Repairs Design Furniture

A project of a silicate brick house with an attic. Photo of brick houses and cottages - choose the facade. With a terrace on the attic floor

From the moment the famous architect from France Francois Mansar proposed to be used by the attic space as a residential premises, more than 4 hundred years have passed. But today its invention is in high demand, especially among those people who want to use the available residential space to the maximum without entering the project of capital changes.

Pros and cons of brick houses

The brick house is a beautiful major building that can be used for summer holidays, and for permanent residence. This material provides almost unlimited design, architectural capabilities, is the most durable and universal, adjusts to the owner's requests.

Brick houses are considered one of the most reliable, but their building is quite expensive.

As with any other types of buildings, the brick houses have their own strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of brick houses can be attributed:

  1. The ability for a long time to keep heat into severe frosts and keep cool in hot days.
  2. High fire safety - the brick building will never marry as wooden.
  3. Infertility exposure to snow, hail, rain, sharp temperature jumps, other atmospheric surprises The design is also not afraid.
  4. Universality in terms of style and architectural solutions.
  5. Good environmental friendliness.

The brick house can be decorated in any style - from the classics to an ampyr.


  1. High-quality brick is expensive, and poor-quality has low operational performance.
  2. The mass of the material is impressive, so under the house you will have to do a reliable, powerful foundation.
  3. Brick walls need finish.

In finished buildings, it is better to live constantly, and for temporary accommodation use wooden or other designs. More details about what is better to build a house.

If you do not want to finish the walls, instead of ordinary brick, use facing. This material looks attractive, but it is decent.


Before starting construction, make a plan of the future at home. At the same time, the attic should be designed strictly in line with the current design features of the room and the location of engineering systems. The mansard window should have about 1/8 from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Two thirds of space in the room Design in such a way that the height of the ceilings in them is from 2.4 m. Sample planning and building a house with an attic.

Planning Building with a Mansard

Performing a design of a brick house with an attic, consider your financial opportunities. To reduce the cost of the project, bring specialists from the side only to perform those types of work that you cannot do yourself.

Attic solves two tasks - practical (increases the beneficial living area) and architectural (changes the appearance of the construction).

Other features that need to be taken into account in the preparation of the project:

  1. The point of intersection of the facade and the roof should be at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor level.
  2. Insulation of the roof, make together with the insulation of other rooms.
  3. Immediately, consider the location of the heating system - the brick absorbs water, and you must provide the optimal balance between temperature and humidity indicators.
  4. Consider the relief of the site on which the construction is maintained - the soils are examined by the degree of freezing, the level of groundwater occurs. If the soil is wet and weak, it will be best to make a pile-screw foundation base.
  5. Calculating the number of rooms, consider the family composition and your love for guests - you need to have enough space.

Summer brick house can be any - the main thing so that you were comfortable. Building for year-round accommodation must have insulated overlap.

Stages of the building

The first thing you need to do is to determine the type and number of materials. A simple brick is cheaper than facing, from a constructive point of view, it can be empty and full. When choosing, pay attention to such indicators as thermal conductivity, frost resistance, strength, water absorption. The amount of material depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe future room.

During construction, it is possible not separate materials, and their combinations - for example, do the house from the brick, and the attic of the tree.

The choice and fill of the foundation

The house begins with the foundation. For brick houses, slab, pile and ribbon bases usually use. Consider their features.

The ribbon foundation is highly in demand in modern construction, since it is well withstanding significant loads created by concrete structures. It is possible to build it under the inner and outer walls.

A ribbon foundation can be shrouded and small-breeding - for brick houses, the first solution is usually used.

Types of belt foundations - prefabricated and monolithic, both options are suitable for arranging ground floors and basements. From a constructive point of view, the base of the monolithic type is a single reinforced concrete design, stone and concrete blocks are used to create prefabricated solutions.

The main advantage of a belt base is a high erection rate.

