Repairs Design Furniture

Decoration of the ship in the style of the ship. What is maritime interior? Photo Gallery: Sea style in the interior of different rooms

And how to breathe maritime mood into each room?

Life in the city is huge opportunities. Daily many events. Everything is interesting, you need to see everything, try, do. This dynamics gives energy and makes moving forward. But everyone sometimes needs to feel the feeling of peace and peace, which only happens on the sea, sit, think on the shore and recharge for future accomplishments. Unfortunately, sit / think on the shore is not always possible. But you can bring some sea to your home.

Shades of blue

All shades of blue: from light blue, to a saturated indigo, in combination with white and sandy color, immediately excite the memories of the southern shore, cozy seaside towns, a blinding sunny sun and having watering water.

For example, a painted wall is an excellent focus and replacement of a bed headboard and a calm blue - a good choice for the bedroom. And, by the way, for the living room too. If you are not afraid of color, you can arrange the whole room without fear that it will turn out to be dark and cold. As you can see, the walls, pads and even lamp in one gamma are perfectly combined with each other. The main thing is that this color causes the desired emotion to you, because everyone has a different sea. For someone - deep, dark blue, for someone - sparkling turquoise.

Sea strip

A white-blue horizontal strip came to the fashion world in the XIX century and to this day symbolizes the marine style, gives the interior freshness and ease. The main thing is not to overdo it: there are enough accessories to the accessories, for example, carpet or blanket. One major accent object, as a chair in the photo, is also suitable.

Primorsky color

Painted in white or blue, already a bit faded from the sun and seawater Wooden items will help add charming and aesthetics of "sea-style" in the interior. The shabby blue dresser in the attic under the white wooden roof, the headboard or bedside table from the old staven - the cozy details of seaside life - will enrich the interior of the texture and sunny mood.

Transparent, weightless texture of various shades of blue will remind you of a stroy water playing in the sun. Fill the glass jars and bottles of different shapes and shades of seashells and sand and enjoy a piece of the sea at home. Or put the lamp on the dresser with the base of the textured glass, as in the photo in the center. This useful accessory will be refused to the sea style only in color.

Sea-style attributes

Stretched sails, anchors, helpers, sea nodes and networks. All this brings the memories of large ships and small boats, moving along cool water. This is just that the interior salons are called "maritime theme". There is nothing wrong with sticking to a certain topic in the interior. Our main covenant: do not overdo it. Take one or two accents.
Almost any interior object can be easily decorated using a rough rope or grid to create the desired mood. Make the original frame for the mirror, the base for a table lamp or a flower pot with your own hands.

Handles, anchors, oars - bright, recognizable images inextricably linked with the sea. Decorate the wall with anchors, helpers, rescue circles and other attributes. Turn the usual paddle in a hanger or headboard bed. And immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the seawalk on the ship.

Put your own little lighthouse at home - this is a small, but very atmospheric piece of decor. Accessory and lighting device in one bottle. Metal and wooden lamps and candlesticks fill the interior soft, muted light and remind you of quiet, cozy evenings on the seashore.

Fish, starfish, octopuses and other marine inhabitants, made in different styles and techniques and the use of patterns associated with them, revive the interior and add to it depth and mystery. Use these images in the most unexpected places, for example set, stylish spruit in your bathroom, cover the tile in the form of fish scales of the wall shower or make fish from the sprigs collected on the shore.

Souvenirs from the sea

Even a small handful of sand used in the subjects of the decor is enough to awaken the feelings of a romantic evening on the beach. Show a little fantasy. Make an unusual candlestick, just pouring into a glass jar or a glass of sand and a bit of seashells or create your own piece of the beach under a glass tabletop of a coffee table.
Create marine mood in the house can be different. You can simply use familiar to all the items of the maritime themes - helpers, anchors, oars, decorative boats and much more. Or look a little deeper and bring your personal emotions and associations associated with the sea in the interior. It can be a color or we remembered on the sea shore texture or images - painted wood, ship ropes - which can be supplemented with any interior items. Or, for example, unique items created from the trifles brought from vacation, which will remind you about the sea. In any case, a pleasant, relaxing sea atmosphere will bring harmony and comfort to the house.

