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Interesting facts about insects! The most interesting insects are interesting environmental facts insects for children

Insect class is the most numerous on Earth: he has about one million species. Some of his representatives are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the planet. They inhabited her another 400 million years ago. This class managed to preserve and survive in the conditions of cataclysms, more than once occasionally. Thanks to the peculiarities of life, insects today are a progressive group of animals.
Information about insects presented in the special literature is striking by the number of unusual and little-known facts. The same sources indicate that the life of wildlife on the planet is not fully studied.

The most important detachments of the class

The life of insects living on the planet is under the closer attention of zoologic scientists. For the convenience of learning animals, they were divided into squads.

The following signs were the basis for classification:

  • the nature of development is direct (without metamorphosis), indirect (with metamorphosis);
  • features of the structure of the oral apparatus - a suction, rodent, literatory, rodent-sucking;
  • the presence and structure of the wings.


Bright representatives of this detachment - bumblebees, bees, wasps, ants. Characterized by a complete development cycle, the presence of two pairs of mesh wings, sucking and lacquer of the oral apparatus. These animals received another name - public insects.

Their lifestyle has always been interesting to man. Today it is known about the existence of twenty thousand types of bees, many of which are domesticated by people to obtain such a valuable product like honey.
But not everyone knows that this insect has to work hard throughout his life. So that 500 grams of honey are formed in the honeycomb, one bee must make 10 million flights from the hive to the flower and back. At the same time, a characteristic buzz is heard. It appears for the reason that the insects are dissected by air, performing frequent flaps with wings. Sometimes their frequency reaches 11,500 crawls per minute. But this is not a record. Flagic insects are known, which are capable of performing more than 62 thousand crashes with wings per minute.
Man, having studied hoods of honey bees, learned to create them favorable conditionsto get beekeeping products better quality and in large volumes.
The wasps and bumblebees are also public insects. Their families live long - only one summer. Only a young uterus remains on the wintering, the old perishes. Together with her at the end of the summer, males and workers insects finish their lives.
Representatives of the Film Council are excellent pollinators.


Red and black cockroaches are the main representatives of the detachment. They settle in those places where a person ceases to take care of the purity of his dwelling. These dangerous insects May be the reason for the spread of some infectious diseases. The cockroaches penetrate the places where the food of the person is stored, and pollute them by waste of vital activity.

The female cockroacan is able to postpone about two million eggs for the year. Of these, white small insects appear on the light, similar to adults. After a while they are linted, acquiring the color of adults.


The detachment belongs all types of insects always relate to the life of this group of fauna representatives. Butterflies are diverse in the color of the wings and sizes. For example, there are insects that sometimes by mistake are taken for birds - such is the scope of the wings of these butterflies.

Some species are only a nightlife. It is known that the butterflies are trying an unusual way - Rear legs. The structure of their wings became the subject of studying not one scientific laboratory.


The locust, crickets and grasshoppers belong to the detachment of this group are distinguished by an incomplete development cycle (without transformation), the presence of a rodent oral apparatus, two pairs of special wings, which scientists are called hollows.

The most dangerous insects of this squad - a locust. The view has the ability to mass reproduction. Going to huge flocks (the number can reach 50 billion individuals), the locust moves over long distances. All vegetation on the path of the hordes of insects is destroyed. A flock of locusts for the day eats the same amount of food that will be required for the same period by a multi-million city, for example, such as New York. The harm caused by locust, in some cases irreparable.


The detachment has another name - tough. A characteristic representatives include rhinoceros beetle, the May beetle, a ladybug, a stupid, whils and many others. Insect life of this squad is full of mysteries, secrets and legends. On Earth, about 400 thousand is a large representative of the detachment - Zhuk-Titan - reaches the length of seventeen centimeters. Also known species whose length is several millimeters.

In the literature regularly appear new interesting Facts About insects of this group. For example, the deer beetle grows up to eight centimeters in length. Its larvae develop in the rotting of the trees for five years. During this time, they reach large sizes - about 14 centimeters.
Many beetles are pests. They destroy landing cultural plants, forest arrays, food, wood, leather and other natural materials.