The order of fill the base:

  1. Plot is prepared - the cutting of the turf is carried out, markup is performed.
  2. Drive or trench rotates - the second option provides for the possibility of arranging basement or basement, and the first is not. The bottom is aligned, after which it is checking the angular markings of depths with the theodolite.
  3. Trench or pitted wetted with water, then a sand or gravel saturation is created. The optimal thickness of the mixture is 0.2 m, its seal is performed using a vibration plate. When the pillow is tamped, the waterproofing is stolen, lightweight concrete is poured. We work with prefabricated structures in the same way, only the pillow is arranged directly under the blocks of concrete.
  4. From the board up to 5 cm in thickness, the formwork is peeled, which is then fastened with the use of spacers. Construction walls make vertical.
  5. Created a frame of fittings. Take rods with a cross section of up to 1 cm, the required number of segments fasten by welding, then lay the frame into the trench on the backups.
  6. Pour concrete into formwork - work is performed in stages and suggest a uniform distribution of layers up to 0.2 m in thickness. Stacking is performed in several stages, after each concrete vibrate.

The foundation will be durable if it is used to create a solution of medium consistency.

If the ground on the plot is sleeping, stop on the pile base, which normally withstands even very significant loads. Piles provide the most uniform redistribution of loads, while their main part falls on dense soils that occur at a considerable depth. The main disadvantage of such a decision is its complexity.

The arrangement of the pile foundation on durable soils saves construction materials and reduce the volume of the digging ground.

The procedure for arranging the pile foundation is as follows:

  1. Prepare a platform, as in the previous case, check the place where you will raise piles.
  2. Make wells for piles.
  3. Weld the frame from reinforcement rods. The frame above the surface of the earth should rise by about 0.3 m.
  4. Put a few gravel and sand on the bottom of the well, lower the frame from the rods inside, fill it with solutions. To obtain a monolithic foundation, concrete will need to dying.
  5. Weld up the frame base for woodwork, tie the framework of woodwork and piles. For the reinforcing framework, collect a formwork.
  6. Pour concrete is optimally layered, in several stages.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make marking. In particular, it concerns uneven plots with a complex relief.

When the foundation dries and gains strength, it will remain waterproofing the framework.

Piles are derived at a certain distance above the ground, and for the formwork structure, metal pipes of a given diameter are used.

The last type of foundation used for the construction of brick houses is slab. It has a form of a solid reinforced concrete plate, which can normally withstand loads from the building. The integrity and strength of the base neither vertical nor horizontal movement of the soil affects have no effect. Allocate the following types:

  • floating - the sole spits in the ground at a depth of 0.5 m;
  • not bluntable - the base is not stopped, but is installed on the surface of the Earth;
  • blowed - the bottom of such a foundation is located below the level of soil freezing.

The most popular type of slab foundation is finely brewed.

To create a slab base, you need a lattice or solid stove, which consists of plates and beams. Procedure for performing work:

In the first few days, the slab foundation must be water. Otherwise he can crack

  1. Preparation - is performed in the same way as for the foundations of other types.
  2. Digging the soil to the depth, slightly superior to the thickness of the foundation under construction. Crushed stone or sand falls asleep in the pit, after which the pillow is moving and compacted. The layer of light concrete is poured on top.
  3. Creation of high-quality hydro and thermal insulation. Ruberoid is placed on the concrete, and foam plastic is foaming over it.
  4. A formwork is knocked down along the base contour - it is best to use boards to 5 cm in thickness.
  5. Frame is made - it is welded from metal rods.
  6. The fill of concrete is carried out - one right will be enough. The bulk mass is subjected to morning and leave to stick.

The slab base is ready.

Walls and floor

Before you begin the construction of walls, decide what type of masonry you will use. Most popular options:

  1. With a metal grid. The grid is placed every 5-7 rows.
  2. Well-masonry with voids that are filled with foam or clay. This approach contributes to an increase in the thermal insulation characteristics of the material.

Ways to masonry bricks in the construction of walls - well and with a metal grid.

First, the material is placed in the corners of the bearing walls. Note that the appearance of the construction is dependent on the quality of the installation of the material, and its durability. When forming angles, it is necessary to make a laying of 5-10 pieces of bricks in height. How much you do everything right, it will be possible to check the level and plumb. The more often checks, the lower the risks of the distortion.