As you know, there is nothing more inconstant than fashion. Nevertheless, sometimes thanks to her we can remember about the forgotten trends.

It is about sea style in the interior, which was quite popular 100 years ago. Unfortunately, subsequently the popularity of this style has practically sued "no." However, fashion for sea style is returned. Moreover, it concerns this not only the design of interiors, but also clothes, accessories, as well as decor items. This is not surprising, and has several reasons, especially with regard to the popularization of such interiors in large cities.

It is definitely that the design of the maritime room has both advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, naturally, the first - much more. Serentedness, lightness and some romanticism - all this is capable of somewhat brighten up all the stress that accumulates among the inhabitants of large cities in daily life. Therefore, it is not by chance that in the interior of the children's room, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and other rooms, it is more active that it is marching the subject.

What you need to know when planning the interior

It is impossible to say that the design of the maritime room is cheap. Of course, a variety of decor items, especially the most exotic of them, have a fairly high price. If we talk about the rooms in which elements of this style can be used, then the fact that it is quite universal. This means that you can equip the interior of the maritime room (by doing this, by the way, with your own hands), in such premises, like a bedroom, living room (room), bathroom, and, in particular, children's room.

Sea style in the design of interiors is quite pronounced and individual, since it is largely different from any other stylistry. Moreover, not only colors and materials of the walls are different, whether paint or wallpaper, but also how the lighting is made, which the objects of decor and furniture are used, as well as how the space as a whole is used. When decorated, it is very important to present in advance what exactly you would like to get as a result.

Main features

Despite the fact that over the course of a long time, some features of this style have changed, its main features are still remaining unchanged. To speak briefly and try to bring the most common of them, then it will be about such a list:

  • Combination of blue (blue) and white colors.
  • Using the topic of fish and other marine inhabitants.
  • Vintage furniture items.
  • Models of sea ships or decor, stylized under their parts.
  • Active use of wood in the interior.
  • Striped decorative elements.
  • Stones, seashells and other souvenirs from sea depths.
  • Fabric that symbolizes sails.

All this falls on the soul of those people who like not only to spend vacation on the seashore, but in general, they are imbued with the ideas of marine romance and, as a rule, are active travelers or fans of the relevant TV channels. A largely used color gamma contributes to proper relaxation.

Than to separate

In itself, the fact that during the design of the maritime interior should be remembered that the emphasis is being done primarily on the old days. In previous times, artificial origin materials produced using the chemical industry were not used. As it would not sound that it would not sound, but in its origin it was natural materials.

Thus, if you are engaged in the maritime interior planning, charmingly pay attention to the choice of suitable finishing materials. And, as you yourself guess, it must be, first of all, it is the natural materials made on the basis of natural raw materials. We are, above all, about wood of various breeds (pine, larch, oak, ash, and maple, as well as bamboo, although it is not a tree on biological classification.

Attention! Using tile - not recommended!

And indeed: despite the fact that the ceramic tile refers to materials of natural origin, since it is made of clay, it is not recommended to use it. Moreover, interior design experts do not advise the use of laminate, linoleum and other similar coverage.

On the other hand, when finishing the camp, the lining is well suited. You can use plaster for internal work, especially in cases where you will be able to comply with the original accessories. Wallpapers in the marine style are suitable, which are characterized by specific patterns and ornaments. In addition, the use of photo wallpaper with marine topics is also permissible for competent planning. All basic recommendations can be applied to the ceiling that is better separated by natural materials.

Use of flowers

Among the colors that are the most common in the marine style, it is necessary to note the natural shades inherent in the sea scenery. In addition, it is impossible to ignore the colors that are connected in the depths of the sea. If we talk about the most popular tones, then this is, first of all:

  • Blue and its shades (from light blue, to dark).
  • Aquamarine.
  • Beige, white and sandy colors.
  • Dark gray shades (resemble rocks).
  • Azure, emerald and turquoise.

