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Gypsum or cement plaster: What is better? What plaster choose - plaster or cement? What plaster is better than gypsum or cement sandy

The quality of the finishing of plaster depends not only on the professionalism of the wizard, but also from the selected mixture. On the shelves of construction stores are presented by a great set of different plasters - here and "proven in centuries" solutions, and modern materials. Plaster differs not only by price, but also for the purpose, properties, advantages. We'll figure it out why this material is used at all and what is the difference between its main varieties.

Appointment and main types of plaster

Regardless of the variety, plastering mixtures can perform the following functions:

  • aligning surfaces;
  • an increase in the noise and thermal insulation indicators of the structure;
  • sealing seams;
  • creating fire protection.

Options for classification of plaster There are a lot, but most often the composition of the mixture is taken as the base. Accordingly distinguish such species as gypsum, clay, lime, cement Plaster, etc. The most popular are mixtures based on plaster and cement, so we will talk about them more about them.

Features of cement plaster

Over the years, the composition of cement plaster has undergone significant changes. Previously, the mixture was obtained by mixing cement with sand or lime, but many modifications of this traditional composition gradually appeared. New cement solutions have such properties as plasticity, low water absorption, improved adhesion and others.

You can apply cement plaster on a brick, concrete, aerated concrete, etc. Before starting work, the base is prepared: purified from contamination and dust, soaked.

Cement plaster is used for both exterior and internal works:

  • alignment of walls;
  • decoration of rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom);
  • finishing of unheated premises or entrances;
  • preparation of surfaces that require an increase in frost resistance.

Advantages of cement plaster

Cement plaster has many advantages, at the expense of which it does not lose popularity from builders even now, if there are many similar materials.

  • High strength. For this parameter, cement plaster is a unconditional leader. In cases where it is necessary to give the surface maximum strength and reliability, experimental masters always choose a mixture of cement - this makes it much less often to carry out the overhaul of the premises.
  • Good adhesion. Cement plaster does not require the use of additional means to increase clutch with the base. At the same time, the applied solution will retain its integrity for a long time.
  • Resistance to moisture. This property allows the use of cement plaster when finishing the premises in which permanently wet microclimate. This is explained by the fact that the solution has a dense structure - it eliminates absorption, thereby perfectly protecting the base.
  • Available cost. As noted earlier, the cement plaster includes fairly cheap and affordable components.

Disadvantages of cement plaster

Cement-based solutions are not ideal - we allocated four main disadvantages that do not allow you to call this material universal.

  • Cement plaster is incompatible with plastic, painted and wooden bases.
  • The high weight of the solution creates a serious load on the walls, so before applying it is necessary to accurately determine the thickness of the layer - for this, special calculations are carried out.
  • The process of application is laborious because it takes several stages.
  • In order for the surface to be ready to paint, the positive walls need to be added further - it increases the timing of the finish as a whole.
  • Many cement mixtures are for a long time - approximately 3-4 weeks.

However, the last drawback today is already in the past. Major manufacturers of building materials modify cement mixtures with various plasticizers - this allows the solution to frozen during the week.

Features of gypsum plaster

A solution of plaster plaster is made of a dry mixture, which contains not only a gypsum powder, but also various plasticizers. To obtain the necessary paste-shaped consistency, the mixture is diluted with water.

Gypsum plaster is applied manually or machine method. As a rule, an ideally smooth surface can be obtained even when applied only one solution layer.

Gypsum plaster is chosen when necessary:

  • carry out an internal finish;
  • prepare surfaces under painting (shook wallpaper).

For the outer finish, this mixture is not suitable, as well as for use in rooms with high humidity.

Advantages of gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster almost twice as more advantages than cement. Let's figure it out in order than it is so good.

  • Environmental purity. Gypsum mixes do not contain components dangerous to human health. Their use in residential premises optimizes microclimate, as the gypsum plaster is not so dense, as cement, and therefore does not interfere with the natural air exchange.
  • No shrinkage. This suggests that in the process of frosting, the plaster will not be cracked - one of the important conditions for obtaining a smooth surface.
  • Small specific weight. This feature is hidden several advantages. Firstly, small weight reduces the load on the bearing walls, which contributes to the long-term preservation of their integrity. Secondly, it allows you to reduce the consumption of the mixture.
  • Plastic. When applying gypsum compositions, there is no need to use the reinforcing mesh - the mixture is sufficiently viscous in order to stick on the surface, not stacking and not deforming. In some cases, you can apply plaster in several layers, without fearing any consequences.
  • Parp permeability. As noted above, the gypsum mixes are loose, porous. This not only improves the microclimate, but also does not allow fungus and mold on the walls.
  • Excellent noise and thermal insulation. Gypsum plaster helps to preserve heat in the room - the walls covered with it are never ice. In addition, the walls skip much less noise.
  • High finishing speed. Three days - the normal time to frozen plaster plaster. Only in exceptional cases, this period can delay up to seven days (for example, if the mixture was applied to several layers).

