Repairs Design Furniture

Acrylic liner for cast iron bath restoration: How much is it worth buying, how to install? Acrylic liner in the bath with your own hands - Restore the product without a work acrylic insert in the bath with your own hands

Repair in the bathroom - the process is a long, troublesome and expensive process, requiring the replacement of almost all components, starting with replacing pipelines and wiring and ending with the purchase and installation of plumbing and numerous accessories. The most expensive acquisition is a bath. Select the appropriate option is quite difficult, especially if the means are limited. Buy a cheap product, the service life is limited, does not make sense. In this case, you can resort to the restoration of the existing bath.

A win-win out of such a situation can be the acquisition and installation of the bath in the bath. As a rule, the old good cast iron bath does not have the shelf life, while enamel on it from long-term operation loses its kind, and cracks and chips make it unsafe for use. Bath liner in the cast-iron bath will help eliminate all the flaws, update it, ensuring increased performance and impeccable external qualities.

The bathtub method in the bath (acrylic liner) - photos clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the restoration - lies in the selection and installation of a special acrylic insert into the bowl of the old bath, which in the future serves as a reliable frame. The liner consists of two layers of polymers, the top of which is acrylic, the lower - elastic plastic, which are not threatened with cracking and deformation at high loads. The thickness of the two-layer insert is 4-6 mm, which gives it a special strength. Acrylic surface is easily clean using non-aggressive detergents, including normal soap. The dirt is not delayed on the acrylic coating, it is not subject to corrosion. Scratches can be easily eliminated by special polishing agents.

Bath update Acrylic liner

ATTENTION: The use of abrasive and aggressive substances is not recommended for care for the acrylic surface.

What are the advantages of plastic liners?

Many consumers all over the world have already rated acrylic bathing inserts, feedback on innovative bath reconstruction technology can be seen on many sites of sanitary subject. As the main advantages of technology, the following technologies are given:

  • special strength of the reconstructed bath, in which a cast-iron bath is used as a frame;
  • complete with the cast iron base, the polymer layer is able to hold heat for a long time;
  • acrylic coating has special impact resistance, it does not produce cracks and chips;
  • speed and ease of installation (within 2 hours), after which the updated bath is ready for use after 24 hours;
  • simple care using non-aggressive detergents or ordinary soap;
  • antibacterial properties of acrylic bath coating;
  • the ability to install an acrylic liner in a bath with your own hands - the installation technology will not submit difficulties even for people who do not have experience in performing sanitary work;
  • there is no need to dismantle the old bath and sanitary pribor;
  • long service life - up to 20 years.

An important advantage of the new bath restoration technology is its low cost, which is especially noticeable in comparison with prices for new products.

Choose insert

Determining factors when choosing an acrylic insert are:

  • accurate adherence to the size of the bath in length, width, depth of the bowl, dimensions of the renewable bath, and match the liner specified;
  • the quality of the new polymer coating.

Remove the size of the bath is not difficult if you follow a certain sequence of measurements:

  • internal dimensions are measured first - the width and length of the bath in its upper part;
  • the depth is measured in the drain area - in this place it is the greatest.

The accuracy of measurements will allow with maximum accuracy to select the acrylic liner in the bath (the photo makes it possible to see how to correctly perform measurements).

What should be considered by choosing a bath liner

For those who have decided to establish an acrylic bath insert, the reviews about which can be found on the Internet, information on how to make the right choice may become particularly useful. You have to choose from three different types of acrylic inserts, although some experts sometimes enclose customers, providing incorrect information about the possibilities of choice.

We update the bath acrylic insert yourself

We really exist following bath inserts:

  • acrylic;
  • plastic;
  • silicone.

It should be immediately clarified that the silicone liner in the bath is currently a big rarity due to the low quality of this type of product: the life of their operation, as the tests have shown, does not exceed one year.

It is possible to distinguish acrylic and plastic liners, very similar by external data, it is possible to easily by making a cut on the edge of the product: its two-layer structure is clearly seen on the cut, which means that plastic is based on, only a thin layer belongs to acrylic. Such a structure has a significant disadvantage: the thin layer of acrylic is quickly wearing, reducing the liner for the bath liner to 5-6 years.