Masonry wall layout at home

Stages of wall laying:

  1. Prepare a cement mortar - it is necessary to do this in small portions and produce as needed.
  2. Apply the solution to the desired location and thoroughly align. Surplus remove a trowel.
  3. Place the brick on the solution, to ensure the tight fit of the brick, catch it with a trowel. The perfect distance between the rows is 12 mm.
  4. The narrowing of the rows when laying - or due to the thickness of the solution, or using pieces of bricks.

If you plan to sneak the walls with plaster, leave some free space in the seams. In cases where work is performed immediately by facial bricks, the extender will need to do neatly and beautifully, immediately filling the entire space.

At the construction of the walls, it is necessary to provide for the presence of door and window openings - it is left for them the voids of the specified parameters. When you reach the planned opening height, lay the jumpers from wood, reinforced concrete or metal.

In width, it should be the same as the wall thickness, and the length of 50 cm is longer than the width of the opening. The ends of wooden jumpers are protected by rubberoid and processed by primer, metal products are treated with anti-corrosion compositions.

The reliability of the attic (and it will have to withstand solid wind loads) depends on the quality of the rafter system. It is made from the bars of considerable length and width. First, it will be necessary to put the Mauerlat - the lower extreme support of the rafted out of the log, timber. The most reliable is considered a section 20 * 20 cm when the breaks between the logs in 1 m.

The floors in the brick house are laid out:

  • on lags;
  • on the soil;
  • on overlapping stoves.

Be sure to take care of high-quality insulation, otherwise in the future you will damn air. The most popular thermal insulators are foam, basalt wool, penure foam. For external finishes, such materials are usually used as lining, outdoor plaster, siding (vinyl, metal), natural wood. Internal decor, consider personal wishes and financial opportunities.

Warming the walls of a brick house is best from the outside.


The process of arrangement of the roof consists of several stages:

  • project development and selection of roofing material;
  • installing the rafting system (usually used to create it);
  • installation with a step of 80 cm for slate, 35 cm for metal tile, for a bituminous roof the crate makes solid;
  • waterproofing;
  • laying roofing material, installation of decorative elements;
  • vaporizolation and insulation (if necessary).

Scheme of the attic roof

For water supply from the source it is the most convenient to use automatic pumping stations.

The plumbing pipes are always laid below the level of primerization of the soil and equipped with locking cranes. In unheated premises and places input of the water supply in the house they need to be insulated. Plumbing devices are mounted according to the manufacturer's instructions. The bathroom can consist only of toilet or bath and toilet. Do not forget about the need to create a wastewater treatment system.


Installation of wiring in a private house of bricks start with preparation - compiling wiring schemes, markup, punching work. Immediately decide on the place of input of wires and cable, the distribution shield installation bridge.

Then it will be possible to prepare the mounting and electrical circuit, place the installation sites of the electrical appliances, sockets, switches, lamps, connecting boxes and other system elements. After marking, the circuits of the tracks of the wiring layout are prepared.

For each group or individual outlet, you need your own machine with a power corresponding to the cross section of the wiring.

All lines of wiring connections of sockets, lighting groups are summarized to a shield with autotrunctors. The permissible value of the current for the conductor is determined by the cross section, the cooling conditions (closed or open wiring), material. You need to leave free access to splitting boxes - it will control the condition of the compounds during their operation.


More useful information about the technology of construction of a brick house Watch video


Brick house with an attic - a capital structure that is suitable for year-round accommodation. The reliability of the construction depends on the correctness of the choice of the foundation, compliance with the wall masonry technology, the arrangement of the quality roof. If you plan to use the attic as a residential room, then you need to take care of its insulation and waterproofing. Read more about the methods of mansard insulation, read. Note that construction work is laborious and require a lot of time.

Attic, being an additional level of building, allowing to significantly increase the useful area, represents the original architectural element. The shape of a naked roof can be very complex and spectacular. But if you wish, you can choose a brick cottage project with a nuclear fuel and an economical duplex roof.