The use of gypsum plaster makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of finishing work - compared with the cement mixture, labor costs and consumption of material decreases at least twice.

Disadvantages of gypsum plaster

All disadvantages of this material are quite conditional and usually do not bring significant inconvenience. We have allocated two drawbacks.

  • As already mentioned, the gypsum plaster is used only for finishing the interior, since this mixture does not tolerate excessive humidity.
  • The cost of gypsum blends is higher than those cement by about 1.5-2 times.

As a rule, these disadvantages do not play a decisive role when choosing plaster, since the benefits are completely paying for two small minuses.


At first glance, it may seem that the gypsum plaster is better - it is easily applied, misses moisture, does not disturb the microclimate, allows you to quickly complete the finish. However, this does not make gypsum mixtures universal, and therefore - choose the plaster must be based on the destination.

Cement mortar is suitable if Requires the facade finish, basement or bathroom. He should give preference in the event that it is necessary to ensure maximum surface strength, and the ideal smoothness of "under painting" is not needed. Also keep in mind that the cement plaster is harder to apply - without appropriate experience it will be practically impossible.

It is better to choose a gypsum mixture if The decoration of the residential premises is necessary, and if you plan to work on your own. Gypsum plaster is easily applied and well suited for pre-trigger.

During the finishing works, it is very important to choose the correct materials. If with paints and wallpaper more or less understandable, then with plaster mixtures is more complicated. The modern market offers hundreds of various options for these building materials, characterized by the composition, technical characteristics, and so on. To accurately decide what plaster is better: cement or gypsum, you need to learn more about each form.

Cement-based plasters are considered universal because they can be used for internal and external works. For the most part, such materials are not afraid of high humidity, low temperatures and their drops, so suitable for facade works, trimming of basements, decoration of slopes and even areas around the pools. Some cement plaster contain special components, such as polystyrene foam crumb, which significantly increase material thermal insulation. Good adhesion to most materials, mechanical strength, as well as a long service life make cement formulations suitable in terms of capital repairs and restoration of coatings under the condition of compatibility of materials. Cement-based plasters badly hold on wood, plastic and painted coatings. After drying, they acquire a gray color, and the ideal evenness of the wall is very difficult to achieve, so further finishing is required with the help of tiles, wallpaper or decorative plaster mixtures.

Using cement plaster it is very difficult to achieve perfectly smooth surface.

Gypsum solutions are distinguished by plasticity and lack of shrinkage, so well suited for finishing wall decoration. They are suitable for any type of foundation, since they are distinguished by high adhesion and low weight, allowing to decorate wall structures without significant overloads. With the help of gypsum compositions, textured and structural surfaces create, but it is possible to spend rough alignment before painting or pasting with wallpaper. Under the influence of moisture, the plaster is destroyed, so such solutions do not apply to the finishing of facades, basements, bathrooms, basements, and so on.

On a note! There are gypsum plasters, which contains polymer components that protect against the harmful effects of water. They can be used in wet environments, but due to high cost it is recommended to carry out the finish finish.

Gypsum plaster has widespread use

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plasters

This material has the following positive parties:

  1. Environmental Safety. All components that make up such plasters do not have a negative impact of the human body. In addition, they are distinguished by low acidity.
  2. No shrinkage. This feature allows work without the risk of subsequent cracking of the coatings. Also, the finished surface does not require another layer for the final formation of the coating.
  3. Relatively small mass. Due to this, it is easier to work with gypsum materials, their flow rate is noticeably lower than that of cement, and the walls will not be overloaded with excess weight.
  4. Plastic. A good indicator of plasticity provides fast and convenient applying and reclamation of plaster material. In addition, if necessary, you can make a thick layer of plaster, without fearing that it falls off the wall.
  5. Simple preparation. In most cases, the reinforcing grid is not required to apply such materials.
  6. Parry permeability. After drying on the coating, pores are formed, providing normal ventilation for walls. As a result, the moisture does not accumulate under the surface, which increases its life.
  7. Insulating properties. Gypsum has a low thermal conductivity, therefore provides a comfortable temperature indoor. It should also be noted that the walls decorated with such plaster are passing less noise.
  8. Drying speed. Conventional gypsum base solutions are beginning to be captured after 30-60 minutes after manufacture, it will take all no more than a day. The set of coating strength is maximum for 7 days.