Unlike silicone and plastic, acrylic liners on pig-iron baths, which are posted within this article, are the optimal choice. It is recommended to stop at this option - the term of the flawless service of acrylic inserts for baths reaches 15 years. When choosing an acrylic insert, you should start with accurate length measurements and the width of the upper part, dimensional sizes, depths in the place of drain. Pay attention to the shape of the bowl, especially on the radius of rounding in the lower and angular parts of the bath.

Each Bath Parameter is important for future operation: acrylic liner must repeat its shape and configuration of the butts of the side, rear and front walls. In addition, the high quality of the liner is the key to the successful use of the updated bath. The main characteristics:

  • smooth surface in the absence of bulges, curvatures and other flaws;
  • uniform coating thickness, component of 6 mm - a factor that has a direct impact on the duration of operation.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers reduce the thickness of the acrylic liner to 2 mm, trying to benefit the maximum profit, so when buying it is desirable to check the thickness of the acrylic insert. This will help avoid problems with the further use of an updated bathroom.

Preparatory work

Before installing an acrylic liner, a special training of baths and adjacent walls should be performed. The preparatory includes the following works:

  • cleaning walls in places of baths of the bath from the residues of finishing materials (foams, tiles, plastic panels, etc.);
  • stripping with abrasive material (coarse-grained) of the entire inner surface of the bath - it is necessary to give a cup of necessary roughness and better clutch of old enamel with mounting foam and acrylic coating;
  • dismantling the siphon and a drain ring adjacent to the rim of the drain hole;
  • disassembling the overflow system, paying attention to the method of its attachment and the type of thread, if it is supposed to replace the new device.
  • after the end of the listed works, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the bowl of dust and contamination, wipe the surface with White spirit, acetone or spirit for degreasing and better adjuncing the mounting foam.

Installation of the liner

A acrylic insert is laid out in the prepared bath for subsequent fittings in all parameters and installations. The edges of the liner are unfolded on the baths of the bath and perform the marking of the edges in accordance with the configuration of its upper part. The markup produces pruning excess material on the edges. Next, they note on the liner of the hole at the location of the drain and overflow holes of the bath. The contours of the holes on the outer surface of the acrylic insert are denoted by special crowns. In the designated places, drill holes in the location of the holes, leveling and inspiring the holes around the edges. After that, make the final layout, customizing the liner in the form of a bath, taking into account the bottom of the bottom to the drain hole. Next, the surface of the bath is again cleaned, degreased and dried.

Acrylic insert with your own hands

On the dry surface of the bath, apply a two-component mounting foam, trying to do it quickly, given the rapid drying of the foam, in the following order:

  1. Around drain and overflow holes;
  2. Strips along the bottom of the bowl every 4-5 cm.
  3. On the side of the bowl in the vertical direction, from the bottom up;

After applying foam in the bath insert the liner, aligning the holes with the bath holes, set the siphon, in the places of the adjoining of the siphon and the overflow device perform additional processing using silicone sealant. For a dense and uniform gluing of the liner, the bath is filled with water, without reaching the level of the overflowing hole 3-5 cm. For complete drying of foam and the preparedness of the bath to use enough one day.

Operational requirements

The bath restored in this way acquires the properties of acrylic, including:

  • ecology - due to the absence of toxic components;
  • resistance to rust and pollution;
  • good heat saving;
  • appearing scratches can be removed by special paste;
  • ease of care and washing (washed with a sponge);
  • it has a low cost.

For long-term preservation of all the inherent acrylic insertion of technical advantages, it is not recommended:

  • carry out coarse pressure on the drain hole, including vehicle in order not to disrupt the tightness of the compounds;
  • use too hot water so as not to deform acrylic coating;
  • do not bathe in a bath of pets.

Acrylic Bath Insert - Surface Update

Acrylic insert in the bathroom is often called acrylic insert. The price of the liner is about 4500-7500 rubles. This bath restoration method has many positive feedback. We have prepared an instruction of an independent installation of an acrylic liner. There are such situations when the overhaul is currently not included in plans, and the old bath, which has an unsightly kind, I want to change. Then new innovative technologies can come to the rescue. They solve this problem without dismantling plumbing equipment. You can update it by restoring the lost appearance. The restoration of the bathroom can be carried out by:

  • Enameling;
  • Coatings with liquid acrylic;
  • Installation of acrylic liner.

