Repairs Design Furniture

Traditional material in the new workshop - Plumbing Len. Secrets and nuances how to properly wind flax on a threaded connection

Chesna Lona has long been already enjoying the well-deserved glory of one of the best seals during plumbing work. This type of seal is the long fibers of the plants obtained in the process of deducting the tripped linseed stems. Depending on the length of the fibers and their purity, the entire material used is divided into varieties. Specifications of Plumbing Flax depend on its variety and must correspond to GOST 10330-76.

Probably everyone knows about how to use Plumbing Luck. This is a very simple material that does not require special preparation of the wizard. However, incorrectly performed compound will not be sealed. Therefore, you need to know some tricks, how to wind out sanitary lion To avoid leaks and do not redo jobs several times.


GOST 10330-76 regulates the process of production, processing, as well as sorting flax, used as a seal.

  1. Depending on the quality, the entire flax is divided into numbers from 8 to 24. The higher its number, the lower the fire content and weed impurities in its composition.
  2. The rotten smell is not allowed and extraneous impurities in the mass of fibers.
  3. The permissible moisture content of the material is not more than 12%.
  4. The temperature of using plumbing flax is up to 120 degrees. In the case of the use of some special types of pastes - up to 140 degrees Celsius.

Linen fibers are formed in the machines of various weights and size.

Features of the use of flax

Threaded pipelines and plug-in plumbing equipment are places with a potential hazard of depressurization and subsequent flow. Therefore, during installation, such sections are subjected to additional sealing using various materials, such as fum-tape, sealing threads, various sealing pastes and sealants. However, there is no more reliable material, moreover, tested by time and not one generation of plumbers than the sanitary lion, or the folk name - the plumbing panel.

When using flax, it is necessary to know the features of its application:

  • pacle is a very cheap sealant, much cheaper than any other sealing material. However, buying it, pay attention to quality. A good varietal flax is sold in the form of braids or bay, light species, without foreign inclusions.
  • when contacting with water, flax swells. It increases its volume, overlapping any leaks and leakage.
  • due to the high mechanical resistance, the plumbing pack allows you to orient cranes, clutches and other elements without loss of tightness. You can tighten the threaded connection until it stops, and then unscrew the thread on the half-turn or turnover, without fear of weakening the contact location.
  • sealing the compounds of pressure water pipes This material makes it possible to firmly fix the connected elements thanks to the possibility of increased tightening efforts.

Threaded Connection with Flax Seal Plumbing

However, when applying plumbing flax, some precautions should be known.

  • If copper or brass parts are performed, maximum caution is required. Too thick winding can lead to cracking the details and the appearance of leaks.
  • It should be remembered that some materials for the processing of plumbing flax before use will make it difficult to disassemble the connections. The same problem may occur in steel parts connections, where incorrectly carried out using a pacule leads to the appearance of rust in threaded connections.
  • Pacle - organic material, subject to rotting when moisture and air access. Therefore, when applying it as a sealing material, it requires impregnation with special means (solidol, lithol, special pastes and sealants, as well as oil paint).

Pakli water repellent

Due to the fibers, the plumbing flax cannot be destroyed when twisting the plumbing reinforcement. Thin, long linen fibers are collected in the depths of threaded channels and when the parts are connected, all the gaps and the slightestness are completely fill. With further operation, the fiber coming to the wet portion swell, thereby blocking the path to the moisture movement. Compounds compressed with plumbing flax can withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees Celsius.


Before starting work on the wing of linen plumbing to a threaded connection, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work.

The threaded part is prepared for flax wins

Preparation of thread

If you decide to seal the connected parts of your water pipe in this way, you must first prepare the thread itself. The fact is that flax, wound on the usual thread, will be knocked into a bunch of screwed nut. In the threaded connection, it practically will not remain. Work will be performed poorly, and such a compound is doomed to flow in the very near future. So that the fibers of the flax are fixed on the turn of the thread, it is necessary to make them notches on them. The jar on the threaded turns can be made by any accessible tool - chisel, acute scolding, file, or, if the place of work will allow the place of work, even with a metal hacksaw. Shells are made longitudinal species, across the turns of the thread on the pipe. The main thing is that the jar had sharp, not smoothed edges.

You should also know that the top of the thread is not the pipe should be rounded. Inch threads of pipe connections are cut in this way, with a 55-degree angle on top. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the thread with a 60-degree angle will tear winding. Manufacturers of Signs, Fittings, Cranes and other elements perform threads taking into account all these requirements, in addition, the necessary jar is applied at the production stage. Such products can be considered fully prepared for the winding of the packle.

