Repairs Design Furniture

Liquid wallpapers: consumption of one package. Calculation of liquid wallpapers how to calculate liquid wallpaper

In the last publication, we looked at such a popular modern finishing material as liquid wallpaper.

Now you know that this material for the finishing of the walls of the inner premises is based on cellulose with the addition of silk fibers, binders and antiseptics that prevent rotting and mold.

Porous structure gives liquid wallpaper high heat engineering characteristics, as well as soundproofing ability.

Such "wallpapers" is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in polyethylene packages. The dry mixture is completely ready for use, it is enough to dissolve powder with water to the desired consistency.

Let's see how "glue" liquid wallpaper so that they serve for a long time, glad the eye with their beautiful appearance.

Colors of liquid wallpaper

Today, you can choose mixtures for finishing walls that have almost any necessary shade. In the absence of a ready-made mixture in the store, the liquid wallpaper is very easily powered by the addition of coloring substances.

The variety of colors of this finishing material is shown in the photo below:

As you can see, the choice of colors is very large.

The decor with liquid wallpaper allows you to perform the finishing wall of the walls suitable for any style of the interior, giving it a finished look.

How to calculate how much liquid wallpaper do you need?

Before you go to the store for the purchase of the necessary amount of dry mix, you need to determine how much liquid wallpapers need for wall decoration.

The mixture consumption is usually indicated on the package. Therefore, the determination of the required number of packets is reduced to the counting of wall area, followed by dividing the area obtained by the amount of the mixture required for finishing 1 kV. meter wall.

For example, let's calculate how much liquid wallpapers on a room of 12 meters (3 x 4 m).

The height of the ceilings will take 2.5 m. Then the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls will be 2,5x3x2 + 2.5x4x2 \u003d 35 sq.m.

As a rule, one bag of a mixture for the preparation of liquid wallpapers is enough for finishing 4-5 sq.m. walls.

Then in our example of 35 square meters. m. and the rate of flow of dry mix 1 pack per 5 sq.m. We will need 35: 5 \u003d 7 bags of dry mixture for the preparation of liquid wallpaper.

Preparation of walls under liquid wallpaper

The wall under liquid wallpaper is prepared almost as well as under the pasting of ordinary wallpaper. The only exception is that cracks before applying liquid wallpapers are not required to be embedded so carefully as in front of the painting or finishing with glass windows.

Due to its matte and slightly rough surface, they are able to hide quite large irregularities. But still, before applying "silk plaster", the walls should be sharpened and primed to ensure the best grip of the appreciative composition with the surface of the walls.

As a putty, you can apply starting formulations. Their small irregularity after drying will contribute to the best grip of the trim with the wall.

Soil for liquid wallpapers use acrylic white or colorless. It should not use colored primers, as this can lead to the appearance of spots on the surface of the walls.

Perfectly suitable for the preparation of walls to the application of decorative finish primer Ceresit CT 17 Super.

Soil should be applied twice with a break on the complete drying of the first layer.

The primer is applied to the walls by the usual painting roller. In this case, the second layer should be applied in the direction perpendicular to that, in which the primer of the first layer was applied.

For example, if the first layer was applied by vertical roller movements, then the second layer should be applied, moving horizontally.

For the preparation of the composition, which will be applied to the wall, it will take a container sufficient to dilute the desired amount of dry mixture of volume.

In the container poured warm water and the dry mixture is poured. The amount of water required for dilution 1 of the dry mix package is indicated on the package. For example, the preparation of liquid wallpapers Bioplast requires 7 liters of water to 1 package of the mixture.

If you have purchased a liquid wallpaper with a glitter, you first pour a bag with glitter particles into the water, and only after that the contents of a large package are poured.

Powder should be mixed thoroughly until lumps and dry places remain. You need to stir. The use of mixers is not allowed not to disrupt the structure of the finishing material.

After that, the solution needs to be left at least 8 hours, covering the capacity by polyethylene to prevent the evaporation of moisture. Also, the prepared mixture can be shifted from the container back to the packages and, tightly knit, leave overnight.

