Repairs Design Furniture

The design of a small hallway in the real apartment. Problems of design of small hallways: how to solve? Design of a rectangular hallway

"You will not have a second chance, make the first impression," the legendary Coco Chanel warned. So if you want to hit guests stylish interior Its apartment, then you need to start with the hallway. The design of a small hallway carries a certain semantic load - storing clothes, shoes, the presence of a mirror. Accommodate all the necessary things in a couple square meters Rooms are harder than it seems at first glance.

Interior of the hallway room

Thus, the most frequent problem with which you have to face the owners - lack of area. Ideas and splash with a rapid flow, but to realize them nowhere.

And if in the literature a sign of skill is considered to summarize the idea, then in the work on a small space such an indicator is the ability to make it aesthetic and as functional as possible.

Before giving the will flight of fantasy and start arranging the room, we need to decide what kind of design of the hallway we are dealing with:

  • corridor type;
  • square shape;
  • angular form;
  • hallway coupe;
  • branched.

White hallway room
  1. Corridor.
    Often, a small corridor is in the role of an entrance hall. A feature of this planning is that the furniture in it can only be installed along one wall. Despite this, and here there is a place for many design solutionsIt is worth only to repair creatively. For such an entrance hall, it is recommended to make the zoning of the room with the help of walls and floors. For example, separate the entrance door outdoor tiles, the rest of the floor is covered with laminate. In order for the room the room remained light, but did not like the hospital - to diversify the walls. For longitudinal walls, light shades will be suitable, the end can be made darker. It is worth paying attention to the use of mirrors, because they are the main assistants for those who want to visually expand the narrow space.
    Style hallway room
  2. Square entrance hall.
    The options for the location of the furniture from the owners of such a hallway is a bit, because the whole wall here is only one. Along her and furnished furniture. The rest of the walls are busy with doors and arches. By the way, the arches in this case are optimally applied - the boundary between the rooms is scattered and the effect of free space is created.
    Interior small entrance hall Rooms
    Designer hallway room
  3. Corner entrance hall.
    Obvious I. correct solution in this case - corner cupboard-Kupewhich most effectively involves the entire hall of the hallway. Special attention we advise you to turn to the models of cabinets combined with mirrors and small sofas. Such models organically combine all the necessary functionality of the hallway and allow you to not think about the combination of furniture among themselves, since this problem has already been solved by developers. Another no less important Council - Remember about the illumination of the angle, because the darkened areas visually reduce the size of the room.
    Stylish hallway room
    Beige entrance hall
  4. Coupe.
    This option is rare enough, however, it is necessary to be ready for it. The hall-compartment is a kind of combination of corridors and square sites: several corridors divergent in different rooms, or a corridor, passing into a square part of the hallway. Such an entrance hall is simply created for zoning - the ability to set. Along the walls of the corridors, we have a mirror, and on square sites we install hangers with clothes and bedside tables. Or strengthen on the walls of hooks for clothes, and leave the rest of the room under the zone for the mirrors.
    Bright entrance hall
    Bright parishion room
  5. Branched hallway.
    It is advisable to establish the main furniture near the door, in order to not rush along the branches of the hallway, going to the road. It offers space for decorating walls - we boldly decorate their paintings, mirrors, photographs and other art objects.

Bright entrance hall with a wardrobe
Little entrance hall with a wardrobe

Color decoration

Deciding with the design of a small hallway and challenge the overall concept of the room, go to the selection color Gamma. premises. The first and most importantly - an entrance hall is not a strong and independent part of the apartment. It must certainly echo with the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior. It is appropriate to experiments rather with color than with style. It will be extremely strange to look a hallway in the style of Loft, leading to the living room of A la Boho-Chic.

And one more chip is the above-mentioned light tones. With the help of them the illusion of additional space is created. The transitions between the surfaces are better to make smooth, it is not recommended to use dark plinths and corners for the ceiling.

Little hallway
Entrance room in the style of minimalism

Play with light will help glossy surfaces of doors and cabinets. Reflecting light, they bring it away, and the room is transformed in the eyes. In addition, it needs to be remembered by choosing material for the ceiling - the glossy ceiling seems higher than it is in fact that he also plays on his hand.

Fans of patterned wallpapers preferably choose small patterns: flowers, polka dots, stripes. From large prints it is better to refrain.