How to notice

First, we separate a small strand from the entire mass. No need to choose a very thick bundle, try to immediately take the optimal amount of material. Winding should not be very thin, such a connection will be loose. However, too thick layer of flax will be bored in a bunch of nuts, which will also lead to marriage.

If there are lumps or other impurities in strands, they must be removed. Next, you can either twist strand, or weave the pigtail from it. You can and wave at all before winding a bunch of material. When winding flax on a thread exist some tricks:

  • If you twist or goss out a pigtail, you can apply the selected sealant before use (special sealing paste, lithol, paint, etc.). Or use the pass as it is, then the sealant is applied simply on the thread. In the process of work, you will choose the most suitable option for you. It will not affect the final result.
  • Wash the plumbing flax in the direction opposite to the direction of the thread turns. For example, with the left thread, linen fibers are wound clockwise, and with the right - on the contrary.
  • It is necessary to start work from the way out of the thread. The strand takes to the right hand (instruction is given for right) and apply to the pipe. The edge of the left hand pressed the edge of the fibers to the place where the thread goes to the pipe. Next, the first turns of the pakley are trying to climb the end of the strand to the pipe, making the so-called "castle". Then, the turn to the turn of the flax is wound on the threaded part. It is necessary to do this without gaps between the fibers, as possible in the tight, moving towards the start of the thread. Closer to the edge of the pipe, the thickness of the wounded pakley must be reduced. So the nut more easily goes to the threaded part.
  • When the winding is finished, excessive passion is separated, its tip is glued with a sealant, and then the winding is smoking in a thread.

This should look like the correct winding of flax

An ideal option can be considered a case when the maximum force attached to the nut falls on the last 2-3 round of the thread, and with a complete tightening, some of the turns remain outside. If the nut is screwed by hand, the winding is done too thin. It is necessary to either add pacles on top of it, or do everything again.

When screwing the nut, you should ensure that the panel does not come down to the edge. In some cases, it is better to redo work.

After the installation works, the plunchnic pass, protruding from under the nuts, can be cut or shortened at the place of adjustment. After the installation work, the compounds made from black metals must be painted to protect against corrosion.

Plumbing luna with proper use will be able to provide the most sealed connection of any elements of water pipes for cold and hot water, regardless of their internal pressure and temperature. However, it should be done carefully, and with the slightest suspicion of marriage, it should be altered at all. This will give you confidence in durability and reliability of the compounds.

Video about the package of a threaded connection with plumbing flax

Pacle for pipes is one of the most sought-after seals in the Russian market. Linen winding has been popular for many decades due to its low price, availability and relatively good sealing of compounds under special conditions. Flax winding on the thread is relevant for temporary threaded connections and those who are in open access, i.e. Always in sight, the leakage is easy to fix and immediately eliminate. The compound on flax works to a temperature of a maximum of 120-140 ° C, but sometimes this indicator is reduced to 70 ° C. It all depends on the quality of the material and the additional sealing agent - plumbing paste.

Let's talk about technology and flax rules. How to properly wipe the passage to the threads so that it is enough for the entire shelf life of the connection? What are the tricks and professional secrets for high-quality thread sealing?

This question is asked not only the owner of the apartment, where suddenly under the crane or need to replace the mixer, but also the plumbing, which recently started his work path.

Flax, indeed, not the easiest and most convenient material. Lena does not look aesthetic, fluffy and easy to break, and flax fibers are constantly cling to the thread, then behind clothes. Almost weightless they scatter around the room and, by finishing the work, the plumbing has to spend time to find and collect all the threads.

In various videos from the series, how to wind the passage on the thread there are daily tips on the preparation of the thread. They relate to the notes. Shells prevent the zone of flax when winding, twist and further operation. However, not in all cases.

First, notches do not need notches when the pipe is diameter more thread. The protruding part of the pipe is so will restrain the pass.

Secondly, make notches does not make sense if the master is virtuoso turns from the packles and has a big practical experience.

Thirdly, on special threads of notches makes a manufacturer in advance. If you want, this is a kind of tip to the master.

How to wind flax and how much to measure? Also a controversial and frequently asked question. And here is also no universal answer. Some advise to dive a strand equal to the thickness of two matches. Others call a figure of 5 mm. In fact, only practice will show which length and width strands are suitable for the thread of a particular diameter. Before winding the passage to threads finally, practice.

Plotted Leng (Pakle). How to wind flax on the thread?