It is known that on Earth is dragonfly. It is capable of moving at a speed of fifty-seven kilometers per hour.
There are countries where insect dishes are a real delicacy. Food from fried crickets and locusts is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and other useful substances.
Grasshoppers can jump over a distance that more than forty times is the length of their body.
Most of the homemade flies live in the area where they were born, but there are cases when insects are removed from native places more than forty kilometers. It turns out that flies cannot withstand the strength of the wind and travel along with air flows.
Scientists have established that on average, about 26 billion in the territory equal to a square kilometer lives different insectswhich differ from each other in life, food preferences, development methods,
Modern science It can not know all about insects for the reason that there are still unknown views. But even those described by scientists have not yet been studied completely. The world of insects is the most mysterious and poorly studied part of the wildlife.
Interesting facts about insects, their knowledge teach a person to relate to nature correctly, to understand its laws, not harmful to the world.

Insects on the planet are much larger than all other types of animals. They were long before dinosaurs and some of them have every chance of surviving a person. Insects are surprisingly plastic and can adapt to the most unexpected conditions. Scientists are not even confident today. That all types of insects described and installed them with accuracy life cycle. It is the most interesting insects - familiar and not very - and became the object of our article.

1. Dragonflies fly faster among insects, developing insane speed of 57 km / h.

2. There are interesting beetles - scorers. He developed a unique protective mechanism. The beetle shoots on the enemy of the jet of chemicals, which are warmed up to 100 ° C. She also shot so loud that the beetle completely justifies its name.

3. With no zepers, it is difficult to imagine the development of whole regions. They consume manure and recycle it. There are beetles specializing in the manure of a certain species. In some regions, these bugs account for up to 80% of the processing of large cattle. Scientists argue that pastures exist only thanks to Zhumakov-Mouture. They also restrain the development of flies, laying eggs into manure. Beetles damage the larvae during their activities and do not give flies to multiply too much.

4. The most powerful organic toxin has a butterfly caterpillar (Lonomia). She lives in the forests South AmericaBut sometimes 7-centimeters caterpillar will credit in residential areas. A sufficiently easy touch to the caterpillar, so that strong burning and hemorrhage on the affected area began with time. Lade can develop gastric bleeding or renal failure. In total, it accounts for 1.7% of deaths, while the rude snake is 1.8%. But it should be noted that the lipomy ejects only 0.001 volumes of injected snake poison. It is clear then as far as the nucleus of the little caterpillar is toxic.

5. Anti-bullets attack enemies from trees. Their sharp sting (for which Paraponera Clavata received its name) strong and sharp, breaking the strongest surfaces. Only 10-20 bites are able to kill a person, and these ants scream ...

6. Most of all insects on Earth weighs New Zealand Giant Weta - up to 71 grams!

7. It is believed that flies, ordinary banal homemade, far from their locations do not fly away. But scientists found that due to the action of the wind, these insects are able to overcome up to 45 km.

8. On the largest night butterfly - Attacus Altas even hunt onions and arrows. It reminds the bird in the flight with a scope of the elegant wings to 30 cm.

9. The ears of crickets have an unusual location - on the front legs. In addition, crickets make it easy to learn the current air temperature. The temperature is calculated according to the following formula (the number of figures per minute / 2 + 9) / 2.

10. Relatives of crickets - cicadas - are record holders on the volume of the published sounds. But the most interesting thing. That the sounds are published only by the males of Cycad, the females they have a dream.

1. Insects are the first living beings that appeared on Earth, more than 400 million years ago. Since then, they have survived five mass cataclysms and turned out to be more abusive than tyrannosaurs.

2. Now there are about 20 thousand types of bees in the world. And in order to produce 500 g of honey, one bee is necessary 10 million times flying from the hive to the flower and back.

3. The female of Tarakan is capable of postpone more than two million eggs for the year. In addition, the cockroach can live nine days without a head.

4. The weight of insects, which for the year they eat all spiders on earth, more cumulative weight of all people living on the planet.

5. There are about 35 thousand. famous species Spiders and all the time open new.

6. The blood of snow scorpions contains antifreeze, so that they can withstand the temperature up to minus 6 degrees Celsius. However, if such a scorpion is in hand, it will die.

7. Soverefs have two penis, each of which in length exceeds the desperation itself. These organs are very fragile and easily break, that's why the insect is born with a spare.

8. Ants never sleep. There are almost as many types of ants in the world (8800), how many bird species (9000).

9. Butterflies try the taste of food with the help of the rear paws. And the color of their wings is created by tiny overlapping scales, which reflect the light.

10. Aborigines are preparing wood larvae "Vitttyti", filling them in hot ashes. Thus, they become similar to the omelet.

11. Bees have five eyes. Three in the top of the head and two in front. Honey bee waves with wings at a speed of 11400 times per minute, creating a characteristic buzz.

