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The most dangerous insects of Russia. About "Insect-killer from India, insect kills children" The most dangerous animals and insects of the world

What do not say, and life is very cruel. Here either you or you. Even in the most comfortable conditions, we can wait for the danger. After all, there is a huge number of insects, sometimes extremely dangerous. Meeting with them does not promise anything good, and it can end very sad.

But let's not hurry with conclusions, but let's stop at all in order. Let's start with all dangerous insects can be divided into two categories. The first includes those that are carriers of diseases and infections. Insects themselves are dangerous, and their bite, in which microbes causing dangerous diseases fall into the blood of a person. Sometimes everything ends with a fatal outcome. But this is optional. In most cases, such contact leaves only unpleasant memories in memory.

The second group of insects is more dangerous. It includes poisonous individuals whose bite can be fatal.

And so, what insects are worth being watched?

In the wet tropical forests, Nicaragua and Paraguay can be found an ant, which for his aggressive nature was called an ant - bullets. The thing is that the bite of this insect is extremely painful. Symptoms are similar to those that occur with bullet injury. Hence the name. The pain in the place of bite does not subscribe two days. It's all about the poison that ants introduces into the human body. It is called powderoxin. Thank God that such contacts do not lead to a fatal outcome, but the memory of them remains for the rest of their lives.

All known wheels belong to the first type of insects. His bite, it seems like, and not very painful. The danger lies in the other. The female of the oat can postpone his eggs on the skin or mammals. The larva appeared from them instantly thars the skin and settled in the epidermis. There it is about two months, delivering a lot of trouble with his victim. After the ripening period is completed, it crashes out and smokes his asylum. The pain is very serious.

Some types of dryers can postpone up to 40 larvae on the mucous membranes of livestock. The sheep suffer very much from this. Sometimes, they even die from the esterosis.

Do you know that the carriers of such dangerous disease as a plague rat flea. And although today this disease is considered a defeated person, the fleas are still dangerous. Encephalitis, raw tit, Siberian ulcers, lesteriosis, fungal skin lesions, helminths - that is the incomplete list of diseases that they can carry. What is only worth the sand flea, contact with which can lead to inflammation of skin fabrics and sarcopsillosis.

No less dangerous insects are a kissing beetle. With its original name, he is obliged to the pretty of a stinging of a sleeping person on his lips. When bite, the mucous membrane is infected. As a rule, this is a Chagas virus, which causes heart disease, the vascular system. According to statistics, about 12 thousand people die from this disease every year.

In Japan, another dangerous insect lives. This is a Japanese hornet that reaches two inches long. When bite, he introduces a poison to the human body, which leads to allergies, heart spasms and a fatal outcome. Only timely hospitalization can help. Every year, up to 40 residents of Japan dies from the bites of this insect. Here is such sad statistics.

Are all bees so harmless, like those that provide us with honey? It turns out that there is no. A huge danger for a person is an Africanized bee, which for his discrimination received the name of the bee - killer. And there is no fiction. Meeting with this insect can really end very sad. Every year a huge number of people die from the bee bites. Bee - the killer is a product of artificial selection of scientists. The aggressiveness she inherited from the uterus of African bees. In 1967, these bees attacked people in Rio de Janeiro, which led to the death of more than 150 people. Conduct with their attack could only with the help of flamethos. Bees are extremely aggressive. With the slightest danger, they attack the offender by ROOM.

As it turns out, beauty is deceptive. Such, for example, is a beautiful and quiet butterfly of literacy. However, she in itself is completely harmless. The danger represents her larva, in the form of a caterpillar. On her body, you can see peculiarightened growths, which contain a huge number of pathogenic bacteria. They then produce a poisonous substance botulinoplexin. To get poisoning, just just touch the caterpillar. The poison instantly penetrates through the skin into the blood, which disrupts its coagulation. Despite the fact that the number of poison is negligible, his action is very strong. This is one of the most dangerous LD50 natural poisons that exist in nature. It causes internal bleeding, striking the central nervous system, destroys the liver.

In dangerous insects it is worth classifying mosquitoes and a fly tse-tse. The bite of Mosquito threatens man with malaria, encephalitis and other diseases. Muha also can inflict people with trypanosomes that destroy them immune system And slowly kill.

Among insects living in Russia, very few people are really dangerous to a person. In most cases dangerous insects Russia - agricultural excreditors who can leave people without a crop. The immediate danger to the man represents the whears.

