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Is it possible to glue wallpaper with glue paint. The order of pasting wallpaper on painted walls. Stowing Wallpaper on Acrylic Paint

Is it possible to glue on the painted walls wallpaper? Conditions for sticking. How to glue the canvas on a painted wall? Selection of glue.

How to shove wallpaper on a painted wall?

Each person dreams of living in a cozy and beautiful apartment. The interior decoration of the room plays a big role. Typically, various wallpapers are used for this. If the repair is not carried out in a new apartment, then it is important to properly prepare painted walls before starting the process of pasting.

Is it possible to glue on the painted walls wallpaper?

Depending on the paint that covers the walls, the further sequence of actions will be selected. Wallpapers can be calmly glued on some species. These include:

  • water-emulsion;
  • water dispersive;
  • glue.

If there are areas with paint on the wall, which are peeling or peeling, before proceeding with the process of salary, they must be properly covered with primer.

The canvas can not be glued onto the walls, which were previously treated with paints that create a smooth surface or a moistureproof film. Among them are such types of paints as:

  • latex;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • oil;
  • alkyd and pentafthalic enamel.

To ensure a reliable hitch of material and walls, these types of paints must be completely removed. If this process is too time-consuming, and also takes a lot of time, you can try to sand the surface, and then apply a primer.

Conditions for sticking

Before proceeding with the waters of walls, you need to consider several factors. The reliability and durability of the new coating depends on them.

  1. When the walls were painted. If this happened a long time ago, it is highly likely that the canvas will stop from the wall with the paint.
  2. Well keeps plaster. If she is old, then there is a risk of collapse.
  3. Clean the walls. Before starting to attach the walls, you need to wash well from dirt and dust.

To achieve maximum clutch between wallpaper and paint, it is necessary to sand it with sandpaper. After that it is clean and carefully dry. Only after that you can proceed with wallpaper. It does not need to use a lot of adhesive composition. This may cause yellow spots on the wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper on a painted wall?

When the wall is not prepared enough or there are disadvantages on it, then all this will stick on the canvases. In some cases, they can even move away from the wall.

The main phases of preparation include:

  1. Wash wall. To do this, it is better to use a soap solution or simply add a detergent for dishes to the water. After all the dirt is removed, the wall can be washed off with clean water.
  2. Padding. Thanks to this procedure, a reliable coupling of paint and wallpaper is guaranteed.

For internal works, it is better to buy primer for concrete. The color should be bright tones. It can be found in any construction store.

What can be glued with a wallpaper?

Today there are a huge number of different wallpapers. But for painted walls are not all kinds will suit. It is recommended to immediately eliminate simple paper and vinyl cloths. It is better to pay attention to such wallpaper as:

  1. Fliseline. They absorb glue well, so almost completely excluded the risk of wetting paint, as a result of which it can simply retard from the wall.
  2. Fabric or vinyl. It is desirable that they were on a fliesline basis. They will not only look luxurious in any interior, but also possess all the positive properties of ordinary phlizelin canvases.
  3. Liquid. A distinctive feature of the coating becomes its rapid drying. Therefore, the composition does not have time to penetrate paint deep into and dissolve it. Such canvas can be applied even on uneven surfaces.

All types of finishes are presented in a wide range. Each person can pick up the perfect option for his apartment.

What to choose glue?

The quality and strength of the hitch will depend on the quality of the adhesive. If the wallpaper is glued to the painted wall, it is better to choose a polyvinila acetate emulsion for this.

How is pasta?

The method by which the walls occurs, it depends on which paint they are covered. Each of them has its own characteristics, but does not constitute anything complicated or laborious.

  1. Acrylic or water-emulsion paint. A solution of solvent and primer in proportion 1: 1 is removed the top layer of the surface. After that, it is necessary to give time for drying. Next is applied to the primer, so that roughness appears on the wall. This will ensure a reliable clutch of the wall and wallpaper. Cloth glue starts only after the building material will dry well.
  2. Oil paint. Before you begin to stick the wallpaper, you need to remove the old layer of paint. This is done with a spatula. When the paint is removed by the wall, you need to thoroughly brand. After all the makeup dry, the wall surface is processed by sandpaper. Then again a layer of primer.

