Repairs Design Furniture

How to enjoy the room with plastic panels with your own hands. How to sew a balcony with plastic panels. Disadvantages of using plastic

Now hygienic and easily mounted PVC panels are used in many construction and repair work. This is the lining of the walls by plastic panels in the bathrooms, shower, kitchen rooms, and the decoration of slopes during the installation of double-glazed windows, as well as the sewing ceilings in the pools. Also, they are not rarely used to cover the outer surface of the walls.

The main advantage of panels in universality. They can be mounted almost on any surface (wall or ceiling), whether it is a brick or tile, but their primary purpose is the installation on the "wet" medium. Also, the dignity can be distinguished for durability, affordable cost, corrosion resistance and ultraviolet, water resistance. In addition, plastic, in contrast to the tile, warm to the touch, which practically eliminates condensation.

It is practically no need to care for plastic panels after proper installation. They are not difficult to wash, only do not use means with abrasive particles in the composition, as well as solvents.

In order not to be disappointed in the resulting result, it is necessary first not in a rush to explore the attached instructions. Each manufacturer gives its own recommendations on the installation of its products, but the general principle of all is similar:

  • At a minimum half an hour before installing the panel, it is necessary to put in room temperature;
  • From the surface to which the casing will be carried out or the mount should be removed the old coating (tile, wallpaper), as well as dirt and dilapidated plaster. If the tile is left, it is required to be seized to improve the adhesion of glue with the surface;
  • Cut the panels are needed by means of the metal. You can also use a sharp construction knife or 15 toothpit;
  • When cutting panels, they need to have the front surface on top;
  • It is necessary to remove the protective film only at the end of all works. Of course, if she was at all. This will help protect the plastic from random scratches, which are not uncomfortable when wearing, cut and installation;
  • Working with a cutting tool is needed in special glasses;
  • The glue must be applied directly to the working surface in the form of a fine and smooth mesh. There should be no empty sections.
  • If the wall or ceiling is wet, you can use metal racks or moisture-resistant materials. When trimming this peculiar framework panels are very important to provide ventilation. As a ventilation, a small gap between the panels and the wall can be very good;
  • If necessary, mounted under the panels of the socket (telephone, power supply) it is necessary to use special planks;
  • If there are heating devices nearby, you need to check the temperature of the air heated. The maximum permissible temperature is 60 degrees;

Installation of plastic panels

Small nails are evenly divided into a specially designed protrusion ("lip") on the panel. It is necessary to smoke carefully so as not to damage the plastic with a hammer. This method is used only when wearing a wooden crate or wall. A good alternative nails can be fastening brackets, only for them it is necessary to purchase a steppeler.

When taking a metal crate, you need to use special self-tapping screws.

Printing PVC panels

This method is suitable only for smooth, dry surfaces. On the wall, or the ceiling should not be dust and greasy spots. The glue must be taken special - "Liquid nails". It is necessary to emphasize that when working with panels, it is forbidden to use glue having solvents or cleaners.

If the lifting of the soul wall is made, then it is necessary to leave a small (millimeter 3) a break from the bottom. It is necessary that the material does not "break through" when expanding the pallet. Seams are better filled with silicone sealant. For complete waterproof, the sealant needs to be treated and ceiling spaces.

Caring for panels

Wash plastic panels you need an exceptionally soft cloth, no washcloths, rigid brushes, coarse fabrics, etc. With the exception of special means, no detergent can also be used, especially if there are solvents or abrasive particles. In most cases, quite simple soapy water. After cleaning, the surface must be rinsed again with clean water.

And here is a visual video on the installation of panels:

Recently, plastic is widely used for finishing various surfaces not only in offices, but also in residential premises due to its simplicity and convenience of installation, as well as the technical characteristics and acceptable value of the material.

There is a wide range that is represented by a large selection of colors and sizes.

To see the walls of the plastic, there is a technology for performing work, which allows you to make a trim independently, while saving money to call specialists.

Basic technical plastic parameters

Plastic has the following properties that refers:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Safety and safety of material;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Simple and fast installation method;
  • Durability;
  • Lack of need for special care;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • The strength and reliability of modern plastic panels.

Thanks to the use of modern technologies and riches of color solutions, it is possible to achieve not only an attractive appearance of the walls, but also to create a cozy and residential atmosphere.

Currently, manufacturers offer not only one-photon panels, but also the possibility of creating a bright ornament and even drawings.

Disadvantages of using plastic

Despite a significant number of positive parties, this material has some minuses.

To which refers:

  • Nonhygienicity: material "does not breathe";
  • A fairly poor ratio of vapor permeability and humidity;
  • Mandatory condition for alignment of walls to ensure a smooth and smooth surface;
  • Flavoring material with excretion of toxic and harmful substances.

Features of the design of plastic panels

Before sheeing the walls of plastic, it is necessary to deal with their design and rules for performing work.

Plastic panels are manufactured by extrusion from polyvinyl chloride, which has a large thermal expansion coefficient, therefore insignificant deformation is allowed during their installation.

The panels are of different lengths and widths, and the thickness, as a rule, is 5-10 mm.

The peculiarity of the material is its moisture resistance, resistance to aggressive chemicals and additional thermal insulation due to the porous material structure.

Installation of PVC panels with their own hands.

Different types of profiles are used for the crate.

Types of metal profiles for crate

To facilitate assembly work, various types of metal profiles are used.

To which refers:

  • Starting.