Gypsum plaster - very plastic material that allows you to get a textured surface

The main disadvantage of gypsum materials is hydrophilicity, as a result of which they cannot be used to finish wet premises. Another minus is the cost. Gypsum mixes are more expensive than cement 1.5 times, and lime - 2 times, it must be taken into account before you stop your choice on a specific option.

Pros and cons of cement solutions

Thanks to the following characteristics, cement plaster are so high among experienced and beginner masters:

  1. Mechanical strength. This indicator is a peculiar visiting card of cement plasters. Due to it, the coating is obtained by durable, reliable, able to withstand a direct mechanical impact.
  2. High adhesion. Even if the monolithic concrete surface is separated, no special preparatory activities are required. It is enough to use special primer or additives.
  3. Moisture resistance. Thanks to this characteristic, the materials can be used to finish the walls and ceilings in wet rooms. In addition, it is cement formulations most often choose for facade works.
  4. Cost. Relatively low prices for cement formulations make them attractive in the eyes of buyers.

Cement plaster is highly appreciated both beginner masters and professionals

You should know! It is impossible to choose between materials, taking into account the cost alone. It is recommended to find out the flow of each of them and count the required amount of the mixture in advance.

The main disadvantage of such solutions is the absence of the possibility of processing plastic, painted or wooden surfaces. For their decoration requires serious preparatory activities that increase the total cost of work. This type of plastecocks is distinguished by a significant specific weight, which is why it is more difficult to work with it, it is practically not applied to the ceilings. The same feature requires accurate preliminary calculation of the material and layer thickness, since a large amount of material can overload the walls. The application process is quite laborious and passes in several stages, after each of which it is necessary to interrupt the work on a certain time. It is necessary to dry out the solutions, the overall duration of the work can reach 1 month.

Modern mixtures contain a variety of different components, which fully or partially level the above disadvantages.

Works on the plaster of the wall with a mortar on a cement basis can be delayed for a long time

What plaster to choose depending on the type of base

If the surfaces do not have serious defects and are not very radiated, it will be enough to simply apply one layer of plaster plaster. In this case, we are talking about walls in panel houses, as well as plasterboard coatings. For such purposes, it is recommended to use solutions with polymer additives that increase the viscosity and adhesion of the material.

On a note! Walls from lightweight cellular concrete require pre-treatment before applying gypsum compositions. For ordinary walls it is optional.

If the walls are elevated from brick or slag block, it is better to use starting mixtures on a cement basis. The fact is that such building materials are rarely distinguished by perfect geometry, in addition, the flattering of masonry is also rare. In addition, such coatings need preliminary priming, and if a large layer of cement plaster is used (more than 5 cm), the installation of a reinforcing grid is required.

Brick wall brick wall finish is better to perform cement compositions

After drying the leveling layer, a rough, porous and grainy surface is obtained. For its smoothing, gypsum finish solutions with a shallow fraction filler are used. They will fill every crack and time, as a result of which the coating will look more uniform.


To finally understand, in which case is suitable, and in which cement mixture, you need to know the main indicators:

  • The temperature range is the same for both materials - + 5 ... + 30 degrees.
  • Fractional fraction for gypsum - 0.5 mm, in cement - 1.25 mm.
  • Approximate consumption for the first type of 9 kg, for the second - 17 per square meter.
  • The minimum and maximum thicknesses of the same layer are the same - 5 and 25 mm, respectively, for partial alignment, this indicator grows up to 35 mm.
  • The time of setting gypsum solutions - 0.5-1.5 hours, cement - 3 hours.
  • Grout In the first case, it is possible after 2 hours, in the second - after 5 hours.
  • According to the technology, the time of a complete set of strength for both types of material is 28 days, but in practice - the plaster needs about 9-10 days.
  • The vintage strength of M25 and M100, respectively.
  • Compressive strength in gypsum materials is 2.5 MPa, cement - 10 MPa.
  • The adhesion strength of plasters with the surface is almost the same, the difference is 0.1 MPa.
  • Shrinkage in gypsum mixes is absent, cement is 1-2 mm / m.