Make several different strands, try on and find the best option.

There are several ways. Here is the fastest:
1. Hold the thread tail at the end of the thread
2. Fix crosswise
3. Moving to the beginning of the thread and put strand into each round
4. Then return to the end of the thread, making another layer
5. Fix the tail thread at the start of the thread
6. Apply a plumbing paste

Those who know well how to wind the pass, the number of layers are determined by the eye. In most cases, there are enough 2-3 layers. The main thing is that the threads can not be visible so that it completely covers the entire surface.

Before applying pastes check the winding density. For this, Len is trying to scroll. He must fit tightly to the thread and do not move.

Twisting the connection manually with great strength and tighten the key.

In theory - nothing complicated. In practice, make a high-quality connection from the first time it is hardly possible. We advise you to make several trial options. So you will understand how to wind it right on the thread correctly, and whether it is worth using this sealant.

And what is instead of flax?

Plumbing Len, in addition to inconvenient application, has another number of shortcomings:
A small shelf life of the compound is 3-5 years
Instability to aggressive environments
Working with pressure up to 6-8 atmospheres
Risk of corrosion formation on thread

Alternative to the Paclet - Polymer Threads and Anaerobic Gels. Anaerobic sealants are designed to compact the threaded and flange metal compounds, and the threads (winding) are allowed to be used on plastic.

If we compare the price of flax and pasta with easy to use and efficient modern seal, then the difference is almost not noticeable. Only a few tens of rubles. And the quality of the compound, the rate of assembly and the service life is not even compared.

Polymer plumbing thread and anaerobic sealants:
Allowed to work in aggressive environments and drinking water systems
Hold pressure 40 atmospheres and above, as well as vibrations and drops
Protect threads from corrosion and leaks for 20 years
Do not require training and accompanied by detailed instructions
Do not dry and after opening the package retain your properties for several years
Form a compound, stronger than the pipes themselves

Do not know how to wind flax on the thread? Choose sealants with which there will be no such problems.

Len Plus Pasta: Thread Seal in Plumbing and Heating

Flax and pasta are so convenient to use the thing that even the newcomer is the first thread will not flow. So I used Len and Pasta, when he drove a heating system for the first time, and no connection was flowing. Why is Len and Pasta? Prior to that he enjoyed Fumelet. And you must confess, it was not always possible to wind the first time without alterations.

What is a plumbing paste

Pasta is something like graphite lubricant. A little bit like the car lubricant Sls, but the automotive is more fat, very dirty hands.

How to properly wear flax on the thread

And the paste, too, of course dirty, but without problems, washed with soap. Flax + paste kits are often sold in stores with a set in one pack. Well, separately, you can also buy them.

So, proceed. For a start, I rolled out of flax here is such a flavor:

Then I deceived the thread with a thin layer of pasta. I was smelted straightforwardly (this is a combination of a coupling on which the adjusting valves came to connect radiators):

After that, I started to wind up the thread of the flax flax, having to sleep in the thread turns, trying so that the fibers of the flax journal in the paste. When the second round began, it was additionally tamped on top of the paste as the winding.

In the end, it turned out that:

The paste used only Unipak. In the store there was another, I do not remember what brand, twice as cheaper, but for some reason it was not decided to buy it. For the entire heating system, less than two small tubes of 65 grams took place! And I did not save it, I spent how much it was required.

Each radiator is 3 threaded connections per 1/2 inches. Total radiators 8, total 24 connections.

2 plugs and 2 Americans on a gas boiler with thread 1 1/2 (one and a half) inches. TOTAL 4 compounds

Electric boiler: 2 adapters with threads 1 1/2 inches per 1/4 inches + two Americans per 1/4. TOTAL 4 compounds.

Two compounds on the mud filter - 1 inch

Two compounds on the circulation pump - 1 inch.

And the little things is a pressure gauge, a safety valve, an expansion tank, which is still there. That seems to be all.

On small threads (1/2 inches) pastes spend very little, literally a few drops. The main flow was on the boilers, the filter, the pump, where the carving from inches and more.

Summary is: work with flax and paste is easy and convenient.

And the fact that the hands are dirty, and if you grab the white polypropylene tube, then the pipe is nonsense. Hands are washed with soap, the pipe is elementary wiping with a rag.

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How to wink flax on the thread?

Hello Dear Ammodylkins.

Until now, the best winding on the thread is flax. First, I just need this statement, and then we will discern the process of execution on the bones.