The first two ways of cosmetic update costly time and more workflows. Installing acrylic liner in the bathroom today allows you to get a great desired result in a short time.

Acrylic inserts are becoming very popular due to:

  • Democratic price;
  • Rapid installation;
  • Excellent appearance of updated plumbing;
  • Large service life.

Inserts are installed inside the old cast iron or steel structure, which is an excellent reliable frame for them. They are:

  • Fully retained all the advantages of the acrylic bath;
  • Well hold warm;
  • Characterized by sufficient impact resistance, heat resistance and ease of care.
  • 1 What is an acrylic insert
  • 2 where to start
    • 2.1 Preparation of the base for installing acrylic coating
    • 2.2 Video Instruction Bath Coating Liquid Acrylic
  • 3 Mounting insert
    • 3.1 Montaja video
  • 4 Operating Recommendations
  • 5 Conclusion

What is an acrylic insert

Acrylic inserts in the bathroom represents molded products of a certain size, made of two-layer plumbing acrylic reinforced with reinforced fiberglass. Their forms and dimensions correspond to the baths of Soviet and Russian production. These auxiliary plumbing products are lightweight, durable, practical.

Acrylic, which is the main component of inserts, is polymer polymethyl methacrylate. For technical specifications, it is two times easier than ordinary silicate glass. Therefore, it is widely used for the production of composite glasses for aircraft industry.

According to its metabolism, this material is close to the human body, so it is used in the production of dentures. Due to the totality of these factors, Akryl, a man, licking into an acrylic bath, is experiencing comfortable sensations.

Today, biocidal additives are added to the production of acrylic liners in their main polymer material, which prevent the reproduction of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

It is such a plumbing acrylic that is the upper layer of the liner. For its constructive amplification to bend, the lower layer is represented by elastic acrylonitrilbutadienestyrene (ABS) plastic.

The optimal thickness of the acrylic liner, which ensures its normal long-term operation, is 6 millimeters.

Where to start

Before choosing the liner in the bathroom from acrylic, you need to know the size and type of the main cast iron. Old steel and cast iron baths of Soviet production were produced according to the norms and requirements of GOST. Therefore, acrylic coating elements are made according to the same sizes. These are basically with sides, made direct or ellips-shaped, length from 1.5 to 1.7 meters.

In addition to the length and type of bath, you need to know it:

  • Width over the upper inside on both sides;
  • The length of the inside;
  • Common outdoor width from the line of extreme sides;
  • Depth in the drain zone.

For bathrooms, ellips-shaped form additionally need to know two more upper size of the width of sides:

  1. At the headboard.
  2. Above the drain.

Preparation of the base for installation of acrylic coating

Preparatory work before the start of the main installation of the liner must be manufactured in such a sequence.

  1. Initially, you need to remove the tile, plastic panels or other finishing materials in the pricing area of \u200b\u200bthe bath and the walls and clear all this workspace from the garbage.
  2. The inner surface of the bath must be cleared with coarser-grained abrasive material or grinder, to give the old enamel of roughness. It is necessary to improve the adhesion of the mounting foam with the surface of the old bath.
  3. Then it is necessary to dismantle the drain opening of the bathroom and proceed to the siphon.
  4. The adjacent crossliner must be carefully removed, without knocking it.
  5. Next, the overflow canal is released and the main nut is removed.
  6. Here on the place of overflow, you need to pay attention to the type of thread, to then install the adapter and the new nut.
  7. The final operation after stripping the bathroom is to prepare the field of action to work. The inner surface should be carefully cleaned from the garbage, dust and degreased with acetone, white spirit or alcohol.

Video Instruction Bath Coating Liquid Acrylic

Installation of the liner

The insert in the bathroom must be installed with particular attention to the execution of the process of its fit.