Insects dangerous for man

On the territory of Russia, the main blood-sucking species:

  • mosquitoes;
  • blind;
  • autumn gallow;
  • bed bug;
  • flea;

Of this list, the most dangerous insects in Russia are flea.


  • salmonellosis;
  • pastellosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • tularemia;
  • encephalitis.


These are the largest flies that feed on the blood. Capable to feed the blood of many mammals. A person is not included in the list of priority dishes, but the sincere female may attack him. Because of the fact that blinding can first drink blood at a wild mammal, and then bite a man, he will distribute:

  • tripanosomosis;
  • tularevia;
  • filiariosis;
  • siberian ulcer.
  • chaffer Feature;
  • unforgettable redogol;
  • carnish Chernogol;
  • shpanka ash (Skanskaya Mushka);
  • t-shirt purple / blue.

On a note!

Personity is used for medical purposes. From it prepare various drugs with the name "Spensers".


For a person, only one species is dangerous. The proboscis of this clus is tough enough to pierce the human skin. The bite is not dangerous, but feelings are similar to aspen. For such a soreness of the bite, Gladsh is the second name "Klop-Osa".

And the nail of the program is a new dangerous insect found in Russia. According to one of the versions, it has escaped the result of military experiments. Very successful draw, brought millions. On the roller insect of a strange ripped species. But no new beetle was found. In fact, it is a giant water bug from the Belossom family. On the roller depicts the male, having triggered offspring on the back.


Belostomas are the largest insects in the world. In length, this knop can reach 10 cm. Its bite is very painful, and the saliva works almost like poison. Enzymes in saliva are designed to dissolve the insides of the victim. The saliva of the cloud in action is similar to the poison of spider or snake.

This handsome woman in tropical areas of Southeast and East Asia lives. You can detect it in Russia only in one case: someone is tired of a living toy, and the clop was thrown into the Russian reservoir.


On our planet lives the great many living creatures dangerous for a person, and they do not have to have large sizes. Insects can bring a lot of harm. During the history, insects played an important role, they were mentioned in the Bible, they were found in the graves of the ancient Egyptians. Also they appear in a set literary works. However, insects do not particularly attract the attention of most of us, and some of them are even afraid, which is quite reasonable, given the most pleasant features of these creatures. There are very safe insects, but today we will talk about those who represent a special threat and from which it is better to stay away.

1) Triatomic bugs

Squad of insects semi-rigid includes a large number of Various bugs. Most species have distinctive suction mouth bodies that resemble tubes. Most of them really feed on plant juice, but there is also special species Substitute Triatomic bugswho do not mind to enjoy the blood of large animals. These insects suffer a dangerous disease - chagas diseasewhich, fortunately, is found only in tropical areas South America.

Symptoms of chagas disease can be a variety of time depending on the time period after infection. Initially, it may be just a small swelling, however, as the disease progressing, more serious symptoms appear, for example, heart problems, malformations of organs. The disease can progress up to 12 years! If not to treat the patient from the very beginning of infection, chronic disease leads to death. Effective methods The treatment of this disease in the late stage has not yet been found, but drugs can reduce the likelihood of death.

2) Giant Asian Horses

This insect can reach up to 7.5 centimeters. 20-30 such "animals" can empty the whole hive of ordinary bees. The bite of such a horse can kill and not only because the poison causes an allergic reaction, and due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of toxins. The poison contains the highest concentration of the pain of the chemical substance of acetylcholine, compared to the poison of any other stinging insects. The enzyme of this poison is capable of dissolving human tissue. Like all other hornets, this insect can sting several times.

3) African antiifra ants

One colony of these ants, which consists of 20 million individuals, can empty a whole African village, despicable everything in its path. When there is not enough food, the colony of Siafa begins to have everything that comes across to somehow survive. Ants can kill animals and a person and cause damage to thousands of dollars annually, as they destroy the food reserves for Africa.

4) OSS

5) Saranscha

Although the locust can directly kill a person, the flocks of these insects devastate whole fields with harvest. The locust is mentioned in the Bible when God lowered the hordes of locusts to Egyptian crops so that Pharaoh allowed Moses to leave Egypt. The locust is destroyed by thousands of hiring hectares every year and in a very short time, since one pack may include several thousand individuals. Thus, locusts leads to the fact that a person remains without food and can die of hunger.