The first alternative flaron is Fuma Tape. There are at least three reasons for which it is necessary to refuse.

1. It is not known who it is done, despite the fact that it is indicated on the label, which means there are no quality guarantees.

2. Wash it for a long time.

3. When screwing up the thread, especially when installing the valves, it is impossible to correct its position, that is, it is possible to test only forward. If you come a little back, the connection on Fumka will flow.

The second alternative is Tangite Uniforms Pipe on the castle. I will not argue about the castle - the dead, but what about the key: Consider what they twisted, and the key thrown out, so so not to find.

Unscrew not happen, only cut.

It is completely different.

Here are the four reasons why it should be applied:

1. One hundred percent warranty from the flow.

2. The speed and accuracy of execution.

3. Ability to adjust any compound there here, without risk of leakage.

4. Light disassembly, regardless of life.

Now how all this is done.

Everyone knows that luna is not wound on dry. Previously, it was impregnated with paint, but now, thanks to technical progress, Silicone appeared.

If the compound with the paint looked very not neat, and it accounted for it with a soldering lamp, then with Silicone - a completely different matter.

The main thing is to apply solid silicones. These include: Kimtek 101e, Olimp, Macroflex, since they, in addition to laying, have also adhesive properties. With other brands, the compound turns out too mobile, although it still does not flow.

So, we take a detail with a thread, flax pigtail, syringe with silicone, and separate from the pigtail a small part for winding.

How much to rechpond from pigtails? In each case, in different ways. First you need to try to wrap the folder into the mammy. It happens very easily, it happens tight (everything is like in life), here, depending on this, the superior size is selected.

But in general, after the first time it will become clear. If you squeeze too much, then we take smaller.

First we apply to the thread of Silicone, then, leaving a small tail, and pressing it with a thumb to the part, in the direction of the thread, we have a tight of the flax, trying to cover them the entire surface, that is, so that it does not walk the harness.

If you will understand that the flax is already a lishka, just converge the remnants. The remaining tail, also let go in the direction of the thread.

After that, with a finger, smoothing the entire winding, so that the hairs are not sticking out around, and most importantly, did not block the passage hole.

Now we wrap up, with necessarily part of the winding to extruded out. It is easily removed with a cloth, and the stronger you press the rag to the part, the more accurately the connection will be.

This is how the winding of flax is done.

I wish work success.

Section Construction \u003e\u003e\u003e Subsection Heating \u003e\u003e\u003e

Category: News | Comment (RSS)

The question of how to wind flax on the thread occurs in many people, it is also often encountered with the task of choosing between FUM tape and flax. Each variant is preferable for different situations. In this case, in some cases they can be interchangeable.


Plumbing Flax is a standard seal for threaded connections, it can also be found called the panel. It has many advantages, among whom it is worth noting the following:

  • Resistance to mechanical exposure. This material is the optimal option for sealing plumbing reinforcement. When using it, it is possible to adjust the preservation of tightness.
  • In the process of wetting flax increases its volume. That is, you can not worry if a small leakage occurs after the connection is completed, as it will be easily eliminated. The material begins to swell from the impact of moisture and, thus, overlaps to flow.
  • Universality. The correct winding allows you to use various types for connections.
  • Low cost. Compared to other seals, this option costs significantly cheaper. The main thing is to choose a high-quality winding, it should be bright, implemented in the form of bay or pigtails, and there should be no lumps and splashes.


Despite the existing advantages, it did not cost without some points complicating the application:

  • It is necessary to be careful in the process of working with bronze and brass, as it is possible to damage the thread when winding a thick layer.
  • Before use, the thread must be carefully prepared. Today, the market presents fittings with a thread designed for linen winding. They can be determined by special notches. With their absence, you can use the pliers or file. Shells prevent flax knocked down and his slipping.
  • Before winding flax on the thread, it must be treated with suitable compositions - it can be paint on an oil basis, silicone, sealant or solidol. Since this winding is organic material, it is subject to the development of grinding processes when contact with water and air. The latter annually turns out to be in heating and water supply systems during preventive work or repair. Special compositions allow you to prevent the destruction of the material.

Video on the topic

Tools for processing

Some special compounds may complicate the disassembly of the compounds, the need for which occurs when the leakage appears, connecting new elements or during the replacement of some parts. Paint and silicone contribute to gluing elements and, as a result, the difficulty of separation, in some cases it becomes impossible. In the absence of related tools or illiterate winding on steel parts, similar problems appear caused by the occurrence of corrosion damage on the connection.

