Repairs Design Furniture

The apartment is the repair of the hallway and the corridor. Budget repair of a small corridor. Modern renovation in the corridor ideas photo useful tips. Lighting in the hallway

After all, carry construction materials and trash through the already renovated room is somehow illogical. Often after the tedious and time-consuming finish, all rooms of the apartment for the repair of the hallway, no strength, no finance remains. This is a critical error, because the entrance hall is considered to be a business card of the apartment. That is why it is so important to plan repairs in the entire apartment and in particular in the hallway in advance. Easier immediately allocate all stages of repair of the hallway, decide which it should be in the end to get the desired.

№1. Project preparation

Any important task implies the preparation of an action plan, and when it comes to repair, the presence of a clear order of action is the need and a deposit of a successful result.but. In advance, still, you should consider, to determine their size, select the style of the interior, as well as to determine the lighting devices, locations of switches and sockets. All this must be imagined, and in imagination, but capture in the form of a scheme, most complete and understandable.

To make a plan for a future hallway, it is necessary to measure its dimensions, know the distance from the walls to the doorways and other indoor nuances. All this is necessary on the scale to transfer to paper or make the data obtained in a special program. Now you can start moving the necessary furniture items according to plan and experiment until the result is likely to do. Use special applications is more convenient, as you can immediately see the result in three-dimensional space. If its strength and desire is clearly not enough to plan the interior and organize the space of the hallway, then you can contact the specialists.

When creating a hallway standing consider some nuances of this room. This is in most cases the absence of natural lighting, and, of course, constant negative impact: dirt, sand, moisture from the street, temperature drops, etc. That is why it is too unnecessary to clutch the hallways and the decor should not - items should be the necessary minimum that the household can be able to move quietly. In the decoration it is better to use light colors, with mirror doors. Owners of spacious hallways can afford complete freedom when organizing the space of the hallway.

The compiled design project should be as detailed as detailed and detailed as possible, and the necessary building materials are determined on its basis, the estimates are made, the repair stages and their sequence are distinguished. At the main stages, we will stop.

№2. Preparation for repair

When the apartment is repaired in the whole apartment, it is unlikely that something from furniture remains in the hallway, but still it will not be superfluous that first of all it is worth bringing out of it. Now it's about the most dirty process - dismantling works. If a walls Were decorated with a spatula, and in case of difficulties, it is pre-smoking the wallpaper. It is more complicated with paint: a solvent may be needed or. However, if the painted or ceiling is smooth and without any defects, depending on the future finish, the paint layer can not be touched. What concerns outdoor coating, then linoleum is easy enough to dismantle yourself, but with the tile will have to tinker. It is important to correctly assess the condition of the floor covering and if it is still quite normal, it is better to simply store the floor to repair the film.

Often, small hallways are combined with adjacent room, demolishing the partition. This is done at this stage of repair, but permission to such work must be taken back and long before. If necessary, at this stage also perform the installation of partitions, arches and other elements.

Overhaul, as a rule, also provides for also. If necessary, at this stage of repair, the walls are performed, which is necessary for safety and aesthetic. By this time it is already important to know the plan for the lighting of the hallway and the location of the sockets in it so that in the future it was possible to avoid the use of extension cords and laying wires over the surface of the walls - all this will not give beauty and accuracy.

Number 3. Chernovo finish

All begins S. alignment of walls, After all, their ideal surface is half of the success. Often used, which have a number of advantages. It is worth noting that to dry them will not be very fast, and at this time to subsequent stages of work it is better not to start. It is desirable one layer, since when applying the second it is necessary to wait for the first drying of the first. After that, it would be nice to predict the surface. Instead of plaster, many use putty, which, after drying, grind the sandpaper.

The long and dirty wall alignment process can be simplified if used for this sheets of plasterboard. But this decision is not suitable for all vessels, because the area is often also tiny, and it does not want to reduce it at the expense. This option is great for owners of spacious hallways.

Align the surface of the ceiling It is also necessary, because painting becomes a frequent solution. Exception - and suspended structures that hide the surface of the main ceiling, and therefore it is not so important to achieve the perfect evenness and lack of any defects. To equalize the ceiling, a gypsum solution is often used, which after drying is cleaned and ground.

After performing these works, you can proceed to replace doorsIf this is provided. When the new door canvases are mounted, it is better to cover them with the film so that with the finishing finish, they do not blur and damage them.

№4. Finishing

To the finishing of the hallway and the choice of materials are suitable with full responsibility: the premises every day takes a serious blow when households and pets are brought from the streets of dirt, moisture and sand. All materials should be resistant to such impacts, easy to care, but also pretty.

Accepted start cleanedAfter all, otherwise, the paint or plaster drops during the design of the ceiling will be dripping. The most common way to organize the space of the ceiling is paint it: Shades set, the price of materials is low, you can cope on your own. Less likely, but still used for ceiling wallpaper and polystyrene tile. An interesting option becomes

After the time-consuming finishes of housing for the repair of an entrance hall, there is often no strength, patience, and finances on the outcome. But it is this part of the house that produces the first impression on the incoming first impression by forming an opinion on the owners. Moreover, the place should be as convenient as possible and possible.

Properly repaired entrance hall - bright, comfortable, lined with practical materials.

Basic requirements for the room

It is clear that starting repairs with the hallway is inappropriate. Building materials and furniture are entered through it, garbage is made, constant movements will not benefit with a new finish. That is why, before making repairs in the hallway, any owner tries to complete the work in the rest of the rooms.

To "fit out" including money, it is worth following several rules:

  1. It is recommended to think about the design of the room to the smallest detail. In addition, you need to decide what needs to be dismantled to transfer and what to remake completely.
  2. Purchase materials if there is no such possibility, postpone money for repairs.
  3. It is worth it to note that the space at the entrance is desirable to arrange not only attractive aesthetically. The decoration of walls and gears should wash well, because it is often quite often to be cleaned.

No need to save on useful accessories, they create additional amenities.
Hanger, mirror, shoes shelves are mandatory.
Also consider places to store clothes, hats, keys, umbrellas and bags.