Design of the hallway room
Bright entrance hall


  1. Lights should be as much as possible. Do not forget about the corners, try to illuminate the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway. Do not allow darkness to swallow a single square centimeter of the apartment.
  2. It is justified to use several light sources. In addition to the ceiling chandelier, it is worth expanding accents in the form of wall lamps.
  3. Not bad idea - experiment with mirrors. Lamps installed next to the mirror will enhance the lighting effect.
  4. The light itself is better to choose cold, then the hall will play with bright colors.

Hallion Room S. stretty ceiling
Stylish hallway room

Furniture & Accessories

Here the main thing is not to overdo it. In order to avoid clutter, the small-sized hallway is better furnished at a minimum. The color of furniture does not play a special role, the emphasis must be made on its compatibility among themselves.

The design of a small hallway almost always includes a standard set: a wardrobe, coupe, a cabinet or pouf, a mirror, but there are other useful things, which will be discussed slightly below.

Beautiful parishion room
Little Hallway Room with Grass Prints


Choosing a finishing material for walls in the hallway, it is necessary to remember that we are talking On the room, which takes on the whole blow of the mud, brought to the apartment from the street. In addition, it often leaves such dimensional things like a stroller, or a bicycle, and gathering in the morning, households face each other and laundry the walls.

Interior of a small hallway room
Bright entrance hall

Consider options for finishing the walls.

  1. Paper wallpaper. Perhaps the worst option for such a room. Quickly lose sight, because such a material is not amenable to cleaning. Despite the low cost, to save with their help is unlikely to succeed, because there is a miser, as they say, pays twice.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers. Universal material that is convenient for use, cleaning and does not hit the wallet.
  3. Liquid wallpaper. Option for those who are not inclined to frequent repairBut appreciates quality and design. Liquid wallpaper - durable coating, which successfully serves 5-8 years. The use of such a material opens up wide possibilities of playing with texture, color and zoning walls. An indisputable advantage is also unpretentious in service and resistance to moisture, dirt, chemical cleaning agents.
  4. Wooden panels. Especially spectacular look at dachas and in private houses. This finish looks prestigious, but requires proper care.
  5. Plastic panels. It looks great, but significantly reduce the room. Practical and aesthetic, have the properties of sound insulation.
  6. Imitation stone. The common idea of \u200b\u200bthe decor of a small hallway - wall decoration under white brick. Very original visually expands the space, steadily against mechanical damage.

Little parishion
Little Hallway Design

Thus, even if square meters leave to desire the best - this is not a reason to lower your hands. Follow practical advice This article, any entrance hall can be transformed into the pearl of your home.

Video: Design of a small hallway room

50 photo of the design ideas of a small hallway room:

In urban apartments, it is rare to meet a spacious hallway, and besides the right and convenient form. As a rule, this is a small entrance hall or a long narrow corridor, to fit in which no more than three people can. In addition, the room must also be functional, since it is here that we store shoes and clothes for each season. Design of a small-sized hallway 75 photo of the interior arrangement in our article.

Methods of visual expansion of the corridor

But no matter how small the corridor was not, it can be made not only beautiful, but functional, thanks to some design techniques, with which you can embody absolutely any fantasy, turning the shortcomings of the room in dignity.

What ways you can visually increase the room

Using when finishing a hallway, an exceptionally light color palette.

Small-sized hallway B. modern style Speaking will look more spacious if it is used in her finish to use pastel gamut. If you want to separate the walls with wallpaper with an ornament, then note that the vertical ornament will make the room visually above, and the horizontal is wider.

A narrow corridor can visually expand by placing the side walls in dark color, and end, on the contrary, in light color.

Making the repair of a small hallway, we use glossy finishing materials and mirrors. The reflective effect allows you to expand the room.

Built-in cabinets with sliding doors does not take up much space. In addition, it will fit a lot of clothes and shoes. In small rooms should have a minimalism style in everything.

Therefore, it is extremely not desirable to load the already close room with extra furniture and interior elements. As for the furniture, it is better to make the order a small-sized modular entrance hall, taking into account all the available disadvantages and features of the room. Small-sized hallways Photo examples:

Design of small-sized hallway - key element The visual increase in the corridor is considered lighting. Lamps are desirable to install along the walls. And also does not interfere with the backlight of the mirrors.