Linen pack should be wound only in accordance with the established rules. To begin with, it is processed by a suitable agent, thread is also prepared for it. Direction when winding should go through thread turns. Next, the remaining part is derived from its limits and is stretched, at that time the connection is screwed and delayed. How many flax wove on the thread? This can be determined by the density of the fitting on it.

What is better: flax or fum-ribbon?

Special requirements are presented to the materials used to organize hot water. They concern the means used for winding. Due to the high temperature of the liquid in the pipes, the winding must have high tightness and resistance to temperature effects. Flax meets similar requirements, while Fuma ribbon is not the best material. When the connection, it is divided into a plurality of fibers that seal emptiness and prevent water leakage. High temperatures that are peculiar to the hot water and the heating system lead to compressing the fibers. Because of this, the risk of leakage appears.

As for other characteristics, it should be noted that the package of linen costs cheaper than fum-ribbons, even subject to the use of material for processing. If in small work the difference is not as noticeable, then with active use you can get substantial savings. But at the same time, the tape accelerates work. Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously say that it is better: flax or fum-tape, as each material is suitable for various tasks.

Combination of two materials

In some cases, a combination of flax and fum-ribbons are used to obtain a better connection. Perhaps two options: flax is covered with several ribbons, either both materials are wounded in turn. Despite the effectiveness, such a method did not acquire distribution due to the features of winding conditions.

Preparatory work

Before winding flax on the thread, the connection is prepared. This is necessary to prevent the material with a smooth surface to prevent or splice. If the flax does not hold on to the installed place, the degree of sealing will be extremely low. For fixing the fibers are applied special jar on the turns. They can be cut with a handwheel for metal, a file or dad.

How to properly cut the thread?

In the absence of such tools, you can use the pliers and, holding the thread as much as possible, to surpassed it - should turn out in a circle of turns, small jar. Also, as mentioned earlier, you can purchase fittings that are specifically made for the plumbing pane.

How to wind flax on the thread: instruction

Fibers are separated by small strands. It is worth noting the need to carefully select the thickness of the strands, since the winding must have an average thickness. When discovery of lumps or foreign elements, they must be removed. Plumbing uses various options, for example, winding a strand or woven into a pigtail. This is necessary to simplify the work, while the quality of the connection remains unchanged.

Further, the plumbing flax, previously processed by a special composition, wounds on the thread. You can also first apply the composition to the surface, then wind the material, and on top to distribute the additional layer. The effectiveness of both options is on the same level.

Regardless of the method used, the pacting is wound according to the direction of the thread. The first round should act as a castle: for this, it is superimposed by the cross, at this time one side of the strands should be clamped. The compaction of the thread of flax should be the most tight, and between the turns there should be no intervals. Then the strand is supplied to the edge of the thread and is glued using a suitable material.


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Hello Dear Ammodylkins.

Until now, the best winding on the thread is flax. First, I just need this statement, and then we will discern the process of execution on the bones.

The first alternative flaron is Fuma Tape. There are at least three reasons for which it is necessary to refuse.

1. It is not known who it is done, despite the fact that it is indicated on the label, which means there are no quality guarantees.

2. Wash it for a long time.

3. When screwing up the thread, especially when installing the valves, it is impossible to correct its position, that is, it is possible to test only forward. If you come a little back, the connection on Fumka will flow.

The second alternative is Tangite Uniforms Pipe on the castle. I will not argue about the castle - the dead, but what about the key: Consider what they twisted, and the key thrown out, so so not to find.

Unscrew not happen, only cut.

It is completely different. Here are the four reasons why it should be applied:

1. One hundred percent warranty from the flow.

2. The speed and accuracy of execution.

How to wind the pass (flax) on the threaded connection (video)

Ability to adjust any compound there here, without the risk of leakage.

4. Light disassembly, regardless of life.

Now how all this is done.

Everyone knows that luna is not wound on dry. Previously, it was impregnated with paint, but now, thanks to technical progress, Silicone appeared.

If the compound with the paint looked very not neat, and it accounted for it with a soldering lamp, then with Silicone - a completely different matter.

The main thing is to apply solid silicones. These include: Kimtek 101e, Olimp, Macroflex, since they, in addition to laying, have also adhesive properties. With other brands, the compound turns out too mobile, although it still does not flow.

So, we take a detail with a thread, flax pigtail, syringe with silicone, and separate from the pigtail a small part for winding.

How much to rechpond from pigtails? In each case, in different ways. First you need to try to wrap the folder into the mammy. It happens very easily, it happens tight (everything is like in life), here, depending on this, the superior size is selected.