  1. Well, if you are planned to repair the hallway with your own hands, in this case it is easier to take into account all the requirements and preferences of family members. Try to achieve the most simple, but effective result.
  2. Needlessly clutch and so small space. It is better to enter exclusively necessary things, the brute force with the décor often interferes than it helps.
  3. Collect the Family Council and try to find a compromise in terms of arrangement of the hallway. The more free space you win, the more amenities in operation get.

Often the owners expand the hall by combining the bathroom.
In this case, the entrance can fit a small table with armchairs or chairs.
Now it is not necessary to invite official visitors to the apartment (couriers, inspectors, etc.).

  1. Try to purchase materials of bright shades for finishing. This visually will increase the space, make the hallway extensive and tidy.
  2. Do not seek to overtake the beginning of the apartment with unnecessary furniture, things, wheelchairs and bicycles. Otherwise, everyone will stumble, and drop items, the place is most likely on the balcony or in the storeroom.

Space expansion techniques

To repair in the hallway with your own hands, try to apply the most popular and efficient design techniques:

  1. Do not use dark wallpaper or trim. The bright tones are most beneficial here.
  2. Do not save on illumination. If there is no possibility to place several lamps around the zones, set one, but bright, in the most convenient place for you.
  3. Very cut off wardrobes with a mirror on an outer surface, look at which does not interfere before going out. Things will get a comfortable storage space.

  1. If possible, place as many mirrors as possible, even better - on opposite walls. Then the space will be visually several times more.
  2. Placing on the floor is desirable to lay diagonallyThis is another plus in favor of increasing the area.
  3. Favorable stretch ceilings with light gloss. They reflect and strengthen the light, they are easy to care for them. A good effect give multi-level structures. In this case, you can vary lighting to your liking.
  4. As the repair school teaches - the hallway is equivalent to the business card of the owners. The concise design and minimum of unnecessary items will inform the visitor about the good taste and the owner's nearers.

What materials use

For each room in the house there is a set of its own functional materials. So, the decoration of the living room or bedroom is noticeably different from the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. The upcoming task is to do and beautiful, and hygienic, because the entrance is going to the main dirt from the street.

Wall covering

The walls are dirty almost the same as the floor, especially their lower half and if the corridor is narrow.

Therefore, the repair of the hallway in the apartment should be carried out whether with washing materials:

  1. Wallpaper vinyl. Perfectly cleaned with contaminants with a sponge or brush with a domestic detergent. You can buy rolls with anti-grapple impregnation, then the mold from dampness is not terrible.
  2. PVC coating. Also suitable for these purposes. The original drawing protects the thin waterproof film. The surfaces can also be washed, they are not afraid of fungi and do not spin from moisture.
  3. Structural (foamed) vinyl. It has a relief surface, it is dense and durable. It is convenient for caring, resistant to mechanical damage.
  4. Vinyl wallpaper with silk screen. They have an expensive appearance, a pleasant silk shine. You can pick up both smooth and relief structure.
  5. For cork finishing materials among designers there are disputes. For most characteristics, they are suitable, but in appearance they often lose. The monotonicity of the drawing and dark shades will seem boring. But you can choose interesting ideas for the repair of the hallway by this type, diluting the monotony of interesting inserts.

  1. Liquid wallpaper. A fairly new and demanded means. Montage will delight the rolls unfolded throughout the house, you acquire a dry mixture and dive water in the proportions specified in the instructions. After swelling, the mass is applied with a slim (2-3 mm) layer and smoldering.

Ready walls with liquid wallpaper will serve for a very long time.
But it will also be difficult to consider the layer for the next repair.

  1. Often there are options for repairing an entrance hall, made with the help of decorative plaster. Here the space for creativity is not limited. You can perform a lot of relief options and drawings. The walls can not be aligned, which adds advantages.
  2. The laminated chipboard finish still has not lost its relevance. But the installation requires skill and accuracy, and frequent alterations will have to disappear, it will be sorry to tear off the sound panels.
  3. Ceramic tile also has the right to exist in the hallway, but then the interior will be similar to the bathroom or kitchen. Therefore, you can combine tiles with wallpaper, installing it only on the bottom of the walls, in the places of the greatest contamination.

  1. Siding or Eurovant woman feel perfectly in the hallway. But it is important to combine the entrance style with the concept of other premises. It is advisable to cover the tree with varnish, so it will last much longer.

It is undesirable to use a paper coating, it quickly breaks and blocked.
If the walls are not aligned, any, even a small hole or tubercle will be noticeable.

Ceiling finish

Here, the height of the ceilings is of particular importance. If you are lucky and you have a stock of space, you can combine the hallway in the hallway with the installation of the antlesole.

In this case, the problem of storing many not often demanded things will disappear:

  1. Stretch ceilings are almost the perfect option for the majority. Installed in a matter of hours, wash, well reflect the light. True, without craftsmen there is no good.

  1. Plasterboard is optimal for high-strength apartments, then you can also build an original design to several tiers. It will be easier to place lamps, and all irregularities will close.
  2. Plastic panels. They cost inexpensively, hygienic and favorably look. But under them need a framework, and its installation is often confused by many owners.
  3. As a budget option, you can consider the wallpaper sticker or painting. But the process is not very pleasant, especially if you have to prepare the surface.

What to choose for floors

Attentive approach to the coating will save you from possible trouble.

It is important to pick up durable and safe stuff, so as not to strip alteration soon:

  1. Tile. It is recommended to choose a dark, with a slightly rough surface. It is much safer and less likely to slip. On too light ceramics, dirt is immediately noticeable, even small scratches are visible on black. All shades of brown or gray look best.
  2. Often there are examples of repair of an entrance hall with the use of laminate. Pick not the thinnest, especially if someone in your family walks on heels. Place it on glue either with castle connections. In the second case, if desired, the coating is easy to disassemble. Thanks to the huge selection of varieties, colors and textures, you will definitely find the perfect option.

  1. Economical homeowners often choose linoleum for the hallway. Maintain cleanliness is extremely simple, but the service life is not so much much as I would like. A successful solution is considered to be a grade for increased patency or on a foam basis.

You can combine coatings, it is cheaper and more efficient.
For example, a plot at the door is covered with tiles, then the material corresponding to the interior style is used.
It is worth paying attention to the harmony of colors, identical shades are desirable.

Procedure for work

As in any other room, the entrances should be observed in the hallway.