As you can see, they all are in one degree or another are associated with various sea beauty. As for the combination, such colors as white and blue are most combined. And in addition to them, you can use certain additional shades. You can use the traditional natural combination of green with brown or its shades, which will symbolize the greens on the shore. As for flowers such as azure and turquoise, then in the best way they can be combined with light colors, which were mentioned slightly higher. It is about sandy, light beige and other tones. Similar combinations will be reminded of exotic beaches.

We must not forget about bright colors and combinations in the marine style. They will be able to remind about the exotic inhabitants of the southern seas and the oceans, as well as hint at the presence of corals and other representatives of the flora from the bottom of the sea. It is about coral, yellow, orange and other bright shades. They are also quite suitable for maritime interiors, despite the fact that they are not the most popular tones

Lamps and Bra

The lighting in the room, the interior of which is decorated in the marine style, is an extremely important point, since the role of light in such premises is very large. Of course, the sea is often bad weather and storm. Nevertheless, most of us have the sea associated with the beaches and the rays of the sun. So, if there is such an opportunity, use large windows (we are, first of all, about country houses and cottages, and not about urban apartments with type glazing). In addition, translucent or matte interior doors can also be an excellent additional solution.

Sometimes in such interiors, the use of lamps is allowed, according to their form resembling various seaside items or even the inhabitants of the sea. It must be borne in mind that speaking about lighting, we mean not only the ceiling lights, chandeliers or large floor lamps, but also small decorative lamps. The latter can be stylized under marine themes, reminding seashells, starfishes or small fish.

And further! Thinking about the form of the lamp, do not forget that you can also use different colors.

Finishing a conversation about lighting in the sea interior, it should be noted that when buying a lamp you can make a choice in favor of the so-called "cold" or "warm" light. To a large extent, the choice depends on the specific room and the entourage, which is presented in it.

Selection of furniture, textiles and curtains

As noted, a little higher, the main feature of the interiors performed in the marine style is the use of natural finish. The same, by the way, concerns the objects of home textiles. Therefore, you can safely choose wooden cabinets, dressers, butchers. By the way, it is possible to give a special charm to such a interior, using a slightly aged furniture ,.

Moreover! An interesting detail can be an old, harmoniously inscribed in the overall setting, a chest.

You can add that the rope will become interesting and fully justified by stylistics. It can play both a functional and purely decorative role. Although, it is impossible to say confidently that the rope can be attributed to home textiles, despite similar production technology. As noted slightly higher, the use of strips can be an excellent option.

Striped details, especially textile, always considered one of the characteristic signs of the marine style in the interior. As a rule, we are talking about the white-blue stripes, but other options can occur. Striped motifs can be applied not only in the upholstery of furniture, but also when choosing a curtain, curtains, covered, plaid, tablecloths and other home textiles, including a boy or girl's children's room.

Additional decor

Immediately I want to note that it is impossible, as they say, overdo it, if we are talking about the choice of items to decorate the maritime interior of the room. Try, nevertheless, leave more free space in the room, and if possible, at the same time get rid of something too much. Regarding various decor options, you can pay attention to the following marine style accessories in the interior:

  1. An interesting decision can be a map, photo wallpaper in the form of antique geographical designations or a globe.
  2. A small model of the ship (best if it is a sailboat).
  3. Outdoor vases resembling ancient amphoras.
  4. If we are talking about children's rooms or about the cottage, a braided hammock can become an excellent accessory.
  5. In the children's room to the wall you can suspend the rescue circle.
  6. Of course, it is impossible to forget about aquarium with exotic fish.
  7. Vintage or antique clock on the wall, you can with a pendulum.
  8. If you like a fishing topic, think about how to use small fragments of fishing networks.
  9. Shells and marine pebbles will complement your interior.

It must be remembered that if your room has a sufficiently large size, you can safely use room plants quite large size. An example can serve palm trees. However, even in small and narrow premises, you can always plan small indoor plants in pots or decorative caspo.

