Repairs Design Furniture

Step-by-step instructions, which will give the opportunity to make the corner wardrobe with their own hands, taking into account the features of housing. Corner cabinet do-it-yourself wooden corner cabinet with their own hands

Corner kitchen cabinet in finished form

When the size of the room highlighted under the kitchen is not impressive, it is necessary to think about the slightest components of comfort using every centimeter of the useful space. Speaking about kitchen headsets, we mean, including the angle where two walls are joined - the place that with an uncompressed approach becomes useless. However, it can be quite tangible to bemplied if you find a right approach. This approach is usually the creation of an angular locker, which fits perfectly into the overall circuit of the headset and makes it possible to use additional space.

Main settings

Kitchen furniture is manufactured according to standards depending on the parameters that determine the height of the couch you are going to collect.

We list the main indicators that will be taken into account in the process of creating an angular cabinet:

  1. The width of the base - this indicator ranges from 10 to 12 cm, while its value does not affect what type of stand will be used - solid or legs.
  2. The height of the locker is usually equal to 70cm if you are not going to equip a cabinet of the sink. In this case, you need to make it slightly below the level of all other cabinets. It is done for convenience when washing dishes.
  3. Table top height - varies from 2 to 4 cm. Depends on the material used, first of all, from its structure.
  4. After all measurements, the height of the angular cabinet is usually about 84-85 cm.
  5. The most common parameters for the stands are 90x90cm. Of course, the dimensions primarily depend on the parameters of other parts of the headset.

It is important to know: the distance between the tiers of the headset is usually 60cm, while the standard height of the mounted corner cabinet, which creates the possibility of its comfortable use of medium growth with people is 70 cm.

What form of product to choose?

As soon as you decide on the size, the time will come to think about what product form you would like to enter into a kitchen space. We list the three most important varieties:

M-shaped stand - This shape of the cabinet is distinguished by the fact that the best form of the door for it is foldable, like the one that is used in trolley buses. So you can view the maximum to view the inner space, which, by the way, can be turned from conventional shelves to the carousel with the best corner of rotation.

The mounted cabinet of this form will serve as an excellent accomplic of saving space. The cabinet itself is good and the fact that it can be successfully placed in it. Because in Soviet apartments, water pipes and sewage communications are usually placed in the corners - you do not have to prolong the pipes.

Power design - less convenient version of the stands. A small cabinet with a door at an angle of 90 degrees is added to the deaf end of the corner. The problem is that with such a situation you have access only to the internal space of a smaller cabinet. Such a design also allows you to place a sink, however, plumbing is located in a blind module, and in the afferchable space for dishes and kitchenware.

Remember that when the washing is located in the deaf section, you significantly complicate access to the plumbing specialist in the event of the need for repair work, and if the washing of the deaf cabinet is removed, it will remain empty and useless.

However, the practice shows that it is better to place a sink elsewhere, and an empty cabinet to equip in place for cooking or put a microwave furnace there.

The space in an affordable module can be equipped with a carousel with a slight angle of rotation or retractable baskets.

A trapezoid form is an original and stylish option, which has its drawbacks. This form has one door, and the sides of the kitchen headset sections are adjacent to it. The trapezoid stand looks quite solid, especially in the kitchens with a large area, but it is not entirely rational.

First, the direct door complicates access to some sites of the couch, especially near the wall. And secondly, it is better to avoid the simultaneous installation in such an end carousel and washing at the same time, since the first due to the friction force will constantly damage the second. So it is better to put a microwave or other technique on the tube.

Ready version of the corner kitchen cabinet

Prepare to the assembly

Any product before assembly needs to be designed. This process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Determine the target appointment of the cabinet - whether it works under the sink, cooking products or you want to hoist kitchen appliances on it.
  2. Before your eyes, there must be common sizes of both the tumbel and its components.
  3. Decide with the insides of the cabinet - whether it will be ordinary shelves, carousel or retractable baskets. It is important to calculate the convenient distance between the shelves and their number.
  4. Think over the design and color scheme.
  5. Determine the material from which you will make a wardrobe or an end.
  6. Create a drawing where it will be clearly shown that and where it is and how it is traditionally.

A chipboard or LDSP is best suited from materials, which is quite strong, opposes moisture and with the desired processing looks very attractive, while possessing a small price.

