Repair Design Furniture

Design living room bedroom 18 sq. How to divide a room into two: recommendations, photos, explanations. The latest "squeak" of designer fashion - studio rooms

Owners of small apartments during renovation often face such a problem as combining different functionality in one room. How to think over the interior of the combined living room so that it is comfortable to sleep and receive guests in it? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, the option of combining a bedroom with a living room in a small area strongly depends on the preferences of the owners, the original premises and the goals pursued by the owners.

In this article, we will try to consider all the best options for organizing space in a room with an area of ​​18 square meters.

The advantages of small rooms

All owners of small apartments are familiar with the disadvantages of small spaces, but what if you look at it from the other side? After all, there are many advantages of such premises.

  • The ability to combine rooms allows you to save the entire apartment space as a whole.
  • In small spaces, it is much easier to create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere, while achieving unity of style throughout the apartment. With the correct use of each meter and a carefully thought-out design of the living room, you can achieve an incredible result that will surprise you and your guests.
  • Combining two functions in one room can become completely invisible to outsiders if zoning is done wisely.

To create a unique interior in a small room does not require a large amount of new furniture and building materials, so renovations can be quite economical.

Arrangement of furniture

Living room-bedroom design 18 sq. m. begins with planning the arrangement of furniture. It is on this basis that it is worth choosing finishing materials, since zoning depends on the arrangement, and each zone may have its own material or color of finishing.

At this stage, it is important to think over everything so that the room does not become cluttered. Better to limit yourself to the most necessary set of furniture. Its choice should be approached responsibly, the furniture should be as functional as possible, and not take up all the free space.

For example, a folding sofa will be a good option that immediately suggests itself. It will also serve as a sleeping place and will allow guests to comfortably settle down. True, when choosing this option, it is worth arranging the rest of the furniture, taking into account the fact that the sofa will often fold and unfold.

If you find sleeping on a sofa inappropriate or uncomfortable, then you can also install a bed and a sofa for guests in the same room. In order to hide the intimate space from prying eyes, you will have to use the zoning of the bedroom-living room.

For differentiation, you can use a bookcase, plasterboard construction or another method, based on your requirements and capabilities. You can divide the living room into a bedroom and an area for receiving guests with a low counter, or a main wall, light curtains or a thick curtain, a screen or other decorative element.

Another indispensable attribute of a bedroom is a wardrobe. But when combining a bedroom and a living room, it is better to place it in the guest area. The wardrobe should be one, but roomy, the use of light shades and mirror surfaces will visually expand the space.

And if you hide a folding bed in a closet, then your friends will not even suspect about its presence. The cabinet can be supplemented with hinged shelves that look airy and stylish, while not taking up much space. They can easily accommodate decor items that emphasize the main style of the interior.

A TV stand will fit perfectly next to the closet, if it is not large, but the best option would be to place the TV on the wall or on a partition that delimits the zones in the room. Chairs can be replaced with ottomans, which are more compact. The coffee table should be small and mobile, especially in the case of a splitting sofa.

Color selection

Bright and dark colors look spectacular in the photo of a bedroom-living room of 18 sq. m., but in real life they can make the room overloaded and the interior annoying. Therefore, it is advised to choose pastel shades as the main ones, and dilute them with small bright accents.

Tips for using color in living room-bedroom design:

White, suggests itself when mentioning light tones, but the snow-white color is too easily soiled. Busting with white will turn the room into a sterile hospital room, so it is better to replace it with a warmer milky shade.

The color beige is the perfect base to give the room a cozy feel. Any decor items are perfectly combined with such a base.

Green is appropriate in the bedroom, as it is considered the most soothing and ideal for sleeping. Of course, we are not talking about a bright and saturated color, but about its muted shades. For example, herbal, mint, olive, or marsh are suitable.

Blue goes very well with beige and white, but it shouldn't be too much.

Red and burgundy shades are appropriate only in the guest area; it is not recommended to use it in the bedroom interior.

Bright, cheerful shades of yellow and orange are most often used as accents. A clock, vase, decorative cushions or a lamp of this color will enliven the room in bright colors and add dynamism to it.