    It is used as a starting strip, from which the installation begins. Can be used both sexual and ceiling;

  • Finishing. It is installed at the end of work and helps to easily install and secure the last strip;
  • External and internal angular profiles. Used for high-quality finishing of any angles;
  • Docking. The main purpose is the decorative finish of different elements on the surface.

Required mounting tools

To perform work, you will need the next set of tools, which includes a disk saw, a building stapler with brackets, a spatula and rubber cynica.

Saws needed with small teeth to obtain even and high-quality cuts of panels.

The stapler is needed in the case of installing a wooden frame, and with a mold with a special hook, pull the bands and put them on the appropriate place to create a holistic web without seams and gaps.

The spatula is necessary for filling the finishing profile when installing the last panel at the final stage of the installation.

From materials you will need a pre-calculated number of plastic panels, metal profiles for crates and self-tapping screws.

Plastic Panel Installation Process

At the preliminary step, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls and clean them from all kinds of pollution and dust. Next, begin to install the framework for which the metal profiles of different types are used.

It can be used for crates and wooden bars, which should be treated with special antiseptic drugs, in order to ensure their protection against moisture and subsequent rotting.

Install starting, finishing profiles and guides.

At the next stage, the plastic strip is slightly fused and installed in the profile, and then insert into the upper stop.

The panels are connected between themselves, snugly singing, forming a seamless surface. In the same way, all bands are installed until the latter. The last panel is a bit clipped in width, taking into account the thermal expansion, and then the finish profile is rejected by the spatula and is inserted into the groove until it stops.

For this procedure, you will need assistant assistant for high-quality mounting and plastic installation.

For decorative trim, corners and plinths use special plastic strips and corners designed to hide small slots and gaps. With a qualitatively performed crate, as a result, it turns out the smooth and smooth surface of the walls without defects.

Their use is significantly helped to facilitate further design and repair.

Watch the video:

However, it is strictly forbidden to use them for a children's room, and for the bedroom it is possible to partial use as decorative elements. The full sheath of walls in the kitchen further leads to the appearance of microbes in the porous material structure.

How to see the walls of plastic can be found by carefully examining the detailed instructions and the process of the technological process.

If there is a special set of fixtures and minimum skills, as a result, the walls are beautifully seen.

How to fix wall panels correctly: design features and mounting

When we plant repairs, we always think about the expenses, and also try to spend as little time as possible.

Well, of course, not much to pollute your apartment. For such results, wall panels are usually perfectly suitable, how to fix that you can find out in this instruction.

Necessary materials and tools

How to fix plastic panels Not everyone knows.

If someone has some idea about this process, then still faces a kind of problems. In order to fix such panels, you will not have to specially align walls or ceiling. Best for this process are suitable bathrooms, kitchen and the like.

By the way, using plastic wall panels, you can create a luxurious room in which it will always be nice. As for the primary funds, you also do not have to think for a long time, there will be several tools that are very easy to find at hand.

So, what do we need? Below is presented list of instrumentsthat will be required in the process.

If all the listed tools have been prepared, you can start the process.

The first thing will be needed roulette. Measure the surface to which panels will be installed to immediately know how much material will be spent. If the plastic panels are mounted onto the walls, they need to be completely cleaned from wallpaper, dust and, if required, paints.

Fastening panels with doom

Edit wall panels can be attached in two ways.: directly on the wall or on a specially prepared doom.

In the second case, the wall should be perfectly smooth if you want a quality result in your kitchen, or in another room, which takes place.

So, in the case of a doom, you will need a rail that you need to scout to the wall at a certain distance from each other.

If the tracks are installed on the walls, the width between the rails should be approximately 40-45 cm, in the case of a ceiling of 30-35 cm. Relative to the fastening direction, the rails need to be attached perpendicularly.

It also matters the wall material. If it is concrete, or brick, it is better to screw the rails with a dowel if the walls are wooden, and conventional screws are suitable. Do not rush right after read this instruction, start work. You must understand how this process occurs so that there are no difficulties in the process.

Some features of mounting wall panels:

  • If you use nails, when removing the design, in the future, their reuse will be impossible due to major damage;
  • Clammers are a good option for fastening;
  • As mentioned earlier, the self-tapping screws are ideal for attachment;
  • You can also think about fastening with brackets using a special stapler.

If everything is ready for installation, you can start.

You need to do action in the same order as presented below:

If in the process of installation there are difficulties, on the Internet you can find a variety of video in which it is described in detail, and most importantly - show the whole process.


If you decide to install directly on the wall without using doom, you must be sure that the room in which the installation is made, dry, and the walls are perfectly smooth.

For example, it can be a kitchen. True, in this case, be sure that your kitchen is really dry room. An exhaust system must be adjusted.

So, in this installation option you will need special clips.which panels will be attached to the raiks.

The panels are made of material that can change when the temperature changes.

For this situation, leave a small gap between the panel and the ceiling. If you use quite wide rakes, there can be a heater or sound insulation between the wall and plastic panels.

Do not forget that this process is applicable not only to the walls, but also to the ceilings of your room.

Several tips that can significantly facilitate you work:

Now you can be sure that the fastening of plastic wall panels is an excellent choice for fast and low-cost repair indoors, the more it is quite easy.

Sizes of plastic panels

This finishing material appeared in the construction market relatively recently. Today it is widely used in both internal and external facing works. These panels are made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride - the traditional extrusion method.

  1. Properties of PVC panels
  2. What sizes have plastic panels
  3. Where do plastic panels use?

Properties of PVC panels

What sizes have plastic panels

The size of PVC panels in thickness is two types: having a thickness of 5 mm, as well as - 8-10 mm.