All attention - details!

It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that some decisions may come to this interior, and some, on the contrary, will look, to put it mildly, strangely and inappropriate.

Therefore, in order for the interior to be stylish, you can pay attention to some useful tips:

  • Try to actively use the mirrors.
  • Blue color should not be very dark, as it will make the room too gloomy.
  • If in the interior still, there are too dark tones, try to "dilute" with bright and juicy "accents".
  • Do not use artificial finishing materials, which is mentioned above.
  • Try to the interior to be more free space. In very small rooms it is better to use some other style.
  • Furniture color should be light or brown. Avoid dark colors.
  • It will be better if the main color of the walls will be white or some other of the bright color gamut.
  • Contrast combinations can be used very advantageous. This applies to both coloring and materials.
  • Avoid cluttering with a large number of decorative elements.

Be that as it may, you need to take into account and one more circumstance. Many specialists do not recommend executing each room of an apartment or a country house in the same style, and, even more so, in the same color scheme. Sooner or later, this approach "turns out" even the most zealous fans of a particular interior style. Not exception and marine. So, it is better to consider this advice and equip the inner space of different premises of the apartment in different styles, or at least not to use the same colors. Pictures to this article will help get more interesting ideas on how to equip the interior, which would like about the rest on the yacht, the beach or simply associated with the sea adventures, long-range wanders and geographic discoveries.

Photo Gallery of marine interiors, which can be made with your own hands:

It is difficult to immediately answer the question regarding when it was in the design of interiors for the first time maritime motives. Many experts agree that the first design of the dwelling was carried out in the 20th century. From that moment on, fashion has evolved, and it would seem, many completely forgot about this amazing direction. Nevertheless, today the sea style again begins to type former popularity, offering unique and interesting solutions for the arrangement of their home.

Features of design

Marine theme obliges to stick in the interior of the room of the following rules:

  • For the style of the direction, some unity is characteristic. However, this does not exclude the possibility of using a large number of different accessories and jewelry that will help achieve adventure sensations;
  • As the main colors, of course, perform blue with whiteAlthough small additions are also possible by other shades. With a competent approach, you can achieve original solutions in combination with red, brown and orange;

  • Mandatory attribute for maritime interior is natural woodwhich will be present in various decorative components, on the floor, in furniture and other things.

Marine Requirements

In addition to the above rules, the finished design is forced to observe certain canons. Professional designers are not recommended to neglect the following moments, if you want to get the most harmonious and stylish design as a result:

  • Indoors in the marine style, whether it is a living room or a bedroom, plants must have gentle white flowers with large leaves;
  • From the finishing materials is permissible only natural: metal, flax, tree, cotton, etc.;
  • The design of the ceiling surface should certainly be combined with wall decoration, starting with a general shade and ending with the material. At the same time, if the walls are floating with wallpaper, then the ceiling should also be made by them. If desired, the material can be replaced by white paint or plaster;

  • An interior in the marine style often offers a different kind of thematic objects and braided products. From among the first in the room, a coconut fiber mat and accessories decorated with a rope are usually present. In the second case, bamboo, rattan, straw and vine are applied;
  • For the decoration of the walls, plaster and paint with characteristic white or blue tones starts more often. Moreover, the design of surfaces can be both with marine motives and one-photon;
  • In the case of the floor, the ideal option is considered wood. Carpets and painted sea style will be supplemented.

Speaking about the veranda or a bathroom, an excellent solution will use a tile with a matte surface of sea tones.

Color palette

As for color, then of course, the style of design will consist of shades of the sea. It is very important to get due to the color of the association with the sea wave, the sun and the beach. It is not so difficult to achieve, if we competently use beige, gently blue, coral, blue, white and yellow shades, which themselves are associated with water, sea, sand and corals.

Using textiles

As in the case of C, any fabric in the design of the maritime room should be only natural, whether it is a tablecloth on the table or a cape or hardin, adorning the window.

