Repairs Design Furniture

Finishing materials for interior wall decoration. Review of finishing materials for the inner walls. What's new in the finish of the interior of the house

In the apartment. All habitual wallpapers, tiles and lining alternate with completely new, while still incomprehensible names, whose manufacturer promised miraculous properties will even believe something. But the fact remains a fact - science does not stand still, and even in the market building materials Over the past decade there has occurred a significant breakthrough, in particular, absolutely new types of finishes appeared. unique propertieswhich can greatly relieve the life of the owners. Here on such innovative materials for internal work And I would like to stop today.

If you look at innovative construction and finishing materials, you can see that the finish species themselves are mostly the same - wallpaper, tile, paint, gypsum, glass, etc. The difference in their modern variation with the familiar all materials is the special forms and properties they have found.

Innovative wallpaper

One of the most common is, of course, wallpaper. What happened to them over the past 10 years, and what form they found, consider in more detail.

New types of paint for walls

Another of particularly common species finishing materials - This is the usual paint. Painted wallsDespite the prescription of the invention, still enjoying great popularity, regardless of the type of interior of the interior, and are present in many apartments. But she has modern variations that will be delighted with everyone who at least a little appreciates the originality of the design:

The described innovative paints are used mainly in children's rooms and hospitals, because they are quite expensive. Also often when designing the interior design, they paint certain sections.

Unusual types of tile

The next point in our list will, of course, the tile is a favorite material for finishing works present in the interior of almost every apartment. Speaking of modern variations of tiles, it is impossible not to mention that it changed not only properties, but also the form itself.

  1. Volume ceramic tile - It has both convex and concave side, due to the alternation of which the effect of complex optical illusions is achieved.
  2. Pesticle tile - is a coating of marine stones, which are glued to the piping grid. This species finishes not only will excellent option For the interior design of the bathroom or pool, but also provides a medical massage effect in case of laying such a tile on the floor.
  3. Live or liquid tile - changes the image on the surface by pressing it. Especially spectacular and aesthetically looks like outdoor coatingBut it can be used for wall decoration.

Relief plaster panels

There are modern finishing materials used for centuries. One of them is to all the well-known plaster, work from which is still very popular. One of the modern variations of the use of gypsum are decorative wall 3D panels that allow you to create integers. volumetric paintings No remarkable surfaces, regardless of the type of interior. Such wall panels have many advantages, in particular, long term operation, environmental friendliness and reliability. Moreover, when finishing walls with gypsum panels, the sound and thermal insulation of the latter increase significantly. Separately, it is worth noting the special properties of the gypsum, which is capable of maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room.

Wall 3D plaster panels - favorite material of modern designers

Glass finish

Another new one in the finishing materials market is smart glass or, as it is also called smart glass. Its unusual is the ability to change optical properties. In particular, it can turn from transparent into matte, not to skip light and absorb heat. In addition, this material manufacturers often give additional properties. Some modern smart glass may turn on the heating mode, automatically cleaned, as well as independently open to air. Changes in material properties occurs as a result of shift temperature mode, degree of lighting, as well as when applying an electrical pulse.


Modern materials for finishing works are constantly being improved and improved. Moreover, the special rate is made by manufacturers on naturalness and environmental friendliness. In addition, much attention is paid to simplicity of installation, to facilitate consumer life. Recently, a parquet with a lock assembly system was released on the market, as well as coatings of cotton, herbs and bamboo. However, it is rather exotic than just low-used materials, since such a unique finish is quite expensive, it is difficult to find in stores, and for our mentality, to put it mildly, unusual. In any case, before such materials become perceived as something of granted, years will pass. But now people who care about their health are looking for alternative options. modern finish. Despite the high cost of new materials, they are already in great demand, so we can safely talk about their upcoming popularity and full pensions of the old and came out of fashion.

Premises. This work is carried out and when updating the interior, which served the owners sufficient number time. Of particular importance is the condition of the walls. In accordance with it, those or other coatings are selected. Next, consider what can be finishing materials for inland walls.

Preparation of surfaces

Before talking about what finishing materials for inland walls are, you should select the variant of the draft sheat. There are only two of them: "dry" and "wet". To the first one should include the objects of surfaces using glass champion or plasterboard sheets. Alternatively, such finishing materials for the inner walls can also be used: MDF, plastic, and others. Wetting surfaces is a "wet" method of preparation. Previous walls are cleaned of the previous coating.