Brick - building material not cheap, but having such technical specifications and such a reputation, it fully justifies its value. The reliability of brick buildings is proved by the centuries-old practice of using this material in the construction of a wide variety of objects to destination. Currently, brick residential low-rise buildings are built on improved technology. For the construction of carriers, external and simply separation walls, ceramics of various brands and species are used. For decoration of buildings, there is a special facial brick, which has all the advantages of ceramic wall products, and at the same time it is distinguished by an impeccable appearance, as well as a variety of color and textured solutions.

Order or buy a turnkey project with us

Projects of brick houses with an atticPresented in this section developed taking into account the highest requirements for modern private housing. Buildings built on these projects have the following indicators:
Attractive view of facades
  • comfortable rational planning
  • low thermal conductivity of walls
  • well thought out
  • the presence of all necessary communication systems.

We offer the erection of anyone with the attic at an affordable price. Quality guarantee the professionals of OOO Modern House. They provide a list of all necessary work, ranging from the design of a brick structure, completing its warranty service. Consider how our team performs construction of brick objects with an attic:

1. Design

We offer a unique selection of the best typical projects of brick houses with an attic. This is for familiarization. Free to develop an individual project. Quality is guaranteed. Experience of professionals - more than 12 years. All projects presented in our site, the architect of the company "Modern House" Smolyaninov I. Modes according to your wishes. It's free.

2. Bookmark Fundament

After analyzing the results of all types of geological research, the professionals of the "modern house" will perform calculations and justify the right choice of the foundation. All processes starting from the settlement work, up to the construction of the foundation - in one company. The presence of all necessary special equipment helps Zakazdomov masters quickly implement projects for the construction of brick structures in the most difficult areas.

3. Construction of walls and overlaps

Work turnkey performs experienced brigades of the "Modern House" masters. We conduct brickwork with mandatory wall insulation.

4. Construction of the roof

By the project from Zakazdomov, we mount the enhanced solry system for a brick house with an attic. We carry out the laying of the best roof: ondulin, metal tile, bituminous and natural tiles.

5. Engineering communications

The OOO "Modern House" installers perform the arrangement of all engineering systems for brick buildings with an attic. Most importantly, such dwellings are correctly calculated and installed the heating and ventilation systems.

6. Finishing your structure

The wizard of the "Modern House" wizards are performed in the enforcement finish after communications. External finish, as a rule, is not required. For masonry walls, we use a beautiful facing brick.

7. Home maintenance

We do it free after the completion of construction. Your benefit is 10 years warranty on a brick house with an attic. During this time, the Site specialists conduct technical support and serve the structure for free.

8. Photos of brick houses with an attic that we built, and their advantages.

Many examples you will find in the directory on the same page. There are ready-made solutions for different area and configuration.? Read on.

9. Benefits of our brick objects with an attic

  • Durable materials. For the construction of stone houses with an attic specialists of the company "Modern House" use facing, ceramic and clinker bricks. This ensures high strength and frost resistance of the dwelling, which is not terrible the most terrible natural cataclysms.
  • The best design of mansard windows. They effectively reduce thermal losses. This is the result of applying special protective spraying on glass. Specialists of the "Modern House" Ltd. Mount the mansard windows with high strength and better sound insulation characteristics.
  • Fire safety and environmental friendliness. The walls of housing on projects from Zakazdomov do not need impregnation with antipirens or processing biochemical protection. In bricks there is no chemistry! This is an environmentally friendly material based on natural clay, conventional sand and water.
  • Modern technologies. For 10 years we have no problems. No complaints about cracking or cold attic. There were no heights on the walls. The company "Modern House" immediately performs effective

Houses made of bricks in all centuries were considered durable and reliable buildings. Despite the diversity of modern options, today the brick is considered one of the best materials used for capital construction. Particular brick houses with an attic, in which it is easy to equip a living room for various purposes.


Very often, to the decision to turn the room under the roof in a full-fledged room, it is welcome to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. At the design stage you need to decide what to build: a cold attic or a warm attic. The latter option implies the presence of large windows that are usually mounted in the ceiling, and the walls of the roof are the walls of the room.