The selection of plaster depends on the result required, like the base and budget for repairs. Wet rooms are recommended to be separated only by cement compositions, all the others - first cement-sand mixtures, if the alignment is required, and plaster mixes are best suitable for the decorative layer. For household, warehouse, garages and so on - it is also recommended to acquire relatively low-cost solutions based on cement. However, it is for sure that it is still better: only an experienced person, there can be plaster or cement plaster, so before buying it is better to consult with a specialist.

As you know, any construction work ended with the finish. One of the stages of finishing work in construction is plaster.

Walking the walls and other surfaces in the room is made to give them aesthetic species.

In parallel with this, another number of tasks are solved: the heat and sound insulation of walls and partitions increases, the bearing walls are protected from external influences, the hygienic properties of the premises are improved.

Depending on the composition of the mixture of the solution, the main types of plaster are distinguished: cement, lime, cement-lime, gypsum or combined.

In addition, there are a number of special compositions (acoustic, thermal insulation, acid-resistant, ornamental, etc.). Despite the large variety of existing mixtures, cement and gypsum based groups are most often used in construction.

However, the choice of one or another type of mixture is influenced by many factors. This is the material from which the surface is plastered, and the conditions for its operation, and the type of finite finish.

In addition, regardless of the material used, the plaster is divided into quality quality and can be simple, improved and high quality.

Simple plaster can be used both in utility rooms and in residential panels, tiles, etc., and the like decoration.

The main filler of cement plaster is sand, river or washed career. Cement component - cement.

Cement plasters are used as the need for a durable durable coating, opposing various kinds of influences. The thickness of such plaster with layer-by-layer application may be any, right up to 0.2m.

Main advantages of cement-based plaster

  1. Strength. This indicator is inferior to all other species of plastering mixtures. Thanks to these properties there is an increase in the strength of both bearing walls, so partitions and overlaps. Thus, the operational time between repairs is increasing.
  2. Cement plaster has high adhesion. And when applied, even on high-strength monolithic designs there is no need to process the surface with primers and additives. Accordingly, the plaster layer becomes part of the structure, reinforcing its strength.
  3. Moisture resistance. This indicator allows the use of plaster with high humidity. High coating density minimizes moisture penetration to the design, thereby increasing the service life.
  4. Low cost and availability.

Disadvantages of cement plastering

  • Dependence of application from meteo conditions. At negative temperatures, it is not recommended to produce plastering.
  • The impossibility of applying for finishing painted, wooden and plastic surfaces.
  • A significant increase in the weight of the structure (walls, overlaps and partitions) due to the large weight of the plaster itself.
  • Big time of rejection of plastering (from 4 to 7 days). This is a factor affecting the construction deadlines in general.
  • Labor consideration. The process is required in three stages: applying a solution on the wall, alignment and grout.
  • Cracked appearance. When applying plastering different thickness, the thin layer solidifies faster than thick, which causes the surface breaks. This factor is especially relevant when walls are plastered with large irregularities.
  • The environmental friendliness of such plaster is still in doubt. For this reason, it is recommended to be used mainly for exterior decoration.

The consumption of plaster on 1 m2 of the finished solution is approximately 10 kg. Dry mix when applying a layer of 10 mm.

With independent preparation of the cement mortar, follow the following proportions: on 4 parts of sand 1 part of the cement, water is added to about the thickness of sour cream depending on the layer thickness: the thickness of the layer, the less water.

Gypsum mixtures due to low moisture resistance are suitable only for internal shuttering.

Although the cost of such mixtures is somewhat higher than cement, however, the speed of work and the reduced material consumption, ultimately compensate for this lack of carrying out finishing work.

For the finishing finish of such plaster, one layer of putty is enough, and with high-quality execution it can be excluded at all. Consumption for high-quality plastering is about 0.8-1 kg per 1m2.

Here, much depends on the qualifications of a specialist, producing work, and the state of the plastered surface. On environmental and many other indicators, gypsum mixtures are significantly superior to cement.