  1. Start this operation from the edges. The plated coating in the bath bowl is delineated by the perimeter with a marker or pencil. Then the tab is removed, extra plastic is cut.
  2. After you need to cut two main openings: overflow and drain. For them, special crowns are used, which, when reinforcing the acrylic coating, print the necessary contours on its outer surface.
  3. The designated meta is neatly drilled for future holes, their edges are aligned and cleaned.
  4. After all the adjustments, the final fit is carried out and eliminate the flaws that have arisen.
  5. When installing, it is necessary to consider that the level of slope of the bowl to the drain opening must correspond to the ratio of 1.5: 3.
  6. Before the final installation, the scurrous surface of the bowl is once again degreased, wipe dry and dry.
  7. When all preparatory work is made, the liner is ready for installation, a two-component mounting foam can be applied to the bowl.
  8. First, it is applied fastened around the overflow and drain holes.
  9. Then the foam must be distributed along the bottom of the Bowl with strips with an interval of 4-5 centimeters.
  10. The board of the bowl from the bottom to the top is also processed by foam with the same strips and distance.
  11. Since foam has a property quickly stuck, its application must be performed quickly, without tightening time.
  12. After machining the foam bath, the liner is inserted, the siphon of a drain hole is quickly assembled, which is additionally sealed with silicone sealant.
  13. After installing the acrylic liner into the bathroom, its bowl is filled with water at 3 - 5 cm below the overflowing hole. This is done to create a uniform load on the coating, the distribution of foam, it is frozen within 24 hours until complete readiness.

Video Montaja

The installed acrylic coating is a full-fledged alternative variant of the acrylic bath. Due to its structure, it is:

  • Completed from environmentally friendly material;
  • Do not rust, does not darken, does not yellow, does not release harmful toxic substances;
  • It keeps the temperature well;
  • Light scratches on its surface are easily slummed by special pastes;
  • Pollution on the surface without effort is washed off by a soft sponge with a household soap.

As restrictions, to extend the service life and operation, recommended in such baths:

  • Do not bathe cats and dogs;
  • Do not use the vanatus when clogging sewage pipes, which can lead to depressurization of the drain hole;
  • Not to get involved in hot water, as acrylic is afraid of boiling water and can be deformed.


Today offers to use new technologies during the restoration of old, but more strong-quality baths, Soviet production. The easiest and most cheap way to update them are acrylic inserts in the bathroom.

They possess excellent design, high-quality and functional properties similar to modern baths from acrylic. Low price, health and environmental safety make these products most popular among the average inhabitants of our country.

These liners cover the defects of old cast-iron or steel baths in the form:

  • SCOL;
  • Scratches;
  • Darkened areas;
  • Scuffs;
  • Rusty spots.

Their installation always gives an excellent result, takes a little time, gives the corner of the bathroom quite a decent and decent view. Acrylic liner allows a person to feel in the old bath, as in the new one. At the same time enjoying her smooth surface, pleasant warmth, beautiful appearance.

You can repair the old or damaged bath in many ways: in coloring, coated with a restoration composition or, on a very extreme case, replaced with it entirely.

Meanwhile, exists more rational way not only resurrect to the past view of the bath, but give her brand new consumer qualities.

We are talking about installing acrylic liners in the old bathEXTENDED. Such a liner is an almost complete copy of the bath itself, only slightly smaller sizes, which allows you to tightly install it inside.

Insert from acrylic tightly fixed and becomes an element of a metal bath designwhich, at the expense of such modernization, acquires the quality of acrylic baths.

Advantages, Features and Benefits

Constructively liners consist of two layers: directly acrylic and ABS plastic. Two-layer make them on the following considerations:

  • economies expensive acrylicwhat makes the liner cheaper;
  • due to the high strength of ABS plastic the whole design is extremely durable.. In addition, plastic is selected similar to the color with the colors of acrylic. This means that if you still succeed in any way to split a part of the acrylic layer, then the damage will be completely imperceptible to the eye.