12. There are about 400 thousand known types of beetles. The size of the largest, beetle-titanium, can reach 17 cm.

13. Dragonflies are the forthcoming insects. The speed of their movement reaches 57 km / h.

14. The larvae "Vitttyti" is best to eat alive in food. Ten large larvae provide an adult by all proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

15. Insects are food rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In Thailand, they are considered a delicacy, fried buckles and locusts are popular.

16. Young Amarobia spiders after birth eating their mother. Some females begin to devour males even during pairing. Thus, the deceased father becomes food for his offspring.

17. The crickets of the ears are located on the front legs, in addition, you can determine the temperature of crickets: for this you need to calculate the number of drafting per minute, divided into two, then add nine and decompose again to two. The result will be the temperature in degrees Celsius.

18. Approximately one third of all insects are carnivore and most hunt for food, rather than feeding the palm and waste.

19. The grasshoppers can jump over a distance that is more than 40 times the length of their body, and flea - by a distance, in 130 exceeding its length.

20. More than 26 billion insects live on the planet on each square mile in the inhabited areas. According to scientists, there are another 5-10 million unknown science of species.

21. Tiny stagnant insects, hoarse, mahut wings at an incredible speed of 62760 times per minute.

23. Homemade flies usually live near the places where they gave themselves, however, it turned out that under the action of the wind they can move up to 45 km.

24. The largest night butterfly in the world - Attacus Altas. When the wings are 30 cm, it is often mistaken for birds.

25. The swarm of desert locust can consist of 50 billion insects. Since each locust can eat the amount of food equal to its own weight, on the day this swarm devours in weight four times more food than all residents of New York.

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1. Insects are the first living beings that appeared on Earth, more than 400 million years ago. Since then, they have survived five mass cataclysms and turned out to be more abusive than tyrannosaurs.

2. Now there are about 20 thousand types of bees in the world. And in order to produce 500 g of honey, one bee is necessary 10 million times flying from the hive to the flower and back.

3. The female of Tarakan is capable of postpone more than two million eggs for the year. In addition, the cockroach can live nine days without a head.

4. The weight of insects, which for the year they eat all spiders on earth, more cumulative weight of all people living on the planet.

5. There are about 35 thousand known types of spiders and all the time new ones.

6. The blood of snow scorpions contains antifreeze, so that they can withstand the temperature up to minus 6 degrees Celsius. However, if such a scorpion is in hand, it will die.

7. Soverefs have two penis, each of which in length exceeds the desperation itself. These organs are very fragile and easily break, that's why the insect is born with a spare.

8. Ants never sleep. There are almost as many types of ants in the world (8800), how many bird species (9000).

9. Butterflies try the taste of food with the help of the rear paws. And the color of their wings is created by tiny overlapping scales, which reflect the light.

10. Aborigines are preparing wood larvae "Vitttyti", filling them in hot ashes. Thus, they become similar to the omelet.

11. Bees have five eyes. Three in the top of the head and two in front. Honey bee waves with wings at a speed of 11400 times per minute, creating a characteristic buzz.

12. There are about 400 thousand known types of beetles. The size of the largest, beetle-titanium, can reach 17 cm.

13. Dragonflies are the forthcoming insects. The speed of their movement reaches 57 km / h.

14. The larvae "Vitttyti" is best to eat alive in food. Ten large larvae provide an adult by all proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

15. Insects are food rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In Thailand, they are considered a delicacy, fried buckles and locusts are popular.

16. Young Amarobia spiders after birth eating their mother. Some females begin to devour males even during pairing. Thus, the deceased father becomes food for his offspring.

17. The crickets of the ears are located on the front legs, in addition, you can determine the temperature of crickets: for this you need to calculate the number of drafting per minute, divided into two, then add nine and decompose again to two. The result will be the temperature in degrees Celsius.

18. Approximately one third of all insects are carnivore and most hunt for food, rather than feeding the palm and waste.

19. The grasshoppers can jump over a distance that is more than 40 times the length of their body, and flea - by a distance, in 130 exceeding its length.

20. More than 26 billion insects live on the planet on each square mile in the inhabited areas. According to scientists, there are another 5-10 million unknown science of species.

21. Tiny stagnant insects, hoarse, mahut wings at an incredible speed of 62760 times per minute.

23. Homemade flies usually live near the places where they gave themselves, however, it turned out that under the action of the wind they can move up to 45 km.

24. The largest night butterfly in the world - Attacus Altas. When the wings are 30 cm, it is often mistaken for birds.

25. The swarm of desert locust can consist of 50 billion insects. Since each locust can eat the amount of food equal to its own weight, on the day this swarm devours in weight four times more food than all residents of New York.