In this case, the process will accelerate and will not be unscheduled delays:

  1. The room is released and cleaned from old coatings.
  2. Mounting the ceiling and lighting.
  3. Folding fasteners for furniture, frames mounted, walls are faced.
  4. Lastly, the floor covering, the plinth is stacked.


To quickly complete the repair of the hallway and forget about the problems for a long time, choose only the right materials. Do not work in chaotic order and do not postpone part of actions for later. Only then can you fully enjoy cleanliness in the house and celebrate the end of the repair. If there are questions, ask them in the comments.

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People who are "lucky" to live in Khrushchev want to expand their housing space. Of course, it is possible to add extra meters during the repair, but you can view the corridor. In such apartments, a long and narrow corridor often designed, which is difficult to use. To somehow change these two residential meters in your apartment, you need to thoroughly emphasize all the advantages of this place.

Small hallway repair sequence

Consider the following options for repairing small rooms in Khrushchev. What is needed to start:

  1. Replace the entrance door.
  2. Repair the ceiling in the hallway.
  3. Cove the walls with washing wallpaper or paint.
  4. Replace sexual coating.
  5. Lighting in the corridor.
  6. Pick furniture.

The corridor is a room inside the apartment without windows, it is deprived of natural lighting. Therefore, when repaired, it is better to give preference to light tones for the repair of walls and the ceiling.

Important nuances should be emphasized in the repair process. You can always finish the entrance premises with your own hands. If you correctly pick up modern materials, then this work will only bring pleasure.

Important! For such a small room, such finishing materials such as stone and large plaster are suitable. Wallpaper and paint are suitable for decoration walls.

First replace the front door. You can purchase both metal and armored entrance door, necessarily the presence of eye. Interior doors are also preferable to change new ones, the benefit of their choice is now very large. Installation of any type of doors should be entrusted to professionals.

It is worth paying much attention to the ceilings. Of course, it is easier to paint them with ordinary water-level paint, but modern technologies allow you to apply more interesting materials. To do this, you can use stretch ceilings, preferably light tones. And if you install glossy ceilings, reflecting the surface, then this visually will increase the space of your hallway.

Then it is also gradually you can pay attention to the repair or replacement of pubic coating, think about lighting in the corridor and replace furniture.

Little entrance hall, how to be

Let's drag on sex coverage in the hallway. In the corridor it is most profitable to lay a linoleum or tile. Laminate is quickly wiping and can pass moisture. Curroline can with time can deform. Parquet - expensive pleasure for the corridor in a small apartment. Well, now it has the opportunity to establish bulk floors. This method has a very high floor laying speed, a large selection of colors and shades.

For the floor it is best to choose materials that can be comfortably soared and clean from dust. They should be chosen by such criteria:

  • impact strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strest strength;
  • practicality.

The most suitable solution for flooring in the corridor is a combination of two materials - tiles and laminate. In the place where the tenants remove shoes, steal a solid tile. Next to the entire perimeter of the corridor you can install a laminate, but the choice must be given to durable types of this material. An excellent choice is the 31st class, although it is more expensive than ordinary laminate, but it will fully pay off due to its shelf life. The area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway is small, and the costs will be insignificant.

It should be selected not very dark color shades of ceramic tiles. Even too dark coating on the floor can visually reduce the size of the corridor.

How to make repairs in such housing conditions

The main purpose of repair in a small apartment is to expand living space. It is not always possible to carry the walls to enlarge housing. We have to resort to designer solutions. And designers advise that:

  1. Outdoor coating in the corridor to do the same with the floor in the rest of the rooms.
  2. For ceilings, glossy materials should be chosen.
  3. Wallpapers should be selected light, and without bright large drawings.
  4. When painting the walls, it is better to give the choice with light warm tones, this visually will expand the space.
  5. The corridor should not be lit by different unnecessary things.
  6. Furniture should not be oversized.
  7. The hall of the hallway should not be dim and gloomy.

Before starting repair, it should be clearly understood what you want to see the corridor in your apartment. You can create a project by drawing on paper or in a special computer program. If you do repair with your own hands, then you must listen to some advice of specialists.

Calculate the number of materials required for repair by adding a small supply. Do not buy materials, install which will be independently difficult. Not everyone can install ceilings from drywall. The ceiling is much easier to paint an ordinary paint.

Walls are easier to paint than glue wallpaper. But if preference is given to the wallpaper, then paper is much cheaper than vinyl. Also on the walls can be punished with photo wallpapers. You can use the remains of the tile from repair from other rooms, and combine the remnants of various materials. Showing a fantasy using the usual plastic lining instead of expensive wallpapers. If there are no funds for expensive furniture, it is quite possible to restore the old one. Interior doors can be absolutely painted or punished with a special film.

Oddly enough, white materials are always cheaper than their colored counterparts. All sorts of panels, paint or white wallpaper purchase a lot cheaper than multicolored textured materials.

Instead of doors, for example, from the corridor in the kitchen, you can make an arch. If the place allows, and there is a free unused wall - there is an option along it to install the shelf with books. Find, or make your hands beautiful wooden shelves for books and magazines. It will free the living room, and decorate the hallway.

Selection of furniture in the corridor

The smaller the furniture in the small apartment, the better. It is much wiser to establish one large wardrobe with the presence of a large number of branches than several lockers and bedside tables located chaotic around the corridor. The door of the cabinets is better to choose sliding.

Shoes are more convenient to hide in a wardrobe on the bottom shelf. Stools are also better to remove from the closet if necessary. But if the hallway is so small that the wardrobe does not fit, then install the mezzanine or suspended shelves. They are better to fold the unreasonable clothing, umbrellas, hats.

Expand the visually small corridor can be using mirrors. Moreover, they are both very large - in the entire height of the cabinet, and small, suspended.

Instead of the cabinet, you can use the shelves of different lengths hanging on different heights, and hooks for clothes. But if there is less than 3-4 meters in Khrushchev, then, of course, no wardrobe is installed. Clothes and shoes will have to be stored in other rooms. And in the corridor can be limited to decorative shelves.

Lighting in the hallway

Lighting the hallway should pay enough attention. Instead of one massive chandelier, it is more correct to make several point lamps. If the ceilings are too low, then it is better to paint them. To resort to suspended or plasterboard ceilings, you need very carefully.