The second type of panels is considered as a rule, due to the parameters of the thickness of the moldings of standard sizes created by these data.

Standard panels in length:

  • the width of 10 cm width is 3 meters,
  • wide panels (20-37 cm) have standard lengths 2.6, as well as 2.7 and 3 meters.

Width of PVC panels:

Where do plastic panels use?

This material is great for facing not only walls, but also the ceiling.

Verified Mounting Method - Wall Decoration Plastic Panels

A big advantage when installing panels for walls is that it is not necessary to pre-align the wall surfaces. It is enough to simply prepare a wooden crate (as in the case of plasterboard), and already to fix the panels that are in contact with the type of puzzle, inserting each other (like laminate).

See how wonderful wall panels look:

This material is wonderful for the bathroom, being a worthy alternative to ceramic tiles.

Almost never inferior to the cafée, the panels are still more practical: they are resistant to moisture and temperature drops, easily wash away from almost any stains, and their installation is many times faster and easier. Yes, and the price of their much lower tiles. The most common size of the bathroom panels is 270x25 (30), see the installation of the panels in the bathroom can be performed literally in one day.

The dimensions of plastic panels for the ceiling are produced from 2.5 to 4 meters in length, and the most running dimensions are width - 10, 25 and 50 cm.

There can be a thickness of the ceiling panels and the thickness of the ceiling - it is necessary to consider when choosing profiles for them.

In the photo below, you can see how it looks well the ceiling, decorated with this material:

Ceiling panels are identical in their composition with composite materials used in medical equipment and in food packaging, which indicates their environmental safety.

The ceiling panels are more flexible than metal rails and more resistant to different deformations. Condivating from a large number of isolated cells, the PVC plastic panel has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Ceiling panels, protected from above, lacquer layer have excellent antiseptic properties (without attracting dust), resistance to ultraviolet, as well as good wear resistance.

How to sew plastic wall panels? In the presence on the walls of irregularities, choseli or hard-based foci of mold, which is hard to remove with the surfaces of plaster and putty, the most rational solution - the decoration of the walls with their own hands with plastic panels.

Properly installed frame frame allows you to make a coating perfectly smooth, the plane is solid, all defects disguise. How to make it correctly tells the article.

Features of wall cladding with plastic panels

Wall plastic panels are products manufactured from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), extrusion method.

In this process:

  • Melted thick mass of the composition on special equipment is extruded through the filterscorresponding to the form of the profile of the panels.
  • Billets at a certain temperature are cooled.
  • Circled by the required dimensions.

  • Standard panel thickness is:
  1. 5 millimeters;
  2. from 8 to 10 millimeters. Despite the fluctuations in thickness, it is a single size, for it component elements, such as moldings, are made the same.
  • Width of plastic sheets for wall decoration ranges from 20 - 37 centimeters - It is quite wide plastic panels for walls.
  • Standard element length:
  1. 2.6 meters;
  2. 2.7 meters;
  3. 3 meters.

The advantages of PVC panels are:

  • Safety. Do not excrete harmful elements when heated to a temperature (+ 80 ° C).
  • Aesthetics. The lack of seams at the joints, a variety of colors and drawings. On the PVC panel, you can apply a photographing processing method, painting them, decorated with self-adhesive film. This allows the use of material:
  1. in the bathroom (see Facing a bath with plastic panels: Make it right);
  2. loggia (see Finishing of PVC Loggia Panels: Installation Instructions);
  3. living room.

Separate panels are shedped walls in the bedroom for adults.

  • Durability, Over 10 years, and high resistance, despite the dampness in the bathroom and fluctuations in the temperature on the balcony.
  • Practicality, ease of maintenance. It is enough to periodically remove dust.

Along with this, the finishing panels of PVC has a number of disadvantages that are due to the chemical composition and properties of the material.

These include:

  • Low hygienicity. Plastic does not breathe, it does not miss the pairs, which requires restrictions in its use in the bedroom. The kitchen should be well ventilated and arrange a powerful hood in the room to remove evaporation and soot. The glare from the glossy surface from sunlight and polarization is harmful to the child's psyche.

Tip: To finish with plastic glossy panels, the children's bedroom is impossible.

  • Toxicity when burning. Upon ignition, PVC is actively burning with the release of gases with very serious consequences. Because of this, the kitchen plastic panels is completely not trimmed: in the risk area there is a section of the wall above the gas stove. The finish should not have contacts with wiring, heating, luminaire housings.

What elements are needed for mounting panels

Before we see the walls with plastic panels, it is necessary to purchase additionally moldings - fixing and at the same time decorative elements that give facing the final appearance. Profiles are several types, shown in the photo.

They can be:

  • Starting.
  • Finish.
  • Guides: upper and lower. These are moldings, creating a frame around the perimeter of the entire plane.
  • Corner outdoor. With it, the protruding angles of the room are formed.
  • Corner internal, mounted along the inner corners.
  • Connected. Designed for the ends of the elements, with the combined finish of the panels of different colors.
  • Plinths or cartoons. Fixed on glue.
  • Simple corners. Used to finish the corners, glue to the trim.

The wooden frame of the panels is mounted with brackets and a building stapler, to metal - self-drawing.

Plastic is one of the most used materials in modern construction. Therefore, PVC technology products are produced in a huge assortment. As for the walls of the walls, the wide panels are used for these purposes, which can be selected in color, drawing and even the properties that they must have. If you decide to decorate surfaces with such a finishing material, we will tell you how the walls are made by plastic panels with their own hands so that they lay exactly and served you not one year.