Bright shades of purple will favorably emphasize the interior in the living room, and the use of the same, but more muted colors in the bedroom will make the interior unified.


Let's take a closer look at the features of dividing zones, since an increasing number of people stop at the option of physically dividing one room into two.

The layout of the bedroom-living room should be such that the entire space is used as efficiently as possible. Below are some tips on how to effectively and stylishly separate the bedroom from the living room.

A partition made of plasterboard or other material is time-consuming and labor-intensive to install, but it can drastically change the geometry of a room. Using opaque glass inserts, you can achieve airiness even when erecting a main wall.

The all-glass partition can be tinted or custom made to match the stained glass. Although even shatterproof glass is not recommended for use in an apartment where small children live.

A cabinet instead of a dividing element is considered the most practical option, which does not require any costs for materials and installation. Shelves with books or pretty storage boxes are often used instead of a closet.

An economical option would be fabric or bamboo curtains, they do not eat up a lot of space, and if necessary, they can be easily pulled back.

Using the balcony

A room with a balcony is just a godsend for any designer who is faced with the task of combining two rooms in one. Glazing it qualitatively and equipping it with appropriate insulation, you can significantly expand the usable area of ​​the room. It is often used for organizing a workspace.

It is important that the balcony is not separated from the main design idea, it must merge and be uniform in style and interior with the main space involved.

Following all the tips described in the article, you can easily organize the space for comfortable living and receiving guests.

Photo of the bedroom-living room 18 sq. m.

Small rooms and spacious rooms need competent repair and arrangement of their space. Therefore, the design project of a bedroom-living room of 18 square meters causes some difficulties for its creator.

The correct distribution of space in a small living space can be called a real art.

The design idea goes to many tricks to squeeze two functional objects into such a small space. This article will detail all the nuances of design projects with attached photos.

Thoughtful interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy.

Options for design projects of bedrooms-living rooms of 18 square meters with photos

In order to competently equip the living room-bedroom of 18 squares as in the photo, you need to fully take into account all the subtleties of the arrangement for such interiors.

It is necessary to be guided by the rule: the abundance of little things overloads the space of the room.

  • To give a greater effect to the interior of the bedroom-living room, a pastel palette is used in combination with bright shades to decorate the space to visually enlarge the space.
  • To increase the amount of light that enters the room, you can install panoramic windows.
  • To increase the functionality of the room, furniture transformers are used.
  • To visually raise the ceiling, you can install a small chandelier instead of a large and bulky one.
  • If you use shelves instead of cabinets, you can give the interior a more miniature look.
  • You can use a spectacular contrasting wall as a separation.

This will allow, in combination with the shades of the bedroom or living room, to highlight this or that zone against the background of the entire room.

Varieties of bedroom design 18 square meters

The location of the dressing room in the bedroom has its advantages and disadvantages.

Partitions that change the perception of space will allow dividing the room into several zones.

The pluses include the following factors.

  • Clothes are always at hand. You can get dressed much faster.
  • The interior of the bedroom, combined with a dressing room and decorated in the same style, looks more attractive.
  • In the process of finding suitable clothes, other inhabitants of the apartment will be left alone.
  • The presence of a dressing room allows you to avoid the installation of additional wardrobes, dressers.

With proper dressing planning, you can organize a place to change.

Advice. By using various devices (clamps, rods), you can use the usable space more intelligently.

In order to more competently make the design of a bedroom-living room, you need to choose a more suitable option in advance. There are times when the creation of a design is beyond the power of the owner of the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of qualified specialists.

First, the place for the future installation of the dressing room is determined.

You can choose from one of the options.

  • Corner installation - the product is installed in a corner that is free. In this case, sliding doors are used. The installation looks more attractive if it is placed at the head of the bed.
  • In the direction of the blank wall - the option takes place for a room with large dimensions. The partition can be made of plasterboard material coated with finishing materials. Proper lighting should also be installed to cover the entire dressing area.
  • Near a window wall - a niche-like structure will do. Near the window opening, you can install a dressing table for trying on clothes or combing.

The option is suitable for a rectangular or square room.

In most cases, the dressing room is an enclosed space, separated from the rest of the living space.

For your information! In a living space, several storage areas are often created.

