Repairs Design Furniture

What is fastened by Eurovantia. Installation of lining: Instructions for installing wooden panels and care for them (80 photos). Mounting with self-tapping

Eurovant Mark gradually begins to increase its popularity as a modern high-quality material for finishing walls of premises. Despite its higher compared to the usual clapboard, this material is characterized by increased dimensional accuracy, stability of humidity characteristics and more comfortable fastening to the walls. How to fix eurvagon with optimal labor costs and high quality laying?

Eurovale - a convenient and aesthetic finish option

Consumer benefits of material

An important technological difference between Euroovali - the presence of special channels / grooves on the parties. These grooves have a dual purpose. Channels provide improved material ventilation in the process of its operation, especially indoors, the relative humidity of which varies in essential limits:

  • tambura
  • host
  • bath.

On the other hand, the presence of groove facilitates the installation of hidden wiring and other cables, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bwhich allows such installation. Naturally, the insulation of the cable must be perfect.

Regardless of the execution of the material under consideration, it is characterized by:

  • the constant value of the overall sizes of the panels;
  • the presence of preliminary antiseptic processing;
  • low roughness of the facade surface of the board;
  • a less time-consuming method of mounting on walls and ceiling.

These positive features allow you to accurately calculate the need for the number of panels. According to experts, it is possible to save up to 7% of the material (compared to the usual clapboard). In addition, the amount of work on the manufacture of challenges of the boards is reduced, therefore, the amount of construction garbage is reduced.

Even with your own hands you can make a beautiful finish

Preparation for the trim

When using the material of increased quality, it is possible to fasten the eurvagon directly on the main surface of the wall (for concrete or brick walls it is used almost always). To extend the durability of the lining laid on the wall, it is pre-treated with antiseptic compositions. After such treatment, you can already lay rolled heat insulation. The most suitable materials such as cork, polystyrene foam or foam.

It should be noted that, like any other wood, the Euro woman in conditions of high humidity is prone to deformation. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary:

  1. Natural leveling of moisture material: It is impossible to start the trim if the products are not withstanding about a day with the actual temperature in the room.
  2. Provide natural gaps between adjacent panels, and with horizontal stacking of Euroovaga, these gaps are placed in such a way that the connecting spike is located on top, and not from the bottom - with this installation option, the risk of condensation is eliminated.
  3. Be sure to use a high density polyethylene steam insulating film, which is attached to the outer surface of the rolled insulation.

The laboriousness of the EUROVAL Mounting increases, if it is necessary to lay it on the wooden wall, or on the originally uneven surface. In this case, the material has to be installed on the crate, which is performed according to the same rules as for the usual lining. The advantage is that with such a laying, the ventilation boards will improve.

Eurovant mock can be mounted vertically

Installation of eurvagon on the wall or ceiling

How to fix eurvagon, leading manufacturers of products usually indicate the instructions attached to the package. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Preliminary separation of the surfaces of the surface on rectangular zones is performed. This allows you to optimally lay the boards during the trim process.
  2. The required number of fixing brackets - curvators is prepared. It is believed that the square meter of Euroovaga will require 20 pieces, but it makes sense to acquire bimmers with a reserve of 5-10%.
  3. The installation of the Euro woman leads from the lower angle of the room, where there are no door and window openings. At the same time, the horizontal placement of the board visually lengthens the room, and the vertical makes it higher.
  4. The direction of laying the material is determined by the method of finishing the ceiling and gender: upon subsequent installation of plinths, it makes sense to advance from top to bottom, and in the case of finishing with euro and ceiling - bottom-up.

When purchasing klimmers pay special attention to their quality: the brackets should not have traces of mechanical surface damage, the instability of the size, inhomogeneous thickness, etc. It is important that when installing the Euro-making, bite a thickness of no more than 1 mm thick. The fact is that the panel of this material is thicker, and the decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room after the trim will be more significant. It is unacceptable to use curls that do not have a protective anti-corrosion coating.

This stage is only needed if wooden lining is used (). Then before you start working with the material, you need to give it to stand in the room at least a day - the tree should dry and purchase a room temperature. Only after that you can chop the lining of the desired length. If such a time is not withstanding, then the boards may lie to each other.

For this purpose, take a film from polyethylene, foil or rubberoid. The installation of this material goes on the rails that need to be tied up to the wall. The width of the rails takes less than 3 cm, and nailed to the wall in increments of 1 meter. Below and at the top of the vapor insulation break through small holes to improve ventilation.