Materials and tools

Chipboard sheets or LDSP;

Facade PVC, which will close all visible ends and faces of the product;

Eurovintages with dimensions of 40x4.5 or 50x7mm;

Self-tapping screw;



Furniture screed;

All the necessary fittings like loops, pens, etc.;

Drill and drill with a diameter of 4.5, 7 and 8mm for working with wood;

Emery skar;

Key to work with hexagons;



Corner module with your own hands

The next stage of the work will be the preparation of the main parts for the future stands. They will have to drink from the solid slabs of the chipboard, so you will need maximum accuracy and accuracy. However, this does not guarantee good quality of work. At least at home, some factors can interfere.

If you use for sawing power tools, then keep in mind that it is well spinning laminate. And in general, the high level of vibration simply may not give you to perform conceived with good accuracy.

To simplify life - contact the company that your project can spend souping and even moving fragments of future stands.

We collect Tumba

Now directly about the process of assembly:

  1. Do non-activated holes and insert the specks in them in order to preliminarize the components of the stands. So you and the framework can align the strength of the future product to increase. Cookies are pre-labeled glue.
  2. As soon as you insert the wanks in one detail, in the evening to the hole in the hole other and tightly press these two parts of the stands to each other.
  3. Before full installation of the future product, check on the evenness of all its details.
  4. The confirmates will now be screwed into the sewage. This is done using a hex key.
  5. If the legs were provided in your design, it is time to mount them to the main design and adjust in height.
  6. In the sidewalls of the future cabinet, make holes and insert cross-shaped fittings in them with two screws.
  7. On the side walls, build fasteners for the rails, which will extend boxes, and lock the rails themselves.
  8. As soon as the frame will be created - attach the DVP list on the back of it.
  9. In the case of a hinged cabinet, it is necessary to attach accessories with which it will be attached to the wall. Adjustable suspensions will perfectly cope with this role.

How to collect boxes

  1. Walls for boxes are tightened with screws. As soon as they collect three walls - in their bottom insert the pieces of fiberboard, which are created according to the parameters of these walls.
  2. Facades of boxes need to be fixed with the help of screed-eccentrics. At the same time, screws are screwed into the facade, then the side with a hat is inserted into the sleeve located on the sidewalls of the boxes. The main thing is to pre-hold nests in them. As soon as the bushings are in the holes, turn them until they capture the ships of the screws.
  3. If we are talking about the angular cabinet, you need to screw the guides for the rollers on the lower corners of the boxes.

If we are talking about the assembly of the oven, the last stage is excluded due to the lack of box cabinets in this type.

How to install modules and embed sink

At this stage, the finished product is placed in the angle. If we are dealing with the submerged lower module, you first need to install a wardrobe with a sink with a ready-made hole for pipes. Only then you need to install an end with a door.

Furniture intersection bundles will need when it comes to connect the lockers with each other. Four fasteners will be required.

If we are talking about an angular kitchen cabinet, in which the washing will be mounted, it will be pre-vested under this sink, it will be necessary to do a hole in which the sink will be located.

To make a cutout under the sink, attach it to the tabletop and create a label with a pencil, and then on the edge of this laying line, drill a hole of this diameter so that the electroller's pink is fluid.

As soon as the nest is cut, the washing is inserted into it and will be screwed with a special fastening supplied in the kit. The lines of the cut after this operation is treated with a sealant.

Fresh countertop and doors (video)

When the cabinet or the mounted cabinet took its place in the headset, it remains only to solve the subject with the worktop and the doors:

  1. The kitchen countertop is placed with an additional allowance in half a millionth of each edge. If after installing the cabinet between it and the wall will be left a small gap, it will help to hide the plinth.
  2. Using the jigsaw, the countertop is fixed according to the specified sizes.
  3. To secure it, set it down so that the front was in 3 cm to reduce the edges for one level. With the help of self-sufficiency, the countertops are fixed from the bottom.
  4. When assembling corner cabinets, the docking space with other modules can be hidden using special metal planks that are attached to the ends of the tabletops with the help of small self-tales.

The last final stage - door hanging:

  1. The doors are put on the cruciform plates that were fastened in advance, after which they tighten the bolts.
  2. Close the doors and make sure that they cost as it should. In the absence of a pleasant eye of the picture, adjust their location with bolts.

Based on the whole described above, you can understand that it's not so difficult to make an angular closet or a snub. However, this is a fairly responsible case that requires accuracy from you in size and actions. Therefore, in case of insufficient confidence in your abilities, do not hesitate to ask the Council from knowledgeable people.