6) Fire Ants

Nuting usually in the sand or soil, the fiery ants build enough high anthills, they feed mainly vegetable food, sometimes crickets and small insects. If they are disturbed, it may be painful, and their bite is like a feeling of burn, hence the name. Small bites of one or two ants can be easily and quickly cured, but if a whole family of furious ants attes to you - wait for troubles. It is reported that these ants kill up to 150 people daily, as well as harvest.

7) Tsetz Fly

The causative agent of a dangerous sleepy disease - Mucha Tseta - feeds on the blood of vertebrates and man. It transfers such diseases as tripanosomoz. It dwells exclusively in Africa, in tropical and subtropical regions and killed 250-300 people annually.

8) Bee

Some types of bees are not so harmless as it may seem. For example, African bee and its hybrids, which appeared in America, as invasive species, are quite aggressive and over the past 50 years caused a lot of harm. Conventional bees, as you know, will not be taken for weapons, if there is no need for it, and also after it is struck, they die. Bee bite itself is not fatal, but it can cause allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock, which leads to death. Unlike conventional bees, the killer bees can attack even in the case of the easiest provocation, and to pounce as a sacrifice with a whole roam. These bees kill people and livestock.

9) Blochy

If you have cats or dogs at home, you know perfectly well who are so fleas, and also know that they can bite not only pets pets, but also their owners. Fleas are distributed bubonic plaguewhich can be transferred from rats to a person. This disease is caused by bacteria Yersinia Pestis. The fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals and multiply at a huge speed. Bloom bites can cause allergic reactions.

10) Malari mosquitoes

Mosquitoes - terrible stimuli, as they suck blood and can reduce a man crazy certain conditions. They lay their eggs near congestive reservoirs, and millions of individuals appear on the light. However, the biggest problem is that mosquitoes are able to transfer dangerous diseases, for example, malaria. Every year thousands of people die from this disease, these mosquitoes are the most terrible deadly insects of the planet.

As we all know, insects are presented on Earth more than 2 million species. All of them are different, both in size and lifestyle. But in all this manifold there are also those who carry the danger to the life and health of a person.

Malari Mosquito - Anofeles

The man is infected with the bite, but we note that only females bite, and mostly at night. If you do not medical care, man dies.

Yes, and medicinal intervention is not always effective, as evidenced by the sad statistics - annually out of 500 million infected, 3 million comes a fatal outcome.

This seemingly pretty, but rather dangerous caterpillar, also a beautiful species name of moth-coquetki. In the fur of the fluffy caterpillars, multiple spikes containing poison are hidden.

In contact with the body of a person, fragile spikes break, and stuck in the body, but the most dangerous that the poison is distinguished at this moment.

The poison is quite exotic to the type of insect toxic, and causes burning and painful sensations. Among the symptoms also vomiting, dizziness. The most dangerous thing is that lymph nodes are affected, which can lead to a stop of breathing.

In the people, this animal is often called the "Caterpillage Danald Trump" because of the external similarity with its hairstyle.


More known as the "kissing beetle", but it is better to avoid his kiss, as it is deadly and can lead to a fatal outcome.

This native of Latin American expanses settled throughout the Western Hemisphere. They feed on the blood of mammals, but when the bite kiss can infect Shagas disease.

According to the species classification, they relate to the bug suburitudes, and not the fact that it is not found in Europe and Asia. And Alfred Hitchcock these insects inspired to create a movie of horror "fascinated".

In addition, like most flies, are carriers of many kinds of diseases, including fatal.

Interestingly, but in the zoology of the wasp do not have a specific scientific name, but these stagnant insects are rather dangerous.

The fact is that they contain poison to protect against external threats. But with the bite of a person, this substance can cause allergies, tumor, sometimes raising the temperature. In addition to the release of sting, the wasp, defending, can bite and their jaws.

A single bite can be and is not dangerous, but the attack of a whole Roy can lead to health consequences.

Black-legged tick

Mulse insect can infect hundreds of thousands of people dangerous Lyme disease. After the bite in his place begins. Early symptoms also include dizziness, weakness, temperature lifting, which causes fever.

Then there is a damage to the cardiovascular system. The disease has long learned to treat, but its consequences are manifested long years After meeting with these insects.

The habitat of the black tick is some areas in the north and east of the United States, but it is found in Finland, as well as in the forest-steppe zone in the Dnipro and Don intercourse.

In fact, this animal should not be in our list. Contrary to universal opinion, according to science, ticks are not insects. They belong to the class of spider-shaped. Although for many people, everything is small with legs and mustache is insects, and they can also be understood.