The technology of application of liquid wallpaper is to gradually recall the plastic composition on the prepared surface.

Working with liquid wallpaper begins with corners. First, the surface of the wall in the place of adjustment to the adjacent wall and the adjuncing to the ceiling is observed.

After the outline is designated, you can gradually move from the edges to the center of the wall.

For spatula of liquid wallpaper, a plexiglass spatula is quite often used. Such a transparent tool makes it clear to see how the mixture lies and, if necessary, adjust the emerging irregularities:

You need to keep the tool easily, squeezing two-three fingers at the bottom of the handle.

It is such a grip that allows you to better feel the layer. Do not stick the handle by all five fingers, having rigid it in the palm of your hand.

When moving the mixture, the spatula must be kept at an angle to the wall at 10-15 °.

In hard-to-reach places, the mixture is applied by a small cell, as shown in the photo below.

Not everyone knows such a type of wall finishing and ceiling, like liquid wallpaper. They appeared quite recently, but have already managed to establish themselves from the best side. Cotton or cellulose are the main components of this material, dyes and glue serve additional ingredients. Liquid wallpapers can be called environmentally friendly, they are easy to use and create a beautiful coating. When choosing a material, the consumption should be correctly calculated so that you do not have to run to the store for the additive. Today we will introduce you to some basic recommendations, how not to guess the procurement of the material to buy liquid wallpapers - flow per square meter. M will help you competently calculate our examples.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, let's start to deal with what you can get, buying such a finish, what moments you could avoid, refusing it. Now consider everything in order.


  • You will not need to correctly combine the seams - they will not be on the surface of the wall or ceiling, as the mixture lies with one solid web.
  • If suddenly, during the period of operation, the plot was spoiled, then the problem can be easily solved, cutting it out and applying a new layer of solution to the area. The most important thing in such technology is after entering the problem space you will not see any single repair track.
  • You do not need to advance the walls. All irregularities, asymmetric angles and other flaws will hide under the thick layer of the mixture.
  • When finishing walls, such material you do not have to spend money on putty. With a competent use of the material, the flow of liquid wallpaper per square meter will be very economical.
  • Liquid wallpapers are able to create a good heat and sound insulation system, which is especially necessary for the arrangement of the children's room.
  • There is no dust and dirt on such a finish, the coating almost does not absorb smells.
  • This finish does not fade into the sun, so perfect for bright rooms.
  • Liquid coating can be applied completely to any surface.
  • Under all the conditions, the residues of the mix can be stored 2 days.
  • The ability to conduct experiments, connecting colors among themselves to obtain a texture pattern.
  • Such wallpapers do not ignite.
  • Service life - up to 10 years.


  • When applied with a thin layer, you risks it quickly to drain it with frequent contacts about the surface. To avoid such an unpleasant moment, we recommend that you apply a thick layer of the solution, and then coat it with acrylic varnish. In this case, do not forget that the coverage will no longer be "breathing."
  • Walls and ceiling covered with liquid trim, you can not wipe and wash.
  • You will need up to 3 days to complete the walls in the cold season.
  • Compared to solid vinyl and other types of wallpapers, liquid analogues are released in a small color palette. But in them you can add a variety of pigments and particles to make the finished coating a unique appearance.
  • Due to low moisture resistant qualities, they are undesirable to use in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Important! To answer the question how much the liquid wallpaper cost and how many square meters. Meters are 1 packaging, you need to carefully examine the composition of the product and manufacturer's company. For example, cheap canvases will contain only 10% silk fiber, but more expensive options are 100% silk or natural essential finish with sparkles.

How much do liquid wallpapers on 10 squares?

Before calculating the consumption of material for 10 square meters, you should calculate how much it needs to be taken on 1 square meter of the room. All these calculations need to be made before the trip to the construction store to purchase the most accurate amount of dry mixture.