Features of black sheathing

"Dry" method is used for pure and rapid repair. His holding will not interfere ordinary life in room. Installation of panels or sheets is carried out on the glue either on the frame. The latter can be metallic or wooden. The selection of the profile depends on the state of the surfaces and the requirements for them (both aesthetic and functional).

If the frame installation method is used, then to protect against the penetration of rodents under the coating should be paved special material. It is preferable in this case to purchase (instead of foam, for example). With this material, in addition, it is possible to increase heat and noise insulation.

The "wet" method is characterized by a lot of labor intensity. The process of surface preparation is accompanied by the formation of dirt and dust. If this variant of draft training is selected, then all items must be removed from the room.

The advantage of this method is the savings useful Square premises. When installing a frame, a part of the space is closed. Shuttering surfaces, in addition, will create monolithic smooth walls. They can't get rodents or insects.

Finishing materials for indoor walls

Undoubtedly, the cladding is selected in accordance with the functional purpose of the room. In those rooms where family members spend most of the time, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly finishing materials. For the inner walls in this case, plastic will not fit, wallpapers on an artificial basis and coatings capable of separating under the influence sun ray Toxic compounds. Next, consider some of the most popular finishing materials for the inner walls of the house.


This is perhaps the most common finishing materials for the indoor walls of the apartment. The advantages of the wallpaper are considered their relatively low cost and simplicity of installation. Time to pasting surfaces is quite small. It is also important that the finish can be carried out completely independently. Wallpaper is perfect for well-heated premises with a constant temperature and humidity level. Their composition uses safe components. In accordance with the initial raw materials there are several types of material:


It is used in the finish quite often. Tile refers to non-flammable coatings. It can be used in almost any room. Beautiful bathroom material is perfect. Tile is resistant to temperature differences. When compliance with the laying technology, the coating will last long enough. So that the tile is not mechanically damaged, it should be carefully aligned with the base. The undoubted advantage of the material is the simplicity of installation. Facing can be performed with your own hands.

Depending on the appearance and source raw materials, the tile is divided into several types. Today, the finishing materials for the inner walls under the stone are popular. Among the tile range can be selected under granite or marble. However, it should be remembered that the weight of the coating can be quite large.

Panels from the massif

They differ in environmental friendliness, durability, attractive appearance. It is necessary, however, it is noted that the wooden panels are not suitable for any room. Most often, such a cladding is used in the hallways and work offices. Installation of panels is carried out on the frame. This makes it possible to additionally insulate the room. From the existing range, you can choose very original coatings, imitating valuable wood species. Such cladding will look luxurious and stylish. Choosing wooden panels, it should be borne in mind that the material does not tolerate moisture. In addition, such a cladding requires careful care.

PVC panels

The coating is quite unpretentious, resistant to moisture, temperature differences. The apartment panels are mounted in bathrooms, bathrooms, in the kitchen, in the corridor. Installation is carried out as in the previous case, on the frame. Frequently used plastic finishing materials for inner walls in the country.

Decorative plaster

This material is excellent for finishing. Application decorative coating can be carried out in absolutely different to the purpose of the premises, including high humidity. Quite often, the coating is used in the bathrooms, in the kitchen, requires careful base preparation. The surface of the wall should be perfectly smooth, without defects.

Liquid wallpaper

This is a very popular view of the decoration. To work with liquid wallpaper do not need any special skills or knowledge. Apply the coating is quite possible. Among the disadvantages of the material, there should be poor resistance to mechanical damage. However, it perfectly tolerate moisture and temperatures.

Range liquid wallpaper Very wide. Manufacturers offer various colors and textures. Removing the coating from the wall is simply carried out with a spatula.

Private ownership

Finishing materials for indoor walls wooden house Can be practically any. For premises in which humidity is increased, it is recommended to use plaster or plastic panels. In the first case, it is necessary to pre-build a duranch or reinforcement grid. The solution is used on a sand-cement basis with adding of different kind fillers. Alternatively, it is possible to apply or glass-chapped sheets - the coating of a new generation, made using chloride and magnesium oxide, reinforced on both sides of fiberglass (this gives strength and flexibility).

Such finishing materials for the inner walls of wood, like lining or rake, are considered fairly common. High strength and versatility differs laminate. It can be placed not only on the floor, but also on the walls. Lining ("American", block house, Eurovantia) is excellent for surfaces made of a rounded log. The gaps in the walls in front of the facing are constantly by jut. Between the coating and the log, the remaining free space is filled with thermal insulation.