Performing repair of a small hallway, note that if the flow of light is to direct up, then it will see the corridor higher. And sending flows of light on the walls in a narrow corridor, you visually increase it.

Types of conductors:

  • hallway square shape;
  • angular;
  • coupe;
  • hall with multiple branches.

The hallway of the square shape is small premisesAs a rule, where one wall is solid, and on the rest of the walls there are doors to the room and the bathroom.

The placement of furniture here is carried out only along the solid wall, selecting the hallway into the corridor small-sized with the cabinet. To finish such premises, it is recommended to use light shades. And instead of doors, arched openings can be installed in the room.

The hallway-a corridor is, as a rule, a narrow room. The furniture here is more rational to install only along one wall. The premises of this plan are recommended to divide the zones using the color gamut or arches.

The floor next to the entrance can be separated by tiles, and a linoleum or laminate can be used to finish the rest of the spill, putting it in the transverse direction. For registration of longitudinal walls, it is recommended to use light shades, and end the walls to issue in a darker color. And most importantly is the mirror. And it is best to hang them on long walls.

The hallway can have several options:

  • Room a square shape with a corridor separating from it.
  • Winding corridor.

The design of the hallway in a small-sized apartment will be different, and placed in such a hallway the furniture is very difficult. Yes, and pick up suitable option Also, the task is not from the lungs.

Therefore here excellent solution It will be the manufacture of furniture to order. And besides, such an entrance hall is best divided into zones.

Corner room. It is possible to zonit it with the help of light and different finishing materials. Host in the corridor small-sized photo ideas for your apartment:

Hall with branches is a square-shaped room, with the corridors derived from it in different directions. The main furniture in such premises is installed next to the entrance.

Finishing of small-sized hallways

Wall decoration

Choosing a wallpaper for an entrance hall, you should give preference to washing or moisture-resistant options. In addition, wallpapers can be combined with wooden panels, decorative finishing stone or any other finishing materials.

Hall for small-sized apartments Pick individually - when finishing the room with high ceilings, the wall visually can be divided into two parts, separating low part Wall panels, and upper - wallpaper.

Types of finishing materials

Outdoor coating: what to choose

Beauty and small apartment - absolutely not mutually exclusive things, evidence will be examples successful design little hallway, photo which you will see in the article. And not one thing, because the designer fantasy never stops before complex challenges. The main objects of today's article will be the hallway walls that will help save place and properly organize the storage of all your items.

Little Hallway Design

According to the collection of furniture, which for many years already produces domestic light industrywe can easily conclude that little Hallway Design Owns the thinks and hearts of people. These several square meters that were intended as a place around the front door were used for the entire coil. Here undressed and destroyed, stored upper clothes and umbrellas, used as storage for shoes, cosmetic salon or equipped space for telephone conversations. Is it worth saying that the most smallest attention was paid to beautiful appearance. Fortunately in our time, with the most source data, we can create an excellent zone on a small patch, just as functional, how beautiful outwardly.

First example hosts of small in the corridor Before you. Such a narrow wardrobe is suitable for. It is such structures that are most practical in a limited space. If you think that the coupe can be placed in the corridor and keep top clothes in it, think about the width. Its minimum value should be 40-45 centimeters, it is easily measured by width of clothing hangers, which are located across.

In addition to the inside, the place will also take the walls, sliding mechanism, doors, and as a result, such furniture can take absolutely all the space. While open hangers can store jackets on hooks, and more curious upper clothes like a fur coat and coat stored in which you can organize in any other room. If we return to example, the height of the furniture corresponds to the height of the doorway, which looks like the interior is very harmonious, light warm shades For wall decoration and dark floors, which also helps to visually increase the corridor.

Such an option hallway to a small corridor More functional, it will help to find a place to store many things if you do not allow to transfer part of your "collection" there. In this case, the sliding door is used, but pay attention to how the rods are located for hangers in a special compartment, not perpendicular to the walls, but in parallel. It is this technique that will make the width of the minimum, and therefore leave a place for other functionally useful things. Another idea that is worth using - a sliding bedside table with a soft surface in which you can or store all sorts of trifles, such as home shoes or care products, and on top on such a bedside table will be comfortable, having fun, and after use just push back .