If the paint applied to the walls is distinguished by bright and catchy coloring, then even the most dense wallpaper will not be able to block it. Therefore, in this case, the only right solution will be to completely remove the old coating.

If there is a doubt that paint on the wall will withstand a new finish, it is recommended to carry out a small experiment. To do this, take the tape, adhesive side to the wall, after which it is sharply tear. If at the same time the paint did not start twisted or crack, then new wallpaper is glued on top of it.

How much dries?

Depending on the type of wallpaper and the quality of the adhesive, the surface drying time fluctuates.

  • vinyl canvases with the foundation from Fleezilina dry from 24 to 48 hours;
  • the rest dried over 18-24 hours.

The first 1-2 days occurs only the return of moisture. Only after this time the further polymerization of the adhesive composition begins.

Caring for salaned surfaces will be directly dependent on the type of wallpaper.

  1. Vinyl canvas. They differ in quality, which causes density, wear resistance, moisture resistance. It is possible to maintain cleanliness with wet cleaning. Wallpapers do not need to rub much or use additional equipment to not damage the wall. Cleaning is recommended from time to time.
  2. Paper wallpaper. You can not use water and soap solutions. Cleaning occurs with a vacuum cleaner and dry rags.

If the wallpaper was glued in rooms with high humidity, then it is impossible to allow them to form mold or fungus. In this case, you have to remove the finish and process the infected surface.

Useful video

Residents of old "Khrushchev" probably came across covered with paint walls, for which you want to beat the wallpaper so much. Preparation of the wall to pasting wallpaper Very long lesson, spending many nerves and forces, so always want to do without preprocessing. Is it possible to beat the wallpaper on the painted walls? This will be learned from this article.

Determination of the type of surface coating

Before embarking on pasting painted surfaces, it is necessary to determine the type of material covered with the walls in the room. There are several types of paints that produce an internal finish:

In order to be understandable which substance was used, you need to try the spatula to be seized part of the coating. Oil will open with a reservoir, and the acrylic will be very difficult to remove, only small pieces will disappear.

If still failed to determine the coating, you can use those methods that will help when the wallpaper is pasted on any coating.

The first option is simply the take of ordinary wallpaper of any model, in addition to vinyl and high-quality glue. The surface must be clean, it is not necessary to process it. Thus, you can quickly shove wallpaper, but the quality, of course, with this method nobody guarantees.

The second method is the priming of the painted surface with high-quality material. If it is properly and high-qualityly pricked the surface, then you can easily glue the wallpaper on the painted surface and even put the tile on the tile.

Important! After the surface is primed, you need to sharpen irregularities.

Paint Wallpaper Risks

It is possible to glue wallpaper on paint, but you need to take into account all the risks that are available with this design:

If still becomes clear that the coating is unstable, it must be deleted. Here are some tips for carrying out this procedure:

  • Paint should be thoroughly weted with water and constantly moisturizing, remove the paint layer with a spatula.
  • Wet the wall with water and make pastile with old newspapers on the wallpaper glue. After the wall is completely dry, you need to remove newspapers with paint if you turn out.
  • Use special solutions that are sold in building stores. They, as a rule, destroy the paint structure in a short period of time, and the removal of the layer does not represent problems.
  • Removal of paint with grinding machine or sandpaper. This method requires a huge amount of physical strength and time spent.

Algorithm of work

Before glued the canvas, you must prepare the painted wall. But there is one universal method that is suitable for surfaces in Khrushchev. There, as a rule, the walls were painted half, so you need to consider a layer of paint 5 cm wide with a distance between the considered parties 15-20 cm. Peeled strips are sweeping and aligned with the surface. These strips must necessarily coincide with the edges of the canvases, as the sections will be better held on such a coating.