You can bring some exclusivity in the interior you can at the expense of fishing networks, mesh curtains, canvas or cloak tissue, as well as flax and cotton.

If you plan to place in the room separating curtains or shirma, it is better to take for this light and air fabrics.

About two to a third of the total number of textiles should remain white, while the rest of the materials should be placed as small accents in the colors characteristic of marine stylist. So it turns out to achieve a more winning combination on the white background.

Decorative pillows should be issued with the same fabric, which is already available in the interior of the room, only in a more restrained manner! Alternatively, you can use stripes in the style of "sailors", which in turn can be both vertical and horizontal white-red or white-blue colors.

Pretty bold, but no less spectacular solution will be the use of patterns and images in marine stylist.

Placement of furniture items

Any interior style provides furniture items on which in the future you can relax and relax. For maritime style, select furniture on the following considerations:

  • As already noted, only natural materials may be present in the interior. Furniture is best used wood. Analogs like MDF panels can not be applied!

If you are very limited in the means, then experts advise to furnish the room with a minimum number of furniture, in the end, not to give up the "naturalness" style.

  • The ideal option for marine design will be artificially aged furniture;
  • To achieve some proximity to colonial stylistics will be achieved thanks to a wicker of rattan furniture;
  • Tables, sofas and armchairs should be chosen with clear and concise forms.

Sofas can be decorated with plenty of decorative pillows with drawings of waves, ships, anchors and other items of this topic.

Accessories and decoration

Moving to decorating and choosing accessories, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the walls themselves. Here the plots with maps and marine landscapes will be placed behind the place. Alternatively, you can use embroidery in identical stylistics.

Working with accessories is very different from other style directions in design. So the surface of the wall is perfectly supplemented by a clock in the shape of a vehicle helfer or by numerous shelves, on which various stylistic elements will be placed, for example, a lifebuoy, a bottle with sand or shells.

Living room in the marine style may be present in homes and apartments, where the overall interior is decorated in the Mediterranean or Italian styles, Country or Provence. A room for guests, reminiscent of the cabin company of the sea vessel, will decorate such a house if the windows of this room come to the south or west.

The cold range of colors inherent in the sea style gives the room, well-lit sunlight, a feeling of coolness. The use of white and blue as the main, the choice of furniture and finishing elements made of natural wood and metal allows you to create a room for guests in the original decoration. Details associated with the nautical subject, strengthen the overall impression by creating a finished image.

The cold range of colors inherent in the sea style gives the room, well-lit sunlight, a feeling of coolness.

What elements of the setting to choose

Both on the vessel and in the room for guests decorated in the marine style, the furniture should be durable and made of natural materials. For large rooms, it can be heavy furniture made of oak or ash. The interior of the interior in this case is added with large mirrors, visually increasing space, and glass tables. Small rooms are equipped with furniture woven from a grape vine or bamboo.

The use of white and blue as the main, the choice of furniture and elements of finishing from natural wood allows you to create a room for guests in the original decoration.

The living room can contain a low sofa, soft chairs and rocking chairs, chests, replacing chest of drawers, wrought-iron shelves for books, thick glass tables. There you can install an elegant bookcase with glass doors to place small decor details behind them. Corner shelves will look good.

Low sofa and soft chairs can be in the living room.


It must be the minimum amount. Furniture should be light brown or yellow shades.

Floors in the living room are desirable to perform from wide boards. Laminate or panels are chosen as imitation, resembling natural wood of light shades.

Sea style requires a lot of open space, and the room should not be cluttered with furniture.

The ceiling can be any kind. In this interior, beautifully looks out the suspension, stretching, multi-level top, painted in light tones. Low ceilings in the room will remind the ship's cabin. For the ceiling to be combined with the interior, it should be a lamp made in the marine style.

The walls are separated by clapboard or use decorative plaster of sandy coloring with glitter.

Light in such a room should be a lot. It should be molded in the afternoon of large windows, and in the evening the room is illuminated with the help of multi-level lighting and fluorescent lamps of daylight.

