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Plaster sandily cement mixture. Cement plaster walls with their own hands. What you need to know for the preparation of high-quality plaster

The plaster of the walls by cement mortar, some more than 20 years ago, was the only way to level the surfaces in the premises. But, the one who came across such a decoration of the Soviet times knows how low-quality it is.

However, the reasons are not hidden in the nuances of the material, but that, the technology was fulfilled at a minimum, and the builders did not bother with special leveling. But it has its own unique properties, and if everything is done correctly, you can get a decent result.

So, how to plaster the walls with cement mortar?

Unauthorized contempt among ordinary orders received precisely the old "Soviet" cement finish. But experts know what its advantages.
Cement-sandy solution creates durable coatings.

The finish is not afraid of water, and dries quickly in case of wetting.
Fire protection properties allow it to be used when repairing facades.
In such a base, the fungus does not start.

Purple coverage, premises are not sealed completely.
However, in order to obtain all the positive qualities of cement-sand plaster, it is necessary to comply with the technologies for the preparation of a solution, as well as methods and methods of applying.

What you need to work



  • Light profile;
  • Metal plaster grid (for reinforcement);
  • Plasticizer;
  • Cement;
  • Sand.

However, before starting plastering work, it is worth thoroughly prepare surfaces taking into account the wall material.


Preparation of walls under cement-sand plaster

Cement-sand plaster has a significant weight, under the influence of which it can simply fall off from unprepared surfaces. It is with the aim of creating a foundation that holds all the mass of the finish, and conduct preparations, but here another factor is influenced - the wall material.

Brick surfaces. The easiest reception to make a support for the future applied coating is to equip the crate. For which nails or self-tapping screws are driven into which aluminum wire is screwed. If plastering of brick walls are planned in small areas, it is quite acceptable, to apply a tiled glue with a gear spatula, with its further drying.
The most reliable reception is the use of steel plaster grid.

Block walls. Be sure to be ground, and then it is worth covering them with a thin layer of tiled glue. However, in this case, it is best to reinforce the grid.
Shelter. This material is flat, and the cement-sand plaster "holds" is not bad. Before work, you can simply wash it well.

Wooden surfaces. It is impossible to stucify wood without reinforcement, the material simply falls off. Therefore, the planes are necessarily tightened by the reinforcing grid.

It is the most difficult thing to prepare the surfaces under the plaster in old private houses, where the walls can be folded from various materials, from clay and raw bricks to boot. Alignment of such walls by cement plaster is carried out at least about the level and reinforcement.

The grid use steel with a mandatory anti-corrosion coating. Optimally choosing weaving with a cell size of 20 × 20 mm. Fastening is carried out on metal dowels, located in a step of 300-400 mm, and chess order.

The grid is slightly stretched on the fasteners, after which it is necessary to screw the knitting wire with a zigzag on the attachment points. Separate cuts are jammed.
When everything is ready to move on to plastering with preliminary level preparation.

Preparation of plaster mortar

Cement-sand plaster This is just a mixture prepared from these ingredients divorced by water to which a plasticizer is added today that improves the properties of the composition.
Cooking the solution is needed in a concrete mixer, where all components are mixed well.
But, the plaster for the walls with their own hands is easily prepared, without mechanization, kneading using the chip / shovel. Special attention should be paid to the selection of cement and sand. The first need a brand is not lower than the M300, or the M400 from the well-known manufacturer. The sand is needed only pure river (not career!).
Preparation proportions depend on the cement brand. When using M300 - 1: 3, and if you knead the M400, then 1: 4 (1 part of the minerality, the rest of the sand).
ATTENTION The old bed cement is kneading standing in a ratio of 1 to 3!
The preparation of this, the proposed sand is falling asleep in the concrete mixer, in which cement is added, after which the dry mixture is stirred, and then the water is gradually fastened. At the end, you can add the required amount of plasticizer. The consistency of the finished plastering mixture should be thick and duct. For large amounts of work, it is not necessary to cook too much solution, optimally spending it in 1 hour.

Application of cement-sand plaster

It is worth understanding immediately, the cement-sand plaster is applied under the scheme below the top!
Before plastering the brick wall, it is necessary to rich in water, or a liquid solution of cement and sand, after which you can start directly by finishing work performed in three stages.

  • Packing a plaster mix on the wall;
  • Work rule;
  • Grouting surfaces.

Installation of lighthouse profiles

The lighting profile is a bar with aluminum or galvanized steel, according to which one level can be set for the entire surface during plastering. Such rails are a more modern option of lighthouses, before in their absence, used labels like non-cement from cement, wooden bars and other suitable materials.

To establish a single level today enjoy laser devices that allow you to very accurately determine the parameters. But, you can do everything without expensive equipment, especially if it is necessary at a time.

The most protruding part of the wall is determined, at its level and will post the entire horizon. For which you can pull the cords. Under the lighthouses there is a markup, perpendicular to the floor and ceiling. The distance between them is determined relative to the length of the rules, that is, less than 100 mm from the device.
Bashed profiles can be on points from the prepared cement mortar, according to which the rails are set with control using the construction level.

You can also use instead of non-solution from a solution (putty, tiled adhesive), use wooden jams inserted into the spinned holes.
When the horizon is installed, a cement-sandy solution is prepared for operation.