A competent dressing room is distinguished by versatility, convenience and attractiveness with a competent arrangement of elements.

The color of the cabinet can be updated to change and diversify the interior.

Qualified specialists suggest considering the following points.

  • The far corner is reserved for the cabinet and shelves on which things that are used less often will be laid.
  • The size of this area must be at least two square meters.
  • It is recommended to pack small items in signed boxes.
  • Ties, belts are stored in special compartments to avoid loss.
  • When using tall shelves or cabinets, it is recommended to use a folding ladder.
  • For attaching the hanger, there are tubular metal and plastic fasteners attached to the crossbar.
  • A mirror is installed for a comfortable fitting.

The range of products enables the buyer to select the material.

Furnishing a bedroom-living room

When creating a design project, the required amount of furniture for a comfortable environment is calculated correctly. It is better to leave more space than to overload the interior with unnecessary items.

The thoughtful organization of space in a limited area is almost an art.

You can highlight the necessary interior items, namely:

  • the presence of a sofa or bed;
  • a small table;
  • several armchairs;
  • wardrobe;
  • open hinged shelves;
  • shelving for books.

A wardrobe or rack, which will be used as a delimiter, perfectly divides the space into zones.

The pull-out sofa is an integral part of the living room bedroom. This sofa is used for its intended purpose during the day and as a sleeping place at night. It is better to purchase a quality sofa model in order to extend its service life.

A fold-out sofa will help unite the living room and bedroom in one room.

A corner sofa significantly saves space if a lot of people live in the apartment or a large company is going to. Built-in shelves and drawers will add convenience.

For a studio apartment, modern styles in the design of the interior design of the room are perfect.

Planning a bedroom according to the "Fit everything" principle

Before installing the furniture, you need to draw up a real plan of the living space, which will clearly demonstrate how the room will look after the furniture has been installed.

Avoid cluttering your bedroom and living room with only the furniture you need.

When compiling it, attention is paid to the following features.

  • How the windows are placed.
  • Measure the walls.
  • How the sockets are located.
  • Where are the doors, niches, ledges installed.

Room zoning is a great idea for dividing space that designers use.

Usually they arrange furniture according to the following rules.

  • General ergonomics.
  • According to the rules of Feng Shui - the direction of the legs in the supine position should not be turned towards the exit. The best option is to set the bed with your head to the wall.
  • Towards the cardinal points - a good sleep will be, lying in the north or east direction.

Attention! When installing objects, leave a gap of at least 70 millimeters. The installation of a berth is carried out at a distance of 4-5 meters from the TV.

If there are several windows in the room, the bed can be placed between them. In this case, a bed is selected with a low headboard.

Sunlight will enter the room unhindered.

To balance the space, a chest of drawers is installed opposite the bed. You can also install a TV on it.

A wardrobe can help in compact storage of things. It blends harmoniously with any layout, easily takes up corner space.

Look at examples that show the distinctive design features of a bedroom-living room.

The interior of the room is 18 sq.m. living room-bedroom and photo

Look at the options for design solutions that save space, as well as a photo of the design of a room of 18 sq. m. living room bedrooms.

The problem of zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room of 18 sq.m. consists in a design solution for dividing the living space.

It is necessary to divide the plots of the area so that the zones of the room are combined as a whole.

For zoning, you can use:

  • racks;
  • bookshelves;
  • sliding partitions.

Shelving zoning is a simple and budget option. The main advantage of such a partition is the abundance of space for a home library. Of the minuses, we can note the small height of the serial production models and the installation of an additional system for storing clothes.

Zoning with bookshelves is similar to zoning with shelving.

Using sliding partitions as a divider allows you to create separate areas. This option is distinguished by the perfection and sophistication of designs. They are made of high-quality fittings and are characterized by smooth running. Sliding partitions can clearly divide a room or blur outlines in a common space.

Bedroom-living room in one room

This design solution is used as a forced measure. For example, in a one-room or small-sized apartment.

Comfortable free space of a stylish bedroom-living room.

Let's consider the main advantages of this design solution.

  • The presence of a full-fledged bed in the living room.
  • When combining the bedroom and living room, space is freed up, which will allow you to make a working area.
  • Constantly maintains contact with other family members, being in the same room.

