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Flavoring above G. Fire Safety Requirements for Building Materials. Classification of construction, textile and leather materials for fire danger

1 Clamusity classes
2 groups of flammability
3 Application in construction
4 Confirmation of the class and degree of flammability
5 Fire Testing Objects
Classes of aghounds
All substances in nature are divided into flammability classes. List them:

Non-combustible. These are substances that themselves cannot burn in the air. But even they can, when interacting with other environments to be sources of formation of combustible products. For example, interacting with air oxygen, each other or with water.
Challenged. It is difficult for combustible building materials only when exposed to them, the source of ignition is able to ignite. Their further burning when the source of ignition is terminated independently cannot, they go out.
Burned. Combustible (combustible) building materials are defined as capable of ignite without a foreign source of ignition. Moreover, they quickly flammable if such a source is available. The materials of this class continue to burn and after the disappearance of the ignition source.
combustion group g1 what is it

Preferably, the use of non-combustible materials in the construction, but not all widely used construction technologies can be based on the use of products that may have such a wonderful property. More precisely, there are practically no such technologies.

The fireproof characteristics of building materials also include:

the ability to extract toxins when heated and burning;
The intensity of smoke formation at high temperatures.
Groups of flammability
The tendency of building materials to the combustion is denoted by the symbols of G1, G2, G3 and G4. This series begins a combustibility group of weakly combustible substances marked with a symbol of G1. A number of a group of strongly combustible G4 ends. Between them there is a group of materials of M2 and G3, which are moderately flammable and normally combustible. These materials, including the group weakly combustible G1, are mainly used in construction technologies.

The combustibility group G1 shows that this substance or material can highlight flue gases heated not higher than 135 degrees on the Celsius scale and independently, without an external fastening, are not able to burn (non-combustible substances).

For fully non-combustible building materials, fire safety characteristics are not examined and norms for them are not installed.
Of course, a group of materials G4 also finds its use, but due to a large propensity to burning, require the initial processing of their special fire-fighting compositions and subsequent processing through the deadlines established by the fire inspection.

Application in construction
The use of materials during the construction of buildings depends on the degree of fire resistance of these buildings. how to get g1 on the material

The main classification of building structures by fire safety classes looks like this:

To determine the materials of which flammability are permissible in the construction of a specific object, you need to know the class of fire danger of this object and the combustibility group used by building materials. The class of fire danger of the object is established depending on the fire hazard of those technological processes that will occur in this building.

For example, for the construction of buildings of kindergartens, schools, hospitals or nursing homes, materials and systems of insulation outside only the class of K0 are allowed. The same requirements are also designed for other types of building structures.

In fire-hazardous buildings with fire-resistance of the third level, low-hardened K1 and moderate K2 are not allowed to carry out the external cladding of walls and the foundation from combustible and hard-scale materials.

For non-rigorous walls and translucent partitions, materials can be used without additional fire hazard tests:

designs from non-combustible materials - K0;
Designs from materials of the group G4 - K3.
Any building facilities should not distribute hidden burning. In the walls of the walls, the places of their compound should not be present to the emptiness, which are separated from one other solid fillings from combustible materials.

Confirmation class and degree of flammability
Any new material or system (design) must be confirmed by technical evidence. This evidence permits to use various materials in construction work in accordance with their fire safety rules set out in this document.

One of the chapters of the certificate is the listing of mandatory fire hazards for this material. For the first time used in the construction technology, products of domestic and foreign production requires confirmation of the fire inspection after standard flap tests.

Fire test objects
This method of testing is carried out to establish fire resistance of the facility under construction or already erected. This property of the object depends on the fire hazard of the structural materials used in construction.

Fire tests on the territory of the Russian Federation are authorized to conduct such organizations as the EMERCOM of Russia, the Research Institute "Experienced", Ano "Fire Audit", the Research Institute. Kucherenko and many others.
Test materials for finishing facades of buildings and internal elements are made in a special oven. The protocol of these tests testing materials to the degree of flammability contains a reference to the customer and the organization that is authorized to carry out fire tests. The name of the subject facilitation with a set of attached documentation is indicated.