Simply, the plaster mix is \u200b\u200bgaining a convenient tool, and throw on the surface of the wall, covering its layer completely. As a device, it is possible to use a bucket or a cell that the portion of the cement mortar creates from the bottom up and the sharp movement of the brush at an angle of approximately 45 degrees is thrown to the point.
Such a simple technique fill in the composition completely all the gap between the beaches, it is important to achieve a level established by these guidelines. If you need to put too thick layer of plaster, it is better to make layers in two three stages.

Finish work

The device is exhibited perpendicular to the beacons, at an angle of 30-45 degrees, and is stretched from the bottom up with a smooth movement. It is important to distribute the entire plaster mass in limited oriented space racks by removing unnecessary residues. To evenly divide the entire cement-sandy mixture, you can use some zigzag movements by rule.

Aligning completely the entire area can go to the next located nearby. Grout is carried out after a complete drying of the mixture. Required tools - halfter, or raw board. Detected cracks can be labeled with a solution and sweep. When complying with the temperature balance in the room, as a result, you can get an ideal surface.

One of the most popular types of finishing work during the construction or repair of buildings is plastering with cement-based wall with solution. Although such works and seem to be one of the most simplest, nevertheless, many are wondering how to maintain the walls with cement mortar, even if more labor-intensive works are well acquainted with such people. Why does this happen? All because most of the construction work (except plaster) is described in detail in construction and repair allowers or on the Internet.

Work on plastering with cement-based solution allows you to make a wall smooth and smooth, thus prepare it to the finish finish.

Wall plastered with their own hands requires the following tools:

  • concrete mixing or tank for mixing;
  • trough;
  • sapa;
  • shovel;
  • buckets;
  • trowel;
  • rule 2 m long;
  • big construction level;
  • foam grater;
  • lighthouses (their number depends on the length of the rules and sizes of the wall);
  • lesk (cord);
  • ax;
  • perforator (for removing the old layer);
  • brush (for wetting the wall).

Well, simple materials:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • cement.

Preparatory work

Installation of the plaster grid is the most reliable way to prepare the wall for further work on plastering.

Even just the erected wall requires preparation before plastering with cement-based mortar. The essence of the preparatory work is reduced to one simple rule: the plaster should not fall off! And all the works are aimed at this.

To prepare the wall, erected from the new ordinary brick, do almost nothing required, you should only pay special attention to the moisture of masonry. In the case when the laying is dry, the wall is abundantly wetted with water. If this is not done, then the plaster based on cement and sand from the wall will be simply sliding.

When the brick lies inactively, that is, in the masonry there are strongly speakers, they must be combined with the help of an ax. Otherwise you have to throw a thick layer of plaster.

Preparation of walls made of facing bricks is more complex. As a rule, facing brick is not required to plaster. But if this for some reason is necessary, for example, has the need to put tiles on the brick wall? How to get out of such a position?

Before the start of preparation of plastered previous surfaces, it is necessary to remove the layer of old plaster from the wall using a perforator, ax or other tools.

  1. The easiest way is the preliminary installation of the crate on the wall surface. Fit firmware easily. For this, nails are driven between bricks. Then the aluminum wire is screwed onto them.
  2. When the plot on which the plaster is applied is small, it is possible to cover the brick with a thin layer of glue for tiles with a toothed spatula. About a day, the glue will dry, then it will be possible to start shocking.
  3. The most reliable way is the installation of a grid for plaster (this will be described in more detail below).

Preparatory work for subsequent plastering wall made of concrete blocks can be performed in two ways (processing of such a wall is quite complex, it simply does not hold on it, gradually sliding):

  1. Protect the wall with a toothed spatula and apply a layer of glue for tiles.
  2. Mount the grid for subsequent plaster.

If the walls are based on slag blocks, they are simply wetted. As a rule, this is enough to keep the plaster tightly.

Lighthouses for plaster helps to level not only relatively smooth walls, but also facilitate alignment of walls with large drops.

If the wall is made of a shelling, then it is possible to prepare it in the same way as the slag cloth wall, - dustily smoem.

In order to properly apply the layer of plaster on the wooden walls, they must first process them with primer, and then mount the grid for plaster.

When it is necessary to plaster with a plasterboard wall (it happens), for example, during the trim of bathrooms to close the sewer rim, etc., it will be enough to apply a layer of primer to drywall.

Preparation of plastered previous surfaces is one of the most difficult training options. The most difficult at the same time is that before the start of the execution of the above procedures, it is necessary to remove the layer of old plaster from the wall. As a rule, this is done by a perforator and (or) ax. If the old layer of plaster has the basis of sand and lime, then the beat will not cause big problems. Such plaster is easily removed, falling off with whole plates.

It is much more difficult to remove plaster from cement. Of course, it also depicts plates, but only in some places, and in other cases even the perforator does not take it. But despite this, the work must be finished, otherwise the old stucco will interfere.

The grout of the dried mortar on the wall is made in circular motions using a clutter board either half surge.

Prepare walls made of various materials, for example, in the private sector, where you can meet inhomogeneous walls of brick, boot, limestone, etc., also not easy. The drops of such walls can be up to 20 cm, so the lighthouses are very difficult on them. The wall must first align. This can be done with the same cement-sandy solution. Before you start working on the wall, the plaster grid is ground and installed.

