Repairs Design Furniture

Finishing stone for a fireplace that is token by wood. Facing a fireplace stone - beauty and durability for centuries. Facing a fireplace tile

The fireplace in the house helps not only create an additional source of heating of the room, but also to beautify the interior originally. There are many ways of decorative finishing of the fireplace surface. Most of them can be used without professional masters. And how to do it, we will tell in the article.

Finish under the tile

For this method of cladding, heat-resistant material with a high level of thermal conductivity will be required. Suitable porcelain tiles or clinker tiles. To avoid cracking, it is desirable to take the plates of small sizes and secure them on glue with a high level of heat resistance.

Options for finishing the fireplace and its decorative decoration are diverse on the created patterns and drawings.

The merits of the material include:

  • ease of installation;
  • undepair in care;
  • resistance to increased temperature regime;
  • a variety of color and texture.

At the beginning of the facing work, you must prepare a standard set of tools. Also trelect the surface. All laying seams are expanding, the walls of the fireplace are cleaned of contaminants and processed by primer. To strengthen the design, it is necessary to produce reinforcement, securing the grid with screws.

For laying the tiles, a solution is prepared from water and heat-resistant glue. Work starts from the bottom level. The glue is applied to the wall at the rate of 3-4 plates and rolls up with a spatula. Applying the tile, you need to catch a rubber hammer on it and check the level.

The protrusions and angles are separated using special devices, and for fastening the second row it is necessary to consolidate crosses. After completion of the work, the tile surface is treated with heat-resistant type varnish.

Finishing brick

If you are looking for an answer to the question, the better to separate the fireplace, then you can not think long and leave open brickwork without decorative decorations. But you still have to work. First, it is necessary to more clearly allocate the coating using the application of a hydrochloric acid or sulfurish solution.

And secondly, it is advisable to accurately extend the seams. To do this, from the outside of the masonry is left by a solution with a solution to 7 mm. They need to be treated with grout, but after the glue will dry the mixture. The surface of the brick is preferably polished. The originality gives the removal of chamfer from the faces.

Facing a stone

The use of natural or artificial stone, as can be seen in the photo finish of the fireplace, will create a very durable coating. Along with this dignity, the simplicity of masonry should be noted. After all, the wizard does not need to create perfectly smooth seams. On the contrary, some negligence can become a raisin of decoration.

But it is not necessary to forget about the lack of disadvantage - the material is hard enough that it makes a little complicating the masonry. Although the technique is used similar to the fastening of the tile. It should only close the seams.

Among the most commonly used materials are distinguished:

The sewer is an inexpensive stone that is easy to lay and is available at a price. However, its softness determines the risk of damage, and the presence of pores leads to the accumulation of soot in them.

Limestone with sandstone allows you to choose any style of decorative design, but their strength is low, they strongly absorb soot.

Granite - can be used both in untreated form and after polishing. The color palette is diverse. Stone is durable, resistant to detergents.

Slate is aesthetic and durable material, but demanding to the correct choice of style.

Marble - features decorative variety and possibility of decorating a fireplace in the interiors decorated in many styles.

Use of plaster

The finish of the fireplace is possible by applying plaster. This method is very simple and does not require large financial investments. For cladding, it is not required to strengthen the foundation of the fireplace, and after some time the surface can be easily updated or choosing a different decorative solution.

It is necessary to choose heat-resistant mixtures, including enshrine components, such as clay, lime, asbestos, hemp and straw. If the plaster contains fibers, its reinforcing properties increase by several orders.

And for decorativeness, the surface in the subsequent need to be painted with heat-resistant colorful materials.

Plaster is applied by the following technology:

  • removal of old coating and cleaning from dirt;
  • moisturizing wall walls;
  • extending masonry seams up to 10 mm deep for better adhesion;
  • heating base;
  • mounting with nails or reinforcing grid screws;
  • breeding the mixture and applying it to the surface;
  • drying plaster for 2-3 days with periodic warming of the fireplace;
  • application on the surface of paint or spacure decorative type.