Sliding wardrobes today are one of the most popular elements of the modern interior. And this is not surprising, because with the help of them you can save space as much as possible, decorate the room and streamline things. Well, for owners of small apartments, it's just a find!

I have a repair in my house, and now it's time to pick up a new cabinet for bedroom. I always wanted to have a big dressing room in which everything you need to an active girl would fit. To and dresses, and shoes, jackets, and bed linen, and if more and a bedroom and a ski space to find - then this is a dream at all!

However, in modern apartments, the living space is not intended for such a female rapid. Nevertheless, the optimal solution is, and it is corner wardrobe.

Corner wardrobe in the bedroom

Cabinet in the bedroom. How many spicy stories about grief-uhager and short-sighted young hostesses are kept in its roomy internships! And if you look at the items of such stories from another angle, then such a wardrobe should really have enough spacious sizes, even if the bedroom does not "shine" with its dimensions.

  1. The bedroom is a recreation area, calm and bald, where the surplus is capable of making disharmony. The bedroom arrangement with a wardrobe will unload the space and give the opportunity to guide the order that promotes perfect rest.
  2. The angular radius wardrobe is simply a stunning solution for a small but very cozy bedroom.

  3. And such a closet will be a good option for both the bedroom of parents and a teenager room.

  4. This white handsome woman took its honorable place in the living room. Nevertheless, moving it into the bedroom - it can adequately replace all storage locations in the bedroom.

  5. Just and tasteful!

  6. So he is a practically perfect option for me.

  7. The original illumination plays a certain role and is considered a basic aspect when creating the effect of visual expansion of space.

  8. And this is almost full wardrobe room. Even there is a chandelier!

  9. In the design design, the most important role is not the financial capabilities, but the correctness of the proportions and placed accents to obtain a living and harmonious interior.

  10. Well, this decision applies to any of the rooms. It takes such a closet a lot of space, but it looks very impressive!

  11. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the drawing of a small corner cabinet.
  12. And such a wardrobe can decorate the bedroom of a small princess or a young knight.

  13. Just a chic drawing of a radius angular wardrobe.

  14. And this is a drawing of a large and spacious dressing corner.

  15. I think to show my husband this scheme. This is exactly what you need for our bedroom!

  16. Another good drawing of the cabinet.

  17. Spacious and light!

  18. Not at all big, but spacious enough.

  19. An increase in space and better illumination contributes to mirrors installed in the cabinet sash. This can be like whole mirror panels, as well as inlaid with sandblasting printing with different images.

  20. And such a wardrobe is just a paradise for any woman.

  21. Excellent solution for fans of rounded and wave-like forms.

  22. This option will have to do with all in love with Eastern culture and their art.

  23. I'm just delighted with this solution. It contains all the maximum!

  24. Stylish idea. Perhaps I will be asleep!

  25. The trapezoid design of the corner wardrobe has various configurations and the most spectacular appearance. As a rule, these are installed in large spacious bedrooms.

  26. Very nice, isn't it?

  27. And how do you like this option. Interesting and very functional!

The design of the residential premises plays a very important role in the life of a modern person, so the creation is paying great attention. In the interior of the rooms, all the details are thought out, ranging from flooring, wall decorations and ending with furniture. At the same time, the furniture should be multifunctional, ergonomic, reliable, durable and beautiful. Recently, many are preferred by corner cabinets, as they are perfectly combined with a common interior of the room, do not occupy a lot of space. Corner cabinets can be made with their own hands: so you can free the room from the traditional cumbersome bulletin.

Advantages of angular cabinet

When placing the room, special attention should be paid to the choice of furniture so that it is comfortable, comfortable and has not occupied a lot of space. Recently, angular cabinets have become in great demand. They are an excellent alternative to ordinary models, as they have the following advantages:

  • Universality. You can independently make a closet of any size, any form. In addition, it is possible to choose the desired color with maximum accuracy. The construction made in this way will be well harmonized with the rest of the furniture items in the apartment.

  • Multifunctionality.The angular model of the cabinet can be added with the mealssels, hangers, drawers and shelves. Therefore, externally furniture will look compactly, and inside you can easily place a lot of things and items. In homemade angular cabinets, not only clothing, shoes, household appliances, toys, but even various means of cleaning are placed. Before the start of the assembly of the design, it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of future boxes and shelves, it will be possible to rationally use the room space.
  • Convenience in operation.Modern door mechanisms make closing and opening the cabinet silent.