The most difficult of all types of preparatory work is the removal of a layer of paint from the concrete wall. The only possible way is to scrape or knock the coating with a sharp object. For example, gradually with a small hatchet. The work is very tedious and tedious, but without it nowhere.

Setting the grid

The grid is needed to impart the strength and elasticity of the layer of plaster. It prevents the appearance of cracks, which occur during the drying period of the layer and during the shrinkage of the structure, and increases the stability of the surface from mechanical influences. The most popular mesh with a cell size of 2.0x2.0 cm.

The correctly installed plaster mesh should be with an anti-corrosion coating. For fastening the plaster reinforcing mesh in the wall, special metal dowels are driven into a step of 0.3-0.4 m between themselves in a checkerboard order. After that, with the help of scissors for metal, a piece of the grid of the desired size is cut.

Installation begins in the bottom upward direction. We put on the reinforcing grid on the installed dowels. Then you wind up the knitting wire every dowel. The drawing of the wound wire should remind the letter Z.

It is possible to use and pieces of beacons. This is as follows: The cooked plaster grid is painted along the wall by one or two people, and the other starts the shooting, using a dowel-nails for this, along with slices of beacons.

The docking of two pieces of the grid must be produced by the brass 15 cm on each side. This ensures the integrity of the design and its resistance to the damage to the mechanical type.

Lighthouses for plaster

What is a lighthouse? As you know, the lighthouse is a landmark for something. Such guidelines during the plaster walls can be any hard labels that are exhibited by level.

Based on lighthouses can be boards, nails or dried huts from the solution. But the most good are perforated metal profiles, which are called both lighthouses in construction stores. They can have different thickness. It all depends on which layer it is necessary to plaster. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the thicker the lighthouse, the tougher.

Methods of installation

The first way. On the surface of the walls produce a patch of points based on the solution from cement, glue for tile or putty. It is glued at each point, and then aligned with the help level of a perforated metal lighthouse. It should be noted that the short level is inconvenient for proper plaster (in places of pressure there are defditions). But you should not despair if there is only a short level. At first, a rule is applied to the beacons (it is impossible to plaster without it, so it should be at hand). Then the construction level is applied to the rule.

The second way. The perforator strictly along the vertical line is drilled by holes having a diameter of 10 mm and more. Holes are clogged with wooden chops, they are better to make a conical shape, so that the lighthouse profile is easier to be fastened. Using a cord or fishing line, each row of choppers are exhibited by level. It is possible to fir the row on the marking thread with the help of a hammer or hacksaw for metal. On already aligned choppers fasten the beacons with screws with a length of 2.5 cm. The gaps between the chops are filled with cement-based and sand with a solution. This is done so that the rule does not be fed under pressure. In this way of issuing beacons, use for very uneven walls with large differences. The first method is not suitable, since the layer of plaster will not hold on.

The length of the rules used for the work should be at least 10 cm more than the distance between the May profiles.

When choosing the first way of installing beacons, you must first give them to dry and only then start plastering.

Preparation of solution

Watching cement mortar is possible only at the end of all of the above works. After performing all the preparatory work it is necessary to wait for the day to froze the beacons. Then you can proceed to the manufacture of cement-sandy solution. The shares of sand and cement in the solution are determined mainly by the cement brand (for example, if cement has a brand 400, then one bucket of cement is put 4 buckets of sand, if 500 - respectively, 5 buckets).

If there is no confidence in the manufacturer, then the number of cement is increased. When using the old cement of the brand 400, a ratio of 1: 3 is taken.

Stirring cement-sandy solution is better, of course, in an automatic stirrer, however, if plastering is performed on the surface of small volumes, its rental and installation will be unprofitable. In such cases, the kneads are produced in the subwoofers (trough, old bath, etc.).

The consistency of the cement-sand solution must comply with the following requirements:

  • during the vertical tilt, the trunk, the solution should not be held on it;
  • on the trowel in a horizontal position, the mixture must save the hill.

Sketch of material

You can throw a solution on the wall with a trowel or bucket - as it is more convenient or depending on which tool is available.

The mixture is thrown onto the wall, starting from below and moving up. This should look something like this: the hand, moving towards the wall, turns out so that the trowel or bucket is located in parallel to the wall. Then immediately in front of the wall, the trowel or bucket sharply unfold at an angle of 45 °, slightly feeding to the top. In this case, the solution with the throw will not fly into all directions, and the direction can be changed to any side if necessary.

The cement-based solution is thrown onto the wall to such a level until it is leveled with the beacons or close it. By this way, a small area, for example, 0.5 m height, go to work using a rule.

Work rule

Applying the rule to the installed beacons, it is pulled by a solution, starting below and moving up. Moving the rule, they perform simple movements - they dramatically pull from left to right, and then in the opposite direction. These manipulations are performed until the entire solution on the sketched plot is fully resurrected.

Then they produce an outline of a new site and again align with the help of the rule. Orthodox and the resulting excavations are eliminated by the workshop. The solution is put on the tip of the brand and then rushes. All this is recovered by the rule.

Grouting a solution

After it gets up, proceed to the grout. The degree of readiness is checked by easy pressing with a finger on the cement-sandy solution. If when you press there is no recess, you can start. Grout is made by a clutter board or half-sash. The wall is grinning with circular motions before getting a smooth surface. If the plaster has any unfinished, they are climbing with a solution and then repay again. It is possible to carry out the grout and after a day, it is only necessary to pre-slightly moisten the surface with water.

