Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade food from rat flea. Treatment of contaminated rat. The main reasons for the appearance of fleas in apartments

Fleas - insects that poison life with home and wild animals.

Even in decorative rats there are these pests. And they also cause them a lot of inconvenience. Today we will talk about how to bring Bloch from home rat, consider the best and effective means.

Rat fleas - dangerous blood axeswhich quickly adapt to the environment and can for a long time Stay without food.

From dog or feline flea The rat for external parameters is no different. It has a brown color, a strongly flexible caller, three pairs of long legs that allow it to jump over long distances.

On the home rodent she gets out of the external situation. This is most likely due to the fact that wild rats are common.

Favoring rat blood, they go on a journey through the house and rat cell. There and postpone their eggs for further reproduction.

Important! A favorite habitat of rat flea is the place of nesting and hibernation of a pet, because I always have a "dining room".

In the flat flea can penetrate a few ways:

  1. On a dog or cat after walking down the street.
  2. If the apartment is on the first floor, then often flea penetrate the room from the basement or cellar.
  3. After the concerns, if one of the partners are infected with fleas.

Symptoms infection

The rat flea is different from the usual, lack of an anesthetic enzyme, so its bite is very painful and hurts a great discomfort rodent.

Drinking into the skin, the insect can be saturated with blood for several hours. After that, flea can feel pretty comfortable without eating a few days.

Detect flea bites easily:

The rat feels depressed, constantly fussing.

The bits of rat flea and for man are very dangerous. Detect it is also easy: the skin itches, swells, blushes, the temperature rises, hurts the head, the lymph nodes increase. When such symptoms are detected, you need to consult a doctor to identify infection.

How to save homemade flea rat

After detecting fleas in your housing, let it be in rat, cats or dogs, it is necessary to immediately begin to combat them in various ways.

Today there are quite a lot of them: shampoos, sprays, collars, drops and folk remedies.


With rat flea, shampoos for cats and dogs will effectively cope. The treatment with anti-slip shampoo should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Wet the animal wool with warm water.
  2. Apply a small number detergent On the withers and hang all over the body.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes, while pulling the animal from the water and put it on the rag. Watch the rodent not running out.
  4. After the specified time, thoroughly slip the fur of the animal in clean water. You can give him to swim so that the dead insects wash into the water.
  5. It is necessary to rinse the tail well, and a moistened with a cotton swab in the soap solution to treat the muzzle. But at the same time, make sure that the rats do not drink and do not lick water.

After careful flushing, carefully wipe the rat and take the hair with a frequent ridge, to remove the dead bloodsows.

Shampoo Custlat for cats

Among the rapidly acting shampoos, the most effective are: Cleaner, Frontline and Mr. Kiss.

Mechanical methods

In these cases, combaling is used. Case troublesome and long-term, but no less efficient.

W. this method Fight pests have some drawbacks:

  • The ridge contributes to the irritation of the skin, rather than shampoos or sprays.
  • Rat is a very movable animal and hold it for a long time problematic.
  • It is difficult to determine the full getting rid of pests.

Combing can be combined using insecticides in the form of spray, shampoo, drops.

As a measure of prophylaxis, the collar from Bloch is put on your favorite. It is necessary to do this according to the instructions.

Cleaning cells

As already mentioned, the rat flea crashes on the owner only for nutrition, after she leaves him and lives in a cage, nearby.

Therefore, disinfection needs to be carried out together: to handle the animal itself and its place of stay.

Important! Clean the cell of the pet is necessary daily until you make sure the absence of bloodsuckers.

To clean the cell, you can use the following techniques:

  1. All items are removed from the cell (socket, bedding, feeder, drivingker).
  2. The cage frame is thoroughly washed with soap solution or bleach.
  3. Each twig washes, bottom inside and outside.
  4. In the same solution, all are washed separate elementsRemote from the cell.
  5. Well, solid all objects in running water, substituting each slot and corner under the jet.
  6. The litter and filler in the cell must be laid new ones.
  7. Replace also feed in the trough.
  8. Well process the space around the cell by the same solution or known insecticide.
  9. The nest or bed is better to replace, as it is difficult to clean it. If the socket is rough with the filler, then rinse it, and delete the contents and place the new one.

In addition to the processing of the cell, the house should be held general cleaningEspecially concerns sex and carpet cleaning. Use vacuum cleaners and soaps for carpet. Perform such procedures for several weeks or months, while the flea will not disappear in your home.