Concerning the advantages of this method Restoration of baths, they can be allocated lots of:

  • FirstlyThe installation of the liner in labor costs is more attractive than even simple staining. If you read in advance with all the features of installation and stock the necessary materials, then all the repair may well meet in a couple of hours.
  • Secondly, the metal bath with acrylic liner is noise much quieter than without that. Water falling from the crane will fall on the elastic acrylic and annoying sound will be simply about to be born.
  • Thirdly, water procedures will become more pleasant due to the extremely low thermal conductivity of acrylic, i.e. The bath will be warm to the touch. In addition, the acrylic will maintain a warm hot water, long time not allowing it to cool.
  • Fourth, the appearance of the bath with acrylic liner is not only good in itself, but also perfectly fits into any modern bathroom interior. Accordingly, there is no need to change the bath to a new one, looking more suitable.
  • Fifth, acrylic is not terrible water with a large concentration of iron. Therefore, rust if it will appear, then only on the surface of acrylic, from where, together with any other pollution, it can be easily erased by a simple soft sponge.
  • Finally, the cost of acrylic liner is at times less than a new bath from this material. Moreover, additional savings are achieved by the lack of need for dismantling their bath and installation work.

Simplifies the purchase of acrylic liner. Extremely rich assortment of plumbing stores. Almost everywhere you can buy a liner both for baths 150 cm and for models of 170 cm long.

In this case, the inner form of the liner can also be either ellipsed or direct that allows you to choose the desired option absolutely for any metal bath. with different height of sides.


Cost of acrylic liner directly depends on the size of the bathfor which it is purchased. If this is a short bath 150 cm longthen in Moscow the liner for it will cost from 2600 to 4000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. For baths 170 cm long Prices will be above 200-500 rubles.

In addition, for self-installing liner extra materials will be required.: silicone sealant, two-component mounting foam and new drain system, that in the amount will not cost more than thousands of rubles.

Buy Acrylic liner can be in two ways: either purchase in traditional store Plumbingor use the services online Store.

Purchase in the usual store Interesting in that in this case there will be it is possible to evaluate the appearance and quality Acryla with your own eyes and fingers. but prices in such stores will be high enough.

Where to more attractive shopping looks acrylic liner in the online store. First of all, in a few minutes and, without getting out of the chair, it is possible to get acquainted with the proposal of a very large number of Moscow plumbing stores.

Next pleasant moment - prices. In any interets store they will always be much lowerthan in traditional outlets.

Moreover, low cost is due not to poor quality of the proposed inserts, but the features of the Internet trading itself.

Such sellers most often do not carry serious expenses for the content of retail space, rent inexpensive premises, and at the expense of the resulting economy gain the opportunity to set low price tags.

The optimal sequence of actions when buying an acrylic liner in the online store can be considered the following:

  1. Find time and go to a regular store Just see what an acrylic liner is, to evaluate its appearance and quality of the finish.

    Still the best option - visit someone from familiarwho already installed a similar liner. At the same time, you can find out the details and features of the installation, as well as see what the ready-made solution in the real interior looks like.

  2. Order in the online store acrylic liner The model of interest and wait for its delivery. At the same time, the delivery within Moscow in the overwhelming number of online stores will be free. For the area of \u200b\u200bservice, it is necessary to find out directly on the seller's website.

In addition, even before the stage of direct choice a particular liner model in the bath it will be necessary to produce some of its measurements.. These measurements will need three:

This information will be required store consultants to accurately select the insertion of the required size.

Advantages in feedback

Dry enumeration of the advantages of acrylic liners can not give a full picture All the advantages that their owners acquire.

The best thing read people's reviewsalready installed inserts and with the opportunity to give an objective assessment to their choice.

For example, interesting review Girls Zhenya KazanFaced with the need for cosmetic repairs in the entire apartment, but did not have enough free money at that time.

She says that she acquired an acrylic liner for his old cast-iron bath and eventually received a full analogue of a high-quality bath from acrylic. Her little child never ceases to rejoice in warmth and comfort during swimming.

Andrei from Saratov Writes, which was also limited in the means, and the old bath came almost in complete dissent. He gladly notes that even his initial skills of a home master was enough for self-installation of the liner. Now the whole family has the ability to take baths with unattainable comfort earlier.

Moskvich Anton Shared his impressions from buying an acrylic liner in the online store.

From his words, the liner went much cheaper than he saw in the nearby plumbing store. Plus, he used the services of an online consultant, finding out all the features of the installation of the liner model. The information received was enough for the fact that he himself very quickly coped with the installation and no longer ceases to rejoice at his appearance of the bath.

And quite makes sense to trust reviewsplaced on the Internet.