The whole truth about plastic

Before proceeding to work, you must first estimate the characteristics of this finishing material and debunk all myths that are connected with it.

Truthful facts:

  • Plastic is completely harmless. Thanks to modern technologies, PVC panels, which are designed to finish the premises, have become absolutely harmless to humans. This is due to the fact that now in the production of this material, such chemical components as asbestos and cadmium are not used. In addition, due to this, the price position of plastic on the building materials market has become much lower.
  • Aesthetics. Thanks to a huge assortment of various colors, drawings and textures, a wall, covered with plastic panels, looks stylish and original.
  • Universality. Plastic panels are conveniently used in places where the use of other finishing materials is problematic or impossible, for example, when cladding the walls of incorrect shape or a variety of architectural sings.
  • Reliability. Such material is quite capable of withstanding TV, sconting or picture.
  • Organic. Plastic, regardless of its texture and colors, it works organically with various ventilation grids, split-systems and sockets.
  • Resistance. Despite the fact that plastic is a rather lightweight material that you can pierce, with proper care, it will serve not one decade and is able to withstand moisture and different temperatures.

Dispel the myths about plastic

To date, there are many "myths" about this material, for example:

  • Plastic panels do not require special conditions from the wall surface. As for the plastic itself, it is rather undemanding material. But the cheek must occur already on the surface purified from the old finishing material and on an absolutely smooth wall.
  • Facing with plastic panels is very easy and does not require special effort. Indeed, the process of the sheat is simple, but this effort and attentiveness will have to be attached to ensure that the finished result is high-quality and smooth.
  • The hygiene of this material. Unfortunately, this is not true. Plastic does not have moisture and vapor permeability. Therefore, the walls that are covered with plastic panels simply do not breathe.

Important! Plastic panels are best used to cover the bathroom, kitchen, balconies or loggias. It is not recommended to carry out such a decoration of walls in the bedroom, children's and living room.

  • Unattractiveness for insects. Due to the fact that the plastic inside is hollow, various spiders and other insects can settle in it.

Important! Plastic panels with proper laying are sealed, and if not to break it, then nothing terrible will occur, and inside such a decoration will not settle "uninvited guests".

  • Flavoring plastic. Such a finishing material is not flammable from heating or matches. However, if the room is completely lit, the plastic panels are also subjected to fire, and poisonous substances are distinguished.

Types of PVC panels

To date, plastic panels are divided into the following types:

  • Rake. They are assembled into a single design with the help of grooves.

Important! In order to visually enlarge the room using plastic rails, the wall panels must be installed vertically.

  • PVC panels imitating tile.
  • Leafy materials. They are in appearance similar to plywood.

Such a finishing material is mounted on special adhesive mixtures or fixed with small screws, and the location of the connection is embarrassed at the end of the work.

Important! When choosing a material for cladding wall plastic, turn your attention to the color gamut and drawing.

How to sew walls PVC panels?

For decorative decoration of walls, this material should be stocking with special tools. You will need:

  • Electrolovka or disk saw;

Important! It is best to stop your choice on a saw. This is due to the fact that when working with a jigsaw, it stumbles on the ribs of stiffness - the slice at the end may be wavy.

  • Stuslo under an electric bison with angles of 90 and 45 degrees;
  • A bobbin gun - you will need it if the trim will be produced on a wooden crate;
  • Rubber cizyanka;
  • Plastering spatula.

Important! When choosing a stapler to work with plastic, pay attention to the fact that the slot of the squeezed bracket is located as close as possible to the sock. This will greatly simplify the installation.

Preparatory work

Before making the walls of walls with panels, first should make a crate - the manufacture of the main framework. This will allow in the future to produce without difficulty replacing the panels and ensure their reliable fasteners. For the walls of the walls most often use wooden bars or metal profile.

Important! Small cells that are located directly behind the design can also be applied to laying insulating materials.

On the surface of the wall, such a doom is mounted using clamps or screws in dowels. In order for the frame to be durable and you have no problems with the installation of plastic panels, the crate process must be carried out by observing such a sequence of actions:

  • Using the level, make pre-marking.
  • Place the transverse labels of the crate at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the lowest rail must be located in such a way that it comes into contact as much as possible with the floor, and the top with the ceiling.

  • In order to hide the angular joints, install the guides and accessories.

Important! If the wall is not quite smooth, you can put a piece of wood under the rail or any other durable material.

Mount PVC panels

In order to make the walls of the walls with plastic panels with their own hands, you need to follow the next action algorithm:

  • Vertically secure the starting and finishing design profile.
  • Get the first board to the top profile, slightly bend it.
  • Install the board fully in place, fix it with brackets or screws.

Important! In order to the walls, they ended up smooth and without gaps, do not forget to use the construction level.

  • Similarly, install the remaining PVC panels.

Important! A cheap profile from such manipulations can remain bent or crack along the corner rib. In order to correct such a defect, you need to heat the deformed place with the help of a household hair dryer and with pressure to try it with a cold iron.

  • From the side of a large mounting shelf, cut the last plan to the size you need. After - get it under the niche allotted for her.
  • Hide the cropped part. To do this, gently begin the shelf of the finish profile and make it under the board.

How to care for PVC panels?

After you finish the walls of plastic, it is very important to ensure the proper care to this material. This will significantly extend its aesthetic appearance and a long service life.

The basic rules for the care of the walls of covered PVC panels:

  • Wash such a surface follows an exceptionally soft cloth.
  • Try to use detergents for washing without the presence of an abrasive or solvent.