But in general, after the first time it will become clear. If you squeeze too much, then we take smaller.

First we apply to the thread of Silicone, then, leaving a small tail, and pressing it with a thumb to the part, in the direction of the thread, we have a tight of the flax, trying to cover them the entire surface, that is, so that it does not walk the harness.

If you will understand that the flax is already a lishka, just converge the remnants. The remaining tail, also let go in the direction of the thread.

After that, with a finger, smoothing the entire winding, so that the hairs are not sticking out around, and most importantly, did not block the passage hole.

Now we wrap up, with necessarily part of the winding to extruded out. It is easily removed with a cloth, and the stronger you press the rag to the part, the more accurately the connection will be.

This is how the winding of flax is done.

I wish work success.

Section Construction \u003e\u003e\u003e Subsection Heating \u003e\u003e\u003e

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Lowish cases »Our hands are not for boredom

How to wind flax on the thread

In order to achieve the strength and tightness of the connection, builders and plumbers use in their work flax or a special linen pass, which is wound on the threads of the butt elements.

To achieve really desired results, it is important to know how to get out of flax on the thread correctly.

Instruction how to wind flax on the thread

In order to properly apply flax on the thread, it will be necessary:
- Pakle (Len);
- silicone;
- Plumbing key.

Prepare the connecting elements, after reading them from rust if it is suddenly available. To do this, you can use sandy paper of low grain.

How to wind flax on the thread correctly.

Removing rust, be careful, do not damage the thread.

Take the pass and separate from the main beam a small strip of fibers, which straightened along the entire length.

The fibers should be enough so that the connection is turned out to be dense, but not tight, otherwise, with an increase in temperature, for example, in the heating pipe, the connection site may simply burst. In addition, excess flax will be squeezed out of the threaded connection when assembling, and this, almost certainly, will cause a new leak.

Please note that the pipelines with a chopped thread cracified, as a rule, have a sufficiently rough surface, and the fittings with a smooth surface must be prepared. To do this, with the help of a plumbing key or triangled noodle, apply small notches over the thread.

Take the flax, and attach the end of the fiber to the very edge of the thread. Start turning the path in the opposite direction from screwing the nut. It is necessary to wink in such a way that each subsequent round is tightly pressed the previous one. If the flax fiber was not enough to cover the whole thread, take another bundle.

On top of the fiber, which is wound on the thread, apply a thin layer of silicone or a special paste: This will achieve the tightness of the connection.

Twist threads while silicone has not yet been polymerized. Remember, until the end of this chemical reaction is 8-10 minutes. Fastening the small number of packles that will remain outside the connection, there is no point in the sealant to keep it well. However, plumbing, working with metal pipes, sometimes just fall apart the end of the beam. Do this at home is not recommended.

How to wind flax on the thread? Sanitary Leng (Pakle)

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Than compacted

There are many seals to seal threaded connections. Tape "FUM", Len, "Tangite" - sometimes eyes run away from choice. Recently, a novelty has appeared - an anaerobic seal for drab connections (I ask not to be confused with pasta for flax), which simplifies the procedure strongly.

Anaerobic sealant has a couple of significant drawbacks: 1. Connected details must be dry and clean - it may be a serious problem when repairing and replacing parts in the working system. 2. To froze the sealant, time is required, though minor, but it slows down the entire installation process. In addition, there is reason to believe that the connected details cannot be disturbed during subsequent repairs. In general, such a solution is suitable for a beginner, for small repair. This material is not quite suitable.

It should be noted: a good plumber will be connected to any of the above seal and flow will not flow. We will focus on the proven material of the material that the overwhelming majority of specialists use: plumbing Len and Pasta for Him.

In general, flane can be used without a package paste, but it generally increases the reliability of the joint and simplifies the operation. Linen fibers have a property to rot with time or sump on hot water pipes - the paste prevents these problems. An important property of pasta is the ability to keep pressure in a loosely twisted thread.

How to wind

Immediately make a reservation: Maybe someone performs this operation otherwise. But for her I can say with confidence: the connection is sealed and reliable.

A small bundle of flax is taken, approximately as in the photo below, it is to wind the half-inch pipe ("1/2"). In general, the ability to take flax exactly as much as you need for a particular connection comes with experience. One thing I can say for sure: it is better to overdo it, than to take less necessary.