The psychology of people is as follows, they will not say a single approving word, if something does not arrange them. It is also possible to meet only network responses of positive emotions, mastered those who acquired and installed acrylic insert in the bath.

How to install on your own?

Before starting the installation, you will need to get the following set of tools:

  • chisel with a hammer, or a shock drill or a perforator;
  • sandpaper and Bulgarian;
  • drill with a crown nozzle;
  • lobzik, its electrical option;
  • mounting gun for foam and sealant;
  • sealant and mounting foam;
  • clamps.

First of all you should prepare an old bath To the installation in it insert.

For this perforator the old tile is knocked downadjacent to the bath, from sides all plinths are removed And other devices, including a drain and overflow system.

As a result, you need to get pure and free from the unauthorized items of the Bathboard.

Then skurtal the entire inner surface of the bath is processed.

This is done to eliminate gloss remnants so that the grip with the mounting foam is as strong and uniform as possible.

Now the acrylic liner must be placed inside the bath and on its back side draw the boundaries of sides and plum. Further on the resulting label markup sneakers are cut off.

With a drill with a 54 mm-crown nozzle with a crown of 54 mm in marked places cut holes for drain and overflow.

The next stage of bath repair - directly installation of the liner. It begins with applying a continuous layer of sealant around the holes for drain and overflow. It is extremely undesirable to save here, this layer should be at least several centimeters wide and, if possible, uniform.

Next to the side of the bath, as well as on the entire inner surface applied solid layer of mounting foam.

It should be used exceptionally two-component mounting foamwhich does not have a shrinkage property as it is hardened.

After it is needed make a small pausenecessary to achieve foam the necessary properties. The time of this pause can be found on the cylinder with foam.

Finally, you can finally install acrylic bath insert. Immediately follow fasten the drain and overflow system. This will help more tightly fix the liner for the time of hardening the foam and improve the clutch of the liner with it.

Additional fixation can be ensured, evenly tightening small clamps along the perimeter of the side.

So that the metal clamp does not damage the acrylic surface, it is recommended. in contact places or slices of plastic, or thin wooden slats.

After completing all the work, bath should be filled with cold water and leave it in such a state for a period of at least a day.

During this time, the sealant will completely dry and the mounting foam is finally hardened. Now the bath is ready to use.

The technology of installation of an acrylic liner in the bath is a completely reasonable solution and an excellent alternative to expensive replacement.

Absolutely solid, warm and at the same time, well-looking acryl gives a new life a new life, and its owners - an invisible level of comfort. Moreover the service life of acrylic liners can reach 10 years or moreIt is enough to protect them from the effects of chemically aggressive substances and abrasive cleaning products.

We offer watch video material on how to install an acrylic liner in a cast-iron bath:

Conducting overhaul in the bathroom is quite expensive and time consuming. But what to do, if there is no time or no money for repairing repair, and the bath looks very not attractive. This problem is solved today simply, due to the emergence of modern innovative technologies. Thanks to them, you can upgrade the bath, without without resorting to her dismantling and without destroying the finish in the bathroom. Such a restoration can be carried out in several ways:

  • Enamel of the inner surface of the bath.
  • Surface coating with liquid acrylic.
  • Installing the insert from acrylic.

The first two of the listed ways of updating the bath are too expensive in temporary and labor investments. Installing the liner today fully allows you to finish the restoration in a short time and get a great result.

What is the essence of the method and what is the technology of its implementation

What is a acrylic insert (liner) in the bathroom: a description of the technology of performing installation of its old plumbing device is the purpose of this article. This technology is very popular all over the world. It assumes the placement in the old bath of a special liner made from acrylic and repeating its shape. It is fixed in a cast-iron design with glue.

The production of liners is carried out from a two-layer very durable polymer. The upper layer is made of acrylic, which has excellent performance, and the lower plastic capable of withstanding sufficiently serious loads on all axes. Such a liner allows you to fully update the bath without applying the time-consuming dismantling of the product. The finished product has a thickness of 4 to 6 mm and can be performed almost any color. What is especially good, acrylic bath liners are very practical and do not require special care. You can wash them with ordinary soap. They are not subject to pollution and rust. If scratches suddenly appear, they can be easily easily eliminated using special polishing agents. However, acrylic is afraid of abrasive substances and aggressive means.