The main advantages of gypsum compositions

  • No shrinkage in solidification of the solution. This indicator allows to obtain high quality plastered surfaces without cracks and irregularities. However, there is no need for additional finish layers. The surface can be obtained perfect in one pass.
  • Low weight. So, plaster practically does not affect the physico-mechanical properties of walls, partitions and overlaps.
  • High plasticity. Allows you to apply layers of any thickness without draining the solution on the wall. Allows you to apply a solution without reinforcing grid.
  • Porosity. It allows you to ensure the ventilation of the walls, which eliminates the reproduction of mold fungi, etc., the walls always remain dry even with several high humidity.
  • The reduced thermal conductivity of the gypsum saves heat.
  • When plastering with gypsum solutions, the trim rate significantly increases, since the total mixing of the mixture occurs after 2-e-3rone.

Disadvantages of gypsum plasters

  • Gypsum mixes should not be used when plastering rooms having increased humidity, and for exterior decoration.
  • When carrying out plastering works on smooth concrete surfaces, pre-primer is necessary for polymer compositions.
  • Despite a number of preparatory work, when applying plaster on the precast concrete structures of factory manufacturers on light aggregates (clayjit, gas silicate, pumice, lime tuffs, etc.) It is possible to detach it. It is determined by the fact that such aggregates prevent the process of drying concrete and as a result - high residual moisture of panels.

Regardless of the type of plaster used, the base must be carefully cleaned from dust, dirt and fat spots. And if necessary, a notch is done. This is especially important when plastering the gypsum panels.

Also from the video you will learn about the advantages of gypsum plaster.

The quality of plaster works is half depends on the skill of the hands of the master, half of the correct selection of the material. Each type of solution has your features in work and operation.

Gypsum plasters are recommended for interior decorations, and cement plaster is suitable for wet unheated premises, outdoor work. Comparing the shortcomings and advantages of different compositions, you can save well and get an excellent result.

Plaster called the layer of the mixture applied to the surface of the structures from various materials. Under the draft finish, plaster works also understand. The following tasks solve plastering:

  • align, smoothed surfaces;
  • increase thermal insulation properties;
  • protect material from moisture and destruction;
  • reduce the level of audibility of extraneous noise;
  • mask the seams between the elements;
  • increase fire resistance;
  • apply aesthetic decorative relief.

Gypsum plaster call powdered dry mixes made of plaster and additives plasticizers. Their main purpose is the finish of the internal surfaces.

Important! The dried plaster layer should not be flawed from the surface, cracks are not allowed.

Cement plaster mixes are manufactured, mixing sand, cement and water in different proportions. Special compositions contain additional components that attach the necessary qualities.

What is better - plaster or cement plaster?

On the shelves of building stores a huge selection of dry mixes ready for use. The finished composition is simply bred by water. Focusing on the application and technology of work, plastering choose specific tasks. When choosing, the properties compare the cost of the mixture.

Cement formulations 1.5-2 times cheaperthan gypsum. An independent kneading solution will further reduce the financial costs. Moisture-resistant plaster plasters are much more expensive.


Gypsum plaster does not apply for finishing outdoor structures.

The easier to work?


Gypsum Solution easy and quickly applied to the surface, well spinning. The reinforcing mesh is not needed, a small proportion of the gypsum mixture significantly reduces the consumption of the material. The cement mixture will need much more on the same volume.

The time of the primary setting of the solution is 0.5-1.5 hours, after 2 hours the surface can be pushed. The plaster dried in 1 layer dries only 2-3 days, accelerating finishing work. The shrinkage is missing, a smooth smooth surface does not require refinement. TO disadvantages Gypsum mixture include rapid frost.

Heated gypsum solution saves properties on average within an hour. The material that did not work during this time will go to the departure.


Cement-sand plaster well keeps on different types of materialBut poorly connected with the base of plastic, wood or for previously colored surfaces.

The primary setting of the solution occurs for 3 hours, the grout starts after 5 hours from the time of applying.

The term of complete drying of plastered surfaces can stretch to 28 days.

Shrinkage 1-2 mm per meter. On a porous material, such as or, the consumption of the cement plaster mixture will be minimal.

Application area

Environmentally friendly, without harmful impurities, gypsum compositions are used in dry heated rooms. The composition is well covered by the irregularities of walls and ceilings, light, plastic. The ability of plaster plaster remove excess moisture through surface pores come in handy in apartment buildings.