Registration of tiles

These are decorative tiles made of ceramics or clay. The form they have boxed. Such cladding provides a quick warming of the fireplace and long-term heat conservation. Coating is durable, environmentally safe, moisture and heat-resistant.

Using tapes you can hide design defects and strengthen it. But at the same time, such a decorative finish of the fireplace has some drawbacks:

  • high cost;
  • masonry complexity;
  • large weight of products.

At the first stage, cladding must prepare the surface. It is cleared, the seams are deepened by 10 mm, they are attached to the self-tapping screws. The plane is ground, and then the mesh is attached. For high-quality work, the level is checked, and then the beacons are recorded.

For masonry, a clay mixture is used. In the cooking process you need to sift clay, removing lumps and stones. Clay is poured with water and is withstanding in this form during the day. Then it is necessary to mix clay with sand in the proportion suitable for the level of heat resistance of the fireplace.

After determining the drawing and the order of laying, the work is carried out in this order:

  • pre-key samples are applied to the wall for checking;
  • the fixation of the tiles is carried out from the angle, and the solution is applied on their reverse side;
  • in the holes that are available in Rumpe, the pins are attached, the wire is fixed on them, which is attached to the grid and on the masonry with a self-tapping screw;
  • rMSPs are combined with brackets between them, and the space between them is closed with a solution.

Tree decoration

This option may seem too successful from the position of fire safety. But it is not so. Thanks to the naturalness of the tree, it turns out a very beautiful finish of the fireplace.

It is necessary to use heat-resistant breeds - alder or ash with a special coating against fire. It is also desirable to separate wood only individual structural elements that are not in contact with the furnace. And it is covered with a protective screen itself.

Facing a fireplace is a very responsible stage of the interior design of the room. Showing creativity with the use of original materials, you can decorate your home, make it more comfortable.

Photo of finishing the fireplace

Fireplace cladding from artificial stone can be found quite often. After all, artificial stone for facing the fireplace has a lot of advantages. But not in all cases, such a finish is suitable.
Today we will talk on this topic. Consider how much such a finish is suitable in your case, we learn about the advantages, we will define the disadvantages, the instruction will also be given for facing by artificial stone fireplace.
All stages of work can be viewed in the photo and select the desired product configuration on the video.

Facing fireplaces with artificial stone is made in three stages.
Let's immediately see what we have to do:

Pros of using artificial stone for fireplace decor

The main advantages of the material:

  • It has soft mechanical properties, as a result, it is quite simple to work with it in the finish process;
  • Preparation of parts of the structure and their installation will not be a time-consuming process, only the grinding machine can be useful from the working tools;
  • The construction will have a small weight, since the material consists of light and flexible fillers;
  • In the market, the finishing stone is presented with a variety of forms and textures, which allows you to lay out any drawing out of it;
  • The price of artificial stone is much lower than the cost of natural, as a result, you can safely save on the fireplace finish;
  • Using artificial stone for finishing, you can fully show your fantasy and make the fireplace original and unique.

To pay attention to when choosing a finishing stone

The competent choice of material will allow quality finishing work to decorate the fireplace.
Selection Conditions:

  • Pay attention to the price of artificial stone. Material of domestic production will be rapidly cheaper than foreign products.
  • Before making a purchase, check if the necessary certificates are required. There must be a certificate of conformity and hygienic. If the seller cannot provide you with the required documents, it is not recommended to buy such a material. Since artificial stone is chemically produced, the quality of the material should be given the closest attention.
  • If the manufacturer is known on the market, it has long been working in this area and has a positive reputation, you can safely buy such a material.

ATTENTION: Pay attention to the quality of the material when buying. It will be a guarantee of your work quality.