The light should be bright, but in most corridors there is no lighting. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the type of lighting, as close as possible to daylight. Pay attention to halogen lamps or fluorescent lamps.

The optimal option is to use various light sources. In addition to the main lamp in the center of the ceiling, be sure to use point light sources. Near the mirror you can hang small wall scaves. This type of lighting will add comfort in the hallway.

Interesting! Designers give such tips:

  1. If in the house animals or small children, in the corridor it is better not to glue the wallpaper at all, or blew tightly well-washable wallpapers.
  2. When repairing the corridor, you need to adhere to such a rule - plinth and doors should be one color.
  3. A good idea is to make a floor covering in the corridor and the kitchen from the same material.
  4. An excellent advice on illumination of a narrow corridor is a lamp to pick up on the wall opposite the mirror.
  5. In the corridor will look ridiculously hanging plaffones.

The dull corridor in the house creates an oppressive impression, so the lighting must be distributed evenly. It is reasonable to distribute point lighting all over the ceiling, more small light bulbs are better than one big chandelier.

A novelty is small point lights located on the floor, along the wall in the corridor. Such a backlight creates an unusual cozy atmosphere. This type of lighting is called SPOT.

SPOTS is allowed to install on the cabinet karnis itself. This will facilitate the search for clothing in the closet, and will make an unusual highlight to the hallway.

Lighting power should not be more in the hallway than in other rooms. Strong bright light will be badly affected. It is believed that the best solution for the corridor is scattered lighting. The lamps of the main and local light with plafoughs of matte shades should be selected, which are directed up to the ceiling. When the light is reflected from the light ceiling - then the room seems brighter and spacious.

If the corridor is quite long - switches for electricity should be located in two places, at the beginning and at the end of the corridor. It will be convenient to install motion sensors.

How it is convenient to arrange the lamps in the corridor:

  • spot ceiling lamps along the entire length of the corridor at the same distance;
  • two lamps located above the entrance door;
  • light bulbs built into the closet.

As you can see, there are some designer tricks that will help to visually expand a narrow and long corridor, and better to illuminate it.


So, we saw that with the help of new modern technologies, you can change the appearance of a narrow corridor in a small apartment. For this purpose, there are a number of funds for repair. Of course, the best option would be to demolish the walls and expand the rooms at the expense of complete permutation. But it is not always possible, since the walls can be carriage, which will entail trouble.

Inexpensive repair will be done and do it yourself, without resorting to the services of experienced masters. If you are not going to install complicated suspended designs on the ceilings, and lay the bulk floors, then it is quite capable of cope with themselves. Color the ceilings, align the floors and put the laminate or ceramic tiles, shove the wallpaper or apply a liquid wallpaper on the walls, for each wishes.

But to conduct wiring in the corridor, of course, a specialist. If you do not have experience in working with electrical pipelines, entrust this work to an experienced electrician.

If you like, you can decorate the walls with a stone. Decorative stone on the walls of the hallway - the fashion of recent years. Instead of doors, it is possible to use arches.

So, using the above councils, you can repair your narrow corridor, creating an unusual design. At the entrance to your apartment, this repair will delight you and your guests for many years.

Repair in the corridor - Photo

Hall this place, which first meets the guests, so it is so important that this room looks at the same time and cozy and stylish. Since the corridors are very different, then the tips for its repair and arrangement are certainly different from each other. The only and unchanged rule that the owners must be adhere to during the repair of both small and large hallways, so it is to determine the clear and phased procedure.

Since the corridor performs its specific function and is designed to be released from the outerwear, as well as storing shoes, hats and accessories, it must be functional and comply with the following requirements:

  • Good lighting
  • Free space
  • Multifunctional furniture
  • Design, not escaped from the overall style of the apartment.

  • The repair of the corridor should be performed only after all other rooms will already be made.
  • In order for repair work to be not delivered, and without that unnecessary troubles, it is worth disturbing and free from things and furniture.
  • In order not to negotiate and without that small room, you should think in advance all to the slightest parts and draw the room on the scale, taking into account all the necessary furniture. This will make it possible to understand enough free space remains or it is worthwhile.
  • If the repair in the corridor is done with your own hands, you must consult with a specialist about the electrical wiring and clearly define lighting points, switches and sockets.
  • The concept of the hallway can suggest the technical characteristics of the room. Spacious corridors by non-standard solutions to give a more unusual form, and small hallways beat and visually expand with the help of directional light and the right technician for wall decoration.
  • Preparatory work in the form of careful stripping and leveling of surfaces is an important criterion for successful repair.
  • Choosing finishing materials for the corridor, it is necessary to stop their attention on their practical and wear-resistant characteristics.

Planning future works and the procedure for their conduct

The overhaul of the corridor in the apartment should be phased in the following order:

  • Disassembly works, including floor overlaps and ceiling.
  • Replacing door openings, and if necessary, the transfer of partitions.
  • Removing wallpaper. To facilitate the process, you can take advantage of special dismantling fluids.
  • Full stripping walls from plaster.
  • If you plan to install a stretch ceiling, at this stage a box installation is made.
  • Alignment of walls with special plastering mixtures.
  • If you need to replace wiring, entrance doors.
  • Painting or sticking walls.
  • Laying outdoor coating and plinth.
  • Installation of lighting devices.
  • Installation of furniture mirrors and accessories.

Color gamut for the corridor

Immediately you want to designate the basic rule of the color scheme, which is most profitable in the hallway, and which is trying to adhere to most designers.

The floor is dark, the walls are lighter, the ceiling is the brightest.

If we are talking about repairing in a small corridor, then the easiest solution is the design of the room in light and warm colors, even better in combination with a barely noticeable strip, which allows you to visually increase the volume of the hallway.

If square meters allow you to take advantage of the "dissection of surfaces" that will significantly expand the possibilities of choosing finishing materials, because in this case not only the game is possible, but also the game of textures.

In order to avoid the effect of a gloomy labyrinth, it is worthwhile to bypass the finish in too dark tones. This applies not only to the repair of a narrow corridor A and sufficiently free hallways, the design of which in dark shades can negatively affect the perception of the entire apartment as a whole.