A wet stain dries off, not leaving traces and divorces, mold, fungus are excluded. Gypsum provides a greater level of sound insulation and heat than cement. Wall plaster solutions:

  • living rooms, canteens, cabinets;
  • hallways, corridors, dressing rooms;
  • living rooms, children's, bedrooms.

Note. For kitchens, baths and other wet rooms acquire moisture-resistant Gypsum plaster. Moisture-resistant mixes are more expensive.

Cement-sand plaster is universal. The mixture is applied to both the internal and external surfaces, without making differences in the heating and humidity regime of the room. Cement-sand makeup placed unheard garages, facades of buildings.

The finished surface is gray, grainy, rough to the touch. After drying cement plaster does not respond to humidity and temperature differences, reliably protecting material walls from destruction.

Cement plaster with their own hands

All plastering compounds contain three components: binding, filler, solvent. Binding component - Portland cement. For plastering of premises, cement grades m 400 -500 are chosen.

The filler will be sand, yellow career or river. Before kneading sand, remove the impurities and garbage. Dissolve a dry mixture with water.

Proportions of cement-sand mixture

The usual portland cement ratio to the sand in a plaster solution of 1: 3. In a predetermined container, cement, sand, thoroughly mixing with a trowel or cielma.

Water is added to dry mass, stirring intensively with a drill with a nozzle. The result will be a homogeneous gray mixture of sour cream-like consistency.


Cement-lime solution is sufficient universalne. Lime adds plasticity, the plastering mixture with an enlarged adhesion is well held on the surfaces. Depending on the proportion of components and the quality of Portland cement, M10-150 solutions are obtained.

To get a M150 brand solution mix:

  • 1 part of PortlandMeceman M400;
  • 0.2 pieces of lime;
  • 3 pieces of sand.

There are two ways to indulgence of cement-lime plaster mortar.

IN first case Cement is mixed with sand, immutable lime milk introduces. The solution is stirred to a homogeneous consistency.

Second way Starts with the preparation of limestone test. Then sand and water, stirring, add to the dough. The latter is introduced cement.

Finished plaster for walls

Rating of gypsum compositions

The leaders in popularity in the professional sphere, including for home repairs, are considered:

  • « Rotband" The company "KNAUF" has long established itself in the Russian market as a manufacturer of building materials of good quality. "Rotband" applies a layer thickness to 50 mm, the time of using the mixture is 20-25 minutes;
  • « Silence Plast" Chemical and mineral additives The time to use the solution is increased to 40 minutes, suitable for applying a layer to 60 mm. The composition completely dries over the week;
  • « Plastervel T-25"Produces" Baby ". Plaster consists of gypsum with modified additives. Environmentally friendly coating of good quality perfectly derives excess moisture. The mixture has a small consumption.

Ready cement mixes

According to the masters, among dry cement plasters also leads " Knauff", Offering a choice of a product line of different appointments and colors. In the assortment there is everything - from facade to finish Decorative cement plaster.

With any repair without stucco, do not do. With it, various surfaces are processed. There are plaster or cement plaster. What formulations are better to apply - depends on several factors that consider below.


This type of coating differs in its intended purpose. Conventional plaster is used for construction work. With it, you can align the surface, close the seams, reduce heat loss. It can perform noise insulating function or serve fire protection.

Decorative plaster is a mixture of different colors And used to finish the room, and such plaster recently becomes popular. With its help, you can implement very interesting ideas in the design of rooms of various purposes.

The plaster is divided into species, depending on which component in it is the main - cement or lime, clay or gypsum. There are other options with the addition of certain substances. But many are inclined to believe that the best plaster or cement plaster.

Before choosing one or another type of plaster, you need to make a comparison, and decide what characteristics at the moment when carrying out repair work will be preferable.

From plaster

Such plaster is usually prepared from the powder, diluting with water in the required proportions that are indicated on the package. As a result, it should be a paste, which is most often applied by one layer.

Such a solution is used to align the walls, preparation for painting or sticking wallpaper. This is exactly what the plaster from the putty, which, in turn, is used, when there are more significant defects in the form of cracks and holes on the surface.

Gypsum plaster has several advantages:

  • It is essential that it refers to environmentally friendly materials.
  • With it, the wall can be made perfectly smooth.
  • This type of coating does not give a shrinkage, and after its complete drying, the appearance of cracks on the surface is excluded.
  • The weight is easy enough, so there is no load on the walls.
  • The elastic structure allows you to apply dense layers of the composition on the wall, if there is a need. But even then you can be calm and not worry that a crack can appear somewhere.