Flax is wound on the thread from the edge to the base, in the direction of the thread. If you look at the end, it turns out clockwise. Do not fundamentally fall into every recess and go strictly on the helix. It is important to the direction of winding, tension and that the thread is covered with a uniform layer of flax throughout the surface. You can even put the winding in several layers if the beam was initially taken too thin.

How power to delay

Here it is impossible to bring any numbers, because the tightening is done manually. On the one hand, the stronger, the better, but should remember the fragility of the parts connected. Modern plumbing components are weak in comparison with Soviet.

how to wind flax on a thread video

Often with strong tightening, the part with the inner thread bursts. Even if everything happened and the parts are whole, strong tension can affect the crack on the tee and leakage.

After twisting, the passing pasta is removed with his finger. It turns out a neat connection, without flax fibers in all directions. That's all science!

In conclusion, I want to say: it is not worth careless to treat the described operation. According to the experience I can say - eight out of ten units of careless "specialists" begin to flow after a short time.

In order to achieve the strength and tightness of the connection, builders and plumbers use in their work flax or a special linen pass, which is wound on the threads of the butt elements.

To achieve really desired results, it is important to know how to get out of flax on the thread correctly.

Instruction how to wind flax on the thread

In order to properly apply flax on the thread, it will be necessary:
- Pakle (Len);
- silicone;
- Plumbing key.

Prepare the connecting elements, after reading them from rust if it is suddenly available. To do this, you can use sandy paper of low grain. Removing rust, be careful, do not damage the thread.

Take the pass and separate from the main beam a small strip of fibers, which straightened along the entire length. The fibers should be enough so that the connection is turned out to be dense, but not tight, otherwise, with an increase in temperature, for example, in the heating pipe, the connection site may simply burst. In addition, excess flax will be squeezed out of the threaded connection when assembling, and this, almost certainly, will cause a new leak.

Please note that the pipelines with a chopped thread cracified, as a rule, have a sufficiently rough surface, and the fittings with a smooth surface must be prepared. To do this, with the help of a plumbing key or triangled noodle, apply small notches over the thread.

Take the flax, and attach the end of the fiber to the very edge of the thread. Start turning the path in the opposite direction from screwing the nut. It is necessary to wink in such a way that each subsequent round is tightly pressed the previous one. If the flax fiber was not enough to cover the whole thread, take another bundle.

On top of the fiber, which is wound on the thread, apply a thin layer of silicone or a special paste: This will achieve the tightness of the connection.

Twist threads while silicone has not yet been polymerized. Remember, until the end of this chemical reaction is 8-10 minutes. Fastening the small number of packles that will remain outside the connection, there is no point in the sealant to keep it well. However, plumbing, working with metal pipes, sometimes just fall apart the end of the beam. Do this at home is not recommended.

Disputes that it is better to use as a seal of threaded connections (winding) - flax or fum-tape - do not subside for more than one year. This situation is explained by the fact that it is impossible to give a unambiguous answer to this question. For each type of work, it is preferable to flax, then the fum-tape. And often the recommendation of one does not exclude the use and alternative seal. If plumbing can not come to a general opinion among themselves, what then talk about not professionals? But after all, and simple mortals can be combined with something together. And hermetically. Let's try to decompose the recommendations on the shelves. On the properties of the fum-ribbon and technology of its winding. And today our review is devoted to flares, or a package, for sanitary ware.

The content of the article:

Plumbing Len: cheap and angry

Len is a classic winding. Sometimes it is called Pacles in the old man.

The advantages of flax for plumbing works:

  • Low price. Cheaper than any other winding. When buying, you need to pay attention to quality. Good flax is sold by a pigtail or not a tight bay, it does not have lumps, clean (light in appearance).
  • Universality. Suitable for any type of compounds. Of course, with the correct winding.
  • The ability to increase the volume in the swelling process. That is, if immediately after the connection there is a small flow, it is very "closed" very soon. Flax fibers wink and, swelling, overlaps small leaks.
  • Mechanical resistance. The only material that allows you to more accurately orient plumbing fittings. It is possible, if necessary, make a half turn turnover back without loss of tightness.