If this method is not suitable, then perform the following actions.

Preparation of the Wall

At the stage of preparing the painted wall to pasting, we need to perform several actions at once:

Wash wall. Very often the walls are painted in the kitchen or corridor, so it is necessary that they are clean. You need to remove all pollution: fat, soot, dirty and dusty flare. Usually it is necessary for this to be needed only a water solution with a dishwashing agent. In order to remove the arms that arise after washing, the surface must be washed with clean water. If there are no visible contaminants and sticky plaque on the walls, then you can not wash.

Wall alignment. As a rule, the walls are completely perfect. It is necessary to remove the bumps and sharpen the depressions and cracks. It is very difficult for an uneven wall and risky to glue even dense wallpaper on uneven walls, what to talk about thin and paper.

Processing emery paper. This phase of preparation refers to those surfaces that are treated with oil paint. According to the advice of professionals, you need to walk along the wall with a grinding machine or sandpaper. This process is a long, spending a large number of forces, but it increases the roughness and grip of wallpaper with a wall. Professionals advise not to skip this stage, before glue wallpaper.

Primer. If the previous item is decided not to do, then it is easier to progress the wall. This procedure will also help improve clutch. It is best to choose the primer "concrete contact" of neutral white or gray. It is just intended for such works, and the color will help hide the real color of the painted wall and prevent translucent through the wallpaper.

If you do not want to spend money on the primer, you can make it with your own hands according to the following recipe:

  1. Dilution to the state of liquid kefir of alabaster or construction gypsum with warm water
  2. Adding to a solution of 1/3 from the resulting volume of PVA glue.

You can also mix in the ratio of 1: 1 bustide and PVA glue and use this solution as a primer mixture.

Important! Thus-processed walls have an excellent clutch with wallpaper, so the coating will be very difficult to remove if necessary.

Glue wallpaper

After all the works produced, you can proceed to pasting. Be sure to select the glue, which is recommended for the selected wallpaper type. This can be found in the instructions on the wallpaper and glue. It will be perfectly helping such a process as a wall covering with liquid glue and its full drying. After that, you can safely glue the wallpaper.

Another nuance is the sticking of paper tape on the wall at the place where the keen is covered. It is necessary to glue it in order to after drying, when the canvas is quiet, there was no paint in the gap.


Any problem always has a solution. You can get painting painted walls with wallpaper, but you need to prepare them a little. But this preparation will be simpler and less long than the removal of the old paint layer. Even on the painted wall, the wallpapers will be kept well if you observe technology.

A modern man lives in a rapid and tireless rhythm and often thoughts about repairing him simply frighten. This is exactly the reason for the decision to start repair, even cosmetic, is accepted when the old finish is pretty pretto his own, and sometimes it is even flasher. And the owners are still unknown in advance, is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the paint and how to break the wallpaper without preparation?

In order to refresh the interior, many today choose such an inexpensive and efficient finishing material as wallpaper. And if earlier the walls have already been painted, many questions arise as to whether the paint coating is needed before amusement, or apply new on top of it. It is these questions that we will try to highlight in this article.

What the walls are painted

In order to answer the question whether it is possible to break the wallpaper on the paint, you must first of all sort out what kind of paint is banging on the walls:

  • Acrylic paints and varnishes are a mass that does not have a characteristic sharp aroma. The finish created by such a composition is characterized by excellent water repellent characteristics, perfectly covers the surface, absorbed into its upper layer, thereby forming a solid wear-resistant coating. In order to identify such a coating. Try on one segment to remove part of the paint with a spatula. Acrylic hard hat, thus remove it very difficult, it is possible to scrape it;
  • Oil paint - finishing weight with bright and sharp odor. Such a coating is perfectly opposed with wet effects, and after frosting turns into a sufficiently dense protective layer. In order to identify such a finish, it is also a fairly spatula try to remove the material on a small area. Oil finish will in this case will disappear with pieces.