It is worth remembering that the infection of your rodent on the samonek is not worth it. It will deliver many problems not only to him, but also to households.

At the first signs of appearing in your home of rat flea, let all the means and methods for the fight against them.

Let it be cheap funds, but in combination with folk remedies and regular fulfillment of all requirements, it is possible to achieve a positive result, even let it take time.

Fighting rat flea at home

What means can you fight and really get rid of the house or apartment from these insects?

Destroy them different waysBut it is possible to get rid of everything efficiently with the help of aerosol insecticides. Kombat and Raptor help in this case a person is best.

Funds from rat flea

The most effective means to get rid of rat flea is a combat and raptor. They need to handle the whole apartment. If at a time it did not work out to get rid of fleas, then you may have to implement the procedure again. The main thing is to avoid bite from the bloodstream. The pest may be needed and human blood and a dog. To get rid of such risks in the house, a microencapsulated preparation of Get or Dust is used.

Folk remedy for rat flea

In the house it is possible to fight insects including through folk remedies. You cannot guarantee a good result, but you can try to get rid of their help from pests. Here are some recipes:

  • 20 g naphthalene is mixed with 100 ml kerosene and 100 ml of turbidar;
  • 5 g camphors are mixed with 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and 100 ml of turpentine;
  • 30 g of green soap is dissolved in 100 ml of water, 10 ml of turpentar and 15 ml kerosene are added there.

All these means handle problem surfaces in the house.

What are afraid of the fleas of rats?

  • aerosols - Combat, Raptor, Raid, Midilis Cyper, Carboofos, Terentrix;
  • dusts - FAS, Pyrethrum, Pure House;
  • shampoos for bathing of pets (often used by the owners) - Mr. Kiss, Cellular, Frontline;
  • droplets for animals - Stronghold, Barsik, Hartz.

A pair of simple eyes, antennae and a piercing rotter, which consists of three parts are located on the head, which consists of three parts: upper and lower jaws with teeth and long peppers and lower lips with two peppers playing the role of tongue and the trunk at the same time. There is no top lip in the insect. The females are often larger than males and differ from them by the deployed back and located in the trouser seed.

Features of existence

During the life of the female rats, about 400-500 eggs are settled white color (5-8 pieces at a time), the length of which is about 0.5 mm, and in front of the egg laying it is required to be saturated with blood. The nests are equipped in various substrates (for example, dust on the floor or dry garbage), but most often, in the conditions of the apartment, the masonry of eggs, rat flea, produce in the maintenance of the owner.

In each egg, the development of the larvae is developed; After 5-10 days, the moving worm-like creature comes out, which does not have eyes and paws, but equipped with a rodent-type roded apparatus.

Behind the absence of such insects without the revelation of conscience, they will move to the body of domestic dogs and cats and be sure to trahane to a person.

Ways to penetrate the apartment

On the territory of the apartment, rat fleas can penetrate several ways:

Danger of the bites of rat flea

To a greater extent, the owners of gentle skin suffer from rattle fleas, which is easier to pierce: these are women and children.

First aid in the bite of rat flea

To render first aid from the place of bite, you should remove the insect, rinse with soap water, to handle the disinfectant and attach ice. In order to avoid the development of allergic reactions, it is recommended to take an antihistamine preparation. To prevent infection in the blood, combining the wounds should be avoided. When the temperature is raised, the appearance of severe allergic reaction, difficulty breathing with wheezing and shortness of breath should immediately contact medical institution To provide professional assistance.

Methods of getting rid of rat flea

A professional disinsection is a better solution for getting rid of rat flea. Only specialists B. this issue can guarantee high-quality disposal from dangerous insects per short term. With independent fight against rat flea, there will be effective surface treatment aerosol insecticides. To process the premises against rat flea, it is required to approach with full responsibility:

  • provide access to hard-to-reach places;
  • cover or hide food food into lockers;
  • remove from indoor animals.

In the process of disinsection with special care, cracks, angles, floors, ceiling and walls should be treated. Also should not forget about carpets, curtains, soft furniture. At the end of the insecticidal processing, the room should be closed and left for several hours, giving time to the drug to act. Then the room is required to ventilate, cut out carpets and curtains on the street, thoroughly wipe the floors using the Schipidar solution (on the water bucket - ½ cup of the drug).

Of folk methods You can scare between rat flea with the help of dry wormwood you want to decompose on the rooms.