On the walls in the recreation area, it is appropriate to place a sconium, decorated with shells and pearls. Near the sofa, you can put a floor lamp, made in retrostile, or table lamps resembling sea lights.

Interior details

The seating area should be decorated with details associated with the marine theme. The room is often installed in the model of the sailboat. It can have large sizes and occupy one of the corners of the room. Small sizes are placed in a rectangular aquarium surrounded by ornamental fish. He is often suspended under the ceiling, where he ferry as "Flying Dutchman."

The seating area should be decorated with details associated with the marine theme.

In such a living room, several aquariums with multi-colored inhabitants of the southern seas will be appropriate. Coral reefs are installed inside, multicolored pebbles are embroidered, algae planted, and all this works on a common idea.

Living room in the marine style may be present in homes and apartments, where the overall interior is decorated in the Mediterranean or Italian styles, Country or Provence.

On an excavated wall, a photo wallpaper with a sea scenery will look good. Walls decorated with wood, decorate paintings by marinist artists. Dried marine inhabitants can become an exotic decoration of such a living room. On the walls hang panels made from seashells, corals, marine stars and heels. Giant Kamchatka Crab striking the imagination of visitors. Its dimensions become the subject of discussion, which helps to entertain guests.

Light in such a room should be a lot.

The wall can decorate the steering wheel, in the middle of which the clock is mounted. Over the sofa it appropriately looks like a composition of lacquered wooden cheerful, decorative network and a rescue circle. The card or globe in the guest room will remind the visitors that the owner loves to travel around the world.

Blue-white seaside living room.

On the angular shelves, French jugs can be installed, intended for wine, or bottles, braided straw or vine. Clay outdoor vases with sand patterns fit perfectly into the marine interior.

It looks good in such living rooms with sofa pillows, whose colors resemble the sea.

Large sand and flat multicolored pebbles can be used as finishing materials. With their help, you can create your own original stand under an aquarium or TV, separate a chain table, decorate racks.

In the seating area in the marine style, it organically looks from a rope. It can be a handle on the chest of drawers, macrame or panel with a demonstration set of marine nodes.

As decoration in the living room there may be a toopiary.

As decoration in the living room there may be a toopiary. Its leg can be crushed by a thin cable or rope, and the round sphere is flipping at first with clean large sand, and then on top of gluing small shells and semi-precious pebbles collected by the sea.

On a note! These materials can be saved the box or frame on the mirror, or porridge for flowers.

In the maritime interior, plants look good with large leaves. It can be a ficus, banana, palm tree.

Live plants look good in the nautical interior.

The use of blinds on the windows or Roman curtains, which are increasingly found in everyday life, will create a finished image of the marine living room.

What textile pick up

Create marine style will help the white-blue gamma colors and shades. The main thing is that in the room there was no deep blue color, acquiring a black shade in the evening, - he creates a gloomy mood.

Create marine style will help the white-blue gamma colors and shades.

The sea always shines and overflows, and textiles should play and overflow in the light of the highlights. To create the effect of sparkling water, the interior must be complemented by tissues with metal thread.

You can diversify the white-blue gamut with bright yellow-orange shades. It looks good in such living rooms with sofa pillows, the colors of which are reminded of citrus fruits.

Saturated colors close to Indigo, Emerald, Turquoise are suitable for living room in the marine style.

Sand shades can be used to create separate zones. Saturated colors close to Indigo, Emerald, Turquoise are also suitable. The combination of a sand shade with yellow and blue will remind the tropical beach, and the mixture of turquoise and azure will tell about what extraordinary color has the sea during a full calm. All shades should be natural colors, acid tones will spoil the whole picture.

All shades should be natural colors, acid tones will spoil the whole picture.

Textiles must be made of natural fibers, durable and practical in everyday life.

On a note! For decoration of furniture, covered, tablecloths, napkins and capes choose the fabrics monotonously painted or striped.

Ideal fit blended fabrics from wool, cotton and flax. For curtains and decorative elements suitable organza. This fine transparent fabric resembles the sails of a fabulous ship. The room with open windows with such curtains acquires an exotic appearance.