Choosing the right light

High-quality lighting and its correct location is one of the key factors of successful repair. If the use of beautiful suspended chandeliers is fully allowed in spacious halls, then in narrow and small parishings, this option is absolutely not allowed. In this case, central lighting can be replaced by a multitude of point suspensions throughout the perimeter and supplement decorative lamps at a mirror or chest. As lighting devices, you should choose neat beams for point multi-level lighting.

Ceiling design

For the design of the corridor ceiling, you can use several finishing options. Naturally, not only the taste preferences of the apartment owners are affected, and their financial capabilities.

  • The most budget option for placing the ceiling is considered painting, preferably in white or light tones. However, it is worth remembering that acrylic enamel used for these types of work requires the ideal level alignment that in some cases it turns out quite problematic.
  • The stretch ceiling will be the perfect solution with strong irregularities or, if necessary, hide the building shortcomings and wiring. If the corridor has enough small dimensions and the lowered ceiling, designers offer to use for its finishing of a tension ceiling from a mirror film.
  • Multi-level plasterboard ceiling will be a very successful choice, both in terms of labor costs and cost. Curved lines will help to visually expand, if necessary, a narrow corridor and will decorate any room.

Wall decoration

Make the interior of the hallway more harmonious will help the competent organization of space, including the correct decoration of the walls. Following some design techniques and taking into account the technical characteristics of the finishing materials can be achieved:

  • Visual increase in space. Such an effect is achieved by applying bright shades finishing. In order to avoid too "hospital" furnishings, the interior is diluted with contrasting furniture.
  • Separation of the corridor on the zone. Through the reception of the walls of the walls, the materials of different colors or textures achieves the visual effect of zoning the room into small sections. This method is suitable for repairing large corridors and halls with stairs.
  • Harmonization of the "uncomfortable" corridor. The wall finishing, made with the effect of the smooth transition of the tone, visually makes a long corridor more cozy and interesting.

Wall Decoration Materials

  • Wallpaper. The most common and budget way to finish the walls. Taking into account the fact that the corridor premises is quite dirty and often exploited should be preferred by detergent, vinyl or durable triplex wallpaper.
  • Wall cover laminate or clapboard. Despite the fact that the method at first glance is quite practical to remember that such a finish is not suitable for the trimming of the walls in small corridors, as a lot of space eats enough.
  • Painting. The very popular method of finishing walls in the hallway. A wide palette of colors allows you to choose the desired shade and transform the corridor to unrecognizable.
  • Ceramographic. The use of porcelain stoneware for facing the lower half of the wall will help preserve the repair of the hallway for many years. A wide textured palette will allow a porcelain tile to fit perfect in any interior.

Floor laying

Peschins and garbage brought from the street daily subjected to the outdoor corridor coating with serious tests. Therefore, the choice of laminate the choice in this situation is far from the most successful.

As for the tile, it is much more practical for cladding the floor in the hallway, however, it has its own minuses, namely a rather slippery surface that can lead to injury. In order to avoid such troubles, an anti-slip rug should be equipped near the entrance door.

Specialists assure that the most suitable flooring for the corridor is marmoleum, the laying of which can be made even on the old coating. The textured marmoleum released both in rolls and in the form of small boards, simple in laying and does not require special skills, which makes it quite attractive for people who are constrained in the budget.

Selection of furniture

The final stage of the corridor repair is furnished. Despite all the importance, this stage of rebirth of the hallway turns out to be quite pleasant, because the most difficult is already behind. The main thing about what should be remembered when choosing furniture for the hallway is that the number of lockers and bedside tables should not spoil everything for which they fought throughout the repair. It follows from this that furniture should be minimally, but its functionality must satisfy all the needs of the apartment tenants.

A corridor or an entrance hall is the premises where the tenants of the apartment are coming home, coming home from the street, therefore, pollution and damage will be reached on their walls. If there are small children or animals in an apartment or house, then finishing the bottom of the wall will necessarily be in the zone of special risk. Therefore, clutch repairs, you need to thoroughly think out than to separate the walls in the corridor so that the material is racks to most mechanical impacts.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the hallway is usually the "face" of the apartment, asking for the interior design of all rooms, which means that it is impossible not to think not only about the strength qualities of the material, but also about its aesthetic side.

A wide range of modern materials, which can be found in construction stores today, makes it possible to choose the finish on any request from the points of view of the style of the style and financial opportunities. However, before you stop at one of the numerous design options, you need to consider the positive and negative aspects of the selected approach.

Wooden finish

The tree does not go out of fashion many centuries, thanks to their amazing qualities that create the most favorable microclimate in the premises of the apartment. Wooden facing materials produced in the form of lining or panels are suitable for decoration of the hallway and corridors, depending on the selected design style.

Natural lining

Wooden lining - more affordable material, compared with natural panels. It is manufactured in various forms, so it is possible to create an interior with the help of it, corresponding to different styles.

There are several types of lining, but all of them are used when making a corridor in styles such as "Provence", Country or Russian Izba.

Wood is a material with a structure that does not spend heat, thereby maintaining it in the premises, so the walls, trimmed by it, will always be warm to the touch. In addition, such a finish is capable of partially reduce the level of incoming noise.

Wooden lining is often called a different tipped board, although in this and lies the contradiction - such a term will be more suitable for flooring boards that have no external relief. However, the board with a smooth, non-profiled outer surface is often a good material for decoration of walls in the hallways and corridors.

Classified lining, except for the type of profile, according to qualitative features - it is customary to distinguish the classes of "Extra", "A", "B", "C".

  • "Extra" is the lining of the highest class, which does not have defects and the core of the barrel.
  • "A" - a class of material that also has high quality. In the manufacture of this lining, wood is selected, on which one bitch is allowed to 1,500 robust millimeters on the front side or edge, as well as to two non-serial and small cracks on the back side of the board.
  • "B" - a class of lining, which has lower quality, so it can be up to four bits for every 1500 ppm, with a diameter of up to 20 mm. Also allowed up to two non-separation cracks, darkening and divorce.
  • "C" is the lowest class of finishing material. It may have a bitch, a diameter of up to 25 mm, several cracks up to 5% of the lamella length, bluish and dark divorces and even mechanical damage. This material has a low price, so it is often used enough for the manufacture of the crate. If such a lining is planned to be applied to the decorative trim, then it will have to work a lot over it, testing the surface and embedding flaws.