Important! An ordinary soap solution is considered to be the most acceptable option for the care of plastic walls.

  • At the end, the surface should be wiped with conventional clean water.

Despite the fact that plastic for the walls of the walls is rather light during installation, there are still nuances, non-compliance with which will lead to a significant decrease in the operational period of such a finish and the appearance of gaps due to uneven surfaces:

  • It is impossible to work with cold material, so if the plastic is brought from the street, he needs to give 30-60 minutes to stand before the start of the process.

Important! Do not install PVC panels in rooms with temperatures below 20 degrees.

  • The shap must be divided in such a way that there are about 50 centimeters between the rails.
  • For better ventilation, it is necessary to make rugs in the rails themselves.
  • Despite the fact that PVC panels are a rather unpretentious finishing material, yet before starting work, clean the walls from the old finishing material and garbage.
  • If there is a need to cut the panel to pieces, it follows the "face" down.
  • The protective film can be removed only after the complete end of the installation work.
  • If you are creating the panel to the crate, it is best to use special thermoshabs for fixing them. This is a fairly reliable fastening that can withstand the effects of high temperatures.
  • If the PVC panels with a pattern, the installation should be started from the left corner gradually moving to the right.
  • Installing PVC panels is a fairly simple and not too time-consuming process. Nevertheless, even such an uncomplicated finishing material requires compliance with certain rules during its installation. Applying our tips in practice, you can without special physical effort and material costs to produce decorative walls of walls with plastic. As a result - you will get perfectly smooth walls, stylish design and warm atmosphere of comfort in your home.

To date, the panel, or siding from such material as PVC is a very simple and profitable solution for finishing any room in a residential building or in the apartment. Especially they are relevant for the bathroom, where the surface of the walls and the ceiling is certainly characterized by moisture-resistant. It is necessary to know that for the finishing of PVC panels, it is not always necessary to call a qualified specialist. The installation of PVC panels with their own hands is the part of the repair that will not require much time from you, cash costs and special skills, takes little time and does not require high qualifications. The panels can be chosen of this color and design that comes up with your mood and the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe room, and their main advantage is the ability to achieve a flat surface, which you can not tell about plaster or paint (loved ones for the price of materials). In this article we will tell you how to repair PVC panels, as well as show a unique video installation of PVC items.

Types of panels

For convenience, as well as simplicity when choosing PVC panels for its apartment, we suggest you familiarize yourself with their varieties. For convenience, we divide them by parameters.

By destination, such elements can be divided into walls, as well as ceiling options. Such a division is conditional, since no one will forbid you to apply, for example, ceiling options for wall cladding and vice versa.

The difference between these species is in most cases, in size. The standard length of the wall elements is from 3 to 6 meters in length, and thickness from 8 to 10 centimeters. Ceiling copies are characterized by a length of 6 to 12 meters with a thickness of 8 to 4 millimeters.

PVC panels can vary by joint option:

  1. Seamless panels are the most popular appearance, but they received such a name conditionally, since the joint after installation will be visible, and especially if the color of these parts are white with glossy texture. However, the surface of this option will be even.

Note that in the packaged form the part is located face side to the front and rear to the back - so they are better saved by protecting each other from mechanical damage.

The frame for seamless type panels should be perfect to reduce the width of the gaps to a minimum.

If it is possible, right in the shopping center should try to dock all the panels from the packaging with each other.

  1. Relief options in common people are called "lining", because it looks like imitation of similar facing panels from a tree. Usually this option is not particularly expensive, and it is recommended to use it for the ceiling covering in the wooden designs of the premises or subject to the deformation of the supporting structure.
  2. Panels with Rust - this is something between the first and second species. Rarely such material can be found in stores, but some reviews praise them.

In addition to these basic parameters, the PVC panels differ as follows:

  1. Design.
  • If it is difficult for you to determine the color of the material, the specialists are recommended to give preference to a white or monochrome light tone. In this case, you can use vinyl stickers and other designer elements. It is with the help of these additional moments you can easily diversify the interior of the room.
  • The drawing on the panels is a simulation of a certain material (marble, rock, certain fabric, leather, wood) or some pattern. Difficult situations when using these instances, may occur when there is a markup and cut of excess.
  • Gloss. This option can be both glossy and matte, meets more than the average. There is no difference in them, the choice depends solely on your preferences.
  1. Operating
  • Texture. You can see smooth panels and textured options. The second option is usually used in housing premises and adds the hostess of care to care for these instances, as a result of which it is not recommended to choose the specified models for cladding in the bathroom.
  • Strength. This parameter says for itself: the stronger the panel, the better the result.
  • Resistance to chemical compounds. PVC panels normally react to the impact of cleaning products, but it is better not to risk using powerful chemicals.

Selection of PVC panels

PVC wall panels, in more cases, perform decorative, as well as the protection function. They include ethylene (the product obtained as a result of oil purification) and chlorine compounds, which is obtained from salts (cooking, as well as stone) approximately equal to percentage ratio. A knitted lead is used by the stabilizer in the production of these panels. Despite the frightening names of the components of the components, these chemical compounds can be confidently called absolutely harmless if you have a reliable, proven manufacturer, offering a reasonable ratio of "price-quality".