Creating an interior in the marine style, you need to remember that the colors in such a room should be bright and cheerful.

Then it turns out a combination of freshness and ease, which will allow good to rest after a hard working day and filled with positive energy.

A variety of styles in the interior in our time remains only to be amazed. And even though modern materials and accessories make it possible to not limit their fantasy with the arrangement of an apartment or at home, there are directions in design, magnetism that even fans feel diametrically opposite views on repairs and an environment. And the sea style in the interior belongs to such charismatic options.

When marine motives appeared in the design of the premises for the first time, it is difficult to say - however, experts believe that for the first time to equip at home in this way began in the 20s of the last century. Fashion for interiors over time gradually changed, and this direction was forgotten for several decades. However, today, when simplicity, functionality and authenticity in the design of the premises are more relevant, the sea style is returned - and not only in the country cottages, but also in spacious apartments and even small-sized studios.

Maritime interior design: most important secrets

Sea style in the interior, photo

The maritime interior is able to transform any home - the premises decorated in this way look original, expressive and quite expensive. However, despite the amazing effect, which produces a similar situation, to recreate it surprisingly easy, because the principles of the design in the marine style are absolutely transparent and are few - experts consider the main three of them.

Three leading maritime interior principle

  1. Leading colors are always blue and white. In some cases, they can be completely diluted with red or orange, less often brown.
  2. The use of natural wood is necessarily - ideally floors, furniture and even individual decor elements should be performed from it.
  3. Sea style is almost the only direction in the design, in which a large number of accessories is welcome - moreover, it is they who create a delightful aura, reminiscent of marine adventures. Therefore, limit ourselves in their use is not worth it: chests, stylized lamps, elements of ship's gears, the gifts of the sea will help to give the maximum authenticity.

In addition to these principles, the observance of which is necessarily, there are also rules for the design of marine interiors. Experts strongly recommend as possible to adhere to these rules - only in this case the room will look harmonious:

  • Sea style requires the maximum use of natural materials: wood, cotton and linen fabric, hemp, metal will become an optimal solution.
  • As for the design of the walls, the trend has been traced recently to the white or blue color or plastered walls - one-photon or painted by marine motives. However, if the wall is desired, wallpaper can be saved in the same color scheme or tinted with wooden panels.
  • The ceiling design must completely coincide with the design of the walls - down to the shade and the materials used. Even if wallpapers are taken with a pattern, they should be saved and the ceiling - while the room will acquire an unusually stylish look. However, if there is not enough spirit on such bold experiments, it is worth a preference to white paint or plaster.
  • The most suitable option for flooring is a natural tree. The painted board or parquet will emphasize the sea orientation of the design, but in the bathroom or on the veranda you can use the matte tile of the corresponding style of shades. The use of carpets is also permissible - however, they must be made strictly in the white-blue gamma.

Freshness, ease, maximum of space and harmony - it is these features that are peculiar to a properly decorated maritime interior. This direction is an excellent option for the living room, children's, bedroom, a large glazed veranda or a dacha cottage entirely.

Clothes of flowers in the marine style: ocean, sunset and clouds

As mentioned earlier, the leading for marine style is a white-blue gamma. However, despite the seeming simplicity of such a solution, everything is not so unambiguous - those who want to achieve an ideal harmonious environment, it is advisable to consider the following nuances:

  • There is a certain fashion for shades of blue - and precisely as part of the marine style. During the last pair of years, designers are more inclined to light blue tones.
  • Nevertheless, there is a shade, the presence of which is necessarily the presence. This is the so-called Navy Blue ("sea blue") - a deep and very calm blue tone. However, it is not recommended to use it for coloring walls - it is assumed only for curtains, furniture upholstery and accessories.
  • It may seem that the optimal pattern for marine style is a blue-white strip. Indeed, it is welcomed to the upholstery of furniture, rugs and pillows, but it is not recommended to get involved in it. If desired, one of the walls can be issued with strips - however it is desirable that it turns out to be a background for accessories.
  • If the marine style is selected for the design of a nursery, it is quite possible to dilute the traditional blue-white combination with orange or red elements. It will give the room with great painfulness and add joyful notes.
  • Designers categorically do not recommend using black for marine interior decoration, be it walls, floor, furniture and even decor elements. Black is able to destroy the atmosphere of oceanic freshness and lightness, so it is preferably completely refused.