The disadvantages include:

  • not everyone is ready to sacrifice their intimate space;
  • the inability to retire in front of other visitors;
  • when the TV is on in the living room, there are problems with the silence in the bedroom.

The living room is the center of every home, and if you combine it with the bedroom, the room becomes the most important in the apartment.

The following rules for zoning premises can be distinguished.

  • It is necessary to functionally divide the premises, dividing by importance and secondary importance.
  • It is necessary to observe a uniform design style in the layout. Different areas should contain the same furnishings.
  • Experts advise to allocate space for the sleeping area next to the window.

Innovative design ideas

To increase the usable space, the living space is combined with a balcony.

Free space can be arranged for a desk, dressing room, bar counter.

If the loggia is spacious enough, this space can be made a sleeping area. This eliminates the need to install a dividing wall.

In order to connect the living space to the loggia, you need to carry out all the necessary work on insulation, glazing, installation of warm floors.

Using the same color scheme on the balcony will look like one common room, at the same time, it will turn the living room into a hall.


The living room bedroom is an effective and multifunctional design solution for small apartments.

Competent drawing up of a design project will allow you to efficiently and comfortably use the living space, which will delight the inhabitants of the home every day.

VIDEO: How to harmoniously create a living room-bedroom design.

50 design options for a living room-bedroom 18 sq. m .:

If the house has a living room, a bedroom of 18 squares, the photos and design options presented in our article will help you create a cozy, comfortable environment in such a room. This issue should be approached with special care, using imagination and showing originality. Then you will want to return to the interior of the bedroom again and again.

Most city apartments have small rooms, which significantly complicates the process of interior decoration and selection of pieces of furniture. The design of the living room with a sleeping area of ​​only 18 square meters pursues the main goal - successful zoning, so that a person in a single space gets a workplace, a sleeping bed and a relaxation area after a hard day. Do not forget that in this room it is still necessary to organize a place for storing wardrobe items: clothes, shoes. In other words, it is not so easy to create an interesting, functional, comfortable interior in a tiny room of 18 square meters. But if you follow the advice of experienced designers that are present in that article, this process will turn into an exciting adventure for you. And the next photo will help make sure of this.

Layout options

From what layout will be chosen as the basis for a small living room, its design as a whole, the functionality of the space, the degree of comfort of the residents of the apartment will depend. How to arrange the furniture that is relevant here, how to divide the room into zones so that it gains maximum comfort for the residents? Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinion of experienced decorators of living quarters, who certainly know several simple, but at the same time successful techniques to solve this problem.

Consider the most successful ways to create the interior of the bedroom hall, offered to users by experienced designers:

  • hall - transforming into a bedroom;
  • a combination of a sofa, bed, workplace;
  • refusal of zoning;
  • use of a niche for installing a bed.

Small cozy bedroom with a niche for a bed
Living room bedroom with work space sofa and bed
Single space of the living room bedroom without zoning
Bedroom with pull-out sofa

Living room 18 sq. With a sofa bed

Design as in the photo is a classic way to decorate the hall of a tiny apartment. The living room is endowed with high functionality, and in the evening and at night it becomes a bedroom. The transformation is achieved by expanding the sofa from a sitting position into a full-fledged sleeping place. After all, it is extremely difficult to place a sofa on such an area, as well as a full-fledged bed. And the "transformer" option will be distinguished by high functionality, convenience, because the space of the room will not be burdened, overloaded with an excessive amount of furniture.

It is worth noting the fact that it is necessary to arrange all the interior items present in such a room taking into account the fact that the sofa needs to be spread out at night. This means that no accessories, cabinets, tables should interfere with this.

Workplace, sofa and full bed

Such an interior of a living room of 18 square meters is shown in the photo below. It is complex, however, and can be done without the help of professional designers. A single or double bed at the choice of residents is located behind a light fabric screen, which is mounted with special fasteners to the ceiling surface. A stationary plasterboard partition can also be used as a screen. The structure can be carved or decorated in the form of frosted glass. The main rule is that the partition should not look cumbersome, so as not to visually make the 18 sq. Room even smaller and uncomfortable. On the other hand, a sofa is attached to it. You can save money by choosing a non-folding compact model.