An effective way to prevent rat flea in the apartment is considered to be the processing of premises herbal irons from wormwood, eucalyptus leaves, pyrms. The dried grass is required to pour steep boiling water, insisted in a cool place for about 12 hours, pour into the sprayer and process the room. Such medicinal solutions can be applied when bathing pets or in skin crop.

Natural frightener of rat flea are pine sawdustwhich will be advisable to fill the litter of a pet. Especially relevant to carry out this operation on the chancement, when the flea of \u200b\u200bflea activation begins.

Preventive measures

The fleas feel comfortable in places of accumulation of dust and dry garbage, so in order to prevent them from their territory, it should be regularly and thoroughly clean the cleaning of the room with the treatment, furniture, carpets and litters, on which domestic animals sleep.

In a private house, measures for cleansing from dirt should also be transferred to basements and cellars.

These small insects are never tied to their owner, it serves for them only a temporary object for saturation, appear when blood needs. It is preferred in places of recreation of the animal himself, for example, inside the nests, holes.

Looks like a flea rat with a human eye as many of her fellow: tiny, about 3 mm, dark brown color. It is distinguished by the presence of long rear paws, with the help of which performs jumps up to 30 cm in height.

Flea rat South than different

The main difference is that males have a third grade of the sexual claw looks much more than the rest. For other features, they are similar to their relatives.

Fighting rat flea at home

If we talk about the peculiarities of the flow of biological processes, rats are not different from cat, dog, basement, other species. It follows from this that inside houses and apartments these individuals can also dwell.

To expel the flea family from the house, follows:

  • block room access paths;
  • get rid of the bloodsinking cats or dogs living with you;
  • destroy adult individuals, their larvae.

These steps must be carried out in a strict sequence, otherwise you risk over time to become a hostage already a new population and continue to deal with it.

The most effective means to get rid of little vampires, or how to compete competently:

  • aerosols: Raptor, RAID, Combat, Medilis Cyper, Tetrix, Carbofos (data can be used to handle room, pet);
  • insecticidal heels: pure house, pyrethrum, FAS.

Folk remedy for rat flea

Folk recipes are used from time immemorial, our great-grandmothers knew how to help themselves. These are the most effective of them:

Herbs fees: bay leaf, Pijma, wormwood, mint, chamomile. These plants hang with beams or unfold within an infected room. You can also successfully apply herbal infusions, they are brewed, and then the house is irrigated.
The flea simply do not tolerate sharp odors, so you can safely leave fresh garlic teeth in all the places like. To enhance the action garlic, the floors will be delighted and sprinkled. After 15 minutes you can collect everything, wet the wet rag.

Sawdust, chips coniferous trees. They are very convenient to use as a filler for a pet mattress.

Citrus flavors. For these purposes, the skins of oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons are ideal.

At the time of the versa wet cleaning Soap can be added to the water, vinegar.

What are afraid of fleas rats

Rat fleas are afraid of the following:

  • the actions of the insecticide, including its smell on the domestic animal;
  • temperature ambient below -15 ° C and above + 45 ° C;
  • direct sunlight;
  • water.

One of the subspecies of flea is the rat flea, which knows how to adapt perfectly under different conditions existence. They can even be found in that house, where it is always clean and cleaned. And all because the main source is rats, in whose wool usually such insects find their bait. These creatures are not so harmless, as you might think, since they live on rats. After all, their omnivities are also aimed at the blood of the man who drink, periodically attacking people and pets.

What are rat flea

These insects in their biological grounds are practically no different from their relatives, cat, dog or home flea. That is why it can so often meet in a person's dwelling. They look like this: the calves also in size are in length 4-5 mm, and small individuals are 3-4 mm (grown offspring). Life expectancy is also measured at 2 months sometimes a little longer. Because of the chitine cover, which is covered with the body, and the long hind legs, which give an insect jumper (can overcome distances up to 30 at one jump), such a blood circulation is very difficult to catch. Their bites accurately produce pain, as well as their relatives. At the same time, they are very dangerous because of their ability to carry various diseases through the blood of a person with every bite.

  • places where a large cluster of dirt, garbage, waste;
  • garbage generations;
  • basement.

Crawling for shoes, legs, clothes, packages, travel bags and other things, can be transferred to the house from the street or from neighbors, friends, guests. After walking down the street with his pet pet, insects can migrate on them. In the dwelling of people, they love to hide:

  • behind plinths;
  • in outdoor cracks;
  • slots window Rams or door platbands;
  • in a soft upholstery of sofas, chairs;
  • in soft toys;
  • near the garbage bucket and in other similar places where it is difficult to get their clusters, agencies.