To prevent cracking of plaster, you can not give it to dry quickly (especially if it is hot weather). For this, the wall is water from time to time. Having a skill and desire, you can achieve an absolutely smooth surface without cracks, but this requires an additional grout.

Couple of tips:

  • all used inventory (bucket, trowel, rule, terk, half-sash), so that the mixture does not stick to the tool, it is necessary to constantly process with water;
  • after the end of the working day, the entire tool must be cleaned and washed. This also applies to the stirrer or containers in which the solution was kneaded.

In conclusion, it should be noted that plastering with cement mortar is a responsible and complex case. And in order for the surface to be smooth, it is necessary to purchase all the necessary tools in advance, inventory, materials for plastering mixtures and grinding walls. You should not save. Well, of course, patience should be gained, and skills and skills will appear in the course of work.

If you at least once did the repair, then accurately faced with such a problem as alignment and plastering walls. Without these procedures, almost never can do. Modern building materials help to cope with any problem. I want to pay separate attention to such a mixture as cement-sand plaster. Gradually, it goes to the background, but we begin to forget that it has a lot of advantages.


There is a large number of cement solutions. All of them are good in their own way and possess their versatility. Of all the cement-sand plaster is the most popular. This solution has the following advantages:

  1. Universal mixture. Suitable for finishing wet rooms, such as a bathroom. It is ideal for balconies and even facades of buildings.
  2. It differs from all other solutions with special strength and durability.
  3. Suitable for plastering walls, in which heating is not provided.

Technical features

Cement-sand plaster has the following characteristics:

  • grey colour;
  • you can rub the plastered wall in a day;
  • cement is a binding product;
  • the mixture consumption per square meter is about 18 kg (layer thickness 10 cm);
  • frost resistance of the cement-sandy wall is 50 degrees Fahrenheit;
  • the surface will be sturdy about 30 days;
  • operating temperature from -50 to +70 degrees.


Surely everyone when buying was conceived, from which the dry mixture is being prepared. Consider the composition of cement-sand plaster and find out what secrets she hides. So, everything is quite simple:

  1. The main component of the solution is cement. It can be any brand from M150 to M500. For those who do not know, the figure in the title of cement is indicating how pressure in kilograms can withstand the finished solution of 1 cm 3. The low-digit cement is recommended to be used to finish inner rooms, but the facades can be placed with a large indicator.
  2. The filler serves as sand. It can be a river or career. The strength and reliability of plaster depends on the quality of the sand. The standard cement-sand mix is \u200b\u200bprepared from the ratio of 1: 3. The ratio it may vary depending on which solution is needed by strength.
  3. Sand, which is used in preparation ready in the mixture, should be large.

These were the main components, without which it is impossible to get a cement-sand mix. Also, some manufacturers are introduced into additional components, such as copolymer or radispensable powders. Additives allow you to increase some high-quality characteristics, namely:

  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • flexibility;
  • resistance to load;
  • adhesion;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to wear.

This is the simple composition of the simple composition makes plaster universal and indispensable.


Cement-sand plaster is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. The solution is divided into some varieties. Consider them:

  1. Simple mixture. It is intended for finishing interior areas where smooth walls are not needed. Working with this solution passes in two stages: spray and soil. No need mainly used for sealing cracks and holes. With the help of such a solution, it is possible to carry out hygienic processing of walls.
  2. Improved mixture. This species can be used to shock indoor walls, as well as facades of buildings. Working with a solution takes place in three stages: spray, soil, covering. In proper work, it is possible to get a flat surface with the right angle.
  3. High-quality mixture. Use a solution for finishing any interior premises and any facades. The work is done in several stages: spray, several layers of soil and coverage that needs to be treated with cement. Be sure to wall mounted on the walls. In total, you should have at least 5 layers of plaster.

Having understood with all the varieties of plaster, you can proceed to the next question.


You need to buy a universal solution with which you can work comfortably, select such a mixture as cement-sand plaster. Consumption is an important factor that worries many. Calculate the correct amount is easy. Consider several nuances:

  1. Before cooking, carefully examine the instructions that are specified on the package. Follow the accuracy to all manufacturer's instructions, and you will get high-quality solution.
  2. If you are preparing a cement-sand mix yourself, then you must decide on the thickness of the finish. Here is an approximate calculation: if you need to get a thickness of 1 cm, then by 1 square meter. M requires approximately 8.5 kg of dry mortar.
  3. If you need to prepare a sandy-cement mixture for the facade, then the optimal ratio of all components 2: 8: 1 (cement, sand, water).
  4. It is necessary to take another indicator, namely the level of surface deviation. It is measured at least in three places. All indicators are definitely summarized, and then the result is divided by the number of all the terms.
  5. Experts recommend to a total solution of solution to add 10% for all sorts of solo

Cement-sand plaster is preparing. The proportions can be either found on the package, or calculate yourself.

Exterior finish

Separately, I want to talk about facade work. For them, it is necessary to choose a thorough solution, which must withstand the temperature differences, and also differ frost and moisture resistance. Cement-sand plaster for external work is used to finish the following surfaces:

  • aerated concrete;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • cement plaster;
  • tree (here you first need to consolidate the iron grid).