The reasons why you need to make a package of purchased finishing products in advance:

  • With an insufficient amount of a liquid solution, there is a danger that the material can end in the fastest of repair work.
  • There is an option to purchase a dry finish with a margin to eliminate an unforeseen trip to the store. And in the case of excess material, you do not have to spend time on its refund or storage.
  • If you competently do all the calculations, you can get a total amount of repair costs.
  • When calculating the required composition per 1 square meter, you can easily find out the exact flow rate of liquid wallpapers for a specific section of the wall.

Liquid wallpaper - consumption of one package weighing 1 kg

The flow of one package with dry wallpaper directly depends on the mastery of a person who will apply finish on the wall or ceiling. So, for a professional master, this expense will be minimized, but the newcomer is spent more material. But do not forget that even an inexperienced builder with a great desire can improve its indicators.

Let's figure out how the flow rate of 1 kg of the mixture will occur:

  • If you decide to put the wallpaper with a manual way, then 5 mq. You will be enough 1 kg of liquid wallpaper. Do not forget that the material consumption may be greater for uneven walls.
  • In the case of applying the material with a spray gun 1 kg of the mixture, it is enough for 7 square meters. M. It is due to such a gun that can be achieved as evenly uniform coating on the entire surface of the wall, which will significantly save the cost and time of laying material. It will not be superfluous to paint the walls in an approximate with liquid wallpaper.

Important! Some sites offer to use a liquid wallpaper calculator, which will help to quickly calculate the required amount of dry mix for its further dilution.

How to make measurements of liquid wallpapers for 1 square. M:

  1. We measure the height and width of the walls.
  2. We measure the height and width of window openings.
  3. We measure the height and width of the doorways.

Liquid wallpaper - how many squares are enough 1 package?

To understand how much liquid wallpaper is enough for you, you will not hurt to know some factors that will help significantly reduce material consumption.

In order for spending to be not too large, you need to correctly calculate the amount of liquid wallpapers on one square meter required to perform finishing works. If even a little extra, then they are easy to use to replace the spoiled area. But still the maximum accuracy does not hurt.

Calculate volume

The main feature of the calculation of liquid wallpapers will not be the number of rolls, but 1 kg of a dry mixture per 1 kV. The meter of the wall or how much packages will need to the same area. Determine with the desired volume of liquid wallpapers on 1 m 2 easy. The calculations are also available to a person who has no special skills, vocational education. The work is facilitated stronger if the drawing is not planned and there is a calculator at hand.

Why exactly the volume of liquid wallpapers for one square. The meter must be determined in advance:

  • due to the possibility of calculating the exact consumption of one packaging on a specific section of the wall;
  • it will be known in advance how much will be the total amount of repair costs;
  • more easy acquisition and manufacture of liquid wallpapers with a margin.

And the likelihood that they will end in the fastest of the repair process are eliminated. It also needs to be understood that each manufacturer has its own calculations of the consumption of material for 1 square meters. meter. Below we offer to get acquainted with the calculation of wallpaper from the company Prestige:

Consumption of one package

There are several factors that have a serious impact on the final consumption of 1 kg of liquid wallpapers per 1 kV. meter. Consider them in more detail, because each additional element depends on how much it is necessary to buy packages of the mixture to apply wallpaper in one occasion.

  • Does there be potholes with cracks in the walls? They increase the required volume;
  • how long is the material stored? Liquid wallpapers are becoming less elastic if they are stored in the involved state longer than three days, but at the same time, if you freeze ready-made, they can be stored up to three months without loss of quality;
  • the amount of water. Wallpapers are scorched if it is more provided for the norm - an extra liquid will flush along the walls down, the lower layers will wet and there is a chance that they will move away. In addition, the drying time increases several times;
  • how thoroughly everything is mixed? If stirring is insufficient - bunches appear. Because of them increases the flow rate per square meter, and also suffers the quality of the coating itself. The heterogeneity of the prepared mass will affect the quality of the interior.