To cover the walls of the corridor, any of the classes will be suitable, but some of them can be used in natural form, that is, retaining the factory drawing of the tree, while others need to be painted to disguise the shut-off damage.

The lining is made from various wood both conifer and hardwood. The most affordable material can be called pine, a lamp and aspen, and the most expensive trim is the lining of larch, cedar, oak, alder and ash.

The lining can be mounted on the walls horizontally or vertically, depending on the effect you want to get. If the hallway or the corridor is narrow and long, then it is best to mount the lamella vertically, otherwise the room will seem even longer. In a square hallway, the lining can be attached differently, as planned by designer design. To give the room originality, you can apply a combined fastening option, that is, one wall to strip horizontally, other vertically or even combine different directions on one wall.

Natural massive panels

A more expensive finishing of natural wood are massive panels that can be covered completely all the walls, one of them, or they are drawn up only by the lower sections. For the manufacture of this material used mainly expensive wood solid rocks having a beautiful factory, such as beech, oak, alder, cedar, ash. However, all these breeds have a high price and are far from always available for a middle-income family. To reduce the costs of their production, most often different breeds of wood are combined with each other.

For example, the basis of the panel is made from a less expensive material - it may be pine or fir, and then cover its front side with two - three layers of veneer from valuable wood wood. The veneer is fastened with the basis for a special technology of hot pressing, which gives panels increased strength.

Panels and plywood are manufactured, which is also lined with veneer, and then cover them with varnish or wax.

Wall panels, depending on their design, can be applied in different styles - this is a classic, classic English, Victorian, modern, neoclassicism, Rococo and other directions.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden finishes

If we talk about the negative sides of the finishing of the wood corridor, they practically do not exist, as it is deprived of the shortcomings, with the exception of the high price of some of its options. But it is more advantages - more than any other material.

  • Wood has excellent strength and resistance to mechanical effects, therefore, with due processing, finishing is not terrible claws and teeth of pets.
  • The environmental friendliness of the tree is indisputable compared to other artificial finishes, so such registration is capable of creating a microclimate apartment favorable for residents.
  • The durability of the wooden finish will allow no ten years to resort to the repair of an entrance hall.
  • If desired, change the interior design of the room, the finish can be easily painted into one or more colors.
  • Easy installation of any of the types of wooden finishes, in the presence of the necessary tools, allows you to produce this process on your own.
  • Each breed of wood has its own textured pattern and color scheme, so choose exactly the option that will have to do the owners of the apartment and fit well into the intelligent interior of the hallway, will not be difficult.
  • And wooden panels, and a well-fitted board, and the lining is perfectly combined with the most different materials, such as wallpapers or artificial stone, so such a finish provides ample opportunities for fantasy when developing an interior project.

Finishing with wallpaper

Despite the large number of new finishing materials that have recently appeared in free access, continue to remain popular, and not only for residential rooms, but also for a corridor or hallway.

But, as you know, the wallpaper is quite thin material, which is subject to damage and pollution. Therefore, if there is no perverted desire to repair the corridor every year, it is best to combine them with more durable finishes, such as wooden, plastic, chipboard or MDF panels or artificial stone.

It is especially important to choose a combined option if there are animals in the house. Well, in the event that a small child lives in the apartment, and it was decided to finish only with wallpaper, then their washing option is best.

If earlier in stores it was possible to find only paper wallpapers, then today the range of this finishing material is extremely wide. So, for the hallway or corridor can be approached phlizelin, vinyl, fiberglass, metallized and photographers. Do not choose textile canvases to design these premises, as dust can accumulate in them, which can cause the development of allergic reactions.

To determine the choice, it is worth considering a little more popular types of this material.

Fliselinova wallpaper

Flizelin version of the wallpaper consists of two layers - the bases from the nonwoven cellulose canvase, as well as the upper polymer coating. This type of material is not sufficiently durable, but it is able to hide the small flaws of the walls. It does not give a shrinkage when sticking, wear-resistant, environmentally friendly, simple in self-installation, since the adhesive is applied only on the wall.

Flizelin wallpaper are suitable for design not only walls, but also the ceiling. If necessary, change the interior, they can be painted in the desired color.

If the cat will be able to reach the phlizelin wallpaper, she will gladly take claws about them, so it is best to combine them with high solid panels.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers also consist of two layers - the bases made of paper or fliesline, and a decorative coating of polyvinyl chloride, which can have different thickness and relief. This coating has a lot of varieties, and one of them, which became particularly popular - "Silkography".

Vinyl canvas have high strength and wear resistance, they are inert to ultraviolet and retain their original color for many years. Similar wallpapers can be called washing, as they are easily amenable to regular wet cleaning. The variety of colors and textures of this material are so great that they can be selected for any interior style.

If this finishing is selected for designing the corridor, it is not recommended to acquire a dubious quality wallpaper due to their low price, as they can be toxic. The best option for any of the rooms will be cloths on a fliesline basis, as they are "breathable."

Fiberglass walls

Wallpapers on the basis of the glass cholester have increased strength, as they contain strong fibers. This is an environmentally friendly material that can be painted after stickers on the walls by coloring compositions on aquatic or latex basis. Wallpapers are characterized by high wear resistance, their service life is about 30 years, and during this period they are able to freely withstand up to 15 repainting. The material does not give cracks in the corners during the shrinkage of the structure, it does not burn, water vehicles and is not a nutrient medium for microflora colonies.

Corridor pasting with wallpaper can be spent independently

Many owners have already tried their strength in conducting such a finish with their own hands. But if there is no appropriate experience, it is recommended to get acquainted with the articles of our portal before.

Photo wallpaper

Wall mural is made of various materials - they can be paper, phlizelin, vinyl and tissue. For the corridor, it is best to choose a vinyl or fliesline option, as they have the characteristics suitable for this room.

The finishing material is divided into the texture. So, on sale you can find:

- Wallpaper with a smooth glossy and matte surface.

- Relief wallpapers, imitating, sand, canvas and other fabric weaving, as well as a variety of bulk drawings.

This finishing material can be decorated with images with different effects:

  • Background photo walls Decorated with frequent patterns of plant or other directions, located in a certain order. They differ in that they are missing a specific plot. This option is suitable for the design of the corridor or hallway, but it is necessary to choose washable varieties or combine them with other materials.