  • It is necessary to check all parts of the material and pay special attention to its structure. If the manufacturing technology in the production process was broken, the outer surface of the brick will be porous. This is not the best way to affect the strength of the material, and, as a result, for its service life.
  • Good quality material will always have a good packaging with the manufacturer's logo.
  • Pay special attention to the date of manufacture, which the manufacturer must specify on the package. The material is gaining the strength necessary for operation only 28 days after it was manufactured. If the material was produced later, it is worth thinking about the quality of products.

Decorating the fireplace

There are a number of rules for which it is necessary to perform work on the finishing of the fireplace with artificial stone:

  • Artificial stone can be used when finishing metal, wooden and other structures, for example, from chipboard. The surface of each material should be prepared in its own way to work.
  • Finishing works can be performed if the air temperature indoors exceeds 5 ° C.
  • Artificial stone needs to be laid first at the top of the fireplace, gradually dropping down. This is necessary in order to avoid pollution of the material during the finishing process.
  • For fastening items it is better to choose glue or a solution that advises the manufacturer of artificial stone.
  • For cutting a stone, it will be more correct to use the metal hacksaw, just follow that the tool does not have big teeth, as it can damage the material.

How to prepare the surface to finish

Artificial stone can be put on the surface made from almost any material. Everyone she can be different.
Let's see what to pay attention to the lining of different surfaces:

  • The wooden surface is very exposed to moisture, so it is necessary to cover it with waterproofing materials, such as pigment before processing artificial stone. This material covers the entire wooden surface of the fireplace before work.
  • The next necessary stage of work will be the installation of a plaster grid using special fasteners.

ATTENTION: For this, it is necessary to make holes in the masonry using the perforator and put the screws in them. It is also necessary to wear washers on the hats. Then the grid does not fall under load.

  • The fasteners should be located apart from each other at a distance of about 15 cm vertically, horizontally - about 5 cm.
  • Right on the grid it is necessary to put the plaster so that its layer is at least 1 cm.
  • Plaster need to give a completely dry, then continue to work.
  • All of the same actions can be done when laying an artificial stone on a metal or concrete surface with the only difference that there will be no need to make waterproofing.
  • It should be noted that concrete or brick surfaces covered with plaster is desirable to apply to the entire surface of the notches before starting the finish process.

What tools will be needed for work

Before starting work, make sure you have the entire necessary tool at your hand:

  • Nails or self-tapping screws that will be attached elements;
  • A small brush or a special sprayer for moisturizing the fireplace surface before laying a stone;
  • Master OK;
  • Ordinary hammer;
  • Grinder machine;
  • Drill;
  • Wooden bar with a smooth surface;
  • The dishes in which it will be necessary to knead the solution.

Photo - finishing of the fireplace ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are of different shapes and sizes, elements are also produced for cladding protrusions, angles, shelves. The color gamut of terracotta tile is usually close to natural materials. Laying the tiles is quite simple and does not require the use of a special tool, fitting and cutting are performed using a grinder with cutting and grinding circles.

Tile can be put on a special heat-resistant glue composition, intended for furnaces and fireplaces, or a solution of clay with sand and the addition of a cook salt - 100-200 grams per bucket of the solution. Salt gives a solution with a large plasticity, which eliminates its cracking during the fireplace of the fireplace.

Styling and trim technology Tile:

  1. The surface of the fireplace is cleaned from the old cladding: whitewings, plaster, paint. Enlarge the seams between bricks 1 cm in depth, after which dust remove the brush. The brick surface can be moistened from the pulverizer.
  2. If there are small irregularities and recesses, they are closed with heat-resistant mastic or clay solution, after which they dried.
  3. If the quality of the brick masonry is low, and the layer of the tile laying is more than 5 mm, the surface of the fireplace is recommended to be pre-aligned with a grinding circle.
  4. Fireplace Before starting finishes, it is necessary to protrude within a few hours with a slight heat so that the brick is evenly warmed. Its surface should not be hot, the optimal temperature is about 30 degrees.
  5. Cover the surface of the masonry of the primer using a conventional painting brush or roller. The primer reduces dustiness, provides good adhesion and uniform grazing of the adhesive solution. Dry primer for one or two hours.
  6. Tile begin to lay below. A pre-row of tiles lay out, selecting it in color and texture, if necessary, cut and polished the edges. If the angular elements are used, they are glued first.
  7. The glue is bred according to the recommendation on the package and thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. You can use a drill with a hard-wire nozzle.
  8. The solution is applied to the surface of the fireplace with a flat spatula, carried out on the surface of glue with a toothed spatula and tight tile tightly. At the same time it is more convenient to glue from three to five tiles, checking them in terms of level and plumb. So that there are equal distances between the individual tiles, you can use plastic corners for tiles or trimming the terracotta of the same thickness, inserting them into the seams.
  9. Surride the tile at room temperature for 1-2 days, after which the seams are embedded. As a grout, you can use special solutions or a mixture of clay with small washed sand, as well as add various dyes to it.
  10. If the tile is not glazed, the surface of it can be treated with heat-resistant varnish - it will be easier to wash off the soot and dust from the finish.

Finishing the fireplace natural and artificial stone

Natural stone used for facing of fireplaces is expensive, especially if we are talking about marble or granite. For processing these materials, a special tool is needed, especially for granite, difficult to cut and grinding, as well as special skills. A simpler stone: a sewer, limestone, cheek stone, it can be used for facing the fireplace with your own hands.

Artificial stone - finishing material based on portland cement, filler in which is a crumb of natural stone, a clamzite or other solid component. It is obtained by artificial stone by vibrating or vibropressing, as a result of which it is not inferior to natural in the strength and moisture resistance. Artificial stone can have a completely different texture and color, which allows you to create a unique fireplace design.

Photo - finishing the fireplace with artificial stone

The technology of laying natural and artificial stone is almost the same. They are put on heat-resistant glue or mastic, and especially heavy stones are additionally fixed on an anchor.


Porcelain stoneware - durable finishing material with a large variety of colors. When finishing with a stoneware, it is possible to achieve the effect of facing the fireplace marble, granite, coil and other valuable rocks of the stone. At the same time, the price of porcelain stoneware is significantly lower, and its processing is easier.

Finishing of the fireplace with a ceramographic - photo

Facing the fireplace with porcelain is possible both on glue solutions and on the frame of the metal profile. The technology of laying on glue as a whole is similar to the facing of the fireplace terracotta tiles, so you will focus more in the second version - fastening the porcelain stoneware on the frame from the profile.

This method of cladding is good for fireplaces with a large number of chips, uneven masonry, extremely unattractive appearance. It allows not only to give the fireplace a new appearance, but also to align all the masonry flaws without much costs.

There are other ways to finish the fireplaces and furnaces: plaster with subsequent color, facing by tiles, mosaic. Knowing the finishing technology and facing the fireplace, you will probably choose the design of your taste.

We use plaster

If your old fireplace looks no longer much, but there are no much money in my pocket - you can breathe new life to it only plaster. If your fireplace is decorative - you can use the starting putty Rotband, Knauf, Fugeenfuller. If you have a valid fireplace on firewood - for its finishing, you need to use a special solution of chamotte plaster.

First, imagine how it will look. In this case, there are a lot of options, from a good plaster you can create any structure:

  1. under the tree;
  2. under the stone;
  3. brickwork;
  4. old english style.

Apply the first layer of plaster and wait until the solution is completely drying.

The second layer is already needed to create a selected texture. Do not be afraid to roll, sometimes bizarre forms in the end look very beautiful, you would not have been able to do, even if they wanted.

Next, you should paint the resulting structure in natural colors, it is recommended to use natural paints. You can even paint in two or three layers to achieve an uneven effect, in the end there should be something like that:

Finishing the fireplace - the best photos

Fireplace facility lined with artificial stone

One of the most relevant ways of registration is the finishing of the fireplace with artificial stone (see). Especially since natural materials are constantly becoming more expensive. Artificial components are made with such a quality that a non-specialist finds it difficult in product definitions (see).