There are many positive qualities, but the main plus of angular cabinets is the savings of space. Thanks to convenient forms of design, it can be easily installed even in the smallest room. Such models look original in the bedroom, living room and hallway.

Stages of development do it yourself

Assembling to start working on the manufacture of the cabinet, it is worth thoroughly think over all the details of future furniture, its appearance, sizes. In addition, you need to know how to make a drawing, a wardrobe scheme for which the walls will be cut, the assembly itself will be carried out. As a rule, the scheme contains all the necessary sizes and distances that are needed for fastening parts. The drawing is drawn by hand or placed on order. Before making the cabinet, you need to consider various nuances.

How to make a drawing?

When creating schemes, the external dimensions of the product are first indicated: the size of the cabinet box, its height and width. In the drawings, it is also necessary to show the thickness of all the details. First, the design box itself is drawn, then its filling. All schemes should consist of two main types: on the side and in front. On the sketches, the width of the sections is necessarily affixed, the distance between the shelves, the height of the base and dimensions from the start of the part to the attachment point.

How not to be mistaken with sizes?

Drawing drawings, it is necessary to use the simplest formulas for geometry, which are known to each other from school. At the same time, the exact dimensions of the cabinet should be known during the schemes. How to calculate the sizes - this question worries all novice masters. However, there is nothing complicated in this: it is necessary to calculate the size of the diagonal itself (for the design of standard sizes is 80 × 80 cm), the thickness of the material and the size of the gaps, and also need to design the angle of the facade.

In order for the facades during operation freely opened and not asked each other, it is worth providing small gaps on each side.

What should be the facade?

Collecting the corner cabinet with your own hands, you also need to know what the facade should be. To do this, it is initially necessary to design a design model, then you need to make and assemble the details according to the drawings, correctly extincting the size of the opening. Many have already purchased a ready-made facade (under the order). However, if there is a desire, it is quite realistic to make it yourself. To do this, you need to use a geometric formula, not forgetting about the thickness of the side walls.

How to equip inside?

When all the sketches are ready, it will remain to determine what the wardrobe will be inside. It is worth noting that the "filling" of the design directly depends on personal preferences. The most economical option is to use stationary laminated shelves and rods for clothing.

If financial capabilities allow, then the cabinet can be additionally equipped with retractable shelves, baskets, various products on retractable wheels.

Choosing materials

An important issue in the independent manufacture of the cabinet is the choice of material. Immediately, it is worth noting that natural wood in this case is used quite rarely, because its price is high, and to assemble a wardrobe from a tree that would have responded to all the requirements, quite difficult. In addition, care for such furniture time-consuming, natural raw materials "Capricious" in operation requires additional coating with protective varnishes and paints. Therefore, many masters prefer for the manufacture of corner cabinets to use drywall, chipboard and MDF.

Chipboardit is wood chip plates that produce hot pressing method. The chipboard may differ from facing, thickness, the amount of layers and the content of formaldehyde. As a rule, for the construction case, plates are chosen with a thickness of 16, 18 and 25 mm. Their operational qualities will not differ, the only thing - the thicker the chipboard, the more solid the cabinet will be. Often the plates are facing a special film - under a natural tree or plastic.

MDF- This is a fine fraction, which is essentially the same sawdusts only by the processed method of dry pressing. Such raw materials are considered environmentally friendly. MDF plates are decorated in various ways, they are reliable and have aesthetic appearance. In some cases, plasterboard sheets are used to assemble furniture, which is presented in a wide range.

Choosing raw materials for the cabinet, you need to take into account not only its appearance, but also practicality.


When all the basic details of the hull are ready, it is worthwhile to make a choice of components for the cabinet. Today, to buy suitable fittings will not be much difficult. Accessories can be different - depending on the forms of the structure and its filling.

For the corner cabinet of standard sizes, the following items will be needed:

  • power holder;
  • self-tapping screw (for attaching adjustable supports and loops of the facade);
  • pole or crossbar;
  • adjustable support;
  • furniture loops;
  • pens;
  • screws;
  • washers under the screws;
  • nails;
  • legs.

It is worth noting that the number and size of components directly depend on the size of the cabinet, the thickness of its walls and internal filling.

How to remake the old?