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In length, this poisonous caterpillar grows up to 7 centimeters, and the body itself is covered with numerous hairs, which contain the most toxic natural poison, from all that are known for today.

The poisoning occurs with direct contact with the lump, and the poison released into the body begins to destroy the cell cell protein. At the same time, kidneys are affected, which leads to renal failure. The first symptoms appear in an hour after contact with the insect.

It should be noted that an innocuous and pretty beautiful butterfly appears from the caterpillar, and it flies in the dark in the forests of Brazil. Uruguay and in some regions of Argentina.

In the people, they are called nomadic or stray ants, and they are common in the forests of Central and South America. Unlike the fellow, they do not build their own anthills, but migrate in the ground large colonies.

These predators, attacking the sacrifice, do not leave her a single chance. They published poison, they paralyze it, and then eat. The first form was described in 1826, according to individuals collected in the forests of Brazil.


Let's call another representative of a numerous family family. Paraponera Clavata, or more familiar, ant-bullet is one of the largest and more and quite dangerous.

The bite of such an ant is very painful, and pain can be felt within a few days. In addition, the released substance may cause allergies and headache.

But the bite is not deadly, and does not leave unpleasant consequences For human health, but other insects die when meeting with these ants.

Giant Asian Hornet

In nature, there is also a type of the largest hornets in the world. The view of his pretty threatening, and besides, when the bite of an animal or man, releases through the sting sufficient number poison to cause numbness and pain.

The poison may cause death if it falls deep into the body, and people with allegorical reactions of a sufficient and low dose. Statistics says that from the bite of such a hornet every year dies from 60 to 70 people.

When attacking insects, the poison is not released, but coped with the victim with powerful jaws.

By the way, on our site there is a very interesting article about, for people and for the planet as a whole.

Apis Mellifera Scutellata.

Perhaps one of the most dangerous insects presented is an Africanized shoulder, which appeared as a result of the crossing of an African view with European bees.

Attacking his sacrifice, it bite several times, and the poison released as a result can cause severe allergies. Deathly deaths are noted after sorry, so they are often called murderent bees.

This dangerous look turned out when in 1956 in Brazil Zologi conducted an experiment to receive a new species.

Fly Tsetse

They attack everything that is moving, but interesting, but the only animal that does not bite this poisonous fly, it is zebras. Scientists suggest that the Eye of Tsets perceives this animal only as a series of moving black and white strips, not perceiving Zebras as a victim.

Despite the struggle, in conditions of arid African climate, Tsetz quickly restores its population.

So the top of the most poisonous insects on the planet Earth from the site is completed. Science is developing, and it is possible that in the future, entomologists will present the world new the most dangerous types of flying flying insects.

But in any case, cautious attitude towards nature and compliance with elementary safety standards will save you from many problems related to communication with wildlife.

We are accustomed to assume that large predators are most dangerous for a person - lions, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, giant sharks or imperceptible microbic eyes. But the most dangerous annually serve the fault of the premature death of thousands of people. They act in different ways, but everyone pose a threat.

Insects dangerous for man: infection carriers


Mosquitoes - insects dangerous for people. This is largely due to the fact that these insects are carriers dangerous diseases. Especially in tropical areas. Every year about 500 million people dies from malaria, whose carriers are mosquitoes. Females of mosquitoes eat, sucking the blood of a person with their trumps, and thus spread with malaria and other diseases.

Some species of mosquitoes are especially dangerous:

Tsetz is significantly larger than ordinary flies and have a large chest and head. At the bottom of the insect head there is a large and oblong proboscis. Flies feed on the blood of mammals (including a person). After the bite, the toxin moves from subcutaneous tissues into the lymphatic system. Then infection penetrates blood, and from there - to the central nervous system.

The habitat of Tsetz is Equatorial Africa. They prefer tropical forests rich in moisture, as well as river shores. Muha Tsetz is one of the obstacles in the development of the person's exploits of the southern mainland. The distribution of these insects, according to researchers, helped to protect the region from the re-paint horned cattlewhich could lead to soil erosion.

Tsets attacks any moving warm object. Insect can attack even the car. But the zebera fly perceives as flashes black and white color And not attack.

Insects belonging to this kind are bloodsows, like the Fly Cets. Cracops inhabit the territory of North America, but some of their species can be found in Asia, Africa and Australia.