In addition, acrylic inserts are popularized due to:

  • Democratic pricing policy firms manufacturers.
  • Fast and light mount.
  • Excellent design of updated plumbing.
  • A large period of operation.
  • All the advantages of the acrylic bath are fully transmitted.
  • Perfectly hold warm.
  • Characterized by good strength and sufficient heat resistance.

How to choose the right liner

Start the process of restoring the old bath is necessary from the choice of acrylic insert. In order not to make a mistake, you need to fully carefully perform all the measurements for which the size of the liner is selected. Width and length measure the top of the inside of the bath. If the measurements are produced at the bottom, they may not be completely accurate due to various configurations of products. Depth should be determined in the field of the lower hole for the drain. Based on the measurements data, you can choose an acrylic insert in the bath, which fully meets all the necessary parameters.

Phased instructions for installing acrylic inserts

Mounting technology is sufficiently elementary, so it can be done independently. Before you start the installation, you should prepare the adhesive composition for fixing the acrylic liner inside the old cast-iron bath. This is a special two-component foam, which is purchased with insert, but for a separate cost. Any installation of acrylic liners from the preparation of the cast-iron surface begins.

Preparation of the cast-iron base for the correct installation of the acrylic liner

The preparatory stage of work before the start of the installation of the liner must be carried out in such a sequence.

  1. First, remove the entire tile, plastic or other panels near the walls of the wall with the walls and completely clean all this workspace from the garbage.
  2. The inner surface of the cast-iron bath must be cleared with coarse sandpaper or other abrasive material, perhaps even a grinder with a nozzle, to give the old enameled surface of some roughness. This is necessary to improve the adhesion used by the assembly foam with the prepared surface of the old bath.
  3. Then it is necessary to remove the drain hole and siphon. At the same time, the adjacent crossed should be carefully removed, but not to knock out.
  4. Next, the release of the overflow canal is made and the main nut is removed.
  5. Here in place of overflow, you need to pay special attention to the type of carving, to later install the adapter and new nut itself.
  6. The final operation on ending the bathroom stripping should be considered the preparation of the field of action to further work. The inner surface of the bath should be qualitatively cleaned by garbage, various dust and degreased with alcohol, acetone or White spirit.

Installation of the liner

When the bath is fully ready for installation, you need to close attention to the process of fitting. Start it from the edges. For this operation, the insert is neatly placed in the bath, it will be burned around the perimeter with a simple pencil. Then the extra plastic is removed and cut off with an electroll. After that, the places of the overflow and drain hole are planned. To make it more precisely as possible, the edges of the holes are rubbed into the cast-iron bath of the holes with a plentifully simple pencil and press the liner to them. The resulting prints are dried by the crown of the required diameter.

Actually, the entire installation of the acrylic liner in the bath is fixing it inside the old cast-iron design. To do this, a silicone sealant is applied on the perimeter of the bath from above and around all the drain holes, so that the moisture cannot penetrate the space between the walls and the acrylic insert. The entire remaining design surface is filled with mounting foam. It must be applied with a continuous coating, otherwise acrylic in the field of passing over time will begin to fake, and cracks may occur. The insert is installed in its place and is very tightly pressed to the cast-iron bath. Then the siphon and fittings are installed, which holds it. At the end, the bath is filled with completely water and it is left for a day. The water level for a couple of centimeters should not get the overflow hole. If you do not pour water, then the foam simply will raise the liner and all work will go to the pump.

Refairted plumbing equipment very by the way combines all the advantages of the cast-iron and acrylic bath. The same result is obtained and when restored by the method of "pouring" acrylic. But when choosing between these two options, it should be borne in mind that the liner can be inserted independently without any problems, if you do everything according to the instructions, but the second option in most cases will require the participation of specialists or deeper knowledge. In any case, a properly renovated bath will most likely please you for a long time to please you with your appearance and excellent performance.