Women simply can not allow lack of in, bedroom and living room large mirrors. In each room, they can perform their function, so, the mirror is simply necessary to evaluate its appearance Before leaving the house. In the presented example, the mirror is closed by the door of the swollen section, which allows not to be placed separately on the wall. The light shade of furniture will allow you to enter it in absolutely any style.

Little Hallway Design Photo

IN little Hallway Design, Photo Which you see in the article, the conciseness and thoughtfulness of each detail, each little thing. Above, we talked about compliance with the height of the cabinet to the doorway, because a higher design may be inconvenient. But the following example shows us that the excess height can also be used with the mind.

In this case, the contents of the wardrobe are separated by different walls. To store the upper things there is a headset near the door, and the chest of drawers with a mirror will be able to accommodate the entire collection of your shoes thanks to the right inclined shelves inside. Things that you send to the link to the upper shelves, in no case should not lie there in bulk. In addition, such a chaotic storage creates inconveniences for timely search, then wool, silk, knitwear can simply be spoiled, covered with dust or stain. Therefore, such cute boxes can be envisaged as organizers, which not only retain the caps, scarves and mittens in order, but also help them to absorb them. For convenience, you can even touch the box to not be confused, where and what exactly lies. The same technique can be used in to add to such organizers personal hygiene objects of each of the seven members without hanging large cabinets with swing doors.

Do not forget about the external attractiveness of this type of furniture. Fortunately, in our time you are free to order not only the color of the coating door and shelves, but even the drawing on them from a fairly wide range in the catalogs. If you analyze the example of which you see, it is clear that due to well-selected photo wallpaper and using a mirror surface, a wide space is created in which the closet seems to be sinking, and it means that it does not distract attention and does not occupy At least visually, a lot of space in a tiny corridor.

Stock Foto Little guards in the apartment

Continuing review stock Foto Little guards in the apartment, we go to the options that are more likely to suit the owners of private houses or those in whose apartments next to entrance door There is a niche. It is this part that is necessary to use the wardrobe in it. But this is not necessary to be a large built-in furniture with mirror flaps from the floor and to the ceiling. In the event that this requires general concept The interior, the wardrobe must be open and spacious.

In this case, a part of the embedding technology is used, that is, the wall is zoned, painted into the contrasting color, a bedside table is pressed to store the street shoes, and the shelf is nailed for fastening hooks and hangers. All this is attached with the help of rails and screws so that the overall ensemble looks monolithic, after which everything is covered with paint. It is important to achieve a homogeneous color, as the wall should create the impression of a wardrobe made to order. It can also allow such embedded structures in niches, you can not only store things there, but also put the library, sleeping place or working corner.

It happens that the niche is quite wide and for a full-fledged locker with the rear and side walls. But in this case, it is necessary to order it in its individual sizes. When performing, pay attention not only to the height and depth, as two main parameters, but also on possible communications, wires, lighting, pipes. All this can be "disguised" with additional boxes, cabinets. Do not forget that in this, and in the previous case, the surface of the walls around and the ceiling is better not to bleach and do not cover decorative plaster, and paint, because building dust may turn from such walls and the ceiling is enough for a long timeSo things that will hang on the hangers will always get dirty.

Little entrance hall in Khrushchev

What ideas maybe if even the necessary things are difficult to place in the apartment? Little entrance hall in Khrushchev - This is the challenge of professionalism of designers and, at the same time, the harsh reality faced millions of city inhabitants. While the miracle houses of the middle of the last century still stand, will not cease to interest their tenants.

It is worth using the most simple open structuresThat we have already considered with you above, but you need to approach very carefully to their design. You need to immediately tune in that you do not get a functional maximum, so try to find other storage space in the apartment. We remember that precisely as the state of the hallway, our guests make up the first impression of the apartment, therefore the dressing bag must match.

you can buy inexpensive little hallwayBut will they look like you need? Maybe it is worth thinking over the choice of vintage furniture, to re-establish it with your own hands, to bring beauty. Then you may not even want to overload it with excessive objects so as not to overshable your work.

Many in our time refubinate Khrushchev, bringing the walls and turning small rooms into one large studio. The wall of the corridor falls under the reconstruction of one of the first. You can use a compromise option and embed the design right inside this wall. On the example presented modular furniturewhich functionally work all lockers, as well as the inner surface, while visually it does not occupy a lot of space, the review of the studio room remains as designer thought.

