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Relics of saints. Veneration of holy relics. These simple words can save you from all your problems No power of power nor

Healing in holy places.

Since ancient times, people have traveled to the Holy Places in search of healing and worship of the Holy Places.

Worshiping the relics of saints and righteous people, kissing miraculous icons, repenting of sins, washing from holy sources, contemplating and reflecting on daily life, many received healing and enlightenment. Grace entered the life and souls of people and they returned home enlightened and healed.

In our time, many seek to find healing in the Holy Places. These places have a tremendous energy force that can affect the human energy field and cleanse it.

"Diseases come from material principles, and the art of medicine is useful here; there are diseases as a punishment for sin, and here patience and repentance are needed; the saints endure illness, showing all humility and the limit of human nature common to all.Therefore, do not rely on the art of medicine without grace and do not reject it according to your stubbornness, but ask God for knowledge of the reasons for punishment, and then deliverance from weakness, enduring cuts, cauterization, bitter medicines and all medical punishments. "

St. Basil the Great

Making a trip to the monastery, to the source of spiritual and moral purity, many seem to rediscover the world. Each monastery has its own history, not similar to others.

There is in the city of Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, the Nativity of the Mother of God monastery, in which St. Tikhon lived for his last fifteen years.

The relics of St. Tikhon Zadonsky. After the discovery of the holy remains of Tikhon of Zadonsk, the relics began to be called "multi-healing". Most of all, the demon-possessed were healed at the tomb, and Tikhon was called "the exorcist of evil spirits."

"What is the benefit of having a healthy body, but a relaxed and weak soul," wrote St. Tikhon Zadonsky.

Having heard about this monastery, I decided to visit it. The monastery amazed me with its power. You can enter it only in appropriate attire, adhering to all the norms and rules of Orthodox life. Miracles are still taking place in the monastery today. Someone breaks, someone shouts near the relics of the saint. The most important thing is to sincerely ask for healing and believe in a miracle. In the shop you can buy handkerchiefs and handkerchiefs that lay at the relics overnight. They are applied to the sore spot and also receive healing.

Seven kilometers from this monastery is the St. Tikhon's Transfiguration Convent, and next to it is a healing spring dug out by St. Tikhon. The water in this spring is always + 4C. It takes a lot of courage to plunge into it. But in winter and summer, in snow and rain near the source people from all over the world. As they say, if you plunge three times with your head, then all the wickedness will come out of you. Many miraculous healings take place at this source. I could not immediately plunge three times, because I ran out of breath and made three runs. Suffering from asthma and bronchitis, I visited this spring three times and after bathing I did not get sick, but felt cheerful and energized. You just need to massage your head properly after bathing. Even babies are brought to the source. After you plunge, you gain strength of mind and confidence in your strength. You were able to do it, overcame fear and came out of the water victorious. This state persists for many days. You can draw water from the source and then at home, as my mother advised to moisten a cloth with this water and apply it to the sore spot.

After visiting these holy places, I felt a sharp improvement and visited a number of monasteries in the Leningrad region, which are also famous for wonderful healing springs.

Thousands of pilgrims literally from all over the world flock to the Holy Trinity Alexander Svirsky Monastery, 250 km away. From St. Petersburg. Many are honored to see the miracle of myrrh streaming from the relics of Alexander Svirsky, which are 400 years old, and they have not undergone decay. It was noticed that the miracles intensified when groups arrived, in which there were not only believers, but also doubters. My husband crossed himself for the first time here and venerated the relics, feeling the fragrance emanating from the relics. Here you can take sand with peace and peace in a bubble. Sand is applied to sore joints, poured between frames to protect the house. Healings occur in patients with oncology and joint diseases. You can get to the monastery along the Murom road. Near Lodeynoye Pole there is a pointer to Murmansk, Olonets, then a pointer to Svirskoe. 20 km. excellent road through coniferous and mixed forest, fields. There is a direct road through the village to the monastery. There is a parking lot at the gate. On the right is the lake.