Preparatory work

Old paint and varnish can hire a huge amount of problems. This and boring places fading color, and cracks, partial peeling of the material, a variety of irregularities from the brush smears, and if we are talking about, then also an unpleasant smell that the coating has time to absorb during operation.

So, if you decide to repair, and wonder what kind of paint can be glued to wallpaper, first of all it should be understood that in no case should it be stuck to stick the woeful canvas on the crude and mold surface.

If such sections on the walls are available, you must certainly get rid of such problems and simple treatment with antifungal primers here will be little. It is necessary before the start of repair work to solve all such problems, eliminating the cause of dampness and fungus.

The most simple and acceptable way to solve such problems is:

  1. Installation on the wall of the insulating material of the rolled type;
  2. Plastic grid insulator pasting;
  3. Plastering the area with a dry mixture or sealing drywall plates.

Glue wallpaper on paint

The answer to the question is whether it is possible to stick on the paint and how to do it, first of all depends on what type of paintwork is in question.

On the walls today you can meet with three main types of such a finish:

  1. Water-emulsion;
  2. Oil paint;
  3. Enamel;
  4. Whitewash.

Teaches do not imply the possibility of sticking the wallpaper right on top of it.
Such a decoration must be completely washed off the wall.

But the enamel is completely the opposite of any preparatory activities. Instructions for saving walls treated with enamel provides only the need to verify the strength of the paintwork.

Glue new wallpapers on old water emulsion

The answer to the question is whether it is possible to glue the wallpaper for water dispersive paint, positive.

But with the reservation, that such a process is possible only under the condition of proper surface preparation:

  • Cooking a solution from primer and solvent in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • We apply this composition on the wall painted by dispersion material;
  • Let surface dry;

The solvent, which is part of the preparatory solution, partially solurate the available coating, allowing the possibility of absorption to absorb, providing a decent clutch level with a new trim.

  • Apply a layer of pure primer;
  • We give the coating to dry;
  • Glue wallpaper on the prepared wall.

This processing method allows you to get a little rough wall. Such a roughness to provide a wonderful clutch with a wallpaper blade.

Council. For staging wallpaper on a water unit, the wallpaper glue should be used, mixed with PVA 1: 1 glue.
Such adhesive composition should also be processed and wall cloth and wall.

Oil trimming

The oil material is durable and durable, many years can be kept on the surface without samples and chips. However, the impossibility of salary without preparation is that such paint creates a very smooth surface.

The answer to the question is whether the fliesline wallpaper can be glued on the oil type paint, is positive only if the preparation was carried out in accordance with one of the following two methods:

  1. To obtain a basis suitable for further salary, it should be carefully treated with their own hands using sandpaper. The composition consisting of primer and PVA 1: 1 is applied to the sandy wall;

Wallpaper, as a finishing material, widely used in the second half of the twentieth century and since then their popularity is only growing. For repairing on an ambulance hand, this is the best option. But in old houses there are sometimes painted walls, and many are interested in how to stick the wallpaper on the paint do it yourself so that they keep securely.

The classical instruction says that under the wallpaper or under putty, paint needs to be removed completely. But from experience we can confidently assert that the paint wallpaper holds well, just before walking the wallpaper on the paint, the surface must be prepared in a certain way. There are several ways to prepare and each of them is quite accessible to fulfill their own hands.

Determine the type of paint

  • The first thing from what should be started before glue the wallpaper on the paint, it is determined which reason you got it. Because different surfaces are prepared in different ways.
  • To begin with, moisten the wall or ceiling section with ordinary warm water and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. If the surface has absorbed moisture, it is easily washed off with a sponge or, then in front of you the water-level paint.
  • If water flows from the wall, without lingering, the coating has a solid glossy surface and when trying to remove it with a scraper or spatula, it is broken with solid pieces, then you got a wall painted with oil paint or enamel.
  • These 2 reignantly reign in the last century and as a rule, they will be on the old walls. As for modern paints, such as acrylic, alkyd, electrically conductive Zinga paint or fire retardant paints on metal polystyl, then the approach should be somewhat different. But first things first.