Important! This stage is not strictly mandatory, but it is extremely desirable for premises subject to the influence of high humidity from the street.

How to make a crate under the lining

Reiki with a cross section of 20 × 40 mm with a screwdriver mounted in a step of 40-50 cm horizontally, regularly checking whether they are installed correctly. The use of rail allows you to align the wall (so that it is convenient to fit the boards), as well as make a gap between the wall and the wallpaper, which is needed to create ventilation.

If the wall is uneven, then under the crate you have to put something to put something (or take the crate of greater thickness). As a lining, a mounting wedge is usually taken, a piece of wooden bars or a fane. The lamp is fixed with a long-length dowel-nail dowel. The lower rail will be part of the floor by 5 cm, since the floor will be attached at the bottom, and the top is as much from the ceiling.


Installation of the crate should also be produced around the openings, window and door. It is worth noting that the crates are plastic and metal. Learn more about the installation of the crates can be viewed here:

Combining crates and vaporizolation

If vaporizolation is not used, the installation of the crate is carried out directly to the wall.

If it was used, then the fastening of the crates of the crate depends on the exactly how the vaporizolation was attracted: if the rails, on which the vapor barrier was mounted, were vertically fixed, then the races of the crates should be attached horizontally and vice versa. Fastening the crate to the rails, on which vaporizolation is carried out with the help of long screws.

In the resulting space stacked insulation. Mineral wool is usually taken as insulation. In order for the insulation with time, it is desirable to be installed under the influence of moisture, it is desirable to fix with polypropylene twine, which is usually fixed using a construction stapler to wooden slats.

On top of the insulation, you can also install another layer of vapor barrier, which should be attached by the rough side to the insulation. It is not necessary to do this, but it is extremely desirable for the room, the walls of which can be affected by moisture. Sometimes (especially when wearing the outer part of the buildings) from the above of the insulation is another doomle.

The lamp should be placed around the window and doorways. You can also use a plastic or metal crate.

Tip! If the room will be quite warm, then the installation of the insulation is optional. When using MDF or plastic lining, the insulation is often not taken at all, communications is placed in the space between the crate and the clapboard.

Installation of the first wooden lining

The mounting of the first lining to the wall is carried out from the angle of the room vertically: at the beginning there is a hole with a thin drill, and then fixed with self-drawing all over.

Info! If the Wooden Lining Block is attached, the installation of the first lining begins on top of the room horizontally, and such a lining should constantly evenly be at a strained line or a horizontal level.

If plastic lining is mounted, then the mounting of the first lining is carried out in conjunction with the molding (plastic rail).

It is worth noting that plastic PVC lining from all known PVC panels is distinguished by the lack of seam when connected (PVC panels are sometimes called seamless polymer clapboard). Therefore, PVC lining to the wall is attached almost just like the PVC panels, except that each plastic piece is attached to the stapler to the crate.

Methods of fastening and how to mount the lining

There are several options for how to lock the lining properly: with kleimers, screws or nails. The best option (for more than a long and expensive) is the installation with kleimers. Since in this case the surface of the lining does not deteriorate, and, if necessary, it can be dismantled without damage.

How to mount the lining on the kleimers

In the grooves of the installed lining the kleimer is installed. It moves with the help of a hammer in the lining groove and then nails are clogged into the kleimer holes.

Such a beam fastening is strong enough. The installation of the next will be implemented in the same way: in the groove of the molding, the new one is inserted, it is neatly clogged with a hammer (so that there are no lumen between the boards) and again fastened by cracks.

How to navigate the lining with nails or self-drawing

The method of fastening with nails or screws, unlike the previous one, "traumes" the material.

Bringing the wall paneling with the help of finish nails (with a small hat) can go with the front part of the board on the oblique from the longitudinal tongue (but not in the middle, otherwise you can go cracking).

This method has one more minus - nails or self-tapping screws will be visible on the front surface.

You can nail the crest of the lining board, if it goes with a displaced profile. In this case, each next board will cover the place of attachment and it will not be visible.

Important! Check regularly using a level, smoothly installed lining. No need to customize the boards very tightly to each other, otherwise they can wake up when moisture gets and move away from the wall.