Quite often, furniture in the process of operation becomes old-fashioned and loses its original attractiveness, but at the same time it is quite reliable and strong. In this case, its upgrade will be the right decision. In addition, it is quite realistic to make an angular cabinet from the usual or alter the design from the old bulletiora. To create a new model of the cabinet, you will need to calculate the size of the corner design, prepare all the parts and process the old surface.


  • Remove old paint or varnish, pollute all external furniture details.
  • Paint. It can be both a monophonic layer and the original - with divorces. It looks beautifully a smooth transition (paints of different shades).
  • Covered with varnish. In the event that the old cabinet is made of natural wood, then it has a natural texture that only needs to be supplemented with a protective coating. Such a renovated product will well fit into the design of rooms decorated in Eco-style styles, Country.
  • To decorate with applications from photos or to cover with a film. Unusually looks a film with images of stone, wood, metal.

Then you will need to pick up facial accessories. So the appearance of the corner cabinet is transformed, and the decorative linings will definitely indicate the style of the room. We must not forget about replacing the handles. If you choose a model from porcelain, painted with flowers, then the wardrobe in the style of Provence, but the staples made from the palm root will point to ethno.

The wardrobe in the new form should be necessarily provided and modern functionality, it will make it comfortable and roomy. At the same time, standard shelves from the old cabinet better to remove and replace multifunctional extending systems. So, instead of obsolete compiraera, a modern model of an angular cabinet with rods for all types of clothing, laundry baskets, shoe racks and strap hangers and ties are obtained.

It does not hurt in the corner structure and the presence of internal illumination.

Read more about how to make and how to restore the cabinet with your own hands, you will learn from the Maximum video.

How to put?

Furniture is important for each apartment. At the same time, the angular cabinet deserves special attention, the place of its placement directly depends on the room in which such furniture is installed. Often, similar designs can be found in the kitchen. Thanks to the universal forms, the closet will not only fit into the overall interior of the room, but also will help save place. In addition, angular cabinets in the kitchen (thanks to many boxes and shelves) allow the hostesses to store various things.

No entrance hall will cost without such an important furniture object like a wardrobe. It is a mandatory part of this room. The angular wardrobe is easy to place in any corner of the hallway. In this case, the design will become a decorative element in the interior, well will save space.

Designers advise using corner cabinets in the nursery. It is in this room that children have to spend most of the time, so it must be convenient for classes and games. The angular model is considered an ideal solution for the nursery, it is very well suited for storing things, toys and does not clutch the space.

Many domestic masters try to bring a part of their soul into the house through the personnel of furniture. In order to make an angular cabinet with their own hands, it will take a lot of strength, although this event will be not so expensive. Externally, such a wardrobe has a chanda shape with a truncated angle.

Scheme of the corner cabinet.

Preparatory work

At the very beginning you need to decide on the material from which the whole design will be made. Optimally suited only 2 options.

The furniture shield is simple enough and fuel in operation, besides absolutely natural. When choosing, you can immediately get acquainted with the type of wood used and choose a thickness. It is advisable to use the material without bitch, because It is more reliable, and in work is much easier. There are 2 minus material: very high cost and elevated time in work. It is the high cost that scares many people.

LDSP is much easier to work, but make a complex pattern or form a pattern based on partial cutting will not work with their own hands, because This requires an additional technique. The color scheme is huge, but the material is always visible (there is no possibility to form wood pattern even with a special desire). The ability to choose density and thickness also give their advantages, although the framework is more stringent than the furniture shield. It is more convenient to make an angular cabinet with their own hands.

Tools for making a corner cabinet.

All internal accessories are desirable to acquire not only high quality, but also from the same material and from one manufacturer. Such a move will create an angular cabinet, in terms of quality it is not distinguished from the factory, and when considering it will be almost impossible to indicate its home production.

The saws for the electrolovka are fattened on one side strongly either from both sides gradually. In this case, it is better to use those that tear from 2 sides, because The top will still be closed by Kant.

Required tools and materials for work:

  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • LDSP;
  • furniture screws;
  • self-tapping screws aluminum;
  • rubber lining (5 pcs.);
  • kant for LDSP;
  • iron;
  • furnitura.

Main working activities

After the preparation of the drawing is fully completed, you can begin to manufacture it.

It is more convenient to make an angular cabinet with equivalent spool, because There is no 1 chance to do something wrong. For starters, it can be cut:

  • 2 segment 900 * 2610 mm;
  • 2 segment 500 * 2610 mm;
  • 1 segment 540 * 2610 mm;
  • 5 segments 380 * 450 mm;
  • 1 segment 450 * 2200 mm;
  • 3 segments of 5 angles so that the walls insisted in accuracy.