We'll figure it out than finishing the fireplace with artificial stone better than other ways of design. The main advantages:

  • the finish of the fireplace with artificial stone is quite simple, this is achieved due to its soft mechanical characteristics;
  • preparation and laying of structural elements will not be much labor, only Bulgarian will be needed;
  • the stone finishing for the fireplace contains soft and light fillers in its composition, it facilitates the weight of the whole design;
  • in retail there is a large amount of such material, the elements of which have a different form and configuration, this will allow you to choose any pattern;
  • artificial stone for finishing the fireplace will cost much cheaper than natural, which will reduce the cost of the product;
  • this material can completely display the course of your designer thought, will create any pattern.

Choose an artificial stone

High-quality finish of the fireplace stone is possible with the right choice of product components.

Criterias of choice:

  1. Cost of material. As a rule, the price of foreign production exceeds the cost of domestic.
  2. When purchasing goods, believe the hygienic certificates and certificate of conformity. If they are missing, it is better to refrain from buying. This is chemical production, so it is worth taking only a quality product, otherwise the finish can bring harm to health.
  3. Pay attention to the presence of the manufacturer in the market. The more it is on the market, the better.

The work time allows you to polish technology and produce a quality product.

  1. Inspect all the elements and pay attention to the structure of the material. With incorrect production technology, the structure of the facial surface will be porous, which affects the strength and, accordingly, for the service life of the structure.
  2. The quality product enters the implementation points in the appropriate packaging, which has a manufacturer's logo.
  3. Find the date of manufacture. The maximum strength of the elements is dialing only after 28 days after the manufacture. If you have seen an earlier production period, then the products cannot be high quality.

Finishing the fireplace

Work on the execution of the finish will be able to mascel the person without a special qualification (see).

But the finishes of the stone of fireplaces is performed according to certain rules that should be performed:

  1. The finishing of fireplaces by stone is performed on metal, chipboard, wood and other elements of this type only with a certain surface preparation. For each material it is excellent.
  2. Work on the execution of the finish should be performed at temperatures above 5 ° C.
  3. The finishing stone for the fireplace should be mounted from top to bottom, starting from one end to the other, that you will avoid pollution of the elements.
  4. Pay attention to what glue or solution recommends applying the manufacturer.
  5. Elements can be cut with a conventional metal hacksaw. Do not use a tool with a big tooth, you can spoil the material.

Surface preparation

Finishing stone for fireplace It can be used in any fireplace manufacturing material.

Just each surface should be properly prepared for installation.

  1. When processing a wooden surface, it should be pre-covered with waterproofing, which would not be susceptible to moisture. To do this, you can use pigment. It is placed in a horizontal position, the upper row must overlap the upper 4 cm. Vertical seam is also put on the bracket of about 8 cm.
  2. When this work is done, the plaster grid should be consolidated, this is performed using special fasteners.
  3. Vertically, the distance between the fasteners points should be 12-15 cm and horizontally about up to 40 mm.
  4. At the top of the mesh, a layer of plaster with a thickness of about 1 cm is applied.
  5. After that, the plaster gives time for complete drying.
  6. If the fireplace or portal is made using a metal or concrete, then the preparation procedure is distinguished by the fact that the installation of additional waterproofing is not required, which is in retail.
  7. If the mount is carried out to the brick or concrete, this plane is also needed to be launched, only one should be applied along the plane of notches.

Artificial Stone Styling Rules

Finishing of fireplaces with natural stone and artificial It is performed almost the same.

In order to correctly imagine all the elements of the design, to further facilitate the subsequent work, they should be laid down to the place of cladding.