  • When choosing and buying wallpaper, you should consider the fact that the canvas that has a clear drawing will be combined. In this regard, the flow will be slightly more, on average by 10 - 15%.
  • Of great importance is the selection of glue, we advise not to be wondering and take glue for this type of wallpaper. Otherwise, the canvas will be kept unreliable or vice versa will stick tightly, which will create you serious difficulties in the next repair.
  • Works start from the window and then around the perimeter of the room. Alone can be glued, but still it is more convenient and easier to work together, especially if you need to combine the drawing. The first strip is checked on the plumb.
  • We recommend immediately smeared with glue a few pre-sliced \u200b\u200bbands so that the glue does not fall asleep to fold the stripes on both sides, from the edges to the center. It is best to smear with help. Thus, the canvas is impregnated with glue and lay good.
  • After docking, you need to disperse the strip and drive out air bubbles with a soft blade or roller. Speaking along the edges glue wipes at once soft, dry rag.

Water-based work

  • Next, we will talk how to glue wallpaper on the water-free paint. This type of cover does not have a durable, hermetic film on the surface and absorbs moisture well. If you try to glue immediately onto the water-emulsion, it will pull out the glue moisture and the canvas will disappear. Therefore, old washing water makers need to be deleted completely.
  • The most elementary way, it is to wet the wall and wash it off with warm water or scrape with a spatula. But you can do otherwise. The surface is wetted with water, after which the Claister is applied, when the Kleist will dry completely, you will leave it from the wall with a spatula and wipe with a damp cloth. With this approach, the dirt will be much smaller.
  • But now, especially on the ceilings, acrylic or alkyd water-based alkyd paints are often found. In some sources, they are also called water-emulsion. But the water will not take them, it requires a different approach. Before you break the wallpaper on the water-level paint with acrylic or alkyd filling, the wall is covered with a special solution.
  • The preparation instructions are extremely simple, the solvent and the ground is mixed in the 1: 1 proportion. The solvent is better to take a special for this type of compositions, the soil is selected depending on the form of the base. The solvent is partially the surface of the surface and will allow the soil to penetrate the wall deep. After the wall is completely dry, the wallpaper can be glued on it.

Oil paint work

  • The question is how to shove wallpaper on oil paint is also solved relatively simple. The fact is that the oil paint is quite a strong coating, in old houses it can be applied in several layers, it is problematic to remove it. Before glue wallpaper on the oil paint, the surface can be treated in 2 ways.
  • At first we will tell about easier and optimal, in our opinion, the method. If the paint layer has been tightly, it is not necessary to overturn himself, trying to scrape it. In this case, you should take sandpaper with a large grain and well clean the wall, to the matte state.
  • After that, a special solution is prepared, mixed in equal proportions of primer, for this type of walls, with PVA glue. This composition is applied to the surface and left until complete drying. After that, you can get to the salary.

Tip: If there are minor scratches, chips or irregularities on the wall plane, then it is better to use thick, heavy vinyl wallpapers.
They have a slightly higher price, but with their help you can hide all defects and do without putty.

  • But it is not always a layer of oil paint, it lasts firmly, in this case 2 way is suitable. Before sticking the wallpaper on the oil paint, we advise you to catch a wall for the presence of emptiness and try to scrape it with a spatula. If the coating is removed fragmentary, the masters advise these fragments to streamline. That is, herald not all the wall, but only scraping the horizontal stripes with a width of 50 mm, with an interval of 200 mm.
  • Next, the strips are ground and put off so that the surface is smooth. As a result, we get smooth strips of putty, on which our wallpaper will hold. Some masters advise something average, sharpen what came, to further sand and cover the mixture of soil with glue. Each of the above ways deserves attention, and what closer exactly to you, decide for yourself.