Scheme assembling corner cabinet.

When cutting it is impossible to make errors even by 2 mm, because It can disrupt stability or give an uneven joint. And after all cuts are formed, you need to start the connection of the segments among themselves.

To begin with 2, the angular walls are joined among themselves. For this purpose, furniture screws are used for which the drill holes are initially made in 40 cm increments, after which fixation is made. Or you can use internal aluminum corners, which stick to a similar step. In the latter case, you need to closely monitor the length of the screws so that it does not exceed 3/4 of the chipboard thickness. The method is selected initially, after which it will not be changed.

Similarly, segments 500 * 2610 mm are docked. At this stage, the outlines of the future corner cabinet are already visible, but it is now to be as cautious as possible, because The frame at this stage is subject to maximum risk.

Now you need to mount the bottom part below, and at an altitude of 2-4 mm above the base to achieve maximum stability. Similarly, the top cover is mounted, only it is as close as possible to the upper edge (1-2 mm can be left). Now the box already has good strength reserves, but still it is not necessary to expose it once again.

From any of the front plates, an indent of 380 mm is made and a vertical bar 450 * 2200 mm is fixed. It is fixed not only to the rear, but also to the bottom part. From above, there remains a lumen, which is immediately desirable to close the remaining 5 coal plate, after which everything is mutually fixed. It is at this stage that the rigidity is brought to almost the maximum, because The main protective elements are already mounted.

The simplest is the installation of shelves and pipes. The pipe is mounted in a greater separation in the most thorough way. There is no need to regret the screws, because At times, the load will be truly huge. But the shelves can be made by any of interest to the way, and most often only 2 guides are installed for them, and the slabs themselves are not fixed, which is very convenient if necessary to quickly facilitate the cabinet or a complete dismantling.

Only at the last stage, the loops are mounted and doors are attached to them.

Additional aspects

After the work on the manufacture of the cabinet is completed, you need to trust the image with the help of Kant. Kant is fixed to all open edges of the chipboard with the help of an ordinary home iron (polymers in its foundation melted, after which the hitch with wood occurs).

After the angular cabinet is fully assembled, you can make the side open shelves to it, hang the mirror on the door, as well as modify the design as the soul will be desired.

The design is obtained sufficiently strong, thanks to which even very serious loads will withstand.

Instead of suffering with the selection of furniture in a small apartment, it is better to study how to make a corner wardrobe with your own hands. After all, no matter how few places, angles in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the rooms, remain empty. The wardrobe performed itself will not only solve the problem of placement of things, he elegantly decorate the interior.


There is no exemplary standard design, which must match the cabinet with an angular coupe. It can be built-in (when you need to put only the doors) or corpus, have different sizes, different number of sides (triangular, trapezoid, g- or p-shaped).

In recent years, a radius wardrobe has been popular, which is a furniture design, devoid of sharp corners. Beauty admirers will undoubtedly appreciate the door of the curved shape, moving according to the relevant profiles. Such a layout allows, saving space, elegantly solve the problem of storing a large number of things.

In Fig. 2. The angles are scheme No. 1 (concave), No. 2 (convex), No. 5 (convex column of a massive furniture design or a separately standing small wardrobe). All other options for radius wardrobes can be obtained by combining the 6 initial species listed above.

Radius is beautiful and functionally

The movement of the doors of the radius cabinet is performed smoothly, almost silent. Such characteristics provide a profile included in the sliding mechanism. Manufacturers offer it from steel, or aluminum. We recommend to stay in the second embodiment for the following reasons:

  • increased damage resistance;
  • minimizing noise when sliding doors.

The cost of the aluminum profile is higher than steel. However, during long-term operation, you will appreciate your choice.

The wall thickness should be at least 0.12 cm. A thicker profile increases the reliability of the attachment. Quality components produce Komandor, Absolut, Raumplus, Aristo, others. If the height of the radius cabinet is above 3 m, we recommend to take the RAUMPLUS profile.

The doors of the radius wardrobe can be with the upper sliding system or bottom. In the first case, the flaps hang on the rollers. Movement is carried out on the top guide. The initial impression of the suspension system is beautiful. However, a large load on the upper horizon causes its gradual sagging. The suspension system is rapidly wears, without regular maintenance, it may unexpectedly put the door at the most inopportune moment.