In the village of Tervenichi (in Vepsian "hello", lost in the northern forests there is a female Intercession-Tervenichesky monastery with a white-stone chapel with a gentle blue dome. The monastery meets a fragrant alley of flowers. Everywhere there is cleanliness and order. The sisters are welcoming. We truly felt the invisible presence of the Mother of God , her care and patronage. Who has been here at least once will not be able to forget the temple with a dome that merges with the sky, a lake in the haze and a chapel like a swan flying over the earth. In less than ten years the monastery has grown and blossomed thanks to the caring female hands who raised the temple from the ruins. Now there are 26 sisters in the monastery. The sisters carry out their obedience in the monastery fields, in the garden, in the barnyard, they create in the art and sewing workshop.

The main shrine of the monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called Tervenicheskaya. She also streams myrrh. Many healings take place at the icon and the source, which are recorded in the monastery diary.

The monastery is located 57 km from Lodeynoye Pole, turn at Khmelozero. 5 km. dirt road.

And one more monastery in the Lodeynopolsky region of Vvedeno-Oyatsky, which is famous for a source that heals allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The water here, however, is much warmer than in Zadonsk.

"The Lord glorifies this monastery, because it is a saint. Here wherever you go, everywhere there are relics."

He who comes in faith receives what is asked. Say this: "Lord, help me in my illness, if it is Your will. And I, what I can, I will do for Your sake."

If you ask, be ready to give. All monasteries need our help!

The holy scripture about a healthy lifestyle says: "And everything that you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord, and not for people. Try diligently to live quietly, do your own thing and work with your own hands. Through the measure of the difficult. do not seek for yourself, and do not test anything beyond your strength. "

And recently I discovered for myself and my loved ones another source not far from Sergiev Posad near the village of Vzglyevo. From the platform 76 km. by bus to the villages of Malinniki, Shiltsy or Lyapino, then on foot. By car, from the Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway, turn onto the third concrete ring in the direction of Torbeevskoye Lake. 5 km. on a dirt road.

The water is also +4, saturated with radon. Helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and cardiovascular diseases. According to legend, Saint Sergius of Radonezh with the novice Roman once stopped here for prayer. The Virgin Mary appeared to them, at whose behest three keys were hammered on the hill. A little below, streams and trickles are woven into a single crystal clear and silvery waterfall.

Now this place is called "The Holy Springs of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

No one but Allah has strength and power - a beautiful and great remembrance of Allah. Small in pronunciation, but with great meaning. In this remembrance of Allah there is tawhid, deep reverence and respect for Allah, He is Holy and Great. It also contains trust in Allah and the demand for help only from Him. These words are words from under the Arsh of Allah, they are a sapling from seedlings, a door from a door and a treasure from the treasures of paradise.
The Prophet, peace Allahu alayhi wa sallam, bequeathed to often remember Allah through this great remembrance to more than 5 Companions in different positions, that is, not under the same set of circumstances, which indicates the versatility of this remembrance.
The words "No one has strength and power except Allah" are words of submission and return to the Great Allah, and recognition of their obedience to Him. And they also acknowledge that there is no other creator besides Him, and there is no one who could get out of obeying his orders (meaning kauniya, not shar1iya), and that the slave does not own anything.

The meaning of this remembrance was interpreted in different ways, and the main ones, and more covering it:
1) The slave has no strength in repelling harm, and there is no power in comprehending the good except from Allah.
2) There is no power to defend against disobeying Allah except through his protection and patronage, and there is no power to be in subjection to Him, except with His help.
3) The slave does not have the strength and power to move from position to another position except through the strength and power of Allah.
4) A slave has no power to change positions from humiliation to glory and dignity except through the power of Allah, and no one will help you in this change except Allah.
5) Do not escape from disobedience to submission to Allah except through His strength and power. There is no transition from illness to recovery except through His strength and power. There is no transition from poverty to wealth except through His strength and power. There is no strength in the transition from being single to marriage except through His strength and power. And no one will help you with these changes except Allah.

These are some of the meanings of this great remembrance of Allah that the scholars have pointed out. The meanings are close to each other in meaning, but each of them has its own treasure, which even more helps to reveal to a person the greatness of this particular remembrance.

And as it was mentioned, the Prophet, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, bequeathed these words of remembrance in different situations, but most of all they calm the heart at the moment when a person comprehends any difficulty, and remembering Allah in this way a person humbles himself before Him, showing that to change it only Allah is capable of alleviating his position, and only He owns the whole situation, and not people or any other circumstances, which further pushes a person to turn to Him with prayers, and indeed, Allah makes it easier for his slaves after difficulties, no matter how impossible it seems changes in the situation for the slaves, but truly it is all under the rule of Allah, and as soon as he says "Kun", everything changes at the same moment.