Installation of fittings

After the lining is installed, you need to close the edges. This is best suited by a plinth or cartoon. Fastening to the wall of this element is carried out using small nails.

If plastic lining was used, the accessories sits on the glue.

Processing the surface of the lining

This stage applies only to wooden lining as it should be covered by a special composition that protects against insects and moisture. For this, antiseptics are used, biolalecting formulations and sometimes use anti-epires - a composition that reduces the likelihood of ignition. With the help of the coating, you can give various shades (for this use varnish), and it must be updated every few years.

Features of fastening the clapboard on the ceiling

If the framework on which the lining will be attached will be wooden, then the creation of such a frame is practically the same as crates on the wall. In this case, you can make a distance between the slacks of such a frame to do a little more.

If the frame will be metallic, then instead of the crate, a more complex suspension system will be used to which the guide profile will be attached. The maximum weight of the design of such a ceiling in this case can be increased by a large number of suspensions.

As you have already seen, the installation of the lining with your own hands is a completely saturated task with which it can cope with competent preparation and our step-by-step instructions each. In the end of the review, see the video. Good luck!

Differences Lining from Eurooval

  1. Euromagle is distinguished by the best quality of wood
  2. Has a more class profile
  3. Euromagle has a deeper puzzle fastening
  4. Has ventilation channels
  5. More expensive clapboard

The process itself, how to fix the eurvagon, does not differ from the sheaving by the usual clapboard, it is equal to the euro of the tilt to the humidity of the board and the quality of surface treatment above, so pay special attention to this.

How to mount the lining video

Wall trimming trunks

Installation of plastic lining with your own hands - video

How to fix the clapboard in the bath

The decoration of walls with clap is possible as standard in a wooden house, in a regular apartment, on the balcony, as well as in the bath. Cleaning wrappers, this is perhaps the best and most affordable solution. Installation clap in the bath has its own distinctive features. It is best for the steam room, ash, oak, birch, ox, pine, spruce, cedar or larch. Before sheeling with a clapboard, it is necessary to process it with special antifungal agents (antiseptics) twice.

The process of fastening the wall paneling on the walls and the ceiling of the bath does not differ from the standard, you can navigate the lining on the nails or the self-tapping screw, to be attached to kleimers.

Important! The lining after laying in the bath can not be covered with varnishes and paints.

Useful tips on laying lining in the steam room you will find in this video:

Evrovagona is a modern, attractive material that is used to cover the most different premises. It is distinguished by numerous advantages, among which not only a beautiful appearance, but also environmental friendliness, excellent heat and sound insulation. Such lining is a plank of natural wood, which are placed on the surface with various ways. Consider what the Euro harvesting mounted may be.

Evrovagona is a modern, attractive material that is used to cover the most different premises.

To make the surface of the surface using wooden lining, it is necessary to comply with such rules:

  • before the skin is recommended to the surface of the walls, either the ceiling to put the crate of wooden plates with a step to half a meter;
  • after that, you need to cut the planks of the required length, so that when laying save time, not to be distracted by such a job;
  • installation is carried out according to the selected method;
  • do not forget to use special external and inner corners, outdoor plinth, they will help to hide the joints of the joints, give the surface more decorative and attractive appearance.

Fastening self-proof

As a fastener for Eurooval, the vehicle screws are most often used. As a rule, this method is used if you need to cover horizontal surfaces, when all boards must be laid very secure.

You can start the trim in this case not only from the floor, but also from the ceiling, there is no fundamental difference. Previously before laying the wall paneling in the boards it is necessary to drill holes under the tapping screw, so that during the trim, the relatively thin board does not cracked. It is necessary to make such holes near that edge, where the spike is located, the diameter should be equal to the size of the screws used for fasteners. The depth of the holes is up to ten millimeters.

Mounting itself is carried out in this way: the board is applied to the surface, after which the flatness of its laying is checked. Next, the panel is implanted with self-pressing to the surface of the base, after which the remaining fasteners are inserted, all of them are thoroughly twisted. This method is characterized by speed and simplicity of assembly, but for residential premises it is recommended to use secret methods for the skin.

Secret mounting options

Eurovantia is distinguished by numerous advantages, including not only a beautiful appearance, but also environmental friendliness, excellent heat and sound insulation.

When installing any finishing material, you want to get not only a beautiful surface, but also to hide the tracks of fasteners. In the case of wooden lining there are many ways to make dreams into reality. The secret attachment that allows you to maximize the locking elements, can be performed using nails, waders and special brackets.