The workplace in the interior should be placed one side to the sofa, the other to the window where there is a lot of light. It is important to abandon heavy textiles on the window in favor of light flowing curtains. Then additional lighting when working at the table will be needed only late in the evening and at night. But the TV must be installed in front of the sofa. If possible, it is good to place a cabinet or a small coffee table near the TV.

As for the desk, it is better if it is supplemented with cabinets and shelves for storing accessories and items necessary for work.

Holistic space

The living room of 18 square meters of rectangular shape can be decorated without using zoning techniques at all. Then you will get a single space that will look very original and unusual. Take a look at the next photo to see this. The pieces of furniture present here will be standard: a bed, a sofa, a TV with a curbstone, a wardrobe (book or wardrobe), a coffee table, and so on. However, their arrangement without dividing the room into zones will look like an innovative solution.

So, according to tradition, we put the sofa against one of the longer walls, and opposite the TV on a stand or cabinet. On the side of the TV, you can install a cabinet or bookcase with books. But the bed and bedside tables are placed against a short wall, which is located opposite the wall with a window. Do not forget about the benefits of carpets in such an interior. They will make it residential and cozy. A soft rug can be placed under the bed or by the sofa.

Remember, the space of the room should not be overloaded with an excessive number of small items and accessories. Then its design will be complete and holistic, attractive and residential.

Living room design with a bed in a niche

If the hall has a recess in the form of a large niche, it is rational to place a bed in it, which can be hidden behind thread curtains. And decorate the rest of the room in the style of a classic hall with a sofa, armchairs, coffee table, TV, bookshelves and cupboards. A niche with a bed will look very interesting if you decorate the ceiling surface above it with LED strip and point light. The ceiling in the rest of the bedroom, 18 square meters, can be decorated with a standard chandelier placed in the center of the room.

If you want to buy a wardrobe for a small living room bedroom, then let it be a sliding door design. Such a door does not require much space when opened, which means that the interior will not be overloaded. And if their design involves the use of mirrors, then the space of the room will visually expand even more.

Look at the photo to appreciate the finished interior of the 18 sq. M bedroom hall with a well-decorated niche. It is a functional space that looks very attractive, fashionable and stylish. It is good to complement this design with green plants in stylish flowerpots. Indeed, there are many benefits from the presence of such accessories in the house:

  • absorb carbon dioxide released into the air when a person breathes, and release oxygen. Thus, ornamental plants provide the home with a fresh and healthy atmosphere;
  • prevent the appearance of dust;
  • delight the eyes of a person;
  • decorate the house.

Color solution

Regarding what colors it is worth decorating the interior of the bedroom of 18 squares, we note the following:

  • for wall decoration, it is better to choose light colors that contribute to the visual expansion of a narrow space. In such a room as in the next photo it is very pleasant to relax, and it is easier to work. The same applies to the finishing of the ceiling surface. Here, the most acceptable option is white. It, in combination with LED or spot lighting, will add spaciousness to the interior of the room;
  • for floor finishing, you can choose both medium-dark and light colors. But on a dark floor, dust and dirt are more noticeable, which the hostess should remember. But light shades are more practical;
  • the color scheme of the furniture will depend on the rest of the decoration of the room. In a bright room, as in the photo below, you can choose almost any furniture set in tone. The main thing is that it does not look too gloomy and cumbersome;
  • if you want some bright accents, use accessories or textiles in catchy colors. This will allow you to create both visually spacious and modern fashionable living room bedroom. This option is shown in the photo below.

We also add that fashionable decorators of living quarters today are advised to abandon the use of a large combination of different colors when decorating a living room in a bedroom of 18 square meters. An interior overloaded with color will not be conducive to rest and relaxation.


If a small bedroom in a city apartment is dark, you need to take care of proper lighting of this space. Then it will acquire a cozy atmosphere, warmth and cheerful mood.A well-lit bedroom is the key to the well-being of its inhabitants. An excellent option would be a multi-level ceiling with LED lighting and central lighting in the form of a chandelier. It is good to turn on the backlighting in the evening to create the intimate atmosphere for which the bedroom should be famous. But during the day, you can use the light from a chandelier suspended in the center of the room. Spot light zoning will allow you to focus on a specific part of the room space. Such a design always looks harmonious, laconic, and a person will be comfortable and pleasant to live here.