Consumption of one package per 1 kV. M depends on how professionally applying. And how much the home master is aware of the right technologies. In normal conditions, without additional obstacles, one package should be enough for 4 square meters if the application is carried out manually.

It is recommended to use modern tools for applying such a sprayer. They will make the consumption of 1 kg per square. meter more economical. Due to the use of this device, it is easier to control the layer thickness, and the wall surface is covered evenly.

For a faster calculation of the flow of liquid wallpapers, we propose to use the table of space of standard sizes. Here are the most common parameters:

The temperature and humidity of the air define the time for which the liquid wallpaper completely dries. Usually this process takes 2-3 days. Dark wet wallpaper becomes lighter as drying. No matter how much the composition is used.

It is not necessary to prepare the surface, but the conduct of such work will help seriously saved on the purchase of finishing materials. It is recommended to put off the whole wall. Then the work surface will be the same on all areas.

The primer will add strength and protects the moisture from penetration.

Tip! If the wall is originally dark - its color can be viewed and after the wallpaper is dried. Before applying liquid wallpaper, it is better to paint such surfaces into white colors. This uses water-based paints.

For economical flow, it is recommended to adhere to the layer thickness of 2-3 millimeters. It is if there are no indication on the packages on other, more optimal parameters that wallpaper possess. Indicators should not exceed, otherwise the coating will not be sufficiently strong. The thicker layer of wallpaper - the hardest to work with it. Drying time increases.

The high cost of liquid wallpaper leading manufacturers does not always become a symbol of better quality. Sometimes it is the same for those materials that cost cheaper or manufactured by yourself. Overpayment appears only at the expense of the brand. The average will become the smallest blow to the budget, and the quality will retain an acceptable level. The photo presents a visual example how to make the calculation of a sq. Meters of the area for applying liquid wallpaper:

Premises with a complex configuration are usually broken down by several sectors. The total area is easier to calculate if you multiply all the parameters of the height, width and length of the room. This rule applies to different niches with other elements. For example, refers to columns. A simple multiplication of length with a width will help when determining the ceiling area. But it is better for him to take more than the mixture, since this surface causes the most problems and, respectively, consumption. For the ceiling you need to remember that with the independent manufacture of liquid wallpapers, add a little more adhesive substance into the kneading.

How to make liquid wallpaper yourself and correctly calculate the flow rate. The meter will help the following video:

Unlike wallpaper from the usual sheet material, liquid wallpaper will correctly attribute to decorative plasters. The reason for this is a similar way to prepare and apply to the surface. As in the case of plaster mixtures, this finishing material must be prejected in a certain amount of water. Upon completion of the swelling period, the working mass is applied to the wall with a thin layer with a spatula or spraying machine. Given the high cost of liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to inform you in advance about how to calculate how much material you need for repair so that you do not acquire more. It will be easy to calculate if you know the mixture consumption per square meter (sq. M.) Walls.

The amount of material on the coating of a specific area

To find out how much Liquid wallpapers for 1 sq. M. m., it is not necessary to make special efforts, since this information is usually in the user instruction placed by the manufacturer on the outer surface of the packaging. When applying a mixture on the wall with a spatula, its consumption per square area is average of about 250-300 g of dry matter. Depending on the manufacturer in the package, 1 kg or a little more dry material may be contained. Thus, when forming a finishing coating with a thickness of 1.5 mm for 3-5 square meters. The surface of the surface will be one packaging.

If such walls are applied to the wall with a sprayer, then their consumption per unit area will be almost twice as fewer. In this case, the working mass is loaded into the container from which it is fed under a pressure of a special guide gun under pressure through the compressor. This method allows you to apply a coating evenly and a thinner layer, which, accordingly, affects the amount of the mixture consumed. When using this adaptation, one package of the mixture can be covered with 7 squares of the wall space, and therefore, only about 150 g of a dry mixture is consumed by 1 meter. But it is important to consider that liquid wallpapers are used for spraying only from short fibers.