The countertile fastener of Euroovali is most often carried out using special brackets, as it ensures that it provides the highest quality of the resulting trim. To mount, it is necessary, in addition to the calculated amount of the casing material, use the industrial powerful stapler.

The laying of the lining should be started only from the side of the ceiling, and not from the floor.

The first board is mounted in this way: putting it to the wall, it is necessary to drive a bracket at an angle of about 45 degrees relative to the wall plane. All staples when fasteners should go into a tree completely, so as not to interfere with laying the bottom board. In this way, all other elements of the lining are attached.

One of the most simple methods of fasteners of Euroovali, providing a secret attachment, is the use of galvanized fine nails. The method is similar to the use of a bracket, only in this case it is necessary to use a special dobber, providing a complete blending of the hats into the tree. Nails are driven into the thorn, which is then completely overlapped by a part of the castle of the next board. It is necessary to watch carefully so that all the caps are drowning into the material, otherwise the top board will not be able to lie normally, the coating will be uneven and unattractive.

If the fastening of the eurry card is performed using housing clamps - curmmers, then such a fastener is not noticeable from the outside, it does not prevent the extension or sitting tree, helps to avoid splitting panels.

If the lining is attached to the wall with the help of a wagon, then starting it is necessary below. The first wooden sheet in its lower part is screwed by self-drawing, which are then covered with the wrenches. After that, in the thorn of the castle, which is located on top of the board, you need to drive the brackets either to screw the screws, but in such a way that their caps when laying the next board completely closed. Closing the spike of one board by the bottom of the other, create a solid overlap and hide all traces of fastening. As a result, it turns out the wooden surface of the wall, which no metal fasteners do not spoil.

The last top board is attached to the wall with the help of self-tapping spanners. After that, the walls of the walls are completely finished, the protruding parts can be cut and grind carefully.

We use curmmers

What is a klemmer? This metal plate made from thin galvanized steel sheets. A fastener is made in the form of a special design bracket. This method allows you to make a secret attachment, that is, the tracks of fixation will not be visible on the wall surface. Evrovalaging fasteners in this way begins with the fact that the beammers are screwed to the wall surface with the help of self-tapping screws.

Staples should be at the back surface of the spike board. The first board is fastened with self-drawers, which are then overlapped by the seasons, then it is necessary to move down towards the floor, strengthening the individual elements of the lining on the brackets. This option is not only simple, it provides a beautiful, reliable surface.

Eurovantia is a very attractive finishing material, with which you can completely transform any room, giving it comfort and heat. It is performed from a natural tree, differs not only by durability, but also excellent sound, thermal insulation properties. Fastening such a material on the wall surface is simple, for this there is no need to have experience and expensive tool. You can choose any suitable method for you laying the lining, which not only makes it easier to work, but also makes it very fast, providing a beautiful wooden surface of the walls.

Some believe that the difference between the clapboard and the European car, there is no - and this is an erroneous assumption. In fact, these concepts have both a lot of similarities, so there is also a difference, just one, but it can be called significant.

The fact is that Eurovantia, unlike conventional wood panels, is manufactured according to European standards, namely DIN 68126. Such panels are high-quality, waterproof and durable material compared to analogs that are carefully checked in manufacturing.


The fastening of the Euro woman can be performed independently, there is nothing particularly difficult in this process.

List of tools required in working with clapboard:

  • fasteners of a closed type (they can take kleimers);
  • , used to attach hidden fasteners;
  • perforator, drill, jigsaw, hammer;
  • the level used throughout the installation process.

Calculation of volume and area

Important! If in your calculations you will use the real width of the material, and not a worker, the error of such calculations will be more than 5%.

Install the Eurovantia

To the question - how to fix the eurvagon correctly, you can answer the instruction, to fulfill which you will not need any additional knowledge and skills, the main thing, go exactly on points and perform them without deviations.

If you are difficult to perceive the tips on the rumor, and you are better perceive better, then watch the video showing the entire process of installing panels from the tree in detail.

Preparatory process

If you decide to install and create a design of wood with your own hands, then some rules should know that you will help you quickly cope with the task.

