used, without a pronounced smell. The tube must be constantly closed.

Open liquid soap and non-indisimed slicing cannot be used, as it is infected with microbes and bacteria.

Cleaning rules

  1. Remove all decorations with brushes and fingers, wet your hands under warm running water and wash them, guided by a special algorithm.
  2. Wash the soap, wash your hands again and repeat the necessary movements. Repeated cleansing is necessary because initially the microbes are washed off from the skin and open the pores. During the next wash, bacteria are removed from them.
  3. Rinse your hands, wipe them dry with a one-time towel. Usually used classic paper towels, size 15 to 15. It is allowed to use pieces of tissue, but after one-time use, they should be sent to the laundry for disinfection. Use tissue towels, even individual use is prohibited. They may not dry until the next time. A wet surface is beneficial for breeding bacteria and microbes.

After washing the tap should be closed with a towel or a paper napkin, without touching it with clean hands.

The used napkin should be thrown into a special bucket for waste.

It is better to stop on the liquid dosage tool as soap. You can also apply lump if it is individual use. How to wash the hands of the nurse read below.

Attention!When washing use only warm flow water. Hot water is washing off with covering protective layer of fat.

Algorithm for cleansing hands

When washing it is necessary follow the instructions that are approved by Sanpin. All movements perform at least five times. Usually, mechanical processing takes 30 - 60 seconds.

  1. Distribute one palm about another, it is carried out by the movements of a progressive nature.
  2. Right hand scatter the left brush (back side). Then, on the contrary.
  3. Divide your fingers of one hand, connect them with the interfallated intervals of the other. Then move your fingers up - down.
  4. "Close" both brushes (connect out of the castle), bent my fingers wash the skin of each hand.
  5. Rotational circular motions Wash the base of thumb and brushes. To do this, grab big and index fingers right hand left brush and thumb. Similarly, do with the other hand.
  6. The fingertips of the left hand wash the palm right, making circular movements.
The most contaminated areas of the skin of the hand:
  • subnotal space
  • occondugery rollers
  • pads finger
The most difficult rinsed areas of the skin:
  • interfallated intervals
  • large thumb

Hercustle's hand wash frequencydepends on the separation - hand hygiene is carried out by necessity before and after contact with the patient. In the children's office, it can be 8 times an hour, in resuscitation - 20 times per hour. On average, the nurse should wash their hands 5 - 30 times.

Hygienic treatment

This procedure is designed to remove any microflora from the skin. With such a cleaning antiseptics are necessarily used.

Hygienic processing includes mechanical cleansing, the antiseptic is applied to the skin.

After its final drying (only naturally), you can proceed to work.

Antiseptic should be applied on clean and dry brushes. The minimum number is 3 milliliters. It is rubbing until complete drying. Movements according to which the antiseptic is applied to the skin are similar to the handwash algorithm and described above.

In the WHO guide on hand hygiene 5 most important pointsWhen hygiene handling of hands is required:

  1. Before contact with the patient;
  2. Before aseptic procedure;
  3. After contact with biological fluids;
  4. After contact with the patient;
  5. After contact with the surrounding items.

Surgical hygiene

Disinfection implies under him full removal of any flora with the hands of doctors and other medical personnel. It is carried out before childbirth, operations or punctures. The procedure is required in the case of the preparation of the operating table.

The algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to prepare hands, remove rings, bracelets and other decorations, roll the sleeves of the robe on the elbow;
  2. You need to wash your hands (brushes, palm and forearm) with antiseptic soap. Nails are processed by a special brush;
  3. Dry dry hands with a disposable towel;
  4. An antiseptic alcohol solution should be applied to the skin, wait for complete drying;
  5. Re-launched a alcohol antiseptic into the skin, wait until it dry;
  6. At the final stage, sterile gloves are put on dry hands.

Dosage of antiseptic means
, features of use, time during which it works, depend on the specific drug And listed in the instructions.

Surgical hand cleansing is different from hygienic in that mechanical washing continues at least two minutes. Doctors necessarily process forearms.

After washing the hands, only one-time towels are wedged.

Be sure to handle nails with sterile chopsticks, which are moistened in the antiseptics. The antiseptic means is applied twice, total consumption - at least 10 milliliters. Application procedure should be strictly observed.

Attention! After applying the antiseptic, you can not use a towel. Hands should dry naturally.

Surgical hand hygiene has its own contraindications. It can not be used if there are wounds, injuries, cracks, jet. It is prohibited if there are any skin diseases.

Useful video

How to wash your hands in medicine. See this small, but very profitable vide:

Disinfection means

As antiseptics, use means that recommended by the Ministry of Health. Alcohol-containing drugs should be applied. Typically, doctors use seventy percentage solution of ethyl alcohol or 0.5% solution of bigluconata chlorhexidine (it is divorced in ethyl alcohol 70%). It is possible to disinfect the hands of Hemiseceptom, "Octanecept", "Hichenix", "Wellosept", "Okinhederm" and others.

Reservoirs with antiseptic and soap must be disposable. This is spoken by federal clinical recommendations of hygiene of the hands of medical personnel.

If reusable containers are used, then before new filling, they must be disinfected.

Important! All tanks must have dispensers that are extruded with a liquid with an elbow way.

Hygiene Hands of Medical Personnel - Presentation:


Doctor - Allergologist Alexey Semenovich Dolgin believes that many problems can be avoided. Almost half of the cases, the medical staff does not comply with all the recommendations of the war.

- "The main mistake is that doctors do not wait until the hands are completely dry after washing. The antiseptic rubs into wet skin. And this will definitely be irritated. "

Permanent disinfection of hands inevitably leads to rashes, dermatitis and skin irritation. Most often, allergies are caused by means of added to ethyl alcohol: iodine, triclosis, some ammonium compounds. Surgeons with experience argue that when purified by pure ethyl allergic reactions was many times less, and the disinfection effect remained high.

Medical personnel are not recommended to wash your hands very hot water, use alkaline soap and hard brushes for washing nails. With excessive dryness, it is necessary to moisten the skin with protective means (usually before bedtime), avoid aggressive substances. This will help minimize allergic skin reactions.