Knowing the total area, which you need to cover with a finishing material, and its consumption per unit surface, it will not be easy to theoretically calculate how many packages are needed for repair. But in practice it is not so simple. There are a number of factors capable of influence the amount of material consumed during its application. If they are not taken into account, then wallpapers will most likely have to arrive.

Even if you are sure that the required amount of material correctly calculated, it is better to purchase a mixture with a small margin, as it can be useful in unforeseen circumstances or with possible coating in the future.

Why can the wallpaper material be spent more than expected?

There are several objective reasons leading to wallpaper overputs.

  1. Insufficiently thorough mixing of the mixture during its preparation, which leads to the formation of lumps, which reduces the surface area covered area.
  2. The irregularities of the base surface requiring the application of a thicker mixture layer in some places.
  3. Failure to comply with the requirements of the instructions regarding the proportions when mixing wallpaper when they are made too liquid, which is why they are scattered from the wall, so it is impossible to achieve a thin layer.
  4. Inappropriate movements with a spatula, which should have a certain angle of inclination when applying the walls on the wall.
  5. A too smooth base surface that does not allow to fix the wallpaper and control their thickness.

To ensure a sufficient adhesion of the facing mixture with the wall, it is better to pre-cover the surface of the primer with a quartz content.

Although the sign of professionalism is considered to be the ability to apply facing material with a thin layer, sometimes the customer of repair work may insist on increasing the thickness of the coating. And there is a certain meaning in it. The fact is that liquid wallpapers are good noise insulation, and the thicker their layer, the smaller the sound permeability of the wall. Of course, such a solution will lead to the fact that the consumption of the mixture will increase and, accordingly, the cost of repair will increase. But for those who are safe, this is not a problem.

Whatever your economic possibilities, worry about the quality of work performed anyway useful. Therefore, the above information may turn out to be timely if you are being repaired. Even before the purchase of liquid wallpapers, you will know the approximate their consumption per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe surface. And given the factors that increase the consumption of the material, you will try to strictly follow the instructions when performing work or hire for their implementation of a qualified specialist.

Preparation for repair involves drawing up cost estimates for basic materials, it is easier to keep records and planning work. I don't really want to stay with surplus, or run, breaking my head, looking for the desired brand or coloring of the wallpaper. The costs of liquid wallpapers are probably one of the most difficult-pervasive indicators, too much should be considered and foresee.

How to take into account all the costs of liquid wallpaper

Repair has many situations associated with the use of bulk or liquid materials. And in almost all of them there is a specific calculation technique. The exception is the decorative plaster and the liquid wallpaper related to it. Why it is difficult to calculate the consumption of the mixture per 1 kV. meter? Too thin layer of material is applied to the wall, its thickness can fluctuate on each square meter of the wall by 40-50%, depending on the degree of preparation of walls to coating.

  • The density of the wall-mounted solution, how much prepared consistency corresponds to the optimal consumption for each meter of quarter;;
  • The method of applying a wallpaper mixture to the surface of the walls, for a foam roller with a spatula flow rate on a meter of square meter. will be higher than if using a pneumatic sprayer;
  • The complexity of the geometry of the walls. On the curve and unprepared surface, the flow of liquid wallpaper can increase catastrophically, even on a small plot in one or two meters square, the vehicle consumption of the wallpaper may exceed the amount of material of the whole wall;
  • The presence of experience and practical skill of the application of a certain type of liquid wallpaper.

For your information! Often the flow rate of the liquid decor is one of the indicators of the skill skill level, therefore, if you decide to apply liquid wallpapers yourself, the consumption of the material for one square meter under equal conditions will be at least 20-30% higher.

In this case, it will be more correct if you apply the wallpaper of a pneumatic spelling solution. This method gives a more uniform distribution of the solution of liquid wallpapers on each meter of the wall, reduces physical exertion and increases performance. One meter square. The walls of the sprayer are processed three times faster than, if you apply the wallpaper with a roller, and for the ceiling, the wallpaper is applied to an order faster. In the course of two or three hours, it is easy to process the surface of the walls of one residential room in 40 meters of sq. with less exercise.