This is the foundation of religion and the greatest formula for the remembrance of Allah at all times. "The best of what the prophets before me said is" There is no deity but Allah. "(Tirmidhi, 3538). And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The happiest people thanks to my intercession on the Day of Judgment will be those who said: 'There is no deity but Allah' sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts."(Bukhari 99). And these words mean that no one is worthy of worship except Allah.

"Most Pure Allah" (Subhana-Llah)

That is, I testify that Allah is free from any vices, flaws and shortcomings.

"Praise be to Allah" (Al-hamdu li-llah)

That is, I praise Allah, mentioning the perfect and good qualities befitting Him. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The words 'Praise be to Allah' fill the scales, and the words 'Most pure Allah and praise be to Him' fill [the reward] that between heaven and earth."(Muslim, 223).

"Allah is pure and praise be to Him" (Subhana-Llahi wa bi-hamdi-hi)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The one who says:" Allah is pure and praise be to Him "a hundred times a day, his sins will be blotted out, even if they are like the foam of the sea."(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6042; Muslim, 251).

"Most Pure Allah and Praise be to Him, Most Pure Allah the Great" (Subhana-Llahi wa bi-hamdi-khi subhana-Llahi-l-‘azim)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "There are two phrases that are easy on the tongue, heavy on Libra and loved by the Merciful:" Allah is pure and praise be to Him, Allah the Great is pure. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6406; Muslim, 2694).

"Allah is Great" (To Allahu Akbar)

That is, Allah surpasses all that exists in His greatness. These words are pronounced during the transitions from one action to another in prayer, as well as during the ascent to a hill during the journey, and as an expression of joy. Also, these words are pronounced before both Holidays as a recognition of the mercy of Allah, who helped us complete the required worship. Allah Almighty said: "And so that you glorify Allah for what He brought to the straight path" (2:185).

"I apologize to Allah" (Astagfiru-Llah)

That is, I ask Allah to forgive me. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was guaranteed forgiveness, but at the same time he said about himself: "Verily, I ask Allah for forgiveness seventy times a day."(Bukhari, 5948).

"No one has strength and power, except from Allah" (La haula wa la kuvwata illa bi-Llah)

That is, there can be no changes and transitions from one position to another, and no one has the strength to carry out such changes, except with the help of Allah and with His assistance. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Can't you point out words that are one of the treasures of Paradise? "No one has strength and power, except from Allah" "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6021; Muslim, 2704). And when the muazzin says, "Hurry to prayer" (Hayya ‘ala-s-salat) and "Hurry to Success" (Hayya ‘ala-l-falyah), you should also pronounce these words.

"With the name of Allah" (Bismi-Llyah)

That is, with grace and help, I begin, I proceed. The Qur'an begins with the words "In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful." (Bismi-Llyahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim). And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) began his letters with these words. These words are pronounced in many circumstances, for example, before eating, as well as before starting a business and before saying something, opening or closing something. This is truly a great beginning - when a person starts something with the grace of the name of Allah.

"I ask Allah for protection from the cursed shaitan" (‘Auzu bi-Llyakhi mina-sh-shaitani-r-rajim)

I resort to the protection of Allah from the evil of the shaitan, who was expelled from the mercy of Allah. These words are prescribed to be pronounced before reading the Qur'an, as well as in anger and in general at any time in order to get rid of the instigations of the Shaitan.

"Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him" (Salla-Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)

This is an appeal to Allah with a prayer for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The believer asks for mercy and high position for him. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever calls on me a blessing once, Allah will bless him ten times."(Muslim, 384). And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The closest of all people to me on the Day of Judgment will be the one who most of all called upon me to bless me."(Tirmidhi, 484). A Muslim is obliged to pronounce these words when mentioning the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They can be recited in other circumstances, and especially on Friday and after the adhan. Allah Almighty said: “Indeed, Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who have believed! Bless him and greet him with peace ”(33:56).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) counted out the words of remembrance with his fingers, however, if necessary, it is allowed to use something that helps not to lose count (beads, etc.).