But the disadvantages are also present:

  • Mandatory use with it related materials (litol, solidol, fum-summer, hermetic paste, silicone, oil paint). Lyon has organic origins. And as any organic has a tendency to rot, especially under the joint effects of water and air. And the air falls into the water supply system or heating in the process of repair or preventive inspection, which should be carried out annually. Related material is intended to prevent rotting.
  • Requires special thread preparation. Many manufacturers of fittings make threads on them already prepared under the winding of flas. Thread turns have notches. If there are no, they need to be applied to plumbers (a file, pliers, less often with a metal knife). They are needed to lie, in the process of the connection did not slip through the threads and did not come true in the bundle.
  • Requires caution in connections from brass and bronze. Too thick layer can break the thread, cracks will appear.
  • Plumbing Len is the only material that is very demanding to comply with the winding rules. In addition to the thread preparation already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the flax itself: to impregnate it with the concomitant material to prevent rotting. Then wind, observing the direction of turns of the thread, that is, against the winding. To withdraw the ends of the fibers outside the thread area, pull and, holding them with your finger, turn the connection on the thread, tighten.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that the concomitant materials (not all) prevent the dismantling of the compounds (for example, to replace part of the system, connecting new elements or in case of leaks). Silicone and paint so glue parts of the connection to each other, that the separation process may be rather difficult, sometimes it is simply impossible. The same problems arise in the disconnection of steel elements when, not correctly wounded flax (or without concomitant material), as a result of rotting, the occurrence of rust in the threaded connection.

What is better: flax or fum-ribbon?

When it comes to compaction of threaded compounds, the first thought that comes to the head - plumbing. When installing the water supply for cold water from steel pipes of explicit advantages, there is no flax, no fum-tape. The main thing is to wind the seal. But when this plumbing is mounted from or, the fum-tape is preferable. Its advantage in this case is due to speed. The non-metallic water supply is mounted faster than steel. And reduce the speed of installation only due to the winding (and flax is harder and longer) is not effective. In addition, the carving of fittings is smooth and neat, and in such conditions of Fum-ribbon more efficiently. But it should be remembered that when the fittings are connected with a diameter greater than 20 mm, the fum-tape is inferior as a sealing. In such compounds, the sanitary linen is more effective.

Installation of water supply for hot water and heating dictates its requirements. Including, in terms of winding. In addition to presence in water pipes, you need to take into account that it is hot. That is, the winding should be not only hermetic, but also to resist the effects of temperature. Fuma tape in this regard has proven itself not in the best way. At the time of the compound of the Fium-tape splits on the fibers and they clog the voids of the compound, blocking water passages. Under the influence of high temperatures, which must be present in the heating system and are possible in the hot water supply system, these fibers are compressed. Often this is enough for the occurrence of leaks. Flax to temperature resistant.

If you take into account the other properties of these materials, it is worth noting the low cost of flax, even taking into account the concomitant material. Fuma ribbon is more expensive. Not much, but when conducting large-scale work, this difference can be essential. But the use of FUM tape, as already noted, increases the installation speed.

There are cases when the most effective is the combination of flax and fum-ribbons. Fium-ribbon turns are paved with flax fibers. Or, on the contrary, one or two turns of the fum-ribbon wound over the winding of flax. The decision about this is accepted by plumbing not often, in view of the characteristics of the conditions of installation or operation of the pipeline.

And last - flax winding requires a certain skill from plumbing. Fuma tape is not so demanding to this process.


How to wink flax on the thread?

Before starting the winding of flax, you need to prepare threads. The fact is that on a clean and even thread Flax in the process of the connection may not be held, slides, get into the bundle. Of course, there can be no speech in this case. Thread turns must have jar, for which flax fibers will be engaged. This will allow winding to stay in place and ensure tightness. These jar are applied with a supfil, a file, and if there is an opportunity - with hand-hacksaw. In the extreme case, it can be strongly survived by the pliers in a circle, the ribbed sponges will leave the jar on the threads. Fittings manufacturers often produce threads already prepared under the sanitary linen.

Then strand fibers are separated from flax pigtails. It is important to pick up the strand suitable in thickness so that the winding is not fine and not too thick. In strands should not be lumps: if they are, you need to remove. Some plumbers twist strand fibers of flax before winding, someone shifts thin pigtails, and someone wipes strand as it is, loose. This is not fundamental to whom as convenient. It does not affect the final result.

Further there are two options for follow-up. You can apply to the thread. Related material, wind dry fibers and then apply another layer of material. And you can bring up already impregnated with the concomitant substance of flax strands. In terms of efficiency, there is no difference between these methods. The result will be the same.

In any case, turning flax turns in the direction of thread. The end of the strand is clamped with a finger outside the thread, the first coil is made by the "lock". That is superimposed by the cross to clamp the end. Then the strand is wound as much as possible, the turn to the turn, without intervals. At the end of the winding, the end of the strand is glued to the accompanying material closer to the edge of the thread.