You can apply in two ways: manual and mechanized. After plastering, the following coating is possible:

  • ceramic tile;
  • decorative plaster;
  • finish putty.

When working with such a solution, consider the following specifications:

  • it is possible to work with the mixture at a temperature of from 5 to 30 degrees;
  • for one approach, it is not recommended to apply a layer of 40 mm thick;
  • remember that when working with a solution on the street, its vitality is up to 6 hours.

Tip for beginners! If you want to plaster the facade in the frost, then choose a mixture that is adapted to work at negative temperatures.

Cement-sand must be brand M300 - M500. You will get a reliable and robust surface.

Preparation of walls

Modern construction uses various materials. It is worth considering when preparing the wall to plastering. Once the materials are different, the preparation will be appropriate. Consider some features:

  1. Brick. It is necessarily carried out the walls of the walls. After that, the surface is necessary to treat the glue layer and secure the metal mesh over the entire surface.
  2. Wood. Installing duranka or registers. But you can save. To do this, handle the surface of the primer and apply a metal grid.
  3. Concrete. There is nothing complicated here too. It is enough to treat the surface of the primer. Apply a thin layer of glue and install a metal grid for plastering.
  4. Experimental materials. Surface is defined. Pre-turn plastering by cement-sandy solution. We establish a metal mesh and carry out the finish coating with a solution.

Now you know how to carry out the correct preparation of the walls. It is important to familiarize yourself with the tools for work.


To work in joy, prepare the following tools for your convenience:

  • plastering bucket;
  • kelmu, spatula;
  • smoothness;
  • grater;
  • level;
  • master OK;
  • plumbing hammer;
  • spray;
  • level;
  • rule.

Application of cement-sand plaster passes with a bucket. Perhaps the first time you will not succeed, but over time you can learn everything. You can switch the finished solution using cells. For quick and high-quality mixing of the solution, use the construction mixer. It will help create a mixture of homogeneous consistency without lumps.

The final stage

When the cement-sand plaster of the walls is applied in all the rules, you can go to the finishing work. They conclude in the grout. The procedure is carried out when the whole solution is dry. To do this, do the following:

  • we break a liquid solution from a dry mixture;
  • we apply it on the wall;
  • rubbed halfter.

The surface will be smooth and smooth.

  1. If you are preparing plaster yourself, then use PVA glue as a plasticizer.
  2. To spray into the solution, add glue for tiles. It will increase the adhesion with the surface.
  3. If you buy a ready-made dry mixture, then carefully examine the date of manufacture and packaging.
  4. Before preparing the solution, carefully learn the instruction that is on each package.


Based on the foregoing, it can be safely argued that the cement-sand plaster is considered the most universal among all other representatives of its class of materials. Use it boldly for the grout of the inner and outer walls. Especially the plaster is good for closing the walls in the cellar, garages and sheds. Yes, and the cost will delight it.

In the process of building events and during repair work, plaster walls with cement mortar are performed. It allows you to plan the walls, hide small masonry defects, improve the appearance, as well as ensure reliable protection of brick, concrete, stone and wooden surfaces. Cement, sand and water are included in the finishing composition. Watching is performed after the preparation of brickwork and applying a layer of soil on the walls. Then the lighthouses are installed, and then you can start plaster with cement formulations. Consider the features of technology.

Plaster walls cement mortar and its advantage

The plaster of walls by cement-sandy solution is traditionally used to eliminate high-altitude masonry drops and ensuring the flatness of the wall base. It provides additional thermal and sound insulation of the room, as well as the protection of the walls from the effects of natural nature factors. Wallpaper, tile and other finishing materials are well attached to a flat and finished surface. Sheets of plasterboard are also used for alignment of the walls. However, as a result, the useful volume of the room is reduced. Get rid of disadvantage allows plastering.

To eliminate high-rise masonry drops, plaster walls of cement-sandy solve

Application of plastering composition on the walls of bricks, wood, stone and concrete, as well as plaster foam blocks, solve many important tasks.

The main advantages of plastering include the following points:

  • reliable protection of external and inner walls of the building from moisture absorption. In the plastering composition, special modifiers can be used, which increase the moisture resistance of plastering finishes;
  • ensuring a comfortable microclimate indoors due to the unimpeded exit of excess moisture. Regardless of the stamp of plaster and thickness of the finishing mixture, good vapor permeability is ensured;
  • effective protection of the room from penetration into the structure of extraneous noise. Increased sound insulation characteristics are achieved by introducing special ingredients into a plaster mix;
  • reducing thermal losses due to the additional thermal insulation of walls from the facade and inside of the building. Plastering formulations heat the walls, reducing heating costs;
  • improved contact of plaster with different types of walls. The finishing mixture after frozen is reliably in contact with brick masonry, stone, wood, concrete and foam;
  • improving the appearance of the building at the expense of the textured surface and leveling of defects. At the request of the owners, it is easy to give the desired color to the plastered walls;

Thanks to the introduction into a plaster mixture of special ingredients, increased sound insulation characteristics are achieved.
  • stucm layer resistance to shrinkage processes and deformations. To increase the elasticity of plaster and preventing cracking as a result of temperature fluctuations, we stretch the grid to plastered;
  • the lightness and speed of application on the wall surface. When the walls are plastered, there is no need to build a carrier frame. For decoration, a special tool is not required;
  • maintainability of the plastered surface. When local defects occur, a damaged layer of plaster is removed and the finish is performed with small sections with the help of tools such as a trowel.