Most of the projects of this type of houses have complex roofs with a break, which in the finished form look more attractive than simple variants of the bartal roof buildings.

If earlier the attic was needed only to increase residential space, today such houses are popular among people of creative professions.

Brick houses with an attic became popular also because such buildings possess many advantages:

  • Reliability and strength. Brick - refractory, environmentally friendly material with excellent heat and sound insulation properties. Thanks to its "breathable" properties, the air indoors is not stored. Therefore, in such houses there is always a warm home atmosphere.
  • Saving on materials. A single-storey house with an attic will cost much cheaper than a two-story building.
  • Durability. Brick is a fairly resistant material, especially to fungus, mold, insects and mice.

Observing all the rules for building houses from this material, the long term of the structure is guaranteed.

  • Design. Modern manufacturers offer a lot of various shapes and shades, so with the help of bricks you can implement any dream. In addition, the attic floor does not have to be a residential area, it can accommodate a greenhouse or a photo studio.

Houses with the attic also have consists of the minuses that are worth knowing before the construction of:

  • The complexity of creating high-quality thermal insulation and roof ventilation. Laying data systems requires a thorough approach. Failure to comply with technology can lead to the fact that in winter it will be impossible to live in the attic floor. To avoid such problems, it is worth contacting only specialists.
  • The complexity of creating natural lighting. There is a high probability that in the daytime day in the attic will be twilight. Therefore, experts usually establish the attic windows or provide for a complex lighting system.

  • Dead zone. It should be borne in mind that there will be a so-called dead zone on the attic floor, where it is impossible to straighten up in full growth. It is possible to achieve harmony in the interior, setting furniture or decor furniture in such places.
  • Psychological discomfort. Most psychologists claim that with a long stay in premises with inclined walls, a sense of anxiety appears. Therefore, such rooms may be suitable for permanent residence, only if human mental health is in order.

It is worth noting that the brick is quite expensive, the material and construction of the house will require high costs.

But the technical properties of the brick fully justify the high cost of construction. In order for the house to be on the century, it is necessary to purchase not only high-quality materials, but also follow the observance of technologies during the laying of the foundation, roofing, the construction of the walls, the construction of the attic floor and all other construction processes.

No less significant role is also played by the further handling of the room. Brick houses need good heating in winter, as well as to maintain a certain level of humidity.

The furnace heating is not quite suitable for brick houses, it is best if the heating system is centralized.


Getting Started to design a house with a brick attitude, you need to know important nuances. One of the main factors is the choice of terrain, where the building will occur. Features of the relief affect the choice of the foundation of the future at home.

If the soil is weak and wet, the foundation is better to make the pile screw. In addition, the construction of a high building is not recommended. It is better to stop your choice on a single-storey house with an attic. Then the load on the soil is small, and the structure does not "swim" over time.

Houses with an attic can be completely different, depending on their destination. Getting Started to create a project, it is important to decide in advance how this building will be used in the future.

It may be a cottage summer house, which is planned only for the warm season. Projects of this type of houses usually have a small area and are not equipped with centralized communications.

To stay all year round, houses require insulation, major insulation, arrangement of all necessary systems. Of course, the implementation of such projects requires high spending time, money and strength. It is advisable to refer to specialists who will help choose the best option for a specific area and calculate the parameters of the future at home.

If there is a desire to try out your strength in the construction of a country house, you can use ready-made projects. We offer some typical embodiments with attic, which are popular over long years.

Brick house with a terrace of 10x8 square meters. M.

It is worth noting that such a building is greatly successful today. The advantages of such buildings include the capacity, reliability of the design, thoroughness, durability.

The first floor of the building can be "broken" into the kitchen combined with the dining room, hallway, living room and terrace. On the attic floor you can place the terrace, two bedrooms and hall. If you wish at the top, instead of the bedroom, you can equip the workshop or office. Or move the bedroom upstairs, and the workshop for the first floor.