Triatomic bedbugs react to the light of houses, the heat of the body of the mammal and its smell. They live close to the habitats of their potential victims. Your name, "Kiss Blindings", these insects received a habit of biting sleeping people into the skin of the lips.

Many people, waking up, do not understand what they were bitten. An irritation of the organism on the bite of an insect becomes skin irritation. It is followed by nausea, diarrhea, whistling breathing, shortness of breath, swelling and hypotension (drop in blood pressure).

Claps - carriers of hazardous sickness of Shagas, annually killing 12 thousand people. This is a disease that becomes chronic. In case of chagas disease, the ventricles of the heart, the esophagus and the thick intestine increase. The acute stage of the disease is accompanied by fever, problems with breathing, shortness of breath and an increase in lymph nodes. This stage can lead to problems with a heart and kill a person.

Bloom bites cause swallowing stains that provoke skin itching, as well as redness. Bitches lead to hair loss. The most dangerous thing in these insects is that they are carriers of bacterial diseases. Blook themselves provoke pulleos and sarkopsillosis in people. The first disease is characterized by a rash on the skin. The second is a large inflammatory infiltrate in a place where a person was bruoked fleher.

Fleas are quickly reproduced. Every female person for his life cycle Sheets 2 000 eggs. About 2,000 types of flea are known. One insect of this type can drink blood 15 times more of its own weight.

Killer insects dangerous by their aggression

This species is the most numerous among nomadic ants. Although they are not carriers of infections, ants are insects, dangerous for a person because of their aggressiveness. The main zone of their habitat is Central Africa. The number of one group of moving DORYLUS can reach 20 million individuals. They crosses the hills, shrubs and trees in search of food. Ants move columns to effectively defend against attacks.

DORYLUS ants have powerful jaws that allow them to attack any living beings found on the way - snakes, birds, mammals and even people. For one raid ants, several thousand animals can kill. They also attack the nests of other insects and kill them.

Nomadic ants attracts soft flesh and wet parts of the body - nostrils and lips. Through them, dorylus penetrate inside the body of a mammal. There they move in the stomach and lungs. This can lead to death from choking. They say that a large column of ants can turn the victim into a skeleton in a few hours.

This type of bees became a hybrid of African and European bees. Their Tales brown color With black stripes. Wings of these bees are connected to the chest and have transparent View. The vision of an african bee allows her to fly at night. The biggest bee in the ule is the queen. Besides her, the hive consists of drones and workers. The hive of these insects can consist of hundreds or thousands of individuals.

Feature of Africanized bees - aggressiveness. They fear the invasion of their habitat and attack animals and people. Scientists call such a reaction of the bees "hypersensitive behavior". Bees notice a potential threat when it turns out to be at a distance of one and a half kilometers.

Toxin, which is introduced by its victims of the "Bee Killer", is identical to the toxin of European bees. But they were more powerful, which leads to more deaths from their attacks, compared with European bees.

Sometimes the effects of bites can be soft - burning, redness of the skin, swelling. Sometimes the bite leads to a more serious deterioration of well-being - dizziness, nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulty. Multiple bites of this type of bees can cause fainting, fever, cramps and even death.

This insect is the largest in the family of hornets and the most aggressive among them. Its size can reach 4.5 centimeters. Their body is covered with yellow-brown stripes. Japanese hornet is responsible for the distribution of major endemic diseases in the Japanese archipelago (mainly in rural areas).

This insect toxin is striking the human nervous system and can lead to death. In people who suffer from allergies, the horshum bite can cause anaphylactic shock, and other victims have renal failure. About 40 deaths are recorded annually, the reason for which the bite of Japanese Sher.

In nature, these insects are extremely aggressive and fearless. They live with colonies up to 700 individuals. Horshi feed on the larvae of honey bees and can destroy 40 bees per minute.

Fiery ants are the most aggressive among the relatives. Usually they live under the ground, where they feed on vegetation, crickets and smaller insects. But they are able to attack small mammals and kill them. Usually, fiery ants are united in groups from ten to several hundreds of individuals.

During the bite, the fiery ant introduces the victim of the alkaloid poison. Other insects and small mammals he can kill. The bite of this insect causes a strong burning sensation (which gave the name). For the very sensitive people Fire ant bite can lead to allergic reaction And become fatal.

Man is the most intellectual kind of mammals. Human knowledge accumulated by them allow them to find a way out of deadly hazardous meetings with dangerous insects. A person should be able to calculate the situation and not to be preparing at the place where the most dangerous insects can harm him.