The serious advantages of plastering include the possibility of ensuring decorative relief and the original wall textures, as well as an acceptable level of costs for the purchase of finishing composition. Wanting to reduce the estimate cost of finishing events, use ready-made mixtures for plastering. For protective processing and decorating the wall of the surface, special equipment does not need to be applied. Works are performed using a standard set of tools existing in the arsenal of builders and finishes.

Preparing building materials and tools for work

For the preparation of the plaster mixture, special ingredients are not required. The finishing composition includes the following components:

  • cement for plaster walls. Mark and the ratio of binding substances are determined in accordance with the formulation;
  • fine sand. It is important to carefully sift the aggregate to remove clay inclusions and foreign impurities;
  • water. Depending on what kind of plastering the walls of the solution is used, the amount of water changes.

Special ingredients are not required for the preparation of a plaster mix

It is allowed to independently prepare plaster compositions or the use of ready-made dry mixtures.

It is important to correctly select the brand of purchased mixture in accordance with the specifics of the work performed:

  • easy plaster with marking M50 is used to grout local defects and has not enough high strength;
  • the finishing composition of the M100 brand is characterized by increased strength characteristics and is used to shock the walls indoors;
  • plastering mixture of the M150 brand is resistant to moisture and is used for the outer plaster walls of buildings and finishing of wet rooms.

To shock the responsible structures, finishing solutions are used with M200 and M300 marking, which have increased strength properties.

The list of materials necessary for plastering, also includes:

  • special guides. They are exhibited in accordance with the thickness of the applied solution, which facilitates and speeds up plaster events;
  • mesh for plaster. It is attached to the surface before applying a plaster solution and prevents the formation of cracks after frozen;
  • nails or dowels designed to ensure solid fixation of the grid for reinforcement.

Special guides are included in the list of materials required for plastering works.

Depending on the volume of plaster works performed, specified tools and equipment should be prepared:

  • corto for manual preparation of sandy-cement plaster with the help of Sovic shovel;
  • concrete mixer for mechanized preparation of the solution in increased volumes;
  • bucket, tank or wheelbarrow for feeding a prepared plastering mixture to a working station;
  • the rule intended for the uniform distribution of plastering composition along the beacons;
  • a trowel used for throwing a plaster mix on the wall surface.

Also, graters will be required that facilitate the grout of irregularities on the formed surface. To facilitate plastering on top, you should use a staircase or to establish forests.

How to calculate cement and sand consumption for plastering layer

Depending on the purpose of the plaster mixture, the concentration of sand and portland cement changes in plastering composition:

Consumption of cement and sand for applying a plaster layer
  • for the plaster brand M50, the ratio of sand and cement is expressed by the proportion of 6: 1;
  • for a mixture of M100 brand, one part of the portland cement should be taken five parts of the sand;
  • in the finishing solution of the M150 brand, Portland cement is stirred with sand in a 1: 3 ratio.

To prepare the stronger solutions of the M200 and M300 brand, the concentration of sand should be changed by one part of the cement from 2.8 to 2.4. Usually, for the preparation of a plaster mixture of the wizard, the ratio of cement M400 grade to sand 1: 3 or 1: 4 is used. To ensure an increased viscosity of the solution and an increase in its moisture protection properties, plaster mixture introduces plasticizing components. The thickness of the plaster is 0.5-5 cm. Knowing the consumption of plaster per unit area, it is easy to calculate the amount of solution for plastering walls.

Plastering of brick walls by cement-sandy solution - Preparatory activities

The quality of plaster depends on the proper preparatory activities, including the following stages of work:

  • preparation of a wall surface;
  • preparation of a plaster mix.

The quality of the plaster depends on the proper conduct of the preparatory activities

Each stage of work has its own characteristics. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

Preparation of external and internal wall surfaces to shtobaking

Facade and interior walls of the building should be carefully prepared for finishing works:

  1. Remove the remains of old plaster.
  2. Clean the surface from dust.
  3. Liquid stains from fat and oil.
  4. Separate seams of brick masonry.
  5. Seat cracks.
  6. Remove height drops and sharpen the base.
  7. Process the surface of the penetrating primer.
  8. Attach the grid to the walls for plastering.

To compensate for high-rise drops when finishing walls with significant deviations from flatness, the plaster is applied with a layer of increased thickness. This causes an increase in the consumption of building materials and increases the likelihood of cracking, as well as the detachment of the plastering layer in problem areas.

It is necessary to carefully prepare the inner walls of the building to the execution of finishing works.

Preparing a plaster mixture based on cement and sand

After the end of the preparatory activities, proceed to the preparation of a mixture for plastering.

Observe the following procedure for the preparation of the plastering solution:

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients in the required ratios.
  2. Mix portland cement thoroughly with sand.
  3. Gradually add water during the kneading.
  4. Perform mixing to a homogeneous consistency of the composition.

It is important to understand what solution is better to plaster the walls. The tough consistency of the sandstop-cement mixture facilitates the plowing of the solution on the walls and prevents it from slipping with the increased thickness of the applied layer of plaster. Also pay attention to the absence of lumps in the plastering solution. A qualitatively prepared mixture retains the original form, and does not break through the trowel.