Hall Angle Little

If the entrance to your apartment is rather square and there is at least one angle in it, you can pay attention to homes of corner small. This type is also sufficiently distributed and sold both already assembled and under the order. The advantages in this case also performs an ergonomic location, and the ability to fully use the useful amount of angle by making a storage compartment there.

This option demonstrates a sufficiently large wall, in which there is everything that can only be needed in the entrance zone. However, it seems large due to the fact that closed offices are at the top, below and in the corner, are made in contrasting colors, and open hangers and mirrors are located in the center.

The same principle is demonstrated on the last photo. It is so successful in the geometry of the room, its color coincides with the color of the wallpaper and the dominant colors of the corridor, that the room does not look small. And at the same time, in such a design you can store enough a large number of Things, since the width of the cabinet in the corner will be sufficient for perpendicular to accommodate hangers with top clothing.

Arrangement of the hallway is an interesting and difficult task. Few of the owners of apartments in the houses of the old building can boast of large areas. So you have to break your head: like on small square Place everything you need, and even do it so that it looks stylish. After all, this room creates the first impression of an apartment or a house as a whole. Therefore, the design of the hallway is the task responsible: the development of the interior design may well ask the tone when making all other rooms.

Narrow parishion

Correctly arrange a narrow hallway, to put it mildly, not easy. Solutions are a bit, but the choice is still there. The first way is to come up with what part of the parties can be taken. It is desirable that the doors are located far from each other. Along this wall and it is worth putting furniture.

Take the furniture in narrow hallway The longest wall is the right decision.

The second option is to use two adjacent walls under the closet and hanger - short and long. Also a good option in functional and aesthetic plan.

Place furniture along two opposite walls in a narrow room - absolutely wrong: you will have to be taped between them, constantly bumping into the corners. To the second wall does not look empty, it can be fastened with a mirror, hang narrow walls on which to place decor elements or some trifles.

There are several traditional designer techniqueswhich allow you to expand visually borders, and new developments in the field of storage systems will help in a small volume to put everything you need.

Walls, floor, ceiling

In order for visually the room seemed more, the walls should be blond, preferably - with a small degree of gloss. For example, there are textured paints or plaster with a slight addition of pearl. Glossy ceiling (weakly pronounced gloss is more appropriate) - this is usually tensioning. It will reflect the light and what is happening in the room, making it more spacious. In the economy version, the glossy effect will give plastic panels.

If you do not like gloss absolutely, you can do without it, but it is better not to give up from light tones. Moreover, the most often color is chosen by warm shades.

It is desirable to be like common ceiling lightingAnd in some zones. For example, near the mirror. Mirrors in general - a great way to visually increase the room, and correctly highlighted, they are also very beautiful.

One of the trends recent years -. Moreover, part of the walls are made smooth - usually painted and only part are separated by stone. In the photo at the top you see several techniques at once, thanks to which small-sized parishion It looks more spacious. First, a carefully developed lighting scheme gives enough light, creating a cozy atmosphere. Secondly, the mirror doors of the cabinet, reflecting the situation, push the boundaries of the room. Thirdly, the vertical columns from the untreated stone make the ceiling higher than it really is. An important role is still the choice of furniture - glossy and surrounding Does not look "heavy", does not load space. Chest selected small width. It does not interfere with moving, and its functions performs its own.

Also note that when developing small premises design, Paul rarely make dark. If this is so that everything else is the walls, ceilings, furniture - should be very light. They perfectly look at the details of a darker color, desirable the same shade as flooring.

Furniture for a narrow hallway

After the color and texture of the walls, everything was decided, the design of the hallway continues: it came a turn of the choice of furniture. Most the best way - Order Production of a cabinet and hangers to the hallway. Furniture will be made under the size of your room, develop individual filling (hangers, shelves, baskets, etc.) for your requirements. But such pleasure is decent. More economical option - Use of modular furniture. One-piece "carfings" - cabinet furniture of certain dimensions - today there are increasingly losing this new type of configuration. The plant develops a collection of shelves, cabinets, lockers, penal, hangers, bedside tables, checkers, benches. All of them are performed in the same style and color. From such a "designer" you can collect what is most suitable for your option.