Taking into account meteorological conditions when conducting tests, the results obtained during heating and burning samples used in the construction of an object in the furnace are indicated. Also attached photographs of structural elements before and after testing. Compiled a fire protocol in which all test results are described in detail.

According to the results of the tests set out in the Fire Protocol, and the Customer's fire hazard class is issued a conclusion about the compliance with fire safety requirements.

The fire danger of building materials is characterized by the following properties:

  1. Combustion;
  2. Flammability;
  3. The ability to spread the flame on the surface;
  4. Smoke-forming ability;
  5. Toxicity of combustion products.

By felingbuilding materials are divided into combustible (d) and non-combustible (NG).

Building materials refer to non-combustible with the following values \u200b\u200bof the flammability parameters defined by experimentally: the temperature increase is not more than 50 degrees Celsius, the weight loss of the sample is not more than 50 percent, the duration of stable fumeful burning is not more than 10 seconds.

Building materials that do not satisfy at least one of the following parameter values \u200b\u200bspecified in paragraph 4 of this article relate to combustible. Combustible building materials are divided into the following groups:

  • Wematory (g1) having a flue gas temperature of not more than 135 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is not more than 65 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is not more than 20 percent, the duration of independent burning 0 seconds;
  • Moderate-burning (g2) having flue gases no more than 235 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is not more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is not more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is not more than 30 seconds;
  • Normal-burning (GZ) having flue gases no more than 450 degrees Celsius, degree of damage to the length of the test sample more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is no more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is no more than 300 seconds;
  • Silnogorous (G4), having a flue gas temperature of more than 450 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is more than 300 seconds.

For materials related to the combustible groups G1-GZ, the formation of burning melt drops during testing (for materials related to combustibility groups G1 and G2 is not allowed to form a melt drops). For non-combustible building materials, other indicators of fire danger are not defined and are not normalized.

By flammabilitycombustible building materials (including floor carpets) depending on the size of the critical surface density of the heat flux are divided into the following groups:

  • Faceless (B1), having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of more than 35 kilowatts per square meter;
  • Male-ignorant (B2) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of heat flux at least 20, but not more than 35 kilowatts per square meter;
  • Flammable (PT) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of less than 20 kilowatt per square meter.

By flame spread speeds On the surface of combustible building materials (including floor carpets), depending on the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux, are divided into the following groups:

  • Non-expression (RP1) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of more than 11 kilowatt per square meter;
  • Weak-rapid (RP2) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of heat flux at least 8, but not more than 11 kilowatts per square meter;
  • Moderatically-stencil (RPZ) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of heat flux at least 5, but not more than 8 kilowatt per square meter;
  • Strong-standing (RP4) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of less than 5 kilowatt per square meter.

By smoke-formingabilities combustible building materials depending on the value of the smoke coefficient are divided into the following groups:

  • With low smoke-forming ability (D1), having a smoke-forming coefficient of less than 50 square meters per kilogram;
  • With moderate smoke-forming ability (d2) having a smoke coefficient of at least 50, but not more than 500 square meters per kilogram;
  • With high smoke-forming ability (DZ) having a smoke-forming coefficient of more than 500 square meters per kilogram.

By toxicitycombustion products combustible building materials are divided into the following groups in accordance with table 2 of the annex to this federal law:

  • Low hazard (T1);
  • Moderate (T2);
  • High-hazardous (TK);
  • Extremely dangerous (T4).

Depending on the fire hazard groups, building materials are divided into the following Fire hazard classes:

Properties of fire hazard of building materials Fire hazard class of building materials depending on groups
Km 0. Km1 Km2 Km3 Km4 Km5
Spray NG G1. G1. Г2. Г2. G4
Flammability IN 1 IN 1 AT 2 AT 2 IN 3
Smoke-forming ability D1 D3 +. D3. D3. D3.
Toxicity of combustion products T1. T2. T2. T3. T4.
Spreading flame on floors for floors RP1 RP1 RP1 RP2. RP4

The combustible substances and materials are divided into three groups: non-combustible, difficult and combustible.

Non-combustible (challenges) -substances and materials that are not capable of burning in the air. Non-combustible substances can be fireless.

Painty (challenges) -substances and materials capable of burning in the air when exposed to a ignition source, but not able to burn independently after removing it.