Over time, the surface of your bath is yellow and lost the appearance, and for the replacement of plumbing you do not have financial opportunities? Installing the acrylic insert in the bath will be an effective, fast and reliable solution to your problem. The liner is great for most types of baths (steel, cast-iron, acrylic). With us you can order an acrylic insert in the bathroom cheap in Moscow with a length of 1.5 m and 1.7 m.

Restoration technology using acrylic liner will allow you to return to the former whiteness and an attractive appearance of your plumbing without the need to replace old. In the process of work, our masters use the inserts of the claim, which are manufactured in Russia since 1997 and have the necessary hygienic certificates. All work performed masters with experience more than 3 years.

Acrylic Inserts Items are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • long service life (up to 15 years);
  • impact resistance, heat resistance, environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity, ease of care (for washing a common sponge with detergent is suitable);
  • the coating does not shine, not cracking over time;
  • the liner longer holds heat due to low thermal conductivity;
  • excellent noise insulation when filling the bath;
  • presentable appearance;
  • high antibacterial, anti-corrosion properties.

On the acrylic liner in the bath, the price is already indicated with the installation of 4800 and 5,100 rubles per bath with 1.5m and 1.7 m, respectively. It already includes work on the preparation of the surface of the bath, installation of the liner, consumables, delivery within the Moscow Ring Road, climbing the floor. With us you can order an acrylic insert in a color-colored bath (blue, salad, pink) or white.

Install the color acrylic insert in the bathroom cheap

The liner is an accurate copy of the geometry of the bath, made of sheet plastic with a thickness of about 6 millimeters and covered with high-strength acrylic. It is distinguished by high strength characteristics and long service life (10-15 years). When ordering restoration services in our company, you get a warranty for a period of 3 years. If necessary, restoring the coating by this method can be re-dismantled and replacing the acrylic liner is made strictly with the compliance of the current requirements.

For work, you can only leave a request on our website. You can make measurements yourself with the help of our instructions in the Order and payment section. And if there is a difficulty, you can call the measurer (the checkout of the measurer is paid in the amount of 500 rubles). Our masters work every day from 09:00 to 21:00. The near future departure is the day after acceptance of the application.

For baths of non-standard sizes, with decorative elements, handles we recommend using the restoration of liquid acrylic. In contrast to the liners, this technology is characterized by simplicity, the minimum risk of defects during installation, favorable cost, versatility. To put an acrylic liner in a bath of non-standard models is not always possible, but the acrylic will cope with the task of restoration of such a product for five with a plus.

Order Acrylic Liner in Casting Bath

On the coating for the bath acrylic liner, the cost is indicated in the section with prices. All installation work is carried out at home without the need to disassemble plumbing, the process takes an average of two hours. Plumbing can be used already 24 hours after restoration works (during this time, the mounting foam reaches the necessary characteristics).

The process of installing an acrylic liner in the bathhouse consists of the following steps:

  1. Removal of drain and overflow, old sides, surface preparation.
  2. Application of a two-component foam on flights and bottom, sealing of the technological holes of plum-overflow.
  3. Installing the liner.
  4. Installation of drain and overflow lattices.
  5. Filling the bath with water to improve the clutch of surfaces.
  6. Installation of a decorative border.

After a day, you can evaluate all the advantages of the new acrylic coverage of your plumbing. At the acrylic liner in the bathroom, along with the installation and other accompanying works (for example, dismantling the old liner), the employee of the company Akrilsk will be able to calculate. You can order it for pig-iron bath today.

Compliance with the rules of care guarantees you to preserve the appearance of an acrylic insert for many years:

  1. When cleaning the surface, you should not use aggressive and abrasive cleaning products, rigid brushes that can damage the acrylic surface.
  2. For washing, the economic soap and a soft sponge is perfect.
  3. After washing, rinse the bath, wipe with a dry cloth.
  4. The incidence of sharp and heavy items should be avoided, the effects of aggressive media (acids, alkalis, strong dyes, solvents).
  5. It is not recommended for the bottom to install stools and basins without preliminary laying of soft tissue.

How much is it worth inserting an acrylic liner in a bath in Moscow and the region? Price with installation

For sale insert in the bath Acrylic price with the installation - the cost of the liner and services depends on the size of the bathroom. The minimum price tag is 4800 rubles.

Want to return the old good bath with an impeccable look? Call - and we will help you!