Items are mobile and, if necessary, they can be placed on the desk, and if you wish to relax while reading your favorite book, move them to the bedside table.


Today the choice of furniture for the hall is huge. Manufacturing factories create many items from different materials, original design, non-standard appearance, color and with original decor. What kind of furniture should you prefer in a small room besides a bed and a sofa? Let's answer this question using the table.

Piece of furniture Relevance
Closet It is compact even when opened thanks to the sliding door system. At the same time, it allows you to accommodate a huge number of clothes, shoes, bedding, and other wardrobe items.
Shelves, hanging open shelves They allow you to successfully place books, magazines, accessories, and various decorative items. They look quite airy, relaxed, and the space of the hall is not overloaded with an excessive amount of furniture.
Glass or plastic coffee table or bedside tables They are distinguished by weightlessness, special charm, they seem to float above the floor, adding special attractiveness, lightness, harmony to the interior.

It is easy to plan a room when there is enough space. There is no question of what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with the available 18 square meters, everything can be perfectly decorated. The main thing is to have a few developments and ideas in stock, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m 2, can be used for various purposes. This can be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, the interior design is selected. Typically, such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the size of the walls in pairs. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is closer to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, since it is easiest to fill the space evenly. It is easier to divide a narrow room into several functional zones with their own purpose.

In this version, the furniture is better made to order. In this case, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better to install it not to narrow walls, since then the space will become even smaller, but to place it along large walls. You can visually expand the space of the room by using the correct way of laying laminate flooring. For example, it fits across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room that the eye can catch. Another way to increase the volume of the room is to use mirrors. They can be positioned on smaller walls. They can also be made in contrast, lightening against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! Lighting plays a special role in the layout of the room. For narrow and long rooms, it should not be placed around the perimeter. The result can be more emphasis on the elongation. The best way is to mount the main source in the middle of the room. This will give the right emphasis.

If the room has a shape that looks more like a square, then the way of decoration needs to be changed. Furniture can act as zoning elements in the room. It can be placed not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it touches the sofa. For such rooms, you can use elements that are wider. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters is easy to accomplish using a screen, cabinet or other object that can perform not only the function of a partition, but also have a practical purpose. In addition to general recommendations, there are specific ones depending on how the room is used. It is worth talking about this in more detail.


A good renovation does not start with dismantling old equipment or interior decoration, but with thoughtful planning. It would be a good idea to pre-sketch on a piece of paper an approximate plan of action and display on it all the desired changes for the premises.


The sleeping room is one of the main ones, since it is in it that you can recuperate and be alone with yourself. This should already hint at the color scheme and way of lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​18 square meters or with dimensions 4 by 4, you can place many useful things, except for a bed. If the room of the bedroom on 18 squares has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be taken under a large wardrobe near the wall. It will visually make the room smaller by bringing smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be positioned indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, practically no useful area is lost. In this case, a desk can be placed directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save space even more.

The bedroom should not be cluttered, it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. In the photo above, you can see that it has a rather large size, which partially compensates for the size of the room and will allow the owner to quickly recuperate in a dream. The bed acts as the accent of the entire room. An armchair, dresser or bedside table by the bed, as well as a desk are great additions. The color scheme for the bedroom can be chosen at personal discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. Don't choose bright colors. They can have a stimulating effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

It is worth thinking about proper indoor lighting. There should be several types of fixtures. Two are best placed at the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on the bedside table. Be sure to have an overhead light in the room. At the same time, it would be good to install pass-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If there is an exit to the loggia from the bedroom, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be controlled with blinds or Roman shades.