Two options for "assembly" from one collection of modular furniture for halls

In general, it is possible not only closed systems storage, but also open. True, only if you are ready to maintain the perfect order: everything will be in sight. But to dry the outerwear will be better in open furniture.

Sometimes the hallway is so narrow that the open door of the cabinet is completely blocking it. Then exit - with sliding doors. They almost do not occupy space. But in this case, it is better to make a built-in wardrobe: with an equal area of \u200b\u200bthe area, the functionality is much higher.

The wardrobe can occupy the entire wall in the hallway or only its part

This kind of furniture is also good because it can occupy the entire wall, can be combined with a rack or an open part - a chest of drawers, a junk, hanger, etc. There is still - they allow you to use two adjacent walls, with which the case or modular furniture usually does not cope. They are good for linear parietal.

If you allow the area, you can do. It differs from the built-in wardrobe greater depth - 1-1.2 m is a minimum. But you just can not imagine how many things go there, and how it is convenient to use it.

Separately, it is worth talking about the place of storage of shoes. For this there are special shoe dressers or shoes. They are different shapesmay be integrated into the hallway or stand separately. Shelves in them can be:

In order not to occupy just a place, on the top of a separately standing shoes often make a seat. This is simultaneously a locker for shoes and a bench, which is convenient to shift.

There is another option round blast blade, divided into sectors. Compact and convenient solution.

Rotating shoes - New in storage systems

If you use at least a few ideas, the design of the hallway will be stylish and comfortable.

Little entrance hall: Planning features

If the hall of the hallway is only 4 square meters. M, a lot of furniture will not put in it, because most of the walls occupy the doors going into it, their minimum is two or three. Registration of the hallway of a small area is already from the field of art. You have to use any available area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, because it is quite a bit. And here very best exit - Order Production of furniture. Since the equipment will have a small size, in great amount It will not turn out, but it will be possible to use every centimeter.

First you need to find a place to accommodate the hangers. Carefully look at the room, find the opportunity to put the closet or simply, and under it - a shoe with a seat.

Cabinet coupe in the corner - a great way to fully use the available area

Hall of 4 square meters. M - "Testament" of small apartments like "Khrushchev". They have a free square - this is generally uncommon: even for one person it does not happen much, but there is nothing about the family. But in any case, the composition of the furniture strongly depends on your wishes, and from the planning. There are several recommendations to which you can listen or not.

Arrangement of the hallway in a private house

If the hallway is spacious - the task is to properly place the desired furniture. Although the best choice The wardrobe remains, options and in its size and location are possible. The most optimal - angular. It allows you to use the area to the maximum, while all things are in their places and at hand.

If you wish, you can separately make a hanger - for the "duty" of clothing, in which in the cool time the years go to the courtyard, and under it - a shoe with a seat and the same "duty" shoes.

Location Zone "Disguise" as close to the door - the right decision

Now about where the wardrobe or hanger is placed. The answer is simple: as close as possible to the entrance. So that you can immediately remove the upper clothes and shoes. For this zone, it is necessary to provide a floor covering, which will be easy to clean, and at the same time will not give the garbage. Usually, at the entrance, it is placed in a ceramic tile or something like that, and on top - the dirt-proof mats.

Hall with a staircase

If, when planning a house, it was decided to "do not inflate" the technical premises and the hallway turned out to be small, and it turns out to be in it, it will be problematic to place everything that will be problematic. Especially if the sports family and need to place sports inventory somewhere - skiing, skates, rollers, skates, etc. If the design of the stairs is allowed, the most reasonable option is to arrange a kind of wardrobe under it.

Retractable boxes and just shelves with doors - a lot of things can be placed more convenient retractable systems separated by mesh separators - everything is in sight and look for much easier
The wardrobe under the staircase is a great way out in a small hallway.

In some homes, this zone is used to store the means of movement for large and small - baby strollers and bicycles. If you can still leave bikes in a barn or garage, then it is simply impossible to do so with a pram. And often for this "means of movement" comfortable spot It is under the staircase.

Registration of the hallway in different styles: photo

A hallway can be framed in any style: classic, provence, minimalism or high-tech. The choice is yours. To make it a little easier, it is easy to understand what the photos of the hallways of different styles are collected in this section.