MAJOR Eashes Plugging the Wall Solid Test-like Consistency of Sand Cement Mix

Confirm Metal profiles on the main surface

Lighthouses are attached to the walls with an equal step and facilitate the smoothing of a plaster solution by the rule.

The procedure for installing lighthouses:

  1. Check the verticality of the wall surface.
  2. Cut the guide of the desired length.
  3. Spend a vertical line by retreating 0.2-0.3 m from the corner.
  4. Pain the cement mortar in 50 cm increments.
  5. Press the guide to the solution, focusing on the markup.

By the specified algorithm, install the remaining lighthouses in step corresponding to the length of the rule. The optimal distance between the guides is 150-160 cm.

Lighthouses facilitate the smoothing of a plaster solution by the Rule

Application of decorative and protective plaster on the wall surface

Alignment of walls with cement mortar is a finishing operation that requires a responsible approach and compliance with technology. Consider how correctly plastering the walls with cement mortar performing decorative and protective functions.

How to plaster cement - Wall Plastering Technology

And also finishing a brick, wooden and stone surface, produced according to a specific algorithm. Consider how to shock the brick wall with cement mortar.

Watching includes three stages of work:

  1. At the first stage, a liquid solution is embroider. Sprint is made by plaster of sour cream-like consistency with the help of a trowel. The layer thickness reaches 0.5-0.9 cm.
  2. The main layer of finishing composition is then applied. The plaster is evenly distributed over the wall surface. The thickness of the finishing layer, depending on the material of the wall reaches 3-4 cm.
  3. The third final stage is called grout. It allows you to smooth out irregularities and take cracks. Grout is made by circular movements with a wood grater or foam.

Technology plastering walls

A week later, when the layer of plaster finally dries, proceed to the right works.

Finishing events after placing indoors and outside the building

After the plastering of the walls of the cement is completed and the plaster dried, the final stage of finishing works is performed.

Finishing is carried out in various versions:

  • the original surface texture is formed by splashing;
  • it is painted walls in various color shades;
  • wall surface is given an increased roughness.

The desired finishing option is selected depending on individual preferences.

The following recommendations should be followed to ensure the quality of plaster events:

  • thoroughly close deep cracks on the walls;
  • uniformly fill in deep cavities with a finishing mixture;
  • to carry out the grout until the ideal flatness is achieved;
  • prepare a plaster mix of the required consistency.

The correct execution of the grout determines the freight type of plastered walls. Grouting is carried out by spiral movements. Leveling starts with a reduced diameter, smoothly turning into a circle of increased radius.

Let's sum up

Independent plaster of walls cement mortar requires a responsible approach. It is important to choose the properly plaster composition, perform the preparation of a wall surface, to carry out finishing activities according to the technology. Correctly performed plastering reliably protect the wall of the structure and improve its aesthetic perception.

Black alignment of walls with the help of plaster is the most reliable and durable finishing finish. Durable solution is well connected with concrete and brick masonry, even the deepest cavities fills and forms a smooth durable coating. About how to plaster the walls with cement mortar, which mixture is used and how to avoid annoying errors - our detailed instruction.

Cement plaster is a heavy material, and taking into account the considerable thickness of its application, it may not be resist on the wall with poor-quality preparation. Slaving can occur both on contact with a rough surface and as a result of partial destruction of the base itself under the weight of the plastering layer. So that this does not happen, the walls need to be properly prepared for shtacking. You can do this in different ways:

  1. On top of the brickwork, a metal plaster mesh is attached, which will hold the solution. In addition, it partially compensates for shrinkage deformations, which will avoid cracking.
  2. The cheaper, but time-consuming option - winding the wire crate with your own hands on the nails driven into the aisle.
  3. Quite smooth surfaces without sudden drops of heights under a thin layer of plaster are covered with strips of tile glue. Do this convenient toothed spatula to form horizontal furrows on the wall.
  4. Concrete walls sufficiently pump and covered with soil so that the cement mortar holds well on them.

All great protrusions are better to knock down a perforator or ax to facilitate the installation of lighthouses and reduce cement consumption. If the remains of the old plaster are preserved, it can be left, but it must be kept firmly. To determine which layers should be removed, it is easy to sprinkle the wall. Where the deaf sound is heard, the plasterer of the walls has already flushed - they are knocking on it without pity.

It is possible to do without any difficult preparation if you are going to plaster on your own walls from slag blocks or a seven. These surfaces are simply wetted with water so that they do not "drank" moisture from the solution, weakening the lowest layer.

Preparation of solution

When the walls are fully prepared for plastering, a reinforcing grid and / or lighthouses are installed, you can enjoy a solution. It is easier to get dry mixes for plastering walls based on cement, but with a small amount of work it is cheaper to do everything yourself. The cooking technology is simple, the main thing is to comply with the proportions.

The plaster mixture consists of all of the 2 dry components - cement and sand taken in a certain ratio and diluted with water to the state of the paste. The sand should be clean (without clay and garbage), sifted through a large sieve. The composition of the mortar for plaster will depend on the selected cement brand. Four sand buckets are added to each bucket of each bucket, for M500 takes a ratio of 1: 5.

If your cement is not the first freshness or no confidence in his quality, it is better to revise the proportions of the solution - to reduce the amount of sand on one bucket. This ratio will cost more, but the strength of self-cooked plaster will not suffer.