The background finish, depending on the choice of color and pattern, is able to visually expand or reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe decorated room.

  • Panoramic photo wallpaper Have images of natural or modern urban landscapes, balconies or small courtyards. They can also create an increasing room effect, so it is impossible to work better for the design of narrow rooms.
  • Wall mural with realistic images Also used to decorate the walls of corridors - these are photos of flowers, herbs, flowering trees, etc. Most often, these canvases have a bulk 3D effect, creating an illusion of space expansion, or HD, in which the drawings have the most clearly detail.
  • Subject photo walls To which large images of one or several items are applied, better fit for premises with large areas, as in small rooms, they will look ridiculous and visually will reduce them. For the corridor it is not the best option.

Have you tried glue photo wallpapers?

The question is not idle, since this finishing operation is a rather complicated, abundant by nuances. In order to prevent errors and not spoil the costly material - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Cork trim

The perfectly suitable option for finishing the corridor will be a plug that has antistatic qualities, fire-resistant and non-hygroscopic, resistant to deformation, ultraviolet, and what is the most important, to mechanical effects. Thanks to the strength of this material, it is not terrible claws and teeth of animals. The plug is an environmentally friendly material, it is very small in weight, which simplifies its installation on the walls.

plastic panels

The plug is a natural material that sounds perfectly with the room, and also makes the walls with warm and pleasant to the touch. A cork finish is performed in different versions - it can be wallpapers, plates and a rolled cloth on self-adhesive basis. The color range of finishing elements is varied, as it can have a large number of options such as monophonic and enclosures of different shades.

Trugar finishing materials from oak bark growing in the Mediterranean are manufactured. A veneer is cut made of a crust, a solid panel is prepared, or it is crushed into a crumb with the subsequent production of wall and floor plates, rolled materials, unrequited or having a paper wallpaper. The plug is used for registration not only the walls, but also the rest of the surfaces of the room.

In stores you can find cork materials that require additional processing - they have a lower price. However, it is better to acquire a finish on which you do not need to additionally apply protective products, since having conducted this process incorrectly, it is quite possible to spoil the appearance of the coating.

  • Cork panels

Cork tile or panels are made on plywood or MDF base, on which the docking locks of the Schip-groove are made. This allows you to assemble individual elements into a single coating with almost imperceptible seams.

Another version of cork slabs consists of three sufficiently thin layers - the lower, which serves as the basis, the middle, and the upper decorative, interconnected by natural glue. This finishing material is decorated with corkscreen veneer.

  • Rolled cloth

The rolled cork canvas consists of two layers - pressed crumb, which is the basis, and a decorative thin veneer. The canvases are pasted on the surface of the walls and the floor of the jack. After mounting such a finish, the sheets are merged into a single coating with imperceptible joints of the compounds.

In addition to decorative, technical cork roll coatings are manufactured, which are used as substrates for other types of finishes. They are used as an effective insulation and soundproofing material.

  • Corkscrews

Wallpaper from tubes have a thickness of 1 to 4 mm. They may be undoubted, by type of rolled cloth, or the basis for them is the paper. Therefore, they are pasted on the prepared walls in about the same way as the usual wallpapers, but, unlike them, are able to disguise small flaws on the surfaces.

It should be noted that any cork material is well combined with other finishes, so you can develop and implement various combined options.

The cork coating is well suitable for finishing the passing rooms, both for aesthetic and technical characteristics. The only thing that can stop when it is selected is a fairly high price.

Wall decoration Bamboo

A bamboo corridor finish is an excellent choice, since this material has high strength and is not afraid of mechanical effects. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly and durable, which does not require complex care material, which can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a wet napkin.

A bamboo finish is made in different forms - it can be rigid panels or wallpaper mats collected from rivers of different widths.

  • Bamboo panels

For the manufacture of bamboo panels, one-piece trunks or halves are most often used, but sometimes they are collected from the rails sticking on the basis. They consist of one or two layers, produced by the method of hot pressing, and can have different dimensions and thickness.

Bamboo combines well with other finishes, such as wallpaper or tile, imitating flat stone options. Most often, the panels are used to design the lower part of the walls, which mostly need their protective functions. Bamboo is not afraid of feline claws and any contamination - the latter are easily removed by all available ways. On the wall of the panel are fixed with the help of "liquid nails", and the installation of installation, as a rule, does not constitute any difficulties.

  • Bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpapers produce from the rails that the inner part of the solid trunks blooms. The thickness of the canvas may vary from 3 to 5 mm. The racks of the thick durable thread are flashing, which makes them similar to the mat (what they are, by and large, and are). Most often on sale there are rolls with a size of 10 × 0.92 m.

Another version of the wallpaper from this material has the basis of technical gauze or rice paper on which rails are glued, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the outer smooth part of the barrel, which is its bark. Platek width ranges from 8 to 20 mm, and a thickness of 1 ÷ 2 mm. The roll of such wallpapers has standard parameters, its length is 10,000 mm, and the width is 2500, 2000,1500 and 1000 mm.

Wallpapers are made in different design options - they can be monophonic or have a natural pattern, typical of this material.

a natural stone

In their decorative qualities, bamboo wallpaper is practically not inferior to panels. They can be combined with each other, but for this you need to choose the harmony shades.

Bamboo wallpapers are fixed on the wall using PVA type polymer glue. It is recommended before installing them to level the walls with plasterboard, on the primed surface of which they are fixed quite easily. If the material will be placed on another, more complex surface, then for installation work it is better to apply "liquid nails".

Plastic panels

PVC panels are affordable and easy in self-mounted material capable of, however, to significantly transform any room. Such a cladding provides great opportunities in planning your own interior of the corridor, as it is produced in a rich variety of colors, ornamental and relief patterns, with a very reliable imitation of natural materials - wood textures, stone, sand, etc.

This material is very popular due to its aesthetic appearance, durability and relative strength. The panels are easily brought into order with wet cleaning, so perfectly suitable for the trim of the walls of the corridor, both the lower part of the wall and all surfaces completely.

If the PVC panels are selected for finishing the corridor, then the repair will pass quickly and relatively purely, without unpleasant odors of paint and spilled glue.

With this material, it is fairly easy to level the surface of the premises, it is possible to hide cables and communications pipes without carrying out the walls. In addition, the panels can be placed and soundproofing material.