To start:

  1. spend all the electrical wires and wiring that is necessary to provide electricity or room with electricity, place them in special corrugations. They are made of material that does not burn, it will ensure the safety of accommodation in such a room;
  2. Do not forget that any finishing material needs acclimatization, which means that in the room where you will conduct construction work, you need to make material per day before the workflow.

If there is a question - than to fix the Euro woman, then in the instructions you will find all the answers, including the list of fasteners, which will be needed for such a process. It is also necessary to take into account that the sequence of location and direction of panels affects the appearance of the entire structure.

Displaying Eurovantia can:

  • horizontally,
  • vertically,
  • diagonally,
  • combined location.

Tip! If you visually want to increase the size of the room space, then on the ceiling the material should be located along the window.

Install the crate

  1. The lap is made of small bars, which, in consequence, will be attached;
  2. The material of BRUSEV does not matter, the main thing is that the tree is impregnated with protective compositions for the durability of the whole structure;
  3. The frequency of fastening of the bars of the roasting should not exceed 0.8 meters;
  4. Verification of all fixings should be carried out constantly with the help of a construction level (photo from below).

Dooming is established depending on how the Euro woman is attached:

  • If the eurvagon is located on the wall vertically, then the root must be horizontal;
  • If the material of the trim is mounted on the wall horizontally or diagonally, it means that the dohkel should be vertical.

Warm wall

To indoors that you decide to seize, it was warm, you can do it with your own hands. Insulation must be installed before you start the installation of the Euro woman - between the wall and the shap.

In the event that the room should be isolated from water and moisture, it is necessary to use besides wool, also a special film that will serve as protection from water and moisture. The photo below shows the method of its application.

Hidden fasteners

The fastening of the Euro woman can be produced by various elements of fasteners: nails, kleimers, self-tapping screws. The best option from the listed are kleimers, because such a type of fastener is considered hidden.

Also, the advantage of the selected element is that fasteners for the Euro woman are completely protected from rust, because the material from which it is made is not amenable to such a process as corrosion.

If we consider the cost of all fasteners, then we can say that the highest price is the price of kleimers, but the result with the use of such elements is better.

Do not forget! In the event that the eurvagon fastening is horizontally, then the spike on the panel must be at the top, but not vice versa.

Eurovantia - this is quite popular in Russia finishing material. According to its technical characteristics, it is ideal for any residential premises. This material is a tree lining, which is manufactured by European standards. Evrovagonka is more resistant to moisture and at the same time easy to install. We also note that this material is environmentally friendly and allows you to hide irregularities on the walls without applying putty and other materials. In addition, the lining makes the room visually more. But how to fix the eurvagon to the wall and to the ceiling? Consider in our today's article.

Preparation of material

Before fixing eurvagon, you need to prepare the material. Although it is more resistant to moisture, it is still recommended to protect the coating further. To do this, it is treated with special means, which prevents decryption and the development of mold. After this processing, the boards need to dry and put into the room where the finish will be performed. What is it for? Classes is entered for the adaptation of the material. This will prevent shrinkage. Also before installing eurograms in the bath, for example, you need to decide on the type of sawn timber. It is divided into several groups:

  • Premium. It has an exceptionally smooth surface.
  • A. Perhaps the presence of up to two knots on each routine meter.
  • B. A pair of resin pockets and bitch is allowed.
  • C. This is a low-quality material with numerous through holes.


Next is performed. It will serve as a frame for fastening the lining. This crate is performed from wooden plates. They are sent in accordance with the selected option for laying the material. With horizontal laying, the vertical location of the rails is required and vice versa.

With the help of self-tapping screws or screws, you need to tightly firm the boards to the wall. It is necessary to withstand a half-meter step. By installing each board, the construction level should be measured. Specialists are recommended between the involving side of the wall paneling and the wall leave the gap for ventilation. This will prolong the service life. Some of this clearance are kept for insulation. Mineral wool is usually used as the latter. The gap can adjust the thickness of the board, which is used for the frame. Also, the protective anti-gribic agent needs to be processed and the crate itself. But this operation is not performed if steel profiles are applied instead of the rivers. They are installed in the same way, on the self-tapping screw.

As for the method of finishing the ceiling, most often the specialists apply a frame method. Special requirements are presented to the ceiling. The roof must be durable, without cracks and breaks. Otherwise, wheels will occur. How to fix eurvagon to the ceiling? The technology of laying this material is practically no different from the walls, except that the junction between the latter and the ceiling is closed by a baguette. So we will give the design aesthetic and completed view.

