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House of light industry. College History Song Football Football Hall

The technique of light industry was opened in 1929 and was the first sewing technical school in our country. He was located in the premises of the former Alexander Institute on the street. Dombale, 3 (ul. Smolny, 3). At that time, the course of study lasted 3 years and the graduates were awarded qualifications: technician-organizer, technician-technologist, technician-normalizer, constructor-crate and technician-mechanic. In connection with the ever-increasing amount of those who wanted to study in a technical school in 1931, the evening office was opened. In 1938, the technical school has changed its location and majorova moved on Ave., 46in the building built on the spot of the Novo-Alexandrovsky market, demolished in 1932, houses of light industry.

In the 1970s. A new period of development begins. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the technical school (1979) and the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Leningrad Textile Institute (1980) A.N. Kosygin - a graduate of LTI them. Kirov, at the time, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, with the aim of expanding the classics of the Institute ordered to build a new educational and laboratory building for the technical school, and premises on Majorov Ave., 46 to convey to the textile institution to significantly increasing them due to their an extension on the inside of the outhouse buildingWhat was done ... By 1979 were built in the Moscow district (Starrock st., 7, korp. 1 and 2, respectively) and a new teaching and laboratory body of a technical school with a total area of \u200b\u200b13 thousand m2 and a 15-story hostel ( Now the Engineering School of Clothing of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design is the former LTI of them. Kirov), and the Mechanical Faculty of Lti moved to the technical school to the technical school with a lowered new squares. Kirov with training workshops and laboratories.

« Native city, Alexey Nikolayevich did not forget his institute in any positions.
... in the summer of 1969, during the examination session, in textile unexpectedly, without any calls and warnings, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR appeared. He was suggested to show the institute, but Kosygin replied politely that in these walls he was not needed, he could conduct anyone. Alexey Nikolayevich looked at the departments, in the audience, passed on the balcony of the Great Assembly Hall. And here I am painted - downstairs stretched, as in the barracks, rows of clamshells. So there were signs, there were no other places for them. Professor, teachers approached. They talked about today's and tomorrow of the institute, about the selection of applicants - as early as possible, he noticed Kosygin, about expanding the information base. Looking again at the "barracks", Alexey Nikolaevich promised to submit to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers, the question of building a hostel, laboratory corps, a new building for the technical school of light industry. Journalists of the Institutional Milita prepared information about this meeting, but the censorship did not miss her - about the visits of members of the Politburo, they say, it is entitled to write only TASS, and TASS did not know that Kosygin had looked into his native institute during his vacation. "

V. Andriyanov, Unknown Kosygin. About the dramatic pages of the life of the Soviet Premiere tells His granddaughter - Tatyana Gwishiany-Kosygin. (Russian newspaper - week. 24.08.2003) -

Basic educational programs:
070602 - Design (by industry)
080106 - Finance (by industry)
080110 - Economy and accounting (by industry)
100105 - Hotel Service
150411 - Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)
260901 - Sewing Product Technology
260903 - Modeling and designing sewing products.

In 1929, a sewing technical school was created. He was located in the premises of the former Alexander Institute on the street. Dombale, 3 (for Smolny).
At that time, the course of study lasted 3 years and the graduates were awarded qualifications: technician-organizer, technician-technologist, technician-normalizer, constructor-crate and technician-mechanic.

In connection with the ever-increasing amount of those who wish to study in a technical school in 1931, the evening office was opened. And in 1938, the technical school has changed its location and moved to Majorov Ave., 46.

During the reasons, the technical school did not close, but continued to work - in the sewing workshops sewed uniforms, the corps were made in mechanical workshops for manual grenades, brigades were created for the repair of hospital linen and uniforms. In 1942-1945 The technical school was in evacuation in Kuibyshev.

In 1949, sewing and textile technical schools were aggravated. The combined technical school became known as the Leningrad technical school of light industry. Preparation was carried out in three specialties: technology of sewing production, design and modeling of clothing, equipment sewing factories.
In 1959, the correspondence department was opened.
In 1962, the technical school for the first time participates in the exhibition of achievements of the national economy (VDNH), where its high level of work is celebrated, give diplomas and diplomas, reward medals. Since then, the technical school becomes a regular participant of VDNH.

In 1966, ten industrial sewing associations of Leningrad and the Leningrad House of Models for conducting production training, industrial and pre-diploma practice were enshrined for the technical school.