Combined options

Very often, a combination of materials is used in the finish. For example, drywall (prospaable and plastered decorative composition) perfectly combined with the clapboard. The ceramic tile and decorative plaster on the walls look also effectively. Liquid OIS can be combined with wooden or plastic panels. To enhance the decorative effect, also uses different variants laying one material. For example, the lining, like the panels, can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. To do appearance The coating is even more attractive will help a variety of compositions - paints, varnishes, impregnation.


The article discusses only some of the most common ways to finish the premises. Choosing one or another option, you should consider several factors:

  • Budget size.
  • Mounting complexity.
  • Subsequent coating care.
  • Operating properties of material.

It is also important that the cladding harmonize with the whole interior and pleased the eye of the owners.

Completion of the construction of the house usually means the need to start internal work. First of all, such works include decoration of the walls, since it is they who occupy the largest area inside the house.

With the internal decoration of the walls, the most important is the ecology of finishing materials.

Basic rules finish

Works on the decoration of walls inside the house is the responsible part of construction and repair, because from what materials will be used and the durability of repair, its comfort, attractiveness for tenants will be used. Equally important is the safety of finishing materials for people's health.

Materials used in residential premises should not be in their composition of harmful toxic substances. For these reasons, wall decoration is technologically complex stage works, as well as materially expensive. Before starting the finish, it is worth thinking possible options, take into account the pros and cons of each and after that, to choose the method of finishing, determine the order of work and the list of finishing materials.

When finishing walls within the house, attention is paid to the decorative properties of the coating, since, unlike facade finish, climatic conditions do not affect it.

When choosing finishing materials, you need to remember the purpose of the room. Thus, the bathroom and the kitchen will be wet and wet microclimate, so the materials for finishing must have moisture-resistant properties. In the bedroom, living room and other rooms, such requirements for materials are no longer presented.

The walls of the walls inside the house implies 2 stages: primary (draft) and finishing (clean). Everything finishing work It should be carried out at an air temperature not lower than + 5 ° C and not higher than + 30 ° C. The humidity of the air should not exceed 75%.

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Primary finish

The task of the house is to create a durable, geometrically level surface that will be the basis for finish finish. The value of this stage of work is extremely important because the most expensive coating It will be corrupted if you apply it on a poorly trimmed rough surface.

And, on the contrary, on a high-quality basis, even the most simple wallpapers Will please the eyes. In addition, it is important to make the primary finish correctly and because this stage is quite time-consuming and financially expensive, that is, it is difficult to redo it difficult.

For rough stage There are several of the most common ways to finish:

Cement-sand plaster forms a solid and dense surface with relatively low cost. At the same time, such plaster has moisture resistance and frost resistance. However, cement-sand plaster has drawbacks - fragility, high weight, severe rudeness and surface roughness and its small cooler. Apply it better by a layer of no more than 5 cm, otherwise the risk of separating plaster from the base increases.

It is best that this method of finishing is suitable for the walls of red brick, with which good grip forms. Worse keeps such plaster on silicate brick, slag blocks, concrete surfaces. Therefore, when using plaster on such surfaces, it is necessary to use concrete contacts.

The limestone plaster is easily and quickly applied, it can be used to create a thick layer. However, this type of material has a lot of disadvantages: it is continuing, easily destructive, low-density and resistance to moisture and frost.

Gypsum plaster over its qualities exceeds all types of plaster. It has a good grip with almost all the surfaces, has a plasticity and viscosity, it is easy to apply it, so work can be performed much faster. In addition, the gypsum plaster forms a fairly smooth surface, which greatly facilitates further finishing works. The only drawback of this type of finishing materials is its high cost.

The use of drywall allows you to erect complex forms and designs on the walls, while skilling this method allows you to quickly get smooth surface Virtually no dirt and dust, unlike plastering. When attaching drywall on the profile, voids between the material and the wall are formed, which allows additional materials For insulation and sound insulation, mount pipes, wires and other engineering systems under it.

Plasterboard allows you to get a smooth and durable surface for further work. However, this type of draft decreases space, since the minimum clearance between the wall and plasterboard is approximately 4.5 cm. Avoiding such a shortage allows installation of plasterboard for glitter.