Imam Abdullah al-Haddad on the treasure of Paradise - the words "La hawla wa la quwvata illa bilah" ("No one has strength and power but Allah")

Imam al-Haddad wrote in Treasure for the Seekers:

In the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and only to those who believed in that.

You should know that the most complete and all-embracing form for expressing the rejection of one's own claims to power and power is the formula "" (no one but Allah has strength and power).

The argument of Islam (Imam al-Ghazali) (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "Strength (haul) is power, (kuvwa) is ability."

No creature has any ability and power over anything, except by the Will of Allah, who is Strong and Mighty. Believers need to be convinced that only the Most High allows them to do something, or vice versa, to abstain from something. For example, to carry out some kind of prescription, be it action or refraining from something; or when a person, in order to search for food, resorts to actions in the form of crafts and professions, and so on - this is all (produced) by the Almighty, Who creates intentions, abilities and movements in them. Therefore, the actions they want to perform will be prescribed to them in a manner known as “acquisition” (“kyasb”) and “deed”, for which they will then be rewarded or punished. But they (creatures) can manifest their will only if the Almighty Himself allows them, and they cannot do something or refrain from something if He does not give them the opportunity to do it.

They (the creatures) do not even have the power of weighing one atom of heaven or earth, nor can they in any way be His companions in government or helpers to Him.

The precepts and prohibitions are based only on the ability and ability to make a choice, which (opportunity) Allah gave to His slaves. For deeds that were predetermined by the Creator and acquired by them (creatures), there will be appropriate rewards or punishments.

Absolute power belongs to Allah alone, and relativity and dependence belong to His slaves. Consequently, the words "la hawla wa la kuwvata illa billyah" are a refutation of the claim to possess autonomous (independent from Him) power and capabilities, and at the same time recognition of the presence of that relative opportunity to make a choice that He gave to His slaves.

If someone claims that a person does not have any freedom of choice, that the actions that he chooses, in fact, are performed under compulsion (that under any circumstances a person is forced to perform some actions (jabri)), then such a person - a supporter of the innovation of determinism (mubtadi'i), whose false statements deny that with which the prophets were sent and the scriptures were revealed.

In contrast, the one who claims that a person has the will and power to do something of his own free will (independent of the Creator) is a supporter of other innovations - a Mu'tazilite. But who believed that:

1.Mukallaf (a person who is responsible for his actions) has the ability and choice that allows him to fulfill the orders of Allah and His prohibitions, but
2. he is not independent of (the will of) Allah and is not himself the creator of his own actions,

he found the path of the Sunnah, joined the path of the majority (the saved community) and protected himself from reprehensible innovations.

Adhering to the ultimate reality regarding the Power of Allah and the responsibility of man

The lengthy explanation for this follows a solid road on which many have slipped and gone astray. In this lies the secret of predestination, over which the minds of genius have always been perplexed and into which the Lord of the messengers forbade us to delve into. Thus, these hints are enough for us, it is enough to believe that everything was created by Allah and nothing exists without His will and power. We are only required to follow all the commands and prohibitions and take the side of our Lord against ourselves (our nafs, egoism) under any circumstances.

Paradise Treasure

The hadith says that the words “ la hawla wa la quwwata illa billyah"Are one of the treasures of Paradise. Understand the directions contained in this word "treasure" - and you will understand that its meaning is hidden among secrets (its meaning is hidden), since the reward has the same characteristics as the action. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “ Two rak'ahs of prayer in the middle of the night is one of the treasures of perfection". Their reward hides a secret, hidden treasure, because the time of the performance of this action, namely, the night, implies this.

The remedy for sadness

It is also reported that the words “ la hawla wa la quwwata illa billyah"Is a remedy for ninety-nine diseases, the least of which is sadness.

It is a remedy for sadness, because sadness comes mainly from the fact that people lose what they love, or when something unpleasant happens to them. When this happens, people feel helpless and unable to achieve their desired goals, so they feel regret. If at such moments they deny (with their language and in their hearts) any of their own strengths and abilities, then such confidence will give them the understanding that they are helpless and weak, if the Almighty does not give them power and abilities, so that in the end their grief passes, and their knowledge of the Almighty increases. This is clearly seen from the statement of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “ If a person believes in predestination, grief leaves him».