Tip: When working on oil paint, so that the canvas kept more reliable, the craft masters advise to add a bit of PVA to the wallpaper glue. Depending on the density of the web, it is possible to breed in proportion 1: 3 or 1: 5.

On video, this article shows the general principle of labeling wallpaper.


At the end, I would like to mention another important detail. Regardless of which the basis you can glue wallpaper, since you started work and until the walls are completely dry, the windows must be closed in the room and there should be no drafts. Otherwise, no matter how hard you tried, wallpaper will be dismissed.

Decision to use wallpaper as wall or flow finishing - for many years is considered justified. This variant was resorted by many centuries ago, they are resorted to now, the benefit of the modern market of building materials offers a huge range of their assortment. But there are certain requirements for the shower proceed. Since wallpaper is placed on glue, it is necessary that the surface to which they stick to, possessed good adhesion characteristics.

Therefore, the question is, and is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the oil paint, today is relevant today. Let's start with the fact that oil paint when applied well absorbed into the treated surface, even if it was applied in several layers. The surface of such a painted surface is glossy, so the wallpaper is not glued to it. Specialists advise from the painted oil paint surface to get rid of any ways. The most ideal option is to remove it with sandpaper or a special brush nozzle, which is worn on the cartridge drill. Of course, after such an operation, the wall will have to lease and prepare, before walking on it wallpaper.

But imagine that it is decided to glue the wallpaper on the large size area. This suggests that it will have to clean the same area from oil paint. It is long, it is not easy, it is dirty and dusty. Are there any other options? There are two of them. True, even in their case they will have to prepare the surface, and then glued on it.

Option number one

This is the easiest option. To do this, you need sandpaper of large grain grain, the surface of the wall, painted with oil paint. After that, it is treated with a mixture, which includes PVA glue (50%) and primer (50%). The primer is absorbed into the open areas of the wall, forming fastening with a mixture. PVA glue clings for painted areas. In this case, the thin layer of adhesive composition covers the entire wall, turning its plane to the site with a good adhesion indicator. Such a finishing layer minimum. After that, you can proceed to the main process.

Option number two

This is a more complex technology, because it will have to strictly adhere to a certain distance between the sections that open between the paints. This will require a spatula that needs to remove the vertical sections of paint in the form of strips with a width of 5-6 cm. The distance between the stripes can vary in the range of 20-25 cm.

By the way, it is not necessary to remove the colorful layer with a spatula. As practice shows, if the paint attached to the wall tightly and tightly, then tear it off, without damaging the wall itself, it will be very difficult. Therefore, you can use the drill with the nozzle. The metal brush will only remove the layer of paint and deeper into the body of the wall. After that, these bands are filled with a spacinal solution to the level of the plane of the painted surface. And then, as usual: putty spinning, processed by primer. You can not hang if thick wallpapers are pasted.

Attention! If fliseline or vinyl wallpaper (thick and dense) are selected for wall or ceiling, it is not necessary to repair and align the walls. They will close all small defects and differences.

Other options

Home masters are experimenting all the time, finding enough original and simple solutions. So with how to glue wallpaper on the wall with oil paint. For instance:

The second option is usually used if the old paint is not in a very reliable state. Weak unreliable areas will have to repel or remove the spatula. After that, such material as "Betokontakt" is applied to the entire surface of the surface. This is essentially liquid primer, which includes quartz sand. After drying, a layer with a high indicator of adhesion will appear on the surface. At the same time, the primer applied to the surface being processed does not absorb the wall moisture, which makes it possible to dry it evenly, not cracking and not peeling.

In the event that liquid wallpapers are applied on the wall, then the surface must be laundered well or cleaned, apply "Betokontact" (you can primer for liquid wallpaper), and then boldly apply the finishing material. Of course, the condition should be observed that the paint itself on the wall surface lies reliably. At the same time, it is necessary before starting work to pull out all nails, screws, and metal mortgages are better, on the contrary, paint. The goal is that the rust does not appear, which will definitely stick on the surface of the liquid facing.