This type of work should be carried out on a surface that does not have significant flaws. If the walls are curves, then it is necessary to consider that in this case, when installing drywall, it will be necessary to use a lot of glue, which will increase the cost of finishing works.

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Finish finish

Finish finish involves applying on chernobone Coatings for making decorative and sanitary and hygienic properties with walls. The main types of materials for finishing finishes are as follows:

Wallpapers are currently available in a huge assortment, thanks to which you can pick up any desired color and texture. Wallpaper can be single-layer (paper, flieslinic, fabric) and two-layer (vinyl and tissue on paper or fliesline basis), and also consist of wood (bamboo, cork tree) and metal.

Wallpapers are affordable material For wall decoration, they are easy enough to glue, due to which the interior update can be made often. Some species of wallpapers have water resistance, they can be washed and used in such premises, like a kitchen, toilet, corridor, entrance hall. For premises with high passability, you need to choose a strong wallpaper, for example, vinyl. For children's rooms and bedrooms, it is recommended to use natural wallpapers, best paper, because they do not contain any harmful impurities.

Paintwork materials are water and non-aqueous basis. They are divided into acrylic, latex, silicone, silicate, acrylate latex. They are used depending on the purpose of the room, such as for the bathroom it is worth choosing materials with moisture-proof properties.

Stuccoings for finishing finish are called decorative and are silicone, silicate, mineral and acrylic. Mineral plaster is the most inexpensive of them, but may crack if the house is prone to vibrations. Silicate plaster is more durable, it is practically not dirty. Acrylic plaster is most versatile from all kinds. It is great for wet premises, is well clean, it is not afraid of temperature drops, dries quickly.

Silicone plaster is very plastic and easy to use, however has a high cost. The material is applied to the prepared surface with various spatulas, then the surface is given the desired texture. All types of plaster can be painted after drying, which is undoubted plus To achieve the desired decorative effect and, if necessary, change the interior. Besides paint finish layer There may be a varnish with a decorative effect or special wax.

Facing materials include ceramics (tile), polyvinyl chloride panels, plastic. Also this kind of materials may be natural origin, for example, a stone, wood. A natural stone quite expensive, so an alternative may be fake diamond Or ceramic tile under stone. All materials are mounted on the surface with special adhesives.

Choosing a way to finish the walls in the house follows from the features of the premises of the surface, financial and other possibilities.

With a responsible approach to the decoration of walls inside the house, the result will delight households long years, while maintaining the initial appearance, strength and reliability.

Wall decoration usually completes the construction stage of the house. Here we need finishing materials for the inner walls. They are quite a lot on sale. Consider the most common and well-deserved demands of consumers. Types of facing material.

Finishing materials for walls

The most traditional view is the wallpaper. They have their own advantages:

Wallpaper traditional material for interior decoration Walls, economical and eco-friendly option for your home

  • do not require costs large number time;
  • the price is available for each apartment owner;
  • work can be done by yourself, saving on this considerable money;
  • products are environmentally friendly.

Wallpapers are:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • fliseline;
  • fiberglass;
  • wall mural.

Paper products cheap, but short-lived. They do not have resistant to moisture, fear mechanical impact. Therefore, the demand for them is the smallest.

More dense wallpaper - vinyl. They are not afraid of moisture, possess elasticity and increased strength. All these qualities creates a layer vinyl coatingwhich is applied to paper wallpaper.

By the quality between wallpaper vinyl and paper can be placed acrylic products. Acrylic emulsion is applied on the basis of the paper.

Flizelin wallpaper for walls have high durability and reliability. In these products, foamed vinyl are applied to the fliesline basis. Wallpaper finishing is easily painted.

Fiberglass species of wallpaper are different from the point of view of ecology, they are fireproof, well subjected to coloring.

Wall murals are various plots transferred to paper. They may be the types of nature, animals and birds, paintings of cities.

This is not all kinds of finishing materials. Widely used in repair and construction facing tiles. It happens the following types:

  • majolica;
  • terrala;
  • monocotture;
  • ceramic granite.

Tile is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • perfectly tolerate temperature differences;
  • it can be used for facing unheated premises;
  • has durability;
  • the price is available to many;
  • there is the possibility of laying it with your own hands;
  • a wide variety of colors and forms;
  • can imitate natural and artificial stone.

Tile, imitating natural stone, fits well in the interior. If you wish, you can additionally paint oil colors. These trim tiles can imitate brick or stone masonry.