The long corridor is divided into illumination zones and - so it looks not so sad and monotonous

The chic interior will emphasize competently developed lighting, mimic decorative plaster

A long wall is a great option. But that he "fit" and did not give a massiveness, the doors should be blond, and better, with mirror inserts. Although the highlight of this interior is the special design of the door - great designer move

Black and white gamma - strictly, but always relevant

Unusual shape of the cabinet, soft tones of beige-brown gamut. Interior design of the hallway soft and calm

Very simple solution - for clothing storage

Game with light and color - a great way to make a diploma of an unusual

The use of each available centimeter area is a reasonable solution.

Minimalism - he will teach to order))

Mirrors in a wooden frame - beautiful interiorUnusual feed

Stylish, beautiful, functionally - this feeling from this design of the hallway. Adds practicality without damaging design.

Easy to issue a spacious corridor, but the little entrance hall will not give fantasy to raise. At the stage of repair and choice of furniture, you may encounter many problems and issues related to the lack of space, insufficiency of lighting, etc. In order for the interior of a small hallway to be modern, functional, cozy and beautiful, we recommend that you carefully read our article and find out all the subtleties and secrets of the upcoming repair.

Little Hallway Design: Some Features

At the repair planning and the choice of ideas for a small hallway, it is important to take into account row important rules . Here they are:

  • Regardless of what style you choose to make a corridor, it is important to stick principles of minimalism. A very small entrance hall must have a minimum decorative details. This will allow you to easily maintain order and maintain the neat look of the room.

  • Refuse open shelves And hangers - such furniture makes the room non-disregard and littered.
  • Little hallways in Khrushchev must be equipped with compact oversized furniture And the wardrobes of a depth of no more than 50 cm. Another suitable option is a small wardrobe with sliding doors.

  • Think about using antlesole. This will reduce the height of the room, but if the apartment is completely tiny, other places for storage may not be.
  • Small angle parishion can accommodate more practical corner cupboardwhich will save the precious centimeters of free square.


Repair in a small apartment or hallway implies a special approach. Here all the forces are aimed at a visual increase in space. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to exclude volumetric materials eating area. And this is plastic and wooden panels, fake diamond, Gypsum, etc.

Wallpaper for a small hallway is better to choose bright, without bright or overlooking the ornament. Pastel shade paint is another suitable option.


A modern small entrance hall can be supplemented with a glossy or stretch ceiling. But only under the condition of sufficient height of the room. In the photo of small hallways in an apartment or private house you can see examples of a successful selection of finishing materials.


The new interior of the corridor requires the purchase of expensive coating with for a long time operation. No one wants to shift the spoiled floors after 5-7 years after major repairs.

The design of a small hallway can be supplemented high-quality laminate from modern safe raw materials or, more preferably ceramic tiles. This material is truly indispensable for the design of fast polluting rooms, such as kitchen, corridor, bath or toilet.

Color solution

The color in a small hallway determines how spacious and cozy it will look after the completion of the repair. Try to choose bright shades, pleasant to all members of your family. Ideal will look peach, beige, pistachio tones.

Expert Council: Be careful! White color It looks stylish, but it will have to update it almost every year.

Use the motley accessories with caution. Do not avoid bright accentsBut do not remove with saturated color stains. Excessive contrast can make the room with a sharp, uncomfortable and even tasteless. Beautiful little hallways are not fiction, but reality. The main thing is to come to the color decoration.


Properly selected lighting - another secret of success for the hallway small sizes. In 2017 and 2017, small corridors and hallways are drawn up by point lighting. Illumination of mirrors, niches and the rejection of the central lamp will allow interesting interior With his highlight.

A small entrance hall in a modern style must be supplemented with built-in point lamps or neon backlight.

Furniture and storage systems

This is the most important and interesting stage of repair. Furniture for a small hallway should be simultaneously spacious and compact, functional and beautiful. Let's deal with how to achieve this.

So, registration of the hallway in little corridor requires a special approach. It is important for us to keep the maximum of free space and at the same time to equip is enough space for comfortable storage of things. For this purpose, a wardrobe or an angular cabinet with mirrors for the entire length of the door is ideal for this purpose.

Minimalism is great, but do not hit as extremes and completely abandon the comfort and comfort in a small hallway. Shoes in a bowl or special chest will look much better than a small but ugly open shelf.