The composition of greater strength will be required for aligning surfaces experiencing high mechanical loads:

  • base house;
  • external angles;
  • deep doorways.

After mixing the dry components, the water is torn to them in small portions, thoroughly stirring the cement solution. As a result, the consistency of the mixture should be turned out to be such that the slid-like, it kept the form, but at the same time well smeared along the vertical surface. To improve the mobility of plaster, you can add liquid soap in the proportion of one spoon on the bucket of the mixture.

By those who are underwritten to deal with how to make a solution for plastering from cement with their own hands, it will be much easier to spend a little more money, but make it easier for preparatory work. It is enough to buy a special plastering mixture or sand-cement of factory production in bags, and then pour it with water. All instructions for preparing the solution and application guide The manufacturer indicates a package with a commodity. Perform step-by-step recommendations, and everything will turn out.

Applying plaster

Wall plastered with its own hands with cement mortar, it is performed according to the standard for all types of plasters of the instruction. The only difference is the cement-sand mix of the most "lively", so that you can perform all work to perform step by step and slowly, by eliminating flaws.

You can use that tool that is more familiar to the solution to the solution, but it is better to take the bucket for a large thickness layer. In all other cases, there will be a trowel.

Order of work:

  1. Prepare a wall to plastering on the selected scheme, strengthen the grid and primed.
  2. If plaster is planned for lighthouses, install rails with nails, putty mass or special fasteners. Set lighthouses by level.
  3. Make a spray with a more liquid plaster mortar to improve the adhesion of the finish with the surface. The lower layer is attacked by the bucket with force so that the mixture filled the surface pores is better. Spots of the spray can be unbless, but do not need to align them.
  4. After a couple of hours, you can block the main solution - with solid slaps directed upwards. It is better to perform this job, visually dividing the wall into small areas to a meter height.
  5. When part of the wall is completely filled with plaster to the level of beacons, it is pulled by the rule. To do this, the tool needs to be opened on the side rails at a low angle and several times spend the bottom up, performing zigzag movements. Surplus of the solution are written back into the tank for the knead.
  6. The remaining empty recesses will throw in small portions of the mixture from the tip of the brand and hang out again.
  7. By the same scheme, plastering the next segment of the wall. So continue to work until the ceiling itself, after which you can move to the next band between the beacons.

Walking the walls to a thinner layer to (20 mm) without the use of beacons is performed on another technology. The solution is simply smeared by halfter over the spray at the bottom upward direction.

To obtain a higher quality surface, a plaster layer is covered. All manuals for wall decoration are recommended for this to apply a liquid mixture, with the proportions of CPU 1: 1 or 2: 3. When the cement-sandy solution on the surface slightly grabbing, and will no longer be pushed at easy pressing, it is smoothed by the prepared grout using a seater or wooden grater. The corrupt layer finally fills all the recesses in the wall and small pores.

After 3-4 weeks, when the plaster finally freezes, it can be placed under further finish.

The plaster walls in the beacons is very convenient, but when the work is performed under the ceiling, it fails to make a smooth surface. Leave 10-15 cm not closed - the upper part can be aligned the next day. To do this, sketch a fresh solution on a uncoated segment of the wall and cut the rule by turning it vertically. Support for the tool in this case will not be lighthouses, but the main layer of frozen plaster.

Cement-based solution with too fast frozen can be covered with cracks and even peel. So that all work does not go to the pump, it is necessary to slow down the drying of the mixture by any available ways:

  • eliminate overheating and drafts;
  • water or spray from the sprayer plaster with water;
  • perform repeated grout according to the scheme described above;
  • protect the surface with waterproof materials.

When aligning walls in complex angles, narrow niches or places where the pipes of engineering communications are passing, the rule is inconvenient. Instead, it will have to make a suitable form template, for example, to weld it from the segments of an iron corner, and the lighthouses are closer to each other.

To make perfectly smooth internal angles using plaster, it will take a wide metal corner. After applying and trimming a solution with it, you can smooth out the surface of the walls and get a great result.

Possible mistakes

In the preparation of walls under shuttering, it is necessary to determine correctly, leave the old finish under the leveling layer or not. If the surface has retained the traces of the same cement plaster, and it rests reliably, you can not mess with removal. But on top of the plaster and limestone layers, the cement cannot be applied. First, the weak base may not withstand excess weight, and secondly, the chemical reactions between heterogeneous compositions will lead to the appearance of bubbles.

The improper proportions of cement and sand for plastering walls can also adversely affect the result. Due to non-compliance with the cooking technology, a mixture can acquire completely different properties:

  • Increased fatty - this solution is obtained if you enter too much cement. The coating will be durable, but completely inelastic. As a result, the slightest shrinkage will provoke the appearance of cracks.
  • Skinny solution is another extreme in which lovers have saved. Excess sand weakens the plaster and can manifest a serious dust formation.

Determine what goodness of your solution can still be at the stages of kneading. Skinny mixtures almost do not stick to the tool, too fat - do not drop from it.

Especially noticeable errors when plastering facades under painting. Different building materials without a preliminary spray will require the application of the plastering layer of the thickness of the thickness. Drying such a coating occurs unevenly, which manifests itself in a slight shrinkage. If you look at the facade of such a house after staining, it will be similar to a quilted blanket. The same effect occurs when plastering brick walls is performed too thin layer.