Wooden panels for wall cladding are also materials for finishing. They differ environmental safety, please the eye with your view on the wall of the house. Panels give the room noble appearance. Their advantages:

  • wooden panels You can hide the irregularities of the wall;
  • they can be covered with communication;
  • the decoration warms the walls and is sound insulation;
  • panels are not afraid of cold;
  • all work can be performed independently;
  • different with environmental cleaning.

The minuses include the fact that materials for walls of wood can absorb moisture. Therefore, they must be protected by a special coating.

They are made of pine and ash, maple and beech. This refers to light products. Dark woods are used for the interior decoration of walls. These include Oak, Merbau, Tick and Cherry. The panels can consist of an array of wood, they make them from the fiberboard, apply chipboard, phaneer, veneer. Internal wall decoration usually does not include chipboard. The sheathing of wood has high sound insulation and thermal insulation qualities, not afraid of mechanical effects. Its service life is very long.

Plastic and other materials

The following finish material is plastic panels. These are polystyrene layers that are covered to protect polyethylene film. Such finishing materials are not subjected to rotting. They are not growing fungus and mold. Popularity provides a relatively low cost.

Widely used to finish the inner walls textile coatings. This finishing material is used to decorate the wall in the bedroom, in the office. Products are quite expensive, but very elegant and practical. Textile facing materials for finishing are divided into the following types:

  • textile wallpapers;
  • seamless coatings;
  • liquid wallpaper.

Textile wallpapers are rolled material. It is attached in a vertical position to the wall. These finishing materials consist of a basis made of paper or fliesline. The front side is finished with a cloth. Flax, jute, viscose or silk come to the decoration.

Seamless coating is the following type of finish. These are also rolled finishing materials, but their width should be equal to the height of the room. This allows you to make only one seam at an invisible place.

Finishing materials continue to liquid wallpapers. According to its consistency and the method of applying, they are similar to ordinary paint. This is in the initial form dry mixture consisting of fiber and binder composition. Before use, it is bred according to the instructions and applied on the wall with spatulas. Excellent cracked cracks and cracks in the wall.

The budgetary materials are all sorts of paints. They can accommodate the room beautifully and original. But before the painting wall you need to align plasterboard or plaster.

Final part

Facing materials for interior decoration have many varieties.

Which of them choose to finish your apartment? For the kitchen, finishing materials are needed that are optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. It can be wallpapers, tiles, panels. The main thing is that they were washing.

For the bedroom you can choose textile coatings. There is a room for rooms big choice Different wallpapers, plasters, panels, paints, putty and primers. Constantly a new finishing range appears in the trading network.

Related records:

To date, the market is filled with a variety of modern materials for the walls of your home. And the choice is huge. This can be attributed: wallpaper decorative plaster, ceramic tiles, etc. Everyone can choose that the material for the finish, which he soul.

A couple of dozen years ago, the choice of building materials for finishing and repairing the walls was quite scarce and poor. And today - just eyes scatter from the abundance of materials and decorative elements. Every day there are all new technologies that allow you to make your accommodation even better and more beautiful.

The most common modern methods and the options for finishing outdoor and inland walls of the house are: staining; decorative wallpaper; cladding; Finishing a variety. For external walls of the house, the most commonly used: painting; decorative decoration; .

It is necessary to pay special attention to the walls of the walls, because most of the premises occupy at home. Depending on what elements and materials you will choose to finish the walls, the creation of the interior in the house will depend on.
To properly choose a material for finishing the walls of the house, you need to know its main features, take into account its practicality, the main characteristics and properties, durability, color and matching the style of your interior created in the house. For each room frame house In accordance with its purpose, different building elements and materials are chosen. Especially carefully and qualitatively choose the finishing decor for the outside of the frame house. Paints should have a high moisture resistance, and decorative plaster should be based on cement.

Decorative wallpaper

For many years, the most common materials for wall decoration inside the house are wallpaper. The diversity and color gamut of their choice is increasing every year. They are damp different types: Paper, Fiberglass, Liquid, Fliseline Based, Vinyl and Textile. Each type has certain properties, various palettes of colors and drawings. Thanks to these diverse properties, they can be used in different rooms And create different and unusual style.