The second sliding system looks preferable for daily household operation. Slide sash occurs at the bottom guide, the door is attached and fixed along the top. Load distribution is uniformly, the assembled design will last longer.

Elements of doors

Assembling angular cabinets, with your own hands without a scheme, reflecting the exact dimensions, is impossible. Special attention should be paid to the moving part of the design - doors. It is impossible to miss anything or take some size, in this case the sash cannot be operated normally.

Before collecting your cabinet, consider the elements of the doors with the bottom of the sliding:

  • Vertical side profiles can be symmetrical or asymmetric. During operation, they are used as knobs. Symmetric profiles look equally on both sides, asymmetrical create the difference between the outer and the outer parties.
  • Located at the top, asymmetric rollers are designed to fix the sash in the opening.
  • The upper door frame is necessary to attach the wheels, as well as the subsequent fixation of the design.
  • The lower door frame serves to install the lower wheels, to ensure the proper slip of the sash.
  • The inner door filler (wood, glass, mirror) performs a decorative function, gives everything the interior feature feature.
  • The seal attached to the vertical side profiles, besides mitigating the door of the door of the cabinet, protects the moving structure from dust.
  • The door stub serves to fix the side vertical profiles.
  • Assembly and adjusting screws allow you to change the slide speed of the sash.
  • The stopper makes it possible to fix the door, avoid an unforeseen opening of the sash.

Calculation of cabinet capacity

Any step-by-step instruction attracts confidence in the case, however, without a preliminary assessment of the capacity of the capacity, the result will be disappointing. Before drawing drawings and explore the guide to the assembly, decide that you put on the shelves or hang. Then to move the functional sections will be difficult, a beautiful externally wardrobe can become a source of bad mood.

  • to arrange things for the season, refer to at least 2 sections;
  • when installing embedded luminaires, the top horizon of the cabinet is output forward at 12-17 cm;
  • not only convenient, but also functionally, when the depth of the shelves do not change 60 cm;
  • the width of the shelves more than 65 cm increases the risk of their deflection;
  • the inter-flux distance must be no more than 35 cm;
  • take the width of the doors from 50 cm, with smaller sizes, the guide loss is provoked;
  • the number of functional compartments must be proportioned by the number of sash;
  • designing the size of drawers, pay special attention to the location of the door frames, it will not be too wide to get;
  • doors should be the same width;
  • the appearance and strength of the cabinet depends on the chipboard thickness;
  • the material for the roof, side walls, doors will serve as a chipboard, the rear wall can be made of two mm thick.

The most practical option is the manufacture of a built-in radius wardrobe. Such a design is easily solved with the walls, it will hide possible defects, it will require a smaller consumption of materials and time. Mistols will appreciate the absence of gaps between the wall and the cabinet in which dust constantly accumulates

Collect cabinet

To install a designed cabinet must be needed:

  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • corolnic;
  • drill;
  • pencil.

Before embarking on the design, also make sure that:

  • drawings;
  • furniture shield in 18 mm;
  • doors and guides;
  • "Internships" of the cabinet (boxes, hangers, handles);
  • door fittings, screws, dowels;
  • side, lower and upper false panels.

Gradual assembly order:

  1. Performance of measurements and inscribing "on the ground" installation location of the cabinet (you will need a pencil and level). On the wall there are vertical racks, on the floor and ceiling - profiles.
  2. Determination of the place for the shelves, drilling holes for the dowels, scoring them with a hammer.
  3. Fastening profiles for shelves to the wall, installing their lower holders.
  4. Applying the marking of the antlesol shelf, its fastener on the self-tapping screw.
  5. Fitting the side wall for sizes, its installation.
  6. Installation of the inner "filling" (shelves, boxes, etc.).
  7. Installation of pre-prepared false panels, attaching them screwdriver to the floor, ceiling, side wall.
  8. Cutting and flexing the upper and lower profiles (do not forget to insert a stopper of 1 piece on the door), their attachment to the rolls to the false panel.
  9. Installation of the assembled door. Description of actions as follows:
  • decoration of self-adhesive film (if necessary),
  • installation of vertical profiles on the screws,
  • installing the door seal,
  • fixing the upper and lower door frames,
  • attaching from below and on top of the rollers,
  • insert the top guide, then the bottom,
  • check sliding correctness, adjusting it (if required) hexagon.