Combustible (combustible)- Substances and materials capable of self-turn, as well as ignite when exposed to the source of ignition and on their own, after removing it.

All combustible substances are divided into the following main groups:

    Combustible gases (GG) -the substances capable of forming flammable and explosive mixtures with air at temperatures not higher than 50 ° C. The combustible gases include individual substances: ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, butyl acetate, hydrogen, vinyl chloride, isobutane, isobutylene, methane, carbon monoxide, propane, Propylene, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, as well as pairs of flammable and combustible liquids.

    Flammable liquids (LVZ) -substances that can burn independently after removing the ignition source and having an outbreak temperature not higher than 61 ° C (in a closed crucible) or 66 ° (in open). Such fluids include individual substances: acetone, benzene, hexane, heptane, dimethylphoramide, diefluorodichloromethane, isopentane, isopropylbenzene, xylene, methyl alcohol, dry carbon, styrene, acetic acid, chlorobenzene, cyclohexane, ethyl acetate, ethylbenzene, ethyl alcohol, and mixtures and mixtures and Technical products Gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, Whitespit, solvents.

    Combustible fluids (GJ) -substances that can burn independently after removing the ignition source and having an outbreak temperature above 61 ° (in a closed crucible) or 66 ° C (in the open). The following individual substances include combustible fluids: aniline, hexadecan, hexyl alcohol, glycerin, ethylene glycol, as well as mixtures and technical products, such as oils: transformer, vaseline, castor.

Fuel dust(/ 77) - solids that are in fine state. Combustible dust in the air (aerosol) is able to form explosives with him

3 Classification of fire safety rooms

In accordance with the "general-union norms of technological design" (1995), buildings and structures in which production is placed, divided into five categories (Table 5).

Characteristics of substances and materials located (applying) indoors


Combustable gases, flammable fluids with an outbreak temperature of no more than 28 ° C in such quantities that can form explosive steam outdoor mixtures, with the ignition of which the calculated excess pressure of the explosion in a room exceeds 5 kPa. Substances and materials capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, air oxygen or one with another in such a quantity that the calculated excessive pressure of the explosion in the room exceeds 5kpa.


Flashing dust or fibers, flammable fluids with a flash point of more than 28 ° C, combustible fluids in such a quantity that can form explosive dust or pair-air mixtures, with the ignition of which the calculated excessive pressure of the explosion explosion is developing exceeding 5 kPa.

fire hazard

Combustible and hard-burning liquids, solid combustible and hard-burning substances and materials capable of interacting with water, air oxygen or one with another only to burn, provided that the premises in which they are available or appeal are not related to categories a or b

Non-combustible substances and materials in hot, red or molten state, the process of processing which is accompanied by the release of radiant heat, sparks and flames, combustible gases, liquids and solids that are burned or disposed of fuel

Non-combustible substances and materials in cold condition

Category A: Tsekhi processing and applying metal sodium and potassium, oil refineries and chemical production, gasoline and cylinders for combustible gases, stationary acid and alkaline accumulatory plants, hydrogen stations, etc.

The combustibility group is the conditional characteristic of a certain material that displays its abortion ability. With regard to drywall, it is determined by the implementation of a special combustibility test, the conditions of which are governed by GOST 3024-94. This test is also carried out in relation to other finishing materials, and according to the results of how the material will behave on the test bench, it is assigned one of the three combustibility groups: G1, G2, G3 or G4.

Plasterboard flammable illustracy?

All building materials are divided into two main groups: non-combustible (NG) and combustible (d). To get to non-combustible, the material must correspond to a number of requirements that are presented to it during the test. The sheet of drywall is put into the furnace heated to a temperature of about 750 ° C and kept there for 30 minutes. Throughout this time, the sample is monitored and a number of parameters are recorded. The non-combustible material should:

  • increase the temperature of the furnace is no more than 50 ° C
  • give a steady flame for no more than 10 s
  • will decrease in the mass no more than 50%

Plasterboard sheets in these requirements do not correspond and are therefore defined in the group G (combustible).

Group of flammability of plasterboard

The combustible building materials also has its own classification and are divided into four combustibility groups: G1, G2, G3 and G4. The table below illustrates the rules to which the material must correspond to obtaining one of the four groups.