Most popularity and fame acquired, they can be accumulated not only the walls, but also the ceilings. Not low demand uses. Very nice and beautiful looks textile materialwhich is formed on the phlizelin-based or paper. Silk, viscose and flax are used for its release. This type of wallpaper is accepted to be treated with a dry soft cloth or with a vacuum cleaner. There are more expensive exclusive and original materials For interior decoration of walls is a natural cane and bamboo wallpaper, as well as algae. In addition to the listed types of wallpaper, it is possible to use wood, felt, textile and quartz coatings.

Fabric coatings

The most common I. best Material For the walls of the house is a tissue coating. Today on the market huge selection This material, different textures and colors. The inner finish of the cloth will give refinement to your walls. This is environmentally friendly natural material Used to finish the walls of corridors, hallways, living rooms and bedrooms. Fabric coating is easily mounted and dismantled. Material stretch on wooden railswho are attached to and ceiling. With this finish, it does not require thorough alignment of the walls.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a material for the interior decoration of the walls of the house, which look very unusual and original. You can distinguish the following types of plaster:

  1. textured plaster is a mixture different colorsmade on the basis of binders synthetic materials and special filler;
  2. sgrafito is a color plaster consisting of soil and several layers of coatings with an original silhouette pattern;
  3. tadact - Mineral Moroccan Plaster, moisture resistant, there are no synthetic additives and extraneous dyes.

Flock coatings can be attributed to this material, they mimic the skin, suede and velor or texture of natural stones, stone crumbs, structural and "Venetian" plaster. All its types are not afraid of moisture and are quite easily applied, have a variety of color palette, resistant to any mechanical effects and hide all roughness and irregularities.

Environmentally friendly materials

Leather panels is very expensive

To create comfort and comfort, modern material for walls of a wooden house is suitable: cork coating By type wallpaper or plates. It has good sound insulation and thermal insulation, and environmental properties.

Walls covered natural skinwill look very expensive and beautiful, and their surface will be smooth or textured. But today the most common coating is a crocodile or varan leather tile. This material is very durable, fireproof and durable. This coating option is rather expensive, so there are wall panels on the market, which mimic the skin, and also produce wallpaper under the leather coating. If you want to create an ethnic style in the house, you are ideal for the leather-fur finish of walls with the use and use of natural stone, wood or bronze. Quite often use. It is mainly used for finishing wooden coatings. For decoration in the style of High-tech, glass and metal is perfect. It can be tiles and panels of various colors and sizes, with a pattern and without, transparent and silver. If desired, the wall can be separated by special aluminum sheets under the color of gold, bronze or copper.

Materials for interior decoration at home

The best option for coating kitchen walls will be a ceramic tile. It is well wash, durable and looks very beautiful. We produce its various colors and shapes. For finishing, kitchens and bathrooms usually choose a matte or glossy tile with a textural or smooth surface.

Paint is a cheap excellent finishing material. If your walls are smooth, without any cracks and chosel, then the surface painting is perfect. Experimenting with color and getting different shades, you can resolve all your intended design thoughts and ideas. To do this, choose only moisture-resistant and washable paints. The most reliable and durable will be polyvinilacing paints. Matte or half-male will perfectly hide all the irregularities of the walls. Modern materials For internal I. exterior decoration Wooden house walls - in addition to ceramic tiles and different types of wallpaper - are decorative wall panels. They are fairly easily installed and their life increases. Produce these coatings from DVP and plastic. By outer coating They are mimicted under natural stone or tree. Also for the kitchen and the bathroom, materials are suitable for a tissue basis with high moisture resistance: isople, vintage, linker. To date, for wall decoration in the kitchen and bathroom use mosaic coating. The mosaic includes: smalt, glass, ceramic tiles and natural stone. All presented elements and materials for a wooden house in the kitchen and bathroom have a beautiful appearance. They are also easy to clean and do not require special care.

Decorative painting

Materials for the exterior decoration of the walls of the house

Currently on the market are represented different Materials For walls and elements for a wooden frame house. They are both natural and artificial. For the external decoration of the walls, composites are used - it is a porcelain tile or ceramic tile. They are facing the base and lower floors of the buildings. Natural stone is used when decorated external walls at home. This material is very durable, beautiful, frost-resistant and waterproof. Often used artificial decorative rock. It is very simple in laying, unpretentious, durable and affordable. Protection of the house from atmospheric external influences will give such material as vinyl siding.

Whatever the material you have chosen for the inner and external finishing of the walls of your home, it should be reliable and high-quality. It is important and matching the coverage of the whole interior and architectural style your house. When choosing a coating, advise with experts who will be able to tell you the best way for your