The abilities and strength of Allah are described by His beautiful Names; His perfection and highest position are indicated by two names: the Exalted (Al-Ala) and the Great (Al-Azim), in this lies the sign that He completely surpasses in perfection the ideas of those who have gone astray, do not see obvious reasons and immersed without understanding the secrets of the predestination and deeds of the creations of the Almighty. So be careful! And from Allah tawfiq.

Repeat the expression often:

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

« La havlya wa la kuvvata illa billahi l- "allyyi l-" azim »

Translation: " There is no power to leave the bad, the sinful and turn to the good, and there is no power to worship Allah, to adhere to the good, except from Allah Almighty, the Great».

Asad ibn Wada'a narrates from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

« Whoever says "La havlya wa la kuvvata illa bilakhi l-allyyi l-azim" every day a hundred times, poverty will never befall ". (Ibn Abi ad-Dunya)

It is also narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

« The one to whom Allah has given good, let him often give praise to Allah (Al-hamdu li-Llah), the one who has many sins, let him often ask for forgiveness (Astaghfiru Lah), and the one whom Allah delayed food, let him often say “La havla wa la quwvata illa billah "-" No one has strength and power but Allah ". (Tabarani, Al-Awsat)

A person is often faced with many tasks, difficulties and problems. Throughout his life, numerous troubles, illnesses and ailments overtake him. When a Muslim has problems, difficulties, questions, he turns to his faith, the grace of which provides him with various ways of solving problems.

A pious Muslim patiently meets all the vicissitudes of life and in any situation is ready to trust Allah Almighty in all his affairs, for everything is good for a Muslim. If he receives grace, he praises the Almighty for it and receives a reward for it. It also happens if difficulties and problems comprehend him - he patiently endures them and receives a reward for this.

But at the same time, Allah Almighty does not forbid us to ask Him to alleviate our situation and get rid of certain ailments. One of the best ways of salvation from ailments and diseases is to read various duas and prayers, which save us from the difficulties arising from these ailments.

Numerous hadiths narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) describe the merits of prayer “ ».

- the gates of Paradise;

It is narrated from Mu'az ibn Jabal that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him:

ألا أدلك على باب من أبواب الجنة قال: وما هو؟ قال: لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

« Shouldn't you point to the gates of Paradise? " He asked: " What is this gate? "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:" La havlya wa la kuwvata illa bi-Llah » – « There is no power to leave the bad, the sinful and turn to the good, and there is no power to worship Allah, to adhere to the good, except from Allah Almighty". (Tabarani)

- treasure from the treasures of Paradise;

It is narrated from Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him:

قل: لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله فإنها كنز من كنوز الجنة

« Say: "La havla wa la kuvwata illa bi-Llah" - verily, this is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise ". (Bukhari, Muslim)

- healing from ninety-nine ailments;

It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

مَنْ قَالَ لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللهِ كَانَتْ دَوَاءٌ مِنْ تِسْعَةٍ وَتِسْعِينَ دَاءٍأَيْسَرُهَا الْهَمُّ

« Whoever utters "La havlya wa la kuvwata illa bi-Llah" will receive healing from ninety-nine ailments, the smallest of which is anxiety and anxiety ". (Tabarani, Hakim)

- preserves the good;

Also in the hadith, which is transmitted from Uqbat ibn Amir (may Allah be pleased with him), it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

من أنعم الله عليه نعمة فأراد بقاءها فليكثر من قول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

« If a person to whom Allah Almighty has given blessings wants to preserve them, let him repeatedly say: “La havla wa la quwvata illa bi-Llah ". (Tabarani)

- Seedlings of Paradise

Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates:

أن رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم ليلة أسري به مر على إبراهيم عليه السلام فقال: من معك يا جبريل؟ قال: هذا محمد فقال له إبراهيم عليه السلام: يا محمد, مُرْ أمتك فليكثروا من غراس الجنة فإن تربتها طيبة وأرضها واسعة قال: وما غراس الجنة قال: لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

“When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the night of the transfer met with the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), he asked:“ Who is with you, O Jibril? " He replied: " This is Muhammad ". Then Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said: “ O Muhammad, command your community to sow more the gifts of Paradise, for the land of Paradise is blessed, wide and generous ". Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked: “ What are these seedlings of Paradise? "Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied:" La havlya wa la kuwvata illa bi-Llah ». ( Ibn Hibban)

Nurmukhammad Izudinov