In 1967, the technical school began to prepare personnel for foreign countries in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe.
In 1979, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the technical school was awarded the Order of the "Honor Sign". A new teaching and laboratory body of a technical school and a 15-storey hostel were built and commissioned.
In 1991, the Center for Vocational Training and Advanced Training was opened in the specialty - the crate model.

In 1992, the technical school of light industry changed its status and began to be called
Engineering School of Clothing (College).
In 1999, the College was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
In 2004, the College was awarded the diploma of the Governor of St. Petersburg III.

In 2009, the College entered the structure of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (SPGUTD) and began to be called the Engineering School of Clothing (College) of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, abbreviated - Isho (College) SPGUTD.
College has a branch in the city of Vologda.

Engineering school of clothing (previously - sewing technical school) was opened in 1929 and was the first sewing technical school in our country. He was located in the premises of the former Alexander Institute on the street. Dombale, 3 (for Smolny). At that time, the course of study lasted 3 years and the graduates were awarded qualifications: technician-organizer, technician-technologist, technician-normalizer, constructor-crate and technician-mechanic. Students of the technical school began to be interested in employers already in the last courses, wanting to offer them the possibility of passing pre-diploma practices on a particular enterprise with subsequent employment. The demand for college graduates increased, since everyone was obvious to a high level of education.

In connection with the ever-increasing amount of those who wanted to study in a technical school in 1931, the evening office was opened. And in 1938, the technical school has changed its location and moved to Majorov Ave., 46.

In 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began, the technical school was not closed, but continued to work for the benefit of the Motherland. Teachers and students of the technical school as they could have helped the army in the defeat of the enemy - about 15,000 sets of uniforms were sewn in the sewing workshops, the hulls for hand grenades were made in mechanical workshops, brigades were created by the repair of hospital linen and uniforms. In 1942-1945, the technical school was in evacuation in Kuibyshev.

In 1949, the sewing technical school began to be called the Leningrad technical school of easy industry. Preparation was carried out in three specialties: "Technology of sewing production", "Designing and modeling of clothing", "equipment sewing factories". The contingent of students was 1488 people.

In 1951, new specialty opened: "Modeling and decoration of clothing" and "modeling and decoration of knitwear". Conducted contracts about the Commonwealth with the factors. Volodarsky, "Bolshevik", "Pervomayskaya", "Zvvostrovskaya" and "knitted".

In 1959, the correspondence department was opened. Student contingent rose to 2076 people.

In 1962, the technical school first participates in the exhibition of achievements of the national economy (VDNX), where his high level of work is celebrated, diplomas and diplomas are awarded, rewarded with medals. Since then, the technical school becomes a regular participant of VDNH.

In 1966, ten industrial sewing associations of Leningrad and the Leningrad House of Models were enshrined for the technical school and the Leningrad House of Models for conducting industrial training, industrial and pre-diploma practice.

In 1967, the technical school began to prepare personnel for foreign countries in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe. For 30 years, students from Laos, Cuba, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Islands of Green Cape, Sudan, Banglada, Angola, Congo, Cambodia, Morocco and other countries have been trained. College released more than 500 people in economic specialties, by the specialties "Designer-fashion designer" and "technician-technologist".

In 1979, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 03.12.79 for the achieved successes in the training of specialists for the national economy, the technical school was awarded the Order "Honor Sign". A new teaching and laboratory body of a technical school with a total area of \u200b\u200b13 thousand m2 and a 15-storey hostel was built and commissioned.

In 1991, the Center for Vocational Training and Advanced Training was opened in the specialty - "Cutter-designer".

In 1992, the technical school of light industry changed its status and began to be called "Engineering School of Clothing" (College) of St. Petersburg. The goal of creating a college is a new form of development of secondary vocational education.

In 1998, the first All-Russian competition of young fashion designers-designers "Breathen Spring" among medium-sided educational institutions is organized.
The purpose of the competition is the identification, development and presentation of personnel potential for the light industry and the fashion industry.

In 1999, the College was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

In 1999 - 2002 Specialty "Design", "Finance", "Hotel Service" were opened.

In 2004, the College was awarded the diploma of the governor of St. Petersburg III degree.

In 2009, the College entered the structure of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (GPGUTD) and began to be called "Engineering School of Clothing (College) of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design", abbreviated - ISHO (College) SPGUTD. The college graduates have the opportunity to continue learning and obtaining higher professional education on a reduced program, a specially developed LGGUT for ISHO graduates.