What is the danger to a person

According to statistics of the Ministry of Health from all flea subspecies, this kind of bloodsowing was the reason for the appearance of a large list of diseases. Especially, if you compare with a number of other varieties, it was the rat flea that transfers the plague in ancient times. Today, after such bitees, the following risks are observed:

  • plague chopstick;
  • salmonellosis;
  • spores of Siberian ulcers;
  • encephalitis;
  • sleepy disease;
  • brucellosis and a number of other dangerous diseases.

Before drinking blood, the rat flea processes the skin of a person, piercing it with his mouth with his mouth, and then blood sucks through a special trot. It does not inject any anesthetics into the body of the victim, and therefore the pain will immediately be felt.

The bites of rat flea

The bites of rat flea are characteristic of the following signs and symptoms:

All symptoms can accompany headache and work disorder nervous system. With a strongest attack, a doctor should immediately seem to see the allergic crisis (anaphylactic shock) or other serious effects.

What means and drugs are best to get rid of rat flea

Microcapsular preparation "Get"

An effective means of a new generation is a microcapsular complex "GET", which, by the way, is often formed today. Therefore, when buying should pay attention to the price, name, brand and composition of the drug. One of the fakes is the name "Gett" or "Gett". You need to buy exclusively with the name - "get". Common characteristics The script is as follows:

  1. Produced in polymer capsules.
  2. Bathing - flookes, inside which capsules.
  3. The main component is chlorpiffos.
  4. By a hazard class, the tool is in the third group, so treatment should be processed the absence of people, children or animals.
  5. Cost on average can reach the following range in prices - 790 rubles.


Bought a microcapsular new-fashioned drug get a small bottle for 650 rubles when country house Literally attacked the invasion of the flea of \u200b\u200bthe army. It is said that the neighbors divorced rats, that's why they are periodic appearing along with their fleas. In short, it was practicing everything literally interior Domika, courtyard, basement, veranda, shed. I had to put traps-rattles, there are no most of the time there, and therefore we can't start the cat. In general, they can say for sure that the drug helped because the fleas disappeared all as one literally in a few days. Before, you go in the yard, and you already droop the reptiles, as well as the back. It is especially clear that it was visible well on bright clothes.

Capsules need place into water, dissolve and then apply for infected places. When the water evaporates only alone microscopic capsules, which will be poisonously affected by rat flea.

Dust "Pyrethrum"

"Pyrethrum" is called more persian powder. He stands in the group organic dustswho are able to destroy insects in a short time, while not having any harm to people, children and pets. Main component from Dolmatskaya chamomile is manufactured. The main characteristics include the following:

  1. Produced in the form of powder.
  2. Bathing - bags weighing 300 gr.
  3. When used in the house is not poisonous for people and animals.
  4. Active Components - pyrendines (Dolmatskaya chamomile substances).
  5. Expired for 1.5 years after release from the manufacturer.
  6. The average value of the substance - 450 rubles.


Hello! My name is Natalya. I found a flea in my home last month. Blacks such, jumper and hurt bite. Children are biting, me, husband. We have no particular finance so much to invoke a special service for treating the house. Yes, and go for time to us nowhere. Kusali mostly beyond your feet, and children all over the body, as the children often play on the floor. What to do? I had to look for the funds that were as harmless.

The saleswoman in the store suggested to buy "Pyrethrum". It is such a powder dryer, which can be diluted with water and process everything in the apartment does not even leaving it. The only thing that forbade for several days to crawl on the semi to the children and jump on the sofa and chairs. After processing and drying the substance, I simply allowed all carpets, sofas, chairs, palaces, stuffed Toys And the terry towels recalled. The tool helped. We did not come across this yet with such a phenomenon, the fleas were not shown and, hopefully, never appear here.

Dust "Clean Home"


Honestly, I never thought that I could have a flea in my apartment. They jump in such a way that you will not notice them, bite when you already notice them on your feet. Bought a powder drove brand " Clean house" All processed and left for mom. I come, and let's make a gene garden! Everything washed with Chlorine, let me overwhelm and even when I shared the bag from the vacuum cleaner on the street, I saw something similar to flew, only in dust. In short, the clean house really helped. True, the apartment had to weave another week, the smell was very much, such a feeling that even in the wallpaper was eaten.