The difference between plaster from cement is that the reinforcing grid is not required during work, while it is simply necessary when cement-sand plaster is used. Thanks to the porosity of gypsum plaster, the walls do not suffer from humidity. And this is a very big plus. After all, with fungus and mold, I don't want to fight anyone. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the gypsum, the walls retain heat. And in terms of noise insulation, the indicators of this material are high enough.

The repair rate with the use of plaster plaster depends on which layer will be applied to the wall. If it is very fat, it is better to wait a week for reliability. With a thin coating of enough two days.

There are some shortcomings of gypsum plaster, although they are very small. A minus, which is not so significant for many, is the difference in price compared to other types, for example, with cement plaster, which can be one and a half, or even twice cheaper.

And one moment. Gypsum plaster cannot be applied in those rooms where humidity is constantly improved.

From cement

This plaster can always be made with your own hands fast enough. It is necessary to have water under hand, cement, lime. Sometimes the sand is still used when it is prepared.

This plaster also has a fairly wide range of possibilities. It is indispensable when processing walls in the bathroom or pool, kitchen or basement. It is good to separate the outer walls and the base where increased frost resistance is required.

If we talk about the merits of this type of solution, it is durable and reliable, you can not doubt it. Many consider these indicators particularly important when they stop their choice on cement. This composition fits well on any surface. His density does not give to penetrate moisture inward and damage the design. The price of cement plaster is low, which allows you to purchase it at any time.

Minuses are also there and they must be taken into account. We must not forget about the thickness of the applied layer, it must be remembered that the weight of cement plaster is large enough. When plastering the ceiling, such a composition is rarely used. Incompatible this kind of mixture with wooden, plastic and painted surfaces.

When it is applied, it is necessary to align and grout. Save this composition for a long time. It can completely open it through three, but in some cases four weeks later. But when choosing a cement plaster in building stores, you need to pay attention to the fact that now many manufacturers have been able to improve this composition. By adding certain components, the cement can be done more elastic and reduce surface drying.

How to apply?

When studying the positive and negative characteristics of the compositions, it is necessary to pay attention to which one will be more convenient in each specific case, and whether additional materials will be required during repair work.

Gypsum plaster practically does not have drawbacks.But with insufficient speed of work, a cooked solution can dry, you have to do a new one. And the price of this material is not low. Consequently, in the absence of experience, it is best to make a solution with small parties. Perhaps it will not save time, but you can be sure that all the plaster will go into the case, and not in waste.

When cementing the surface requires installation of reinforcement. Save a solution for a long time. Therefore, it is safe to breed a large volume and cover at once significant areas.

There is another important advice. Works need to be produced at a plus temperature ranging from five degrees. Be sure to pre-use primer with deep penetration. Before applying the next layer, you must completely give to dry the previous one.

Each method and solution has its advantages. This is also talked about reviews. Those who start repairing, as a rule, are familiar with the characteristics of materials that plan to use. Therefore, there are no surprises.

Some notes that external work easily and quickly pass precisely thanks to the cement solution. Duration of drying up pays for such a processing for a long time. Others share the experience of applying gypsum plaster in the rooms, and at the same time it is praised for the fact that after its application with the walls, any manipulations can be made, provided that the entire technological process is observed.

Paint falls perfectly. Wallpapers do not bubble and not fall off. And this is a very important factor.

Subtleties of preparation of mixtures

The initial stage in any repair work is considered to prepare the necessary compositions and tools. The first step is mixing dry components, the second is adding water.

The preparation of each plaster has its own nuances:

  • Powdered components of cement plaster (cement and sand) are connected primarily. Only after careful mixing in them you can add water. Then all this is well mixed to homogeneous mass. It will not be much difficult to prepare the plaster in which plaster and cement will be present. Such a solution will dry faster, but will become less durable.
  • Preparation of gypsum plaster takes literally five minutes. First, the plaster is brought to the consistency of the test, and then water is added if necessary, it is precisely the composition that is needed by density.

Required tools

When applying that same plaster, we need certain tools that need to be stocking in advance. It is possible that in the process of work it turns out that somewhere on the surface the old coating remained.

Therefore, the following tools will be needed:

  • spatulas;
  • scrapers;
  • metal brushes;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • mixture capacity;
  • trowel;
  • electric drill or mixer;
  • level.