The disadvantages of the dispenser include the need for its constant adjustment and control of the quality of spraying with a nozzle solution. In addition, the sprayer itself during work is necessary to periodically clean and maintain, change the wallpaper in the tank.

For example, one packaging of dry cotton liquid wallpapers, weighing 1 kg, enough for the treatment with a sprayer of 6-7 square meters. meters. If you work with a spatula and roller, the same amount of solution is enough for a maximum of 4-5 meters square meters. Unfortunately, the mechanized method of applying a wall-mounted solution is difficult to use on the walls with a large number of defects, or in the transition zones window - an angle - doorway. In such cases, the vehicle consumption increases to the level of manual refinement of the material, and if necessary, sealing defects on the wall without a spatula can not do.

Methods of determining the flow of liquid wallpaper

You can calculate the flow rate of liquid wallpaper in two main ways: on the standards of the wallpaper manufacturer and the practical measurement of the norm of the material consumed per square meter. Meter of concrete walls. In the first case, it is sufficient to roughly estimate the costs of a particular brand of liquid wallpaper and calculate the cost of materials to perform work on the application of liquid wallpapers, in the second case, you can accurately calculate the required number of packages in 1 kg of a dry mixture, based on the squares of the rooms of the rooms walls.

Theoretical method to determine the need for material

Most of the firms producing or selling various kinds of construction materials offer to calculate the required amount of packaging of the dry mixture using the assistance of the online calculator. To do this, it is enough to enter the number of room measurement data and a brand of liquid wallpaper. The program itself will give data on how many packages of liquid wallpaper are necessary, based on its data on the consumption of the mixture of a specific type of walls and the method of application. It is convenient, but from practice it is known that the accuracy of the calculation can fluctuate, so often buyers are reinsured, increasing the volume of purchased packages at least 10%, which, in fact, needs to be sellers of building materials and online calculators.

More precisely, you can calculate how much material is required if you use the cost of one square consumption. The meter of the walls indicated on the packaging of liquid wallpaper. As a rule, the firms lead averaged information on the flow rate of liquid wallpaper on 1 M 2 or, based on the area coated with a solution of 1 kg of a mixture, reduced in tabular form. Knowing the square of the walls and the weight of one package, you can easily calculate the costs and the estimated amount of the wallpaper mixture.

Practical method for determining the flow of liquid wallpaper

Theoretical data on the estimated expenditure rate is not always reliable and suitable for practical work, they are rather helping to assess the level of costs for repair and drawing a bulk mass. The real needs of the material may differ, therefore, for expensive grades of decorative coating, the control cheapest and test application of the bulk mass on the surface are always performed.

It is easiest to do this in a separate room, where the plaster in quality and texture corresponds to the surface to be applied to the decor:

  1. On a free surface, a strip is 70-100 cm wide, from the ceiling to the floor, we divide it into three parts;
  2. We prepare a test solution for a 200-300gr dry mixture and weigh it on scales with a weighing limit to 1kg;
  3. We close a roller and a spatula with a liquid plaster third part of the surface of the surface arbitrary, most convenient way. At the same time, the mixture is rubbed by a spatula;
  4. Calculate the amount of the mixture used. For this, we measure the area with the applied plaster and determine the decline in the results of the re-weighing of the container. If the flow rate exceeds the average rate indicated on the package, it is necessary to analyze the situation and deal with the reasons for overpowering;
  5. We carry out the re-applying of the mixture on the remainder surface of the test section, trying to minimize the solution consumption and withstand the required layer quality. We once again determine the average loss of loss of wallpaper mass, and if the value differs from the norm by no more than 10%, we assume that we picked up the application technique.

Similar method, the operation of a pneumatic sprayer is regulated. But, in contrast to the previous method, the main problem of adjustment of the exact flow is the correct selection of the consistency of the solution and the operating pressure of the air in the sprinkler system.