  1. Do not carry out styling in one type of element, they should be alternating. By this you give the design a more natural look. Change the color, texture, thick. Use elements in operation from different boxes.
  2. If you apply the laying of elements with the subsequent screening of the seams, start mounting only from the top of the structure.
  3. When laying, try to make the seam about the same, you can apply the template, do not make the seam too smooth, it should have one plane, but hesitated slightly in thickness. Do not make horizontal seams of each other.
  4. If there is significant discrepancies in the thickness of the material and its surface has an uneven structure, do not try to eliminate the irregularities and fix the material, still the design in its total mass will look quite harmonious.
  5. Applying seamless masonry, items should be attached from the bottom up. When installing, you should press the items to each other.
  6. Making cladding under the "brick" and applying the elements of a rectangular type, pay special attention to the vertical seams. Control the intersection areas of horizontal and vertical lines, the crossing angle must be 90 °. Use the template to check.

Required tools

To start work, you should prepare the desired tool:

  • screws or nails for attaching utility materials during the installation process;
  • sprayer or brush, for moisturizing the surface of the masonry and material;
  • construction trowel;
  • a hammer;
  • bulgarian with cutting circle;
  • drill;
  • smooth tree bar;
  • capacity for the kneading solution.

We start work

The start of fasteners is a responsible moment.

As you start, and finish.

  • At the beginning of the fireplace cladding, the finish is carried out from the angle. Stacking should be carried out alternately, alternating long and short elements.
  • First, follow the fastening of the thick of the tall tiles and use the minimum amount of solution for this. It will help you in carrying out further work.
  • To pretend the design of the most natural and aesthetic, installation items should be customized in size. For fitting sizes, use wide nippers or hacksaws. Trying to mount the treated in such a way that they are either lower or higher than the angle of view.
  • On the laying element, apply a layer of a solution of about 1.5 cm. Use for this trowel. Control the distribution of the solution on the surface, it must be covered completely and uniformly.

After laying the mesh, apply a layer of solution

  • By placing an element, it should be slightly pressing and moved slightly into different positions indulgent. This will help completely fill the seam and consolidate the item most correctly.

The seamship fit is performed

  • When carrying out styling, the solution should perform a little from the seams.
  • When conducting seamless masonry, attention should be paid to the end seams. They must be filled. To do this, it is necessary to apply a solution to the entire surface of the element (excessive removal during shrinkage). After squeezing, the surplus of the solution should be removed using a trowel.
  • When performing fasteners on a too dry surface or carrying out installation work in dry weather, the surface of the elements and the laying plane should be moistened with a sprayer or painting brush. Elements of laying can be simply lowered into a container with water, and after 2 minutes of finding in the water they are already suitable for styling.
  • In the seamless installation of items, they must be cleaned, regardless of weather conditions.
  • After entering the solution to the surface of the facing, do not remove it immediately, let him dry a little.

How to properly hold the seams?

To give masonry A more natural and aesthetic species conducts complete filling of the seams with a solution. To fulfill the batch, only branded extender materials are used.

Do not use mixtures that are designed to lay tiles.

  1. To fully fill the seam can be used for filling seams. It can be done quickly, it is necessary to simply cut the 1 angle of the usual polyethylene chicken, only the hole should be slightly less than the seam filled.
  2. Fill the solution of the solution (do not pour too much, the volume should be placed in the palm of palm), we produce pressure and displacing the solution in the seam. Try to avoid fluid from entering the facial surface.
  3. We wait until the solution in the seams begin to capture, after that it is necessary to remove its surplus with the help of a trowel and simultaneously press it into the seam. Do not attempt to remove the influx immediately after filling, you only blur the front part.
  4. After removal of excess, it is necessary to finally clean the seams using a panicle that should be made of plant materials. Do not use to clean the solvent substances.
  5. The extension is an extremely important process of work, which eliminates the entire moisture from the surface. When penetrating moisture under the lining it is possible to cracking the surface.

End of work

After the design surface is completely dry, it can be treated with a special hydrophobic composition. It forms a protective film of the prolveral color on the surface. Such a coating does not miss moisture and does not destroy when the design is moving. It's good to clean the dust with it. Especially it helps with temperature drops (if the fireplace is located in the country where there is no permanent heating).