A qualified specialist can easily equip comfortable accommodation on an area of \u200b\u200b80 m² on the basis of the desires and capabilities of the owners.

On the first floor you can refuse partitions by making a free layout, and the presence of a terrace will add a few meters of useful area.

Such houses always look original and distinguished by an unusual and so interesting interior.

One-storey building with a French balcony of 10x10 square meters. M.

The living area of \u200b\u200bthis project is 90 m². The bartal roof of the building has a bias of 45 degrees. On both parties are mansard windows, which give even more natural lighting.

A real highlight of the project is a French balcony installed on the attic floor. Instead of windows, you can install glazed doors.

The facade of the house is partially covered with a peasant plaster, and the windows of the first floor decorate decorative wooden shields.

The parameters of the house are designed for a large number of rooms. On the ground floor you can equip the kitchen, dining room with living room, bathroom, hallway, heating boiler and equipment. On the attic floor, three bedrooms, a bathroom, a bathroom and a corridor are perfectly placed.

Cottage from brick 10x12 square meters. M.

Such standard projects are often used to build country houses, where the owners will live all year round. On the ground floor they freely fit the kitchen, dining room, living room, hall, hallway, technical room.

The upper attic floor can be made to sleep, placing three or four bedrooms there. And you can turn one of the rooms into the rest room, home theater or studio for creativity.

Exterior finish

The decorative trim of the facade is an important part of construction. At the design stage, it is necessary to choose materials for processing walls, insulation, plastering and cladding.

The facade of the brick has long been a classic country houses. And the variety of colors and textures of this material opens up the ability to experiment, embodied extraordinary and extravagant ideas.

A brick shade can be different:

  • traditional brown;
  • forest yellow;
  • red (clinker tiles);
  • laconic gray.

Separately, it is worth noting the glazed brick.

The facades lined with the use of bricks of different colors are particularly interesting. But it is important to choose such shades that will be well harmonized with each other.

It is worth noting that the building of the brick practically does not need a finish. The facade is drawn up with special decorative bricks, which is able to transfer bad weather conditions, temperature drops, frost.

A lot of attention is paid to the design of door slopes, window openings, basement.

If the building is made of silicate brick, the facade needs a mandatory cladding.

There are often cases of facing the outer walls with brick and porcelain stoneware. Natural and artificial stone can be used, as well as various facing materials. With this creative approach, you can get the original and unique look of the facade.

In modern life, many face the problem of lack of residential area. Moreover, the owners of private houses are most often faced with a similar problem. Exit from this situation - construction, repair or. Or the attic, previously did not use so great demand. At this time, here more often add areas for comfortable and cozy accommodation.

Project and layout of the house with a brick attic

If it does not occur during repair work, there are no difficulties in the initial stages of construction, many are faced with difficulties associated with. First of all, the question arises, from which material to perform construction and further finish? The best option, both for and for the construction of the attic, is a brick. This material perfectly keeps heat in the room.

Modern, most often equipped with an attic floor at the design stage.

Project of a small house with a brick attic

In this case, the attic room received its name through the French architect Francois Mansardu, in whose honor of the area of \u200b\u200bthis type and got its name. It was he who began to use as a residential area. This option saves financial costs significantly, since for the construction of another floor it will require not only additional material, but also permission to make changes to the finished project.

Currently, the projects of brick houses with an attic can be found almost everywhere. It is convenience, as well as cost savings served as a decisive step towards using these areas as additional residential areas. In this video, a comparison of the attic and ordinary floor.

Project creation

The initial design of such buildings is associated with some features, namely:

  • It is very important that at the end of construction work, the point where the roof and facade intersects, were at a level not lower than 1.5 meters from the floor of the attic floor;
  • It is recommended to produce an internal finish and simultaneously with other rooms.

Before building a building from a brick, where the residential attic will be present, it is worth learn about the material in more detail. As you know, the brick is one of the most common elements used in construction. Material has excellent qualities. Finished brickwork pleasantly pleased and does not need additional outdoor decoration.
It is worth considering some of the features why it is necessary to choose a brick for construction:

An example of a house project with a brick pattern without an external finish