These parameters refer to the samples that have passed the tests on the MO method II test, according to GOST 3024-94. This method assumes the sample premises into the combustion chamber, in which it is affected by a flame on one side in such a way that the temperature in the furnace is in the range from 100 to 350 ° C, depending on the distance from the bottom edge of the sample.

In this case, the following characteristics occurs:

  • Temperature of flue gases
  • The time for which the flue gases will have their highest temperatures
  • The weight of the test sample before the start of the test and after it
  • Dimensions of damaged surface
  • Whether the flame goes on that part of the samples that is not exposed to heating
  • The duration of burning or pulling both when heated and after completion
  • The time for which the flame will spread to the entire surface
  • Whether the material is projected through
  • Whether the melts occurs
  • Visual change in the appearance of the sample

Collecting and analyzing all of the above indicators obtained in laboratory conditions, material refer to a particular combustion group. Based on the numbers that were fixed when testing a sheet of GLC sizes 1000x190x12.5 mm according to the LL method described above, it was found that the combustion system of drywall - g1. According to this group, the temperature of its flue gases does not exceed 135 ° C, the degree of damage to the length of the sample is not more than 65%, damage by weight is not greater than 20%, and the time of self-combustion is zero.


See the visual process of drywall tests to combustibility in the following video:

Fire hazard class

Standard partitions on a metallic frame of plasterboard sheets of an average density of 670 kg / m³ and a thickness of 12.5 mm according to GOST 30403-96 belong to the K0 (45) fire hazard class. This means that with the fire impact on the unloaded material for 45 minutes, it was not recorded vertical or horizontal damage in it, and there was also no burning and formation of smoke.

At the same time, in practice, the carrying capacity of a single-layer septum from drywall is lost after 20 minutes of firing effect on the surface of the material. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the fire safety of a particular partition from plasterboard will depend on its design. Is it installed on a metal frame or on a wooden crate, is there inside a layer of insulation and the combustible whether it is.

In addition to fire hazard and flammability, such characteristics as a group of combustion products, a group of smoke-forming ability and a flammability group also apply to drywall.

According to the toxicity of combustion products, the GLC sheets belong to low hazard (T1). The smoke-forming ability of the material characterizes it, as having a small smoke-forming ability (D1) with a smoke coefficient of not more than 50 m² / kg (optical density of smoke). For comparison, wood is adjusted by the value of this coefficient equal to 345 m² / kg. Flamement group at drywall B2 is moderately allegated materials.

Purpose of classification substances and materials on fire hazard and fire hazard (Chapter 3 of Art. 10-13 ФЗ №123):

1. The classification of substances and materials on fire hazard and fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements when producing substances and materials, use, storage, transportation, processing and disposal.

2. To establish fire safety requirements to the design of buildings, structures and fire protection systems, the classification of building materials for fire danger is used.

Classification of building materials for fire hazard (Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 123).

1. The classification of building materials for fire danger is based on their properties and ability to form dangerous fire factors given in table 1 Annexes to Federal Law No. 123.

2. Fire danger construction Materials are characterized by the following properties :
1) flammability;
2) flammability;
3) the ability to spread the flame on the surface;
4) smoke-forming ability;
5) Toxicity of combustion products.

3. Feling Construction Materials divided into: combustible (g) and non-combustible (NG).

Building materials are related to non-flammable With the following values \u200b\u200bof the flammability parameters, determined by experimentally: the temperature increase is not more than 50 degrees Celsius, the weight loss of the sample is not more than 50 percent, the duration of stable fumeful burning is not more than 10 seconds.

Construction materials that do not satisfy at least one of the above parameter values \u200b\u200binclude to flammable.

Combustible building materials are divided into the following groups:

1) wemologies (G1), having a flue gas temperature not more than 135 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is not more than 65 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test specimen is not more than 20 percent, the duration of independent burning is 0 seconds;

2) modearegorean (G2), having flue gases no more than 235 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is not more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test specimen is not more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is not more than 30 seconds;

3) normalGorgiy (GZ) , having flue gases no more than 450 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is no more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is no more than 300 seconds;

4) silnogorchy (G4. ), having a flue gas temperature of more than 450 degrees Celsius, the degree of damage to the length of the test sample is more than 85 percent, the degree of damage to the mass of the test sample is more than 50 percent, the duration of independent burning is more than 300 seconds.