In the market of construction goods, a large number of different models of PVC panels are currently represented, as a result of which a simple man in half is not difficult to get confused. Therefore, it would be nice to know what parameters should be navigated to not be mistaken with the choice of material. We offer you several such parameters:

  1. Stiffening rib. They are inside the panels and determine the quality of the part. Simple words: with increasing stiffness, the panel resistance to one or another pressure increases.
  2. The basis of the panel. It is important to know the fact that the color of the product surface should be characterized by uniformity, the absence of any stains, divorces. Naturally, do not forget to watch the panels and the presence of scratches on them, cracks, dents, as well as other physical defects. Well, if the specified details are sold with a protective film.
  3. Picture. Be careful when viewing and selecting the design of the panel, because if they have a specific drawing, each will need to be customized according to it. If, when measurements, it turns out that you lack a number of panels, they may not be in the store, and even a similar party may differ with a tint or pattern.
  4. Docking. Be sure to check at least two top panels, how tightly they are joining each other. Thanks to the absence of seams and minimal gaps between them, you see an absolutely smooth wall. Suspicions in quality should cause those pairs of panels, at whose junction will be different disclosure - from one to four millimeters.
  5. The surface of the panel is characterized by flatness, without waves, as well as without translucent stiffeners, otherwise you risk acquiring poor-quality material.

How to check the panels before buying

Of course, before going to determine your choice on a particular PVC panel, you already need to know what room you will finish them. In accordance with this solution, it will also be possible to repel when the manufacturer is selected, as well as the type of panel.

If the repair of panels is assumed in the bathroom, then the selected facing material must have high resistance to moisture. It is achieved through the use of a certain coating and the special structure of your surface.

The kitchen room can also be vested with PVC panels, because they can be used as an alternative to Marka Wallpaper and Kafel, with which a non-professional work is quite difficult. With panels, the repair process will noticeably accelerate, and the subsequent cleaning will be simplified.

In general, the panel as a finishing material you can confidently use in the cosmetic repair of almost any premises - rooms at the cottage, loggias (balconies), any residential premises or offices and so on.

If you start talking about the ceiling, PVC panels for this part of the room have long been recognized as an ideal alternative to a classic whitewash. In addition, using them, you acquire a pleasant bonus - additional sound insulation.

The modern world provides consumers a large selection of methods for the purchase of certain products and materials. The most convenient now is the online store, thanks to which you get rid of the need to drive around the city in search of the desired product, getting the opportunity without leaving the house, view the offered directories and order. Many shops allow you to check it before paying it and, in case of any problems, return or exchange.

Another advantage of the online store compared to the classic is a full catalog of goods. In the retail store may not be available for certain models, therefore, you will not be able to evaluate them in place even subject to personal presence. We will have to wait for the order from the warehouse.

Going to the seller's website or manufacturer, move the impression on the attraction of pictures and advertising to the second plan. First, check the availability of quality certification information.

The least preferred customer reviews consider the markets for construction materials, because it is here that prices may be higher than the average, but the likelihood of high quality is usually minimal.

You can check the quality of PVC panels in this way: Take the panel, make a cut in the back of it and bend the panel from yourself 90 degrees. If after such manipulations, the panel was not broken in half, this indicates the high quality of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC siding

As mentioned above, the lining of the room with PVC panels carries a lot of advantages, including:

  • The ability to choose any color, drawing and texture of a specific model;
  • Smooth surface that is not terrible water and straight solar rays;
  • The ability to hide wiring and pipes and other communications;
  • Durability and durability;
  • Simplicity in the Wash Plan: You can use the usual detergent and ordinary sponge for you;
  • Sound and thermal insulation achieved due to the cellular PVC panel structure;
  • Antistatic properties;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Affordable price;
  • Easy installation: you will not need special skills and skills - only attentiveness and accuracy in the calculations.

In addition to explicit advantages, there are also panels and a number of disadvantages that cannot be considered when choosing a way to finish the walls and ceiling:

  • If the panels are damaged, you will have to either hide it with some kind of decorative elements, or resort to the update, and, consequently, disassembly of all walls / ceiling.
  • Despite the above advantage - fire resistance, on security standards, not in all rooms you can use the PVC ceiling panels and walls (this applies to corridors and staircases).

Taking into account all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is most appropriate to repair the walls and ceilings of PVC panels in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom. Moreover, in the second case, only part of the room away from the plate and the radiator battery.

Selection of material

To make a ceiling or walls from PVC panels with your own hands, you should find such tools:

  • Your chosen PVC panels;
  • Appropriate corners with which you remove the slots;
  • Guides from such materials as plastic or aluminum;
  • Pleimers (clips to strengthen panels);
  • Level - to track the correctness of the location of the materials;
  • Drill (screwdriver);
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Hacksaw with small teeth, simple pencil for marking, tape measure, as well as a square.

As for the materials themselves, in addition to design, it is necessary to determine with the size of PVC panels. If you buy the panels whose width is about ten centimes, but the finish will take longer, but it is less likely that the extra segments will remain after the markup. If you select the panels are wider, the slightest error in the calculations can lead to a loss of a large amount of material.

Installation of guides

Of course, if your apartment is perfectly smooth walls and angles, it is an ideal that allows you to produce any repair finishing works without additional problems, including sticking PVC panels directly to the concrete base. But this option, alas, not everyone gets away, so that our panels keep themselves for a long time and hard, you must prepare the appropriate crate for them, that is, a profile for PVC panels.

The crate can be made of 10 millimeters wooden bars in size, as well as from specifically for these purposes created metal profiles.

It is necessary to locate on the wall or ceiling at a distance of 30 centimes from each other, using the level to adjust. The lowest ecurity should be on the floor to the floor (if you are cutting the walls) or one of the walls (if it is the ceiling).

Before directly fastening the base, it is necessary to mark up, using the level to avoid irregularities, as well as any distortion. If you find a significant irregularity of the concrete surface, you can use small pieces of wood (laying them under the rail).