Panels produced for interior decoration are an environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful evaporation.

The advantage of PVC panels is also in the fact that such a coating will not attract animals to itself, as it has a smooth surface in which it is difficult to clutch claws.

So that the finish corresponds to all the qualities mentioned above, do not purchase cheap materials. The ribs stiffened inside the panel should not be viewed through external solid plastic layers, and when you press them with your fingers, they should not be frozen.

The surface of the panels should not have deformations and dents, and the docking of individual lamellas is easily carried out, with a complete ride of spikes in the groove.

It is impossible not to remember that it is necessary to choose the PVC panels with the category of combustibility G1 or NG to finish the corridors and halls. They have a special processing that makes them more resistant to ignition and melting even when heated to extremely high temperatures. Such a circumstance must be taken into account so that in emergency situations from the apartment is not blocked by strong and toxic smoke or even open fire.

The process of installing PVC cladding on the walls is available to everyone!

Any little "tarted" basic construction skills is capable of performing such a cladding. How to produce - read in a separate publication of our portal.

MDF or Fiberboard panels

MDF is tree fiber plates obtained by dry pressing fibers using carbamide resins. The outer side of the panels is decorated with a coating that imitating natural wood of different breeds or other natural materials. Some panels are covered with a special protective film - this process is called lamination.

In addition to the MDF, the DVP panels are also available, which have a lower cost, but experienced masters are still recommended to choose the first finish option.

A significant difference between these materials consist in their technical specifications:

  • MDF is a safer material than fiberboard, since phenol formaldehyde resins are used in the second as a binder, which allocate toxic evaporations that make harm to the health of the apartment tenants. MDF from this point of view is incomparably cleaner.
  • The strength of the MDF is much higher than this parameter at the Fiberboard finish. Such panels are more resistant to external mechanical impacts, which is very important for such a room as a corridor.
  • MDF, in contrast to DVP, has a water-repellent coating that allows you to carry out wet cleaning of walls without a special look at the frequency of this process.

However, with all its merits, the MDF has a high category of flammability - G4, and in different models of DVP, this parameter may be lower from G1 to G4. Therefore, choosing finishing, you must definitely pay attention to this characteristic.

Installation, both MDF and DVP, is equally carried out in the same way, as well as PVC panels, and natural wooden wall panels: according to the guides of the crates installed vertically or horizontally.

MDF panels are made in different dimensional standards. The thickness usually varies from 6 to 14 mm, the width is from 98 to 325 mm, and in length they are 1300 or 2600 mm, that is, they are fine for filling the floor from the floor to the ceiling in the standard urban apartment.

The MDF panels are produced in several variations that are divided by the method of production, characteristics and color features. They can be:

  • All-refined.
  • Laminated having a smooth glossy surface.
  • Moisture-proof intended for premises with high humidity.
  • Veneered, imitating finishing with natural wood or cork.
  • Painted special paint capable of smooth out the irregularities and create a glossy or matte surface.

Fake diamond

A artificial decorative stone becomes quite popular material for finishing the corridor. They are either completely laid out walls, or combine it with plastered or otherwise decorated surfaces.

Stone on plaster and cement basis

The most common, which is used for finishing is made on the basis of cement or gypsum using various plasticizing additives. This finishing material can be described as follows:

  • A wide variety of embossed drawings and shades of artificial stone imitates the most different natural material.
  • Quite high strength indicators guarantees the durability of the finish at a properly made masonry.
  • With random damage to the surface of the stone, they can be easily restored independently, the main thing is to determine exactly, based on what material it is manufactured. If the basis is plaster, the restoration needs to be performed only by this material (the same applies to cement).
  • In the presence of the experience of masonry ceramic tile, it will not be difficult to finish the walls of the walls with an artificial stone.
  • There are artificial stone and several flaws:
  • Low resistance to abrasion of the material. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically update the color or immediately cover the surface of the stone fixed on the wall with a lacquer with high surface resistance (for example, polyurethane).
  • The cost of such a finishing material is quite high.

You yourself can make artificial stone!

If you wish to save on the purchase of material and try your hand in this craft, the reader should be familiar with the article that is located on the pages of our portal.

In addition to the above materials, for manufacturers are used and more expensive - it turns out a more durable artificial stone that is not subject to abrasion and mechanical damage.

Acrylic stone

This type of artificial stone is produced from 75% of mineral natural environmentally friendly materials that are allocated from white clay. In addition to her, it includes a stone crumb - it can be marble, granite, jasper and other minerals. The binder for the ingredients is the acrylic resin (polymethyl methalaryl). The color scheme is created by special natural pigments, harmless to humans.

Thanks to all the above-mentioned components, the acrylic artificial stone is very wear-resistant and durable material, so even elements such as kitchen countertops and washes are made of it.

Quartz stone

Quartz artificial stone is more durable than acrylic, since it includes about 90% of natural crushed quartz. It is more resistant to scratches and any other damage, and is also applied not only as a decorative finish, but also for the manufacture of durable countertops for the kitchen.

The binding material for quartz and color pigments serve polyester resins - thanks to this component, the material is stronger than granite. In addition to strength, a quartz stone has such qualities as environmental purity and resistance to the emergence and development of microorganisms harmful to humans. This material is easy in weight and easy to care, it does not absorb pollution, and it is enough to periodically wipe off with a damp cloth.

Walls indoors, from a technical point of view, does not have restrictions, since it is not a fuel and does not have in its composition harmful substances. However, it is necessary to show a sense of measure, otherwise the apartment will remind some kind of cave. Therefore, most often the stone finishes are combined with decorative or ordinary plaster, and sometimes even just with wallpaper.

The stone most often laid around the doorways, or they are separated by the corners of the room, which will contribute not only to the decorativeness of the design, but also the protection of the most vulnerable to damage places on the walls.

Single stones are possible on the plastered surface of the walls. The main thing is to competently consider the color solution and the correct location of the finishing material.

Now, after reviewing what finishes are best suited for the walls of the corridor, the reader will easier to choose the best option, given the quality of the materials, the design of the design and, of course, their own financial opportunities. And even in help, he will be the video creation with very interesting design solutions for the design of the corridor in the apartment.

Video: There is something to learn - design options for the corridor