Recently, experts tend to add to traditional combinations of flowers in the marine style of the shades of beige. Dairy, creamy tones and the color of the extract can make the interior more relaxing and warm.

Rest in the storm: Selection of furniture for maritime interior

As for the choice of furniture for placing the placement in the marine style, everything is also simple here - just adhere to the following rules:

  • The best and only permissible option for the maritime interior is furniture made of natural wood. The use of any analog, including MDF, is not categorically welcome. With limited financial capabilities, designers even propose to limit the minimum object of the situation - but not to abandon the wood under any circumstances.
  • From sofas, chairs and beds in the seabed interior are absolutely no difficult forms. Laconic design and clear lines, on the contrary, are welcome.
  • Recently, specialists are extremely favorable to wicker furniture for a similar situation. Graceful objects of the atmosphere from the rattan will give the interior harmonious similarity with the colonial style.
  • The maritime interior will also well fit into the furniture with the effect of the composition - with it the design of the room will be especially stylish.

The color palette for furniture upholstery is all the same - shades of natural wood, white-blue gamut, stripes, images of ropes and anchors. It is worth paying attention to the sofas - they are undoubtedly worth adding a large number of pillows made of natural fabric with stylized patterns.

From the rope to the sextant: Accessories for design in the marine style

When decorating the premises in the marine style, accessories should pay maximum attention. The perfect elements of the decor for the room will be:

  • chests and straws with metal elements;
  • models of frigates and sailboats;
  • wicker rolled curtains and mats;
  • ship ropes;
  • accessories stylized for shipproof elements (helpers, rope stairs, anchors);
  • navigation devices (barometers, compasses, pickle pipes);
  • exotic plants in personnel (palm trees, monsters).

A good effect also creates small paintings in simple wooden frames, as well as shells, starfish and corals, beautifully laid out in glass or ceramic bowls or trays.

Sea Interior - Room lighting: Atmosphere for travelers

With the arrangement of the lighting of the marine room, it is worth paying attention to two basic requirements - the maximum of natural lighting and not too bright artificial color. For the zoning of the room, you can easily use point lamps, but if you want to give the interior maximum color, it is worth paying attention to stylized metal lamps, burned lampshades or wooden chandeliers in the shape of coporval. For outdoor and so lighting, light floor lamps and lamps in the classic style are suitable.

Stories about long chases: seaside living room

The classic seeling seating area is a combination of flavor of distant wanderings and home comfort. Large light windows, light curtains, cozy carpets and blankets are welcome for it, but the most important thing is the decorative elements of luxury. Exquisite wicker furniture, spectacular lamps, amazing beauty Vases will play the role of brought out from afar and give fresh sea atmosphere unobtrusive chic.

Sea Living Room Photo

Sea Style Bedroom: Dreams of Warm Shores

To properly arrange a bedroom in the marine style, one should not forget about the main thing: bed linen will be central in the room, therefore it is worth considering that it was high-quality and corresponded to the overall theme of the design. In addition, the lowered ceilings and dark curtains of the Navy Blue will give the room a special comfort.

Stock Foto Bedrooms in marine style

Children's room in marine style

The real cabin of the maritime ship in the house, what else can dream of making? Yes, the nursery in the marine style will certainly become the subject of pride in front of the friends of any boy. In the presented interior of sea travel, wooden two-tiered beds of blue, and stairs on them, and stylized pieces of ship, preventing the child's loss from the second bodice tier, and anchors present in the ornament of bedding. This impression is intensifying and thanks to the clapped ceiling, and other elements of the finish.