Living room

The living room, which has an area of ​​18 squares or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is advisable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark tones of finishing;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • an abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually reduce the space, which can emotionally depress and interfere with a calm conversation. It is better to choose light colors as the main colors for wall decoration. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, since it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is desirable that the living room has as little furniture as possible. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Solutions for living rooms look good that repeat the Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as minimalism. It is better to use wood or materials that imitate it as finishing materials. It is better to use laminate or parquet as flooring, but not tiles. The latter is not able to create coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


The children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m 2, will give the child the opportunity to feel completely free. It is easy to play outdoor games in such a space. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

In the photo above, you can see that the work area is the work table. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as a shelf where textbooks and notebooks can be folded. The table is placed as close to the window as possible so that natural light prevails. This is necessary for the prevention of vision. The rest of the space can serve as a play area, for example, in this photo you can see that the room has a fluffy carpet on which it is comfortable to spend time. In addition, there is an ottoman pillow.

The photo above shows that a wall bar can be installed in the playing area. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, you should pay special attention to sharp corners. More precisely, they should not be. It is better to choose furniture and other elements with smooth shapes. It is important that the finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The child's body is especially susceptible to various emission effects.

Color solutions for a child's room should be moderate. The nervous system in children is more active than in adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and mood swings. The general background should be discreet, so pastel colors will do. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be accentuated. This approach will give an additional boost to an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to make the layout of the room, which is located in the hostel. Moreover, only one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • dining room;
  • sleeping;
  • working.

At the same time, the entire area of ​​the room must be turned into useful in order to rationally use every centimeter. You can take the project of a studio room as a basis. The best option in a dorm room setting would be minimalism. You should not place large floor cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted over the entire plane of the wall, but with a shallower depth. The work area and kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in the closet, as shown in the photo below.

It's good if the bed is also foldable. She can hide under a pedestal or be transferred to an upright position. With a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room, an interesting solution can be made. It consists in the fact that the bed rises above the floor level by 1.5 meters. Under it is a work area with a desk and a computer. An example can be seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for the room that can be applied. The steps have a dual role. They have built-in drawers in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the colors of the finish are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide a place for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can make one or more cabinet doors mirrored. Instead of a large dining table, you can use the bar counter. She will simultaneously divide the room into zones and will be a rather comfortable place for eating. Some ideas for interior design solutions can be gleaned from the video.


As you can see, setting up a room can be a very interesting experience. But it is worth approaching this task with all seriousness. The comfort of all residents will depend on this. If we are talking about a children's room, then it is important to take into account the wishes of the child, since it is he who will be there most of the time. When decorating a living room, you can resolve the issue at a family council. Everyone will be able to make their own contribution, which will add up to the puzzle of the big picture. It is important to move away from the foundations that have been imposed historically and not be afraid to experiment.

The correct distribution of space in a small living space can be called a real art, especially if it is necessary to combine the functionality of the rooms. Thoughtful interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to properly zone the space.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using different materials to create an additional wall. The advantage is given to drywall. It is easy to use, it is easy to create partitions and fences from it.
  2. Wall decoration with different shades, textures. This makes it possible to visually divide the space into several zones, using wallpaper, paint, plaster, and other furnishing materials.
  3. Zoning a room using furniture.

In our article, you will see real examples in the photo, where a room of 18 square meters is divided into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room.


Partitions that change the perception of space will allow dividing the room into several zones.

Partitions are of 2 types:

Movable partitions are also called mobile, they are often made from bamboo panels, wooden frames, which are covered with fabric. Any pattern that suits the interior design is applied to the textiles.

Static partitions are often made from materials:

  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • wood;
  • lacomat;
  • metal;
  • fabric covered frame;
  • decoracryl.

Partitions will emphasize the elegance of the room. Models made of metal will showcase luxury. Plastic partitions are cheap, but practical, and wooden ones will suit any style. Zoning a room using a drywall partition will allow you to embody various creative ideas, apply any image to them or design any shape.


These are lightweight structures of a straight or arched shape that will not take up the floor space.

Arches are popular when zoning space. Designers recommend combining arches with partitions. This method makes it possible to delimit the bedroom and living room into several functional areas. They look luxurious, give the room coziness, they are regularly given an advantage when zoning a room.


A sliding screen is a decorative design. It is installed where there is no need for a static partition. The screen can always be put on or removed at any time.

The structure is made up of several frame frames. It is made of wood, as well as other popular materials:

  • rattan;
  • bamboo;
  • rice paper;
  • cane.