So, in the event of the establishment of your choice on wooden bars, you can use nails or self-tapping screws for their attachment, if metallically guides are only self-tapping screws. In the placed places they are drilled by a drill of the holes, and they are inserted into them, and then overlaudes are superimposed and attached with self-draws.

Before the direct fastening of PVC panels, it is important to establish also guides - the same wooden, or metal bars, which should be set exclusively in a vertical position. You can fix them with nails or mounting scrapers (if it is a tree) and self-drawers (if metal is used). In addition to the guides, it is also necessary to install accessories in advance (corners that hide the joints between the panels) and the plinth that will hide the joints. To hide wiring, you can stop your choice on the plinth with a special box.

Moldings and corners may be required as follows:

  • Connecting molding (for connecting panels);
  • Outer angle (it hides the joint between the panels on the outer coal);
  • Ceiling molding (hides the junction between the wall and the ceiling);
  • Universal angle (variety of outdoor angle);
  • The end molding in the form of the letter F (hides the gap between the trim and the doorway);
  • Starting Molding (hides the gap between the extreme panel and the window opening);
  • Internal angle (hides the joint of the panels in the appropriate corner);
  • Molding lamp.

Facing panels PVC

The process of installing PVC panels, which is used for interior decoration, is quite simple and starting it from the angle of your room. The essence is to independently cut the panels with the help of a hacksaw and at the same time adhere to the desired height and installation in the guides. The protrusion of the part, which is located on the side, should be strengthened to the crate using self-tapping screws or nails.

PVC panels for the ceiling and walls have special locking attachments that save you from the need to customize them.

Please note that before finalizing the panels on the guide, you should make sure that they are perfectly exactly in relation to any vertical plane. Any offset can squeeze the entire picture, and you will have to reap all the elements again. It does not exclude the likelihood that the newly done hole is the second, the correct one, it is no longer suitable.

During the repair, it is far from always want to communicate with the "wet" works - laying tiles, for example. There is a simpler technology - wall decoration by plastic panels. You can cope on your own even without much experience of construction work and per day or two are repaired in the bathroom, toilet, on the balcony / loggia and kitchen.

Types of plastic panels for wall decoration

This type of finishing material is made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride. In a semi-liquid state, this polymer is extruded. Figure is applied to the finished panels. It can first be printed on the film, then pasted and covered with varnish (laminated panels). Moreover, these panels may not have a smooth, but textured surface. The drawing applied on this technology for a long time retains paints, but there are similar materials more expensive about two times.

Another technology is to apply a pattern directly on plastic, after which it is coated with two layers of varnish. Cheaper technology, but the life and quality of the picture below.

Ceiling and walls

There are two types of plastic panels - for ceilings and walls. Those that are intended for the ceiling have a thickness of 5 mm and more thin partitions, and walls - from 8 to 10 mm and a large wall thickness and partitions. To determine what kind of in front of you can look at the cut. This type of finishing material is characterized in that it has a flat surface and the seams are not very noticeable with a dense docking.

There is another standard size, which is also called plastic lining - with a thickness of 10 mm panel has a width of 10 cm and the shaped edges that are more characteristic of plastic lining. If you separate the walls with this material, the surface will not be smooth, but the embossed, similar to the wooden lining.

Sizes and prices

In width, the wall plastic most often the panels are 25 cm and 37 cm, length - 2700 cm and 3000 cm. There are other non-standard sizes, but these are most often found. For the price, it is possible to observe a rather strong scatter - depends on the thickness of the walls, the type of print, the manufacturer, the complexity of the pattern, etc.

Name / photoParameters (Width / Length / Thickness)Type of coloringManufacturerPrice for 1 panel
Pink violet 250 mm * 2700 mm * 8 mm In-Plast, Russia120 rub
Kanamala 250 mm * 2700 mm * 9 mmlaminationVivipan.220 rubles
PVC Panel Mosaic Turquoise 950 mm * 480 mm * 3 mm Russia128 rubles
Scarlet. 250 mm * 2700 mm * 8 mm CRONOPLAST (Russia)215 rubles

Thin Wall PVC Panels

Above it was discussed about products that consist of two layers of plastic connected by jumpers. Along with a lot of advantages, they have a pretty serious drawback: if you make enough effort, you can be sold. That is what is often the cause of refusing to use. Therefore, thin wall plastic panels appeared on the market. Their thickness is 3 mm and no cells. Only a layer of plastic with a pattern applied to the surface. Accordingly, it is nothing to blame. The dimensions of the panels of this type 950 * 480 mm or so.

The way of installation differs from them - they are glued onto the walls. Due to the fact that this finishing material has a completely small thickness, it cuts up with scissors and, besides, there is a little space by sucking, 3 mm.

What to pay attention to when choosing

It is clear that the choice of color and drawing begins. But in order to do not have any difficulties in the installation, you need to track some points when you need to take place:

It is also worth checking the quality of the used polymer. It is necessary to take one bar so that it rushes about 30% and straighten. After that, inspect it. If there is no damage to plastic or pattern, everything is fine.

Proper technology for mounting plastic panels on the walls

What is good wall decoration by plastic panels, so it can be done with her own hands, it takes a little time. Well, another plus - we need conventional tools:

This is all that may be needed when installing PVC panels on the walls. Time leaves - one-day of day, depending on the availability of experience and repaired areas.