Types of fasteners

Before fixing the eurvagon to the wall in the bath or in another room, you need to choose the method to which the material will be mounted for the crate. The lining itself looks like a plank. On the one hand there is a groove, and on the other - spike. The latter will turn into a groove of the next board. Mounting methods are several:

But whatever method is used, it is worth working carefully, in order not to damage the board. It is fragile and when mounted can crack. You can not allow the splitting of the lining.

Installation through self-sores

Usually, this technology is used in the case of horizontal laying. The casing begins on top or bottom of the wall. But it is important that the starting is the most smooth surface. For fasteners, the drill is used, which is done by a hole in the board on the spike side. The drill must have the same diameter as the self-tapping screw. As for the depth, it is enough to make a hole in 9 millimeters.

Installation is performed according to such a scheme:

  • The board is applied to the place where it needs to be consolidated.
  • The correct position of the element is verified by the construction level.
  • With the help of a drill drilled through the spike hole in the crate.
  • For two edges, screws screws.
  • The remaining (central) fastening elements are screwed only by half. So we will provide a flat landing of the lining. Next, all the self-tapping screws are screwed down.

This is a simplified assembly method at which you can get a qualitative result.


But there are some drawbacks of the method. First of all, you need to know how to work with self-draws. With an inaccurate circulation, they can easily split the Euro woman. Also, such a method of fastening is not used in the loggia, since the horizontal arrangement of the boards visually reduces the height of the already small room.


This method is more complicated and requires experience with such a tool as a building stapler. How to fix the eurvagon in this case? Here you need to start working from the top. So the lining is applied to the crate and measure its position by the construction level. Regulate the board on it. In the spike driven by brackets at an angle of 45 degrees. If you use the stapler correctly, there will be no difficulties in the attachment of the board. The bracket will go to the tree as much as possible.

Among the disadvantages of this method, it is necessary to note the need for the presence of special tools (in this case it is a stapler, which is not available in stock and is quite expensive). But at the exit we get a secret mount. Externally, the coating will seem clean, without foreign objects.


How to fix eurvagon to the wall of this method? To do this, use galvanized nails. The installation method is practically no different from the above described. However, the use of nails requires Dobochnik. It allows you to completely drown a hat. Without this tool it will be difficult to drive a groove on the next board nailed.

What are the advantages of this method? It turns out the maximum secret attachment. At the exit, we get a beautiful wood surface. Sometimes nails are installed not in the spike, but on the board itself. But it is not recommended to apply a similar method for residential rooms. So you can only do in the subsidies and other economic premises.

We use the shkant

How to fix eurvagon with a wad? You need to start installing only from the floor. The wicker is a wooden cylindrical product. It is used to hide the technical details of the finish. Today, the dummy can be closed with self-tapping screws, which fix the lower table from the floor. At the same time, the start-up eurogram is mounted in spike up. It is fastened with self-drawers or brackets so that the visible fastener has closed with a groove of the next lining. As for the top of the upper board, it is also fixed and closed with a dust. The latter at the end of the work is cut off or grinding.

Among the disadvantages of this method, it is necessary to note the need for the processing of the sewage after cladding. It is not necessary to do, applying other ways. Among the advantages are a flat surface without metallic enclosures. Also, experts say that this method is most practical among others.

We use kleimers

This method is used for fine eurograms, since klyamimers do not withstand large loads. They are an improved steel bracket.

How is the installation in this case? Installation should be started from the ceiling. The first lining is fastened using self-tapping screws. Again, it is important not to split the item when twisting the screwdriver. Further, the board is closed by a dust. Kleimers are on the reverse side of the spike. For in the right direction, it is screwed to the wall. Further new is driven by a groove to the first board and repeat this process, screwing the kleimer.

What is the plus of such a way? Experts note that using such a method, you can save on the purchase of self-tapping and nails. But you need to understand that this method is relevant only for lining with a small thickness and with low weight. For high-strength models, this method is not suitable.

Let's sum up

So, we found out how to fix the Euro woman. As you can see, there are several ways and everyone is unique in its own way. However, the most popular among all is the method of fastening with brackets.

How to fix eurvagon in the absence of a special tool? You can use galvanized nails. This is especially true if a secret way is needed. When using a metal crate, experts advise attaching a plate with self-draws.