For materials related to the combustible groups G1-GZ, the formation of burning melt drops during testing (for materials related to combustibility groups G1 and G2 is not allowed to form a melt drops). For non-combustible building materials, other indicators of fire danger are not defined and are not normalized.

On flammability combustible building materials (including floor carpets), depending on the size of the critical surface density of the heat flux, are divided into the following groups:

1) claimed (IN 1 ), having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of more than 35 kilowatt per square meter;

2) mOREESHNOGOVANEMENT (AT 2), having the magnitude of the critical surface density of heat flux at least 20, but not more than 35 kilowatts per square meter;

3) Flammable (Vz), Having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of less than 20 kilowatt per square meter.

By speed of flame spread over the surface Combustible building materials (including floor carpets) depending on the size of the critical surface density of the heat flux are divided into the following groups:

1) non-prolonged ( RP1 ), having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of more than 11 kilowatt per square meter;

2) weak-rapid (RP2. ) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux at least 8, but not more than 11 kilowatts per square meter;

3) moderately prioritizing ( RPZ ) having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux at least 5, but not more than 8 kilowatts per square meter;

4) strongly prostrate (RP4 ), Having the magnitude of the critical surface density of the heat flux of less than 5 kilowatt per square meter.

For smoke-forming ability combustible building materials Depending on the value of the smoke coefficient, the following groups are divided into the following groups:

1) with low smoke-forming ability (D1 ), having a smoke-forming coefficient less than 50 square meters per kilogram;

2) with moderate smoke-forming ability (D 2 ), having a smoke coefficient of at least 50, but not more than 500 square meters per kilogram;
3) with high smoke-forming ability (DZ), Having a smoke formation coefficient of more than 500 square meters per kilogram.

To toxicity products combustion combustible building materials are divided into the following groups in accordance with Table 2 of Annexes to Federal Law No. 123:

1) Low hazard (T1);

2) moderate ( T2);

3) highly hazard ( TK);

4) extremely dangerous (T4).
Table 2. Classification of combustible building materials according to the value of the toxicity of combustion products (adj. To FZ No. 123)

Fire hazard classes of building materials depending on the fire hazard groups of building materials are given in Table. 3 applications to FZ №123.

Table 3. Fire hazard classes of building materials (ad. For FZ №123)

(Table in the editorial office entered into force from July 12, 2012 by the Federal Law of July 10, 2012 N 117-FZ.

Note. The list of indicators of the fire hazard of building materials sufficient to assign the fire hazard classes of KM0-km5 is determined in accordance with the table 27 of the annex to the FZ No. 123.

Table 27. The list of indicators required to assess the fire hazard of building materials (Table in the editorial office of the Federal Law No. 123, entered into force from July 12, 2012 dated July 10, 2012 N 117-FZ)

Appointment of building materials List of necessary indicators depending on the purpose of building materials
A combustion group Flame-wound group Group of ignorance Smoke-forming ability Group toxicity combustion products
Materials for wall decoration and ceilings, including coatings of paints, enamels, varnishes + - + + +
Materials for floating floors, including carpets - + + + +
Roofing materials + + + - -
Waterproofing and vapor insulation materials with a thickness of more than 0.2 millimeters + - + - -
Heat insulation materials + - + + +


1. The "+" sign indicates that the indicator must be applied.

2. The sign "-" denotes that the indicator does not apply.3. When using waterproofing materials for the surface layer of the roof, the indicators of their fire hazard should be determined by the position "Roofing materials".

For the classification of building materials should be applied the value of the flame spread index (I) - a conditional dimensionless indicator that characterizes the ability of materials or substances to ignite, spread the flame on the surface and highlight heat.

By spreading flames Materials are divided into the following groups:

1) non-flames on the surface having a flame distribution index 0;

2) slowly spreading the flame on the surface having a flame distribution index no more than 20;

3) Fast-spreading flames on the surface, having a flame distribution index of more than 20.

Test methods to determine the classification indicators of fire danger of construction, textile and leather materials are established by regulatory documents on fire safety.