What makes a crate

Installing PVC panels for walls on technology should be made to the crate. The crate makes from:

Of the three listed materials for mounting plastic panels in the bathroom, it is best to use plastic. It reacts little to temperature differences, does not respond to changing moisture, does not rot and does not crack. It feels good in the wet round of galvanized, but it should be of good quality, otherwise everything is rust anyway. The most unimportant material is wood, but they also have for years at appropriate processing. And so that it was, accurately follow the appreciation recommendations on antibacterial composition. In some cases, it is enough to squander a couple of times in a brush, in others - to soak for a while and then dry.

How to make a crate

Before starting the installation of the crate under PVC panel of the wall must be prepared. First remove the old finish and everything that can fall off. If there are large excavations on the surface, it is better to close them, and the highly discovered parts can be silent. After the wall has become more or less smooth, it is treated with primer with an antibacterial component (against fungi and mold). After that, you can already start the mounting of the crate.

The strips of the crates are perpendicular to PVC panels. That is, if the panels are fixed vertically, the crate is horizontally and vice versa. Install the labels of the crate at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. The optimal distance is 30 cm (less will be the "walk" panel). The planks are attached at the beginning and end of the wall, as well as around window and doorways.

The lamp is attached under the plastic panels most often on a dowel. The concrete wall is 6 * 40 mm (so that on the reverse side of the concrete partition does not fall a piece), in the brick - 6 * 60 mm. Fasteners are installed in 50-60 cm increments.

In order for the walls of the walls by plastic panels was smooth and beautiful, the crate must be set in the same plane. To do this, under wooden strips are set where it is necessary wooden gaskets (you can - pieces of plywood), only them also need to be treated with molding and mold.

You can also use perforated suspensions for plasterboard ceilings. They are used when putting metal profiles in one plane, but they can also use when installing wooden bars.

If you decide to make a clash from plastic mounting profiles, it is worth considering one point: they must be strictly perpendicular to PVC panels. Even a small deviation can lead to the fact that the kleimers simply can not stick together and they will not hold anything. Therefore, very carefully check the vertical / horizontal. Another point: around the perimeter of walls, doors and windows it is better to install wooden planks of the same thickness as plastic guides: they will be attached to the starting profiles.

Installation of plastic panels

In addition to the wall plastic panels in the store you will need to buy some more accessories - it is angular, starting and F-shaped profiles. They are necessary in order to finish a finished and neat appearance.

At the floor level and ceiling, you can use either starter or ceiling plinth. Starting is simply an unbroken plastic strip, and the ceiling plinth is a shaped product having a characteristic cut.

The walls of PVC panels starts with the installation of selected profiles in one of the corners and at the top / bottom. They are fixed to the installed laminations of the crate. The fastener is selected depending on which material was selected for the crate. As a result, something very similar to the frame is obtained. In it and we will insert panels.

The problem node is the joint of the angular and ceiling plinth (down at the bottom)

Next, cut off the first panel along the length or height of the wall. Cut the plastic wall panels with a canvas with metal. When working is strongly hand (and even more - foot) Do not rely - sell. To the stripe without problems getting to the place allotted, move carefully the length, take a 4-5 mm and cut off.

The first strip cut off the protruding spike, after which the cut side is inserted into the angular profile, reflecting the edges to the upper and lower. Slightly rolling down the palm, drive the bar until it stops, check the level verticality by attaching it to the edge of the installed strip. Then recorded to each line of the crate.

Installing and securing the first strip, cut off the second, jerk from the first, fix it, etc. No difficulties. Problems may occur only with the last panel on the wall. It usually has to be trimmed in width, and then try to fix it immediately and in the groove of the previous plank and in the corner or starting profile. It does not always work carefully - often plastic is frozen. You can avoid this situation without fixing the second corner profile. Then the corner profile is put on the sliced \u200b\u200bpanel, all this together is joined with the previous bar and only then the angular profile is fixed. This is not entirely correct, as only one half of the angular profile is attached, and the second remains loose. But suffering, trying to do correctly do not pay attention to it. Then everything is repeated - the further decoration of the walls by plastic panels occurs just as well.

How to do without angular profiles

If the presence of plinths at the top and bottom of the wall is familiar to us, then the angular profiles do not like everything. When finishing walls by plastic panels, you can do without them. Need a sharp bulk or stationery knife. If from the back in the right place to cut the plastic strip, the panel can be bent. From the front side it will not be visible, and the torment with the last panel will be able to avoid. Yes, and externally, many such a way like more.

To properly determine where it is necessary to cut, insert the penultimate panel, fastened it. We take a string of a panel of a width of several centimeters, insert it into the already installed and mark where the angle is. We take out, in the marked place cut the strip of plastic, trying on. If everything is fine, we use this piece as a template, moved exactly the place of the cut. This is also not using technology, but it looks like a wall decoration by plastic panels, it seems to me better. Especially if the color and texture of the angular profile differs.

How else can you fix PVC panels on the walls

Although it is not very complex described above the method of finishing walls by plastic panels, not all it is suitable. For example, the walls are perfectly smooth after plaster for beacons or. It is clear that the doomlet is not needed. It only takes the square. In this case, there are a violation of technology - gluing plastic panels on silicone or on the mounting foam.

Starting profiles in this case will still have to be installed, but they will need to be attached to the corresponding dowels. After that, on the back of the panel, a foam (zigzag) or silicone (islands with a step of 10-15 cm) are applied, the bar is set in profiles, pressed, fixed in one or two places with appropriate fasteners. In the same spirit continue further.

The advantage of the method is very fast, the disadvantage - it works only on even (or almost) walls. But the most important thing is to remove the finish without the destruction of plastic panels is simply impossible.