Quite often, screens in the interior are used for oriental-style rooms. The design is easy to rearrange from place to place; this is a common option for zoning a room.

In order for the charm to transmit light, transparent materials, light shades are used. The disadvantage of the design is the lack of sound insulation between rooms. The screen should harmoniously fit into the interior.


A wardrobe or rack, which will be used as a delimiter, perfectly divides the space into zones. The wardrobe is recommended to be chosen in light shades.

Shelves that are used to delimit space have many advantages:

  • versatility;
  • the ability to combine several materials;
  • simple installation of the structure;
  • mobility;
  • decor element.

Installation of racks for zoning the living room and bedrooms makes it possible to make the room functional. Various little things can be placed on the structure. The shelves can be regularly updated to change and diversify the interior.

Sliding doors

This design has an advantage over a conventional door. The range of products enables the buyer to choose not only the material from which the sliding doors will be made, but also the design of the door leaf.

Frames are mainly made of chipboard, PVC, as well as timber. Canvases are mainly plastic, glass, made of wood-based panels.

Also on sale there are options with different patterns and patterns, a combination of materials. The sliding structure is mainly of a standard shape in a line, and a corner or semicircular door can also be made to order.


This is the most curious method for delineating a room. The podium in the interior will serve not only as a decoration, it is a great place to store things, which can be hidden behind the steps. The podium can be purchased or made by yourself.

For this you will need:

  1. Make a project.
  2. Pick up material.
  3. Create a frame and sheathe it.
  4. The decoration is decorative.

The weight load must be taken into account. The frame is recommended to be made of metal. The lamps will be an original addition to the podium.

Decorative zoning

It is used to effectively divide the room into a living room and a bedroom, different finishing materials are used.

You can zone the space using:

  • decorative plaster.
  • siding panels.
  • painting.
  • combination of wallpaper in color, texture, pattern.
  • curtains, curtains.

Sharing space is easy. The main thing is to use imagination and creativity.


Using wallpaper for zoning a room allows you to make it visually wider. Wallpaper makes it possible to mark the living room and bedroom.

Wallpaper zoning will create the necessary mood in the room, a relaxed atmosphere. The wall covering should match the chosen style in the interior.


This is ideal for budget renovations. The cornice must be installed on one of the lines that will connect the opposite walls.

During the day, the curtains can be pulled apart, and when it is necessary to make a partition out of them. It is advised to select the shade of the curtain to match the finish of the walls or curtains.

Glass zoning

It is a natural material, high quality, equipped with aesthetic properties. Glass structures allow you to save useful space, make the room open and spacious. The disadvantages of partitions include the need for regular surface maintenance.

Glass is used for stationary partitions, used as a mobile screen. Light easily passes through such a screen. The design is resistant to changes in temperature, humidity, and has a long service life.

Design ideas

It is now popular to zone the space. The bedroom and living room are separated by partitions so as not to show off the resting place.

To properly zone a room, you need to take into account several rules:

  1. The contrast makes it possible to hide the sleeping place from prying eyes.
  2. Light shades allow you to expand the room.
  3. Do not put a lot of furniture in the room, do not clutter up the space.
  4. Dark colors should only be in accessories, and light shades are used for interior items.

In order to give the room originality, different ideas are used. For registration use:

  • original texture, floor coverings;
  • stucco molding;
  • relief drawings on drywall or on walls;
  • a combination of materials with different textures.

Furnishing features

Before starting repairs in the room, it is necessary to think over all the nuances in detail. You should not pile up the room with unnecessary furniture, which is not necessary. This includes ottomans and armchairs, chairs, wardrobes.

A number of rules will help make the room spacious:

  1. Give preference to functional furnishings.
  2. Use open shelves to store various items along the walls.
  3. Discard the TV stand.
  4. The sofa can act as a bed.
  5. Things should not be bulky and bulky.

Also in the room it is not advised to put interior items on the lines of movement. A great idea is to buy transformer furniture, it can be a sofa bed, folding chairs or tables. Avoid cluttering your bedroom and living room with storage niches and bay windows.

Which type of partition to choose will depend on the chosen interior design, room lighting, financial capabilities. Room zoning is a great idea for dividing space that designers use.