The work is done correctly. You can move from the design a few steps and admire your work.

Fireplace ... With one just mentioning this word, it makes warm and comfort. The fireplace is able to become the center of the living room, the place where it will be calm and quietly spend the winter evenings. Similar fun today can afford not only owners of country houses - for ordinary apartments there are false fireplaces, which perfectly imitate real foci, and electric fireplaces. When we move to the implementation of plans from dreams, there are a lot of questions. One of them is a decorative finish of the fireplace. We deal with what materials for facing the fireplace can be used, and from which the choice depends.

What should be the facing of the fireplace?

  • all the old cladding, if it is, is removed;
  • to increase the adhesion, it is better to decrease the laying seams to a depth of 0.7-1 cm. A chisel or screwdriver will suit for scraping;
  • the gaps are better to close the heat-resistant sealant;
  • if the walls of the fireplace are relatively smooth (height differences and depth of the depression does not exceed 5 mm), then you can moisten the brick and move to the application of plaster. With more significant irregularities, it will be necessary to strengthen the reinforcing grid. It is attached to the brick of masonry, on the hats of which wearing metal washers;
  • before starting work, the fireplace is better to protruding so that the brick will acquire those dimensions that will be characteristic when working the fireplace. If the base is not warm, the plaster can crack at the first furnace;
  • the finished solution of plaster is applied with a spatula and aligned in beacons. It is recommended to apply at least two layers of plaster, and each subsequent is applied after the previous one is finally reduced. The finishing layer can be aligned with a spatula. It can create a certain relief.

For an additional decor you can use paints. The best silicone, which is good to high temperatures. The focus can be asked to paint in one-time or draw certain patterns on it - it all depends on the fantasy, skills and interior.

№6. Facing tiles

Tiles are, in fact, the same terracotta tile or majolica. The difference lies in a special structure. The tiles have Rumpa, a square hollow protrusion that the tile is attached during the installation process. Rumpa is important and with another purpose - it helps to keep warm. The fireplace can only be separated by the fireplace during its masonry. If the moment is missed, you will have to choose another method of finishing.

For tiles, the same advantages are characteristic as for tiles. The choice of colors is huge, there are very sophisticated samples that will bring a special chic in the interior.

Installation of tiles is made in this way:

  • rumpa on ½ filled with a mixture of clay and broken bricks, so-called in special holes. crutch, thick (5 mm in diameter) wire with bend at the top;
  • in the middle of the crutch, flexible soft wire is attached, which will later be embedded in brickwork;
  • rumpa is filled with a clay mixture to the edges;
  • as mosted, the tiles are mounted, the wire hides in the seam. Between themselves, individual parts are connected by P-shaped brackets.

This installation is difficult to perform with your own hands, which makes the fireplace of the fireplace more expensive pleasure. In addition, the material itself is more expensive than ordinary tiles.

№7. Facing a fireplace tree

Probably, many such a facing method may seem impossible, because it's no secret that the tree is very afraid of fire. However, when performing certain rules You can issue a homemade hearth warm and cozy wood - such a fireplace will be perfectly looking at the living rooms made in the classic style. A tree is an aesthetic, durable and natural material that has a special aroma. To enjoy these advantages, will have comply with a number of conditions:

№8. Plasterboard for facing the fireplace

Plasterboard is often used when finishing electric fireplaces. Material allows create whatever shape for the hearth. Actually, thanks to this opportunity, and acquired so widespread. The main advantages of the method should be attributed low cost, simplicity montaja (Only lazy today does not know how to work with drywall) and, of course, a wide scope for imagination. In the minuses will take the need for additional decorative finish and difficulty in ensuring design safety.

The principle of work looks like this:

Do not forget that you can always combine several materials.

When it comes to which if warm, it is only minor, you can use any favorid materials.